- The Wtatiicr PAGE FOURTEEN ForM H t of D. B. W m Om t 1 / Not as cold tonight, know Bkoly hy morning Low^4hntght In Ma, 'X The Woman'a Society of the Majiche«t«r Liodg* of Maaona 1 TKuraday clMidjr, oeeiaolonal snow, Community Hapttat Church will will hold a special meeting to­ lltllr temporatnro . No. TS^kniRhU of 10 a.m. ' — a I Home to conduct a Masonic A PyUiilM, will meet txrtnorrow at 8 Memorial service at 7;.V0 for; tun. In Orange' HiialV Grand CTan- The Most Holv Rosary Mothers Walter F,. Barbier. j MANCftEST^iR, CONN., WEDNESDAY MARCH 11 19.i9 (ClMslflsd AdvsrUi g on Pago tf) PRICE FIVE OBNTB ? ^ o r A l « t Circle will met at the home of Mrs. A Coventry gesident ha» been and hla make their of- Chsrles B. Smith, 4 Diane Dr,, to­ The problems of teacher eer\i- j named -by the Rockville Chapter of — ------:------morrow’ night St "S o clock. Mrs. ficlal vlait to the lodge at this fleatton and a merit pay plan for the Ameriiian Red Crow.-to run a Sunshk^dirUi Council, similar meeting. A social thne with re-, l>ee Spinella will be the co­ teachers Will discussed at the ' to com^UK organized recently in freslunenU will fo llo w ^ ? inisiness hostess. third meeting In a series on "Comb­ for a post oni the American Red ’’■-'X v -i f ' Revolt Course flan ged Son qf Aiild Sod ing? A Revolution in Kd'.ication 7 ” Cross National Board of Gover- Ngi^^aven and other large cen- •nors, according ^ Chapter Chair­ Pvt. Daniel D Hutson ,Tr . son to be held by the Service Bureq,!! \Jf\eyK. Sought^ Tokyo The DeWolf.Art Guild will tneet of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D Hutson for Women's Organizations on man Atty. t,eo B. Flaherty Jr. ■ Girls between the ages of 8 to Thuradav gt lO a m. at the Corti.. .Sr 124 Summit SI. spent the March 10, from 10.30 a m. to 2:.V0 Capl.'Walter Keller. USN., re­ 18 who are related to a Pythian Tokyo,/March 11 (Ah — munity V to work on article.' to tveeker.d at home, after eomplet- p.rn . In the cliihrooms al 9.%6 tired, of Coventry, will rim in the Sister, or a Knight of Pythias, ing eight weeks of advanced train­ election to be held .Time 1, 2; and TokyoV'American Club faces be sold for the benefit of the F el-' Main St. Hartford Advance are eligible to become members. defe^'^ln its search for a gen- lowahif fund. The members will ing at Ft. Dix. .V .1 He left today luncheon i-e.servatinns should be 3 at the Red Cro.ss National Con­ VAR, Girls without Pythian relation.ship for Ft Campbell, Ky., for airborne vention in Atlantic City, N. J. uitK Irishman to be honored as provide their own sandwiche.s. and made with the Se.ri'ice Bureau by may al.so beepme members, if Xtlayor of Dublin-” dessert and coffee will be served hy . training. The selection of Captain Keller .March 17. sponsored by Sister or Knight. " at the club's St. Patriclt's cele­ the hospitality committee. | for this honor Is "a tribute to the .S|. .lame.-' Mothers Circle will- leader.shlp he has offered in Cov­ Local girls interested in join­ bration. .Mr and Mrs. Pasquale Biiccino, "Here in this city of nearly mot tomorrow night at 8 n'elock entry where he heads the Com­ ing the Sunshine GlrW Council, or Francis J. Happeny. 22V School 172 Charter Oak St , are winter Grows ninst million persons,” said at the home of Mrs’. Kdward munity Blood Program,” A tty. any Sister or Knight who wishes St. underwent an pperation Sanir- vacatiorwng in Fort Lauderdale. WHMtCNAM chib spokesman Jim Farrell, Rislau. 2.'i S Hawthorne SI The Flahertv noted. to sponsor a girl, may receive dav at Manchester Memorial Ho.<- Fla . al the home of their son and Region Speaker further information by contact­ "w e’ve found friends of Ire- Over Berlin Means N-War Rei .lohn Blanchfield will be the W^rilo.s. Directs pit’al. and is making good procress daughler-in-la Mr. and Mrs. S. Damaeciis, March 11 (i^P)—t*”* a|fh«rentiy I.rfind and persons of Irish an­ speaker. A. William- Astley has written ' Superior Court Judge William J. _. ing any of thq following commit­ I t - - by dosperate holdouts trying to toward recovery. ' Biccino. tee; ' vorced from President Nasser accused Iraq flee the country. cestry but no one holding an "Hi Venii.s. " the show he will di­ Shea will be the speaker when the Irish passport. Franklin ^t'^■an^, P9 Wetherell rect for the Co-Weds Of (.'enter Reception Slale^r Manchester American Legion Mrs. Horace Peckh?m, SUte '■ rtsr-whetl to Premier Abdel Karim Kassem Tlie UAR's semi-official Middle St. Margaret a Circle. Paiighters “ We couldn't even find an .1-1 a.- admitted to St Francis ciiesler Andrew 110 I'olcman I'ongi egational CTiiircli April 24 Post celebrates Ms 35th anniver­ organizer; 96 Brorkell St., New- | front-wheel t ^ a y of adoptinfT a hostile East News Agency charged that of Isabella, will meet tbis evening i Irish flag." Hospital on Mari h 4. Rd . w as the guest of his son. Rob­ and 2.'i in Waddell School. - Al Eulz sary Willi a dinner-dance Saturday. ington; Grand Chief Mra. Jane ' propelling, ot policy toward the ITnited Arab Iraqi planes had shot up a Syrian at the KofC Home, and are re­ ert. al the ann ial freshman fa­ to all $-inch border village. The agency also re­ The club i.s still hopeful that No Ground Conflict; minded to bring matenal for th" The show will be the 14th writ­ The selection wag announced to­ Smith. 140 Union St., Manehesler; Republic and of chanKinfi the A l-a-nten .serr n e will he held thers wee. :end held at Darimouth day by Cbestei- E. Hogan, presi- Mrs. Gladys Gamble. 431 Lydall I ratten. ported that IvM i planes had straf­ a true .son of Ireland will turn' cancer project. ten and di-rerted by Astley for the A reception for^tWe Board of Di­ up. Preparations^"for the party tonfght al T .VO at Concordia College, Hanover. N H . rerenlly I dent of the Past Commanders' St.; Mrs. Be.ssie F'arris, 9 Durkin original course of the Iraqi ed several Iraip'vjllages in the Mo­ Co-Weds. A cast of .Ml is rehears­ are going ahead under the di- Fvangelical Lutheran rhiirch The rectors and thA'Beard of Educa­ Assn, which is arranging the rele- St,; Mrs. Martha Johnson. 449 $72.00 revolution. sul area near the botMer. and there ing the show. rertion of a eommlUee head­ Rei stanlei- Kniill of New Brilain (Ml Kdw’in Perrett, .30 Brook­ tion of the^fown will be held at bratiOQ to coincide with the nation­ Mr.in St.: .Mrs. Helen Potyra, Speaking to crowds of dem­ wgs speculation In Cairo that aome Talks Quite Bluntly of the raiders had strayed over ed by Leon Greenberg, Will hr the g e.at pastor. field .^l.. relired Salvation Army the Liit7,.

HANCHISSTER IfiVBNING HERALi), MANCHESTER. CONN.. WfePNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1959 erset an addition to a garage which chine work: Mre^'^lMsUM Bald^ PAOB will be seven feel closer to the win, Adelaltle Rd.,wcM|i a variance flli Todtin Sooihid ministration’s raquast fo r addlUoo- D ofLNotes/ Zoners Hear north sideline. than- allowed by In order to erect a dvrtHjng with show wtHtwi l>y A. WlUlam Aattoy Columbia Al fliuuidal support for th r Intor- GOP Urges Town Act regulations; Lawrence Flaho, Car­ a garage which will be nVe feet In Few Minu! for Ow Oo-Wods o f OMiter OM- natioiiAl M onoury Fund And World ter 'St., wishes a varlxnc* for three closer to the north sideline than , ^ ■togRtlOiial Cliurrti. Bill ■will also Bids Monday C-Teem Planning Bliiike Sheinwold on^ridge 56th Birthday lot* which will contain lea* front­ allowed Act n(7w for fast relief mm ter- & o « t CHESTNUTS Loyal Orange XAulies iMtltuUoh^ istdered by the Zoning Board Tpke., want* s variance In order By JUDITH Mathodlat Church will give a con­ no oiriection to her on the part of to maintain a free standing ground license. He also vtdshes a certtfi-= ''‘"{•''"t fo™u>‘ hM Xlvw Joy- N E VE R DIE Tit# Repuhllcan Town <7ommlt-9drlnklng. (water fro|n Highland, organized • Marth 16, 1903, cele­ St fill, relief to thousand* for 40 cert of aacred caualo Sunday at Tbs C-Tsens, a group of high sis a public hearing cate of approval. ■ ______' ’V the BfaxiUan government.” “ •n js s r * Park. brated Us 56tb anniversary last jilgh and to attach three additional years. Relieves Itching quickly. T:S0 p.m. Philip Tr4ggor will con^ school studenU from Columbia RV AUred SheiaiwpHr \ t«e today called for immediate, ac­ Monday iiK8 p.m. In the Municipal Peter Lssrhever, .568 Center Rt.. "But I think she ought to use The TPC atAtement yesterday evening In Orange Hall with a sup­ panels to It. Also to expand busi­ All druggists, box 60c, of applica­ duct the choir Hi Bech'a "Cantata Congregational Church, will pre- ‘ V*. Maatart TeamiAaa>ploii wishes a variance In order to erect Four Mundieiter artiBts have ^ k s . ex­ some of her diplomacy on her hue- tion by the Board of Director* on said "Within the rapid growth of per and program. Honored guests Building. \ ness to Include gifts and novelties, tor tube 75c. Peterson’s Ointment No. 4" and-Schubert's “ Mass In {Mnt a fashion show In April, pro­ if yoii want Mjmn at bridge, Eugene Montsny, 280 Ferguson a free standing, lighted Identifica­ hibited ih the 16th annual exhibit of band’a magazine," he said. ♦ 10 2 behalf of North End cuatomer* of the town within the last 15 years, included Mrs. Annie Tedford John­ narenre Brown. 9 E, Mlddls Tpke., delights or money b>tck. O Major*" ceeds from which will go Into the don’t be aahamed'xo make a coray the capacity of their (the flPm’e) Rd., seeks variance in order to seeks permission to do light ms- tion sign. neinting. aeulpture and graphic arts b l ­ CUaste of the Week * A Q 9 S ^ , the Mancheeter Water Co. ston,- 15 Hawley St., past mistress church building fund.' play. Even tiHioldest wheeze may WEST '.BAir ^ supply has been taxed to the ut­ eared by the'^orwich Art Assn. Nathan and- Called ‘T h e Fashion Frolic," the work if YOU picto the right time In a *tatement role'ased by of No. 125, who was elected last, 'D on Juan ou Ds Festin de most. They are in trouble aiid year as supreme grand mistress of loia Knobler. «4 mdrldge 8t.it Pierre’’ by Mollere is this week’s show will feature this year’s and tha^'nght opponent. Chairman John F. Shea Jr., the BOY SCOUT 8 8*” * V q/ * realize this just as much as their, 'lodges throughout ■ the United David Haye#, 164 N . Elm Bt.: play in the MUse'eum of Modern classic. It is Uiteresting to read his spring fashions which will be fur­ ■W*6t opened the king of dia- committee termed "intolerable” customers do." State's; alfio William. Brenhan, 19 Oward Doudera. 36H L«urel St., Art. starting April 1. . version in comparison to that of, nished by the leading merchants - jda and cashed the ace of dla- ♦ i the condition of North Endera’ Ootninc______Up In Mancnes iW Notes and News * K7 6 The TPC said the water user* Edgerton St., who wim' named Su­ have entared their work In the ex­ let's say, Byron. Tha topic lends of WUHmaijltc. About 15 young ^londs In spite of his partner’s flo u m water and said they ” *hould not hibit Doudera waa awarded a priae '■The H a n g^ 'Tree''.with Gary people will participate, under the b#'subjected to this unsatisfactory are "entitled to relief from the preme grand master of the Orange itself to MoHere’i bitter humor, discpuraglng card at the Ural 40 A 9 2 condition as it now exists" and SHOP KEITH'S THURSDAY TILL 9 P.M. FOR SAVINGS IN THIS for his work from Sperry Andrews Cooper and Maria Sonell opens direction of Mrs. Betty Powers, Troop 47 of the South MeUiediat lodges. Both were elected for a 2- l^ou’ll probably come awsy from It trick. West then shifted to a low IF A 10 4 3 a service any longer.” urged Dlreclbra to take imme­ who acted as Jury of selection for at the State Theater tonight We with a bad taste in your mouth, a their adult leader. Tickets are now Church conducted a camping trip spade. ♦ QJ954 ■The aUtement, resulting from * year term, tlje first supreme of­ saw this one, enjoyed it for Maria diate steps "to contact the officials ficers from, Connecticut in the his­ the show. bad taste caused by the combina­ on sale. last weekend to Camp Rioneer, at­ Declarer put up dummy’s queen, A None poll of committee members which Schell’s performance. .With it will tended by 43 Boy Septits and Sen­ of the Manchester. Water Company tory of Oi^nget.sm, at the 57lh bi­ I:' The show ened Sunday with a tion of Moliere’s acidity, Don Church Women Meet and Blast played the king. South Somtk West North Eart Shea aaid found overwhelming and find out just- what the prob­ be an adaptation of Herman Mel- Juan’s swinishness, and the play's The Ladies Society of Columbja ior Scouts and Iz adults. The ennial convention held In New reception In the Converse A rt Gal­ took the ace of spades and led out 1 ♦ Pass 3 IF Tu b support, urged the ‘directors to lem is and ■What steps will be taken tille's "Tj'pce." with Dana An­ Congregational Church will meet troop, under the leadership of York City in August 1968. Entertains Here lery of the Slater Memorial Mu­ brittleness. the ace o f trumps. 4 ¥ All Pam - ^ ^ rectify the aituatlon now and ne­ to rectify the condition.” seum. About 150 works from 92 drews and a brunette Jane Powell. Worth Noting tomorrow In Yeomans Hall. Des­ Scoutmaster^ob 'Von Deck, con­ Ooenina lead — 9 K gotiate Immediately for town The first Orange lodge was Peggy Alexander, who has ap­ The Manchester Drive-In will re­ This was the moment for Blast to The TPC added, ” We hope that Connecticut artlsU compose the "Twelfth Night,” the comedy by sert lunch will be served at 1 ducted patrol map sketching of purchase of .the firm. founded in Manchester 68 years open for the 1950 season Friday spring one of the oldest chestnuts the approach will be made with the peared with such nationally known Show. William Shakespeare, is being per­ o’clock, prior to the business meet­ Camp i% neer areas during the 'The GOP stand follows an out­ ago. There are two, Washington SALE RUGS! through Sunday .with "Party Girl" in the game, He dropped the. queen thought of protecting the welfare personalities as Bob Hope, Bing Incidentally. Doudera’s work will form ed'at the University of Con­ ing. Members are asked to turn day Biturday. The Senior Scouts, o f hearts and cashed a spado trick, burst of complainU from some of LOL No. 117 and No. 99; also two at 6:30 and 10 p.m„ and "Torpedo of trumps instead of the jack. of the citizens of Manchester and Crosby, Milton Berle and Arthur be Included In the “Art;USA.59" necticut U tile Theater tonight in their mite boxes at this time. upder the leadership of John defeating the contract. the firm’s 2,800 customers about of the women's lodges, 125 and 17 Run" at 6:25 .).m. 'The bonu.^ movie Miorca, conducted a 10-mile hike Sooth Goes Wrong also of helping the Manchester Godfrey, will be one of the fea­ Show In the New York City Coli­ through Saturday at 8 o'clock. They are also asked to bring In w There's no denying that South the turbid condition of the water all of whorn were repre.sented at will be "Th( Dineup" at 11:30 around Burr Pond as part of the Water Co. In solving the serious tured entertainers at the 58th an- seum. The show- opens April p and There will also be a matinee Sat­ list of books they have read. Books South/wondered if the queen of played the hand 5adly. NevertHe- following a heavy rainstorm last the ban(iJiet last evening. p.m. The drive-in expects to show requirements for the hiking merit tr9uble with which they are con­ n)ial dinner meeting of the CTham- lasts through April 19: Over 700 urday at 2 o'clock. Directing the which have been collected be hearts was an honest singleton or less. give East erodtt for nudging Friday. It follow., also a state­ "Separate Tables" and "The Black badge. A game of Pioneers and fronted.” Mrs.-^Elizabeth Smith, the present her of Commerce April 15 in the works by 230 major Uvlngpalnters play is Cecil HInkel, assistant pro­ sold. Hostesses for the day art a false card. ” A beginner would South in the wrong direction. Orchid" in the near future. In d ^ s completed the day. In the ment by the Town Planning Com- Legislatiure Hears Bill worthy mistress of No. 125, wel­ Manchester Armory. and sculptors will be. exhibited. fessor In the UConn department of Mrs. Irving Lohr, Mrs. Chester play the Jack from Q-J,” South Daily Question ml.ssion urging action by the di­ ""Hi Venus" la the title of the evening the troop campfire was The bill that would enable the comed the members and guesl.s, De.scrihed as "an entertainers’, And Hayes' work wll Ibe on dis­ speech and drama. Nelson. Mrs. Rusaell Andrews, ruminated. “A mediocre player As dealer, you hold: Spades—Q rectors, and other developments Mrs. Allan Robinson and Mrs. conducted, with "Csp" Higgins would try to fool me by playing town to puiv’hase the firm was and served as chairman of the com- cnteilaincr, versatile, witty, ‘’Gaslight,” the drama by Pat­ relating some of his seafaring 4: Hearts—K 9 7 5; Diamonds-- In the long-standing issue. niiltoe of arrangements. Assisting j charming and wholesome, " Miss rick Hamilton, will be performed Silas Barrett. the queen. A fine player would 10 2; Clubs—A Q 9 3 2. What do heard yesterday before th& Public stories. (iO P Statement lUililic.s Committee of the I-egis- her were Mr.s. Dorothy Jacobson, AIcNander ha.s also performed for a t'8:30 p.m. March 20 and 21 in double-cross me by playing the - After church services Sunday, you Say? The GOP slatcni'enl said. "The latiiie at the Stale Capitol. Mi.«.s Louise Copping and Mi.ss Vera i such organizations as Westing- Shafer Auditorium in Wllllmantic. Manoheeter Evening HeraM, jack. nA superfine player would Answer: Pass. You have 11 OoIuniMa correepotadent Mrs. Don­ classes in signaling and first aid condition of the water in the past The bill wa.s favored by Man­ Dion, all past head offirer-s. Mrs. house. Plielps-Dortge, E.sso Stand­ The Coventry Players are staging triple-cross me by playing the ald R- Tuttle, telephone ACadesny were conducted. Camp was cleaned points in high cards and should several days proves beyond any chester Reps. Irving Aronson and Ann .MeConnell. worthy mistre.ss of ard Oil. CTiase ('oppei' and Brass the play under the direction of' queen.” count something for distribution, 8-8485. up and broken at 3 p.m. Mesa rea.sonable doubt that the res- David ...... Barry,...... who introduced...... it on Charter Oak Lo/lge. We.st Hart­ and the Touchdown Club, as well William McCurdy. facilitieg were, conducted on the ' South got so interested In this but the hand Is not quite worth an idents of the North End are not : ^ (General Manager Rich ford, and pa.st worthy mi.sfrcs.'' as leading civic and fraternal or­ Gerald Idlllette, baas, will per­ central mess plan under the di­ speculation that he .overlooked the opening bid. If your long suit were receiving proper water serviceMartin proposed the Mr.s. LetA Hitchcock of the same ganizations. IhcHicrs and veterans' form knight at 8:89 in the music rection of Bob Midwood and the fact that a trump finesse waa a major you would bid, but it from the Manchester Water Co measure to provide authority in lodge attended and brouglit con- hospitals throughout the countiy. rpofh of Hartt College of Music of Vote on Mrs. Luce troop committee. TTie next troop quite ridiculous. The right pla.y is doesn't pay to strain when your as it is presently being operated. the event a decision is ever made : gratula’iioiis and good wi.ohes. Miss Alexan/ier Is a dancer, hut 691 MAIN STREET—Next To Gas Co. E .Middle I Higliland fling By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS on the Board df Directo,-s to enter 1 priihlen. in com.ertmg the private I Tpke.; .lo.seph l-Jivigne. Wapping: Accoi'ding to the advance billing, The Hartford Symphony Choraje facetiously that Bolivia should be into immediate con.sullalion with | and public di.stributirtn systems, divided among her neighbors as Winston-Salem, N. C.— Robert (I. Roy Brown. Tolland: Kerin ("ol- I "Evei vone will lie sur-prised when will perform. the ofllrial.s of the Manclie.ster ’ Purchase of llie comiiany has lin.a. 64 ('olen)an Rd.; ,Ian)ea Mad- "Romantic Caribbean Uands” is one way to end her economic prob­ M. Hanes, 68, retired industrialist j the guests dance as they've never and forpier president of the Amer­ Water Co. to ascertain the cause { been di.<«uissed many times in cim- i den. 128 Bis.aell St : Howai'd darn ed before. " and "Peggy has a GIRL'S the title of the 6fth movie in the Monday at 8:15 p.m. in the Unlver- lems. neclion witli consolidation of the ican Bainkers Assn., died Tuesday. of this problem and what steps Grant, 108 Sunuiiil .St.; IJnda Lee 18)ire way for heavy men to lose travel series at the Bush'nolt. It sity of Connecticut Little Theater. The State Department has de­ can be taken to correct It. Hilghth School and Utilities Dis­ Bailey, Warehouse Point; Mrs. will be shown Friday and Satur­ Hanes, who was a director of 12 weight without dieting. " T^e concert is free to the public, nied that any embassy official large diverse business firms, was " I f the situation is found to be trict with the town. Emma Luetjen. Liberty St , Rock­ day at 8:15 p.m., with Nicol Smith William Fitzgerald, meeting* and will feature Handel’s "Sonata made such a statement. bom in Winston-Saleni. due to the neglect or failure of the The value of the company ,1s ville; Mrs. India Huntington, Tal- narrating. in C Major for Fluto and Con­ Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore.), committee chairman, promises Save $20! EASTER New York— Lisa Larsen. 35, Manchester Water Co. to provide estimated at slightly over 31 mil- cottville: Mrs. Ann Kleinschmidt, I other "entertainment you'll never Playhouse 90 on Channel 3 will tinue," and Prokofleff’a "Sonata In chairman of the subcommittee on water treatment .facilitie.s, then lion, feature Maria Schell Ih Ernest award-winning photographer, died 09 Valley St.; Mi's, Lois Burr. foi'get." D Major, Opus 94.” Latin American affairs, said he got Sunday of cancer. Most of Miss the Board should take whatever East Hartford; Mrs Ruth Pog- Hemingway’s "For Whom the Bell Dr. Alfred Whitney Griswold, Included in the CThamber’s pro­ the committee yesterday to post­ Larsen’s work was done as a free // // action may be proper to enforce lilsch. 709 Main .‘^t,: Cheryl Skin­ 8'xlO' OR 9'xl2' OVAL BRAIDED RUGS Tolls’’ tomorrow at 9:30 pun. With president of Yale University, will gram will be a smorgasbord din- ' pone action “ for the time being lance photographer for Life Mag­ rectification if necessary through ner, RED 1, Vernon: Frank Man­ her will be Ell Wallach. The show discuss "American Education's until the nomination can be given Video Eyeryday Doclor Gives Talk ner, a speaker. 8-piece orchestra, azine. Her husband Nils Rasmus­ the Pviblic Utilities Commission. na Jr., Bolton Center; Mrs. Shir­ dancing, the Manchester Kilties, Choice of Brown! Green! Blarh! Red! ^ Q S wlll.be broadcast in two parts, the Greatest Need" on the "Yale Re­ further consideration.” I rge Negotiations .second one the following Thurs­ sen, is a news film editor with the All Rights Reserved.-' ^ ley Vitolo. 295 Main St.; Reynold Marine color guard and a com­ ports" show, Channel 3, tortight No time was fixed for further American Broadcasting - Co. She "Further, pending the outcome On Sex Education These are the long wearing, handsome rug* you have always wanted . . of durable Wool and • Nle m . .M * day. H. T. Dickenson A Co,, Inc. Burger. Wapping; Mrs. . Eileen munity award presentation. at 8. consideration, and the committee was bom in Germany. of the permissive bill pre.sently (Jhenette, Wapping: Gail Kletn- Carpet Ra.von . . at e thrilling low Keith sale price’ Approximate size* 9x12 or 8x10 . with The third in the series of young Sarah Gibson Blanding, first has only one more meeting before the Legislalure, the Board slight varistlons in dii'nen.'*ions. Perfect choice for the (Jolonlsl or Ranch homes . . Ill lovely woman president of Vawar Col­ “Answering Our Children’s schmidt, .8 MIddlefield S t COATS FOR aiRLS people’s concerts st the Bushnell scheduled before Congress re­ of Directors and the General ADMITTED TODAY: Amber color comhination*. lege. and Budd Schulberg, priie- Questions” was the topic of Dr. will be performed Saturday at 3 cesses March 26. Manager are .irged to institute Farnev, RFD 1, Rockville. WITH ADD-A-YtAI HIMS* p.m. by the Hartford Symphony. wlnntng novelist and screen writ­ UBERAL KEITH BUDGET TERMS! The committee has scheduled ac­ formal negotiations with the Man­ Hilda .Standish's talk to the Hollis­ BIItTHS YESTERDAY: A Featured work will be "Peter and er, \^’111 be visited by Edward R. tion for next Tuesday on Die ad- chester Water C(.)mpany regarding ter PTA meeting last evening. the Wolf." Murrow on the "Person to Person" Each purehos# daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald The classic tailored look the possibility of the purcha.se of In urging pat ent.s to pro,perly pre­ Webster. East Hartford: a daugh­ The Hartt Siring Quartet will show Friday on Channel 3 at 10:30 MAN5FIELD made here U this comp.iny by the town,” styled in a luxuriously soft give a concert Monday at 8:30 p.m. Mr BT^^smu*SimriS€f pare their children for adolescence. ter to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bour- p.m. Pre.senfly, the company has un­ WATKINS- In the Hartt College auditorium. Looking Rack backed by deaudhui, We.st Willington; a son all wool Suedella and lined OPENS ALL IN ^mnek til April 1 to report to the PUC Dr. Standish .stated that sex edu­ to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simmons. with Millium for all-weather Contralto Marian Anderson is The demonstration put on by FRIDAY! COLOR! dependable cation begins in the kindergarten. slated for a UConn auditorium three members of the Hartford the steps it hopes to take to im­ East Hartford: a son to Mr. and ELECTRONICS prove the condition of Us water. WEST ffi comfort. Smart fashion de­ concert April 15. Symphony for elementary school See th« pertormnner that won bent STANEK While there la no definite age pat­ Mrs. John Heald, Mansfield Cen­ ' actrem nomlnatioii for Sasan Hay- BRIGITTE BARDOT The report will probably be baaed tern in assigning disciiasions on ter. tailing in the belted back, Jean Pierre Rampal, flutist, and children Friday was pleasant and ward in LABORATORIES Robert Veyron-LaCrolx, plani.'it, on am e.ngineering study due to BIRTH TODAY: A son to Mr. Funeral Service the carefully notched collar instructive, although from a tech­ 'The Niglit Hc o v m Fell" .sex. Dr. Standish felt that the sub­ will give a chamber music concert nical point it was sloppy. Perhaps "I W A N T TO LIVE" SERVICE be completed by the end of thi.s ject should be brought up from and Mrs. Clifton Fox, 13,'i X'nion and the trim pockets. In ] :31M!:20-9:56 month b,w the Henry Souther En­ St. ORMOND J, WEST, Director the two dancers who demonstrated Alio Jack Palance-Anita Eckberf PLUS 277 BROAD time to time and simple, honest red, nude, French blue or the mood of the various pieces dis­ gineering Co. pt Hartford, which answei-s given. By following such DISCHARGED YE.STERDAY: 142 EAST c e n t e r 8T. "THE MAN INSIDE" is expected to Hot a filter plant Cynthia Driscoll, Wapping: George 9x12 KITCHEN navy. tracted the players, or perhaps the Glenn Ford— Dean Jones RADIO TELEVISION a pa,ttern, pahems are laying a Mitchell 9-7196 players thought they could get ______among its reconitribHdations. bridge between themselves and the Sieverts, Andover: Clinton Taylor. away ^vlth less than perfection be­ San., ^'SlranRcr In My Armt" "TORPEDO RUN" The turbid quality of the Water child, so that seX -conversation Greenlawn Convalescent Home, Sizes 6 mos., 12 mos., 18 M arendaz cause the audience was young. is caused bv silt wa.she/1 into the comes more ea.silv in the verv Ini- Rockville: Mrs. Anna Casati, 27 COVERED IN firm's water sources by heavy Earl St., Rockville; Clie.ster Hol­ mos.— $8.95 to $12.95 The Hartford Symphony Orches­ FOR PREFERRED . Leading Florists portant teenage years, »h() said Manchester’s Oldest TRAVEL A6ENCV tra performance on Channel 3 {.This in turn creates the right 'at- lenbeck. Eastford: Mrs. Marjorie with Finest ^aidllties. ■been rt...... "... from 3 to 4 p.m. Sunday was ex­ ever. that the water ha.s tit-ude in the home townid the Du Fiesne, Cook¥)r.. Bolton: Kim OtT-.StreeU Parking 18 Asylum St,, Hartford REAL ESTATE and AlarUorell), Stafford Springs; Hen­ BIRD Toddlers range 2 to 4. cellent, with enough verve and PARK HILL found consistently safe for drink­ menfal. and physical aspects of EstabHshed 1874 $10.95 to $19.95 Tel. CHapel 7-5857 polish to satisfy most people. Miss ing. The i>tate Health .Depai't- the bod,V;.,^and prei>ares the ohild ry .Sch'eoicley. -South Wind.sor; Mrs. STATE INSURANCE SERVICE Hower Shop ment today wa.s completing lab­ Dorothy Limberger, RFD .3, Rock­ hat included. Diane Mather, cellist for Man­ for problems of conduct in later Authorized Agents For All IVIANCHESTER oratory analyses of samples col­ ville: Mrs. Anna .Jordan, and son. W: chester High School, performed Flowers By W ire yeat;s.*. VINYL Rail, Air and Steamship beautifully on Faure’s "Elegy." NOW Thru SATURDAY lected ovej the weekend. Dr. Standish- offcied a wide .se­ .Storrs. 8 to 6x, 7 to 14 Lines The movie at the State yester­ N o u t ConUnuous From 5 P.M. JARVtS REALTY GO. ConstriK'tion ( ’aiised Silt lection of books available for Feature Shown 5:00-8:30 C.omplete trilh I,ahnr $16.95 up. day on the Bolshoi Ballet was REALTORS—INSURORS Ml 9.1443 ' Conlpany vice-president Ernest young p(Hiple. Allov Protecls SIpH HAROLD EELLS well worth attending. The photog­ AU MOVIE GOERS ARE Mor.se, while pointing out the com­ As Fierce, As Exciting 288 E. Center S t— »U 8-4112 Dr. Charles .iacobson showed a .•^ale Value’. Iking wearing Vinyl raphy was poor, but the perform­ ELATED BECAUSE \ 8 B. Center St.— Manobestsr pany has no filtration facilittes. Manchester Agent As the Novel. film on fluoridation and talked Detroit—A new proceas that floor covering of famous Bird qual- ance Itself, particularly the "Wal- said much of the turbidit.v is about the desirability of such a applies a furnace-bonded protec­ Tel. MI 9-7442 Channel t Hnrtfurd, Conn, i1\', in choice of colors. Dry instal- purglsnacht,” was wonderful. (22-30) THE PRICE IS BIGHT caused bv silt washing freely off a tive coating of .superthin metal Uhnnne, 8 New Unven. Conn. (Color) conalniction site at Rt. 6 and 44,\ p>'ograh) in .Manche.s:er. l.ition including labor snd materi­ Channel 18 Hartford, Conn. alloy to a steel ba.se has been de­ < 3-40t THK MILLIONAIEE and Williams Rd. in Bolton into At a brief business meeting. ESS al. starting at only Channel tZ SpriUKfletd. Mae.. (32-SB) MILTON REBLE SHOW John Nelson, president, read a veloped by a Detroit concern to Stair Carpet Channel So New Britain. Conn. (Color) Uueet: Martha the firm s Wilson Brook sources. THE GhaancI 40 Holyoke, Maes. letter from School Superintendent produce what it claima is cor­ MAIN Rayo He sal/l other tributaries feeding PARKING->1//e rO/VO Channel 68 Waterbary. Goan. ( R) DONNA BKED SHOW the company's three reservoirs are .\rthiir Tiling answering qties- rosion-resistant mild sheet steel (18) MOVIE AT NINE tions on the hot lunch program. The technique also is said to pro­ Installed with S:00 ( S> THE BIG PAYO FF ’ ‘Hone of the Sea’* clear. $ 24-95 BURNSIDE MNW (2:-30) VOGNG DR. MALONE (53) WRESTLING Bill tlie condition of the wpler Victor Swan.son urged that the tect low-cost 1 lelal.s. such as mild BURNSIDE AVE.E MTPD ( XSSI BEAT THE CLOCK 9:90 ( 3.40) I’VE GOT A SECRET after rainstorms has been a long PT.^ go on record regarding the .steel, against oxidation and abra­ (40) ALL 8TAB PLAYHOUSE (22-30) RAT MASTRRSON Padding! HELD OVER AGAIN! FEATURE .N’orlh End water conditions, and sion. ’rae de’.’eloper .say.s the SCHEU’MAIDEN' S:S0 ( S-40) THE VEBDICT IS VOUBS "Marked Deck” standing sore point with the 12,.’i0n (7J-S0) FROM THESE ROOTS ( 8) BOLD VENTCRE people that use it. a motion was approved that the process gives a resistance to cor- L«ilie Caron Pniinv Kayf STA RTS AT ( 8) CONNECTICUT BAND­ ro.sion and oxidation u.sually found M. Chevalier r. Jaraea^ 10:00 ( 3) TV HOCR Several North End housewives hoard write a letter to the man- I k e STAND “ The Square Ecf-Head’* only in stain ess steels and high- and the (63) WHO DO YOU TBU8TT (22-.30) THIS Is YOVB LIFE contacted todav said the water had i agement of the water company, * 3 9 ” “Old” 4:M < S) BANGEB ANDY ( IL^S) WEDNI>:SDAY N 1 Q H T cleared to "cloudy" from- its i Tlie attendance pri7,c.s were won alloy metals. ^tl al.so is said to Colonel*’ (22-30) QUEEN FOB A DAT Tech. i:lS ROWLlNO-’-'Weatera Golden brownish tint .earlier l i the week, by Mrs. Kirby's morning class and give better abrasion re.sist a nee ( 8-63) AMERICAN BANDSTAND (vloven Finale than stainless'steel possesse.s. Long wearing broadloom In 27" (40) FUN HOUSE However, many were getting their 1 by. Miss Gorman,'* cla.ss. width for the average 1.5 step in­ ’TUMMOOLOB* (40) FKATCRE 40 4:U (40) THE SECRET STORM 19:30 (22) V.S. MARSHAL stallation. Add new color »nd DOUBLE PLUS 4:Sa ( 3-48) THE EDGE OF NIGHT (30) MEDIC (22-30) COUNTY FAIR charm to your home. Completely 4:46 (18) YOUNCi CATHOLIC L IF E 19:4S ( 8-bS) JOHN DALT. NEWS inatalled with padding and labor. rouowio BY CO-MATUBI 8:00 (3) FEATURE FIL3I (18) LATE NEWS m 11:00 ( S- 8) NEWS. WEATHEB AND 8:30 "Stampede” b u d (;e t t e r m s )Ssiisisss^mM( Mil MiHiis-iiw rami < 8-46) POPEYE THEATER SPORTS EVERY NIGHT (18) TV READER’S DIGEST (18) THE SYNAGOOUE SPEAKS ra (22) THE FIRST SHOW (221 RIG NEWS CTATI EXCEPT i M M U m B D "City for Conqueet” (30) NEWS a WEATHEB v h a r t f o k d B i (SO) ROY ROGERS (S3)'PLAYHOUSE OF STARS SATURDAY I “ ttsetu/tno 6:80 ( 8-53) 3IICKEY MOUSE CLUB 11:15 ( 3) FEATURE FIL3I (18) KATHY GODFREY ".Mr.-Hnlot’e Retlday” SAT A SUN MATINEES (30) JACK PAAR SHOW WOOL! (SO) THE E A B LI /(HOW M P t t t S O M ( 8) WORLD'S REST MOVIES NO OTHER CAR NYLON! f’WOOiTE tMCftr-ViMfftS! AS USUAl "Thunder In The Vnlley” (40) TWILIGHT TREATER "They hlnde Me A Crimi­ n’.U’tUilUS I’lHFOR’.’A'.: I 8:00 ( 8) POPEVE THEATER nal" (18) NEWS AT SIX 11:30 (2’2) JACK PAAR'SHOW (53) LATE JIATINEE (53) SI05IENTS OF COMFORT FOR 3 ROOMS COMPLETELY s / AMFLE PARKINO a NEWS (MKffHM BROADLOOM NEAR THEATtE MORIARTY BROS. CUI ED'C AMOCO HUGS THE HIGHWAY Did CRAB GRASS SELLING C r iL C I \ d SERVICE INSTALLED with PADDING CATHY CARR LINCOLNS — MERCURY Tuneup — Brakes — Ignition GREEN STAMPS AND ' I evomin your lawn? Lubrication — Car Washing ENG U SH f o r d s ' Choice of Colors! Material! GREEN STAMPS You coii squelch Given With Cash Saies 815 CENTER ST.— MI 8-6185 559 M A IN ST.— M I 8.1477 UKE A next summer's crab qrass 8:16 (18) COLONEL TiM McCOY 12:60 I 8) NEWS a WEATHER 6:26 ( 3) NEWS. WEATHER A .SroRTS 1:16 ( 8) HEADLINES 6:36 (22) SPOBT8CAST this winter (13) STRIKES 'N SPARES s In the Italian-American Style! 6:46 (22) SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT THURSDAY 6:46 ( 3-22) NEWS, *279 by applying ( 8) NEWS a WEATHEB ( 8-40) LOVE OP LIFE WIDE-TRACK PONTIAC! THURSDAY ( 8) AFRICAN PATROL 7:66 (22-30) T IC T A C D O U G H _ Now- a Keith Special that ( 8) MAC KENZIE’S RAIDERS ( 3) 8EABCR FOB TOMORROW Tkamm ■srttord JA 1-lNl 118) BIOVIE AT 7 . (22-36) IT COULD BE TOD AMERICA'S NUMBER 0 ROAD CAR means a quality value for. your WALNUT ' . "Blind . Date” ( 8431 FLAY VOUB HUNCH home! 5ni .square yards for three MARCH 12th W A L N U T ST. (2246.46) NEWS a WEATHER ( 46) TV THEATER ___ i S T R A IV D r e s t a u r a n t : I I 9-8070 (53) JANET DEAN R. N. ( 3) 'THE GUIDINO LIOBT average rooms, completely in- 7:16 (40) DOUGLAS EDWARDS AND ( 3) N EW S HARTFORD, CONN. THE NEIVS ( 3-63) LIBEBACE SHOW __ __ ■stalted with padding and labor! WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY SPECIALS (22) HIGHLIGHTS (22) AT HOME WITH KITTT Let iMish Hardware’s ‘ Choo.se NYLO N .r . A L L WOOL 9 A.M . to 9 R.M. - SHOWS (36) NEWS ( 86) MOVIE MATTNEE W E E K LY Appetizers 7:36 ( 8) DECOV ( 40) D IV O R C E B E A B IN O , . A C R ILA N . . heavy grade, (22-361 WAGON TRAIN ( 3) OUB MISS BBIKIKS Gtiod Seats AvaUtble Cherrystone Clams — Shrimp Cocktail •"The Vlvialf Carter Story” turf experts long \Vearing Broadloom in choice Fresh Fruit Cup — Clams Caainp I ( 3-46) AS THE WORLD TORNS Right Up To Show Thno < 463) LATFBENCE WELg ( ) MV UTTLB MARGIE of|.slnnning colors . . to give jfour Soup du Jour J SHOW 8 (46) RESCUE 8 (63) THIS IS THE LIVE prescribe for your lawn. home that added touch of luxury. In Both These Stoves THE ONLY TOIID-.\0 Celery and Olives — Fresh Garden Salad 1:66 (46) K E E P TALKING ( 2246) TRUTH OS CONSE­ Miracle Screea asd Sousd Choice of Entree ( 8) T A L E BEFOBT8 QUENCES (U l 6T) ___ __ Enjo.v 11 right now . on excep­ Betweea Beaten and New YerkE 8:16 (18) BETWEEN THE ACTS ‘ ( 3-46) JIMMY DEAN SHOW tionally liberal terins . all of FREE PARKING — REAR OF STORE There is no other Todd-AO la Cell Broiled Lobster, Drawn Butter ...... 8.60^ *:S6 ( 8-63) OZZIE AND HARRIET ( 8-63) DAY IN COURT Baked Lobster 'Thermidor ...... 3.50 UOiiie Chanroe Jlliitery” I ( 3-46) H O U S E P A R T Y _ , better quality from nationally fa­ 2.76 > ( 3-46) TRACKDOWN ( 22-36) H A O O I8 RA-MANOra!STBB, OOMKi . V

I ----- . ■ K ’ V.. . r " 'YY'.'rV'f/?-''-' '.'r V r?-'''- 7 .


Dailas area during th# same pe­ V MANCHESTER EVE Violent Winds^JRip riod. RHAM G>ul^1S^ve Estim dtei Brakes Fail, Snow fell in western Kansas ------7 ' ' mant's claim that It controllad ^hq Texas Area', Moi’e ■and in scattered sections of Wyo- Revolt G)ur8e Changed antlre country. ntlhg. Colorado, Nebraska, South $50,000 with Tuition Pupils Oarter raportad that'&aq’a Oam- Biis Kills 2 Snow for Midwest DaWta and in the Roeklcs from Better States^Ur Service ■ munist press was bnuiding the re- Montana into Colorado. SHOPPERS' SPECIAL Should Regional District 8 ac-'*’ Seybolt streasqd that whll* the vRD Ten other injured were detained in Backs Allegheny's Bid the Agriculture Department dur­ New York, March 11 l.’P)—New three hospitals. Both Kowalski and Irwin urged ing 1958 developed an unusual ma­ York City experienced a rare but Detective Bernard Milligan said CAB approval of the application terial called vinyl stearate which happy event last weekend. Not a Here’s what’s NEW in the M EN’S FASHION WORLD! a check of the bus after the crash of Allegheny Airlines for service now is being produced commer­ single person waa killed in a traf­ showed only the hand brake work­ i ■ to Bridgeport and other communi­ cially for use in waterbase paints fic accident. ing. The bus was Impounded for V < ) ties in the Northeast area. Tha Police Safety Bureau term­ closer examination. Irwin said American "not only and plastics. The product, made Pick out your complete wardrobe now / from inedible tallow* and greaaea, ed this a moat unusual occurrence. has no Interest in improving Its During the corresponding period aervice, but is activ>ly seeking to providea a new outlet for these while selections ore choico! Ro Verplanck PTA get out of Bridgeport.” surplus fats. 'Vinyl stearate func­ last year three traffic fatalities / Kowalski asked that the CAB tions as a plasticizer or softener were recorded and each weekend among the foremost to bo smartly Sees Gym Display "give favorable consideration to when combined chemically with usually brings one or more, with the application of Allegheny Air­ oUter plastic materials, such as many of the city's eight million and correctly dressed in the lines, a carrier which has the Vinyl acetate or Vinyl chloride. people on the highways. Dr. Ruth Byler of the. State De­ partment of Education spoke on Easter Parade! the importance of a physical edu­ cation program in the school.s at the meeting of the Verplanck PTA last night. A group of 36 children, under the I- supervision of Mrs. Phyllis Fortier, put on a di.splay of calisthenics, PETERMAN’S Make This A Man's Easier relays, volleyball and a folk dance. Donald Berger, sixth grade teacher, explained the after school NEW SPRING QUAUTY program, which consisl.s of soccer, and softball. ' At a short business meeting a You don't wear old- nominating committee was elected, fashioned clothes... SUITS ■X 1/ "Sprint? thru Summer" For the man who will lead the parade. M Why have an old- Ay ^ BLOUSES fashioned bathroom? to hy Michael Jones

Sizes 36 to 50, Regulars, longs, shorts, stouts and i younger- short stouts. Also prep sizes 36 to 42. YAU MietUM W tOtT Complete “Package” Bathrooms 4'1V* $39.95 to $45.00 »■*■*T ./ TO* 3 ." TO rii- I'*” %1- REGULAR AND LONGS ( j ^ thon- Proportioned To Fit (LEFT ABOVE) Every size proportioned J 3 Beautiful EMBROIDERED BATISTFi. "Drip-Dry Lace. Mitred- New, colorful. springtime collar. White only. Slies: 30 to 38. to your exset body typo. AM ERiCAN-e^tatidard Plain colors, checks, plaids, stripes and (CENTER) Pt’RK SILK Mat! tailored. Italian collar, roll up Blcevea Color Fixtures paisley pattern. matching pearl buttons. White, Beige, Pa.')lel Blue, Mint Long sleeve. SUITS Green. Sizes: 30 to 38. PROPORTIONED y Plumbing (RIGHT ABOVE) , A .. 3-TONE EMBROIDERED front and back. Drip-Dry SPRING WEIGHT and Bati.ste. roll up sleeves. White with Blue and Royal, White y Tile and Flooring SPORT with Pink and Hot Pink, White with Beige and Coffee. COLORS designed Sizes: 30 to 38. V. TO FIT y Carpentry SPORT COATS SHIRTS Not Pictured: For the Easter parade. All sizes. EMBROIDERED EYELET. Charming "Drip-Dry " Ba­ • THE SHIRTDRESS! y Decorating Regulars, longs and shorts. . . , tiste. Italian collar apd roll up sleeves. White only. Sizes: $yi.oo for the 30 to 38. / / Mirror PURE SILK SHIRT. Small Peter Pan plunge neckline, One Call Does It A W *27 T. *39 And Up short .sleeves, notched cuff. White, Beige, Pastel Blue, • in washable, wrinkle-free cotton! ALL SIZES one who Mint Green. Sizes: 30 to 38. Large selection of • in high-flying Spring colors! FOR AS LITTLE A S ...... NEW FLANNEL and GABARDINE wash ’n wear short sleeve sport INCREDIBLE! Don’t put up any longer with an old-fashioned TROUSERS *9.95 t„ *16.95 shirts. wears it SPECIAL PURCHASE FROM OUR .99 : bathroom. Treat your family And your guests to To complete your Easter ensemble. Ivy two flappers plus |rieat- « ed slacks. iSzes 38 to 50. a completely new and modern bathroom styled P*r N E W EASTCR HNEST SWEATER MAKER BRINGS to your order and installed in less time than you W a«k Polished cotton, wash ’n wear slacks. Ivy and $ |F . A C NECKWEAR Wembley and Ooploii best. . the YOU THIS OUTSTANDING VALUE . . . tbink! two flapper models. J No Down Poymonf! .Sizes 39 to 43 n-aist—^39 to 36 in seam lengths. \ Our wonderful shiftdress in’ six fresh ond »l-oo\«i*2-oo • ALL FULL FASHIONED! ONE CON’IBAOTOR . . . ONE PAYMENT PLAN . . . ONE KESPONSUMLITy citing colors . . . now, with extra fylf skirt, ort-. * • 8 STYLES — 5 C O L O R S! fully controlled in deep dluster pleots! A wear- NEW ALL WEATHER COATS m e n 's SPRINS SUMMI* PHONE M l 9-3001 2 |K. all weal Iwaad suit JUNIOR! • TYCORA-ORLON-TARALANI hat dsaii-fltttd hrisf •verywhero delight, thot never wrinkles, hai JO I LENGTH SURREY COATS LIGHtWEIGHT JACKETS lackst wHh Puritss much fashion dosh! SizM 10 to 18. Dacron and ootton, wash 'n .wear. Now medium depart: tone Iridescent and slsnd-swar csllsr, mens- oyster and tan. Regulars. Icings, shorts. S 1 G O C .Coat and waist lengths. All new wanted spring Q jC . Q C tsas driftwsed hsttsas, Sises86to44. ▼IT.TO ■hades. Sixes S8 to 50. Regulars and longs. ^ To T ■ ■ • s T » Thr*s pl.«s all woel fl*na.l *ult h** cardigan h * * ' ^ 1 railed loipiia hqdic*, . . leckst with walk*r buttoa front, knit breid trim, lining • THRILL PINK! • SHOCK oiULN^I h warsr avar * m sH h isf to match tha *sp-*l##T*d cotton poitloy hlouaol Slim • S A n D D U N E ! • MiNT.PRAPPit tlim shaft sf shirt. 7>IS, ,Shirt, *1*0* 7-151 iolH. ' ^ 2 9 9 9 RIGULARLY $8.^ to $12.99 I DOUBLE GREEN STAMP& • U. 1 NAVY! • SkYLIOHt i i l $ 3 5 , , . PLUMBING ciiKl HEATING CO. BIUEN WITH CASH SALES THURSDAY I r s i • • ./S ' t

7 . i . ' r ■* ' -r V- i '■ -v r -' -■ I ■ I '.f ■■■ , ".I % , I. /■ PAGE SBVtk '■Y ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1959 •■ . ■'. -^ ■ ■ I' 'i \ . think you wUI havs a ekane* to 'X MANCHESTER EV’EN^G HERALD, MANCHESTER. CQNN., WEDlfJESDAY. MARCH^41. 1959 war* capped''at Middletown Sun­ ed that the School year be In­ cooperation of the University of and Ellington. The first class will Regiohal DUtriet 8 be graduated from Ellthgton High Kennedy Leads, waar your Stevenson buttoni again | t 4 < S ^ e i i day afternoon in traditional ex- creased from 181 days to IM. This Connecticut aa a part '%f the Herd In leeo." he said. "In ffiy opinion, oone auffered • diahMsted afiiaa^ a was accepted by the- boahl and Improvement Registry. program, School' In . 1B60. .Tolland students miners ^ v # up In aavaral cars, We«b B*U led an auto ears'— Extended F orest erdsee, held In Bengatcm Wood Butler Declares the country JiSs never had offerdd Budget Hearing fractured pelvia, acalp «»»• Memdrial. Her mother, Mrs. Ar­ hia .JMCominendatlon that the. liuglnbuhl Nanaed attend high school classes here on that abould tb# commUaloa ap- looked ovw\the scene, then left. 7M cara yesterday and said aim Billy r^cone Getchell to Speak a tuition basts. to It by either party a man so well nrova tbs diangs as requested caravans are planned daily to bruises, and was paralysed fr o * thur Bush, and eiater, Mies Carole school day be lengthened by 10 Rudolph liUglnbuhl' was elected qualified to bo president ss Steven­ Idle Miners About 8,l(»vUnlt*d Mine Work­ Uia waist down. Temperatures In Connsctleut for Luginbuhl will appoint a com­ Stillwater. Okla., March U (*5^- Plans Readied they would "b e V u ity <>* ers of America'niemberB are strik­ show union strength. 'Bush, attended the ceremortlea. prinutes waa not accepted and the first president of the Elling­ son.*’ . X the next 8 days, Thursday through On School Studies win be further discussed. mittee of ways and meahs, chair­ aonlng." He iaid that people don't Hospitalized , ' ton High .School Community man and three members of the Paul M. Butler. Democratic party Butlqr was in Stillwater, for a ing to get a $2 *.^ay increase to Almost one-fourth' of the un­ warHome Holstein Bf*^ord Final plans for a- district-wide realize that areas should he set Total 3,500 bring their, dally Sasic wages to employment-plagued county'a 88,- Salt Spot Told Prestige Tuesday, will average around 8,.de­ David Parker, son of Mr. hrfd Scholarship Assn. Elected vice nominating committee. national chairman, aald yesjerdas^ meeting of the Oklahoma League T w f M t e _ aside In towns siich as Ellington (3ordon OetcheU, Ellington High A . registered Holstein cow president-treasurer was Ralph e . ■ . of Young Democrats. open biMig^''^hearlng at 8 p.m. S24.25. There are 5,000 miners In 000 residents are receiving gov­ grees below normal'. The normal Bchool principal, will speak tm Mrs. Earl Parker of Berr A\*. la that according to polls. Son. John for future commerclsl develop­ Sebastian Falbo{ie, dyi> b^rldden London—At medieval English a patient In the Mercy Hospital, owned by the Hoffman Bros, of Hayden; secretary^ Mrs. Robert Manchester Evening llerntd Monday^.have been made by Ute Harlan, Ky.. March 11 ((D - The the county. ernment relief. ■ ■. mean temperature In the Hart­ high school curriculum at the PTA Kennedy (D-Mass) lead.s the pack f b e i T s t o n e kitioh.m e ij i ment and that this was an ideal at the HarUord H b a g ^ Ipr al­ Ellington has completed an out­ McHutchlnson; director for, three Ellington currtispondent Mrs. (1. F. ^ n e C h a n g e number of strike-idled Harlan Tlie PMA represents bhljr one banquets being seated at a certain ford area for this period U 87 CkwncU meeting at 8 p.m. tomor­ Springfield, Mass., where- he has standing official production rec­ for the'party nomination ss pres­ Hollywood, March 11 (A>)—Fred Re^Jjo^l District 8 Board o%Edu- location for such an area. most one year, returile4_^t^ hla undergone an operatiprt on hlS years, Mrs. Leland Welton; direc­ Berr telephone, TReinont AyUSIS. ident, But, he said; it's a long lime County coal miners rose to 3,500 mine In Kentucky. Company , of­ spot above or below the epfnate row at the new CJryatal Lake ord, according to the Holsteln- Stone, active In show businessIS for 1^ ' lon. ■ y '' port Kit Developed Taylor Rdi^ home In Vemoi degrees ranging from a normal ear. tor for two years, Anthony Gug- before next year's party conven­ JOHNSON ACCEPTS BID today as another union called a ficials said It would not be feasible sd t shaker placed In the middle high of 47 degrees to a normal low ■chool. AU. members of the PTA Frleslan Association of America. lleltml: director for one year. Ches­ three-quarters of a century , wjiA Hesldent.'t of Andovey; Hebroti For Property to put the seniority clause into o f the dining table denoted the Unit*, Ellington Center, Crystal Soccer Planned The cow, Sumimlt View Superior Gae Piped to Karachi tion. Lifwn and an Marlborough will attend the Washington, March 11 (-P) — New t Wjc—A do-it-yourself kit day. He is being cared for" of 27. Little day to day change ter Jedrzewakl. ,The association Butler told a news conference he burled yesterday at Forest walkout In a dispute over a senior­ effect. , [Mr'a social position. Nobles were t,ake and Ikmgvlew. are Invited. The fall sport at Ellington High Hilda, produced 18,018 pounds of meeting at which a thorough ex­ manufacture4 by a New York con- friends. In temperature la expected during will hold Its next meeting In June. Karachi The capital of Pakistan, was not writing off Adlai Steven- Memorial park. PoislblUtlM of « future shopping Senate Majority leader I.yndon B. ity clause. The old UMW cotract expired Falcone, proprietor of the State leKt^ above the shaker,' those of Mlsa Bwh capped School will be Soccer. The School milk anck673 pounds of buUerfat Stone, 85, died Friday. He was planation of the budget Items will ' Four hundred miners represent­ ce>n provldeax materials for easy this period. The new; president led a discus-1 Karachi, draws its gas supplies .son aa a candidate, but ad(^d that Johnson (Texas) has accepted an at midnight Saturday. Only five Shoe Repair on Main S t, w u lowerSilrth below. This custom led Mias Barbara M. Bush of Moun­ Board decided that football would in 365 days on twice-daily milk­ the original ScsrejpTow In the be given. •nd commercial center at the 6- ed by the Progressive Mine Work­ connuictlon of'aJ0-by-2()-foot car­ PrecipiUUon for thta period la glon on money - making projects from the Sul fields 3.50 miles north to get the nomination,'a man must invitation to be the principal mines have signed the new one. struM by an automobile MArcn to an lilSkCentury law that re­ tain St. waa among the student be more expensive than soccer and ing as a 2-year old.. Bi’oadway prod.uellon of "The Invitations will be sent to the oomer Inters^ion of Plnney St. ers IJnlon of America struck the port, according manufactur­ expected to total on the average The weighing and testing of and other suggestions from the 25 of the city. The gas Is delivered to seek it. speaker at the Jefferson-Jackson er. The Wt feature* the use of In- 18, ‘ 1988, and VQM immedlataly quired any pimeon seated above hia U to % of an Inch melted oc­ nurses at the Middlesex Memorial would not be played at school. 'There are a lot of people who Wizard of OzJ’ Boards of Finance and tlie Boards Day dinner In Hartford, Conn., on International Harvester mine at So far there has been no trouble qualified poaltl6lK|p be "pelted out Dr. Howard Mason recommend­ production was done with the persons attending from Tolland Karachi by a 18-lnch pipeline. of Selectmen of the towns. and WlndsorMlle Rd. and commer­ even remotely resembling the vio­ terlocklniP'alumlnum panels, 6 feet hoitpltaltead. He will etill be con­ curring mosUy aa snow Thursday Hospital School of Nursing who cial development at Main and Hn- March 19. The announcement was nearby Benham. fined to bed At home. of hia place by bonba at the dlacre- ■The Board voted Monday night The early morning shift failed lence that erupted In the 1930s. In width. Which Join to form a and again about Saturday. to add an Item of SH|W0 to the aey Sts. vraa disc\issed at a public made by Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D- UMW field represenUllve Q. weather-tight rtfot. Because o f the accident, Fal- Uon of the company.*^^ STORE HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. — THURSDAY AND FRI DAY NIGHTS TO 9 -.C LO SED MONDAYS hearing of the Ellington Planning Conn) yesteh^ay. to report for work. A group If operation, budget of 1439,436. and Zoning Commission last night. Hie Board haa a balance of ■ *|ha Commission did not reach SIS.698.24 In lU capital account. a didalon ort the requesU of From this amount commltmenta Barry Uebnian and Sol lavltt for have been made totaling $9,558.97. hhangea in sonea of the property The remainder of the funda and thay o^ . the SI 1.500 will be used for grad­ liavltt told the oommlaalon last ing the school grounds. An esti­ mate of $15,000 for this Job has Sight that his property, formerly been obtained from contractor Jo­ known as the Stockser farm, was seph Nasln of Wlllimantic. now soned as Industrial. He said he wished it to be changed to com­ ' Band .Uniforms Sought mercial and that while he hart Mrs, . A Idea Brennan Collins has nothing definite Ifi mint) for the im­ call^ a final organizational meet­ mediate future he forsaw possi­ Factory Purchase! ing for those who are Interested bilities o f this comer becoming s In raising money for RHAM High School band uniforms. The meet­ shopping center at some future ing will be held at 8 p.m. Wednes­ date. FLOOR SAMPLE day In the school cafeteria. He said that due to iU accessa- Mrs. Collins Is the head of a WUtv to Ellington, Vernon, East 3-town committee which plana to Windsor and South Windsor resi­ produce a "Broadway’’ show and dents, he feels it would be an ideal dance on May 1 to benefit the lobation for such a center. He al.io $4,500 fund drive. Preliminary commented that due to the Knoll- work for the show will be started wood Home development, adjacent Wednesday by Mrs. Collins who Is to the property, he wi.shed to up­ theatrical agent with offices In grade loning in the area and re­ Hartford. ' move any chance of an industrial The committee le also request­ enterprise setting up in the midst ing ajiletsnce from anyone In tha of a residential community. three towns who Is handy with No comments were made, either woodworking. The committee for or against, from the 15 people BROADLOOMS plans to make wooden figures In present. band uniforms to be used aa a Xiebman. owner of a triangular gauge of the drive's progress. riiaped piece of property located CHAIRS More Teachori Sought at Main and Plnney Sts. and Principal Carlton B. Seybolt will iMunded on one side toy the New Interview candidates for teaching Haven Railroad tracks, asked that positions In all currlcuhim areas. tha property be changed from Applications may be made through rural residential to commercial. the-administrative office of RHAM Atty. Samuel Lavltt, represent­ High School. ing Ldetoman, said the situation $289.00 SOFA Over 1,500 square yards as It now stands amoimts to Choice display pieces Manchester Evening Herald ••oonflscatlon" of the property by Andover correapondent, Mrs. Paul the town as its size and location, D. PfanaUehl, telephone Pilgrim necrt to the railroad, destroys Its 198, t-8856. ■ value as a residential property. He said that not only does it amount to "conflBcatlon," but worse, as at once in-a-lifetime Licbman is required to pay taxes of famous make carpet Express Jumps on land which, under the present ■oning, cannot be used. Rails in France lavltt pointed out that the property at one time was sair- Montpellier, France, March 11 rounded by commercial enter­ savings (A5—The Bordeaux-Rlvlera Ex­ prises, a machine shop, meat mar- press ren off the trails near here KSt, antique ehop and service sta­ early today, killing two people and tion. He aald the machine shop ALL WOOL-ALL 1st QUAI,ITY! Injuring 12 others. About 600 pas­ and meat market still exist (Above) Smart 90-inch Slimline Modem with Time to change our floor samples sengers were aboard. Several residents In the area eet-in walnut finished legs . . . and two foam In the confusion after the accl- Mid they were opposed to the SOFAS again . . for we must always have den, a railway spokesman an- move and one e\«en offered to get cushions for 20th Century luxury. The cov­ fresh, sparkling display pieces noimced that five paa.sengers had a group together to pay the taxes ering is an antiqued blue satin texture. R*g. Sale been killed. The toll was officially for Uebman. The offer was not from which our -customers select We bought the entire factory stock of these most wanted colors in order to reduced later In the morning. accepted. *82" ButFoji Back, brown-green-whi+e print . 198. their "covered to order" furni­ The accident apparently was due After being asked several times $315.00 bring you this tremendous March saving. It s all FIRST QUALITY carpetiBg with to a falhire in a coupling between what use he ’.lac in mind for the (Left) Round-arm Law.son lounge chair . ; . a $269.00 *Wing Loye Se^t; red p rin t...... 189. ture. So here go the present sam- two cars. Those killed were the property, Llebman said, "nothing perennial favorite with foam cushion, box ♦Tufted Back LovieSeaf; eagle print cover . . 159. ple^, at savings you'll probably the quiet undertone of texture so much in demand today! It s a random loop pile train conductor and a French pas­ definite. I had at one time thought $219.00 senger. of having a email packing eota- $125.00 7 0 . 5 0 ])leats, red print. Fits the Colonial scene! $ 159.00 3-Pc. Scandinavian Sectional, tan plastic . . . 89. never^make again. All limited to with a hand woven look in plain colors and tweeds. Every tuft is locked into Four freight ears at the end of blishment for potatoes. The idea CHAIR / ^ Scandinavian Settee; watnqt finish; choice of one-of-a-kind, and subject to the train were catapulted onto a was dropped but might ari.sc $ 129.00 the back by an exclusive Loktuft process. Woven of 100 /o 3-ply ALL WOOL small vacant house on the side of again.” This location, Llebman blue, gold or charcoal textures ...... 89. prior sale. the track, said, would be Ideal for such an yarns to insure a cushiony rich feeling and a quality look. You II find it easy to enterprise due to Its close proxim­ $638.00 3-Pc, Slimline Sectional; tangerine , , ...... 198. BAIL TBAmO STAI,LED ity to the railroad. $389.00 ♦Imported Scandinavian; blue texture...... 279. keep looking its best because the loop pile masks foot prints and scuff marks. Stamford. March 11 (iD—Com­ One Ellington resident suggest­ $359.00 -♦82" Button Back; aqua texture, kick pleats . 179. muter traffic was stalled yester­ ed that all four corners in that $315.00 Limited to quantities listed. We'll cut sizes to fit your rooms . . either as wall- day at the height of the evening arin be made commercial. He said nish hour when three empty New SOFA to-wall carpeting or room size rugs. Good with any decorating scheme! Haven railroad cars derailed as CHAIRS they were being pulled Into stor­ $179.00 Small Lounge; oxblood top grain leather . . . . age. The cars slipped off the O VV i H 1 1 B N Y I O rj tracks on the eastbound lane but $129.00 Small Lounge; button back, tan leather...... did not overturn. There were no S e m t t EUsUc SUckiD|s 198. off/y injuries. Service was tied up for .tiiasinw c* we nu>iu $289.00 Lounge; black glove leather; head re s t...... over an hour. fim quality teamlcMt lag ftit* $269.00 ♦Lounge, spring-down back, gold stripe . . . . •uiDf oyloa tlaicic Kodcingi due providt firm, comiort* $239.00 (2) Armless, black-and-white strip e...... tbit tupport — at a i»w $149,00 ♦(3} Ladies' Lounge, foam back; red cover . 1.50 \ low prict you caa aflortt 15 FOOT ROLLS $ 39.95 (4) Modern Occasionals; red or turquoise 1 C.95 WELDON DRUG CO. $219.00 ♦Lounge; blue stripe, slightly soiled...... \901 Main Street—MI 8-8321 $149.00 *Lounge; button back, aqua rtubby cover . .. 15 X 24 ft. Plain Blue sq. yd. $ I 69.00 ♦ (2) Large Wing; black or browrt (Above) Twentieth' Century button trimmed Naugahyde...... - ...... '...... * 15 X 67 1-3 ft. Plain Blue sofa is adapted to Early American settings by $159.00 ♦Highback Lounge; foam back, toast cover . $155.00 Q Q . 5 0 12 FOOT ROLLS perky box pleats and a bro\vn-and-green-on- $129.50 ♦Maple Cape Cod Wing; green print cover I CHAIR to/to/ wliite print. Two luxurious foam scat cushions! 15 X 84 ft. Golden-Wlieat Tweed $169.00 ♦Chippendale Wing; linen p rin t...... Loungy style wing chair with but­ $179.00 *Lounge; maple knuckle arms, gold texture . ton back trim; box pleated valance, 15 X 39 5-6 ft. Golden-Wheat Tweed 12 X 90 ft. Golden-Wheat Tweed $179.00 ♦Lounge; attached pillow back, print cover i (Right.) Large, loungy Colonial wing chairs foam seat, gold textured cover. $139.00 *Lawson Lounge; beige, blue and brown tap 15 X 106 ft. Golden-W heat Tweed have soft-as-down foam cushions. Choice of 12 X 30 ft. Golden-Wheat Tweed TV viewing (2) gold textured, red linen print, or beige $ 98.00 Ladies' Lounge; button back, red p rin t...... linen print. Box pleated valances. $185.00 Lounge; large size, coral and brown stripe . . 15 X 30 ft. Plain Suhurban-Green 12 X 91 ft. Golden-Wheal Tweed is easy today..; $198.00 Large Wing-Lounge; blue texture cover . . . . $159.00 *Lounge; Pillow-type back, tapestry cover . . 15 X 38 3-4 ft. Plain Suburban-Green 12 X 29 ft. Plain Oyster-Beige $198.00 I 7 Q CHAIR ♦THESE PIECES HAVE FOAM SEAT CUSHIONS. 15 X 10 1-2 ft. Plain Suburban-Green 12 X 20 1-2 ft. Plain Maize-Gold

15 X 33 ft. Plain Oyster-Beige 12 X 20 2-3 ft. Plain Maize-Gold $249.00 SOFA Budget Terms 15 X 12 ft. Plain Turquoise 12 X 90 ft. Nutria-Brown-and-White As little as 10% down. 179. Up to two years to pay. 15 X II 3-4 ft. Plain Turquoise Tw eed 12 X 104 ft. Plain Blue 15 X 57 1-4 ft. Plain Maize-Gold Costs Only so's home heating MARK 12 X 51 ft. Plain Rose-Beige our-way! You get premium quality THIS WELL $160.00 1.50 Mobilheat with RT-98 -... the CHAIR most completely effective fuel You’re as near to our store as your telephone. Dial oil additive in use today. And Low-back wing chair with foam MI 3-5171 (or .check your directory for our Enter­ you get premium service. Au­ Halts cushion, in green matelasse. Kick prise number). Our carpet con.sulfant ■will “call with tomatic deliveries . . . a bal­ $135.00 f i O 29 5 . anced payment'plan and many pleats in place of box pleats. Call us... samples. He will measure your rooms and quote you STOPS NEXT CHAIR V f ' other extras designed to make (Above) The favorite old Lawson lounge sofa a price on the. spot . . . either for wall-to-wall in­ home heating reo/ly.eiuy. SUMMER'S CRAB with round arms fits into the Early American Tufted lounge chair stallations or rugs to properly fit your rooms. GflASS scene with its box pleats and aqua print cover. with foam^ cuahion; Ml 3-5171 beige print“cover. ► for 3 Rooms M obilheat iT!«s THIS WINTER Foam cushion, of course! Mm cltan-acHo» I Enjoy new carpet n0w . . . pay on our Easy Budget \ . oMUIn ' APPLY NOW Plan ,if you wish. As little as 10% down delivers your Complete installed! (Left) Ladies’ wing chair, inspired^y an old $159.00 Easy Terms rugs or: carpets. . . up to two years to pay the balance. Chippendale design, has a foam s^alp cushion, WE GIVE Two weeks later will be too LpVE SEAT bite to be covered by the guar- shirred flounce and gold print cover.'Goes well GREEN STAMPS MtoCb $129.00 with Early American furnishings. Foam-cushioned love seats; choice Just tp giv# you an idea of how litti* it raally CHAIR 89“ of gold or red tektured covers. costs to anjoy wall-to-wall carppting, we've taken ■ 'i 1 Has •Mtts spresder with Wslosft Asarkera for nnlforro three typical rooms . . . figured the price wvsraga, plete with cushipns and labor. Included.tin this • / $319.00 package price are a I2j(|5 ft. living rpom. e 12x9 -’I ^Jto idMirge far qMjf day's r t , ft; dining room, end a 12x3 ft. hallway. There s a SOFA ' ■’U 301-3TI H ■/. . ^ V saving of $142.60 on these three r^amsl. jSiMUar JdHH ^ WOLCOTT 80-inch Slimliita modem hiui set-in 'walnut finished or larger. roomsAft comparable saviagi,,. MiffBa- \ tiens era made by «ur own skilled jl SON legs, button trimmed-piUow-^fect back with ends 935 MAIN STREET n Mltdiell 3-5171 i’ . r'."f that slant forward. Smart as can b4 •' BBd oom- i.. ' f-W .'."i I V 935 A\AIN s t r e e t - MitcKell 3-5171 Ijortable 'with foam seats! Antiqued tangerine satin- I , ' ' ' '4 ('■ ■ \ ■, ■ ... , (k . I."' 'I-

t ■

/ P A G E N IN E J MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,. WEDNEISDAIt, MARCH 11, 1969 _____ • - -- — ------PAGB E I G ^ even filling his backyard wtth d ^ CtommunUm. In wallty, thrty. Iise brls.. ' v >■'' Senate Blocks Green Manor Jlatirl|p]rtpr of th* Berlin crtaUi for tb«lr own Open Forum Both of these things h a y e ^ p - INVESTMENT PROBLEMS |X>mlcal headline*, U much pened repetltlveljr here^-lfi Man­ 'Undrinkiible’ chester, particularly idjie to some ■ £opmtt|i Iferjtli more acruptiloua than. Khrush­ Special Study To Build 62 To the Editor, Individuals short sighted greed or cheva of it in hla own power carelessness. This weekend water ragistered repr««>BUtIve» cmll on you, at your ^ iNC. -It would seem Almost nonsensical Stable in February IS SUMtl Street politica strategies. They would problem we leAm was due In partic­ Bsaist you. Whether your problem Involves one * , Apartments Mancbeattr, Conn, to many that there be such a furor Of Draft Laws have ns think that they a l o n e ^ ular, to Just such a happenstance, mlUioh dolUrs, we have the facilities to render yon complete • • • over fluoridation of water In Man­ in great part. 'What we say Is just Mrvtce. (CobUbom train Page Oae) in Congress th at\h e emergency . S^ifiS 5 defend us. They also have tjie^om- (CMttBMd from PBgB Oim ) An appUcatlon for the erection Publlettere chester— when In truth ■ the water then— everyone has a vested Inter­ jobless benefits pIsiK will be ex­ JTourKled October 1. »»1 fort of knowing that tbeSTwill not So You Want to Go into Business est In proper land use and in soils of five apartment buildings at a at the homeowner’s tap Is frequeiR- total ooe* of $354,800 has been cilhed somewhat I6m than usual tended. \ h;x^ceDt and cannot be givon Hie actual re­ and none ought, to be permitted to hearson am m ill s o ■km and provious Houio paaaage Senate Republican leik lv BVe PuMwned Krer» tSvenin* ly of suph poor quality as to bg,un- S , H C . submitted to the Building In- this February, but a relatively Stmdiyi ewl- HoUdtyp^■■ lldtyp Entered »t the sponsibility for defending us. I>el We live in an age of business, death. If a sole proprietor or a adopt any procedure on his prop­ l)y 4 top-hoavy vota. sharp drop was recorded In the rett Dlrkeen of IlUnols, Mytng the Poet Otlice «t Mnncheeler, Conn •» drlnkable anyway! Wouldn't it be Meeiben New VeHr Stock Ixehango' ■pector’s oJBce I> the Green Man­ partner dies, the business is dis­ erty which wpuld adversly affect Sonata leadera had plannad' to program would be continued.. In Second cm»» Mnll Mdlter^^______' (he President continue to concern when the business man dominates wise to do something about this— or Oonetructlon Oo. I • cohetnictlon Industry.. About 22 solved. In a corporation, if an in­ anyone else.'s well-being. W e might *13 Main StreM, Maneh*«l*r • Mltch*ll 3-1571 per cent of construction workers some form, eatimated the ad iM Sl)8SCRlPT»Ol4 tlATiiS himself with the Russians. His do- our society to a great degree. But to Improve the qualitjt Of the water |k>*H tho bill to a vote Mat night, corporator dies, the corporation re­ conceivably adopt town ordinances The new atructures ■will be were idle last month, about the cost to Jime 30 at $49 million.'TO Payable u>;^dyance uhestlo foes will, we think, talk ! an Individual, or group of Individ­ mains intact. A corporation has generally— that the long grieving too, which, like those of other com­ but they poatponad 'action until erected on W . Middle; Tpke. as part One year 6^- property oiyner and others might same as in February last year, hut continue It to Sept. 1 would cosl> uals, do not Just "go into business." nerpetual continuation, despite the minutes, would bring more credit today when Moraa came up with a of the Green Manor Apartmenta Six Mtmtiui ..v*o themselves out. more readily endure such turbu­ sutatantially more than the ratio $10'Y'million, he eeld. ^ Three Tlie process of starting a business death of one or more of the stock­ to those who change our land pat­ gi^up. Nine such apartment bulld- lence as Was found pfesent In their long floor apeech oppoaing the of 15 pet cent In February, 1957 But he reported that Elsen- On* Mcttth „ . j Is necessnilly a rompitented one, holders. terns— for the ultimate good of S m containing 96 units have al- Employment in mining and trans- Weekly tap water this past weelrend, part­ meaaUre. . howtr "has not relented from hie Iron rOX rru s tra te o governed by laws and standardized everyone. In fact we are at least r e ^ y been-bull by the company. •rtation remained at low levels, Sinrte p r y In going l*ito business^ many ly caused, by the heavy rainfall? determination to obtain a balanced •15 years late in doing so. C&M contended the peacetime Plang Bubmitted by the com­ e report said the job situation ______OF_ „ The virtues, or the sins of West procedures.' It is s process thAt proprietors buy a business that is Fluoridation layouts are fine but budget" in the year starting July ;'1a t HD PRliiSS _ .. , , must be entered into carefully, Very truly, draft ayatem contains many de­ pany call for the erection of 2- in those Industries has shown al­ THE ASSOCt already in existence. In this case, perhaps better filtering plants And 1. ** Jl?*^*!*!**'^*'^ Germany's Chancellor Adcnavier ^ thoupht anti consideration. Henry A. Mallett fects which le said a commission ■tory buildings of various sizes. most no Improvement since the re­ a notice of intent to buy. Or bill of up to date water systems would be The program, which has coat an T " ‘j^..%isMt?hM“JrJdrted “ It" w 'l'-'* ""I •’'* Tlicrc are three forms of hual- sale, must be filed and recorded in study could document He did not H ie largest building. 26 by 341 cession’s low point. estimated t 400 million in the last jMs't^Otherwise credited In thi* passionntrlv in thi.s ro\mtry, o r ' ness entity the sole proprietor- more to the point! You have only Meed m oitey name any. feet, will contain 22 units and Engaged A sharp pick up was recorded In the town where the purchase is to .witness the number of folks who year, was set up to take care of Morse told the Senate that Con­ the estimated cost 1s $118,800. The engagement of MTss Nancy the steel Industry with mills near in his own either. - t i l ; s l m ^ made. This gives creditors an op­ drive to Highland Park spring sev­ jobless persons who had whauated portunity to make whatever claims A Thought for Tdday gress was being stampeded into Jean Sheldon to David Sherwood capacity output. diepatchea herein are alsn resetsed , temper and « if( lunstnnce of the , ^ ^ * eral times a week, and especially Other buildings are: one, 26 by their state unemployment' compen­ the temper and..m uustanrew. „,,ont when one man goes they might have on tlie business. Sponsored by the Manchester "ultimatum-type legislation" be­ Joyce Is announced by her par­ The factory work week re­ on weekends for their drinking 163 feet, 10 unlU, $54,000; two, sation rights. For most of them. Fun tervlce cHent of N E A Srr* I tunes p.'rnilts him to he measured ! hu. ine.ss. In this case, the This law, known as the Buil’ "ales CnuDcll of Churches '< now ■to b u y cause of the Berlin crisis. ents, Mr. and Mrs. James S. mained at 39,8 hours In February. tce tnc Water, many upon the recommen­ 26 by l2 l feet, eight units each, It meant an extra IS weeks of Publishers ^ Representatives The for something besides his anti-j owner owns all the ns.sets of , i^aw', gives creditors a period of Aiid he questioned that draft­ $43,200 each; one, 26 hy 145, 14 Sheldon, 158 S. Lakewood Circle. Factory worker earnings remained rnev, — Npw" dation of their family doctor—to Her fiance is the son of Mr. and benefits in states which joined in Julms Maihe*» Special Asenev t'ommunism. That is the mantle hnsiness and Is liable for all t^e,,^ j„ which to file their W e read of Enoch In Genesis ing of young men was necessary units, $75,600. unchanged for the third consecu­ ynra Chleaso Uflreh th« ernnh niiii'Ichts incuiTed hv that business. A ,.|aims. Unless the requirements appreciate this. Mrs. J. Arthur Joyce, 476 Parker tive month at $2.19 an hour. W rak- the program. m e m b e r a u d it b u r e a u o» which makes 5:24 that "he walked with God.” a b o a t ? f T a military force of skilled Total number of apartments ! partnership Is an ariangenient Bulk Sales I.,aw are ad- With reference to this weekend’s St., formerly of Worcester, Mass. ly earnings edged oft 22 cents to ClBUlthATION’S ______What does this really mean? Is it technicians for the missile-space which will be avallAble in the new yira Cash man, tlie heroic figure, the near- water problem as was precipitated He Is employed by the Southern wherehv two or more people draw t,pred to the purchaser of e bus- era age. structure is 62. $87A6. Weekly earnings are aver­ The Herald Priming Company Inc I above critlclsni. so that even setting forth an by the heavy rainfall, we should pos.sible for us in.our day to walk New England Telephone to. Women Run Bu$ine»$e§ auumes no ttnanclal r>sp laxation of boating. . numbers.” (raiKl llnion —1 lor K career without beneflt of the in an ever Increasing radius. In There Is widespread expectation ment to 3,000,000. Classified desdilne 10 I each partner is personally responsi­ it. ,Wm— what a marvelous hope! Simply borrow the money you II need from your Tribune, was nominated yes­ Foreign buyers prefer cloth pro- flawless. 1 mantle. This Is the recent chapter fact, so wise have many commun­ Only a few Senators remained to day of publication sacepl Bslurdar , ble for the debts of the business. Going into business is a complex How wonderful to be able to say, nearest CB&T bffice. A Connecticut Bank and Trust terday by President Elsen­ • a m ______ity leaders become regarding this, hear Morse after It was announced ■ in which he attempted to decree In other words, any money owned procedure. If you plan to enter into "Friendship with Jesus, Fellowship Company loan can be arranged promptly, with pay- hower to be ambassador to a business agreement, act slowly that before a developer or other there would be no votes last night. Wednesday, March 11 j that Kronomics Minister Ludwig by the business can be charged to divine; . raentvspread over as much as two years, if you wish. Israel. Reid, a Republican, and prudently, and be sure tr con- party attempts a change in grade in addlUon to the 4-year exten­ any one. or all, of the partners. O what blessed, sweet communion, L ife insurance covering the unpaid balance o f the lives in.Purchase, N. Y. (A P Flrhard become the Christian Akso, each partner Is responsible suit someone for experienced help level of his property, they first sion of the draft, the Senate bill Jesus Is a friend of mine!” loan is provided free. . Photofax). Our Political Defenders j nemocratic candidate for president for the acts of the others In con- ! and advice. secure a town permit making it The Connecticut Bankand Trust Company is always also calls for similar extensions of Perhaps before we can truthfully the Doctor-Draft Act, extra pay . .. 1 _ bv ' of U'est Cerniany, giving both Er- necllon with the business. For In This column Is written by the mandatory foi* them to restore the ^appy to lend money for any worthwhile purpose. other leading magazines and news­ T^nder the particular rode b\ i say this about our fellowship with for medical specialists, rental al­ ‘ * lba.-H ond the party orders to that stance, if a partner is Involved in Slate Bar Association of Connecti­ original depth of topsoil on the papers. ^ .,1 oovv nnerates I the party orders to that God, we need to pray, lowances for dependents of en­ Which Wa.shlngton now operates. | an accident while driving a com­ cut, to make you better Informed site, or to a predetermined depth The public is invited to hear only to find the party re- "B y virtue of Thy wounds, we pray the chiefs of stgff are more or less effe. l, pany truck, the other partners arc and more fully aware of our laws. set by town ordinance, plus quick listed men In the lower grades, and General Hester. The MMchester voltlng in a manner which enabled. True God and Man, be Thou our suspension of the former man­ liable for his actions. reseeding of the area. Not to do Chapter of the United, World Fed­ compelled to testtfy. formally, that power ceilings on the armed serv­ Erhard to escan. the future Ade­ In a corporation, an individual PLANE tIRASH INJURES 8 this is the basic factor which ■ Stay; eralists is in charge of arrange­ WARDS they are aatiafled with the armed Our Comfort when we yield our ices. M O N T O M E B V A B tj nauer had selected for him. owns stock sncl Is not actually a Panama. March 11 (Ah -A pri­ causes reservoirs to suddenly be­ ments. service budget allocations approved breath. The motives a.sslgned Adenauer, member of the-corporate slruclure, vate twin-engine plane crashed on come engulfed with silt, sand and General Hester will also speak by the President and the secretary because the corporation la the eii- Rev Island In the Gulf of Panama refuse, jeopardizing the ultimate Our rescue from eternal death!" at the Buttonball School In Glas­ i in this busine.ss, are small and Rev. K. Ejnar Rask of defense. But, if Congress still tlly involved and not the atork- la.st night. Injuring the Guatema­ water user's health .or perhaps The ConneeKeut Bank tonbury the same day. 824-828 MAIN STREET narrow, not l.erolc. It is believed, Hester to. Speak insists on having their own private hoidera. Therefore, tlie debts of the lan pilot and two Americana. AND TRUST COMPANY TEL Ml 3-5161 he saw In Erhard s development he The plane, owned by the Thomp­ COUPON opinion, and directly, ask? them for corporation are not liie debts of On Foreign Policy Battleship Sunk has always tried to prevent the the individual shareholder. The son and Cornwall contracting It. they may provide it .subject, ap­ corporation is liable and re.sponsl- firm, which is doing highway work 26 Offices Serving 18 Connecticut Communities development of a potential suc- Norfolk, Va. (A1— The old bat­ parently. to the approval of the blc, but the Individual incorpora­ In Guatemala, ran into trouble on — 24 HOUR SERVICE— 893 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER BeUred Brigadier General Hugh tleship San Marcos, once tha bat­ re.saor to himself. If he could kick tors cannot be held responsible for takeoff after disembarking a fish­ B. Hester, prominent writer and secretary of defense for what they xNORTH BRANCH— 1.5 NO. M AIN ST. tleship Texas, has at last lost h w Erhard upstairs to the empty cere­ the corporation's liabilities. ing. party. ‘ commentator 'on foreign affairs, •ay. title as a menace to navigation monial office of president, he could Another vital difference among The injured Americans were El­ will speak In Manchester on April Congress has now finally ob­ In Chesapeake Bay. the three forms of biiaineas organi­ mer Orr -and Barney Foregeson, 6. eliminate Erhard as a possible suc­ The USS Salvager reported her tained from the chiefs of the Army. zation is found in the event of both residents of Canal Zone. AMBULANCE SERVICE "WONEY TALKS! .better listen! He will talk at S p.m. at a place cessor to himself. Furthermore, It OF MANCHESTER. INC.—MANCHESTER, CONN. at least 20 feet below the surface Navy, Air Force and Marines, such to be announced later. la unwritten law in West Germany LAURENCE J. ACKERMAN, Dean oif the School o f From 1944 to 1945, General Hes­ after exploding 1,500 tons of ex­ itatements of their individual 2-WAY COMMUNICATION Business Administration, University of Connecticut, plosive on her rusted hulk. The that ‘ he president shall be of one ter was commanding general, views on the budget they all previ­ San Marcos was sunk by guns of H a n d pit shows you how to get more for your money, through faith, and the chancellor of an­ — OXYGEN — Australian base, U.S. Arm y Serv- ously approved in their formal ap- more effective management of family finances! IceA of Supply. After World War the Battleship New Hampshire in other. Erhard is a Protestant. If pearancesVon the budget. And it l.s j BVENTU ALLY ATRIP... n he served as director of food 1920. Before that she ■was used as he could be slowed away in the CHANNEL 3-SUNDAY-5:30 P.M. and agriculture, Office of Military a target in other firepower dem­ no surprise that, when they are onstrations, Including a bombing presidency, that would guarantee Government in Gerraamy, as mili­ required and given the opportunity by Brig. Gen. Billy Mitchell. The that the next chancellor would be. ...WHY NOT NOW? Tel. N I X-OS50 tary attache In Australia and as to take their hair down, all of commanding general, Philadelphia Navy has made numerous efforts like Adenauer, a Catholic. them have some discontent to ex­ EUROPE— ESCORTED AND INDEPENDENT Quartermaster Depot. He has done and exploded many tons of ex­ The fnutratlon of Adenauer's plosives in an effort to destroy the Wards all-star cast of top press, and even intimate that econ­ EStXlRTED TOUR.S— 20 to .12 days in Europe; de lifxe motor- graduate work in international re­ lations and has trav'eled extensive­ wreckage. omies approved by the President scheming Is being taken, in West coach on the Continent, good hotels and Itinerary. Departures Germany Itself, as a rather alg- April thru November via "Q l'K E N E LIZ A B E T H " or "Q l L E N ly In the Soviet Union. At the and the secretary of defense in­ present time he writes foreign af­ Genealogical statistics reveal Easter values in the styles, niflcanl political defeat, which M AItV" of Cunard Line, or .let airliner. $915 up. COLI.EGE and that you had 512 great-great-great- volve danger and in.security for the ECO.NOMY TOURS— Leave .lime 20 and .Inly 4 by .let. 4,1 days, fairs articles which appear regru- leave.s the chancellor's one man great-great-great-great grandpar­ country. The day when the head of 10 countries, comprehensive it inerari’,'tour leader and Pluropean larly in the N ew York Times, Sat­ fabrics and colors rule sliakcn for the first time. ents. any department anynvhere pretends escort, $1195, IN D E P E N n U N T TRAVEI.— Pre-arranged individ­ urday Review of Literature and The more fundamental quealioii ual itineraries to order; from 27 days N. Y. to N. Y. by ship $609 that he has all the money and man­ raised, by such an incident, is this: up; from 17 days by air $6.'10 up. that are going to lead power and equipment he needs will If the chancellor can go to such be the day. 'ROUND SOUTH AMERICA BY AIR lengtlis to shut out the prospect TTiis natural behavior, on the" ‘‘HOST TOITKS”— Frequent departures year 'round; 3 weeks. the Easter Parade! that somebody else within his own Complete the part of the armed services chiefs, $96f* from N. Y. Optional extension to Cuzco and Machu Picchu parly might be chancellor after or Lake Districts in season. INDF^PFNDFNT TRAVFI*— A r­ is now being taken by the Demo­ he dies, with what sincerity does ranged to your order; for example, leisurely 26-day trip with best crats in Congress and coupled with he desire the reunification of Ger­ accommodations 'Round South America J1050 up. Jjjj, EASTER the atmosphere of cri.sls over Ber­ 11 JM many which would bring in a de- lin, in order to launch a full scale 'ROUND THE WORLD BY AIR ci.si\’e number of new voters more IN D E P E N D E N T TRIPS— 'Round the World or 'Round the Pa­ attack on the President. cific, planned to your indiv'idunl order; for example, 35-day "Main He is accused of pinching pen­ likely to join opposition parlies OUTFITS than his, and therefore likely to Line" trip 'Round the World including air fare, hotels, sightsee­ nies while our national survival is ing, etc., $1925 up. C) with at stake, of weakening our mili­ turn Adenauer himself out of tary position In the world at the power? THE WEST AND ALASKA ALA SK A -E SC O R TE D CRUISE-TOUR.S— including 9-day cruise EVERY very moment when W e should on Princess Loul.se. Canadian Rockies. Pacific Northwest. Water- stand strongest, of raring more Space Colonies? ton and Glacier National Parks. Leave New York June 29 and about balancing the budget than Congressman Fulton of Pennsyl­ July 23 for 24 days, $975 up. f o / about facing up to "Communist vania is concerned over the possi­ THE W EST— Fine comprehensive e.scorted tours 14 to 23 days, TO ! — $485 up. Independent, pre-arranged trips by air or rail; 8 to 31 conspiracy." bility Chat Russia may claim sov­ days, $310 up. In reply. Republican members of ereignty over the moon by sticking MEXICO BY AIR Congress become alijiost equally » red flag into the ground there. "H OST TOURS”— La.ave any day; 10-day complete tour . from \ moronic, retreating to s line in' And our State Department expert N. Y„ $336 up. which they proclaim that they back on space law, or on the lack of Th* Ever the military judgment of President space law, assures him that claim­ Popular Elsenhower against all comers, in­ ing sovereignty would Involve FOLEY TRAVEL Brown cluding, apparently, the profes­ "considerably more" than that. In •S4 Church Street Hartford 3 3 0 c O f ^ ,orie8 sional soldiers who head the armed other words, there is no Immediate JAckson 2-3188 and sendees. need to worry about the possibility VISIT PHONE WRITE White of Russia’s annexing the moon, Folders Available for All Trip.s b o NEUSSHAM The President himself has felt O' Saddle forced to make a similar claim for liidging by the way the world has o his own military expertne.ss legalized sovereignty within its But the President does not need i own limits, whoever wants to own to he a military expert himself in the moon Will have to explore, sur­ O vey and map it rather thoroughly, On# order to counter the DenioiTatic I AdulH OnW strategy on this Issue. Tliat strat- and establish some sort of colony .•'* 1 egv’ will he aji.swered, well Enough, there to boot. \ If the country itself can realize a Tliis, considering the present few political fnjidamenlals. The stage of space travel, and con­ " Q ' o (5>c Democrats have picked for them­ sidering the supposed climate of ^ O O . Charming nylon dresses the moon, may seem idle sjiecuia- WHEN selves a cake and eat it issue. If W, with attached -petticoats the Berlin crisis produces war, tlon at the moment. YOU Boys’ wool that, of course, will prove them But "^iiho can tell what liee THE right. If the Berlin crisis halts ahead? Only a few months ago, Red sport coots even the capacity to reach the vi­ NEED IT short of war, they can claim their JOB •Strop 2 .9 8 3.98 I9c howling frightened the Russians cinity of. the moon was itself al­ Sli.17 to 14 MOST All Hie hot water you want for years to come $li.t 1 to 3, S to 6x On The Pure off. most in the realm of the fantastic. 10.98 ' Bu^ In planning to occupy s»rh Now the fantastic has receded W ards Easter dresses ore little gems of farther into space. But from that Hofidiom* fwtbdt in now a favorable political position, the with an ELECTRIC water heater! fashion! Sweet parfoit nylons that wash Democrats ignore two facts. The realm there may some day come W ITH THIS C O spring colon. Full rayon and dry, need little or no Ironing. first is that all their howling will the report of a star which either lining. S z w 12 to 20. Pastels, flocked florals, pretty eyelefi. have and can have absolutely noth­ already sustains creature life ’or would seem capable of accommo­ SIZK 6 lb 10...... 7.99 G a y ribbon and lace trims, twinkle ing to do with the am'ount of mili­ Day or night, busy morning “rush hour” or family laundry tary power we have in being at dating human life. Who would go, DRESS SHIRTS.....1.9t buttons. Full skirls floot over ottaehad the time of the Berlin crisjs. Tlial we might aslt. And the answer day . . . an electric water he^er delivers constant temperature, SUCKS. 12 to 18. .4.9S petticoats. And just look ot W ardi will be what it is already scheduled could be that the journey wouki abundant hot water when ^ u want it! Hot water is always tiny prices! to be, I no matter how Congress seem less daring than a journey to ready and waiting, around the clock. SUCKS, 6 to 10.. .3.*t talks dr how Congress votes. this new world of America seemed Mock The second fact the Democrats only 500 years tfgo. Plenty of peo­ Patofit choose to Ignore is that, should the ple would go, if they could, to ex­ LONG-LASTING SERVICE, TOO! When you go modern with Strap Berlin crisis result in war, even plore, to conquer, if need be, or to an electric water heater, you simply install it andforget it. colonize. Conceivably, the powers their own most generous proposals Safe, silent, completely automatic, this trouble-free, scare-free for military spending would be of this earth might unite and make puny and academic compared to it a common venture, especially if electric appliance will serve you well year after year. Remember the reality that would then have they had somei reason to fear and — it operates at low night rates! Ask your plumber, appliance ttt take over. ' respect what they might find on dealer or The Hartford Electric Light Company for details on The Democrate, then .are out to such another earth. •splolt, without'pretending, to an­ But otherwise, there could be a a'.family-'size electric water heater. swer or cure, the teneion and dan­ reenactment, in space, of the co­ ger they see in the Berlin criiie. lonial wars which occupied the four DOUBLE ^ GREEN SYAMPS Thetr. particular way of marching centuries after the discovery of Girls’ patents Girls’ flip>>strop G irls’ slips up ^ that crisis is to carry bon- our new world, with space pirates Boys'* oxford* GIVEN WITH GASH SALES nURSDAY 4 o 9 9 Btrs attacking Biaeiihower asVa too. 1 • live leTTeR etecTRiCAiLV 4 . 9 9 4 ^ 9 9 le9a plBchsr of psnnles and proclaiming Wear as pump or os Lustrous Evergloze* Handsome, suppl*,^ Rich black leather, our military' strength Insufficient cottofi Pretty details. moy\ lupple and tuitrousl 1-itrop ISuppleleoth* ■ * - THESEBCTRASPECUU-AT .... for that crisie. In this strategy, GENERAL sturdy! Groin leather . er, Neolite soletl Red Washable. 7 to 14. GRAND UNION,"410 MiODLE TNfKE. W IIT ,': L they comehow. expect, the alarmed \ vqmp, Neollie iblef. Flexible leather soles. THE HARTFORD ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY or'brown. BVt to 4.. Sizes 3 to Sx. .1 ..4 * • . i . , MANCHESTER ^Qrmpathy and 'eupport of the TV SERVICE ' Brown, block. 10 to 3. Sizes from to 4. Amvlcaa pec^le: We ore expected Day* M AC A' ObD O ISU br XInx Features- Srixlleate, Ine. I ISJ , Is think of thsm as ths •only real Night* fAaVRpiiisPart* EL G I V E G R E E N 8 TA M PE TEL. BO S-CtfS THIS AD SPONSORia) BT JARVIS REALTY CX>. faMota, tha stUy n al rtslatera of tab CENTER ST., NANOHESTEB / ; - ’ 1 ■ 4 " V . V

' - J 1 w ><.•

./■ PAGE ELEVR^Ax MANCHESTER EVENING. HERALP, MANCHESTER, CONN^ W E D N ^D A Y , MARCft 11, 1959 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1959 >AOB TBH " 7 gation" to the Club, they threw Weter clear end elekh so it wofi’t 16a always American la still Ha Foster Stengel r and several nlseas lions of Americans still believe. BUppO te«te like iodine. Water is sup­ continuing goal. It it atlll' true to CH A RO tYO U R and nephews. caUy. In this city of 26,00026 per­ down their shovels, pulled their La stB o d rd , Every individual has a right to woolen heimets down over their posed to be tasteless end Mlorless. the original purpose* set forth «o The funeral will be held tomor­ Director to Take Up know both' sides of the flubrWa- sons where one in eVery six was vividly in 1919 in the preamble to PRESCRIimONi HIRI eyef, and went to aleep at the This w-ater la neither. WKy doesn't row at 2 p.m. at the White Funer­ tlon issue through the ^Open affected, and in spite of the great the Town do something about our Its constitution. Ike Warns Nikita al Home, 65 Elm St., with the economic loas in time and material, awitch long before the job they FbtMjn of The Manchester Herald, The good Impact ort the Ameri­ J'ransf erred Open Forum act-out lo do waa con»|rfe'-«d. water and then argue about fluorl- Rev. Paul J. Bowman, pastor of as The Herald represents s wide the local Red Cross Disaster-ap­ can,acene of The American l,.«gton Any atalement whicb would now datidn, • Union Congregational Church, of­ North End Water Issue cross-section of the townspeople; peal sUnds at $25,204.46. Ia your Sincerely yours, Is Immeasurahle. It h a s te n an Im­ PINE be made concerning the debeted ficiating. Burial wdll be in Grove Obtnmunications for publications in the Open Foriim will not Helen M. Fitzpatrick. Reinhold local community doing as veil in portant factor In the defense of bur B im d Surplus $180 "ilngle" membership fe e CTiarlea' Vaughan PHA|MtACT Hill Clemetery. There will be no be guaranteed publication if they contain more than 300 words. Rautenberg. Francis N, Dan- its regular Red Cross appeal ? free- InatlluUon*. In keeping love , ____f , Mayor Bugens Kelly said todayf committees on swimming pools would, be, premature. The only calling hour*...... and fiscal policy. The Herald reserves the right to decline to publish any matter cosse, 'Villiam F. O'Connell. A. Remember disaster and your ‘Forty Year* of Xerv-ipe' of Country at a high premtiim. In ^ A definition o f the words “un­ the Board of Directors wdll Uke that may be libelous or which is in bed taste. Free expression G. Brown. Edward R, Yiirkahot, Red Cross can have no holida.v for thing .Tr'will eay at this time, la _ raising the popular level of eduen- 5. Hear reports by General Man­ that Tnaamuch as the Club ruling To the Editor. 6M CENTER ST. (CMiMllOMi from FM(« On») encumbered money^ .shed light Albert L^nhon qp matter of the Manchester ager Richard M«u-tin on the Bolton of political- views ia desired by contribiHions of this character Edward Werner, L. Jack, Ste­ need la not a clock watcher and The American I-egion, largest lion, in the great increase of home yesterday on a misunderstanding ■wiilch govern* this fee became Albert Dennon, 71, forTner resl- ^Eater Co at a* regular meeting St. flooding problem, construction but letters which are defamatory’ or abuaiVe^ill be rejected. phen Waskltz. is a poor respecter of dates. Just veteran organization in all history, ownerahlp. In the enllghtenee- high school bond account acemed There will be no calling hours. newspapers should print both sides fore I wonder If this same lead- ''x'a.v a .Vwar organization, U ha* Kairhanka. Adjutant I.AUNimV and this. create- the image of Berlin tives of the proclamation" He the regular meeetkig to be hrid/t ^ peraon can stand, another cannot, j Occasionally a Rpraon will pick .ecUrut 100’ to Indlcnte the '8.5,000 was tineii- comply temporarily of the fluoridation question re­ in the 1959 Fund ing Democrnl will now -say that ' not changed in its patriotic charac- For thp Paat C'nmmandrr Aaaoria- DRV CI.EA.MNO as a defended city with lines of t sav whether any excesaive cumbered. Mr*. Oscar Peteraon 8 p.m. in the Municipal ®u!Iding , ^ town legSl opinion that will Even antibiotics, auch as penicillin i up the paper of another 'own and tion of Poat sNo. 102 Paat ( ’mdr gardless of Ihei ■ per.aonal opinion. "Democralic prealige has been ter. in its Ideal.*; in Its objective* Allied force.* hefAcen it and the ; pn es would be rut back Rockville -Mrs. Grace Pierce 1* a public hearing on the proposed married men to buy $150 and chlorimyicin. which have saved read a similar article a* the one Yours very Inil.v, * C. F. Hopan. Prr.aldcnt new order with Mia* 1,/iuise .Johnson, •a.ssislant Great courag is required to act in further "immeasurably Increased" and In Its Integrity. Keeping Amer- Communist divisions. This is not , Disnissing the ' controller, said. Unencumbered Peterson, an, wife of Oscar C. ■ ordinance that would change the ,mgie membership tickets to the the live.* of many, have cause'd the 'I'm writing about, John Marsh. true West Berlin is an island in- reporters .Navy O pt. Matthew the public intere.st to. counteiart deaths of others'- mt medication j March 3, 19.59 at 2 pm , the Civil becatiae of the wa.v in which the Carson .Ir administrator of the oil means in respect to the ptirrlia.ae Peterson of 1,1 Talrolt Ave.. died compoSitiQit of theBuilding Com- pj,,}, actions proipoaed by special group* Your Red Cross side Comniin.st tcrruoiw, tied to can be u.*ed indiacrlminalel.v on all I Defense sirens whistled for a min- Field Representative. present seven year len.*e has been import program said he didn't ex­ orders, not In regard lo action tak- this morning at Rockville City Hoa- mittee. But the governors voted, acrord- or infl't'ential individuals in the tte West by onlv thin lines of en by the Board of Directors " pifal, I The ordinance would set up nine „ spokesman, to request a people with safety. lute and comments were as follows: handled. pert the restriction.* to result In town of Manchester. Dr A, B. Moran. communication Its western gar­ The reason wliy the nionthiv re- si^ born April 16 1*7* in nrembers serving .1-year terms in- ronferenre with town officials td Hvdrofluoric acid is used for "'V h at's that" Guess the Russians | \V*v 8iBl>ri*etl' rison of a .'C.v thousand troop.* pn A increases The Taxpayers League of Man­ water fluoridation. Elemental fluo- 1 are coming." and so forth. xo the Editor ‘ In addition to crude oil. manda­ ports of the liigh school hend stir- (•,ji|insville, (iaughlcr o f ' the late stead of from five to 11 eleetnrs qispus.s whether that right should chester feels that the question of could be speedily mi-shed by siir- plus account have not showed the i,pwis .and Eva Bower Pierce, Slie serving indefinite term*. as at made permanent, line is a violently reactive gas, ' matter where you were * .M e o r ; , „.,.pH«eer* , men to buy .$180 family tickets, stance.* or else tenaciously grabs | hearti. Most _of u.* w'U hp. , Re: Dr Marzialo's comments on so iifis. The new- curbs replace a vol­ politics entirely. The League's onto them and is called the "Dr cause we "Didn't ' get the word. " formed which mil, ( ac­ polio clinic. HAfC therefore, are important not yet been transferred to the gen- Union CongregationalIMI^ I II Iiirti v.iiuitii,)Church, 1 T-hp ITIP liUlKlinpBuildine ^..orilinULfr.Committee, whose' whether wi other.m*i members...... *••of their...... cording to the preaai. take over a Double Green much for immediate defense piir- untary but largelx- ineffective eral fund, .she sairt ^ s . . feeling I* 'be electorate ■lekvll and Mr. Jlvde" of th e W e all forget easily and maybe Manche.*! er people need this program whirb ha.* been in opera-, It of Sabra Trumbull rtiily it is lo approve plana for new family playr.d golf or not, in ac- and "pre.seiwe," the assets of the ,ro,*ea as for the symbol they pro­ The money will be transferred to chapter IM RR. a member of the .school ronatniction, has ten mem- cordance with a 10.57 law. Manchester Country Club. Quite clinir and should come out for it lion since mlfl-Ift-17. the iBSue all that Dr. Charles 1 ,, g'pojgon, that a tiny : out that tests would he held month- One need only to look al the vide of the intention of tlie we.*t- the general fund, she .said, some- ^Tntionai Socictv tif Daughters of now, the majority of whom But the town forwarded a legal some time before tlie lease agree­ Question Si7,e of O lf time befo*-e .June. The genera] Jacobson should not make this i gniount will produre death of a hu- I ly but the time 'o announce a drill evidence of wealth of tho.se In the em power* to fight over Berlin if Koundrrs aiul Patriois nf Anierira. 1 Eisenhowers order was prompt­ are Repuhlican.*. Members are opinion saying that under the - l**ue an object of a political con- being. It ha.* been uaed for ; is the day before. This i* important ment waa algned. I wa* given Given With Cash Sales a Communist attack should mak> manager i.* waiting- to close the Inr.. a Daughter of tlie American medical profession lo see why they ly arrlaimed by oil and coal slate Raymond 'V. Goslee. chairman; year tovvn-cluh lease signed in iteet; the voter* have a right to year s a.* a rat and roach poi.son. I and not to be laughed off because reason to believe that atich a thing that neceasary. account until two purchase orders ( ’olonists. member of the Connerti- are against this ao called "so­ members of Congress. Some ques­ Gilmoure N, Cole, secretary; 'Veils 'February, married men were clcar- decide for themselvee and the pe- | i,.abels on cans of .sodium fluoride I some people are so used to hearing would happen. But the fight itself, according to are paid, " ’hen the piuchase ^Vn 's't'at'e Officers and Regents C Denniaon. Mr.*. Gloria Benson. | ly able lo buy single tickets. lYhat the town Board of Direc­ cialized medicine." Compare this to tioned, however, whether the new orders are .paid, the ai-couni will tltion for a referendum gave to|, ead: "Poison - Warning. May be ; the sirens that they mean notlimg averj-thlng El.scnhower said today, ...... " au b of the DAR. Edmund Van D Cox; Wesley C, The ronference-would probably tors should now tell u*. i* how those In the teaching profession controls vvoiild cut Imports far be closed, and the money will be the people their legal right to i fatal if inhaled or swallowed. to 'them. A...... lot will" read ■ in tb witli the aame amount of education wouid be 8 far vaster .scale than Besides her husband, alie leave.* Grvk; Mr*. Nancy O. KlocU. Dr. be held after the governors and evening paper about the teat and much, and what kind of security enough. ! transferred to the general fund. vote on this iss.ie. Avoid breathing dust. Store away who must settle for $6,000 a year, just a clash within the divided, be- Spoedy Vig)iler one niece, Miss Glady.* M. Faunce r ’Gordon Caninhell; Mrs. Helen towm officials have a chafire to ob- say, "That's whal all the nol.se the town will have in It* future There also was s big question Dr. Jacobfcon, in order to en- ! from food, and out of reach of chil- Canada lia* national hospital In­ leagruered and disputed old Ger­ what effect t>ie cutbacks will hare The Navy's fastest atoiiiie auhmarine, the Skipjack, steams In of Tiverton R. I. B Solomon; and Clifford C. Var- serve the sale of tickets soon to waa about today." I hope that next dealing.* with the Club; whether llghten the citizens of Manche.*-| dren ami domestic animal.*. Wa.sh surance. England has it, Sweden man capltol. on r s relations with Canada. Sound yesterday on builder's trials. Afterward, she Funeral services will be held ney. start at the town clerk's office, month 1 read about the drill the or not the asset* of the Club will Elsenhower said firmly the Unit- eoiild re- n ie governors feel the lower price ter could you kindly answer the I thoroughly after handling. Do not has it. Ihi* is progre.*.*. Meanwhile I'ener.iiela and Hie Midenst, tlie was said lo have turned in a superb performance during a period Friday at 1 p.m, at the Ladd Fti- The ordinance, which following question.* pertaining to j let sodium fluoride gel into food day before the test and not that be immune to attachment by the •d States will do whatever needs principal source* of oil shipped to of high speed and maneuvers Slie'a expected to be coinmi.s.sion- neral Horae, 19 Ellington Ave.. suit in the appointment of a Demo­ to be asked of married men might evening. Take the above for what town, and Jtisl what course the we In the United Slate.* sit back Obituary fluoridation: Can public authority. ' or drink or into nits or wound.*. and watch people every day being to b« done to protect Us rights this country i ed In the Spring. 1 .AP Pholofax 1. with the Rev. Paul J. Bowman, cratic majority by the Democrat- cut revenue they say the club ...... ■ Dr. Jacobaon, will you personal it ia worth but I hope that in the town will lake in the event the on which rests reeponsibility for wiped out financially by doctor and and responsibilities in Berlin In his atatement. -Eisenhower ; p.astor of Union ( ongrep^ational j(*a])y.pontrolled. Board of Direr- badly needs. ly accept responsibility for any future we are well informed ao Club finds itself unable to meet Thl* government, he said, will Church, officiating Burial will be , ^ majority representation common good, give the doctor the hospital bills said Informal conversations with | power to experiment on the indi­ injurv or death to any person in ' that if the day ever c(>me* when its obligations to the Town. never back up in the face of Soviet in Village Cemetery. Collin.sville the town of Manchester if the It's the real thing we 11 al know On Feb. 2. al public .hearing, I It's a wonder people aren't lined Canada and Venezuela already Frederick Stengel clatiae providing that no more than vidual in the Interest* of *cience pressure there. There will be no calling hours. . to«-n water supply i.s fluoridated? enough to run and not crack jokes up for miles outside our medical have begun. five of the members may be of the About Town and the comimir.ity on new meth­ said that it w’sa my opinion that At the same time he said the Without elaborating, he said the Tumiensky Freed Die.s in Rockville same political ■part.^^ 'The clause The following i.s from the Con- about it The little boy cried wolf any deal which failed to provide schools w aiting to get on the gravy free world ia not going to become od* and procedures when lhe.se and no one believed him because train. United .Slates la hopeful of reac'h- was ptit in at the request of Mayor Manchester Barracks, Veterans equal protection for the Town and hysterical and go off half-corked ing agreement "which will takej Eugene Kell,v. erperiments transgress the riK h '' f,''®J''!°"The^rmerican M eto^ he did" i"t so often and when the the Club, could be regarded as William G. Tomlinson Rockville - k'rederick William Fiiiieralfi of World War I, and its Auxiliary of the individual? In the interest* !-> C The American aieaicai a * wolves did ,,, Come the sheep were all over the Berlin crisis fully into account the Interests of : Another matter that la certain sociation made a loecial a.ssess- the equivalent of "an old hore*- RED No. 2 Outfitters For Boys Eisenhower said he believes the By Superior Court -Stengel. 80. of 12 Earl -St., retired will meet Sunday at 5 p.m. at the of the community can public au­ .* membTrs. spending killed. How bout a proper warning Manchester, Conn. all oil producing states. " ' to come up at the meeting will he ATW Home. Reports on legisla­ ment on it ter American public is more anberly In a major surprise. Eisenhower I building contractor and onetime the Manchester Water Co. prob- thority really limit or even sup­ .some three. millionmiiiinn dnltar*dollars to dde e-, month. which the buyer was always Editor's Note; Thl* is an attack John F. I'lcklf^ tive matters pertinent to veterans press the right of the individual Jack J. Lappen. aware of dangers in the Berlin sit­ included residual fuel oil. on the | member of the Rockville City Tlip funeral of Jolin K. Pirkle?!, ! lem feat socialized medicine." 'Vhy the loser. on a profession we admire above Tlie esse of "'llhnr.i 55'mtensky,-'*County -lall .Ian 18 to aw ait trial. affairs will be given. Mrs. Lucille over his body and life, his bodily Of All Ages uation than a lot of people around iong list of controlled products Council, died ye.sterday at the 5.*) Holl St.. WR.s held at 2 oVlork Other Matters now are the A.M.A. and the As lime goes on it look* more all professions, ao much so that we 38. formerly of Manchester, has On Jan 3 the Superior Court ap- Newington Veterans Hospital. Mr. Hirth, hospital chairman, reminds and psychic .nlegrity? I/etter from the Field Washington. Phis had be*n urged by the na- yesterday afternoon at the W at­ Although not listed on the American Dental Association, both . and more a.* if the ■♦own Board of forgive its sometimes needless laps­ been rloaeil after more than nine pointed a psychiatric commission Stengel was a Spanish 'Var Vet­ member,* to brin,',' articles for the - The people of this to vn do not ? Editor, A reporter had asked the Presi­ lion's depressed hituminotia In-- kins-West Funeral Home. The Rev. agenda released today, the sub­ bitter opponents of socialized and ~o the Editor Directors allowed themselves to es in the field of public relations. years. to examine Tumiensky. eran. hospitalized veterans Easter visi­ yield their sovereignt,- to agencies Enclosed you will find a copy of dent if he feels that the people diistry which complains that real- Clifford O. Simpson, minister of ject will be introduced through the compulson- medicine, endorsing . i become a part of such a deal, In our book, doctors earn all they In Hartford County Superior It was declared on Jan. 27 that He was bom in Broad Brook, tation. Refreshment* will be which serve them. The people, in recognise the dangers in Khnish- dual oil la replacing soft coal a* the Center ('onjrre^ationa] Church, portions of the meeting dealing fluoridation? The .ntrod.iction of and that they were the one who make, and if there is a gravy train, Court yesterday. Judge diaries S. Tumiensky was "able to under­ March 24, 1878. a son of the late served. delegating authority, do not give chev’s demand for the withdrawal an industrial fuel In the east. ' stand proceedings." and he was officiated, and Frederic F. Werner with coi.iinuuieation.* or report* - „ _ fluoride chemical into water would it carries an equal load of self House entererl nolle.* against four 'Villiam and Anna AA'o.ster Sten­ their public aer anla the right to medication of the town Red Cioss This letter was written j "bought the horse." of Allied troops from West Berlin But the residual curb came as a s( hedulrd to appear in court March nrpani.st. Burial was in Buck- of the general manager, or by bv John .Marsh Area Field Repre-; On that oecasion I asked sev- sacrifice. charges on vv-hich 'lAinueiisky vv-a.* gel. He was well known through- St. Chriatopher's Mothers Circle decide what is good for the people, supply. It is our under- by May 27. hSuv to New England Congre.as- ' 2. Hi* ca.sp was then continued to la.id Om etery. vote of the Directors. sentalive for the Red Cross in this, eral questions which pertained to The country knows how serious hookerl F'ch 9. 19.50, attcr an at­ j out the State as a sportsman for . i will meet Friday evening at the , It is es.*ential that our Board of standing that the A M.A. is not a 111 Ml. They contended it would In- : v-e*terday Bearers were Ha>-den Criswold In other matter.*, the B«ard , Tevlln. 24 area and very ablv describes the 1 the future operation of the golf 'Iodine Mud' the situation is nr it wouldn't be tempted rnhherv- of a "apping hi.* provves* with rod and gun. Directors preserve our demociat- scientific body, but an organlza- creuae co.*ta for their area's manii I Tumiensky w-as first booked in Sr.. Robert Boyce. F. Tlieodore work of the Red Cross in the Ohio! course and the clubhouse. 1 very To the Editor, voting all of the money that is market. He took part in many shnoung will; j Falknor Dr. Members are remind- ic way of life and act as a .servant tj^u of physician.* united for their fac.'urera ■ ; the South Windsor Court on I Bantly. Janies Mall. Harry Maid- flood area and the St. l»u ia torna-; partiriilarly asked if we would Recently there have been argu­ being required f"r defense, Eisen­ Stale s Ally Albert S, Bill rei -; 1. Coru*ider proposed rule* for | pfj |o bring canned food* and item* of the people and not a* it* mas- ' protection. The Association Altogether. Eisenhowei's order charges of breaking and entering, event*, and wa. particularlv ex­ ment and Pierson Dolbere. all rep do area. This letter may he printed in the future, find ourselves doing ments on whether the Town of hower promptly replied. ommended the nollea bernuse. hr j pert as a fly caster. resenting various nn.-aiuzntinn.* to «-a»e-a«t” K' the extension of sewer for the while elephant sale. ter. The function of a public wa- ; performs many u.seful and necc.*- imposes Import curbs on crude and attempted theft, carrying a vvea- in its entirety business with the present Man Manchester .should fluoridate its He added, however, that those said. Tkimienaky could For many year.* he was quar­ syatema. ter supply is to provide pure, safe sary functions, the moat neces- residual -oil. gasoline, jet fuel, as­ "l"'®y*'I pon without a permit and poaaea- which the derea.sed belonged Sincerely, Chester Country Club Inc., with water supply. Instead of fluoridat­ who are advocating still greater plead he wa.* in.aane at thee time burglar tools. termaster of James W Milne Monday evening Manche.ster 2. Consider fixing date* for water for everyone, not to serve ' sary of whiqh is to maintain high ing Maneheatei a water aoniething phalt. naphtha, fuel oil. Iiibrirat.--^ voter-r'akmg session*. 150 Color* for Hair Alfred P. Werbner, .some other organized club, or with .defense spending should have the of his arre.sl. Bill add' 1 the .State Trlp|>ed Alarm Camp, United Spanish War \'et- Lodge of Masons conducled a serv­ a* a vehicle for drug.* professional standards. Fund Raising Chairman ' gome group of individuals who rec- should he ilone about the North courage to back higher taxes to mg nil, liquefied gases and iinfin- | would also he-put to Hie expense 3. Consider the recommendation Mr. William A. D. Wurl.s, Dia- It is interesting lo note that State PoHcp said Tumiensky was erana, and more recently served ice at the fiineial home. New York When milady wants Manchester Red Cross. ; ognized the financial possibilities j End wafer.(. pay for it. ished petroleum prndiirta. of a lengtliy Inal, and said Tumieii- as its secratarv. He wa* a mem­ of the collector of revenue for trict Manager of the Metropolitan Dr. Jacobson and several of the arre.sied In the middle of a rob­ to color her hair, she now has a Dear Mr. Gorman: ! of a public course, and who would Every time Manchester is hit hy He was obviously sLUl standing sky had already paid a ronstder- bery attempt at B'lrrill'* 'Vayaide ber of the Rockville Fish and Tl.e Mayas are the oldest In­ transfeiTing uncollectible faxes to Water District staled tlirougli the ; otlier doctors who arc in favor of pat on his defense program in the CANADA PROTESTS able penalty. the suspense list. choice of more than 150 different Hartford Courant on Dec. 11. 19-57 j fluoridation have their own well Today I am writing from flood-j ^p^^atc under son.e adopted trade g fairly big ram storm something Market According to police, h-' had Ganae Club. dian slock of which we have any ravaged Chillicotlie. Ohio. For When I asked these ques- washes into the re.servoir that face of Democratic rrUieisms. Ottawa March 11 uP' Canadian 'I'umipiisky has been an Inmate unknowingly tripped a burglar He leaves hi* wife, Mrs. Olive knowledge. 4. Hear reports by Board sub- colors. that large size piping niu.st he water supplies and do not come Eisenhower was asked for hi.* officials expressed concern today nf Norwu-h State Hospital since rearranged for greater control of ; under the jurisdiction of either tlie many of you the 12th of February | j hoped to alert the Board j make.* it taste like iodine and alarm after breaking in. holiday. This is not true in i [ q the posaibility of aitaiilions makes it look like mud. rectlqn to Khrushrhev's proposal because the United .States included his arrest, wil'i the exception of a Arresting State Policeman C. fluoride lo water ratio. He de- Town of Manchester 'Valei De­ / for a 4-power guard in \\'e*t Ber­ Canada In the new U S compul­ 2-rnonlli jveriod in 19.56 when he es­ scribed the ratio a.* "a delicate partment nr the Manche.ster W a-I Chillieolhe which is again watch-' gjwh as we now And ourselves in The .South End's water aupply Is Taylor Hart .said he had to fire My question remained unan- never like tins W hy" "'h y ean’l lin. sory oil import riirbs Ottawa at caped and fled a* far a.* Missouri. a warning shot before Tumiensky balance" of one part fluoride to one ter Go Wliere were the -Manche.*-I ing the Scioto River slowl\ ri.*e, the Town make the North Ends The President replied wnth some- ready had protested the voluntarv Drew Own " rlt surrendered Hart said he fired millionth part of water. According ' ter Medical Association and Dr, when the extensive damage of le.ss sweied by the Board of Dirertors. asperity that he doesn t ever ex curbs in effect the past year. n ie first sign lliat Tiuuiensky's when he saw Tumiensky puli from to the Hartford Courant on Jan. 4. , Jacobson when the townspeople | than a month ago 1* still largely by the General Manager, or by / pect to be in the business of react- "I regret that the U S. rfuthiw- 1958 the Metropolitan Water D is-! were considering the filtration ■ untouched. Atty. John LaBelle who wa* pres­ I nse would he brought to a ( lo.se hi* pocket a shin\- object later 3VASII N WEAR WHITE ing instantJy to one of Jfr. Khrush- ! |(|p, pjri not .see their way clear came on .Ian 1.5 nf lliis ,\car when . found to he a knife with a 7-inch trict revealed plans for a chemical , plant at the Howard-Porter Res- | Amid the wreckage and the som- ent at that lime. ALL TYPES OF chev’s wisecracks or whatever the 1 ...... ,iccede to Canada'.* request to .Judge I./mi.s .■*!iapir(( ordercfi his blade. MANCHESTER CARPET CENTERS plant in which automatic dust col-! ervoir? Defeating fluoridation is | ber waters there shines a bright MTiether or not thi* move will P.ATTERNS and ( OLORS V Soviet premier calls ihem. ^exclude our ceuntry from the release fioui .Vorvicli. Tumiensky Judge William J. Shea cqmnilt- Put Sparkle into Fectors with fans and exhaust not only justified on scientific symbol the Red Cro.ss your Red have anv adverse effect upon FOR INCOME TAX IN BOVS' and PREP DRESS TTie free world is going lo u.se j mandatory import restrictions on hed filed a \wil of habeas lorpii.s. ted Tumiensky to the hospital ducts are provided to remove dust i grounds, but it is also imperative Cross. This, the Buffering people 1 future Town and Club relations re- ASSISTANCE. CALL I the same dcmocratir procedure ml. " Trade Minister Gordon whirli he drew up without the aid Fob 23, 1950. wiien he niled Tu- Your Home with FAMOUS at the time of dumping, which ' to preserve individual and eonsli- know, is here to stay. It represents mains to be seen. I doubt that it that the United States uses in Churchill said nf a lawyer, mnlntainiiig. he was niiensky was mentally incapable "could" be dangerous to plant per. i tulional rights. Tlie.se are far more your Interest in giving help to will, because he will always have 11 ANDERSON TIES SHIRTS dealing with auch problems, Eisen­ j "On the basis of continental de- ■sane and sliould he rele.ised of understanding the nature of the MAKE Bonnel. I precious than any (purportedI those in need, A brave start to an a Board of Directors who will Ml 9-4764; Ml 9-0854 hower said He said that is the i fenae. we consider nvir nil indus­ He wa,* brought to Hartford rhargea against him. HEW CARPETING RUG VALUES! A report of the American benefit.* to be derived from the ever-increa-*ing volume of rehabil­ know the best way to handle this $ 2 - 9 5 SUITS process of debate before decision try is important to both rniin- Medical Association of counsels to ! use of fluoride in a town water itation a-ssistance lias atarted and affair. 50c TO ^1-00 Elsenhower was asked if he delegates at a meeting in Phila- ; aupply. ■As far as the Board members j I tries." flows from the unaffected in Chil- Size* 6 lo 12 and 13 to 14‘ j FOR BOYS thinks the Soviets should he given Ad,iustment A it also authorizes / / / / i // /111 iy\*" delphia in December 19,57 staled; President Eisenhower stated on licothe and from the county as a themselves are concerned, the i 1 Canada's nil exports to the Hie RresideiU lo reslru't imports Rockville neck. a plain warning that nuclear war United ' States totaled 3 1.679,00(1 "...H ow ever, the use of products ' Ap'ril 17, 1956: "The individual is whole. opinion seems to be that in their ! Medium or charcoal gray might result if the Communists of farm (-ommodilies hy imposing barrel* last year compared to the which are naturally high in fluo- j of supreme importance. The pur- Chillieolhe. flooded on January haste to put our Globe Hollow GENUAL with a fine pin Btrtpe. Slim cut off access to " esf Berlin s|>e(-ial import fees or quota.* Buy Now! Sare! ride content. such as bone meal pose of government is to serve, propert ies into the hands trouser* *a Dad'* suit. In a . 19.57 peak of .5.5,674.000 barrels. wlieie the imports tend to render HERE'S HOW YOU SAVE ON OUR 23rd when a levee broke below the He replied that he doesn't know­ Jury Chosen tablets, or of lozenge.*, dentifnee*. never to dominate. Under God, we city, represents one of tlie larger ’ of the Country Club, and in . fine worsted wool $ 0 0 , 9 5 how you can free anything with Canada has been affected more uu'ffei-livp nr materially interfere or chevving gum. to which fluoride ; espouse the cause of freedom and TV SERVICE in the U S market hy price cut­ ALL TYPES OF CARPETING portions of a disaster reaching four j their extreme anxietv to be Sizes 13 to 20 nuclear weapons. He said thal if with the vfiome.stic prii e .support has be«m added should be avoided justice and peace for all people, A Call ting nf competing world exporters 3-STAR slates and estimated lo cost the ! of every po.ssible service lo Also students' sizes. there ia any push'In the direction program. In SI50,000 where the drinking water has been Thepelition for a referendum NIgbfa Pill* Parts than hy the quotas tlieniselves Eiseuliow er has taken quite a Red Cross In excess of two million ; the Club, and in their deter- $2.95 of real hostilities over Berlin it is fluoridated. In places where chil- ; would indicate there are peop'^ dollara. • ! mination to meet what Director Canadian author-.tie* say Hus nuiiiher of a' lions under under Ihi.* dren are subjected to warm tern-: willing to stand up for the^nmda- , ’TEL. MI 8-8482 going to come from the side of Chillieolhe knows what the Red Mahoney called ovir "moral obll- the Soviets. price cutting bv supplier* In the piogram, hut oftii'ials *a\' t liere i* Civil Action peratures and consequently drink mental principles in which mil- Eisenhower said, he can t believe ■Middle F.a*t, Far Ka.*t and \'ene- m \(,(V of lahulaling Hieir rffci-l that an.vbody Is going to make xuela was a side effect of the vol­ as tietween le.stnctod or free trade. 9x12 RUGS hostilities of this kind a reality untary curbs Certain American Ki.senhnwcr ,-uimmed up his gen­ A Jury of 10 women and 2 men BROADLOOM SPECIAL In advance of the news confer­ refineries bought from the cheap­ eral views nf tariffs at a new.* enn- was •select05l m Tolland County ence Eisenhower wa.* depicted as est sources, they said fereni-e t\\n weeks ago He said Superior Court this morning to determined to hold military spend­ The Canadian government ha.* tlien the United States should try liear a $150,000 negligence suit $ 4 9 - 5 0 . p ing to the $41 billion level of his argued that effect* of .A niencan to krep down ci>sts of its product.^ against a former Rockville doctor, « « , ' r*nr*V%« VsaUA falls'** if It hope.«* to compete with foreign The trial waa expected to start i budget. rurba have fallen more heavily on CARPETING Canadian ■'exporters than on oth­ produi'ts abroad or even in the afternoon. Some o# the. criticism of the DRE.SS UP IN A PAIR OF spending plans ha.* been based' on ers. .American market. Mrs. Mary Janton o f' Vernon, • TWEEDS • AXMINSTERS for Men and B o y s ...A brawny build, but softies at hearti the contention that not enough "Oiir costs are lu.st too high, he . ^^hose left hand waJ? amputated .said, and just inci'easing tariffs all [ ofi. 1956, rlajms negligence on • VELVETS • TEXTURED attention Is given to the forces along the line would he "the gra\- r\’Y LEAGUE SNAPPY needed for limited cr non­ Trade r-oiitrol,setfer list Many styles tc ( h(«ise from. of free nation defenses 1* not go. Ike’s Philosophy while Mrs. .lanton wa.^ a patient at Polislied cotton style with Ing .to be particularly strengthen'-d Sets 2 Sessions RncUvilie City Hospital, under the INSTALLATION famous buckle in hack and care of Dr. Thomaa. slim-look. Sturdy aeam.*. by quick action such as that sug­ WnahIng'Tnn. Marrh 11 '/Pc Pres­ gested by Democrats in Congress Slie claims her left hand wa^ Easy to wash. ident Fisenhowers impoaition of A special engagement blessing $ 5 -9 5 to maintain the Army at noo OPO mandatory riirbs on imports of amputated a.s a result of “ negli- Sizes 6 to 12. * men and the Marine Corps at 200,- will he a feature nf the Pre-Cana genre of the defendant in that he rnide oH and petroleiini produi'ta Confcreni'e In he held in St. Imagine all Sizes 26 lo 31 SPORT 000. njn.s counter to his c^*neral philos­ (i.d m t u.se the care and skill or- $ 7 - 9 5 '.lames parisli hall nn Thursda\'. waist. The Army Is scheduled to be evit ophy on tanff.s and tbnde. which dmaniy. used by physicians..." in back to 870.000 men and the Ma­ .'tarch 19 The conference will giving her an intravenous injer- JACKET tends toward lowering barriers. stall at 7 30 p.m, with informal till* for one rines to 175.000 by June 30 But tariff offuials s.^id today tioa on that date. We're not going to fight a grotind talks h\- the ronference (iireclor, Sq. Yd. Nubby textured uool with that his oil derision v.aa based pri­ the Rev. William R, .McGratli nf Mr.«. Janton r«>mplained of im- very lotv price! new look, .slightly padded war in Europe, Eisenhower said. marily on the national defense hieiliaie pain in her left hand and That being true', he a-*ked what Blnoinfield. and a discussion ses­ shoulders. $ 1 A . 9 5 . angle, tiiat large import.s discour­ sion hy Hie couples and dirertor. the i'onditiou of her hand eau.sed Sizes 13 to 20.^ I O Lp good it vij-ould do to send piore dl- age domestic produi ers from drill­ he!' to' be transferred to Hartford '■Isiona to the continent. The couples will then adjourn ing for new reser\'es needed in time In fit. .lames' ( ’htireli for Benedic Hospital the writ ciaints, Mrs. • WE CARPET IT! Noting that the Cnmm\ini.*:ts have emer;:enrv lion of the Blc.^-sed Sacrament developed gangrene In the 175 divisions, Elsenhower said why They also noted, the. President, hand a.s the result of which the during which the- P'ngagrmmt .X , J in the world would we dream of' promised that the new rurha will hand was amputated. ac«’ ording to WE CUSHION IT! fighting a ground war vdtli them Blc'ssing will b#* givon Tb'(*' cerr- be flexibly adnujuaterpd with the mony Inchirlr.s blrasings of U\e the wr\{. Strength i” heart and head are, twin aims of i l j .sharing Hie do- Mrs. Janton ia being repreaenled WE INSTALL IT! GABARDINT. as important as strength in the engrtgemrnl ring and of the en­ WATER P-ROOF incsHc market on an equitable gagement Itself.' by the law firm of (loldstein and military, the President went on hast.* with other producing areas Peck of Rridge}>orL and Atty. Ber­ At one point Eisenhower was A second- session on March 23 and (2) avoid disruption of normal at 8 30 p.m. uill be conducled by, nard J- Ackerman of Rockville. ftsked if he feels the proposed size pattern.'* of international trade Di;. Thomas IS being represented A RAINCOATS of U.S. ground forces L* sufficient! two ph\'.siciHn.s, . Couples must Eisenhower ordered the i ew c/rn- atlond Jlie Mai( h 19 session to lie by the law fi;in of Day. Berry and to cop® with I. "brush" war. trols under a law permitting stub Hov.ard of HarlfOT’d and Atty. Ounce-light warm cotton H« answered that if a defense eligible tfi attend the doctors’ con­ action to safeguard the national Harry Hamm,er of Rockville. poplin with a waterprooring force of this size .couldn't handle ference. security. It is part of the Trade (V)unscl for Mr*s. Janton asked that lasts many washings. Bucb a war it vvoqld have grown Agreements Act. .'Ml engaged touples or llmso-’ who plan to- marry within a year pro.’-'pect ivc juror.s this morning Fly front. Zip-Iin- .50 beyond the "brush" stage and mili­ Tariff Hike Plea* Ignored tary leaders would, have to think are invited The conference is these fpiestions: •'Wndld you give ed. Size* 13 to 20. A For' different reasons not involv­ spon.sorrfi by Hic East Hartford tli<' S'L'’ more considera­ in greater terms. He did not clah- ing national security, Eisenhower ■ orate on thia point. District Cana ( onunittcc, Altv. tion ' heoause he is .a doctor?". ha* turned down Tariff Commis­ and Mi'.s. t'lmeni Diana are in ''"'ouM you hesitate Jo award He said there is likely to be sion recommendations for tariff Perenraol fovOriiai wii*8 charge of arrnngenionts. auhstiiutiai damages jiisj because FREE ESTIMATES ON WALL T O j¥ A LL CARPETING one crisis after another, and the hikes on import* in two-thirds of 8p ior m*n . .. brown thjng to do is to stand ready and the anioulit is large?’’ "If it gamine ibeN eerdevan, the escape clause cases sent to him should a|ipear that the plaintiff 308 MAIN ST. m^ke certain that we have prq-i VISIT OUR iMiher lote, OoodyOor BUY QUALITY MERCHANDISE since he took office. had an alcoholic problem or was ductive action. Where it is needed. The escape clause permits Manchaster, Conn. Public Kecordsi even an alcoholic would that af­ wait! B and 0. Alie In answer to another question domestic industries to seek tariff AT A.QUALITY BIXMiE fect your decision in this c^ase ?" |Mn toe. Woek or Xlisenhower said that if more relief where their businesses are THRIFT DEPT. NEAR Warrantee, Deeds Among questions asked by coun­ S 1 I . 9 6 moosy were available for the fed­ threatened by competing products WEST Terms— 90 Dgys Cash. eral government he would spend it Nbrene R. Cotter; to William J., sel for Dr. Thoinasi o f the pros­ -V coming in .ffom abroad. wKer« you NyilllRnd $aving$ up MIDDLE 12 'Mnnthly P a r e n t * not| on the else of U.S. milltdpr' The tariff records show that of Marian L. and Edward C. Cotter, pective jurors wfis this; Had they J CtNTEU TURNPIKE property “on B. Center St. ever had any unfortunate expert- ' or 8 Full Years to Pay > 'p ' Free foroea hut In helping Allied coun- 24 such cases sent to the President lo 70% on Mill Ends, Rem­ On Approved Credit frlee,, Joseph andxAda< .^ a Butterworth lo ence following treatment by a by the commission, Elsenhower nants and Tr-ra| Color Runs. K Sm art as any... thriftier than mostf ' He did not explain in detail how has accepted commission recom- Rudolph and ETlsieElsie A Bohadik, doctojr? he would help Allied countries. pneridationi and granted tariff in­ property on Lodge ■ Dr. Some good sizes available at "OONNECTIOirrS CXmP.LETE Parking But he said he would l^^e to get pertlflcate of Attachment Jerusalem i— Israel and Cuba 356 W. MiddU Turnpik*. Maneh«$t®r creases in eight iifstancei-'and ha* CARPET SPECIAETT SHOP" HN 9-4343 W E GIVE STAMPS thoffi- into what’ be called better rejected proposed hikes in 16 cslsea. Rosalie McLean Gee agaln.st have signed their first commercial savings to you. poeitlon and to hnan^ other pro- Three others are pending. George Gee. $15,000, property on trade agreement. It will run 988 Main St., Ea$t Harllord gnuau euch aa educatlM^ Baetton 32 of the A^eultural Campfieid Rd. through 1959. 1.; I ■■V -...... 1

\' ' \-4- A, * ' - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, cbNN^.t^W^DNESDAlf. MAR6 h 11, WEDNESDAY, MAR^ 11, 196^ jnanrtiPBtrr TEuFning 3|eraUi PAGE TWELVE Section Two rth* new manageitaent waa pUrau- thony, Peteraon Rd., Vernon, haa |lng the most efftSetiv* course of CampiiigSeasbn RodkiJiHe-Fcrnofi been named to the Dean's Ust for Roach acflon to protect company assets. G assy? Students Explain aiiperior academic accomplishment At Holidfiy^ouse Sadtelt Awaits •After tjie W g coWerence yes­ . 3 Work Will^Start Soon at Eastern Nararene College, Wol­ terday, ip' Which the SEC and'coih- Mrtjas* lemiwy mtt w m jj Addition to Hospitql Science Exhibits laston, Mass. Valedictorian of Fight Agiainst pany representative* dH(cilised the The. camjpng season « the Official Notice Hants North Rural Hl^h School, eltuaUon. the SEC agreed through GlrU’ PrlenUy Society Holiday 70 New Homes Slated Class of 1955, Miss Anthony la a Of VA I^osition To Bowers PTA On Center St. Repaving Receivership a stipulation In court to withdraw House Canaan, thl* year will Be S«s< f « w 4l lEU-SM, Orssnswf.ewwUwiV "• t'»• senior and waa recently elected its receivership action. from June 28 through August SO. IlitfH W» Nearing Completion ‘to ''Who a Who In American Col­ Science was th* theme of the Under the etipulation, the firm A program of slimming, hik­ Former Congresamsm - at -large For Skinner St. Area leges.” New York, March 11 Hal meetiqg of the Bower* PTA’ Mon­ Work Is expected to/*tart thls'*> The Water and Sewer Depart­ agreed to elect as directors iVllllam ing, handicrafts, dramatics, arch­ Antoni Sadlak of Rockville aald ment will now perform only the Dr. Kline to Speak Roabh Jr., yesterday won hia .bat­ ery and Bible study ha* been T h e $2,800,000 addition to Man-patients./PKe lounge will be equip- today he haa hot yet been notifled day evening. week on the Stale I^ghway De The Rev. Dr. Reamer Kline o f H. Timbers, former general ^un- neceasary raising of manholes and A development of *pproximate-f m^ t the new ElUnglon road rc tle against the government’s at­ sel to the SEC: Milton Gould,\an planhd for members and non- eheeter Memorial Hospital la "90^ped_wlth television and mag^mej, of hia appolntrhent. aa aussistant The first part of the program partment project otj resurfacing gate valve boxes to conform to th* A oeveio^cnv ____FF quirements. which call for bitubitu­ New Britain will present a Ixjnten tempt to appoint a receiver for the memljerS. Tfie chapel, which was given by manager of the Hartford Regional was "preaenled by the students of Ijr TO hompe U planned for a «0- book review at St. John’s Episco­ attorney, and Lazarus Joseph, per cent completed.” This was the Center St. (Rt, 6 a/id 44A 1 from new street level. tract between Skinner St. and minous, aurfaces. on the portions of F. L. Jacobs CO. Members o f Rt. Mary's Epis­ R. LYMNDELL Mrs. Lawrence Case and family, is Office of the Veterans Admini­ the fifth and sixth grades who had lu sn pal Church Tuesday' at 8 p.m. torney and former New York City word from Walter- Stocker, clerk Olcott St. to the'(.yiiter rotary. Sign* have been erected, and Wappinc Wood pd., In Vernon. the roads which extend Into Ell­ The Securities and Exchange copal Church Who are on the Holi­ 4U11 In a rough state. Wheelbar­ stration. exhibited projects in the hlgli pipe and equipment I* being ington. However, the usual oiled Dr. Mine, rector of St, Mark's Comptroller. > rows and shovels lie among aand A highway deijartmenl spokes­ The development.. to be known Commission withdrew its federal ------^ ^ ^ ------day House Oomnltttee are Miss Buildirtg of the works. It haa, been reported that the school Science Fair and the Bow­ man said the project will Involve amassed at the site. Work will get aa Blrchdale Height*, will Include surface wil^be used in Vernon. Parish since 1944, will lecture on district court application for ap­ Haimah K. Jensen, Mrs. Alice Still unfinished are eome of. the piles and boxes where in a short Veterans Administration In Wash­ ers School Science Fair. The stu­ underway as soon as weather per­ Special Audit Bill , "The Slow of Heart. " by the head­ while there will be an altar and resurfacing with bllumlno\is ma­ about elx homoa In Ellington, pointment of a receiver for the Suez Canal Dredged 'Tftomton and Mrs. Everett Kel­ floor tiling, the chapel, some of. ington auuiounced that he would dents gave a brief description of terial, Inslallatmn of storm water mits, wlt'h storm sewers and utili­ An additional audit bill in the master of St. Paul's School, Con­ sey* Mrs. N. Maurice Lambert Is Contractor pews for 16 worshipers. BbtM ale Home! haa algned a bond big holding company. the wiring, fittings in thfe labora­ get the $12,000 a year post In their project* which were on ex­ sewers, replawment of concrete ties being installed In advance of for deed for the property ownrt b>- amount of $2,l65 \yaS approved cord, N.H. His appearance here is The SEC action followed a long Suez — The New Jersey, the chaiVman of the staff committee. - The color schemes are different Hartford. hibit. the resurfacing crew. Residenticri'Commercid tories, the auxiliary room, and the base In some/plSces, ami removat Kmest Kupfemchml'dt, for 170.000. by the Board of Finance last sponsored by the Woman's Aux­ conference yesterday and last world's largest dredge, haa gone Leapers of the three active on each floor, and were coordinated "I’ve been sitting tight and as Miss Sarah Chapin was chair­ of about .50 per < ent of the Center The land la . tbe former Norrie night. An appropriation in that iliary. night in which the firm agreed not to work widening the Suez Canal branchW* of the Girls' Friendly at AlterationS'Remodenng last coat of paint in all the rooms. by Miss Anna Sampson, a trustee of this moment I have heard noth­ man for this part of the program SI. trolley bracks. farm, acroea from the Stockaer amount must be approved by a Events Tonlghf to dispose of any major assets at Its northern end. Thirty-lflve St. Mary’s are Mrs. Doibthy Trot­ Workmen are’ busy Installing of the hospital. ing officially," Sadlack said to­ and she introduced Wlnlhrop Ford, Town Engineer Janies .Sheekcjy farm, now developed aa Knollwood to'wn meeting before payment. The Rural Vernon School Assn. without approval of six of its nine Egyptians and 18 Americans are ter, junidrs Miss Bette Lou Rob­ “ Business Built On lights, putting finish coats on wood There will be air conditioning in day. who in tiirn presented the follow­ said he w»s fold the tracks wlU be Social Work Units thtf pharmacy, the recovery rooms, Homes. The bill, In addition to the regu­ Will sponsor a military whist at 8 Fallot Photo board members. Including at least working on the Si-story "floating, inson, seniors; and Mrs. J. R. Customer Satisfaction” ^ doori, applying plastic sheets to Neither haa the Hartford Region­ ing, students; Ralph Starkweather. removed east to Broad St. from John McKeown, president of lar audit expense, was submitted p.m. at the cafeteria of Vernon Ele­ one of three new members to be city." Mathieson, Sponsors Group. Full Insurance Cover^gi corridor' walls, and putting soap­ and the operating rooms. al Office manager. Harry T. Wood. Patty Hathaway, Nancy Weibiisl Olcott SC Consider Council Blrchdale Homes, haa submltUd by the town auditor, Lutz and mentary School. Door prizes and Engaged elected under the agreement. stone table tops Into the labora­ In preparation for future expan­ "We’ve heard nothing officially,” and Marry Deva'nney, and Cathy Conlrictor la the E. B. .McGiirk subdivision plans to Ellington and Keller, for a aperlal examination table prizes will be awarded. Roach took over leadership of Tel. MI 4-045J»^ tories. sion, there is a third elevator well Wood said. Hublard and Kathy McNamara, Co. of Jlnrtford, and the coiitracl Coordinating th# work of com­ Rockville Planning Commissions of the town tax collectors books Events Tonight The engagement of Mias There­ the company Feb. 13 after inter­ After 5:00 ,P,M. The laundry room Is fitted with next to the two new elevator wells. Sadlak. who served 12 years .In fifth graders; Kathy Kane, Tim price /la $177,707. The town of munity health, welfare and group’ for the year ended Aug. 31. 1958. sa R. Genovese to Roderick T. For the time being, the space for Manc/tiestcr uill pay $33,000 aa for approval. The development will The Young Married Couples national Financier Alexander L. 82 BALDVk^ ROAD four huge washing machines, one •Congress, was notified In January Beyrer, Kathy .Schwarz, Sarah work organizations will be the include 3.600 feet of roads, to be The Town Report will include Club of Trinity Lutheran Church Frechette la announced by her Guterma resigned as a result of dryer, and three presaea. A chute the elevator well will be used for that he was eligible for the job. Chapin and Carol Glrfdings, Leroy half tlie cost of storm sowers the known aa Eva Dr, Jolui^i Lane s recommendation of the Board will hold Its monthly meeting at parents, Mr. ■ and Mrs, Elmo Gen­ various difficulties with govern MANCHESTER, CONN. storage. When the thltd elevator BeCketl. Karl Smith, Bobby Willis, Stale will iMstall In slop flooding .subject of a meeting at Cavey’a leading from each of the floors Restaurant tomorrow at 12:45 and Gerald Dr. of Finance that the nscal year 8 p.m. in the Sunday Srlmol room. ovese, 17 Deming St. ment agencies. above is the collecting point for the is needed, the floors and ceilings Paul Walrkowski. Donald Barrett, at ,the railroad underpass and Vlc- Her fiance la the son of Mr. and Just say the word!,,. p.m. The' homes w-ill be In the $1.6.000 and tax date be set at .lime 30, The PAC Ladles Auxiliary will The SEC then went Into court ■oiled laundry. After it arrives, It in the storage area will be lorn Three Promoted y Carol Randall. Geoffrey Mandley tppln Rd areas The contract for printing of the meet at 8:15 p.m. at the Village Mrs. Dents Frechette, 11 Tanner out, opening the well, five floors. .Sponsored by the Ma’nchester price range. They will have city and asked the appointment of a la weighed on a machine that looks and Stanley Opalach, James Ix'- As a result of ttie project. Shee- Mental Health Assn., the partici­ water, eeptlc tanks and gas heat. town report wa.s awarded to the St clubhouae. Plans will be made St. receiver. It said Roach had not capable of handling a Frauhauf Another provision for expansion At Post Office Sure, Ricky Ame.s, Cathy Miner. kev said, Conicf .St will have Journal Pnbliahinir Co . low bidder. for the annual Easter social to be Miss Genovese graduated from You're always welcome at is the network of pipes which pants will consider the possibility Models will be erected on Skinner demonstrated business acumen or truck. Then the Wundr'y proceeds Bobby Payne and Wlnthrop Ford, | .storm newels its full length In­ of e.slabll.shing a community plan­ Rd., with construction scheduled to On Dean’a List hold March 24 at the PAC Hall. Manchester High School in 1956 judgment nece.ssary to deal with from machine to machine around protrude from the roof of the addi­ sixth graders stead of m scclion.s. aa iiow. Adrienne Anthony, daughter of Tdie Rockville Emblem Club will and is employed at the Airport tion. Someday, if expansion Is Edward H. Sauter. 94 ^11 St., ning council to coordinate the Start immediately the complicated stale of affairs the room. When It has been ironed. Following a short business meet* Ronald Booth of the .Stale High­ activities of various social work ^ R w w n said'he Is prepared to i Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson R. An- honor Mr.a. Ruth I-alhrop of Man­ Payroll Depai'tnient of Pratt and necessary, t\Vo more floors can be haa been named .superint^dent of way Department said it Is expect­ left In the wake of Guterma's de­ BENEFICIAL It Is fed onto a counter outside the malls at the Manchester/ Post Of­ Ing Mi.ss Barbara Neill, director pf groups In Manqhcster. chester. district deputy, at a meet­ Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford. added without disturbing the pres­ the I.utz Junior Museum, spoke on ed the construi'tion will he fini.shed ing at the Elks Club following a parture. on your next clean linen room.' Mrs. Cornelia Gross, president of Her fiance graduated from How­ Roach countered that the com­ The new laundry room Is capable ent plumbing. fice. the science exhibit at the niu- by fall. pot luck supper at 6:30 p.m. Yes, you get a "royal welcome” at BENEFICIAJL When . Meanwhile, progres on the -addi­ Postmaster Alden E,’ Bailey an­ the Greater Hartford Community ell Cheney Technical School ill pany not only waa solvent but that HAIRCUT of cleaning all laundry for the old seuin. Dr, Charles Jacobson sp6ke Some traffic may have to be de­ The American Legion Auxiliary 1956 and is employed at the Man­ you want cash to pay oft piled-up bills! Just phone tion continues steadily to meet the nounces Sauter fills.'the vacancy Council, will be the speaker. BENEFICIAL for A Bill Clean-Up Loan! Then, make only vaseline' buildings as well as the new addi­ on the topic of fluoridation, showed toured onto W, Muidle Tpke. once will meet at the GAR rooms after chester Wallpaper and Paint Co., With Coupon deadline of April 1. created by the retirement Feb. 1 of the project starts .SliecUry aald. A Concert Of Sacred Music the Lenten devotions in local one monthly payment instead of several. . . and you may tion. 36-year veteran Echest I'. Brown. a film and answered quostionk. 249 Broad St. From ^ ^ 1 A ! R . Surplus Steam Used with 1-way traffic on parts of Cen­ Space Term/ Translated church‘es. Plans will be made for A July wedding is planned. have more cash left over each month. Remember: it s just Bailey also ai^ounced the pro­ The speakers were introduced by "THE CAXTATA NO. 4"—by .1. S. BACH RANGE like 1-2-3 to call up, soon as approved > .. come in . . . and 11.1 ,N I c i One hundred pounds of steam Robert Barnes. ter St. under const nicUnn. a Pan-American supper to be held motion of Patrick J. H\imphrey to Bootli aald the project will con­ Fai-mlngdale, N.Y.—A down-to- "THE MASS IN’ G-MAJOR"—by f. 8CHVBERT in April. X M) pick up your loan! Fhone or come in forfai// are available to the hoopltal. Only Improper Parking lelt, 13 Fox Hill Dr.; Clmrles foreman of carriers, and the trans­ sist of curb-lo-curh resurfacing, earth glossary of astronautical PKseated by the Oiancel Choir with the Hartt School of Music Hospital Notes rUEL OIL Vaseline eight to ten pounds are neWed to fer of John ^engston to foreman Qiiimby^ Mitchell Seek Name f’is/f Calm Dou n Dogx lerm.s has been published by an Chamber Orchestra. Philip Treggor, conducting. Kolesinski, Sadd's Mill Rd., Elling­ Lm ih $20 to $600 — Loam llfo-lmured at low cost TRADE MARKG heat the building, the rest Is used and replaceprent of the conciete Admitted yesterday: Mildred Charged in Crash of malls. SaiUer s former post. base only where It la defective. ■aircraft maker her* to help lay­ Luge, 113 Union St.; Bruno Bert- ton; Margaret Ciechowski. 5 Ter­ GASOLINE for laundry and for reserve. SUNDAY. MARCH 15. 7:30 P.M. A t THE race Dr.; Leroy Hargraves Jr.; 90$ MAIN ST., Over Woolworth’s, MANCHESTER H A IR Sauter, 49, has been with the Maizura, Japan — Postmen In The .State last -year had contem­ men understand th* talk of space bold, 29 McLean St.; Lester Bart- The autopsy room Is large Louis M. Bruzzi, 27, of Stafford Manchester" Post Office for 2.! For Bolton New Day Camp Maizura have worked out a sys­ plated replacing all of the concrete s( ientists. "The poCket-slze dlcUon- Welles Rd., Broad Brobk. Mitchell 3-4156 • Ask for th# YES MANagor HI enough so the doctor can demon­ OPEN THUSSDAY EVENINGS UNTIl S P.M. TONIC Springs, was arrested after a years, beginning as a carrier and tem for coping with biting dogs. base, and the Town Water and nry's terms r' n from abort (fail­ SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH, Dl.scharged yesterday; Emil GIANT strate to students. There is a amall ure of a ro"ket or missile) to zip Demers. Windaorville Rd., Broad « In . .1 $104 .Ml, SM.M P'M,Pll* (SOS 4 lIMITfO minor crash on Main St. at 4 p.m. advancing to foreman of carriers Art Quimhy jots down a few4’ Manchejster-Hartford area had The.v carry pieces of dried fish In ■Sewer Department had planned to MANCHESTER, CONN. BANTLY OIL II feeiotetiv* eieertilf JeitellfMett ef flM S eeth. riMf oNir) SIZE refrlgeratec' mimeum off the au­ and fo/eman of mails before tak­ their pockets and throw them to replace Center St. laterals In con­ fuel (.special high-energy jet- ELASTIC Brook; Alma Kelley, 3n East St.; 73« topsy room for preserving unusual yesterday and was charged with been turned away beer use of lack C l»S». BENEFICIAW FINANCE CO. PLUS TAX ing oyer his new position. notes about the day camp he and menacing mutts. nection with the Job. engine fuel I. . . TICKETS FREE AT THF. rUFRCH OFFICE OB STOCKINGS Thelma OuellCUe, 22 Charter Rd. ( INC. specimens. of facilities at other camps. FROM •AN’Y MEMBER OF THE CHOIR. improper parking. Hy waa bom in East Hartford, onlooker George Mitchell plan to TRUSSES — BELTS ::i 'I \i\'sirti;i;i Four dumb walterf have been Quimby received hi* BS In Vernon and Talcdttvllle news Is ARTHUR DRUG According to police, Bruzzi, a and'attended school in Manchester, operate at Sperry’s Glen. iMtalled near the nursing stations delveryman. double parked his physical education from the Uni­ handled through The Herald’s TEL. Mlfchcll 9-4595 graduating from high school in Tlie pair are conducting a con­ versity of Connecticut and Is ARTHUR DRUG BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. 942 51 AIN STREET to facilitate dsHvery of food, truck faring north on Main just 1926. For eight years he worked test in the Manchester-Hartford Rockville Bureau, 7 W. Main St., liiia drugs, sterilized instruments, and working toward a master’s de­ telephone TReinont 5-8186. KOCKVILLE TR 5-3271 south of Purnell PI. Trying to for the Woolworth Co. He joined area to find a name for the camp. laboratory specimens. pass his truck. Mrs. Grace S. Bow­ gree St Springfield College. He has Fitting children's shoes is a specialty at Leonard's: the local post office In 1935. Closing date for entries is March served as clirector of the Senior The physiotherapy room will den, 36, of Glastonbury, collided Sauter. a vestryman of St. 23, Thev will temporarily call It have two whirlpools and a third with it and damaged lightly the Day Camp, sponsored by the Mer­ . . . Mary’s Church, is married and the "'Tlie Bolton Day Camp." iden YMCA, for the past two Yes, Mothers and Dads we do know how. Pretty pickin's bath of similar design. Adjacent right side Of her automobile. father of a daughter. Tlie camp’;, program will range Bruzzi was making a delivery at years. to the pool room vrill be an exer Bengston. of .39 Ridgewood St . from pioneering and wilderness "Complete Lina ciap room. the time, police said. His court has been with the local post office camping to all types of recreation Mitchell received hia bachelor's date Is Saturday. , degree from UConn and his mas­ Of CorrecOve ...pretty pumps Most rooms have a hung ceil­ for 13 years. He formerly worked and athletic facilities. According to Shoes” Another minor accident, oc­ for the Hartford National Bank Quimhy and Mitchell, the emphasis ter’s from Springfield, both In ing, to maJke the acoustical tile curred about two hours Iqter. Po­ Iroore effective. In each of tlie pa­ and Trust Co., and is a veteran at tlie caiii|i will he on individual physical education. He is a physi­ Poll"oil “1n ,|Kai Parrot Your Doctor's lice said Mrs. Susie A. Flora, '44, growth and development. Staff cal education instructor and fresh­ Prescription tient room.s there are outlets for of four years in the Army. He is SHOl'. io h IIboys an of Chestnut Hill, parked her car inemhors ii'ill be persona , with man coach at Southington High Filled With Care oxygen, and telephones, be.sides on Tanner St. about 4;30, visited married and has two children the usual lights and buzzer hook­ Humphrey, of 17 Margaret Rd., bachelor’s degrees in physical edu­ School. friends for a short time and re­ cation and with coaching and up. turned to find the left rear door of takes over Bengston’s former po­ Win Includes Lounge sition. He is an ll-ryear employe teaching positions in nearby school Atlanta — Wooden golf tees be­ her car dented. Her car was came popular about 1923. Before To adapt the addition to the de­ parked just east of Princeton St., of the post oflBce and a veteran systems. of three and a half years’ service Mitchell and Quimby decided to that It was customary to shape mands of the new progressive pa­ police said. little mounds of wet .sand into tees o S H O E S Police said darn'ge was light but in th* Navy. He is married and start the camp when a survey tient care system, a small lounge showed that youngsters in the for driving. Is being planned for ambulatory could find no eri/lence of Its cause. the.father of two children. 881 MAIN ST MANCHESTER “ Fitting Is C-olors: Our Business*' Red’ Beige and Black Leather

■ 4 15% OFF I .1 f... for a GIRL’S EASTERf

Pick the pump with the fashion . . . IltD m ron plus the natural fit of Natural Bridge. Shear beauty that's carefreel Vow con pop^ Faahion that takes to your foot naturally. ions curtains in your washer then freshen WHh '' a mere touch ef the ironi AR in 52/34 Adv.nh.d h, VOGUE . McCAlfS 'er chubby girl “ EXPERT SHOE FITTING— I” ^ thread count dacron in a fresh ivory-white marquisette weave. And, look at all the' sizes and styles to choose from . , . every SUITS . . . COORDINATES in skim and one at a low sale pricel overblou$e $hirtwai$t DRESSES . . . that R L € ar* sure to piea$e. Sizes 7Vz to I.4 V2. SHOE DEPARTMENT—51A IN’ F1.DOR. REAR. f r il l y PRISCILLAS Priced From Only J 7 8 For a complete line of accessories, Mar­ R eg . 3 .2 9 low's is your headquarters for COATS, 9 6 x 5 4 " TOPPERS, SHOES, SOCKS, SLIPSr 96x63* regularly 3 .5 9 .... .SAH 3.05 HANDBAGS, HATS, etc. 96x72* regularly 3.79 ...... S A LE 3 .2 2 96x81* reguiorly 3 .9 8 .... .SALE 3.38 TRIM-TEEN . . . Slimming fashions for 184x81* reguiorly 7 .9 8 . . . .S A L E 6 .7 8 the figute-conscious Miss. PRUNING TIME IS AT HAND • Suits and flrPHses, WE HAVE PRUNING SAWS, • Subt4H»n HYz U) 1’4*2. • Tf*<*ii aIz.pr 10'2 to 16*2* LOPPING SHEARS and TAILORED PAIRS Priced From Only $10.98 HAND PRUNERS W --- SALE * 1 9 8 Reg. 2.38 Plymouth’s got it In Station wagons, too! SPRAYERS -4,4 ___ 82x54” € 82x63” regularly 2.58. SALE 2.16 I- \ SALE I Ikm-sized savings on ^ RIDE PERFORMANCE FEATURES and Dormant 7 82x72” regularly 2.78. SALE 2.38 BIG DIFFERENCE IN AND BIG DIFFERENCE IN washoble HfUity throws No other low-price wagon can match Plymouth’s Torsion-Aire Ride . . . yours Spray Materials ^ 9 9 82x81” regularly 2.9$. SALE 2.56 WAGON WAGON tU no extra cost. Enjoy superb handling ease, with no roll or sway on turns, l4pM Colton bark throws protect, bequtify fund- J m *•*• PLYMOUTH "C” txire! Solids or florol-KStpics. 60x72'. Chair ihr«w j,no front-end dive on stops. Or choose optional Constant Level Torsion-Aire; L ■ ALL KINDS OF Sofa throw, 72x108", rog. 5.Y 8 ....4 .9 9 RUFFLED TIERS- keeps your wagoh level no .matter the load or the road, Thrill to Plyinouth’s 100 92 92 high-spirked V-8 power, including optional New Golden Commando 395, C i ; | 0 c a p K it y cu.ft C U .f t c u . f t biggest engine in its' field. - > . LAWN W heelbase 12 2 In! 1 1 9 in . 1 1 8 ip. SEE OUR SPRING STYLES AND FOR ALL GIRLS SALE 168 BIG DIFFERENCE IN SPACE Roll-down rear windew V V GARDEN pair SALEl Now E-Z core R eg . 1 .9 8 100 cubic feet of cargo capacity. . . more than any other low-price wagon. Y Rear-facing third seat • Dresses 3 to 6x, 7 to 14, subleen. 8 2 x 3 6 " One big-reason for the great popularity of Plymouth wagons. V V ntochiite washable Dacron curtains EQUIPMENT Locked Luggage Compartment’*' • Dotted nylon. print draperies MATCHING VAlANa FOt TKI 0 4 ^ V' INCLUDING RAKES, as advertised Rag. 98c 5,4x102, now only.... O O * BIG DIFFERENCE IN ECONOMY 1 • Pretty cottons. Push-Button trinsm issioh*'' V WHEELBARROWS and 9 ^ Plymouth won the Mobilgas Economy Run in the low-prfte class two years in GARDEN CARTS SOxVO* in March issue o f • Checks and print.s. 7 a'row. What’s more, all standdrd Plymouth V- 8 and 6 engines perform at Push-Button Instant Heater* y/ peak efiiciency on regrifar gas. j EARLY SEEDS IN BULK and IN PACKAGES , W o n d e rfu l I Satin bock House Beautiful Clip thb coupon for Priced From and more. viscose-rdyon fabric drip- Swivel Seats * ' V * dries fast, needs little iron­ BUT YOU DOHT PAY TOR THE DIFFERENCE 2.98 ing! Floral or modern, ^ FREE tlrOpfloitol oq*lipin9nf WEDEUVER — prints The three top-selling low-price, wagons are priced within, a few dollars of each ______:_____J FLOWER SEEDS other.' But only Plymouth wagons giye you the feig Diffidence for your money ! - f . I. ^ Bring coupon l» Wards Curtain and drapery department during this sole TAKE Y0UB PLY1A0UTH‘^W0-MILE:TRYm” N0YY! ______INCa for. free deluxe packet of flower Ask yotiur Plymouth dealer for a “ Two-Mile Try-Out” and the rest of the M seeds. Hutry, quantity kM i ^ . Plymouth Big Difference story. Visit him soon! - MARCH TP WARDS TODAY TO OBT YOUR LION’S SHARI O? THES| SAROAINS "nM 'T FOR EVER.TTh W o f o r o v e r 41 YE^rt,?! PHONf M I3.5U1 So mtth4ko same iii priix...so Uifferent oil the read! M OHTGOI^Y WARD MAINST, ! V,' .... .'1 . ' , ' ' . ” \ ■ . ,v S i

" .V /' X / < <■

PAGE PTFTEfeN m N O; m s T E R EVpi^INft HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11. IflM N,- PA6B FOUBHSEN le Ftbreala. «S, West 2 Jejt ' ptgin tonight In tha^gdult Zoning B. Bailey aaid mall will be eel- Tag Day, Canvass 1 1 0 . Bolton X lected from th« boxes In front of _ will ba need to fur- ^D oesn’t M iJt€ S«B8€’ F 'e V n o n school .through the cooparaUon of the Vernon end TalcottvlUe poet Avoid ^H jsion N avll PefensO, Red Crbss and Feature CF Drive thS^"cyS^ fibrosis reeea^ and Mail Pickup Set offices between 8 and 4 o’clock to kelp irtalntato the CF clinic at iidof $27,200 S e ^ LoWest school officials. each Sunday, and holiday after­ Tale M b ^ l Center, aasociatsd At 30,0(W^eet [nx Lien The course was arraagatl by 6 d Sundays, Holidays noon. A house, to house solicitation and with G racA ^w Haven Hospital: Brennan Assails GOP Director Edmund F. Dwyer prin­ Trial collections have been a tag day will be the chief mesne The cause’ohwetlc flbrosle Is un­ FOT^^mmlmity Hall Addition Mountain Moms, Idaho, M ar^ cipally for. members of the newly made In recent weeks, Bailey said, of fund raising In the cystic known end th ^ i^ n o known cure. Notices Sent Tlie Manchester Poet Office will to dete^lne the 'value of the serv­ fibrosis fund drive to be conducted x i (iPt— Two, .B-47 . Jet bombers organised ambulance eorp In Ver­ I t strikes 1 of ffkery- 600 babies. missed a midair collision by lilchss Lim ited Court Reform non and the Vernon Volunteer eollect mail froih Vernon and 'Tal- ice. Jdanchester is currently col­ In Manchester from Sunday to F. M. Bantanu Inc., of Tor-^of,. St. Maurice Church Some 117 property owners were Firemen. cottville regularly on Sundays and lecting mall on those days atW sp- A pril 1. Fastest method df mekliig steel rington la th« apparent low. bidder April U a* the date of a runuBkge yesterday. As they banked steep-, William A. Vlens, 13 Hyde St., iy to avoid each other, the wing: ^ S t y le d With distinction The 6-week eouree will be held hoUdayd beginning next week. pm g and Buckland, Briley said. is the Bessemer process, In which sale. Mrs. Alfred Lewis aivT Mrs. /, sent notices of tax liens today on chairman, arid today that there for construction of w addition to Harold Jarvis/are co-fchafrmen Of of one clipped a . radio antenna' (OMttraed troai Fa«* Om ) every Wednesday from 6 to 9 p.m. The post office wee notified of only 10 to 15 minutes are required unpaid taxes totaling $18,622. Its new assignment today.,^ / Brazil Is the fourth largest coun­ will also be a llmlU^d m all aollclU- the Community Hall tb., provide the event. AtUclea for this ssle from the tail fin of the other. in Room 37 of the high school on Uon. Contributlpils may be mailed lo make * blow of steel. town office space and a vault. The Both planes remained' aloft and Iha AffNrapctetion Oommltte* In About Town Mrs. Florence Lovertn. town tax Loveland Hill. Manchester Poetmakter AW«n try In the world. may be left, at thetohurch hall at REQAL DEMONSTRATES AGAIN •— Torrlngton firm has eumnmted a anytime.,' /'-■ later landed safely at Southwest a M)t«r that the RepubHoan 1957, collector, said liens will be placed •The SUent World,” a docu­ •V base bid of $27,200. \ A fool aale^-l coffee hour will Idaho's Mountain Home Air Force bod|>et bUl wa* “unlntelUjible" m entary dim of im dersea Ufe by on the properties If taxes are not The bids of 11 firms, Were opened be conduced aft^r Base—after circling for hours to The RepUbUoana, who were only Jacques Costeau. will be shown paid by March 31. Also an ad­ last night at the Cpnimunity Hril, .^pril j,2yFToceeds'from thia event exhaust their fuet Each six-jet In the presence qf' representatives Klentifled aa bein; vcteram of last St ah evening performance to­ ditional charge of $3.76 'will be Will by^sed to buy cassocks and craft cai'ried four crewmen, end i; NEEDNOTBEEXrENSIVEI morrow night at 8 o’clock at tlie of most, bidder.^ Other quotations none was Injured, All were eta- added to the bill. w ere> J. Boucher Co., -330,480; surplices for the' new group of QUALITY aeaaion, urged that thU year’s bill Bowers School. The Him is spon­ C. tioned at Mountain Home. The unpaid taxes are on the * . Santos Co., $29,614.06; John ritar boys now serving Mass. be written mP1—A j YEAR 'ROUND'I with problems created by excep­ tftffe arris'•}$•• 1-4X office and storage vault at base­ ^•n'clof^ tonight at the school. The high school sophomore who dabbles) their soft color-highlights. Daroff tional growths In their school popu- m ent level and office and working prbgrani wjll follow the business in rocket fuels had something in j SPRINQWEAYE l^ o n s . Monday, vault on the fir.st floor. A paved meeting. his liome lab yesterday that might of Philadelphia styles and tailors parking area to accommodate f*holY rehearsals scheduled to­ have'^riven him a good start to-! Gov. Rlbicoff recommended con­ these exceptional suits to meet the tinuance of the Increase at the Tuosdoy-Fridoy about 37 cars is also included in night I’liciude Uhlted Methodist ward tltomoon. ' same level In his Inaugural and SSU! riRST QUUntL . i /".■ the plan.s. senior clidir a t 7; Boi,ton (Congre­ James ^E. Justerer Jr., 15, an; Architects on the project are gational chancel choir, ^6:4.3 and most discriminating tastes. And budget messages. 11 Hours Of amateur scieiHjat Whose rockets,j SUITS The House passed and sent to Scudleri and Mankey of Manche.s- senior choir, 'fiSO. have gone up aVjiigh aa 700 feet, I the Governor yesterday a bill to OontinuouB Service ter. Their estim ate of co-sts. pre­ found out there's sbn^thlng wrong hy Palm Henrh the value is one of America's greatest. appropnate $15,668,870 to finance THURSDAYS pared in December, was $2,3,136 Manchester Evening Hera 4 cl with his formula for X>’'ihg cello- | , 'd_0__O or about .seven per cent lower than state ope)9 .tlon8 through the end 9 A.M. to 8 F.6I. rULL FASHIONED Bolton correspondent, Doris M. phane. Blend of Mohair and Dacron, .: HktvriKf Me eeir "FofWtni Look" ihomidv. of the fiscal year. The deficiencies the apparent low bid. D’ltalla. telephone MMchell 3-5.545. lor Me eem/orf of porloct UL appropriation\lncludes some $11,- Yei, all 1-6X dresBes. Town Meeting Tomorow 800,000 for th e ^ fta te Welfare De- A special town meeting will be CURRENT ANNUAL B w y new spring etyle, held tomorrow at the Community 61 Oil W rils in Sirilv pai^ent, whose budget was hard isevittlioe instnictoF'-told .lames it sounded hit during the recMglon. ■ esestn$>’6‘■'7coi6t usasatat ..... DIVIDEND RATE all aaiy-care- cottons, Dark Hall at 8 o'clock to vote on an­ other building propo.sal. Thi.s will Ragusa. Sicily—Italy's fir.^l .suc- like nitroglycerine. The measure passed on voice fluffy nyloni land modem A demolitiori' squad from Ft. vote. be the request of the Fire Com­ 1 cessful oil well was completed in blends.-Our greatest or self missioners for authorization to 1944 at Caviaga. near .Milan, -in I.ce removed a qjtart of the stuff offer in the Grant I)aya proceed with plan.s for an addition I the industrial north, Thia stai te'd ' from Juaterer's laboratory. ! a period of intense exploration, hut f Fret Altorations apaetaeular aale. seams to the firehouse. An appropriation of $2,000 will the results were not too encourag­ 100,000 AT FUVER.AJ, at the time you buy your FREE Local Stocks be asked for hiring an architect to ing until rich reserve.^ were found Tokyo. March 11 (/Pi—Some 100,- auil and FOR THK RNTIRE prepare preliminary plans and on tlie island of .Sici).\-. one of 000 persons attended the Christian i| LIFE OF THE GARMENT. estim ated cosl.s. .‘?othe interested Ualv's poorest and least developed funeral todav of former Prime ' ALTERATIONS Ministei'.Ichiro Hatoyama. He died Quotations FnniUlMd bgr citizens have puhlicly questioned regitms. Now about 2,00f).000 Ions For tile Life of the Garment Coburn A Mlddlebrook. Ino. the necp-ssity for the amount re­ of crude oil a year flow out of of a heart attack last Saturday at Bank Stocks quested. citing rates quoted in the j sicilv’ 61 wells, and account for the age of 76. Bid Asked C om pare a t 79c. You’ll agree this Blue Bonk of .•trchilects Fees, but^pi per cent of Italy's production Hatovama had been cremated Conn. Bank and Trust have hot stated oppn.sition to the and 10 per cent of requirements. before the fun'tral rites. j Oo...... 42 44 is a buy you can’t afford to pass upl proposal to adds to the firehouse. First NatiOluti Bank of The town meeting will nl.so vote ^ Manchester ...... 87 — These ftlmy 60 gauge nylons are just on whether or nSt to create a epectal reserve fund to be used In Hartford Nations. about as sheer as nylons can be — Bank A T ru st Co. .8 7 1 4 3914 th e future if the towp vote.s to MARCH SPECIAL 100% W OOL Fire Insurance Companies adopt the Uniform Fi.scal Year. plus, they’re full fashioned for State law provides that a town PRE-PASTED Aetna Fire ...... 79 82 ZIP-LINED Hartford F ire ...... 200 210 Delicious coffee every time! a smooth clinging fit. 844 to 11., m ay levy up to five mill.s fbp such N a tio n a l...... 115 123 a fund. WALLPAPER ftix n i.E Official American AI Hines P h o e n ix ...... 8 0 4 8314 The Board of Finance, which favors the idea of adopting the L-ARGE SELECTION' ROLL TOPCOATS Uniform 9 seal 5'ear but has not IN STOCK NYLON ZIPPER TRAVEL BAO Aetna Casualty ... ,. 191 201 r j e v e k e w a k e recommended that the action be OPEN EVENINGS TO 7. In s nice selection of new A etna L if e ...... 252 262 light and dark shades for 372 taken at this time, has -made no Conn. General .... ,. 357 BUY EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR HOME AND FAMILY • NO MONEY DOWN specific recommendation a.s to the spring. Htfd. Steam Boiler .. 92 98 COFFEE MAKERS With « rh porrh«6ff of a Jarmin ‘'FltRflhip t— t top yalne (New) ON GRANTS “CHARGE-IT” PLAN a CONVENIENT TERMS. amount which should be set aside | for this'' purpo.to in the proposed B U R N SID E CE^TW in itofiU — wo will girt one of thooe handsome offirtol Am»*n»*on Travelers ...... 9344 9644 Airlinm lipp^r haRx. Mad^ of rirh roTal hjiio Nylon, ihi* li- reseiwe fund. 615 BI RNSIIIE AVE.—TEE. ,IA 8-4205 .95 Public UtlUtiea CCAV Sets Events kirh haR offom many poaaibilitioa; for prnfiight trip*, for fiahtn* Conn. Light A Power 23'4 2544 The rounell of Catholic W'omen Hartford Electric Lt. 68 >4 70 H dw triM Iworty Hew d» and eampinic, for picnina and othor lo mmlion only a H artford Gas Co. .. •*244 4544 p^Kthr brr««l eo6.« ... frw. Yon oannot purrhaae #n« pf thooo haifa anywhoro. It w Southern New England •¥»ry tlnw ... whh Krara Coff** i A preatiito m wril aa a^praelifal ofio, which yon *ct with Telephone ...... 4844 4644 Mak*nl Copper bellom filanofacturing Cempaalee hoot fott — •talnloM itool poor *Tla«»hip Style*” per^aa*. Arrow, Hart, Heg. . 63 to doom M eoillyl Associated Spring . 20H 2244 Bristol Brass ...... 11 1214 SPECIAL! DO IT YOURSELF! Collins ...... 86 91 Dunham Bush .... 9 10 6-Csp CoHm Moktr Hon' to Assemhle E m -H art ...... 4944 8244 Just in fima for Spring sawing f Fafnlr Bearing ... 87 92 Rkgulor Prk« $11.9S Your Oini Ficlurv Frames Landers. F rary. Clai 20 22 CLAMP-CUT- N. B. M a c h in e ___ 30 32 North and Judd .. 27 30 SMART, NEW Russell Mfg...... 24 27 o m Y COTTON SALE * 'a '■ '■ PICTURE FRAMES Stanley Works ... 43 46 V l l b l IIMITIB TIME OI>MR! BROOKFIELD 45 49 Terry Steam ...... Ivy NOW and SAVf P a te n t Applied For, 1954 Torrlngton ...... 31 33 U.S. Envelope, com. 2444 26 H You S a v o $3,07 SAVE UP TO 62% U.S. Envelof>e, pfd. 1244 1144 SPORT Veeder R oot...... 5344 5644 Oilwr wHkrfil nhM ■ K K K Mfn Miktrt T T The above quotatloris are not to 1. Take -one short side and one COATS be construed ea actual marketa. e ^ r w n k r fw $ U . 9 5 4-«,p IMp C-fco M-fcw $ 1 0 .9 S SUPER-VALUE FASHION PERCALES ie,«mP.«»daiw $14.95 MspDrtpeMfcslkkw $13.95 long side of frame, hold with Really good-looking, with the ' casual fit 28 IN HIS8INO PLANE To 50c o yard H full boft§.,. r ;i ends together and slots up. and lisnd thst only top-flight tailoring can Rio de Janeiro. March 11 (k5 — produce. Searchers so ■ far have failed to WasbfastSpring cottons... super- find trace of 23 Brazilians who MANCHESTER values because the prints are so Seconds to Join crashed in a twin-engine Catalina well-designed. Such variety too, In the jungle near the Amazon il River. PLUMBING and SUPPLY CO. you’re bound to see loads you like. 2. Slide clamp into slots, joining Carrying a crew of. 6 and 18 JUNIOR ROYS' the two sides firmly (note—slide passengers, the Brazilian Air F. T. BLSH JR., Prerident and Tit«surer Force flying boat went down near SPORT SUITS end of clamp with hole in first). lt*» Hardtcare W e Have It’* t - WASH A W EAR...EVERGUZE' PRINTS the town of Currrilndo yesterday Rag. g.98 morning. Three women and two 877 MAIN SHIEET—MANCHESTER To *1 a yard If full bolts ... | No Glue Needed children were killed. The plane WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS WASH-'N-WEAR was On a flight from Belem to in­ Fashion prints only — they're our J 7 7 terior points. .. 1959 Spring''Mademoiselle’’cottons. . - - 9. Take other long side and fas­ t GABARDINE Pale, vivid or dark-hued prints. All wool jackets double ten in same way to short side A Washfast, preshruuk, little-iron. as sport jackets; fully i?;- ’TjVJ lined. Rayon and acetate with clamp. > BEDFORD CORD flannel slacks. Sizes 6-12. NOWI l i P., v f to.ri No Nailing’ Manehesttr’s First Factory-Authorized 4. Take other short side and fas­ ten the . two remaining corners PANTS Sonrioe Contor For Small Appliaacos 98e ROLLER and TRAY with clamps. With A Gallon Or More - h a; -V ' FREE Souvenirs For Everyone! Change Size to Suit Needs SERVICE and PARTS FOR: STEAM IRONS, TOASTERS. MIXERS, COFFEEMAK- 5. Tap bottom of clamp gently ERS, VACUUM CLEANERS ond OTHER APPUANCES. ‘M toward outside of frame until 2 m '15 il frame is rigid, after all four ALSO PARTS AND H E R E ARE THE FACTORIES WE ARE “AUTHORIZED" FOR: TERRIFIC BUY FREE ALTERATIONS PLASTIC WINDOW i*: zi’,;; il . piece.s are as.sembled. SERVICE FOR: APPLIANCES VACUUM POWER DRILLS , I MEN'S COnON Hamflton BeaCb '^^CLEANER.S and AND SAWS BRASS FINISHED SHADE BUY... 1t's JARMAN Three to One Sonbeam Arvdn W O R K SOCKS... Casco WAXERS Cummins WASTE BASKETS Tqaetnuwter Dormeyer REGULAR 1.19 6. If you have heavy object to Century Cadillac' (Clement REG. 4 PAIRS *1 Here's a two-textured number that’s ..easy on Dominion Mall— Milwaukee go into this frame, tap nail into Eureke, Hoover - General Elecfrlc Osier—Skil t . ' ‘ the eyes, the feet and tha pocketbook. Light J Dormeyer 'lowyt,'] elOL Mfg. Co.) . . . and many others frame through holes in clamps. and trim , yet sturd.V. and durable enough to A Ownpleee Aasort- General Electric take a lot of hard Wear. Come in and try this Kniq>p Mcfnarota General GRANTS SATIN WALL FAINT 4 P R S .7 7 * Jarman—it's a sure bet you’ll like it. iP arta Mlrirainatic ■> ■ Floorcraft ' _ t Norelee Shavers Decorator-amart brasa FUUY GUARANTEED V Presto Regina Supported ao they won4t I strong but aoft apun cot­ 5" fa 30" itrips. flaishgd baaketa in your I Park free , hi Purnell Proctor Royal chelea of emboased de« abrinli;"atT«telt or aMT. Lab proven; ejompare with branda a^nff fpr €.39! ton wliliBjddB reliiforead $14.95 R ^ b r n ll Your ebolea of Wtalta og PA ^ l e j ^ SbetU ad ^ Quick dry, 1 ooat coven. {Q Q * haala aal .toea for extra Dnlveraal aigna. AH bran p e b n a a edora... ent fret to At -M. long wear. Guaranteed' H’ldthai B-C-D-E-IllEE. Bargtmdy, Pjerkinf, m r ef ®ur Waring Prodneto ' U niversal w ith black o r w hite. 17 washable colon...... ".Gallon Oerdarant and SaddI* Brawa. Bruehea yoarwindaw8.8tocknp1 washable. Ven'a 10 to IS. 10"xl4" $1.27— 12"xl«** $1.59 U"x20" $1.83— 20"x24" $2.03 Store. No iicketo! Jnet R Hartford . Of MAIN S T . MANCHESTER Othtii Shoe Stjiles From $8.95 l^ k —-«nft ehop et Regal! Element grun ^ , | Manchester APPUANCE SEBViqENTER MANCHESTER PARKADE E. A. PAINT CO. Ww T . GRANT CO. 723 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER 707 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER T[EI« Mitchell 3-7577 TT : -V.' \ 1 ,■ .1 .. .v|- f i . ‘ ■J'V s .

.-5 . A ^ k. -.. I . y /T'-

v ;

V"'’’ PAGE 8EVEim !8N MANCHES’i^B e v e n i n g HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, AY, MARCH 11, 1959 ■N cafeteria after the meet- of the Connecticut Chapter of the Suapengion Itallroad Safe prevention- ot dentali decay.a«c»y. Col­ othy Paris wa’s appointed to bring school National AssrOclatlon of Postmas­ [ANCITESTER, CON?I, IVEDNESDAY, M A R ^ 11^ 19B9 n a slate of officers at the next Ing. Area Postmasters Views Film ored motion pictures were shown 4 ters. „Otfier postal olHclaTs from meeting. Wuppertal, Germany ■— Wup PAGiaiXTBSN About Town to illustrate how fluoride iiMid oth­ To Convene Here ieattered Connecticut towns and auggestiohs' on how' to corral tta A motlpn was- approved to sup­ New Hubcap Qlillera cities will also be present, pertal’e unique, euspenelon , On Fluoridation er chemicals/, are introduced into road, which runs high abovO crlttera. The marlU of “ traaqull- The Golden Aga Club will m e^ ply cplored eggs for the annual . Manchester Postmaster Alden ixer bulleta" M d doped h^y were Hartford County j>o«t)nasters Wupper River, haa been abcldsnt Blaze Kills^ tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clo the water by regulatore. A ^ e e - egg hunt, ■ Saturday, March 28, at Detroit—A new, sparkling hub-, E. Bailey, in charge of arrange- South Windsor hotly argued. Botoe favored bring-.^ Dr. Howsird J. Lockward, who the Valley S t playground. will congregate .at the Garden menta, said the main speaker will free more then 87 yeefe. T r ^ l - ■' - - - '- - ^ ' — ' "— tha Bast Side Re^. A aocial. tlon and answer period followed. cap that is expected to become a ing In a narrow canyon, it cdnle^s IH hired gutuu^gOT. spoke on fluoridation at the month­ The attendance banner was won Grove tomorrow night for the first be Harfy Palmer, employment and Childreit ___ week aomet^y shot on( with refrrabinents will foil At the business, meeting a noth- very popular fad is made of fiber Its passengerii eight mllee, her 2 meeting. ly meeting of the Hathart Kale by Mrs. Arllne Kenyon’s third coun^ Ilbst office directors’ meet­ placemnt^director- of the regional of the steers.' Then ^there we inating committee consletlng of glass with a layer of gold and office In B ^ o n , Mass, Bailey will tween the eeatem and weetem die Hears PTA last night, referred to the Yrade room; silver glitter just below the trans­ ing'to be held in Manchester. four. 'Hje law was closing In accidental discovery of fluoride in Mrs. Ernest Larson, chairman; ,^ e postmasters are members also Introduce other speakers. sections of. th^big textile city. Rochester, K.Y., March 11 Bdward 8, Dama, SSjrAdama'St, Mr^ George Frost and Mrs. Dor­ Refreshments were eeryed In the parent surface coating. —Two of four fchlldren, left .alone Yesterday the remaining haa begun the aecona aemeeter as water and the effect it had on the i l l Re^oine Plan Were spotted. Sheriff John B. ,Hoy la their horre, were burned to a senior at E m erm Collage, Boc- put out the word to his pbssa, ton, Mass, He is Majoring in thea­ HeaoalnC o < ~ th e w it^ portion death ygaterday. bring ’em back—dead or alive. ter arts, and wol receive his' B.A. The two others were in eritleal The pofM couldn't eve^ get degree Ja Ji o f t i ^ nouth o< S u U iv^ K ^ . be- condition today with severe burns. within rop W distance. Th^ steers 5 and Buckland to Fireman Kurt Giehs braved the vanished intOxthe woods. The Haiftford Kiwi Club, a na- STARTS TOMORROW, MARCH 12 the Enat Hartford town lino smoke and flames twice to res­ It took five hdun Of haara riding, tlonwldiK organisation of former It’e nice lo have a birthday. And we hope to enjoy '’very njInuU of It, thanks to you, our riistomcrs, who have made this 10th nlrtii- Oiaouased nt a public hearing be­ cue them. but the posse flnkUy c^Oight up American Airlines stewardeasei, H ie dead are Diane Brooks, o, with the four steers;-sA burst of will/Bold its monthly meeting to- day possible. For It will be ten years ago tomorrow aince we fore the Tbwn PUuining and Zon- openetl our doors to Invll'e your patronage. Oiir policy hee been Jni Commi^lon last night at the and her broti.-i, Tony. 21 months. gunfire wgs the sign al ^or the' • morrow night at 8 o’clock at the l O f A The injured are John, 4, and UOOR and always will be, to offer the best scleeUon In Jewelry—from our Last Roundup. / piinM of Mrs. John A. Klrkhani, SO pleaaant VolJoy School, coatiime ilnfi to mir nationally famouR watrhru—at thp lowwt |X^ - MarrlU R Ijncoln, the town’a Sheryl, fl months. ------X------f ------/M arion Dr, penning bonaut^t. also brieny Authorlt'es said that a neigh­ •Iblo coRt to you. Tlint you’vo apprrrIatrU thiR Weal In evident in nuUlned the rozonlng plan for all bor—Mrs. yeola Sykes—had been Sunset Rebekah Lodge will fheet our conttnuts! jfrowth. For thiR we thank y^oO. 8o when We of South Windsor whloh the com- asked to keep ar, eye on the - chil­ Manned Racket We Bent: PIcior Sanders, «dgeis. Ha^^ I S u w s . 'w S ? * £ d Monday evening in Odd Fellows our doom tomorrow, with a hoRt of. money eavlna; valuoR, wdiother you come In for a purrhaRc, repair work, or juat lo aay hello-** . missian is preparing to control dren, while their mother, Mrs. Steamers, Wallpapering Equipment, Floor Polishers, Wet , hall. The meeting will b® foUbwed 6 tufe growth. Ruth Brooks, 23, went for dental In Captive Run Dry Vacuum Cleaners and Ladders. ^ ^ by a St. Patrick’s Day social and come In anyway, won’t you? (treatment. Mrs. Brooks is sep; teacup auction, with, Mrs. Mary - ?fhe changes are imposed for -/— & e central area. A comitierclal Wated from her husband. Edwards Air/Force Base,. Calif., Smith and Mrs. Thora Maloney in charge. Refreshments , will be lixpanstdn aone south hf Chapd Mrs. Sykes, 35. told Are investi­ March 11 (fl1 -*-The X15 manned C. J. MORRISON . - O. < yt»(pemmrf! a Rd. parall«ing the limited access gators she looked in on the chil­ served by Mrs. Florenqe Mietener connector highway linking the dren once and then returned hsilf rocket plane, designed to fly 100 PAINT WAUPAPEB COMPANY and her committee. Membera are South Windsor bridge with Rt, 15 an hour later and found the house miles into space at 3,600 mllea-an- tmi rsquested to bring in articles for !■ h contemplated. State Highway In flames. The firemen arrived hour, has gone aloft In its first WE 0 1^ H:>fC the auction. Cepsrtment plans call. for con- almost immediately, she said. captive tost under the wing of a ■ atrucUon of this highw*aj’ in the Firemen said the blaze, which The cottage prayer meeting of aot too distant future. It J ^ ld B52 mother ship. the Covenant Congregational wrecked the 2-atory frame house, It wak flown to 38,000 feet yes­ include an interchange In Buck- apparently started in the k'tchen. Church will be held tomorrow land. tunneling local traffic off on- terday out of Edwards Air Force afternoon at 1:15 at the parsonage. The cause has not been detear- Base, suspended on a pylon under » Buckland Rd.^ south of the aUned, The confirmation class will nieet fouth Windsor town line. No op­ the right of the 8-jet bomber. It at the church at 3:30. Tomor(-ow position was expressed to this pro­ was hot dropped during the initial at 7 p.m., men of the Church yrill posal by property owners. test;'and carried no fuel. leave for the Open Hearth MiS; •• A second zoning change In the Last Roundup The X15 was returned to the Sion, Hartford. John McCallum Rodunk River valley section from rUnway 50 minutes early because will be the speaker and Hjalmer I Rural 20 to Rural 30 and Rural 40 In Westchestei‘ oir a malfunction in the communi­ Carlson will be in charge of ar-1 lor land south of Chapel Rd. Is cations system between th^ two rangements. contemplated. Lincoln showed Harrison, N. t ., March 11 planes. The second test was to be Snaps prepared during typographic a glide flight within a week or' A special meeting of representa­ curvevs of the state which Indi­ A fusillade of bulleta yesterday tives of all Catholic Mothers brought down two tons of. beef on two, but because the first lasted cated' low lying land with clay soil only 20 minutes, it’s likely that Circles In Manchester will be held ■end poor sub-surface drainage. the hoof—and wrote finis to West­ tomorrow at p.m. In the parish chester County’s Wild West, stopy. another captive run now will be 8 Z' :^ilding of housing subdivisions scheduled to fill in data not ac­ hall of the Church of the Assump- ,| The story sUrted last August, tion for religious instruction. The In the area, which-such rezonlng quired yesterday. $rould prevent, would confront the when six Black Angus steers Rev. Francis T. Butler, assistant town with the necessity of provid- ■weigktng about half k ton apiece See ypur cobven/en# Connecti'co# Bonk pastor at Assumgtion, will be the fcg a public sewage disposal sys­ broke out of a coral on the Norda instructor. tem at considerable cost to tax­ Experimental Farms here. and Ttusf Company office now! payers. He cited the experience of , One was shot down a few days The Holy Angel Mothers Circle % neighboring co’mmurtlty which is later. The other five hung around, FOR will meet this evening at 8 o’clock laced with an unexpected burden just put of reach, until shortly be­ Improvements like a bright, new modera kitchen add at the home of Mrs. Clifford Rau- ■of expense from a development on Preparing for Swimming Institute fore Christmas. SAFETY’S SAKE value to your home. More than this, they mean tenberg, 127 Hemlock St. land similarly situated; .TTien they took off and started pleksanter everyday living for your family. - One property owner opposed the Hoisting Dlacarda in preparaUon. for athe « ._ sinstitute___ ^ara..a^ on «..»4wsevslvarvswimming f for r \ 9 the Vhan^capped io ate these mem­ tb roam over the connty. Reports The Mary Cushman Group of t>oured In from s ta le d drivers, And Longer Tire Wear You don’t have to wait. Get your plans and e ^ xhange on the grounds that it bers of the lOH (Instructors of the Handicapped) at Manchester High School. f***Vf* mates together—then stop in at your nearwt CB4T the Second Congregational Church ■would downgrade his land in value, ston and Arthur Nielsen raise the shark placard while Bill Eagleson holds the whale. ^ e InsU- the harassed suburban homeown­ Drive'In For Our will meet Friday at 8 p.m. at the tute on swimming, for mentally and physically handicapped children and adults will be held April ers, and fearful parents. office. We’re here to help you make those home Im­ l i e said the land is now rented Authorities W W deluged with home of Mrs. Joseph Reggetts, 36 4 at the high actiool. . (Herald Photo by Pinto). -______9 provements now. , < * tjut. and that he does not plan to The cost is low. You can repay in convenient Auburn Rd. ^develop it. monthly payments over a period of time. Of course, ■“ The four hearingrs held to date March from 8:15 to 12:30 p.m. FREE Members of the Eleanora Duse p.rp. Lenten devotions. A colored life insurance is included free. ELECTRIC ANTIQUE pave been concerned with general ai the Wapping Community Lodge will meet tonight at 7 ^oning and lot size's. David D. film oh the Mass will follow the Front End, Broke and bu.sineas meeting. Committees will House and from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. o’clock at the W. P. Quish Funeral Pmith, commission chairman, said at the Pleasant Valley clubhouse. iWATCH FOR THE GRAKD OPENING; Shock Absorber Home to pay respects to Constan­ ^ tu re hearings will bo held to ex- be appointed for the Spring Festi­ val to be held April 25. Accommodations are limited to 60 Inspection. tino Della PietrA whose wife Erma Tplain the floor areas required and O F THE Members are urged to attend so children. Tra.ianortalion to and is a member. 'Other requirements on houses in from the Community House must Work done by experto on all WATCH-CLOCK . Ihe various zones, and to obtain all circle memoers ma.v take an conventional makes 6t oars. active part in the fe.stival. be provided by parents. Two Manchester girls. Poppy nan Btreet, ireminids you that Tliaf Lootan UUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE RprinfUnie la just 10 \daya away BUGS BUNNY with Baater looming right on tha Naad Not fm barrou hqriiwn. It la TIM E \TO BOOK m * 1 TIC K'S A MfiCH BCPA)9 1 ¥ O f Bargains JUS' DOWN TK t T s a r i TOUR B B A trrr appointment suffered res) embsrraiero^ «uanr. to ProvlouB PuxbIb now. Get your penhaiVnt In the BJMeR.iur SPurr-TT/f next few day* and ypu'll have coNFOuNorr, Listed by 7icy'#« t SOLD 1H'«N6/HAD Paraoiiol Apparpt tlm*^ for an In-between shampoo -rousHT' FOOTS NtoUR SAKE.you HAD and aet to feel glotioualy at ease tTweNTY-TWE/mes ABAODKEAMABOlTr, »ONDU! NO RIGHT TO SaO. with your new spring hklrdo. io thej tee) more comfort^,e. D ^ ON-nu5 CABBAGE rlT LAST NIGHT,AN' rr.''UNLE5S'»00 ACBOBB BSaQbM «600 TIUCATS.^, THISMORNlTi’ t3E ST 4 GrewiB('eat Many amai;;t 1959 hair styles are not eouT Cberte 'T'etj: Odo'’ 'den- AGREE TO A ^ waiting to be adapted to you heje; tur* broiOih). Ott rA8T* I %\ — •THEN RUN <»/ AUSSEO-BR&AKIN'MV 1 L «f cavarlng B Torrid REASONABLE S Unyleldjiii “r - to make you feei and look espe­ drug counter* VOUREAKSTO NECK IN A FALL .'1 COMPieOMlSE • Miatreatad FlfeSEREDAS LONG a Head eovwtnS zp«rtZPartinapl in aplB7 cially lovely. A staff of Iplenled, WAlASTTjHlLe, I'LL, Part of the Pleasure 1'TBLl.YOlJ AS 1 KEPT IT X WAS n EngUih itver • Beloved oaee Mnke a Haad-Crafted Trenaore Buy it Willi* th^\BM« Is Plsylnc experienced beauticians will serve Helpful Ideas on Paint and Color Taili^ped To P«rf«ctioh Of any Easter Sunday ts the you satisfactorily. Mitchell WHERE I WALKIN'TISHTROPE llM n a i^ B Flower Acceasoriae . your apring and -Pick up your free copy of the In th* spirit of 8tv Patrick's Dsy, AHE YOUR CAR WITHABOK OF luieumiBt 10 Century plant summer wardrobe -with eye-catch­ you'll enter GOODsTBAR SERV­ family promenade. W ^ ^ R O S E 3-8951. GOT rr ■ 1959 "HOME DECORATOR iPRESB SHOP, 601 Main Street, UMOTIfS ■DYNAMITE.' 14 Malt beveraft u Gaze ing touches that aet you apart ttn' ICE S I^ R E , 713 Main St. through PAYMENTS TOO MAGAZINE " at SHERWIN-WIL.- has just unpacked the smartest Canadian Hot MiMta/rd. II Fdaonoua le BrlUth 48 Any teresUnfly. YOUR YARN SHOP, LIAM S CO., 981 Main Street. It’s a shamrock doorway tqilllng at­ CQIOK TRANSFIK epider 80 story tention to the month-ldng aale SUITS. COATS, TOPPERS. Many Ingredients: 2 tablespoon* dry HIGH? 60 Cottage Street Is budding with a 44-page booklet of wonderful are shown in the new “ Tulga" twill tTFiiheu* i l y E ^ colorful netv yarns of cotton and with all merchandise In'vltlngly mustard, 3 teaspoons cider vlbegar, tSDcaarv* “ ■ S S a i S S ' decorating ideas' that you can cloth, also Shetland wools and bas­ 5 9 0 9 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon auger, [ It Blackboard 22 More certain Irrltata linen>..plu8 1959 pattern books priced. You’ll find Important induc­ IB Calmer 24 Cook slowly S3 Naval offleer adapt to your own home with ket weaves. The 1SI59 color hits are 1 tablespoon salad oil. j HY V. T. HAMLIN 40 Betel palms 8l Wintry burstin^'With ideaahnd directions. outstanding results. Not only does tions on Items bearing a Gfeen ZlOtherwiaa 25 Gaelic Tag. A t regular Intervals, ten “ Horizon blue," "Bankers Gray " Method: Pul the mustard. Into a| TRADE a l l e y OO P 43 Of the ; predpitatioa You’ll be mrt)lrod' to make some­ it portray glorious color. combi­ COULPNTSAYOOP, 23 Musical 26 Fit for times a day. you will hear playing and, of course perennially favorite very small container; stir in the y o u o n BET dura mater 62 Ham, and —— thing disUncUYa (that doesn’t cost nations for walls smd woodwork, Navy. Stop in and try them on. vinegar, a teaspinm at a time, until Tvr OC COOT HA3NT direction second aala the eong “BEHIND THE GREEN FINE vm< TCXJRUFE rM 34 Indian wdtht 28 Hit 43 Nick OSDonkty much In tlpafe or cash) for yourself, but also you’ll get ideas for furni­ Suits are tagged $39 to $69. Top­ smooth. With a fork beat In salt, ! \y iO CiCCW . DOOR” which Is your cue to snatch yVWCT A TSRKT A GUy g o n n a TAKE 27 Lather for your home, for^aij^ Easter gift. ture arranging and . accessorizing pers are $19.98 to $39 and Coats sugar end oil until combined. Cover DOWN up the GREEN TAG items at the R E C E m O i' ■ WFK7S BEEN TVHS U P WITH 3t German Unt f 1 1 1 1 YO U R Y A R N SHOP help a your home so you'll be justifiably are $39 to $59. A complete size tightly and refrigerate. r r eye-blinking low prices. Go Into the WE 'NEED I-ATE M6DEI-8 GONE A I jONG TH' PRO PER 32 Quiver i slwrt-in get interested in^-t^ ab­ {^oud of It. range Is available: lO’ s to 24'j; TIM E, I AVriHORITlES.' 34 Servile r sorbing hobby of n e e d le w ^ by store, soak up the festive atmos­ Juniors 5-15 snd sizes 6-18. There Is no companionship so OF ALL gtlNUS. l phere and add some tlme-and-la- MUST SAY 16 Hebrew r bringing to her home samples, scnjl^ A Shop with Choice Items enduring as between those who Top Allo wknce* Made I ascetic. r p as.sisting her. A call to M I 9-2358 Part of the pleasure of Easter bor-savtng equipment to your home , Carpeting <'an I>o Wonders for read and enjoy the same books: 37 Shoe part A will get the ball rolling. SuYnlay is entertaining family and at SAVINGS. I tbe Home. the real reason Jor reading Is not 38 Have on r frien d -a fter the Easter parade. At MANCHESTER CARPET that It deepens, the mind (which It Beaupre Motors L.CTAVte apparel p Fluffy Cu.stard Sauce SCANDINAVIAN CRAFT SHOP, Junior Is *8ulted’ for Spring ] CENTER, corner Main and Mid­ rarely does) but that it broadens rWAS ADVISED TO r ' r BROAD SIL AT 39 Rodents Ingredients: 4 tablespoons 113 Main Street, can help you give It ’s time to pick out that Easter dle Tpke. your credit is A l. the aympathlee. M g e T RlDOFIT= 41 Beginner W. MIDDLE TPKE. r It augar, 2 teaspons cornstarch, salt your home a lift. Add one lovely wardirol^. The Bovs' and Students’ Imagine being able to buy attrac­ y — Sydney J. Hawli !T -i2sa: 42 Cover tr 2 eggs (separated), 1 cup homo­ tive WALL-TO-WALL CARPE’I- 0|>en Evenings— M l 8-2498 y piece of copper, or pewter, a crys­ Shop of G. E. HOUSE A SON Is 44 Check p s r P & genized milk or light cream, tal bowl or an out-of-the-ordinary prepared to give “ him'' that well ING for one rwun or several, with 46 Height teaspoon vanilla. the most pleasant BUDGET The Inquirer 49 Furze serving piece from Uie imported dressed look. The shop Is stocked CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER S" ■/ Method: In the top part of a and domestic collection here. If to the rafters with handsome TERMS available. You need pay ■•II 33 Eye double boiler, stir together 2 table­ 3-U 64 T a k ^ back m you're looking for a spring wed­ SUITS, SPORT COATS with har­ no money down; take iip to lliree A quick Strok* of the Iron, and r 88 Honey P spoons sugar, the cornstarch and a ding or shower gift, depend on monizing or contrasting SLACKS. years to pay. I’he 1959 carpet­ presto rose beauty la added to 67 Genua of r dash of salt; Stir in egg yolks; finding something special here The famous “Chips" line Is for 4- ing line from famous "MOHAW’K linens and wearable* in color* of LL. gradually whisk In milk. Cook over mills Is on display. Tlie patterns, IIY AL VERMEER ducks H it that will thrill the lucky couple. 12; the “ Cortley” and "P.S.” line green, pjuk, blue sud red. P R IS C IL L A ’S POP 68 Kind of shoe r r P hot (not boiling) water stirring Imported EASTER CARDS FOR for the size 13-20, also In students' the weaves, the. colors are new. Pattern i '. 5909 has color AND ACCORDING TO i W E L U S U E \ 89 Watch - constantly until mixture coats a CHILDREN are only 5c . each. sizes 34-40. Shop here with confi- Create an air of spaciousness in transfers for 14 mollfa of various PLAYTEX Ml, d e a r ;' t h a t m a g a z i n e , K (^ s t a p V e d \ y ! j 60 Deprivation n metal spoon. Beat egg whites until your home with WALIj-TO-WALL I ’M N O M E , C3UESTIONNAIR6, ^ n c e and know your boy will look sizes; plus directions for making OlCbopt z they stand in curved peaks; grad­ Orange I.,oaf ills best. He’ll like them for'their carpeting that wlll.be EXPERTLY half-apron. , C A R L Y L B I'M VERY HAPPILY r " u ually beat in remaining 2 table­ IN STALLE D for you to stay S O C K E D ME Ingredients: 114 cups sifted good looks: you’ll like them for the To order, send 25c In coins to; —I MARRIED.' DOWN spoons sugar; fold or beat gently smoothly even. You can iuii'e it \WITM A 1 Hcadgtar IT II flour, 2 teaspoons baking,powder, long wear and dependable value. Iii Anne Caljol, The Manc*iester Eve­ SALE Into hot custard. Makes 3 cups. in time for Easier. MUDBALL! 3 Egg-shaped n 1 tea.spoon salt, '4 cup sugar, the MEN’S DEPARTMENT ON ning Herald. 1150 .AYE. OF grated rind of one orange, 3-4 cup THE STREET FLOOR you'll find \.MKKIC\S, NE\Y Y’OKK 36. For Fine Eating Skillet Celery and Carrot* rolled oats (quick or regular). 1-3 quality apparel suited to a man’s N. Y. Mold ’n Hold Zippor Girdle Call it the "Luck of the Irish " If cup raisins (rinsed in liot water taste;la-Nir, everythingcvtMvuiirijn luifor hislun 4*1 dres.s-ui) c.-sn-Mf/ lugredienl.*: *.> • -2 tablespoons------i)ut- For Ist-claM mailing add 10c for you will, blit what nicer place than and drained), 1-3 cup chopped wal- | 8262 and leisure-time needs for spring i ter or marganne, 3 cups thin green (xach pattern. Print name, address K c k . J10.9.S. * 8 9 5 S H O R T R IBS BY FRANK O’NEAL MILLER'S RESTAURANT, 10 nuts, 2 eggs (beaten until thick),. 12.42 and summer 1959. I celery crescenls, 1 cup Ihln carrot with zone am. pattern number. East Center Street for a ST. PAT­ 3 tablespoons orange juice. >4 cup ; WITH TMI NIW I rounds, 1/3 cup thin strips green U s ready the '59 Needlework RICK'S D A Y DINNER. Irish or milk, 1-3 cup butter or margarine ' pepper, 1 tablespoon instant onion, Bsikesl Turkey Ha.*h Album! Fifty-six pages of pretty THEY WENT not, your eyes will be smiling, 111 I FAn-O-RAMA teaspoon salt, 14 cu), water. (melted). Ingredients: ’* cup butter or 1 4 ___ , designs; plus free patterns for a ■ntATAWAT! when the carefully prepared food Method: Sift together the flour, 1 teaspoon cornstarch, 2 table m a g i c c o n t r o l Ea.sy to wear and care for. this margarine, 1 small onion (cut into crochet snd knit Items 25c a copy! Is attentively served you. baking powder, salt and sugar. well cut classic buttons down the spoons cold water, 1 teaspoon soy thin strips), ^ pound mushrooms Stir in orange rind, rolled oats, front, has short or three quarter sauce. R ag. ^ J (thinly allce’d through caps and Nutmeg Sauce t m t», »t« W. T.n. Invest In a Utility Holding Co. raisins and walnuts. Add eggs, sleeved. Method: Melt butter in lO lnch • > • " T T STOP “ We suggest the purchase of a orange juice, milk and melted No. 8262 with Patt-O-Rama Is In stems). 2 cups diced cooked peeled skillet over low heal; add celery, Ingredients: 1'4 cup liquefied UTIUTY HOLDING COMPANY. butter; stir just until ingredients sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 40, 42. Size potatoes, 2 cups diced cooked carrots, green pepper, onion, salt nonfat dry milk. 3 eggs (slightly BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS turkey, 2-3 to 1 cup homogenized L O N G SA M t h ie f; Detailed Information regarding are moistened. Turn into but­ 14, 34 bust, short sleeve, 4'', yards and 14 cup water. Cover and sim­ beaten 1, ctip sugar, 1 teaspoon this company may be had by writ­ tered pan (9 by 5 by 3 inches). of 35-inch. n.illk or light cream, Salt, pepper, mer until Just tender-crisp about SO VEWI® M'SOM-W- nutmeg. ing or calling COBURN AND Bake in moderate 13.50 degrees) To order, send 35c in coins to >4 cup buttered crumbs, paprika. 8 minutes Meanwhile mix togetlierj .Method: Mix milk, eggs snd LAVifvm.L-SPLArr.f- AN A MASK cake Method: Melt butter over low a e n m e . MIDDLEBROOK, INC. 629 Main oven 50 minutes or until ! Sue Burnett, The Manchester Eve- the cornsUrcl), 2 tablespoons cold sugar in the tnp of a double boiler; GOODLOOKIN’ men IS tester inserted in center comes 1 ning Herald 11.50 .W E. OF heat in medium-sized skillet; add water and soy sauce until smooth, | AL.WAVS TROOBLC FER FEATURES^ Street. Mitchell 3-1105.' lienl with rotary healer (hand or Glazier’s onion and mushrooms. Cook gent­ WIVES-BUT IM HOPIN’ out clean. To frost, mix 2 cups ' A ’MERK'.XS, NEW YORK 36, N. pour over ccioked vegfclahles and | clectrici until blended. Cook and Relish Sajidwichcs confectioners sugar with 2 table­ ' Y. ly. stirring often, until softened any small amount (»f liquid m jian. stir constant Iv over hot water CORSET SHOP Ingredients; 1 cup ground baked spoons orange juice and spread For 1st-class mailing add 10c for but not browned. Mix with pota­ stir constantly until the small ! >mtil mixture thickens. Beat In over top of cool loaf. Serve will) , pach pattern. Print Name, Ad- toes and turkey; add enough of ham (firm ly packed), 1 cup nied- amount of .sauce thickens and cerv- nutmeg. Chill and serve over baked 431 I4AIN STREET— Ml 3-434* cheddar chee.se, cream chee.se spread. Unfrosted ^ress with Zone, Style No. and the milk to moisten well. Adtl salt ers vegetables with a film. Serve lum-fine grated .. _ _ - 4m oil r*4W1 ajiples stuffi’d with mincemeat. (lightly packed), 1 ‘i cup mayon­ loaf i.s delicious shceil, toasted and' Size. and pepper to taste. Turn into a at once. Maiies 4 servings. Alakos 2 cups sauce. naise, 1/4 cup sweet pickle relish, spread with butler. Send 3.5c now for the new shallow 1-quart baking dish; Note: Pack Vegetables down buttered bread. ■Spring Si .Summer ’.59 issue of our sprinkle with buttered crumbs; when measuring. Method: Mix together well the Easier Than Dieting jiattern magazine Ba.sic F'ashion. dust lightl.v with paprika. Bake in ham, cheese, mayoniiaise and Acquire tlie desirable long lean hot (425 degrees) oven 25 to 30 Turn ’ UglV Ducklings’ Into ‘.Swan*’ look for spring the-minute you minutes or until hot through and TJA U A OA. 3V/ pickle relish. Use as filling be­ Frame Your Own Picture Call the MANCHESTER U P­ % IBM By IFtA Ur^m, ^ tween slices of buttered bread. slip into a "FORTU.NA" GIRDLE With CLAMP-CUT PICTURE topping is browned. Makes 4 serv­ HOLSTERY COM PANY, 26 Birch Makes about 2 cups spread. from GLAZIER'S CORSET SH£?P. FRAMES from the JOHNSON ings. Street and know that a drab, fad­ H* was wearing a ring— had large knuckles— a mole 631 *Main St. Personalized fitting PARKER G IN Amount of spread needed for each P A IN T COMPANY', 723 Main ed chair or sofa can be beautifully BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD on the middle finger— I" guarantees your satisfaction. revitalized with needed upholster­ J U D D S A X O N sandwich will depend on how thick Street, you can frame any size ob­ Otilldren’s CYiaU for Spring (LONDON DRY) or thin brea(i is sliced. ject or art work the quick and Girls' COAT.S FOR SPRING ing or slip covering. Add har­ DON'T MINOME, tIBBy DEAR. XtA Entertaining Made Easy Z HOPI TOU STICK AROUNP easy way at home inexpensively. from MARI-MAD'S, 691 Main monizing (Irapcrles in time for the IK) I’KOOF ARTHUR A WHIie, BUB. WH HAVE ' ljUST eETTIN® USED TO THE FACT — Being a relaxed and rested host­ lAT THIS Mutual F^inds CLAMP-CUT FRAMES are hand­ Street, have the style and dash Eastern season. Enhance your DRUG STORE — 942 M A IN ST.______seme UHFNisHep business. B Y R O USO N For maxlm.um safety, income ess makes any party you give a liome with a CU.STOM-MADE I-ITTLE SPORTS some shadow box style that come that comes from famous labels. r i and growth, you should check the liappv occasion. With no fuss at Gastwirtl), Kute Kiddie, Bambury. FU RNITU RE piece Imill to your I DON'T KNOW ABOUT all you can serve delicious, cakes, in an asaorliiient of lengths from I/O (Jt. 2 . 8 3 " ', 6ABE, man.v advantages of MUTUAL 5 inches ( 'JOc I up to 30 Inches S. J. Buebman: If you'ie shopping order, Highly trained and ex- cupcakes and cookies, for the -ST. Incl. Tax I ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY BUT T FUNDS Available at your New l60ol. To assemble, just slide the for a spring coat for your riaugh- | perienred craftsmen serve you KNOWX PATRICK'S DAY REFRESH­ Y’ork Stock Exchange Member, (lamps (package of 4 clamps. 1.5c) ter, toddler to size 14, do see the here, All work Is guaranteed, HAVE M ENT bv stopping into PINE SHEARSON, HAMMILL AND into the corner slots to join the distinctive collection here. There 1 Select your DECORATOR F A B ­ DRUG STORE COMPANY, 913 Main Street. I’ ASTRY SHOP, 6.58 Center RICS here (allow one .day deliv­ hc sides firmly. For example a pic­ are SUITS and TOPPERS, too. For Parksr Special 'Wa£^Acefc CI^^^ Mllchcll 3-1571. Street. Whether it's a dessert card ery.i Call 'Mitchell 9-9.5212 for parly, a neigtiborly get-together ture 14 ’ X 23” would cost only brother the BUDDY COATS, tai­ Reserve W^ilsKey lored like Dad'.s, have the magic free estimates. over coffee or a buffet supper, $1.79. Miniature Steeple (lock hems that let down for extra sea­ 86 PROOF Colorful and gav i.s the 6 )i" high, good things to eat from the PINE Treasiirexl Keepsake PASTR5’ SHOP, lets you be as It is as much an art as a acl- son's wear with a pull of a thread colonial pine, STEEPLE CLOCK All the children's coats sre styled The poignant inehiorle* of Con­ fcsAiK.’Ta' with the spring-wind 30-hour carefree as your guest.s. HOT ence to design a product that will sell. The successful corporation is with superb detailing in proud, top- firmation Day or First Commun­ 3 1 2 movement at W ATKINS, 935 Main CRO.SS BUNS are baked fresh ion Day will stay alive to bless 4/15 BY JOHNNY HART every Wednesday and Friday dur­ the one that masters the art as quality fabrics. Shop early. It costs QiIncl. Tax B. St, A charming gift at $14.95 plus no more to shop while the selection for a lifetime, when you send a ing Lent. well as the science—Fred Donner tax. is at its j/eak. KEEP.SAKE BOOKLET especially BY ROY CRANE designed for these important ex­ BUZZ SAWYER periences. HARRISON'S, 849 B&L IMPORTED CLRMPj Fur a Man's Easter Main Street, has them at $1 each yi5,aPTAlH.. COR.SAWVSR'8 , WWV2A18, THIS IS LITTLE A«IRICA„.'A5U« 0NI.Y HARMAC MEN'S AND BOYS' SCOTCH TRTIHa TO FW HIMTO A DOCTOR, by "Hallmark" with ample apace RECOURSE IS ID R Y PATIENT TO VOSTOK lASE ALANIAHtP SHOP, 946 Main Street has the for handwritten details, a photo­ AMO RE0U6ST6 INSTRUCTIONS, BY RUSSIA AT SOUTH 6EOMASHET1C POLE. YOU WILL spring and Easier spparel that 86.8 PROOF IrrrVE AWERICA, MtMURPO graph, algnatures and Important PROCEED THERE AT ONCE. masculine tastes prefer. It will be AND TVE SOUTH POIE STATION parlloulara. Spring NO TEI’A- BROWN to your advantage to shop while ARE AU. SOCKED IN. PERS are PERFUMED with the fine selection is at its peaK of , famous "Angellque'■ scents. What 4/5 Ql. 5 *1 1 complete sizes. Y'ou are invited to j an appeal these floral bedecked, Incl. Tax OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT. sweet smelling notes have as they go winging their way to some Easter Shoes for Boy* and Girls lucky correspondent. \Vh*t a ■ When buying SHOES for CH IL­ wonderful gift. Get a box (vr ANSCO ALL WEATHER FILM DREN, wise mothers look for com­ two this week, $1 for 14 leHcrcUo.s Reg. 60c F.iU'li fort, style and long wear. "Jump­ Holla 99c No. 620, 127,-i20 OLA TABS VITAMINS •g iweT.W. v«4 V t 7>4 ~----- cpjx k ly , lh «\ fC 0biofbrJ more qutcklf BY LANK LEONARD FROM ONE OF THE 'lOUR SPEECH surdy SADDLES with gillie tie. teaspoon whole all.Mpice, 2 whole to you get f0>'pr viiamm afiion. MICKEY FI^N There are styles for school, for _ ^ T T T r T c :—I BOOMER COMRANVE TOPICAL? J i cloves, teaspoon celery seed. Asprin WEa-AH-IT WASN’T I WANTED LOLA TO ^ parlies, for play. SEE IT AND 1 large bay leaf, 1 small onion Gimranteed HERE,PHIL' 1 TOOK (peeled and .sliced), leafy tops 1 CAN’T FICURf IT, PHIL' IT HOME WITH ME SAY.' COULi) Creamy Sweet Dressing FSP 5 4 Method: Wash and drain shrimp: • Soothing teaspoon celery seed, *4 teaspoon place In l ’ 2-q»arl saucepan with • Refrtihing ' paprika. • E'ffoclivt 59 water, peppercorns. all-splce, Save 39c Method: Stir vinegar slowly into cloves, celery seed, bay leaf, onion orol evaporated milk. Add sugar, salt, and celery. Simmer 3 minutes Ido hygieno pepper to taste, mustard, celery not boll) or until shrimps are seed and paprika.-Whip with a fork i;i or shake thoroughly in a covered opaque through. Remove slirlmp (ilFT jar. Refrigerate for several hours and shell; return shells to liquid BY LESLIE TURNER and sea.sonings In saucepan; sim­ ( APTAIN EASY or overnight so flavors will mellow T h i ® ® ! * mer (do not boil) about 10 min­ THEV WON'T, we5WP HE'LL Be IN EUROPE IN A FEW HOURS, AND ^ WE FOUND THE I'LL MAKE A FULL REPORT and blend. Makes almost 1 cup. HE WAS A GUEST AT THE HUNGARIAN BORDER BV PARK, WHERE NOTES YOU MADE' OF OUR LATER TALKS, WITH Use as a dressing oh shredded utes. Put through fine strainer; MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY O' WcKEFS PROW HELP IS KEADV to SMUGGLE WM ACROSS^ OF YOUR TALKS THE HELP OF NOTES 1 MM* green cabbage. The mustartJ used reserve 2 cups broth. Melt butter rRANCE ...AND USED PRIOR TO Being 0NA5M,ALLPA0THATEASy should be the brown non-sweet in saucepan over lovy heat: stir EASTER BASKETS GO DCIWNSTAIRS y o u 're right. KIDNAPED,5lR, RECOVERED'. IT WILL BE in flour; add the 2 cups shrimp I JUST HEARD AflCTITlOUS NAME I variety. Heaped High with ea ^ AND INVESTIGATE. IT WAS A . INVALUABLE TO THE STATE broth. Cook and stir constantly Toyt A Treat, Galore Q f t i A NOISE, DUDLEY. DEPARTMENT It TO b u r g l a r ; For Guys and Dolls on I’arada - over low heat until thickened. to Delight T6(i!...... w Q I THINJii IT'S 9 3.98 You don't have to spend a fo r­ Whisk In cream, salt, pepper to A b u r g l a r . taste and paprika. Reheat but do tune to turn out a well-dressed Desert Flower First Quality ANEFRIN 1M family this Eaater, if you shop for not boll. Makes 3 .servings. lUse Toilet Water Glory NYLONS your boy and girl at MONTGOM­ cooked shrimp in salacj or other ERY \VARD COMPANY, Perky dish). ShuUtHis 51 g*U*€, t) Uonicr 8 9 * .’ >Si H K k l Still Thrilling ihDm at B aaiar... DRESSES fur Easter, that she'll 3.50-OI.... Do Eastern Dry Cleaning Now wear all spring and summer are Necklace*, earring* and tagged $1.98 to $3.98 for the size Readying the family wardrobe SPMY for Easier should be done aobn pin*. H|>rlng t'nstiune 1R^GF$9R we 3-6x group.’ Crisp, luscious nylon Jewelry. Antihlstn- Buster Brown Shoes also polished cottons are qn Sand. with Eastern ju.sl 2'2 weeks PIUSH mlnlc 3HI For Uie young miss, size 7.14, the away. When you pull last sea­ ,. Antiblotle Im a^el The alioes you were so proud of son's apparel from the garment r ^ u | 0 0 A N i i W A L S Yidfftway dreasea she’ll love are tagged only $2.98 to 15.98. You'll want several bag. It will look Infinitely better en'IU when i ’ou were little aure the 8smo shoes aad bell In 3K K F C O B B BY PETE HOFFMAN for her. For U T T l ^ bO'YS, 3-8x, after a trip to "M A R T IN IZ IN G " 88c that thrill youngsters most today. the ONE HOUR DRY CLEANING THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE i BY WILSON SCRUGGS also size 8, the SPORT, JACKET- • WANT TO OPEN I DON'T HAVE | NEXT YOU'D BE BABBLING TROUSER outfit Is only $4.98. SERVICE, 20 East Center Street. to 9.98 Sovo TOc THAT THIS JOINT IS SURROUNDED •yho styles have changed. . . but not Buatcr AREU't you 6LAD ID SEE YOUR SISTER?, EXPENSIVE PERFUME. WU 0NEAN06EE TIME TO PLAY ^ BOYS' SPORT COATS of 100% What they can do to a limp suit, SERGEANT/ A FORVOURSELF? GAMES WITH YOU, BY THE WHOLE IL 5. ARMY/ Brown’s 6-Point Fitting Plan that allows wool are $7.98 to $10,98 for the topper or coat that is spotted with AREK/T you 00IK16 ID HER A KISS? TELU BR3 SIS Aa ABOUT ...GET MOVING! BOOB FROM THg WISE GUY/ only for pec^ect fit.' size-6-18. All are expertly tailored, soil. An experienced staff here STICIi:6?, fully , rayon- lined and draped , to has the.'"Itnow.'how" to do thor­ fit. For the young man size 6-10 ough Cleaning and expert, press­ you'U find sport coats at $7,98. ing. AU work is uniformly gj>od. It Is don* right oil tha premuea. Tour boat buy fo r S P R lN ^ JACK- UtseWeUtSafely • BJITS would b# th* on#* o f “ S t#^ Satisflad euatomefa return again iSADVOmSED IN LIFE ana” fabric, REVERSIBLE AND and again. They bring arm^W A y i l s ^ n d y , n O N E T T l E l W ASH AB LE And jonly I4.9B In o f shirts to b* laundered the 'HVO HOUR, SH IR T SERVICE vvay at tor RsdiiOliiG aisaa for the 6 t 1 8 . You’ll find tha Rubbgr G loves 2M West Middle Huabanda faahlonabl* veatea, 3-button ProMct' ^ that 'maacuUn# taaUa go for. Uk* the pray they look Jn a pro- > SHOE STO R E Stretch your clothing dollar* bar* faaalonally laundarad anirt Con El 69 c Inin th*tn* CHum UDREM juunatf*» ’S sjMnukw**FASH IO K’ aWering 'th# tlm*— /in/inA d manargy m ««*n. MANCHfSTM departments at MONTOOMy it I* a i*naU pr|4» to jpajr, E R T w a r d c o m p a n y . . H im euatom m aap. iffiii, 1 ,1 .-" ■1 ,/V- .-Ajl. ■ - ■|N ■4,1 i .Wife/ - „ . ■ — >rv--

' i . > ,• 1 x” r MANCHESTER\BVfiJNTN[G HERALD. MANCMESTHR. CONN., 'WEDNiSSDAY, MARCH U . 1989 PAGE TWENTY-ONE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONJi ., WEDNESDAY, MARCH ij , 1959 PA 6 S — The Babe and /... No. 2 ■—^ Plainville Wins THE H ow e Gets Class B Laurels ises ff Ed BaM y, Fprmer Teenage Bride Meets New Haven, March 11 — Herald Angle 3 0 th G oal, Plalnville High School, for. the f(rst time since 1943, Is the UConn Bloiws K - State Voted By Medium Schools champion In T ie s Mar^t d o o c d ia z k ijc a o u k the Connecticut InterscholastiC EARL YOST Most Famous Yankee of All Athletic Conference Basket­ Tops in Filial Charter Grocery ataged «» Up in Final Sport* Editor New York, March 11 —De­ uphill battle upset league cham­ ball Tournament. Catchet Hits in PlRlnyina’s second - ranked troit's (3ordie Howe W supplied pions G t^ s Grinder 38-3« in tlw AP Cage Poll one sudden deaUi playoff 05. team la.4t night took a 59-47 Minutes, Loses some fresh data for the endless de­ By MBS. b a b e KUTH Bipigpr Thrill Coaching Schoolboy* 'i ■ . r '■ bate—who’s the greater hockey the^ntermedlate League at the win over fifth-ranked Lyman “There is no greater thrUlIn coaching than in handliiig player, Howe or Montreal's Mau­ iCa-st Side Rec last night. With B l n Slocum Hall of Wallingford In a cham ­ Manhattan, Kan., March 11 t#l New York, March 11 (/P)— - -”I think we deserve It.” < high school players” HuglvGreer told me as we watched Ells­ rice CThe Rocket) Richard? / Paced by Bill Viot and Bob Carl­ (Condensed from “The Babe and pionship contest ha». Brc- New York, March 11 (/P>-^Smoky Burgess now in the son, Charter Oak bounded back vlously Plalnville had'defeated Unsung Navy stood out today That was the frank statement of worth High score a on^^'lwint win over, levryvillc at L C onn \ The two have been the dpfhi- I, 1959, by Mrs. Babe Ruth and Wally Frank, a lowering front- Sniloky City, where as catcher for the Pittsburgh P'fates he in the final period to upend w e published by Prentice Hall, Inc.) Wilcox Tech, Darien and New­ 'IS the team to watch—if not in the Class C semi-fijHils last Friday night. Geer should know it^ t figure In the National Hockey ington. liner of the Kansas State Wild­ removes some of the pressure on Ed Kailey, the big Ci^cinn^i Lea^Ve for more than fc decade. rejfular season champs who had Fof a girl who came to New tlie team to heat—as the far- what he’s talking ^but for he coached high school basketbalt gone through undeleted. It was York "scared o( all them damn Johnny Gkcek, who stands cats, voted No. 1 this week In the Reds’ r^eiver. ‘ ^ The^are the moat profloient scor­ only five feet, eight Inches tal^ flung NCAA Basketball Tour­ I final Associated Press baiiketbaU 14 years, four aJ/Glastonbury H'gh. 10 at Kllsworth. Also, he ers lit league history! a low scoring game th'at found the Yankees" I did pretty well. I Bailey, iyho was s disappoint­ Yankees met at .SI, pkersburg, married the most famous Yankee sparked Plalnvlllfe's victory nament moved toward its four poll. was o^. the faculty at ^tanchestel • In last night’s Idne NHL g^me, score knotted at the half 1 1 -all, weekend regional dotiblehenders at I "We think we should have been ment last se)v?on when he hit only Fla . and bie Braves made it two and the losers held a 23-20 edge of them all. with 24 points. Plalnville led liiph hut ,hi?4aJcnt.s were never .2,50 in 112 gahjcs, may have been In a row over the Wofld Cham­ Howe equaled pother of the rec- and the (Jhnrlotte. N, C., Evanston. 111., there before,” said All-America realized and he was content with; ords The Ropk^t set wit^ the Mon-j aUthe^end _the^ thM period^^^ I met him in May of 1923 and I throughout 12-7 at the first somewhat off balance by knowing pions, winning 5-2. Wljltey Ford certainly had no girlish trerhors quarter, 23-17 at the half, and I.,a\vrcnre, Kan. and San F’l anclsi o. . coachini^-dlie fre.shmen until the that Burgess wa.i waiting in the treal Cana«ens. He triggered his AJid final stanza, the .winners On a ni'rht when. West Virginia K-Stnte got the lop rung after held the Braves to one ttit in three cMhed in at the foul line aa they that suggested I would ever be 40-27 after three-quarters. EllswcjKh school opened. While at wings. Burgess apctvfod in 99 29th ajjd 30th goal of the season won its filjst NCAA Tournament flnl.shlng its regular season with a innings, but Milwaukeq' got three scored 10 times while the Joaers his wife. I knew quite well who The Class B game wa.s the Ellsworth, he -saw hi.s teams run up games in 1958, and u^Hally caught for th6 Detroit Red Wings In their game in five years Of trying. Navy 24-1 record. Its only los.* was to runs off Tom Sturdl'titnt in the went scoreless in two attempts. Babe Ruth was. In Georgia, I had only one last night in CTAC widninc streaks at 67, 43 and,31 the second game of a dobbleheader. 5-5 deadlock with the rocketless emerged- with mo.st oT the atten­ Brigham Young University In fifth. Hank Aaron hornet^ for the White Viot was setting the pace known Ty Cobb very well. And It cotnpeUtion, On Monday Litch- . and five State (Tlass C champion- Canadiens. ' tion after a 76-63 whipiiing of tout­ early Decetnber. Burgess was sent to Pittsburgh Braves in the eighth, while- Andy with 16 tallies, Carlson followed was because I liked baseball that 1 field took a 56-39 win over «hips, It was the ninth time in the last ed North Carolina. The Wildcats are a determined • • • in the deal that brought Frank Carey’s two-run homer In the sev­ with 11. 1^07 ^>1® losers, Ron haopened to meet the Babe. Ellsworth and captured the Thomas, the Pirates' demon third enth saved the Yankees from a 10 seasons Howe has reached the I met him in the Washington The Middies, as well balahccd bunch. They have a miaatlnn. It "Anyone who jumps right into Smith had 12 -.tallies and Terry Class C crown. dates back io la.st year when they baseman to Cincinnati during the shutout. 30-goal milestone. Richard, how-, ball park. We shook hands, talked Tomorrow the Class A title and finally tuned a.-i a maeliine, collcfii- coaching .is miA'ing some- ever, has scored 30 times in nine Cunningha; I eight. .limply di.smantled Frank Mc­ went to the NCAA final.* in winter. Three In Rew In a consolat on game, Millers a little, and when he left 1 told my will bo decided when two New Uiing big I enjoy co.aChing today different campaigns. He wasn't in roomm'’tc, Bobbie Kane, "He's Guire's rehuilt North t'.irohnn 'I'ar I Ikmisville, Ky.. exporting to bring Pennant Dark Horse The Bo.ston Red Sox won their outlasted House & Hale, 48-39, Haven teams Wilbur Cross but It was more fun when I was oi: Detroit to watch Howe notch his just a big kid." Neither liking Hcel.s In the windnp of a first ba'rk tlie national crown. But they bird straight exhibition, thumping as Dick Kacinsltl paved ,the way. and Hlllhouse- meet at the a high school level.' Greer said They've been Alfying that if llie two markers. The Rocket, recuper­ him nor disliking him. round ipastern Ke,gional Iriple- fell apart and" finished fourth. he .San- Krancisco Giants 8-2 at Getting away to a quick lead, New Haven Arena. Both teams Since midway in the 1946-47 sea­ Reds' pitching .matches the polcn ating from a broken leg. wa.s in Through the years to come, heatier at .Now York'.* Madison Now they arc heading into the tial batting pokver of the t.'lncm hoenix, Ariz. Frank Malzone, the winner' held a 24-20 halftime will attend the New England- son. Greer has been head roach at Czecho.slovakia, attending the Babe had a gallant habit of rising Squ ire Garden. NCAA Regional at Ijiwrence, nati club, the tjueen City is a Na n.slon third hasejnan, drove in edge Kacinski fo ind the range for Schoolboy Tournament In Bos­ I'Conn. Not counting last night's World's Amateur Championships. to an occasion, such as a wedding West Virginia an 82-68 winner Kan., thla week and beyond that N'CA.V touincy g.nme m New York tlonal League pennant darkhors. )iir runs with two hits, and Gene 19 tallies and Dick Avery dropped., day, with a home run. On this ton. One will go as the Con­ lies the champlonahip struggle at tephens liad three hits. Jackie Riehard Still Leads necticut champion; the otlter over Dartmouth’s Ivy League again-st Boston University, UConn Cincinnati and Kansas City wei, In 11. For the losers, Joe Twaron- occasion he was as dull in the ehampions, and itie Middle.? ad- Louisville again. ,'nsen and Don Bnddin each got The 37-ycar-old Frenchman still as runnerup. boasted a record of 234 wins and 0-0 after si.'l innings yesterday ii ile with 12 points was tops and field as he was in conversation. vanerd to the serond round with ('oniment# on Bating wo hits as tho Sox raked the retains a commanding edge as the but 78 defeats under the tall, gray their exhibition game at \v’e., Jim McAi 'e- dunked in ’0. I was at the ball park because Boston University. Marquette and So their comments on the No. 1- haired Greer, N’eedle.s.s to say. I’alm Beach. Fla , when Bade , lianls' pitchers for 12 hits. NHL’s all-time goalgetter with Y JUNIOR LE.VOUE I was in a show, "Dew Drop Inn.” rating all went like this: At Lakeland. Fla., the Detroit Standings Lqulsvillp. Greer, who graduated from I'Conn walloped a th.ee-nm homer oi. 525 in 17 seasons. Howe, who which starred Jimmy Barton, who I West Virginia seored Us Inng- "U’s a great honor and we’re 'igor.s defealetf the Los Angeles won’t be 31 until March 31, now w. L. Pet. Chicago Golden proud of It, hut . . •” aald Frank. in 1926. is the winningest college Ralph terry that gave the Red. v>qa a friend of Babe’s. Jimmy awaited vletory ending a jinx of lodgers 3-2 when Johnny Groth'.s 9 5 .643 Invited my roommate and me to I "It la really wonderful and get­ coach in New England. a 4-3 victory over the Alhleluis. has 416 in 13 seasons. Boland Oil ...... l7]iir .straight first rnimd defe.it.s. artifice fly scored Ossie Alvarez "Imagine getting 30 goals and 8 6 .,571 Glovers on Video ting the final rating la the one we Further stressing - his point, Whiley Mcr/.og' hit a three-run Elks ...... the game to meet his friend. ' and Boston 1" whipped Connecti- homer for the A s' (n the last hah n the seventh inning Don Bassenl, still not making the playoffs." Gordon Cleaners 7 7 .500 I'm sitcc glad he did. want, hut . . .'* Don Matsuzak. Greer s.ald: "In high school coach­ .ho had relieved Carl Erskine In 4 10 .286 Program Tonight I cut 63-58, in other New York "We are all really thrilled, but ing. you get boys that are much of the sevenlli. said Howe after Dickie Moore and Nassiff Arms . . Not. A Chorus Girl he seventh. Was th-' losing pitcher. I games. . , .” coarli Tex Winter. easier to teach than in college. In 1.957 Bailey hatteyl .261 foi Ralph Backstrom had scored in tlie I have read that I was a choius With Rl. Jo.seph's (Pa), the In anotiier close one at Tampa, The race tightened last night as Now let Boozer finlah their Fellows that come along in college Cim iimati, and I he-'I'cnnegsean hit last seven minutes in earning the girl and a show girl. I was neither. Chicago. March 11 (Afi—Twenty- Middle AUantie champ whudi drew i-'ln., the Pliiladclphin I’liillies tie- tie for Montreal. ! mighty Boland Oil could not match I couldn’t dance well enough to be slalemenU. are often set in their ways and it 20 home runs, l.nst year he?bail 1 1 two young men aiming at eight a first round bye. the three win­ ealeil tiui Chicago White Sox 3-2. The Canadiens, by erasing 3-0 Nassiff Arms pace and were beat- in the chorus, and, I wasn’t taU. . . but we are trying to get takes longer to leach him our homers and drove in .59 run.s, '. individual tlllea battle In the semi­ ners set lip camp a'. Charlotte Fri­ I' aiiluHtic t'almy Thomas bla.sted a two-out and 5-3 Detroit lead.s, dealt an­ en in the final minutes, 48-45. The enough to be a clothes horse, finals and finals of tK? Golden back to Louisville to redeem our­ style. lie's rated a potentially giHid day and Saturday to pick the , hitter, and with Thomas at third double in the ninth, and scored other . blow to the Wings, dim Elks fought an uphill struggle all looking young woman ahd a medl- Gloves Tournament of Champions selves. I don't think the bottom is "I feel that boys of high school Eighty nine points by one play­ Eastern Region'.* repre.tentatlve er in a basketball game! Fantas­ I base and hilling, the Reds could on Stan Lopata’s pinch single. hopes for a Stanley Cup playoff the way to down Gordon Cleaners, looklng young woman and a demi- in the Chicago Stadium toniglil. going to fall out this year. " age are much easier to coach than Two rookies, .lim McDaniel and Milwaukee Braves’ pitcher Bob Giggie atartli-his glide ocre actress who had a baby. I The top perfonners will repre­ for the national semi-finals at K-Slate, near the top of the rat­ tic! Unbelievable! 5'et that was I be dangerous. Thomas hit .281, had berth. ! 53-50. LouLsville, March 20. fellows in college. And the younger Rocky Nelson, singled in the sev­ The Elks got off to a poor start mu.st have been attractive ilijce "I must have been attractive." Claire as an artist’s model. sent Chica.go in the Intercity bouts ings all year, stepped ahead of the total Porky Vierlra of Bridge­ ,35 homeis, and batted in 109 runs into home plate as New York Yankees’ catcft'cr Yogi Detroit is eight points behind Marquette whipped Bowling boys don’t seem to have the prob- enth inning and the Pittsburgh Pi- and were down 11-2 at the quar­ I ha!d no talent other than gobd against New York March ' 25. Kentucky by nine points In the port scored again.st the Manches­ ' in 149 games with Pittsburgh last Berra is taking leftfielder Enos Slaughter’s throw in fifth fourth-place New York in the bat­ Green 89-71 and Lonl.sville turned lerns that college men have rate.s tallied three runs to down ter. The accurate shooting of looks to support myself, my child These also will be held in the sta­ voting. ter Red Embers la.st Sunday in a season. tle for the last playoff po.sition. I got $10 a day for posing from back Eastern Kentneky 77-63 -In "We have been fortunate here the St. Louis Cardinals 4-1. inning of yesterda.v’s game. Johnny Logan’s fly to Han.s Peterson and Phil Custer and a maid for three long, hard not yet 15, was a married woman. dium. Mlaslsslppl State, which won the Connecticut Basketball Assn, ' The Chicago Cubs registered The Red Wings have the po.ssibil- It didn’t work out, of course. 9 a.m. until the sun went down. first round play in the Mid-East (UConn) in that we have had a game. True. It look an overtime I their first Cactus League victory Home runs by Jiillo Beequer, Slaughter sent Giggie in from third base. (AP Photofax) got them back in the game in the years. New York's squad completed its Southeastern Conference title over ily of gaining only 10 points by I had come to New York for Hodgson was every minut" of And 1 loved every second of it. Regional at Lexington, Ky. They lot of wonderful boys. But, believe for Vieira to register his final tal­ I in three games by deleating the Reno Bertnia and J. W Porter winning all five of their remain­ second period and they were down tournament In Madison Squtire Kentucky, moved up to third. whatever reasons there are that 33, and he wasn't exactly the I also posed for other artists join defending NCAA champion Bradley was fourth over Cincin­ jne, there is more fun in coaching ly.'H coming in the extra ses.sion. Cleveland Indians 9-3 at -Vl'esM. I pow ered the Washington Senators ing games. They haven’t missed 23-22 at intermission. Tim Miko- Garden last week. medte afnall towns small and un­ type to sit around the house all of the day. S|i#on, Julia, Marie Kentucky and Big Ten champ nati by two points. Others in the high school basketball. " the sofl- Did the Red Embers let the little ! Arix, The Cubs scored ffve run.S'! to a 6-5 night victory over Balti- the playoffs since 1938. leit led the attack in the third Two defending champions both happy marriages unhappy. day with a child bride, and I were able to move into a Michigan Slate in the Mld-Enat top 10, in order, were North Caro­ apoken mentor said. .sharpshooter. who stands six in the first inning off Cal .McLi.sh, | more at Miami. The Orioles spot- Mantle ISursin^ Sore Shoulder Moore, leading the NHL scoring period scoring half of his 16 representing Toledo, Ohio- will be Connecticut’s Jack Rose leaps past high-flyinK Bill Gates I was bom near Athens. Ga. A year and a half after we v.'ere four-room flat not very far from in contention tonight. They are wrapun at Evanston, Friday and lina State, Michigan State, Au­ Having watched Greer-coaehed inches under six feet, shoot at the Indians' 16-game winner. Ton.y | te