homeworkweekend 26 1. Which city was the capital of the ? A. Syria. B. Madīnah. C. . D. Baghdad. E. Karbala. 2. Who was the founder of the Umayyad Dynasty? A. Umayya. B. ‘Uthmān. C. Mu’awiya. D. Abū Sufyān. E. Yazid.

3. Which of the following Umayyad rulers brought signifi cant improvements in the administration of the empire? A. Yazid. B. ‘Abd al-Malik. C. Sulayman. D. ‘Umar II. E. Yazid II.

4. Which of the following statements is true about the mawalis during the Umayyad rule? A. Th ey were treated unfairly. B. Th ey were treated equally with the people of Arab descent. C. Th ey were made slaves. D. Th ey were imprisoned and tortured. E. Th ey were respected and given good administrative jobs. 5. Who was responsible for killing ‘? F. Th e Umayyad rulers. G. Th e Kharajites. H. Th e Mawalis. I. Th e Byzantines. J. Th e Mongols. 6. Which Umayyad ruler tried to bring social justice in the empire by treating everybody equally? A. Yazid. B. Mu’awiya. C. ‘Abd al-Malik. D. ‘Umar II. E. Yazid II. 141 7. According to the lesson, what were the two causes that enhanced the downfall of the Umayyad rule? A. Too much of power and wealth. B. Luxury and mistreatment of the mawalis. C. Lethargy and excessive love of . D. Favoring the mawalis and Shī‘ahs. E. All of the above.

8. Which Umayyad ruler established as the state language, issued the fi rst Islamic coinage and developed a postal system? A. Yazid. B. Yazid II. C. Umar II. D. Sulayman. E. ‘Abd al-Malik. 9. Which of the following statements is true about the territorial expansion during the Umayyad rule? A. Territory expanded only in Africa. B. Territory expanded only in Europe. C. Territory remained within the . D. Territory expanded only in Spain and Turkey. E. Territory expanded to , across Gibraltar, to up to Sindh in India.

10. Who brought about the downfall of the Umayyad rule? A. Th e Byzantines. B. Th e Mamluks. C. Th e Prophet’s uncle Al-‘Abbās. D. Th e descendants of Al-‘Abbās. E. Hindu attack from the East.