1 Out of respect for Shabbat, the Jewish Festivals and Shaarey Zedek standards, please turn off your cell phone or set it to vibrate. Do not take photographs and refrain from writing on Shabbat and Yom Tov. Thank you! 2 3 ִהֵנַּה מה־טּוַֹב וּמָה־נִּעים How good and pleasant it is for everyone שׁ בתַאִחָים גּם ָיַחד. .to live together as one Hinei mah tov umah-nayim shevet achim gam yachad. ְבּרוּכַוֹת הָבּאוֹת ַתַּחת ַכְּנֵפַי הְשִּׁכָינה. .B’ruchot ha-baot tachat kan’fei ha-sh’chinah ְבִּרוּכַם הָבִּאים ַתַּחת ַכְּנֵפַי הְשִּׁכָינה. .B’ruchim ha-bayim tachat kan’fei ha-sh’chinah May you be blessed beneath the wings of Sh'chinah. Be blessed with love, be blessed with peace. ַמ ה ֹֽ טּבוּ אָה ֹֽליָך ַיֲע קבִ, מְשְׁכּ נ ֹֽתיָך ,How goodly are your tents, O Jacob Your dwelling places, O Israel! ִיְשָׂרֵאל.ַ וֲאִנְי בּרַב חְסְדָּךָ אֵבוֹא בי ֹֽתָך, ,Thanks to Your abundant kindness, O Lord אְשַׁתֲּח ו ה אֵל הַיכָל קְדְשָׁך ְבִּיְרָא ֹֽתָך. ,I am able to enter Your house To bow down before You in reverence, ְיָיָ א ַֹֽהְבִתְּי מעוֹןֵ בֹּֽיתָךְ, וּמקוֹם ִמְשַׁכּן .In this sacred place of worship ְכּ ֹֽבוֹדָך.ַ וֲאִנ יאְשַׁתֲּח ווְה אְכ ָֹֽרָעה, ,Lord, I love to be in Your house The sanctuary dedicated to Your glory. אְבְרָכִהלְפֵני ְיָי עִשׂי.ַ וֲאִנְיתִפָלִּתי ְלָך ,Here I worship in Your presence O Lord, my Maker. ְיָי, ֵעת ָרצוֹןֱ, אֹלִהים ְבָּרַב חְס ֹֽדָּךֲ, ע ֵֹֽנִני ;In kindness, Lord, answer my prayer בֱּא מתִ יְשׁ ֹֽעָך. .Mercifully, grant me Your abiding help Ma tovu ohalecha Ya'akov, mishk'notecha Yisra'el.
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