Volume 2 The Specification

Safety Camera Replacement Project – Lot 1

Project No : tfl_scp_000849

Internal Reference Number:

Version: 1.2

Date: 19 November 2013

Transport for Palestra Building 197 Blackfriars Road London SE1 8NJ Copyright on the whole and every part of this document is owned by . No reproduction of the whole or any part of this document is to be made without the authority of Transport for London.




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1.1 Transport for London (TfL)

TfL is an executive body of the Greater London Authority, created in 2000 as the integrated body responsible for the Capital’s transport system. Its primary role is to implement the Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy and manage transport services across the Capital. TfL is made up of many predecessor organisations covering almost all transport modes in London, and therefore has the ingredients and accumulated experience to provide one of the largest integrated transport systems in the world.

TfL comprises of different modes. The modes are Surface Transport, Corporate, and Rail. TfL is a partner in .

TfL manages London’s transport network and is responsible for London’s buses, the Underground, the (DLR), , , Barclays Cycle Hire and policing. TfL also runs and the Museum.

TfL is responsible for 360 miles (580km) of main roads, and all of London’s 4,600 traffic lights. In addition, it manages the London Congestion Charging scheme, the Low Emissions Zone and regulates the city’s taxi and private hire trade. TfL also promotes a range of walking, cycling and environmental initiatives across the Capital.

Surface Transport who is letting the Contract is an integral part of TfL, and as its name implies, is responsible for the oversight of the London Bus Network, Victoria Coach Station, Dial-A-Ride, the Public Carriage Office, London River Services, the TfL Road Network, Congestion Charging, Low Emissions Zone, Traffic Management, road safety, walking, cycling, freight and transport safety and security.

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2.1 Background

2.1.1 There are 724 existing wet film camera sites on borough and TLRN roads. 437 of these are speed cameras and 287 are red light cameras.

2.1.2 The replacement of existing wet film safety cameras is necessary because this technology will become obsolete by 2015. This replacement programme will ensure that the known casualty reduction benefits that have been achieved to date will continue.

2.2 Objectives

2.2.1 The Authority intends to upgrade, where appropriate, all its existing wet film safety camera systems in London with new and suitable digital camera alternatives.

2.2.2 The scope of Lot 1 of the Safety Camera Replacement Project Contract is defined in two Sub Lots. These are Lots 1a and 1b, as below: Sub Lot 1a includes existing speed cameras that are located on roads that currently have a 30mph speed limit or less. This Sub Lot is only open to Contractors whose Home Office Type Approval (HOTA) is valid at speeds as low as 20mph. Sub Lot 1b includes existing speed cameras that are located on roads that currently have a 40mph speed limit or greater. This Sub Lot is open to Contractors whose Home Office Type Approval (HOTA) is valid at speeds of 40mph and over.

2.2.3 Unless stated, the overarching objectives for both Sub Lots are:

a) Remove or replace (where appropriate) all existing camera poles with new ones (or more than one pole if required), in line with 2.2.2 above. b) All new poles must have HOTA cameras permanently installed that are suitable for enforcement 24 hours a day and in all weather conditions and can also operate in a “dummy” mode (i.e. flash errant motorists but the data is not recorded for offence processing) c) Provide Equipment with the appropriate HOTA method of detection according to the Sub Lot requirement (see 2.2.2 above) and uses a suitable secondary check method d) Compatibility with all systems in the Metropolitan Police Service’s (MPS) and the City of London Police Service’s (CoLP) existing back

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office offence processing operations and other systems available on the market e) Provide a data handling centre to accommodate the ERCUs from the Out-Stations and deliver offence data as required to the MPS and CoLP back office offence processing offices f) Provide all the necessary training to the MPS and CoLP offence processing operatives g) Remove and dispose of redundant site equipment h) Utilise, where practicable, any existing subsurface infrastructure i) On an annual basis, undertake on-site calibration of the camera equipment and provide a traffic count to inform the enforcement process j) Maintain the Equipment in good working order to maximise the operational availability of the Equipment for use by the MPS and CoLP to undertake enforcement activities to reduce road collision casualties.

2.3 Definitions

2.3.1 All defined terms in this Specification will have the meanings attributed to them in the Contract, unless expressly defined in the Specification.

2.3.2 In this Specification the following words will have the following meanings save to the extent the context otherwise requires:

“Back Office” Means the location of the MPS offence processing office or similar facility provided by the Contractor

“Electricity Supply Means the item of street furniture adjacent to the Pillar” camera pole where the mains power provider terminates its cables

“Hazard Register” Means a summarised record of the hazards identified and logged prior to installation “Lane Rental” Means the charges levied by the Authority on the Contractor for working in the carriageway in congested areas or at busy times “Permit” As defined in the London Permit Scheme and the Traffic Management Act (2004) “Risk Assessment” Means an assessment of any risks on a site by site basis to be included in the survey pack “Site Design Brief” Means a report to ensure safe working practices are identified. To be included in the site survey pack “Site Layout Means a plan scale drawing of the site location

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Drawing” produced by computer aided design software

“Streetworks Means an application under the London Permit Permitting Scheme Application”

“Sub Lot” Means either Lot 1a or Lot 1b

“Traffic Means any “Minor Traffic Management” or “Major Management” Traffic Management”.

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3.1 As a prescribed device, under the provisions of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988: Section 20, all proposed Speed Cameras shall, as a minimum, conform to the requirements of the Home Office “The Speed Meter Handbook” (Fourth Edition) issued by the Home Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB). The Speed Cameras submitted for this Lot shall have received Home Office Type Approval (HOTA) from the Secretary of State at the Home Office in the form of a signed certificate, a copy of which must be made available to the Authority by the finish of the Evaluation process, which is expected to be on the 24th January 2014.

3.2 The maximum number of Out-stations to be replaced under the Contract is listed in clause 3.5 and Appendix 1. All of these sites shall be replaced with a Speed Camera system which conforms to HOTA as set out in 3.1. The Contractor shall complete the programme of replacement by June 2016. The Contract also allows for the Authority to request the installation of further Sites at new locations on an ad hoc basis for the remainder of the Contract, as outlined in Schedule 6 of the Contract.

3.3 A colour image, or images, of the rear of the vehicle are required by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) for each offence. Front photography of a vehicle will only be accepted if it supplements the rear photography. The solution shall be able to successfully identify the Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) and make, model and colour of the vehicle in all light conditions from all lanes on a carriageway of up to four lanes in width.

3.4 The Equipment offered in the two Sub Lots shall have the capacity to provide:

3.4.1 Sub Lot 1a - detection of offences on a lane specific basis (i.e. the Equipment offered shall be able to identify offences that occur in each lane simultaneously and the details of the lane number recorded in the offence data to be transmitted for processing). Details of this capability shall be provided.

3.4.2 Sub Lot 1b - detection of offences by direction of travel.

3.5 Existing Out-Stations currently consist of a single pole which monitors either one direction of travel or two directions of travel. The solution to be provided by the Contractor shall be able to monitor two directions of travel simultaneously where required. The numbers of Out-Stations that require replacement are given below, and the details of the Out-Stations which require replacement or removal are listed in Appendix 1.

3.5.1 Lot 1a – Out-Stations in this Sub Lot are situated on roads that have a speed limit of 30mph or less. There are up to 185 Out-stations that are required to monitor one direction of travel only, and up to 54 that are required to monitor two directions simultaneously.

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3.5.2 Lot 1b - Out-Stations in this Sub Lot are situated on roads that have a speed limit of 40mph or greater. There are up to 84 Out-stations that are required to monitor one direction of travel only, and up to 26 that are required to monitor two directions simultaneously.

3.6 It is preferred that systems in both Sub Lots should be able to monitor up to four lanes in either one single direction or four lanes split across two directions, and costed solutions for one, two, three and four lanes shall be provided, along with the appropriate number of camera poles required for each solution.

3.7 The solution offered for the dual direction camera systems shall provide enforcement monitoring for all lanes simultaneously in both directions. Costed solutions for the following lane configurations shall be provided.

3.7.1 One lane in each direction

3.7.2 Two lanes in each direction

3.7.3 Three lanes in one direction and two lanes in the other direction

3.7.4 Three lanes in each direction.

3.8 TfL requires that annual calibration of the HOTA Equipment in each Out- Station shall be carried out on an annual basis. This calibration process shall be carried out on site. If removal of any Equipment is necessary in order for the calibration to be undertaken off-site, a number of sets of suitably calibrated replacement Equipment shall be provided and stored as the Authority’s Equipment as part of the Contract in the following numbers,

3.8.1 Sub Lot 1a – 13 camera units and associated Equipment

3.8.2 Sub Lot 1b – 6 camera units and associated Equipment

3.9 Any Out-Station that has replacement Equipment temporarily installed as per 3.8 shall be re-commissioned as necesssary.

3.10 At the time of the annual calibration process (see 3.8) the contractor shall undertake a traffic count of the carriageway (or carriageways) being monitored by the Out-Station. The data collected will be presented to the Authority in an Excel spreadsheet and will display the counts on a lane by lane basis every year for the duration of the Contract. The traffic count data shall be collected for each lane simultaneously for a duration of one week and will be undertaken at every Out-Station in each Sub Lot. The count accuracy (i.e. the the number of vehicles detected during the count compared to the actual number of vehicles using the road) must be 95 per cent or greater for the data collected for each lane. The Contractor shall provide proof that this accuracy can be achieved using the methods set out for each Sub Lot below.

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3.10.1 Sub Lot 1a - the Contractor can use any integrated functionality that the camera system possesses to undertake the traffic count, providing the method of detection of vehicles that the camera systems uses is either/both inductive loops or piezo tubes. These shall be configured as lane specific and provide an accuracy of the count in each lane of 95 per cent can be demonstrated for all lane configurations.

3.10.2 Sub Lot 1b – If the method detection of the camera systems uses either/both inductive loops or piezo tubes that are configured as lane specific, the Contractor can use any integrated functionality that the camera system possesses to undertake the traffic count, provided that the accuracy of the count in each lane of 95 per cent can be demonstrated for all lane configurations. If the method of detection is across the road radar or similar, the Contractor shall use an alternative method of collecting the data independent to the camera Equipment, (such as lane by lane pneumatic tubes) to achieve the 95 per cent accuracy.

3.11 Further to 3.10, TfL may wish, in the future, to use its spot speed camera network for purposes other than monitoring speeding offences, but within the realms of HOTA. More specifically, for journey time monitoring and security purposes, and the Contractor shall provide details of any other functionality that might be available in its camera system which might satisfy this requirement.

3.12 The Out-Stations proposed shall be designed to minimise the risk of vandalism and damage from vehicle collisions.

3.13 The Out-Stations to be provided shall have the facility to store, and encrypt the offence data in a format for transmission that is compliant with its HOTA. The Equipment shall have a suitable de-cryption process at the In- Station and produce offence detail in accordance with the relevant HOTA, and be compatible with operating systems such as SERCO’s EROS, Star Traq’s Star View, and Northgate’s VPFPO systems.

3.14 The Contractor shall remove and dispose of redundant poles and other equipment from each Site, taking into account compliance responsibilities under the WEEE Directive.

3.15 The Out-Stations shall have the capability of transmitting offence data over a public cellular data network to the In-Station.

3.16 The Contractor shall provide and manage appropriate wireless data links of adequate capacity from each Out-Station Site to the approved In-Station location.

3.17 The offence data shall be transmitted from the Out-Stations to the in- station ERCUs to be housed at a data handling centre premises provided by the Contractor.

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3.18 The Contractor shall also provide a Back Office solution at each of the police premises (one for the MPS and one for the CoLP) to enable both police forces to accept the encrypted data on a daily basis from the Contractor and upload it onto their own systems. This solution shall have the capacity for simultaneous multi user operation. The Contractor shall initially provide three (3) workstations for the MPS and the appropriate software licences for the viewing software necessary to progress the offences to enable upload onto the operating systems as set out in 3. The solution at the CoLP will require two workstations. The price book must include costs for extra licences to be issued.

3.19 The Contractor shall provide sufficient resource at its own data handling centre to undertake the writing of encrypted offence data from all camera Sites to the Write Once Ready Many (WORM) media. The Contractor shall then filter the offences according to the MPS requirements and send, on a daily basis, a working copy of the encrypted data of the offence to be processed via an appropriate secure data connection to the MPS Back Office.

3.20 The number of offences to be sent to the MPS Back Office on a daily basis shall be advised by the MPS but shall amount to no less than 80,000 per annum. These will include offences sent to the City of London Police as well as the MPS. The Contractor resource should be sufficient to rise to 160,000 per annum without incurring extra costs. Any further increase will be managed in line with Schedule 6 (Change Control).

3.21 The daily number of offences listed in 3.20 shall be collated from the network of Out-Stations using a strategy to be proposed by the Authority during Mobilisation. The strategy will ensure that all Out-Stations are used on a regular basis. The strategy shall focus on prioritising Out-Stations with the highest casualty risk by considering time of day of collisions and also traffic flow. The traffic flow data will be provided by the Contractor on an annual basis as per clause 3.10. The Authority and the MPS and CoLP will reserve the right to request a change of the strategy, not withstanding paragraph 3.20, as and when required and at no additional cost to the Authority.

3.22 The Contractor resource shall send the digital media containing the primary evidence of all offences to the MPS and City of London Police as required by the MPS and City of London Police, but not more frequently than every 2 months.

3.23 The Contractor shall work to guidelines provided by the MPS on working practices regarding camera speed threshold setting and test shots, etc.

3.24 The Contractor’s own data handling centre shall include but not be limited to:

 An area controlled by the use of a security system which allows an audit trail of entry and exit movements to be kept  Twenty four hour monitoring of intruder system

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 Fire detection system  Mechanically assisted cooling system to ensure adequate Equipment operation conditions are met (i.e. air conditioning or forced ventilation)  Suitable electrical supply and distribution arrangements suitable for data centre operation (i.e. loss of one part of the system does not affect general operations)  Connection available for mobile generation operation if site loses all mains supplies for an extended time.  In a disaster recovery situation, the Contractor shall provide an alternative facility for 50% of the safety cameras to be operational within four (4) weeks and the remaining 50% within a further eight (8) weeks.  The premises shall meet the requirements stipulated in appendix 8 – Guidance for Outsourcing.

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4.1 The installation and/or removal of Out-Stations in each Sub Lot (see Appendix 1 for location details) is based on a standardised format for Out- station sites according to the Sub Lot. The numbers of Out-stations in each Sub Lot is stated in clause 3.5 and the standardised format for each is based on:

 Sub Lot 1a – carriageways with a speed limit of 30mph or less

 Sub Lot 1b – carriageways with a speed limit of – 40mph or greater

4.2 The preferred location of the Out-Station Sites and the outcome of the Authority’s site surveys will be provided to the Contractor on award of Contract.

4.3 Traffic Management costs are included in the standardised installation costs as follows:

 For Sub Lot 1a the Authority will not accept any additional Traffic Management payment applications for any Out-Stations Sites that are not included in the standard installation as set out in paragraph 4.11.

 For Sub Lot 1b, it will be considered that all elements of an installation can be carried out during the original Traffic Management (TM) visit. However, the Authority will accept one additional Traffic Management payment application subject to agreement in advance with the Engineer, as per the “Installations - Schedule of Rates”, for each site in Sub Lot 1b. The work to be carried out during the TM visit(s) includes civils works, removal of old pole and delivery of new pole(s) and associated street furniture (if applicable) and laying of secondary check marks. The scope of the standardised installation for this Lot is in section 4.13

4.4 The Authority will not accept any payment applications for Traffic Management, parking or loading bay, bus stop or similar suspension and / or Lane Rental charges unless approved by the Engineer prior to the commencement of works.

4.5 Up to 20 metres of 100mm sub-surface ducting should be included in the standard installation cost for both Sub Lots. If further sub-surface ducting is required, the additional costs need to be sanctioned by the Engineer prior to works commencement. Existing ducting and chambers can be utilised if suitable and in good condition. Conversely, The Authority will not impose reductions in the payment for Sites that require less than 10 metres of ducting.

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4.6 No additional payment applications will be accepted for duct work in differing grades of sub-surface material or particular type of final reinstatement finish.

4.7 The Engineer may call off any additional site requirements from the “Installations - Schedule of Rates”.

4.8 The scope of the standardardised Equipment installation for the Sub Lot 1a are set out below

4.8.1 Provision and installation of new HOTA Safety Camera pole or poles (and remote cabinet where applicable) and associated hardware;

4.8.2 Provision and installation of Safety Camera for each pole;

4.8.3 Provision and installation of Detection Equipment (as per clause 3.3) and a secondary check method for each direction of enforcement;

4.8.4 Provision and installation of new HOTA Safety Camera pole root with appropriate civils works to construct a suitable foundation;

4.8.5 Provision and installation of an internal backing board within the Electricity Supply Pillar (ESP) with appropriate distribution equipment to adhere to the latest version of BS7671;

4.8.6 All Out-Station installation civils works including all required Traffic Management. The standard installation charge should include up to 20 metres of new 100mm ducting as required on a site by site basis;

4.8.7 Provision and installation of all In-Station Equipment to facilitate offence processing by the MPS;

4.8.8 Site Commissioning to include checking of all cable tagging, glanding, electrical inspection and testing certification and sealing of all bases to prevent moisture and dirt ingress;

4.8.9 Any tree pruning that is required shall be identified before Commissioning is attempted, discussed with the Authority to ensure compliance with the requirements below and subsequently undertaken by the Contractor:

4.8.10 The Out-Station pole and housing shall be visible from the carriageway 60m upstream of the Out-Station camera location;

4.8.11 The Out-Station camera lens’ view of the carriageway is not inhibited by any foliage;

4.8.12 Any significant pruning must be approved by the Authority.

4.8.13 Removal and disposal of all redundant camera system equipment, taking into account compliance responsibilities under the WEEE Directive.

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4.9 Standardised Equipment Installation for Sub Lot 1b comprises the following:

4.9.1 Provision and installation of new HOTA Safety Camera pole (and remote cabinet where applicable) and associated hardware;

4.9.2 Provision and installation of HOTA Safety Camera for each pole;

4.9.3 Provision and installation of Detection Equipment and secondary check method for direction(s) of enforcement;

4.9.4 Provision and installation of new HOTA Safety Camera pole- root with appropriate civils works to construct a suitable foundation;

4.9.5 Provisions and installation of an internal backing board within the ESP with appropriate distribution equipment to adhere to the latest version of BS7671;

4.9.6 All Out-Station installation civils works including all required Traffic Management according to paragraph 4.3. The standard installation charge should include up to 20 metres of new 100mm ducting as required on a site by site basis;

4.9.7 Provision and installation of all In-Station Equipment to facilitate offence processing by the MPS;

4.9.8 Site Commissioning to include checking of all cable tagging, glanding, electrical inspection and testing certification and sealing of all bases to prevent moisture and dirt ingress;

4.9.9 Any tree pruning that is required shall be identified before Commissioning is attempted and discussed with the Authority to ensure compliance with the requirements below and undertaken by the Contractor:

4.9.10 The Out-Station pole and housing shall be visible from the carriageway 100m upstream of the Out-Station camera location

4.9.11 The Out-Station camera lens’ view of the carriageway is not inhibited by any foliage

4.9.12 Any significant pruning must be approved by the Authority.

4.9.13 Removal and disposal of all redundant Safety Camera equipment, taking into account compliance responsibilities under the WEEE Directive.

4.10 Out of scope items for both Sub Lots for the standardardised Equipment installation comprise the following:

4.10.1 Provision of electricity supply terminated within a roadside ESP;

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4.10.2 Any further duct work or other associated civils works outside those listed in 4.8.6 above.

4.11 Out-Station Installation and Traffic Management Method Statement

4.11.1 The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of any Out-Station Installation and Traffic Management Method Statement and the same may be expressly amended in writing by the Authority from time to time.

4.11.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the gathering (and issue to all sub-contractors) of up to date records of all utility companies installed sub-surface apparatus prior to works commencement at each Out-Station Site.

4.12 Engineer's Decisions and Supervision

4.12.1 The Authority will appoint an Engineer to oversee all civil and electrical works to be carried out by the Contractor for Out-Station installation. The Engineer may appoint an Engineer’s Representative to assist with the oversight of all works, including:

 co-ordinating the Contractor such that there is only one on site at any one time;

 co-ordinating any Third Parties, including but not limited to utility companies, that may require access to and work on any Site; and

 instructing the Contractor in all matters relating to the Out- Station installation, including in relation to the Equipment Installation Programme and authorising works and related payments in accordance with the rate card entitled “Installations – Schedule of Rates”’.

4.12.2 The Contractor shall, where and to the extent that the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2007 (CDM) apply to the Works, act as Principal Contractor or other applicable duty holder under the CDM Regulations whilst fulfilling its installation requirements and shall comply with all obligations of the Principal Contractor under the CDM Regulations. To ensure compliance the Contractor shall use the Authority’s CDM compliance system, currently CDM Datastore. Training will be provided by the Authority.

4.12.3 The Contractor shall perform its obligations in accordance with the reasonable decisions, instructions and orders of the Engineer (including but not limited to any such decisions, instructions and orders as to the location of the pole and / or street cabinet in relation to any Out-Station) provided always that if the Contractor shall, without undue delay after being given any decision, instruction or order otherwise than in writing require the same to be confirmed in

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writing, such decision, instruction or order shall not be effective until written confirmation thereof has been received by the Contractor.

4.12.4 The Engineer shall be entitled to require the immediate removal of any of the Contractor’s Personnel from the supply of the Equipment or the performance of the Works, in each case only where in the reasonable opinion of the Engineer the person being removed has acted or is likely to act negligently or in breach of any Applicable Laws relating to Health and Safety or any relevant decision, requirement, regulation, order, instruction, direction or rule relating to health and safety or where the Engineer otherwise reasonably requires such person to be removed. The Engineer shall, if required, furnish the Contractor with reasons in writing for such removal. In the event of any removal of any of the Contractor’s Personnel, the Contractor shall promptly appoint a replacement member of such Personnel.

4.13 Installation Programme

4.13.1 Locations of Out-Station Sites as envisaged shall be as set out in Appendix 1 Out-Station Locations.

4.13.2 Any changes (including but not limited to additions and deletions) to the locations of Out-Station Sites from those set out as described in paragraph 4.14.1 shall be effected through a Change Control Request.

4.13.3 Appendix 6 – Deliverables and Milestones lists the phases and dates required for delivery. During Mobilisation, the Authority shall agree with the Contractor an Equipment Installation Programme which shall identify the Sites to be installed during each phase (the Equipment Installation Programme). The Contractor shall take account of any prioritisation required by the Authority (which may be in order to ensure certain Out-Stations are operational early in the programme or due to phasing constraints as a result of the scheduling of works of the mains power provider or any other Third Party involved in the relevant installation).

4.13.4 The Equipment Installation Programme shall provide for a steady delivery of Out-Station Sites that shall pass Site Commissioning throughout the course of the duration of the Equipment Installation Programme.

4.13.5 The Equipment Installation Programme will be used as a basis of weekly co-ordination meetings to be convened between the Authority and the Contractor during the course of the installation of Out-Stations.

4.13.6 The Equipment Installation Programme shall be reviewed by the Contractor on a weekly basis. If it becomes apparent that there is or is likely to be a shortfall in the number of Out-Stations installed by an

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intermediate delivery milestone date (as identified in the Equipment Installation Programme pursuant to paragraph 4.14.4), the Contractor shall, having consulted the Engineer, modify the Equipment Installation Programme, including but not limited to providing any additional resource required to ensure that any shortfall is rectified prior to the relevant delivery milestone date.

4.14 Out-Station Site Design

4.14.1 In relation to the installation of Out-Stations during any phase of the Equipment Installation Programme, the Engineer and Contractor’s Out-Station Installation Manager shall consult with each other and seek to agree, in respect of each Site at which an Out-Station is to be located, the Out-Station Site design.

4.14.2 At the sole discretion of the Engineer, the Authority shall issue a notice to the Contractor deferring the installation of such number of Out-Stations as is in the Authority’s opinion, acting reasonably and in good faith, necessary to permit the Contractor to achieve the relevant Milestone by its Milestone date. The Authority shall be entitled to issue one or more such notices from time to time during any phase of the Equipment Installation Programme (all such Out- Stations as are detailed in such notices being referred to as the “Deferred Out-Stations”).

4.15 Provision of Documentation and Other Information

4.15.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed, such drawings, samples, proposals and other documents relating to the general arrangement and detail of any item required in relation to the Out- Stations installation within such reasonable times as the Engineer may stipulate. Documents must be submitted in an appropriate electronic format such as .doc or .pdf

4.15.2 The Authority will provide the Contractor with an AutoCAD base drawing showing kerblines etc for the Contractor to amend. The Contractor will use the Authority’s drawing to produce an “as- installed drawing”, which will be a marked up drawing showing, as far as the scale will permit, the location of all installed Safety Camera Equipment including, but not limited to, cables, ducts, detection loops, chambers and relevant road markings. Following installation, the Contractor shall provide the Authority with photographic evidence of the site installed, including all street furniture. Where any Works have resulted in a change to the as-installed drawing, the Contractor shall supply the Authority with a marked up revision throughout the duration of the contract. The Contractor shall provide an as-installed drawing at the time of commissioning for the Authority to draft a full AutoCAD drawing which will then be sent back to the Contractor to agree.

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4.15.3 The Engineer's approval shall not relieve the Contractor of its obligation to supply the Equipment and/or execute the Works in accordance with the terms of the Contract.

4.15.4 The Engineer shall have the right at all reasonable times to inspect all documentation relating to the Out-Station installation.

4.15.5 The Contractor shall be responsible for, and shall pay the extra costs, charges and expenses occasioned by, any discrepancies, errors or omissions in any documentation.

4.16 Contractor Equipment and Labour

4.16.1 The Contractor shall, unless otherwise specified in the Contract, at its own expense, provide all Equipment (including without limitation the Equipment and any safety equipment) and all materials, labour, Traffic Management, haulage and power necessary to execute and complete the Works.

4.16.2 The Contractor shall, unless otherwise specified in the Contract, be responsible for the proper fencing, lighting and security of all the Equipment and the Works on the Site and for the proper provision of temporary roadways, footways, guards and fences as far as the same may be rendered necessary by reason of the Equipment and Works for the accommodation and protection of the owners and occupiers of adjacent property, the public and others.

4.17 Pole and Cabinet Installation

4.17.1 The Contractor shall carry out all reasonable instructions of the Engineer relating to the Out-Station installation works.

4.17.2 The Engineer shall at all times act so as not to unreasonably introduce any additional delay to the installation programme.

4.17.3 There may be a requirement to install or remove enforcement camera signage. Works will be carried out at the rates within the “Installations - Schedule of Rates” – see Appendix 3 for Camera signage details.

4.18 Site Management

4.18.1 The Authority has elected to treat the whole of the Contract as Notifiable under CDM. To that end, the Authority has appointed a CDM Co-ordinator (CDMC) across the whole Contract.

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4.18.2 The CDM system already in place within the Authority for site specific Hazard Registers, Site Design Briefs, Risk Assessments and Method Statements shall be utilised for individual Sites. The Contractor’s Health and Safety plan will be adhered to by the Contractor at all times. The Contractor will be CHAS (Contractors Health & Safety Assessment Scheme) registered or equivalent (such as Safety Schemes in Procurement or SSIP) at time of Contract Commencement Date.

4.18.3 The Contractor’s direct employees attending site must have their own individual Highway Electrical Registration Scheme (HERS) certification. The Contractor should demonstrate its certification through its BS EN ISO 9001 certificate extended to cover NHSS8 (where BS EN ISO 9001 is required), and the dated HERS Certificate. The employees and sub contractors must possess employee ECS cards.

4.18.4 Details of any professional driver training must be provided for all direct employees that attend site and project meetings.

4.18.5 The Contractor shall be responsible for all Site and Traffic Management for the duration of all Works at each Out-Station Site.

4.18.6 The Authority shall use reasonable endeavours to assist the Contractor in obtaining access to any Out-Station Site as and when requested by the Contractor on reasonable notice. The Contractor acknowledges that access in each case will be at its own cost and subject to practical considerations, any traffic, parking, loading, Police or other restrictions, which may cause installation work to be conducted at evenings, nights or weekends, and to obtaining any regulatory consents or permits and that access may only be available after any period of time employed in obtaining any such consents has elapsed. Any delay in obtaining access to the Out- Station Sites shall not entitle the Contractor to seek any reimbursement of costs, or Milestone payments or other compensation in connection with such delay. If any such delay occurs, and subject to agreement by the Authority, the delayed Sites shall be rescheduled to coincide with the access dates and such adjustments shall be made to the prioritisation of Out-Station Sites within the approved Equipment Installation Programme, as amended in accordance with this paragraph, at no cost to the Authority.

4.19 New Roads and Street Works Act / Traffic Management Act

4.19.1 The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of the 2004 Traffic Management Act and the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 (“NRSWA”) and associated regulations and Statutory Codes of Practice, including without limitation the noticing requirements made under section 74 and 74A of the NRSWA.

4.20 Notices

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4.20.1 The Contractor shall issue to the appropriate street authorities all works notices required for the Works in sufficient time to allow the Works to be undertaken in accordance with the Equipment Installation Programme. Copies of all notices shall be issued in electronic format to the Authority at the time of submission to the appropriate highway authority.

4.20.2 The Contractor shall ensure that notices are submitted correctly, and consent has been granted, before undertaking any opening of the highway or other site works. Any liability for Lane Rental Charges shall rest solely with the Contractor unless expressly approved in advance by the Engineer.

4.21 Traffic Management

4.21.1 The Contractor is responsible for traffic safety and management and associated work described in clause 117 of the Specification for Highway Works published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO). The Contractor shall (as appropriate and in accordance with such clause) erect, alter, cover, uncover and take down signs on the existing highways to be compatible with the state of the Works.

4.21.2 The Contractor's Traffic Management schemes shall conform to Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual published by HMSO or any amendment thereof and, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 4.20, the NRSWA and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, the Police and the relevant Highway Authority. The Contractor shall submit full details of each proposed Traffic Management scheme to the Engineer at least eight (8) weeks before it is intended to be submitted to the relevant Highway Authority for approval in order to allow time for any amendment required by the Engineer as necessary.

4.21.3 The Contractor's methods for implementing, changing and removing Traffic Management schemes shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The Contractor shall submit full details of its proposed methods for each such operation to the Engineer at least eight (8) weeks before it is intended to be undertaken to allow time for the approval process including for any amendment required by the Engineer as necessary.

4.21.4 When in use the Traffic Management schemes shall be maintained by the Contractor in conformity with the schemes approved under this Specification. The Contractor shall provide the necessary resource to identify and correct any wilful, accidental, service related deterioration or damage to the Equipment used in any Traffic Management scheme as soon as practicable. A written defects sheet together with remedial measures taken shall be compiled daily by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer at weekly intervals.

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The Contractor shall maintain an adequate supply of replacement Equipment for use in Traffic Management schemes available at all times to make good all reasonably foreseeable damage to the Traffic Management scheme.

4.22 Traffic Orders

4.22.1 For any activity which requires the implementation of a temporary Traffic Regulation Order, the Contractor shall submit in writing to the relevant Highway Authority, at least eight (8) weeks prior to the activity commencing, full details of the activity and the temporary Traffic Regulation Order required.

4.23 Traffic Safety

4.23.1 The Contractor shall appoint a Traffic Safety Officer who shall be a direct employee of the Contractor and who shall be entirely responsible for:

 liaising with the Engineer, the MPS and other relevant authorities in all matters relating to the day to day operation of traffic safety management;

 co-ordinating and supervising operations for implementing, changing and removing Traffic Management schemes; and

 co-ordinating and supervising Traffic Management scheme maintenance.

4.23.2 The Contractor shall also appoint one or more Deputy Traffic Safety Officers who shall undertake the responsibility of the Traffic Safety Officer when the latter is absent for any reason.

4.23.3 The traffic signs, road markings, lamps, barriers and traffic control signals shall be in accordance with the requirements of the “Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002” or current amendments at the date of execution of the Works or as specially authorised by or on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport.

4.23.4 Information boards shall be displayed during works on all Out- Stations at all times, showing the Authority “Report-it” contact details as per the Mayor’s Roadworks pledge – see Appendix 3a for details - and courtesy boards with the appropriate streetworks notice / permit number and Contractor contact details.

4.23.5 All traffic safety measures necessitated by the Works must be fully operational and have the consent of the Engineer before the Contractor shall commence any work which affects the public

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highway. The consent of the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of its responsibilities under the Contract.

4.24 Commissioning

4.24.1 All Out-Station Sites must be commissioned by both the Authority and the MPS in order for the system to be suitable for use for speed enforcement.

4.24.2 Commissioning shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be carried out with the Engineer’s Representative and MPS in attendance. The Contractor shall carry out the Commissioning in order for the Equipment to be suitable for use for enforcement. Appendix 2 – Site Commissioning Document gives a suggested format for the Commissioning process. On award of Contract, and during Mobilisation, the Authority and the Contractor will agree the specific structure and content of the Commissioning procedure such that it meets the requirements. The scheduling of the Commissioning will align with the Equipment Installation Programme and will be approved by the Authority during Mobilisation.

4.24.3 The Engineer, Engineer's Representative or any nominated agent of the Authority shall have the right to inspect any part of the Equipment and / or the Works and confirm their conformity to the Specification and the Out-Stations Installation and Traffic Management Method Statement, provided that no such inspection and/or confirmation shall relieve the Contractor of any of its obligations or any liability which would otherwise arise under the Contract.

4.24.4 If any part of the Equipment and / or the Works fails to pass the applicable Commissioning, the same shall be retested in accordance with Appendix 2 of the Contract at no extra cost to the Authority. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, make good any defects so specified. The Authority reserves the right to recharge the Contractor the cost incurred by the Authority and MPS following a failed Commissioning attempt. It is expected the Contractor will undertake shadow testing to avoid failure of tests.

4.24.5 Where the Equipment has been installed, but the installation cannot be commissioned due to failure of the Authority or MPS to attend site, The Authority may elect to issue an Interim Certificate. In this case, the responsibilities for the Equipment shall be the same as if a full Take-Over Commissioning Certificate had been issued. For the avoidance of doubt the Contractor shall not be paid on issue of an Interim Certificate.

4.24.6 The Contractor has the right to recharge for re-attendance at Commissioning as outlined in the “Equipment Installation - Schedule of Rates” for any subsequent Commissioning activity required due to failure to attend site by the Authority or the MPS.

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4.24.7 In a situation where the MPS fails to attend but the Authority is able to perform its Commissioning activities with the Contractor, this will be undertaken but the MPS will be required to commission separately. This process will be managed by the Authority in line with Schedule 14 of the Contract.

4.25 Management of the Communications Provider and the Power Provider

4.25.1 The Contractor shall manage the procurement of SIM cards from a wireless communications provider and the provisioning of appropriate In-Station data links. All installation works, integration testing and Commissioning of the Contractor’s chosen communications provider’s equipment will be carried out as to not delay the Equipment Installation Programme. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the wireless communications solution is not appropriate, the Authority and the Contractor shall determine an alternative communication solution on a Site-by-Site basis for agreement with the Authority.

4.25.2 The Authority will manage the procurement of Mains Power from the Mains Power Provider required to provide mains power to the Out- Stations Sites in accordance with the Equipment Installation Programme.

4.25.3 The Contractor will be required to sign off that the installation of the communications equipment and mains power have been installed as agreed, and such sign off shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

4.25.4 Subsequent to successful Out-Station Site Commissioning, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for managing any further works to be carried out at such Site by the Mains Power Provider, including by liaising and fully co-operating via the Engineer with the Mains Power Provider in order to ensure that all such works are carried out within any agreed timescales and that all Incidents are resolved in accordance with the Contract.

4.26 Removal of Existing Out-Stations

4.27.1 On Commencement of Contract, the Contractor shall be notified by the Authority of the number of Out-Stations identified for removal only. Removal of an Out-Station shall include the following

 Disconnection, removal and disposal of all cabling between and within the electricity feeder pillar and the safety camera equipment

 Removal and disposal of all redundant camera system equipment, taking into account compliance responsibilities under the WEEE Directive. Note: the feeder pillar shall only be removed when the mains electricity has been disconnected.

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 Making good all surfaces with similar treatments to the existing surrounding surfaces

 It will not be required to remove the secondary check marks from the carriageway surface.

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5.1 Introduction

5.1.1 All Equipment provided as part of the Contract shall be maintained by the Contractor. The Equipment will be maintained in good working order to maximise the operational availability of the Equipment and provision of offence data for use by the MPS to undertake enforcement activities to reduce road collision casualties. The Maintenance will be subject to the requirements set out in this section.

5.1.2 The Contractor shall provide Maintenance for all Sites during the Contract period in respect of Equipment installed at the Out-Station and Equipment installed at the In-Station.

5.2 Warranty

5.2.1 Maintenance during the 12 months following the approved handover of each site (Warranty Period) will be undertaken by the Contractor and shall not be chargeable to the Authority (with exceptions as set out in section 5.2.2). The requirements for the Warranty Period Maintenance shall include:

 attending and repairing faults arising from Equipment failure and fair wear and tear;  providing support services to the MPS including operational training;  all periodic inspections of each Out-Station Site and the In-Station;  the first annual calibration of each Out-Station.

5.2.2 All Maintenance Works completed during the Warranty Period that are not listed in paragraph 5.2.1 above are to be undertaken by the Contractor in line with section 5.3.

5.2.3 For the avoidance of doubt, the EMC charge shall not be applicable in the first year after installation of each Out-Station.

5.3 General Requirements

5.3.1 The Contractor shall maintain the Equipment in accordance with the standards and specifications in this Specification. In particular, the following points are to be noted:

 Attendance at and rectification of all Faults reported by the Centre shall be included in the Equipment Maintenance Category (EMC) Unit Rate.

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 For all Third Party Damage to Safety Cameras (including Road Traffic Incidents (RTIs)) the labour element of the Works required to rectify Third Party Damage will be calculated using the Supplementary Works prices and Equipment will be provided by the Contractor at the Contract price (as per the Price Book);  When Works to be undertaken are due to Third Party Damage, the Contractor shall gather all relevant information to assist the Authority in recovering any Third Party costs. The Contractor shall notify the Centre advising the nature of the damage or Faults to be repaired and undertake repairs by agreement with the Authority;  Execution of Supplementary Works identified by the Contractor during Periodic Inspections or at other times shall not commence without the permission of the Engineer. The Authority reserves the right to inspect the Site prior to granting permission to proceed.

5.3.2 Maintenance Works to be carried out under the EMC Unit Rate shall include but not be limited to:

 Attendance at all Faults, making the Site safe;  Emergency service to attend Site and make safe within a maximum response time of 2.5 (two and a half) hours within Working Hours;  Periodic Inspections and cleaning;  Assess the safety implications of any damage;  Managing warranty repairs for installed Equipment or Equipment held by the Contractor;  Managing rectification of all data transmission Faults;  Delivery of Equipment to and from Site as necessary for the Maintenance Work;  Rectification of all Faults in Equipment not arising from Third Party actions or default, including access for all such Faults;  Attending Commissioning of new Installations/significant repairs to Equipment to be included into the Contract;  Attending site to provide access to Third Party Suppliers as necessary;  Monthly back-up of In-Station programs to enable an early restoration of operational capability (all data held on computer hard disks); and  Miscellaneous activities including provision of Minor Traffic Management for Site attendance, attendance at electricity supply failures, abortive call-outs, Take-Over (attendance at Commissioning), first visit and subsequent reconnection visits to Site.  Base seal for poles, cabinets and ESPs.

Page 26 of 65 The Contractor shall at all times use recognised test procedures. The Authority shall provide the Contractor with the dates of Commissioning of the Equipment and/or the dates of the last specified tests. During Periodic Inspections/Regular Maintenance, the Contractor shall supply and erect appropriate signage (e.g. “Safety Cameras under Test”) to minimise any confusion to the travelling public. The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of all means of access to the Equipment such as steps, hydraulic platforms, cherry pickers, etc. The Contractor’s representative shall, on attending the Site and finding that there is Third Party Damage, take the following actions:

 Take digital photographs of the Site and of the damage, recording any:

o Posters, stickers and/or graffiti;

o Vehicle registration details; and

o Police incident reference. Put in place or make the necessary arrangements to make the Site safe;

 Report directly onto SFM the nature of the damage and its impact; and

 Put in place the necessary processes to ensure a full and effective repair is achieved in timescales that will maximise overall Availability. If, on the first visit to a Site, the Contractor’s representative considers that the Site is unsafe, the Contractor shall have the right to electrically isolate the Equipment. This action shall be reported to the Centre immediately. Signs in accordance with the requirements of the Traffic Signs Manual, Chapter 8, shall be erected as needed and the Site made safe in accordance with the requirements of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991. Before leaving the Site, the Contractor’s representative will ensure that the camera clock is accurately set. If it is necessary to disconnect facilities, these must be properly labelled to show whether this is a permanent disconnection or temporary as in the case of faulty detector cables, and any such actions shall be recorded in SFM and in the site log book.

Page 27 of 65 The Contractor shall, as and when required, provide access and assistance to the Authority:

 When Faults that impact on the performance of the Equipment lie outside the technical boundaries of the Equipment; and

 When the Authority wishes to inspect the standards of Maintenance. The Contractor shall, as and when required, provide appropriate Equipment and assistance to the Authority when it wishes to inspect the standards of Maintenance. The Contractor shall note that any planned Maintenance activity that impacts on traffic flow shall be approved with the Authority’s Planned Interventions Team with the appropriate forms being lodged and approved as required by the Traffic Management Act 2004 and/or the New Roads & Street Works Act 1991. All NRSWA and Streetworks Permitting Applications will be the responsibility of the Contractor to issue to the appropriate Highway Authority. All Lane Rental charges shall be at the liability of the Contractor unless expressly approved in advance by the Engineer. The Contractor is responsible for reporting power failures to the host Electricity Transmission Provider and managing the fault to full rectification. When carrying out Maintenance Works at the In-Station the Contractor will ensure appropriate co-operation and co- ordination with the relevant personnel/Authority. The Contractor shall liaise as necessary with Third Parties to ensure the satisfactory completion of the Maintenance Works, including:

 All necessary liaison to ensure access to In-Stations and remote centres etc when required;

 Arranging for provision of security passes. If the Contractor wishes to undertake Installations at its own expense in order to increase the overall level of Availability or reduce lifecycle Maintenance costs this will be permitted if written approval is received by the Contractor from the Authority and it does not compromise HOTA. Any equipment not provided by the Authority which is installed, will become the property of the Authority either at the time of Commissioning, or at the issue of an Interim Certificate as set out in Section 4.

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5.3.3 Systems Controlled by Third Party Suppliers The Contractor must provide access to Third Party Suppliers working on the Authority’s Equipment in a practical, timely manner.

5.3.4 Third Party Damage When Third Party Damage has occurred the Contractor shall:

 Carry out immediate works to the damaged Equipment to make it safe from all potential electrical hazards and secure all mechanical parts of the Equipment such that no electrical or mechanical hazards are presented to Contractor personnel, emergency services and the general public;

 Collect damaged Equipment that is salvageable and retain for a reasonable period pending instructions on disposal from the Authority. The Contractor shall advise the Authority that it is retaining damaged Equipment by the end of the next day;

 Take photographic evidence of the damage and take positive action to identify those responsible for the damage (for example, date, time, any Police incident reference, vehicle registration numbers, name and address of the Third Party that caused the damage, etc.);

 Inform the Authority of the damage as soon as possible, including any relevant supplementary information. The Contractor will forward the photographic evidence to the Authority within 7 (seven) calendar days of taking the photographs. If the damage is due to reasons other than fair wear and tear or defective Maintenance by the Contractor, the Contractor shall inform the Authority with a description of the work involved to repair the damage and the estimated cost against the Supplementary Fee Rates in Schedule 4 of the Contract and the Contract Equipment rates. The Authority shall then confirm that it is in order to proceed with this work.

5.3.5 Emergency Work Service Failure Points shall be awarded for failure to make safe Emergency Faults within the response time (2.5 (two and a half) hours) (“Response Times for Emergency Faults”) within Working Hours;

Page 29 of 65 The Contractor shall note that it will not be necessary to obtain prior authorisation from the Authority in order to carry out emergency repair work necessary to make the Site safe. Such emergency works shall be carried out as a matter of urgency. In the event that any Out-Station may in any way have contributed to the Third Party Damage the Contractor shall take copies of all relevant Site logs and give a written report to the Authority. The Contractor shall liaise with Third Party Suppliers as necessary. See paragraph 5.3.11 of this Specification.

5.3.6 Vermin Any reports of vermin infestation should be dealt with appropriately by the Contractor and are covered by the EMC Unit Price. When such instances are identified, the Contractor shall notify the Centre by raising a Fault on SFM advising the measures needed to deal with the matter. The Contractor will be responsible, under the Fault management process in Appendix 6 to this Specification, for removing any infestation. The rectification of vermin infestation damage is included in the EMC Unit Price. Preventative Maintenance shall include measures to avoid infestation.

5.3.7 Cosmetic Damage “Cosmetic Damage” is defined as damage caused by wear and tear which does not prevent the Equipment from functioning but may have the following secondary effects:

 Residual damage which does impair the functioning of Equipment; and

 Visible damage which could have reputational impact.

Examples include: broken cabinet door latches, painted coverings or rust. The rectification of Cosmetic Damage is included in the EMC Unit Price for all Equipment.

5.3.8 Vandalism “Vandalism” is defined as damage caused deliberately which impairs the function of Equipment and affects its Availability.

Page 30 of 65 The Contractor must make all efforts to identify the cause of the Third Party Damage due to Vandalism, detailing the cause. The minimum requirement is that photographic evidence is obtained and that it is confirmed by the Contractor that the incident has been reported to the Police. These actions are required to assist in cost recovery. Rectification of vandalism is classed as Supplementary Works.

5.3.9 Graffiti “Graffiti” is defined as damage caused deliberately but which does not constitute Cosmetic Damage or Vandalism. Graffiti removal has been contracted out by the Authority, separately from the Contract. However, the Contractor is responsible for the immediate reporting of all instances of Graffiti to the Centre, whether or not it affects Equipment that forms part of the Contract (see Appendix 6 to this Specification). It is essential that the Contractor immediately notifies the Authority of Graffiti, particularly where it:

 Is of a racially motivated nature;

 Is of an abusive or offensive nature;

 Could eventually prevent correct operation of Equipment and thereby affect Availability; and

 Is likely to obstruct quick repair access. For the avoidance of doubt, damage which appears to be Graffiti but, in fact, impairs the function of the Equipment and affects Availability, is deemed to be Vandalism (see paragraph 5.3.8 of this Specification). The Authority will notify its Graffiti removal contractor to deal with the Graffiti.

5.3.10 Theft of Equipment If Equipment has been stolen from a Site, the Contractor shall act as follows:

 Report the theft to the Police;

 Get a Police incident number; and

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 Rectify the Fault in the same way as any other Third Party Fault.

5.3.11 Third Party Supplier Faults – Reasonable Endeavours In addition to the interfaces between the Authority and the Contractor, there will be interaction with a number of Third Party Suppliers. The Contractor must demonstrate reasonable endeavours to get the Third Party Fault rectified. To do this, the Contractor must do the following:

 Record and report accurate information to the respective agencies;

 Progress the Fault to restoration of service and function; and

 Record progressing actions and outcomes on SFM. There must be a predefined number of communications during a specified period at defined time intervals (See Schedule 32).

5.3.12 Fault Management Process An overview of the Fault management process is shown in Appendix 6 to this Specification.

5.3.13 The Authority’s Reporting Hours The Authority will confirm safety-related Faults over the whole 24 hours (365/366 days a year). The Authority will confirm all other Faults during:

 Weekdays 06:00 – 20:00

 Weekends 09:00 – 17:00

 Bank Holidays 09:00 – 17:00

These hours may be subject to change at the Authority’s discretion and are currently under review.

5.3.14 Direction by the Authority to a Fault The Authority retains the right to direct the Contractor to attend a specific Fault (a “Direction”). The Contractor shall respond to a Direction by attending the specified Fault in priority to other Faults. Safety-related Faults, as outlined in paragraph, shall not be classed as Directions.

Page 32 of 65 The Authority will undertake to direct the Contractor no more than once per Reporting Period on average calculated over the course of a Contract Year. The Availability Categories of Faults existing at the time of the Direction will continue to be affected until the Fault is rectified. The Authority will enter Directions into SFM with the detail of the Fault to which the Contractor has been directed, explicitly stating the date and time of the Direction and the name of the Engineer’s representative making the instruction. The Contractor is entitled to request within SFM an Exception in respect of other Faults which have been affected by a Direction.

5.4 Supplementary and Preventative Maintenance

5.4.1 Periodic Inspections and Cleaning Periodic Inspections are mandatory and shall be carried out by the Contractor as indicated in Appendix 7 to this Specification. Periodic Inspections shall include an earth loop impedance test as per BS7671. The Periodic Inspection schedules will be made available by the Authority to the Contractor through SFM. As a minimum for each Out-Station, a Periodic Inspection will be undertaken annually. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to enter all details of the Work conducted during the inspection onto SFM. Periodic Inspections must be conducted within the inspection window 2 (two) weeks either side of the week in which the inspection is scheduled for completion for all Sites. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to input the Periodic Inspection reports into SFM promptly. The Authority is responsible for recording the date of receipt of the paperwork into SFM. On-time submission of reports to SFM is covered by a Service Level Indicator (Annex A to Schedule 5 of the Contract). Failure to carry out a Periodic Inspection and record onto SFM within the specified time window will result in the Site being classified not enforceable and accordingly will have a Fault raised in SFM which will affect the Contract Availability Result and an abatement will be due from the Contractor to the Authority as set out in Schedule 5 of the Contract.

Page 33 of 65 An inspection summary report of an approved content and format shall be input directly into SFM on completion of the Works. The report shall include details of any deficiencies found and any remedial measures taken or reports generated. The Contractor shall repair or maintain all external and internal finishes at each Periodic Inspection. Cleaning shall be carried out as part of the Periodic Inspection regime (see Appendix 7 to this Specification). Periodic Inspection regime: the Contractor shall liaise with Third Party Suppliers and stakeholders as appropriate. At the end of each routine Periodic Inspection, cleaning or Maintenance activity SFM shall be updated by the Contractor’s field service operatives detailing the work and findings undertaken and or found before the Contractor’s representative leaves the Site. Any Faults identified during Periodic Inspections or cleaning shall be reported to the Centre via SFM and the standard Fault management process shall be followed (Appendix 6 to this Specification). Recording of Equipment - As a basic requirement of the Periodic Inspections, the Contractor shall maintain an accurate record of the Equipment deployed on each Site. Accuracy and Completeness of site information held on the Authority's SFM database:

The Authority has an objective to populate the asset database with all items of information for all Equipment which is installed during the course of the Contract. To support this objective, the following have been put in place:

 Take-Over procedures include sign-off by the Authority (Maintenance and Installations) and the Contractor;

 Asset age (Equipment installation date) will be logged from Commissioning within SFM and asset condition fields are available on the Take-Over certificate and will be populated at Commissioning and following Periodic Inspections to allow SFM to be updated;

 Periodic Inspections will incorporate a quantity count of all on- or above-ground Equipment (including footway chambers);

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 Monitoring of records will be carried out by the Authority’s data management team (data review and Site audit);

 Quality / condition of the Equipment will be maintained by stipulating that all replacement and new Equipment shall conform to HOTA regulations and that replacement of components shall be like-for-like.

5.4.2 Maintenance of Piezo, Loop, Loop Feeder and Link Cables The Contractor shall notify the Centre at least 24 (twenty four) hours in advance of its intention to carry out repairs to sub-surface detection equipment, subject to Permit approval. No Work will be permitted in the carriageway during peak traffic periods without the prior approval of the relevant Highway Authority. Peak traffic periods shall be approved on a Site by Site basis with due regard to works co-ordination and Lane Rental charges (where applicable), but are typically 07:30 to 10:00 and 15:30 to 19:00 on weekdays. Where repairs are delayed due to road works or poor road surface, the Contractor shall visit the Site and advise the Authority. For the avoidance of doubt, sub-surface detection repairs are considered to be planned Maintenance activities in line with paragraph Where the Contractor carries out any civil works it shall be responsible for the permanent reinstatement of the highway necessitated by the Works. The Contractor shall enter a report into SFM within 1 (one) calendar day of completion of the Works stating the location and extent of any permanent reinstatement work. The Authority will notify the Highway Authority responsible for the Site. The Contractor should provide documentation of calibration regarding all loop and Piezo specification and instillation when repaired/installed on the network. This information should be sent to the Authority. The Contractor shall appoint an experienced manager to oversee such Works and shall inform the Authority of the name and a contact telephone number on or prior to commencement of the Works.

5.4.3 Civil Engineering Works Minor Civil Engineering Works

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The Contractor shall carry out Minor Civil Engineering Work associated with Maintenance Works.

When Minor Civil Engineering Works are urgently required to make a Site safe following Third Party Damage, the Contractor shall undertake such emergency repairs as are necessary to make the Site safe and inform the Authority via the SFM system.

The Contractor shall be responsible for all day to day Site arrangements and for issuing any notices and shall confirm that the work done by the provider of the Minor Civil Engineering Works is sufficient to enable the Contractor to reinstate the Equipment properly. Major Civil Engineering Works

If Major Civil Engineering Works are required to rectify a Fault, the Contractor must inform the Authority by requesting an Exception through the SFM System, taking all steps necessary to maximise the number of active Availability Categories in a safe manner. The Exception request should detail the civil engineering works required. Through discussion between the Authority and the Contractor, the length of time necessary for the civil engineering works to be completed will be allocated to the Exception request. During this time the Contractor’s Availability measures, related to the Exception, will not be affected. Once the Major Civil Engineering Works, set out in the Exception request, are complete and the Authority has advised the Contractor, the affected Fault shall no longer be in Exception. Any Availability measures affected prior to the Exception will once again be impacted. The Contractor’s responsibility is to liaise regularly with the Authority’s civil engineering department to enable a prompt response and restoration of all affected Availability Categories on completion of the Works.

5.4.4 Preventative Maintenance Prior to the first anniversary of the Services Commencement Date, the Contractor will develop a Preventative Maintenance plan in conjunction with the Authority and for approval by the Authority. Following such approval, the Contractor will implement the Preventative Maintenance plan from the first anniversary of the Services Commencement Date. The Preventative Maintenance Plan shall be kept under review at Contract progress meetings (Maintenance Works) and will be revised from time to time to take account of any comments made by the Authority.

Page 36 of 65 When facilities are added to a Site the Contractor shall ensure that the Preventative Maintenance required for the additional Equipment is scheduled and included in the Preventative Maintenance plan. Conversely, if facilities are removed, the Preventative Maintenance for the Equipment removed shall be removed from the Contractor's Preventative Maintenance plan, the Authority will need to be informed. The Contractor shall use recognised test procedures as defined by the Engineer and relevant standards set out in Appendix 8 to this Specification. If no such procedures exist, the Contractor shall draft an appropriate test specification for approval by the Authority. The test specification shall include suggested methods and plans for the implementation of such tests. The Contractor shall rectify all Faults revealed by Preventative Maintenance, seeking approval first if necessary in line with section 5.3.1, and detail the Faults and actions taken on SFM. During Preventative Maintenance the Contractor shall supply and erect appropriate signing (e.g. “Safety Camera under Test”) to minimise any confusion to the travelling public. The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of all means of access to the Equipment such as steps, hydraulic platforms, cherry pickers etc.

5.4.5 Liaison Passes or keys may be necessary for entry to certain Sites or Equipment cabinets or rooms. These shall be obtainable for named personnel on application to the Authority. The Contractor shall be responsible for the safe keeping of the keys and passes issued to its personnel. Losses incurred shall be reported to the Authority and replaced at the Contractor’s expense at the earliest opportunity. The loss and replacement shall be confirmed promptly in writing by the Contractor. Such keys remain the property of the Authority and must be returned at the termination of the Contract. The Contractor shall liaise and co-ordinate its work programme with the following bodies (as appropriate):

 The Police;

 The local borough(s);

 Tunnel management authorities;

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 The relevant Highway Authority;

 The relevant Highways Agency area office or Highways Agency agents;

 Other contractors working in the area; and

 Other parties as notified by the Authority from time to time. The Contractor shall co-operate fully with the above persons in order to gain permission or agreement to the timescale and manner in which the works are to be carried out prior to any action being taken. The Contractor shall organise its work such that disruption to these persons, traffic in the area and the general public is minimised.

5.5 Spares Management

5.5.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out Preventative Maintenance on all spares and test Equipment and for keeping an appropriate complement of spares at all times. These shall be properly documented and records shall be kept of Equipment sent back for repair and the Site location of replacement Equipment.

5.5.2 It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure spares are available to its field operatives to fulfil its obligations under the Contract.

5.5.3 It is the responsibility of the Contractor to monitor and procure spares as appropriate.

5.5.4 Failure of the Authority to identify a possible spare does not exempt the Contractor from its responsibility for ensuring the Availability of Equipment.

5.6 Operational Processes

5.6.1 Testing, Commissioning and Take-Over Although testing and Commissioning are primarily driven by Installations activities, a Site ultimately has to be signed off and taken-over into Maintenance. Once an In-Station or Out-Station has been successfully Commissioned, this process shall be managed internally by the Authority and will not form part of the Contract. Any Site requiring re-Commissioning, for reasons such as repair following damage from a road traffic accident, will follow the Commissioning process outlined in Section 4, unless specified below in paragraphs 5.6.2 to 5.6.4.

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5.6.2 Re- Commissioning The Contractor shall undertake re-Commissioning of the Equipment in accordance with the requirements of the Contract and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Each Site will be tested to the unique specification for that Site, as issued to and agreed with the Contractor prior to Installation.

5.6.3 Failure to Meet the re-Commissioning Requirements If the Equipment and/or Works or any part of them being tested fails to pass its applicable re-Commissioning then the Authority may, by written notice to the Contractor, elect at its option to require the Contractor to provide at no extra charge such additional services and replacement items as shall enable the Equipment and/or Works or the part thereof to pass the re-Commissioning within 3 (three) calendar days after the date of such re-Commissioning provided that any such extension by the Authority shall not affect the Contractor's obligation to comply with the approved completion date for such Works. The Authority will only elect to accept the Equipment and/or Works or part thereof if it deems there will be no impact on the maintainability of the Site.

5.6.4 Partial Re-Commissioning Partial re-Commissioning of Sites can take place for Sites where minor items are outstanding. Where full functionality exists, individual facilities can be re-Commissioned at the Site and their Availability declared via SFM. Where the Equipment has been Installed, but the Installation cannot be re-Commissioned for reasons outside the Contractor’s control, as outlined in paragraphs 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9 of Part 1 of Schedule 4 of the Contract, the Authority may elect to issue an Interim Certificate and, when approved, the Authority will make a part payment of a proportion of the Contract cost to the Contractor. Where an Interim Certificate has been issued but some Installation Work remains outstanding, the Equipment covered by the Interim Certificate may be put into use. In this case, the responsibilities for the Equipment shall be the same as if a full Take-Over Certificate had been issued. It is noted that Availability Categories will only be activated for that Equipment which is Taken-Over by the Contractor.

Page 39 of 65 Facilities at the Site that have not been re-Commissioned must be noted on the Interim Certificate for entry on SFM. Any facilities not re-Commissioned will not be used for derivation of Availability measures.

5.6.5 Traffic Management The Contractor shall be responsible for all Traffic Management required for Maintenance Works under the Contract although in the case of Major Traffic Management, the Authority reserves the option to use its own Traffic Management. All Traffic Orders (as defined in the Traffic Management Act 2004) for Traffic Management shall be the responsibility of the Authority. Where Traffic Orders are required to complete maintenance works shall be requested by the Contractor to the Authority via SFM. All NRSWA and Streetworks Permitting Applications will be the responsibility of the Contractor to issue. All Lane Rental charges shall be at the liability of the Contractor unless expressly approved in advance by The Engineer.

5.6.6 Drawings and Technical Data The Authority will provide the Contractor with a drawing for the Contractor to amend. The Contractor will use the Authority’s drawing to produce an “as-installed drawing”, which is a marked up drawing showing, as far as the scale will permit, the location of all installed Safety Camera Equipment including, but not limited to, cables, ducts, detection loops, chambers and relevant road markings. Following installation, the Contractor shall provide the Authority with photographic evidence of the site installed, including all street furniture. Where any Works have resulted in a change to the as- installed drawing, the Contractor shall supply the Authority with a marked up revision throughout the duration of the contract. The Contractor shall provide as-installed drawing at the time of commissioning for the Authority to draft a full AutoCAD drawing which will then be sent back to the Contractor to agree.

5.6.7 Security Clearances

Page 40 of 65 The Contractor shall ensure that field operatives who may at some point be required to maintain Equipment within MPS and other buildings have the appropriate security clearance. The Contractor shall ensure that all such staff that may require to gain entry to such buildings have gained the authority to work unaccompanied within such buildings and are in possession of the appropriate passes prior to the nominated activation date outlined within the Contract in accordance with Clause 24.

5.6.8 Health and Safety The Authority has elected to treat the whole of the Contract as notifiable under the Construction, Design and Management Regulations (CDM) 2007 (“CDM Regulations”). To that end, the Authority has appointed a CDM Co- ordinator (CDMC) across the whole Contract. The system already in place within the Authority for Site specific Hazard Registers, Risk Assessments and Method Statements shall be utilised for individual Sites. The Contractor’s Health and Safety plan will be adhered to by the Contractor. The Contractor and its direct employees attending site must have their own individual Highway Electrical Registration Scheme (HERS) certification. The Contractor should demonstrate its certification through its BS EN ISO 9001 certificate extended to cover NHSS8 (where BS EN ISO 9001 is required), and the dated HERS Certificate. The employees and sub contractors must possess employee ECS cards. The Contractor shall submit a Health & Safety return to the Authority within 14 calendar days of the end of Reporting Period on the appropriate form in use from time-to-time as supplied by the Authority. The return will provide details of all near-misses and incidents affecting staff engaged on the Contract. Where a RIDDOR return is submitted to the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) the Contractor shall provide a copy to the Authority. The Contractor may also be required to provide a quarterly report based on RIDDOR incidents affecting staff engaged on the Contract.

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6.1 Introduction

6.1.1 The Contractor shall deliver each site as defined in Appendix 1 – List of Out-Station Sites.

6.1.2 Refer to Schedule 4 of the Contract for information on the payment mechanism. The Equipment Installation Programme is given below. There will be delivery milestones associated with groups of 15 Out- Station Sites.

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Sub Lot 1a

Installation Commission Payment Installation Commission Payment Installation Works Commission Payment Phase Location Works Start Site By Milestone Phase Location Works Start Site By Milestone Phase Location Start Site By Milestone Phase 1 Site 1 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Phase 10 Site 96 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Phase 20 Site 191 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Phase 10 Phase 20 Phase 1 Site 2 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Site 97 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Site 192 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Phase 10 Phase 20 Phase 1 Site 3 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Site 98 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Site 193 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Phase 10 Phase 20 Phase 1 Site 4 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Site 99 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Site 194 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Phase 10 Phase 20 Phase 1 Site 5 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Site 100 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Milestone 10 Site 195 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Phase 20 Phase 1 Site 6 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Phase 11 Site 101 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Site 196 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Phase 11 Phase 20 Phase 1 Site 7 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Site 102 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Site 197 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Phase 11 Phase 20 Phase 1 Site 8 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Site 103 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Site 198 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Phase 11 Phase 20 Phase 1 Site 9 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Site 104 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Site 199 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Phase 11 Phase 20 Phase 1 Site 10 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Milestone 1 Site 105 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Site 200 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Milestone 20 Phase 11 Phase 2 Site 11 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Site 106 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Phase 21 Site 201 01/03/2016 31/03/2016 Phase 2 Phase 11 Phase 21 Site 12 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Site 107 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Site 202 01/03/2016 31/03/2016 Phase 2 Phase 11 Phase 21 Site 13 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Site 108 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Site 203 01/03/2016 31/03/2016 Phase 2 Phase 11 Phase 21 Site 14 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Site 109 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Site 204 01/03/2016 31/03/2016 Phase 2 Phase 11 Phase 21 Site 15 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Site 110 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Milestone 11 Site 205 01/03/2016 31/03/2016

Phase 2 Phase 21 Site 16 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Phase 12 Site 111 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Site 206 01/03/2016 31/03/2016 Phase 2 Phase 12 Phase 21 Site 17 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Site 112 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Site 207 01/03/2016 31/03/2016 Phase 2 Phase 12 Phase 21 Site 18 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Site 113 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Site 208 01/03/2016 31/03/2016 Phase 2 Phase 12 Phase 21 Site 19 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Site 114 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Site 209 01/03/2016 31/03/2016 Phase 2 Phase 12 Phase 21 Site 20 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Milestone 2 Site 115 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Site 210 01/03/2016 31/03/2016 Milestone 21 Phase 12 Phase 3 Site 21 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Site 116 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Phase 22 Site 211 01/04/2016 30/04/2016 Phase 3 Phase 12 Phase 22 Site 22 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Site 117 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Site 212 01/04/2016 30/04/2016 Phase 3 Phase 12 Phase 22 Site 23 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Site 118 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Site 213 01/04/2016 30/04/2016 Phase 3 Phase 12 Phase 22 Site 24 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Site 119 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Site 214 01/04/2016 30/04/2016 Phase 3 Phase 12 Phase 22 Site 25 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Site 120 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Milestone 9 Site 215 01/04/2016 30/04/2016 Phase 3 Phase 22 Site 26 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Phase 13 Site 121 01/07/2015 31/07/2015 Site 216 01/04/2016 30/04/2016 Phase 3 Phase 13 Phase 22 Site 27 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Site 122 01/07/2015 31/07/2015 Site 217 01/04/2016 30/04/2016


Sub Lot 1a

Installation Commission Payment Installation Commission Payment Installation Works Commission Payment Phase Location Works Start Site By Milestone Phase Location Works Start Site By Milestone Phase Location Start Site By Milestone Phase 3 Phase 13 Phase 22 Site 28 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Site 123 01/07/2015 31/07/2015 Site 218 01/04/2016 30/04/2016 Phase 3 Phase 13 Phase 22 Site 29 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Site 124 01/07/2015 31/07/2015 Site 219 01/04/2016 30/04/2016 Phase 3 Phase 13 Phase 22 Site 30 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Milestone 3 Site 125 01/07/2015 31/07/2015 Site 220 01/04/2016 30/04/2016 Milestone 22 Phase 13 Phase 4 Site 31 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Site 126 01/07/2015 31/07/2015 Phase 23 Site 221 01/05/2016 31/05/2016 Phase 4 Phase 13 Phase 23 Site 32 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Site 127 01/07/2015 31/07/2015 Site 222 01/05/2016 31/05/2016 Phase 4 Phase 13 Phase 23 Site 33 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Site 128 01/07/2015 31/07/2015 Site 223 01/05/2016 31/05/2016 Phase 4 Phase 13 Phase 23 Site 34 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Site 129 01/07/2015 31/07/2015 Site 224 01/05/2016 31/05/2016 Phase 4 Phase 13 Phase 23 Site 35 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Site 130 01/07/2015 31/07/2015 Milestone 13 Site 225 01/05/2016 31/05/2016 Phase 4 Phase 23 Site 36 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Phase 14 Site 131 01/08/2015 31/08/2015 Site 226 01/05/2016 31/05/2016 Phase 4 Phase 14 Phase 23 Site 37 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Site 132 01/08/2015 31/08/2015 Site 227 01/05/2016 31/05/2016 Phase 4 Phase 14 Phase 23 Site 38 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Site 133 01/08/2015 31/08/2015 Site 228 01/05/2016 31/05/2016 Phase 4 Phase 14 Phase 23 Site 39 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Site 134 01/08/2015 31/08/2015 Site 229 01/05/2016 31/05/2016 Phase 4 Phase 14 Phase 23 Site 40 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Milestone 4 Site 135 01/08/2015 31/08/2015 Site 230 01/05/2016 31/05/2016 Milestone 23 Phase 14 Phase 5 Site 41 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Site 136 01/08/2015 31/08/2015 Phase 24 Site 231 01/06/2016 31/06/2016 Phase 5 Phase 14 Phase 24 Site 42 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Site 137 01/08/2015 31/08/2015 Site 232 01/06/2016 31/06/2016 Phase 5 Phase 14 Phase 24 Site 43 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Site 138 01/08/2015 31/08/2015 Site 233 01/06/2016 31/06/2016 Phase 5 Phase 14 Phase 24 Site 44 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Site 139 01/08/2015 31/08/2015 Site 234 01/06/2016 31/06/2016 Phase 5 Phase 14 Phase 24 Site 45 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Site 140 01/08/2015 31/08/2015 Milestone 14 Site 235 01/06/2016 31/06/2016

Phase 5 Phase 24 Site 46 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Phase 15 Site 141 01/09/2015 30/09/2015 Site 236 01/06/2016 31/06/2016 Phase 5 Phase 15 Phase 24 Site 47 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Site 142 01/09/2015 30/09/2015 Site 237 01/06/2016 31/06/2016 Phase 5 Phase 15 Phase 24 Site 48 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Site 143 01/09/2015 30/09/2015 Site 238 01/06/2016 31/06/2016 Phase 5 Phase 15 Site 49 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Site 144 01/09/2015 30/09/2015 Phase 24 Site 239 01/06/2016 31/06/2016 Milestone 24 Phase 5 Phase 15 Site 50 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Milestone 5 Site 145 01/09/2015 30/09/2015

Phase 15 Phase 6 Site 51 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Site 146 01/09/2015 30/09/2015

Phase 6 Phase 15 Site 52 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Site 147 01/09/2015 30/09/2015

Phase 6 Phase 15 Site 53 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Site 148 01/09/2015 30/09/2015

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Sub Lot 1a

Installation Commission Payment Installation Commission Payment Installation Works Commission Payment Phase Location Works Start Site By Milestone Phase Location Works Start Site By Milestone Phase Location Start Site By Milestone Phase 6 Phase 15 Site 54 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Site 149 01/09/2015 30/09/2015

Phase 6 Phase 15 Site 55 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Site 150 01/09/2015 30/09/2015 Milestone 15

Phase 6 Site 56 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Phase 16 Site 151 01/10/2015 31/10/2015

Phase 6 Phase 16 Site 57 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Site 152 01/10/2015 31/10/2015

Phase 6 Phase 16 Site 58 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Site 153 01/10/2015 31/10/2015

Phase 6 Phase 16 Site 59 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Site 154 01/10/2015 31/10/2015

Phase 6 Phase 16 Site 60 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Milestone 6 Site 155 01/10/2015 31/10/2015

Phase 16 Phase 7 Site 61 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Site 156 01/10/2015 31/10/2015

Phase 7 Phase 16 Site 62 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Site 157 01/10/2015 31/10/2015

Phase 7 Phase 16 Site 63 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Site 158 01/10/2015 31/10/2015

Phase 7 Phase 16 Site 64 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Site 159 01/10/2015 31/10/2015

Phase 7 Phase 16 Site 65 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Site 160 01/10/2015 31/10/2015 Milestone 16

Phase 7 Site 66 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Phase 17 Site 161 01/11/2015 30/11/2015

Phase 7 Phase 17 Site 67 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Site 162 01/11/2015 30/11/2015

Phase 7 Phase 17 Site 68 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Site 163 01/11/2015 30/11/2015

Phase 7 Phase 17 Site 69 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Site 164 01/11/2015 30/11/2015

Phase 7 Phase 17 Site 70 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Milestone 7 Site 165 01/11/2015 30/11/2015

Phase 17 Phase 8 Site 71 01/02/2015 28/02/2015 Site 166 01/11/2015 30/11/2015

Phase 8 Phase 17 Site 72 01/02/2015 28/02/2015 Site 167 01/11/2015 30/11/2015

Phase 8 Phase 17 Site 73 01/02/2015 28/02/2015 Site 168 01/11/2015 30/11/2015 Phase 8 Phase 17 Site 74 01/02/2015 28/02/2015 Site 169 01/11/2015 30/11/2015 Phase 8 Phase 17 Site 75 01/02/2015 28/02/2015 Site 170 01/11/2015 30/11/2015 Milestone 17

Phase 8 Site 76 01/02/2015 28/02/2015 Phase 18 Site 171 01/12/2015 31/12/2015 Phase 8 Phase 18 Site 77 01/02/2015 28/02/2015 Site 172 01/12/2015 31/12/2015 Phase 8 Phase 18 Site 78 01/02/2015 28/02/2015 Site 173 01/12/2015 31/12/2015 Phase 8 Phase 18 Site 79 01/02/2015 28/02/2015 Site 174 01/12/2015 31/12/2015

Page 45 of 65

Sub Lot 1a

Installation Commission Payment Installation Commission Payment Installation Works Commission Payment Phase Location Works Start Site By Milestone Phase Location Works Start Site By Milestone Phase Location Start Site By Milestone Phase 8 Phase 18 Site 80 01/02.2015 28/02.2015 Milestone 8 Site 175 01/12/2015 31/12/2015 Phase 18 Phase 9 Site 81 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Site 176 01/12/2015 31/12/2015 Phase 9 Phase 18 Site 82 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Site 177 01/12/2015 31/12/2015 Phase 9 Phase 18 Site 83 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Site 178 01/12/2015 31/12/2015 Phase 9 Phase 18 Site 84 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Site 179 01/12/2015 31/12/2015 Phase 9 Phase 18 Site 85 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Site 180 01/12/2015 31/12/2015 Milestone 18 Phase 9 Site 86 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Phase 19 Site 181 01/01/2016 31/01/2016 Phase 9 Phase 19 Site 87 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Site 182 01/01/2016 31/01/2016 Phase 9 Phase 19 Site 88 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Site 183 01/01/2016 31/01/2016 Phase 9 Phase 19 Site 89 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Site 184 01/01/2016 31/01/2016 Phase 9 Phase 19 Site 90 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Milestone 9 Site 185 01/01/2016 31/01/2016 Phase 19 Phase 10 Site 91 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Site 186 01/01/2016 31/01/2016

Phase 10 Phase 19 Site 92 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Site 187 01/01/2016 31/01/2016

Phase 10 Phase 19 Site 93 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Site 188 01/01/2016 31/01/2016

Phase 10 Phase 19 Site 94 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Site 189 01/01/2016 31/01/2016

Phase 10 Phase 19 Site 95 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Site 190 01/01/2016 31/01/2016 Milestone 19

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Sub Lot 1b

Installation Commission Payment Installation Commission Payment Installation Works Commission Payment Phase Location Works Start Site By Milestone Phase Location Works Start Site By Milestone Phase Location Start Site By Milestone Phase 10 Phase 20 Phase 1 Site 1 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Site 49 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Site 97 01/01/2016 31/01/2016 Phase 10 Phase 20 Phase 1 Site 2 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Site 50 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Milestone 10 Site 98 01/01/2016 31/01/2016 Phase 11 Phase 20 Phase 1 Site 3 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Site 51 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Site 99 01/01/2016 31/01/2016 Phase 11 Phase 20 Phase 1 Site 4 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Site 52 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Site 100 01/01/2016 31/01/2016 Milestone 20 Phase 11 Phase 1 Site 5 01/07/2014 31/07/2014 Milestone 1 Site 53 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Phase 21 Site 101 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Phase 11 Phase 2 Site 6 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Site 54 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Phase 21 Site 102 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Phase 2 Phase 11 Phase 21 Site 7 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Site 55 01/05/2015 31/05/2015 Milestone 11 Site 103 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Phase 2 Phase 21 Site 8 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Phase 12 Site 56 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Site 104 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Phase 2 Phase 12 Phase 21 Site 9 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Site 57 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Site 105 01/02/2016 29/02/2016 Milestone 21 Phase 2 Phase 12 Phase 22 Site 10 01/08/2014 31/08/2014 Milestone 2 Site 58 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Site 106 01/03/2016 31/03/2016 Phase 12 Phase 22 Phase 3 Site 11 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Site 59 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Site 107 01/03/2016 31/03/2016 Phase 3 Phase 12 Phase 22 Site 12 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Site 60 01/06/2015 30/06/2015 Milestone 12 Site 108 01/03/2016 31/03/2016 Phase 3 Phase 22 Site 13 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Phase 13 Site 61 01/07/2015 31/07/2015 Site 109 01/03/2016 31/03/2016 Phase 3 Phase 13 Phase 22 Site 14 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Site 62 01/07/2015 31/07/2015 Site 110 01/03/2016 31/03/2016 Milestone 22 Phase 3 Phase 13 Site 15 01/09/2014 30/09/2014 Milestone 3 Site 63 01/07/2015 31/07/2015

Phase 13 Phase 4 Site 16 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Site 64 01/07/2015 31/07/2015

Phase 4 Phase 13 Site 17 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Site 65 01/07/2015 31/07/2015 Milestone 13

Phase 4 Site 18 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Phase 14 Site 66 01/08/2015 31/08/2015

Phase 4 Phase 14 Site 19 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Site 67 01/08/2015 31/08/2015

Phase 4 Phase 14 Site 20 01/10/2014 31/10/2014 Milestone 4 Site 68 01/08/2015 31/08/2015

Phase 14 Phase 5 Site 21 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Site 69 01/08/2015 31/08/2015

Phase 5 Phase 14 Site 22 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Site 70 01/08/2015 31/08/2015 Milestone 14

Phase 5 Site 23 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Phase 15 Site 71 01/09/2015 30/09/2015

Phase 5 Phase 15 Site 24 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Site 72 01/09/2015 30/09/2015

Phase 5 Phase 15 Site 25 01/11/2014 30/11/2014 Milestone 5 Site 73 01/09/2015 30/09/2015

Phase 15 Phase 6 Site 26 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Site 74 01/09/2015 30/09/2015

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Sub Lot 1b

Installation Commission Payment Installation Commission Payment Installation Works Commission Payment Phase Location Works Start Site By Milestone Phase Location Works Start Site By Milestone Phase Location Start Site By Milestone Phase 6 Phase 15 Site 27 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Site 75 01/09/2015 30/09/2015 Milestone 15

Phase 6 Site 28 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Phase 16 Site 76 01/09/2015 30/09/2015

Phase 6 Phase 16 Site 29 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Site 77 01/09/2015 30/09/2015

Phase 6 Phase 16 Site 30 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 Milestone 6 Site 78 01/09/2015 30/09/2015

Phase 16 Phase 7 Site 31 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Site 79 01/09/2015 30/09/2015

Phase 7 Phase 16 Site 32 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Site 80 01/09/2015 30/09/2015 Milestone 16

Phase 7 Site 33 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Phase 17 Site 81 01/10/2015 31/10/2015

Phase 7 Phase 17 Site 34 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Site 82 01/10/2015 31/10/2015

Phase 7 Phase 17 Site 35 01/01/2015 31/01.2015 Milestone 7 Site 83 01/10/2015 31/10/2015

Phase 17 Phase 8 Site 36 01/02/2015 28/02/2015 Site 84 01/10/2015 31/10/2015

Phase 8 Phase 17 Site 37 01/02/2015 28/02/2015 Site 85 01/10/2015 31/10/2015 Milestone 17

Phase 8 Site 38 01/02/2015 28/02/2015 Phase 18 Site 86 01/11/2015 30/11/2015

Phase 8 Phase 18 Site 39 01/02/2015 28/02/2015 Site 87 01/11/2015 30/11/2015

Phase 8 Phase 18 Site 40 01/02/2015 28/02/2015 Milestone 8 Site 88 01/11/2015 30/11/2015

Phase 18 Phase 9 Site 41 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Site 89 01/11/2015 30/11/2015

Phase 9 Phase 18 Site 42 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Site 90 01/11/2015 30/11/2015 Milestone 18

Phase 9 Site 43 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Phase 19 Site 91 01/12/2015 31/12/2015

Phase 9 Phase 19 Site 44 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Site 92 01/12/2015 31/12/2015

Phase 9 Phase 19 Site 45 01/03/2015 31/03/2015 Milestone 9 Site 93 01/12/2015 31/12/2015

Phase 19 Phase 10 Site 46 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Site 94 01/12/2015 31/12/2015

Phase 10 Phase 19 Site 47 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Site 95 01/12/2015 31/12/2015 Milestone 19

Phase 10 Phase 20 Site 48 01/04/2015 30/04/2015 Site 96 01/01/2016 31/01/2016

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7.1 Refer to Appendix 1 – list of Out-Station Sites and Section 6 – Deliverables/Milestone. As outlined in Schedule 14 of the Contract, the Authority will provide a schedule of Installations, which will take account of both the milestones in section 6 and the Out-Station Sites in Appendix 1, at the start of the Contract to the Contractor.



Sub Lot 1a

A1 Holloway Road By Jackson Road N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A1 Holloway Road By Manor Gardens N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A1 Archway Road North Of Waterlow Road N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A1200 Canonbury Road By Alwyne Villas N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A1 Upper Street By Islington Green N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A402 Bayswater Road By Lancaster Gate (Craven Terrace ) E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A41 Finchley Road By Queens Grove N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A13 East India Dock Road By Kerbey Street E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A503 Seven Sisters Road By Amhurst Park E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A107 Amhurst Park By Hillside Road E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional B108 Queensbridge Road By Shrubland Road E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A105 Green Lanes By Queens Drive N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A4088 Neasden Lane By Braemar Avenue E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A4140 Fryent Way By Valley Drive nb N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A41 Finchley Road By Parsifal Road N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A3205 Nine Elms Lane By Riverside Court eb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A23 London Rd by Kilmartin Avenue N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A2022 Selsdon Park Road By Pixton Way E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A23 Brighton Road By West Dene School N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A232 Addiscombe Road By Mapledale Avenue E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A236 Mitcham Road By Therapia Lane E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A235 Brighton Road By Jarvis Road N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A215 Beulah Hill By Norbury Hill wb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional B263 Green Lane By Shallons Road N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional Rochester Way By Carnbrook Road N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A208 Mottingham Road By Ravensworth Road N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional Southborough Lane By Oxhawth Crescent eb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A222 Widmore Road By Southview eb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A214 Elmers End Road By Beck Lane nb N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A2015 Southend Road By Stumps Hill Lane nb N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A232 Glebe Way - Silver Lane eb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A21 Hastings Road By Jackson Road nb N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A220 Bexley Road By Arran Close E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional Brook Street By Riverdale Road N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional Yarnton Way east of Wolvercote Road E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional Yarnton Way east of Alsike Road E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional B466 High Road Ickenham By No 75 nb N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional Church Hill By Lovet Road N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional Straight Road By Briar Road sb N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A118 London Road West Of Jutsums Lane E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A212 Crystal Palace Parade N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional Sydenham Hill By Mountacre Close N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional

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A111 The Bourne By The Parkway E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A4090 Alexandra Avenue By Drake Road N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A243 Hook Road By Hawkhurst Gardens nb N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A205 Mortalke Road By Taylor Avenue sb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional B358 Sixth Cross Road By Fielding Avenue nb N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A1112 Rainham Road South By Canberra Crescent eb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A4020 Uxbridge Road By Lime Grove eb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A3212 Millbank By Millbank Tower E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A24 Epsom Road - Holne Chase nb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A1112 Dagenham Road By York Road E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A21 Lewisham High Street By Lewisham Park S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A21 Bromley Road By Penerley Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A219 Scrubs Lane By Hythe Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A219 Scrubs Lane By Mitre Way S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A219 Fulham Palace Road By Niton Street S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A205 Thurlow Park Road By Thurlow Hill E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A23 Brixton Hill North Of Dumbarton Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A23 Brixton Hill South Of Hayter Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A23 Brixton Road North Of Hillyard Street S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3 Clapham Road South Of Grantham Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A24 Clapham Common Southside By Lessar Avenue N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A23 Brixton Road By Mostyn Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A24 Clapham Common South Side By St Gerrards Close S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3036 Wandsworth Road By St Rule Street NE bnd Gatso Unidirectional A23 Brixton Road By Groveway N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3036 Albert Embankment By Glasshouse Walk NE bnd Gatso Unidirectional A23 Brixton Road By Villa Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3204 Kennington Road By Chester Way S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A204 Tulse Hill By Brailsford Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3 Clapham Road By Richborne Terrace W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1 Holloway Road By Furlong Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A503 Camden Road By Dalmeny Avenue W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A503 Camden Road By Hilldrop Crescent E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A5201 Old Street By Tilney Court W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A5201 Old Street Opp Tilney Court E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A5203 Caledonian Road By Freeling Street S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A5203 Caledonian Road By Tilloch Street N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1200 New North Road By Elizebeth Avenue S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A202 Grosvenor Road By Vauxhall Bridge W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A10 Tottenham High Road By Townhall Approach N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A10 High Road By Lealand Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A109 Bounds Green Road By Blake Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A109 Bounds Green Road By Hill Cline Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A503 Seven Sisters Road By Brand Close NE bnd Gatso Unidirectional A503 Seven Sisters Road By Culvert Road NE bnd Gatso Unidirectional A109 Bounds Green Road By Northcott Avenue NW bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1206 Westferry Road By Cuba Street TBA Gatso Unidirectional

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A13 Commercial Road By Steels Lane E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1206 Westferry Road By Arnhem Place N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A11 Mile End Road By Cambridge Heath Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A11 Bow Road Road By Harley Grove E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A11 Bow Road Opposite Harley Grove W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1206 Westferry Road By Chapel House Street By Tyndale Court W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A11 Mile End Road By Bancroft Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1206 Westferry Road - Langbourne Place S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Northern Approach North Of Andrew St N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Blackwall Tunnel Northern Approach By Abbott Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Blackwall Tunnel Northern Approach By Gillender St S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Blackwall Tunnel Northern Approach By Teviot Street N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Blackwall Tunnel Northern Approach By Bow Road S/B Onslip S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1206 Westferry Road South Of Strafford Street S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1206 Westferry Road North Of Moiety Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1203 The Highway Opposite Artichoke Hill E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1203 The Highway East Of Artichoke Hill W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1203 The Highway West Of Brodlove Lane E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1203 East Smithfield By Cartwright Street E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1203 East Smithfield By Thomas More Street W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A107 Clapton Common By Portland Avenue W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A104 Lea Bridge Road By Chatsworth Road SW bnd Gatso Unidirectional Dalston Lane By Laurel Street W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A10 Stamford Hill By Holmleigh Road TBA Gatso Unidirectional A10 Stamford Hill By Linthorpe Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A10 Stamford Hill By Holmleigh Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional B112 Homerton Road By Lee Conservancy Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A404 Harrow Road By Victoria Avenue NW bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4006 Kenton Road By Kinross Close wb W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4005 Bridgewater Road By Green Park Court S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A404 Hillside By Wyborne Way E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A404 Hillside By Wesley Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4200 Eversholt Street By Aldenham Street S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4200 Eversholt Street By Barnby Street N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A501 Euston Road By Churchway E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A306 Roehampton Lane By Wansborough Drive N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A306 Roehampton Lane By Petersfield Rise S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A205 The Avenue By Windmill Drive E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A205 The Avenue By Nightingale Walk W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A214 Trinity Road By Magdalen Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3205 York Road By Gartons Way E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A24 Balham High Road By Upper Tooting Park NE bnd Gatso Unidirectional A24 Balham High Road By Bedford Hill N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A315 Brentford High Street By Pottery Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A315 London Road By Langley Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional

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A312 Uxbridge Road By Wigley Road SE bnd Gatso Unidirectional A312 Faggs Road By Armadale Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A104 High Road Woodford Green By Forest Approach S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A104 High Road Woodford By Mornington Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A123 Cranbrook Road By Geariesville Gardens S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A124 Barking Road By Macaulay Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A124 Barking Road Opp Macaulay Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A112 Prince Regent Lane By Argyle Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A23 Purley Way By Foss Avenue S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A23 Brighton Road By Purley Rise N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A23 Brighton Road By Lansdowne Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A23 Brighton Road By Miller Road nb N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A23 Brighton Road By Miller Road sb S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A23 London Road By Goldwell Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A212 Whitehorse Road By Bensham Manor Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A22 Godstone Road By Foxley Hill Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A236 Mitcham Road By Sutherland Road NW bnd Gatso Unidirectional Old Farleigh Road North Of Birdwood Close N bnd Gatso Unidirectional B266 Brigstock Road By Quadrant Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A222 Lower Addiscombe Road By Inglis Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A2022 Addington Road By Mountwood Close SW bnd Gatso Unidirectional A213 Selhurst Road By Prince Road NE bnd Gatso Unidirectional Tennison Road By Davidson Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A215 Portland Road By Enmore Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A215 Portland Road By Harrington Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach By Tunnel Avenue N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A206 Woolwich Church Street By Prospect Vale W bnd Gatso Unidirectional Rochester Way - Glenesk Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A2 Blackheath Hill By Dartmouth Hill W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A205 Academy Road - Woolwich Common N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A205 Academy Road - Woolwich Common S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A206 Woolwich Church Street By Kingsman Street W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A205 Woolwich Church Street By Kingsman Street E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4020 Uxbridge Road By Wharncliffe Drive By Ealing Hospital W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4020 Uxbridge Road By Windmill Lane W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4020 Broadway Southall By Ranelagh Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional Lady Margaret Road By Denbigh Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional Lady Margaret Road By Hillside Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional B452 Northfield Avenue By Kingsdown Avenue N + S bnd Gatso Unidirectional B452 Northfield Avenue By Blondin Avenue N + S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A503 Forest Road By Bream Close E/B Uni E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A503 Forest Road By Bream Close W/B Uni W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A503 Forest Road By Blackhorse Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A104 Lea Bridge Road By Dunton Road SW bnd Gatso Unidirectional Albermarle Road - Westgate Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional Midfield Way By Chipperfield Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional

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A21 Bromley Common Road By Hook Farm Road SE bnd Gatso Unidirectional A21 Tweedy Road By Florence Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A211 Footscray Road By Aldwick Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A206 Woolwich Road By Harold Avenue W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A437 Long Lane By Southampton Place S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A437 Long Lane By No 177 Opp Windsor Avenue N bnd Gatso Unidirectional Yeading Lane By Maple Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional Church Hill By Church Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4020 Uxbridge Road By Lees Road NE bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1000 Great North Road North Of Beaumont Place S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3211 Upper Thames Street By Lambeth Hill E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3211 Upper Thames Street By Stew Lane W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3211 Lower Thames Street Opp St Mary At Hill W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3211 Lower Thames Street By St Dunstans Hill E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1306 New Road By Betterton Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1306 New Road West Of Rainham Road Roundabout E bnd Gatso Unidirectional Shepherds Hill By Phillida Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional Wingletye Lane By Wiltshire Avenue S bnd Gatso Unidirectional Middleton Road By Tweedale Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional Green Wrythe Lane By Welbeck Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional Green Wrythe Lane By St Andrew's Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A237 London Road By Senga Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional B219 Peckham Rye By Waverley School N bnd Gatso Unidirectional B219 Peckham Rye By Waverley School S bnd Gatso Unidirectional B205 Redriff Road By Norway Gate N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A205 Dulwich Common By Hambleden Place W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A201 New Kent Road East Of Searles Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A2199 South Croxted Road By Church Approach S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1005 The Ridgeway Botany Bay S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A110 Slades Hill By Old Park View W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 By Pymmes Close E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1010 Hertford Road By Wickham Close S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4140 Marsh Lane By Silverton Way S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A409 Brookshill South Of Harrow Weald Park S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4140 Stanmore Hill By Wood Lane S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4005 Sudbury Hill By Greenford Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A410 Uxbridge Road Opp Hathaway Close W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A410 Uxbridge Road By Masefield Avenue E bnd Gatso Unidirectional B283 Trapps Lane North Of Buxton Drive S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A308 Kingston Hill By Ladderstile Ride S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A308 Kingston Hill By Berystede S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A238 Coombe Lane West Of Warren Rise W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A307 Richmond Road Opp Grosvenor Gardens By The Tiffin School S/B Uni S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A307 Richmond Road By Grosvenor Gardens By The Tiffin School S/B Uni N bnd Gatso Unidirectional B358 Sandy Lane By Cedars Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional B358 Sandy Lane By Bushey Park Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional

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A306 Rocks Lane By Mill Hill Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional B178 Ballards Road South Of Bolyen Gardens N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1306 New Road By South Close E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A503 Parkhurst Road By Hillmarton Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A503 Parkhurst Road By Moriatry Close E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A503 Camden Road By Williamson Street W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A503 Seven Sisters Road Opposite Thane Villas E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A503 Isledon Road By Coleridge Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A400 Camden Street By Pratt Street (Site either to be SOG-RLC or Speed site S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1010 High Road Tottenham By Lansdowne Road TBA Gatso Unidirectional A212 Coombe Lane By Oaks Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional

Sub Lot 1b

A4202 Park Lane By Grosvenor Gate Northbound N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4 Great West Road By Netheravon Road eb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A1 Barnet Way North Of Apex Corner sb N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A1 Barnet Bypass North Of Stirling Corner nb N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A406 North Circular Road By Colney Hatch Lane eb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A10 Great Cambridge Road By Pasteur Gardens N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A12 East Cross Route By Monier Road By S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 East Cross Route By Wick Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3 Kingston Road By Tibbets Corner E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3 West Hill By Tibbets Corner N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4 Great West Road By Lionel Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4 Great West Road By Shield Drive (Was Transport Ave) NE bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 North Circular Road By Truro Gardens S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach By Shooters Hill (North Side) N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 North Circular Road East Of Folly Lane N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 North Circular Road By Wathamstow Avenue By Trinity Way E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 North Circular Road By A1000 North Finchley High Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A41 Hendon Way By Renters Avenue S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 North Circular Road By Coppetts Close E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 North Circular Road Under East End Road Bridge W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A41 Hendon Way north Of Wessex Gardens S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 North Circular Road By Melville Gardens W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 North Circular Road By Oakthorpe Rd E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 North Circular Road By Edmonton Tunnel By Cross Street W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3 Malden Way By Elmbridge Avenue NE bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3 Malden Way By Burlington Flyover SW bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3 Beverley Way By Abuyne Drive SW bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3 Malden Way South Of Carters Bridge N bnd Gatso Unidirectional

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A3 Malden Way By Manor Drive SW bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3 Kingston By-Pass By Fullers Way NE bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3 Beverley Way Sth Of Huntley Way N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Eastern Avenue By Nutter Lane E bnd Gatso Unidirectional Ext: Gatso Unidirectional. Install A20 Sidcup Bypass By Beaverwood Club E bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A1 Aylmer Road By Bancroft Avenue eb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A30 Great Southwest Road By Heathrow Perimeter Bridge eb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A30 Great Southwest Road By Girling Way eb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A1020 Royal Docks Road North By Gallions Reach Roundabout nb N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A23 Purley Way by Ford Plant N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A236 Old Town By Cranmer Road N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A20 Sidcup Road By Montbelle Road E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A297 St Helier Avenue South Of Arras Avenue nb N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A223 North Cray Road By Chantry Close N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A2016 Eastern Way By Yarnton Way E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A4 Bath Road By A437 High Street By Nobel Drive eb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A4 Bath Road By Heathrow Boulevard eb E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A4020 Uxbridge Road By New Road E+W bnd Gatso Omnidirectional Gatso A217 Reigate Avenue near Glastonbury Rd N + S bnd Omnidirectional A1055 Mollison Avenue By Duck Lees Lane nb N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A404 St Thomas'S Drive By Bryants Close N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A240 Kingston Road By Jubilee Way N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A3220 Nr Silver Road By Railway Bridge N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1055 Watermead Way Nth Of Burdock Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3 Kingston Road By Alton Road SW bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4 Great West Road By Osterley Bridge eb E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4 Great West Road By Osterley Bridge wb W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A312 The Parkway By Junction 3 N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 Gunnersbury Avenue By Building No 139 N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4 Bath Road By Haslemere Avenue W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A316 Great Chertsey Road By Harlington Road By Chiswick Bridge NE bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4 Great West Road By Chiswick Roundabout W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Eastern Avenue By Windemere Gardens W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Eastern Avenue By Danhurst Gardens E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Eastern Avenue By Abermarle Approach W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Eastern Avenue By Ashurst Drive E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Eastern Avenue By Somerville Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 North Circular Road By Eastern Avenue nb N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1112 Romford Road South Of Fowler Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A20 Sidcup Road South Of Dutch House W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A20 Sidcup Road By West Hallowes E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A20 Sidcup Road By Chapel Farm Road W bnd Gatso Unidirectional

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A24 London Road By Rosedene Avenue eb E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A24 London Road By Rosedene Avenue wb W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 Hanger Lane South Of Beaufort Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 Hanger Lane By Greystoke Gardens nb N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 Hanger Lane By Greystoke Gardens sb S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A312 Hayes Bypass/The Parkway By Pump Lane sb S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4020 Hillingdon Hill By Kingston Lane W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A41 Edgware Way East Of Glendale Avenue W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1 Lytton Road Near Gurney Drive wb W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1 Lytton Road Near Gurney Drive eb E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Eastern Avenue East Of Whalebone Lane North W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Eastern Avenue East By Ashmour Gardens E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Eastern Avenue East By Park Boulevard W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A12 Eastern Avenue East By Masefield Crescent (Gallows Corner) E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A127 Southend Arterial Road Approach To A12 Flyover W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A10 Great Cambridge Road By Westerham Avenue S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1055 Mollison Avenue By Jeffreys Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1055 Mollison Avenue By Jeffreys Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 North Circular Road By Edmonton Tunnel By Silver Street E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4140 Honeypot Lane By No 645 By Broadcroft Avenue N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A4140 Honeypot Lane By Wigton Gardens S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3 Kingston By Pass By Robin Hood Roundabout N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A3 Kingston Bypass By Hook Underpass Approach W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 North Circular Road By A124 Slip Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A23 Brighton Road By Hollmeoak Lane N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A236 Croydon Road By Watneys Road nw NW bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A104 Woodford New Road By St Peters Avenue N + S bnd Gatso Omnidirectional A404 Watford Road By Kenton Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A214 Trinity Road By Dorlecote Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A406 Hanger Lane By Chatsworth Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A114 Whipps Cross Road By Preston Road E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A114 Whipps Cross Road By Forest Glade W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A114 Whipps Cross Road By James Lane eb E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A114 Whipps Cross Road By James Lane wb W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A110 Enfield Road By Cotswold Way E bnd Gatso Unidirectional A110 Enfield Road By Cotswold Way W bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1055 Meridian Way By Of Ardra Road S bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1055 Meridian Way By Picketts Lock Lane N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A1055 Meridian Way By Thornton Road N bnd Gatso Unidirectional A243 Leatherhead Road By Chalky Lane N bnd Gatso Unidirectional

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