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ISSN 007S4358 JOURNAL of ROMAN STUDIES Volume LXXXIII 1993 JOYCE REYNOLDS XI ARTICLES FERGUS MILLAR Ovid and the Dotnus Augusta: Rome Seen from Tomoi 1 ANDREW LAIRD Sounding out Ecphrasis: Art and Text in Catullus 64 18 MATTHEW FOX History and Rhetoric in Dionysius of Halicarnassus 31 K. M. COLEMAN Launching into History: Aquatic Displays in the Early Empire 48 TESSA RAJAK AND DAVID NOY Archisynagogoi: Office, Title and Social Status in the Greco-Jewish Synagogue 75 HANNAH COTTON The Guardianship of Jesus Son of Babatha: Roman and Local Law in the Province of Arabia 94 M. P. SPEIDEL Commodus the God-Emperor and the Army 109 POLYMNIA ATHANASSIADI Dreams, Theurgy and Freelance Divination: the Testimony of Iamblichus 115 SURVEY ARTICLES RICHARD GORDON, MARY BEARD, JOYCE REYNOLDS AND CHARLOTTE ROUECHE Roman Inscriptions 1986-90 131 E. L. BOWIE AND S. J. HARRISON The Romance of the Novel 159 REVIEWS I. GENERAL 179 II. THE REPUBLIC 187 III. THE EMPIRE 199 IV. THE LATE EMPIRE 257 V. CLASSICAL TRADITION 266 PUBLIS CIETY FOR THE PRO MAN STUDIES NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS Scope: The Journal aims to publish papers in the full range of the field which the Roman Society was established to promote, that is 'the study of the history, archaeology, literature and art of Italy and the Roman Empire, from the earliest times down to about A.D. 700'. Although the emphasis of the Journal has been on historical themes, we would welcome more submissions on literary, archaeological and art historical topics, including those on issues of cultural and intellectual history that cut across these categories. Papers primarily concerned with the archaeology of Roman Britain should be sent in the first place to Britannia; those concerned with the archaeology of the Roman Empire at large are equally welcomed by this Journal. Style: The Journal seeks to publish papers that make a fresh and significant contribution to the understanding of the Roman world, and have the potential to stimulate further discussion. They should be carefully thought through and clearly argued; this does not necessarily involve a heavy use of footnotes, but does involve clear statement of the argument and of its broader significance, and adequate signposting to the reader of the steps in the argument. They should so far as possible be fully accessible to the non-specialist reader, and extended citations in ancient languages should always be translated. Editorial procedure: The Journal is run by an Editorial Committee, the members of which are listed with the officers of the Society. Submissions are circulated at the Editor's discretion to members of the Committee and, where appropriate, to other specialist readers. This process takes several months. Detailed comments are normally sent only to authors of submissions which have been accepted, or which are thought suitable for resubmission. Authors are frequently invited to revise submissions in the light of such comments. Deadlines: The Journal is scheduled to appear in November each year. Submissions arriving later than the end of any year may well be too late for acceptance for the following year's Journal; those intending to make late submissions are welcome to write to the Editor in advance. The optimum time for submission is between April and October of any given year for appearance in the following year's issue. Final versions after revision must be in the Editor's hands by the end of February. Style guidelines: Detailed guidelines on matters of presentation are available from the Editor, but recent issues of the Journal should be treated as a general guide. Discs: Contributions on discs are welcome but a clean print-out must also be supplied. Discs in Wordperfect or Word for Windows are preferred but other standard languages are also acceptable. Article submissions and all general enquiries should be addressed to the Editor, Professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, Department of Classics, The University, Whiteknights, PO Box 218, Reading RG6 2AA, UK. Correspondence relating to reviews should be addressed to the Review Editor, Dr M. Goodman, at the Society's address. Books for review should be sent to the Librarian, Hellenic and Roman Societies, 31—34 Gordon Square, London WCIH OPP. The JOURNAL of ROMAN STUDIES WITH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TO THE CAMBRIDGE H. A. THOMAS FUND All rights reserved The JOURNAL of ROMAN STUDIES Volume LXXXIII 1993 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF ROMAN STUDIES 31-34 GORDON SQUARE, LONDON WC1H OPP Printed in Great Britain by W. S. Maney and Son Limited Hudson Road, Leeds Lsg JDL The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies CONTENTS PAGE JOYCE REYNOLDS ............ xi ARTICLES FERGUS MILLAR, Ovid and the Domus Augusta: Rome Seen from Tomoi . i ANDREW LAIRD, Sounding out Ecphrasis: Art and Text in Catullus 64 . 18 MATTHEW Fox, History and Rhetoric in Dionysius of Halicarnassus . 31 K. M. COLEMAN, Launching into History: Aquatic Displays in the Early Empire . 48 TESSA RAJAK and DAVID NOY, Archisynagogoi: Office, Title and Social Status in the Greco-Jewish Synagogue .......... 75 HANNAH COTTON, The Guardianship of Jesus Son of Babatha: Roman and Local Law in the Province of Arabia ......... 94 M. P. SPEIDEL, Commodus the God-Emperor and the Army ..... 109 POLYMNIA ATHANASSIADI, Dreams, Theurgy and Freelance Divination: the Testimony of Iamblichus . 115 SURVEY ARTICLES RICHARD GORDON, MARY BEARD, JOYCE REYNOLDS and CHARLOTTE ROUECHE, Roman Inscriptions 1986-90 ......... 131 E. L. BOWIE and S.J. HARRISON, The Romance of the Novel . 159 REVIEWS (in alphabetical order) Achard, G., La Communication a.Rome (by S. Lewis) . 184 Alarcao, ]., etal.,Les Villas romainesde Sao Cucufate (Portugal) (byS.Keay) . 234 Alonso-Nunez, J. M., La Historia universal de Pompeyo Trogo: Coordenadas espacialesy temporales (by F.W. Walbank) . 217 Andre, ].,LeVocabulairelatindel'anatomie (by D. R. Langslow) .... 222 Arthur, P., Romans in Northern Campania. Settlement and Land Use around the Massicoand the GariglianoBasin (by K. Lomas) ...... 226 Barker, G., and J. Lloyd (Eds), Roman Landscapes —Archaeological Survey in the Mediterranean Region (by S. Hill) ........ 232 Beacham, R. C, TheRoman Theatre and its Audience (by N. J. Lowe) . 195 Blagg, T., and M. Millett (Eds), The Early Roman Empire in the West (by S. Hill) . 233 Bourgeois, A., and F. Mayet,Belo:FouillesdeBelo, 6.LesSigillees (by S. Keay) . 234 Boyce, B., The Language of the Freedmen in Petronius' Cena Trimalchionis (by D. R. Langslow) ............. 220 Brouquier-Redde, V., Templesetcultesde Tripolitaine (by J. B. Rives) . 253 Brown, P. R. L., Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity: Towards a Christian Empire (by R. A. Markus) 258 Buraselis, K., ©eia &a)Qea. MeXexec; Jtava) ornv JTOXITIXT] trig 5uvacn:eiag xa)v 2.E$r\Quyvxcu,Tr\\ConstitutioAntoniniana (by A. J. S. Spawforth) . 254 Burnett, A., M. Amandry and P. P. Ripolles, Roman Provincial Coinage 1. From the Death of Caesar to the Death of Vitellius (44 B.c.-A.D.6g) (byC. Howgego) . 199 Cameron, Averil, Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire: The Development of Christian Discourse (by G.Woolf) ........ 257 Camodeca, G. (Ed.),Puteoli. StudidistoriaanticaXI-XIH(by M. Pobjoy) . 194 Ciceron, Correspondance, TotneX. Ed. J. Beaujeu(byM. M. Willcock) . 197 Clarke, J. R., The Houses of Roman Italy 100 B.C.-A.D. 250: Ritual, Space, and Decoration (by R. Laurence) ......... 227 VI Coleman, R. (Ed.), New Studies in Latin Linguistics, Selected Papers from the 4th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Cambridge, April ig8y (by J. H. W. Penney) ............. 186 Collingwood, R. G., and R. P. Wright, The Roman Inscriptions of Britain. Volume II. Instrumentum Domesticum (Personal Belongings and the Like). Fascicles 1—4 (by A. R. Birley) 237 Cornelia, A., and G. Stefani, Materiali votivi del Santuario di campetti a Veio: Scavi 194761969 (by T. F. C. Blagg) 188 Compatangelo, R., Un Cadastre depierre: Le Salento romain: Paysage et structures agraires (by J. R. Patterson) .......... 189 Cotton, H. M., and J. Geiger, Masada 2. The Yigael Yadin Excavations 1963-^65: Final Reports. The Latin and Greek Documents (by G. D.B.Jones) . 241 Curtis, R. I., Garum and Salsamenta: Production and Commerce in Materia Medica (byS.Keay) ............ 234 D'Andria, F., Archeologia dei Messapi: Catalogo delta mostra Lecce, Museo Pro- vinciale 'Sigismondo Castromediano', 7 ottobre 1990-7 gennaio iggi (by J. R. Patterson) ............. 189 Davis, G., Polyhymnia: The Rhetoric of Horatian Lyric Discourse (by H. P. Syndikus) 214 Dejuliis, E. M.,L'ipogeodeiViminidiCanosa (by J. R. Patterson) . 189 Delia, D., Alexandrian Citizenship during the Roman Principate (by J. Rowlandson) 250 DeMartino, F., Wirtschaftsgeschichte des altenRom (by N. Purcell) . 181 D'Ercole, M. C, La stipe votiva del Belvedere a Lucera (byT. F. C. Blagg) . 188 Dorcey, P.F., The Cult of Silvanus. A Study in Roman Folk Religion (by J. B. Rives) . 231 Dyson, S. L., Community and Society in Roman Italy (by K. Lomas) . 226 Eck, W., and H. Galsterer (Eds), Die Stadt in Oberitalien undin den nordwestlichen Provinzen des romischen Reiches (by L. F.Pitts) ...... 239 Edmunds, L., From a Sabinejar: Reading Horace, Odes I. 9 (by H. P. Syndikus) . 216 Franklin, J. L., Pompeii: The 'Casa del Marinaio' and its History (by R. Laurence) . 227 French, D. H., and C. S. Lightfoot (Eds), The Eastern Frontier of the Roman Empire. Proceedings of a Colloquium held at Ankara in September ig88 (by G. D.B.Jones) 241 Frischer, B., Shifting Paradigms: New Approaches to Horace's Ars Poetica (by F. Muecke) ............ 213 Gabba, E., and K. Christ (Eds), Romische Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte in der deutschen und italienischen Altertumswissenschaft wdhrend des ig. und 20. Jahrhunderts (by B.MeiBner) 267 Gazda, E. K. (Ed.), Roman Art in the Private Sphere: New Perspectives on the Architecture and Decorofthe Domus, Villa and Insula (by R.Laurence) . 227 Giovannini, A. (Ed.), Nourrir la plebe: Actes du colloque tenu a Geneve les 28 et 29 ix.