Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 140 3rd Annual International Seminar and Conference on Global Issues (ISCoGI 2017) Rohingnya and The Concept of Conflict Resolution Fitria Martanti, Gadis Herningtyasari Fazulty of Islamic Studies Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang, Indonesia
[email protected] Abstract—Rohingnya conflict that occurred in prolonged conflicts and reaping responses from several countries in the due to things that are complex. Some of the problems that world as well as the response from the United Nations are triggered this were sentiments to religion, ethnicity, social, conflict between ethnic groups in Myanmar. The conflict economic and political issues. This paper will provide an occurred between ethnic Rohingnya which in fact the overview of the concept of conflict resolution that can be given majority of Muslims and ethnic Rakhine Buddhist majority. as a solution about conflict resolution in Myanmar. This research is a qualitative research that reveals phenomena The prolonged and non-existent conflicts must have been related to conflict Rohingnya, both the root of the conflict and triggered by several issues, especially in the absence of the concept of conflict resolution that can be given. Concept of concrete resolutions by the Myanmar government with conflict resolution by looking at the source of the problem and related parties. The great conflicts that occurred during 39 formulating a form of conflict resolution by adopting conflict years since 1978 until now still leaves a lot of problems that resolution in Indonesia mainly from conflict resolution in Poso, need to be solved. Ambon and Sampit. Forms of conflict resolution can be done Myanmar is a country in Southeast Asia which has the by conflict resolution based on political recognition.