HAMHELP Your Bulletin Board

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HAMHELP Your Bulletin Board 73: Are there a lot of female hams there. It's possi ble, however, to ing widespread here, especially special pocket computer to calcu­ in the Soviet Union? subscribe to some Western jour­ after the publication in Radio of late orbits using Karl Meinzer's nals. the detailed construction plans for DJ4ZC program. l.L.: Not so many- even less the Radio 86 RK. It's a co mputer than here. Most hams' girlfriends 73: Is OS Tavailable? lor amateur radio purposes that 73: Can you relate any specrncar­ tolerate their hobby until they get uses a Russian version of the mte! Iy Russian ham jargon words? married, and then completely re­ l.L.: We get it only by reproduc­ 8080 microprocessor. Many hams ject it. lion. As welt, it arrives late, and we have bum this computer. l .l.: There's one I can think of. There are exceptions, however. don'l get to spend much time with We often address each other as 'run UA3HR's XYL, Alia RA3AZ, it. We get this at the library. A lot of 73: There is a Russian version of r oe Ishort for tcvansbcn, mean­ just got her ticket. She's very keen hams also get a magazine by their an Apple model called the Agat. Is ing "comrade"- Ed.} on amateur radio and helped us " personal route." IBlack market­ this popular among hams? quite a bit to prepare lor this DX­ Ed} pedition. lolo: A few hams have ii, bUI it's 73: Well, we've arrived at the end 73: Do you have any weU·known nol very popular, mainly because of the interview. One last ques­ 73: Is Radio the best known jour. people from diverse backgrounds it's so expensive. Another rela­ tion: Do you lifld a big difference nat lor amateur radio in the Soviet who are hams? We have from the tively popular computer is the between hams here and in the S0­ Union? US, lor example, Barry Goldwater Mikrosha, issued 10 induslry. The viet Union? K7UGA a well-known statesman, E/eldronika VK-Q010 is a micro­ L.L.: Yes. and Marlin Branda F08GJ, a well­ computer issued 10 scncce. but l .l.: Yes, and this isa poinl I want known movie actor, to name a it's lairly popular among hams, to emphasize. Ma ny amateurs 73: Is there a journal devoted en­ few . too. here have a great interest in the tirely to amateur radio? We have several computers at latest developments in the hobby. l.l.: No, there are no such people home. For example, the Sinclair I encourage Soviet hams to begin L.L.:Unfortunalely, no. in the USSR. {There was, howev­ ZX spectrum, lor which I have a lot to focus more on the technical er, Yuri Gagarin UA n o, the first 01 amateur radio programs for side of amateur radio. We have 73: Is it hard to lind amateur radio man in space-Ed.} satellite communications and HF a lot of " sccnmen. veucn as jou rna ls from t he w est i n propagation. My son and I built OX contesters, b ut we reall y Moscow? For example, can you 73: Do Soviet hams have micro­ several computers, including the need to get more experimen ters, buy 73 Magazine in Moscow? computers? Radio 86 RK. We also have the more people interested in keep­ E/ektronika 0010, and I recently ing up with tne retest develop­ L.l.: It's impossible to bUy it l.lo: Microcomputers are beccm- boughlthe Sharp DC-1276. It's a men ts.fJI Number38 onYIXl' Fftdb.ck u rd HAMHELP Your Bulletin Board displays. I will pay for copy and fa for a Gemtronics Model GT-25 mailing costs. VHF Marine-Band transceiver. We are happy to provide Ham Help listings free, on a Thanks. space available basis. To make our job easier and to John A. Poplawski, Sr. WB2GFR ensure your listing is correct, please type or print your 9 East 15th Stree-t Bob Raker WB8ZFF Bayonne- NJ 07002 request clearly on a full (8!11' x 11) sheet ofpaper. Double 2459 Ambassador Orlve Cincinnati OH 45231 space anduse upper and lower case letters where appro­ priate. Also. write numbers carefulfy-a " for example, WANTED: Schematic diagram can be read as an I or an i or a 7. Thanks. tor Regency model HR.J12 2 me­ Need schematic or photocopy ter radio. Wilt pay copying costs. 01 manuals for the following: Gonset 3--30 convener, Ham­ Rick Thompson NOHKE crafter S53A and 585 receiver. I am looking tor a manual or any nomena. Your input is needed. 21757thPlace Will gladly pay copying and mail­ information on a " CW Sendin' Please communicate name, call­ Fridley MN 55432 ingcosts. Machine" model No. 2048 elec­ sign, license class, suggested day tronic memory keyer. I will pay for and time to: Cleve- Svetlik K8NZY the copy cost . I am desperately looking lor 2545 Brainard Road David l. Dobbs K8NQN schematics and services informa­ Cleveland OH 44124-4503 Rocky Wilson KB5CXN 6612 Pleasant Street han for the Macintosh Plus, espe­ 2516 Quil Ridge Cincinnati OH 45227 cially the power SUpplyfsweep Denton TX 76201 board. WANTED: Service manual afld schematic !or YAESU FT-2F, 2 I am looking for the schematic Tom Cronick N5FOI meter transceiver. Will pay lor du­ TEN METER UFO NET being and alignment data lor the Haiti­ 2010 W. 8th Street plication and mailing planned. Net would meet weekly crefters Models $-38 and $-76 re­ Ode-ssa TX 79763 in Novice sub-band to exchange ceivers. Atso any info 0fI convert­ Frank Ivey information about unidenlified ing lhe Healh SB 650 frequency 35 Mahon!a Cr. flying objects and related phe- display from Nixie tubes to lED I need a schematiC/services in- Sierra Vista A.Z 85635 73AmateurRadio • April,1988 89.
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