U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuwdav. Oct. 13, 1987 f — • V • PMTPRTS Merchandise CARS CAM BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY FDR SALE FOR SALE Jailed: ‘John Doe’ continues his fast / page 5 Alive: Cards beat Ai a n CHESTBR. 1 bech RENAULT Alliances OATSUN 1980 310 GX. rpom, appliances, NO 19N, 1984. Excellent 49,000 miles. Sunroof. Giants to force peti, no srater beds, condition, fully ser­ Excellent condition. Y lease. $450, *900 secur- viced. Must sell one. 81S00. 646-7497 i K I i V i r a ItV. 389-7191 or 643-4793. 742-9476. Trade: U.S. deficit narrows slightly / page 21 ^ GaiTie 7 / page 9 BABYSITTEK Avolloblt. i^AST HARTFORD 1 bed- DO A TW O-W AY favor ... M O N TE Carlo-1981. T - room, $405. plus utili­ get extra cosh for yourselt Top, power steering, Looking for a Hours 3-10. LOW pay. THOSE QUY8 WHO Rolloblo rotpontibit M.T.8. Buekot, truek A oNp ties. On busline. and moke It possible tor brakes, windows, USED CAR? porson. Coll MP-7303. P A IN T stump ramoval. 568-1054. *■ someone else to enloy locks, and trunk. Runs Intorlof and oxtorior P6 r Rent. 2 bedroom those golf clubs you never great, looks great. Look to Lynch... BUILDERS aoflmaloo. SpooW 76 TOYOTA COROLLA GIVE YOUR budoot o painting. Call today tor a oonsldorallon for oMofty apartment close to bus­ use. Sell them with o wont Much more. Must tee. fro#I aoinaaimala. Tom or Ed od. 70 BUCK REOAL brook t.. shop tlw clostl* 646-2787 line. Monthly rent 8535. Asking 84500. Call Joe 79FORDF1S04X4 flod columns for borooln 040-2715 Coll 649-9256. 643-1798. 79 GMC PASS VAN •CUSTOM HOMES M 7 - 7 S S S C O FFEE table and end VW Bbg 1975. New tires 70 JEEP CHEROKEE buysl C O V EN TR Y New 5 room 79 VW RABBIT aaaaaaaaaaaa l*‘ a a a v table (together or te- •ADOm ONS Duplex. New applian­ Plus extras. Best offer. 60 CHEV CITATION ces, wall to wall, sky­ parcrte),one Individual Phone 649-7436. 80 FORD FAIRMONT G U E A m M •OARAGES MISCELLANEOUS DELIVERING light, fireplace, gar­ glass topped coffee ta­ Evenings. 10 FORD GRANADA SHIVIGES Rich form loom, $ yards, age. Easy access to 184. ble. Call 742-5918 80 FORD MUSTANG SERVICES •OECKS $75 plus tax; Sand, graval, 1980 CHRYSLER Le- 8800 per month. Availa­ evenlngs.o Baron 6 cylinder auto­ SO MERC MONARCH I and dacorotlva stono. 80 PONT FIREBIRD CLEANINGS o must but •CONCRETE WORK O DD lobS/ Trucking. ble November 1. Coll Wa T e r B ^D king s l» . matic olr, stero, 66,000 no timo to dust? Coll •FRAMING CREW Homo ropolrs. You 6 4 3 - 9 5 0 4 742-7247, Complete package ex­ miles. Very clean. 646- Low Cost aurlirstrrManchfistfir A City o( Villaqn Charm HrralJi noma It, wa do It. Fraa Linda M3-S229. AVAILABLE MANCHESTER. 4 room, cluding headboard. 0619 evenings or wee­ FlBBBCiBg ostlmotos. Insurad. 643- 2 bedrooms, stove, re­ Asking $100. Coll 742- kends. 81800. 0304. frigerator. 8475 plus 5918 eveningsjj MUSTANG. 1967. Auto- Avallabla C A R P H ITR Y / 60 PONT 8UNBIRO utilities. Immedloteoc- FOR Sole. Nougohliie motlc, runs and looks 80 TO YO TA 4 WO PU B K SIR rS UWN SCRVieC L E T YOUR nawspopsr cuooncy. Allbrio recllner,. Dork Brown, good. White. $3200. Wednesday, Oct. 14.1987 REMOOELINO halp you fcsap fruit |ors 80 TO YO TA C EU C A 30 Cents P A IN T M O / Reolty. 6494)917. 3 positions, perfect Also, 1963 Impolo 55 61 CHEV MAUB U “Fir Ml Ywr NssSr sparkling claan and swaet PAPERINO MANCHESTER. De- condition. $100. Living co n ve rtib le 409. 4 61 CHEV CHEVETTE R.R. ties, planting, smalling. Wash lors, dry room couch, 3 cu­ speed. $6500 firm. 623- 61 DATBUN 200BX C A R ra m iY A cember 1st. Modern 6 81 DATBUN B81C8L R E M O K U m i SERVICES Tree work. complataly than put a shions, Green Tweed, 4852 or 623-7823. large place of nawNtopar room Duplex, 3 bed­ 81 MERC COUGAR Q8 CompMa horn# rapolra and ra- CALL rooms, colonial de­ perfect condition. $150. NISSAN 1982 Sentro. 2 81 OL08 CUTLASS CR modallno. Wa apaolallta In botlv Hang Tape and S47-7186 Inside the |ar and put the core, ottlc/bosement Coll otter 6pm. 528-2086 door hatchback. 5 61 PLY RELIANT Two Americans rooma and kHoham. Snail aoala lid on. The paper will storage. 8725 plus utili­ DIVAN Corner cabinet. speed, AM-FM 81 SUBARU OL oommarolal wodi. NagltMrad, In- For Free' Estimate absorb any moisture. Let 81 TOYOTA CEUCA OT turad, rafaraneaa. Spray Sheet Rock. ties. Allbrio Realty. Oak rocker. Excellent Cosette. 79,000 miles. \ a classing ad In your 649-0917. condition. Coll 228- New brokes/muttler. All VthlclBS S4B41S5 David Sllvinsky Buyar masts sallar In newspaper find a cash MANCHESTER. No- 1431. Oom-lpm, 8;30pm- Good condition. Ask­ WarraBtaed! . Closslflad ... and Ifs buyar for most anything 11:30pm. ing $2500 646-4237 otter 7 you have for sola. venber 1st. Newer 2 ExtBfldBd share Nobel for - Call 228-9153 - »••• C( family. 6 room, 3 bed­ p.m. rooms, corpetlng, jiL A W N A N O WarrantlBS stove and refrigerator, Se// Your Car Avidlable. ED'I gargen to children o.k. $750 plus 82 MAZDA S2S LUX. c utilities. Allbrio 82 OLDS CUTLASS SUP d i Reolty. 649-0917. 82 OL08 CUTLASS chemistry work a TOWN OF MANCHISTeR INVITATION TO IID - CIERRA c Teg SgH Serggatd LgaiN ns LiOAL NOTICI MANCHESTER. De­ 4 Lines — 10 Days 82 PONT 2000 LI w Any amount deHvarad. Aho, fill, S2 PONT BONNI LE sealed proposals for Preparations fbr Stage II Interior Res­ cember 1. Single family gravel, etona and baik, muloh. The Zoning Beard of Appaoli will hold a public hearing on toration and Renovation to Cheney Hall, 177 Hartford Rood, home. 3 bedrooms, liv­ 509 charge each addi­ 52 PONT son Mond^^Octobor 24, IM fot 7:M F.M . In the Hearing Room, Manchester, Connecticut, wtll be received by Mr. Alan Lam- Bobcat, beckhoe 6 loader ranlel. tional line, per day. You 82 TOYOTA CEL QT Pi LIncolh Center, 4t4 Main Street. Manchester, C T to hear end son, Chairmon, Building Committee, Chaney Hall Founda­ ing room, dining room. 82 TOYOTA W ;L Superconductivity research lo consider the follewlns oppllcetlont: $725 plus utilities. Atl- DAVK CONSTRUCTION can cancel at any tima. tion, First Floor Oold Room, Lincoln Center, 949 Main 53 B U C K ea LI?FATRICIA a ANDRIA CLANCY - Request o verl- Street, Manchester, Connecticut, 04040, atS:0OP.M., B.S.T., brlo Reolty. 649-0917. 872-1400/659-9555 SORRY, 83 BUICI NO. 1327 once to Article II, Sectlen4.0l.01 toellowe reduc­ October 29,19S7, at which time and ploceMds will be publicly MANCHESTER. Lovely 4 33 BUG SKYLARK bringsjop prize in physics lo' tion to the req^ulrad street frontage for 1W Groan- opened and read aloud. NO REFUNDS OR I200SX T room, 2 bedroom Flat ) DODGE VAN wood Drive, Residence A lone. Bids received otter this time will not be accepted. ADJUSTMENTS on 2nd floor. No ap­ S3 FORD ESCORT STOCKHO^, Sweden (AP) - compounds of low m olecular T i t e m 3 JOSSFH J. JONIS (DAN'S AUTOMOTIVR) - Re- A satisfactory Bid Bond oxecuted by the Bidder and sureties FOR A U YOUR LAWN as MERCURY LYNX NO. 133S quest e ipeclel excemion under Article if. Section pliances. Available Im­ CALL HERALD Two Americans shared the Nobel weight bind to a specific region in a In on amount equal to 5% of the total bid or a certified check mediately. $550 per CARE NEE08.. CALL 83 TO YO TA CAMRY LE 11.02 end A rtIc le lV/, ,Section_____________________________ 5.01.02 to ogerdta a go- M ul valent to 5% of the total bid shall be submlHed with each S3 TO YO TA CEUCA GTS .Prize inyCriemlstry today with a high-molecular-weight compound, nerel repair auto repair shop at 917 Center Straat, month plus heat. Ex­ I bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish Perfor­ CLASSIFIED 83 TOYOTA COROLLA "i^searcher, while a West Butinest II zone. mance and Payment Bonds In the full amount of the Con- cellent location. No PHIL’S LAWN CARE 34 CHEVY CAMARO most often a protein on a nucleic German and a Swiss scientist were LT? Y J . WILLIAM a H I L i N W A S C H O LL - Requoat e verl- troct. pets. Jackson a Jock- Fall Clean Up, Hedge 84 CHEVY CELEBRITY acid. The binding is very specific NO. 1329 qnceteArllclell,Section5.01.01 teqllowthauMof 643-2711 84 CHEVY CELEB. CL awarded the prize in physics for and selective, and the low- The Building Committee, LTM/CHARM, reserves the right son. 647-8400. Trimming, Mowing, 0 third floor ei living tpoce at 29Clinton Street, Re- to relact on v or all bids and to waive any technicality In bids, 84 MAZDA 82S TOUR SDN. their discoveries in the field of molecular-weight compound must tldence B zone. when such action Is i(eemed to be In th# best Interest of the M ANCHESTER. ^ 2 bed­ -Fertilizing. Call today 84 OLDS CUSTOM CRUISER superconductivity. fit the high like a key in a lock," the i t e m 4 ABM Y AND NAVY CLUB OF MANCHBSTBR - Re- Board. V room apartment In 2 family house located In for Free Estimate.
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