: -

' .. -V IHUBSDAV, NOVEMiBR 1, 18tt. PAOB TWENTy-FOUB ■; iimtrli»at(r ®fralb * Avanfft-Daily Nai Prims R o b rw the Week IMded The Weather O reen M 'ef U. 8 . Weetbur. Oeteber B7, IMS Collins Predicts laoreeatng cloifdleeee end sot ■■ Back Cleiinupo Drive ^ I 1 3 ,7 0 0 cool touigh^ low Sft-40 ekeept 4 S - A b o u t T ow n 45 eloug 'Oie eoeet. TaMMMvew A clean community is a gooi- Victory for GOP M«aber eC tte Audit qloudy oocaaionel lulu ead. ItiM JtKHUi AlMam, Fcporter for place to work and live: llie Jun­ ■oMMi el Obeolatiim. ■ Bttle tenveretme eheage. Th* Hwmld, will be * e b ^ e r Sat- ior Cham^ of Commerce is James F. Collins, Republican .. , ihen add a Hanche$ter—~A' City ViUage Charm uMay at the annual CbnnecUcut sponsoring an anti-litter cam­ candidate for congressman from _X Scholastic Preaa Aaaociation meet­ paign. For your own benefit, the first district, predicted Man­ ing, at Oonard High School In Went support the cleanup drive. Keep chester voters would give a 1,000- VOJL. LXXXn, NO. 29 (TWBNTY-POUR PA G ^—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1962 (ti^emed Advtrtleluc «a Cage SB) PRICE R Y E CENTS . Hartford. Her' topic will be tecb- the “village charm” about Man­ vote plurality to the R^ubllcdh Generous Smilel nlqiiee of interviewing, and the chester. slate ’Tuesday. ^ will ihterviaw Herbert Kramer, Manchpstbr’s vote is a bell- w ether'for the state, he said. head o f pilbUo relatione at Travel- Kevin B. Reardon, son of Mr. "Past elections have shown that era Xnauranoe Co., as part of the and Mrs. Michael Reardon, 47 Eva U.S. Deiiies State News talk. when the GGP carries Manchester Dr., a Junior in the College of^ by better than 300 to 500 votes, Business Administration of Boston the Republican party usually-car­ Members of the USWV are re- College, will play the role of Chris­ miitded of a Nutmeg Club meeting ries the state. / in topher’Wren in "The Mouse ’Trip” "The local ticket is excellent in ^turday afternoon at 2 o’clock in by Agratha Christiev Dec. 6 and 7 the State Armory on Broad St, Manchester this year, and I am at the college. sure we can win by over 1,000 Hartford. votes. Nikita Note State Man Held A member of the League of Collins visited . - Manchester Members of the' Little Theater Women Voters will discuss the briefly to talk to the incumbent Ry PRESTON GROVER ^a launching pad—was seen as of Manchester ndio wish to attend five proposed amendments to the representatives, John F. Shea Jr. WASHINGTON (AP) — greatly enhancing the Sovl'et Un­ As Cattle Rustler a cast party Saturday, Nov. 10^, MOSCOW (AP)—An un­ state constitution tonight at 8 at and A. Lawrence Riker, at Repub­ The White House describe as manned Soviet space ship was ion’s latest space achievement. at the Village Lantern Bam, ^ter a coffee hour given by the WSCS WSCS Speaker lican headquarters. wholly inaccurate today a The Soviets said this is the first HARTFORD^". (AP) — A the final performance of "The Boy of South Methodist Church at Su­ estimated early today to be attempt to reach Mars, but Amer­ Friend,” are reminded to call Phil John Rogers, 1163 E. Middle newspaper story calling Soviet would-be rancher has been ar­ sannah Wesley Hall. All Manches­ 140,000 miles bn. its way to ican spade officials have said the rested on charges of long-dis- Burgess, 39 Hudson St Reeerva- ter women are invited. ’Tpke., will speak Monday at 8 Premier Khrushchev’s unpub­ Mars, Moscow Radio rerorted Soviets have already made two tanc€f cattle rustling—all the tlons will close Tuesday. p.m. ait a meeting of the. Women’s lished letter to President Ken­ The' one-ton space craft was unsuccessful attempts at Mars and four at Venus. Soviet offi­ way from Texas to Connecti­ A reception for those planning Society of Christian Service, North PINEHURST 43rd nedy last Friday the work of launched from a sputnik Hie Salvation Army will have to Jom Center Congregational an agitated, overwrought cials have admitted only that they cut. He has been charged spe­ Low-Flying M et^ist Church. His topic will hurled into orbit Thursday. launched a Venus probe on Feb. an Informal study on "(Pilgrini’s Church Sunday will be held tonight man. ' / cifically with using interstate Progress" by Bunyan, tonight at be"” What Shall We Teaoh Our The Tass news agency said aU 12, 1961, but lost eonUct with it at 8 in the Fellowship Room of the Press secretary Pierre Salinger T:16. Maj. E. Walter Lamle will ANNIVERSARY systems were functioning normal­ before it came near the planet. wire communications to com- church. ’ITie'Rev. Clifford O. Slmp.^ Children About Race?” UdliirA iratemeht that ho one be in charge. son will conducL-a -worship service ly after the first few hours of An Arn’erican ship Is now head­ fraud said FBI agqnt-in- s-Tafce " Rogere has been'wtdely recog- Tead the letter when it was Oie flight. The . Soviets, calculate and iwmrds of welcome will Jife of­ ed towaid Venus-T-Uie earth’s clos­ charge Charles E. Weeks. nlzed for his s}Btde the -ship, is Scientists manning Britain’s big is proceeding, Secretary of tion supervisor at the Bishop’s a high state qf agitation, over- FBI sai<^ hut the Willimantic bs^k 128 Branford St., will be m^r'- Comer Branch of the U.S. Post TOP GRADE being maintalne)K,by a thermo­ Jodrell Bank radio telescope said ht' by the prospect of atom- refused to honor a draft for $ll,- Defense Robert S. 'McNamara rled to Airman S,C. R ich^d' V. Members of the Anne Spencer Office, 'West Hartford, the first regulating system WUhm the de­ they' would try to pick up radio 385.58 to pay fpr the first" ship­ said today. ’ MickewiCs, son o f Jdr. Wm Mrs. Nurse Aide Corps planning to at­ Negro to be appointed a station f-” sired limits, Tass said, s o ^ bat' signals ' from the Soviet Mars ment of cattle. Vincent Mlckewics, French Rd., re A DefensexDepartment spokes­ tend its 20th anniversary dinner supervisor in the greater Hartford BACON, lb. 59c Salinger Issued this statement: teries have opened normaujKand probe but that they had no infor­ Eighty-five of the 87 steers in man told newsmen Uiat toe pic­ Bolton, tomorrow a^ iO a.m. at Nov. 7 at 6:30 p.m. at .Cavey’s area. Save 10c to 15c Lb. On This "The New York Herald Trib­ wlU ensure proper recharging mation. yet about When the trans- the first shipment" were 'mcpvered tures show that missile laupcher St. Maurice Churc^i" BoHon, Retaurant are reminded to call He is equally well known in Bol­ Your Pinehurst store Pinehurst fine une story is wholly inaccurate. built-in batteries. The ship’s .ra­ 'mttter would be switched on. at Desibo’s farm. The second ship­ erectors' have been removed from Mrs. Althea Gibson, *488 E. Center ton, Manchester and Hartford and I enjoys the enviable meats, except for The article was obviously written dio transmitters were reported Sft^sl^mard Lovejl, director of ment of 106' steers w u Intercepted the sites. Ronald U Kdtosa, son of Mr. and by someone who has not seen performing normally. the tetoscQM station, said condi- St. is .affiliated with many civic and reputation for offering b a c 0 n, sausage at Buffalo, N. Y. Much of the .associated launch Mrs. Albi^'M . Kulesa,. 193 Lydall fraternal organlnaUons. He is'tr The indirec launching proce­ tlCHis are m w a b le at this time Desibo Is also accused of fraudu­ .equipmmt has been removed, the ' SWIFT'S PREMIUM . for contact witk'-ltors. S t,' is ufidergoing nine weeks of Chapman Court, Order of Amar­ member of Bolton 'Congregational the finest, the fresh­ and packer wrap­ (Oeiitlmwd on Page Tea) dure-using an whiting sputnik, as lently obtaining over $2,000. worth spokesnian mid, and cable condu­ basic/fecruit training.^t the Na- Church' and a member pt its board est fruits and vegeta­ ped items, are "The Russians i^ye a large, of saddles and bridles from the its between control points and anth, will ■ nieSt tomorrow at 7 :45 amount of leeway to Inake up," rainlng Center, Great Lakes, of deacons, former superintendent SMALL LINK Sims Saddle and Leather Co., launohing pads have been broken p.m. at the' Masonic Temple. Of­ bles in a ^ Manchester sold custom-cut, he said, "because they have not ficers will wea^ colored gow n s. of its church school and has often Chattanooga, Tenn. market. Fruits arejsold over the counter. Mcceeded with Aqy deep space -pompany was ssqt a tete..' The ccmcrete pads tor toe } ■ Members of the Manchester Chap­ been moderator of church meet­ SAUSAGE 59c project slncp 1959. Since that time ings. semi-self service. Try Buy Just what from “Carl Adams, prsA- launch erectors appear to .have ter of DeMolay will confer the 12-ofis. package the Americans have had a series Mrs. Adelor ’Turgeon is program our farm-fresh Peru’s your family needs Russia Sends India rent. First National Credit Un­ been broken up with an air ham- carnation degree after the meet­ ot brilliant successes. ion,” describing Desibo’s hahk bal­ jner. , ing. Mrs. Lida Richmond and a ohairman for the meeting and Mrs.' McIntosh Apples, Red and get Pinehurst America’s National AeroiuMitics Teen Center ni dirt need of; RuSsell Arendt, co-chairmiui. ' - ance aa being, “in the high five Certain areas'of the-sites have committee will serve refreshments. or Golden Delicious or choice quality la and Space Adminlstratip)r’'m a d e figures.” been plowed and bulldozed, the regulation size podl table. Memibers o f the Jesse Sweet Cir­ no immediate commeq)'*m the So­ ” ^ni pay if necessary. cle will be hesteqses MORRELL'S HAMS Greening Apples. every package. \ ArmS/at Usual Rate The rub, according to the pBI, spokesman said. _ ’The Royal Black Precopto^y viet achievement. was that there was no"first ,n)i- Aerial reconnaissance over the will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at The United StotAs does not plan Uonal credit union.” island was resumed Tbiursday af­ in 3 Ib. eons $2.69 to t ^ f6r M an until late iii the M 8-6287 Orange Hall. ’There will be an elec­ In the\neantime, Desibo’s land­ ter a'two-day recess fdr the visit MOBCXHf'MAP)—Soviet dellver-fto counter, the' Communists’ eu- autumn ql^'1964 aiien the planet tion of officers. perior firepower. lord has seized the saddles and of U Thant, acting Secretary-Gen­ 5 Ib. cans $4.19 tes of arms' to India are continuing will onee again be in a favorable’ ^ CCM E TC p in e h u r s t FCR FARM-F^ESH at the normal rate, an Indian Em­ U.S. Ambassador John Kenneth bridles in lieu of back rent owed A wnUing Anastqa MikoyCn, left foreground, SovWt D e n n Premier, appears with U. S. AmbAMi- eral of the United Nations, In ef­ WINDOlr SHADES positlm relative to the earth, ‘on thk farm in Mansfield, the FBI bassy spokesman said today. . Oalbralth warned the Indians doF to the U.N.-Adlai Stevenson, In tight coat, and I'Obn L JloCloy, right, chair ot. the U.S. Coordinat­ forts to arrange for ,U.N. inspec­ erican officials aaid. ^ said,. tion of the dismantling promised "They are proceeding no slower against expecting American a: ing oom m itt^ on Cuban poHcy, after dinner meeting last night at Soviet U.N. mission headquarters " LONG WEARING RCASTING CHICKENS. FRYERS, CHICKEN LEGS.' . DAsibo, who claimed to have- by Soviet Premier Khrushchev. alone .to "work magic” in New ifbrk. A t extreme leH is Virisrin Zorin, Soviet representative to- U.I^., -and behind .Steven- than normal, and no faster,” the captained a shrimp boat in earlier, Assistant Secretary ot Defense * INTERSTATE CLEANTEX . spokesman said. the Chinese invaders. ^ soimpk Anatoly Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador to U.S. . Xllah in .rear is interpreter. XQkoyan stop­ WINGS. LIVERS . . . EXTRA FANCY BREASTS. happier days, waived examination ped'09ec in New York en.ronte to CXiba. ''"(AP Pholotax). . . / Arthur Sylvester read this state­ He was asked for comment on ’ "rhe great' task reipams with before U.S. Commissioner George Made to Order Ole Miss Takes ment by McNamara: PRESCRIPTIONS $ 2 * 2 5 In Our Frosted Food reports the Russians had held up the Indian arm y,V,Ke declared. ■ 4- C. Hastings and was freed in $2,- “The Secretary of Defense an­ WIOi Tour Boners Case You Will Find shipments because of the fighting "W e are happy to,'6 *to 9rith equip­ 000 bond. nounced today that preliminary along the Indian-Red . Chinese bor­ ment to stona^pession but equip- Grid Opponent analyses ot the aerial photographs FULL LINE OF CUSTOM GCLDEN FRESH Serve A Tasty Meal In One Dish! : der. meht is pArt of the' prob­ P e a c e P r i z e collected by yesterday’s reconnais-’ Details of Soviet arms sales to lem .” / KMed in Crash , Stewart Air Fores Bass, 'Y. p la y s D ow n sanca intoslon provides, clear indi- VENETIAN BLINDS ' Arnold’s Cubed b d ia were not giyati. India >ls itfa said no American mil' "PINEHURST CHClCE GRADE As New Target (A P ) — Capt Russall G. Joban- catiens'that work la proceeding on MI - $ t Veal Steaks known to hAva obtainsd soma,Jbi8> instructors were comtog with Winners Fight cHsmantUng of the missiles.’’ 9WE OELIVEB9 w4 saa of PlainvUIs, CSqnh., and 14. ^dah hencbptsrs aiid time; e arms, which he des'erited as Asked whether a blockade is at 83c Pkg. By BEN THOBtAg Col. C. O lia h b f Cocoa; Fla., apd to lx negotiating for a ‘‘standard stuff.” He also, em i^- ^stlU in force to prevent more E. A. JOHNSON Wars kiBed yastriMay to tha crash Boneless Beef tO .^dl^tofs, with the “ ^ bet sized-there were no plans for U'JI; OXFORD, Miss.' (Z f’FMMkmsI About P e a c e offensive weapons from being of a jet tralnet'. The plane was on [nsi PINE PHARMAtY llvki^. In^ Ceoeinlisrv military personnel to .Co to -the sounds Of csmpiis Ufa—rallying shipped into Cuba, a Pentagon PAINT CO. And Wonderfully frontier. a routlna. ttainlng flight when It spokesman said the Ngvy ships «64 c e n t e r 8TBEET-j3eAd, Governor Dempsey '"'"A struggle is taking plac^ in moting Enduring Peace Inc., a 76c Gallon Some diplomatic observers in the United States between com ­ first planes were bringing com­ their yells against Louisiana State said, "Gotie are the days when nonprofit, nonpolitical, religious At the lowest price of the U.S. Arms Underway Moscow were speculating that the- mon sense and recklessness. All BLOCK P o ta to e s 10 2 9' munications and transportation University, the Ole Miss football Bradley Field could b e ' opnatdered Kremlin may have secret^ Or­ and .educational, organization. NEV/ D E U n, India (A P)—An people of - Integrity realize that HuUetins POT STYLE year . . . or country style equipment, the State Department rival Saturday night. a why station on oqr airahSs.' R dered Qastro to-be balky until aft­ The meeting "began . qujetly American arms airlift got under A short distance away. Mere­ is how a major teamlnus, and ac- victory of common sense would Culled from AP Wires Tb smd in Washington. er Soviet-missiles have been late­ be in line with the most urgent enough with prayers, 'amenities' INDIAN RIVER ^SEEDLESS ribs at same price.. way from ciermany today to give India’s request for Western mili­ dith, 29, remained in his two-room Uons such as we have taken today ly put on ships headed for-Soviet and vital Interests df the Ameri­ .^nd a letter of praise to Warburg roast India’s hard-pressed Himalayan; tary aid marked a sharp depsu*- apartment in Baxter Hall where are making k more Important all ports. They cited the Soviet Un­ from Adlai E. Stevenson, United PINK GRAPEFRUIT 4 fo r 25c (Note: Top qu^itV small under 8 lb. ribs) the Hma” can people." *Self-S‘erye Grocery » ™ y ,_ ^ _ ^ tt o r ...w ^ n A to W ture from a long-stan,idlng policy combat-ready military police ion’s long-standing refu^,Jtd ad­ States representative to"(he United RUSSIA BACKS FIDEL U. 8- CHOICE [ ot chsh purchaser-to ihalfltalhtiaihl In- guardrail entrances with‘ fixed mit for.e^ disanhaihriit inqitic: Ckstro addressed^a radlortelevl- 'Nations, . . NEW Y o r k ( a p ) — aboo- 43rd Anniversary neutraUsm.-Inltlal bayonets. (Oonthnied aa Page Tea) tors to S (^et soil. sion audienck aA'Anastas 'I. hfiko^ Warbiirg ' listened attentively . tos L Mlkoyan, first deputy So­ FLORIDA .JUICE CHUCK STEAK C136 jet tiMsports lifted oft the. sMpments of new British "Swift and drarito dlscipllhary The Soviet military newspaper. yan, the Soviet Union’s first dep­ while Dr, Pauling told of '""the viet premier, saM to&y that Pinehurst Specials runway at the big Rhebi'-Main air weapons have alreAdy arrived action, including '..expulsion” was Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star), to­ uty premier, discussed the Cuban perils of nuclear. war, said that the Soviet Union is blscking ORANGES D. 8 . CHOICE ^ Pinehurst 43rd ^.ntiiversary Coffee Special base near Frankfiu't and flew off here. Terms under whloh the aid promised by the chancellor in two day. - declared the United- States crisis with U.S. and ^.N. officials President kennedy had made the proposals of Oubon PriiBe Min- SWANSDPWN into heavily overcast skies. It was is being furnished are still being speeches' Thursday to- nearly all must evacuate Hs base at Guan­ in New York prior to flying here bomb threat an instrument of isteiCVFIdel'' Oastro, In the at­ Large slze». LONDON BROIL Lb. MAXWELJ. H6uSEAT LpVi?ESTPRlfcE IN 13 YEARS due in Calcutta Saturday. hegoUated. » of the male students: News Tidbits tanamo. late today. His mission apparent­ American foreign policy’ and hhd tempt to settle the crisis eves , new erop! Dos. 59c CAK^ I^LOUR ) A round-the-clohk airlift was Heavier U.Sr weapons Are ex­ "The 4miverslty could Ipse , Us The Soviet press presented a ly was to try to remove the road- unfortunately enabled I^emler Ni- nUssIle installatiom in Cutok" CHELMJO PACKAGE LIVE, MAINE planned, and relief' crfws were pected to be sent next. . accreditation if there are further from Die AP Wires mild and cmicillatory attitude on In a statement,. MUcoyan SW EET LIFE White, ^ v i l 's Food, -Yellow, flown to Calcutta .to take the big ' Prime Minister Nehru called for breakdowns in student behavior,” tMD Cuban issue. Pravda,, the .-offi- .(Conttnoed ea Page Flfteea) (Qoutinned Page Tep) red to "the proposals og 'Pre- Lemon" Flake or. Chocolate, FANCY, LARGE, FREiffl fee planes back to for re­ calm in the face of the Chinese Williams said. "An institution can i III mier Fidel OosVro which com­ BACON LOBSTERS Orange Marble. loading. aggresslqh and chided thousands retain its accreditation only so Search oonUiiues for John Shoaf, prise five well-known points.” CUCUMBERS $ 1.19 The airlift is bringing fAst-flring of uidvei-slty students whose qpti- long as It maintains on its campus 23, of West Haven, husky danger^ Mlkoyan did not cite the pob>t*- ous mental" patient who leaped 4 pkgs. for $ 1.00 tb.' can light Infantry weapons. Including a climate that is "conducive to Repuhlicans Say Yes However, Oastro hiw demanded Lb. 6 9 d from second floor of V t r m oui t News, Struck, that ihe United States u^hdiBKw ^ MV* ^ I ^ Aw. 79c mountain artillery, sorely needed (Continued on Page Five) study and learning; an atmos­ Cake Mixes at 4 for a dollar •Stifte Hospital yesterday... Sen­ its naviol blockade of CuBo, ^ v e phere • favorable to intellectual are a very special value. ate and House candidates seeking up the naval base at Guantana­ 0 ^ NABISCO PREMIUM SALTINE8 ...... Ib. 8lc ^ I’114. pursuits.” j election Tuesday oampslgnlpg un­ Publishes with mo and holt Cuban exile attacks "The .threat.” he . said, '"is not der strict spendihg limits regard­ against Pinehurst 43rd Anniversary Ground Meat Specjkds just to accreditation, but Also to ed by many CongrcM members as the very survival of the univer­ of shoestring proportions, Includ­ Jou rn al Help GLENN GETS AWArI iriteij StRte Races sity. ing tops of $50,000 fsr Senate.can- QUAN-nCO, Va. (AP)—Astr^p- [HIGHLAND PARK MARKET I ” If there are any; .who pannot didate ki>d ti24KK> for House can­ NEW YORK (AP)—’The New nout John H. Glenn Jr., 'first support the establishment of 'N P h o n o M I S -I2 7 8 X didate; York Daily News, announcing in American to orbit toe earth, re­ 317 Highland St„ Manchester; Also Bloomfield, C«>nn. Phone MI 3-4278 , PINEHURST hRADE Pinehurst Hamburg peaceful aAd orderly conditions, ceived today the inaugural Al­ lb r Brooklyn judgA srders. arrest of a page one banner that K was ish be advised that I am prepared to Henry hUUer, controversial author fred A. Cunningham Award as In 5-Lb. Lots Ib.- 43c see us part .company.” who faUed to appear to answer "struck—hot struck out!,” pub­ (EDITOR.’S'N O TE: -Here is toefthis is' the sAme information Keat- tfut top Marine- aviator of the 43rrf ANNIVERSARY year. The award, to be prceimt- T h e talk drew ringing applausg. charges ot obscenity involving his lished a 16-page editton today at second article- ot the behind-the- ing was getting. By THE ASSOCSATe d PRESS A Meaiiw^Ie, Horaie iSeely-Brown The chancellor’s talk caipe less scenes storytof the crisis. ■ "Every, one of those reports ed anauallyto toe top Marino hovel "Trpplc of Cancer.” ... Da­ the, plant of ^ e Journal-Ameri- fU*r> Was p r in t e d t o l Glenn Whirlwind'finishes to strenuous stopped at,.'Republican .headquar­ than 24 hours after a ; jald by Reiman Morin,. Associated Press was carefully checked. SPECIAL vid A. Gurney, 20, o t North Spring- can.” . here, by Lt,. Gen .John ■Ct Munn,- PINEHLfRST LEAN CHUCK campaigns were shaping up today ters in I^ew Haven long enough MB’s on a dormitory Wednesday Special correspoijdent and twice "And ih every case, they turned field, Vt.. a Ft. B r a ^ , N. C., sol­ Ib e paper had little ai)vertising sosiStant Marine commandant. CR"'3 in I BLEND CFJEEF, PCRK and VEAL as Oonnecticut’s political candi- before startjng his ho'use-to-house night. Hie search,- under Supervi­ dier, killed when «dr ovprthrns on butparried most of Its dally fea­ a'Pulitzer Prize winner, tells of out-"to be reports of 'Samsltea' or % -d a ^ beaded into the home stretch campaign tour to say; sion of university officials, tomed Interatgte 96 near Dunn, N. C. tures. Technically, it was a fac­ the backstage happenings, in ‘cruise sites.’ ” . “My faith is stronger than. ever VENUS P r o b e p r o m i s i n g and election day, only four days up a small cache of weapbns. David H. Jaquith, conservative simile of the normal Daily News, Washington during the critical "SvBAite” - is military short­ 99e PYREX (USUALLY 89c LB.)— SPICIAL '...... now, that I will be elected next hand . for "surface-to-air missile WASHINGTON (AP)—Officials o « . University offiqlals said disci­ party candidate for Npw York gov­ except that the tabloid had 92 days. Today’s story digs into the '^esday to serve the people bf aite.” In other words, % form of sold today they ore "pretty op­ ’ PIEPLAtES Tha pace quickmied everywhere plinary action against elriit to 10 ernor, accuses Gov. Nelsbn A. pages In its' prestrike Thursday controversiai question: Was Pres­ Oonnecticut in the U.S. Senate.” ident Kennedy- slow to recognize giltiaircraft. VCruise sitd” is timistic” that the Vsnus-bound as those seekuig office bent to get students would be considered to- Rockefeller of "playing SanU morning editions. Notiv* Poultry. . . PIrtct From Form to; You! “ Several monUis ago, when I the .Soviet nuclear buildup in type of coastal defense. Neither Mariner spiiccr probe may be able ' : f a«h 66c in some late licks at opponents and ClanF’ with people’s money... The maneuver of printing the eventuatly to renew several ex. to strengthen their own positions. gan this campaign, some of the (Contlnued-«n Page Five) Cuba?) has the rahge to reach the United Anniversary PORK SPEciALS ' New York Telephone Co. and one paper at the Journal-American, suites. Teclmically, they could be perimonts turned off because of John Alsm i tba Republican gu­ experts''said I didn't have a dhance a mysterious drop hi voltage of 1 A M < - HI C r C W > /. > E of being elected senator, ’’con­ of its eiiiplpyrii, Anthony McCann, toe Hearst afternoon newspaper By RELMAN MORIN considered in the category of de­ bernatorial, noipinea. said Conneot- plead Innooent to ehorges result­ in the city,, was .unique in m q d ^ ' toe qtoc’bvroft’g. power system. MIDDLE IURNpVkE • • • MANC.HESr€R NIBLET YELLOW -leut riioidd take the lead in devel­ tinued Seely-Brown, - Congressman WASHINGTON (AP) - Cbntro- fense weapons 'from the Second District Kennedys^Building ing from txiiler explosion- Oct. S New York newspaper hlatory.f versy sWirls today around the The ‘ Soviet government had re­ CORN op!^ an expanded program for U.S. BUy " ^ BOND ■ .t . ; Fresh Pork Roast „ 32® “They said,” he -declared, "My which killed 23 and hurt 94. ’The News' own plan.t was' closed questioh: Was President Kennedy peatedly told KeiUiedy that de­ snn mental-health care at the commu­ " u n i t e B n a t i o n s , N .T . opponent, . Abe Rlbicoff, would House in Virginia Mississippi (?ov. Rosa Barnett doWn Thursday by a strike of edi­ slow to recognize that the Sovieto fensive weapons were toe^-smly SPECIALS nity level. . says he' has g^ven written asstjir (AP)—The . United States 2 cans 37e u' 7pRIB OUT ... Speaking at Stratford this come back. to Connecticut and torial and commercial etpployes were molding Cuba into a power­ type being installed in Cuba. ‘N e ance to Southern collegiate acefed- who belong to the Americim News­ received a stream of assurances, bougiit its first'United Nations moniihg, he declared that "mental take this state by storin. My an­ By FRANCES UCWINE ful nuclear gun, aimed straight 'at iting agency that he wIU not Inter­ paper Guild. It Was the first Guild the h«V t of the Unitetl States? publicly and in private, to ‘this ef­ bond today for $44,19S.6M UJB. FARM FRESH— GRADE "A Casa of 24, $4.00 -LOIN PORK. Full '/2 Strip ...... Ib. 59c RIB Vi STRIP ..:... Ib, 55c iUbeas is increasing at; an alarm­ swer to them was simple. I said WASHINGTON (A P)—President Chief Delegate < Adlol E. Ste­ fere wlfh State College Board.., strike in New York since 1956. -Repuk^an's say he was. fect," an authority''says. ' - ing rate. We must show the same I had more faith than that in the and Mrs. Kennedy are building a venson handed a check to U Jf. Chops Cut From Either Roast. ,f , concern and' compassion for the voters . a t Connecticut -No man \<{irqss Mari^ McDonald fllM dl- ‘The News, largest circjulgtion . "ThoSlTmlsslle'bases were there It was not until the week e f ranch-style house on Rattlesnake w b ^ oross-coniplalnt against .Oct! 15, when reconnaissance spot Acting Secietory-Oeneral 'U Doz. mentally ill that-we ahow for the can take -our people for granted.” newspaper in the country., with.' a OfWtap;, ' loiig time before the SUNSWEET Mountain in the "'Virginia hunt stockbroker 'Eldward: T. Callahan, Presiltent spoke,” says Sen. Hugh ted definite evidence of a rapid Thant. MEDIUM EGGS 2 PINEHURST CENTER FORK CH O Pr:...... ; . . . . . lb . 79c phyirically ill.’’ Seely-Brown said ’ that "after country. ■ , ' dally sale of nearly 2 million, was Only a hal( hour earltar, meeting so. many of the voters accusing him of adultery. Scott, R-Pa.,-referring to Kenne­ buildup that, figuratively, the PRUNE JUICEv Alsop was the target .of a There’s a splendid view‘of toe chosen by the Guild as its first Britain hod bought a U .N . bong , '"T , . .. ■ . ' '■ lace to face these past months, my New Yoric federal court jury ac­ dy’s statement’ of • Oct. 22, when alarm:bell rang, administration FRESH, NATIVE— OVEN READY 1 Yerbal Acolding from; his op^ment. Blue- Ridge range frdm .'their 69- target In a wage dispute w^to all for $1$ million, POULTRY PARTS fAith Is stronger than ' ever. I quits Dave Becl^former laundry^ he ptoclaimed toe "quarantine” officers say. 43c Gov. N. Dempsey, who told acre site 40 miles west of Wash­ seven'- major Manhattan dailies. In all versions of the story, of­ •nie U.S. and BHtisli pnl^ OUT FRESH DAILY * have -found that what the people truck driver who was milUonairo im offensive weapons to Cuba; s DemoCrstlo group in Torrtngton ington—midway 'between. Middle- Other) publishers immediabelj;, ot- ficials strehs the speed .th*'B<>- ehoSes were the biggest to dot« BUY ’THE PARTS-YOU LIKE REST. want to know Is which man really by tuA time he stepped out as In mid-Sepiember, Scott said, BROILERS, FRYERS, Case of 12, $4.75 Pinehurst 43rd Anniversary ICE CREAM SPECIAL last idgbt'toat "voters have every burg and 'UpperviUe. ' Teamster Union head, of .'Charges feretl facilities to toe News. toe Republicans -had "very hard viet construction 'woto"— some­ Up to now. 38 countries havo right to expoQt more than general- has the prople’s Interest at heart The News said its strike editkA brogfat bonds ^worth $lM ,91g,-' —^which man they can count on Pierre Salinger, White House that he illegally .borrowed $2()(1,000 informhtion” about-Bpviet missUe times' alpiost with grii,9glng ad­ BREASTS, LEDS, Itlsu and . ^ t y fault-finding from had been prepared at its own of­ miration. - ROASTERS, FOWU to serve them and not jiist his press secretary, aaid the one- from trucking 0 | ^ r n s . . .Frank­ sites in Cuba. The 'Same facts A eandidato.” story masmiry and stucco house fice on 42nd St. at 2nd Ave. by were available to the administra­ A man. who ptutlclpated in sill Cotl Ginger Ale , political career.” lin D. RoosevelcNM ild have met GUEsYkON NEWB DAT.% UVER^ aiZZARDS, Sealtest Ice Cream QOc Abraham Rlbicoff, the Demo- will have seven bedrooms (two of several hundred editorial (lepart- tion, he sa ys.. - ' the decision-making conferences OAPONS, TURKEYS, Rlbicoff's telethon, the biggest Cuban rocket bullddp^^tti naval WASHINOTON (AP) — Sparkling Water - riratic candidate for U.S. Senator, them for servai^ts), 5% hhths| liv­ ment heads arid nonrgulld mem*, . Before thaL.on Sept-tM, Sen, says "only, four of , five days” single salvo he'>hS)i fired In hlS blockade, just ss President Kenne­ sistant Secretory ef Defense Ar­ m M S ; BACKS aid NECKS Or All Flavors •aataaaaoaoaaaaaaa' concentrated last night in a fulh ing-room, dining room and kitch­ dy did, Says.Frankllsr D. Roosevelt bers. "Kenneth B. Keating, R-N-Y.. said elapsed between evidence of the ^ NICKS, OORNfSH HENS Any Flavor— '/? Gall'on. hour question-and-answer telethon campaign, wias carried simul­ first bulldosef soars "and the' rise- thur Sylvester den^ titt»T en. -He said' It is expected to post Jr. ^ The copy was then taken to the he thought a blockade o f Cuba to ■ 6 qts. $1.00 . simultaneously on two television taneously on .television .channels 3 Journal--American plant on South o) installations that serVe a mis­ there has hern dtstortTon. fiscetoi' in Hartford and 8 In New Haven, around $45,000. . Floroice Carpenter, 62, mother screen ships for. Incoming war ma­ Contents And four radio stations. St. near the southern tip , of sile she.. "They ehtodn't have been tton,^. mnalpal*ti«* /ht .: O mI largo lot' orders for parties/ churclios,> organixatiolNS cmd any group and over, four radio stations .•rhe sohing permit filed.In of'astronaut Malcolm Scott Car­ terial might bf neceissary.,. -, Hs handled a variety of ques- Mknhattan,Tt did hot pass throtoh This is whkt admihtatriitiaii au- detected earlier,” he'says. '* Depot tin liBt haaiBng.ef’ fonctien, wd offer spoolol 4iKount pricM on-afl ppultry ports, t Corner Main and Turnpike < ttoos during the 60 minutes fas -was (WIOC And WNAB, Bridgeport; $|lnla’a Fbuqider County sstimaY- penter, fUes In Boulder^ C ^ . . . Kennedy said-la hla'.statement cmia Men. BhY Biii. Js WNLK, NorwAlk; ami WSPC, M toe eoot for a "houM and stable U A Atomio Ihiergy OaounisaUm the Journal’s elty n o m —udMre thorltifs say-tn reply: 10 lb. ALL .Open Thursday and .Friday till 9 ssaASrid hsaid, among them how many employaa are -.rapreasuted "IB late August, we hegaa re- e<. Oct. 21, "Within the Mat toeek, M en s, DOalHi. Jetosg hi Stamford). ' .' at $60,000 Usually such estimates rsjjMrin tore mloita 8 «vlat unclear unmistakable evldene* h u eotab- per efiltoM-Wg ethen eto BUY q u I d t y — g u a r a n t e e d t o s a t is f y ^ P in e h u rs t , In c. Parking . , . Cw^ry Put Service ■BrifcX aost to eems to about ens-thlrd er sas-haU testA OB# high altitude bla^ eiver by to* Guild—)Mit was awt dvaot- efllvlv reports from Cuban r ,^ Save 85c at $2 04 iMWiililf iMld 18 4 0 0 fbr ths TY, U tTsu a anoothly nui.4|MrAtMa. gees and ether aoureea ef miaslle but hs tu rn as sost tar the radio eentfal AeUt'aad adottier aOnod- W Plfb tok) (Conthmei os Page FIMsM) (Oeatlaaeg sa Bags Five)/ phfrio testln Arctlc. - XOeuMuuei sa piag* iW u ) aitoa bftog.buUt to P?***- F * -covsrage. ; .. A - I . r . ' \ " ■ . - "

Sk.. • • / I •' V, ■ • •»/ti--'»'.»vtr.1«'^^,t*^, ^ . ^ I * ■ ^ 'j T' - ■ . , y ■ ' ta ^ ^ .... ■ ‘ I P A G E TW O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONJI* PRIDAT, NOVEMBER JIANCHESTER EVENING HERALP, MANC^STBS^ CONN:, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1962 / P A G E TH R E E 7 ^ Plsplsr, Mr.- and Mrs. Anthony operAtlAn .Its tradftienal pSegram "71 A n d / o y t r ture than t o tha past to covering the' tests Include Eil{^iEi»~ matha- Poh^ Mr. and Mrs. WUUam BuM* at massive retaUatto and lock out matics, natural sciences' and social ‘iPoUies’ Cast inthe a'i employes oa we other six State l)qp^^^eiit (he State Department,” he said. Stat^ Will Offer hew. Dr. and . Mrs. - Waltsr M. News, Stnii .The. Sun-Times dispatch by studies. ' „ Hom em ade Bcliardt, Dr. and Mrs. BemaM J. newaApefo * not striick by the on T opliff "Gavazza Women Pa^cipate ^ e w 8 Aides to Keport Frederick Kub.^ said'- Secretary jff Diploma Exams In Rehearsal 8heridan; J .. ^ A' , . ; •. ' t from Ffeg* tkto) When you want to p la y - * ^ ^ (jhurch. wanted to require State Depart­ ma by examination. Candidates Mrs.'Raymond Gamble, 431 Ly- 446 Main St. Thamaa Chatham, weekend at .^dover Congrega­ to create an toeidSnt that might Suit accurately, you can m m Pentagon’s lead—has asked its of­ ^raotoTi ia rtiiaaritnff mamheris at I a V t c s will be given on -Fri­ TEL Ml 4-0604 of a ll'^ er unions have been cau­ side suits to find out how te play The Rev. Denhts Hussey .of S t a dlrectlvd this yrepk covering', q X ' , . tion in Hartford.-'Aibout 125 mem­ ahoar will be pheamtad Nov. 16 and "If Tour Child Has Rheumatic MMitagus White. ^ ' : V Mall Deltirerers. union made no at­ tioned for their leaders to be the ttumpa. Still, yw lm u it some­ day, Nov. 30, at the U.S. Army Re- 246 Avery 81. W ip in g 17 under the apOnforahip at the ' -£ - ^ tempt to stop the shift to publica­ Bridget’s. Church performed the lAmllar ground and^et off a storm,ivliniSt^r ser\'e Training Center to 'West bers of Memorial-.TempIe, -Pythian Fever," a brochure for parents, is The tc]rie of the ReV. Willard guard ^ any arid all possible times take this risk. Sisters; plan to attend. I Women’a 4-uxili^ df^Manchaater .rrallabU free at the office of the tion's. double ring ceremony and cele­ ot criticism. / ' Hartford. They are scheduled for Thomen’s communion meditation publisher to entrap them.' North dealer A A J » « a brated the nuptual high - Mass. Dube Ido'e. orchestra wlU provide Memorial Hoepital. Manchester Heart Association, 17 In explaining th is,'a qpCkesman . The Gull struck the News at North-South vulnerable . t y o t o The StaCtr Department's xihove Fined in Georgia 9 'fcm. to 3 -p.m., with one hour for wiU be. "Tliat All May Be One.” for the craft unions said: "We will Miss Barbara Muritoy wets organ­ lunch. music for dancing. A muslci^ pro­ Ckartumee from Jerome 'Q|rgl& Bsiynes S t In addition, new members w ill' be 1:01 a.m. ^nnirsday, after Its Opening lead—^Deuce a t Heara QK94 came to light Thursday affer the gram will be included iii the enter­ Productlona, New Yoric City, 4M The booklet is an adaptation of not be provoked by the publishers B w took the first two tricks ist- . . . Chicago Sun-Times r^iorLed the ALBANY, Ga~(AP) — Thrbe To qualify for the tests,. appli­ welcomed into the church, and in­ T i early edil had been published, * K t a The bride, given in marriage by tainment. at the rehearsal hall and a boatumb^ a publication issued by the Chil- to allow them' to shut down the, when the unli' i*S contracts with with the king and ace of hearts East BMfe M department—with President Ken­ Nortoem ministers, one of them cants must be at least 19 years old, Mrs., Herbert Alley is chairinan fant baptism wlh be administered.- newspapers again.’’ her father, wore a long gown of Masterpieces committee Will aup^rviae the fit* B Bureau o f the .U.S. Depart- ’The fall meeting of Uie Tolland all seven Hi :pers expired. and then awtehed to a club, ty 1 A h H nedy's backing—>vhs planning to froirt 'New Britain, have been con­ must have been, out of high school of a general committee for the re­ tinga. -..of Health, Education and The reference was to a 1968 south saw that he would have to A 4 Z AH I peau de sole designed with a place controls-'' on its officials’ victed Of, viola ting city ordinances at least one year, a Connecticut S Association will be held at - 7 :35 Truck drivers vriw distribute the n scalloped Sabrina neckline and ception. She will be assisted by . The eoetume oommittea inchidea Welfarfc-.,^It provides information>m. Sunday at the 8tnf<^ strlkeM the newspaper deUverCrs News refused to «oss Guild pick­ lose a diamond sooner or later, dealings, with'reporters. during an Augu.st prayer vigil in resident , for at least six months Mrs.' 'Walter Potyra, Mrs. Martha in Miniature Mrs. Joseph Swenason and Mrs. for parenm..pf children who have union u b t ^m e lo p ^ into a 19-day so that the contract depended on to follow suit with a aecohd dia­ fitted tadioe and sleeves of C9ian- preceding'the date of application, Iprings Congrt|(aUonaI . Churmi. et lines, and the n^spaper made tilly lace, embroidered with seed - The Sun-7mes said an official which 85 oUt-:^f-state clergymen Johns and Mrs. Howard Sirilth. Herbert Snyder, oo-chalnnen; Mr$. had the disease^ and reinforces the AP Newsfeatoies newspaper olapkout in the city clearing the trumps without a mond. Thle made H clear that would-have to report the name of, a. ' - church members were ar- and the clask-jvifo which the appli­ Andover residents are invited - to KBONISH no attempt to continue publleation pearls and iridescents. Her dome -ORX'S Frank Horton, Mrs. EVlmond Rob­ physician’s advldsK.It is the latest attend. ' X when newspapers^ t ^ t could have lOM* ■ "* . East had only one apade. If East the.-'rfeWsman he talked with and! rested. . cant entered high school must have In a Mries of Hedrt Aesociatlcm The . ^ropean office Of thS at its ovm plant. . shaped skirt was trimmed in graduated. - , Colosseum Shaky f ' LITTLI ARlSTOjOHATS bins, Mrs. William Peck, Mrs. Folliea Tickets oar' Sale published closed ddwn. At that Mayor Robert F. Wagner ur­ The normal way of playing the had discarded. South would have pxe media '"he represented, when i'he other 82 arq expected to be George Walker, Mrs. Howard BaM- pubHcatfons bn various adp^ts o f United Nations to Geneva plans to time, the Publishera- AssQ^tlon trtliops U to lead!'a dt>ado to the played Baat tbr two apadea. Chantilly ahd^ terminated to a There, ^ a $3 fee fo r first appli­ MINIATUM CHOeOUtTtS ’nckets for “ Hl^F^ver Follies,” gently interceded to a .vAin at­ chapel train. Her two-tiered fin­ the interview too)c place, suid the called week by week to b^routh- ROME Motor-vehicle traffic 'n'ih. Mrs. Robert kama. Mrs. Jtdm prevention and bare of rnetimatic open a phllatoUc museum located of New York C3ty was opdratl king! and then return a spade and Having obtained the count. cants; ’life fee for reteke tests is AMoftDd MWt and iponsored ,by the-^omen’s Auxil­ to the Palace of Nations. Here wiU tempt to to^diate the ^Upute. gertip veil of scalloped , silk il­ subject of the interview! west Georgia city until allital, m ^ -b ” obtained 'from hfrii. against one new^^per was Nebrs. niade an offer that liv Manning called it “ a obildish appearance .bonds. ston, Mrs. Daniel Morllne, MVb. problems at the care of young pa­ of all Mrvloa .stamps sver issued special informaticn. South would When the ten of epades dropped. surmpunteds by a crystal, bead theiricir iiu,iiiiarieB.auxiliaries. x ■ threatened , to shake dowm the tobert Azini^ of School Rd. The strike against all. .- a |7;38-a-week Increase crown. She carried a peau de -story, and erroneous.” , I ” We can’t keep putting this j5ff Hector Novelli, Mra. James Ough, tients during the acute and con­ sh(W ^wiil be pfosepted Ifov. 16 by the League of NationA the In­ This tactic was queationSd last take the ace. of spades on tl South led the jack of s j^ e s In general, the fields covet‘d by., 2,000-iyear-old structure. valescent {diaaes and emphasizes ternational Labor Offlee and the s p r ^ over t ^ two-ySar terih, ot sole muff With white roses and He said “ no new ’regulation’ has 'orever,” said Police (3hief Laurie Mrs. Edward Sherrill and Mrs. LTM 8:16 pm. In^Balley spring by a National Labor Rela­ second. trick. through West for a finesse and been or is being issued.” \Pritchett, who , played a major . John'.Whlte.______...... the importance of protec^ve Unitod I Nations and their special a proposed luW'Ocmtract. Earl It’s easy to see that this, meth­ .Uius. avoided the lose Of a trump ivy. lum At Manchester 'High tions BosM trial exan)iner. The the papers had tohde a |6 Mrs. Eleanor DelTatto of Man­ Manning, chief of public affairs, lo.q !iTi .maintaining order during An additional list of patrons for raeaisiirea to prevent rKurn ^ at- lied agtoteies. T o mark .this event, publishers, who negotiate citywide od of playing the trumps would trick. tacka. has issued four aerv- yeaSr Offer. ' do 'S^th no good at all-. What' Dally Question chester, sister of the bride, was said he asked “ that State Depart­ intermittent integration demon­ the ahow Includes Mr. and Mrs. BAMs contracts with most of their, un­ strations dating to last December. Stanley Bray, Dr. and Mrs. lt<>b- stamps which MU be valid for The Guild turned down these of­ —lore. South'knew It. East had bid Aa dealer, you hold: Spaideo, lOr . matron of honpr. Bridesmaids ment officials who conduct inter­ A meetiiigM the Andover Pre­ ions, made no attempt to use the •t—re Mrs. Elizabeth Bidwell, Man- views or discussions in the de­ Convicted Thursday on charges BARGAINS^ALORE AT ert D. Breer, Dr. and Mrs. D. M. school Pafmta Assoeigtlon *jwepaytog postage on United Na­ fers and stood «ahed to a halti 57 cars and tog Ih Uaam fused the terms thsy would be 85 to 30 hours. For this reMon declarer cai ..hats ,imd muffs. The, matron of tiorlng photo was to provide the public affairs r By sUpulaticBi, the saml^ judg­ Win be ready. School will dose on struck One at a time. hondr’s outfit was emerald green, IHnner Music by “The Squires” . Alexander Jarvis. trudts had basn,ahiadiad tq>, 16 (heae two days at 1 pm. U s m e l,^ iaeued a new stamp ’Ths Ifsw Yoric Guild claims to the ace of dlapionde and .then led- •MRS. HAROLD ARTHUR 'TOPLIFF JR. bureau “with a rudimentary rec­ ment applleo-i-to two Negro min­ Also, Dr. and Mrs. Robert B . parsons hurt, oba eittieaUy, and and ax>^venlr sheet bomning El The Guild, which has thrown up a low diamond, toward his hand. For Sh'einwold’a savage booklet. ahd she carried bronze chrysan­ ord of the department's relations isters—the Rev. John W. R. Ool- Reservations MI 3-6902 - r-n 901 MAIN S’f.—MI 8-6321 Bham BOA School Mena represent 6,888 editorial and busi­ themums and variegated i'vy. The PRESCRIPXION PHARMACY Kemey, Dr. and Mrs. Alen M. 56 miles a ty b a m n y paraljoted. .HumellB nationel afamee, re- picket lihes around the News ness office employes on the Irian- If Bast hqd staittiMl with a single- "A. Pocket Giiide to Bridge,” send with the press.” . x lins, 47, of Newark, N.J., and the Monday—^baked link.o aauaaga, pefto tiM IBrsel FtaUatelic A f building in Manhattan and its bridesmaids' gowns were copper- Kemp, 'Dr. Joseph J. Kristan, Said ona vtctfan of the taddsnl mashed potatoes, buttered green hattaa dallies, more than 1,000 of ton ' diamond he cmild ruff the 60 cents to Bridge- Book, Manches­ 1956 graduate of Mt. Ida Junior England Telephone Co. Mr. Top- Manning denied any effort to Rev. Arthur Lynwood Hardge, 85, State’s Atty. and Mrs. John D, La* .Thumckty: ^ in America. ’Ihe aliline, a plant to Brooklyn, was angered ter Evening Herald, Box M18, glow and they carried pale yellow inhibit the access of newsmen to of New Britain, Conn. beans, applesauce, bread, but them on the News. Others are at second diamond, tat then South chrysanthemums and ivy. College, Newton Center, Mass. liff Is a student at Ward's School Rkle, Dci, and Mrs^ HaroM Lsh' *T was hit Biz times bafora I major footor to the economic de^ by the maneuver of printing the would play his nto^and save the Grand Central 8ta„ N.T. 17, N.Y. She is a former American'Airlines of Electronics in Hartford and official sources on foreign policy. Appeals were entered and thq and mflk; Tuesday—ravloU ^ t h the Times, Herald Tribune, Mir- Charles DelTatto of Manchester mus, AtW> nnd M rs. Sanford oould got out of the car. velopment Of the new oountry, news at the Journal-American king o f diamonds for, later. Cmyrlght 1861 stewardess and is -presently era- works for the Atlantic and Pacific "No good reporter Is ■ going to three were released under $300 meat sauce, cabbage and.^Carrot rori Journal-American, Worid-Tel served as best man. Ushers were slaw, fruited gelatin w i^-h^ing, wap eStwhMahed lii 1048, ahotartly plant and called it "a mockery of egiam and The Sun and the Post. Aa it happened. East was able’ General Features Oerp. x ployed*wlth the Southern ... New Tea Co. - - have any more difficulty to the, fu- bond each. X!. afitw the proclamation of the the! use of the mediation seirrioe, Andrew Cavazza, brother of the bread butter and .miUC;' W( State. Other unions represent an addi­ bride; and Walter Topliff, brother day—over-fried chicken, hushed of the Guild and everybody else tional 17,000 mechanical employes, 7 “ • •. -• in letting the public think that of the bridegroom, both pf Man­ poUtoea and grw ^ buttered peas The Falkland lUnnilB ootnmem- such as praBsmen..and printers. chester. or wax bean^pumpkln custard, they (the . News ’ management) T h e last Guild strike te New GATE o p e n , 6:16 — SHOW STARTS 6>46 ' t ontes the OOth smdversaiy.jpf ita were toterested in settllig the Mrs. Cayazza waa attired in a iHead, b u t^ a iM , mUk; Thuraday lAdIo bcmmunloa'tions with the ia- York was seven years ago against ^5»tu»ququoise peau de sole cocktail —Italian, grinders, tomato soup, strike.” the old Brooklyn Eagle, which S T A R T S ' Iress with matching accessories. iwe at three postage stamps. But the Guild made no move ^^M ess potetoydiifiB, Assorted fruit, and AU three stamps imdtide. ths Anni­ subsequently went out of business. TONIOHT The bridegroom’s mother wore a Friday—baked fish stioks, to interfere with the.operatlon, nor It is currently being revived un­ beige peau de sole cocktail dre^ goni portmit of Queen Ellaabeth did any of the craft unions. X idi fries, lettuce wedge with and the St. Bldward’s Crown. The der new ownership. - with matching accessories. Both yg, cbooolate oakA bread, , After the News strike edition wore corsages of pink roses. , 6 penbe orimson and orange'shows had hit the street, Wilfred Alex­ butter and m ^ a morae key; the 1 aMlhng dark WORH FORCE A BEOORO a.MHSCHCOMRUIYsiim THE WORLD AND Following a wedding dinnCr for green and oUve green depots ander, president of the Newspa­ VIENNA .—Austria’s work force ns WOMEN , 120 at the Garden Grove, Keeney \ Advertiaement-;- receiver;' the 3 sMIHng violet and per Guild of New York, Issued haa reached a record 3j370,000 to FBU BEFORE HIM! St., the couple left bn a motor trip a statement Saying: E L V iS Caab Fuel Service—^Aluminum iBtramarine pt^^tures a rotary a ponuHuUon c f '-7,000,000. Only ■‘to. the Pocono Mountains and ""“Four years In Washington hav^-given Congressman* Emifio Q. Window*—Save! Aoroas from ■paek transmitter. "The New York Publishers As­ 86,^ are onerapkiyed and jobs Washington, D. C. For traveling, X Post Office, Bolton. Mogintvy sociation Is Itching to put into Era going bagging. . pes Mrs. Topliff chose a dark brown Thursday Daddark) a sharpened perspective of ^ h ^ a t iw ’s problems — and tmnber, MI 8-X141. Belgium haa Im ed a~ set of six knit dress with matching jacket till 9 p.m. how thjs Congressional district is involved nv^ose affairs BisnipoStAl stamps depicting vari- IF- and winter white and brown ac­ Bvenlng Heralg Aa- CUB. exereiaeg for the rehahiUtaition cessories. After Nov. 10 the cou­ "Mr. Daddark) speaks muefi rwre know|edgeabVand coVifidently dover oor '•nt, Blaige^ a t the banAcapped. ’Ihe addl- ple will Itye at 120 Woodland St. Mentnaden turn* cPH^lra tional values on these stamps win Mrs. Topliff is- a 1954 g;raduate of the problems before Congress than in years gdn< by. R isn’t S-SOU. ■.EEnMNlN of -Manchester High School and a go to the benefit of inStItultlonB TONIGHT m w aM m n simply a- matter df exposura to constant discussion of'thpse prob­ tor hanAcapped chUdren. What Every lems, but actually a credit to his own abHity to act wisety » with AttrOnautt Confer tENDS SUNDAY b y K R O E H L E R / PIGEON PA’TRIARCH Woman Knows keen judgmenL" ^ ■ ^ " Hu n t s viLxjE, xia. (a p ) — SEATTLE, Wash. (AP) — A carrier pigeon named Gerpnimo, n iree U.S. astronauts spent a day Tony , at, the Mm^shaU Space FUgfat Cen­ beUeved to be the last One sur­ viving' active service in World “ Representative Emilio Q. Daddario, Democrat, o f Conaecbctit, a MfePiWalirt Amazing Menu ter in conference on the Saturn- Curtis W E ’V E member of" We House Space Committee has become die leading Apollo moon rocket bl^Ktam. War B,' now Is t o Us 30th year • NOTICE# , r Luxurious Foam-Sushioned Sofas at WooAand Park Zoo here, where Dfbbift X The men—Alan B. Bhepard Jr„ Congressional authority on.the subject (of space medical resean^).. Walter B. Schlrrra Jr., and Don­ it' resides. Reynolds G p T ’E M . I8|w,;fork Thom, A m f l * . $ * « 100% h n Beef Hew lsrgott ^ ald K. ' Slayton—^Joined about 30 other membem of th^e organtea- MILLER’S DINING ROOM '** ■ ' .■'■ V- ■ ■. ■ 'K T eoipB>g CM eaeburgofs Uona meeting with space center "^SATURDAT MATOfEaE liSO Immediate styled in 3 convenient lengthsl ' Congressman Daddano is a hard-working and seripos-minded man offieii^ Thursday. The "Rat-Itoide” Is the most hoa- who is, on the brcwl for honest answers to big questions. And if ever OM feeW oBM i. Shekes The' meeting was tor an ex- The war-ttae love oonfeseione eet, dowc^^to-earth, movie ev BUY ON the peopfe of tmssfeountry needed that kind of hard work in Wash|in6- CMep fioidei Reseh F ria ehangs of progress repwto on the of World War S’s top spy make made t o 'm U.S. even the Italian WILL BE OHN ALL DAY moon rocket' program. Cliarlton Heston-Bophla Loren “coonterfett traMor” the moot aad^JP^renoh movle-makera^ who Delivery ,on,»lsNOWK • ftfeit^kieR dsiif Cohe lively war film yet! Life Msga- a ^ famous for getting down to BUDGET TERMS BXPORTbrO l^W ERS zkM said, "remarkaUe . . . be-, IM -roek, flonidn’t bo mo * V D e lifiM Boot Beer CAIRO (AP)—Egypt lu s deeid- " p , C A D " j oanse It is true.” CoBee A i Vos U ie k • ed to expand its flower exports In ’Technlrama^—3 PM . TUESi., NOV. 6 because of a quirk of nature that k ilriritk itiir rieeored Orange Driafc works to its aidvantage. SHORTS At 7:30 ELECTION DAY X Whan the Sower ^maon' la over BONUS HIT AT «:S0 C o l d M i f t In Europe, flowem here afo In E X T E U i fuU Uoom. MILLER'S RESTAURANT ^ A beginning, Egypt wlU « - E A S T Rt I COMING I ■ p «t 136 tons of different colored A t t h e c e n t e r — m i i ^ s i i s W BST CENTIR S TIIIir gladloU, 10 tons of roses, and five ______•- V - U tons of double tubercees to! 'aev-> *Winds( SILVBt LA H I DCTiNSlON eral European firms, next seasbn. Th* Agriculture Ministry J* Also MIM idanting SOo acres apeciaUy for the enxtrt market In addition to ALL COLOR the exiitlng privately owned plan- Sawa Harward is tntipns. ... "I Thank A Foei" Plaa—BIU Heldaa ia t a t l t i m e r "SATAir mSTSR SLXKPS” — i w LOBSTER ') DocDratDr Fabrics I... Fashion-right Colors I Barir now AM;W It’s a treat they’ll all love. Oiir tempting foods are carefully prepareil and beautifully served— S«!: Finest Quality at Truly Amazing Savings I ^ ^ABLE EnSTUJOOD I Laat Complete Show At A.tM A la Carta I: k"' H ie atmosphere is gracious and congenial, per- _ iiip! iiiiil ULTRA SMART SPACIOUS 82” " BREATHTAKING 92*^ The BOghtteat Movie Ever! 'feet for family diping ZIPPERED C U S H K ^ EADERSHI^ FOR MARTFORD COUNTY Charlton Heston 74’* SOFA “ NAP” LENGTH Sophia Lorsn TEL. M l 3-1415 -FOR RESERVATIONS ; « ii||3 ^ Served With Thaty ^'EL C ID " *>TANLE.V WARNER Ijplj French Frlee and Oolealaw n . 9 5 l ■ VOTE DEMOCRATIC (b CMor) Shown At-SriS BANQUET ROOM AVAILABLE FOB PARTIES * • tbm Featarettes At i m STATED PULL TOP LEVER I Doors Opan A t 7 PAL . SHOWN AT 5:80 and 8:10 I LOBSTER $. s i i e w - b i R D SUNDAY DINNERS SERVED II FULL DINNER ^ P43WBR SNOW RBMOVBR 12 NOON to 8'PJd. 1 Jhfs powerful s'elf-propeHed APUWOF | | . 4 C O U R S E S !^china clears snow from the INTINULr m o ’SSNEWSs $1495 ,.KU0|UL average drive and sidewalk In only 1280 m iN O . $3995 A OhMAl CHOICE LEOAL BEVERAGES 10 minutes, yet requires no more Stamp# HOC Stamp# Ooounuter atatlon wagon. Continents. Beige. Radio, flANT BAZAAR “ FOOD FOR sffoh t^an a power lawn mower. * 1 2 9 *149 - *177 Gray and .sriiito. Radio and w oif EVERT MOOD” iilji Aeaiter, automatic transmla- /•Watt HSrtford Armory ; AVEY’S „ExclusiVeAlesign handles all-types hwter, Meroomatie, pbwer '■ion. AU leather interior. FuU • (TAMIIIMAISKMNeaorT sHili • DANOpiO THUB8., FBI. and SAT « Farmington. Ave. . ^ ' AW MTMOUCIINirATtr ou « of snow: wet andfsticky, light and btokaa, pow«r atesiing. power. West HartfoM dS E. O n ter St., A NEW CONCEPT IN ▼— PLUS ' fluffy, icy and crusted. Briggs & Stratton winterized enginjjH^lHs 10 AJM. to 10 P.M. Maarioe OhevaUer CHAIRS TO M ATCH; ’S2 OOlMEt SUSS Angle Dickinson tUhdnjuL RESTAURANT" and operates in all .winter"coridi- HI-BACK. LADIES' AND $1295 l-Do6r. Black with'Iwd in- , SUNDAY, NQV. 4 . In "JESSICA!” Pi " — OPEN NIGHTLY TILL 1 A.M. — h tions. See how easy snow removal Fieata station wagoh. Black. can be; come In for a demonstra- OnOM AN FOR EITHER teriorl Ttodlo, heater, atand--’ F t m Adm ltiloii Shown At 7:20 . i i i 7 WALNUT ST„ MANCHESTER-rMI 3-4628 * Radio, heater, power brakes, ard transmission. Nicely O R B O T H . power ateerln|r. equipped. Low, low mileage. Auction,'’ Bootlu, Art Show 4h.p..22 .nd, and Sale — Frcymh Room, ^tnrday Kiddle Show STANLEY WARNER t o m o r r o w Barit (Ooililag la Bsori- At 3 P.M. • 2 3 9 ® ® '%#» dk- ’(2 FORD $1( ^ WRIT. $1595 lent Oondltton). "CLOWN and the KID” A t 2 P .M . OR Catalina 2-Dpbr Hardtop. Ra­ ! and CARTOONS ’ • h.p.. 26 ineh BecnoUne Van. Qrasn. Mtoa- RIDES iw R OHILOHEN dio, h e a ^ , hydramatie, pow­ * 3 2 9 ® ® 2-Pe. M R. and M RS. IF a KATZ priced! Bat. uio Ban.,' iiM aiA liM p.m. S P.M* to 7 PM. Merc 7. LEBANON^ CONN. OOHiraraMTAlr-MZaKHlBY and WiLLTB - Be Bars Ae^Btaie Numbermber aagaad P rloeriiloeri TIekets, CTMON CHn^DBEN AND HAVE A GO(W TD WHERE" YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME You G at M EEN StAM PS wlHi Evtry Dim a You Spond! ■Vote For Question 6, November 6th 4-WHBBL D W n VKHUUSBI Wsa'-Dais aad TimeI UR O W N LO TH EXT TO STOR^I. ‘ . • .-xj:__ • L • it' -'t 7 RieiMl H ^eraid A dyg. mdH m k i-' ' '• A :• ,\ A- ■r. s$ ::.

\ .1- ' Jf' fh KAMCH£8TKR EVtiNLNClr H£RALD, ,CX:>N^,iv pkiiJAIf, MOVEMBER 2, 1^2 (TIVK- pAcn Fotm ^ MANCHESTEB EVEWNg HERAm MAMCmSTEB. FRmAY, t, m —^ . !■ I paper said, “ British ittiperlallain aharles and John Cobitni, Beth craekerB. toBBted ^eeBs auid'wieh, Ole Miss Takeg fCennedys Building used India Bs a base for t e i ^ [Bolton and John G orton, Coralie „ and apple brunch. Qiurchill Dines' , torial e};pansion - into vagt-i^^- Cob Scout -Notes Russia Sends India Bllxabeth Gram, Peggy Wright, douse in Vii^^nia pattses of China’s Tibet afid Stin- MANCHESTER Christine, Jennifer .-and Jeffrey Cubmaster David Warfel p r^ Al Otker Club * Grfd Opponent kiang regions.' Maxwell. ented avvarda to members of Cub (Oonilnued from Page One) ' "Indian reactionaries want to i J. D; Avery, Fred Gaal T o Install Ohureh Unit Scout Pack *157 at its monthly LONTON (iW*) — Sir Winston inherit this dlrtjr legacy of British pack meeting. The Bear badge, As New Target the actual cost, local people say, Arms at Usual Rate imperigllsm and seize Chinese The Nocturnal Adoration 8o- Churchill, 87^ dined with old ciety--«jf St. Maurice Church Will gold and silver arrows, went "to "Salinger wou]d not comment'on tem tbry even by force: of arms.” Robert Robinson; Wolf bad|;e, Ed­ friends at alt mcclusive chib Thurs­ The CSiinese (iommimist regime be InstkUed in ceremonies at the (Continued from Page One) , eports that revenue atamps in. (Oonttained from Page One)- :n Town Positions church SUh#report a (ulutantial Increase in cial hmir w ill bie held in ’ the Roser. Pale but smiling, .tlt^ statesman he site. peoole.” >fmM» Director John D f Avery and circulation'figures for the 1961-62 church hall after the ceremony. Mrs. John Sadler’e den mter- half turned in response to wel­ EarUer this . Week, protestt nance mintater'.s^ call foi* dona- POMPEI. Italy (AP) — Every And K linger - said ’'he didn’t "This is not tli? time for these' o f Park and. Recreation Contmia- year. Mrs. Elinor Bentley, llbrariT All members of the parish are In- tained the pack with a skit "Hal- come cries from a small gathering against Meredith reached their tion.S; •' '■ ■ other thought ■ scratched on the know anything about a' atable, manifestations,” , he declared, urg­ ■ionar l^rod^^<3'aal were aocepled an, noted in her annual report i^ted. ■ loweeq^ Characters.’’ outside the Savoy Hotel." Bu|t he FVom Peiping, the Chinese prop-1 walls of Ppmpei and preserved This Is highest peak since the bloody riot­ whiclj it Was presumed might be ing his countrymen "to keep" your aganda_ m achine^ kept up a by volcanic action through 19 cen- with regret “by the oelafijmen- at that circulation^ only a part of Dr. Malone to Speak rhade no gesture. ; ing of Sept. 30 which left two dead needed for Mrs. Kennedy's tho­ heads coo! and not be carried --•vs S.CS441 vFs s their meeting lael night, ^ library routine. There has been a 'A^e.rtisement— f He was helped from his car and strea m 'of, charges attempting to turies has to do with love, its Dr. H. .(John Malone of Man­ and score.s injured, j i ^ d a y ' and roughbred horse, and for Oiroline away by anger or emotion.” justify Comniunist military ac­ Avery, Who has served as CD large increase in reference ques­ chester, will speak on the "Growth Oa^ Fuel Senice-^Alumlnum. held by both elbows as he walked ecstasies and'^tribulations, Be Tuesday night a barrdge of fire­ Kennedy’ s pontes. Police estimated 10.000 people- tion on. the^ disputed fronlier. tore Vesuvius blew its top, one .director fhr five years, submitted tions at fh'e library^ and much of and Development o f the P re-^hool WlndOwtA—Save! Across fpom slowly Cowa,rd an elevator. most of them university men and hla raalgtiation because of the in- the librartan's time’ is spent in Post Office, Bolton, McKfnney crackers — mostly the Ibud-sound- The whole deal for purchase of Cause of th^w hole cri.sis, said disgruntled-lover at some unknown Child” at a meeting of the Bolton Upstairs a wheelchair took^ him Horace ing ones called cherry bombs— womeh — marched through the i,ereaM o f activity ki hla position Biding students in research, Mrs Lumber. ’M r^T.2Ujl. the site amid a liOOO-aore cattle the' Peiping P e t e ’s Daily,- wgs [ Sate wTote, “ Quisquis aniat veniat Cooperative Nursery Wednesday IS yards into the dining Kk>m for were hurled at Meredith's room. streets of the . capital all day ;w otate CD deputy director. The Bentley reports. ' breeding farm in the heart' of "British imperialftm's dg^es.sion ; Veneri volo . frdngere costas,” at 8 pjn. at. the Community -Hall the meetihg of The Other Club, a During the height ‘ of Monday 'Thur.sday, de.slroying signs, mark­ .aelectmen drlifted a letter of She also expressed thanks to An invitation Is extended to all Advertisement— the hunt country was kept a close 8,!>alnst China's Tibet region.” The which translates r.ough iy to, social group for distinguished men night's demonstrations an mp ing Chinese ' business houses and official Communist party paper. "Whoever .is in love come hither, ; thanks to Avery for his, service to Leonora Faya. Margaret Peace parents In town to attend the - D ear TowmspeoplerT-am grateful .secret and the sale ■ mos rhade In he helped found 51 years ago. fired his rifle and the bullet went shouting (or expulsion d( the Red referred to the delihea\on. of the I intend to breik Venus'' ribs. I the t6wn, The board voted to ac- and Claire Southerlin, high school meeting. There will be a question to all Chose who have l^ n saying the name of the Kennedy’s Mid- such nice things about my cai^did- through the third-floor window of Chinese forces bn (he bordeje. Po- Northeast Frontier in Itf The heart and arrow, -motif is Jcept Avery’s recommendation and volunteers who worked at the cir­ and answer, period after the talk. dleburg neighbor and friend. Paul lice guarded all Chhie.se busin.es.s I a-dorm itory across fromsJvls post "During its rule of Indik the i briefer, if not, so flamboyant. ». I named deputy CD . director John culation desk.’ during the past During a short bu.siness meeting, acy for State Representative fihm Adenauer Delays Vieit Fout. y houses and the headquarters’ of "'-s. outside Meredith’s hall. ' Garibaldi'to succeed as town CD year. officers will be elected for the com­ Bolton.. If I am elected I promise Only-'two days ago. Mrs. Ken­ the Indian Communist party, to represent Republicans, Demo­ ■ director. Total circulation of books, peri­ ing year. Refreshments will be WASHINGTON (AP) — The An official Army statement said, nedy’s press secretary, Pamela which a mob looted on Wedne’s- MAHOGAHY crats and Independents alike when Avery moved to Vernon several odicals -md pamphlets was 24.138. served by a comihittee headed by White House announced today that Only that MPs were investigating Thriiure, wa.s saying the recurring davr* , . months ago but the selectmen I speak for Bolton in the State “ the! firing into' the air by one almost .5.000 above the previous Mrs. William Houle. German ' Chancellor Konrad , Ade­ Liimors about the new house were, Nehru said the demonstrations him to as CD Legislature, Before I cast my vote PRE-FINISHED ■ asked continue di- year. A total o f 536 books were nauer's visit 'to Washington has soldier,” . but the place where ‘^absolutely uiitrue.'” exceeded the limits of decency. i rector for aa long a period as pos- 4-H Premlunt Plck-^Up in the State Legislature on issues purchased and 179- were given to Bolton 4-H Club members may been po.stponed for a week,, from bullet gouged into a walL land is in the territory of sian language records with manu­ tered green beans, bread and but­ ed States is the greatest producer coach’s executive committee to members to support the govern- •, ■ roads during the winter were dis- the Piedmont Fox Hounds and als were acquired in addition to ter, raspberry gelatin; Wednesday Little Change of fats and oils in the world. In ^ a f t and is.sue a resolution con- - ment during the national\emerg- CHERRY [ cussed. Some changes will have to the French and Spanish records borders on the; Orange County ; ency. '\ • be made because of the exchange -—beef stew with crackers, French 1961, U.S. production, estimated at Congress and is /"demning what it called “ brutali- previously available. bread and butter,- celery sticks, From the proficiency of the 18.4 billion' pounds, represented .//' ties by Negro MPs.” Hunt, both groups with rlvhlch ■I The party leaders formally : of roads with the aUte. Pay rates Through the David Murdock Mrs. Kennedy has been riding. , stated they have no objections to ■ for those working on the plowing pears; Thursday—baked hash with B^yprians and Greeks, we know more_ than one-fourth of the ex­ 'A student told the counciL'one WINTER TEAK Memorial Fund sLx books and sev­ that very little basic' improvement pected - world production for thftt The Pre.sifient and . his family the purcha.se of foreign arms ; operatioha will ba discussed at the en magazines of interest to boys ketchup.. buttered spinach, pickled Connectieufs wliite soldiei and one Neerb sol­ beets, bread and butter, cake has been made in the paint brueh year. This was an Increase from have spent many weekends since from w'herever available, includ­ ; next meeting-. were made available.. The Bolton dier were in the area from which ing the United States. Friddy ■— vegetable soup with since 3090-2000 1^'C, 17 billion pounds in 1959. the rifle was fired hht that he early 1961 at Glen Ora their rent­ Two Appeals Granted Grange contributed eight books, to ed coiufltry place near Middleburg. A ItilJ per.sisted on the fighting dfdn't know‘ which one fired the The Boning board of appeale the Adelia N. I-oomis Memorial senior repre­ 'Their GlBn'Ora lease has been ex­ fronts. ' \ ' Bhot. ’ ■ ' ^ ' ■ granted appeals for two variances Shelf. tended until the new house is com­ In London, '^British Common­ A council official urged that a " Wednesday night. One was to During the year 149 adults be­ pleted. wealth relation!? officials worked came registered-borrowers for the telephone h^r^ssment campaign Harry Williams Brookfield Rd. sentative 1i . Salinger reported the President on an international military aid first time, making a total Of 998 be institute against Meredith and for permission to build a family HOLLAND BUtB w d hi.s wife originally wanted to program for India. Jt was 'to be adult borrowers and^SSS children faculty m’embers accused of In- room two feet closer to the side­ buy a house in the area, but found discussed with Canada, Aiistralia as o f Sept. 15, i m t tegraflpififst viewpoints. line than regulations penmit. T h e Washington^ it more economical to build. Sal­ and other Commonwealth coun­ Grade 8 classes from the school In /another development. Rep. tries. In addition to the United ZBA decided this was justifiable M A K rr inger said only union labor . will visited the library in May to learn J ^ h Bell Williams, D-Miss., States. since It Would be a definite hard­ SPECIAL^ be employed. -Art Show-Opens Tonight . ship for WUlama to build In any about tha resources available there hrg.ed Army Secretary ; (lyrus R. Indian - citizens rallied to Neh-'j other location on his lot. and teadners were guests at a cof­ HYACINTHS— color and frotgroneo...... Reg. 1.8Y^4oow 1.19 doi. In Congress, he /''^Vance to see that firearms are Miss Bernice Bertash and her niece. Eleanor Green, both of 56 ru’s appeals for mateiHal support. *' George Negro was granted a fee hbur to acquaint them with the ■ DAFFODILS— Yollow King A lfre d ...... Reg. i:8 9 ^ ew 1.19 dei. taken away from . soldiers sta- Shrinking S. Alton St., afix numbers to the paintings Miss Bertash will dis­ Indira Gandhi, Nehru’s^^ughter, variance to build a gasoline ela­ new children’s books and back­ ,/ tloned on the 6le Miss campus play at the Lions Club-Manchester Fine Arts Association art led the nation's women in con­ tion and have- an auto repair ground material. H MADONNA ULIES ...... Reg. SOc ee.-^ew 35e ee. has served on Williams said the^-weapbns were O n^ of Switzerland’s wonders, Ao\y„.at the Mancheister Armory tonight through Sunday. Miss tributing her gold jewelry to ■ bol­ business on Rt. 85 next to the Bol- Improvements made during the “ totally urineces.sary and can the Rhone glacier is shrinking Bertash will have 52 paintings in a variety of categories on view ster the government treasury, year include shingling and painting Large seleerien of Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus, Grape Jiyacinths, et;c. against foreign exchange drains . ton Dairy. A hearing had been serve only to cause trouble and slowly. Within its recorded, his­ at the ritow. The show''opens at 6 tb n i^ t.— (Herald photo by the exterior of the library and In­ held on the Negro case In Sep­ The^ttguse maybe death.” tory, the frozen river has retreat­ Saternis)., stallation of a "book drop’’ at the tember but the^ZBA requested ad­ PL>PLANT SHADE TREES NOW— Maples, Morain Willows, Sycamore, Crim* ed more than two miles up the .aide of the front door.Library pffi-" Hi valley -and now ie leae than eight ditional information. son King, ihany others. " x cials,: Mrs.' Bentley s^d, would ap­ ^Foreign Affairs miles long. ownbd by Louis XVI, one by Pope | er,” with an hour hand that can There were no objection to preciate - the return of any long PhiI* Make Shore Pius IX,‘ and one made in Ge- be advanced or reversed an hour , WALKERS elthN' variance. overdue or "lost’’ books by.means CHRYSANTHEMUM CUT FLOWERS— Greenhouse grown. Bring color and cheer • OLD TIMERS neva , in 1785, which is barrel-1 by pre.ssing a switch, and an $1.-: Mrs. Kreyslg Moderator shaped and wound by a tiny, 800 watch that tells time, day, of the book drop and no questions in to tlie h om e, o ffic e , sick ro o m w ith a g e n e ro u s b o u q u e t ...... only 1.59 Committee, th^ After Boat Tips GrENBVA, Switzerland (AP) — Mrs. Agnes Kreysig will be the will be asked nr ■ fines levjed. The A Geneva watchmaker, Patek chain. ahd months, and adjusts to each moderator st the election Tues­ p«ialty-free arrangement doM not Philippe, has A cqllectl 5 for 2.44 last night. Registrar of Voters On State Board Shore yeStenJay afternoon when Mrs. Fredrica-Reid made the ap­ Committee, their sailboat capsized on Mashe- Mrs. Marjorie Reed, a member paug Lake in Bigelow Hollow CEILING TILE pointment' of the Women of St. George’s .Epis­ MARSH HAY FOR MULCHING bale i.-ie Lawn Fertilizer, 10-6-4 . .50 lbs. 2.45 State Park, Union. '- A special session to make vot­ copal Church, has been appointed the Banking ers will be held at-the Community L im e ...... 50' lbs. .59c Chester S. (>sosl^, 29, a prac- io the executive board of the Epis­ DRIED MATERIAi;,— Try your hhnd at bicing chiropraertpr ^ 31 W. Midy 12x12 Hall Monday ' from 2 to f g-m copal Church Women of Connect­ Only those whoso rights have ma­ arrangements. Excellent selectioii. die '^ k e., owner of the boat, swgrh icut. . It is requested that women and Currency to .shore for" help while Morton 12x24 tured since the last^ regular voter­ bring United Thank offerings to Plant Plant making session A^ll be eligible to Plant Plant EVERGREEJ^S Berkowitz. 26, of Hartford, held church Sunday.. The’ offering will Rhododendron ...... 2,95 jn to the boat untlUhe beitohed It THE TRUTH J !L L OUT! be made voters .at this session. be presented at the fall meeting of laiwnese Yews; Spread and Upright 2.95 up ^/Committee and ib on t'a n hour and 2 0 -bpinutes William Androlevich, chair­ the Episcopal Chiirchw'omen Nov. Arbor Vitaa, L arge ...... 2.66 Azaleas, all colors ...... 1 .9 9 up later. , , • , man of the Democratjc-town com­ 16 at 10:30 .am. at 0 irist Church Hemk)ck.S ...... 1.25 (others at 2.75 up) Mountain Laure) ...... ____ .. 1.95 State Police at 'Whop C, Staf­ Followin it thf mmiMptr acewiRt of WHIARO B. ROPEBS’ mittee's Harvwt Ball, V ^ o rts the Cathedral-fn Hartford. ^ the Merchant ford Springs, were summoned to dance was a aocial and a financial Instruct^ Eupharist Sipted die scene- with p^scue equipment. success.. The committee ' voted a The Rev. Ed\vut all was w ^ 'w h en they arrived, SUPtOSEB APPOIffTMEHT at “AOTIlifi BOVERKOR" at THE letter of thanks be sent to Paul of St. George's Episcopal Church, Marine and - rhe.v found Hbrkowitz on the shore Brown's Paint Store ’for his do­ will conducl.An instructed Euchar­ “Bring In Your Planting Problems— We Are Here To Help Y d u !” * \ Irith the bfiiat. nation of paint to be used for ist at the 10:15 a.rp. .service "Sun­ Fisheries OsoskL: \vhp pan to a nearby WILSON l^$KHICE at THEfItHITE HOUSL signs. day. Children lii Grades 5 to 9 will Itome to get help.'told police that Calls for transportation on .elec­ attend.IJie service with their pari' Ihe stulboat tipped over wlien the /Rep^hried from the, HAR’TFORD tX>URANT tion day may be made to Mrs. ents. .Other grades will attend WOODLAND GARDENS Committee^ wind .suddenly .shifted and they -^ .M»r^ 'l6, 1919. (Page 14) ■Russell Moonan. i Edmund Peres- churefi school .u lisiial. - Joat the rope to the tiller. The" luha, Mrs. Gasprln Morra. Mrs. J^embers of the junior' choir JOHN J. ZAPADKA OPEN’ DAILY men had taken the boat to Edward Churllla or J«rtm McDer- yi^ho will sing under the "'direction She-.lake at about 2:30 and the In- mot. . ' y -bf Mrs. Wilfred Majcwell, include 168 WOODLAND ST. TILL 9 P.M. M l 3 - 8 4 7 4 siHent occurred shortl.v after, Roge/i Disqppoini^ Library Vae'- Tip Brian Edgerton, Thomas Miner. s-hile they were in the middle of Bolton Public Library ojricialB Laura and Debra .Smith, T6ve, the lake, they said. At^hite House Door ^Elders Honored Sqiiore Foat BANGKOK — BtTddha imagtis Manehostor Raprasantative Hod Difficulty Gaining Admlttonee ta Can- are given scented baths and young people pb\ir scented Vater into the- fdranee an Unamplaymant,’ Rut SHpped Inta Empty Chair at Banquet. ING SOON “ OLE MAN WINTER’^ hands of elders, parents, grtn monks as signs of respect dpTiny HOMASOTE re Thailand's water (estival th'e A YOU GOING TO WORRY ABOUT - TIRES? BATTERIES? start of the solap year ip- April. Repre.sentative Willard B. Rogers of 5ver, he bobbed u p inside the building, RAblATOTW-EAKS r-TUNE-UPS- HARD STARTING? NOT s t a r t in g ? • ' - ' '■ ; / ^ • Manchester evidently didn’t have alto­ all aglhw at his succeS in securing ad- 4 ^ ■ ; CORK gether clear sailing at the conference mittaiice. 6ood News HOW ABOUT THE Wi|E'S CAR? IS IT MORE WORRIES? INVI'TA'TION of governors, mayors and other'officials Things went along smoothly enough BULLETIN that was held at the White House in until the delegates received phu^nal in­ . ; W B in : ■ / About s r Washington, two weeks ago, according vitations to attend a -banquet 'thqt was W HY WORRY-.LIFE IS TOO N 6 T-TRADE IT ON ^!ealed/'b|(3s will be received at to repoi'ts thiat have drifted back to Con-^ to be given by the chamber of commerce irx 24" v*; the Office of th'e General Manager, necticut. His activity in overcoming ob­ Tue.sday night at the Hotel Washington. 41 p(^nter Street, Manchester, Cort- Roger.s merely looked, on as the -other jijtticut, until Nov. 8, 1962. at 11:00 stacles in the way of gaining entrance MW — LATE MODEL A l OOARANTEED USED CAR AT DILLON’S /A'.M. for Automotive Supplies to to the conference and other functions Connecticut meii read their invitations. AH p; «dv con et DIHeii's OFii^ trade>iiis en the fabulous sew Ford (we de net buy auction cars for resaleEvery car sold Include Tires. Tubes. Ga.sollne.' Oil, was .second onl\?^ hi.s .sprightliness in ' Hf'i had none and. althoiioh. he asked the - Grea.se and Batterie.s. other delegates from this; state to help • JTx4r with o guarantee Is backed by ever 30 years of expoHiSMe and fair dealings. "Ramambar— we cannot afford to have on un­ ,.,^id forms and specifications are jumping to his feet to “ second the satisfied customer.. Let its prove it." x avkilablejat the Controller’s Office. motion.” I him, they were not in a position to do .so. 66 Center Sta-pet. Manchester, Con^ It will be remejnbered 'that Mr. Rog­ However, he went over.-to the hotel, arid 4Tx9r SAMPIE BUYS necUcut . ers, at hjs own^ request, received cre­ stood outside the bamiuet'hall until all TOWN OF MANCHESTER, were seated. One delegate noticed that A-1 A-1 CbNNECmCUT^ dential!! from Governor Mareps H. Hol­ RICH ARD. MARTIJS,, comb, merely to pei-mit him to attend there was a vacant seat near the rear of Excellent GENERAL MANAGER Jthe hall when the banquet began.-When ’62 rORll GALAXIB ’62 FALCbN; ’61 FAI.CON ■ ’61 F A L C O N the conferertCCj which was called by Sec­ ’60 -FALCON he looked again, it w p occupied by Christmas 2-Door Ecolibiny S retary of Labor Wilson, Leo A. Korper , . S p o rt F u tu ra 2-Door Se'dan Station W ^on Radio, Hoater 4-Door Sedan having been the governor’s personal rep­ Rogei'S. - " Boeltet 8f!aU,_ O O X resentative there. Before leaving Con­ It is said that Rogers held the record - ^ 1 9 9 5 Riutlo, Hratef~ ' ^ 1 5 9 5 * 1 7 9 5 for Seconding motions made by gover­ » $1195- Paul Dodge necticut, he endeavored to create the im- pThssion th at. he was to be„ the gover­ nors and mayors front all parts of the SEAMLESS f'-'f country, who had definite ideas on the A -1 A - 1 - ■ t.:,.?.. A -1 , A -1 PonticfCrlnt. nor’s personal representatiw. Otheis from Connecticut who attended the con­ problems before the copference. Rogers ANDERSON - ’ 60 F O R D ’ 60 F O R D . ’60 FORD FAIRLANE ’60 FORD GALAXIE ’«1 COMMBT ■ Says: ference were Mayor Joseph F. Dutton of tiever failed tphear the newspaper men Fairlane 500 ' Station Wagon 4-poor .Sedan Conyertible 2-Door, Automatic Gat Yaur Guardian Bristol. Mayor .John J„ Treat of Stam­ when the.V ’whispered, “Who is it?” LEG SIZE STOCKINGS Mciiatanance Spociol ford, Lieutenant Governor .Clifford. B. “Rogers from Connecticut!” was a NARROWLINE “ ^ 4 1 4 9 5 ^ * ^ $ 1 4 9 5 5 1 3 9 5 H 3 9 5 ?1595 Wilson, as mavor of Bridgeport. H. S. reply that fang out ip the foofhful^of Winter Ctiangeover Naw Tallard, representjjig Mayor George A. governors and mayors several times dur­ WINDOWS A -1 A -1 A -1 A d j. T ra n s. B ands: a n d ...... ' Quigley of New Britain and Charles E, ing the conference. Tt heine known pri­ It’s the promise of elegance in stockings . . . "S,eely-Brovyn is running for the United Julin. represehtinsr ^)ayor‘David E, Fitz-; marily as a “governor.s conference" and, The legsize lady . . . You’ll find her only on L in k a g e ...... $6.50 In Stock ’ 61 F O R D ’59 FORD FAIRLANE ’58 MERCURY t ’58 MERCURY gerald of New Haven. ' ' — v and probably in’ view of the fact that Belle-Sharmeer seamless with the exclusfve \- ’ 6 * f o r d : C O N V . . COUNTRY SEDAN ToiiFn S ed an 4-Door Hardtop Colony Park States Senate against the ruthless Rogers’ difficulties 1 began on the Rogers said nothfng about being from legsize fit'. She’s practical, top . . . Knitted in •e , ^ ... Tune ’n Test .....^..$10.00 Mancliester, the reporters a.ssurp.ed that 4-Ooer station .Waxon. r BIjg Engine, threshhold of the', White Hoifse. He ac­ the front-arid-center of each stocking so you 8, Fordomatlc 8, .Automatio station Wagon political machine of Boss John Bailey. he was the chief executive of tne state. 8AiitonuUic% S O A O i C Stick *995 Drain, Flush Radiator, companied a part of ithe Connecticut will garter without twistii^, Sj(UEging, strain­ delegation on tbe morning of Monday, And so, it w-as not surprising that, the He is fighting the biggest battle of his AddtAnljeFreeze ...... $1,50 ing your stockings . . . af lari you can be 5% DISCOUNT March .8, whep the various delegates re­ “Washington Star” referred to him .as,v absolutely sure they are on straight. A S IS A S IS ‘ ’ ' A S IS A S IS ' life. He needs your .vot^ to win this Lube ’n -^heck ...... ,$2 i00 ported to e.stablish their right to attend "Governor Rogers of Connecticut.” , CASH and CARRY the meeting at which President Wilson The “Gentleman from Manchester,” ■ ' ■ / . ■ ■ - ’57 MERCURY ’ 57 F O R D ”% 9 F O R D ’ M C O R V A tR battle. For Connecticut's^ sake, make Tire Rotation ...... $2.00- -was to deliver an addre.ss.f Extra pre-' 'as he is recognized on the floor of tlie l-Do6r 8, Automatic 2-Door Sedan , T o w n Sedan y 4 rD oor , puaPLC foa BBW - Check ’n Adj. Brake's ..$1.50 caution is alway.sjaken in admitting pei*- ConrieeftCHt Hoil^- of Representatives; Heel and Toe $ 1.50 a pair fer'sl*n6tr er (mill hd Seely-Brewn our U. S. Senator.-^ Give sons into the presence of'the President. was seun to be hurriedly thumbing the ' .■ aaEEN FOR MoorrE- * 4 9 5 - i * 4 5 0 w s $ 9 9 5 - him y^ur vote. Align Front End ...... $8.50 The diffeVeht Connecticut meir handed ‘page.s of a Washington newspaper ip a OsmiToe $ 1.65 e pair . .lertMiriK latt.- MANCHESTER in their credentials and proceeded in hotel lobby one morning. The. curiosity BED FOR OUCHESS- ' i : Parts Extra tort*H,fuUltK . t turn into tbe executive mansion, until of an ob.server was .satisfied when he , UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY-LOW DOWN PAYMENT -; BANK^IA 6 Pul I ih0 Si Rogers w'as reached. Apparently, there heard Rogers turn to tHe delegate sitting 'was some question abqpt admitting him, nOxt to him .and ask in a voice eaaily because he was held up at the dhor, while ■ audible: “Say, can you find an.vthing LUMBER t : P b N T ll tfie _qther Connecticut men continued in the paper-about my'seconding that INCORFOiiATRD s a l e s and • into "'the conference room. Later, how- motion?” ‘ ■ ^ r ‘ ■ . ■ 4, ■ Bponiorad. by Tlr« Coiio«etleut ‘RBp.u,blictB Btata Cantcgl Com m lttaa 178 M A IN STRJSfiET ' '.i \ ' A.-SBtrla Pituay, ChaBMua*.. - ' % 255 CENTEIt ST. " I ": "MANCHESTER'S ONLY FORD DEALER" Phone 5II 9-2881 ' Simply Say Chargp ltt r»M fw hr tiM .“C)rrnnsiN8 iNtiiREiarED w t h e t r u t h ", Ml 3-2145-319 MAIN, MANCHESTER-ACROU FROM ARMORY ^ \ 'MANCHESTER V V Ml 3^144

t V • 4 f- ' V - !. ■ ■■>. / ■ 'X PACE V tk CHESTER EVENING HERAU). MANGNESTEH. CONN^ ERIDAY; NOVEMBER ...... I M l — iiil i MM O ii I II I < I II r. ■ M l,.will . I II ‘i. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1962 ■ PAGE SEVEN trip to the West German border, _... -y, X ..... Hal Boyle Reds Btelay Convoy the cppvoy- cleared through, the Classroom cleanlhg committee on Prince of Peace Lutheran Church pastot; of Second . Congregational ford Springs ^unday: at 7:30 p. Repuhlicans Say Yes HEAITH CAPSULES Coventry Nov. 10 will be Mrs. , ElbeA 1. each member to bring a sizable checkpoint at Marienborn In 15 will be at 10:15 a.m. Church,, will use ’’The Three Ways 10:30 (18) Subscription -Television quantity of her favorite holiday Social Insurance Begins by Michael A. Petti, M.P. Carlson and Mrs. Lawrence Fenti* of Prayer" as his sermpn topic at HOW 2^JMBERS Along Autobalm minutes, . ' man. TTie Rev. James R. MaoArthur, Briefs food aqd the recipe for it.. CAM MALE HORMONES BE Themes Familiar pastor of First Congregational. the 11 a;m. service. Sunday. 7!he The Beachcombers Group of Wa-, KARACHl-rrPakiStan •: is iiistl- AT ALD TIMES AT • GIVEN TO WOMEN' “i , SING ‘N’ SPRINT Voters Xotal Church ^'ews Church, will use "Prayer" as hla Senior.. Pilgrim Fellowship will terfront Manor will meet at’8 p.m.! tutlng'a social-insurance plan un­ 'B B R I^ (AP) — ‘The Soviets de­ Sunday Masses at St. Mary’s ManchMter Evening Herald der which employes will be en­ RtfSSELL’S layed a westbound U.S. Army con­ NEW YORK (’AP) —-'SprlnUrtg, sermon topic at the II a.m. serv­ meet at 7 p.m. to discuss the Cu­ Tuesday at the home of Mrs. A. D. Coventry correspondent. F. Paul-. Church will be celebrated at 7:30, ice Sunday. T he Senior Pilgrim ban crisis. Champagne dh Echo Rd. titled to sickness and__ maternity BARBER’ SHOP ^ To Politicians’ Ears voy on, the Berlin Autobahn for 80 says Blanche ' Thebom, is an un-, Set at 3,081 9:30 and 10:30 a.m.; and at St. Feilowshfip will meet at 5:30 p.m. Ine Little, telephone Pilgrim- benefits, disability pensions, sur­ COR. OAK and SPRUCE ST. minutes today, a U.S. Army expected hazard on the slimmer Joseph’s Church in' Eagleville at Representatives of the church The North Coventry Women’s 2-6231. to attend a county rally in West will attend the fall meeting of the vivors’ pensions, and burial expen- Plenty Of Free Parking spokesman Teported."' , theater 'singing clpcult.. , ■ 8:30 a.m. ' Stafford. -“ Club Will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday sea. Employers will contribute 4 the stomacli pump in thp'M ck of Miss Thebom, Metroi?oUlap Op­ of 3,081 voters will be Tolland Association of Congrega­ at the Church Community House. There are 43 chambei^s of com­ By HALE BOYLE Th j supply cohimn.of six trucks- Sunday worship services at the The Rev. James H. Ameling, tional Christian Churches at Staf- per cent of, a worker’s pay and NEW YORK (AP)—Remarks a the car.” ^and 12 men was held at the Soviet- era soprano, likes a. change of •ligible^w'^ypte in the state elec­ .Holiday foods will be the topic W{ith merce serving New York City. the-worker 2 per cent. pace and appears in revivals of ' ______■ 4 Read Herald Ad political -candidate gets” tlrfed of .^"We could a c ^ e them of checkpoint at Babelsberg while tion TuedU^Yzqm 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Vs. .(OontliinMl from Psire One) would destroy the sites in a few character aeeaseipEUon. Our can­ Broadyiby inUAtcals during the hearing Just.befpre election time: U.S. and Soviet officers argbed holiday seasoh. Tfie productions rhiii is 18 ihsa than In 1961, ac­ minutes. Should it be preceded didate ciertaiiily'Is a character.”- over a 'procedural issue raised Uahed the fact that a series of by a warning' to the Soviets and ”Joe, this is no time to slow 'are usually staged''Arena, style, cording-tq the r ^ r d ir o t the regis­ ’’We’re coming to another the Russians h ^ ev er, and this means' the per- offensive missiles sites is now, in other workers, to get well away down. YestA-dpy you only shook 'croesroaiW''Joe. Put your shoes, trars of. voters. from the regions to come under Informed sources said the So­ forrnhref must enter and exit via preparation. 3,000 hands and kissed 76 babtes.” back onTCHER ILASS CO. manckesteit First District and in' the Sec­ 'X dence from Cuba, and continual Gradually, ,the consensus seemed OP MALE ANP FEMALE HOR­ ’lYou’ve already,9ijndorsed tax ’’Promise them anything now. X- briefings based on it, the Presi­ to be veering toward the, block MONES FOR WOMEN IN THE cuLs. motherhood, and the federal You can always forget it later:” MltcbttH ond District. CHANGE OF LIFE. . . "Sir, as a representative of the 188 WnCST MIDDLE .TURNPIKE NEW First District registrars report dent was very clase to making ade as the best course. highway , pro|Tam. What we need 8t8t-6 INtIr^RNATIONAL'CUB CADEt his decision—an arms blockade on Those in the conferences rccog-. HMkh Captulei aW«i kclplul inlonnatioa is a hot new Issue- How do you Teen-Agers ' .-^or ' Better-Govern­ ^ w h e n you ’Tr in k o f 132 voters have moved,. 28 have Cuba. The die was not yet cast, nized. however, that the blockade ; It is n*t Wil*n4«d tob« ol • iMgnoific natur*. stand'on the boll weevil?” ment, Committee, I’d like' to ask GLASS, THINK OF FIL^TOHER! ROTARV SNOW THROWER died and one moved.to the Second how you stand on birth control, District. A total.qf 111 new voters but Kennedy was close to it. would only stop the inflow of ’’The be.st argument I can thin'k •CORNER DURANT ST Cuts 36 inches wide even in And on that same day, he met weapons. It would not by Itself of for sending him to Washington the' tariff, th e. common market, were added during 1962 and 13 in the White House with the So- dismantle the missile sites. British Tie Strong is that il’li get him out oWtown.” Cuba: thermonuclear warfare deep snow, disbl^urgea up to Who have moved out of town have ^ Viet Foreign Minitser, Andrei A. "So it the quarantine didn't ' ’’Remember, Joe, If you git and, uh, things like that.” LARGE QUARTERS TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS! 20 feet r i ^ t or Heavy- asked to be continued on the lists X-' Gromyko. Most of their conver.sa- work-, there was always the pos­ "According to our latest secret tor this year's state election' fuid WE3LLINGTON—New Zealand’s elected I don’t- expect you to for­ PI.EN'TY OF jn O N T AND REAR PARKiNG duty construction for'yaars- lix were transferred from the Sec- tion was about Berlin. Then Ken­ sibility of taking a secondary ■foreign-trade earnings come main­ get me. After all, I passed out poll, Joe, only 10 per cent of the long dependability. Fully nedy came around to Cuba. course -of action.” an authority more handbills - for you than any­ voters are against you. The other md District. The total eligible vot­ ly from trade with Britain, to ^ AUTO GLASS I n s t a l l e d control!^, on-the-go, frond ers In the- First District for Tues­ He suddenly rose from hi.s rock­ says. which New Zealand sends more body.” • , 90 per cent don’t even seem to' ing chair, walked out of his of­ Top officials of the White House Ihan.300.000 tons of wheat, 150,000 ’’Bating that hero sandwich and know you're running.” - GLASS FURNITURE TOPS tractor seat. day’s election is 2,078. \ fice, and returned with copies of and the Departments of Defense, tdns of butter, and 80.000 tons of pizza pie put you in solid with "Oops, he dropped a baby. Well In the Second District, 68 have his statements ■ in September'-on State and Justice participated in Oheese each year. the Italian voters, Joe. You II find boys, there goes the election!” MIRRORS (Fireploce and Door) ■Si moved, 13' have died.and six trans7 Cuba. He read them to Gromyko^ the conferenpes. Later, two ex ' ferred to the First District. A total _ On Sapt. 13, he had said: “But perts on Communist operations PICTURE FRAMING (oH types) • L and M - 5f 84. new voters were added,, one Were called in. They were Charles * 'tr^sferred from.-the First District I’et me make thiis clear once E. (Chip) Bohlen and Llewellyn WINDOW and PLATE GLASS EQUIPMENT CORP. and 45 have requested continuance again. If at any time the Com­ E. Thompson. Both have served ROUTE 83—VERNON for tl^'Coniing election. .The total munist buildup in Cuba .were to TR 5-7609 endanger or interfere ■ with our as ambassadors to Moscow and CONTRACTORS: WE HAVE IN STOCK eligible'inters Ini this district for security in any way or become an have long experience in Soviet af­ PLANNING TO BUILD OR REMODEL? MEDidiNE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS No, Charge Calls From the election'la, l.’OOS voters. offensive military base of slgnifi- fairs. Manchester—Call |CSHS“ Officers Named Their advice whs sought on two jirO! Plan your financing juit as carefully as you plan your building or re- Claiss offlcers''xOf Grades 9 cent capacity for the Soviet Un­ questions: "What are the Ru.s- OPEN SATURDAYS—OPEN THURSDAY EVENING .,,^ Mltciiell -Exchange ion, then this country will ,»do iyiii modeling. See Manchester’s oldest financial institution for the type . -I , ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN Enterprise 1945 through 12 have Meh elected at whatever must be done to protect sians up to in Cuba? What will i|i| of financing best suited to your needs. Consult with us anytime with- Coventry High Schoot.'- • its own security and thav of its they do if. . . .?” In Grade 12, they are^Willlam Kennedy carne into the talks ji|i but obligation. ■ i . Zeigler, president; William'Jijbr- allies.'’ only when the conferees had Gromyko repeated the assur­ lij; CURRENT ANNUAL DIVIDEND ON INSURED SAVINGS ' '0 gan, vice president;' Donna Kdh.- ances that Soviet actions in Cuba reached virtual agreement .on ler, secretary'; and Penny Harris were solely for "the purpose of •some specific points. He did hot treasurer. contributing to the defense capa­ sit in on the long di^yu.s^ions. Hp Grade 11, George Eberle, presi­ bilities of Cubg.” , : seldom commented. Mostly • he dent; Orlo Smith, vice president; Meanwhile, the conferences de­ asked questions—”I want to know Jane French, secretary; and X signed to hammer out a cotfi'se of how many days this would take,” Carol Bowman, treasurer. action were going on, full blast. or who’s handling that?” SAVINGS All These Manchester .Grade 10: Francis Beaudet, Should the U.S. call on the Often, he directed further study president; Mark Tilton, vice presi­ of-a point. dent; Stephen Hayes, secretary; X United Nations to issue a kind of Saturday, Oct. 20, he was a?,c/ I . O A N eesise-and-desist order to the So­ ASSOC I A r I o N and.'Judith Treschuk, treasurer. able to say: Grade 9, Bradley MeSweeney viet Union? ’’All right, we’ll go with the Very early, that was ruled out. fiVSUitMiDieAVtA/es Main Street Merchants ■president Lawrence Irvine, vice blockade.. But I want to have an­ president; Lorrie Brink, se c re t:^ ' \x ‘‘It would only have meant dis­ ■ swcMisTtfs etazsT riaaweiAL iiistitutiow cussions and prolonged delays, other talk in the morning.” and Barbara Jean Rose, treasdirer. / talking while the Russians mshed Next: Military buildup and the 1007 tA€aiH Street, High School ahead with the work in Cuba," veil of secrecy. ' '\,,,Parents of Grade ‘Lartd some of an official said. '^BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE SI, COVENTRY '• the parents ot Grade 8 pupils There were varipus military al­ Lose Knotvledge - ■ taking the Scott Foresman math- ternatives; a sudden air strike, ernatica coqrse at the high school invasion, a blockade. Bach had it' Cockroaches have been taught OPEN TILL 5 P.M. MON.-TUES.-FRIDAY are invUed' to a meeting at 8 p.m. proponents. The arguments were to find their way through mazes WedjieAday with Richdrd M. Clay hot and heavy. The President did by scientists, but the Insects forget Extra Hours THURSDAY 9 A.M. to 8 P JI— WED. CLOSED AT NOON andKonald Murphy. The teachers ■Jiot participate in them. their lesson.'!’ overnight and have vill explain the program. The quick air strike, some felt, to be retaught next day...... OPEN New officers of the' school's li­ .X brary club "Sodalitas - Librarla' have been elected. They are Dar­ lene Chase, president; Forster Grant, vice president; Beth> Humes, secretary; Sharon Sim­ NEREIS HOW OUR INSURED STARnNG OFFER WORKS • • • mons, treasurer; and Forster Grant and Robin Potter,' pub­ licity. , . RECOGNIZED Coventry • High School, will - be represented at the southeast and ^ rth e a s t regional Meeting of the y .^Connecticut Federatton af Student ^Councils ofi'Noyi: 8 Bt East Lvme RESPECTED THROUGHOUT THE STATE 'Junior High SchoSl. Attending will be. I, William Zeigler, Suzanne AND EVERY Cleverdon, Judith Buckley, Bar­ bara Bickford, Lee Karasinski and advisor Francis Stoughton. Sodalltss Ubraria is being rep sented today at the 4962 fail re­ V gional meeting of Nutmeg 020 As­ tH UR SD AY sociates-at the E. O. Smith High School in Storrs. Attending with librarian Mrs. Joseph Motycka are Darlene Chflse, Forster Grant. Sharon Simmons,. Joyce Richards suid Joseph Wilkinson. . -■ Tomorrow at 'Cpnard High , School in West Hartford, at ti)e Connecticut. Intenscholastiq Prens Association; the high school will be represented by Gordon Pooije faculty advisor for the school year NIGHT TILL... book, Donna Kohler and Barbara Bickford, co-editors; Diane San toro and Susan Potter, managing editors; and Mrs. Joseph Motycka. Assisting-Mre. Motycka in, the . S high school ' Itbra^ this year are Mrs. Kenneth-

'■ ■ X


...... eP x k X i J A X i 1>Vi/Xuxui:>JSxe -'J '.- x ; . ■f-'i*

.tjtat th«i^ aiteuld atlll.tid room fot 300,000 in October, when 60,000' V RANCHEO TR EVENING- HERALD, MANC!HESTER, CONN.* FRIDAY, NOVEBJB^ X, 196* P A G E N IN E rlypfiltrr - recalls his days of discomfort and traMi^ cans to hold the children's elemental comm senae In public |«would be a normal fijrure. Thla was labor in the shabby house in Wis­ small toys. Bhch child has. a dif­ biiain'eaa. Polly’s ' Pbinlors ^ ^ ttitt^ x|frralb not expected or predicted. Ib.v Any consin as the. happiest time in'his ferent • color— one green, one red, life. Physical woe.s ';.Md a true BackerA Appeal Candidate Shea is Its^oMtiPiail. of the economtstir, and they are ap;^ one yellow and one. wh ite'— .even WINSM-NiEWTtm 'PUBUSHED Br^THE fhbital nature preven^d hla life W U L D PRINTING C S INC. He in a politician in'the btat aehad parently jmable to .^ive ,ahy co­ from ending as hf had expected , POLLY CRAMER •• the tiniest toddler soon reco^izes O usting Athlete ' 18 BUiell 8tr«el ‘ his oxx-n color. When play'time is' M»Jich«*t»r Conn. ofvt the xvord,a>vivi. 111 in' thatbliRL heiiB musvcR-yLiiv ^ ^ th e herent iivAEiiii, EfA^iRiiaviufiexplanation oiof jusk'just whywny i t ^ ’buld. Dear Polly—My iavorite party THOMAS F- f^RGUSUN Whlje Mr.^owers uses two tech­ over,, each puts his .things in his X A r t is t s ' WALTER R. FERGCSON jtame of'politma, *n.that he w jot^ aOch a favorable'atatiatjlr haa de- vegetable is cauliflower cooked up­ oontaliier. They really look--very, KACON, Oii,; (AP)-^iq>porten PublUhetit at the btiaineaa of payty orEaniza- ‘Xxyloped. ~There is so ps^rh - surface niques, irony and humor -lavishly, side do'wti in well-seasoned tomato ef a football atar expelled from \ Founded Ocfjber 3, 18*1 it is the bit of philosophical leaven­ gay lined up under a window JW" ttoti. in that he believes that^ a mystyry about it M'S may even jq lc e .'.It looks like a roes and the.fam ily room. N .' ' high echool for ,being mairled are ing that lifts this first novel from making the JuaUce Department to Everyday tow Prices Reduced Even More for This Event! Publlahed Every Evenin* Except ahotfld accept responsibility Hear Republicans charging the minor leagpie. tiuites good, too. , ' Busy J^bther Supplieis Bundnya and Holidaya. Entered at the T. E. Powers is the author of atep Into the case. and must, keep it.eetf worthy of Interested Risader Poal Office at. Mancheater. Conn, as j that the i^enn'edy admini.stration!n MorteD'Urbah. Oiapters from this Utlw recently Dear Polly—My mother taught Johnny Arnold, I8i a senior Second Claaa Mail Matter. I public respotveihilfty. both in its has seen t o 'll that the atatistlcsa i novel have appeared inm “ The *,„c New,-cw J<^*iuired^ , by the Mary Cheney U - Dear Girls—Most of you know me -to sprinkle sugar over pie halfback, was dropped from class­ DEWEY-RIGHMAN es at Johes County H^h in nearby SUBSCRIPTION RATES I canipalEriinR lYi^oda and tn its were doctoreiaplay adr^rtiaina clo.sina hmira: party and his oxx-n--career ia to Rsrttled' Prayers -eventually caused him to recoil in For the atnletic type, there xx-Ul thing to look forward to. Their To the Bditor, - ^ For Monday—i p.rn. FVida\* make both he of real yefvice to "But when .you pray don't rattle almost hori'or from the crassness, i be a sxx’immipg pool, a tennis 't works like a charin. Therg are presently nm facilities X, Very seldom In thi' political his­ For TuejIday-^-l p.m Mondav for an overnight stay, but lunch Fnr Wednesday— 1 p.m: Tnesdav. the best interests of his comjpunity off long prayers like the pagans the xmVgarity And even the cruelty! court, pin" pon*'...tat)Vs a ‘ olari- T. „ * 1 9 ’' tory of a town do candidates run­ Polly y For Thursday—! p.m Wednerdav and atate. xx-ho think they will be heard be­ of his benefactors. ‘ um, turkish bath ap'd sauna. — can be had at a cafeteria that AND UP ning for public ufiUce have all the For Friday—! p.m Thursdav. cause the.v use so many words.” As sort of Sntl-climax to his For those ■whose chief sport is Dear Polly— use'large plastic wa? formerly. Monty’s-HQ. qualities expected of' them from For Saturday— 1 P.m; Friday. Candidate Eddy, of Nexx-ingtoh, Classified deadline; 10:30 a.m.’ *arh '^atthew_____ 6:7___ ^ disillusionment, nent, the poor man------was elbow-bending,-there---- '— — *'---- vxifll be night- toe voters. Under our- two party dav of publication axrept SaturdaT — is a man of letters xvho has a nice '^^Pie same LoH xx-ho taught lis, struck on the head by a golf ball ly shoxva ’ in air conditioned ni,ght system no cruidldate can expect to S a m. talent for .seeing the humor of to pi^v—“ Our Father xvho art inlPjsyiiR 'Bn the votes of some though^il able, intelligent, and an experi­ tion has sent scouts to Inverness NEewr t fanBi* AOTHERTICqvIL ■ METAL BponAoj^ B.y ,5JIE LIONS CLUB ing political figures including. Ed Ilemocrats—was answered yfvhen enced legislator, and, as a proapec- to find men and women with SwMilMri COTTOH PARTIES “ clear, pure English Accents” With The CooperaUlM^ Of The Manehesfbr Fine ArM Asso. May, Searle Finney imd John Al- ^ WARCARROR WASTEBASKR tiv# member of the Stats Ssnate, John -AIsop was made the Kepubli- suitable for setting an example , *>P- ean candidate for the otttce of gov­ another potential legislative-'ally It is extremely unfortunate that lia r ' for Egyptians. In a drive to im­ PHARMACY m ‘ 3 ernor. for John AIsop. as that gentleman, TOMBHX’^iftfUROAY - • SUtWAY LENOX a man of Jack's integrity and ‘ 7 prove -the pronunciation of Eng­ * 1 X' A terrific value for theit He ia a' man worfh voting • for. ■we hope, takes charge next Janu­ lish, ixecordings xxdll be made of 1 2 7 9 j N c ENTER ST.— Ml 9-Q896 “ honesty should be criticized by a Washc^lt Orion j^ lie Shoots plastic cannon* 26 quart wastebasket de* simple phrases for primary schools, STATE ARMORY. 330 M AI^ST^ MANCHESTER few people who for purely person cotton briefs with alacttC - If he ia a maiy^'orth voting for, ary. • , . - fid. styles and dlpeco ball up to 35 feet! With signed’ for grocery bag grammar les.son.x for secondary al, selfidi andjmwarranted realms legs! White, 5, 6 | r 71 stiiches-.also ShetlonJ insert! White inside, pas* te be govemoircf the state of Con­ W t recommend Riker, aiiglneer--- schools, and novels and plays for Exhibition Hours: Fri. 6 to 9 P . ^ . ^ a t . 1 to 9 P .M ." ‘fetlshly attack'any candidate who 6 cannonballs, tow rope, necticut, he ia worth supporting administrator: Shea, laxvyer-politi- university student? in Egypt. appears. to them to have popular 'WebU! Sizes 8 to 20! ramrod & flag! tel color outside! nith virtjes in both branches of the cal leader, and Eddy, novelist--ptib- Inverness ha.? 'a reputation for - Sunday 1 t o 6 ,P.M. .. support. Howdver, thlsrte expected XlaUtliegialature. lie serx-ant. as fine cAndidates for i‘J’* X when . anyone seeks public office -J .. , w presence of CromweJ 's Proceeds Benefit Of imd every, candidate is aware of DRYTARK 1 0 " AUTOCRAPHEO this aspe;ct of the voting next the consideration of Manchester - - MWI^ T-SHIRTS soldjers in the toxvrf about 300 LUTZ JUNIOR MUSEUM X tMs malady. It is difflcult. hoW' DARTROARDWITH CRAIHED COWHIDE '•• the people of Manchester voters- candidates, like John Al- years ago. ewer, for me to understand aqch C A S U R I O fo X E R SHORTS ave three responsibilitiea. They sop himself, xx'orth ■voting for. CHILD GUIDANCE CLINIC OF MANCHES^R ajn attaqk when no specific reasbn. ARTIHEBZE RRASS DARTS FOOTBALL - M-ill choose two state representa- "" Admission 25e is given for toe criticism by the 2 i * * t tiyea from Manchester to sit in the 30 , THE WEST SIDE STORY crltlclzer. Every office holder has U« x. $ M The -Nation Resolution AT. to maKe-'decisions and every de * 4 Mouse at Hartford. They will play e SILENT ApCTION * a HUNDREDS OF PAINTINGS CANS ■ Fine cotton fulj-cut crew Add to instances in whieh there WBSTOWN PHARMACY clslon cannot please everyone. It TwO' axciting gam ts in Official size A welglit'.. . their p u t In choosing the man who e SCORES OF. CRAFT EXHIBITS 8 neck T-shirts, S-M-Li is when these deciairms that an For faster starts this win* is some obx-ious. copxbination of the I one! Paper wound dart* double Ijned Wittftoather Sanforized cotton broad* will sit In th* Senate at Hartford RIXAU office holder makes become coH' \ i ter! Absorbs moiaturo... world misunderstanding us and of Sometimes S FAMOUS ARTISTS’ DEMONSTRATIONS GAM NOME HAND LOTION board plus basebsfll game .bKing! Autographed by cloto shorts, 30*44! to represent fh* Ftmrth IMstrlet. trary to the -majority’s opinion, -prevahtoniatl . us misunderstanding the xx’orld the Mmuntc HHOyiU that - we all have our Sacred right on back! AlanAmeche! '4 ^ Th# evolution (kf political and Friday'7 to 9 P.M.— Wayne’ Morrell, Oils and Landscapes ^tS.TI-VlTAUIHs occasion in the United^ations the We Must X 2 h r 99t ' Of voting him but of ^office. Sdeh a' governmentaT piaeQC# in Connecti­ ilOUTiWUH ether day, when 30 members of Saturday 7 to 9 P.M.— Tom NVholt,. Water Colors Frapsnt, crumy, lanolin-rich. Never man will be criticized openly, as cut has altm-ed the basic .nature of S»f. » < sticky. Helps keep hands soft, smooth. ^ he should be, on the record he has^ GIRLS' REMCO'S that organization filed a resohition Say''N o'^ .. Sunday * to 6 P.M.— William James Flj-nn, Still Life FIRST MEM'S duties of members of the General ' madfr. ^ SKYDIVER for the consideration of the UN ^ 2 h r WARM PURREL MIDWALE iO n O H Assembly. Adoption of the Home Customers sometimes ask Xis h r 90t I express m y belief in all sincer­ SEAMLESS HYLOHS General . .Assembly which would j HAm sritAY UREB SUCKS JirPLAHECiTRAaOR Rule Amendment, by which- loci! for a particular medication BRITESET ity to Jack Shea and to all the CORDUROY SUCKS -call -for jui unconditional moratori­ 2^ voters that -you, Jack, have a rec­ eommunitiea-jnay vote, tnelr own tliey’ve read about, or that a Kills eonUctril um on all nuclear testing not .later ■ frientf or neighbor, or relative %1hose vitg. I ord to be .proud of and one that .fw * ehai'ter changes. "Has‘relieved leg­ X 0 has not been attacked lor specific than Jan. 1. ‘ has bad-excellent results with **''5 normally Our. famous "Qualltjf *r 5 islators of the neccMities of spend­ br*ith. Pint. , olds heir right, keeps it bright and | reasons but purely for the other . . . and sometimes we.must re­ Kttttus. No dulling film. ,7 7 “ . Warm cotton corduroy Motorized-plane A tractor Maid*’ micro mesh ny­ Beltless Tab model wKh These 30 nations include fiv« fuse, if that particular nxedlclhe reasons I have mentioned above. ing the majority o f thtir Ume. in with boxer waist A back transport! Skydiver para­ hemmed bottoms! Black, Latin American nations, whom w e ! must be'- taken under a physi­ I urge all the voters to . return lons in beige A taup^ each session, in lobbying for some pocket! Newest plaids,' chutes from plane! Uses like to . consider, our friends, and ! cian's supervision and is avail­ Jack Bhea to toe Legi.slature next tone! Sizes 9-11! 'ilive, A charcoal, 29-38! local measure of minor importance. 64c ASPIRIN Rnall 'S IT- !«>'• — .2 for .65 •izas 7 -1 4 !. ° 4 " D " batteries! seven othpr nation?,genArall.v rated 1 able only on prescription, We Tueeday. His strength is Manches­ The town of Mancheater, fpr in­ hope no one misunderstands us ,2 for 1.26 rnmmmrnimmmmmmmom ■W friendi.v to the West.'aj^ well as .18 I J 1.19 SACCHARIN ter's strength. stance. in its town. election last in such a case . ... we're just 12 2 .54 Thomas A. Bailey IDUL'S KAPOK nwmth, disposed of a total of IS neutralist nations. ' "’■v I helping'safeguard ybilr health sSs SUPPOSITORIES SlKirin, ’t' fOr 886 Spring St. IHFAHTS'BRUSHED . . . M>’11 be delighted to fill'' R0MIUR"SEV» S T » . TYPEWRITER FLORAL PRIHT proposed changes in the town char­ Eveli Worse than having Some of! 89c MOTH FUME CRYSTALS Manchester, Conn. COTjOH SLEEPERS our friends turn against us by the your doctor's prescription for 2 for .90 OIT1LITYTABU BED PILLOW ter, approving 10, rejecting three. Elkayt, lb. KEYS" CAME introduction of such a resolution iS that medication if he decides 49t POWDER n...ii,4 .z l 2 Supporta Shea The issue's involved' were settled It's best for you. Till th'en. per­ F00T for .50 'T o toe Editor, , ' the prospect that some ex-en closer haps, our greatest service is Tibliti, here, by the voters of thia town.-- $1.l4 MONAOET APCl%'■"T|~ .2 for 1.05 - I.ha^ known.Jack Shea lor a ‘vM., 4 friends, like Canada. Ireland, Nor- sa’Hilg“ Np!" J1.25 C0U considerable period, of Ume arid Cozy crew neck aleepera .Before the Home Rule Amend­ Folding top for easy stor* Resilient, xx-ay, and Japan may be xx-orking 79c KLENZO ANTISEPTIC am familiar in recent 'years-with, Pattamad attar the popu- with enclosed feet . .-. ment made, such local action possi­ ag e. . . semi-tubiilar legs! pillow, for to hax’e -the resolution adopted, Meuthwaxb, pint..... his outstanding record in the Stat* jar TV game shew! Fun snap*on pants! Sizes 1-4| ble, our local representatives in the ^ .'5! 'f,for 1 26 Legislature as .a Jlepresentative Full 39* X 2 7 ' WgW* even though it is so^obvioiialy a re­ .2 o n .? ;' noo HMD meam tor sgee-^Ain. 10 te com fort! General Assembly would have had $1.19 VITAMIN ClMms.,100's from and Lor lllanchester. I feel buke to ua. and a^repudiatioh of adults! to introduce bills providing for 1 , that the voters should be made ..the views about nuclear Jesting we ! P H A R h ^ A C ^ - H .M VmWIH B ™ HAStAM Hpnit a X 'y j . aware of toe fact that he actively these 'charter changes and .'they ■hax'e tried to elucidate to th? xvorld. I 469 Hartford R d . - ^ t-004d ' supported' increased state aid te MARX would have had to spend a local education which resulted in 2 4 "x 6 0 " STEEL / LOOP PILE CHRISTMAS it ia not very often—in fact it is | 79c RUBBING ALCOHOL.Rexaii, plastic bottle, pinV...... ,.... 2 for .80 an ^diUonsLl grant .to our Town of MHCAROO great deal of th# legislative ses­ DROPLEAF TABU t h r o w r u g sion shepherding and guarding this almost never— that the United Na-j oyer 1200,000. MCCTRUCAMB WRAPPIHjG RIBBOH In ^dltlofi, he. was one *^of the Manchester legislation. tions heads in the.direction of an.v 98c AEROSOL SHAVE CREAMS Mentholated. Giant 11 oz. cans'!..''.™^;*[.__ ...... 2 fpr .99 direct rebuke to the stated policy . signers and moving forces of a pe- roNe’ The existence .of the Home Rule ,lltion in the Legislature which of the United States. ' ARE YOU IN_ • FACTS 69c RO'BALL DEODORANT with roii-top applicator ______2 for ,70 * 3 amendment makes for freer, more ‘ forced a bill out of committee re- There could be- two explaj;ations Comfortably seats eight Adds glamour to every democratic decisions on tbs part of 63c MILK OF MAGNESIA Rexiii plainer mint, 12 oz______^______. 2 for .64 searding grants for transportation. Snap 18 steel balls into for this relatively happy state Of'l or out of • Manchester had never received ...fo ld s thin for storage! Foam back. tUffed 'with' gift! Permasheen finish' local communities on issues which pockets . . . bell rings affairs'In the past. One cipuld be ANALYSIS : 49c KLENZO TOOTH BRUSHES adult’s nylon bristle...... 2 for .50 any such State griuit for transport­ Tubular legs! Caiitying •100% solution dyed tweed ; . . . curls in tight ringlets! eopcern only themselves, and It ing local schoolchildren, but as when successfull Com­ handle! rayon yams, 24x36. . that the.United- Nations member­ HQ'T WATER? jjVM legislators mors time: for $1.00 BOXED STATIONERY regular and airmail, with envelopes__ ‘I,- — 2 for TOl ■ a result of this'bill has received puter keeps visual score! thiir consideration of major state ship, was sms I let-/and therefore * EVALUATION ^ additional aid of approximately -more reliable. - " Jnit 9Vi** a day for fuel 55c REX FILM Nos. 120,127, 620. Pinchromitic, guaranteed...... $20,000. Issues and mora freedom In their : ...... 56 TTie other Qould be that we have can get you out of trouble I In addition to his efforts in educa­ deoUlona on such state issues. The tion, Jilr. Shea also tyas extremely UTTLEMiSS 1009i HYLOH AUTO LAME 30"k50" hitherto been more/, fortunate in •a J Behind the scenes at Putnam-A Co. specialists in IntxAil $5.95 HEAT FAD QUALITY BOXED Important deCisiona of any legisla­ I f you live in a typical house, active in a multitude of . judiciary ECHO DOLL S U T BELTS LOOP A R U RUG shaping policies‘ which were not securities aqaly.sis #ork full time: ^ RABV LOTION Electrex...... , „ 2 for 5,96 1 committee' bills and a.strong aid in N*" STATIOHAirr tor are- no' longer. merelyiTor' his you could easily run oiit of hot xmlnerable to any open attack from 'iiH- $1.79 HEAT la m p ' pressing- for hilts which resulted In •wn community, but for the w’hol* water several times a week. ( O ' to keep abreast of the ma,ssive amount of ' 7- neutral op frien/HV nations. , Rw-Ray Infra-Red ...... ^ our irnjmovad and more efficient * 4 2 % ‘ 3 • stats. Now you can have all the hot 2 h r 2fori,8g cpiirt :.s^tem. ,In the present inStalSbe'; xx-*, being securities information available. Manchester has tKe opportunity, water you need, at one time for 69c EXTENSION CORO ...... It W ^lto____ Sincere duire that I She 'toj^ts everything .Nylon webbing surpasses Foam backed high-lOw a nuclear power ourselves, and Matched stationefy'A en*. next Tuesday, to vote for three sea- only d day. Think of it — (2 ) to updatp the records of a substantial list 9 ft...... :...... for ‘ urge toe voters of Manchester to you M y ihyeur own voice! ~ SAE spiKifications! Metal cotton loop rug in san- being the only power xx-hicM has ac- ^ only a day! • 90i 2 .70 CHRISTMAS CARDS f anlte la putting John P. Shea 'Jr., valopes in solids A prints! , Boned, experienced legislators. of cohipanies which the firm might nor­ Cleans, pro­ Battery-operated tape re­ buckle . . . instant finger* dlewoodv rose, gray A 'tually used nuclear' weapons 'Yes, thanks to Mobilheat— ';bacU . Ipto toe State Legislature, turquoise! Ideal for home dr office! Representative Larry Riker and tects; condi­ Ksei. H|LIR ROLLAS with his running ihate, A. Law­ corder! .tip release!. . against other human beings, ap­ ; and an oil-fired hot water heater mally suggest, for investment. / tion's baby’s i * v % 2f o r M John Rhea served ably, capably, as Poty B«ii of truth, Ipjral, Fotm, Mtfnttic RolUi rence Rlkfer, for the ensuing two parently -fall far short of realizing of cotrect capacity—yoxir family skin.-10 oz. membera pf the 1061 Houac at to find investment opportunities among 2 1 years.. ■ fM just how otheb hations in the world Can take care of dll their washing HelAlYTALC - All at far tka Piica af , Plus a Panayl «e eirr wnaos • Very truly yours, Hartford. Beads at one time. r - companies not normally recommended by 2 .90 HO SPEEDWAY feel a.bojut the bomb, about the pos­ Rexall, Ih. fin.. fOT '■•MrsPfSIMon, Zforjg Herman Heck H U V Y DUtY 2 PC. FAMOUS " B ia C L r ISOIOXER TODDLERS'4 COIF AIRE Roger Bddy, of Newington, can­ Mom can do the family wash. the firm. 397 Henry St., Manchester .CROSSOVER RACE sibilities of its use, about th| spec-^ 43ir ADHESIVE TAPE jojo U R MAT SET PUYIH6 CARDS JR. BOYS'POLOS HAIR DRYER 40 R H n didate for Stats Senator from the Sis can do the dishes at the tame, 0«nvirt« l««lhar CHRISTMAS URDS tacle of us and our felloxv lAicieay plu sh ^ SET Fourth District, is seeking a pro­ ..fi'me Junior takes his bath, and 49c FUSTIC BABY BILLFOLDS finear anil Iporthrighf poxvers, Russia, Britain and F^rance, ^you enjoy a shower. SHABBY DOti To the Editor, motion from the House to the Sen- The (fata and conclusions produced by this exten­ «oe.»?»« Mr. A. Lawrence Rikef and. Jack B * 2 behaving'.08 if It is onlj’- oUr busi­ Dbn't delay—phone us today.. toys PANTS c / i ‘ 2 at^ ■ ■ sive rewarch arc available to you through any of Bloomtr ityle. Sm., M«d.. lar|t, X-lidCitOr Shea have represented the. Towil Combed cotton long ness what we do about the bomb. Find out how easy it is to switch M.P* 2far20I ns 18* X 22* mats to protect,. Rider Back playing cards Regular A slim styling... ElfctriC hair dryer re* Good men, xA-ith such legislative of Manchester for toe past ;Thunderblrd A Corvette to a Mobilheat-fired water best­ our represenitatives. If you have a question for 89c RUBBER GLOVES Q/i ' slope ATIat of car front! with “ air cushion" finish! nipst with decorative glit­ sleeve polos in ass’t placement bonnet . . . . votes, XA-ill be a necessary and in- It might be an interesting at­ 7 for Non-slip turfaco. Small, Mad.. tar|a . db n T * X v ' Wallals lor mon. . years in the State Legislature. with -separate controls! stripes, tuck bars A sol- tempt' at an. impossible transfer of ir'' .-'-1 , i ‘ Aipe-^et/emilyef/eer, which wp have not yet prepared an answer, we’R French purses lor woman, -<; record that they established dur­ Easty to clean! Assorted colors! ter! Many lovely designs! fits all popular brands of tagral part of the proceaa^y xyhich, 39c BALL PENS 7 . An ss.oe WalliU and , . .a Power pack. . . curved A ids! Sizes-1-4, 3-8! MS roles for us, th# American people, he glad to look into the matter. Let us know what ■almont DISpeiabla Pina. 3 Celan.. JLtOT,•§%/ French Purses ..... 2 lOF 9.01 ing this period is one of which they dryers! ws hope, John AIsop tak^ charge oan be justly proud, and one that straight track! to try to pretend that we are a na­ you’d like to know. ^ ^ ' 1 • f the state's buainesa 'next Janu- ihould.be Bupported by Uw voters MOT OM OUR li iM i t'l.XM CUT XAIUES TOO GOOD a ry .. ■ ■ tion' xxnthout the bomb, and, thien of Manzdiester on -Nov. 6. It was of GUARD BRAHD ln2?gine jvhat our attitude would be MORIARTY Interest to me to read the clear CHATTY RABY Y* MISSES' Tbeas three Republican eandi- TACIAL TISSUESna.au Whitt. 0 W * 7 Q SPUNTEX and forthright'answers they gave NhMipkVHoMiM CHRISTMAS FOLDIHG UUHDRY GIRLS'.FUHHEL to'xx'ard Britain, , and Rxls- 'noxaR -fink, Ytflow. Box of 400'i... •....w TOl i /u STR0LUA-BU6CY DACROH” BLOUSES gatsia for legislative 1, posts .are .. SenfUHCf, GpHHecUic^ 57 " "to the questions asked by the s GIFT WRAP PAJAMAS ft GOWKS sia if they behaved the way Bl-itaip, fOOeCwlwrIc ‘ REXALL TOOTH PASTE an SEAMLESS B Y M A n E L W M i M i M r a l s CART with USTERS three rather special hndiyidusTE BROTHERS8 8 Fluoride or niiular. In S-tiiha Packi______.03 League of Women Voters. Boto ? France, Russia and the United AID , y ir. Riker and Jack Shea have'ek- aaieh -approaching, public serx’ice 6% REXALL QUIK RANDS - in nylon! r i l l ’ States Yre ngw behax'ing. P U T N A M & C O . StoAilo Adhtlivo bando|os. Box of 45...... •■tv hlbited to me a-complete under- p Y* * 1 from ,hla ' obrn” particular back­ 3 5135 I WAFERS ^ 9 nai.'li.ip stkndlngbnf toe issue-s facing our I l i r t Dacron* dressy blouses ground and with his oxx-h particular Ml - ^ -VOLT TRANSISTOR JAnERY 90 state and a keen desire to serve stock up now before tha Axle-type galvanized steel Adorable styles for cold with beautiful fashion da- I Mn'9t 50 pr*vid«B too caleri^i. sturdy atael frame with Dietary supplement lor mbtix’es and objectives, each offer­ The Work They Found . to* beert InteresU of the . voters of Season's rush! Many, frame . . . large easy-lift nights! Soft flannel in tailing! White A pastels, 301-315 CM tM ’ St. AA-XL--- Kl----- W- _t REX-RAY HAIR DRYER - oqq J wathable^yinyl! Converts ing hla own-particular contribution. EmAongs J Roxair'wWnMl6iiir~4^ aortabia tiactrle. Hot-coW twitch...... d.33 - Manchester.—, ------■'■—— the w M le family! Sava styles A ^tternaf 20^ oss't prints! Pajamas -No one who has been following Stock ,N0|ular or moih. Edna M. Penny to 9 dHferent acceso* replactqicnt bag. 32-38! Candidate Riker, retired from top LiaUIO REX-RAY ELECTRIC BUNKET 19 00 FirFIiM ’m - ohodot. 27%i over our regular wide! T ' 4-14, (kiwns 7-14! •DuPont polyester fiber the politics,! campaigns, on local, W E O I V E dJ.W-’ " V i DictAii #4^ nxie* « ifia. Sinflo cooim. aI yr.yr, fuarg u___ a r... .I Z.OOA .v O All 11201.iixti. .■ , 395 Burnham St. riea! . inanagement responsibility. xivith’ I I lof our HtwfUvon, tool # Manchester, Cwm. discount pricei-, state or national levels, need ba at GREEN STAMPS I * * * mm■ aimMiHimaiwiVWM 'SoiM fricai Phil ^ad. Tax I Connectfcufa.". largest enterprise, any . loss to explain th* v*^azing ‘'United Aircraft brings to. the field tmproye'meiAi in the ,pie-election 71 I. CfNTlI n „ MANCtMniR • Ml 3.21S1 - ’ $ 2 ,4 0 0 ,0 0 0 L en t . wHR \of state governipent hii sense of national emplo.vment statiStica just '^Jamei T.. BloirfHobert H. 6tarkel. Co-Manogeri' MobilheafiKT.fl L A PAZ — Bolivia has b4|rrow- admlnistfatlvc organization-and ef­ issued by the Labor Departmeht. OPEN .9 to 6 D A ILY . f' ficiency, hia inventive enj^aer's ed $2,400^000 from the United "^oae statistics show that the OPEN 6:30 to 9 THURSDAY EVE. Ntaitee Aifency ^ for toteniational PAAHCHES •Utleok, hia own imtrajnmeiedHisdi- number i f people xvilhout jobs in OPEN 9 to jl* SATURDAYS Develi^ifnent to buy road rtiainten- MANCHESTER PARKADE MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST, OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9:30 A.M.TO 10 »*.M bb**sm Is Mm Mvpis-psvposUkin .ths ■AUen dseliMd. hfi a total s< anoe equipment.' The loon, plus W arait at. t o « * quarters of one \ eeiit. hi to b* f*P*4'l *« ^iRAND-WAY PRESENTS THE OFE BEAT5-- T0 NIGHT AT 9 i p j * ; ‘ ' ♦ -1-

-t.. ■ f : ■J’’. V' MJ' -• ...... ■ - * * -, a-C ■ • '

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1962 PAGE ELEVEN P A G E T E E MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1962 ...... '■ ...... III. ’.m...... ■■ ...... buted to t)if 'faet that ooWa are smoii4> have M to a good deal of now oh bam feed. Instead c t pas­ epeqatotlon... Peace Prisse Bases Breaking Up, O bituary W ieN ew s ture feed. Health commlasioner U.S, Denies "...One explanation lor the'eec- Eianklin M.' Foote emphasized In ood Khrushchev letter—which was his report, issued- yesterday^ that couched in far more conventional Winners Fight Liouls A. Bkihmond Corinectiout milk la “entirely safe . -tilHlW' -to that the Soviet hlerSr- Aerial Photos Show Louis A. Richinbi^<’'''^ 68, o t to drink.” m ' chy decided Mr. Khrhehchpv of­ Springfield, Mass, Jrormerly at fered too much in his first letter. A bo u t P^ace $a¥i. ESCAPEE CAUGHT Far lretter to mak? at least a try intimied from P»ire One) Manchester, died/ yesterday at- (Continoea from Page One) Springfieid Hoei^tal aftbr a >0ii% North Haven police said .they Nikita Note for a Cuba-Turtcey deal and, if it (Oonttained from Pag* One) In the degree of aerial eui^elK Illness. By mid-December, Governor Inmate who. escaj^d several days were rejected, nothing would be ‘X Dempsey predicted, the report of ago from Coi^necticut 'Valley Hos-' loaL . lanre. .■i' Mr. Riqhfhond was born- tfi Hart­ (Contlnned (roo? One) kita Khrushchev t«F seem the News Tidbits ford, the son of the late Mr. and consultants engaged by the state pital waa; back In the hands of po­ ■ — ■ " ^ is , at least, is -the way some peacemaker in the recent Cuban The U2 missions ojef Cuba Mrjv'Charles R. Richmond, and aeronautics department to survey lice again today. Chairman Khrnkhohev’s letter of ofOdals fit the puzzle together. crisis. • 0 |i M Milk ' ’Were scrubbed after one of the ^Ved in Manche.s,ter about 30 years^ the airport needs of Connecticut North Haven police asid -they Oct. 26. X A ‘Their analysis would Indicate that Then came Warbupg’s turn. He Adpirm. ilfeBt / ON..T AT T»< p a r k a d e Springfield, Mass., Police C hl^ before moving to 'Springfield 25 tor (he next t'wo decades will be found William H. Bomman, 34, Mr. KhrUshl^ev mdy have . been pikhomantlc stars of .this railroad is making HARTFORD Atty. Wau- seek a prompt solution to the investigated by Manchester police son, plays the feminine Igfkl Polly m a Soviet antiaircraft rocicet. / South {tocean cinema arreoted on Friends may call at the funeral rice Poch of Martford w'as sus­ yesterday^ afternoon and evening ing vainly for the aphroval-xOf' the in "The Boy Frienfl,” a n)uaioal home tonight, from 7 to 9. on the -way back t problem’.” / moderator on stage foi^arright of And they believe the rdcket c h a rg e s a d iilte ry , criminal of­ qr,” he said. pended indefinitely from the prac­ brought no arreete, one whiplash fey Sandy Wileon, and brings a. forr CItIA HOMi ’The Herald Tribune was reply. n -« t. AsraenI «XAU was launched by Soviet missile­ fense pumsha^ila.^by up- to two tice of law- Tliursday by superior injury complaint, and shght dam­ nildafele bacliground of troitiiu men manning the 22 antiaircraft years' in prison..,. Icebreaker -Mrs. Ida Belzal DeaSdreault court jud^ Elmer W. Ryan. dropped some time ago from the Warburg satox-**! have a strong and singing eocperience to the rol^ rocket bases known, to be opera­ Glacier sails from L^tglton, New Mrs. Ida Belzel DesSureault, 69, Driver JSaved Thlji^ction waa taken in an ac- list of papers read dally by Ken­ age to vdiidee involved. feeling agahist enlisting citizens x..^ < She studied at Boston Univer> POLYiMULSION M i-31 tional in Cuba Zealand, to lead summer'?- first mother of Mrs, Mary Cote of Llyn- WINSTED ,(A.P)—Two police­ tionyl^ the Hartford County griev­ nedy and HVhite House officials. Mrs. Anne B. Miller of 51 Mill of other-^tions Ih protests to our iflty with Oladye beAlmeida and SHAVE HAND This information developed as convoy to U.S. Antarctic h?ad- wood Dr.. Bolton, died late men, on routlife patrol, were cred­ ance committee, which was rep- The. story on Khrushchev’s letter, St. was examined and discharged goyermnent, and ah even stronger Dr. Itefeert Hbughton, and was so­ ersion to collecting foreign sig­ A N n $ » n c the ,U.S. Navy stood guard 'over quarters at McMurdo Sound. Wednesday afternoon at the Back­ ited today w^lth saving the life of 1‘esented in. court by State’s Atty. however, waa distributed by the from Manche^er Memorial HospG loist witti the university (Jhapel L01I0 N thM -mmsim the shipping lanes into Commu­ us Hospital in Horwl was directed promi.se to disclose what the oher-Gagne Funeral Home, 75 SO. East Hartford. jllSmay over the prospect that ed slight front end damage. to the United Nations, the scientls^/ Town Recreation Department, will None-suffered bums. President Kennedy’s hard deter-^ present The Boy Friend” Nov. 8. 9 NANI m i f teak.. M M U C U Me analysis may show about any By Djemocrats B St., Taftville, with a solehin re- Chamberlain was admitted to At 3:50 p.m. yesterday, Edward said. progres.s in dismantling bases for •juiem Mass at St. Joseph's-church FLQWBR SHOW OPE mination to dismantle the missile' Ackerman, 12, of 32 Keeney St., Dr. Pauling, face to fac^tvith and 10 at 8:30 p.m. at Bailey Aut dPcRexnN TU MASCARA NOMf Litchfield County Hospital with bases in Cuba might; actually lead ditorlum, Manchester High School. n bhn, tr«M, kram, t kiMb. 9 **r deep-striking Soviet missiles. In Occum at 10. B uri^ will be cuts and bruises and po.ssible che?t BRIDGEPORT (A^ix^Beards- was uninjured when a car, operat­ Warburg on stage, said Warburg The Pentagon' has yet to dis­ The four state Democratic can­ In Sacred Heart Cemetery, Taft-, ley Park’s annual^hfysanthemum the world—and the U.S.S.R.—into ed by- Richard Evans, 57, of Meri­ was ignorant of What y m scientist Tickets are available mm any WITCH NAm fM t. WiMte Family Vitamin' didates won the mock elections injuries. nuclear war.” member o t the organizatiou and a MNMtee MASCARA Rpi*eler->H close the results of ■ reconnais­ vllle. , . * Police .then called firemen but show will opm rt^orrow , a floral den; struck the rear fender of the really stood for, and' declared, lo lmen* BIspasolila i - a - d a y sance photos taken last Monday, yesterday at Manchester High . Friends, may call at the funeral exhibit which attracts thousands ‘The story notes that the^^hnpub- youth’s English bike. Poliqe re­ “You should ^have ' remained Umited number will be sold at the aTMmr tM t lo g o BAirtMOHg' 2.98 .School, defeating their GOP oppo­ the truck and its contents they each sMtomn to the park city’s ported that the youth was forced silentJ!'__ doer. TOOni BRUGES before the two-day suspensioi^.lh nents by pluralities ranging from lotne tonight from 7 to 10. said were destroyed. The accident lished first letter to Kennedy -nev­ H o H H « h i l PLAYINSCARDS PhneHtoMnltl-VNnnilai the blockade and aeVial surveil­ l^rgtot park. About.li),000 blooms er was released in Moscow, - ^ e out into the- road in front of the Warburg^-dhen walked off the “—y- rr-TT w tiiwMi enn ikW f 65 to 361. took place alt 4:30 a.m. epresenting 275 yarleties of oar by a companion cvclist. ‘The stage. He said later of Dr. x'tes. esf. Bw.Mt 49c Reanlt SterNa lance operations. A total of 1,864, or about 86.5 Chamberlain'told police th ^ second, im'posing the condition itok MM itm ym nnaAte^M^ Informants said all reconnais­ chrysanthemums will be on display that .tiie Cuban 'ntissll.e... bases Incld^t occurr^ on Wetherell St. Pauimg Hebron l.«» F f| per cent, of the 2,154 students vot­ he was coming down thg^^ade until Nov. 20. Scratched fenders resulted in a 2 hrS0t COTTOli HAUS Mosiihnind•( MMeadMAn sance was conducted at high alti­ ed in the election, sponsored by the into Winsted, “something ran in would be dismantled If the U,S. was really good and mad. M BTBRS S* tude,, presumably by U2s, before The .withdrew -ml8sUes, -from-.Turkey, mird_ln’''(0 kliinim sonMly Kennedy's orders, both high alti­ people hayg^disagreed about the Support Drinje Curb -as a snake killer? war and was quite frankly fearful a pa.rMhg stall, police uoted. Ve- gregational Church at 10 a.m. Wor- BO/UVS BOYS v.-.l S 'Ml ■•.i-' PR; ED 'P 'H s SAIE wodHtMwniMk M *• iteni* atorial candidate, . defeated ,tl.S. of- what- might ensue. hicuMr damage was very slight. ehip. ‘Ihere will be a commt^oh 2 h r 1 , 2 6 • mM. E«y to I*** tude- and low level surveillance Rep. H»t;ace Seely-Brown 1,067 to causes ^oTnatural events. Even HARTFORD • (AP)—A petition A:^The mongoose. j ‘The Friendship CSrcle, Ssdvation 2 srt.9 6 I, http ?rtv«ot utkwie- missions were flown. though we recognize this fact, it ' “One of the basic reasons why Army, will sponsor a Pall -Straw­ service. The pastor, Rev. John N. mi ^ 751. Hearing close to 1,000 signatures OFF-BROADWAY GROWS Cross will preach on the topic "The mm t e ' * e W "f a m o u s brand niiwctl tefkintey. If. as is how believed, Ande'r- Emiilio Q. Daddario^ received 1,077 has always puzzled the,lay p e^ shopping Governor Dempsey in his Q—What 'special name is given the administration has no berry Festival Thursday from 4 to »*■ 21^2.01 son's U2 was) shot down by a So- to people born within the sound tion of publishing this first Khi NEW YORK (AP)—‘Three more 7 p.m. in the Youth Center. Ham­ Strength of Life.’’ He will occupy A TRAN^OR POCKET RADIO vorer340''more“tha‘n hiroppJjnenV.j doctors should disa cruSTOBv to get New York to raise playhouses for the growing off- both the Hebron and Gilead pulpits. "'•ifcr.d.W met missile, ’ this 'coUld indicate James F. Collins, for representa­ on so fundamental a m a tt^ as its legandrinking age was received of the bells of the church of St. chev letter, in addition to tire fact burgers, hot dogs, ice cream and that -U2 pilot Francis Gary Pow­ the preservation of health,.^ will Mary-le-Bow tn London. Broadway zone are planned for old fashioned strawberry shortcake .The-(>ilead service will be at'll:16. The size a pack of elgar- tive in Congress. by the governor’s office todaV. that it hasn’t been rq l^ e d .in construction this year. ^Rtinday school hours will be at the bnt Bound M a Itfge ers al.so was bagged by an anti­ Lewis Piper, advisor to the club try to explain why this i« so, and The document, 42 feet in length, A—Cockneys. Moscow, is concern it might will be servetj. The public ia Inirit- aircraft rocket. why even on televlaionf commer­ Lewis Lloyd, a producer, plans Cd. , ueual time. was signecRby persons visiting the be usqd by the Communist right to, erect an adjacent pair on the The Pilgriih Fellowship of H«- The cause of Powers’ mlshani®"^ * history teacher, said that cials you will hear such , expres,- Danbury FaV^from Sept.- 29 to Oct, Q — Is the Medal of Honor wing, the old hani-llne Stalinists, fn he ''wouldn't stress it too awarded for exploits other than In Lower East Side, long a center .bron and Gilead Omgregatiohal , much,’’ the pupil.s’ vote may give sions as "nine out of uO doctors 7. . against Mr^Kliru'shchev at this of ■ experimental drama. J. Har­ Settings Changeable Churches will attend the fall meet­ has never 'been, listed officially. ! "some indication” of the town vote agree” or "four out of jfive physi­ Concern that ^*M-agers may still dangprbils time of tension, U2s:s operate at about 70,000 feet I ‘ J " vey Rosenthal, a real estate man ing of the Tolland Association of R «9. cians recommend.” buy alcoholic beveragSs-ieSItlly In I —Te*. but such awards re- “Noyone pretends to know the who wants, to get Into show busi­ JOHANNESSBURO'"—' A South Orngregationai Christian Churches and the Soviets are known to have ^ » All scientific medical opinion New York and become ,a ’'highway, quire a special Act of Congress, Afrioeui jewelry firm bias deeighed '19.95 at least two antiaircraft■ missiles He said that not' only Manches­ full MIory of Mr. Khrushchev’s po- ness, is preparing an auditorium Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at the West Tku DalMitenitn ter students voted, but also Bol­ is based on the observation and menace” while driving home ,1 strength In Rvissla today, in an East Side area further up­ rings, broodhes, and pendantii with Stafford Congregational Church, that can reach, that altitude''Both prompted the support of signers. Q — In painting, what iS meant hinged settings ao the. owners can VdiM travel at better^than 1,200 miles ton and Coventry tuition students, interpretation of ^ findings. Old the circumstances of the fjrst town that has' attracted consid­ starting with a business meeting, a fact which might affect any wives tajes. are also based on bb- "We are writing you as o'Ur lead­ by a* cartoon 7 x-'' letter, followed so quickly^ by the erable theatrical activity during change thq^ ■emipredoua-igtone followed by' a PP rally. DaUXE H A IR D RY ER an hour. sei^afion and Interpretation, but i A — A ;9AVtoqn la it desj^^in iiisplays. . / AA f r e e About ^ 32 .reconnaissance photo­ theories of the election's:iO|n'i validity. er in Connecticut, commenmhg you demand for'new conditions in the the past'several years. All Saints Day waa , observed h iMt box nse wHii cany- thefe is an important difference. for your efforts In the paM In at­ drawn of the full size to sefve as ‘Thursday at St. Pstor’s Episcopal graphs-made public by the Penta­ a model for transferring'''to fres­ e with leather ease.: gon are dated Aug. 29, Sept. S— When one day a person ate pickles tempting to engage Governor 'Church with celebratioQ of Holy e Hearing aid'* Battery In c $trap. 3 poiition $wi1ch and drank milk in the same meal Rockefeller In meeting on this ex­ coes and tapestries. Communion at 10 a.ip- Wonoen a t and then Jump to Oct. 14 and L ibrary to Close Q—What countries require that x'\ Y*ASI and nail dry«r. | | | 9 g later. and within a few minutes, a few tremely important matter. the (hurch presentM their Unitod fenough to bring In, 18-21 atattohs anywhera CASCADE hours'or a few days l^d a violent “At this time. In the Interest of the chief of state be a Roman Thank Offering at the service. • Battery aelhi for 19e and playo for 160-200 hooro liflB bonnft IM «t IE t This tehds ^to support reports Catholic? that the United.., States' may hav-e D uring Elections digestive upset with vomiting or public safety and ’'for the welfare Church services Sunday.-'will be: • Tmnslatort g&araatoed a Ufethne diarrhea, or both, a superstition of our youth, we would urge you to A—, Paraguay and Holy Communion. 8 a(to.; Choral e Double guarahtoe—90 days, ao well made tbiU' Uggett 19;95 Valu* hristmas c u k 'gathered I few, if '^ y . clear photo­ . ’ C graphs of Cuba Drtween Sept.’*5 The library at :the West Side was born. The old wives shook make a new effort to meet and talk Eucharist and ehiudi' school, IQ Drug, aa well as the manuteotarer, guarantees M. Recreation Center will be dosed their heads and said never eat with Governor Rockefeller on this am .; Young People’s Fellowahlp, , a. A arast in every home during stormor atc. and Oct, 14—a spampf more than pickles and drink milk in the same Q—What South African Emlmal $1.00 five weeks. , V oA Monday of next week while the- urgent matter.” 7 p.m. X . e Playt in oar, ob^, nnder HgM and ter dlotenoea bilUdilfg is being prepjared for use meal. is reputed to possess instinctive The Ootmrate Communion for It is possible the Defense De­ Informed of the petition. Gover­ jiowers for locating-water? partment has good pictures which in Tuesday's elections. A few ob'servations of supposed nor Dempsey said: “I am extreme­ women oC>4he church will be held A—^The chaoma or pig-faced ba­ at 8 s^vC, a breakfast to besarved £9 ilBpW anR,HRRflRICI^ \yere taken during that peripd, but The West Side Center, closed cause and effect accidentally hit ly- grateful for the support of the boon. In arid regrions, the. natives 1st iwuliyw. II dnigas, is "not releasing them. \ today and re-opens on Wednes­ upon in this manner have turned signers . . . I Intend,” the Gover­ a t ptelps Hall Imyniedlatoly follow- make captive chacmas extremely h y the Brotherhood of Bt. An- 2 k Z f 0 ■ 4 1 S'-ebe. - ' " Unconfirmed reports ' hav^^ at­ day. *■ out to have some -mer|t, but most nor added, “to contlhue to do. every­ thlfsty irith sajty, food. Released, tributed gji alleged lack of clb?j: T^e, Community Y will close to­ of them—like the one cited—were thing I can to persuade the state Irew. the chacma instinctively proceeds / ' Good Goblins i-'-corlnaissance photos during that morrow and re-open on Weo.fts- in error. ot New York to bring its law on bo a stream or water -hole. .span in part to .weather condl-' day. This is because they were the sale of liquor Into conformity ^ Perhaps it w m Uis rsdn, perhaps CHRISTMAS WRAPPINGS lions. - . . \ The East Side Recreation Cen- based on too small a number of W’lth the laws of Connecticut and Q—In what wdy does the planet the well managed Halloween par­ .s o u BOX in other developments; tei: will be closed on 'Diesday, observations and because no con­ other- states bordering on. New Venue resentole the moon ? ties held Thursday evening, that 4 Officials still have not given a Election Day. trols were observed. By this-I York.” A—Venjid appears.xin different witching time .of hobgoblins and 1«0C dF*< ^ clear answer to the significant mean that in the case afabve, ho shapes, Hke the moon. Tt varies ghosts, but so far as we know Is'eh i«U 20" wide. - quention of what , is to happen to AUTO SEGREGATION acGoupt was taken of the persons • there was no complaint about M" long, is a diffsr- Dolan Strike Ends from the crescent to the full dr- W M td W K SwpawPowmr out dssign and color. BURliNGTON, Vt. (AP)-On who washed down their pickles ele and then decreases again. pranks and depredations oh the the UnivcMlty of Vermont cam- with/milk and who did hot get BRIDGEPORT {AP)—A return part of those celebrating. ‘Jhi PTA Hi-Fi WenlifilteHua Rs«.|r.M ■sg.asr to normal operations was expect­ liM M 0 mm* AlcRRi X pas, big bars and little cars sick or of -those who ate eithv ; —What term ■ describes the should be complimented for its PHONOGRAPH ■EURE IIFT WRAP. Date Special aren’t allowed to park together. pickles or m ilk-but not' both4- ed at the Dolan Steel Co. today study of the moon ? part in the goings on, j^teWaERli ^ With 130 watt Dyna^orqua ’This year's pacing lot has' a kpe- and who developed -an upset stom­ aftef-a bfiw w allet by 50 mem­ A — Selenogiraphy. ‘'Selene’ A meeting of the Hebron Sports­ REG; M.00 $9927 nsnoswiis wwisiis oHsw* 2 h r F cial area for “qhmpacts.” ach. ■" bers of Unued 'SCtjfljvorkers Ixical the Greek word, for moon. men’s'Club will be held this eve­ Md hand, iwMp alarm in- nkXof; .CHant double baaters. 2 f . r 2 6 t Th^' scientist must ' make ac­ 5748. The .strike, cfalltft^iicause of ning'at 8 at the home of Aaron 90 Ddy GuaraMea curate Observations on a reason­ a disagreement with i|ijl0h‘agement a 6 boura of Hatening dteahir. LmninoK 4 A A 3$peeds, e j e ^ A 0 7 Q—How. are most of our forest •Reid. pleaeure at one sitting ably large number of persons over a clause i n ^ e nkw two-year fires started? PoUBoal Nbws heaters, iwel ntt. O a D f CURLING RIBBON AEROSOL Bullcy-llurtiM! about half, of whom fulfill one set contract- conceWm|^t)^e assign­ Quits a number of “flyersi’-have HMSTHSm ) IO N I C e 60 watts of power to dial Breat l i f t 0 . 9 9 A—Niiie out of ten are caused push but all the high 7S (set Jssk'S/ir' of conditions and the restbf whom ment of men for'K ^t"-ly^k, be­ by man,’ been sent to residehts lately, by Reg. V alut S.9S Reg. Value 1^.96 SNOW vary in respect of one detail. gan at midnight W^nescSSsl’' and both major political parUes, urg­ „ and low frequences '«Mc, is ref, irsts,; Even when experiments are set up ended yesterday afternoon . when ing support at the comlqg election. o Plays 4 speMs 18, 89, Ifelf, tilrtr. tef akMs. Is fseerals irtet, the. company agreed to' consult Q —Were arty of the trapped « .7 8 sisdewr. srssnisH. in this way, it will be found that men rescued from the siibinarine Douglas Fellows, Republican can­ Kaw.gSc, nothing is 100 per cent unvar­ the, union on night work", assign­ Squalint' sunk off Portsmouth in didate for stats representatlvs, • Automatic record Rtf.sec. iable. Just as people vary in gen­ ments. ' 1939? la y s'heiStrongly supports-frsedom ehanger .X eral appearance, so also do they A—‘niirty-three of the 69 men for small towns to govern their 1 »UI Vary in the way they react to Polaris Contract Let aboard were rescued by a diving own -affairs, less political inter­ such environmental influences as WASHINGTON 'C’AP)-'— Con­ bell. ’ ference frpm state officials on local FMdndAMRADtO 2 6 .8 8 contact with' a givjn disease germ. tracts- for three new Polariff sub­ problems, such as the town dump. Let us say th a fa group of per­ marines were awarded ^-^y the He favors Improvement oh Rt. 6A; sons all .seem to have the same Navy yesterday: two tb the Elec­ ' Tax flan Talked educational aid; return of our disease, although they- are hot re-^ tric Boat Division .of General Dy­ - ^ — courts. acting to it the same w»y. 'We now namics Corp., the'' other . to the OTTAWA — 'A . sales-’incentlve ‘The latest such appeal la sent introduce a new diiig. jfli--mem­ Newport News CVa.) Shipbuilding tax benefit has -been proposed by out- by Mrs. Hugo Lederer smd bers of the group will not react and Drydock Co.-The total dollar the Govemm.ent for Canadian Robert Biasell; Democratic candi­ to it thq same way. . .’ mahufactuiers and processors. Un­ amount of the contracts, not Iri- dates' for representatives in' the Mwcfric In a few, the drug itajelf will act clu|i]ing the nuclea^ engines,- elec- der the proi>oeaI, 50 pe'r cent of the -legislature, 'Who claim. that Karl as a poison and the rehiiedy will federal Income tax on the first trwic - equipment or the Polari* $50,000 of increased sales would H. links. Republican representa­ BOA/l/S BUYS become worse- thaa the disease it missiles themselves,'’ was $132.8 tive, voted against' a proposal CANOPENER is auppoaed to cure. A few others be canceled and 25 per cent also t o DIAPER RASH million. Electronic Boat, - e t on additional sales income. eld rural- communities by increas­ Attaches to wall or stands on wiU tolerate the drug, but will re­ Groton, Conn., has ho.w- been as­ ing state aid to towns by giving up D R EA M - ceive little or no benefit. The re­ signed three submarine contracts to $20 per pupil for transports ...'.''r n 't counter. Opens any size or maining 80 to 90 per cent will STAGE MONEY -during this year's Polaris con- tlon cost. TriiiTsi shape can. Bottle opener make a dramatic —recovery. For itructiom program. NEW YORK (AP) — A single Ih rebuttal to the flyer, Unks ^thr76c Famous Brand Anierioan Made. Reg. 42.95. TO these variations there is always week , of theatrical activity-earned said this week that he “ Is prbud included. SooUws lUs 'writstises a reason. Discovering the reason MILK IODINE DROPS playwright Jean Kerr $13,597, . • Adaptable for multiplex qtereo broadcast tee Is disper rtsb. . Mrs. -Kerr received the royal­ of his entire Y.QltoS record and s ■ tubes (net 4) for tremendous power s 3 radios In is one of the most fascinating as­ HARTFORD (AP) — The especially of-his iho’ vote on RIouse Reg. 19.95 pects of 'medical research; Mean- ties on. three current productions Bill 2020” which the -Democratic one a FM—no stattc, beauti ful muaic all day o HI-FI While, if the new drug 'effects a amount of radioactive iodine in of her Comedy, “M ary,' Mary.” eonoert tone spesUcer a 8 months guarantee s A. F. Value S.99 Connecticut milk has ' declined A' touring version starring Julia party claims was to aid rural com­ control to prevent drift. BABY PANTS ■cure in 80 per cent - of- those to from the alltime high of 196 munities by Increasing state aid to Whom it, is given-” Its discovery l.s Meade. Scott* McKay and . T4»m- towns by granting up* to $20 per hailed a.s .a triumph of modern micromicrocuries recorded Oct. 2 Helmore yielded authbrsijip divi- to 60 micromicrocuries per liter dend.s of $6,5.59; a bu.s-truck com­ pUpil to defray bus transportation "Z 2 h r SOt medicine. costs. But,, what of the doctor who as of last Tuesday, the State pany playing smaller communl- fiMtic WoesMf slyU. Health Department reports. Part tie-s netted $3,370; and the Broad­ Rep. links said the bill did not (HHK-SWAIS hears about it and tries it on the provide any additional aid to small ,$ , M. L. three patients in his private prac­ of the drop in fallout was attri; way original brought in $3,668, . ' towns since at that tlihp,'towns un­ tice who have the disease In der 6,000 population erers already ■ABY HVIR question, only to find that it has recei'vlng the grant. J t did. how­ Prettier -^than a. lively color are '589 2-N Httip If any beneficial effect In ever, extend etate aid to- the cities 2 / o r THERMOMnEB two bl,ending tones jor fabrics that, all three? ' “with an additional appropriation \\ Stfrilt csRos ti||p*4 make as smart a . date dress as A bulky-turban to frame your .. ’This should give you some in­ of $1,400,000 .jOf which the small spplkalort, 54 doubit- < sight into some of the reasons h r 1.70 you'll see ail season. '' face! It’s quick, inexpensive and JUST LISTED towns stood'to gain not one pen- a wer etritch ho»iy wilb buHt-in eapportta toped sr JOO No. 8364 with Patt-0-R8ma is fun to make in your favorite color! why doctors disagree. Over.si9ib^ Cape with big Trust us to come up with 5 ^ , ny,’’ Links said. toted. Gusrsstssd scew tts. Easy Is In sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Bust Make' others for those special the unusual! Here’s a big; help i t e leg faiiiM 9 0 ^ unoeadWeatf Baby Grand . ,'31 to 40.. Size 12, 32 bust, lower friends. • , *■ CHURCH ’ON WHEELS',.^ shed dorme^, I V2 baths, a Manciiestor Evening Herald H»- iikirt, 1'% yards, of 35-inch; blouse ■ Pattern No. 5892-N has crochet OKLAHOMA CITY (A P /'t- A finished rec-xopm, ,wa!| to older 10-room residence, broii cor respondent. DOas Sosnn LtllClOUf AU NIGHT • CARE” TMETRIES and skirt top, 2% yards. directions; stitch illustrations; fin­ temporary church -fauilmhg, opened that'needs work . . . in an B. Pendleton, telephone AOadeny PIANO wall carpeting in living SsN^BPsriy hsH ss 'lOs^aAeT CARE To o)tler, send 35c in coins'to; ishing ins.t^ctlons. - her«,^,^wlll be moved 10- times Ih room, dining room, liaU- AA Zone! Permission is on - 'BS404. ' ' . - . FRUIT CAKE VAPORIZER Encourage interest in amiic! '^"■4- . .. Sue Burnett, The Manchester Eve­ ' 'To order, send 35c^n colnsjto^: thg^.jiext 10 years to\ launch- 10 Baked to perfection! Packed hmtruction book t bench. lOTIOR, lABY CAK OR, WWyCAK SMH- ning Herald. J160. AVE. OF- Anne Caboit, The Mahehestbr^^E^- hew churches. Originaily a bar­ way, stairs and upstairs file at the Municipal Build- Produces soothing steam • POO, ssd psaadM sf BABY TALC. Tax WUhheld in 1862^ ia Wedgewood type tin. Rum AMEBilOAS. n e w VnUK 86, N. ning Herald, 1150 AVE' OF racks, it has been equipped with landing. Tremendously Ing.for a light housekeep-. from 8 to 10 hours. Auto­ Conveniently packed to - Y . ; A'MEIUCAB, n e w Y OB K 36. ‘'sleepers'Xor supports under the oversized garage. A /big ing apartment ort the /lee-' WASHINGTON — Tho first and brandy flavored. take home. For Ist-class mailing add 10c N. Y. . ■ floor,^ Joists—So' that It can bp ond floor. Ideal for al han­ 2 ^ 4. 9$ matic shut off. Unbreakable. 2 h r 9 0 t down payment can assume United States income tax, in 1862, for each pattern. Printj Name; For Ist-class matling adcf 10c for movedmany times without damag­ F u H S L b a . 1 3 9 Reg. 9.95 Address with Zone, Style Number each, pattern. Print Name, Address ing the' building. When.a new con­ one- of those incredible^ dyman or investor, ragged from 3 to\5 per cent, with and size. with Zone and Pattern Number. gregation . is organized, the. 1V4 mortgages! the top levy on' large Incomee. 4.95 VoliiG 9.95^Vd«i* 3^® Thiwe 3.99 Bend 60c now. (or your copy Sand 50€' fo r' the new, big-size moNle church is used until a There was atoo aome tax Withhold- S t .our, pattern magazine Basic '6 2 'AlBum filled wlttiJovely.de- permanent building can be erect­ THE WILDAM 1. BELFfORE AGENCY 301415 CENTER ST. lnc,' .tston qh payntente o t dMdsnds Paahtan. The FkR 'and Winter ’62' signs, a .needlework .stitch section ed.'-Then Oie "churfeh on-Wheels” - M l i - m i -- iMMa la exefUng, tnformativa. Olid .free patbenia. ' la moved qn to another location.- ■ / : ■ ..\,y •-.- 4 .

■ -’i. \- A. ^ ^ m- r •'■»•■•■«'»*■ *> jT*' ' 1.; ' - y ' /

VI. • X ' ' y ■'. . . . y !. .' ' .■ ■ 'As 'V'-: ^S^tion Tivo ERIDAT, NOVEMBER 1, 1981 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER f, 1961 Fa GB t w e l v e j^BffCHESTfiR EVEWINO HERAiJ^ MANCOTfiiSTER, CONW. |HrDAT» NOVEM^feR 1, 19«1 Page$ 13 to 24 ...... 'T—----— ------^ i ■------T— ------—---- Teen Center to Ojpen t United Fund Asks ^ Census Returns FLOWER FASHION Country Club Lutz-Givit^ Series Matthew Moriarty^ With Dance Tomorrow chairman the United Fund, asks 85 EAST CENTER ST,—AT StJMMIT ST, Plects Slate that the bnshipss' censua sent to Starts Siuftday, Noy. 11 The Manchester teen center will open this weekend with various busindses and profeaaion- WEEKEND CASH and C A ^ T SPECIAL On Saturday a dance tomorrow at 7 p.m. for members and an open house al pe(^)e in Manchester oom- M M adcb^tar Toters iii th e Kferendum Tuesday approve “The Changing Heart of Africa,” a color motion picture, 'pletod and returned to the Upited • N . 1062-63 slate of officers, in- Sunday front 4 to 5 p.m. for parents. The “Off Beats,” a y \ t a two-year Mahfdtester communily college, will be presented Sunday, Nov. 11, at 3:30 p.m, at Manchester band headed by Bon Lewis, will play for the dance, open to Fund office. Center St., as soon as tPtyth a y wnLbring to pass action on an idea that first evoly^ in clud^tg. three nominm proposed possible. 1967. High Sch'ool auditorium. This is the first of a sertes of five all paid memben. Non-members,*------The infonoation is essential to DOZEN iii oppoMtlon to the nominating illustrated travel lectures sponsored jointly by Lutz Junior who may. be asked to leave if the lation size used pool tables and the success of the United Fund Ths quastio^ on tha voting ing furniture, equipment and ma­ committee’A'slate; will be voted 250 capacity -o f the technical Museum and the Clvitan Club. Prt-is> ------^ ------r—’------^—• will pay S35 to $50 for Ones in drive, he aaya. The census asks asaehinaa will ba Si^Med aa tol - chines, 92,500; stqjplies, printing upon by membi^. of the Manches-, Bchool'bulldiiW rooms is exceeded. good condition.' ’ employers -to list the names and lowp: .and advertisements, 91,200 and ceeds will benefit the museum. Jungle into , a new world of rapid may attend this event only for a ter Country CTub at its annual social' change.’’- addresses of employee. “n a it ths Board eC Dducation telephone and postage, MOO. mr ■ Dr. Arthur C. Twomey, dl- 50-cent admission fee. To Pay Servicemen The United Fund drive will b* Ilia Town of Manchester nasln- A clerk-typist, 93,500. meeting Saturday. ''X rcotor of tb« division of educa­ Other dates in the lecture series >fimber8hips, at $2 each, will be htfd the last two weeks in No- tato. a Community Junior College The rest of the budget, w'hlch The opposition slate ae*ta.to in­ are Jan. 20, Feb. i 7l March 31 and abid at the door and at a "sneaker s tion at Carnegie Institute, Pitts­ May 5 at the same time and place. , MEMPHIS, • Tenn. (AP) — The venvber to benefit nine participat­ penuant to ProVUrlon Krf- Section would be recovered by tidtion, is stall Henry A. Rockwell as pr^i- burgh, Pa., will perMnally pre­ hop" tonight a t Manchester High ing organizations. Tomorrow, ifs “Good Buy” to our 10-SSa, Oonn. Gmtral Statutes, as foilows: dent and Einar L Lorentsen and. I The subjects include Central School. city-owned light, gas ‘ and water sent the mm. He is a veteran of America, Australia, the Antarctic 'division announced i t ' will , make Morlarty said, “The returns to (P. A. Ma, M61 B. 1)." Four full-time instructors, 933,- tohh T. Plodzik as members of the 15 expedition^ Into Canada's Ar­ Richard Jeannotte, a business date have been very good. How­ With an affirmative vote, the 000. board Of governors until 1065. and Tibet. Individual and family teacher at Manchester High School, up the difference between military ... tie regions, ana' ^.pther faraway series- tickets may be purchased. and civilian pay of employes ever, there are still some who Slot ANNIVERSARY SALE! town would bear a 136,000 coat Twenty part-tima instructors, at The nominating conimittee’s places. His travels ;4mve included Is advisor to the'Wenter. have not completed the burinesa slate proposes James Kirkpatrick Single admiaaions will be sold at called to active duty. for. tha first year af tha school's 9600 each, for s total of 912,000. Bdbert L. BisseU the Galapagos Tslond, ' Kenya, At a recMit special meeting of census form and we ask that the opwatlon, bwtoning -la September A full-time dean, 912,000. ..arl U. Links u president and Thomas Faulkner Lsoriiur Photo Tanganyika, Uganda, the. entire the door if tickets are available. the teen center committee, Jeff The utility had six employes forms be completed within the For information call Luts Junior called to duty last weekend with IMS. Althotii^ the total ooet of A part-time librarian, 95,000. and T. J.-Crockett aa governors west cpaat'.of South AiiiBrica, Pond, chairman of program, said next few days and returned to .the We saaraiitet, you the echoed la aatlmatad at fOO.OOO, Part-time services of the supSN' untU 1965. I l^ngaged Museum. A-1 Oiterers will operate a snack the 445th Troop Carrier Wing. United Fund office.” Seek General Assembly Seats ’nerra del Fuego, .the Bahama to- 960.000 wouUi ba toalisad through intandent of schools, 92,500. .Savin 2iavarella, speaking for The engagement of-Miss Mary­ lands, Yucatan and Hondorus. bar and would install a Jukebox the opposition comniittef, said the m o t h e r l o v e , tuition. (Christie F. McCormick, chair­ Robert L. Bissell of Hebron Is ann Y. Muccio to Predqrlick Q. ■jIn Africa, great changes in the and soft drink machine. Gary ' PUNCH-CARD PROGENY won’t find bettor buys man of the Junior college, advisory Rep. Karl-H. Unks of Hebron, committee proposes Rockwell for way of life and thought are tak­ ' —Winterr chairman of maintenance, 8MOTHERLOVE LONDON (AP)—CatUe may be Sec. 10-3Sa apeeifiaa that tui- seeking a sSat in the General As­ is seeking re-election . t o the Gen­ Tully, both of Manchester,.'Ku I' -V Mon to p u ] ^ who live in the committee, said Supt. Curtis’ sal­ president because Kirkpatrick’s been announced by h4r parents, ing place, according to Dr. Two­ Police Arrests said the VFW Auxiliary has pur- PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A bred on a system' of punched sembly as a state representative eral .Assembly on the Republican business take him often to Florida chased SO soda booths for the cen­ lawyer won probation instead of cards processed by an electronic tehra in uwch the eoUege ia lo- ary amount is not a new figure, on the Democratic ticket. tick*. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cl MucciO, mey who has recently returned anywhere tf^ u ehop oatM cannot exceed the per pu­ but a transfer of funds he al­ (t proposes Plodzik because he has 36 Teresa Rd. with a firsthand view of what ia ter. . ■ Jail for a youthful client hera brain. A plan laimched by pedi­ A claims repnesfentative for A retired farmer. Rep, and Mrs. been active with the club and Eidward J. Kel^oe, 23, 275 when he declared that the boy, a pil coat of instructional and ad- ready receives from the elemen­ Links live st Idyl Acres in ' Hsr fiance to the son of Mrs. happening there. He will analyse James Herdic, head of the Man- gree Friesian breeders would Aetna Life Affiliated Companies Lorentsen because Crockett- was BJmlly Tully, 8 Mintz 'Ct., and Jo­ Oakland' St., y e ^ ^ a y was ch.t;ster Recreation Department first offender, had been the Sdc- card-index 25,000 .cows,in dif­ ailnistrative .salaries. The 963,500 tary and secondary school budget in the Norwich and WlHlmantlc Hebron. They are the parents pf Africa’s past and document its , Marlow’s tomorrowX t o unable to accept the nomination seph Tully of Rhode Island. under which the center will be op­ tim of "smotherlove” as a child, ferent classifications ' of shape, would be returned to the general the community college budget. areas, he is a member of the. He­ Robert L Links of Hebron and present as lie narrates the natural charg*l with operating'an unreg­ rather than the beneficiary of McCormick said the bookkeeping because he was out of town, he Miss Muccio is a 1059 graduate color film. Sequences of people erated, said /inemberahip cards size and' breed characteristics. fimd. bron zofiing board of appeals and Mrs. Beatrice L Wark of East laid. ■ . ; ■ istered motor vehicle, Ha. was will also "be avail^le at the East "motherlove.” The plan calls for making cattle Hie ooflege woidd have its own switch would represent 10 to 13 Hampton, and grandparents of of Manchester High School and a and' place lend background to his stopped on Broad S t when 'S p­ $ from9ajn.to$!30pjn. familty,' eerufied for college level per cent Supt. CurUs’ time, the finance board. Country' club members who 1062 graduate of Middlesex Me­ interpretation'. "On the , threshold ‘ Side Recreation bnUdlng. The Judge decided to give him breerina Jack Anson,, nursing staff of Manchester Me­ and West as Jt emerges from‘ its and from Yale University with a is assessors coordinator atid zon­ James J. Colburn, Joseph H. Wall, morial Hospital in Its obstetrics 12, Manchester, Nov. 19. lagea ana univeraltiaa. this year). B.A. degree in 1946.‘After living ing agent foir-toe town. He served Frank C. Gray, John • E. Qrezel, A full-time dean would be ap­ The idea of Manchester’s estab­ unit. ■ \ J priced! much of his life in Manchester, as chairman (^■..the assessors in Maurice W. Wiiley, WaUace Par- Mr. Tully is a 1959 graduate of [Shop PILGRIM m a s pointed, to be assisted by Supt. lishing a community college began he moved to (tovehtry and then, 1948. clak. Norman Clark, Kenneth Gor­ DOUBLEDAY of Schools WllHsm H. Curtis, and in 1957 when Leonard Seeder, then Manchester High School, and to seven years ago, to Hebroh. He has held all offices in the don aind Raymond J. Gordon. a senior at Upper Iowa Uhlver- for FINEST FABRICS a secretarial staff would be hired. chairman of the Town Development American Legion p o st,\^ tn g a Tbe rqst of the nominees for of­ The ccdlage would be licensed by Commission, suggested that the While at Yale, he served“ln the alty, Fayette, Iowa. — FREE PURNELL PARKING — \ Navy V-12 program and ROTC; veteran of World War I whpn h« fice remain as > the nominating A June wedding is planned. ORANGE HALL the state board after a January town look, into providing post-high served as an electrician w itn ^ e committee proposed; at LOW MILL. PRICES! school education at the College and was released to inactive duty PAPERBACKS survey of program, toclllties, fac­ as a lieutenant J(^nior grade. U.S. Navy. He was vice chairma Dr. Eugene Davis, vice president Manchester teen-agers put finshing touchee on the new teen center, kxxuted In ro6ms of the old tsch- ulty qualifications, library and level. of the Connecticut Milk Pro­ Laces • Felt Squares • DrajMiy Fabrics nl<5al school on School St., in preparation tor op sndng tomorrow nlghit with a dance. While Harry Bissell' Is a member of Uriel jtor. two years; Herbert J. Carvey, -method of flnshcing. it 'would he Bi March 1981,'’ the board of direc­ ducers Association from its in­ i vice''-president for a year, and • ftvcadea * Coat Woolens Huntington, vice chairman of the teen center comnittee,' looks at a wateroolor .painting done by housM within the plant of Man­ tors appointed a community col­ ■Lodge of Masons in Merrow and is Manchester High School artist Peter Jablon, Jeff rbomas, committee member, and Mias Hilda Ftln- ception until 1948, and has been jMarioXL Boccalatte,,.-vlce presi­ Local’Stocks o Border Prints For Aprons chester High School, during the lege committee to invertlgate the past grand tall cedar of Laurel chairman of the Hebron March of dent for M»me years; Frank R. gold, publicity chairman, prepare to tape it to the wali. (Herald photo by Pinto), , HEWEY-MCIIMAN • OPEN 6 DAYS—THURS. TILL 9 P.M. • afternoon and evening, hours when need and advisability of such a Fbrest, Tail Cedars of Lebanon, of Dimes. J ______school here. For the 'past few Willimantic. He was president of Simon and I^ y S,'“Warren, one- OPOI DAILY 10 to 9— SATURDAY 10 to 6 J mAIN ST., MANCHESTER—Please Phone MI 9*5221 the secondary prograni. Is not in ,. Active in the Tolland County year govemora.fbr 196S; John . Ouotatloiis Furnished by BINGO weeks, a 24-member Junior coUege WORLD’S ‘BIG TEN* U.S.S.R., U^S.A;, Japan, Pakistan, these nations are expected to add 7«7 MAIN ST. session. Manchester’s American (31uh for Republican Associates of which he Chanda, H. D. - Sw^ney and Coburn Bllddlebrook. Inc, GHEMET HAUL, HARTFORD RD„ MANCHESTER more than another billion persons An MUmarted atudenta would advisory committee has been work, three years. He is president of the 72 East Center St., Manchester The world's "big ten” in order Didonesia, , West Germany ing 'to publicize the school idea is now historian. Rep. Links says George E. Budd, tW-vear direc­ Bank Stocks of population are China, India, and United Kingdom. By 1980, to the world 'population. ha enrolled tbs flnrt year, accord­ choir of Center Congregations] his hobbies are politics and civic tors Until 1984.^ X.^ Bid Asked ing to aurveys taken of Mbnchea- before the referendum: Church in Manchester. affairs. As a younger man, he en- The meeting"'will begin Otlth an Conn. Bank and Trust EVERY SAT. NIGHT~7:30 ter and arim bigta school students The school system’s administra­ He and his wife, the former JoyM hunting and fishing. 8 p.m. dipfi*-. Savarella says Cd...... 60t4 64t4 ssTHe^ thlB yshr. t e - has assisted the committees with much of the groundworic on Miss Virginia Carpenter of Man­ M m in Marlborough on April there ar^about 850 eligible vom s Hartford National .Itelms on the oonununlty college the Idea. chester, have four children, Bon­ SO, 1897, he attended Hebron ele­ in the cliib. .Bank and TVust Co. 4914 6314 budget to be directly appropriated nie, Diane, Steven and Robin, all mentary schools and Middletown '' Fire Inautanoe Oompaniee from taxes are as toUown: at home on Burnt Hill Rd. High.School. ' , Htfd. Fire ...... 54 56 COtaoroom expenses, 97,900,‘"in- Bridge Opena Three from Area NatlonalTiltre . . . . .105 116 etuOng cleaning and custodian, Phoenix F ii^ ,,^ ...... 91 98 , .. ■ ■ . N. - 93,500; utilities, 92.800; heat, LEWISTON, N.T. (AP)—Traffic 11.000 and cleaning supphee and today moved over a new |l6-mil- Enlist in Navy life and Indemnil^ Itis. Cos. , •y - repairs, 9600.-. lion international bridge spanning $ * Aetna Casualty ... .'x-167 72 _^Ubraiy expensea, 96.500, ..In- the Niagara river below the Aetna Life ...... IH^ 118H RE-ELECT Two Manchester men and a real'; Conn. General ...... 115^x 123 f There is a lime for everything autSng books and periodiceaB, American Falls. ’ dent of Coventry have recently en­ 94,500; furniture and equipment, The, four-lane, high-level struc­ Htfd. Steam Boiler .. 04 104 91.100; and simUes, 9600. ture was opened Thursday. It con­ listed, in the U. S. Navy. Travelers ...... ;,.137 145^ A full-time sbcretsry, 94,500. nects this city with Queenston, Those enlisting for four years Public UtIliUea Office expenaee; 94,100, includ­ Oiit. Include William Lloyd Pittman Jr., Conn. Light Power .. 28 H 30% a free lance photographer, son of Htfd. Electric Ught. 74 2 ^ Mrs. Vera Pittman, 10 Frederick Hartford Gas Co. . 83 RIKER and SHEA Rd'. and Charles Frederick Raisch, Southern New England a former employe of <3heney Bros.,' Telephone ...... ; 46 50 ton of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raisch, Blanufhcturiiig Companies State Representatives Squth River Rd., Coventry. Both Arrow, Hart, Hag. . . 58 60 DUmMi REXALL SALE are graduates Of Manchester High Associated Spring.,,. 13% 15% School. ' iSristol Brass ...... 8 9% Robert Alien Topliff, a .foriner Dunham - Bush -...... 4% employe at Manchester IMj^Aorial Elm H a r t...... 48 & I > FREE SET-15 VOLUME IS a Hospital, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- Fafnir ...... 37 41 9ld Topliff, 54 Union PI., enlisted N, B. Machine...... 16 18 VOTE for minority years. He attended North and Judd....'. 13% 15% , , f.. Howell Cheney Technical School. Stanley Works ...... 16 18 The newly enlisted men will un­ Veeder-Root ...... 30% 4^% Mm. Edith Lederer Donglas BL FeOewt dergo basic training at the Naval The above quotations art not to REPUBLICAN IMUnbig Center, Great Lakfts, HL be eonstrued as actual markets. Mrs. Edith Lederer Is seeking a Rap. Douglu MhnMt Fetkhva, a DemocrsLle seat in the General Reiptdilioan. Is nMUag->M.*leotlon / JUNIOR Assembly a4 a state representative to toe General AsnemMy from He­ from H*>ron. , bron. She is branch manager of Strout Educator, writer, and fanner. Realty in Hebron. Rep. FeKows has been adminidtia- Bom July 21,' 1014, in Pimgstall, Hve director of toe Ward School Austria, M n. Lederer has lived in of Eleotronics of toe UniversRy >4 the United States since 1038 and of HartfVmd aince^lOSO. in Hebron since 1040. She was’ an Bom in Mlaasacbusebta on Feb. EngUrii major in a buskiees school 23, 1010, R ^ . Fellowe grew up in Austria and ittudled art under in Norwich and giaduated from privsto tutors. She. has also Norwich Free Academy and At- Btudiedyat New Haven Teachers tauiCic University. He has done CoUege, now Sou^em OonnecUout oonaiderable newepapm* and radio State Collegte. work. He served aa manager ef Mis. Lederer was a galeewoman \ the Hartford Sohool of Music fironf at a store In Austria and at Sage- 1045 to 1062 where Iw also taiigM Allen in Hartford. She has worked art, htereture and ethics. with Girl Scouts, parent-teacher, Rep. FellowB is a member of eev- groups, the Farm Bureau and Is professional associations. He tTMisuper of the Sisterhood of the Ms served on toe regional board e«iM hi and reghtor gt Hi* Britcmnicq Exhibit end United Brethem o f. Hebthh. She of education tor Hebiw, MiarlbM'- is 'also a member at Hedaasah. ough and' Andover, and in many vrrito in 25 words or kss why you would like oho of The former Edith Thierfeld, she charitable and service cmxtatm in and Hugo' Lederer were, mairied toe area. ifioso sots for your child. in Hartford In 1939. They have He Uvea on a 38-dcge form on tour children, Maurice Lederer of Ifill Stream Rd. in Amaton. % to Hebhm; BMasa, a student at Clark married to toe rormer Chitoerine Univenity in Worcester, Maas.; Fontaine of TtoftvtUe. The ooupl# Steven, a pupil at Rham High has two children, Varney and Lura. School in Hebron and Sue, a pupil at Hebron Elementary School. . The family lives (hi'Basket Shop Rd. - RANGE \M i FUEL OIL FLORIST and LEE'S O ir r SHOP GASOLINE ROUTE 44A. BOLTON •W SAVE YOU MONEY!” Phone Bn S-80M X- ..XT BANTLY OIL Floral Designing (■()''ir \\v . i\c'. AT 'THE ^ P a r k a d e and Arrangements For All Occasions! .r 404 WEST MIDDLE TPKE.—MI 9-2348 Open 6-Days—dosed Sfndayii « OOVHINORTl^icoff “sw ri^ into Scaoni. P fesidint^B ien. ' - -M ~ T l# €ABiNEt A te •^wentebout-his task quietly, bringing together (»IH ■ h \ i! 11 ‘ I I * ■' -> J ( I m iiidi Y rttoan are Alie BiMraff and die people of different views, seeking the most constructive spluuoM.” Bricn IfcMahon of GoqnectiraL Tl^e San Francisco bower during 1955 floo^. The New Haven, Journal Ckiuiier reported: "He (BibicoS) baa provided the state with essential leadership of nigh quali^ President Kennedy said: .“The experience you have gained in the Cabinet ' **Aa BaweaentatiTe in Con^aiii Bibiooff piled up a imiquelj qualifies you for further service to the people of jour State.” iaawaaa tbs wo^ fearleasi^ ' and Wmane diaeerhment'during the crisis.”

' . ' . ■ ' 'I- ‘ ■ ■! .. ■' ■ “What kind of a world, what kind of a country will we'have in "Thio is a fellow with both a good heart and a good head.” TOMORROW’S THE LAST DAY TO SHOP Sat. Only! 1969? No one can saylor sure now, but the man Connecticut,, — WiMm S. White, Moaoxtoe, Jon. '42 - • elects to the United States Senate a week from tomorrow will' have a hand in helping to shape it... this is not an ordinary , and SAVE during MARLOW’S 51st. You Can Deduct race, nor are these ordinary times, !iOn the basis of both his experience and his-outlook on the “Now, from one of the soundest persons connected with the administration, Connecticut's Abe Ribii:off, conies a package 2 0 % Off concerns of the day, Abraham Ribicoff is the better choiceJor of constructive criticism that cannot fail to have an effect on .’.V. United States Senator. "On such issues >99 M.4dical Care for the As^d, education, future,foroign aid practice... i . On i^ y Of Our “He.'wants our prosperous allies to assume greats share foreign aid and the world crisis; Mr. Ribicoff has taken a stand a has which reflects-the best interests of the people of Connecticut of,the aid task; fewer grapt6).,and more loans; the elirhination of ‘frills, extravagances Ihnif IWOfficiencies;' more,, emphasis Living and of the United States." * . ' * • —Donbwy Newt Tbiwa Oef. 29, '42 op self-help by^neficiaries; more spending of foreigtyaid ' dollars in this country,.. . . ii UVIIN ROOM, bHHW ROOM aaf vRoom" Ahe Ribicoff’s .. Ribicoff is as-dedicated to sparing the taxpayer as he is , '‘AHe has always been an enlightened conservative where \ to healths education, and thi pubHsjw«ltare. If his record in the taxpayer’s dollar was concerned/’ ' - RtBROOM RROUre-BUY MOW, SUVE ROWI . T o b ies! C o n gm s is any guide, Ribicoff believes in moving ahe(^ y«r* A«rw, Oef. ^ ' I " — but with caution and thrift." > ; * '■ NawtWeefcMogKnjne, 9eb. 20 ,'4 2 .. I know a lot pf other comrhunlWes |n4hese United States • LASeiSr VAIIISTY OP nNtfUllNinmt IN MANCHiSTiR • that wish they had a man of comparable style, energy and “Despite the outc^ from the A.M.A., Sobial Security striltos EABY YSRMS-^WKvSURE HAVEI us as th e '^e ^ cal way to finance medical care for the gged."^ stature to represent them in the Rational legislature.” r \ ' %' r-Sahirday tfd a g Seal, Saft. 1,’6i ' -ltoba*tW.Lu«pa,BdSor,VmHaf^rmm,jdyid,’Sl PURNITURE ■ '■ . X ■ ■ ■ ' ■ _ ,,,i, -I, _ DEPARTMENT pUwMitWi /v- S. Senator m m M I) - / •v. ■t.v \ t / f" v: .f:

PA6I fOUBlCTW MANCHESTER EVENING H E ^ D * MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER fe, 1962 -V. MAyrCHESTEB EVENING H E ^ L D , MANCHESTEJI. CONN;, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2,89962 FIFTEEN A. PAGE P • .> ^ Maude Boothroyd, 8 Oayner PI. Mrs. James (iTlllanis, Ghristmbs RockyUle-Vernon l^irth'yesterday: A daughter to Rockville-Vernon St. Mary’s Guild; ctiris. get caas^t this Wiatpr w itlM ja that he is going down' to placate Mr. and Mn, John Boaaidy, 7 Foe- Mrs. EUsiibeUi Kennedy, M n . Hospital Notes U j§ § R Castro,McCloy said. tef Dr., Vernon, Sets Annual Fair Clara Robinson, and Mn. Albert State Races s Down Earlier Mikoyan had talked with Orange Seta Talk bn Fern Lindaay wiU conduct tbs atia of 'Thant for 90 minutes . and de­ Kitchen< Bids Roo^velt Mills Planning items on a white tispbant taUe; ^ Vleittng hours are 2 to 8 p.i|i. scribed the meeting as ’’very use­ "Peru, Realm of tha liicas” will St Mary’s Episcopal Guild for all areaa, except maternity HOLIDAY BAZAAR M n. Alice Johnirton, .M n. Arthur ful and fruitful.” But he brushed be the topic of Paul Monsoii of hold Us annual fahr Thqnday where theV are -2 to 4 pju. and Springfield at the Vernon Orange Holmea.aniiMlaa laatMOa Dunn, aside questions about the inspec­ / : SpMis^r^ByLAdiegOif.tlie AssuihptiiHi \ Save $2,200 $250,OM Factory Addition atarting at t p.m. in tbs old ifarlah Chrlatmaa deooratloni: Mn. 6:80 to 8 |i.m., and private rooms tion iMue, ' , r ' meeting tonight. The lecture by Thomas Lesmon, Mn. MsrthA where tliey are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. the "globe-trotting broadcasUng Houas; A variety of bootha wHi bs 'Vlsltore are requested not to Authoritative sources in Wash­ A Mvlnir c t at iMat (2,200 waa Bel} and Mri. ’Ihomas Conn, '(^h-* ington reported' that the United perspnality” will be Illustrated with Plans for constniotlng a (256,-aadvantageous as at first Imagined. set up by members pf the Guild, Ing well; and Mrs. Gertrude Cta- (Omtbraed from Pago Ono) smoke In patients rooms. No more.^ Jndlcatad b y ' the Skinner iM. ilidesT Munson Is associated with 000 factory addition and for a Using Puerto Rico as an example, organized -who are fighting this (Contlnaed (rotai Page One) are not accepted,” ' aaid Cristro, States had halted its high altitude the 80-88 Chijb, Si. Paul’s Group, Inon anad M n. Allan HotchUsa, program,” Ribicoff said, "and it is than twq visitors, at one timp per •ohool building committee laiit radio atntion W8PR at Springfield. ooe-thlrd increase In the work' Carter aald one of the earlier at­ the EeUowshlp, Sponson Club and 'icheeae comer. BeUnd tha candidate were row patient. ’ ’then there wtil not be any- truly U2 flights over Cuba and Is rely­ BOOTHS night after opeidng bide on kitchen tractions was the dteaper labor blind, unreasoning opposition.” block' Castro Oirew up after be­ peaceful solution.. We want a ing- how ori low level ^pfioto recon­ PabUe Records force, hsve been announced by Jo^ Girl Scouts. I ’Tea will be aervsd In the old Par- uixm row of , apeciti telephone •quipinent for the new achool. Warrantse Dseda; The U A R seph Carter, owner of >Rooeevelt supply, bqt that this advantage When a caller asked about fed­ ing excluded from U.S.-Soviet ar­ peaceful solution, but a pMceful naissance missions to check on IMante Reli|riom Mirb. Wyville Peabody, Mra. ;lah House from 3 until 4 by Mrs. glrla receiving queationa caUed in Patients Todaljr: 242 rangements for removal of the ^il^xxstiis Five equipment nims aubmitted Housing Oorp. to Norman and M W Inc., and Etna Fabrics on appeal^ to be less sttrocUve be­ Marie McCann,-Mrs. Ntvah Coupe , Joaeph Johnston, Mn. John Trot­ eral aid to parochial schools, Ribi­ solution with dignity. the riiisslle-bases. cause of rising labor costs, in Puer­ eoUeot by the 'vfewera* and lia- coff first broadened the scope .of ADMITTHaj YESTE5RDAY: Da­ missiles under U.N. supervision. “ We offer gladly our effort to One U2 was lost pvar Cuba last Mda The i^iparent low bid of 127, Jean Andrews, property off Tum- E. Main S t - and Mrs. Aims Kurts are in ter, Mn. Henry Stansfietd, Mn. vid Wiley, 79 Niles Dr.: Miss Ellen Dolls Christmas T03V and Books 182 waa aubmitted by Universal blebttxA Dr.; Hattie Ik Pitkin to to Rloo. He also pointed our that ( e i ^ . , the discussion^ to include til pri­ Castro acknowledged that ”we the negotiations, to the efforts be­ week, apparently shot down by A Carter reported today he ynB charge of a food table; Mrs. Edna Eletha Greenhtigh iuid Mliw Alice Naven, i 4g Garden Dr.; Mrs. Shir­ Products Corp. of Secaucua, N. J. Arthur 8., Gladys' I., and Sanford oompteting an agreement for ther ^factories In Puerto Rlcb were sad­ Karlaen, Mra. Christine Burkhardt Wilson. ^ vate schools.' They must til be have some motive for discontent” ing made by the United Nations Soviet rocket,' and the pilot Handicraft White Eleithant Siirprise Package dled with a distance factor in A t Ribicoff’a aide waa Betty ley Vittner, 132 Main St.; Mrs. with the 'Soviet Union, But he re­ Universal waa the supplier for A. Palmer, property off Pitkin purchase of the fonner Towers and Mrs. Ruth McNsU, household M n.' Stanley Croas is chairman Fumeaa, whoae extensive -exper­ treated as a single group, he said. in order to bring i^bout a peace­ killed. re^hing markets in New -York, Religious prejudice cannot be al­ Dorothy Bracken, 779 E. Middle minded his people of all the So­ kitchen equipment at the llaple Rd.; Forest Development Oorp. salesrornn building airoaa the products; Mrs. Florence Donnelly, of the supper In NeU} B til from 6 ience In televiaion waa also at his Tpke.; Peter Mietanei*, 84 Trotter ful solution. We wdll not accept Oomfhunist China chu^ed to­ Wishing Well Country Store Baked Goods St. and lAke St. schoola. It waa inc. to A. Waldman A Sons Inc., street from Roosevrit Mills, snd and that the coat o f shipping mair- M n . James Robinson, Mrs. Jacob to 7 p.m. Reservationa may be lowed to prevent the nation from viets had done for them and as­ just any formula, but only ,a for­ ufactured goods to New York 'was diaposti when he 'put on a tele­ St.J. Bruce Matre, 113 W. Center serted, "We ace friends of the So­ day that Cuban counterrovolution- raported. two parcels oil SujMn Rd. and one that he already had bougM lA Luts, Mrs. Ruth Toiing and Mps. made at the Optical Style ' Bar, thon on a anuiUer acale'earlier in moving aheari in til areas o f edur mula of peace and justice with aries were plotting to bomb the Other bidders were Hie Bchorer another faotdr to be considered. cation, qie etid. St.; Mrs. Linda JosUn, Loom!# Rd., viet Union.” parcel off Estellb Dr.; Charles Jr. acres behind the former Towers Elisabeth Little, fancy work and Sherwin-Winiama Paint atone ^ er the campaign. Bolton; Michael Grenier. 79 Deep- dignity.” r— • U.S. base at Guantapamo to give Snack and Lunch Bar Open Th'raughaut Oo., Hartford, (27,770; Baron and Edith Stringer to JAwph A. '. He also' reported that another aprons; M n . Arthor Burni^ and ' at the door. As ways^f assisting private edu­ Castro said U.N. Inspection on Mikoysin, a top Kremlin trou­ building' for the fsotoiy edition. oonalderation for remaining here In til. Miss , Furness read 46 wood Dr.; Mrs. Joan Oates. 12 the United Stated a pretext for ^ Bquipmenent Oorp., Hartford, (28,- and Agnes May Qlrard, property Work on the eddltlon will be­ questions to Ribicoff. They touch- cation within the framework of the Cuban. soil would be “one more ble shooter arid'bid friend of Cas­ 842;'Peters A Co. Inc., Boston, off Didley Oircle; Francis D. and was a good, trained crew o f 'work­ Overlook Dr,; Mrs. Marie Mehl, 11 Invading Cuba. Peiping Radio r 8i2: Pel gin In 1083 or 1084, Carter aald, e nrowci yoipr cor Troiii m o fwopcc ^ on Medicare, th^ Cuban block­ Constitution,X^bicoff suggested •Foxcroft Dr..; Charles Sommers, 1 attempt to humiliate our country" tro,' arrived' in New York Thurs­ said Americahs and Cuban exiles (28,874; and Jacob Idcht Inc., Celia M. Herbert to Louis P. and ers, some of whl(^ had been with (1 ) tax credits xpr parents paying Saturday, Nov. 3rd adding that the combined apace e f leinlar waotberf ade, school dropouts, problems of Buckland Alley; John Burger, 57 and would violate 'Cuban sover­ day and conferred .Thursday night met In ^Venezuela recently and Providence, (27,870. ' Ruth Albert, iwoperty off South of the addition and the Towers Urn for all or nearly til of the 22 tuition to privatss^chools; (2 ) eX' eignty. ' ' with the CSiief .U.S, delegate to The copunlttee originally luld years he has been In business in Ckxnnecticut farmers, unemploy­ Windemere S t ; Wilbur Smith,, 142 agreed ,tD "send a plane painted 11 A;M. to 7j^(HE^.M. and Reed Sts. building would provide about 76,- X Eatiw ilarSi^ on eald womlnflit ment, the optional party lever, and -pansion of “sharM time” prO' High St., Rock'ville; Ronald'Sh'ur- '.Sources at U.N, headquarters the U.N., Adlai E. Stevenson, and as a^-Cuban air force plane and considered'including Ute purchase the Rockville and Manchester grams; (3) grants 'hjid loams to 000 square fe e t . areas. X No digging-oul qOor .mewtlonntl many other topics. kus, 26 Jensen St.; Mrs.- Patricia felt that Castro either would soft­ John J. McCloy, chairman of m^hried by pilots In Cuban mili- of Idtchen equipment in the gen­ Vernon news la handled by The Carter said ha plans to relo­ private -colleges; (4) di^ensjon- of en his stand or would anpotince Kennedy’s coordinating commit eral school contract. The initial Herald’s Roekvllle Barena. 5 W. Questionad about the reported One 'vlqwer, apparently prompt­ Jyln, Thompson'vnie: Beatrice I ^iair uniforms” to bomb the base. Gtiureh ef tlit^Ammiitioii Hall cate the Skns eration fromi^the PINE PASTRY SHOP V iS I F ^ J t DISHAY ed by Ribicoff’s resignation of the health services and auxiliary serv­ Weigold, Coventry: Richard Strat­ the Soviet Union had coriipleted tee on Cuban policy. ' bids under this arrangement Main S t, telenheoe TKemont tex beneflta in other parts of the ices; and (5) tid programs in Roosevelt Mills building to the governorship in ,1961 to-serve as ton, 165 McKee St.; Craig Roth­ dismantling its ’ bases and U.N. McCloy said he and S te v e n ^ There are 95,600 Chinese In showed the equipment would have 5-818« or BatcheO 8-87S7. oounitry or in foreign oountriee, 'Piathematics, the sciences^' and former ’Towsrs building late this Carter replied: ‘TU pay my taxes secretary of health, education and man, 12 Carol Dr., Rockville; Miss inspection therefore no longer was had "straightened out” the.,/^-,i California, more than in any other cost around (28<600. year or sarly next yw . The for­ ‘ 6B8 CEN m STREET — Mi 9-943S ^^ EXIT 49-CMii.rpike other subjects which are belng'pro- The lower bid figures — from here." welfare, and hia resignation from Hermennie Carrfira, 44 Prospect necessary. vlets on the U.S. position' and I state. Hawaii is second with 38,- mer ’Towers bulMMng la now leased d u a v SUNDAYS mdted because training in them''ls St.; Athena Clarcia, 33 S. Haw- "they. got_ our _point of view.” 1197, . while New York’s population (28.500 to »7 ,2 8 2 — along vdtfa a that job this July to run for the considered to be in the national in-- Acting U.N. Secretary-General Staffer to Speak for storage space, Cartpr said. ^orne St.; Maurice Trustenitzer. "Thera is no doubtto'^m y mind | includes 87,573 Chinese'. Advertise in The Herald—It Pays saving of about (1,140 by letting mONI COUKT - Senate, asked whether he would terest.\ U TTiant said after his conferences In addition to these moves. Car­ Equality Is drop the Senate and turn to the 22.^ Phelps Rd;; Susan Nowasch, Tuesday and Wednesday with Cas­ dealers supply the lee aream cab- Ribicoff’s tides said the special To Child Service ter noted he also negotiating Supreme Court if an opening de­ Marlborough; Jill Grant, S7 Brie tro he had been Informed the dis- Ihpt and the milk dispenser, points operators handled 1,426 questions, to the saving of at least (2,200. with the owner c« the building, WASHINGTON — New Zetiahd N O W O P E N veloped'there.' St.; Mrs. Caroline Randolph, M mantlemerft of the bases would be occupied by Roosevelt Mills to has raised (140,000,000 in private H O 7 -6 3 9 6 but were fah from able to ansWer Hyde St. Fhrtber cost reductions may be ef- IHss Maiy 'W. Forman will be Ribicoff replied that he can see completed by today. U.S. aerial lease more space. 'The owner of tUbecriptions and Government Sub- everyone who Tried to call. There ADM1TTB3D ’TODAY: Mrs. Dor­ .fected after a more complete study gueet speaker at a meeting of the "no greater opportunity for ieiw- observation; resumed Thursday the budding la the Mintsibum sl^Uiam the lock on the votin g-m ach in e terest,------' BOSTON (APjTr^President and Castro reputed his prerious de­ MUetto had written the state that UNIONISTS SEEK OULTUBE when you were governor and con- Connecticut Mortgage.A Invest­ Mrs. Kennedy have cast ab.<;entee mands for cessation t of U.S. eco- .atepe would be taken to comply NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP), -troUed tbe senate and the house?” ment Exchange Inc. to Charles S. ballms in next Tuesda/J^Massa^tf^i® Ydu CAN VOTE BY Burr, property on Tolland Tpke., me, attacks by Cuban exiles w l^ the state’s recommendations. —Union leaders are back in col­ When the name of Miss Kel­ chusetts state election. (known as Williams Mill) 1-10 in­ £nd "violations of our aerial arid Approval of the plans by the lege for a course that .Includes lems was mentioned, R i b i c o f f The ballotr arrived-Thursda/at terest. navr' spate by North. American state Is required before the. town gm ^ to the theater and reading ABSENTEE BALLOT made a ducking motion as if he the Boston election departmwt. Edgar H. Clarke and Qjarles S. (U.S.)''planes and warships.” can get its share of stats grants auch hooka ,as Eugene O'NeiU's , knew a barbed question was com­ Word from the White Hprise was "The Hairy Ape" and "The Plays Burr to Conyers. Construction Co., ”lf those guarantees of peace allocated to - towns oonstructtng e If yon will be absent from the State on November sixth. ing, His answer, was that he per­ pngxerty on Tolland Tpke (known that the President a n ^ his wife schools. of Ibsen.” sonally has always favored mak­ ris Williams MiU). may still come to Boston to 'vote Trash ObDecHon Stan • The studies are part of an 11 • If yon we ill or physically diisabled and unabldito vote ing the party level optional in^ in person if the world sltufftlMi The citywide monthly trash col- week pUot training program aet Sherwood Circle Inc. to June 8 . in person at the polls. stead of mandatory, but that even Bailey, property o n Spring Sf. permits. If that happens, their ab­ leetlon in RockvUls will bs started iq> at the suggeatlon of thC Pom- sentee ballots wrin’t be counted. Monday by the Rockville-'Bublie munlcationa v^ksra of Anferlca when . he was governor . and liis Lorita MeVey to Edward R. by the R'utgera University .instl' • If you are a member of the Armed Forces. party held both houses he lacked Kehoe and Annie E. Kehoe, proper­ Presumablj^' the President Worioi Department. ty at 275 Oakland St. marked any’X” for his youngest \ Hospital Notes tute of muiagement and labw re the power to persuade enough leg­ islators to this view. Marriage Licensee brother, ^w ard M. Kennedy, the VALUE Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Agnes ^gtions. Outer topics are art, seel Democr«llc party’s nominee for 71snagsn^ 28 Union St.; Mrs. ology and pblltica. > To the Repablieati Town Committee, 511 Main Street, "Keep in mind that I am op­ Edward Leon Dimlow, South Drl''.Herbert ^ A. Le'vlne, chair posed to the party lever,” he said. Windsor, find Nancy Joan Ellison, the Senate seat occupied by deanore Bander, 18 Middle Butch- the^/President before he went to RATED 'WBd.. man ot-.U ie idsUtute progradi, Manchester, Conn. Please arrange Absentee Ballot for:* "I can tfe in javor of removing the South Windsor, St. James' Churclv Discharged yesterday: Mta. aaya aeathSUc Items are included party lever, but I cannot deliver Nov. 10. - Uje White House.' Maiy’r.Stolinaa, Klngabury Ava.; in belief that such matters are the votes of a legislative body.' Patrick Philip Hebert, Hartford, R{d., and Ralphine Deriin Owen;'' DANGER IN THE SILO Irving Hau. 'W M l 'Winingt n; Lu­ an essential part-of a^bor lead VoteFs^lame ...... J AskSd what-he felt his greatest USED sr’s background. \ ■achievement was as- secretary of 87 Chestnut St., Emuriiei Lutherm ITHACA, N.Y. (AP) — Farm­ ther Wright, U Park PL; Mra. Church, Nov. 10. ' / health, education, and welfare, ers have been warned by the New Address ...... •••••.•...... Tel...... Ribicoff said it was the work by Building Permits / York State College of Agriculture CARS his department in providing a To PljUjp Uzahas, for .tionstnic- that -even brief exposure to silo "new direction to., welfare in the tion of a carport at SiXireatwood ?;as can be fatal and- that precau- Don’t dday; Complete and Man Today Dr., (1,000. - ./ United States.” ions should be taken. beTCf^, en­ ^ 2 OLDS. ' $2795 To Alden C. Rivards, for con- tering newly filled silos. ■ F-8.5 Cutlass coupe. Radio, NOTICE . For FuilKer Information-r-Tel. MI .3-2185 . A number of questionso------on— gave,— Ribi'> atructlon of a feiice at 18 Oish- The gas has a' sharp', throat- heater,, stand, transmission. coff a .chancee to expound,;oh his i man Dr., (300, burning, acid-like odor, similar to favorite issue,, m e a ic a l^ n for the To Freder^ Knofla for George " REPUBLICAN TOWN CokiMITTlE strong bleach or chlorine. It some­ f. aged. I Emmerllng/for alterations to a times turns the silage bright yel­ '62 OLDS. ^ $3695 PUNT, PASS & KICK He said the t; of legislation he' dwelling M 118 Henry St., (1,800, low. Dry weather conditions, Super -88 station Wagon, favors, with ffnancing under the To H/C. Hutchinson A Son for which cause stunted corn, mean Social Security program, will pro-, Eme^t'^Strong, for addition to a high levels of nitrogen have ac­ '62 CHEV. $2895 •vlde^ood. care and yet allow doc- dwqHlng at 118 Pitkin St., (250. cumulated in the plants. Wlien Impala V-8 4-door hardtop. torrito practice under it "complete­ 'o Radding Signs for Automatic the plants are chopped up for > -COMPETinOII- ly' free and untrammelled.’.' . eansers, tor construction of a silage, the nitrates . break down That la why It is-difficultt to ua im,- sigfi at 330 B. Middle Tpke., (776. and release the poison. Farmers '62 C H EV ., $2795 A l boys hi ogo group sovoo to oIovm who dM not dderstand the doctors’ dislike! for fKetKe To Patrick Piccarello for Frank are tilvlsed to Ventilate silos and Impala V -8 2-(}o6r hardtop. V MANCHESTER proposal, he said. Claughsey, for addition to a dweli- to seek immediate medical atten­ got r^ to ro d for Pjmt, Poss and Kick epmpolMoii There are the only ones./tetily^s./tetily ing at 115 St. John St., (250. tion if exposed to the gas. '62 OLDS. $3595 UBLIC MARKE IX Deluxe 98 4-door hardtop. coo do so ' . 803 805 MAIN S TR EET PL A N TL AND '61 OLDS. $2695 Hiwo Sotiirdoy, Nov; 9:30 0.111. ” 88” Holiday sedan. n s eommot'i Chtlr, He should be tee land of man a txsssOvs omes, 90 •Ms espSst can trust with jrour pocketbook, your PkKO—Mt. Nobo PMd. '61 PONT. ' $2895 children's future, and your own ]rieoe Bonneville 4-door hardtop. Hsrtfsnl A Ib g ys HMSt bo ocoompaolod by poront or goord- 1 of Amierica called Coimecticai. ioNiiiKOHltUAUTYi '61 OLDS. / $2495 He should be kno^lodigeable. He ion. Soo you Saturday. . " 88" 4-door sedan. should be his own boa^ owing note* / ing to political madunes and teeir im iON SALES a«l SBtnOE '61 PLYM. $1895 shadowy mahipulators. I WEflCEilD M^E4N-A4>S; Custom statlcm wagon. 910 flCnUSRF •seeeeeeeeeeee 10A1CC FREE DRIED FLOWER / He should be capable and to u ^ Be* FRESH DRE^D, 4K-9 LBS. — '61 CHEV. i $2395 oause without toughnees, capability Impala V -8 convertible. IS not enough. A toujdi man to ea^ “ n o" to pressure groups> to politir '60 RAMB. $1395: dans seeking personal gain. ■ Deluxe "6 ” 4-door. ' -He should be a skilled manager of Tha foUoudng editorial is reprintod from the LARGE SIZE '60 VOLKS. $1395 ' people and m oi^. 2-door. Glastonbury Citizen of Thursday, Nov. 1st: He should not. promise the moon ' The candidate who impressed us the most was ^60 OLDS. $2095 with a fence around it in order CHICKEN BREASTS 6 9 ' \ to ^ Roger Eddy, RepubKcan candidate for State Sena­ ” 88" 2-door sedan. elected. People are too smart for - that. tor from the Fourth..District. Mr E^dy is a seri­ 9 \ MRSi NICHOLAS iS C rf of tho WothonOold Oordoii Club, notod Itefuror bn Dried ous-minded individual and is well versed on mat­ MEATYp PLUMP '60 DODGE $1595 He aho^d Imow Snd love Conneeti* ters concerning the State o f Connecticut.* He is M wor Arranging, will bo horo Saturday, Novombor 3i from 10 o.m. to 12, and 1 p>m. Phoenix 2-door hardtop. to 4 p.m.: Sunday, 1 p.m. ^ 4 p .m . cut. Beyond that, he teould reqiect not afraid to-express his opinion on any isSue CHICKEN LEGS '60 FORD $T395 Cmmecticut For vdiat it has been —> which may arise or any question asked. He does Rring your fovOrito eoutolnor and raeolyo suggosHom On how to On It. . Galaxie V-8 copvertlble. for what it can be. He should be con* ■/i i' ■ not hesitate to give Democrats credit if they are t - oemed for our future. desmwing of it, nor does he hesitate to disagree Woihovo tho host ^keHoh of tho most i^usuol drlod motorlol ovolkiblo.' '60 PLYfii. $1595 with members of-his ovrii party... ' X E ^N , MILD CURE Oistom suburban .station He.dMuld be a strong man. He is a State Representative from Newington bhrhtmos do-l^yoursolf Idoos obo wiU bo on display. wa^on. in the General Assembly and served on the Edu­ He should John Alsop. cation Committee. , ' . Sinoked Shoulders 3 9 » The W. 0. Olenney Co. HAPI Dept Will '59 CHEV, $1395 Mr. Eddy believes that the suburbs, where mbst Bel Air 2-door sedan. o| the people now live, do not have their fair rep­ FRESH, LEAN, BIEATT A L L SPRING CLOSEOUT ON ' '59 CHEV: $1495 resentations in eitlier body of our legisU^tuxu. Help You Plan A Modern Recreation Room Iinpala V-8 convertible. They are cheated in both the House and the Senate. FLOWERING BULBS He does not go along with the political l>osaea SPARE RIBS TULIPS — HYACINTHS — DAFFODILS • FREE PLANS • FREE ESTIMATES '59 FORD $995 from the cities 'who represent the political status 6 cylinder 2-door. quo and not the people. e v e r g r e e n s • EASY ONE STOP SHOPPING # STOP IN TODAY Roger Eddy has the cbfperience, ability and •1 i V f f A C C '58FORD $695 qualifications of ^ excellent State Senatoy who , l U / o U r r Buy now white ws s ^ have 'a good aelectioa. Fairiane 500 2-dr. h’top. ■ will'npt bow to "bossism.” We believe Roger Eddy An GwUranteed. ' - > will truly represent the interests of tee eight PORK BUTTS L ^ REG. PRICE COMPLETE MATERIAL FOR 12’xlC’ $ C . 9 5 Per '57 MERCEDES $1295 towns in the District. ' . . RECREATION ROOM AS LOW AS

.\ 1 t-y=- i .. l


K ing, my dese«ndlintB will be en- South Windsor aMed to continue to uphold the Eva JohAson Chosen Baron Astor family traditions. and responsibiU- RUG ond T V - R a d i o 1 ;ties as I've always tried to do.” Lord Aker Is a direct descend­ For Burton^s Honors Nancy jRoman Quits Albion ant of American millionaire John UPHOLSTERY Jacob , Astor, for whom he Is -5 S . namei^. / r M ilt Ev&' Johnaon,: 20 Raymond Over Taxes CLEANING Vol. XXVII, No. 8 Friday, November 2 Compiled by Students of Manchester Hixh School 1^., aaaiRtant'administrator At Cited as New He and Lady Astor, wrlth thieir •^Mr. William C. Coe, Faculty . Adviser Manchester Memorial Hospital, Television servants hnd pets, ate. moving to GILMORE TEL. Ml 9.1752 has been named Burton’s "Woman UofCSeholaf (:(X) ( 8) .Bi( 3 Theater (in profreu)*' 8:UU (30) Connecticut ForuiA By EbD' a country house near Cannes. (23) Movie at 6 (in progri_ MB)---- 134) - Count-IXiwii------LONDON Astor, ” I hikve not seen the house, but of the Year.” She was selected (3i)-lU) iiktriy Shpw (in pnprogi-eu) (18) Subscription TV or from nominations by represcnta; (18) Life of Riley ' 8:30 ( 8-40.63) ,Th« Flinsloiies 76, left his citstle .B native' my wife has been to look at it and Harriers ^core Four Victories; Political Foes JDebatO Mias_ Nancy J. Roman of 1250 (12) Supercar likes it,” he said. “ Apparently, It Ml 3-5747 tives of eight women’s organisa­ ('ti2fRome*'48^''’"* . Britain today for self- tions in town;,■and will be honored Sullivan Ave., is one of 12 jun­ ( 8) Rock,v and Hie. i ’rlerida has about six bedrooms.” iors named a University Scholar (24) American Kconnmy '52' Nrwj . ill* the south of FriFrance to at a program Wednesday at 9:30 8r05 ( 40) Yancy Derringer (24.)<94» NETNlBT Dramanramjt FestivalITpalivAl la*.the tak collector._^aa._a*„ Lord Astor’s eldtsst son, Gavin, js.m. at the store. at the University of Connecticut. 6:16 (53) Pamlly MaHiet 9:00 ( 8-40-53) I’m Dickens: He's taking over HevCr C utle, in Garner's Carl Rohrbach Sets New Mark Oil Election Issues Seven seniors were also accorded 4:26' ( 3) Weather. Ne)ws .A Sports Fensler “ I leave England with deep re- Miss Johnson, completed 40 6:30 122) This le Sports (IR) Subscription TV g;ret/’ said the chief proprietor of nearby Kent. • H (ilUSUOM) S T. ___ years service at the hospital last this highest distinction given un­ ( 8) Biography 9:30 ( 3) Tho Detcctlvca dergraduates at the UofC. (13) Rescue 8 (KV30) Don't Ceall Me Charlie The Times of London. ‘T .have Wi' (ih o (;i''cn SI unii-i The Manchester High School^Bracken and Craig. Phillips also Prom Tickets On Sale Retorts flew fast and furiously month. In the abSence of the ad­ lived in . Hever Castle since the The average . American eats Democrats Win The students, were cited by (18) Burns and Alien (22) Political Talk about 10 pounds, o f fish a year. Harriers ended their regular dual- finish^ batter than the previous between political foes in the as­ ministrator. she assumes full re­ (40) Superman (R-12-40-53) 77 Sunset Strip 1920s and I shall miss It very and triangular-meet Season on a marki^with times of 13:22 and Students who are planning to sponsibility for the more than 300- president Homer D. Babbige Jr. (24) Modern Algebra 10:00 (10-28-30) The Jack Paar Show sembly debate held in Bailey Audi­ during brief exercises at the Stu­ 6:36 ( 30) Editorial (C) much.” ' "high ndte by taking four auccea- 1,3;28 respectively. attend the 1962 MHS Prom to .-Democr|ts made a sweep of bed institution. 4:46 ( 3) Wa ter Cro'nkite (18) Subscription Television With a .catch in his voice, .he slve victories. Last Monday, the The Indians came very cloae to befheld'on Friday, Nov. 16, will the mock .state election conduct­ torium Wednesday. In this first' When she joined the hospital In dent Union yesterday. (10-32-30) Huntley-Brinkley 10:30 ( 3-12) Eyewitness to History University Scholars enjoy cer­ added; thin-clads took Hall by « score of achieving the rare feat of a dou- find themselves enveloped in ed Thursday bj’ the Ckirrent period assembly .for seniors, issues 1922' she was a one-girl office 7:00 ( 8) Evening Report ( 8) The Third Man tain academic and campus priv­ (22r30-M) News and Weather (63) Fi'm “I would like* to come bfick to JA N ET S 17th Anniversary 26-31 and Platt by 12-42. , Oh the ble'^^utout. Against both Wind­ the misty atmosphere of a .sea­ Affairs Club. '• ' of the coming election were dis­ handling admissions, switchboard England for Visits. There’s noth­ side ' wonderland. The' Prom ileges not normally accorded un­ ( 3) Death Vall America'p Greatest Movies Ing grounds,. Manchester had a Phillips (3): Laliberte 14); Zilins­ tween Representative-at-large have no potholders. band-aids, or dles.public relations. (12) Wa ter Cronkits ■(30) Newa A -Weather trust fund created for the benefit 9 Open Tonight till 9 # " kas (6); Jim Colemsm, '64, (7); dance since October. "Moonlit cookbooks, but I have a speech." Miaa Eva Johnson advantage. 11:30 (12) Late Mavie tough time defeating the War- candidates, with Bernard Gra- Miss Johnson has lived in Man- 7:26 (3ft) Mon of Destiny of his children apd future^ gener- and Corvello (8). Surf" has been designated as bowski, Democrat, getting 990 He contended that the economy is Miss Roman is studying in the 7:30 ( 3-12) Rawhide 11:30 (22-30T Tonight (C) auons by his- father, an American riera., The Harriers lost first place the official name of the .semi- . Chester a ll' her life and was a University's College of Liberal (30) Tlip ITon^ymonners ) 8);Steve All<*n Show but Carl Rohrbach, '63, and Cap­ The jayvees added to the win­ votes to the 826 re ^ s te t^ for in exceptionally good health. He ilft-22>„Tntomationa Sh'^wtime 1:00 l.kU The Leie Show CltlZ—L ning spirit of the day as they formal affair. Flowers will be presented figures about decreased ,1918 graduate of Manchester High Arts and Sciences. tain Jim Bracken, '63, followed to J. Clef Cliib. a womans singing "that as a result of what rm do­ bach and Bracken finishing as a end, the Harriers will stilt have a ing the housing bill, job retraining and lascivioi;.s matter." potato^ chips, ice cream.' Milk long-awaited one-two punch. The Of the 2,154 - students made group, and was its accompanist WDRC—1384 1:00 News and Sign Off chance -to prove that they should ‘Sounds’ Chib legal voters in a mock cere­ bill, drug bill and trade bill. served ^Ith-.all meals. 4:00 Bishop's Comer WPOT—1410 Harriers’ strength was easily not­ be the CCIL'champs—at the CCIL .Melody Weir, '63. the Republi­ for 25 years. She was also an ac­ Excellent Publication.s Inc., of 4:00 Dale Kelley mony by the purrent Affairs * Luthenuil'ChUrch Notea 8:06 Raynor Shines Field Day Nov. '6, when they will can speaker, described the actions companist for the'Beethoven Glee New York, publi.shers of the mag­ 1:06 Newp. Sijm Off 7:00 Joey Reynolds ed as they placed eight runners Club, 1,'864 cast , their votes. Our S.a.vior' Lutheran Church 12:00 The,Alligator Club, a male singling group now azine which offers photographs of In the first 10. Finlshirfg in the have another try at besting the Sets Program Less than 58 of these voters of the 87th Congl'ess on national adult information class will be ' WHAV—BIO ■ WINP—1380 affairs, Medical Care for the aged, defunct. Miss Johnson plays the nude and .setpl-nude women, had 4:1)0 CoimecUciU F. M. . top 10 places were the Indians Malphey Spartans. The Spartans lost their votes for failure to held toda.v at 7:30 p.m. at the par­ , 4:0(1 Nows. Wall Street federal, aid to education, equal pay prirsn and has 'pla.ved for Sunday been fined $20,000 by Judge Alo- 6:15 Paul Harvey; Dr. Albert E. 6:16 Showcase ’ Rohrbach (1): Bracken (2); Phil­ gave the Indians their only CCIL * A variety of entertainment is in j correctly operate the VoUng sonage. Those interested in learn- Burke. u 4:4b f,owell Thomas RENT ^ A m o L U /e a /L h e r e i defeat in a very close meet. Ma­ for women, and child labor on School services at Emanuel Luther- yslus J. * Connor of U.S. District 4:30 Alex Drier lips (4); Daliberte 15); Zilinskas machine. tr^ about the customs arid doc­ 7:00 Newp, Sports loney took CCIL honors as it went store for anyone who tunes in to i farms wer? among the welfare ■ an Church where she Is a member Court in Concord. N.H. . trine of the Lutheran church arc 4:40 Sportp- 7:36 Showcase (7; Allan Corvello, '64, (8K Phil 4:.'i0 Rtib Ctinsidlne ' S:()o The World Ton'ght Kenn.v, '64, .(9); and John Stan- through the .slate undefeated. the presentation of the Sounds of j topics she discussed. The rising ns- and active' in church work. At one Chief Judge Peter Woodbury of invited to_.attend. The men’s chorus 7:00 Edward P Morgan and a l l f o r m a l o c c a s io n s time ehe thought seriotisly about 8:15 Showcase and News FOR WEDDINGS kiewicz, '64, (10), - With the return of Captain Jim MHS Club Sunday at 6:30 p.m. on j tiohaj debt was mentioned in her the appeals court .-iaid Thursday will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the home 7:16 I'Diinectlcul P M. Kl:06 Feature criticism of the Democrats' roc- a career in music but decided she 15:30 Tonight Al Mv Place 10:30 Showcass Bracken into top running form, radio WINF. This third in a series I More Sophomores som of the photographs are "tit­ of Mrs. Arden Reardon. .12:00 S'gn Off Neither Hall qor Platt showed ord. She iTientloncd the increase h’ d an aptitude and not real talent 11:00 News' . Majuihester will be a definite of semi-monthly perforniancee will illating and provocative." But, he Youth confirmation instruction' W TU —1080 12:30 Sign Off ' . up with, a jay.vee team so the lit­ threat to m o riw at the state meet in postal rates,^the President’s new for the piano. said, ".so also are .some of the will be held tomorrow at 10 n,rti. H.Oi'iCeus. Sporlp and Weather tle Harriers of Manchester ran include both regular features and I Added to Council ■ Among other orgtynizations to 6:.35 Album of the Day NOTHING TO SEf^ ‘ AWAY FOR- at Central Oonnecticut State Col­ item.s of special importance for I power to cut tariffs,, and the seg­ greatest worklf of pictorial art.” in the parsonage. 4:4.6 Weatherwatcl) FEATHERS OR BALLOONS?* with the varsity teams. A few In­ regation spectacle In the south as which she belongs are the Ameri- lege,^ New Britain. ^ Coach Bob MHS students and re.sidents of- the • A change has been made in the Judgs Woodbury-said courts often Holy Communion will be cele­ 7il.6 Coiiver.pati'in P'ere LOS ANGELES (AP) — 'The dian jayvees finished well ahead failures, of the Democrats. ' can College of Hospital Adminis­ 7:3ii iXeWB of the World Stofes feels that the^ fine perform­ Manchester area.- , ' . ' election of sophomore.s -to the have ruled that nudity does not brated Sunday at 10:J5 a.m. at fifth annual meeting of the Exoti- of opposing var.sity performers, in­ Kathy Ryan. ‘63, Paul Gworek. trators and the Manchester Stu­ 7:4.6 Governmental Services ances of Bracken in the past week The special. feature of this Student Council, allowing all for­ necessarily mean obscenity.’’ the Wapping school. Those who 8:05 Pop (Concert que (note exotic spelling) Dancers EVERYTHINC IN STOCK! dicating Manchester’s f u t u rfe ‘64. and Mike Podolny. '65, an­ dent Nurse Scholarship. will be a "shot in the arm" for the week's program is a new student mer dllernates plus -four new will take communion ^re request­ 9:06- NigHtbeat League named the "Ten Best Un-. strength in the CCIL. swered questions which students Besides the other demands of 11:00 News team. Although no match for folk-.sin^ng group. Making^ their representatives to be made reg­ ed to register in advance. 11:15 SporiP Final dressed for -1962”^ail strippers, The thin-clad.s found, the 2.5 powerful Norwich, the Harriers had written to the Democratic her position she finds time to PTA Postpones Open House of course. , debut on Sunday’s. “Sounds" 'pro­ ular representatives. Three new 11:30 Starlight Serenade mile c'burse al Windham much to have a good chance of improving gram will be John Preston, David parly. Questions addressed to the make personal idsits to patients T m'o from Town The W apping/PTA open house alternates were added to the their liking as three Manchester their fifth place showing in the Hinchey, Lawrence Roger and Republicans were ans-«'ered by ■ and performs many bxtra sendees scheduled for /Tuesday will be council also. beyond the call of duty. * runners broke the cotirae record, of state meet three weeks ago. The Doug McIntosh, who form one of Results we'rie a« follows: Ed Coltman. Janice McM i 11 e n. postponed until Nov. 13 because One Of Over the j’ettrs her position has Now»• in Marines 13:301 set by Art Larson of Bris­ Indian-s must place in the top Manchester's rtewest gi;oups of Alan Baxter,- Robert Bisach. George Nickerson, and Fred Spra­ of elections. The event will be held .been one of loving d'edication to CUP THIS AD AND SAVE ON 1 Connecticut’s tol Eastern in 1961. three to gain a berth in the NeW aspiring balladeers. Listeners will Hope Childers. Betsy Hyde. John gue, all '65. a .service most needed by Man­ Two Manchester men left yes­ at 8 p.m. at the school. Carl Rohrbach. shaved 17.6 sec­ England meet. also be treated to another special, Krinjak and Joan Orlowski, ex­ The a-ssembly, a part of th e p ir- chester. She was cited for her 40 terday for Marine Corps recruit The PTA . is looking for games Largest onds from the old record. Jim Pete Wise, '64. the Round Table Singers, w’ho will ecutive council; William Carney, reht Affairs Club citizenship pro­ years with the hospital at a te.sti- training at Parris Island, S. Q. . to be used by children in the open the program singing the Al­ Judith Carroll. Pamela Cummings, gram. • was designed to inform ' . tndnial dinner last month. At that The enlistees are James F. Son- lo w - grades during recess periods przzAS Formal ma Mater. LesHe Dowd, Leonora Fava. Linda student voters of the issues con- . time ■ she mentioned that she gailo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin in^bad weather. Anyone who has MADE WITH OUR OWN DELICIOUS SAUCE As part of the regular aspects Garrison, Julie Hobtn, Leslie Mc- fronting the national government planned to retire sometime next Songailo of 208 Charter Oak St.; games they will donate may send Rental ‘Sneaker Hop’ M H S P ep a u b of the program, there will be re- Democratic de'baUng team members (t<^j are, left to right, Jim, MaePherson, '6 5 .'I^ul Gworek, '64, Caughey, Mary Minney. John today. year. Her statement was heard and James Ironfield, son of Mr. them to the school office. Sug­ SMALL 75c — — LARGE $1.25 jxirls on an MHS club, a spotlight Kathy Ryan. '63. and Mike .Podolny, !65. RepuUioan members (below) are, left' to right. Melody Minnick, Stanley Opalach, Rich­ Ed Coltman, ’$5. with regret by the board of trus­ and Mrs. Arthur Ironfield of 013 gestions Include checkers, domi­ 25c EXTRA FOR ADDED ITEMB Stores on a teacher and student, coniing Weir, '63, George Nicker.son, '65, Ed Coltman, '65. Richard Sullivan, '65. and Fred Sprague, '6i. JOn- ard Pasternack, Paul Pilkonis \. Kathy Ryan, *6S. tees. Trustees Chairman Emeritus W. Middle Tpke. noes, Old Maid, Candy Land, and Includes Rally, ^Sparks Spirit events, a report oh the Indians' ice McMullen, '65, is not shown. (Herald photos by Pinto). Pattla Rosen. Richard-' Siegali I'n- C. EJlmore Watkins told Miss John­ "They will undergo ten wefeke of such. Present. This Ad Regular present sports activities and high­ grid Swanson, and Bruce Taylor, son. "You represent a certain con­ recruit training followed i)y four GOP Open House lights (rf Manchester's past sports' regular representatives.. tinuity which has had much to do .adt^itional weeks of advaheed com The Republican Town Commit­ ,\nd Get 5 0 c O F F Price " I / you w’ant to beat Hall, clap victories. Origjinal Dramas Mgrgaret Dehan; Marjorie bat training. A 20-day leave I I Sports Dance Experimental with the steady growth and pres­ tee will sponsor an open houae your hands! CLAP! CLAP! ! will Starting with Sunday's pro Bootefs Lose Two; Luke, and Gene Tomaiuolo were ent high regard in which the hos­ will be granted upon completion tomorrow at the Knights of Co­ THIS OFFER GOOD WED., THURS,, FRI., SAT. most likely lead a person to the gram, information will be given elected alternates. of advanced combat training. Onl.v tho.se with sneaker-clad on the history of the school. This Set for JNov. 13 pital is generally held." ■ -f lumbus Hall. Main. St., East Hart­ MHft'■ Pep (31ub Saturday after­ Leslie McOaughey, '66 CB A Chemistry ’The panel that nominated' Miss ford. Dave' Kennedy and his band feet will be allowed in 'the arena week, the history covens from noons at football games. The pur­ Tourney Hopes Gone Casting ' is completed and re­ Johnson included Mrs. James Trademarks will provide dancing from 9 p.m. MARTY’S LUNCHEONETTE f tonight, accorditfg to Sue Walker, ,1745 to the present, including the Lemon. Daughters of Isabella; to 1 a.m. There will be a free buf­ I pose of this club is to promote school's former buildings and the hearsing begun for two student- Taught at MHS chairman o f the Student Council school spirit and friendly relation­ comparatively new building that Academy Film Mrs. Abraham Kilbanoff. Profes­ ’The usp of names and symbols fet and set-ups. l87 N. MAIN STREET— TEL. MI 9-8105 ■ NOW ABOUT SOME written pla.vs, to be presented at Social Committee. The fir.st ships betw'een schools. it now occupies. Losing two of their last three- The Panthers ikmred on a head­ sional Women’s Club; Mrs. Harry for products goes back' to tht time a .sophomore assembly on Nov. 13^^ ,S. Maidment Jr.. League of Wom- PIZZA ORDERS TAKEN FROM 4 P.M. to 11 P.M. I MHS "Sneaker- Hop" will be held | Directed by- Mrs. Greta Rourke. Dave Reznick, '65- starts, the Manchester Indians soc- sd .loose |)all which partially ----- Shown to Caist ‘T feel that tt is a very valuable of tha'^iguilds of the Middle Ages, Manchester Evening H erald t cei team is now out of the running blocked, by the Indian ‘ goalie' Neil The foliowiri'g will take part in - en 'Voters; Mrs. Rollie 'Thomp.son, the Pep Club ia open to any girl Mar6' Williams, '64 experience, because it Is teac^ng but tne legal right to limit the South W in d s o r ' correspondent, EVERY WED., THURS., FRI., SAT., SUN. | tonight in the arena, beginning at for first placet in'- the CXJIL. The "The Te.st" by Pa,t Raekowski: . Manchester Emblem Club; Mrs. who is sincerely interested in Wi.se, '63. The ball then skipped use of such marks is a modem Laura Katz, telephone Mitchell . 7 ;.30 p.m ,^ hooters , bowed to Wethersfield Nancy Finlay, Bob Smith, Ayi.s The film version of “Tmi Can’t me how to/think." This statement ’ Doris B e 1 d i n g. Manchester; Many activities are planned. At arousing school spirit. There are into the net for the game's only TskS It With You’’ was viewed by development. 4-175S. 'iSiesday, 2-0 and to Platt on Oct. score. Swallow, Marianne Skin'her and by Jean MacKenzie. expresses the YW CA; Mrs. Charles Woodbury, approximately 8:30 the cheerlead: no other qualifications except will­ Kathy Schwarz, Characters .for Sock and Buskin members at the! , . ^ ^ 26, 1-0. Between these two black ■" The Booteps host undefeated Manchester Registered Nurses As­ era, will stage the'^^ .second formal ingness to work. Stiideiil Attends the "Bus Ride,” Sua Crane Oct. 25 meeting in A-7. -nie 1938 feelings of many yudenU who we REAL REPRESENTATION . ^ -1 I marks on their record, they romp- sociation; Mrs. John Reig. DAR, pep rally of the season. It Is ex­ Meetings are; held every other Conard toda^ with their sights set Academy Award winner was participating in the experimental K o c k e t L o n c l a v e ed over Maloney 5-0. on closing out the sea.son on a are' DeSfeie WilkA. Ju^y Taylor* and Mrs. Wilber Little, American pected that members of th'e three Tuesday, at which new ch^ rs are shown by Hr. John R. Foster. 19 Chem ical, Bond Approach to At Wethersfield, a hot and cold winning note. Pat. Schwarz. ^/Pgt William.s and Legion Auxiliary'. / fa'l sports teams will join the learned ' and business is conduct­ Dover Rd., and is .part o f his per­ Chemistry', better known aa CBA Indian offense couldn't manage to J-im Leavitt. '63. ^ e Boris. Sttident directors are cheerleaders in this rally. ed.. The '61ub is divided into ten Last week-end Mike Monoghan. get the ball into the net'while the ® z Dawkiqs and Jeff Pond. sonal library of filpis. Chepiistry.' GARDEN CENTER IN THE STATE squads and one squad a week is Three bonihs will be set up -to '65. had a "real blast” at a con­ Eagles scored goals late in the first Liz Dawkins, '64 ..The. movie was scheduled to al­ This approach to chemistry FOR MANCHESnR the arena and their ■ "wnres" will held responsible to provide pasters vention of amatein- rocketeers in Ami fourth quarters. The .Wethers- low members of the cast to see bAgan In 1957 when a grropi) ’ of Vivid Color Marks . . ' . LEGISLATURE! be sponsored by the Cheerleaders, o r whatever else is needed to ad- Camp Atterbury in Elenberg. Ind. field, offense featured many well Seniors: The United Aircraft their parts played by profession-' high school, and college .teachers the Pep Club, and the Teen Cen­ veftise upcoming sports events. Barry D o u g h a n. a higli^-iji^p^^ gjeks and all-around team Pupils Attend Corporation Is again offering^ n ' als. Many'received fresh ideas for met at .Wesleyan Uriive'fsitly to Winston Coiitup^ T Tolland Turnpike . ' - ' . ter grotip. Small souvenirs of These Muads must meet aeparate- gpj,ool student from Rockville, hustle full college .scholarships to .s o n stheir...... character portrajals: - —En- discuss a better w-ay of teaching ' the football sea.son will be on .sale ly as often as necessarj'. flew------by jet on Saturday------and . . In a • makeup . game .last . ------Satui; and daughters of its enipioyes. thiisiasm of club members for the i chemistry. A second conference - WHEN TWO MEN FROM YOUR TOWKi GO TO HARTFORD Tonight the Pep Cjlub wilt assist By JEAN SPRAIN WIIKON VITTNER’ at the Cjheerleaders’ booth. ♦ Pro­ rived home Monday night day, originally postponed because Music Festival Application forms are available MHS production sla^eii for Dec. 14 was later held at Reed C o lle g e Associated Press Eathion Writer ceeds will go toward a fund rala- the Cheerleaders in the Pep Rally. In the opening of a new''rbcket- of rain, the soccermen scored their from the personnel department is reaching a high pitqh- where the same topic, was dis- NEW YORK tA^) — About 76 THEY JSHOULD HAVE YOUR INTERESTS AS THEIR PRIMARY Ing project > scheduled by » the w hu- ' firing site at the camp, both rock- only goals' in the last three epn- A capacity audience filled Bitsh- where the parents work, and com­ . ------cussed. Out of these two meetings colorful ways-'to stand out in a Chee,-ie>ders for this year. and possibly sAll red ^ w-htU els were » successfully . c fired.k , The tests, blanking Maloney 5-0. 'Tri ne.ss Memonsl in Hartford on Frt- pleted applications muftt be, in the T^ete are 39 door.s attached to came the idea of cp A . crowd werC^ demonstrated by de- j CONCERN. WHAT HAS REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATION The 'Pep . Club 6vill sell red and *hakOT. It wnll take part m an m - rockets attained an altitude of Captain John'Verfaille, '6.8, led the j day._Oot. 26 for the ITIh annual | j*^'?*'* ®f toe corporation by Nov. The Chemical Bond Approach Is aigner "Roxanne toj Samuel Win-, white shakers at...... their booth...... The i T-v.«i,=8anincrnilITla tiea eVer the ejectory__ system' ___*__ • failed'' '6t. TnmTom Prnvonrnl^Pr'ovencal/"64 R4 and DennVDenny l.r^OAnt resented' ■ Inin all three groups—or- with a big red. bow. theories behind chemical reactions, ers amd socialites who had gath­ PROBLEM BEEN THE SUBJECT OF LEGISLATION? activities. Tl>ey will alsq. be in and'’one mouse in a nose cone was Xarpuska, '63 scored the other ohe.stra. band and choru.s^ A to- rather than the memorization of ered Thursday for a preview of ’ cJis'r^e of the sale of soda. Last year the club confined its killed. The rockets buried them- toree goals. . Manchester Coach u i of 85 tow«8„!in. tSie state sent many chemical equations. Once m Application blanks and member­ uniform to w'hite or red blouses, what spring t^Il bring in the way ; selvesoolvM thrS^inree fpotreel in hard-nackednaro-p,acKeu Danielson commented (H thata hnv« H whad as. parUoipanU the theories are learned, the stu­ ship cards may be obtained at the but this year some new' equipment, one of the best games the boys had ■ of fashion. Indiana clay. 8o,lt took the boys The orchestra,, -oonduoted by dent can then find the ■"facta” by Vivid color combinations and . booth spomsore^.by the Teen Cen­ has been added—gloves. Later in played all season. Vytautus Marijosus, opened the the year a glove section will be an hour to dig eaCh one out. The In a nip and tuck game played applying the' th^ries. lively floral patterns provided the ter group. These membership cards prb^'am with Couperin^ "Over­ Most of thesr theories are te- ■wlir he necessary' for anyone in­ utilized producing more '’color at rockets which could be refired at Memorial Field ..Oct 2.5, Platt eye-catching techniques among ture and Allegro", and Rameau’s ‘ lated in some way to the bonds tending to participate in the activi­ the games. came out unsekthed. High of Meriden squeaked, out a "Ballet Suite." The .300-voice suits, .coats and daytime dresses. VOTE FOR . . . Mike''-and Barry, who, have top among atoms: hAnce, the name— EVERGREENS Electioiv of officers-will be con- 1-0 victory over the Indian .eleven. 'T h en blinking, beaded ; ball gowns, i ties sponsored by' the Teen Center. ehonis, directefi by Allen Lanmm, I ducted after the football season i aecret plans for the future, sum The hustjing but fru.sli-ated of­ performed .seven numbers, includ­ Chemical Bond Approach. Also, for which Winston Is famous, took ; Onening for the Teen Center is Your Choice scheduled for tomorrow night. ' has been concluded. They were de- 1 up toeir trip ' by d.eclartng. "We fense took ’26 shots at the Paiylher ing. "O Magnum Mysterium ,' and j CBA attempts to confront thj-stu/ 'over. SHRUBS ■ Admission' to tpe "Sneaker Hop" layed until gil ls become better ac- had a wonderful flight out, a won- goal, but Platt's aggressive goalie "Two Motets" for mixed ' voices . dent with implications of- logical / -t*) - Shocking pinks, violent bliies STEVE CAVAGNARO and PAUL GROOBERT will be $.25 with SAA and $.75 qiiainred with one another and the'.derful flight back, and a wonder; s'onped ever.v one. At,lea.st" " - ' h-rlf“ ‘“ land three trombone.s. -Accom- arguments ba.sed on these theo-^ and magentas were stitched Into, t ties. A major part of this is done HEAVY ■ without. efub. i ful flight there.” of these shot.s eame in he hectic, pjjni.ats were Rose Mende, pianist, short or long jackets, lined with 5-6 , ^‘at'ti O'Brian, ’63 Jackie OOrbett '64 Robert Beach. '65. fourth quarter. - ■ through the discussion of "mental- ■ contrasting palep colors, or silks y e a r ’ and Gordon Stearns, organist.,The models," ss structure, kt-netic ■and homespun materials em- M YEAR- thi i-d section of the concert fea­ theory, and energy'. ’ blassoried with flowejs: , Ea tured the band, under the baton Mrs. Anne Vendrilio, teacher of Even the -ordiftarily subdued OLD PLANTS OLD of Richard Frahko Goldman. The the one CBA class at Mancheater ■ tones of browns, greens and wines opening number w'as- the conduc­ High, state*- that memories are --weffc spiced with vivid fabrics. /BR iId AL WREATH tor's composition, "National Band ; deceiving, and "rriemorized" facts Long tunic dresses, matching' tur- / UPRIGHT YEW / •eltts Association March" The pro- are often-forgotten within a short - bsjrs and nine-tenths- coats were graiif ended with Sousa's "The ppefod- of time: By knowing the .made of big, bold brown and blatik y LILACS /UPRIGHT JUNIPER Stars and Stripe.s Forever"’ :''' , theories behind facts, it- is hoped patterns on \vhrte — patterns you . Three months ago. six interest­ Unded the direction of YTIC- that the student will alw ays be r v te^niclans. a video tape re­ could see a mile away. , • “ '.j Limited y WEIGELA ed students met and discussed, the able to arrit'e at these facts which , The cape theme is, a^ favorite / GLOBE ARBOR VITAE cording was'made .of the concert, Joel Kottneir jjoiina MolAto are usually memorized. possibilitleiPof opening a teen age with Roxanne. Narrow arm-pin­ y RED DOGWOOD highlights of w'hlch tJerA telecast Mrs. Vendrilio also said. ""Thi-s /BOXWOOD ter. From this nucleus, the teeh- t i l 1 1 on Ctbannei'3 Sunday evening.-.'*^ • ning one$ are in plaids that do Supply Kenneth Woods, '63. approach forces the student to - not take binoculars to see. Yokes yH YD R A N G EA . committee has grow'n' to more Legion of Hon think. When a problem i« cre.tted , or narrow coats ■form" half or full- / JAPANESE HOLLY than 30 members, and the drtam lie must figure out the answer . cape eleeves. of having a teen, center will be­ Leaders Practice • Joel Rjottfier, tbits week’s- male “ I loVe to ’ just get in tlie car from theories and niatorial w-hich Ordinary dull little black- dress­ y FORSYTHIA /ANDROMEDA -.9' he ha* accumulated." , ’ come reality tomorrow; night. member of the Legion of Honor, is and drive." es manage to .overcom e their taking an impressive group of sub-^ Mrs. Vendrilio added, that the' /MOCK ORANGE Saturday' night at 7'o!clock, the Marching; Routines T fiis week's female iegi.bnnkire. success of the course would not be ■' handicap with the help of French ■U Matty, Many More At jecls. His■- present schedule in­ - 'quilted roses. • teen cente(' doors w’ill swin|r open ‘•Left face - one. ■ two, three. Doruta McLain, has so many other kiwwn for a few years. However.- to members. Anyone may accom­ cludes two for which he may gain Still, the most frequent use of Proportionate Savings Cou'r" —and the stomp of marching college credit: Calcltlu-s. hiS' fa­ activities Ihat- j-ust dri\1hg.,8eehw she viewed her .opinion of . the black was as a 'sharpener for ODDS and ENDS pany a bard member and pay a feet resounded in fJ-3 as the Girls' uhe lias ’ course by saying It would be more nominal fee if he wrishes to come, vorite, and Western Ci;^iltzalio.ns. to be a very calm one, Whitt, . .pink,., blue 'dr brown, all Leaders C6ub had marching prac­ He is also taking Honors Ph; I's ” ' worthwhile for thf student who ■romorrow' night's opening event ;B(NT[R : tice al a recent meeting. The been in Girl's Leaders, Aquaette;. • the better'" to be seen. and Level One- English. With the :e and is now a sdeond year member plans to oontinue with chemistry . will feature Mje ’’()ffbeaU '’ and practice, held - after the regpilar in college. SELECT NOW many more guests. under his bell, he hopes to attend of the cheerleading squad. She has ALL FRUIT TREES meeting, was to prepare for the Amherst College and plans £o tahe - Phil Rider. ’63 WE WILL HOLD UNTIL CHRISTINAS The purpose of the center is to annual physical education a.asem- served on Student Council , for courses leading to study in a med­ four years, two of these oh the Halloween ‘Treat’ ' Th«y would likf to sm pragrosB in Monehosttr' ■ offer the town's teen-agers a place | •tj'biy hext spring. The leaders will ical school. solAly for them and operated by : present a marebing^, routine while E.xecutive Council. "M ac" also was ' - fc- Sports play an important part in a representative to the Connec­ Explodes in'Mouth them—a place where they rhay, the Boyds’ Leadei's Club will- puL on Joel's life. ' Presently he is in his Reading Machine M u a s L T a tumbling demonfrtiation. ticut Federation of Student Coun-’’ FLOWERING • IncrtoBod Btafo aid to uducaHon for MANCHESTER congregate and -enjoy the com­ second year on the football tea'm cils. ' , DETROIT (AP)—-The ‘ ‘candy” pany dt friends, play pool or table • Miss Julia Cake, the , club’s ad- Used by Classes a's an offensive and defensive Donna's classes this year are .axploded. tennis lUsten to music, daiioe, or j vi.sor and head of the-phy'slcal ed­ ucation department, spoke to mem- tackle. He has confidence in the English IV Modern P r o b I e.'tn s, Three-year-old Meredith Miles iCCi • Preporfy tax oxomprions for MANCHESTER sonlor eltixiMS watch TV. Applicaiits must be at r team and predicts a 'Tbunksgiying Reading classes working with CRAB TREES least 15 years old students at j oers about partici^tion in after- cnemisuiych’emistry miuand Spanish H. She Sklnnet have recently of Detroit reached into her Hal­ day _ tnumph and a winhing sea- MHS or town residents. They | says Enghsh.’’with Mr. Hitnt and acquainted with th^ "con- loween bag and took out an iheh- , * tem. through wh ich a girl may ' -‘'on- This sDuna. J el i l . long, yellow “ treat” Thursday, • Prompt rtloeatlon of Rt. 4 to rolhivo MANCHESTER traffic msl have filled out a member­ biology when 1 had Mia, Eenn, , reader." a machine which earn points. The sports offetjed .(he varsity track squad thi'oWlfiR are her favorlle.s. ..police said. R m g. ship form to be eligible to buy a the discus for his third year, helps the student to incfes*e’ his 5-6 Ft. teen center mcmber.ship card for ere .soccer.- swimming. te,nnis and Outside of school. Donna finds reading speed. She bit into what was apparent­ S2.15 field hockey-In the^fall; basketball Joel likes to I time to be in the Rhythmic Choir ly a firecracker-like explosive to • Yourti eonsoryotion program for MANCHESTER toon>o9ors a donation of $2. The Teen Com­ A stor.v is flashed on a.soreen - ind volleyball in the winter: soft- plosives, to watch the _N.Y. Giant.s |I at Centor rih.irrhChurch, o„on the Teen calleil a “ torpedo.” mittee w'ill be selling cardr at,, football games every. Sunda.y. and by the machine as s moving light • ball. sw'imining and-modern dance Center Committee, and a member T h e ’’candy" burned the i))side. JUST ARRIVED-l-FRESH STOCK tonight’s • dance. to attend high school pep rallies. follows each line of the-story at a ■ The teen center is more than in the spring. By accumulating 200 Of the Ski Club. predetermined rate whicn la grad­ -of Meredith’s mouth and.chipped these Are CONSTRUCTIVE IDEAS. .Make the name of Manchester heard in the State points a girl earns class Tutmerals; Joel ^ y * he is djjpo.sed to girls fust, a place where teen-agers oan Her love of jazz. Dave' Brubeck, ually "increased by the pupiT until a tooth. ■With 450 points, a s.mall M: with who wear "iota of -halrspray." socialize. MHS Principal Mr. A. and Jerry Mulligan is offset byher' he is reading 280. S0().'450. or m v e Police begain che^k of the : CHRISTMAS C^pitol when CxYBY and Groobert come'to town! ~ ' • • 700 points, a large M; and with _ It shdUldn’t be too surprising j, 'iiaymond Rogers Jr. has-sold, dislike of pogo sticks. She also neighborhood where the girl' had to find him a menrher of the Var­ words per minute. After ftnlah-^ "T he teen center is concrete evi- 1,000 points. • a . medal. . When a dislikes girls Who watt on a boy gone begging to see if other sity M Club. Other outside actWi- ing the story. Uie.atiident take* 4 (Dhistd. W jDdtShm L Jenee to this' town’s adiilLs that g)fl attains lf200 points '.she re­ hand and f6ol, . i ■ » youngsters might have been given ceives a bar pin. thA highes-t aw'ard ties include the Curreii;! Affails test to determine his comprehen- ' CACTUSPLANTS the majortiy of teen-agers are nob Club, Round Table Slngeis; Junior Donna's future plana ■ include Sion at a gi.ven speed. similar Halloween treats. in girls’ physical education. - FOR FALL ARRANGEMENTS virri DEMOORATIO ON N0V / | ..t0P 'TEAM-.'rOP LEVER jo-oalled Juvenile dielinquents hut- Boys aub, and United. Synagogue studies in physical education at The effeqt of the controUsd read- . young adults whb are on the ball.” Miss Case told the members that there are still a.rfew vacancies In Youth. He has also been s-clerk UConn. She live* with her parr er> 1* to ."push” the atudent.' llius * 133 Million Insured ' y I^e teen committee has asked all, at the Popular Market. ents. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. McLain, inaking him read rapidly etoile students 4o support the (tenter. .Its! field Iwckey, played'Monday after­ EACH DEMPSEY • MtICOEF •/GAVABNARb • ORObBEflf noons, and m soocor, playqd on Joel is the son of' Mr. and Mro. "big brother Bruoo,”. and her dog. mointJdning k high rate e t eeat- 3RK - future, reals in the .hands at Mon- MMS' Otudjpnta Gall ■ Pig(g*h^> -Aim 'Vtot, '64, Hury Hunttngton'. Barbara Heine, and Btan Siwhk, Moppet, at 41 Sanford Rd. t '. ■ ■' • , ■ ‘ -'t ' . eoHeroewte to tlie auditorium veiobfbUte i 'to pureltow ■'Te* Oartter Wodirasday nagbts atber achool.' Poear Rottner, 19,La'»tton.IW- __ 000,000 peoptoipl? to in 'the United States rttnoUr'teens. - andrKeithy ' ■■y«nnazt, ’ ■"‘64, ------" 3eU TRMBan, "GMa AdverUMiiienI TMAA ffer B y The DfemdoraOe Town Gommltlee ’«• (Hecold phate by OOam). muto ItoMa. "9$. Bd Hociia^ouriaa, *BB Bad ^-some form o f health- insur­ 2 !/j^ P O T S ,)V H ury' Hun(to0toa, ’BB. ance at the atari of this year, the -d" ItasMi beuraBee Council reporta.

>«N' > \ ‘ ■7 ■■'C --

I ■ •


l ^ i r n i K e R j ! 3 I ''’V.-, .V'^' THffTS A RCAO THE/MA30R BETTER Antwr to Pfvlotw 1 , /1 UPSET.-WALOOl bo SOME EXTRA .'}>■ ’ ■ ITJIlRliiMld i WAUJo t f f^ASN'TWONA-. I W O E X OH THAT vl Places ni^l^Ufi[=4 y ) ICORReSROMDENCe- ^ 1 COURSE HE'STARiliiS ACROSS 6 Sad cry Cl A ' r i } 7 Tennis IFTHAT^J A SAMPLE. 1 Persia equipment Scoting Help from 6 ai ‘ V O F HIS 3UD0, HE S British Isle '8 Salt marsh WOULbrn LAST ANY 8 London-sre \ (HADE HIM ll YEAR’S 9 Algerian City i a l l E l e ^ h !S0E 5E & l o n g e r AGAINST 12BUUC gulf 'T" A GUIDED IVr^JL 10 Chop "Terry Sawchuck and our de-;^pretty much of a slow startOr.” third in the eight games. He has.: The Wings were so overpower­ A REAL CROOK 13 Diminutive 11 Comply DETROIT (AP)—The Bur- AMSSILE/ ’ \Eve. suffix fense — those are the reasons for Abel ..Insista that Howe is not been sciired up6n only nme times, ing again.st the Rangers that two i - THAN ATROCK 19 Free prising , o f f BUGGS BCNNY 14 Nomsd 20 Cattle our winning,” said Coach Sid Abel, slowing down. A rebuilt defense was Abel's of their four goals came when PRIVET? AT A 15 Redact to their greatest start in the R A IL R O A D . 22Story By H O ^ E HOLCOMB who once played on the same line ”Hls line's 'been playing wejl," main off-season project bn a club they had a player In the penalty 16 Mske Isce 22 Upon , keep that missed the Stanley Cup play­ box. Norm Ullman, Larry Jeffrey, srsW BUT . DUNNO,BUT c o n v e m t i o m / 17 Dress trimming Homestretch is a wotd seeh with Howe. 'said Abel. "Gordie may not be 24 Handle offs last season for only the sec­ Bruce MacGregor and Young were .4S+ HOW CAN I NEED ThH 18 Wishes roughly 31 Woody plant -42 Arrow poison on winning— without much Howe, dominant figure in the scoring much. But that's because 43 Blood frequently on the sports pages Red Wings' long championship I'm resting him much more than ond time in 24 years. Abel drafted Detroit’s marksmen. . . ' HEYl DON'T put ' . 1 E AT COUNTER 20 Curly 25 Italian city 34 Revise scoring help from Gordie 21 Grease 26 Care • x 35 Clergymen 44 Laterkl ^rt these days and it has nothing reign in the 1950s, has scored only Doug Barkley and gave oftefi-pun- THEW FLOWERS POWI^ - WITH AKV SPACE FER . 45 Charles Lamb Howe. I ever did before. He used to play Chicago, ambeaten in its last 22 Metal 27 Horned 37 Makes amends to do with horse^ racing. In­ .Liuee goals, He has assisted dii much more than half of every Ished, twice-suspended Howie five games, broke a 2-2 tie against V. THERE, SYLVESTER! HANDS CUSTOMERS! 23 Change ruminant 38 ------46 Actual Angeles This is like the New York 47 Shoe part \ YankMs rampaidng. through a only three others and Is far from game. No more. I want to. save Yqung another chance. • ‘ ' Boston in the third period on Chi­ T FULL? 26 Operates 28 Rim 40 Chews — ■ , stead it correctly de’scribes 30 Russian newi 49 Fodder the condition of most college long winning sti«ak with Mickey his accustomed spot among the his le g s'fo r later in the season. Strong on Defense co Maki's goal. agency NHL’s scoring leaders. “These two gilya have been won- Dave McKeon's goal broke a 1-1 r " r r ~ 9 r " f ~ 1“ 9 IB IT schplaatlc foolball schedules—and Mantle and Roger Maris in bat­ Don't worry, he'll score plenty.” 31 Floor covering ting slumps. “ Sure, this is a slow' start for Sawchuk, in his 13th season as iterful,” said Abel. "W e’ve been tie for Toronto with Red kelly and 32 Poem 14 Manchester’s no exception. Eddie Shack notching the other 33 Excluded 13 IS ,-H owe, who carried the Red me,” said the 34-year-old veteran, a goalie and wearing a protective strong defensively all season and 34 Sea eagle The Indians travel to Sterling Wings — sometimes single-hand­ highest point-producer in NHL mask for the first time, turned in'}' it’s because of the lift they give Leaf goals. Gilles 'Tremblay scored IB 17 35 Boy attendant IB Field In West Hartford tomorrow edly :— for nearly,two decades, .history. "But I’ve always been his second straight shutout and us.” ' . ' for Montreal. 36 Begged for a 1:30 meeting with Hall High went through another scoreless 38 Tardier IB 9 as the season rapidly draws- to a 39 Cravat game last night. But the unbeaten 3t close. After tomorrow’s • game, Red Wings won again, 4-0 over the 40 Cattle genus J only a home date Nov. 10 with 41 Prejudiced York Rangers. 81 ■31 a Bristol Central and the annual person B“ Was the sixth victory for the • 1.^ 44 Female m : Thanksgiving Day tussle with who also have two ties in wj. ^ m. ■ /A7 nlE MUST HAV& - relatives' SO ®T Windham (at Wlllimantic) are jRlPPBD A PAGE l their first eight games of the new 48 Soon left on the 'slate. 49 Strike 5S" 38 season. ALLY OOP BY V. t. HAMLIN 50 Bread spread Tomorrow's . game brings to­ The. victory enabled the Wings 51 Withered gether a pair of teams traveling to retain their one-point hold on S2FYuit drink In opposite directions, one (Man­ WELL, GIT ldN6^UZZLE,)VB^tN»ER CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 53 Iranian money first place over the Chicago Black OFFN rr, MBVIHQ J HEARD c r 54 Observed chester)' hoping to continue It up­ MA&K MONETTB DAVE DIETERLE Hawks, who beat Boston 4-3. Hie VHEAR? 55 Affirmative t r u U IT hill drive toward a winning sea­ Toronto Maple Leafs' whipped reply IT son, the other (Hall) attempting 56 Auction and Karl Then In the back field Laicas, track standout, at half­ Montreal 3-1 in the other game T 4i BO to halt a downgrade journey last might.' s ! DOWN - that’s seen them lose two straight. and the following ''up front,” Joe back. -fv- BS Welch. Ill at the, start of the 1 Angered BT B3 It will take an all-winning ef­ Prignano and Dave Dteterle, ends; 2 Be bom^ season, has come back .to become 3 Shield (vsr.) BT* M fort In the three ' remaining con­ Jim Barry and Joel Rottner, tack­ one of the offensive mainstays of 4 United — . -J tests for the Indians to come out les; Bob Alibrio and Dick Lewis, the club. He and Lucas form a Bruin Loss Skeiti 6 Resting place on the rig h t' side of the CCIL guards and Tom Andreoli, cen­ potent one-two punch. ledger. The Big Red finally got ter. Hall was a pre-season'* choice Quarterback Joe Carbonneau, Now Seven Qames started a couple of weeks 'ago and to contend for CCIL honors and who saw only limited action last are confident of making it two was Iri the thick of the fight until week, is ready for full-time duty \ ■■ straight wins this week. a couple of weeks ago. again, adding more to the In­ BOSTON (A P )—The Bruins OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS The club overall is in good Others expected to see action dians' problems. Also returning have lost their latest National shape physically. End A1 Spencer Hockey League game because ii-a , are Mark Monette, Dave Peace, to action after time out with in*- resumed workouts this week after D ick' Daley and Spencer in the juries are center Mal-v Duchow they violated the unwritten rule; missing a couple of weeks' work. line. Bill .Powers, Pete Sylvester. and guard Tom Keenan. "Always keep an eye on the other VERY VALU­ In the doubtful category are line­ Paul Richard and Jack Simmons Also prominent In the Hall at­ guy.” ABLE ASSET backer Dave Odell, center Roger in the backfleld. tack end Bill Lee who Coach The . result was a 4-2 loss to TOTH’ COM- BY AL VERMLa'R Parrott and back Bob Warstler. Hall, despite its Tosses, is still Frank Robinson calls one of the Chicago last night, extending the PRISCILLA’S. p 6 p PANY-SAVHE The probable startThg lineup for the favorite of several "experts.” all-time best. Welch’s partner, Boston winless streak to seven SAVES TEH f: - FILES IM TEH the Indians includes the regular The Warriors build their attack Co-CaptaIn Howie Redak, will fill games. ‘Som ethin. _ YEARS, AW'SPEWPS foursome of CO-Captaln Don Sim­ around the running of Co-Captain the other halfback post, rounding ■The Bruins, w’ho hadn't played Vou just don't. OHLYAMONTHIM mons, Eric Ozols, Bob Blanchard Dan Welch at fullback and Tom out the starting backfleld. in a week, were locked in a 2-2 tie *7 Idd about/- . ASAHITARiUM, with less than seven minutes re­ maining. Pressing hard for a go- ahead goal, the. Boston players dashed into the Chicago zone. AAIJ Official Defends Tour iSports Viewing When a pass went bad and Chi­ cago Intercepted, Chico .Makl was SATURDAY hovering near the Boston blue Agciinst Soviet Hoop Squad line. Assisted by new linemate 1:15— Notre Dame vs. Navy Reg Fleming, Maki broke In alone Channels on goalie Ed Johnston and beat NEW YORK (AP)—A high rank-fherring,” said Hull. “ I contact­ 3 p-m.—Wrestling Channel 8 him with a shot into the lower ing AAU official today defended e d ' the NCAA in both April and left hand corner. •■Am the off-season s.cheduling of an May and was; given to understand 4:30— Race of the Week "The public reception of our fabulous new Channel SO Makl had been forgotten and eight-game tour by a Soviet ba.s- by an NCAA official that several complefely uncovered. ketball team and accused thp all-star college teams would be 5 p.m.— WIdfe World of Sports Channel 8 Before the game ended Chi­ NCAA of dragging in. a. "red her­ permitted, to oppose the Russians. cago had another goal, this time Rambler has provided us with some excep- H-a.- gi m: by NC*. Iwe. T.M. W—. U.S. P«t. Off. 2'r*? ring. This .was later withdrawn sup­ B p.m.—NFL, HlghlijHits Channel SO off the stick of Stan Mikita who ■The AAU and the NCAA are in posedly because the NCAA regu­ had been conductirig a running e 1#«1 hjr IttA. htc TJL *n- OW. the middle of a fA d to deride lations prohibit games before 10 pjn.—Fight of the Week H\ JOE CAMPBEI.L Channel 8 feud with defenseman Doug BONNIE '‘You’ve got to look at it this way, too, Lucile! If we which organization should control Dec. 1. . ^Mqhns all night. tionally beautiful trade-ins. They are sure basketball—plus track and gym­ “ I think the NCAA is aware Insist on Junior staying in school until he graduates SUNDAY Mohns was In the penalty box nastics—In the United States. that we know when the basket­ when K^iklta connected. he may be too old to get a job!” ball season starts as well as the 1:45—^Thls Week In Sports The NCAA ha.s been openly cri­ Elarller Johnny Bucyk and next organization.” , Channel S to please fussy you. They're priced right and VLU FLV MV I JR.WILLIAMS ll-t tical of the AAU for scheduling Wayne Hicks had scored for Bo.s- Hull said that the AAU tried 2 p.m.— Cardinals vs. Giants MEW KITE PAST WONDER the Soviet tour before the start of ton while Ron Murphy and Bill the college season. It refused to to talk,jhe Soviets Into putting off Channel 3 SPOOfAEV’S WINDOW,] IF HE SEES the tour until January or Febru­ 8:80— Oilers Vs. Texans Hay countered for the'vlsitors who permit some of the nation’s top now have won four straight. AN' fAAKB HIM . IT/ ■ ' collegians to Join, the AAU squad. ary, 1963, but that they insisted at the best of bank terms." JEALOUS/ THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE' BY WILSON SCRUGGS "L e fs get this' straight,” said on completing it this year. ■ ' Don Hull, th^ AAU's executive di­ The eight-game tour starts in PAGAN P.ACED GIANTS lrNes|bl S’lMiknU, Inr. was in November when they were to be on the way to the world championships in Manila.” _ | SH(»RT RIB^ BY FRANK O’NEAl As it turned out, ,thc Soviets: pulled out of the woyld chsmpion-J, i ships after a politirtl Jiassle. ! '/ T961 FORD CONVERTIBLE CLUB COUPE AND HESND IHATSOMEOF CAN WOU "The NCAA is ptiUing in a red MACHINE SHOPS AND STORES OPEN SATURDAY X SJIUNNING WHITE GLAMQUR LOVELY WITH ALL THE GOODIES. ^ 2 1 9 5 hrt£ SPtiCE N/EHICLES WESEND ■THAT SURE \ BLAME THEM? UP1HEKE N6V«I? COME b a c k / SURPRISED ME. ' FREE f l n i U AT A l l ITORES •PRMIPT DEIIFERY SERVICE 1961 RAMBLER 4-bOOR SEDAN Long, Long Slate | IMMACULATij-^ONE CAREFUL OWNER. RADIO, HEATER, n S 9 S Eads for Coventry : STANDARD SHIFTi,, MORll i Y i M EEK LB BY DICK CAVALLI It was a longi^long season for 1959 PONTIAC STATION WAGON the Cov^try^riigh soccer team and | • A SOLID IMMACULATE WAG^Jy. FULLY EQUIPPED. » 1 7 9 5 It^finaliy ,eame to an end yester-1 weu-,ei/EHTUALuy r n . "DBAe VAlB UNlVEP^nYsWOULPYeu AMP WHAT A R B VOUP PPOVI-SIONB 'day as the luckless Patriots d rop -; R6 TO crOLUEiDe p l e a s e l e t m e i c h o w h o w M A H V F(DP MOP/JlN^ NAFBAFTjBB ped their 11th game In 12 starts— ... I MltfiHT WELL MOMKBV aAe«AMC 7- « A N P e 5C7K E $ T H P SIZAHAM o p A C r X E R ^ the other was a Ue. Ye.sterday's AMERICA’S MOST FAMOUS 1960 RAMBLER 4-DOOR. PIMP OUT NOVVJ lOU HAVE IN Voup PBcrpBATION AMCP AAU.(C?' loss was to Bacon Academy, 2-0. i A ONE OWNER GAR IN TPP FLIGHT CONEfifn|)N. ^ 4 9 5 VAKP? The win enabled Bacon to gain | LINES OF AUTOMOTIVE PARTS BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE * a tie for fljyt' place with Rocky | Hill In.the soOthern division of the! m ACCESSORIES I'/Vi NOT AGAIKSTOUR TAKING IN SO YOU SEE, PEPPER, 1957 CADILLAC 4-DdOR HARDTOP T H E R E / GREAT SCOTT/ Charter Oak Conference. Each FOR LLTXURY LOVINCI YOU. FULLY EQUIPPED ANP THBIN SOME. U 7 9 5 Limfe CHIQUITA, CHRISTY, BUTTHERE THESE CUBAN FRIENDS THEN EVERY­ I FORGOTIDOPEN team had an 11-1 conference rec- ■ IS STia ONG MORE PROBLEM.. PEPPER.' OF OURS WANT TO S W THING IS MY NAVY LETTER. ord. I THEKSEVEN-VEAROIO SETTLED, Junior Ron Churney scored both DAUGHTER 10 liv e DARLING, goals -for the winners. _ 1957 CHEVROLET 4-DOORTiARDTOP WITH US, AND- BEL AIR. A RARE CAR IN EXCELLENT ORDER THROUGHOUT. H 0 9 5 •'/ ibTHOUSHTI AND.. ' FULLY, EQUIPPED. -- OF THAT. * *' Altermtte Leaders ■ ' J _ -I ■ 1 1961 RAMBLER 4-DOOR SEDAN ■ Each National Hockey' League * FEDERAL MOGUL ★ MeCORD > 1S4I w HiAriM. T.at a««. uj. a«t. ow. ih Z ■ team has a captain and three AUTO-LITE " RADIO. HEATER, STANDARD SHIFT. ONE OWNER. terjiate captains. The alternate LOW ..MILEAGE^ NEW WHITEWALL TIRES, TOO. ^ n S 9 5 captains for 1962-63 ,a reX New * BENOiX iLOOODVEAR p Re c t o n e l/'v; York, Doug Harvey, Harry Hdwell CAPTAIN EASY BY LESI.IR TURNER and Albert Langloi.sr Toronto, (Al­ 1959 ENGLISH FORD ANGLIA lan Stanley,„D lck/D uff and Bob YOU’LL THINK IT’S NEW. , 11*2^.,, Ptiiford; Montrpdf, Tom John.son, * BORO WARNER *★ G R A N T PURUJITOR * 6 9 5 ' Udr YET,BA5V. WANTA SEE MS ROOM* W E'D TAILED HIM TICNjPHeSTO FIAS5 ’'BUTTHEVCOaPtfTFORESEE WHERE H EDI Bernice Gwttrion and Dickie m lA N D lA D y S M S HE HM> NO VtStTOP^ FOR MONTHS. HI5 DMATDA^COILABQRATOR, IMPRI50MSD...OR HOW c l o se l y YOU'D WATI Moore: ChiiSago, Jack Eyans, Ron SEAL POWER ONLY O UTSIDE CON-1 THEY HAb TO PLAN THE ^NBAl'AND THERE'S B aN NOTHNG^ Murphy and Bill Hay; Boston, * CARTER/ * HOLLY ^ ^ ^ ^ 1957 r a m b l e r 4,D00R SEDAN , BY LANK LEONARD TACTS W KE PLANT DETAILS BEFORE THATf IN THE PAPERS! MICKEY FINN , Warren Godfrey and ; v e r y ORIGINAL THROUGHOUT. . \ * 6 9 5 EMPLOVEES-ALL Johnny Bucyk: and Detroit, Mar­ a b o v e SUSPICION * CAStROL . * UPE CLUTCHES THOMPSON Y E S — BUT HOW DO YOU V Y E S i U PA T T H E cel Pronovost and Norm. Ullman. THEY WOULD ; ~ IT COULD HAVE BEEN A third alternate ha? not been MERELY VERTIGO— UNTIL I'M PROPOSE TO J SECOR CLINIC— BY HAVE c h a n g e d THEIR ^ designated yet for Detroit. 1956 PLYMOtiTH 2-DOOR SEDAN $1 OPINIONi HE HAD IQ GRAB FR0 M-5 0 METHIN 6 SU R E , HE BECOME SURE 4 A, DOCTOR I M ET IN *^DaiW, i-* LU BRIlU T E WALKER STANDARD SHIFT.WERY LOW ORIG^AL-MILEAGE. MARKOVICH TO KEEP FROM UP'n CiTCMl IT D O ESN 'T —ANOTHER ^ I THE ARMY/ TOPPLING OVER!, , PLAY/ EXAMINATION? , * DUPONT * MAUORY - WIX ^ orra MIXED 1957 DODGE 2-DOOR HARD' 'P Only 0,M 1 EXCEPTIONAL'THRO^(3HOUT. PREVIOUS OWNER'LOCAL EXECUTIVE. ' * 7 9 5 KM SCOTCH DOUBLES \lmost l ^ nvthin^ SSntomotive' 1956 BUICK 4-DOOR HARDTOP ' Only TOURKAMENT ONE OApEFUJ. OWNER. A r e a l PUFF. FULLY-EQUIPPED. ' * 7 9 5 >» iaff!!rT8j5pi!lTre


' I., > h . • N i


' .' ' ; ------...... • ' THE Giant Coach B.U^lteceives Army^ TuftsJ^e rfecFMark on Line Building— Contimeting ‘14 Hdp Wanted— fcRiRle 2.‘i i ' i " _ ..I I I „ 1 ,1 || - I " > .11, I m i ll ...... I ' Ht>ME AND attic remodeling, PILGRIM MILLS has opening for .roofing, guttering and siding. Ac- saleslady Apply to Manager, Fears Cards ASSIFIEI) cousticai celling, poren enclosing, Cheney Hail,- 177 Hartford Road, H erald and all khids of carpentry; Work- mansbl'p guaranteed. MI ‘9-0722. ■y And Letdown EARL YOST f a l l o u t SHELTERS—A d d t t i^ -4- -Tehaodering. b a th ro^ s; tile work, Sport! Editor NEW YORK (AP) — Aak - rapreatiqn roqma. Gall MI 8-4291. SECRETARY' New »York Giants’ Coach A l­ CW liighly-Touted Dartmouth BOSTON (AP)—Boston University, Amherst and Yale CI.ASS1F1ED AUVERTli^lNG OEI*T. HOURS lie Sherman :Jf_he feaM a l*t- ‘Gre*le«l Passing Performance’ 8 A .M .^ 5 P.M, R o o fin g — S id in g 16 Local concern has position <^own against the St. Louis draw the toughest New England football assignments Satur­ Frank Gifford, stripped to the waist, walked^owly across Cardinals In Sunday’s Nation­ day. Assignments: Try and stop the top ranked teams in the ^The Egghead Influence^ I A, A. DION; INC, Rowing, siding, available for qualified per­ the New Yhrk dressing room to where A'. A. Tittle sto ^ talk­ Ever since David smote Go-s^umbied punts, mitigating pen-* ' > vard, shut out Holy Croaa and hu­ al Football League game here COPY CLOSING TIME FOR 0>ASSIF]ED ADVT. 1 painting Carpentry f AUerationa son which offers interesting miliated Hrowh, 41-0. Of compara­ EMt— Army and Tufts— plus the area’s only unbeaten, untied ing witli another Giant teammate. “ Yat,” .said Gifford to the- Hath Httle fellows have been allies, etc,, etc.— that even the ajad this is the way he puts ■undvor. MONDAY Thra riUDAV l«;M AJM—^TUROAY • AJM. { and additions. Ceilings. Workman- and diversified duties...' most knowing of observers still tive scoresi the only foe in com^ New York quarterback, “ that was the greatest passing per­ filled with hope. t >•> w l-l it: BU, which broke Its winless ) ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. Must be very good tjrpist. have no definite.way of evaluating mon was the Bruins, which Yale "We aren’t crisp. It's that Aj Snyder, to Dayton. The Flyers 1 MI 8-4860. formance I’ve ever seem” It happened last Sunday, after the In the Ivy League game of on-Oct. 6 had a fierce struggle to ■trqgk last week, plays host to and stenographer,, and in*; .. their potentiali lim e of the season when the are hungry. PLEASE r e a d YOUR AD x tie. unit - swarming, ball-controlling BIDWELL HOME Improvement terested in long-term :em-. Giants’ 49-34 victory oVer previously unbeaten W ashington. the week which will be played Tough I (lot Oping boys gel a little tired men­ Army currently voted No. 1 in the Maine, off to a winning start in CTaaaifled or ‘*W w l A*a” ki« tohea over the pnoW oa o' eop- A Saturday ago . they trailed Company*^all type* of siding and In hi* 10 years ns an active** tomorrow in the Bowl, a two- This game will Be a battle of the tally and physically. I/d o n ’t race for the Lambert Trophy, aytn- d^ense of its stfi-te crown, plays reoleooo. Hw advoittow spoold rood Ua ad the FIBHY 'QAy n ployment. Address litter ■' Colgate, - a previous-week con­ roofingAlUnuflUm . clapboards a player/ G i l f o r d had made that touchdown underdog Yale teams platoons. . Both Blackman and like the word letdowmA boHo of major college stlpremacy hoot to winless Colby while Bow* .APPK.AK8 OMI aSPORY ERRORA tat ttme (or Hie o e x ^ a e r - ol application to: P. O. Bmc queror of high-rated Princeton. Coach Jordan Olivar. use three of doin travels to Bates where the tiOB. Tlio Harold lo roOiloasible for ooty ONE Inoorreot or omlttqd fipe'clalty Unpxe9tl)M'"'work'man- walk — and that atatement- -be­ finds Itfeelf in a position to road- Sherman may not like it, In the East. ;,ahlp. MJ O-OtOS,/!;?.. , 6317 Manchester, Conn. ■ fore. imt it was always to con- ijlock the ^expected march of the i4-0, going into the. fourth pe­ them. They have two-way first Amherst is at home Bobcats want to atone for last ioaertton tur ooy advoittaemcat mod then only to the extent of fi riod. Suddenly, the sons of Elihu but he may have’ to face it. week’s 20-0 belt from Mioine. fratulata Charlie Conerly, the best Indian t^ani in a generation to teams, plus units of offensive and -The Giants m « t the Cards, a Tufts which holds the aame~ posi. "m ain goad" naerMon. R m ro which do oot' le—en Um m ine of ^YPES of rOofa repaired or man who had led,, the Giants for the 1962 Ivy Lbague_ title. realized that wUien the going gets defensive specialists. ■ tibn in. the competition for the In-Verm ont state "action, Nor­ the advartlOMoant wlli not ho ooiToetad bv **molm leod” Coertton. ikeed, fh ^nded club they Jfeat 31-14 in an wich is at Middlebury. 14 seasons before retiring la st tough, the tough get going. From both camps is the word parallel- Lambert (Jup for small trup arid- ‘'Shingle ' roofing. ivickoff t;me is J:30 p.m.— a In 79 and S9 yard touchdown early-seg^n meeting, after a Williams, whidi lost its seven that all hands which count are eollegea. Both oif these High-power­ •'OAlgWtri Roofing Oo.J NCsnches- CHRISTMAS time meoho. -Mg winter. half-hour earlier thbn. the pre­ marches, masterminded brjlliant- rouglKgame with hard-hitting • game winning streak at the hands TOUR ooursRA’nuM w ax ’•I remember." Frank said,: ‘‘a saund-and ready for combat. One ed offensive clubs have, perfect 5-0 'tej^'^Ml 3-7707, -' ■ profits fbr Avon Representatives. vious games played in -jltje Bowl ly by junior buarterback Brian - ' : and last week’s of Tufts lost week, still has sur- KR API'RMBArr.n DIAL Ml 3.2711 Nov. 24 finale more named Petp^Cummlhgs, who of Tittle's brightest days. The three timee coet them unbeaten Bridgewater (Mlass.) State' at CLERK-TYPIST to, until last season." teams in, the nation. Yale, still with Harvard/ has averaged Mist a shade under Cards', meanwhile, have had marks. Bridgeport, Coast Ghiard at Trin­ -ZTTJ Shbfner's yardsige, was the best imjelled at this midway mark of Dartmouth, Captain 'Hill ' King six yards ner tr>’ this semester, some bright days of their own This time if the imderdogs are ity, Wesleyan at Hlamilton and frM to HtralV Readers the campaign, has been defeated RSHlIbVY ffebair 'ServiceR !8 ever by a Giant in one game, and said earlier this vi'epk, aftsc the while plepty i.s also expected fro)n since Charlie Johnson took to it off they must display su­ WorceMer Tech at RPI. only once (Columbia), but has puu Interesting, position in sm.ql) Tittle's seven TD passes tijKl the conque.st of ■ Harvard.’ '■s‘‘now vypU’ its bread-an’ butter . halfback over as quarterback. \ perior passing and defense than Army will be making Its first anaged to escape two other Wont uuonnaiHin. on (Me of oor etaMolhed oovertlOMnentat No CCJ^UCS .TV anC'1Gdio'^..Servlce, department for qualified typist league record held jointly iiy Sid go all the way." RVtlrqd DaH^' Randy Egloff. Johnson’s take-over of the shown to date. Boston visit in over a decade, oc- ^g.,yatlalUe* all hours. Satisfaction 'beatings by playing come-from- JIM THO.MPSON DAVE MAWIOKE answer st the ielenbone b*f»-df dlM ^ eod tho Must be High Bchoot graduate Luckman. of Chicago, and Adrian mouth Coach DeOrmand^ (Tu.ss) Although the Indians have a de­ . Jh other I-vy tests. Penn -visits, Jompanied by the first regiment jj^atfiiileed. Call MI 9^1815.. behind ties with Brpwn (6-6) and St. Louis controls has sent and have good fijfure apQtUdfi. Burk, of Philadelphia. Tittle also McLaughrey was quoted as shying cided weight advantage up front-;- Sam Etcheverry, the Canad­ Injury-Weakened Harvard while' of 1,300 cadets. The Cadets, Good wages, pleasant working eclipsed a Giant record with 505 la.st Saturday with-* Colgate (14- that the Indian’s linebacker, Do)n as theAbest football team in Ivy 1960 which was the fir.st Yale unit 211 pounds to 199 - no definite Brown must face the fury o f a : leading the series 8-0, will present MANCHESTER ANSWERING SERVICE fs p £ ^ S i o N ~ antennaa fine rotor 14). • ian wondSr who has failed to conditions, - excellent benefit yards ,«on 27 for 39 passes), second McKinnon, is the best he has seer- history— better than the Dick to Dianhandle every one of its nine edge in the trenches is accorded live up to expectations in the Princeton club aroused over la st. 3oOch Paul Dletzel’s thm -iinit s^tem ’s installed and repaired. program. Apply * The Bulldogs have been guilty Mi 9-osoe Serving Manchester and surroimd- beet in League history to Norm in Ivy League history, whtlq Co­ liagmeier. Pnheeton teams of the foes in a 37-year period. to the visitors, save , for the in­ NFL, to the, sidelines. week’s 85-84 lipset loss to Cornell.' Jubstitution system. 'Van Brocklin's 554. for the Los of such' unbelievable- footbail lumbia Coach AldP (Buff) Dbnel- early,50s, Better than Yale’s cham* Dartmouth has walloped Mas.sa- comparable .McKinnon, labeled by Plan UConn BU brings the nation’s best jjass and leave yenr nwweaBO. tou'U hear tirobi our ouvertlaoi in Jig lug areas. Modern TV' Sendee 405 malfeasance — blocked punts, "He’ll probably come in Center St. Ml 8-220S Angeles_Rams. 11 put himself on record as plgeoh'i' oionsHtp team of 1956, and better chusetts. held Penn without a first Blatkman a a a . certain pro- against us and throw bombs," Unbeaten, once-tied New Haiap-. into the .struggfle and time without apendlng all evenlna at Hia teleptanna dropped passes, interception.s, shire is qt home against Connectl-1 doubts about the availaMlity of holing the current crop of 'Indian.'- than the .unbeaten Eli team of down, played patty-cake with Har- fe."iaional ptospect.. said Sherman, seeming over* First National Stores, Ihc; cut. The Winner will remain lii the three fullbacks—Charlie Meadows, ly pessimistic, although Mhrtng-*-7lVncKing— Two Different Type* fight tor Yankee Conference con-1 Paul Johnson and Bob Hunt, Park and Oakland Ave ' Someone asked Gifford how Etcheverry did give his Giants tention. Yankee leader Maasachu-. Amherst has oiitscored Tufts in i.ust and Found AutomobilcR For Sale 4 ! “ ■ ' S t o r a g e 20 Tittle and Conerly compare es Federation Sanctions ThdnkSgivihg T)dy Run West Coast Writer fits in one game last year. setts visits Vermont; " ' the same number of starts, 128 ...... -P*MVr East Hartford . ' , team leaders and as passers. ' Checkup Ov^r^ But the Giants' coach hds • NOTICE IS HEREBY given that 1959 flA T , model 600 2-door sedan, -iMovink and ’haick- Boston College goes after lifetime points to 124. ''But the Jumbos Pa.s3 Book. 1. WTNo. ^ S10648, issued by low milea.gc, { 1 ft very • —.good ... 1 condition, . . . . . S I S * . . . .m ._' ^ft _ _ ft«.*. ■"niey’re not alike at all.” re­ cause for some concern. He victory. No. 301—with trepidation— have a remarkable record of hav- ifig Comcany Locas.gnd long dis Gains Rice Award isn’t' happy about his defense, The Savings Bank of .Manchester $325 Rockville, TR 6-3913 after 6 tance moving, paclfiiig vOnd ator plied Frank. ‘‘Tittle has the en- at winless Vanderbilt where Coach Ing run up more than three times has been lost and application has p.m. Uiusiaam of a high school kid. He Expect M a ys^ which allowed the Redskins age. Regular Service throughout Art Guepe already has ’’resigned” m much rushing yardage as all been made to said bank for pay­ New England stite* and Florida lovee.to play. This is'gi^at for our 34 points. - effective at the season's end. BCjfive opponents combined. Hie bat- RN, OR LPN, part-time. U p.m.-7 Dyson Enter Race, PASADENA, Calif. (AP) - Vet­ ment of the amount of deposit. MI 8-6668 young playersr When they see 'a "The defense," cautioned Coach Jim Miller reported, i tie pits Tufts fullback Ron De- a-.ip., TR 8-2077, Vernon Haven. Report Today eran -sp.orU columnist Rube Sam- 35-year-old man so fired up, they DEI. SHOFNER Sherman, "can get careless at "There’s nothing quite as danger-1 veaux against Amhdrst halfback n o t ic e is HEREBY given that STATION WAGON ■ ./- - -. . ______I nelson is the winner of the eighth THE AUSTIN A. CHAMBERf OO. have to get fired-up, too. Heck, this stage of the season and . ou* as a teqm looking for its first Bob Santonelli and also spotlighits Pass Book No. S-7680, issued by * * - Moving packing, storage, local future,'' said New York Coach SAN FRANCISCO (AP)S-The - By EARL YOST ■ annual Grantland Rice Memorial victory.” 11118 will be the first the meeting of southpaw quarter­ 1956 Plymouth, 4 door, top ao do I. and I'm no kid. Charlie i Award for distingui^ed writing, that call cause trouble.” - - The Savings Bank of Manchester and long distance Agentg for was coldly methodical. We had Allie Sherman after watching the i baseball world learns today what. Real veteran of competing Jim Patton, player-coach meeting of the schools - backs Dennis Hickey of the Jum- has been lost and application has conditidon. Call MI 3-9276 Lyons Van Lines Inc., world-wide PART-TIME - ';r Redskins' second year quarter­ If anything, is ailing Willie Mays, in the Annual Manchester Five j Devereux Mllburn, presiclent of who holds down a safety posi­ Holy Cross takes the nation’s- bos and Mark Hallam of the Jeff.s. been made to said bank (or pay- or can be seen at 620 Center . movers. Free estimates. Ml 8-6187 the greatest faith and confidence -. Street. in , liim, and this gave us confi­ back throw through the proud Baseball's highest paid player I the Spoptsman.'Thip Brotherhood of tion in the Giants’ defensive 12th ranking total offense produc- Tufts recalls that Amherst cost mfe,nt of the arhount of deposit. .COMPTOMETER Mile Road Race, Charlie Rob- MANCHESTER Package DeUvery. dence in ourselves, and this also New York defense for four touch­ was expected -to be released today 'N ew York, .said in pre.'ienting the secondary, said he doesn't ex­ er. quarterback Pat.McCarthy, and them unbeaten seasons in 1956 and downs and 346 total passing bins, M.D., will be back NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Light trucking and package deliy: OPERATORS. was probably better for the teams ! I from Mount Zion Hospital where ■ - 'it ■ aw>apd last night; pect-the same thing to hap­ ISth best pass catcher, halfback '57. Pa.ss Book No. S-7331, issued by 1960 CORVETTE, white, red leath- ery Refrigerators, wash-ira and we had in the late 50s. We were ' yards. for the past two days he ha.s under- Thanksgiving morning for the I "FVpr-seven years I have told pen this week. . “ That kid is here right now,” The Sa-vings Bank of Manchester cr upholstery, convertible-. also stove moving specialty. Folding ^ gone an intensive series of medicar 16th time. The former Coni* the Grarttland Rice award winners "We won't revamp our de­ Openings for experienced, comp­ more of e veteran club then, ' Sherman added, "He's a National ha.s been'\lost and -appMcatlon has hardtop. New whitewalls. Beauti: chairs for rent. Ml 9-o’752 “T. A. throws a harder ball. It i te.sts. .. 1 necticut harrier, holder of a dozen they should be pimiid to acknowl­ fenses. Washing’loi'i had some tometer operators to work eve-; Football/ League quarterback this He’ll meet the press \yith Dr. national championships, has twice edge Mr. Rice. This .year I can been made to said bank for pay­ ful condition. Call MI 9 0538. | _ riings 6 p.m.-lO p.m., 3 nights baa a lot of lOp and drive. Charlie fine receivers and they beat iis ment of the amount of deposit. minute. , He has . the passing I Harold Rosenblum. the hospital’s won the local holiday run. • say to the .seven wfnners they are per w'cek. Must be skilled In threw with more finesae.” rhythm. He knows how to throw ..... a couple of timfes." 1958 EDSEL convertible. 475 cu. in. I Painting— Paoenng 21' chief internist, before he is dis-., Receipt of Robbins' entry, plus honored to stand by Rube Samuel- Showdown Nearing all phases of comptomoter , Kyle-Rote. now a Giant coach, just at the right time so the re- ] charged Patton said the Giants have motor., new -h.ydra-sUCk transmis. ;; ".""i; TT, ' has caught-pMses from )>oth. He ' I the green light from Charles \^r- sen.” seeh Johnson in game movies. Announcements sion all) poWernoWer Will take trade. EXTERIOR and interior palntjng work. Inteiested even if-no re­ ■X ^ 1 Paper'nanging. ceilings; wallpaper' . Bays. _‘‘Charl^ was the perfect ex­ ceiver can take full advantage of; ^h, Francisco Giants' aw.-iner executive director of the SAmuelsen, now the sports direc­ Then in crept that note of , I Call MI 9-4679. cent ■ experience. Excellent < 000-a-year star, center fielder en-! Field tor pf the Pasadena Independent- SAVE 75% on your dry cle-fining. books on request Fully insured: wages and working conditiona ample of the, classic type over­ caution again as he said: Call Edwarii R. Price Ml 9-1003 ■ Apply hand pass^. Y; A. throws more Star News, wsi.s, honored by more "He goes to both sides, long For Bowl Hopefuls Academic GrowthPutsDamper Do it yourself. Luchy Lady Coin i than 300 at the first dinner held Cleaners, 11 Maple St^-eet, Acros.s! aideami.^ke Sammy Baugh/' anct short. He's a good throw­ Auto Accessories—Tires fi. PAINTINO a n d paperhanging TittlM big day moved him from MePeak was plenty pleased with sanctioned Amateur /Xihletic Uni- by the .sportsmanship group out­ er. We haye to be ready.” .v— from Main^St. First\ National, I Good cltron workmanship at rea health has been an i.ssue since he „„ tv... ' side New York CSty. • On OnceTjustrous Irish Eleven “•arking lot. -. ' ' First National Stores, Inc. fifth to second in individual pass­ Billy Barnes whose 39-, yards were The CJiants currently NEW "YORK (A P )t—Key conference clashes dot Satur­ tw o SNOW tires and tubes sonablc rates. 80 years m Man- collapsed Sept. 12 in ancinnati. new^M fai as th^race commit^^ ' 7.60x15, $20, After ing. Washington's Bobby Mitchell high for the Skins. "He really; "Righ now I feel fine but l can’t i committee second to the East with a 5-2 5 p.m. MI Chester Raymond Flska. MI Park and' Oakland ,Avo day’s football map with Los Angeles, Baton Rouge, La., and 9-4660. 9-92.37. tied Frank Clarke, of Dallas, for runs that draw play nice. And he's say about nej^week." Mays com-1 * concerned. ^ i record, just back of Washing- (N E A )—;4.this season, convinced after four ¥ ^ Lincoln, Neb., among the assorted stops marking the cross­ pHlLADfeLP**IA ■ the bcorlng lead, and Pat Stud- a fighter," said Bill. "He knows : mented WheeThe was admitted. | The AAU. and Federation have Seek Eight Glubs ■ ton's 4-1-2 mark. The Red­ to Notre years that playing pre.5sure fool- East Hartford how to battle for those e.xtra ' roads for a host o| high-ranking major college teams march­ Whatever happened r u m m a g e EXTERIOR AND mterlnr painting. still. Detroit,- tM k over the lead The 31-y&t-ald Mays ('omplain- been feuding In recent months skins meet Dallas Sunday.) bali successfully was Impossible al yards."- Snead's four TD passes Dame football? x Auto Drivine School 7-A Wallpaper books. Paperhariging. bi punt retumf\ ^ fremj^tly during the 1962 sea-' and there was some doubt that The cards'are ,fifth at 2-4-1. I'" ing toward post-season bowl berths. Reiriember way back when the in the face of Y. A. Tittle's l e c - , OHARU K R o b b i n s CHARLIE DYSON For Rec Volleyball Notre Dame under existing con­ Ceilings. Floors ftfily insured' son rirtt he was just plain exhaust- college runners, whose universities Among the many eye-catching*> Fighting Irish put On football’s ditions. This Kuharich denies, SALE PREPARE FOP. driver's test. workmanship guaranteed. Leo ord tying seven were double the attractions are two games involv­ Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class Wilson Was Right e d ./ are members of the Federation, Record HorSe Sale passing of Tommy (Gun) Myers fall fashion show? And hundreds pointing'.to four years remaining > Pelletier, MI 9-6.326 • If no answer, WAITRESS, part-tiriia days. ARily previous high for the Skin pasaer. | for the past 20 years. TWice he ing t3ams ranked, in The Asso­ -room. Three instru-itors No wfilt.^ T m tired,, aw'fully tired." was a would be able to run here, One more volleyball team Ls against the Hoosiers. Purdue tries of coaches visited the South Bend on his coiltract. Cooper Hall oal) Ml 3-9()43 Frank’s, 623 Main St. , • ,.. G)*org» Wilson was right. After won the National Marathon crown Goodman, Hodges ciated Pres.s Top Ten and a Big campus just . to., watch Kntite ing Mtuichester Driving Acade­ the Detroit Lion, coach replaced I, jjjp C u ff common remark of the onetime Now that the air has been clear- needed to complete the planned HARRISBURG (AP)- -Ths »«n-. to keep pace against Illinois. Notrri Dame lost the backbone — over a distance of 26 miles, 385 eight-team,Recreation Department Eight conference blue plate spe­ Rockne conduct spring practice? of last year’s sophomore class, the my. Pi 2-7249. PAIHTING--Interior and exterior, a PPLICAIIONS being taken • for Wayne Walker as a field goal Say Hey kid. ,, ed, and college runners have dohe nual standardbred horse ,sales Auburn, whose stiff defense has South Methodist Church paperhanglng, lully IrisOred, Now BasKetball clinic for Connect! Some observers felt Mays com- pretty \v 41 in the past, the com- yards. Eyed by Japanese National League. Any team inter- cial. Rockne built so well tha( Notre huge an, fleet backs, Paul Costa Ch)-t.ribwdeh, and M i k e y censed driving school trained— and full-time openings.*'W.; -4T. Angeles three^ weeks ago. ..\/i/ilson be back is Charlie Dyson of the -Southern Catifornia meets invad­ work 3°-’’®Ph P. Lewis, general era will be^taged one'wpiSk'^'fTOm l mduntihg presstire from a neiwe- ahead with achedui'ed plans. TOKYO (AP) -- The Nagoya the East Side Rec or Ronnie Daigle tory. In the four days, 722 trot^ In other^games involving Top Ten who didn’t gel past the third Bitskb, big guard and linebacker, Saturda.v— 9 a.mA Certified and approved is now of­ Grant,-Parkade: ' • said: "'Wayme is still'a good kick­ toniglii at Southern ^piinnecticut j wracking pennant dyive— until the Finnish American A.C. of Rhode ing Washington, No. 9, in a Big contractor, Ml 9-9658 er. He'll have a good day soon, Robbins, 42, has finished within Dragons of Japan’s Central Base­ at the West Side before Monday ters and pacers were sold fo:- membersT ■' No. 5 Texas plays grade and couldn't locate South because o f 'Scholastic difficuUie.s. fering classroom- and behind I.sland. Like P-obbins, Dy.son is a Six showdown that should match Bend on a map with a microscope. and he'lh regain that confidence." State-College in Nevv/Haven . .. . | night he collapsed in a dugout. , eieht in Jil of his orevi- ball League have their eyes on night. $2,793,250. ' a record average of Southern Methodist, and No. 8 There isn't qny questioh but that wheel Instruction for teen-agers. PAIN'i'DIQ and wail^ponng^ .wall- - former UConn harriei-. He won the Trojans’ aerial strikes'^of Pete They Jaecame known as the sub­ Sponsored by the Story Circle Last Sunday, Walker came back Glad to report (iir Hunt, Man-1 He was iinconscious for several ivviLn vh. ..o,.. more Aiherican Major Leaguers, League entries will be Liberty $3,869. Yesterday's final session -Arkansas is,at Texas AAM. Notre Dame ha? grown in academ­ Ml 9-6075 paper removed Wallpaper book.s SALEIS here in 1956 in the clo.sest.'iace Beathard and Bill Nel.son against way aTumni. Notre Dame coaching and Willing Workera CORRESPONDENT again before the home fans and Chester High to ch e r and rifle minutes, hospitalized'immediately an including infielder Billy . Goodman Mutual. St. Mai-y's. Gus's East saw 161 yearlings go for. $i,238.- ic stature in the past 15 years. on r^uest Ceilings. Free est> ,' { coach, is up > d around after a : and missed the next four gamei. | after an absence The Longhorns, who dropped kicked three field goals in the in history, only one second sep­ af, the Houston Colts and first ba.se- Sides, Teachers, Rotary and Fire 3.50,-for a last day record averag-' the Huskies ground forays,' led spread throughout the land. Later E-Z LERN mates. Call Roger Ml 8-0928 ...... sudden...... illnei.. ... "I never saw Mays hadn’t missed a game all sea-, of. a decade, . j Robbins broke/y-o -cthe arating, first- and third place. .Dy­ by Charlie Mitchell. out of the No. 1 spot last week came Frank' Leahy and more' all- Tiiiu-s Have Uha"Kod Lions il-J, no-TD victory over man Gil Hodges of the New York 4 PolidF'Coaches. of $7,691. when they were fled by Rice, will "It wasn’t this why when I High School graduate. Expar- so many imnbles in my life as I son until then and Manager Alvin ■ repeatedila the son will be com pcting'for the 11th At Baton Rouge, sixth-rated conquering skeins. -VENETIAN blinds retaped, record­ Chicagor "I was really delighted Mets, 'be lobking to regain lost prestige was in school (1934-'3t>,” said personals DRIVING SCHOOL, INC. did last 'Saturday at Yale." re- Dark said he suffered from "m en-, time Thanksgiving morning. Mississippi and prize passer ed, same day service; washing ience in sales office' desiraWa. for him," said Wilson. Walker, Kazuo Takata, official of the in a Southwest Conference clash Subject of Book Kuharich as the Irish limped-.into, tired football official C/hristie Me- ' tal and physical exhaustion." He wili compete for the New 'The race starts at 10:30 on Glynn Grifflng will tackle fourth- They’re still writing books ELEJCTRpitUX Sales and Service, Automatic and Standard shift. ' overnight service, Findell's, 48,5. Shoi'thand and typing. Salary, playing right linebacker, also Dragons, .said today the club was that will determine the league Philadelphia for. the ffevy game Cormick said yei yesterday. MCCor-1 Mays' health took a back seat In'i York Pioneer Club. Weighing 120 ranked Louisiana State q.nd All- about Notre -Dame football. "A bohdeji^ representative. Alfred Pay as you go, take only the E. Middle Tpke. Ml 3-4865. group insurance,' pension plait, blockeiA k FG attempt by the Main St., opposite School ^St. RacC'^^ggotiating with . Goodman and ^s Ricardo * Rodriguez leader. SMU is out front at 2-0, without Mike Lind. mick operated the electric clock the final weeks of the season as.hei pounds. Robbins hqs been one of u - .j w- .1 ..1.- talking to Hodges and America halfback candidate Jer­ Treasury of Notre Dame Foot­ AtnaH. Henry St. Tel Ml number of lessons required. Bears. ■ ' headquarters will be at the East Texas next at 2-0-1. ■ The captain and fullback un­ 8 paid vacathn, as. Yale and Colgate battled to a sparked the Giants in a dramatic the nation's last distance runners Side Rec. ry Stovall in a Southeastern Con­ ball," edited by Gene Schoor, has The rame^ Incidentally, was the Harry Simpson, 'a fom-ier Ameri­ While Nebraska and Missouri derwent a knee operationv OLDER AND NERVOUS STU­ Electrical Services 22 sick leave, funeral leave. :In- 14-14 tie, a game in which th^ere drive that carried them-to the Na------^ ^ ------ference meeting. just been published. first In'' the'TTFL without a TT) can League outfielder. Killed in Trial Run Accident battle for top honors in the Big ■'The knee didn’t respond at all,” WANTED—Ride to Aetna 6-10 p.m. DENTS OUR SPECIAT.TY -.terviewing and testing, « t were* nine t fumbles . . . Bill tional League pennant. i And . at Lincoln, Big Eight co­ Near old-timers who will read FREE ESJTMATBJS Prompt serv­ ihnce New York beat the Cards Elx-big leaguers Don Newcomhe Eight, resurgent Oklahoma, just Kuharich explained sadly, "so our shift, vtfetrilty of Henry Street, dSacherek, local official, will work After pulling even with Oie Los , leaders Nebraska and Missouri, It never ;d.eamed they would live CALL FOR FREE 'bOOKLET ice on afr^ypes ol electrical wir­ Rogers Corporation, corner, fl? 9-3 in 1959. Another.oddity: Nick and Larry Doby play’ed with the a notch behind, will be at Color­ numbrir two ground gainer h,as Call MI 3-m o PietrOsante, Lion fullljgc'k ■ who the Amherst-Tufts football game Angeles Dodgers in the league MEXICO CITT (AP) —BoId*>the gas pedal prfts.sed to the floor. both unbeaten and both knocking to see a Notre,. Dame squad go to ing. Licensed and Insured, Wilson Mill and .Oakland . , Streets. Dragons this year and the team ado. Oregon ' State, takes ori Big played only .sparingly."_ / __ netted 90 yards rushihg. nutgained Saturday, considered the most im- ' race. tiien beating them in a tjiree-il Carry Back Tops Field ami brazen Ricaixlo ' Rodriguez, •Monica said that as Rodriquer at the Top Ten door, come togeth­ the poet a 19'a-point underdog, ■ ' 1' Ml ,3-8552 Electrical Co., Manchest>-»- MI .Man-chester,- Conn., , at* liSO portant little college game in New game playoff, the Giants lost the recently signed first basei-han Jim Six co-leader Washington State, "Wri;-had hoped to do better of his own team. Detroit netted only car we'ht into the U-curve, the er for a test of strength iri which which is what the current Celts Cutomobiles For SaW 4 9-4817 Glastonbury. MB 8-’i'876 . p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 6. - - -. England . . . Mike (jvian. the tal-1 World Series to the New York Marshall for 196.3. Marshal] was who chas^ fame with the gas ped­ which is hoping fo. benefit from course, especially after a so'uml MORTLpCK’S Driving School. We «6. . back hit the guard rail, throwing trie Cornriuskers’ .quarterback, did against Northeastern. And a ented greenskeeper at the Elling- Yankees in seven games, with the Mets and Pittsburgh Pi­ al of his racing oar pushed flat to the uSC-Washingtf)ri tangle. ' ' performance In the opener /fit RENAULT—1959, white, radio have/the only office and class-' rates this season. ; " the Lotus out of control. The car Denn.s Claridge, will be trying to lot of near old-^timers took what ton Ridge Country Club, is gUll Mays led the inSjors iiKhomers In Rich Trenton ’Gap the floor, was killed yesterday - VMI vs. Citadel _ they considered a gross overlay bn Oklahoma, but .losing Cbsta, and lieater, good tires, A-1 con­ ro^m in town. For complete in- Floot Finishing 24 Equal opportunity employer. Newcombe pi-obably' will return broke apart a.s it overturned aiul dent the solid defuse of once-tied Star of Future \ passing out cigars following the "-with 49, .smalshed across 14V runs the Wildcats. ITiey .couldn’t .see Snowden and Bitfiko w a ^ ta n ta ­ dition, $495. MI 4-01-56 after 6 tormation see telephone "yellow next year but Doby, who had dif­ when his sleek Lotus careened off Ricardo was thrown about 45 feel Missouri. Southern Conference leading *page 10." Office 443 Main St., PAINTING, remodeling papo' "Forget that talk -about Norm recent birth of a son al Manchetf- and hit .304 in 1962. VMI is at The Citadel for a league Northwestern or any other college mount to graduating t,Wo classes, .- p.m. .. Snead being a quarterback of the N e w YORK (A P )—C a r r y^Guadalcanal, 110: Harbor View ficulty getting back into form, is the track in a practice session at. dotsTi the track. -Regional Television MI 9-7398. _ . hanging, floor sanding. Call Mr ter Memorial Hospital. The same day Mays entered .4tncounter while runner-up West outfit giving Notre Dame three and on top of that lose Lind. Farm's Garwol, 108 and Mrs. Mary not likely to come back. the Mexico Autodrome. Ricardo's death came just lo The USC-Wgshington and Ne- NEED CAR? Your credit-turned Charles MI 8-2107 NURSE, Conn, licensed, relirt’Am^ “:V Mount Zion the Giantsf other slug- most popular Virginia meets William and Mary, touchdowns. But the amazing We were left wltlyriilght he Called vale.scent home. Room with tele- Christmas’s Towson. 109. ' Goodman, the American League days after he and Pedro continue braska-Missouri games will be re­ down? Short pp down pay-irient? ging mainstay, Orlartdo Cepeda, *’°r®** to-come: along since My , The ydunger and more daring of the third-place team; Atlantic sophomore. Tommy (Shotgun) a shell of a team, yqulhful in a underwent a one and ope-half-hour Flicka, is heading into the Others are Montpelier Farm's batting champion In 1950 with the their succe.ss in races Ihrougho: gionally, televised ' as -will -the Bankrupt? Repossesplon?'" Don’t - 1^ Mexico's auto racing brothers, Ri­ Coast Conference pacesetters Myers, and the Wildcats quickly number of plaCM, and when you're eye exarpiuefiun. 'Tl-ie 25-yeai--old ^ouie stretph of his racing career. .Sensitivo, 116; David Shaer's Misty Boston Red Sox. also’ has played cardo was 21. the world by winning the Par Navy-Notre Dame encounter at - dfespairl'See Honest Douglas., In- Canadian H&rse Wins A gain ^ Maryland and Duke meet outside demoristrated that they could give not too stpChg you. can't give COMPLETE 24-hour oil burner painting and paperhahging. . Clean Puerto Rican had feared he was his career ends up any- Day, 116; Mrs. Ada Rice's Try with^ the Biiltlmorc Orioles and Brother Pedro, 23, and Ricardo’s 1,000-kilometer race for grar Philadelphia, Where the four-times thi-.=.= quireluire about lowest downdown. small,Small, toiiri.sm cars for ^the/Second co opponents, the Terrapins taking on the present'Irish such a. handicap ser-vice Also plumbing and heat- workmanship. No job t(» small, losing sight iri his right' eye but IhiJlF nipst -of his races. It Cash, 114; an:^ Christiana Stable’s White Sox. He’s 36 and has a .^OO j father, mother and „wife of less beaten Irish will have to remfiln and then some. t / h % payments anywhere fio small ing. Free estimates. Ml 9-7321 John VerfaillC. MI 9-5750 Help” ^ante6— Mule j secutive year. R'iegido also h Penn State and the Blue Devils four Big .Ten teams in a row,.a:ir loan or finance company plan. Owner Hoping for Olympics was assured • he has 20 .20 vision should 'oe with a rush Smart. 115. ' ' lifetiihe batting. , than a year, Sara, w5ie in the pit awake against a potent Middies’ With four consecutive pastings The stretch-running .son 1 of won the Nassau Obvernors Cup facing' Georgia Tech. in the- top 10." . Douglas Motors, 333 .Main. EXPERIENCED carpenters want- and did not suffer fi-om" a . vision- If all 10 start, the Tienlon will i Hodges, who (s 38. broke in with area when _Ri'cardo’s, a«to-;»werved offense sparked by sophomore into the Navy game at STEPS, SIDEWALKS, stone walla, Saggy head.s a field of nine ex­ gro.ia $88,700 with $57,656 to the 1960 and had finished among t Ivy leader Dartmouth is There isn’t any question about Donda— Stockx— ed. Joh)i- The weekend program grits un­ Yale. Missouri Valley front-nm-j Work done at reasonable prices. TWortjrajM* SI 3-5803 Siler 6. ■ -'^'T ■; ■ hope,” sighed Toronto stock brok ner Tulsa is at Cincinriati and that Joe Kuharich, the head ical casualties, but other .pigskin white, power - brakes, power Maj. Piero D'Inzeo of Italy won Trentpn Handicap at Garden Cicada, the 2-,vear-old filly drafted by the.-Mets following the a trial'run for'the Grand Prlx of eyenis in the l.ist three years. ner Ml 8-0796. , •P Tom Gayford today, “that we derway tonight -with two games— coach who always wanted the job. powers have enough maleri.al to steering, power seats,,'white top, the aftemppn international event State Park tomorrow, one of the champ last year, beat her- older 1961 sea.son. He wss .sidelii'pfl most Mexico Sunday. ■' re Waring of Duo Richmond at George Washington New -Mexico's Westerii Athletic CASH AVAILABLE. If yo&".have PLUhjtBER wanted, " . 5 '^ ; can get the money together to would resign at t^e conclusion of compensate for them. . black and white interior, new t r e e • real estate equity, call ug ^fo,-. ledge" of heating and plunjbt^; $4 yfesterday, going clear in a speed two top races on the weekend pro-- rivals in the Beldame Slakes at of this year with knee and kidney Ricardo, still aliVe, wa.s lifted Ric^do- goi his racing tniftli’ and Kentucky at Miami, Fla.- Conference pacesetters are at black and wmte interior, new i REMOVAL [jiTUning .spray- compete In the Olympics. We rubber. $1,800 or best offer. MuKt(^jf,„ cleafihg Call Frank funds $2000 requires only $44.60 ^Pei''pei' hour. Call Modern Ho.ime class in 29.1 seconds to 29.5 for gram. Aqueduct in Seplember. but fin­ ailments. , • from near th? wreck a.s hi.s father and/(nteresl' from Pedro Sr., w • then heads into a Saturday, pro- Brigham Young, Bowling Green, might -hhow them som e^ing." Irelaind's Cipt. Bill Ringp-ose, the The otlier is at Aqueduct, where sell—going int„ into service. Call Nobler M3. 9-«053. ,MI 9-J874. per.jnonth, including repayment. Builders and Decorators; -MI ished fourth in the Vineland Han­ ------— ——------>. raced to his .side. Al the‘sight \V/£s a niotoi-cycie- stunt man. : . gram ,t|iat also features. confer­ first^ in the Mid-American, meets Gayford was thinking oiit loud MI 3-0333 anytime in mqrning Frank Burke. 246-8897 days, or 3-2107 runnerup. The Uf)ited States, ' Meadow Staple's Cicada, leading dicap last month after a pool- ■ Th^'_New/’¥o(;f£ Mels were .shut ot„his son, Pedro Sr. fainted. H ardo, although, the .yoiingei-of 1 ence g-ames for Northwestern and nomcbnference West Texas State Linebacker Deluxe . a'bout his brown gelding Blue which Won the fir.st three interna­ candida'.e for the 3-yeai-<)ld filly; start. - racing team, was acknowledged while runner-up Ohio U. faces LAIVNMUWER ahfttpefiin'g ana re­ 529-5553 evening*.. Beau, who now. has won the. puis- out les/ times than any other Nq- recovered as Ricardo wa.s pla Alabama — ^lurrently ranked the 1959 'b UICK LaSabre, gray. 4- pairs. Also, lawn maintepance. (iLASS A tool and gauge makers; tional tests, was shut out. I title, will tackle older Allies and Goiiid W in Title the bolder and more dariiig. league iientry* Marshall. -•ancs (high jumping) event iii the ttojaal Les'rue team in 1^62. . They in an ambulance and was w it^hls natlo.’’8 top two teams. •door sedan, povVer equipped, .ex­ Free pick-up and delivery Little SECOND MORTGAGES available. also, experienced all around',ma- •'f In the open jumping, Windsor I mares agai'n in the $50,000 added A victory in the Ladles’ could were.lSlanked six times yet finished son when he died en route/ to a . At 14, Ricardo was a favor; Ohio U. is one of the eight re­ cellent qandltion. Call MI 3-0475. cihin'ists. Top wages- afid frage Nqtional Horse Show fiiree years .Castle., a 'forrrier champidn oiirned Ladies Handicap. . , ‘ j The Wildcats, leading the Big A McKlnhey-. 16 Woodbridge S t , Consohdate your obligations Into give her not._qhly the 3-year-old ,lasr hospital. ' ■ y ' ' '■ at Mexican auio laCe,'-.. Before ' maining unbeaten and untied Bona Fide. All-America MI 8-8020. ' one monthly paynrie.nt., We are In benefits. Apply E A % Gauge, in a row... by Mr. ^nd Mrs. gamuel Magld The rest of the linieiip includes' title but the championship aver Ten race, tangie- with 'conferifnce As"ked whether Rioor^d'S’ broth­ reaphetlJiis 17.tlv birthdaiy. he tri ' teams along with Alabama, Ne­ a position to . loan any amount Mitchell Drive. Last night before a breathless of Mamaroneck, . Jl/'Y., took over the $2O.OO0-added Turf (iiip at one - ril the dl.staff runners. She'll tote foe Indiana In an effort to reiriairi 1954 FORD convertible, 6 cylinder. er Pedro—schedulejt‘''‘'',lo race to enter the So'oring 12-hour e;- ahead of - pursuing Purdue and braska; Northwesierri, Mississip­ LAWN MOWEHS ‘aharpened and on easy terms. J. D. Realty, 470 ierbw take with 20t4 pointSj. ~ i ' Hillsdale Handicap,-- a six furlong ' Other proba)>le starters Are El- . will rely on- speedy George Salmes tor the weekly All-Bast team kfilv.es, axes, ears axatea , J D _Realty^ Ml *3-5129 mental, first-class, o-vertlme, Ricardo’s death unofficially we.s j and Nasraii, at Pan and Nurem Stonfort^ at Portland, Ore., and ing tfie Ivy League, race with rotary blades, service. Capl-.I — ' - , goodworking ______„ conditions,_____ pro- (hsinoes with him on our home test for 3-year-oIds at Bay Mead- ■mendorf Farm's Oil Royalty, 113; i the 19th in all type,s of auto rac- i burg. And he gained his fame tat Minnesota In a Big Ten game by the ECAC four times this circuit, ao I usually drop out be­ ows. . I Darby Dan I’arm's Bramalea, 116; j while Northwestern, cofinta on, the Houston at Florida State. a 8-0 ooiUferenee record, re­ season. 1955 RAMBLER tol Equipment Cd^, 88■■ Main" ■ St., ESSO HAS excellent opporvunlty in 'jSfgre.ssive' company. Apply in jng this year. Eleven fatal aced- | ------______Manchester. - Hour* . daily 7-6. j Manchester, Modern 2-bay service person. • • ' fore the jumps get' too high. He's LovpIlfHte to Switch Carry Back, who has run out of :C. V.-'(Vhitney'a Honey Dear, j,i5: (letit.s have occurred in the United mains one of Mie few unbeat­ en, untied teams In the nation Dartmouth, which has al­ AMERICAN Thursday 7-9. Saturday 7-4. Ml statiorr, high volupae. on heavily ' . . . such an honest horse, he’ll try any­ the money in his last three staj-ts, iTlionVaa White’s Waltz Song. 115) States, ■ eight throughout the rest lowed only one tbuchdbu'n in and sporta the eonntry’s llfHi 8-7958 traveled highway, plus neighbor-1 . DELTA CORPORATION thing. CHICAGO (AP) — Boston Cel-' will carry top weight of 129; Harbor View Farm’s Royal Pa- Df the world. Two Ijocal Golfers rolling over Penn, Brown; , STATION WAGO!^ "But he’s too valuable for that best defense. hood trade. Available soon. Phone i 249 Main St., Hartford tics^Coach Red Auerbauch plans to pounds. including Johnny Rotz, trice. 114; Tay'or A.'tbury’s Epi- Ricardo, who was winning auto Harvard, Massachusetts and Mr. Dorlev days, JA 7-4183 nights’" ------kind of stuff-you know, we only and a heavy favorite’s ts'g for the tome, 110; and Maine Chance Death Rate on Football Field One of the big one* is 6- use Clyde Lovellette at . a .forward races in Mexico when he was 14, In Grai'it Tourney Holy Cross, Is heavily favored White sidewall tires, radio and * CELLARS , ariica promptly clean- Sprin^ield. Mass. STate 2-4629. ELECTRONICS - Telsviaion Man have a few horses and we have to -position tonight when the defend­ one and one-quarter miles of the ' Farm's Nashua Pride, 405, ' carried hi* daredevil reputation in­ foot-S, 216-pourid linebaeker over, the Ells, who beat Cor­ heater. Recent, complete ed Alko (ll^ t tnScklng, 289-0564. with good working Knowledge for conserve theip. -And if we go any­ Don McKinnon, Dartmouth’s ing world champions play Chicago. Trenton. If 11 .sitart in the one and 5*16 to his final drive. Fred Vaw Buren Running Behind P ace of 196X nell, lost to Columbia and tied motor overhaul. Excellent con­ ATLANTIC Servij;? Station for permanent position h> Hartford, where w* ?J.f)e ,oUr own money.’' ■ Two Meiachester golfei;s wi defensive captain who will FALI., .,y-ARD . cleanup. ■ John E. The National Basketball A.ssoWs- Two of the big rea.sons the 4- mile test, the value will be $.57,800 of Mexico,' driving behind Rodri-J tho“‘ioBarn~‘ Brown.-They’re 2-1-2 overall. dition $450 Call evenings MI lease in Manchester. This Is ex- should have at least a 2nd floss, Gayford pointed out that at ohe tion contest will mark, the first year-old.colt is expected to be such with $37,570 to the winner, ' - giiez when he errshed said; • ifsid . the Big Green against Princeton, which fell from Whlthtun Landscape -Nursery, MI cellent station ready for man in- Fringe benefits. Give con^ets time or another Blue Beau has day in the golf tournament held Yale tomorrow. 3-0215'. 3-7802. . ' seasons’ enooiinter betw een the a lop-.sjded favorite are that,Kelso .Milton Ritzenberg's Wl.se Sliip, "Ricardo went into jhe turn ju a share of the top spot when terested in going Into business for informaticoi in first letter. ' Write Wethersfield Cbuntn’ Club in ho L O B AN GELES —*and one from, .-ruptured spleen. beaten Ksar D’Spirit. the top tlpit- Celts and the Zephyrs. The vet­ and Beaii-.Piirple, two of his big­ a six-time stakes winner on the much too fast. I-Was surprised. He The survey, iis. compiled from Dartmouth Coach Bob edged by Cornell 85-84 last himself. Paid tralnii^ available.; Manchester Hsradd, Box ■. ed Statqs jumper, along with some or of .limmy Grant,. Rhode Islar oosushes’ survey shows football eran Lovellette. acquired to spell gest tormentors, won't be running gra.ss, has top weight of 124 knew this track well and knew news accounts and questtonnairea Blaclanan, who usually plays week, alfio' Is a top-h e a v y Until 5 p.m, 288-1661. Alter 6 p.m. 'ef the beat in Europe. ■ ; ’ , and because it's one of Carry pounds in the bulky field of 15 Open champ. ' . dbatha are running 28 per cent b e- 1958 DE SOTO "Firedome," 4 door jHousetipId Services MI 3-2381.' Mr. Rauch. center Bill Ru.ssell, is going to do that this “turn, is the* toughest of sent to both coaches and physi­ It pretty e|oae to tbs vest choice over Brown,. -6-3-1In sedan, only $125, 736 Center St. "I don't' think he's second to any • Back’s favorite di.stances. „ fnr-the Turf Cup at Laurel. Helll all:" Amateur Stan Hilin.ski shot a low tlie 1»«1 level. when diaeoaoing his players, ' (Offered 13-A more playing alongside Russell, to trail Grant liimself 'and-D ; cians. the league and 1-8-2- over ail. MI 9-2381. ’ ROCKVILLE—Restaurant in c?n- CoiitiHuei OR R0xt|MS0 puissance horse in the world.” said giving more’ height to the Celtics In ejgbt starts st that/dLstance, get competition for the favorite’s Van Buren'said he could not es­ v,-A t this' time a year ago there has tMa to say aiiout MeKin- Gayford... “A lot • of people have Sidei'owf who shot 74s while A' Princeton is 2-1 ip the league AN UNUSUAL basgain! Reuphbl- i ter of town.. Newly remodeled afid with his 6i9 framev Auerbach ex-_ he's won three including the spot from T. V. Lark, owned by timate • how fast the sV-arlhy, had been 35 fatalities directly or non: • ' "and 8-2 overall. Tiger Coach 1960 RENAULT Dauphine, orig- tride to . buy him, but it dftesn’'t Hackney was sixth among I ster 3 piece living room Set: sola-p-recorated, all new modern equip-, pressed hope Lotjelletle will play 19frli Kenlurky Derby ■ and has -the Preston Madden Syndicate and chunky Ric;srdo was trav.elingv indirectly attributed to football. Thiiraday’s Fights "I would like to make .one Dick Colman, however, is-less 'nal oW” pr. 'ow miles'*? excel­ make any difference how big the finished pros with a 79. ana 2 nliairg $145 Choose .from [ nierit. Good .volume. Priced rea-, him.self into betttr shape. out of the money only carrying 121 pounds, EJdward Selt­ but the track’s prass officer es­ Dr. Floyd Eastwood says there 1 of the strongest statementir 1 than confident. lent condition. Price reduced for otfsr is. He’s, simply not for sale.” twice, zer’s Canadian champion Bi Ban- have been only 25 this season. Dr. group of fine fabrics. Work done! s/inably with good terms. Death timated the fearless Rodrigue? was Worcester, MaS'S.—Tom McNee- have ever made as a fbotball "Brown," he said, "is a kit qi^ick sale Phone MI 3-8886. S£l>1ili TANKS A fter four rounds, only Gay- L A T E BIXKIMING — Final Tune-1'p dino, under 122. a'pd Walnut Hill: close to 125 miles an hour. ' Eastwood is chal7m?n of the sur­ ley, 203, Boston, stopped Earl At- Coach. After watching Don expert craftsmen on our prem-' ,J eti familv reason for sale. Cantor * better team than they are A Goldf'arb, Realtors, MI 3-8442, . fort of tha* - portfirtlo say: BaaiUo,. who managea tirother qwner of the Lob Angeles Angels yards per gome. He’s' bee« - its Hiarvard, each ;l-2 in (ha m ier*, 3-dqor hardUm, new onffiiOt LICENSED home tor child core, J, Herald, giving age-, experleisee, : taiMgs . IS football deaths. Two were saltUy Tfiquirementa,. «te. (Mi OuMl MB ttai Ma in«- rtgkt" . lifK'. «. L .' DdM)M’'b Nationai Hon* Show. taka It AM ," moaning with Joey, will t>* ka'Ua aomer. oaaaad ^ aaok and aplne injurios in tha AraMrleOn lioaguA waw e i Hm eatartiHidlog Bno- leofoe and X-S ovenOL Urea, inuniseulata. Call MI 9 ^ t . daya or nlghto. CaU MI 8-1734. ' . 1 • ' ' ' ' 1; .. .' i:-.'

-'k : > \

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, .MANCHESTER, CONN^ KKlDAY, NOVEMBER i, 1968 ■ANqHESTliiR" EVENINC HERAIJ), MANCHESTER, CQNN, FRIJIA^, NOVEMBER *, 196* ■ I PAGE TWENTYwTWp PAGE TWENTY-THREE Hanses For Sale 7* Booms For 72 Hfloscs For S ^ t 72 Fuel and Feed 49-A THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALT and SHORTEN .fhwinem Locations Rouses For Sale 72 Housm For Sals .7* H oumbJP ^ori Sale 7* Honses For Sale 72 64 BOCXLBDOB-^T room Ranch, 4 MUST BE SO LD ^ room ■ Cape, EAST HARTFORp^Large 6 room MANCHESTER — 4 room Colonial FOR SALE—Seasoned hardwood For Rent $9,900^% ROOM ranch, flreplaee, y ean old, laigs modan kttriiaa, $l0,900-r^mpoe8lble. to duplicate, 20 EDISON ROAD—6 room ’Cape, ■y 2-car garage, large lot, privacy. front dorriiers, open stairway, ranch , buUt-iihC cellar gartgs, to very good condition, hot water large four room home (2 A 2). 3 bedrooms, dining room, fire­ for fireplape. Immediate delivery. (CENTRAL LOCA'nOK store built-in ovea and ranga, dlahwash- firspiace,. hot water tol heat, tile bus. I^ lto n W, Hutchtoi' MI y B. J Begin, 6SS-S983'. •oiTiey THIS'LU 6* TH4 MANAfieif CmJOLEV fiBALL'/ Carlton W. Hutch&s, Ml 9-6182. •r, dispoeal. pantry, ate. Imrgt heat, gange, city water and Full basement, alumtoum aiding place, - lovely screened in back « ie ,su r GOOpt W* y/MvPPtPfue I HATES MOh/iee.tur space appnhtimately 30^x40'-, suit­ bath, liatchway, combination win­ 9-5132 / lewer, large tot, convenient. Ask­ and Windows, deep wooded tot. poreto close to schools and bus. THWY m e tn APES HAViNOr OUCKfP OLfTA NOT AS MUCH AS able for small businesa. MI 9-6294. MANCHSJSTER—6 room older Co­ dtotog room dan. cantar aatntoos dows and doors, City utilities, nice ing $12,000. Tongren Agency, Ml Central l(>cation, owners moving Call &acoe Agency, MI 9-0626. VEI2E 600(7 TH# BMT 6IP« ffxrrANP ] HE HATW USmilNS lonial. Generous sire room# to-, hall. >malad wall flnolaoa In Ito- tot, air conditioner, central vac­ MANCHRSTSat—Oolof^al of qual­ 8-8821. ' South. Ideal for couple starting Garden—Farm’—0aii7 part-AV wiNBOhf tog room with a b ^ to u l viaw. I uum system, $15,200. Charles Les- ity /Construction to a highly desir­ ROC3CVTT JiE—6 (room ranch with ro* LAST IffT WALPO TO HIS WIPE ANP 246 NORTH -^.MAIN—Stors. MI elude living room dining room, out, or elderly pe^le. T. J. DWORIN'S Products 50 WEPNMWI/U 1OWN,0U7 TOMANTHB HESFRIENRSSASr kitenim and- 8 \)edroo»is, bsdranns, S baths, 2-oar gangs, perance, MI 9-7620.' able area 4 bedrooms, bath, ,VERNON , Oockett, Realtor, MI 8-1677-. enclosed sunporch, extra building /novi« CRLKTLffVU «Or J 6UH8 ALONE r 9-6229, 9-5, room, and enclosed porch.- Oil' kitchen, dining room, living room, lot, walking distance to schools y APPLES, cooking and eating $1 THB MOST Folverton a p p n M , m,0M. PhUwiek Agsa- I—hCANCHEBTER—Delightful and den and lavatory. Full cellar, ga­ Exceptional custom built 6 basket and up, B otti'aI^lt 0 m ANPWAIT'LU ANDOVER — Route 6. Approxi­ heat, $14,600. Robert oy. Ml M4d4, and shopping, good value, $10,900.1 tS JUST BURSTING - GALUr (THEY TELL HIM Agency, Ml 9-2813. charming 6 room Cape, flreptoce, rage, city utilities. Joseph Lom­ room ranch with partially clos­ Cantor 4 Goldfarb, Realtors, MI I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENT DEPT. HOirRS Farm, 260 Bush Hill Rd.„ mately 700 square feet of com­ formal dining room', large r family bardo, Broker, MI 9-9845. ^10 suynckSTS/ mercial space available, .Immedi­ ed carport, liting room with 3-8442, TR 8-6244, ^ 8:15 AM. to4;30P.M. CALL OUT THE e ig h t ROOM cape, 4 bedrooms, TR SD . OF working for someone size kitchen with dispoeal and wall-to-wall parpeting, raised MANCHES'TER MARINES ate occupancy, $50-monthly rent. elseT. Here’e your chance. Pack­ formica counters, garage,' wooded EAST HARTFORD NORTH COVENTRY-New raised i Household Goods 31 J. D. Realty, MI 8-6129.. diiiing - room, ‘ paneled family age etore, gas station, grocery hearth fireplace. California red­ OVER WITH EXCELENT COPY CLOSING TIME f o r CLASSIFIED ADVT. room, full shed dormer, fire tot, near schools and ws, excel­ wood paneling, dtotog room. 8 ranch! 6 rooms, baths 8' store, plus recent 6 room brick lent condition. Selling for $16,200. DESIRABLE! convenient 3-Famlly ■ IXiplex- MONDAY Thru FBID^If 10:80 A.M.—SATURDAY • A.M. STERILIZED, used furniture tor STORE AT 245 Spruce St. (corfi» alarm, aluminum cpmbihaUons, bedrooms, Andersen windows 5-5, (Ontral heat. CSty water acres. Only $12,990, Chaplin Agen-1 every room, including mattresses, attoched garage. Very, close to eape.- Tetrlfic return for your In- Call the R. F. Dimock <3o., MI Split level, 7 rooms. 3% baths, throughout. Beautiful shaded ey, MI 3-9442, ’TR 5-6403. of Eldridge) suitaUe for office or veetment. Call for details Paul 9-5245 or Jrihenna Evans. MI and seweri Copper plumbing. springs, and upholstered furni­ small business, $50 mmithly. In­ school, shopping and transports- Fiano Agency, MI 8-0458. sparkling kitchen with built-ins, lot with pines, hemlocks, and - .. One apartment vacant. Easily TRADE-INS ON THE ture, All kinds of appliances, tloii $17,500. Philbrlck Agency. MI 9-5668. quality construction, choice lo­ blue spruce trees. Pine residen­ VERNON—New lifting! $16,900,1 Dial Ml 3-2711 quire 168 Woodland St., MI 8-8474. financed. young ranch, rec room, built-iris', r cleaned and tested. New dinette 9-8464. n —VERNoN—6 room Ranch, at- cation. low taxes. Can not be tial area, orte minute from Wil­ duplicated at $22,900. Call now. bur Cross highway. Immediate wall-to-wall' carpeting in eveiV ' sets and mattresses brand names. OWNER TRANSFERRED tac)tod garage, aluminum com­ room. Cbaplin Agency MI 1-9442, Shop and save at LeBlanc Furni­ OFFICE FOR RENT binations, extra large lot. Selling occupancy, $ 1 8 ,^ VA, FHA, pofitinued From Preceding Page ture Hospital,. 195''Sou^ Street, 6 bedrooms, «TlaOui,- 9-csr fs- ROBERT B, ANDERSON or conventional flninplng. BRAE-BURN REALTY TR 5-6403. rsgs„ large limdscapsd 7>ra. Charming S-story home with • - lor $16,200. Call the R. F. Dimock Rockville, TR 6-2174 Open 9-9, ao6 CENTER ST. Co., ha 9-6245, Johanna Bvane, AGENCY ROOKLEDGE^t— Talk - about good » > / • ^— ------"j------— Saturday till 6. Shown by appointment.. Marian B. generous bedroom# and tils 5% room custom bullt^ ronch, MI 8 ^ 3 Ideal for insurance or real es­ Robertam , R ealtor. Ml 3-dM3. MI 9-5653. BU-0139 t 628-1776 * years old, 8 bedrooms, Tiv- vtouM, -thia home coats far more NEW 1 9 6 3 bath on second floor. Lorge ^elp^^anted—Male 561 Dygs—Birds—Pets ____ ^41 I'ng room with fireplace basei'- than the asking price. Ciuatom RUGS — N^ver used 9x12 green tate^ agent, $60. monthly, utili­ RANCH—6 rooms. West Side, carpeted living room, dtotog VERNON—6 room ranch, bullt-tos, MANCHESTER —6 room Oape, built for present owners, has thrSe ” MACHINIST, ail''around or who DACHSHUND puppies, AKC regie broadloom, $30. 9x16 green Orien-1 riear bu* line, convenient to Ver­ ment garage, $17,500. Immedi­ tered, home raised with children, f in s SWWiflMf NI6HT MOMf— ties paid Cau PI 3-8701. Youngstown kitchen with buUt- room, paneled kltcheji Arith ap- r quiet street, close to shopping and ate . occupancy. .// r-7 room home op one bedrooms, living room, dining wants further training, progres- tal, $35; 9x12 Parisian. 289-6955. SILLEP AS A CCMEPy, ^ BUT tos, 8 beditxims, dining room, full non CSrcle 1% baths, Tongren schools, excellent condition, priced area, kitchen loaded with bulH- slve-company, g6t»a oon-| health guaranteed. Black and tan, pUances, and lavatoiy on flrst Agency, MI 8-6321.' acre>.^11 cellar, .oil heat,. lUum- red. TR 5-8950. MOST OP THB PUN TAKES basement, carport, $2,400 as­ to sell, $18,600 Hayes Agency, MI Many others from $10,000 up inurn storma and'acreens, 4 bed­ Ina. Basement completely finish- ditions, all fringe' ^nefUs. Gun- __ _ _ _ . _ PLACE IN THE FOYER/ sumes VA mortgage at 4?t%, floor. Breezewayf^arage, one- 8-4803. to $60,000'. 'ed, full bath ,rec rooms, etc. Ga­ ver Manufacturing Co., holf acre on a deadend atreet SOUTH MAIN Street—Large cue- rooms, kitchen, living room and CHEVROLET^ 234 Hart-1 PUPPIES—AKC register- $17,900. Philbrlck Agency. MI rage will hold two cars, rear ford Road, Manchester. /A SENSATIONAL . 466 MAIN—^Ideal for offices or any tom' built ranch 'with three bed­ ''utility room',-.only $6,600. Robert ______^ ______I ed, blonds or leds, $30 and $35, commerciaL use. MI 9-5229, 9-6. 9-8464. to an exbellent reiidential BOLTON—8 room Chipe, 3-csr cin­ JERRY FAY AGENCY Wolverton Agency. Realtor. MI porch, big trees. Asking. $26,500— VALUE rooms. Practically an acre of< der block garage, suitable for MI 8-3118 TR 5-2 must be seen. Owner-transferred. ABLE, APT, Alert, Ambitious —If Washburn's Cocker Kennels, TR . BeighiMWhood. Gail ewner MI land. Located on the comer - of workshop, 13(h^X) lot;' Bel Air 9-2818. ^ . you possess the^e qualities, w e, 5-2894. FRONT MAIN Street air condition­ 7 ROOM RANCH to the Bowers T. J. Oockett.. Realtor, MI 8-1577. THREE COMPLETE ROOMS ed office. Parking. Apply Mar­ School area 2 full baths, Y fire­ Hackmatack St. Price In the twen­ Real Estate, MI 8-9832 VERNON—^m aculate 5>. room $15,800—mVBS’TORS spbctol -or the '40 CH fV. $1590 '42 CHEV. $2495 have an excellent position open fjjiack and tan, places, kitchen with oven and ties, and well worth it. Imposaible ranch,. 8 bedrooms.------,, Hying- room BOLTON — 8 bedroom ranch, OF NEW DECORATJUR low’s, Inc., 867 Mato. to describe ell of the many fee- UNDER $30,000—arid you coaJBuy ”ln-law” answer. ’Three told three standard transmission, 8 Ohevy II Convertible. Blue, for a neat appearing to train. months, reasonable. MI range, beautifully finished rec with fireplace, ■ kitcRtoi, "c lv ^ wswalk-out , •o®to®d _qn Green HHl street. breeze'way and . garage. priced as-a sales representative. This isj_._ g__!. ’ —— y ,—.— -• -STYLE FURNITURE room, 2 car sarage, reSTVslue. ;.;M ANCHB8TER^ UldlOW Road; -tures; but call, it'will be a pleas­ this neat s|Uit-levsi 'liome up off eeliar, garage; Move in txmdition. 20% betenv replacement coat, $600 - cyUhders, 4-door. Turquoise, radio,- heater, power kllde, an excellent opportunity for a,d- •. ure to show It to you. T. J. ’ Excellent location, convenient to radio', heater; Rouses For Rent 65 investigate now. Beechler-Smlth, - Rockledge. New 8 room ranch 8 I of Vernon Street. Thfee bedrooms, | Joseph Lombardo,' Broker. Ml everything Home in tip-top shape, down, $103 paonthly pays all. Hur­ whitewalls. Stock No. 3688. vancement, with good starting cqU j e pups, healthy, beau- $299 Ausehold Goods 51 Wanted—^To Buy 58 Apartments—Flat»— Realtors, MI 9-8952, MI 3-8969. large bedroom*, natural wood­ (Jrockett, Realtor, MI 8-1577 I two baths, plus three, rooms on; 9-9845. I shows a good return. Alsp hae a ry, this won't last. Paul Fiano salary. commission and bonus for tiful, reasonably priced Call Cale- SOUTH COVENTRY — Lakefront work throughout, buUt-to oven and 1st floor, arid, in the l<»ver level, j two car garage. One vacancy. T. A^eqcy, Ml 3-0458 the right man. All employe bene­ donian, East Hampton,' ANdrew B03C/SPRING and mattress with WANTED — Good used restaurant Tenements 61 Park. Available for immediate MANCHESTER-Bolfon Itoe —8% range. This new home will be $10,990—4 room’single (to the bus­ a rec room, garage and another, 3114 H O U is^R ^8 ’TREErr — near fits such as paid vacation, retire­ Magnificent sofa bed covered line, 148’ frontage, priced for quick Prin(;et,4 gallOTs''^per minute, TR 6-7984. _ _ age Beautifully situated. High shed dormer, nice yard 'with Price . $23,800. . Glenn Roberts Dodige Pontiac, Inc., 373 Main St., used 6 months, $25. MI 9:3841 MI 3-1526 man. Call to person. 21 Church split rail fence $17,900. BOLTON—Custom designed 3-bed- CHAMBERS REALTY Agency, Realtors. MI 4-1821, MI W./^REN E. HOWLAND real estate? <3au ms at Ml 9-OlM $74.50; S8"^’MaBdgany Chest, lour -St.------:...... elevation, 8 acres, of land. Lea^e rcxirii ranch, living^ room with tor prompt and courteous senries Joe Legere, Service Manager, 3<4 ROOM quality apqrtmest, heat, available to adult family. Tel. Austin Chambers. Broker 4-1844. teEALTOR FLAT STON: walls, patii^, drawers, shirt di-vlder, $65, hot water, bullt-ins, refrigerator, Colonial—6 rooms, 2 large bed­ fireplace, boxca^'shelves and Joseph Barth. Broket TRAINEE ON tabulating equip­ PLEASANT room for. gentleman, 622-1676 days or 625-6776, eves. LAKEWOOD CIRCLE — Ranch. rooms, paneled family room or car^ting, secluded lot with view. i SOUTH WINDSOR: A really roomy '57 CHEV. $740 '59 POfiD $1295 and house Comer Rout^ W i ENTIRE contents of estate which central location, free parking, MI central location. Adults MI 8-2171, Mrs. Sergeant. Exceptionally large living ‘ room MI 9-7006 or MI 8-6930 576 Main St. MI 14108 WANTED—Real Eatats. Selling of ment for wholesale operation. No and 6 Road. Bolton Notch! w m state licensed boarding'home, $169.50 5 Pc Wrought Iron Din­ After 6, MI 8-8470. den with Jalousied windows, Paul Fiano Agency, Ml 8-0458. split level, and so very neat. rtqserience necessary. Apply in Q u ari^ Tel. MI 9-0617 3-5127 • with fireplace, dining area and dining room, living room, func-. ,100x830 lot. Living room, dining buying Residential, cummereiai 4-Door. Green, power glide, 4-DOor Gtooxle. 'White, radio, rahges, gas heaters, tables, desks. ette; 3 side, i arm chair, ochre, THREE PROFESSIONAL people kitchen with view of lake. 3 bed­ RAN(3H--5L''large rooms, Amesite Or induatrial real estate. Ccnlact heiater, Fordomatlc, white- erson, Gaer Bros., 140 Rye St., chairs; lamps, beds, many miscel- white plastic top, $77.60. FURNISHED rooms, complete would like to share a single home, tional kitohen, aluminum sid­ area, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, family radio, heater; Stock No. 3563, So Windsor, OLET Wheels 16-16”, truck rooms, 2 baths, elaborately ftalsh- ing, storm windows and awn­ drive, ^f()ll cellar, oil heat, fully MANCHESTER—Duplex 6-6. 8 bed­ room at garage level, and beauti­ Realtor, Stanley Bray. Ml $-697>, walls. Stock No. 3387. ains, bathroom sink, wood laneous items. Call PI 2-6838. light housekeeping facilities. Cen­ 6 years old house. Call MI 8-2108, ed basement with fireplace, bar, stormed, fireplaces, 3 large bed- rooms, tremendous kitchen with FOREST STREET—Delightful 10 , .Brae-Bum Realty. trally located. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Famished Apartments 65-A Charles Rental Agency. ings. Professional landscaped ful heated 12x18 recreation room former Cheney residence in / ^stove, 300 cedar poles. M,9-135Sr LIVING ROOM furniture—sofa. 3 $13.76 Brass Andirons, $6.65, etc.' 2-car garage, professionally , yard. Bacrifice' price $19,000. H rcKMris, $16,500 Orimer-agent Es- built-ins, separate' furnaces, in a r(X)m in basement. Range in­ Arch St., Manchester, landscaped lot. Priced at ■ $29,900. eott; MI 9-7683. , . well establiitiied neighborhood. Op­ park-like setting. 5 bedrooms, 4)4 REMEMBER — Property realisti­ FULL-TIME Stock boy wanted. W. chairs, 4 tables.' Must be sold by FTVE ROOM single, 10 Haynes St., cluded. Lavatory in master bed­ cally priced is half sold. If lell- '40 VALIANT $1095 T Grant, Parkade. ANDOVER - robin furnished Philbrlck Agency. MI 9-8464. portunity to /Combine home plus room, Copper til’e.on kitchen wall. baths, excellent condition. G ^ e r '40 S IH C A $440 FIREPLACE wood for sale, deli-v- Saturday, reasonable offer Will $134.00 Lawson Lounge, -fo a m :^ ^ ^ '^ ^ ^,*7**"*1**® room, private apartment for' rent. All utilities, completely remodeled. Immediate E. J. CARPENTER . MANCHESTER—4 bedhiom home, income. Maddock It. deVos, Real­ Ml 3-7444. ing, call this office — Our reixird take it. MI 3-5354. T-cushion, walnut tapered legs, h®***®- well heated, ?®*Y® clothes occupancy. MI 9-9258; FSILiEY STREET — Ranch, 6 BROKER / Full price $18,900. Glenn Robertg speaks for itself. Alice (^ampet. 4-Door Sedan, Jet block fin­ t-Deor. Blue, radio and heat­ MALE HELP wanted. A] plV In per- ered. PI 2-7729. heated. C. H. Stletia, PI 2-7278. excellent cloeet and etorage space, tors, 249-7711. Eve Mrs. Julian, Agency, Realtors, MI 4-1521. son BergerjChef Driy « n , 235 ----- ^------classic tangerine cover, $89. closet, gentleman, parking. 816 rooitlB plus a utility room and MI 9-6061 - MI 9;9152 large enctosed oorch. S-cmr ga­ MI 9-9190.' MUST SELL—Modern Cape imme­ Realtor, MI 9-4543. ish, radio, heater, -standard- er. Stock No. 8194, Main Street. V ' AT ALBERT’S Spruce St. LARGE 314 room furnished apart­ heated rec room, 200x200 tree rage, $19,700. Philbrlck Agency. diately, garage, fireplace. oil transmission. Slock No. 3444. ------^— ' AIR CXJMPRESSOR, excellent con- 2 OR 3 YEARS TO PAY! ment, first floor, heat, iiot water Wanted To Rent 68 shaded lot, 2-car garage. 24 foot BEELZEBUB ROAD—W ^ to g . BH MI 9-8484. MANCHESTER—Apartment house heat, 2>2. acres, lots of shade, .WANTED—6-8 duplex or 5-5 duplex * MEN—OWN your.-'wn business. ; dltlon/ Call after 6 p.m. MI 9-9700. START PAYING \ $35.00 Braas Bridge Floor Lamp, and electricity furnished. Work­ living room' with fireplace, plen­ room ranch, g arag ^^ built-ins, with seven rentals grossing $5,700 make offer. Call owner, PI 2-6645. with 3 bedrooma Call after 8:30 IN JAN NEXT YEAR candlestick style, ivory silk shade, MOTHER, third grade daughter, steel beam, beauUM trees, acre $11,80<)—6 ROOM Cape, aluminum p.m., MI 9-2497. ; . 1 We have opentogs for men, with Apartments—Fla to— ing couple preferred. Tel. MI need 3 or 4 room heated apart­ ty of privacy for $2,000 below ap­ annually. Not a bad deal for Two Family direct selling experience. No 3 ROOMS FURNITURE 1-way, as is $17.50 9-9608 praisal, $25,900. Robert Wolver- tot, resaoriably priced. Carlton W. storma, awnings, shade trees, bus, ;000,,.F.Private fiancing available. VERNON—Attractive 6 room Cape' tractor, with 32” floating rotary, Tenements 6.1 ment Manchester. Maximum $95. ftutchtos, MI 94182. *2$ with full shed' dormer, hot water money nep^iMuiy to start. Earn " " $9.36 MONTHLY ' N.:- ton Agency, Ml 9-2813. shopping. Carlton W. Hutchins, ^ u l Fiano Agency MI 3-0458. New listing at a most realistic 1966 CHEVROLET CORVMR up to $20& per week salary. Box mower and 42” snowplow and I Brand New 814-ROOM apartment,- furnished RCX3KVILLE. 3 riiiom heated, nice­ MI 8-0810. MI 9-5182 . / riCe $16,900.00 Prime West heat, attached garage, large lot. | d UI j I L l i l e k ; Garrison Oolonisl, Conveniently located to school and CC. Herald dozer blade, never used, outfit like Bedroom, Living Room, Dinette, WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. or unfurnished, oil heat, adults. ly furnished apartment, cisntrally CUS’TOM BUILT 8 room Ranch, ^ BEDROOM 7 loom colonial with Sids location, excellent invest­ As a result of a hearing on the new. Rock'ville ’TR 5-3913 after 6 Rugs, Lamps, Tables, Dishes, Reasonable rent. New Bolton located, available Nov. 1. Gottler large li'ving room srith flreplaee, ge l i ^ g room, dining- room, VERNON—5 rexim ranch with/; "dining room, 1)4 baths, 2-car at­ ment opportunity. shopping 'This you must see. 4-Door. White, ataml- Honses For Sale 72 kitchOn, study and lavatory, 4 40x40 steel, building to rear, con)< Many other listings available. appeal, of Harry B. Williams (Ni RBCENT HIGH school graduate p m. Silverware and other accessories. 936 MAIN gTREET Road. MI); 3-6389 Apartments. TR 5-3620. formal dining room, family slss tached garage, also partially fin­ 508) on October 31, 1962, pursi)orit ard transmission, ra­ for trainee In materials control , „ , „ ITT SEVEN ROOM Colonial—2 car ga kitchen, 3 bedrooms, IH baths, bedrooms arid bath on second merclal zone, buzI Hi line. Many burii- ished rec room St. Jam es. Par­ Alice Clampet, Realtor MI 9-4543 $14 stone 1 EVERYTHING $288 COVEN’TRY—8 large rooms, fioqi. Recreation room with fire- nesz TOSsibilities.. ITongren Agen­ or MI 3-7357. to due notice, the board granted a and inspection department of ^ L^AM SALE—Regular TO RENT—4 room heated apart­ rage, 1%' baths, 2. fireplaces, hot recreation room with flreptoes, ish. Beechlef-Sniith, Realtors, MI 'variance to build a family room dio and heater. Stock electronic manufacturing firm free loapi^ now $12.50; also,- fill, ' ment, adults' preferred. Tel. nished heat and hot water. $75 enclosed breeseway, sttsehed fa- ]irace to basement. Attached cy, MI 3-6321. ■ 9-8952, MI 3-6969 8 ROOMS FURNITURE water oil heat, central hallway, double garage. Alumtoum siding. ;/» Beechler-Smith, MANCHESTER—Beautiful 6 room on the west side of his existing Must be ambitious. intelligent. stone, gravel and sand. Call MI $10.16 MONTHLY PINE STEP table, aqua upholster­ 3-5118 between 8:30 a.m.-4:30 monthly. PI 2-8646. full attic, city utilities, good loca­ ra ^ , ^.landscaped yard 91xlM. No. 2634. Driver’s license required. Apply s-seoff ■ j p.m .. Marian B. Robeitsan. Realtor, Rsi Ml Central location, $82,900. PhU- TOLLAND — P a j^ rent? Years , WALKER STREET—8 room Ckipe REALTORS custom built split level on high hpiise two (2) feet closer to the Brand New ed bedrooni chair, and 9x12 wool TWO ROOM, heated furnished tion, priced at only $28,000. brick Agency, Ml 9-8464. later only rent receipts!/ Invest •levation. Distinctive features in­ . sideline than the present twent.v- Tbe Newton Co., 55 Elm-St,, Man- (Wholesale), i Westinghouse Refrigerator, Living rug with pad. Call MI 9-4949; 8-5958. I with garage, firiplaee, 8 bed- FOUR AND three room .^ a rt- apartment. Apply ’T.-.Morrow^ 26 Charles Lesperance. MI •-7620. your money to a new mme. See ! rooms and’ dining r(x>m, fully -Ml 9-8952 MI, 8-6969 clude a full plaster house, picture 1 five (25) foot regulation allows, I our selected fancy Canadian trees ! Room. Bedroom, Dinette, Rugs ments with heat, hot water, and Bitch Street after <:30 p.m’ Ml BOWERS SCHOOL—7 room Oo­ our. rtoiek Or cape and attractive- stormed, very clean and well b(x>k kitchen, double oven, sepa­ i - As a result of’ a hearing on the '57 FORD $575 '58 FORD $725 GROCERY GLERK —experi«iced. ' sel[ on Sight, rJ^uble; orxlinar^ ^ U^mps; Tables. Dishes, Silverware ” e w l n g T a ^ c L r S L gas for cooking. Electric refrig­ 9-2236. ■ lonisl, 4 bedrooms, waJk-up attic, offer we can give you Joseph kept, $15,900. r-Robert Wolverton rate dining room, 1)4 baths, 2 appeal of'Geprge Negro (No. 50$) profits. Write at once for moder­ aiid other accessories. 4 S-ear garage, well shaded - lot Barth, Broker, MI 94)830. fireplaces, 3-car ' garage. Large on August.7, 1662, pursuant to due 2-Doqr Station Wagon, blue, 4-Door, radio and heater, full-time. Apply In person. High­ ments, carrying case $125. MI erator and gaa stove " furnished. WEUL. FURNISHED 4 roorrt apart-J Agency, MI 9-2813. land Park . Market, 317 Highland ate prices, plus big yearly bonus EVERYTHING $360 3-9163. Call MI 9-7834 between 5-7. lOSxlBO. f ^ nojIOO. Hayes Agen­ 8 ROOM Colonial cape priced Jor shade trees. Immediate (tocupan- notice, t)>« board granted an excep­ radio, f heater. Stock No. Fordomatic, whitewall tires. St I discounts'. Hi^hes Farms, Bem- m m t with garage,. $80 per month cy. MI 8-4808 Eve#. Ml 9-3297. MANCHESTER—7 room spUt level, MANCHESTER— Beautiful 8 bed­ quick sale at $21,400, 8 twin liz ^ cy. Priced below replacement tion apd voted approval of location 3468. Stock No. 3488. -v - I ardstCHi, Maks. YrtSOMS FURNITURE USED DRYER, two years old, SIX ROOM duplex, oil heat, cen- wimout utilities. May he rented at, REAL ESTATE 1)4 baths, rec room., garage, cov­ room ranch,. 3 baths, large , rec bedrooms, dining rodm, with built- cost Phone MI 8-6273, Brae-Bum for gasoline Ailing station and gen^ WANTED -r- Machinist ha'ving a ll, — Brand New good condition. Gall MI 8-1349 ' trally located, adults. Write to $25 per week, all utilities included, j ered pati(L half mere of parklike room, carport, plu* many other in china cabinet, large carpeted Realty. ' I eral auto repair business. auxmnd experience especially In POOL TABLES Direct—joanurac- $14.74 MONTHLY Box P, Herald. Available immediately Call after' 108 PLYMOUTH LANE grounds. Hayes A^ncy, Iiu 3-4803. extras, full price $19,500; execu­ living room,' cheerful kitchen with K NOTE; Any qualified persons de-1 after 5.- 4:30 Rockville ’TR 6-2106 '58 PLYM. $595 repalr of power-presses and siml- you. Outsjta^tog -value, Westinghouse Washing Machine, An area of beautiful establish­ tive 8 room EngHah’ Colonial in dishwasher, disposal, refrigerator, VERNON—8. room split, 8 be<$( .siring to appeal.this decision must '41 CHEV. $2095 lar equipment Iona Manufactur- $197.50. Jaf5ijj-4475787. 307 Home- Westinghouse refrigerator, Bed­ SDQ.ROOM duplex, centralW locat MANCHE^StER—Porter St. area, excellent location, rec room, tor dryer,' plug )4 acre of land in rooms, dining room, built-in*..^ do so within fifteen (15) days of Ing. MI 3-2111.' ateasJLAve,, Hartford. ed,. adults, $90 monthly Call MI ed homes. This is a 6 room near school, 8-5 duplex, two heat­ 4-Door Station Wagon, ivory I room. Living Room, Dinette, Musical Instruments S3 Is Our Business rambling Cape on well land­ ing systemfe, 2-car garage, extra conditioned H y ^ . room, 1)4 prime E. Center St. location. room with bar, laundry r«oiri’. ga­ the date of public notice of said de­ Parkwood Station .Wagon 4- Dishes Rugs, - Lamps. Tables, 9-8860 CENTRAL 3 rooms furnished, heat-1 baths, built-fir "garage, many, Beechler-Smlth, Realtors, MI rage, plus many extras. MI 3'BI*^^' cision; Nox'ember 2; 1962. poor. Gray. Radio, heater, and green, radio, heater, ed, all utilities. O il 666-9868. scaped good-sized tot. 2-car ga- btrildtog lot, $18,6(W. MI 8-4620. many extras. Just reduced for 9-8962. MI 3-6969. pushbutton trans. Stock Na. first Wheriier Buying, Selling, BuMIng or Ronring, soo raga. Eve. Mr. Rueter, Ml BOLTON ZONING ! power glide./'Stock No. S5M. 3417. Other Accessories larger store a:t 540 Hartford Road FURNISHED upstairs " f la t, 4 quick sale; Special—5 room older WEST SIDE—CdlOTlal irith 3 bed­ BOARD 0F;APREALS good driving record. References. D. C. 36 Birch St. upstairs. floor, centrally located; all mod­ tho Jarvis Realty Co. firs^ Jt costs no more to do 8-0869. , . home on bus line, sale price HEBRON—Lond(>n/Park. 5)4 ro<>m rooms, heated sunporch, recrea­ EVERYTHING $444 Oup entire atqck of pianos, play), em fac^llltles. J. D. Realty 618 rooms, adults only. MI 8-6886 r r s A PEACH JuHub L. Strong Neat appearance, over 21 years $9,500. Short way out— 8 bedroom ranch, built-ins, fireplace, alum­ tion nxmi, formjat’dining room, 2- Chairman . old, steady work Write Box G, er pianos, organs and band in­ Center St., MI 8-5126. aft«r ^4. business with on established firm. Stop In or coll WARREN E. HOWLAND Garden—Farm—Dairy Price Includes Delivery, Setup, struments being closed out St REALTOR Peachee are out of Season, hut ranch, nice condition, small down inum combinations, hot water CSr garrige, beautiful large lot. Byron H. Shinn, '55 R A M I. $395 '5 7 X A D I. . $1795 Herald • low, low prices. Ward Music C!o., FOUR LARGE rooms and bath, the Jervis office tedoyi this home isn’t out of style. A payment, full price '$9,000. Many heat, 82 f<»t rec rtxim, $14,600. Imriiediate (^cupancy. Bel Air Secretary Products “ 50 Service. Guarantee Immediate de­ 875 Main 8t. MI 8-1108 real nice clean ranch with car­ more from $7,000 up,. Call The Owner MI 8-2095. Real Estate Co., MI 3-9332. ROUTEMAN. part-time, for about livery or Free Storage till needed. 99 Summer. Open evenings. deluxe apartment, in beautiful 4-Door. Ivory and gtoen, ra- Limousine. Radio and heat- five weeks 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. New APPLES Gravenstein. Macintosh, . Phone for appointment Colonial home. So. Coventry. Cabl- port, amtoite drive, and a nice Ellsworth Mitten Agency, Realtor; —— ------— 'dlo, -heater; overdrive. Stdek' •r, power brakes and steer­ Cortlands, Greenings Bunce 120 BASS Rlvoll accordion with WAPPING—2 year eld C^>s, 60 yard for the kida to play with MI 3-6930, Austin ^ a m ^ r s , MI No. 3346. ing; Stock No. 3309. System Laundry, Harrison St„ MI neted kitchen, storm windows, their friends: /' Large,,' li'ving 9-7005. 9-7753.. Farm. 529 W, Center’ St,, MI ' ’SAMUEL ALBERT stand, 3 shifts, used 6 hours cost screens, Venetian blinds, fireplace, BtlSiNFSS ZONED The Jdrvis Realty Co. foot foundation, 6 ftolahed rooms 3-8116. . ' $376; selling for $200. MI 8-6604. oil hot water heat, $86. Adulta "'Sown, space tor 3 addltiorial bsd- room, > bednxims, built-ins and ' Hartford CH 7-0358 dtotog srss:, hatchway, gas hot TWIN HULB Drive, Oovmtry — 6 See It Day Or Night only. Electric range' and refrlg-* PROPERTY REAL'fORS “ *MLS APPRAI^RS . rooms and bath on second floor. GREEN MOUNTAIN potatoes, erator available extra. 16 minutes 24 foot living room, nacious din­ air heat, and you have it. Don’t room rarich'built in 1954, one-half Salesmen Wanted 36-A good eating baked or.^iled. De­ If you have no means of trans- bffice and Store wait to see this new listing. acre expertly landscaped , lot, east of Manchester, ME 3-7056. Excellent Posoiblllttea ?83 EAST CENTER STTREET—MI 3-411* ing room, modem kitchen with > NEW ENGLAND 1957 PLYMOUTH LEADING national, corporation has livered to your door. Call H ath-; portatlon. I’ll send - my "auto for Equipment bullt-tos, overslse - bedrooms, toneeite drive, full cellar, oil heat, opening in local Hartford office away, MI 9-6438. you. No obligation. ■WEST ST.—Nice location, 4 rooms, Call For Information aluminum combinations, 1-car^s- JACK J. LAPPEN AGENCY fully stormed, large Hvmg rooiri for salesmw. MI 8-2139; Mr. ’tY]PEWRITER — NEW ’TYPE- first floor, $85, available Dee. 1. rage. A quality built home fireplace. 8 large bedrooms, / COTTAGK m i GARASCS *-Door. S-tona green. Barend. \ A—L-^B—E—R—T— S Wlriters $55 and up;' used type­ MEdford 3-7928 after 6:30. lELFIORE AGENCY plaster walla and cast Iron base MI $16,900. Robert'Wolverton Agency, 1313 l o M Rood ST 3 -llft Fertilizers 50-A 43-46 ALLYN 9T.. HAR’TFORD writers $29 and up. Berube’s Msrd heating $36,900. Philbrlck Realtor, MI 9-2818. Automatic transmis­ - I OPEN EVERY NIGHT ’TILL 9 TO RJENT—4 room modem' apart­ Agency, Ml 9-8484. ‘‘The Molt frsgrsiilvs lulldsr In The Area" G(X)D exJW nianure, .$5 and $10, . _ ’Typewriter Service, 479 E. Mid­ ment;, third floor; on bus line Tel.- M l 3-5121 MANCHESTER—Small farm- over Help^^nted—■ loads Delivered. Excellent for FOR SALE—Four pair interlined dle ’Tpke., htanchester. MI 9-3477. MI 3-7778. on acre, good 8 .room house, ga­ sion. Stock No. 8638. shrubs lawns, etc. ^ 3-7804, OU7STANDINO two yaw old «Ut- Just ONE way to build and >avo: hmtd hewn roof ahtoglSs, profea-' $11,000—4 ROOM ranch, fenced to on'a full acre l(ri. 1)4 ^'riaths, J-*'. . .Sf maple step end tables "With lamps, i Wanted—-To Buy 58 alonaUy landscaped, top vuus at yard, asbestos aiding, city water nfatic, white, radio and Female . 38 COVERED BOAT storage avail- MI 8-0074 139,900. PhUtarldi Agsney, MI paneled living room with fire­ able. 289-5188 or-289-5055. i WE BUY, SELL of frade antique and sewers, full basement. Owner place, country sife kitchen, '795 heater, power brakes WANTED—Work in general insur­ DELUXE Hotpoint electric stove, I and Used furniture, china, glass, MI 8-5348. ; formal dining, roprii,' fin- Csnjplstsly srsetsd fncludfngt ance . agency in RockvHle-Man- push button, with rotlsserie, one sliver, picture framep and- old lshe<$ rec roOip' with bar. 5 and power steering. chester area, four year* exper­ Diamonds^-^Watches— 8-8 TWO-FAMILY, SKCsUent condi­ 6-8 DUPLEX, near High School, room* carpeted wall to wall, Cenerete, Mstsrisli, AH Carpen­ y ^ r old, used 6 months. First coins, old dOlls and -gun's,' hobby tion,/, aluminum combtoattons, 8- bus and shopping 3-car garage, A ience. Call ’TR 5;9126. -Jewelry 48' house north of school, Notch Road, ; collections, attic contents or whole 'acres of oloSeta. Basement has try and-Labor! eof garage, nice rieigbboihood, furnaces. Remarkable coodltion. laundry ,/told built-in electric a Gusrsntssd lO-FilirYserit WATCH AND' Jewelry repairing at Bolton, 1-4 p-m., Friday and Sat­ i estates. Furniture Repair Service, rioee to schools, shoppiM and Reasonable Hayes Agency, MI $1495 '55 BUICK $195 urday- Talcottvlle, Conn. Tel. MI 8-7449. waste ’ dispo.<(al. Numerous (In writing) '59 CHEV. Dogs^Blyds—pair. 41 reasonable prices, prompt serv­ tnuuqportation. 128,900 Phllbrick 3-4803. extrtoi. plus the house is im­ ice, 2 watchmakers. Manchester’s Agency, MI 9-8464. maculate. Asking $24,900; • Ns Down Payqisnt Impala 4-Door Hardtop, gold 3-Door Hsirdtop. ’^to n e gray, IH YEAR OLD AKC registered oldest established Jeweler. F E. NINE ROOMf remodeled home, # Ws Can Hanals All Finaneingl finish, radio, heater. Turbo- male Cocker Spaniel. Reasonable. Bray, 737 Main St., State ’Theater OOLONIALr-7 liooma, S full baths, birch cabinet kRcban, 1)4 l^aths, glide, whitewalls. Stock No. radio, heater, dynaflew. ' PI t42SS. Building. S-car furage, centrally toeatad, fireplace, alumtoum storms, n - 3418. Drive with pride! gU,600. Whrldc Aganey, MI ragss, one acre. Carlton w. SQUIR'fe LINDSAY Hutehtos, MI 9-6183. Tel MI 8-1111 P' I CUSTQM-BUILDING-Ns Extra Chergs '57 LINC. $ 1 0 ^ LOOKING for the BESTf IUXXVILLE—8-4 two-fsmily. Very Eves. after 7—MI 9r8473 or ‘M f o r d $440 good/Condition. 3-csr garage. % H I^ IhEST QUALITY MATERIALS MI 9-4828 Premier. 4-door sedan, acre good land. Central. Carlton AND WORKMANSHIP Convertible. Rsdio. heater, 3 MEADOW LANE See the Jarvi$ built homes at W O O D H ILL TOLLAND $16,800 W. Hutchins, MI 9-5182. Fordomatic. Blue. Stock No. green, radio and heater, au.- HEIGHTS featuring the finest in quality construc­ EDGKWOOD 8t„ Hartford, sturdy, REDI-FRAMED— TO DO-IT-YOURSELF 3372. toihatic: ‘stock No. .3333. Open for Inspection Sunday, 2:00-5:00 P.M. tion and modern design- Only 2 homes left in thq A Best Buy - — ^ - By Belfiore REDUCED__ 5 Room Ranch. well-built 8-famlly, 8, 6 and 4, 3- MANCHESTER'— 6 room ranch.) OR COMPLETELY ERECTED lY US Non- devstopmsnt. - Faultless cw garage. Get your rant free or Rockledge, for sale or for rent Or Any Other Time by Appointment. ^ present section in ranch and split level design - : Looking for a nice Cape in a desirable area ? Here’s'one you Throw them all away-^You)* headache of finding a home oonstructlan. Family sise kitch- buy for an investment. Tto, with (wtion te buy. -Tongren Agen­ STYLES AMO SiZIS TO SUlf priced from $17,000 up. should take the lime to look at. The lot la nicely shaded, the sn with Hotpoint bullt-tos. 535-8776 evsnings. cy, ktf 8-8831 ' is over, See this home today. A sparklihg Cape Cod de­ . 'Large Uvtog iraom with flre- YOUR NEEDS Ill ONwr "OK" Us«4 Can H CiMoao rear yard affofds.privacy, all city utilities are here. The brick signed with 7 rooms, 1 ^ baths and a full shed dormer. A diatinctive address, a charming home, a wonderful investment V.A. Md F.HJk. FINANCING AVAILABLE entrance adds a distinctive touch to the exterior, taking '^is plaes, huge picture window af­ { to your future happiness. 'You owe it to yourself to inspect this home out of the realm of "just another Cape.” Tliis immaculate Jfiome is located on a deep lot on Keeney fording peuuHTunlc view of en­ 'k'kif'k iK-kif A k k i k A 'kk'k'k'k-k'k'k'kirkir 8-room Custom Colonial, center’’entrance, through hallway, con­ \ , ,^treet in Manchester. We expwt a quick sale at tire Qmnectlcut Valley. Base­ venient powder room, a spacious living room with paneled fire­ ’There are three bedrooms, with a fourth possible. Hot water ment garage Finished • base­ IT'S ONLY MONEYf COTTAGES place wall, formal dining room, ^ijl-planned kitchen with all the FURNISHED MODEL HOME OPEN oil heat, aluminum storms, screens, and doors, and copper ment. Large lot. Many extras. Igarages ellMitrical built-ins and an abundance of cheify provincial cabU. plumbing are plus factors.. Easy, commuting to Hartford. But it’s YOljR iinf>ne.v and we’d J SPECIAL! E w E n g l a n d ' nets; off the kitchen Is a large family room., 4* Call TCDAY! Mr. Govang.-TR tike to help you get all you can p Sat.andSun.^-JOAM^-SP.M, As the above picture shows, the garage is large enough to ac­ ‘17,900 8-9820. ’TR 8-6811, MI 9-B306. * in the REAL ESTATE MAR-^ Manchester SsrlBfflaM-Office UpeteJrs, there is a comfortable master' bedroom' with its own commodate a lawn mower, bicycles, .etc,. In addition to Its pri­ Herald 1111,.J I Isitss sitsB Read bath, plus three twin size bedrooms arid a fujl tile bath. mary purpose of hotising an automobil|^, . KET. So... ST S-1*9t R1 S 4l1t BARROWS A WALLACS a th b u y in f o r aoUinff rbsre is' a full basement with another fireplace for,future expan- Daily-^l PJA.-S P,M. Occupancy, can be almost immediats. waitCaR C6He«t wnvWT AnyK a I CHEVROL ET^ Uon. Hot watei; heat, oil fired. A 22 ft. double garage is attached. O ntar M.. REAL ESTATE . IPNUS! 91mm im i iM y w 9RII-1MI CililifiP ot | Dlreo^ionB: Middle Tafiiplke West to ToWer ^ ^ (om w site Pariicr . Any questions T You’ll get the answers, day or nlglit, at: ^ m m. 'OAIL tODAT Many, many more features. Realistically priced. H.W.T. sde). Tower Bd. to B fw t Rd. First right oA, Brent Bd. at. WORTH UP TO Oaragsi D Cottages Q "" ' ' | Sciialler Rd. to Model Homes. Ml U121 u ^ S Q U I R E <25.00 Name 447 CONN. iO U LEVARPr Eif^$T HARTFORD 'Addrstt e)egeeaeaaea«a*o>«* | "A FRIENDLY PLACE TO lUY" ' WARREN E. HQWLAVn, Realtor THE WJLLIAM E. BELFIORE AGENCY R E A L T Y CO. WALNUT SOTtEET - ,2 family on ^ \ WITH THIS JARVIS REALTY CO. 90x180 lot, 2,oar garage, oil steam .City I a e e e • • a a*"* • • e # • PHtoW# aaaaaee JRA-H* 575 MAW STREET---WT 3-1TD8 " REALTORS — 431 MAIN ST. REjtLTORS — MLS —4NSURORS " heat,, aluminum storms and LINDSAY ' COUPipN 289-3441 e OPEN IV EN IN e$ - REAL'TOI^ • Membersi MoBehester Board of Realtors,- ■erssns.'nSw roof and siding, very Ml 3-1111 FREE PARKING AT THE FRONT DOOR MsaebostoK'Mnltlplo I/sUngilyBteai, MI 8-411*—- MI 9-S519 ~ MI 8-10*8 _ - .... II *83 EAST CENTER OT.—MI 3-411*, MI t-l*«« Msaehestef Cfcswibes s< Onwimetea. J. i t i f i k ^ ^ A i t A \'' i ■ • ', J* .'

• J • ■ • \

‘••V ■ ( ' y •■ • . 'I- ’ » Ar PAaS tWENtr-FOUR iNanrbf Btifr H^ralb FRIDAY, NOVEMBER t, iW f Afertim Daily;. Nffi Preae Ron - r ’The Weather F«r Ow W M Ihid«d Forecuat ot U: S. Weather p utofefe ih e Central ConnecUculT’ Coin p ^ y was hsfeded by Mrs. Hsrold OeM ier 27, IMS Club will meet tSiesday at 7:30 Council to T o v ^ Drop Litter Habit. 100 Attend Party Wareham, and Included V i i . Tliure FOR RENT Rolu, windy mad littie ohniigfe hi About Town p.m. at the 'Whlton Memorial Li­ Blombeig, Mrs. Blurton HUton, S and 16 mm. Movls Ftojeetors tempwfetan tonight, low SS to 4e. brary, N. Main St. There Will be Shepard Xobacco The Manchiester Junior Cham­ At Highlaiid Park Sunday mOatly cloudy, windy and Itrs. Jules Goldstein, Mrs. Thomss —^ n n d or sUent, also W. mm. 13,700 rM AtM Od«A 612 B. Center an exhibn of'U.S. Large Cents.. ber of Commerce is sponsoring slide projMtoipk > . MHriier of th» Audit cool.'vrith a chance of acatMIred Spsno, Mrs^J3e;rinour K ^ la n and •bowers or anow flnrrlee. ■ U ■nd.UloytVinoe, M Village St., Half CenU, Flying Eagle and The second >eratihg with Yemeni forces had chok about a week ago. ^ j Additional military attaches ar- Ribicoff as he embarked on hls l i attacked a number of Saudi posi­ The defense ministry s^kes- rjveii at the U.S. Embassy here, verify the removal of Soviet The Kiwanls Club will meet p.m. and daily next week at 7:30 i tour of the Hartford area. Seely- a.m. m tiiii tions inside Saudi Arabia near the man at a daily briefing said he evidently to instruct Indians in Brown, who has blsnketed Con- nuclear missiles from- Cuba. Tuesday noon at the Manchester bordel. It said the government had nothing to report. I t^e use o f complicsted equipment President Kennedy told the na­ Country Club. Members particl- X- liil : necticut with potholders. said he was taking all necessary' meas­ The neW, U.S. weapons were sent that was expected" later. was "stronger than eveV now.” tion Friday night the missile tation in.its dnnual radio auction ures to defend the border. Immediately, toward camp.s ju.st The first shipments contained bases were being dismantled, but will be discussed. Volunteer Work John Alsop, the Republican gu­ a U.N. spokesman in New York m 6aud and Hussein have cham­ behind the frbijt in the northeast­ bernatorial nominee, turned his at­ pioned the cause Ot the dethroned ern sfsetor where Indian troops (Continued on Page Six) estimated it would take 10 days Members^ the cast of "More tention to the highway condemna­ for Russian ships to reach Cuba Brings Citation Yemeni king. Imam Mhhammed tion program, asking for "fairer .Tons of Fun,” recently presented al-Badr, providing him with mtli' to haul the mi^llea away. b y M M chester WATTES, wUl meet X ttoatment of the homeowner and Six members of the Amencan pairs tary support in his campsdgn to .onall businessman.” Two possible types of inspection tonlgnt at 6 :30 and go to the New­ 5 .9 0 topple the revolutionary - regtane.- are tinder negotiation, one at sea ington Veteran's Hoepitsd where Legion and Auxiliary were hon­ Hi! I “ In this time of abrupt change, ored last night at recognition The royalists claim -victories in the state should, at the very least, and th* other on Cuban territory. the show win bp given for the northern Yemen. Bensoii Hits NixoD 48n! Anniversary Specials patients. ceremonies for volunteer workers minimize the ' inconvenience and Prime Minister Fidel Castro has at Rocky Hill Veterans Home Baydany said the government hardships these people must un­ power to block the inspection on Shop Tonight Till Nine armies had started - marching to The Rev. WUUam F. Ge and Hospital. dergo,” Alsop said in-a statement/: Cuban territory. What he. will ac--' Saturday From One hundred-hour pins were the north and the navy was sail-; “Our state government 8h;:>uld tually do is assumed here to be a r St. Mary's Episcopal Chu FOR BOYS ing northward In the Red Sea t A J i. tiU 6:00 P.M. will conduct services Sunday at awarded to Prank Clark and Mrs. As Electiori N^ars not operate like a heartless ma'- subject of discussion between him Victor Zableskas.. fi-om the modem port of Hodeida. <^lne.'' and Soviet First Deputy Foreign ;40 a.m. at the chapel at Manches­ I^e Yemeni air force—believed ter Memorial Hospital. Certffioa.tes for less or more AND GIRLS. Asking for the elimination of Minister Anastas I. Mikoyan, who than 100 hours, were given to Mrs. for the, presidency, -the 'unnecessary burdens” in condem­ reached Cuba Friday for talks (Continued on. Page Six) Bv WALTER R. MEAR8 with Castro. Story and Willing Workers Cir­ Frank Clark, jpvprett Frazel, /- WASHINGTON (A P I-E zra Taft fo r m ^ vice .president’s role in nation procedures, Alsop said: cles, South Methodist Church, wlU Mrs. Helen Erickson and Mrs. Benson says he had increasing settling the 1^^ steel strike and -^Final highway lines should be ti.S.-Soviet agreement evidently sponsor a rummage sale tomorrow Wilber Little. Mrs. Little-has con­ doubts during the waning years hto ••’•Wavering oil- the farm ques- specifically d efin ^ at the earliest would lie sufficient to put the Red at # a.m. in Cooper Hall at the tributed 2,000 hours volunteer of the . Elsenhower administration lion.” moment, so tlie property owner Hail, the Ganges All Here Cross plan into operation on the church.. * work at the home. Six Teachers aliout Vice President Richard M. Benson kald Nixon, ‘‘began fight­ will not )>e left "hanging in mid­ Maryland Republicans rallied around their fonjier chief executive, Dwight D. E)isenhower. last night high seas. Kennedy announced Ma i n s ’!., Ma n c h e s t e r — m i 8-4128 Nixon’s "ability to provide i^ e ing for the principle too late" in air.” : /.. in hopee his old po^nilarky could pull them'throhgh next Tuesday’s elections. Shown tl to r) behind Friday night Uiat the International- leadership for the nation.’ ’ the 1960 camialgn. He said Nixon —A revolving fund fdiould be IMsenhower are Splto.T. Agnew, candidate for BaKlmofe County executive, former Gov. Theodore ai Red Cross—which is a Swiss Die as Truck Benson told of hls misgiyi'figs— had developed' the ability ^ "of established to enable the Btate R. McKekhn, Newton I. Steers, running for congressman-xt-large, Edward T. .MUler, seeking U.S. humanitarian organization — waa and added that' many other Re­ straddling issues, carrying water Highway Department to make the Senate, and Frank Small J|;., candidate for governor. (AP Photofax I. - an appropriate agent for inspec- The practical idea for waist to toe comfort in a com­ publicans apparently shared them on both shoulders.” necessary purchases aa quickly as tidn. of Cuba-bound ships to make- Flattens Auto —in a book published.'Frlday, four Nixon and Benson were at odds possible. The fund would be creat­ certain that they are not carry­ bination of non-transparent panty brief and sheerest days before voters rtile on Nixon's (taring the last years of the Re­ ed. from regular appropriations. , K ey West Guides Say Little ing offensive weapons int^-^l»a. CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP)—The bid to liecome governor of <3ali- publican administration, and there —The highway department has Keniiedys Seek Russia had previously su^est- stretch stocking's „ for . death of six Akron school teach­ fornia. < was no secret about it. Nixon a duty to infom-people of all their ed that the Red Cross take on tito ers whose efer was virtually flat- Nixon, Republican presidential made clear privaJtily that he con­ rights itnder condemnation. tsuk of checking cargoes since the-'- FRESHLY- T E D T R U D O N tentd in a collision -with a big 'candidate in 1660, is running sidered Benson a political, liability, Go>(. J)>hn N. D .^ p s e y , the Dynasty l^Wer Soviet Union was opposed to hav­ 2 play, dress, street or and that hB-heHev d’,tite-.Bepubli> Pamoetatie candidate *<» jKove*-- truck’was called a tragic loss"t » ’ fegatlnst -Desilberatlc" Gov. Edmund ing U.S. inspectors board its ves­ G RO U N D BEEF _ TOUR AUTHHORIZEO VOLKSWAGEN DEALBB OFB nor, warned at ,a rally in Enfield SecFecy; From Jets evening wear! day by Martin ^ Essex, superin­ G. Brown. cans would be better off without sels as they passed . through the':. S9c gr«dfe tendent of Akron schools. In Los Angeles, a spokesman fo r ' Benson in the Cabinet, last night of votei* Indifference. Ike Tells 3^000 U.S. naval blockade line. "Apathy on eieetton day can be ipfeef«r49c lb. Five of the women killed in the the former vice president .said no I Early in 1960, Benson wrote, In Geneva today, the Red Cross PANTS one in the Nixon campaign camp I former Nebraska Gov. Victor E. the mor.t dangerous of.^all the foes 1963 grinding crash on the Willow By GEORGE BOWEN (Jommittee formally declared Its I B lb. lets 43e lb. ill Mide of Enka’ nylon iji! had read Benson’s book. But he I Ander.son suggested he quit the we have to combat,” De'inpsey said- To tivil "War Forts willingness to help supervise < ^ - Freeway. - south of Cleveland said Benson has endorsed Nixon! Cabinet after Congress adjpurned. He. said the GOP camihtign has BAL’nMORE (AP) -<- Former taught at David Hill Elementary mantling of the missile b^M s. for perfect fit and long jii: in the California gubernatorial! Anderson said that might help the been distinguished by "defehtitm” President Dwight D. Eisenhower "on the express conation toat all School. They had attended si;8- and "negiatlve criticism,” w-hiie-to* rested his case today for the elec­ 4 VOLKSWAGENS SNOWSUITS race. j Republicans in the presidential By JIM BECKER "" <• Actually; the guides are even three interested parties .give their Customers drive fo r miles wear. jii: ■lons of the North- Eastern OWo Two weeks ago, the spokesman, election. Benson did not resign, Democrats had waged “ a fightihg tion of Republicans to Congres.s tight-lipped about the Civil War. agreement.” Teachers Association here. and a positive campaign.” next Tuesday on the note that the KEY WEST, Fla. (AP)—The to buy Pinehurst 3 in 1 SEDANS — SUNROOFS — CONVERTIBLES said, the former Cabinet officer 'In hls book, Benson said ife They point out two forts built The Red Cross..s|x>kesman did KARMAN GHIAS — TRUCKS and STA'HON WAGONS The victims were identified as wrote Mrs. William Langston “ had a feeling” that Nixon and I^nnedy, administration Is an ex­ tight-lipped policy surrounding the here during that conflict, but fail iiijjj Mrs.. Lois C. Lewis, 41; Mrs. MIL clusive clique of the Democratic not elaborate, tot it was assumed Blend o f Beef, Pork, Veal Bents of Balboa, Calif., saying: former Secretary of the Interior. SAAB'» Damaged military buildup in this ,clty 90 to mention their origin or pur­ Cuban agreemriit, along with that i i i • bisque p dred ,WlUted, 62; Mrs. Catherine Fred A. Seaton might have been party. • and Pinehurst fresher by “ I have a high regard for Vice NEW HAHEN (AP) — Several miles from Cuba appears to have pose. - . . of the United States and Russia, regularly Williamson, 62; Mrs. C. Edith Mil­ President Nixon and belieye he behind Anderson’s suggestion. Eisenhower called it "a faction far GROUND CHUCK. Usu­ foreigri-made automobiles (SAAB) extended to the town tour guides. This may be a new high in se­ would b e required oniy if inspec­ • BUSINESSMEN • 17.99 „ • taupe ■ ler, 67; Mrs. Julia Ann Johnson, would make a good goverpbr. But Seaton, now Republican that seeks-, constantly to extend curity even for Key West, where ally 89c lb., we feature it LET THE FAMOUS YWa DELIVER were damaged during the night, and strengthen its control over all The drivers of the N” Conchi tion tea m s were to enter Culw. I ' 57; and Mrs. Frances T. Slocum, Were ’ I a citizen of Califor^ he candidate for governor of Nebras­ GIs in the past few days .-have : The spokesman said Paul Rueg- THE OMDS FOR YOU 14.90 ka, said in Omaha Friday night police said, in a waterfront ware­ the nation." Train” that Rambles through Key this week at 79c lb. 87, owner of the car. would certainly have my support.’’ even refused to give their names house where they were stored. ger, former president of the or­ Mrs. Jolmson taught at Voris Benson is now In Ne^"Zealand. he had nothing-to do with it. He said Republicans are striv­ West streets carrying tourists, to pretty girls tr^ng to scrape ^ PANEL DELIVERY — Polloe -have charged a 20-:year- ganization, would leave early next Elementary School. Behsoh, who servelj^^^^as secre- Benson also -wrote critically-of ing to restore a clihjale of people hustle the sightseers right past an acquaintance.---- ■week -for New York to confer with tary of agriculture ^^der former i Seaton, .saying his former Cabinet old sailor from Denmark with in­ “ using government. b* their ser­ barbed wire barricades, sand­ The. Army, Navy, Marin^' and The tragedy wiped, out nearly jury to private jproperty and U.N. Acting. Secretary-GeneraJ- -U Country style, extra meaty extra snow insurance for active yoiing- President Dwight Eisenhower,' collea ^ e “ wa.s'prone to put poll- vant and jiever agreeing that it bagged machine gun positions; Air Force all rushed unito^o Key Thant. , one-fifth of the teacHBig staff of trespassing in connection w'ith the devoted a chapter to Nixon in his tics first,, even to.-the point of., shall be dynastic.” black-painted submarines an^ an­ West, closest American territory Kennedy told th e, nation in a Pork Spareribs are much in 2T,*t David Hill., Except for Mrs. vandalism. They identified him aa tiaircraft -mi.sslles without giving sters! on* pair of pants is watarproof I il book “Cross -Fire: The Eight supporting economically erratic Eisenhower finished his public to Ctoba, when the prisis Over So­ brisk two-mlnuOf--television and demand . . . We feature Slocum, who was" in her second Torbin Chijatensen. them a passing mention. Years With Elsenhower.’’ He also programs if he thought they would •stumping Friday night In Mary­ viet missile bases erupted. They radio' broadoas't Friday night that year of teaching, all ■ were veter­ Police said that not only were The guides' interrupt their pre­ these ribs and regular style aimed cri^clsm at other Washing-1 be popular.” land, where he .started it S.ept. \ aeria. .'photographs made Thurs­ Norpole nylon . . . th* other, a poplin ans. Mrs. Johnson had taught for Benson said his doubts about pared spiel only pnee in the two- Small Pork Spareribs s t D a iV E R E D ; ton conteipporarles, Republican - — He appeared In, 22 states, to point (Contln.ii6d on Page Six) day'show that the Russians were 38 years, Mrs. Whited 24 years. (Oontinued on Page 6ix) hour lour to corhment on the 6b- colleagues and Democrats alike. out, he .said, that "Republicans tearing down their missile bases 49c Ib. , snow slack, the {acket\is a handsome " Hiil. Essex ordered both schools ' Benson criticized Nixon’s 1960 (Continued on Page Two) stress enterprise as the key to vious^^ buildup. BE8TFORM closed Monday in memory of the you see a little of the in Cuba. k o Mb i greatness.” ■' Galey and Lord tarpoon plaid. 3 to 6x. toachers. Harold .D. Foss, prin­ “ Our opponents.’ on the other bhuipmeht the Army brought PsioWictal But the President declacvd the preeenH cipal at David Hill was shaken by hand, .stre.>!.s the pork barrel of down,” the guide ;says, in. the un- .'tight U.S, sea and a(r surveil­ Coma to Plndinrst for simply ' .news ^"the deatlis. All he could News Tidbits federal aid and subsidy, a heri­ deratatement' bf th® month, as the lance of Cuba .would be main­ wonderful choice RIB OVEN ' children's department. tage of_debt ..(or .those who .foilpw train—a .jeep J^ecorated ., like .a tained until satisfactory Interaa- ROASTS. The iMlectioh is.good. Settling. '^Fy^CINATION x<^oBti]ined Ml Page Three) from thfe AP Wires us.” - railroad locomotive pulling minia­ Bu^ the first 2 of 3 . . . or try Eisenhower’s last campaign., talk ture observation cars—rolls past (Continue on P age. Six) * . one of our short cut Newport the missiles /stacked in' their Roasts. Henry Javora is our Of News Strike DELIVERED Premier .Ahmed'Ben Bella of Al­ (Continued on Page 6to) launchers. . - ' Roast Beef and Club Steak spe- X Viet &)ng Fire geria says his visit to Havana was cialiot PRICE INCLUDES: DIBECTION INDICATORS, NEW YORK (API Secretary of EMERGENCY UOHTS, 8UNVI80R, HEATER, "hiBplred by a profound desire for peace” -’. . ._N»w York judge holds Labor W. Willard Wirtz met sep­ DEFROSTER, BUMPER OVERRIDERS Kills Sergeant Bobby’s^ Doodle Noted ihe tension arately with management and un­ ' Bulletins that Dutchess County man who ion representatiyes Into the early rides to houqda Is "rtmatry gentle­ hours today in an attempt to end Chilled from AP Wires Swift’s Premium Bacon a1 JUST CALL, WE WILL BRING ' man" rather than “impoverished B9c. lb. and Swift’s new 12 '{llili In Helicopter a strike that has shut down the ONE TO YOUR DOOR FOR ::u:: farmer” and that he must pay nation’s largest circulation news­ oz. pkg. of Small Link Sau S200 a week alimony, ^ Aidef Raced Clock paper, the New York Daily News. Vl.SIT HE.\RTBRE.\KINO ' sage at 59c a box should g;o AN EYE-OPENING DEMONSTRATION By MALOOLM BROWNE ' Eighteen-year-old Benjamin Gra­ No progress wa.s reported im­ NEW YORK (AP)—Mrs. Ruth on evfiry budget list. 8.95 SAIGON, Viet Nam (AP) —A ham of . South Norwalk arrested mediately, as the strike entered its ; Redmond, a 65-year-old widow U.S.' A irn y ‘ sergeant, flying as a late last night following high sp««d third day."""" j of Yonkers, N.Y’., returned today crewman on an escort Helicopter automobile ,choSe in Stamford and The, New York mprWfhg paper, i from a heartbreaking visit with Come in...LOOK AROUND Charm House ELECTRIC BLANKETS wsM hit by Communist fire today Greenwich and police, say car had As Cuba Bases Rdse with a'daily'..circulation In excess |, a son held,prisoner to Red China. ■avocery manager John .P-Ne^N and died before reaching Saigon. been reiSbrted ^Oieii In Stamford of two million, suspended publi-, “ He just didn’t look like my wants you' to know that Thurs­ the famous The sergeant, whose .name was ... President " Kennrfy urges ------— / cation Friday night. It had pub- [ son,” the mother reported to e**' day's ad should have read not released, was alxiard one ot Amerloah's “ to take part In our de­ EDITOR’S NOTE This third*; to his office. It Waa the nearest )ish®d a 16-page edition Friday guish^ tones as she arri^'ett aS SWANSPOWN CAKE MIXES Bestform ' five U.S. Army -turbine powered mocracy” by voting Tuesday. article of Reiman Morin’s five- thing to a homecooked -.meal he morning on the presses of the aft­ Idlewi)d Airport. “He was very; John says they are jiut about H::u HU-IA escort helicopters. John J. Schneider Jr., 48, Demo­ ■part series on the Cuban crisis had - tasted since "nightmare ernoon -Journal-Amerlcan. very' changed. When ! first saw m m boneless him, I was really shocked.” The the beat cake mix v^ue to be il ': : ; X . A rm ed' With rockets and ma'- cratic nominee for_ State treasurer describes the U.S. military build­ week” began. ' '•■About 1,100 editorial and, busi­ » : ; ; l found when you buy 4 boxes lliiii . chlne guns, these helicopters are of Wisconsin, charged with misap­ up 'and total secrecy that was An official told his' secretary, a.s ness employes of the News, mem­ son, Hugh Francis Redmond Jr.. . ::;at girdle ... bers of the American Newspaper '43. has served- 11 years of a life for 31.00. Hi;!} used to protect jightly armed propriating about 89,000 of funds, maintained. he- left hls office, " I ’m just going ■■•li! 8 l 1, N O W in trobps oarrylng helicopters from of cemetery association of which down the hall.” She didn’t see Guild, struck the new.spaper at sentence on a spy .charge. Mrs. rqidnight Wednesday. The con­ at these top value used cars , li ground fire. he was president and general maif By RELMAN MORIN him again fqr three days. Redmond had last seen him dur­ wonderful tract dispute’s main issue re­ ing another prison visit five Hie helicopter -was liit 90 miles ager...... Mrs. Dorothy Alzmann ' WASHINGTON (AP) ."Night­ As they attacked the central of - Los Angeles, Calif.j who sayS problem'—basically the problem of volves around wages. years ago. If'y ou buy our special bn 1960 M G A I960 RAMBLER opandex southwest of here near the Me­ mare week” In Washington, be­ , F. M. Flynn, president and pub­ kong River delta town of Vlnh she paid 810,000 for another wom­ ginning Oct. 16, was- s race how much time was left—Presi­ Beef Stew at 85c lb., don’t ROADSTER station Wagon. bed size an’s-husband, reports that she,has dent Kennedy and his team had lisher of the News, in announcing CREWMEN" S-AVU) . One owner..!- 13.99 designed Long, TWa'was the 'fb-st casualty again.st the-' clock. forget our feature on Gar her money bock. two great advantages. the suspension of publication, bor SENNEN England (AP) — AutomaUc ahifL ^ 5 9 0 ; suffered by esixirt helicopters; With unbelievable speed, the cause of the strike, said it meant Six crewmen were snatched rots 2 bags 15c;. Potatoes $1490 ^ V . ■ for extra w)ilch have .tMeh in aetkm only ., T.Sgt. Roy Baxter,. 70, member One' was military. bed size Russians were building missile In a relatively short tim^e, the laying oft about 4,000 non-striking froni the storm-bqttered French 10 lbs 29c . and Yellow hip slimming about one month. ^ 9116th Air Force Reserve Re- bases in Cuba. Mobile, medium- employes." toawler Jeanne Gougy today af­ 1962 FORD gle control) 14.99 feovery Squadron at Grenier Field, Defense Department assembled Onions 8 lbs. 19c I960 VOLKSWAGEN Country Squire. Heavy jpound fire inet the.at- range weapons, already in posi­ and coordinated land, sea and 'air Le.ss than an hour after his an- ter the Coast Guard Itod givea and control tacking helicopters when they ar­ N. H., applies for return to active tion, could reach 22 ,)>aaea of the nquncem®nt, Wirtz said in Wash­ up hope of saving any of the IS Convertible. '' Loaded with duty with Air Force because of Cu­ forces - for a big operation. Ob­ bed size rived for an operation this morn­ Strategic Air Command, (h® n“ - viously. they were in a state of ington he was flying to New Yorkj^ to 15 men aboaM. The six men FuUy equipped. S '! A O A equipment. SAVE in medium, ban crisis . . Thailand govern­ (dual control) 18.99 ing. A large Viet Oong unit was cleEU- striking force on American readiness. to ta^ke a p_ersonal hand in the.r Mirvlved five hours of merciless 100% guarantee. ^ ■.•eTrW ment says 769 persons were killed K you fall to pick up a few large and )>elleved tovolved. Itj operation soil. How soon would,they be op­ For one thing, some of the negotiations. battering by the seas and al­ more vegetables or fruit iiemi 1959 TR-3 nearly overran an outpost in the in tropical storm Harriet that erational? Reliable sources in Washington most totai Immersion after the Joshed southern pro-vlnces last machinery put in operation for the this depwlment wiU be "out cm 1959 FORD ROADSTER our seventh year of presenting “Charmhouse” made exclusively for us by one of the extra large orea. » . , One photograph of. a site near Berlin crisis last year wa.s still reported that the White House had 373-ton ship grounded under the week. asked th'e labor secretary to (ry, a ^ limb” for profits this week Country Squire. country’s finest blanket manufacturers. ■ .. > ;. .. Government forces scored a Guanajay, Cuba,’ shows three working. For example, the Re­ cliffs at Land’s End. Hellooptor . . . but that's the chance they sizes, white. major -victory Wednesday in fight- 3ovi6t Premier Khrushchev tells large bulldozer scars in the. to gain a quick, settlement o f the and lifeboats joined In the reo- Fully eqalMwid. S t $1390 serve fleet destroyers, put into ac­ taka. tog off the Oommuniet onslaught, Belgian parliament member Amer-r ground. But nothing else. Not tive status for Berflh,. were, still strike, lest i f spread to the city’s cue after men were aeea In tha e more dependable e a new feature.... may be ^ and air strikee t^k heavy toll of loan workers wUl eventnally "dig even a stick, On the same site, in operation. Duty was extended six other dailies. j darkness clinging to the bridgo.. iilii A L SO . . . available in pantie ■ When Wirtz arrived here F rl-; Their cries for help could hs MANY MORE TO CHOOSE E ^ M u s ^ either fitted or Hat the -enemy. Friendly tosses also capitalism’s tom b". . . v i e t photographed five days later, for Navy personnel, so that the e less trouble were large, however. Union explodes four inegnton nu­ there are bullding.’i, revetments, usual high manpower loss was re­ day night, he went directly with! heafd above .the thundering Lew pricfe of 76c a gallpn style with detachable garters. , There was heavy contact in the clear iMHnb over NoVaya Seihla, erectors, tents, vehicles. duced. two federal mediators to the News surf. a competely washable building where t((e New York Pub­ e mothproof ... same area Friday when an'esti­ the seismologicql , institution »f This is fo r ' the intermediate Further, the Navy and Marine continues on Hood anc JH:: lishers Association has its. offices. T R A lh ^ OOLUDE * ! mated 61 gurrrillae were killed in Uppiola University, Sweden," re­ missile. Range—2,000 mliee,. How Corps months ago,set up the plan we offer Seidtest Ice Cream e 70% zRyon, 20% eotton, After mefetlng for two hours ZAMORA. Spain (A P ) —Tten e 2 year guarantee fe series of small- -acUents. ports. can it be defanged? i' , for the annuql training; exercise at 89e a ^ ^llpn. It's 10% nylon in jPusrto Rico. It rejoiced" in the with representatives of all the express trains collided near her* TED TRUDON, nc I The helicopter in .vtiiich the Communist China says it is re­ All that week, the ticktog cktok metropolitan newspapars. involved today and three otvwiaea wera good time to in i your freez­ e illuminated controlfor sounded in Washington. name Phlbriglex Amphibious TOLLAND TURNPIKE,' ROUTE 68 •..pink, blue, coral, red, moiHh,.'.. eresrman was hit was not seri­ storing the palace" o t Tibetiau in the. contract dispute, Wirtz and killed and two othera seriously night table or suspended OPEN ously damaged, and' was 'able to Driver Dies in Plunge , . -DolfLaina iii Lhasa J'to reetore A doodle, made by Atty. Gen. Brigade Landing Exercise. er with ground ^eat, Spate- gre'en,.light green r ' As the Cuban crisis began to the mediators went to * hotel "and Injured. . ■ Several coarhM i t . TALCOTTYILLE. CONN. continue' flying. 'Riere . were, no i Jl pottoeman rows it boat to thw-neariy-auhmerged aUtomoWle in it to Ha original brilliance” . . . Robert Kennedy, will give you the iibe. Beef Stew and Ice over theheadboard boll, the ehipe and Marine units held a post-midnight meeting with j each troto were derailed,, kut'na 1. initial reports of the result of- whidi S5-year-o)d Louis W. (Mont, of Bebnont HiUs, Pa., jilunged I Sena. , J. William PVIbright of atmosphere; Jt is a series of five Cream. See you tonight or assigned to' this exercise already Thomas ,J. Murphy. exepUve passengers were klUedi I Oos Phone Ml 9-2838 — Open Evenings ti, ground' action, and it was not to hls death in Phllodeiphia last night. The car ripped through Arlcansas and Robert S. Kerr of concentric squares, surrounded by train, from Madrid, to VlgOt * the word- )“Cuba’f—scribbled 96 were .concentrated in the Carib- vice president of -Ui*- C5uid.Ahd its Saturday at Pinehurst . . . s > l6 w EST PRICES.V . QUALITY BLANKETS known whrther there were enemy railing of the bridge at top center and plummeted 25 feet into Oklahoma, both Democrats, agree chief negotiator, ’riimt lasted more skipped a lehadnled stop iti Ako- inn times. . ' V ' )>ean. The ‘ comtoarHler was a Comer Main and Turbpike Dedbr •SMUaltlea. the atreom. Foam chemical pollution at the Weeaahickon that' the U.S. should puirsue any than on hour. , Jerm and collided heiM-on, w M T' bourse, including invasion, to tor On gaturday night, Qot. 20, Mrs. 'Bpanjsh-fpeaking native e t Puerto plenty of easy parldng. k m Military . sources reported, the. Creek altnoat c o v e r a g e oar. Cofoni was pulled from the c v - another enprons tn ta h w a l lfe> ' by reacue squad flremV who lowerM a hMldar to tlM •veiturned sure that Soviet snisfeUea are oiit Dean Rusk,'wifs of the sserstary Madrid. e i m Page ■*») ' (CMritotorf «■ Vfeg» M*> an Page Vwa» . (AP Fhdtote A. stats; hreught a sarten fe( sotip J. ■ ■ : \