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Celotno Besedilo (Pdf) Studia mythologica Slavica ISSN 1408-6271 wwwISSN 1581-128x Uredniški svet / Consiglio di redazione / Advisiory Board Natka Badurina (Università degli Studi di Udine), Nikos Čausidis (Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodi, Skopje), Mare Kõiva (Estonian Institute of Folklore, Tartu), Larisa Fialkova (University of Haifa), Janina Kursīte (Univerza v Rigi), Nijolė Laurinkienė (Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas, Vilnius), Mirjam Mencej (Univerza v Ljubljani), Ljubinko Radenković (SANU, Beograd), Zmago Šmitek (Univerza v Ljubljani), Svetlana Tolstaja (Institut slavjanovedenija Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, Moskva), Giorgio Ziffer (Università degli Studi di Udine) Uredništvo / Redazione / Editorial Board Monika Kropej (odgovorna urednica/curatrice/Editor-in-Chief) ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje, Novi trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija/Slovenia E-mail: [email protected] Andrej Pleterski (odgovorni urednik/curatore/Editor-in-Chief) ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo, Novi trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija/Slovenia E-mail: [email protected] Roberto Dapit Università degli Studi di Udine, Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Italija/Italia Via Mantica 3, 33100 Udine E-mail: [email protected] Vlado Nartnik ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša, Novi trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija/ Slovenia E-mail: [email protected] Izdajata / Pubblicato da / Published by Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje, Ljubljana, Slovenija in / e / and Università degli Studi di Udine, Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Udine, Italia Spletna stran / Sito internet / Website http://sms.zrc-sazu.si/ Prispevki so recenzirani. / Gli articoli sono stati recensiti. / The articles are peer-reviewed. Izhaja s podporo Agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost RS / Pubblicato con il sostegno finanziario dell’ Agenzia per la ricerca scientifica della Repubblica di Slovenia / Published with the support of the Slovenian Research Agency in / e / and Mednarodne ustanove Forum slovanskih kultur International Foundation Forum of Slavic Cultures Studia mythologica Slavica is included in the following databases: Ulrich’s International Perio dicals Directory; MLA Bibliography; Sachkatalog der Bibliothek - RGK des DAI; IBZ; FRANCIS; HJG (The History Journals Guide); OCLE; INIST; INTUTE: Arts and Humanities UK. Slika na zadnji strani ovitka / Fotografia sul retro della copertina / Back cover photo: Žrnovnica pri Splitu, Hrvaška. T. i. Sveti Jure Žrnovnica vicino a Spalato. Cosi detto San Giorgio Žrnovnica next to Split, Croatia. The so called Saint George Naklada / Tiratura / Imprint: 350 Tisk / Stampato da / Printed by Tiskarna Cicero Begunje d.o.o. © ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje STUDIASTUDIA MYTHOLOGICAMYTHOLOGICA SLAVICASLAVICA XVII 2014 ZNANSTVENORAZISKOVALNI CENTER SLOVENSKE AKADEMIJE ZNANOSTI IN UMETNOSTI INŠTITUT ZA SLOVENSKO NARODOPISJE, LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIJA UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI UDINE DIPARTIMENTO DI LINGUE E LETTERATURE STRANIERE, UDINE, ITALIA LJUBLJANA 2014 Vsebina Indice SLOVANSKA MITOLOGIJA – VIRI IN REKONSTRUKCIJE ............................................7 MITOLOGIA SLAVA – FONTI E RICOSTRUZIONI ...........................................................7 Constantine L. Borissoff: Non-Iranian origin of the Eastern-Slavonic god Xŭrsŭ/Xors ...9 Михайло Филипчук, Галина Соловій: Поховальні пам’ятки слов’янського часу Пліснеського археологічного комплексу ...........................................................37 Jiří Dynda: The Three-Headed One at the Crossroad: A Comparative Study of the Slavic God Triglav ...............................................................................................................57 Michał Łuczyński: William of Malmesbury’s “Fortune” (Gesta Rerum Anglorum II 12) – An Attempt at a New Interpretation ...................................................................83 Константин Рахно: «Земля незнаема» и иранский субстрат «Слова о полку Игореве» ..............................................................................................................................91 Kamil Kajkowski: Znaczenie odciętych głów w obrzędowości pogańskiej wczesnośredniowiecznych Słowian zachodnich .......................................................... 135 Katja Hrobat Virloget: Petroglifi iz Jame v bližini Trnovskega studenca nad Ilirsko Bistrico na Snežniški planoti .......................................................................................... 155 Tina Kompare: Simbolna krajina na širšem območju zgornje Vipavske doline ............ 173 RAZISKOVALNE METODE IN INTERPRETACIJE LJUDSKEGA IZROČILA ......... 189 METODI DI RICERCA E INTERPRETAZIONI DELLA TRADIZIONE POPOLARE ....189 Zmago Šmitek: Nočni bojevniki: Kmečke herezije in čarovništvo na Slovenskem in v Furlaniji ...................................................................................................................... 191 Izar Lunaček: The Good, the Bad and the Outcast. On the Moral Ambivalence of Folk Heroes ....................................................................................................................... 207 Anja Mlakar: Krvoločni osvajalci in hudičevi vojaki: »Turki« kot »barbari« v ideoloških diskurzih in slovenski folklori ..................................................................... 221 Deniver Vukelić: Uvod u klasifikaciju verbalne magije i verbalna magija u zapisanoj usmenoj hrvatskoj tradiciji ............................................................................ 243 Barbora Krucká: Odraz interkulturních vztahů v srbské a rumunské frazeologii ......... 271 SODOBNA MITOLOGIJA ................................................................................................... 285 MITOLOGIA CONTEMPORANEA .................................................................................. 285 Simona Klaus: Pravljične pošasti in pošastno v oglasih .................................................... 287 Petra Novak: Pedagoška funkcija legend ............................................................................. 297 RECENZIJE IN POROČILA O KNJIGAH ........................................................................ 309 RECENSIONI DI LIBRI ........................................................................................................ 309 Contents SLAVIC MYTHOLOGY – SOURCES AND RECONSTRUCTIONS .................................7 Constantine L. Borissoff: Non-Iranian origin of the Eastern-Slavonic god Xŭrsŭ/Xors ...9 Mihajlo Filipčuk, Galina Solovij: Burial Monuments of the Slavic Times in the Plisnesk Archeological Complex .......................................................................................37 Jiří Dynda: The Three-Headed One at the Crossroad: A Comparative Study of the Slavic God Triglav ...............................................................................................................57 Michał Łuczyński: William of Malmesbury’s “Fortune” (Gesta Rerum Anglorum II 12) – An Attempt at a New Interpretation ...................................................................83 Kostyantyn Rakhno: The Unknown Land and the Iranian Substratum in the Tale of Igor’s Campaign ..............................................................................................................91 Kamil Kajkowski: The Meaning of Severed Heads in Ritualism of Early Medieval Western Slavs .................................................................................................................... 135 Katja Hrobat Virloget: Petroglyphs from the Cave in the vicinity of Trnovno spring above Ilirska Bistrica on the Snežnik plateau ................................................... 155 Tina Kompare: The symbolic landscape in the wider area of the upper Vipava valley ...173 RESEARCH METHODS AND INTERPRETATIONS OF FOLK TRADITIONS ........ 189 Zmago Šmitek: Night Warriors: Peasant Heresies and Witchcraft in Slovenia and in Friuli .............................................................................................................................. 191 Izar Lunaček: The Good, the Bad and the Outcast. On the Moral Ambivalence of Folk Heroes ....................................................................................................................... 207 Anja Mlakar: The Bloodthirsty Conquerors and the Devil’s Soldiers: “the Turks” as “Barbarians” in Ideological Discourses and Slovene Folklore ............................... 221 Deniver Vukelić: Introduction to the classification of verbal magic and verbal magic in the recorded Croatian oral tradition ............................................................. 243 Barbora Krucká: Reflection of Intercultural Relations in Serbian and Romanian Phraseology ....................................................................................................................... 271 CONTEMPORARY MYTHOLOGY ................................................................................... 285 Simona Klaus: Fairy tale monsters and the monstrous in advertising ............................ 287 Petra Novak: Educational Function in Tales with Christian Content ............................. 297 BOOK REVIEWS ................................................................................................................... 309 SLOVANSKA MITOLOGIJA – VIRI IN REKONSTRUKCIJE MITOLOGIA SLAVA – FONTI E RICOSTRUZIONI SLAVIC MYTHOLOGY – SOURCES AND RECONSTRUCTIONS Non-Iranian origin of the Eastern-Slavonic god Xŭrsŭ/Xors* Constantine
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