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\ I I The Ancient Times Published by The of & Drummers, Inc.

VOL. XVI No. 1 ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS Spring, 1989 Terry Hennessey Installed As Seventh President

lvoryton, CT-Terry Hennessey of Corps; Kathy Posekel of the New York Danbury, CT, a member of the Ger­ Ancients; Art Ferrante of the New mantown Ancients was elected and in­ Jersey Colonel Militia and Frank Orsini stalled as the seventh president of Tbe of the New Jersey Colonial Militia and Company of Fifers and Drummers at Ernie Kiburis o f the Yankee the Annual Meeting held at The Com­ Tunesmiths. Both Orsini and Kiburis pany's Headquarters, in Ivoryton, CT served on the committee last term as on April 15. members of the Administration Other Administrative Officers elected Committee. are: Tom Connolly of the Union The vote on six amendments to The Brigade FDC, First Vice President; Company's Constitution and four to the Dave Hooghkirk of the Stony Creek Rules of Procedure indicated that all FDC, Second Vice President; Gerre Bar­ were approved. rows, an Individual Member, Secretary; In other business conducted, the An­ and Clarke Wilbor of the Ancient cients Fund Committee/ Drive Mariners, Treasurer. With the exception Committee is asking for volunteers, who President, TERRY HENNESSEY 1st Vice President TOM CONNOLLY of Dave Hooghkirk who was chal­ do not march with a corps, sell deeds to lenged by Ann O'Malley, the above had the spectators along the parade route at President Terry Hennessey began his 1st Vice President Tom Connolly, with no opponents. the National Muster in Carmel, N. Y. on drum corps career with Germantown in August 19th. Buzz Allen and Bill Pace . 1953, was a member of the original Old drum corps since 1950, was president of There were fourteen candidates for The Company of Fifers and Drummers the ten seats on the Executive Commit­ are signing them up. Many are needed. Guard F & D Corps, Attended first from 1970 to 1972. As a member of the tee and the final tally showed that five Music Committee Chairman, Duke ·meeting of The Company of Fifers & new members and five incumbents were Ferrari, reported that the Sturtze Book Drummers. Has served on previous Ex­ Colonial Boys FDC of Norwood, MA. he arranged the first trip to Ireland elected, New members are: Pat Benoit should be ready in about a month and ecutive Committees and Musters Com­ made by an American and drum of the Connecticut Blues FDC; Jim Book 3 will be published in three sec­ mittees. Has won indiv.idual awards on tions with the first section ready for the bass, snare and fife. Currently music corps. He is a snare and bass drummer Hierspiel of the Germantown Ancients; and founded the Tiots FDC and later the Gerri Iliff of the Milford Volunteers; DRAM. director, instructor and drum section Union Brigade FDC in Norwood. His Dave Migoya of the New York Ancients It was reported that Sue Cifaldi had leader of Germantown. Lives in the and Lee Zuidema of the Westbrook completed her research and had com­ Danbury, Connecticut area, Hennessey daughter Erin, and his son Tommy play the snare and bass respectively in the Drum Corps. Re-elected were Dodie piled a list of all the known fifers and has marched in 38 states and two foreign drummers from Connecticut who countries. Union Brigade. Lives in Norwood, MA. McGrath of the Westbrook Drum r, orm t , out n ed the plans for future improvements at the headquarters building and stated his concern that even though the fire alarm system is connnected to fire head­ quarters, some damage could occur before the arrival of the fire department. Fire extinguishers are needed and con- . *See MEETING Continued to pg. 2 A Good Deed 2nd Vice President Secretary GERRE BARROWS CLARK WILBOR for $1.00 DAVID HOOGHKIRK Treasurer Secretary Gerre Barrows is an individual Treasurer Clark Wilbor began with the Help the Ancients Museum Fund sell 2nd Vice President David Hooghkirk is ·those "deeds" to our property for $1.00 a founding member of the Ancient member who worked on projects for Nayaug Ancients in 1966 and served as THE ANCIENT TIMES with the late for several years. He was each. If you visit other corps rehearsals Mariners. Has been active with Stony .or are going to parade or Muster in the Creek for the past 20 years, is a past Dave Boddie and has been serving as of­ the long-time muster master of the fice manager for the Museum for the tnear future, why not take 12 or 20 deeds president and business manager. Has popular Nayaug Muster and has also past several months. A former member ·with you. If you're willing to help us sell served as drum sergeant and instructor been active with the Third Connecticut. of the Executive Committee of the Deep A former guest major with The Ancient to retire the Museum mortgage contact: for several years. Teaches Totoket An­ Buzz Allen cients of which his wife is a member. River Jr. 's and the Jr. Colonials of Mariners, Clarke is now an active Westbrook, her late husband was a Ancients Fund, Original member of Museum Building member of the boarding party and son, member of the Sailing Masters. Son Museum & Headquarters Committee. Has worked on Music Mike is a snare drummer. Clarke has Cliff is a champion snare drummer with P.O. Box 525 Committee and played snare for some held office in The Company of Fifers & the CT Blues, daughter-in-law Judy is Drummers longer than any other elected Ivoryton, CT 06442 tapes. Dave is an honorary member of Read. .. Plainville, has marched in Ireland on a retired drum major and daughter Cin­ person, having served as treasurer for 18 dy played fife with the Jr. Colonials and 'OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS' three separate occasions. Lives in of the organization's 24 year. Lives in the Blues. Lives in Killingworth, CT. Glastonbury, CT. ·on page 3 for some simple Arithmetic Chester, CT. about these deeds. Y alesville Corps Music ''Tape Test'' A Success Ten Company Corps

Merge JVORYTON, CT - Tom Terreri, a Museum Shop and the Company Store To March In Milford By Stuart Stack professional sound engineer and as an ongoing fund raising effort. audio/visual consultant who is the son Present at the test were " Duke," For Ancients Fund WALLINGFORD, CT - The north­ of Music Committee Chairman Al playing alternately snare and bass for west section of Wallingford, CT, known MILFORD, CT - The Ancients "Duke" Terreri, conducted a test of fif­ the sound checks, along with Workshop Museum Fund wiD increase by $4,000.00 as Yalesville, has had a long fife and ing and drumming on the main floor of Chairman Ed Classey, who also doubled drum tradition. The first corps was on Sunday, June 11, 1989 as ten the Museum as the first phase of the ex­ on snare and bass, and Jaybird snare member corps of the Company donate formed in 1898, and over the years tensive corps taping program which is drummer Ken Lemley. Playing fife for members such as Fred Burghoff, Larry their parade services to Milford's 350th slated to begin this spring . Since the the test were Archivist Ed Olsen and birthday celebration. The 1.9 mile L'Heureux, Ray Brinley, John early stages of Museum development, Bob Brady, music chairman of the Lan­ Calamari, Ray Brodeur, and others march lists some 29 musical units in­ the Archives and Music Committees craft Corps. Brady's corps is one of the cluding M&M Corps and military made themselves known in the ancient's have sought to begin a program to first to sign up for the program, along world. The corps disbanded just after bands. Geri Iliff, an active member of systematically record the music of each with Stony Creek, Germantown and the the Milford Volunteers FDC, the coor­ World War II. member corps. The original tapes will New York Ancients. Working with In 1951, former members of the first dinator and editor of the Ancients be part of the Music Archives and edited Chief Engineer Tom Terreri were Dave Activities Calendar, and a member of See YALESVILLE pg. 11 versions will be on sale through the * *See TAPES, pg. 11 *See CORPS, pg. 11 Page 2, Spring, /989 .The A~cient Times

Tfte Ancient Times ISSN0091-7176 ----EDITORIAL---­ Published by The Company of Fifers & Drummers, Inc. Museum, Music Library, Headquarters, @P.O . Box 525, 62 North Main .Street, Ivory-ton, ConnecUcul 06442 Opportunity Knocks The Company of Fifers and Drummers is THE ANCli:NT TIMES, the newspaper of THE COMPANY OF FIFERS AND DRUMMERS, IS half of that by two parties. incorporated in the state of Connecticut as There exists a great opportunity for PUBLISHED QUARTERLY TO KEEP MEMBERS to The Company lists about 120 corps a charitable and educational, non-profit in­ AND THE PUBLIC INFORMED ABOUT Ancient you do your part in retiring the mort­ stitution and is officially and legally gage on The Company of Fifers and with an average membership of twenty Drum Corps activities and subjects related five members each, that is approximate­ recognized as such by the U.S. Treasury thereto. Drummers Headquarters and Museum Department. The Company's purposes are The newspaper encourages the reproduction property without having to reach into ly 3000 corps members. If each member to perpetuate the tradition of Early of its non-copyrighted contents. Bylines must your own pockets! sold 15 "deeds," a small enough quan­ American , to encourage be retained and the credit should read "From The How? It's simple, just put some ef­ tity, the result would be $45,000.00, the greater knowledge of the• historical Ancient Times, the quarterly newspaper of THE COMPANY OF FIFERS ANO DRUMMERS." fort in the "DRUM" (Determined to amount of the mortgage-at NO COST significance of fife and drum music and to TO THE CORPS OR ITS MEMBERS foster the spirit of fellowship among the The opinions expressed in signed articles are Retire Unpaid Mortgage). Drive. Sell not necessarily those of The Ancient Times. "deeds" to your friends, relatives, and -How about that! fifers and drummers everywhere. Mention of a product service or professional in If your corps has not put its shoulder our columns is not to be considered an endorse~ fellow workers, etc. Most everyone will EDITOR ...... Mo Schoos give you a dollar if you just ask them to the wheel yet, it is not too late, order ment by THE COMPANY. some "deeds" now and start selling, it's EDITORIAL STAFF...... Ed Olsen · Direct all mail to P.6. Box 525, lvoryton, Ct. and tell them what it is for. One member Bill Pace,Phil Truitt 06442. Send editorial- typed double spaced, boasts of having sold over one thousand a great fe::ling to know that you are do­ PHOTO EDITOA ...... Mal Hinckley upper and lower case-to Mo Schoos. For with hardly any effort-just asking! ing your part. ADVERT. MGR ...... Dodie McGrath reasons of space and clarity, material may be Many that you ask will contribute five From time to time we hear some CIRCUL. MGR ...... Judy Barrows edited. or ten dollars or even more. members say that too much emphasis is BUSINESS MGR ...... Mo Schoos For Advertising, contact: Dodie McGrath. being put on paying off the mortgage. Direct ?ther business to Mo Schoos. The "deeds" are for one square foot CORRESPONDENTS SI .50 per copy SS.00 per year of the property which totals 90,827 For those of you who feel that way, just NORTHEAST: Dave Migoya, Art Ferrante,• $9.00 two ye.au Sl3.00 thrre ye~rs square feet; this can bring in twice as remember that the mortgage is costing Jack O'Brien, Scott Greenstreet. us over $500.00 each month, over SOUTH: Ann Feder, Bill Krug OVERSEAS RATES much money as is required to pay the mortgage if everyone puts their shoulder $6,000.00 each year, that money would MIDWEST: Mark Logsdon Add $9.00 For Each Year be put to better use improving our pro­ EUROPE: Mike Quinn to Cover Postage to the wheel. The results of the drive, to date, has grams and activities. been rather disappointing. Only about How about it-opportunity knocks­ Dear Sirs, $7,000.00 has been collected, almost answer the knock. Enclosed please find my check in the am?~nt or $10.00 for the renewal of my The Company of Fifers and Drummers 10d1V1dual membership. for all the knowledge on the subject that Also I would like to let you know that I have gained through The Ancient SUPPORT I enjoy reading The Ancient Times and Times. Thank you. would like to congratulate you on this THE newspaper featuring all kinds of articles Sincerely yours, about the world of ancient drumming William A. Stavey DRUM DRIVE, WE VALUE LETTERS and fifing. HCR #1 Box 617 We warmly welcome letters for "The Keep up the great job! Broadheadsville, PA 18322 SELL "DEEDS" Mail Box"; they should include your Sincerely, Rene M. Schaub How about it, can anyone help Bill? name and home address. Because of 436 West Park Ave. * * *. * * space constraints, we may have to Long Beach, N.Y. 11561 Dear Sirs, 1,:d1tor: short.en a letter. Those published cannot We thoroughly enjoy The Ancient Wc· u,c cwc,whdmccl by 1hc unluiling * * * - - ··~ •~ .;.u.. tr1onnd ,ue,,•nnhn,u•llu e nco11ntet.J1.u1m.---'---' ---..---....,,,--,,,,,,...-rn:m:n·m me mnorsnoma oe 1101,n--=.-.---,q"'u"'e"'s""'o"'n-::-s--::a=o-:-:urt--n , "'e=-=u-=r"'s:-=1:-7n u"'sr.c:-.--,a-t_u_c:-k-:D::-r-u-m--:B::-a-n-d:--an- d~ w-c-:,,li:-ke- to-:-k-ce_p__ ,... _____ -;; B:'.:cs::t-,------,..., ed to "The Mail Box," Ancient Times, Writing to you is much more fun than abreast of what is happening. Thank Jim Secor P.O. Box 525, lvoryton, CT 06442 writing home! My Letter was answered you again. Midland, Mich. from the West Coast, the East Coast In the Spirit, * * * * * Dear Editor: and from Switzerland by people who Kevin Sullivan I am not a member of any area drum were knowledgeable and enthusiastic. * * * * * Editor: corps but I am a tremendous fan of fife Mehtar music is indeed very power- Dear Judy: About three months ago I had a and drum music. I've been subscribing ful and the impression of hearing it on- Enclosed is our check for $99.00, to health exam. The doctor told my wife to The Ancie111 Times to t.ry to keep up ly once lasted in my mind for more than cover 22 subscriptions at $5.00 each, less not to let me drive long distances. on what events are occuring and where 25 years. It not only influenced Euro- I 0% corps discount, to expire with the I think he's nuts. I don't feel as if I I can go to listen to the music I so enjoy. pean military music as well as our own, Winter, 1989 issue. have any problems. I hike at least 2 In my opinion, your periodical does but was also incorporated into what we The Potowmac Ancients are pleased miles every day, bowl and play golf a1 a great job reporting on what HAP­ now know as classical music by such to increase our subscriptions this year, least twice a week. PENED yet doesn't notify the readers great composers as Beethoven and reflecting our growing membership, for Lou Papp of what WILL BE happening. Yes, the Mozart. No one knows just how old it we continue to feel that a subscription Danbury, CT calendar helps but it doesn't list is but it is believed to be older than the to The Ancient Times for each member, formerly St. John's everything. I've wondered if 1 could 1600's. or member family, will enhance the fife of Noroton associate myself with a corps so I'd My curiosity about what kind of and drum experience for all of us. know more of what's up? Who would music it was has been satisfied but I Sincerely, * MEETING from pg. I want me? What could I offer them? would still like to hear it again. It's Ann Feder, Director One specific question: I've heard the tributions can be made towards that end known to have been recorded but it's Powtomac Ancients FDC by donating to the newly created "Fire Connecticut Blues referred to as having not readily available to the general * * * * * been champions for New England. Is public and it seems to be purposefully Fund." Wednesdays has been estab­ Dear Editor, lished as "Volunteer Day" and anyone this a title that is won by an accumula­ withheld from Americans. Perhaps the Enclosed find a check for a two year tion of "points" or "winning perfor­ Turks think of it as a National Treasure. who wishes to do some work at head­ subscription to The Ancient Times. mances" or is it a speci fie event held for At any rate, thanks to all those in the quarters, such as cleaning, yard work, that title? widespread audience of The Ancient I'd like to take advantage of the oc­ library or museum work should contact casion to tell you what a wonderful job Ed Olsen. As motivation to all the playing Times for their time and effort in help­ you do putting together The Ancient members of the corps I've seen, you're ing me find an answer to an old Archivist Ed Olsen would welcome publish a news magazine con­ wonderful! I love the music. I'd like to question. Times. I any donations of furniture, or fixtures, hear it more often. Sincerely, cerning folk music events and musicians such as mannequins, files, display in Indiana, so I know how much hard With Many Thanks, Tom Law cabinets, shelving, etc. for the Archives work goes into publishing something Lucinda Pyne 1854 Old Taneytown Rd. material, the library and the museum. Westminster, MD 21157 like The Ancient Times. Keep up the Ann O'Malley reported that plans are 1556 Stanley St. good work! well underway for the 1989 Junior Ac­ New Britain, CT 06053 * * * * * Denise Heasty tivities Day on July 8 and that she ex­ Dear Judy: (Circulation) P .0. Box 2763 pects a greater turnout this year. She is I am sorry that The Company is out West Lafayette, IN 47906 disappointed that there have been only * * * * * of #15-4 issue of The Ancient Times. I Thanks Denise, all ofus on the staffap­ three entries by the Juniors in the con­ Dear Mr. Schoos, have gotten The Ancient Times since preciate this. test to name the day. The contest has Thank you so much for your prompt 1983 and have saved all the copies and been extended to the day of the activity. reply and nice letter. The speed and ex­ made them part of my reference library * * * * * In 1989, the Museum will be open on tra mile support such as addresses of on fife and . I would really like Editor: Saturday and Sunday during May and nearby subscribers was unexpected and a copy of this issue for my collection. I just bought a fife and am eager to June, and Friday, Saturday and Sunday very much appreciated. We are begin­ I am wondering if you know anybody learn. Please send me information on in J uly, August and September. H ours "The Company": membership, publica­ ning recruitment campaigns and fun­ who receives The Times, who has read will be from I p.m. to 5 p.m. Special tions, activities, fees, etc... draising next week. Hopefully we will be it, and wouldn't mind giving up their group tours may be arranged, with a two organized by the end of the year. copy. I am really disappointed about not What fife and drum organizations (or day notice, by contacting Ed Olsen. Thanks again, getting my copy in the mail. people) are here in Denver, Colorado Plans are underway to hold weekly con­ I am presently a drummer in the Pen­ area? Jack Anderson certs, one each week beginning June 20. na. Volunteer . The Company 4790 Shawnee Pl . . Corps wishing to take part should con- 566 Villawood is my only real link with the art of play­ Boulder, Colo. Coppell, TX 75019 ing the fifes and drums. I wish to thank · 80303 *See MEETING, pg. 9 The Ancient Times Spring, 1989, Page 3

his first parade; in West New York, William P . Sander of Portland, CT With the passing of Frank Galinat N.J.; with the Boy Scouts. died at his home on February I , I 989. . from the Nathan Hale scene on January A year later he joined the Eagle FDC He was 56 years old. twenty-fourth, the corps has suffered a in West New York, where he lived, and Mr. Sander was involved in several deep loss. As the head of one of the continued playing the fife to the very Junior Corps in the early seventies, "founding families" in which each end. serving in an executive capacity with the member has marched in the Hale ranks, In 1976 he taught the newly formed Coginchaug Junior Ancient Fife and and as past commander of Knowlton's Old Schraalenburgh FDC; of Dumont, Drum Corps of Durham, CT, the Ranger's, he will be long remembered. N.J. He also taught fife to the boys at Portland Ancient His genial leadership and dedication to St. Joseph's Home in Englewood, N.J. of Portland, CT and the Yankee the fraternity at large will be sorely for 24 years, before it closed. Privateers Junior Ancient Fife and missed. Farewell, Frank! Art not only taught the fife, but he Drum Corps of Portland. He was also made them as well. He had a fully a member of the Chester Fife and Drum equipped shop in his basement where he Corps of Chester, CT, marching with made fifes of wood, brass or plastic the Color Guard. tubing. He is survived by his wife, Janet An active member of the New Jersey Sander of Portland, and three sons, Colonial Militia for a number of years, William R. Sander of New Britain, CT, and an oft-time enthusiastic participant a snare drummer with the Northeast at Jaybird Day functions, Art was Art Mabie - 86 Champion Connecticut Patriots Fife elected "Honorary Jaybird Chairman" and Drum Corps, Thomas E. Sander of in 1979. Some time ago he suffered a Veteran Corps of FDC Portland, and Timothy A. Sander of stroke, which stowed him down con­ December 3, 1988 Manchester, CT. siderably, influencing him to write, "Evry nite when I hit the HAY I thank God for being so good to me."

George Schmidt - 71 Drummer Veteran Corps of Artillery FDC Jane Fulton December 18, 1988 January 2, 1989

It is difficult to use the past-tense when discussing someone as fuU of life Jane Fulton - 62 as Jane Fulton. A person completely im­ Drummer mersed in whatever circumstance she Women's Benefit Association FDC found herself, Jane never left you January 2, 1989 unaware of her presence, nor of her beliefs and ideals. So many years had passed, since she drummed with the Women's Benefit Frank Gelinat John MacLearn Assn. FDC of New Britain, CT, that Musketman George Schmidt many thought her, merely, an en­ Know/ton's Rangers/Nathan Hale FDC March 3, 1989 Jack MacLearn's drum corps career December 19, 1988 thusiastic drum corps wife dutifully ac­ January 24, 1989 started late in life, through the hap- companying her Ancient Mariner- now ng o oy s mteres an 1 ,am . an er - corps doings with more feverency than abilities he gently, but firmly, pressured Other than the people from the New Color Guard did her husband. She delighted in last Chester FDC him into organizing a fife and drum York area, not too many really knew George, he was a very quiet person. year's Jaybird Day .. .listening to the February 1, 1989 corps in their town of Guilford, CT... a music, regaling old friends. community that had often harbored After the usual beginnings in a junior corps, he was accepted as a member of traditional martial music in the past. Jane's other.great love was travel and Following a period of continuous per­ the prestigious Field Music of the together with Wally she traversed the suasion, a group finally gathered at Veteran Corps of Artillery. The corps, formed in 1790 is still a part of the New continent repeatedly. Before most of John MacLearn - 79 Roy's house in 1959 and gave birth to their stateside meanderings Jane made a new Ancient Corps in town. York State Guard. George spent 52 Ancient Mariners a Grand Tour of the Far East...Hong March 3, 1989 Willing to try anything for the good years with the Field Music, and at the time of his death he was still active and Kong, Singapore, Taiwan. ..all by of "the club," though totally bereft of herself. "Couldn't get Wally away from drum corps knowledge, Jack tackled a held the rank of Warrant . ln his the TV," she said, "Imagine," Jane number of administrative jobs while day, he was a truly fine drummer and would continue, "this little gray haired filling-in on either fife or . So played in the line with such great per­ lady flying around the mysterious infectious had his enthusiasm become formers as Moeller, Lemley, Fancher, East. ..the only occidental on the plane." that his sons Jocko and Lachlan both Ernst and Martin. Jane gloried in the totality of her ex­ wound up in the ranks. In its prime, the VCA was an periences and the packs of color photos Following the passing of his wife awesome corps and George was for­ she brought back. "Bobbie," Jack moved to Nova Scoti~ tunate to play with them in their shin­ where he remained, (bemoaning the lack ing hours. In 1983 she went into the hospital for of local fife and drum corps), until In private Ii fe, George worked for the a "triple-by-pass" which wound up to relocating in St. Simon's Island, GA. In Hartford Insurance Group and retired be a "quadruple" and this slowed her 1986 Jack traveled, by train, up from after 44 years of service. He is survived down a little bit, but not enough. She Georgia in order to attend that year's by his devoted wife, Betty. was back in for double by-pass in 1988. Jaybird Day. Overwhelmed by the music When she arrived at the post-DRAM and conviviality, he was loath to leave Sunday do, at Swede Hall, following her and return to the deep South and its intial confinement, she was greeted with dearth of fife and drum sounds. a standing round of applause ...Every­ Although born in Pennsylvania, Jack body loved Jane. was a typical New Englander, with all of the zest and curiosities associated Last October she returned to the Arthur Mabie with the breed leading him into such hospital and experienced a series of Dec. 3, 1988 diverse examples of public service as reversals that would have destroyed a Although alife-long resident of New founding the Guilford Hancrafts Expos­ ~rson of lesser fortitude immediately. Jersey, Art Mabie's drum corps ex­ tion as well as the Ancient Mariners Finally, after three harrowing months, periences spanned the Greater New FDC. she succumbed, despite her husband's York area to the extent that he was as brave statement, "Jane's not going yet. active in New York, as in his home state. There are some new restaurants in the He started crossing the Hudson, on a state that she hasn't tried." regular basis, almost fifty years ago when he joined the fife line of the Jane's funeral Mass, conducted on a venerable Veteran Corps of Artillery bitterly cold day by an old friend and Field Music headquartered, at the time, confidant, was attended by a church full on Manhattan's 14th Street, just a few Frank Galinat of people ...all finding it difficult to doors from the 9th Regt. N.Y.N.G. January 24, 1989 believe that "Jane has finally given in." Armory. It all began when Art was given the fife his grandfather had brought back from Gettysburg. He taught himself William P. Sander how to play it and in 1917 marched in February 1, 1989 Page 4; Spring, 1989 The Ancient Times

Specialists at understanding the specific needs of drum carps for Musters, parades and historic e11ents. · By BILL KRUG DID YOU KNOW .... Parmelee~ . ..that British fife melodies, cir- ca l 700's, had many sources-popular of Durham tunes, dance songs, folk songs, etc. An example is "BRITISH GRENA­ DIERS," for this tune was descended Original design capabilities from All You That Love Good Fellows." In London, during the French or and Indian War, new lyrics were published, "Some boast of Alexander we'll work with your art: and some of Hercules." London Text Some talk of Alexander & some of T-Shirts Muster Streamers Hercules, Of Corron & Lysander & some Meltiadies Sport Shirts Muster Buttons But of all the World's brave Heroes there's none that can compare, Jackets Hats With a tow row row row row to the British Granadiers. None of those ancient Heroes e'er saw a Sweat Shirts CannonBal, Or knew the Force of Powder to flay their Bob Parmelee (203) 349-8233 Goes w'. all, But our brave Boys do know it & banish Silk Screens I Signs I Painting Specialties all their Fears, Creamery Road, Durham, Connecticut 06422 With a tow, row, row, row, row, the British GRANADIERS. '· ...During the King George VI Corona­ maybe that is why they cannot find tion ceremonies, one of the London volunteers or get helpers. In closing I Military Bands mentioned that the tune must say that in the past four or so years now known as "BRITISH GRENA­ that I have been involved with Fife & DIERS" was originally an old Irish folk Drum, I am not aware of one youngster tune. My own theory, (this old Irish folk or parent who when they left would tune with new lyrics possibly could have recommend this type of activity to been, "All You That Love Good Recently I was looking through my others. No matter how anyone might try Fellows.") latest copy of The Ancient Times to rationalize it away the one fact that ...that "FREE AMERIKA Y" is the (Winter 88-89) as I do every now and remains is that Ancient Fifing & Drum­ American Colonial version of then, and came across an article on page ming is losing and if this trend continues "BRITISH GRENADIERS." 8 entitled "N.J. Ancients Less Visible there will be no one to fill the ran ks of in 1988," written by Mr. Phil Truitt. In the senior corps and the end is obvious. Free Amerikay ' . Although I would not try to comment of this letter and you can only come to hasten on the day. on Mr. Truitt's statements about New the same conclusion. Let's all follow Huzz.a. huzz.a, huzza, buzza, for free Amerikay. Jersey, a similar article could have been Mr. Truitt's lead at all levels. The hand­ Lift up your hands, ye heroes, and swear with written about the (junior) Ancient Fife writing is on the wall for the art of An­ proud disdain, & Drum Corps of Connecticut. Before cient Fife & Drum. Drastic attitude Tbe wretch that would ensnare you shall lay going further I would like to refer you changes are needed and it must be done his snares in vain, to Mr. Truitt's remarks in the fall 1988 now to preserve for everybody's grand­ Should Europe empty all her force we'll mee1 edition of The Ancient Times on page children what our grandparents and all her in array. the rest of us have sacrificed and work­ And figh1 and shout, and fighl and shout for 3 entitled, "Speak Up." He seems to be free Arnerikay. lamenting that little is being done for ed hard to preserve before it is too late. those persons who have done much to Some future day shall crown us !he masters Grtnadicr Compa.ny, drums and fifts Jim Schroll of the main, promote Ancient Fifing & Drumming Wethersfield, CT Our fleets shall speak in thunder to England, and foot G~ c. 178?. and who should be recognized for their France, and Spain. efforts, but are not. I could not agree And nations o'er the ocean spread shall tremble w:ith him more. Defore going on I would and obey. call your attention to the spring 1988 The sons, the sons, the sons, the sons of free edition of The Ancient Times, page 2, Amerikay. the article entitled "Editorial." If you ... General George Washington was regarded with deep affection and respect read all of these articles you can pretty by all the people and especially the rank and file of his Army, and so these much get a clear picture of where An­ words, wirtten about 1776 to the popular tune "THE BRITISH cient Fifing and Drumming is going, on GRENADIERS," was su ng by the Continental soldiers. the junior level, here in Connecticut, unfortunately. I think I have a very clear picture of WAR & WASHINGTON what Mr. Truitt is telling us and I have only been involved with this wonderful art form for about four years. I cannot understand how it is all being lost on -:11£9 n I J fJiiu b±t11=1 ,,.., Jln_t-,s host w,th- ,..""';,.-cli,-,.;-- fy, Ji, those who have been involved much "ofB-r longer than I. The fact is that these Ancient Times Photographer, Estelle 1 groups that Mr. Truitt and I am refer­ Lavelle, cuts the cake at her "first time 1t3 A 1J ~IG bl J @tl ring to cannot last much longer, just ever" outdoor birthday party, at Rocky 14~ ,-r c•-~n"3 I~~ '5?'"""' -~•t Ste,. -'•~•• given the nature of the way they operate. Neck State Park in Connecticut, follow­ The Company wants volunteers to help ing the February meeting of The Com­ IDI Lr ID'ffl IJ--sf H out, but according to Mr. Truitt they are pany. Husband Francis supervises. At­ we, ,-.,,- ....,_.,.. ,r~SollS i,1~, Ot,r .,,.... lw,r;::.::: 011.- unwilling to recognize members for their tendees Included members of The Spirit efforts ( or at least not until they are of '76 co~ from East Greenbush, N.\'. II: J! I 11 A I J d· D I G u LJ I J.· !I deceased). Corps directors want parents tt~ -z... , h=-•, A.... - z.a,- ,.,. Wo.r4J wo.sL-~-t.,J. to help them, but at least some are un­ willing to be responsive to those same Allen Named Trustee ... that Fifes and Drums of Britain's famous Foot Guards, show a typical call parents. Although all these different Buzz Allen, chairman of The Ancient take? from Regulations-Figure 3. It is for five () and drums people have put a lot of effort into what Fund, former treasurer of the Building and 1s actually the "BRITISH GRENADIERS" fife melody, and is written an they do, they don't seem to understand Fund, long-time Executive Committee octave higher than fifers read it today. some of the basic rules for running these member and popular Muster announcer MEN'S (1st) BREAKFAST AND TEA types of organizations in the 1980's but has been named a trustee under the - ,. ... r;=:i~ cling to the way things have been done recently modified procedures which saw for the past 20 or 30 years and in the the newly elected Executive Committee long run they are doing more harm than approved the appointment following the Annual Spring Meeting. ~ they know, and they should have real­ :Cf: i!:!!::t::~: ;.;; ized by now that all of this is not being (More on Buzz AlleJJ'S drum corps Fig. 3 Duty call for flute and drum, ,. 1900 lost on the newer people involved and background in the next issue). The Ancient Times Spring, 1989, Page 5 Lugano Memories - New Sights, New Experiences, New Friends By Chris Lussier

When you dream of places to visit, ferent corps in a muster type environ­ Yellowstone National Park or the Grand ment. It is not always easy to locate the Canyon readily come to rnind. If, places where they practice. A big reason however, an image of the Swiss Alps is for this is that a corps or "Clicquc", as drawn, then you have just leaped int-0 they are called there, tends to become the realm of awesome wonder. Anybody a very close knit family of musicians. As can do it, really. All you have to do is a result, it is very special when a group get a vacation from your boss, call invites you to rehearse with them. For Sprance Travel and fasten your seat­ those of us who took up the invitation, belts. While you're at it, don't forget it can safely be said that a finer evening your fifes and drums because you may has not been had in a long time. want to visit Lugano, Switzerland for Beginning with a jam session, we the muster. would eventually trade songs and ideas, \. In I 988, on the third weekend of different techniques for playing, and The crowd enjoys the jollification following the Third European Muster in August, while Westbrook, CT was then march a little "parade" to the Lugano, Switzerland. (Photo by Joe Locatelli, Lugano) thundering to the sounds of the fifes and house-(the practice area is-on a beautiful drums, a similar ~vent was taking place farm just a short distance from the Kentish Guards halfway around the world. Lugano, buildings) for dinner and more music. Opportunities Switzerland abounds with the costumed (Hans, I hope someone will translate for The International and National Music Hold Awards Dinner regalia and songs of the day that we us when I again say thank you very Competition will be held in Clermont­ always look forward to at a muster. This much!!) More than anyihing else, the Ferrand in France, sponsored by the was the Third Annual European Muster, friendships that we made and that we French Confederation of Batteries and The Carriage Inn, in North an event that has passed quietly by most still share are the most cherished Music, on June 2, 3 and 4, 1989. The Kingstown, R.1., was the site and Prime of us, but one that deserves a great deal memories of all. organization would be happy to hear Rib was the fare on January 14 when the of interest to all who may travel abroad. To all who may read this in Swit­ from "foreign" musical organizations Kentish Guards Fife and Drum Corps This past year, the Kentish Guards zerland, I will tell of an event that (Corps). For more information, write held its Annual Awards Dinner. Fife and Drum Corps, the Sudbury Fyfe happened whenever the colonial soldiers to: Present were several friends of the and Drum Companie and the Common­ gathered. As the units came together. Confederation d' Auvergne corps, wives and girl friend~ as well as w~alth Ancients made the trip, as well they would renew old friendships, make Place de la Mairie the corps members. as a group known as "The Half Fast new friends and enjoy each other's com­ 63800 COURNON D'AUVERGNE, Special guests that evening were the C0rps''. The muster was hosted by the pany for as long as the "muster" went FRANCE Kentish Guards Commanding Officer, Mendon Bannock Drum Band, founded on. The musicians from all the units Colonel Robert Sheldon and his wife and directed by Mike Quinn. Mike, a would then play together as one corps The Pennsylvania* * Fest*i vals Associa- Patricia and The Company of Fifers and native Nutmegger living in Switzerland, and the jollification would go on for tion, Inc. is interested in contacting fife Drummers' President, Frank Orsini and worked with the Lugano Tourism office hours on end. I hope that you will con­ and drum corps for participation in Maria Vitola. three years ago to create an event that tinue to enjoy each other's companion­ several festival events which will be held Following the dinner, the corps' would bring fifers and drummers ship no matter what corps you come throughout Pennsylvania in 1989. Their Business Manager, Mo Schoos reported together from across Switzerland and from, and that you will always muster address is: 5537 Claybourne, Pittsburgh, on the corps' activities in 1988 which in­ abroad. The result has been a muster together in Lugano and all across PA 15232. The Festevents Hotline is cluded its appearance in the movie "Mr. met with great enthusiasm and anticipa­ Switzerland. My friends, in the Ancient (412) 621-2209. North" and a trip to Switzerland to take tion ever since. Held in the City Plaza, Spirit, I hope you all had a Merry * * * part ·n the Third Annual European --r---:== =~~~==~~~=~~-~~--.-:-::-:.:-::"'.:;:--:::-:-::-:-;:-::-;;:-:7.::--;-:-.:;-:-:-:-.::---pn;,.,.,..,,-,,

Chris "I'm the one with the horns" Lussier performs as a member of Fifes in the Breakdown Lane" at the Holly JoUy. A former member of the Old Guard, be is now with the Kentish Guards. (Photo by Mal Hinckley) !'age 6, Spring, 1989 The An

I 1 ~ i l

- YOUNG COLONIALS MUSTER- Dukie's Dread- Small of size, big of heart, the trio from The 'Spirit of naughts, the New Jersey Field Music, demonstrate what Freedom J<'DC winning the crowd at their first, ever, muster. an Ancient corps should sound like . (Photo by Ed Olsen)

.. Darlene Graves awaits the action during the TV shoot of com­ promise mercials for First Constitution Bank which featured both Lan­ the bet· craft and the Junior Colonials of Westbrook of which Darlene foregro1 is president.- - - If that's Lancraft, where are the Indians? 1989.­ "Drink up! I'm walling for the Ballenthi°e Ale myself" says Urs Ganz at the Hiding in the brush, away form the glare of the TV lights, as the anotber July 13 "Swiss Night" party hosted by the Swiss Mariners and the Swiss rest of the corps prepares to march into range for a TV Commer­ den by t Regimentals. (Photo by Ed Olsen) cial which required the color guard to wear regular colonial out­ mercial. fits.---"Free checking" is just one of the behind ient Times Spring, 1989, Page 7

~M~~~~ ®W ~®~~

;uards and their ladies wait for dinner at the Third European yitzerland. Muster Registrar, Eleanor Schoos and Muster Chai.rman Mo Schoos display pleasure as they work the Vermont Muster.--- The Green Mountain Regi- 1 that First Constitutional Bank makes to viewers with from the Junior Colonials bass drummer in the nd and Lancraft. The commercials will be aired in -No, Hugh Quigley and Jay Tourney have not joined JAYBIRDS DAY-"See ya at the end of the line," sez passing grade.---Two of our YOUNGER frinds of corps, those are Lancraft drums, the emblazonment hid­ Hoboken's Jack O'Brien-while Company carpenter Ed Jaybirds, Paul Lenci and Fran.k Nevins, planning big e special sign for the bank which was a part of the com­ Classey counters with, "What, me worry?"---Jack things with N.Y.C.'s "Blue & the Gray."---"Hey, El Arsenault, past president of The Company is biding Tenza, up from Baltimore, MD studies the card files of . that's good" exclaims L.I. Minuteman Fred Novack, as hose Hollywood-style shades and the bass drum. his late drum instructor, Earl Sturtze, looking for a he samples his first "Dogs Nose." (Photos by Ed Olson) Page 8, Spring, 1989 The Ancient Times

LI___ A_L_o_N_G_T_.~_M a-~-Log_,.~_"_R_o_N_T_I_E____,R~-~' B~::,:~E~~ Greenfield Village Muster,' not performing. Immediately adjacent portance of the contributions, once the Some readers of The Ancient Times to the Village is the Henry Ford contributor is no longer with us. In the are already familiar with books by July 9-10, 1989 Museum. This is also available to the midwcst that's called "closing the barn Robert Goute. This current edition of performers to browse through while doors, after the cow comes out." We "Manuel du Tambour-Major" has The planning for the I Ith Annual they are here. have some very important people who much new and old material not found meeting of Fifers and Drummers at are still w.ith us who deserve to be in the earlier editions. I consider this edi- Greenfield Village, in Dearborn, MI, is International Muster, honored, while they are still here. We tion a real gem and am somewhat at a coming along very well. The Muster, should, as a Company, not only honor loss for words to do justice to this traditionally known as "The Colonel July 30, 1989 those who are rightfully deserving for review. I can't recall ever being ex- Musick and Military Muster," has taken posterity, but FOR THE PRESENT. posed to such a magnificent manual on a new title that reflects the changes The 1st Michigan Colonial Fife and Mr. Sturtze is gone, Mr. Moeller is no covering knowledge for the Drum Ma- made in the programming. This year the Drum Corps will also be co-hosting a longer with us. David L. Boddie, friend jor, as practiced in France. event is being called "Colonial Life Muster of a slightly different nature, in to so many, has been taken from our To start with, Robert Goute has a Festival." This is due, in part, to a re­ LONDON, ENGLAND, on July 30th lives." ' background of many years experience as of this year. The of the formatted Military program, and the ad­ I propose that a "HALL OF a drummer and drum major with the Honourable Artillery Company, and the dition of other aspects that are closely FAME," if you will, be initiated by the French Air Force. He has also been a 1st Michigan Colonials will be present­ associated with 18th Century Colonial Company of Fifers and Drummers. This long-time student and researcher of Life. ing a "Muster" Fife and Drum Corps is only a working title, and it would be French martial music. The benefit of his I 98!fmarks the first year that a wider from Europe and The United States. up to the Company to put it together. efforts will be obvious to any reader, range of music styles will be in evidence. Many of you are aware that the Fife and The concept, though not new, is an ab- even if not conversant with the French rope tensioned Drum can only be found Music of the slaves will be featured, with solute necessity. We have come too far language. Besides delving thoroughly in- four or five of Colonial Williamsburg's in any numbers in the United States. to not have started it already. to the school of the French drum going Living History Performers giving (This may be an arguable point for some Inductees to the proposed HALL OF back to the 1596 ORCHESOGRAPHIE demonstrations of the types and styles of you, but read on). Virtually FAME would have to meet certain of Thoinet Arbeau. (It so happens that of music that was performed by the everywhere else in the world the Fife has criteria, the most obvious being, an English edition of OR- Southern slaves during the time of the been replaced with various types of outstanding service to the preservation CHESOGRAPHIE has been printed in Revolution. An attempt is being made keyed . The rope tensioned Drum of Fifing and Drumming. I think Bill the USA}. Going further along, we see to produce an 18th Century play, to be has been replaced by the Rod tensioned Krug was the first to present this idea, extracts from the 1636 L'HARMONIE held in the town hall at the village. There 20th Century counterpart.. The idea and it is almpst criminal that it has gone UNIVERSELLE of Marin Mersenne (b. will be some Military units involved, to behind the Muster in London is to get nowhere. Remember, what we do today 1588 d. 1648). This portion includes two show the public that side of 18th Cen­ as many of the "Flute Bands" (as they will be looked at in the future. drum calls of the time in original hand tury life. Of course, the music of fifes are known in the U.K.), "Cliques," What I am interested in, is getting script; a fife fingering chart with "Corps of Drums" and "Fife and Drum and drums will be heard throughout the something done about the establistµnent diamond-shaped notes; and an air for Village, both Saturday and Sunday. Corps" as time and logistics permit to of the "HALL OF FAME," or four German flutes. Later, the "Instruc- The Muster at Greenfield Village learn from each other, get to know each something like it. I envision a large tion pour Jes Tambours" of Philidor other, appreciate what each of us are do-_ began with a discussion following a plaque on one of the walls. Each year, (Versailles 1705) contain twelve signals Military re-enactment event held at the ing and to PLAY!!! The United States prior to an induction ceremony, the for drum with the medody for Hautbois Village during the summer of I 976. It will be represented by The I st Michigan names of those so honored are added to ou Fiffre (oboes or fifes). Some color took a year of planning, and many trips Colonial Fife and Drum Corps, The the plaque. At the ceremony, the plaque plates are beautifully reproduced show- out to the East, scouting Corps, to final­ Middlesex County Volunteers, The is unveiled, and those names are read in- ing drum majors and musician~ or I r'n the "Mu h tr i C.W. Dickerson Field Music, The Col- to the record, with nppro priatc Nnpolcon's 1i111c un

We are Manufacturers or Band Uniforms With Over 20 Years~ SWEETHEART The Cullen and Can Duplicate Any and All Styles of Drum Corps Uniforms Maafac:­ FLUTE CO. tured from Basic Uniform Fabrics. Send Us a Sample Unifo,m alld We will Insurance Agency, Inc. 32 So. Maple St. Gladl)· Submit a Wrillen Price Quote, MAterial Swatches sad Doli,reries Without Any Commitment on Your Part. Enfield CT. 06082 135 Church St., Guilford, CT 06437 William M. Kinnare, President Barouque and "Irish" Flutes UNIFORM WORLD MARCHING, INC. Fi/es, Flageolettes, Tabor Office: 203-453-48i9 : 1271 Bay Street Pipes and Tin Whistles Home: 203-421-4636 Staten Island, NY 10305 Write for brocllutt and/or ii•1iq11e Rult llsl

I Page JO, Spring, 1989 The Ancient Times N.Y.C. St. Patrick's Day Parade Features Many Ancients By David Migoya The Place To Go For Nearly 30 fife and drum corps from now-defunct St. Anselm's fife, Drum several states participated in this year's and Corps, Bronx, N. Y., who Everything From A-Z In St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York paraded with the Gaelic Society were on City, with one group leading the parade hand to rekind.le old memories. Percussion! as part of the Escort to the Grand The sixth unit was led by the first of Marshal. three groups from St. Benedict's Fife With thousands of New Yorkers and Drum Corps. This group, which are cheering and "turning Irish" for a day, the reigning Junior Northeastern Cham- Jazz Set Rehearsal Space The New Jersey Field Music Fife and pions, was accompanied by associate AGo-Go Belfs Kou!-, Orum:., Sound Effects Drum Corps, led by Company Music director Don Thacke. Unfortunately; Bongoes Latin Percussion Committee Chairman Duke Terreri, the corps director, Henry V. Kennedy Congas marched down the city's famed Fifth could not attend. However, kudos must Drumsticks Used Drums Avenue as part of Grand Marshal go to Hank, who never seems to be put Excellen, Teachers Nigeria (Talking Drums) Dorothy Hayden Cudahy's escort. The down in other ways. Already in his third Finger No-No Wood Blo..:ks N.J. Field Music Corps, peppered with decade as corps director, recent triple- Only Percussion Xylophones "ringers" by the likes of Doc Ferrante bypass surgery was not enough to pre- Your Interests H,-Hats Plastic Covering and Jim Douglas, were recipients of last vent him from joining "his kids" in the Zildjian year's Best Drum Corps in Parade spirit. Instruction Ouica award, a fine testament considering the Shortly behind "dat corps from da size of tllp< event. Bronx" was the ever-present Gus The N.J. Field Music's place of Cuccia and his Young Colonials Fife march marks the first time in several and Drum Corps, Lake Carmel, N.Y. JC'S DRUM SHOP years a fife and drum corps is part of who placed second behind Stony Creek. the initial parade procession. The lead- Reception of the corps was exceptional 7510 Belair Rd off spot had been occupied for more as their green-vested uniforms proudly than a decade by St. Benedict's Fife and correlated the Irish feeling to the crowd. Baltimore, MD 21236 Drum, Bronx, N.Y., with the support Although not an ancient drum corps, of the late N.Y. Cardinal Terrance the Mother Cabrini High School Drum (301) 661-7507 Cooke, who was a former student at the Corps brought a familiar face to fife and elementary school. drum - Jim Eddington of St. Anselm's This year's winners, by resoundingly fame. Eddington, who was the first fife high scores (in the 90's for fife and instructor to such notables as John J. From The Music drums, respectively), was the strong per- McDonagh, Jim Douglas and Jim formance by the Stony Creek Fife and McEleney, was happily reunited with Committee Drum Corps. For their efforts they will some former students. be part of next year's Grand Marshal The ninth unit saw the first of several By Art Ferrante escort. non-New York/Connecticut corps when Over the years, the Company Music This position in the line of march is Tom Connolly and his Union Brigade Committee has asked different in- a prestigious one, for it includes those Fife and Drum Corps, Norwood, Mass. dividuals to undertake projects for the doughboys from WWI, the 69th Infan- stepped off for the Irish Argentina Committee. Through their efforts, they try of New York with their Society of New York. Not far behind, have enabled the Music Committee to lci&h..Wn.10,.o,,rd.,_ end ■ th -. Din♦e.and io I ha 1 4e n« b...uni.L.wa&.J.b.Ll"-'::ililt-- ...L!fU!.! O!£!.Jlii5lO:!!ll.JlillL1JdL.W~;a:._u.1£_Jllll!~..QJ.Jl.l,U...-l__ .._ .;.:i,l,~---- JI well-known group of "ancients" in their inaugural appearance at last year's o t e ommJttee lo un erta e music own rite - Frank Grady (N. Y. Regi­ event, was so well received with its research and cataloguing are Sue Cifaldi Visitors to The Museum of Fife & Drum mentals) and Jim McEleney (N.Y. cacophony of uniforms and stunning and Walter Rynkiewicz. Walt has are members of the Hill Family-Kristy, 1 Regimentals) on fife, and Terry Hen­ numbers (and four drum majors!), it ap­ worked with the Committee in the past Sylvia, Trisha and Paul-in from Tulsa, ) nessey (Germantown Ancients) and pears it will become a mainstay of future and once again we call on his expertise Oklahoma, where they are with "The ) Seven-Thirty Alarm FDC which Paul ) Hugh Quigley (Lancraft) on drum. parades. for this project. Sue is greatly interested I and knowledgeable in the history of Organized. (Photo by Ed Olsen) I Applause should go to these judges, While last year's Connecticut group I who received no honorarium for their was represented by ancient fife and "our" music and has practical ex­ services (other than rumored "dona­ drum corps, this year's contingent was perience with historical groups, in fact tions" to guarantee top prize. Yes, we from the modern side. Apparently they Sue has already started attacking the ! are kidding.) After standing for nearly look to alternate the state's vast files in our music library. nine straight hours, Hennessey, who representation. l'ylusic Book III is still in process - yes ! faced a long and tumultous train ride to Although there was a considerable it has been a long time, but music from Danbury, said he would gladly return gap between the remaining fifers and the different corps comes in slowly. i next year. Why? "Because it's a fan­ drummers, they reminded the crowd Many times the fife music is submitted I tastic event," he said. that fife and drum was an integral part but there is a problem locating the drum I parts, causing delays. I Following "Duke's Marauders" was of St. Patrick's Day in New York City } the Westbrook Drum Corps, who when the Grassy Plain Drum Corps, Briefly the future endeavors of the I Music Committee are: } paraded for the County Mayo Associa­ Bethel, Conn. came up unexpectedly. I tion of New York as part of the parade's Not long after, the Young Fusilers Fife I. Record the music from Music ) third unit. The group performed respec­ and Drum Corps, LeGrangeville, N.Y. Book II tably and was well received. tore up the street with their collection of 2. Record the music from "The The fourth unit made waves as the reels, jigs and hornpipes. Muffled Drum" book. sounds of the Stony Creek Fife and The second Massachusetts-based 3. Set up the Music Library. (files, iI shelves, micro film, etc.) I Drum Corps thrilled the sea of parade group, the Monotomy Minuteman, ) watchers, while the ever commanding Arlington then led the Emerald Society 4. Publish Earl Sturtze's "Drum appearance of drum major Ed Phillips of Telephone and Communications Instructor" (In process) and his Sailing Masters of 1812 wowed Workers in the 21st unit. 5. Publish Music Book III (In the crowd as they marched for an honor Since the parade was led by a fife and process) platoon from the New York Naval drum corps, it seemed right to end it 6. Consult sound engineers to set up Look out, George Bernard-Drunk Militia. with not one, but a pair of corps. a Company recording studio. Drivers Get Court-" I'm not driving" The fifth unit was headlined by New Following the Nutmeg Volunteers was 7. Collect all fife and drum records, says DRUM Drive Chairman Buzz Allen York State-champion New York An­ the Delmar, N.Y:-based Village tapes, cassettes, and discs, and have in­ doing his first DRAM (No pun intend­ cients Fife and Drum Corps, led by the Volunteers, led by drum major Burridge terested corps send in their recorded ed) parade in 1988. (Photo by Mal colorful and faithful Irishman Joe (betcha didn't know that) "Buz" Olsen. music, or to record corps, groups or in­ Hinckley) Wilburn, of N. Y. Regimentals-fame, as His drum majoring is particularly in­ dividuals in the future studio. they marched for the Council of Gaelic teresting for the Village Volunteers are 8. Make a visual recording of snare of the "Rock and Rollers". Societies of N.Y. and Philadelphia. Joe one of the few remaining groups in the and bass drum styles. 11. Publish Camp DuPont by Walter was pleasantly reunited with another country that continues to elect its finest 9. Establish an awards program for Rynkiewicz former Regi, Donald "Bucky" drummer to lead the band. achievement in fifing and drumming. 12. Publish American Rudimental Buchanan, who "jammed" a few tunes What better way to end a parade than (Already done lrnt needs decisions on Method, Ed Classey. with the corps before the parade to leave the crowd hearing fifes and the nam~, printing, awards, judges and As you can see, The Company of (actually, he whistled because of a drums when it was over. other details.) Fifers and Drummers Music Committee broken right hand), as well as former St. Next year's parade, which falls on a 10. Assist Educational Committee. has a very ambitious program and from Anselm's fifer Dave Grant. Although a Saturday, should be especially well Since the National Association of time to time it will seek your help. Pitch businessman in the city, Buchanan represented considering the Company's Rudimental Drummers (NARD) is in and The Company of Fifers and didn't surprise the group when he 25th Anniversary. With this year's event defunct, it behooves The Company of Drummers will accomplish what so opened his trenchcoat and revealed ... just over, plans are in the works to have Fifers and Drummers to seriously con­ many other musical organizations have (careful, folks!) . . . a fife case hanging The Company Corps part of the Grand sider undertaking a method of overlooked - a complete and com­ from the belt of his three-piece suit. Marshal's escort to celebrate the event. perpetuating the Rudimental Style prehensive history and library of Many other former members of the Plan to join us! before it is lost to the match style "Early American Martial Music. The Ancient Times Spring, 1989, Page JJ

*10 CORPS an activity is a "fun way to donate plastic see-through baffle boards for the In 1975, the Yalcsville Seniors were Continued from page 1 towards preserving fife and drum test and Tom Terreri chose a spot almost formed by graduates of the junior corps, without actually dipping into your own in the center of the Museum floor as the and have continued the tradition of the the Milford 350th Anniversary Commit­ pocket or the corps' treasury." With best location for the recording. The fif­ earlier corps. tee has organized the participation of the that in mind, please refer all prospects ing is on one track, the drumming on This year. the Seniors and the Village ten Company member corps. for other such parades or pageants, another and Tom will mix each for-sale Redcoat Sr. have decided to merge into Dividing the donation of $4,000.00 by where the Company can cooperate tape in his New Jersey studio. As­ a single senior ancient corps. The corps ten, the Ancients Museum fund is through its member corps for donations suming 15 minutes of music per corps', combined to march various musters over four corps' music can be included on the past years, and the response had receiving $400.00 for the performance to the Museum, to Buzz Allen, Bill Pace I of each corps. "We hope that other op­ or Geri Illi f. each tape which is released to the · been !lositive. The new corps, the I portunities come to us so that we can Museum Shop and Company Store. Yalesv1lle Senic:;r Ancients, will put the .,I *TAPES Dave Hooghkirk, assisted by Bill Pace, emphasis on presenting quality music at take part in one celebration a year like Continued from page 1 I will begin test taping Lancraft, Stony muster and parade appearances and I this," said Ancients Fund Co-Chairman I Bill Pace who is assisting Geri and has Hooghkirk, Stony Creek drum section Creek and Germantown within the next will become a member of the con:pany ; promised a "very wet" jollification leader and Bill Pace of the Music Com­ .several weeks. All member corps are of Fifers and Drummers. Anyone in­ following the parade. The Comapny has mittee. Hooghkirk and Pace will coor­ welcome to participate. Contact Dave terested in joining can call Maureen secured the use of the Pavillion opposite dinate the taping sessions for the par­ Hooghkirk at (203) 526-9944 or Bill Merski at 269-039 I. ticipating corps. Pace at (203) 526-3436 or write AR­ the Elks Club in Milford for a post­ Museum Volunteers Needed parade jollification, which also will have At Tom Terreri's suggestion it is CHIVES TAPING PROGRAM, food and non-alcoholic libations. hoped that 15 minutes of "saleable" MUSEUM OF FIFE & DRUM, P.O. Museum needs Docents ...The 1989 A big tip of the Tri-Cornered hat to music can be recorded for each corps. BOX 525, IVORYTON, CT 06442. season at the Museum of Fife & Drum In some cases a corps may tape 35 these ten corps who are each donating * YALESVILLE in lvoryton begins on Saturday, May 6. their services: minutes of music and then select 15 Continued from page 1 Hours are I to 5 p.m. for Sat. and Sun. GERMANTOWN minutes which the corps itself will allow corps formed a new Yalcsville Ancients, in May, June and October. July, WESTBROOK DRUM CORPS the Company of Fifers & Drummers to whose uniform of dark blue with red August, and September Museum is open ANCIENT MARINERS publish in tape form. trim is on display at the Company Fri., Sat., Sun, I to 5 p.m. Group tours LANCRAFT Each participating corps has the final Museum. This corps lasted until 1963, · by appointment from April through NATHAN HALE say on what is reproduced for sale. In and during its existence, started the ' November. Volunteer to help out as a JR. COLONIALS addition to the sound of the fife and junior corps in 1956. Docent at the Museum ...that's right, SPIRIT OF '76 drum sections playing corps' arrange­ The Yalesville Junior Ancients was Docent means tour guide and we need (East Greenbush) ments, duets, solos and sections of fif­ one of the finest corps around, winning volunteers. Contact Docent Chairman HIGGANUM-HADDAM ANCIENTS ing and drumming from specific corps numerous state and northeastern cham­ Leo Brennan (203) 245-9543 or write MARQUIS OF GRANBY will be recorded. Drum sections will play pionships. The fifers, under the instruc­ Leo at 49 Nortontown Road, Madison, 11th CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS a series of street beats between fuU corps tion of Ellie Borek, and the drummers, CT 06443. selections so that the section leader can Ancients Fund Chairman Buzz Allen under Eldrick Arsenault and then Hugh The Long A rm ofthe Law can reach out asks to remind readers that this kind of call out the tune, as is done in a real Quigley, have made a significant impact parade. Ed Clasey constructed two for you in Old Saybrook, Connecticut on ancient music. and be an old drum corps buddy, either in the person of snare drum champion THE COMPANY OF FIFERS & DRUMMERS --NOTICE----1 Cliff Barrows or former Ancient Mariner "pirate" Jay Rankin. Barrows MAIL ORDER FORM September Meeting was honored recently by the Old #1 Company Music Book Volume #1...... $9.00 each Saybrook Exchange Club as "Police #2 Company Music Book Volume #2 ...... $9.00 each Rescheduled to i Officer of the Year." Cliff studied #3 Camp Duty Music Book with Cassette ...... $9.00 each criminology at the University of New #4 Muffled Drum Music Book...... $3.00 each Sunday, Sept. 17 Haven. #5 Company Music Book Volume #1 Cassette ...... $9.00 each · Y A imo als 119 200 Years of Filo/Drum Rocord (N.Y. Regimentals) ...... $4.00 each #10 Morris County Militia Record ...... $4.00 each #11 Company Mugs (Armetal) ...... $16.00 each #12 Company Museum Dedication Mug (Ceramic) ...... $4.00 each #13 Company Fife & Drum Lapel Pins ...... $3.00 each #14 Company Fife & Drum Patch ...... $3.00 each #15 Company Museum Button (Musical) ...... $4.00 each #16 Company Museum Button (Non-Musical) ...... $2.00 each * * ***. *. * *** •• *.* *.* ***.* *** * * * **.** •• *. * * **** * * •••* * * * * * •••* *. * ••* •• ** *. * SHIPPING & HANDLING: Music Books - $1.00; Cassettes & Records · $1.50; Mugs - $2.75; Buttons, Patches & Pins· $.50 (PRICES ARE FOR EACH ITEM)


SEND TO: Name ______


City ______State---2ip Code ______

Send this order form along with your check or money order payable to: The Company of Fifers & Drummers, Inc. P.O. Box 525 lvoryton, CT. 06442-0525 OVERSEAS SHIPPING RATES ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. PLATES UP! Basel's Warteck Restaurant, famous for its gatherings of local fifers and drummers, recently witnessed a unique quadruple birthday party. Presenting car1oon representations of themselves, on ceramic dishes, are Swiss INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Mariners Willy Finnenger, Ramskie Rupp, Kurt Kellar and Walti Mader, THE COMPANY OF FIFERS & DRUMMERS, INC. celebrating their 75th, 25th, 50th and 50th birthdays respectively. This totals, NAME______we're sure you mathematicians have noted, 200 years. ADDRESS ______CITY ______STATE_____ ZIP _ ____ COLONIAL UNIFORMS by the manufacturers of lhe 1784 uniforms cur­ rently being worn by the 3rd U.S. Infantry (Old Guard), Continental Color LIST ANY DRUM CORPS YOU ARE, OR HAVE BEEN ASSOCIATED Guard, Commander-in-Chief's guard and lhe Fife and Drum Corps. We pro­ WITH duce period uniforms of Presidential quality. For more information call or write: LIST MUSiCAL INSTRUMENT YOU HAVE PLAYED SHARON'S SPECIALTY SHOP

Make check or money order for $10. 00 payable to The Company ofFifers & Drum­ 224 North Main Street mers, Inc. and mail along with this application to: Membership Chairman, P.O. Box Cheboygan, MI 49721 525, I,oryton, CT 06442.Jncludes subscription to Ancient Times. Tel. 616-627-5527 Overseas Applicants Add $9.00 For Postage And Handling A.T. . - Page 12, Spring, 1989

Ancieat Times Non-profi1 Org. P.O. Box 525 U.S. POSTAGE Ivoryton, CT 06442 PAID Warwick, R.I. Permi1 No. 336

VOL. XVI No. 1 Spring, 1989

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Museum of Fife & Drum. 62 North Main St., lvoryton, CT 06442. Tel (203) 767-2237. Guided lours for drum corps and groups by appointment April through November. Open to the general public May, June, October, Sat. • Sun. , I to 5 p.m.; July, August, September, Fri.. Sat., I to 5 p.m. Open Deep River and Westbrook Muster weekends. Call for specific hours. May 19-21-LEWISBURG, WV-Andrew Lewis Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps will host their first muster with the help of the Lewisburg Visitors and Convention Bureau, to be held in the Historic District of Lewisburg. A full weekend muster is planned with space for tents and motor homes. A country breakfast will be provided on Saturday and Sunday as well as dinner after the muster and refreshments for the early arrivals on Fri. night. Contact: Howard L. Schoonmaker, Box 188, Hartsook Rd., Clintonville, WV 24928. May 20- MARLBOROUGH, CT-Jr. Ancient Fife & Drum Corps is hosting a "Play-a-thon" to help benefit their trip to Switzerland. It will be held from 8-5, Sat., May 20th, at the Country Barn, North Main St., Marlborough, CT. This event is open to anyone interested and pledges are also accepted. Contact: Richard Crowley, tel. (203) 295-0636. May 20-MARLBOROUGH, CT-Jr. Ancient Fife & Orum Corps is hosline a 25th Anniversary Ball to benefit their trip to Switzerland. To be held on Sat., May 20th, with cocktails at 5 :30, a roast beef dinner at 6:30 and dancing from 7:30 to midnite, at the Marlborough Moose Lodge on South The Consolidated FDC, an obviously drum heavy unit, composed of members Main St., Marlborough, CT. Tickets are $20 per person. Contact: Richard of the East Hampton, Willimantic and (old) Nathan Hale Corps. The picture Crowley, tel. (203) 295-0636. taken in 1911, possibly denoting an inactive period for the three corps, was May 20-MILLBROOK, NY- Young Fusileers F & D Corps Muster and Torch­ located and donated by Coventry CT's John Hetzel. The photo depicts a group light Parade. This is an open event. Contact: Dave McMorris-Ron Mosca, about wbjch we have no information. Perhaps Company members from that RR I, Box 265, Lagrangeville, NY 12540 (914) 227-5412 or 667-6396. locale, might check the local newsfiles (Ca. 1911) to see what information mjght May 20-21-ST. CHARLES, MO-Lewis & Clark Fife and Drum Corps be gleaned. Muster. Held in addition to various reenactments, dinners, ball, church services and other events connected with the Lewis & Clark Rendezvous, Commemorating the 185th Anniversary of the encampment and depar­ ture of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. By invitation only. Con1act: John OVER 300 PEOPl.1E ~ June 11 MILFORD, Cf-Company of Fifors and Oru111111ers fundraiser­ Parade, Sunday, I PM, 1.9 miles long, to celebrate the 350th birthday SHOULDN'T UBl? of Milford, CT. Limited to 10 corps willing to donate their services in exchange for a contribution given by the city, to the Museum Fund in each participating corps' name. Contact: Geri Iliff, 99 Morning Mist Rd., APPLICATION ON PAGE 11 Milford, CT 06460. June 17-IVORYTON, CT-Second Annual Junior Activities Day. CHANGED TO JULY 8th. Sept. ?-18th CONN. REGIMENT Ancient Fife & Drum Corps-No muster June 23-25-RICHMOND HILL, NY-Yankee Tunesmiths "Drums under the this year but a "Party etc," on a Saturday in September. Date and time El, Fife's in the Forest" Muster. Parade starts at 12 noon, Saturday with to be announced. By invitation only. Contact: Mike Short, Cmdr., 6 B muster to follow at Forest Park. This is an open event. Contact: Ernest Elm St.. Tariffville, CT 06081, tel. (203) 658-2986. Kiburis, 94-16 Woodhaven Blvd., Ozone Park, NY 11416, tel: (718) Sept. 16-GRANBY, CT-Marquis of Granby Jr. Ancient Fife& Drum Corps 845-3133. muster to celebrate its 20th Anniversary. By invitation only. Contact: Mar­ July 8-IVORYTON, CT-Second Annual Junior Activities Day beginning at qms of Granby, P .0. Box 1776, Granby, CT 06035, Carol Sullivan tel. 12 noon-Headquarter<. A fun day for Juniors-games, contests, prizes, (203) 653-3887. ' jollification, food, refreshments. Win a $25 gift certificate. Enter now to Sept. 17-IVORYTON, CT-Meeting of The Company of Fifers and Drum­ "Name the Day!" Contact: Ernie Kiburis (718) 845-3133 or Anne O'Malley, (516) 795-8648. mers, 2 PM, Headquarters/Museum Building, 62 North Main St., July 14-15-DEEP RIVER, CT.-Deep River Ancient Muster. Tattoo, 7 P.M. Ivoryton, CT. Friday evening, Devitt's Field. Parade Saturday at 12 noon with muster Sept. JO-SUDBURY, MA-Sudbury Ancient Fyfe & Drum Companie, Sud­ following. This is an open muster with all corps welcome. CAMPING bury Colonial Fair and Invitational Muster. (Rain date Oct. !). To be held IS LIMITED TO OUT OF STATE CORPS ONLY. Contact: Cindy at Longfellow's Wayside Inn, Rt. 20, Sudbury, MA. All day events, starts Kehoe, 63 Castle Heights, Deep River, CT 06417. at I PM._This is by invitation only. Contact: Dan Moylan, Fyfemaster, July 28-30-MONTPELIER, VT-Hanaford's Volunteer Muster-Parade line 26 Bowditch Rd., Sudbury, MA 01776, tel. (508) 443-9123. up 11 a.m. Saturday, July 29, with muster to follow on the State House Oct. 7-IVORYTON, CT-Jaybirds Day at Company Headquarters/Museum Lawn. Camping from 12 noon Friday til 12 noon Sunday on the grounds 62 North Main St., lvoryton, CT. Contact: Ed Olsen, Horse Hill: of the Montpelier High School, showers will be provided. By invitation Westbrook, CT. Tel. (203) 399-6519. only. Contact: Pam Lake, RD 2 Box 1225, Underhill, VT 05489, tel: (802) Oct. 15-MILFORD CT -Milford Volunteers Ancient Fife & Drum Corps 899-4028. muster, celebrating their 25th Anniversary. This is by invitation only. Con­ July JO-LONDON, ENGLAND-International Muster hosted by First tact: Lee D'Amico, 49 Meeting House La., Milford, CT 06460, tel. (203) Michigan and the Corps of Drums of the Honourable Artillery Company 878-0123. of London. This is by INVITATION ONLY and limited to six American Nov. 18-IVORYTON, CT-Meeting of the Company of Fifers and Drum­ corps. Contact: Mark Logsdon, 39425 Della Rosa, Sterling Heights, MI mers, 2 PM, Headquarters/Museum Building, 62 North Main St., 48078. Ivoryton, CT. Aug. 4-6-CAMDEN, NY-Camden Continentals Muster. Begins with a tat­ Dec. 2-RICHMOND HILL, NY-Yankee Tunesmiths to host St. Nick Holi­ too on Fri.day night, parade starts at 12 noon sharp on Saturday with the day Muster. This is an open event. Contact: Ernie Kiburis, 94-16 muster to follow and ends up a jam session Saturday night. This is an Woodhaven Blvd., Ozone Park, NY 11416, tel (718)845-3133. open event. Contact: Jeff Waterman, 9549 Harden Blvd., Camden, NY Dec. 9-OLD SAYBROOK, CT-19th Annual Christmas Torchlight Parade 13316, tel. (3"15) 245--0720. and Muster and Carol sing. Parade steps off at 6 PM, followed by the Aug. 18-20-CARMEL, NY-Young Colonials Fife and Drum Corps hosting carol sing and finally the muster. This is by invitation only. Contact: Wm. the NATIONAL MUSTER at Putnam County Park. All Company of Reid, 242Schoolhouse Rd., Old Saybrook, CT 06475, tel. (203) 399-6571 . Fifers and Drummers member corps are invited. Camping. Contact: Gus Cuccia, RD 2, Box 12, Dover Plains, NY 12522. ********************* Aug. 19-20-LUGANO, SWITZERLAND-Fourth European Muster in Lugano, Switzerland, hosted by the Mendon Bannock Drum Band. Con­ •••**Additional information for The Ancients Activities Calendar should be tact: Mike Quinn, 6967 Dino, Switzerland. Tel. 00141-91-911239. sent to Geri Iliff, 99 Morning Mist Road, Milford, CT 06460. Tel (203) Aug. 26-WESTBROOK, CT.- Westbrook Drum Corps' 30th Annual Muster 878-1587. Please try to give the type of event, date, place, time and spon­ and parade. Friday evening tattoo August 25 at 7:30, parade Saturday sor of the event, the name of the contact person and any other pertinent at 11:00 AM sharp! Muster to follow on Ted Lane Field. This is by IN­ information for a complete listing ...... VITATION ONLY. Contact: Dodie McGrath, 1146 Old Cl.inton Road, Westbrook, CT 06498, tel. (203) 399-6436.

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