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12-24-14 Full Paper The Diocese of Ogdensburg Volume 69, Number 31 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Bishop laValley's Christmas NORTH COUNTRY message I PAGE 3 Reflection on the Spirit of Christmas I PAGE 4 CATHOLIC DEC. 24, 2014 CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS Pope: tree, cheche inspire all to love VATICAN CITY (CNS) - God did not importance of the Christmas come to the world with arro­ creche and tree for Chris­ gance to impose his might; tians, as they are a sign of he offered his powerful love how "God made man to save through a fragile child, Pope us and the light that Jesus Francis said. brought to the world with his The Christmas tree and Na­ birth." tivity scene are reminders of But the Nativity scene and this mystery of the Incarna­ Christmas tree touch the tion and they both carry "a hearts of everyone, "even message of light, hope and those who do not believe be­ love," the pope said Dec. 19, cause they speak of frater­ meeting the people who do­ nity, intimacy and nated the centerpieces of the friendship, calling all people Vatican Christmas decora­ of our time to rediscover the tions. beauty of simplicity, sharing The pope highlighted the and solidarity," he said. BISHOP ON PILGRIMAGE A joy-filled Bishop LaValley, Father retired Douglas Lucia and Father Jay Seymour took part in an monsignor Advent pilgrimage to the Holy Land Nov. 30 to Dec.11. The bishop writes about the experience in this week's "Follow Me" column FUll STORY, PAGE 3 No paper next week The next issue of the North Country Catholic will be dated Jan. 7, 2015. Merry Christmas and AsCathdKs i1 theDkxEseofOgdenllug Jre' Happy New Year from the NCC paretodmatetothePriests'Retiremenl: Fund thrru~theirparishChristmascdlections,Msgr. .Joseph ruroilll'llectEd on the~hehas (eNS/BRIDGEMA NART LIBRARY kooMldlJinghis59yearsorpriesthood. Nativity at Night" by Italian Baroque painter Guido Reni depicts the birth of Christ in a Bethlehem manger. The feast of the Around the Diocese Nativity of Christ, a holy day of obligation, is celebrated Dec. 25. PAGE 14 FULL STORY, PAGE 5 II NOR THe 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 Lie DIOCESAN LIFE DEC. 24, 2014 NORTH COUN TRY BISHOP LAVALLEY'S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE CATHOLIC Box 326 Rejoice that God has come into our world Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669 USPS 0039-3400 in human flesh, and that has made all the difference. The Christ­ BISHOP TERRY "How beautiful upon the mountains mas message we proclaim is born of a vision that sees Christ in RLAVALLEY Are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, every person: particularly the poor and suffering, the persecuted President Who brings good news, and forgotten. REV. JOSEPH A.MORGAN Who announces salvation, Christmas is the festival of God's infinite love and mercy, the Vice President Who says to Zion, 'Your God reigns. '" (Isaiah 52: 7) festival of tomorrow's possibilities, the festival of our salvation­ SR.JENNIFERVOTRAW,SSJ truly a time of hope for all people. Today, in spite of the dark­ Secretary-Treasurer Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: ness that envelops so much of our world, we are not resigned to MARY LOU KILIAN We join the watchmen of ancient Israel and sing for joy at our hopelessness or despair. No. Proof of God's hope for the world Editor/ Savior's coming. Today we celebrate our belief that, because God can be found in the One who wore swaddling clothes in a manger General Manager took on human flesh, every person is made holy. In that stable and later a loin cloth on a cross. God has rescued us from the in Bethlehem, the sacred and the profane have come together. power of darkness. That's the message for every ear to hear and Publish45is- Through God's physical entrance into our time and world, even every heart to embrace. GEl sues per year: time itself and everything on earth are made holy, are sanctified. This Christmas, may the Christ Child bring you and your loved _ Weekly except The Church of Ogdensburg has embarked upon a focused jour­ ones the Gift of Love, the Blessing of Hope and the Promise of every other ney of holiness. We have encountered the God-Child in the sta­ Peace. A blessed Christmas and joy-filled New Year! week begin­ ble and, like the watchmen and then the shepherds of that Faithfullyyours in Christ, ning the end holiest of nights, we now go out into the streets and onto our of May country roads, with a message like none other, a message our Ithrough August and skip­ troubled hearts and fractured world yearns to hear: Find your ping one week in December home in Christ: Renew Faith, Nurture Hope, Discover Love . by the Diocese of Especially on Christmas, we shouldn't forget that too many Ogdensburg. families are homeless. Many do not know Christ. For some, faith, 622 Washington Street, Og­ hope, love--holiness are pipedreams. But we insist that every­ Mast ReverendTeny RLaValley densburg, N.Y. 13669. thing has changed! We rejoice that God has come into our world, Bishop of Ogdensburg Editorial Office: 622 Washington Street, Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669. Telephone: My Christmas story: the story of William (315) 608-7556 My Christmas story never Someone asked me if I was born baby almost in the palm changes. I have told it so often 'Father Bill Say-;~ '" ~ saying prayers and I must of my hand. As I think of the E-ma il: yet, I never get tired of it. [email protected] admit that I was so absorbed Christ Child, I recall that jesus news@northcountry When I think of the Birth of that I didn't think of any came to this world to be our catholic.org Christ each year, I think of the prayers to say. I just watched. Lord and Savior - to save this day I was at William's birth. It I,l' I think God knew I was trusting human race - was as tiny at his Entered at the was truly the most exciting day ''''\. 1 him to take care that good birth as this new born baby Post Office: of my life. It was 17 year ago, things were happening. that I held that night of Ogdensburg, NY but seems like yesterday. Fr. William G. i\lucnch After the baby was born and William's birth. jesus came to 13669 and I was so pleased when Susan own priest." I did let her know the nurses did all they were to experience being part of our additional mailing offices as and Paul, my niece and that I was simply a spectator. do, I was allowed to hold this human race, even experience Periodical Postage. nephew, invited me to be with Susan decided to take a walk child now a tall high school that vulnerable moment of them at the birth of their sec­ senior. At that time, I did re ­ being a tiny new born. SUbsaiptiOlt and then announced it was ond child. I was then at St. time. The doctor and nurses member to offer a blessing and Christmas is a more mean­ For one year. Mary's, Ticonderoga, and when prayer for his future. I remem­ ingful experience for me be­ In-Diocese Rate: $27 got busy preparing everything. Ou15ide of Diocese Rate: $30 I received the call that some­ I was parked over to the side - ber well that it was a special cause I was allowed to be with thing was happening in Syra­ a nurse did come over to stand moment listening to this little Susan and Paul that night. I Matters for publication cuse, I took right off. I by me. She said she would heart beating and feeling the understand so much more the should be probably set a new record in guide me through what was deep breaths as this child Incarnation of Our Lord. Truly addressed to getting there but I wasn't going happening. Actually, I was cer­ joined us in this world. It was a the amazing moment of birth - PO Box 326 to miss this day. tain she wanted to make cer­ special moment for me - as I a child coming into the joy and Ogdensburg, NY 13669 I got there before they had tain I didn't do anything think back it was an exciting peace and love of a family. and should be received by left for the hospital. As it outrageous. I was so caught moment in this priest's life. So, this is my Christmas Thursday prior to turned out, I was to be their up in the moment - I simply After Susan was settled in a story. I have told it over and publication. only escort that night as the didn't move at all. room, Paul and I headed home. over again but it always seems Paper is printed each grandparents were not able to All sorts of activity began to It was a good time for a late new to me. It give me that feel­ Monday; be there. We sat around for a happen but there was a real night cup of coffee at one of ing I know so much more of dateline is Wednesday. while and finally, Susan said it spirit of love that filled that those all night places. This be­ what that first Christmas was Member, Catholic Press was time. I noticed during the room. I was truly transformed came a fascinating time for me like. My sincere wishes to you Association. evening that definitely the watching this young woman -listening and talking about all - and to your families - for a mother was always in charge.
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