Inunimmi '11 1111 Amimmilik P " NM R""
111 11111111 1111111 inunimmi '11 1111 AMIMMIlik P " NM r"" R I - JAPA N tiso MT% teE)- (-6, I-1307 RS INTERNATIONAL JAPAN GROUP I-6,/-1307, ASAHIWICHE, ABeA10,034144, JAW it 2- Lloo- WHAT IS NON-VIOLENT DIRECT ACTION? * This is a digest of the first part of an article 2 CONTENTS entitled 'A Note on Contemporary Violence', which page number first appeared in Japanese in the collection I. "VIOLENCE" AND "NON-VIOLENCE" ANAKIZUMU TO GENDAI (Anarchism and Our Time), A. What is Non-Violence= 4 edited by Osawa Masamichi, San-Ichi, 1975. The What is Violence? original version was written in June 1970 and B. kr serialized in the paper 'Jiyu Rengou ( Free II. PSEUDO-NON-VIOLENCE OF THE SYSTEM Federation), put out by the Free Federation Group NATURAL NON-VIOLENCE OF THE PEOPLE in Osaka,from June through September of.that year. A. Popular Non-Violence and the Popular View Kou Mukai,who was editor.and publisher of this paper, 'of Violence '0 is also secretary of WRI-JAPAN,a poet,and active B. The Pseudo-Non-Violent system(?) in the anarchist movement in Japan. III. CHANGING THE NATURE AND THE METHODS OF OUR STRUGGLE ** The translation is by Wat Tyler of the ' Libero A. The People,the Rulers International' Editorial Collective. ' Libero The people International' is an English-Language magazine B. Armed Struggle and 17 focussing on issues concering anarchism in Asia, IV. DIRECT ACTION AND PRODUCTIVE WORK 20 also published in Osaka. A. What is Direct Action B. Direct Action and Self-Management V. WHAT IS NON-VIOLENT DIRECT ACTION? A.
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