Ms. Fr. 22495, Fol. 105 PL
Originalveröffentlichung in: Eisenbeiß, Anja ; Saurma-Jeltsch, Lieselotte E. (Hrsgg.): Images of otherness in medieval and early modern times : exclusion, inclusion and assimilation, Berlin; München: Deutscher Kunstverlag 2012, S. 37-56 , Plates 1.1-1.10 PL. 1. 1 Victory over Roger of Antioch. William of Tyre, Histoire d'Outremer, Paris, Fauvel master, 1337. Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de France: ms. fr. 22495, fol. 105 PL. 1.2 Kublai Khan and his wives at table. Marco Polo, Livres du grant Caan, Paris, Jeanne de Montbaston, 1333-35. London, The British Library: Ms. Royal 19 D 1, fol. 86 COLOUR PLATES 17 PL. 1.3 Kublai Khan punishes the traitor Najan. Marco Polo, Livres du grant Caan, Paris, Jeanne de Montbaston, 1333-35. London, The British Library: Ms. Royal 19 D 1, fol. 85 PL. 1.4 Kublai Khan punishes Liitam's co-conspirators. Marco Polo, Livres du grant Caan, Paris, Jeanne de Mont baston, 1333-35. London, The British Library: Ms. Royal 19 D 1, fol. 107 18 COLOUR PLATES PL.1.5 Customs in distant lndia. Marco Polo, Livres du grant Caan, Paris, Jeanne de Montbaston, 1333-35. London, The Brit ish Library: Ms. Royal 19 D 1, fol. 118 PL. 1.6 The Mongols provide their idol Natigay with nourishment. Marco Polo, Livres du grant Caan, Paris, Jeanne de Montbaston, 1333-35. London, The Brit ish Library: Ms. Royal 19 D 1, fol. 78v COLOUR PLATES 19 PL. 1.7 Cannibalism in Ciandu. Marco Polo, Livres du grant Caan, Paris, Jeanne de Montbaston, 1333-35. London, The British Library: Ms.
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