HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, June 3, 1969 the House Met at 12 O'clock Noon
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14566 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE June 3, 1969 The members of the debate team supporting Robert Goralski of NBC News will be the Meetings, New Democratic Coalition of No. the ABM are: moderator of this debate. Va., Northern Virginia Action Committee, Charles Lerch, Institute of Defense We deeply regret the silence of our elected Northern Virginia Clergy and Laymen Con Analysis. and appointed Virginia leaders. Although the cerned About Vietnam; Park!airfax Citizens Association; Richard Fryklund, Special Advisor to the ABM vote is scheduled for mid-June, we sin Deputy Secretary of Defense. Support Christian Action House Church Members of the opposing view are: cerely hope that the Town Meeting wm be of the Little Falls Presbyterian Church; Dr. George Rathjens, Professor of Political the beginning of an 11th hour intense Spectrum, George Mason College; Science, M.I.T. round of discussions and hearings on this Virginia United Methodist Board of Chris Dr. Jeremy Stone, author, member of Coun most and critical of issues. tian Social Concerns, and Washington Area cil, Federation of American Scientists. Sponsoring Groups: Langley Hills Friends SANE. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, June 3, 1969 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. H.R. 10016. An act to continue until the TRIBUTE TO THE LATE TRUMAN close of June 30, 1971, the existing suspen WARD, MAJORITY CLERK Rabbi Louis Kaplan, Congregation sion of duties for metal scrap. Ohev Shalom, Nether Providence, Pa., (Mr. MONTGOMERY asked and was offered the following prayer: The message also announced that the given permission to address the House Senate had passed bills and a joint reso for 1 minute and to revise and extend Lord: lution of the following titles, in which In commencing this session of the House his remarks.) of Representatives, the concurrence of the House is re Mr. MONTGOMERY. Mr. Speaker, I Begin we must by expressing gratitude quested. join with other Members of Congress and for being alive. s. 83. An act for the relief of certain civil congressional employees in mourning the Even as we have risen from sleep, ian employees and former civilian employees passing of the majority clerk of the of the Bureau of Reclamation; House of Representatives, Mr. Truman Rouse us, too, we pray from our shackles S. 275. An act for the relief of the village of yesterday- of Orleans, Vt.; Ward. Mr. Ward passed away this past The fetters of ignorance, resistance to S. 499. An act for the relief of Ludger J. Sunday. This fine gentleman was born worthwhile change, Cossette; and raised in Clarke County, Miss., the Yielding complacency, inertia, and other S. 728. An act for the relief of Capt. Rich district which I represent. He served the shortcomings. ard L. Schumaker, U.S. Army; Members of Congress with great devo s. 901. An act for the relief of William D. tion and loyalty. He held the position Aid us to attain a healthy discontent Pender; of either majority or minority clerk for Now concerning what we have done, as s. 1010. An act for the relief of Mrs. Aill some 48 years. Mr. Truman Ward as well asa Kallio; sumed his duties in 1921 at the age of 29. Determined and renewed enthusiasm for S. 1193. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to prevent terminations of In talking of his work on Capitol Hill. what we can do. oil and gas leases in cases where there is Mr. Ward recently pointed out there Joining high resolve with noble goals, a nominal deficiency in the rental payment, were no longer any Members of Congress Understanding with genuine compassion. and to authorize him to reinstate under still serving that were here when he first Spur these leaders, especially to translate some conditions oil and gas leases terminated came to work. We will all certainly miss by operation of law for failure to pay rental The Biblical challenge "to do righteous- timely; his warmness to people, his professional ness and justice" S. 1236. An act for the relief of Homer T. ability, and the outstanding service he Into legislation enabling more Williamson, Sr.; and rendered to his country. Children and adults, in this Nation and S.J. Res. 112. Joint resolution to amend sec I am sure all Members of Congress elsewhere, to tion 19 ( e) of the Securities Exchange Act of join with me in sending our sincere con Enjoy their "unalienable rights" in the 1934. dolances to Mr. Ward's wife, daughter. human family. three sons, and 12 grandchildren. Mem ELECTION TO COMMITTEE bers of Congress may pay their respects to Mr. Truman Ward's family at the THE JOURNAL Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, Joseph Gawler's Sons Funeral Home The Journal of the proceedings of I offer a privileged resolution (H. Res. from 2 this afternoon until 9 tonight. yesterday was read and approved. 431) and ask for its immediate consid The funeral will be held at 11 tomorrow eration. morning in the sanctuary of the Capitol The Clerk read the resolution as Hill Metropolitan Baptist Church. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT follows: Mr. ABERNETHY. Mr. Speaker, will H. RES. 431 A message in writing from the Presi the gentleman yield? Resolved, That Barry M. Goldwater, Jr., Mr. MONTGOMERY. I yield to my dent of the United States was communi of California., be and he is hereby elected a cated to the House by Mr. Leonard, one member of the standing committee of the ~olleague from Mississippi. · of his secretaries. House of Representatives on Science a.a.d Mr. ABERNETHY. Mr. Speaker, we Astronautics. were all saddened on learning that our good friend and valuable employee, Tru MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The resolution was agreed to. man Ward, had passed away. A motion to reconsider was laid on A message from the Senate by Mr. Ar I had not been a Member of this body rington, one of its clerks, announced that the table. but for a day or so when I first became the Senate had passed without amend acquainted with Truman. In fact, he ment bills of the House of the following PERMISSION FOR SUBCOMMITTEE went to the trouble of making a personal titles: ON URBAN GROWTH, COMMITTEE visit to my office that we might get ac H.R. 684. An act to amend title 38 of the ON BANKING AND CURRENCY TO quainted. Then and there he made sug United States Code 1n order to make certain SIT TODAY DURING GENERAL gestions and g·ave me the benefit of coun technical corrections therein, and for other DEBATE sel which I as a new Member found most purposes; helpful. This was typical of Truman H.R. 2718. An act to extend for an addi Mr. ASHLEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask Ward. He was unselfish. He was tender tionaJ temporary period the existing sus unanimous consent that the Subcom and kind. He was never too busy to ad pension of duties on certain classifications mittee on Urban Growth of the Com vise with me or other Members about the of yarn of silk; mittee on Banking and Currency may H.R. 2940. An act for the relief of Henry printing needs of our omces. He did a E. Dooley; have permission to sit during the session good job for all of us. H.R. 10015. An act to extend through De this afternoon during general debate. Truman was good to the employees, too. cember 31, 1970, the suspension of duty on The SPEAKER. Without objection, it Scores of them found their way to and electrodes for use in producing aluminum; is so ordered. secured employment on Capitol Hill and There was no objection. through his personal efforts. For all who June 3, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 14567 called on him he gladly and happily spent in the service of the House of Rep who greeted everyone with ''Good morn rendered favors and services to the full resentatives. Last rites are to be held to ing, Judge." extent of his capacity. morrow, Wednesday, at the Capitol Hill More than a printer, Truman Ward We will miss Truman. Yes, we will miss Metropolitan Baptist Church, Sixth and was a person who cared about his fellow him greatly. And as time moves by we A Streets NE., at 11 a.m., and interment man. He was one of our living traditions. shall never forget him or the service he will take place at National Memorial For the 76 years of his life, Truman Ward rendered as a faithful employee on Capi Park. was an example to all of us. We shall tol Hill. He was born 76 years ago in Enter miss him. His family has our sympathy. prise, Miss., and, after spending his Mr. CHARLES H. WILSON. Mr. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, will the early years and young manhood there, Speaker, I am deeply saddened to learn gentleman yield? he came to Washington to serve the of the recent passing of our good friend Mr. MONTGOMERY. I yield to the House of Representatives in 1921. What and invaluable aide, Truman Ward. Over majority leader, the gentleman from a record of dedicated, devoted, and en the years he smoothed the road in many Oklahoma. thusiastic service he set during his ways by helping Members to effectively Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I am sure lengthy career as a faithful steward of communicate thoughts, ideas, and a-c all of my colleagues were saddened as I the interests of the Members of this tivities to millions of constituents across was, to learn of the death on Sunday of Chamber.