Published by The Company ofFifers & Drummers, Inc. Summer 2001 Vol. 27 No.l Issue 103 SS.00 40TH ANNIVERSARY HanJcrafteJ Cooperman rope lerMion f ie!J drurn1. Fulldervice drum dhop for repair, r&Jtoration, par&,anJ duppUM. T HE C OOPERi\llAN C OMPANY A <1eco11d-ge1uration family 6uc1uu4J commilteiJ lo traoilionnf cm/t.mznn,1hip and tiuwvative Je.,ign &,1e.:1: I11iJwtrial Park, P.O. &.i: 276, Ce11ter6r"ok1 CT 06409-0276 USA Tel: 860-767-1779 Fa..i:: 860-767-70/7 Email:
[email protected] On the We6: 11•u•w.cooperma11.co111 2 Ancienffimes The Drum From the 1 :--o. 1o3- Sunm>tf 2001 l'ublt1hrJ bv 3 Publisher/Editor The Co_mpany of Fifers fsDrummers This is.sue of the Ancient Times features "The 4 Drum" -some makers, some players, some Editor: Bob Lynch. cnw.
[email protected] The Fife and Drum in the teachers and some history. As a boy 1 was fas Senior Editor: Robin N1rnuti, Netherlands muil: RN1muu'aprodifl> .nn cinated by the sounds of the drum. There was nothing more thrilling than the rhythmic drum Assoc:ia~ E.diton: T Mllt}· Smipion, Wt1t ~ Aoocutc F..htor beats in the pit of my stomach when a drum line of a S!l"\·r :--."ICIIUCZ, CiJmd.r marching band ~ by. What the drum was then, it is EJ Obm, Mo Sd,oo,, ObmmttS 6 for me today -a fascinating instrument with a long history George i.Awrence Stone Art a Desig,, Director: 0.1\'r )Oll<S in many ancient and modem civilization around the world.