Nixon Doctrine
Other AEI publications on problems of forelln and defense polley r::AELS Strategic Sufficiency: Fact or Fiction? James L. li1w!iHall Buckley and Paul C. Warnke. 1972, 86 pages, $5.75 C/Meeting Troubled A11iance: Turkish-American Problems in Historical Perspective, 1945-1971, George S. Harris. 1972, 263 pages, paper $4.50, cloth $8.00 (published jointly with the Hoover Institution) Soviet Advances in the Middle East, George Len czowski. 1972, 176 pages, $4.00 Major Middle Eastern Problems in International Law, Edited by Majid Khadduri. 1972, 139 pages, r The e!. $4.00 ., =. Defense Implications of International Indetermin acy, Robert J. Pranger. 1972, 31 pages, $2.00 Nixon American Policy for Peace in the Middle East, 1969-1971, Robert J. Pranger. 1971,69 pages, $2.00 The Bear at the Gate-Chinese Policymaking Doctrine Under Soviet Pressure, Harold C. Hinton. 1971, 112 pages, $3.00 (published jointly with the Hoover Institution) A Just Peace in the Mideast: How Can It Be Achieved? I. L. Kenen, Elmer Berger, Allen Pol Melvin R. Laird lack, and Christopher Mayhew. 1971, 167 pages, $5.75 American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research 1150 Seventeenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Job Name:2274819 Date:15-06-18 PDF Page:2274819pbc.p1.pdf Color: Black PANTONE 139 C The Nixon Doctrine A Town Hall Meeting on National Security Policy sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute held at American Enterprise Institute Washington, D. C. Robert Goralski Moderator The Nixon Doctrine Melvin R. Laird Gale W. McGee Robert P. Griffin Thomas C. Schelling Town Hall Meeting American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research Washington, D.
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