Monday 25th May 2015

On way to airport for flight to Holy Land. There's a mix of folks from many parishes but happy to report there's been no fighting...... yet!

Arrived safely without losing anyone or, strangely, wanting to lose anyone! 34 degrees temp. Straight to hotel for dinner and bed for a 6:30 am start. God have mercy on us!

Tuesday 26th May 2015

Mass this morning in Church of The Nativity at St Joseph's altar, the place of his vision of the Angels telling him to flee to Egypt. Veneration of the 'Locus iste'. A need for Ecumenism here.

After visit to Church of Ascension, Church of Pater Noster and the Dominus Flavit where Jesus wept over , we spent time looking at the old city seeing features that wouldn't be unfamiliar to Jesus. Then, down to the Garden of Gethsemane for a very emotive visit in baking heat. In short, a very striking first day with some profound silences.

It must be gin o'clock now!!

Wednesday 27th May 2015

Another early start to local co-operative that helps support around 50 Christian families. I've done my bit on behalf of the parish! All I'll say is: Make sure you're at Mass in a couple of weeks ...... !

Morning visits to Church of the Dormition of Our Lady and the Cenacle Room (Upper Room) on Mount Sion. Onto the Jewish Quarter which is full of American accents with a smattering of Hebrew.

Mass beside the Cenacle. Afternoon visit to St Peter in Gallicantu, the place where Peter denied Jesus. Also very moved to be in the cell where Jesus was held on Holy Thursday night. Reminds one of the price paid for preaching such a message. Still being paid by our brethren in parts of the world today, not least here.

We listened to Ps 88 whilst standing in Jesus' cell: "Friend and neighbour you have taken away, my one companion is darkness." Pity Jesus, alone and afraid. Then and now.

Walked up steps that Jesus used on his way to trial. If only I had greater courage to walk in the broader spiritual steps of Jesus!

Visit to the birthplace of . Decorated with blue & white tiles because major donor is/was the Queen of Spain.

Steep climb to the Church of the Visitation overlooking Judean hills over which tramped the ! Recitation of the Rosary in thanksgiving for all those who have helped us down the years.

Gin, gin gin!!

Thursday 28th May 2015

A mercifully cooler morning which made transport and walking a little more bearable. Desperate for more hours in bed, we were on the road at 8am after checking out of our hotel. We entered Jerusalem via the Lion’s Gate and straight to St Anne’s house, birthplace of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A beautiful place kept by the White Fathers. Pool of Bethesda, the scene of a miraculous cure by Jesus is in the grounds. On to Mass in honour of ‘Holy Annie’, God’s Granny during which we prayed for grandparents. Stations of the Cross followed through a crowded bazaar, ending in baking sun at the Holy Sepulchre.

Especially struck by the fissure of rock directly below the site of the Crucifixion. Geologists have dated the fissure to 2000 years ago as the result of an earthquake. Sensors are in place to monitor movement but there’s been none for 2000 years. “The sky went black and the earth shook”.

After lunch off to the Wailing/Western Wall; a very potent place. “My temple shall be a house of prayer for all peoples.” (Isaiah) Hmmm, really?!

On then to transfer to the new hotel which has a pool on the roof.

Gonna go easy on the gin tonight!

Friday 29th May 2015

This morning off to Bethany, home of Martha, Mary and Lazarus. Bethany is a dump compared to the local Jewish settlement across the road. Because they aren't Israeli Jews they only get water twice a week and their refuse collected when the authority can be bothered ; which is hardly ever.

To the Mount of Temptation to see where the first Lent took place. A Monastery built into the rock.

This is all in Jericho, the Marbella of Israel! A ferocious desert town, the oldest city, in continuous existence for 10000 years.

A very powerful visit to the banks of the Jordan and the sight of Jesus' baptism.

Renewal of Baptismal promises and blessing with Jordan water.

Heartening to see so many modern radicals turning their backs on Empire and all other deities and dedicating themselves to Christ. Inspiring!

Off to Qumran now to find some scrolls or somat!

Just been to the Dead Sea and floated like a basking whale at the lowest point on the earth. Had a mud bath too!

For the sake of decency no photos will follow, dear Readers!

Saturday 30th May 2015

2 hour drive to Galilee and Mass at the Mount of the Beatitudes. As we sang "Dear Lord & Father" the gentle wind blew across us. Rather that than earthquake or fire!

A very special place.

Sea of Galilee

Church of Beatitudes Straight after lunch off to the place of the multiplication of loaves and fishes, but I was too full to participate.

Original, now famous, ancient tiles symbolising the scene.

To the spot where Jesus cooked a fishy breakfast for the disciples after they made a huge catch on his directions. The 153 fish symbolises what was thought to be all the nations of the world at that time.

I could've spent the day sitting there even with the loud Americans- Blessed are the peacemakers...!!

Tabgha, Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes.

Taken at the site of the Primacy of Peter.

Sunday 31st May 2015

Took a boat across the Sea of Galilee to our hotel in Tiberius.

Breakfast this morning overlooking the sea. Just like Knotti-fract, actually!

Galilean boat commandeered for HM 's loyal subjects.

The Pirate King!

A cut-throat lot!

There are too many caption options for this one. A desire for survival prevents the Pirate King from commenting!!!

The group is praying for the conversion of England today at the scene of the Annunciation for Mass in a chapel built over The Carpenter's workshop.

With our tour guide, ie the man between the priests not the woman at the back who's giving Fr Neil a clip round the lug hole!

Things are not good for the Christians in the Holy Land. A very mild example just down the road from Our Lady's house. Note the warning sign.

To Cana. Missed the wedding and worse, only water to drink!! But was nice to see couples renewing their vows and two couples doing so on their Silver Jubilees. Reminds us about God's lavishness seen through Holy Matrimony. We must protect such a gift.

Caption competition: Golden Girls? Sisters, there never were such sisters? Crows on a wire? Answers on a postcard, please.

...... and relax..... home soon

Monday 1st June 2015

Father Simon with St Peter. On this Rock.....

Dress down day for Father Simon. "I want to be alone"

Visit to Capernaum to the house of St Peter and the room where Jesus had his digs.

Also, the synagogue where Jesus got on everyone's nerves with his preaching. My hero!

At Mount Carmel and the conclusion of our pilgrimage. Ending with Our Lady's help and prayers.

Heading to the airport and that metal can that zips through the air at 500 miles per/hour without the aid of a net!!