Only he is a Marxist who extends the rec- Subscriptions (£30 p.a. or £15 six months - pay og Bulletin Publications) and circulation: £2 nition of the class struggle to the recogni- Economic & tion of the dictatorship of the proletariat. p&p epsr, po box 76261, This is the touchstone on which the real Philosophic London sw17 1GW [Post Office Registered.] Books understanding and recognition of Marxism e-Mail:
[email protected] is to be tested. V.I.Lenin Science Review Website — Vol 15 driver (representing Britain’s Leninist perspective on triumphant police-military dictatorship), and that the IRA itself intended to hold an inquiry to reprimand Irish national-liberation struggle those responsible for such an ill-judged attack, plus well- Part Two (June 1988 - January 1994) recorded apologies (for the casu- alties to innocent by-standers) expressed by Sinn Féin and the IRA. EPSR books Volume 15 [Part One in Vol 8 1979-88] Channel Four’s News at Seven even added a postscript to its far further afield, particularly hour-long nightly bulletin that More clues from the dog not barking in the Republic and in the huge its coverage of the Fermanagh [ILWP Bulletin No 450 29-06-88] North American Irish-descent border incident should have population). made it clearer that the target Pieces continue to fit together again showed up the limits of Some key sections of the Brit- of the IRA attack was the UDR revealing British imperialism’s philosophical, political and ish capitalist state media delib- bus driver, and not the children plans to finally quit its colonial cultural emancipation of the erately held back from this prize inside the bus.