APPENDICES APPENDIX E PUBLIC COMMENTS Burlington International Airport 14 CFR Part 150 Update Noise Compatibility Program Update 12/2/2019 F-35 Basing at BTV is deceptive, flawed, intolerable and dangerous - Google Groups Google Groups F-35 Basing at BTV is deceptive, flawed, intolerable and dangerous Daniel Albert <
[email protected]> Nov 24, 2019 9:30 PM Posted in group: BTVsound 1. I live just outside the target noise zone identified by the project's map. So, according to the map and the mitigation formula being proposed -- shoved down our throats -- we are not entitled to sound insulation, sale support, or any other form of relief. Yet when the F-35s fly, our conversations must stop because we can't hear each other above the incredibly intrusive noise. And that is with our windows closed and locked. We don't want to move but our quiet enjoyment of our premises is being directly compromised. 2. Our property values are being depleted, a taking without just compensation. We don't want to be displaced but our quiet enjoyment is being directly compromised. 3. As borne out by peer-reviewed research, the noise level of the F-35s is dangerous to children's hearing and brain development. 4. The definition of an accident is something unplanned, unexpected, that nevertheless occurs. The basing of the F-35s in a metropolitan area, as Burlington is defined under US census standards, amounts to an accident waiting to happen. Witness the fatal aircraft accidents and other fatal accidents involving large complex systems that pepper our recent history.