• Vexillology – the study of Every country in the world has a as a symbol of their nation, each with their own particular colors and design. But the reasons why these designs have been chosen and what they represent are not always immediately obvious. In many cases the stories behind the flags are fascinating, and provide insight into the history of a nation, their culture, previous struggles and future resolutions. FLAG OF

It is a flag featuring in white an inscription and a sword. The inscription is the Islamic creed, or : „There is no god but ; Muhammad is the Messenger of God“.

Green – Sword – military power FLAG OF THE ISLE OF MAN Flag of Mann is a triskelion composed of three armoured legs with golden spurs, upon a red blackground. It is a version of the sun symbol used by many ancient civilizations. It may have been introduced to the Isle of Man when the Norse ruled the area prior to 1266. The flag of Mozambique is famous for having an AK- 47 featured, symbolising the country’s bloody struggle for independence as well as the red colour. The open book symbolises the importance of education, the hoe the country’s strong agriculture and the star symbolizes Marxism and internationalism. Green – riches of the land White – peace Black – African continent Yellow – country’s minerals The gold, blue, and white on the Antigua and Barbuda flag portray the country’s natural tourist attractions: sun, sea, and sand. The sun depicts the dawn of a new era with a black background that represents the country’s African ancestry. The red background, shaped like a V for victory, symbolizes the energy and power of the people. The Olympic flag depicts the "Olympic rings", five intertwined rings, on a white background. The current version is based on a first design by Baron Pierre de Coubertin in 1913, and the current version of the flag is a symbol known throughout the world as a representation of the Olympic Games and the Olympic movement. The Olympic movement stands for global unity, friendship, and sportsmanship. Although there has been some discussion, it is widely speculated that the five rings stand for the five main continents Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, and America, respectively. The six colors would represent the totality of the world, taking into account every nation.