GRADE: IV Worksheet (solved)

I. Fill in the blanks:

1. King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud was born in southern . 2. King Saud bin Abdul Aziz was the second king of . 3. King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz achieved much in both domestic and foreign policy. 4. King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz became the king in 2005. 5. King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz is also known as the Custodian of the two holy mosque. 6. The palm tree on the Emblem of Saudi Arabia represents prosperity, vitality and growth. 7. The colour of the sword and the inscription on the is white. 8. The two swords on the National Emblem represent strength and unity. 9. Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Middle East. 10. Saudi Arabia is bounded by Red Sea on the West. 11. Most of the Saudi Arabia is covered by vast desert. 12. Iraq is towards the North of Saudi Arabia. 13. Rub al Khali and are continuous bodies of sand. 14. The national government of Saudi Arabia is a Monarchy based on Islamic law. 15. The Royal family is the most important group in Saudi Arabia. 16. Saudi Arabia is divided into 13 Provinces. 17. There are 14 administrative units in Saudi Arabia. 18. Monarchy is the type of government where the king is the head of the country.

II. Give one name for the following:

1. Founder of Saudi Arabia. King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud 2. Two intersecting swords with a palm tree set above them. Emblem of Saudi Arabia 3. Largest country in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia 4. Hills of sand in Saudi Arabia. Sand Dunes 5. National government of Saudi Arabia. Monarchy 6. Most important group in Saudi Arabia. The Royal family 7. Administrative units in Saudi Arabia. 14 8. It represents prosperity, vitality and growth. Palm tree 9. This kalimah is written in the middle of the . Kalimah Shahadah Page 1

10. Saudi Arabia started using its national flag in the year. 1938

III. Answer the following in a word or a sentence:

1. Who is the founder of Saudi Arabia? King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud.

2. Who took over the throne after the death of King Abdul Aziz? King Saud.

3. Name the forth . King Khalid bin Abdul Aziz.

4. When did King Abdul Aziz die? In 1953.

5. Who was the third King of Saudi Arabia? King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz.

6. Who is the sixth King of Saudi Arabia? King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz.

7. Why is the colour of Saudi national flag ? It is green because Prophet(P.B.U.H) liked green colour.

8. What is written on the national flag of Saudi Arabia? The first kalimah “Shahadah”.

9. What is the shape of Saudi Arabian flag? The Saudi flag is rectangular in shape.

10. What do the two swords on the Emblem represent? The two swords represent strength and unity.

11. What type of government is in Saudi Arabia? Page 2


12. Which is the most important political group in Saudi Arabia? The Royal family. 13. How many Provinces and Administrative units are there in Saudi Arabia? 13 provinces and 14 administrative units.

IV. Answer the following in three of four sentences:

1. Write four sentences about King Fahd. He was the fifth King of Saudi Arabia. He was the custodian of the two holy mosques. He was the first minister of education. He died on August 1st 2005.

2. Describe the national flag of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi flag is rectangular in shape. It is green in colour. Kalimah “Shahadah” is written on it. An Arab sword lies parallel to it.

3. Describe the Emblem of Saudi Arabia. It consists of two intersecting swords with a palm tree set above them. The two swords represent strength and unity. The palm tree represents prosperity, vitality and growth.

4. What are the chief objectives of Saudi government? The chief objectives are to provide national security. To raise the standard of living of the people. To maintain the religious and moral values.

5. Describe the location and . It is the largest country in the Middle East. It is covered by a vast desert. It has an extremely hot climate. Page 3

V. Draw and colour the Emblem of Saudi Arabia. Page 4