Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 1 Planets Exoplanets are those located outside what region of space?

the solar system 2 Literary Forms What is the term for these kinds of collections? The Illustrated Man American Gothic Tales Oxford Book of Modern Verses Classics of Children's Literature Twenty-nine Original Tales of Horror The Best Science Fiction of the 20th Century

anthology 3 Circles There are two basic ways of cutting a circle. While a slice made by a chord is called a segment, what is the term for a "pizza-shaped" slice?

sector 4 Range Wars The Pleasant Valley War in Arizona was fought between the Grahams who herded cattle and the Tewksburys who herded what other animals?

sheep 5 Southeast Asia What is the largest country that borders Laos?

China Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 6 Bureaucratic Idioms Excessive adherence to bureaucratic rules is known as what kind of tape?

red tape 7 Greek Etymology What is the meaning of the suffix in these words? technocracy, aristocracy, gerontocracy

power 8 Organs What organ that protects the trachea against food aspiration is also involved in phonation?

larynx 9 Eskimo Lore What is an Eskimo umiak?

boat 10 Composers Claude Debussy referred to what classical composer as "the old deaf one"?

Ludwig van Beethoven Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 11 Short Stories In Ray Bradbury's story, "A Sound of Thunder," the present is significantly modified when a hunter goes back in time to kill a Tyrannosaurus Rex but accidentally kills what other organism?

a butterfly 12 Stadiums Located in California, what is the only stadium in the world to host the World Series, the Super Bowl, and the Summer Olympics twice?

Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum 13 African Conflicts Since 1975, the Polisario Front has fought for the independence of Western Sahara from what country?

Morocco 14 Matter What phase of matter can be produced by applying an electric field to a gas or by strongly heating a gas to ionize its molecules?

plasma 15 Minerals Mafic minerals are ferromagnesian, meaning that they contain what two elements?

iron, magnesium Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 16 Injuries First-degree abrasion involves superficial damage to what layer of the skin?

epidermis 17 Biological Regions The biota of a region consists of what two components?

flora and fauna (plants and animals) 18 Political Puppets These were puppet states of what country for much of the 20th century? Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia

Soviet Union 19 Ongoing Expenses Some financial organizations charge their customers once a year for the convenience of using a debit or credit card. Name this charge.

annual fee 20 Sea Stories In Herman Melville's story, "Billy Budd," who was of the HMS Bellipotent?

Captain Vere Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 21 Exponents What is the last digit when the number 4 is raised to the 44th power?

6 22 Aviation History In what U.S. state could you visit a replica of the world's first airplane hangar?

North Carolina 23 Mountain Vistas An ancient Greek standing atop Mount Olympus could look east and see what body of water?

Aegean Sea 24 States Under Scrutiny In 2014, the mayor of Hoboken charged that the New Jersey state government had threatened to withhold millions of dollars in aid for local victims of what superstorm unless she approved a certain commercial development?

Sandy 25 Arson In most states, an arsonist who starts a fire that causes another person's death, even if the death was unintended, can be charged not only with arson but with what other felony?

murder Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 26 Gases Name the underground mixture of methane and other gases trapped above petroleum deposits.

natural gas 27 Paramilitary Groups These are examples of what kind of irregular indigenous military units? Popular Revolutionary Army Sandinista National Liberation Front Zapatista Army of National Liberation Contras Bolivarian Forces of Liberation

guerrillas 28 Stars Proxima Centauri is an example of the most common type of star in the galaxy. Such stars are known as what kind of dwarfs?

red dwarfs 29 Horrific Stories This is from what Edgar Allan Poe tale? First of all, I dismembered the corpse. I cut off the head and the arms and the legs. I then took up three planks from the flooring of the chamber, and deposited all between the scantlings.

The Tell-Tale Heart 30 Parallelograms If one of the interior angles of a parallelogram is 83 degrees, what is the measure of either of the two larger interior angles?

97 degrees Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 31 Colonial Cultivation This 17th-century passage is about what agricultural product of the Jamestown Colony? The fumes purge superfluous phlegm and gross humors from the body by opening all the pores and passages. Its use preserves the body, and if there are any obstructions, it breaks them up. So the natives keep in excellent health without many of the grievous diseases which afflict us in England. tobacco 32 Phonetics Consider the letters "ph" in phonograph and the letters "mb" in dumb. What is the term for any two such letters that indicate a single sound?

digraph 33 Ancient Architecture Geometrically speaking, what is the shape of the ancient Colosseum, the largest amphitheater ever built in Rome?

elliptical (or ovoid) 34 Wildlife Death What is the collective term for the dead, decaying bodies of animals found in nature?

carrion 35 Archipelagoes What archipelago that straddles the Mid-Atlantic Ridge belongs to Portugal?

Azores Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 36 Aviation What kind of rigid airship was first demonstrated by a German count in 1900?

zeppelin 37 Elizabethan Diet In 1597, a German diplomat noted the blackness of Queen Elizabeth's teeth and determined it was caused by her excessive consumption of what?

sugar 38 Opening Lines What American author begins three novels with these lines? -One minute it was Ohio winter, with doors closed, windows locked, the panes blind with frost, icicles fringing every roof. -First of all, it was October, a rare month for boys. -It was a pleasure to burn.

Ray Bradbury 39 Invasive Species What prolific amphibians with pronounced poison glands on their skin, that were originally introduced to eradicate pests from sugar cane farms in the Caribbean and Australia, is now regarded in those locations as an invasive species?

cane toads 40 Industrial Processes The process used by Charles Goodyear for making rubber was named after what Roman god?

Vulcan Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 41 Acids What organic acid forms ions and salts known as urates and acid urates?

uric acid 42 Song Grammar What are the first two concrete nouns in the lyrics of "Camptown Races"?

ladies, song 43 Orbits The eccentricity of a hyperbolic orbit is greater than what value?

one 44 International Relations Often associated with Neville Chamberlain, name the act of trying to placate a political or military rival by making concessions.

45 National Leaders Benazir Bhutto was to Pakistan as Corazon Aquino was to what country?

Philippines Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS *Alt Haiku Poetry Here are the complete works of what American poet condensed into a single haiku? I am everything Everything is in me, too -just one blade of grass

Walt Whitman *Alt An Exchange of Fish Rodney said to Roberta, "If you give me one fish from your creel, we will have an equal number of fish." Roberta responds, "If you give me one fish from your creel, I will have double your number of fish." How many fish does Roberta have?

7 *Alt American Neighborhoods What is the term for neighborhoods in the that are heavily populated by Hispanics?

barrios *Alt Star Measures On a scale of absolute star magnitudes, what symbol adjacent to the magnitudes of stars such as Vega and Betelgeuse indicates extreme brightness?

negative sign *Alt Glassmaking What process used in glassmaking causes glass, when broken, to crumble into small chunks instead of splintering into jagged shards?

tempering Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS *Alt Algae Green algae have what structures that contain chlorophyll?

chloroplasts *Alt Jefferson What former secretary of the treasury under George Washington was fatally wounded at Weehawken, New Jersey in a duel?

Alexander Hamilton Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 1 Sculpture Name the process of carving the basic shape of a sculpture before proceeding to any details.

roughing out 2 Wartime Poetry This verse is from a poem about what war? Gas! Gas! Quick boys - An ecstasy of fumbling Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time; But someone still was yelling out and stumbling And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime.

World War I 3 Celebrations Translate into English this name for a day of celebration in France. Le quatorze julliet

14th of July (Bastille Day) 4 Muses Name either of the Greek Muses whose names begin with the letter "C."

Calliope, Clio 5 Reciprocals What is the value of X if the sum of integer X and its reciprocal equals 78/15?

5 Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 6 Journalism History In 1734, what famous German immigrant and newspaper publisher accused New York's colonial governor of rigging elections, allowing the French enemy access to the main harbor, and encouraging many forms of corruption and criminal behavior?

John Peter Zenger 7 Crustal Topography What is the geological term for a zone where Earth's crust and lithosphere are being pulled apart?

rift 8 Animal Classifications The four classes of vertebrates in the superclass Tetrapoda include reptiles, birds, mammals, and what other?

amphibians 9 Medical Treatments Used to treat certain types of scarring and aged skin, what procedure produces substantial changes in the appearance of the skin by damaging it in a controlled manner with an abrasive device?

dermabrasion 10 Inflation What official measure of inflation is based on the increase in the cost of products compared to a base year?

CPI (Consumer Price Index) Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 11 Columbus Using the wreckage of the Santa Maria, Christopher Columbus built a fort on what island?

Hispaniola 12 American Isles What island at the mouth of the Hudson River became the chief immigration station of the United States in 1892?

Ellis Island 13 Fabulous Footwear According to European folklore, what kind of boots are you wearing if, in two steps, you can travel 42 miles?

7-league boots 14 Slopes What is the slope of a line perpendicular to the line described by this equation? -5x + 3y = 9

3/5 15 Massacres Who led the Confederate force in the Baxter Springs Massacre of 1863 in Cherokee County, Kansas?

William Quantrill Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 16 Word Clipping Which kind of clipping produced these clipped words? gym, pub, memo, ad, doc, exam

back clipping 17 Volume Measurement Name the measurement unit equal to the space occupied by one milliliter of water at 20 degrees C and 1 atmosphere.

cubic centimeter 18 Erosion The lower limit of erosion of a land's surface by running water is called what level?

base level 19 Federal Agencies What U.S. agency regulates water and air pollution, pesticides, solid waste, radiation, and toxic substances?

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) 20 Pacific Islands What island that was the scene of a prolonged battle toward the close of World War II and became the site for the Kadena Air Base was returned to Japanese administration in 1972?

Okinawa Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 21 Acronyms What is the antonym of the acronym, "YIMBY"?

NIMBY 22 Science Fiction According to the Third Law created by Isaac Asimov, what must protect its own existence unless doing do would conflict with the First or Second Laws?

robot 23 Quadratic Inequalities Determine either of the values of p in this inequality. p squared - 6p + 8 > 0

4 or 2 24 Kansas What editor of the New York Tribune coined the phrase, "Bleeding Kansas"?

Horace Greeley 25 Operas Modest Mussorgsky's opera about an early 17th-century Russian czar is entitled Boris who?

Godunov Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 26 Military Base Shootings What U.S. Army base in Texas was the scene of horrific shooting incidents in both 2009 and 2014?

Fort Hood 27 Ions If an atom gains electrons, it has a net negative charge. What is such an ion called?

anion 28 Writing Gaffes What creative writing error is illustrated in these lines? We could stand here and talk until the cows turn blue. A loose tongue spoils the broth. It's as easy as falling off a piece of cake. It's time to grab the bull by the tail and look him in the eye.

mixed metaphor 29 Independence Montenegro declared its independence from what empire in 1878?

Ottoman Empire 30 Oman Oman's Musandam Peninsula has a strategic location on what important strait?

Strait of Hormuz Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 31 Literary Abbreviations In relation to literary criticism, what does the abbreviation "POV" mean?

point of view 32 Scientific Notation Express 8.7 times 10 to the 4th power in standard form.

87000 33 Legislation The McMahon Act, otherwise known as the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 which put nuclear weapon development under civilian management, was signed by what U.S. president?

Harry Truman 34 Mollusks What part of the body of a mollusk forms the outer wall of its body, secretes calcium carbonate to create its shell, and encloses its internal organs?

mantle 35 Phobias A fear of what is the basis for this joke? Does anyone know if the Arachnophobia Helpline has a website?

spiders Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 36 Islands Name the largest island that is on the same tectonic plate as Australia.

New Guinea 37 Voting What kind of test was once used in the United States to prevent people who could not read or write from voting?

literacy test 38 Haitian History In 1802, Toussaint L'Ouverture believed he would be negotiating with an official over Haitian independence. Instead, upon arrival at the meeting site, he was taken into custody and shipped to what country where he was imprisoned?

France 39 Dialect This passage suggests a dialect associated with what U.S. city? A Bahnie is a Havihd student. Some say it is a derisive term for Hahvihd Yahd. Others say it comes from the old MBTA cah bahns just outside the Squayuh.

Boston 40 Stock Character The stock character of the boastful soldier is referred to by what Latin name that literally means "braggart warrior"?

Miles Gloriosus Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 41 Pyramids The lateral faces of what kind of pyramid are trapezoids?

truncated pyramid 42 Revolts In 1831, the enslaved preacher Nat Turner led a slave uprising in Southampton County in what state?

Virginia 43 Latitudes Through what three mainland Scandinavian countries does the Arctic Circle pass?

Norway, Sweden, Finland 44 Chemical Reactions What kind of process is illustrated by a chemical reaction in a closed thermos bottle that neither absorbs energy from nor releases it to the surroundings?

adiabatic 45 Musicals These songs originated in what 1927 Broadway musical? Cotton Blossom Cap'n Andy's Ballyhoo Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man Ol' Man River

Showboat Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS *Alt Gold Fever This passage is about an event in what country? When the rush began at Ballarat, diggers soon learned it was a prosperous goldfield.

Australia *Alt Heart Valves What is the shape of a semilunar valves that control blood flow out of the heart?

half-moon (crescent) shaped *Alt Oceanic Landforms Abyssal fans are underwater versions of what kind of terrestrial deposits?

alluvial fans *Alt Early Explorers In the 16th century, the region he called Nova Albion was claimed by what English explorer?

Francis Drake *Alt Participles What are the participles in this sentence? Terrified, the POW bowed and crouched before his captor, awkwardly smiling.

terrified, smiling Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS *Alt Book Parts At the end of many novels, there is a concluding section, often set hours or even years in the future, in which the writer reveals the fates of some of the characters. Name this part of the story.

epilogue *Alt Mixture Problems If you have 20 ounces of a 20% salt solution, to the nearest tenth, how much water must be evaporated to make it into a 30% solution?

6.7 ounces Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 1 Fluids Supercritical fluids share the properties of what two states of matter?

liquid, gas 2 The Renaissance In the 15th century, what Italian city became the center of Renaissance art under the Medicis?

Florence 3 Surgical Procedures Name the particular kind of surgery that involves the insertion of a cannula attached to a suction pump into areas between the skin and muscle to remove excess fat.

liposuction 4 Temperature Conversions Convert 20 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit.

68 5 Meetings Name this kind of list in a formal meeting. -call to order -reading and approval of minutes -reports of officers -reports of special committees -unfinished business -new business -announcements -adjournment agenda Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 6 Influential Novels This is from what novel by Upton Sinclair? They had chains which they fastened about the leg of the nearest hog, and the other end of the chain they hooked into one of the rings upon the wheel. As the wheel turned, a hog was suddenly jerked off his feet and borne aloft. At the same instant the ear was assailed by a most terrifying shriek.

The Jungle 7 American Revolution Samuel Adams said, "With ladies on our side, we can make every Tory tremble." He was referring to what group that was the counterpart of the Sons of Liberty?

Daughters of Liberty 8 Algebraic Simplification Simplify 2(x cubed) - 5(x cubed).

-3(x cubed) 9 Dialysis Dialysis requires the use of what category of membranes?

semipermeable membranes 10 Seas What extensive inland sea is connected to the Mediterranean through the Bosporus?

Black Sea Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 11 Southeast Asian Memorials What leader's preserved body lies in a glass case on display in a mausoleum in Hanoi's Ba Dinh Square?

Ho Chin Minh's 12 Symptoms The first symptoms of what disease resulting from contaminated wounds often begin with mild spasms in the jaw muscles?

tetanus 13 Orbits A geostationary orbit must be along what line of latitude on the Earth?

equator (0 degrees) 14 Physical Properties What physical property of a material is defined as the fraction of the volume of the material that consists of voids or empty spaces?

porosity 15 Symbolic Characters In Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man," Ras is a flamboyant, angry character who violently rejects white oppression. His name phonetically suggests a group of people united by what?

race Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 16 Last Straws What U.S. president wrote this in relation to impressment? The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair put war into my hand, and I had only to open it and let havoc loose.

Thomas Jefferson 17 Squares The area of a square is two times its perimeter. What is the length of each side?

8 18 Deism In contrast to having its basis in revelation, deism was based upon observation of the natural world and the use of what human faculty?

reason 19 Political Philosophy Alexis de Tocqueville claimed that even democracies have limitations in that minority rights could be forfeited in the pursuit of popular causes. He called such a situation the tyranny of the what?

majority 20 Romantic Relationships In 1814, 17-year-old Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin began a love affair what British poet who, it turned out, was already married?

Percy Shelley Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 21 Diseases Quinsy was an earlier name for what disease characterized by the inflammation of certain lymphoid tissues in the lateral walls of the opening between the mouth and pharynx?

tonsillitis 22 Amphibians From their name, you can surmise that amphibians of the order Caudata have what obvious feature?

tails 23 Linguistics What morphological process is illustrated in these words? ding-dong, chit-chat, razzle-dazzle, fancy-schmancy, choo-choo, teeny-weeny

reduplication 24 Architecture What famous and distinctively triangular building is located at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Broadway in New York City?

Flatiron Building 25 Vessels What kind of U.S. Navy vessels were these? Stingray, Tarpon, Bonita, Snapper, Barracuda, Pickerel, Grayling, Cuttlefish, Pike,

submarines Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 26 Numbers What abundant number is greater than 18 and less than 24?

20 27 Canadian Mountains Mount Logan, the highest mountain in Canada, is in what territory?

Yukon 28 Subatomic Particles What kind of particle that is identical to the nucleus of a helium atom is emitted as radiation from a decaying heavy nucleus?

alpha particle 29 Wartime Quotations In 1943, King Victor Emmanuel of Italy said this to what prime minister who was about to be arrested? The game is over. You'll have to go.

Benito Mussolini 30 Terrorism The U.S. State Department resisted classifying Boko Haram as a terrorist group until 2013, although many lawmakers even back in 2011 insisted that it was. In what country does it operate?

Nigeria Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 31 Clouds Pyrocumulus clouds typically form above what?

wildfires (forest fires) 32 Punishments What broad category of punishment always involves some form of pain?

corporal punishment 33 British Novels Charles Dickens begins what novel with this line? Dombey sat in the corner of the darkened room in the great armchair by the bedside, and Son lay tucked up warm in a little basket bedstead.

Dombey and Son 34 Memorials What memorial in Arlington National Cemetery commemorates members of the First U.S. Cavalry who died in the Spanish-American War?

Rough Riders Memorial 35 Mathematical Roots What are the fourth roots of 81?

3 and -3 Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 36 Patriotic Songs Quote the independent clause from the song, "You're a Grand Old Flag," that includes an anatomical organ.

Every heart beats true 37 Skin Which layer of the skin contains receptors for touch and heat, in addition to sweat glands, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, lymph vessels, and blood vessels?

dermis 38 Sunken Ships These sunken vessels were all what kind of ships? Kaga, Soryu, Ark Royal, Hornet, Lexington

aircraft carriers 39 Painting Styles Name the painting style that characteristically depicts night scenes.

nocturne 40 Compound Machines What two simple machines are used in a bench vice?

lever, screw Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 41 Eastern Europe If you were looking west from atop Mt. Elbrus, the highest point in the Caucasus Mountains, you would be gazing over what sea?

Black Sea 42 Russian Literature Who opens a novel with this line? Alexey Fyodorovitch Karamazov was the third son of Fyodor Pavlovitch Karamazov, a landowner well known in our district in his own day, and still remembered among us owing to his gloomy and tragic death.

Dostoyevsky 43 Imperialism The Anti-Imperialist League opposed the American annexation of the Philippines, maintaining that governments derived their just powers from the consent of what?

the governed 44 Coin Problems If some number of quarters and four times as many pennies add up to $1.45, how many pennies are there?

20 45 Astronomy Name the day-night line on a planet.

terminator Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS *Alt Invertebrates What kind of circulatory system is found in such invertebrates as annelids and cephalopods?

closed circulatory system *Alt Parasites What is the term for being parasitized by the nematode Trichinella spiralis?

trichinosis *Alt Colonial Government In Virginia, what was the title of the members of the first legislative assembly of elected representatives in North America?

burgesses *Alt Famous Speeches What figure of speech did Winston Churchill use in this line? From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent.

metaphor *Alt Literature History What broad category of literature associated with the medieval Scandinavian skalds was also written by ancient Celtic bards?

poetry Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS *Alt Presidents What 20th-century U.S. president issued, by far, the greatest number of executive orders?

Franklin Roosevelt *Alt African Dictators As many as a half million Ugandans were murdered during the eight years of whose rule in the 1970s?

Idi Amin Dada Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 1 Hexadecimal Numbers Express the decimal number 55 as a hexadecimal number.

37 2 Airplane Parts Name the flight control surface attached to the trailing edge of each wing of a fixed-wing aircraft.

aileron 3 Political Realignments In 2014, the Supreme Council of what region voted to dismiss the current government and announced a referendum on reunification with Russia?

Crimea 4 Prehistoric Monuments Archaeologically speaking, what is the term for a substantial stone or group of large stones used in the ancient world for a kind of monument?

megalith 5 State High Places In what state is the highest point of 1257 feet located atop Hoosier Hill?

Indiana Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 6 Constellations Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka are the three stars that comprise a "belt" in which constellation?

Orion 7 Digestive Physiology What organ is stimulated by gastrin to secrete pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid?

stomach 8 Softening the Blow In "Animal Farm," Squealer announces the cutting of the food supply in this way. For the time being, it has been found necessary to make a readjustment of rations. What is the term for such a substitution of a mild, indirect expression to replace a harsher, more unpleasant one?

euphemism 9 Mediterranean Nations What is the state religion of Malta?

Catholicism (Roman Catholic) 10 Match Math This season, Millie Minturn has won 6 of her 16 tennis matches. How many more matches must she win in a row to have a 60% overall winning record?

9 Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 11 Labor Disputes What kind of temporary work stoppage occurs when the management of a excludes employees from their place of work until certain terms are agreed to?

lockout 12 Plato In the ideal city-state, Plato said the rulers would be what kind of kings?

philosopher kings 13 Explorers In 1858, the British explorer John Speke identified what lake as the source of the Nile?

Lake Victoria 14 Health Programs Medicare is a program that covers the hospital and medical costs of people beginning of what age?

65 15 Metallic Compounds What adjective indicates a compound that contains iron in the +3 oxidation state?

ferric Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 16 Legal Defenses Because some defendants that suffer from a mental disorder sometimes do not know right from wrong, what defense is used to avoid conviction?

insanity defense 17 Short Story Allegories What tale by Edgar Allan Poe can be understood as an allegory about how nobody can evade death?

The Masque of the Red Death 18 Native American Culture What fertility deity is depicted as a humpbacked flute player by some Native Americans of the Southwest?

Kokopelli 19 Algebraic Exponents What is the cube of 2(x cubed)?

8(x to the 9th) 20 Cities Mosul and Basra are cities in what Mideast country?

Iraq Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 21 Flies Named for their color, what kind of flies that gain nourishment by feeding on the blood of mammals are a special nuisance between April and July to people living in Minnesota and a scourge to Canadian livestock?

black flies 22 World Chronology During what century did Machiavelli write "The Prince," Michelangelo paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and Balboa first see the Pacific Ocean?

16th century 23 Questions Modify this sentence so it illustrates a tag question? Marian doesn't know Robin.

Marian doesn't know Robin, does she? 24 Meteor Showers The Eta Aquarid and the Orionid meteor showers are caused by detritus from what comet with a 76-year period?

Halley's comet 25 Resignations Under pressure from both parties in Congress, name the secretary of veterans affairs who resigned in 2014.

Eric Shinseki Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 26 Settings These works are set on what island? Skye O'Malley A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man O'Sullivan Stew Ulysses Dubliners

Ireland 27 Great Britain What British corporation is sometimes called the Beeb?

British Broadcasting Corporation 28 Roman Numerals Express as a Roman numeral the year in which Malaysian Flight 870 disappeared.

MMXIV 29 Kinetic Energy Vibrational energy is due to vibrational motion and rotational energy is due to rotational motion. What kind of kinetic energy is due to motion from one location to another?

translational energy 30 Philosophical Positions What "ism" is illustrated in this declaration by Quakers made to King Charles II? We utterly deny all outward wars and strife, and fightings with outward weapons, for any end, or under any pretense whatever. We will never move to fight and war against any man with outward weapons, neither for the kingdom of Christ, nor for the kingdoms of this world.

Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 31 Puppets At the end of the Second World War, a puppet leader of Nazi-occupied France surrendered to the Americans and was returned to France where he was tried and sentenced to death. What was Pierre's surname?

Laval 32 Disease Statistics What rate for any disease is calculated by dividing the number of people with that disease by the size of the population from which those people were taken?

morbidity rate 33 A Derogatory Category What term for a war resister or anti-war protester includes a Russian suffix meaning "someone involved with"?

peacenik 34 Africa What is the geographically largest African country that borders the Red Sea?

Sudan 35 Literary Characters These are characters in what American novel? Arthur and Emily Shelby, Eliza, Harry, Tom, Eva, George Harris, Tom Loker, Simon Legree

Uncle Tom's Cabin Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 36 Court Rulings Following the ruling in "Brown v. Board of Education," the Supreme Court ordered the states to integrate their schools "with all deliberate" what?

speed 37 Algebraic Simplification Simplify the following. 3(x to the 4th) - 2(x to the 4th) + 7(x to the 4th)

8(x to the 4th) 38 Sentence Types Classify this sentence according to its structure. All of a sudden, I had this overwhelming desire to talk for a very long time without actually saying anything.

simple sentence 39 Atoms Excited state atoms tend to have short lifetimes. They lose energy either through collisions or by emitting what elementary particles described as quanta of light?

photons 40 Keys to the Past In 1822, Jean-Francois Champollion finished translating the Egyptian hieroglyphs of a decree from 196 BC that had been inscribed on a stele along with the same decree in two other scripts?

Rosetta Stone Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 41 Reptile Anatomy Most reptiles have hearts consisting of how many chambers?

three 42 Star Magnitude In relation to star gazing, what is a synonymous phrase for "visual magnitude"?

apparent magnitude 43 Law History What kind of law that is used in most English-speaking countries is based upon previous judicial decisions rather than codes of statutes?

common law 44 Epilogues What two names complete this epilogue of a Shakespearean tragedy? A glooming this morning with it brings; The sun for sorrow will not show his head. Go hence to have more talk of these sad things, Some shall be pardoned, and some punished, For never was a story of more woe Than this of ...

Juliet and (her) Romeo 45 Conflicts The rebels involved in the First and Second Chechen Wars saw them as wars of national liberation against what country?

Russia Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS *Alt Settings What U.S. state is the setting for these books? Plainsong Atlantis Found The Shining Centennial

Colorado *Alt Alaska Point Barrow marks where the Chukchi Sea joins with what other sea?

Beaufort Sea *Alt Hijackings Members of what organization hijacked the Achille Lauro in 1985?

Palestine Liberation Front (PLO) *Alt Drama In theater and film, what is the collective term for all the actors who are not playing major parts?

supporting cast *Alt Injuries What is the common name for a hematoma caused by internal bleeding into the interstitial tissues that does not break through the skin?

bruise (contusion) Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS *Alt Geometric Applications What theorem is suggested in this passage from "The Swiss Family Robinson"? My boys had been trying to measure the tree with the long canes I had brought, and came saying to me that I ought to have got them ten times as long to reach even the lowest branches. "There is a simpler mode," said I, "which geometry teaches us, and by which the highest mountains can be measured." Pythagorean theorem *Alt Curves What is the term for a curve in three-dimensional space?

helix Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 1 Poets The Arbella was John Winthrop's flagship. One of its passengers became the first European female poet to be published in the New World. Name her.

Anne Bradstreet 2 Failed Revolts In the plan hatched by Vesey, the rebellious slaves of the Carolina Coast were to have sailed to what Caribbean country?

Haiti 3 Conic Section Symmetry What is the axis of symmetry for this parabola? y = (x-1) squared + 1

the line x = 1 4 Ichthyology In what kind of water do catadromous fish spawn and reproduce?

salt (ocean) water 5 Lightning A lightning strike very near you will be accompanied by a sudden, sharp clap of thunder and possibly the smell of what allotrope of oxygen?

ozone Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 6 Troubled Truces Over the years, ETA has declared several ceasefires in its separatist campaign against what the government of European country?

Spain 7 Middle Eastern Elections In 2014, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was elected the sixth president of what troubled Mideast country?

Egypt 8 Amendments What is the number of the only U.S. Constitutional amendment that repeals a previous amendment?

21st 9 Credit Your credit score is based on three factors called the three Cs of credit. These include character, capacity, and what other?

capital 10 Purple Prose In this example of purple prose, what is it that Oliver is having trouble doing? It is a fact that there was considerable difficulty inducing Oliver to take upon himself the office of respiration - a troublesome practice, but one which custom has rendered necessary to our easy existence.

breathing Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 11 British History Name the period in English history from 1660 to about 1710 when the Stuart monarch Charles II was re-established as king of England.

Restoration 12 Interest Calculations You invest $3 that earns 10% interest compounded annually? To the nearest cent, how much interest is earned in three years?

.99 13 Linguistics What is the term for words in different languages that are similar in meaning and spelling owing to their descent from a common ancestral language?

cognates 14 Myths Midas was king of Phrygia, a region that is now part of what country?

Turkey 15 Landmarks Often used as landmarks, what is the term for a man-made stack of stones?

cairn Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 16 Chemical Bonding What kind of bonds are responsible for the unique properties of water?

hydrogen bonds 17 Body Shapes While an ectomorph generally has a narrow chest, narrow shoulders, and long, thin muscles, what body shape is characterized by a round face, short neck, wide hips, and considerable fat storage?

endomorph 18 Eclipses Name the "beads" that appear for about 15 seconds before and after totality in a solar eclipse.

Baily's beads 19 Adventure Novels What novel by Sir H. Rider Haggard includes the following? -Sir Henry Curtis and his lost brother -an ascent of a peak called Sheba's Breast -a map in the blood of Jose Silvestre -a lush valley known as Kukuanaland -a treasure room in a mountain filled with gold, diamonds, and ivory

King Solomon's Mines 20 Southeast Asian History Siam was once a much larger country, but thanks to the French, it lost much of its territory to two adjacent countries. Name either.

Cambodia, Laos Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 21 Hexagons What is the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon?

720 degrees 22 Theater What phrase means that all the seats in a theater are filled?

full (packed) house (sold out, standng 23 Taxation What common, everyday tax is regressive?

sales tax 24 Theft on a Grand Scale In 1945, members of the 101st Airborne Division found more than 1000 paintings and sculptures at Berchtesgaden that had recently been moved there from what Luftwaffe Reichsmarschall's country estate at Carinhall?

Hermann Goering's 25 Teddy Roosevelt Grammar What two kinds of conjunctions are illustrated in this quote by ? To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.

coordinating, correlative Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 26 Bat Perception What ability in bats is analogous to active sonar?

echolocation 27 Treaty Lands Name the northernmost state that includes land acquired by the United States in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

Wyoming 28 Curses The Trojan prophetess Cassandra suffered under what curse?

never to be believed 29 American Wars These were military operations in what war? Chesapeake Campaign Canadian Campaign American Northwest Campaign Niagara Frontier Campaign St. Lawrence Campaign Plattsburgh Campaign

War of 1812 30 Salts What is the term for solutions containing dissolved or molten salts that are capable of conducting electricity?

electrolytes Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 31 Mineral Hardness What mineral used in various plaster products is between talc and calcite in hardness on the Mohs scale?

gypsum 32 Insect Anatomy Name the largest segment of an insect's leg.

femur 33 Hijackings In 1968, these commercial flights were among many hijacked to what country? -a DC-8 from Tampa -a Boeing 707 from New York -a DC-8 from St. Louis -a Boeing 727 from Chicago -a Cessna 210 from Key West

Cuba 34 The Senate What is the title of a member of the U.S. Senate who has been elected but not yet seated?

senator-elect 35 Principles in Conflict The Bowe Bergdahl case involved the collision of the fundamental principles of "no one left behind" and "never negotiate with" what kind of group?

terrorists Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 36 Antonyms In literature, what is the antonym of hyperbole?

understatement 37 Words Any nonce word is also what kind of "ism"?

neologisms 38 Presidents Who was president the last time the U.S. experienced double-digit inflation?

Ronald Reagan 39 Plant Tropisms While heliotropism is the growth or orientation of plant parts towards the Sun, phototropism is the orientation of plant parts toward what?

light 40 Paramilitary Units These were paramilitary groups in what country? Symbionese Liberation Army Weather Underground Black Panthers

United States Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS 41 Charming Architecture Standing 170 meters high, what twin skyscrapers of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia have a name reminiscent of a difficult charm mastered by Harry Potter early in his studies?

Petronas Towers 42 U.S. Geography Since some of its territory along Lake of the Woods in the Northwest Angle is above the 49th parallel, what is the northernmost of the contiguous U.S. states?

Minnesota 43 Supertankers The SS Spyros Niachos was a supertanker with a GRT of 30,708 and a DWT of 45,500. GRT stands for "gross register tonnage." For what does DWT stand?

deadweight tonnage 44 Landforms Name the kind of tablelands than fall into these categories. piedmont, dissected, volcanic, intermontane, continental

plateaus 45 Homonyms What term that can indicate either of the upper chambers of the heart also names a central court in an ancient Roman house?

atrium Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS *Alt European Founders Vaclav Havel was a founding father of what European country?

Czech Republic *Alt Treaties The 1821 Treaty of Cordoba established the independence of what Latin American country?

Mexico *Alt Verbs What category of action verbs is illustrated in these examples? Charon rowed the boat. Delilah combed her hair. Hiawatha drew the bow.

transitive verbs *Alt Bodily Fluids What substance produced in the liver acts somewhat like a surfactant to help emulsify the fats in food?

bile *Alt Astronomical Limits The distance from a planet within which a satellite will begin to break up due to gravitational forces is known as what limit?

Roche limit Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #380 HS *Alt Beethoven Translate this German title of a work by Beethoven. Mondscheinsonate

Moonlight Sonata *Alt Legal Shutdowns What is the legal term for the closing down and termination of an official body such as an assembly or partnership?
