Issue 121 Continues \\~Th Fife .\ Tarry Samp-,On, Wel.T Cojst Editor in Spnill and Drum in Europe, Part 2

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Issue 121 Continues \\~Th Fife .\ Tarry Samp-,On, Wel.T Cojst Editor in Spnill and Drum in Europe, Part 2 PERSONAL • Bus1NESS • TRUST • INVESTMENT SERVICES Offices: Essex, 35 Plains Road. 7o!-2573 • Essex, 9 Main Street, 7o/-&38 Old Saybrook, 15.5 Main Street, 388-3543 • Old Lyme, 101 Halls Road. 434-1646 Member FDIC • Equal Housing Lender 41 EssexFmancialServires Member NA.SD, SIPC Subsidiary of Essex Savings Bank Essex: 176 Westbrook Road (860) 767-4300 • 35 Plains Road (860) 767-2573 Call Toll-Free: 800-900-5972 fNVESTMENTS IN STOCKS. BONDS. MtrT'UAL RJNDS & ANNUITIES: INOT A DEPOSIT INOT FDIC INSURED INOT BANK GUARA,'fl'EED IMAY LOSE VALUE I INOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY I .2 AncientTunes 111t Fifi· rmd Dr11111 l"uc 121 Jul) lXli From the 1 111 Denmark Publt Jied bi Editor The Company of s we're all aware, the 2007 Fifers &Dnmimers 5 muster season is well under http://compan)c1tlifeanddlllm.oii; 111,; Fife n11d tht Dmm A way, fun for all who thrive on Editor: Dan Movbn, Pro Tern in lta(v parades, outdoor music, and fife and Art & ~ign D~ctor. Da,·e Jon~ Advertising Manager: Betty .Moylan drum camaraderie. Please ensure Contributing Editor.Bill .\Wing 7 that there is someone to write up Associate Edi tors: your corps' muster, and that there is Dominkk Cu'-ia, Music Editor Chuck Rik)", Website and Cylx~acc Edimr someone with picrures and captions, .-\m.111dJ Goodheart, Junior XC\1s Editor hoc co submit them co the Ancient ,\I.irk Log.-.don, .\lid,mt Editor Times. Da,c !\ocll, Online Chat Intmicw~ 8 Ed Olsen, .\lo Schoo~. Obituaries ,e Fifa and tlJC Drum Issue 121 continues \\~th Fife .\ tarry Samp-,on, Wel.t COJSt Editor in Spnill and Drum in Europe, Part 2. Some ,\lcmbership 'Sub<.criprion\: of you may recall from the editorial for corr,, mdhidual, or life rncrnbmhip infumution or imtirutiona.1 sub)aiptions: in issue 119 (Fife and Drum in :\.m1: .\lcmbcr,hip The Cornpanr ofFtftrs & Europe, Part 1) that the article on Dmmrnm P 0. Box 277, Ivor.ton, CT 06442-0277 . Fife and Drum in Belgium was with­ c-nuil: out attribution -· I could find noone mcmbershipi:kompJn1· to tell me who had written it. tcl· (860) 767-2237; (.n: (860) 767-9765 Editorial: However, in preparing for this issue, For article/photo subnu~siom, or qu~tions: I contacted Jean-Pierre Maingam, a Attn: Ancient Tim<-~. P.O. BO\ 277, lvonton, GT' 06442-0277 member of The Company living in e-mail: France, who had written the article ancicnttimc~& .20 on the Vatican Swiss Guards, asking tel 617-232-2360, fn 810-45-1-1823 St.Patruk's him if he could provide any pertinent Advertising: Dny in Dt11vtr For r.uc:s and availability contact: additional articles. His response was The Ancient Times, P.O. Box 277, surprising. In addition to sending 62 };orth Main St., [voryton CT 06442-0277 617-232 2360 .21 several new articles, presented in this The Company of ]Mk helps dnm1 11p mpport for issue, it rurned out that Jean-Pierre Fifers &"Drummers Limerick parade had written the article on F&D in Belgium (issue 119), a pmfous arti­ President: S1 h1.1 Hoo¢ikiit, 860-526-99-14 cnuil: prcsidcntfc~) cle on F&D in France (issue 101) FU'St Vice President: frml Ch'I.\IICI' (203) 466 3034 .2.2 and an article on F&D in the muil: 1,ccpmidcntfkompmyot' Second Vice Prcsidcnr. Bill Boore~ (860) 526-1433 Straight from Netherlands (issue 103). His valu­ cnuil. [email protected] Bniu and Emmert able research is greatly appreciated, Scmwv: Jim Sha, 860 654 3721, jimfift~bcglob­ al.nct • so much so that I have included in T=m: Dojic (415) 334 5707 this issue a short biography describ­ rnuil: 1r=un:rikompanvoffifc; .23 ing him and his own experiences in Ardin-a/Mll$tlllll Cur.uor: A New Dnmi for tbt Garde Ed Obcn (860 399-6519 fife and drum. Facilitiu Co-Mam~: ~cit O'Brien (860) 267-8250, Rlp11blicnille cnuil: nobricnO) Where we'll go from here, I'm Kmn BIO\ln (860) 399.;57 not sure. One thing I would like co aNil: bnl\1TI\\1ndlt,rnrldn<:t.. m net Manbcrship Clwr: BobCa.,tillo(860)455-9417 .24 do at some point is to present some rnuil: mcmbmhip@compJn) Random 11J011glm of the fife music and drum beatings Music Clwr: Donunid Cucci.i (845 •218-2416 muil: mu.,,,comnum:c@comr~n)' from some of these other cultures, if The C,ompany Stort: 5..utd) Bidwell indeed I can find it. That will be The Comp.ur, otl'ui:~ & Dnunmm, Inc., .25 seveal issues down the line, I'm (Al#p,!IIJSlort r.o Bm 2i7, lmmon CT. 06-H2-02i7 Western Wind afraid, since I have nothing now, and cm.ul: comp.n.)~cxrtkomp;an, offifcanddrum .org ,\noo11 Timo i, pul>li~cd qu.tncrly b\· The Compart) have not had great success in getting otfilm & Drummcn, In,:., MlllCUll1, MUSIC Libru), responses from overseas corps. H~umrn. P.O Box 277, lnlC)1on CT. 06-H2- .26 02;'7 $1,0) 767-2237. 11ie Muffled Dr11m Meanwhile, if any of our readers have The publi,.'100fl (ISSS0091-ili6l 1Ccb io k<cpinJrlidwl, suggestions as to themes for furure institutiacw, and dtum corps mcmbcn throap,ou1 the -id infunncd prinuriJr al tht actJ\ltlCS «· UJdioon,1 ,-\mrnan lift issues, please let me know and we and drum C1XJl' m<Jll'll uAndcnu The u,mpul\ nuinuw • ,,.;11 cry to oblige. m1<= .and hcadqiwtm on two-plu, "™ It ...:ks 10 p<r· pctwt< th< hiilra,.al 5'~"< :mJ lai tndiOOlll of by Dan Moylan, \.'11a1'm ticld ll1U1lo: .and tn klll<r lhc: 'I""' uf fdlm,wp On 'Die Cover: Editor, A11ciem Times among .U likn ml drummcn Found«! in I%5, 7k Fifer, Gmppo dei Pifferi t (._pao, ,ffrfm ~ n,,,,.,.,,,, lot. 1' > QHtcmpt, Ill· Jatu..11blc, non-rrofu corpormon. Tambo1m di J11rea Ancient'Ilmes l}le Fife and Drum 1D Derunark The Fife (l~/d Drtm~ in Denmark B)•]ean-Pterre Mamgam Guardsmen are national senicemen except no belt arow1d their waist. Instead, the}' oreign tourisrs - except wear large white belts which cross over their British ones perhaps - curiously, the bandsmen who are all ' professionals. breast: one to support a short cun·ed saber arri\ing in Copenhagen are The scarlet uniform followed an and a bayonet scabbard, the other one to often surprised to find at evolution rather parallel to that of the British support a black cartridge pouch. As far as the doors of many shops music is concerned, the Danish Guards had almost life-sized wooden Grenadiers: at the end of the XVIII th from the start 12 drummers and 3 fifers who statues of what thcv usually Centur) a scarlet tunic, a large shako and mistakenlv belie,·e to be · white breeches. Today's bearskin was inrro­ were reinforced 25 years later by 6 shawm players. [The shawm is a double recd ,,ind British Grenadiers. Of course, these duced in 1803 and the medium blue rrousers with a very ,,ide white stripe in insrrument, essentially a primitive oboe. 1822. A ne\\ tunic was adopted in 1848: Ed.] Those were shortly after replaced b,• wlored statues are representation of "Den dark blue, almost black, double breasted oboists. · Kongelge Li,·gardc" who are the Danish \\ith large flattish bunons ofwhite metal Royal Lile Guards, an infantry regiment. Today, there are two and red piping. This new runic replaced the Indeed, one of their uniforn1s looks at first scarlet one for the ordinary senice onlv as separate musical units: sight like the scarlet uniforms of the British the single breasted model \\1th mediu~ blue • The Band: onl~ 28 strong in 1928, G~ardsmen. In detail however, nothing is the band now boasts 36 musicians and is the qmtc the same. The Danish regiment was facings was kept as "Galauniform" to the present day. The black bearskin is peaked. largest military band in Denmark where mil­ created by King frcderick III on the 30th The regimental badge ofwhite metal is itary bands arc usually only 15 or 17 strong June 1658 between the creation of the worn on the from but is usuall)' half or fullv (these bands often have to call for additional Coldstream Guards and the Grenadier hidden by the hairs. A white dress cord · musicians when due for a recording ses- Guards. This regiment is a rather small . I) hangs from the bearskin and goes around s,on .. military unit as it is only some 300 soldiers • The Corps of Drums strong, officers and musicians included. As t_he high collar with small porn-porns co the front. On the sleeves, the medium blue (Tambourkorps): this Corps is comprised in the other Scandina,ian countncs, most cuffi are vce shaped. The Guardsmen wear of drummers and fifers-buglers. There arc ---------------'--An---'-'-o--'--·en_;..;_tTun~es;;..c___ ________ 3 neither tenor drums nor bass drums. The The Band and the Corps of Drums are large silver lacing and a dark blue complement of the Corps has Yaried signifi­ present and take part in all three types of double breasted runic. They replace tl1e cantly with the passage of time. It was only Changing of the Guards. The runics arc Guardsmen's medium blue trouser \\itll 6 strong in 1928, but when the Corps was usually of the blue double breasted pattern. pleated skirts of the same color and white reorganized in 1958 on the occasion of the The scarier single breasted tunics are high boors (ne,·er worn by the guardsmen!).
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