Cancer-Can Anything Cause It? -History of Cancer; Prehistoric Times
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Cancer-Can Anything Cause it? -History of Cancer; prehistoric times-notice acute effects cancer=a disease characterized by abnormal cells that grow and divide uncontrollably ultimately invading and destroying adjacent tissues Carcinogens=soot-scrotum-Pott-1775 first real solid pieces of evidence of chronic; pipe smoking-lips- sommering; coal tar-skin-volkman, dye intermediates-bladder-rehn, x-rays-skin, tobacco juices-oral cavities; radioactive watch dial dyes-bono; sunlight-skin; tobacco (cigarrette smoking)-lung; asbestos- pleura; cadmium-prostate Atom bomb testing caused cancer after a one time event 20 years later to find what caused you cancer you need to negate everything in between that didn't prop 65 in gas pumps (benzene) and starbucks for krillimite is a carcinogen Causes of Human Cancer Deaths-tobacco-30% or 25 to 40%, alcohol 3%-2-4%; diet 35% 10-70%; reproductive and sexual behavior=7%-1-13%; food additives less than 1%; pollution-2%; industrial products-less than 1%, sunlight, uv-light other radiation-3%; medicine, medical procedures-1% old watches. Aluminous dials of watch be flurescent by painting radium on dials. Radium goes to bones and gets stuck there and radiates from inside which leads to bone cancer. Char-broiled food is in tobacco smoke and carcinogenic Mutation-damage by chemical or sunlight dna. Damage is usually lethal/natural selection Dna-oncogenes which are responsible for cell division. When go out of control a problem Carincogen-cheimcal that causes cancer by any means Genotoxic carcinogen-chemical that causes cancer by directly reacting w/ DNA to cause a change in its function Not all mutagens are carcinogens (part of natural selection) and not all carcinogens are mutagens (epigenetic carcinogen) Two types of carcinogens we deal with are genotoxic carcinogens and an epigenetic carcinogen- chemical that causes cancer by non-genetic means (no direct interaction w/ DNA or attack) DNA-replication; transcription to RNA then translation to protein liver transfers chemical into chemical that causes cancer; most times it destroys (detoxification). DEFENSE MECHANISMS If it gets activated the liver can still destroy it. When in bloodstream it goes in portal vein and the first organ the chemical goes to is the liver to filter and destroy all toxic chemicals. Immune system attacks damaged cells (DNA repair). Can use surgery against cancer; metastasis-tumor spreads in bloodstream to other parts of body liver makes epoxide which is what attacks dna in benzopyrene body suffers 2million mutations a day. Repair efficiency is above 99% but decreases with age development of cancer following mutagenesis is very rare impaired repair mechanisms can lead to development of cancers at an early age benign tumors-tumors that contain cells like normal cells; don' invade or destroy adjacent tissues, just dangerous from getting too big malignant tumors-tumors different from normal cells; invade and destroy adjacent tissues sarcoma-cancer that arises from supporting or connective tissues (muscle) melanoma-cancer that arises from the pigmented cells of the skin (containing pigment melanin) Carcinoma-cancer that arises from epithelial cells (covering body or tissue surfaces) lymphoma- cancer that arises from the cells of the lymphatic system International Agency for Research on Cancer-a part of the WHO it classifies carcinogens based upon available scientific information. Classifications are regularly updated. Based on weight of scientific evidence with human evidence the most. 39 known human carcinogens classification-low 1 IARC=human carcinogen and EPA is A with sufficient human data; 4 and E is not carcinogen no human data. 2=possible human carcinogen Industrial Chemicals Both synthetic and natural chemicals can be easily just as bad First person to identify chemicals in occupation are toxic was Greek historian named Stravo or Strabo with arsenic mining is toxic to miners Mercury-inorganic and organic forms. Used as drug no medicinal value but can be used in formulations for vaccines because antibiotic. Very toxic to anything. 1700S to 1800s for beaver hats who develop tremors (nerve damage) from hand exposure and become mental. Called hatters (mad hatter) types of industrial chemicals in house-solvent (alcohol), detergent, acids/bases, reagents, plasticizers, metals, salts. Chemicals in house is domestic usage. Organic Chemicals-Hydrocarbons-alkanes (commonly found in crude oil) CH4 methane in environment derivatives of alkanes are alkenes (double bonded carbon) which is ethylene-simplest one. uble bonded carbon) which is ethylene-fruit ripening. Alcohols. Hydrocarbons with OH on them. Symptoms of Methanol Intoxication is inebriation and drowsiness, dizziness, abdominal pain and vomiting, breathing difficulty, blurred vision and dilated pupuils, blindness. General solvent effect=drowsiness, dizziness, breathing difficulty any solvent does over time Solvent-Glycols. Ethanol-acetaldeayde-acetic acid (calories) Ethylene Glycol-oxacic acid (goes to kidney and brains and crystallizes (grow rocks in your brain!!)) PAH structures-aromatic hydrocarbons Major symptoms/ signs of methanol intoxication-inebriation and drowsiness (early onset), dizziness, abdominal pain and vomiting, breathing difficulty, blurred vision and dilated pupils, blindness, urinary formaldehyde odor Inorganic chemicals-positively charged ions like Lead, Mercury, Arsenic. Replace natural cations body uses for normal function like sodium, potassiu, calcium DNA has a negative charge to it so the metals can bond to DNA and serve as mutagents Lead-Roman empire fell in part due to severe lead poisonings Nickel and Cadmium in batteries when disposed of release the two in environment where they can get into groundwater and waterways and into drinking water Methyl mercury is fat soluble and accumulates in food webs Asbestos Fibers are toxic in lungs. Very tiny particles get to deepest parts of lungs and hang in tissues, leading immune system to kill tissue in lungs-asbestosis. Can get cancer-mesothelioma more than 99% pesticides humans exposed to are natural pesticides organic chemicals-neurotoxic to carcinogenic organic chemicals-neurotoxic to carcinogenic inorganic chemicals-neurotoxicity to liver and kidney damage HERP values-higher value the higher the human exposure is relative to the dose that gives tumors to rodents Poisons Properties of ideal poison-undetectable by senses, soluble, delayed effect, easily obtained, not traceable, symptoms mimic actual disease, chemically stable, undetectable by instrumentation, potent advantages-silent, precise targeting, depersonalized, safe for attacker ethylene glycol-sweet odorless chemical in antifreeze can be put in foods like jello acrylamide-nervous system problems. In construction used acrylamide to seal tunnel but workers got affected and found in ground water potencies of poisons-botulinum toxin-.05 mg, ricin-.5mg, sodium cyanide-250mg a dime is 2300mg sources of poisons-commercial, laboratories, underground catalogs, antique drug collections, hobbies/natural sources like plants pesticide poisons of note-synthetic=organophosphates, carbamates, paraquat, fluoroacetate. synthetic=oleandar, poison hemlock, mushroom, ricin, atropine/belladonna, nicotine, cyanogenic glycosides top 5 homicidal poisons-arsenic 31%, cyanide 9, strychnine 6, morphine 3, chloroform 2 poison symptoms-constricted/dilated pupils (opiods, organophosphates), breath odor (arsenic-garlic), hair loss (thallium), convulsions (strychnine), paralysis (botulism), coma (depressants, hypnotics), skin color (co-cherry red; nitrites-blue), skin appearance (arsenic-hyperkeratosis, warts) (dioxin-chloracne) candies may include melamime autopsy samples-organs (brain, liver, kidney, muscle), blood (heart, peripheral), vitreous humor, bile (insoluble metabolites), urine (soluble), gastric contents (alkaloids), hair, bone, maggots motivation-love, money, power, random Environmental sources of poisonings-natural (arsenic in well water, marine toxins), accidents (pcb, pbb, mercury in iraq), adulteration (cooking oil), commercial activity (mercury, lead) Harmful algal blooms- thought increasing due to coastal pollution and ocean warming. Domoic acid -amnesic shellfish poison. Human effects-disorientation, loss of short term memory (moderate doses), fail at high doses PCB and PBB-mass poisonings from cooking oil concentration. Livestock die and cause bird beak to twist black market has lots of counterfeit pharmaceuticals Plant Toxins Chemical warfare to avoid predation (can't run or hide) Plants use avoidance strategies like spines, irritant fuzz, thick tough surfaces, and chemicals (noxious forms, irritants and lethal) Witch Legend from Jimson weed (thornapple-atropine) put between legs and lead to hallucination feel like flying. sabbat=mental hiatus “Deadly” Nightshade Family-lot of toxic species Datura-jimson weed, thornapple Brugsmania-angel's trumpet (colorful insects on skin) Solanum-nightshades, potatoes (war gas-like toxins) Nicotiana-tobacco (stimulant insecticide) Nonpoisonous of nightshade family include tomatoes, pepper, eggplant Plant Toxin Alkaloid-nicotine Cyanide-hydrocyanic acid (bitter almonds) glycosides (sugars) esters (alochol) pencilbruhs lactones-cyclic esters (limes) phenols-alcohol form of benzene Food plants Potato (solanine-nerve paralysis from green parts) Cacao bean/kola nut and coffee and tea(caffeine)-(nerve stimulants) Mango-causes skin rashes lime/celery-juice in sun will change to be skin irritant (phototoxic) lima bean/bitter