Girls' Secondary Education in Mauritania
Girls’ Secondary Education in Mauritania Challenges and Opportunities Team for the Preparation of this report: Project Manager: Sherif Ayoub Research and writing: Sherif Ayoub, Rachel Bingham, Karl Brown, Johanna Fine, Nozomi Hashimoto, Ryan Newton and Juliet Young Girls’ Secondary Education in Mauritania: Challenges and Opportunities Acknowledgements We wish to acknowledge many individuals and organizations whose time and effort made this report possible. We are particularly grateful to the Peace Corps staff at the office in Nouakchott for their assistance and guidance throughout the elaboration of this report, particularly Obie Shaw, Peace Corps Country Director; Abderrahmane Bagga, Associate Peace Corps Director for Education; Jessica Dunsmore; Peace Corps GAD Program Volunteer Coordinator. Additionally, we are indebted to the many Volunteer Assistants who contributed significantly to the elaboration of the report, including Scott Eidson, Adam Cummings, Andi Gittleman, Alicia Liebel, Cailin McGough, Amanda Moody, Jennifer Slinkard, and Jordana Spadacini, as well as other Peace Corps Volunteers who assisted us during site visits. We would also like to extend our thanks to Abdoul Sow at the UNICEF office in Nouakchott. Furthermore, we gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the numerous civil servants in the Ministère de l’Enseignement Fondamental et Secondaire (MEFS) and the Secrétariat d’Etat à la Condition Féminine (SECF) who provided crucial insight into the educational environment in Mauritania. We particularly wish to thank all the Mauritanian stakeholders who participated in the many interviews, roundtables, focus groups, and questionnaires. Their input was the basis upon which this report was constructed. Finally, we are grateful for all the support extended to us by the Program in Economic and Political Development of the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University.
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