Former CFB Rockcliffe Redevelopment Community Transportation Study
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June 2014 Former CFB Rockcliffe Redevelopment Community Transportation Study Prepared by: 12 February 2015 ERRATA SHEET The land use statistics associated with the Development Concept Plan for the Former CFB Rockcliffe Redevelopment are continually being refined as part of the on-going planning process. During the Summer 2014, the Plan was modified slightly from that used as the basis for the ensuing Community Transportation Study (dated 27 June 2014) resulting in approximate 40 additional residential units and 40 additional retail-related jobs. As a result of this land use change, the net change in two-way, peak hour vehicle trips to/from the site is noted to be an increase of approximately 60 veh/h, which is considered very minor in scale in comparison to the total projected generation of approximately 2,000 veh/h two-way. This small discrepancy in vehicle trip generation would have no bearing on the report’s finding or recommendations. A subsequent update to the Development Concept Plan was received in January 2015 reflecting very minor adjustments to the proposed land use. In September 2014, the National Capital Commission announced the renaming of the Rockcliffe Parkway to the Sir George-Étienne Cartier Parkway (Promenade Sir George-Étienne Cartier). This name change has not been reflected within the current version of the report. In December 2014, the City of Ottawa requested that the CTS include commentary/analyses related to multi-modal level of service as outlined within the 2013 update of the Transportation Master Plan, Ottawa Cycling Plan and Ottawa Pedestrian Plan. The draft analysis related to this most recent City request is included herein as an Addendum No. 1 to the CTS, and consideration will be given to incorporating it within the main body of the report as part of a future update. The multi-modal level of service analysis emphasizes the importance of providing high quality pedestrian, cycling and transit facilities serving the site in support of the sustainable transportation vision. Provision of needed facilities and the proposed street and intersection designs will be addressed from this perspective. { Former CFB Rockcliffe Redevelopment COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION STUDY prepared for: Canada Lands Company Limited 30 Metcalfe Street Suite 601 Ottawa, ON K1P 5L4 prepared by: 1223 Michael Street Suite 100 Ottawa, ON K1J 7T2 27 June 2014 TO3138TOA00 Community Transportation Study Former CFB Rockcliffe Redevelopment June 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Context ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Development Overview .............................................................................. 3 1.2 Transportation Study Area .......................................................................... 3 2. Existing Conditions .......................................................................................... 4 2.1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Network ................................................................... 4 2.2 Transit Network ........................................................................................ 6 2.3 Area Road Network .................................................................................... 7 2.4 Modal Share Assessment ............................................................................ 9 2.5 Screenline Performance ............................................................................ 10 2.6 Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ........................................................................ 11 2.7 Intersection Performance ......................................................................... 13 3. Sustainability Initiatives ................................................................................ 14 3.1 Consistency with OP/TMP Policies .............................................................. 14 3.2 Mobility Plan ........................................................................................... 15 3.3 Maximizing Transit Orientation .................................................................. 15 3.4 Transit Plan ............................................................................................ 17 3.5 Other Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Initiatives ........................ 17 4. Travel Demand Forecasting ............................................................................ 20 4.1 Traffic Growth Trends .............................................................................. 20 4.2 Other Known Area Development ................................................................ 20 4.3 TRANS Regional Model ............................................................................. 21 4.4 Planned Changes to Transportation Infrastructure ........................................ 22 4.5 Site Trip Generation ................................................................................ 24 4.5.1 Special Generator: School ............................................................ 24 4.5.2 Phase 1 Site Trip Generation ........................................................ 25 4.5.3 Total Site Trip Generation ............................................................ 27 4.6 Vehicle Traffic Distribution and Assignment ................................................. 29 4.6.1 Phase 1 Distribution .................................................................... 29 4.6.2 Total Site Distribution .................................................................. 30 5. Transportation Impact Analysis ..................................................................... 33 5.1 Projected Screenline Performance .............................................................. 33 5.2 Projected Intersection Performance ............................................................ 33 5.2.1 Phase 1 Site Development ............................................................ 33 5.2.2 Full Site Development .................................................................. 37 5.3 Potential for Community Impacts ............................................................... 39 5.3.1 Phase 1 Traffic Impact on Study Area Roads ................................... 40 5.3.2 Full Site Development Traffic Impact on Study Area Roads ................ 40 6. Mitigation Measures and Site Design Characteristics ..................................... 42 6.1 Off-Site Network Modifications .................................................................. 42 6.2 Site Design Characteristics ....................................................................... 44 6.2.1 Right-of-Way Requirements .......................................................... 44 6.2.2 Opportunity for Complete Streets .................................................. 45 6.2.3 Traffic Control Requirements ........................................................ 45 7. Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................ 47 I Community Transportation Study Former CFB Rockcliffe Redevelopment June 2014 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Trips by Travel Mode for Ottawa East ......................................................... 10 Table 2: Trips by Travel Mode for Beacon Hill .......................................................... 10 Table 3: Existing Screenline Performance (AM Peak Hour; Peak Direction) ................... 11 Table 4: Existing Performance at Study Area Intersections ........................................ 13 Table 5: Screenline Growth Trends (AM Peak Hour) .................................................. 20 Table 6: ITE Trip Generation Rates ......................................................................... 24 Table 7: School Site Trip Generation (One School Site) ............................................. 25 Table 8: Modified Person Phase 1 Trip Generation .................................................... 25 Table 9: Residential Modal Share Phase 1 Site Trip Generation ................................... 26 Table 10: Office Modal Share Phase 1 Site Trip Generation .......................................... 26 Table 11: Total Phase 1 Site Vehicle Trip Generation .................................................. 26 Table 12: Modified Person Trip Generation ................................................................ 27 Table 13: Residential Modal Share Site Trip Generation .............................................. 28 Table 14: Office Modal Share Site Trip Generation ..................................................... 28 Table 15: Retail Modal Share Site Trip Generation ..................................................... 28 Table 16: Total Site Vehicle Trip Generation .............................................................. 29 Table 17: Projected Performance at Screenline 33 (AM Peak Hour) ............................... 33 Table 18: Projected Phase 1 Performance of Study Area Intersections .......................... 35 Table 19: Projected Full Site Development Performance of Study Area Intersections ....... 37 Table 20: Phase 1 Site-Generated Two-Way Traffic Increase ....................................... 40 Table 21: Total Site-Generated Two-Way Traffic Increases .......................................... 41 Table 22: Road Characteristics ................................................................................ 44 Table 23: Minimum Traffic Control Requirements ....................................................... 45 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Development Concept Plan ........................................................................