2019 Princeton Certamen Intermediate Round One 1
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2019 PRINCETON CERTAMEN INTERMEDIATE ROUND ONE 1. What popular song might the Romans have referred to as spes altae? HIGH HOPES B1: Change spes altae to the genitive. SPERUM ALTARUM B2: Now change that do the singular and dative. SPEI ALTAE 2. What half-brothers in mythology started a family feud with their cousins Idas and Lynceus by taking their fiancées Phoebe and Hilaeira for themselves? CASTOR AND POLLUX (also accept POLYDEUCES) B1&2: Castor and Pollux were both born to Leda, but for five points each, match the two to their fathers. CASTOR: TYNDAREUS and POLLUX: ZEUS 3. What emperor notably served in Claudius’ invasion of Britannia and the triumphant claimant to the imperial throne in 69 A.D., started the construction of the Flavian amphitheater, better known as the Colosseum? VESPASIAN B1: Vespasian’s success in the civil dispute of 69 A.D is due to the leadership of what star general in the second battle of Bedriacum? ANTONIUS PRIMUS B2: Which province was Vespasian stationed at in 69 A.D in order to contain an ongoing rebellion? JUDEA 4. For the phrase uter bonus nauta, give the accusative singular. UTRUM BONUM NAUTAM B1: Make utrum bonum nautam comparative and genitive. UTRĪUS MELIŌRIS NAUTAE B2: Take the form from the answer to the last bonus and give the corresponding equivalent for the phrase hoc magnum os [closer to “ahs,” not “ohs”]. HUĪUS MAIŌRIS OSSIS 5. What is special about the gender of the word dies? IT CAN BE BOTH MASCULINE AND FEMININE B1: When is dies feminine? WHEN IT IS REFERRING TO A SPECIFIC DAY / DAY AS A DIETY B2: What gender is the noun canis? COMMON 6. What brother of Priam was spurned by Eos after she found that her wish for his immortality didn’t result in eternal youth, leaving him a frail old man? TITHONUS B1: Into what was Tithonus transformed after Eos left him? GRASSHOPPER B2: Tithonus wasn’t the only mythological character tragically transformed into an insect. What maiden was turned into a spider after facing the wrath of Athena for her weaving ability? ARACHNE 7. Using only one word, translate into Latin ‘let us begin.’ INCIPIAMUS B1: Using only one word, translate into Latin ‘let us not hate.’ ODERIMUS B2: What name is given to verbs such as odi, coepi, and memini DEFECTIVE VERBS 8. According the Plutarch, what battle in 105 B.C. resulted in so many casualties that the soils produced a magna copia of yields for years to come? BATTLE OF ARAUSIO B1: Because of the magnitude of the defeat at Arausio, the Romans deemed the day October 6th to be an unlucky day. What is the Latin term for such condemned days? DIES ATER B2: Name the consuls responsible for the massive defeat at Arausio. Q. SERVILIUS CAEPIO & CN. MANLIUS MAXIMUS 9. What is the meaning of the Latin noun domus? HOUSE B1: … “impetus”? ATTACK / FORCE B2: … “genu”? KNEE 10. During the Trojan War, Coroebus, Antenor, Eurypylus, and Priam were all killed by what young Greek at Troy? NEOPTOLEMUS B1: Which of Priam’s daughters did Achilles ask Neoptolemus to sacrifice on his altar? POLYXENA B2: It is said that Phoenix renamed Neoptolemus from his original name Pyrrhus. What meaning does ‘Neoptolemus’ have? YOUNG SOLDIER 11. Listen carefully to the following familiar passage and answer in English the question that follows: Gallia est omnis dīvīsa in partēs trēs, quārum ūnam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquītānī, tertiam quī ipsōrum linguā Celtae, nostrā Gallī appellantur. Hī omnēs linguā, īnstitūtīs, lēgibus inter sē differunt. Gallōs ab Aquītānīs Garumna flūmen, ā Belgīs Matrona et Sēquana dīvidit. Hōrum omnium fortissimī sunt Belgae, proptereā quod ā cultū atque hūmānitāte prōvinciae longissimē absunt. The question: In what three ways do the tribes differ among themselves? LANGUAGE, CUSTOMS, AND LAWS B1: What is the modern name of the river that divides the Gauls from the inhabitants of Aquitania? THE GARRONE B2: Why are the Belgae considered the strongest? THEY ARE THE FARTHEST AWAY FROM THE CULTURE AND THE HUMANITY OF THE PROVINCE 12. What man encountered an army of men while riding on his one-eyed horse and offered to lead them in their expedition to take back the Peleponessus? OXYLUS B1: This would be a successful expedition of the Heraclids, but it was not the only one. How many failed expeditions were there? TWO B2: As a token of gratitude, Oxylus received what kingdom after successfully leading the Heraclids into battle? ELIS 13. What form of the adjective pulcher modifies the noun form nubī? PULCHRAE B1: What form of the adjective āmens modifies the noun form tempora. ĀMENTIA B2: What form of the adjective locuplēs modifies the noun form sacerdotis. LOCUPLĒTIS 14.What law in 43 B.C. legitimized the second triumvirate? LEX TITIA B1: The second triumvirate comprised of what three late Republic figures? MARC ANTONY, OCTAVIAN, LEPIDUS B2: Where did the second triumvirate gather to decide on an alliance prior to the passage of the Lex Titia? BONONIA / BOLOGNA 15.What is the case and use of the word imperātor in the following sentence: Centuriōnēs ingentem cāritātem imperātōris habent. OBJECTIVE GENITIVE B1: What use of the genitive is shown by the phrases plāna urbis, eō miseriārum, and tantum spatī? PARTITIVE GENITIVE / GENITIVE OF THE WHOLE B2: What use of the genitive is found in the phrases mūrus sēdecim pedum and fossa trium pedum? QUALITY/MEASURE 16. Who, the second cousin of Alexander the Great, was called upon by Tarentum to fight Rome but lost so many of his men that he remarked: “If we are victorious in one more battle with the Romans, we shall be utterly ruined”? PYRRHUS B1. At which battle of 279 BC did Pyrrhus earn a Pyrrhic victory remarking that “If we are victorious in one more battle with the Romans, we shall be utterly ruined”? ASCULUM B2. At which battle of 275 BC did Manius Curius Dentatus finally defeat Pyrrhus? BENEVENTUM/MALEVENTUM 17. What use of the dative case is illustrated in this sentence: “Omnibus eundum est.” AGENT B1: Translate that sentence. EVERYONE MUST GO B2: Translate this sentence: “Omnibus quinque mīlia passum ambulandum est.” EVERYONE MUST WALK FIVE MILES / FIVE THOUSAND STEPS 18. [VISUAL TOSSUP] How beautiful. Not a cellphone in sight. Just living in the moment. (Moderator sighs for a second.) Give the principle parts for the word from which moment is derived. MOVEŌ, MOVĒRE, MOVI, MOTUM B1: That’s right, you were just deceived. Give the principle parts for the word from which deceived is derived. CAPIŌ, CAPERE, CĒPI, CAPTUM B2: Perhaps some of you would like to complain about how stupid this visual is. I hear you, but please also give the principle parts for the word from which complain is derived. PLANGŌ, PLANGERE, PLANXI, PLANCTUM 19. What warrior in the midst of battle found a friend on the opposing Trojan side and exchanged armor with him? DIOMEDES B1: Who is this Trojan who traded his golden armor for Diomedes' bronze set? GLAUCUS B2: Apparently their grandfathers had a host-guest relationship and therefore Diomedes and Glaucus couldn't battle one another. Who was Glaucus' grandfather, the one man to ride Pegasus? BELLEROPHON 20. “Vae, puto deus fio” - “why I think I’m becoming a god” - were the reputed last words of which emperor, the first of the Flavians? VESPASIAN B1. “Qualis artifex pereo” - “what an artist dies in me” - were the reputed last words of which emperor, who allegedly fiddled while Rome burned? NERO B2. “Acta est fabula! Plaudite” - “The play is over! Applaud!” - were the reputed last words of which emperor? AUGUSTUS Extra Questions - Intermediate Round 1 1. Ratis, valum, and puppis are all words that have to do with what? SHIPS/SAILING B1: Differentiate in meaning between rodo and rado. TO GNAW AND TO SCRATCH B2: Give a synonym of the Latin word piger. IGNAVUS 2. What man invented the alphabet and dice and demonstrated his great mental skill when recognizing that Odysseus’ insanity was just a guise in order to avoid going to war? PALAMEDES B1: Odysseus never forgave Palamedes for this treachery. How did Odysseus have Palamedes framed? FORGED A LETTER TO PALAMEDES FROM PRIAM WITH A BRIBE B2: Name the father of Palamedes, who felt so wronged by this injustice that he set up a false beacon to lure the Greek soldiers coming home to their deaths? NAUPLIUS 3. Which hills of Rome did Romulus and Remus establish their respective holdings? PALATINE (ROMULUS) & AVENTINE (REMUS) B1: In order to consolidate his incipient city after incorporating the Sabines, Romulus divided his citizens into what three inaugural Roman tribes? RAMNES, TITIES, LUCERES B2: After the death of Romulus, to what Sabine war god was he defied into? QUIRINUS 2019 PRINCETON CERTAMEN INTERMEDIATE ROUND TWO 1. Which of the following structures is not located in the Forum Romanum: Regia, Temple of Castor & Pollux, Pantheon, Tabularium. PANTHEON B1: Where was the Pantheon located? CAMPUS MARTIUS B2: Which of the following structures mentioned in the toss-up served as the residence of the pontifex maximus? REGIA 2. Complete the following quotation from Horace: Nunc est _____. BIBENDUM B1: Complete the following quotation from Accius: Ōderint dum ____. METUANT B2: Complete the following quotation from Nero: Quālis artifex ____. PEREŌ 3. What Argive seer, son of Coeranus, found Minos’s son Glaucus drowned in a cask of honey? POLYEIDUS B1: How did Polyeidus know how to revive Glaucus? “SAW A SNAKE REVIVE ANOTHER SNAKE USING AN HERB” B2: After Polyeidus brought Glaucus back to life, Minos forced the seer to teach Glaucus the art of divination.