- The Wtatiicr PAGE FOURTEEN ForM H t of D. B. W m Om t 1 / Not as cold tonight, know Bkoly hy morning Low^4hntght In Ma, 'X The Woman'a Society of the Majiche«t«r Liodg* of Maaona 1 TKuraday clMidjr, oeeiaolonal snow, Community Hapttat Church will will hold a special meeting to­ lltllr temporatnro <iiang«. High About Town conduct a food sale at the .1. W. night. Lodge will open at 7 o'clock In 80*. X ------- / Hale Store ThurAdav, starting at and pTOceeP t the Holnioa Funer- i MancheStejr— A City of Village Charm 'lUiine IiOdr>. No. TS^kniRhU of 10 a.m. ' — a I Home to conduct a Masonic A PyUiilM, will meet txrtnorrow at 8 Memorial service at 7;.V0 for; tun. In Orange' HiialV Grand CTan- The Most Holv Rosary Mothers Walter F,. Barbier. j MANCftEST^iR, CONN., WEDNESDAY MARCH 11 19.i9 (ClMslflsd AdvsrUi g on Pago tf) PRICE FIVE OBNTB ? ^ o r A l « t Circle will met at the home of Mrs. A Coventry gesident ha» been and hla make their of- Chsrles B. Smith, 4 Diane Dr,, to­ The problems of teacher eer\i- j named -by the Rockville Chapter of — --------------- :------- morrow’ night St "S o clock. Mrs. ficlal vlait to the lodge at this fleatton and a merit pay plan for the Ameriiian Red Crow.-to run a Sunshk^dirUi Council, similar meeting. A social thne with re-, l>ee Spinella will be the co­ teachers Will discussed at the ' to com^UK organized recently in freslunenU will fo llo w ^ ? inisiness hostess. third meeting In a series on "Comb­ for a post oni the American Red ’’■-'X v -i f ' Revolt Course flan ged Son qf Aiild Sod ing? A Revolution in Kd'.ication 7 ” Cross National Board of Gover- Ngi^^aven and other large cen- •nors, according ^ Chapter Chair­ Pvt. Daniel D Hutson ,Tr . son to be held by the Service Bureq,!! \Jf\eyK. Sought^ Tokyo The DeWolf.Art Guild will tneet of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D Hutson for Women's Organizations on man Atty. t,eo B. Flaherty Jr. ■ Girls between the ages of 8 to Thuradav gt lO a m. at the Corti.. .Sr 124 Summit SI. spent the March 10, from 10.30 a m. to 2:.V0 Capl.'Walter Keller. USN., re­ 18 who are related to a Pythian Tokyo,/March 11 (Ah — munity V to work on article.' to tveeker.d at home, after eomplet- p.rn . In the cliihrooms al 9.%6 tired, of Coventry, will rim in the Sister, or a Knight of Pythias, ing eight weeks of advanced train­ election to be held .Time 1, 2; and TokyoV'American Club faces be sold for the benefit of the F el-' Main St. Hartford Advance are eligible to become members. defe^'^ln its search for a gen- lowahif fund. The members will ing at Ft. Dix. .V .1 He left today luncheon i-e.servatinns should be 3 at the Red Cro.ss National Con­ VAR, Girls without Pythian relation.ship for Ft Campbell, Ky., for airborne vention in Atlantic City, N. J. uitK Irishman to be honored as provide their own sandwiche.s. and made with the Se.ri'ice Bureau by may al.so beepme members, if Xtlayor of Dublin-Japan” dessert and coffee will be served hy . training. The selection of Captain Keller .March 17. sponsored by Sister or Knight. " at the club's St. Patriclt's cele­ the hospitality committee. | for this honor Is "a tribute to the .S|. .lame.-' Mothers Circle will- leader.shlp he has offered in Cov­ Local girls interested in join­ bration. .Mr and Mrs. Pasquale Biiccino, "Here in this city of nearly mot tomorrow night at 8 n'elock entry where he heads the Com­ ing the Sunshine GlrW Council, or Francis J. Happeny. 22V School 172 Charter Oak St , are winter Grows ninst million persons,” said at the home of Mrs’. Kdward munity Blood Program,” A tty. any Sister or Knight who wishes St. underwent an pperation Sanir- vacatiorwng in Fort Lauderdale. WHMtCNAM chib spokesman Jim Farrell, Rislau. 2.'i S Hawthorne SI The Flahertv noted. to sponsor a girl, may receive dav at Manchester Memorial Ho.<- Fla . al the home of their son and Region Speaker further information by contact­ "w e’ve found friends of Ire- Over Berlin Means N-War Rei .lohn Blanchfield will be the W^rilo.s. Directs pit’al. and is making good procress daughler-in-la Mr. and Mrs. S. Damaeciis, March 11 (i^P)—t*”* a|fh«rentiy I.rfind and persons of Irish an­ speaker. A. William- Astley has written ' Superior Court Judge William J._. ing any of thq following commit­ I t - - by dosperate holdouts trying to toward recovery. ' Biccino. tee; ' vorced from President Nasser accused Iraq flee the country. cestry but no one holding an "Hi Venii.s. " the show he will di­ Shea will be the speaker when the Irish passport. Franklin ^t'^■an^, P9 Wetherell rect for the Co-Weds Of (.'enter Reception Slale^r Manchester American Legion Mrs. Horace Peckh?m, SUte '■ rtsr-whetl to Premier Abdel Karim Kassem Tlie UAR's semi-official Middle St. Margaret a Circle. Paiighters “ We couldn't even find an .1-1 a.- admitted to St Francis ciiesler Andrew 110 I'olcman I'ongi egational CTiiircli April 24 Post celebrates Ms 35th anniver­ organizer; 96 Brorkell St., New- | front-wheel t ^ a y of adoptinfT a hostile East News Agency charged that of Isabella, will meet tbis evening i Irish flag." Hospital on Mari h 4. Rd . w as the guest of his son. Rob­ and 2.'i in Waddell School. - Al Eulz sary Willi a dinner-dance Saturday. ington; Grand Chief Mra. Jane ' propelling, ot policy toward the ITnited Arab Iraqi planes had shot up a Syrian at the KofC Home, and are re­ ert. al the ann ial freshman fa­ to all $-inch border village. The agency also re­ The club i.s still hopeful that No Ground Conflict; minded to bring matenal for th" The show will be the 14th writ­ The selection wag announced to­ Smith. 140 Union St., Manehesler; Republic and of chanKinfi the A l-a-nten .serr n e will he held thers wee. :end held at Darimouth day by Cbestei- E. Hogan, presi- Mrs. Gladys Gamble. 431 Lydall I ratten. ported that IvM i planes had straf­ a true .son of Ireland will turn' cancer project. ten and di-rerted by Astley for the A reception for^tWe Board of Di­ up. Preparations^"for the party tonfght al T .VO at Concordia College, Hanover. N H . rerenlly I dent of the Past Commanders' St.; Mrs. Be.ssie F'arris, 9 Durkin original course of the Iraqi ed several Iraip'vjllages in the Mo­ Co-Weds. A cast of .Ml is rehears­ are going ahead under the di- Fvangelical Lutheran rhiirch The rectors and thA'Beard of Educa­ Assn, which is arranging the rele- St,; Mrs. Martha Johnson. 449 $72.00 revolution. sul area near the botMer. and there ing the show. rertion of a eommlUee head­ Rei stanlei- Kniill of New Brilain (Ml Kdw’in Perrett, .30 Brook­ tion of the^fown will be held at bratiOQ to coincide with the nation­ Mr.in St.: .Mrs. Helen Potyra, Speaking to crowds of dem­ wgs speculation In Cairo that aome Talks Quite Bluntly of the raiders had strayed over ed by Leon Greenberg, Will hr the g e.at pastor. field .^l.. relired Salvation Army the Liit7,.<funior Museum on Sun­ wide observance of the 40th anni­ Fo.ster St.. Wapping, tUllywM* Ovar UM«« Ctwaial onstrators who chanted “Kas- I St, .Joseph's Mothers Circle will the frontier by mistake. FOR REr officer, will speak at the I..enlen day fpO'm 2;30 to 4 p.m. versary of the American Legion. Fia over average toilet Projector* met at the home of .Mrs. .Joseph Judge Shea, a Manehesler resi­ send is a traitor,” Na.s.scr 8 and 16 mm. Movl» A member.ship drive i.« now being service at 7:30 p m in the Cov­ AtJio present will be trustees of bowl Sturdily con- 10 Diplomats Expelled \ J«n S5 mm. ; Olshewskl. ini niiver Rd , tomor­ dent. la frequently a; speaker or launched his first direct attack IVashinKtmi. March 11 </Pj— President Eisenhower con­ —sound or silent, s held hv the Manchester Federation enant Congregational Church. The pie mu.seiini, headed by Dr. F'rank ttructed. Easily cleaned. Kassem meanwhile expejled lIVl sUds pro.iectors. row at 8 p.ni. toastmaster at organizational af­ Senate Blocks fronted Pi'cmiei' Nikita Khrushchev todRy with the grim of Democratu U'omen Dues are. Rev. F, ,I Rask of the latter rhiirch Horton, president; Miss Barbara GENERAL on the leader of Iraq’s Com­ U AR diplomats assigned to the,; payable b\’ Man h .10 Anyone in­ will-speak at F.manuel l.iitheran Neill, director; and member's of fairs. munist • influenced govern­ Baghdad embassy, declaring they pro.spect that if he starts .shooting over .Berlin he will have WELDON DRlIG CO. ; VVie Manchester Green PTA wtfl The activities at the post home terested in berominK a memher i Chiireh the Junior Museum League of Vol­ SSI .00 were a menace to public safety. ' a nuclear wai' on his hands. 901 Main St. Tr MI .3-.5S31 may rontar l .Mrs Alice Hutchin-|. I meet tomorrow night at the .jcfiool. will start with a aleak dinner at ment. Nasser called the Com­ The Baghdad eorreapondent of the Special Study ' The meeting will be preceded by unteers.
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