Question for written answer E-003714/2021 to the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Rule 138 Dominique Bilde (ID)

Subject: European Union strategy in the context of the end of

The European Union heads up three civilian and military missions in support of countries: EUTM , a military mission launched in 2013, and the civilian missions EUCAP Sahel and EUCAP Sahel Mali. Their respective mandates run until 18 May 2024 with a budget of EUR 133.7 million1, 30 September 2022 with a budget of EUR 73.7 million2, and 31 January 2023 with a budget of EUR 89.1 million3.

At an inter-state level, however, very few Member States have provided military support for France’s Operation Barkhane. The EU Takuba special task force, in particular, is only supported by nine Member States456.

1. On 9 July 20217, the French President announced the closure of bases as part of the planned end to Operation Barkhane, which the Takuba task force is due to take over from. How does the Vice-President / High Representative plan to encourage Member States to join in with the French military effort, and particularly the Takuba task force?

2. Is the Vice-President / High Representative going to extend and / or strengthen the mandates of the aforementioned operations?

3. What type of equipment will the European Union provide for the G5 Sahel armies?

1 mission-with-broadened-mandate-and-increased-budget/ 2 3 4 ‘Imaginée en 2018, Takuba devra prendre la relève de Barkhane’, article of 13 July 2021, Le Figaro. 5 6 7 premier-trimestre-2022_AD-202107130555.html
