Community Action Plan for the conservation of the Lumholtz’s tree- (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its 2014-2019 Title: Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019

Disclaimer: We do not guarantee that this publication is without !aw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaim all liability for any error, loss or other consequence that may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. The information in this report does not necessarily represent the view of the Tree-Kangaroo and Group Inc. or the organisations mentioned, neither can they be held responsible for implementation of the action.

Publication reference: Burchill, S., Cianelli, M., Edwards, C., Grace, R., Heise-Pavlov, S., Hudson, D., Moerman, I., Smith, K. (2014). Community Action Plan for the Conservation of the Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014 - 2019. Malanda, .

Front cover: Artwork by William T. Cooper for Lumholtz Lodge (subject to copyright and used in this community action plan with permission)


Executive Summary 1 Summary of objectives, actions and potential contributors Goal 1: An aware and engaged community 2 Goal 2: Adequate LTK habitat in sound condition, protected and well connected 4 Goal 3: Direct human-related threats are mitigated 6 Goal 4: Protocols based on sound knowledge and experience are applied in LTK husbandry, rehabilitation and release 8 Goal 5: Knowledge of the species is adequate to guide conservation actions 9 Table 1 Threatened and near-threatened species associated with Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo habitat 11 Table 2 Threatened ecosystems utilised by Lumholtz’s tree- 11 Appendices A: List of workshop participants 12 B: List of Acronyms 13

Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

The Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) is one of 14 tree-kangaroo species worldwide. It is only found in Australia and is one of two Australian endemic tree-kangaroo species, the other being the Bennett’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus bennettianus) that occurs in rainforest and drier vine forest communities to the north of the Lumholtz’s tree- kangaroo distribution. The other 12 tree-kangaroo species occur on the island of New Guinea. The Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo is considered ‘Near threatened’ under the Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992 and the Action Plan for Australian and Monotremes (Maxwell et al.). The species is, however, listed as of ‘Least Concern’ by the IUCN based on the current knowledge of its distribution, numbers, threats and the fact that most of its remaining prime habitat receives protective status under the Wet Tropics World Heritage Declaration. The current distribution of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (LTK) populations extends from the Carbine Tableland west of Mossman to the Cardwell Range west of Ingham. The species is most frequently sighted in the fragmented rainforests of the Atherton Tablelands, typically in rainforest types on basalt soils. Local populations of LTK are a"ected by increasing human development causing habitat loss, fragmentation and predation by dogs. Road kills associated with transport networks and increasing tra#c are also frequently recorded. Impacts on the species and its habitat by climate change are predicted. The range of factors that may threaten this species, combined with di#culties to quantitatively assess the impact of these factors, makes the development of e"ective conservation strategies a challenge. The Community Action Plan for the conservation of the Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (the Plan) has therefore been developed as a practical instrument to direct conservation actions to speci$c goals. For each goal the Plan lists objectives that are considered achievable within a timeframe of 5 years and for which the Plan recommends numerous speci$c actions to assist in planning and implementation of threat mitigation and conservation activities. The long-term objective of the Plan is that all populations of the species are secure throughout their range and an active and aware local community is managing threats to support a viable network of habitat for the long-term conservation of the LTK. The following goals have been identi$ed: Goal 1: An aware and engaged community This goal will assist in engaging the local, Australian and international communities. Goal 2: Adequate LTK habitat in sound condition, protected and well connected This goal will assist in identifying areas for protection and measures to make their protection more e"ective. Goal 3: Direct human-related threats are mitigated This goal will assist in mitigating threats to LTK by introduced predators and tra#c. Goal 4: Protocols based on sound knowledge and experience are applied in LTK husbandry, rehabilitation and release This goal will assist in the detection, care and release of injured LTK, and the integration of rehabilitated in research. Goal 5: Knowledge of the species is adequate to guide conservation actions This goal will promote research into the distribution, the abundance, the current and future population viability and threat-mitigation techniques. The Plan emphasises the need for a coordinated approach to achieve the selected goals. It identi$es potential partnerships between organisations such as NGO’s, research facilities, educational institutions, community members, businesses and governmental bodies. The local Tree-Kangaroo and Mammal Group (TKMG) sees its role in identifying required actions, existing resources and helping in establishing partnerships that will assist in achieving the speci$ed objectives. The Plan will create synergism through networking all those who are interested in preserving Australia’s natural wildlife. The Plan goes therefore beyond previous Management and Conservation Strategy documents for the LTK (TKMG 2000; Kanowski et al. 2003). Actions to protect the LTK and its habitat will directly bene$t a wide range of threatened species and ecosystems including the endangered Southern Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius) and the critically endangered Mabi Forest. The Plan complements recovery plans that have been developed for these threatened species and ecosystems (Tables 1 and 2).

Maxwell, S, Burbidge, AA and Morris, KD. (1996). Action Plan for Australian Marsupials and Monotremes. ( biodiversity/threatened/publications/action/marsupials/index.html ) Wildlife Australia, Canberra. The Tree Kangaroo and Mammal Group, (2000). Community Survey of the Distribution of Lumholtz’s Tree-kangaroo. Kanowski, J. J., Winter, J. W., Simmons, T., Tucker, N.I.J. (2003). Conservation strategy for Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo on the Atherton Tablelands. Ecological management & restoration 4: 220-221.

Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019 1. Goal 1. An aware and engaged community.

1.1. The Southern Atherton Tablelands community values the Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo as a signi!cant local icon.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Support the adoption of LTK as iconic species for the community of the Local schools, TKMG, TRC, TREAT, TRRACC Southern Atherton Tablelands.

b) Investigate the opportunity to have the LTK adopted as the TRC faunal EHP/NPRSR, TKMG, TRC emblem.

c) Develop and deliver educational material on LTK conservation issues for CVA, EHP/NPRSR, local schools, SFS, TKMG, schools and local youth groups. TRRACC

d) Actively engage Tablelands’ youth in LTK related conservation initiatives. CVA, Girl Guides, NPRSR, Scouting Australia, TEEC, TKMG, TNPV, TRRACC

e) Raise landholders’ awareness of existing conservation instruments, incentives EHP/NPRSR, Terrain, TKMG, TRC, TREAT, and productivity bene$ts of LTK-related conservation activities (e.g. erosion WTMA control, water quality improvements and shading stock when planting along creeks).

f) Use available local media, council notices, community events and planning CVA, Terrain, TKMG, TRRACC processes to raise awareness of LTK existence and conservation needs.

g) Consult with Traditional Owners to identify ways to facilitate long-term CVA, EHP/NPRSR, Terrain, TKMG, engagement and involvement in LTK conservation activities. Traditional Owners, WTMA

h) Explore opportunities to recognise and reward LTK related conservation CVA, SFS, TKMG, TRC, WTMA initiatives and ongoing conservation activities (e.g. LTK award).

i) Distribute information on opportunities to participate in LTK conservation and CVA, EHP/NPRSR, local media, local research activities. schools, Terrain, TKMG, TRC, TREAT, TRRACC, WTMA

j) Involve tree-kangaroo wildlife carers in education and dissemination of Local schools, researchers, TRRACC, knowledge about the LTK. veterinarians, wildlife carers and wildlife parks

Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019 2. 1.2. There is increased awareness of the LTK in the Australian and international communities.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order) a) Utilise regional, state, national and international media, events, programs and CVA, JCU, local media, SFS, Terrain, TKMG social media opportunities to constantly update and distribute information on LTK. b) Explore and utilise new technologies for information distribution to a CVA, JCU, SFS, Terrain, TKMG, WTMA multilingual community. c) Expand capacities of existing visitor information centres as awareness points SFS, TKMG, Wet Tropics National and knowledge portals promoting the LTK and their habitat. Landscape Committee, WTMA d) Expand capacities of existing tour operators to promote conservation of LTKs. TKMG, tour operators, Wet Tropics National Landscape Committee, WTMA e) Explore opportunities to raise funding and attract donors for LTK-related CVA, EHP/NPRSR, JCU, SFS, conservation issues by communication with larger conservation agencies Terrain, TKMG, TRRACC, and potential linkage of LTK conservation with businesses, Australian and Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas international wildlife parks, and benefactors (e.g. philanthropists, celebrities).

1.3. LTK conservation initiatives are known, understood and integrated into state, national and international tree-kangaroo conservation actions.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order) a) Actively participate in the conservation classi$cation of LTK at state, national JCU, TKMG and international level. b) Cooperate with national and international wildlife parks on tree-kangaroo JCU, SFS, TKMG, TRRACC research and their conservation activities. c) Link up with researchers on New Guinean tree-kangaroos for cooperative JCU, TCA tree-kangaroo conservation projects leading to know-how exchange on research and conservation program, TKMG, TRRACC methods.

1.4. LTK Community Action Plan is known and understood and integrated into decision-making.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order) a) Promote the integration of LTK conservation needs in local, state and federal CVA, EHP/NPRSR, Terrain, TKMG, TRC legislation planning and execution. b) Promote recognition and adoption of LTK Community Action Plan in local CVA, FNQROC, EHP/NPRSR, TKMG, TRC community.

Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019 3. Goal 2. Adequate Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo habitat in sound condition, protected and well connected.

2.1. LTK priority habitat conservation areas are identi!ed for management actions.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Coordinate a joint approach of landscape prioritisation with respect to LTK CSIRO, CVA, EHP/NPRSR, FNQROC, JCU, habitat. A joint approach is achieved through convening a workshop with researchers, SFS, Terrain, TKMG, WTMA relevant government agencies, conservation groups and key experts.

b) Develop a LTK speci$c landscape/habitat database in order to prioritise areas FNQROC, researchers, SFS, Terrain, TKMG for LTK conservation by using a set of criteria.

2.2. LTK priority habitat corridors are identi!ed and matched against priority conservation areas.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Evaluate and consolidate existing prioritised connectivity projects and EHP/NPRSR, FNQROC, SFS, Terrain, TKMG, mapped corridors as a part of actions outlined under objective 2.1. TRC, WTMA

2.3. Priority LTK and corridors are assessed and remediation actions are commenced.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Undertake prime habitat condition desktop/$eld-based assessment. EHP/NPRSR, FNQROC, SFS, Terrain, TKMG, TRC, WTMA

b) Prioritise management areas and remediation actions including weed and CVA, JCU, SFS, Terrain, TKMG, TRC, WTMA pest control, revegetation etc.

c) Develop an investment strategy to secure long term commitment to EHP/NPRSR, FNQROC, Terrain, TKMG,TRC, implement identi$ed remediation actions and follow up habitat monitoring. WTMA

d) Promote and support implementation of remediation actions. EHP/NPRSR, Terrain, TKMG, TRC

e) Utilise “champion approach” by establishing long-term interest and CVA, TKMG responsibility by a key organisation or individual for key habitat improvement projects and core areas.

f) Support the ongoing development and dissemination of guidelines for CVA, EHP/NPRSR, research institutions, e#cient restoration and management techniques applicable to LTK habitat SFS, Terrain, TKMG, TRC, TREAT, that are easily accessible to private stakeholders (e.g. the revised Rainforest universities, WTMA Restoration Booklet by WTMA).

Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019 4. Goal 2. Adequate Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo habitat in sound condition, protected and well connected.

2.4. Incentives for private stakeholders to protect LTK habitat are available and widely understood by landholders and the wider community.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Identify requirements and obstacles for landholders wanting to protect LTK EDO, research institutions, SFS, Terrain, habitat. Develop strategies to address and disseminate this information to TKMG, universities appropriate organisations.

b) Lobby for dedicated resources for voluntary habitat protection and BRICMA, Terrain, TKMG, TREAT management and more e#cient delivery arrangements for voluntary statutory habitat protection mechanisms.

c) Promote inclusion of high-priority LTK connectivity areas into statutory Terrain, TKMG, WTMA planning mechanisms.

d) Identify new incentives and promote bene$ts and opportunities for Terrain, TKMG, TRC, WTMA landholders to protect LTK habitat, (e.g. carbon and biodiversity credits).

2.5. LTK habitat is a"orded statutory protection and threats to LTK habitat from development are appropriately assessed and avoidance and amelioration actions are incorporated in planning decisions.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Lobby for political support and funding for the implementation of existing Terrain, TKMG, WTMA statutory habitat protection mechanisms (e.g. Vegetation Management Act 1999 & TRC Planning Scheme).

b) Promote acquisition of prime LTK habitat by private conservation groups or Terrain, TKMG individuals.

c) Provide input into the TRC Planning Scheme and promote implementation Terrain, TKMG, WTMA of development controls and habitat protection incentives through local government planning decisions. This should include incorporating LTK-speci$c connectivity areas and reducing threats of rural residential development near LTK habitat.

d) Provide input into state legislation and policy and promote implementation Terrain, TKMG, WTMA of development controls and habitat-protection incentives.

Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019 5. Goal 3. Direct human-related threats are mitigated.

3.1. Tra#c-related mortality rates of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo are recorded, monitored and analysed.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Establish a mortality database. Assess number of LTK killed or injured by road EHP/NPRSR, SFS, Tableland wildlife carers, incidents. TRC, TRRACC

b) Develop a protocol on collection, recording and data storage. SFS, TKMG, TRRACC, universities, veterinarians

3.2. Dog-related mortality rates of LTK are recorded, monitored and analysed.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Establish a mortality database. Assess number of LTK killed or injured EHP/NPRSR, SFS, Tableland wildlife carers, by dogs. TRRACC, TRC, universities, veterinarians

b) Develop a protocol on collection, recording and data storage. SFS, TKMG, TRRACC, universities

3.3. Actions to reduce vehicle-related mortality of LTK are implemented.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Support research into the suitability of wildlife road-deterrents (e.g. re!ectors, SFS, TKMG, universities roo-shoos, audible strips and application of other appropriate techniques).

b) Lobby government agencies to incorporate methods known to reduce road FNQ Wildlife Rescue, Tablelands Wildlife kill into construction and maintenance of roads especially at LTK mortality Rescue, TKMG, TRRACC, Wildlife hotspots (e.g. culverts, crossings, speed signs/bumps). Preservation Society Qld

c) Develop and distribute a fact sheet for “road-wise” plantings, avoiding LTK- EHP/NPRSR, TKMG, TREAT attractive food plants.

Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019 6. 3.4. Actions to reduce dog-related mortality of LTK are implemented.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Lobby the local government to enforce existing laws on dog-control. TKMG, TRRACC

b) Identify high-risk areas for LTK predation by dogs. EHP/NPRSR, Terrain, TKMG, TRC, TRRACC

c) Establish a Queensland Wild Dog Strategy support team. Terrain, TKMG, TRC

d) Support investigation and testing of alternative dog-control methods to JCU, research institutions, TKMG baiting to provide a broader spectrum of control options for landowners.

e) Lobby for stronger dog-control mechanisms and identify feasibility of TKMG, TRRACC introducing and enforcing dog-exclusion zones in identi$ed LTK habitat.

f) Promote responsible dog ownership, dog desexing and microchipping. EHP/NPRSR, RSPCA, TKMG, TRC

g) Support research into the suitability of arti$cial shelters and vegetated islands JCU, SFS, TKMG as stepping stones to reduce predation risk for LTK traversing open landscapes.

h) Identify options to develop and implement a wildlife aversion program for EHP/NPRSR, SFS, Tablelands Dog dog owners. Obedience Club, Terrain, TRC

Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019 7. Goal 4. Protocols based on sound knowledge and experience are applied in LTK husbandry, rehabilitation and release.

4.1. Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo rehabilitation is supported.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Secure funding for infrastructure and ongoing costs of TRRACC and other CVA, researchers, TKMG, TRRACC, approved LTK wildlife carers. veterinarians, wildlife carers

b) Continue to ensure wildlife rescue networks are aware of the speci$c LTK Researchers, TKMG, TRRACC, veterinarians, rescue and rehabilitation arrangements. wildlife carers

c) Integrate rehabilitation activities into education, community relations, CVA, researchers, TKMG, TRRACC, conservation work and research. veterinarians, wildlife carers

4.2. Rehabilitation techniques and practices are available for sharing.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Collect and store experiences of wildlife carers, zookeepers and veterinarians Researchers, TRRACC, veterinarians, for information sharing. wildlife carers, Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas, wildlife parks with LTK

4.3. Release and monitoring protocols for LTK are available.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Develop a protocol for release and monitoring of LTK based on existing EHP/NPRSR, researchers, TRRACC, knowledge. veterinarians, wildlife carers

b) Secure funding for monitoring released animals and develop research EHP/NPRSR, Researchers, SFS, TKMG, projects to target LTK ecology and sociobiology. TRRACC, wildlife carers

4.4. Wider community understands !rst response actions when encountering injured, orphaned, distressed and dead LTK.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Educate the community on the identi$cation of injured wildlife and CVA, FNQ Wildlife Rescue, researchers, SFS, procedures to report on injured wildlife and dead LTK. Tableland Wildlife Rescue, TKMG, TRRACC, wildlife carers

Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019 8. Goal 5. Knowledge of the species is adequate to guide conservation actions.

5.1. The distribution and abundance of LTK within its natural range is known to a stage that is meaningful for conservation planning.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Develop e#cient direct and indirect survey methods and techniques for CVA, JCU, SFS, TKMG, researchers application to LTK research.

b) Verify existing information on LTK distribution and abundance and select JCU, SFS, TKMG, researchers, TRRACC targeted areas for surveys.

c) Develop and implement survey programs. CVA, SFS, SIT, TKMG, researchers

d) Consolidate information obtained with GIS based species-speci$c maps to FNQROC, JCU, SFS, TKMG, TRC, WTMA, better direct conservation decisions. researchers

5.2. Fertility and mortality rates of wild animals are better understood to allow more informed assessments of population viability.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Assist and encourage research on the population biology, viability and Researchers, SFS, TKMG, TRRACC dynamics of LTK and the assessment of the role of mortality factors.

5.3. Sensitivity and potential resilience of LTK to future landscape and climate changes are adequately known for conservation purposes.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Promote and support studies to determine physiological parameters of JCU, researchers, TKMG, TRRACC, healthy LTKs. veterinarians, Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas, wildlife parks

b) Promote and support studies on the impact of climate change on food CSIRO, JCU, researchers, SFS, TRRACC, availability for LTKs and their physiological pathways to cope with these wildlife carers, veterinarians changes.

c) Promote and support studies on diseases and parasites of LTK (particularly Researchers, TKMG, TRRACC, wildlife carers stress-related diseases).

d) Investigate behavioural responses of LTK to threat-mitigating measures (e.g. JCU, researchers, SFS, TKMG arti$cial structures, vegetated stepping stones, and deterrents) to increase their resilience to modi$ed landscapes.

e) Compile data on the physiology of healthy LTKs and establish a knowledge Researchers, TKMG, TRRACC, veterinarians, hub for sharing. wildlife carers, wildlife parks

Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019 9. Goal 5. Knowledge of the species is adequate to guide conservation actions (continued)

5.4. The e"ectiveness and applicability of new technologies to increase local, national and international community awareness of LTK are assessed.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Investigate applicability of modern information distribution techniques for JCU, researchers, SFS, TKMG increasing awareness of LTK issues.

b) Select the most appropriate methods to involve the broader community in JCU, researchers, SFS, TKMG conservation actions for the LTK.

c) Assess barriers that are inhibiting community uptake of threat-mitigation researchers, SFS, TKMG, TRRACC measures.

5.5. A research portfolio of priority research questions is developed and applied research on populations of LTK is supported.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Identify current knowledge gaps on the LTK based on a thorough literature JCU, researchers, SFS, TKMG review and expert advice.

b) Negotiate with research institutions to formulate clear and concise research JCU, researchers, TKMG, TRRACC questions.

c) Promote and support the coordination and implementation of research TKMG, TRRACC, SFS activities including opportunities to engage the community through “citizen science” projects.

5.6. Methods of dog control, wildlife road-deterrents, arti!cial structures and vegetated islands are assessed for their suitability to reduce predation risk for LTK.

Potential contributors Actions (listed in alphabetical order)

a) Research suitability of wildlife road-deterrents e.g. re!ectors, roo-shoos, Queensland Department of Transport and audible strips. Main Roads, researchers, SFS, universities

b) Research arti$cial shelters and establish vegetated islands as stepping stones EHP/NPRSR, Researchers, SFS, TKMG, TRC to reduce predation risk for LTKs traversing open landscapes.

c) Investigate and test alternative dog-control methods to baiting to provide a CSIRO, JCU, researchers, TRRACC broader spectrum of control options for landowners.

d) Investigate behavioural responses of LTKs to introduced predators and roads. SFS, researchers

Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019 10. Other threatened species and ecosystems that will benefit from implementation of the Plan.

TABLE 1. Threatened and near-threatened animal species associated with Lumholtz’s tree- kangaroo habitat.

Conservation Status Common name Scienti!c name NC Act1 EPBC Act2 Southern cassowary Casuarius casuarius johnsonii E E Macleay’s $g-parrot Cyclopsitta diophthalma V macleayana Rufous owl Ninox rufa queenslandica V (southern subspecies) Grey goshawk Accipiter novaehollandiae NT Australian swiftlet Aerodramus terraereginae NT Tapping green-eyed frog Litoria serrata NT Spectacled !ying-fox Pteropus conspicillatus LC V archeri NT Lemuroid ringtail possum Hemibelideus lemuroides NT Herbert River ringtail possum herbertensis NT

TABLE 2. Threatened ecosystems utilised by Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroos.

Stanton & Tracey & Conservation Status Regional Stanton4 Webb5 Short description Ecosystem Vegetation Vegetation VM Qld Biodiversity EPBC 3 2 type type Act Status Act Complex notophyll to mesophyll 7.8.2 B1b, B1b(a), B31 1b vine forest of high rainfall, cloudy LC OC E uplands on basalt Complex semi-evergreen notophyll 7.8.3 B5b 5b vine forest of uplands on basalt E E CE (Mabi Forest) Complex semi-evergreen notophyll 7.3.37 A5b 5b vine forest of uplands on alluvium E E CE (Mabi Forest) Simple to complex notophyll vine B5a, B116, B8, 7.8.4 5a forest of cloudy wet highlands on LC E B12a basalt

The listed ecosystems support at least 13 threatened and near-threatened plant species.

1. Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1991 2. Australian Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 3. Queensland Vegetation Management Act 1999 4. Stanton, J.P. and Stanton, D.J. 2005. Vegetation of the Wet Tropics of Queensland bioregion. Wet Tropics Management Authority, Cairns. 5. Tracey, J.G. and Webb, L.J. 1995. Vegetation of the humid tropical region of North Queensland. CSIRO, Brisbane.

CE = Critically Endangered; E = Endangered; V = Vulnerable; NT = Near Threatened; OC = Of Concern; LC = Least Concern

Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019 11. Appendix A: List of 2012 workshop participants

Organisations represented: School for Field Studies Barron Catchment Care Tablelands Regional Council CSIRO Terrain NRM Pty Ltd Conservation Volunteers Australia Tree-Kangaroo and Mammal Group Dept of Environment and Resource Trees for the Evelyn and Atherton Tablelands Management University of Queensland James Cook University Wet Tropics Management Authority Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service

Workshop Participants: Albress Ray Freeman Alastair Pople Deb Bradley Adrian Freeman Amanda Pritchard Bevan Bradley Miki Geurts Katrien Rogers Dale Bresolin Cheryl Gillanders Alan Scott Penny Bryde Neil Grace Rowena Seymour Evizel Burchill Simon Grant Jack Shima Amy Cianelli Margit Harrington Graham Simmons Prue Clarke Campbell Heise-Pavlov Sigrid Simmons Tania Coombes Karen Hilbert Dave Smith Keith Crabtree Alice Hudson Dave Stocker Geo" Crook Larry Krockenberger Andrew Sydes Travis Dennis Andrew Martin Roger Thiele Caroline Easson Carol McCa"rey Angela Willis Martin Edwards Ceinwen McKenzie John Willis Sam Foster Natalie Moerman Ilona Winter John Freebody Kylie Morrant Damian

BACKGROUND The Tree-Kangaroo and Mammal Group in partnership with the Conservation Volunteers Australia (Wild Futures program) and with support from Terrain NRM hosted a Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo workshop on the 13th of July 2012. The aim of the workshop was to bring together and harness the knowledge and talents of a group of experts, government agencies, specialists and people passionate about the conservation of the LTK and its habitat to develop a community action plan. The interactive workshop focused on identifying the situation that we would like to see for the LTK in !ve years time and identifying actions that need to be realised to bring us closer to that 5-year vision. In addition the workshop allowed for networking and knowledge dissemination. This vision, required actions and networks were compiled in this Action Plan by a working group consisting of members of TKMG, CVA and Terrain. A draft Action Plan was presented to the public in June 2013 for comment and received comments were integrated into the !nal Plan.

Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019 12. Appendix B: List of acronyms

BRICMA Barron River Integrated Catchment Management Association

CVA Conservation Volunteers Australia

CSIRO Commonwealth Scienti$c and Industrial Research Organisation

EDO Environmental Defenders O!ce

EHP Qld Department of Environment & Heritage Protection

FNQROC Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils

IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature

JCU James Cook University

LTK Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo

NGO Non-Government Organisation

NPRSR Qld Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport & Racing

SFS School for Field Studies

SIT School for International Studies

TCA Conservation Alliance

TEEC Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre

Terrain Terrain Natural Resource Management Pty Ltd.

TKMG Tree-Kangaroo & Mammal Group Inc.

TNPV Tablelands National Parks Volunteers Association Inc.

TRC Tablelands Regional Council

TREAT Trees for the Evelyn & Atherton Tablelands

TRRACC Tree Roo Rescue and Conservation Centre

WTMA Wet Tropics Management Authority

Community Action Plan for the conservation of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) and its habitat 2014-2019 13.

For more information contact: Tree-Kangaroo and Mammal Group Inc. PO Box 1409, Atherton QLD 4883 [email protected]