Klan's Visit Starties Main Street Leaders Voice Surprise, Outrage
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U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuwdav. Oct. 13, 1987 f — • V • PMTPRTS Merchandise CARS CAM BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY FDR SALE FOR SALE Jailed: ‘John Doe’ continues his fast / page 5 Alive: Cards beat Ai a n CHESTBR. 1 bech RENAULT Alliances OATSUN 1980 310 GX. rpom, appliances, NO 19N, 1984. Excellent 49,000 miles. Sunroof. Giants to force peti, no srater beds, condition, fully ser Excellent condition. Y lease. $450, *900 secur- viced. Must sell one. 81S00. 646-7497 i K I i V i r a ItV. 389-7191 or 643-4793. 742-9476. Trade: U.S. deficit narrows slightly / page 21 ^ GaiTie 7 / page 9 BABYSITTEK Avolloblt. i^AST HARTFORD 1 bed- DO A TW O-W AY favor ... M O N TE Carlo-1981. T - room, $405. plus utili get extra cosh for yourselt Top, power steering, Looking for a Hours 3-10. LOW pay. THOSE QUY8 WHO Rolloblo rotpontibit M.T.8. Buekot, truek A oNp ties. On busline. and moke It possible tor brakes, windows, USED CAR? porson. Coll MP-7303. P A IN T stump ramoval. 568-1054. *■ someone else to enloy locks, and trunk. Runs Intorlof and oxtorior P6 r Rent. 2 bedroom those golf clubs you never great, looks great. Look to Lynch... BUILDERS aoflmaloo. SpooW 76 TOYOTA COROLLA GIVE YOUR budoot o painting. Call today tor a oonsldorallon for oMofty apartment close to bus use. Sell them with o wont Much more. Must tee. fro#I aoinaaimala. Tom or Ed od. 70 BUCK REOAL brook t.. shop tlw clostl* 646-2787 line. Monthly rent 8535. Asking 84500. Call Joe 79FORDF1S04X4 flod columns for borooln 040-2715 Coll 649-9256. 643-1798. 79 GMC PASS VAN •CUSTOM HOMES M 7 - 7 S S S C O FFEE table and end VW Bbg 1975. New tires 70 JEEP CHEROKEE buysl C O V EN TR Y New 5 room 79 VW RABBIT aaaaaaaaaaaa l*‘ a a a v table (together or te- •ADOm ONS Duplex. New applian Plus extras. Best offer. 60 CHEV CITATION ces, wall to wall, sky parcrte),one Individual Phone 649-7436. 80 FORD FAIRMONT G U E A m M •OARAGES MISCELLANEOUS DELIVERING light, fireplace, gar glass topped coffee ta Evenings. 10 FORD GRANADA SHIVIGES Rich form loom, $ yards, age. Easy access to 184. ble. Call 742-5918 80 FORD MUSTANG SERVICES •OECKS $75 plus tax; Sand, graval, 1980 CHRYSLER Le- 8800 per month. Availa evenlngs.o Baron 6 cylinder auto SO MERC MONARCH I and dacorotlva stono. 80 PONT FIREBIRD CLEANINGS o must but •CONCRETE WORK O DD lobS/ Trucking. ble November 1. Coll Wa T e r B ^D king s l» . matic olr, stero, 66,000 no timo to dust? Coll •FRAMING CREW Homo ropolrs. You 6 4 3 - 9 5 0 4 742-7247, Complete package ex miles. Very clean. 646- Low Cost aurlirstrrManchfistfir A City o( Villaqn Charm HrralJi noma It, wa do It. Fraa Linda M3-S229. AVAILABLE MANCHESTER. 4 room, cluding headboard. 0619 evenings or wee FlBBBCiBg ostlmotos. Insurad. 643- 2 bedrooms, stove, re Asking $100. Coll 742- kends. 81800. 0304. frigerator. 8475 plus 5918 eveningsjj MUSTANG. 1967. Auto- Avallabla C A R P H ITR Y / 60 PONT 8UNBIRO utilities. Immedloteoc- FOR Sole. Nougohliie motlc, runs and looks 80 TO YO TA 4 WO PU B K SIR rS UWN SCRVieC L E T YOUR nawspopsr cuooncy. Allbrio recllner,. Dork Brown, good. White. $3200. Wednesday, Oct. 14.1987 REMOOELINO halp you fcsap fruit |ors 80 TO YO TA C EU C A 30 Cents P A IN T M O / Reolty. 6494)917. 3 positions, perfect Also, 1963 Impolo 55 61 CHEV MAUB U “Fir Ml Ywr NssSr sparkling claan and swaet PAPERINO MANCHESTER. De- condition. $100. Living co n ve rtib le 409. 4 61 CHEV CHEVETTE R.R. ties, planting, smalling. Wash lors, dry room couch, 3 cu speed. $6500 firm. 623- 61 DATBUN 200BX C A R ra m iY A cember 1st. Modern 6 81 DATBUN B81C8L R E M O K U m i SERVICES Tree work. complataly than put a shions, Green Tweed, 4852 or 623-7823. large place of nawNtopar room Duplex, 3 bed 81 MERC COUGAR Q8 CompMa horn# rapolra and ra- CALL rooms, colonial de perfect condition. $150. NISSAN 1982 Sentro. 2 81 OL08 CUTLASS CR modallno. Wa apaolallta In botlv Hang Tape and S47-7186 Inside the |ar and put the core, ottlc/bosement Coll otter 6pm. 528-2086 door hatchback. 5 61 PLY RELIANT Two Americans rooma and kHoham. Snail aoala lid on. The paper will storage. 8725 plus utili DIVAN Corner cabinet. speed, AM-FM 81 SUBARU OL oommarolal wodi. NagltMrad, In- For Free' Estimate absorb any moisture. Let 81 TOYOTA CEUCA OT turad, rafaraneaa. Spray Sheet Rock. ties. Allbrio Realty. Oak rocker. Excellent Cosette. 79,000 miles. \ a classing ad In your 649-0917. condition. Coll 228- New brokes/muttler. All VthlclBS S4B41S5 David Sllvinsky Buyar masts sallar In newspaper find a cash MANCHESTER. No- 1431. Oom-lpm, 8;30pm- Good condition. Ask WarraBtaed! . Closslflad ... and Ifs buyar for most anything 11:30pm. ing $2500 646-4237 otter 7 you have for sola. venber 1st. Newer 2 ExtBfldBd share Nobel for - Call 228-9153 - »••• C( family. 6 room, 3 bed p.m. rooms, corpetlng, jiL A W N A N O WarrantlBS stove and refrigerator, Se// Your Car Avidlable. ED'I gargen to children o.k. $750 plus 82 MAZDA S2S LUX. c utilities. Allbrio 82 OLDS CUTLASS SUP d i Reolty. 649-0917. 82 OL08 CUTLASS chemistry work a TOWN OF MANCHISTeR INVITATION TO IID - CIERRA c Teg SgH Serggatd LgaiN ns LiOAL NOTICI MANCHESTER. De 4 Lines — 10 Days 82 PONT 2000 LI w Any amount deHvarad. Aho, fill, S2 PONT BONNI LE sealed proposals for Preparations fbr Stage II Interior Res cember 1. Single family gravel, etona and baik, muloh. The Zoning Beard of Appaoli will hold a public hearing on toration and Renovation to Cheney Hall, 177 Hartford Rood, home. 3 bedrooms, liv 509 charge each addi 52 PONT son Mond^^Octobor 24, IM fot 7:M F.M . In the Hearing Room, Manchester, Connecticut, wtll be received by Mr. Alan Lam- Bobcat, beckhoe 6 loader ranlel. tional line, per day. You 82 TOYOTA CEL QT Pi LIncolh Center, 4t4 Main Street. Manchester, C T to hear end son, Chairmon, Building Committee, Chaney Hall Founda ing room, dining room. 82 TOYOTA W ;L Superconductivity research lo consider the follewlns oppllcetlont: $725 plus utilities. Atl- DAVK CONSTRUCTION can cancel at any tima. tion, First Floor Oold Room, Lincoln Center, 949 Main 53 B U C K ea LI?FATRICIA a ANDRIA CLANCY - Request o verl- Street, Manchester, Connecticut, 04040, atS:0OP.M., B.S.T., brlo Reolty. 649-0917. 872-1400/659-9555 SORRY, 83 BUICI NO. 1327 once to Article II, Sectlen4.0l.01 toellowe reduc October 29,19S7, at which time and ploceMds will be publicly MANCHESTER. Lovely 4 33 BUG SKYLARK bringsjop prize in physics lo' tion to the req^ulrad street frontage for 1W Groan- opened and read aloud. NO REFUNDS OR I200SX T room, 2 bedroom Flat ) DODGE VAN wood Drive, Residence A lone. Bids received otter this time will not be accepted. ADJUSTMENTS on 2nd floor. No ap S3 FORD ESCORT STOCKHO^, Sweden (AP) - compounds of low m olecular T i t e m 3 JOSSFH J. JONIS (DAN'S AUTOMOTIVR) - Re- A satisfactory Bid Bond oxecuted by the Bidder and sureties FOR A U YOUR LAWN as MERCURY LYNX NO. 133S quest e ipeclel excemion under Article if. Section pliances. Available Im CALL HERALD Two Americans shared the Nobel weight bind to a specific region in a In on amount equal to 5% of the total bid or a certified check mediately. $550 per CARE NEE08.. CALL 83 TO YO TA CAMRY LE 11.02 end A rtIc le lV/, ,Section_____________________________ 5.01.02 to ogerdta a go- M ul valent to 5% of the total bid shall be submlHed with each S3 TO YO TA CEUCA GTS .Prize inyCriemlstry today with a high-molecular-weight compound, nerel repair auto repair shop at 917 Center Straat, month plus heat. Ex I bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish Perfor CLASSIFIED 83 TOYOTA COROLLA "i^searcher, while a West Butinest II zone. mance and Payment Bonds In the full amount of the Con- cellent location. No PHIL’S LAWN CARE 34 CHEVY CAMARO most often a protein on a nucleic German and a Swiss scientist were LT? Y J . WILLIAM a H I L i N W A S C H O LL - Requoat e verl- troct. pets. Jackson a Jock- Fall Clean Up, Hedge 84 CHEVY CELEBRITY acid. The binding is very specific NO. 1329 qnceteArllclell,Section5.01.01 teqllowthauMof 643-2711 84 CHEVY CELEB. CL awarded the prize in physics for and selective, and the low- The Building Committee, LTM/CHARM, reserves the right son. 647-8400. Trimming, Mowing, 0 third floor ei living tpoce at 29Clinton Street, Re- to relact on v or all bids and to waive any technicality In bids, 84 MAZDA 82S TOUR SDN. their discoveries in the field of molecular-weight compound must tldence B zone. when such action Is i(eemed to be In th# best Interest of the M ANCHESTER. ^ 2 bed -Fertilizing. Call today 84 OLDS CUSTOM CRUISER superconductivity. fit the high like a key in a lock," the i t e m 4 ABM Y AND NAVY CLUB OF MANCHBSTBR - Re- Board. V room apartment In 2 family house located In for Free Estimate.