100 Jahre Ephesos = H.Friesinger - F.Krinzinger (edd.), 100 Jahre Österreichische Forschungen in Ephesos. Akten des Symposions Wien 1995(Österr.Akad.Wiss., Ph.-Hist. Klasse, Denkschriften Band 260; Wien 1999) 100 Jahre Ephesos = H.Friesinger - F.Krinzinger (edd.), 100 Jahre Österreichische Forschungen in Ephesos. Akten des Symposions Wien 1995(Österr.Akad.Wiss., Ph.-Hist. Klasse, Denkschriften Band 260; Wien 1999) XII Congressus = M.Mayer i Olivé, G.Baratta, A.Guzmán Almagro (edd.), XII Congressus internationalis Imperii Romani inscriptionibus descriptae, Barcelona, 3-8 Septembris 2002(Barcelona 2007) A’ Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο = E.K.Sverkos (ed.), A’ Πανελλήνιο Ἐπιγραφικῆς Συνέδριο Ἐπιγραφικῆς στὴν µνήµη Δηµητρίου Κανατσούλη. Θεσσαλονίκη 22-23 Ὀκτωβρίου 1999 (Thessaloniki 2001) AAAS = Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes AAES = H.C.Butler, W.K.Prentice (edd.), Publications of an American Archaeological Expedition to Syria in 1899, II-III (New York 1908) AASS = Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes ABME = Ἀρχεῖον τῶν βυζαντινῶν µνηµείων τῆς Ἑλλάδος ABV = cf. Beazley, ABV Achaïe I, II, III = A.D.Rizakis, Achaïe I. Sources textuelles et Histoire regionale(Μελετήµατα 20; Athens 1995). Achaïe II. La Cité de Patras: Épigraphie et Histoire (Μελετήµατα 25) (Athens 1998). Achaïe III. Les cités achéennes: épigraphie et histoire (Athens 2008) ACSS = Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia (Leiden (1994) →

Actes IXe Congrès = Actes du IXe Congrès international d’épigraphie grecque et latine, 31 Aug. - 7 Sept. 1987, I (Acta Centri Historiae ‘Terra Antiqua Balcanica’, II; Sofia 1987)

Actes Xe Congrès = M.Christol, O.Masson (edd.), Actes du Xe Congrès international d’épigraphie grecque et latine, Nîmes, 4-9 octobre 1992 (Paris 1997)

Actes XIe Congrès = N.Duval (ed.), Actes du XIe Congrès international d’archéologie chrétienne. Lyon, Vienne, Grenoble, Genève et Aoste, 21-28 Septembre 1986, I-III (Rome 1989) Ad Fontes - - Dobesch = H.Heftner, K.Tomaschitz (edd.), Ad Fontes! Festschrift für Gerhard Dobesch zum fünfundsechsigsten Geburtstag am 14. September 2004(Vienna 2004) ADAJ = Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan AEMÖ = Archäologisch-Epigrafische Mitteilungen aus Oesterreich - Ungarn, vol. I-XX (Wien 1877-1897) AEMΘ To Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και Θράκη (Thessaloniki 1989 →) AER = V.Kontorini, Ἀνέκδοτες Ἐπιγραφὲς Ῥόδου, II (Athens 1989) Ager, Arbitrations = S.L.Ager, Interstate Arbitrations in the Greek World, 337-90 B.C.(Berkeley- Los Angeles-London 1996) III = R.E.Wycherley, The Athenian Agora, III. Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia (Princeton 1957) Agora VII = J.Perlzweig, The Athenian Agora, VII. Lamps of the Roman Period, First to Seventh Century after Christ (Princeton 1961) Agora XIX = G.V.Lalonde, M.K.Langdon, M.B.Walbank, The Athenian Agora, XIX. Inscriptions: Horoi, Poletai Records, Leases of Public Lands (Princeton 1991) Agora XV = B.D.Meritt, J.S.Traill, The Athenian Agora, XV. The Athenian Councillors (Princeton 1974) Agora XVI = A.G.Woodhead, The Athenian Agora, XVI. Inscriptions: The Decrees(Princeton 1997) Agora XVII = D.W.Bradeen, The Athenian Agora, XVII. The Funerary Inscriptions(Princeton 1974) Agora XXI = M.Lang, The Athenian Agora, XXI. Graffiti and Dipinti (Princeton 1976) Agora XXIX = S.I.Rotroff, Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Imported Wheelmade Table Ware and Related Material (The Athenian Agora 29; Princeton 1997) Agora XXV = M.Lang, The Athenian Agora, XXV. Ostraka (Princeton 1990) Agora XXVIII = A.L.Boegehold et alii, The Athenian Agora, XXVIII. The Lawcourts at Athens (Princeton 1995) Akademieschriften = A.Wilhelm, Akademieschriften zur griechischen Inschriftenkunde (1895- 1951), I-III (Leipzig 1974) (ed. W. Peek, Opuscula Band VIII: Adolf Wilhelm. Kleine Schriften. Abteilung 1: Akademieschriften) Akten 21. Pap. Kongr. = B.Kramer - W.Luppe - H.Maehler - G.Poethke, Akten des 21. internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Berlin, 13.- 19.8.1995, 2 vols. (Archiv für Papyrusforschung Beiheft 3; Stuttgart- Leipzig 1997) Akten XII. Kongresses = Akten des XII. internationalen Kongresses für christliche Archäologie Bonn, 22.-28. September 1991 (JAC Ergänzungsband, 20 1/2; Münster 1995) Akten XIII. Kongresses = Akten des XIII. internationalen Kongresses für klassische Archäologie, Berlin 1988 (Mainz 1990) ALA = C.Roueché, in Late Antiquity (London 1989) ala 2004 C.Roueché, second edition of ALA on the internet: http://www.insaph.kcl.ac.uk/ala2004 (see SEG LIV 1018) Alekseev, Issledovanija = V.P.Alekseev, Issledovanija po antichnoj arkheologii Severnogo Prichernomorja (Odessa 2007) (see SEG LVII 687) Aleshire, Asklepios at = S.B.Aleshire, Asklepios at Athens. Athens Epigraphic and Prosopographic Essays on the Athenian Healing Cults (Amsterdam 1991) Aleshire, Athenian = S.B.Aleshire, The Athenian Asklepieion Asklepieion. The People, their Dedications, and the Inventories (Amsterdam 1989) Alessandria = Alessandria e il mondo ellenistico- romano. I Centenario del Museo Greco-Romano. Alessandria, 23-27 Novembre 1992 (Atti del II Congresso Internazionale Italo-Egiziano; Rome 1995) Altertümer von = W.Judeich, Inschriften in Altertümer von Hierapolis (Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Ergänzungsheft 4; Berlin 1898) Altgriechische Dialekte = I.Hajnal (ed.), Die altgriechischen Dialekte. Wesen und Werden. Akten des Kolloquiums Freie Universität Berlin 19.-22. September 2001(Innsbruck 2007) Ameling, IJO II = W.Ameling, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis II (Tübingen 2004) AMNS = C.Brixhe, R.Hodot, L’Asie Mineure du Nord au Sud. Inscriptions inédites (Nancy 1988) AMS = Asia Minor Studien (Münster) AMS 45 = E.Schwertheim, E.Winter (edd.), Religion und Region. Götter and Kulte aus dem östlichen Mittelmeerraum (Asia Minor Studien 45; Bonn 2003) AMS 49 = G.Heedeman, E.Winter (edd.), Neue Forschungen zur Religions-geschichte Kleinasiens. Elmar Schwertheim zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet (Asia Minor Studien 49; Bonn 2003) AMS 50 = E.Schwertheim, E.Winter (edd.), Stadt und Stadtentwicklung in Kleinasien (Asia Minor Studien 50; Bonn 2003) = J. and L.Robert, Fouilles d’Amyzon en Carie, I. Exploration, histoire, monnaies et inscriptions (Paris 1983) Ancient History = O.Tekin (ed.), Ancient History, Numismatics and Epigraphy in the Mediterranean World. Studies in memory of Clemens E.Bosch and Sabahat Atlan and in Honour of Nezahat Baydur ( 2009) An.Ép. = Année Épigraphique Anathema = Anathema. Regime delle offerte e vita dei santuari nel Mediterraneo antico. Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Roma 15-18 Giugno 1989 (= Scienze dell’ Antichità. Storia, Archeologia, Antropologia 3/4 (1989/1990) [1991] (Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’)) Ancient Cult Practice = R.Hägg (ed.), Cult Practice from the Epigraphical Evidence. Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult, organized by the Swedish Institute at Athens, 22-24 November 1991 (Stockholm 1994) Ancient Greek Cities in the = E.Samaritaki et al. (edd.), Ancient Crimea Greek Cities in the Crimea (Kiev 2004) Ancient Greek Colonies = D. Grammenos, E.K. Petropoulos(edd.), Ancient Greek Colonies in the Black Sea (Oxford 2005) Ancient Greek Cult = R.Hägg (ed.), Ancient Greek Cult Practice Practice from the Epigraphical Evidence. Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult, Organized by the Swedish Institute at Athens, 22-24 November 1991 (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Athen, 8°; Stockholm 1994) Ancient Macedonia V = Papers read at the Fifth International Symposium held in Thessaloniki, October 10-15, 1989, in memoriam Manolis Andronikos, I-III (Institute for Balkan Studies; Thessaloniki 1993) Ancient Macedonia VI = Papers read at the Sixth International Symposium held in Thessaloniki, October 15-19, 1996 (Thessaloniki 1999) Ancient Macedonia VII = Ancient Macedonia VII. Macedonia from the Iron Age to the Death of Philip II. Papers Read at the Seventh International Symposium Held in Thessaloniki, October 14-18, 2002 (Thessalonike 2007) Ancient Magic = D.R.Jordan, H.Montgomery, E.Thomassen (edd.), The world of ancient magic. Papers from the first International Samson Eitrem Seminar at the Norwegean Institute at Athens, 4-8 May 1997 (Bergen 1999) Ancient Roads in Greece = H.R.Goette (ed.), Ancient Roads in Greece. Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the Cultural Association Aigeas (Athens) and the German Archaeological Institute (Athens) with the Support of the German School at Athens, November 23, 1998 (Schriftenreihe Antiquitates: Archäologische Forschungsergebnisse 21; Hamburg 2002) Aneziri, Techniten S.Aneziri, Die Vereine der dionysischen Techniten im Kontext der hellenistischen Gesellschaft. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte, Organisation und Wirkung der hellenistischen Technitenvereine (Stuttgart 2003) ANMED Anadolu Akdenizi Arkeoloji Haberleri - News of Archaeology from ’s Mediterranean Areas ANRW = H.Temporini, W.Haase (edd.), Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt. Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung(Berlin - New York 1972→) Antike Lebenswelten = P.Mauritsch, W.Petermandl, R.Rollinger, C.Ulf (edd.), Antike Lebenswelten. Konstanz - Wandel - Wirkungsmacht. Festschrift für Ingomar Weiler zum 70. Geburtstag (Wiesbaden 2008) Antioche de Syrie = B.Cabouret, P.-L.Gatier, C.Saliou (edd.), Antioche de Syrie. Histoire, images et traces de la ville antique (Colloque Lyon 4-6 octobre 2001; Topoi, Supplément 5, Lyon 2004) AO = R.Develin, Athenian Officials, 684-321 B.C. (Cambridge 1989) AP = Anthologia Palatina APF = J.K.Davies, Athenian Propertied Families, 600-300 B.C. (Oxford 1971) Aphrodisias and Rome = J.Reynolds, Aphrodisias and Rome (London 1982) Aphrodisias Papers 4 = C.Ratté, R.R.R.Smith (edd.), Aphrodisias Papers 4. New Research on the City and its Monuments (JRA Supplementary Series 70; Portsmouth, R.I., 2008) APMA = Ἀρχεῖον τῶν µνηµείων τῶν Ἀθηνῶν καί τῆς Ἀττικῆς συντασσόµενον ἐντολῇ τοῦ Συµβουλίου, I-III (BAAH vols. 127, 136, 177; Athens 1992, 1992, 1998) APMA IV = O.Vizyenou (ed.), Ἀρχεῖον τῶν µνηµείων τῶν Ἀθηνῶν καί τῆς Ἀττικῆς IV. Εὑρετήρια τοῦ βιβλίου τοῦ Alexander Conze Die Attischen Grabreliefs(Berlin 1893-1922) (Athens 2007) ARAM Periodical = The Decapolis. ARAM Third International Conference, University of Oxford 28-30 September 1992 (The ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies; Oxford 1992) Archaia Thrake = D.Triantaphyllos - D.Terzopoulou, Πρακτικὰ 2ου Διεθνοῦς Συνεδρίου Θρακικῶν Σπουδῶν. Ἀρχαία Θράκη, 2 vols. (Komotini 1997) Archaic and Classical = M. Baumbach, A. Petrovic, I. Petrovic Greek Epigrams (edd.), Archaia and Classical Greek Epigrams (Cambridge 2010) Archäologische = Archäologische Entdeckungen: Die Entdeckungen (DAI) Forschungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Insituts im 20. Jahrhundert, 1-2 (Mainz 2000) Archeologia Cirenaica = Giornata Lincea sulla Archeologia Cirenaica. Roma, 3 Novembre 1987(Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Atti dei Convegni Lincei 87; Rome 1990) Archéomatériaux = Archéomatériaux: Marbres et autres roches: ASMOSIA IV (Bordeaux 1999) Arena I-V = R.Arena, Iscrizioni greche arcaiche di Sicilia e Magna Grecia vol. I-V (Milan- Torino 1989-1998). Second editions of vol. I and II, referred to as Arena I² and II², appeared in 1996 and 2002, respectively Arena, Iscrizioni = R.Arena, Iscrizioni greche arcaiche di Sicilia e Magna Grecia. Iscrizioni di Sicilia, I. Iscrizioni di Megara Iblea e Selinunte (Milan 1989); III. Iscrizioni delle colonie Euboiche (Pisa 1994) Argos et l’Argolide = A.Pariente, G.Touchais (edd.), Argos et l’Argolide: Topographie et Urbanisme. Actes de la Table Ronde internationale, Athènes-Argos 28/4- 1/5 1990 (Athens 1998) ARV² = cf. Beazley, ARV² Associations = N.F.Jones, The Associations of Classical Athens: The Response to Democracy (New York-Oxford 1999) AST = Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı (Ankara) Atalay Memorial = H.Malay (ed.), Erol Atalay Memorial (Arkeoloji Dergisi, Özel Sayi I; Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Yayinlari; Izmir 1991) ATAM = L.Robert, À travers l’Asie Mineure. Poètes et prosateurs, monnaies grecques, voyageurs et géographie (Paris 1980) Athenian Potters and = J.H.Oakley et al. (edd.), Athenian Painters: Catalogue Potters and Painters: Catalogue of the Exhibit (Athens 1994) Athenian Potters and = J.H.Oakley, W.D.E.Coulson, and Painters: Proceedings O.Palagia (edd.), Athenian Potters and Painters: The Conference Proceedings (Oxford 1997) Athens during the Roman = S.Vlizos (ed.), Η Αθήνα κατά τη Period ρωµαϊκή εποχή: πρόσφατες ανακαλύψεις, νέες έρευνες / Athens during the Roman Period. Recent Discoveries, New Evidence (Mouseio Benaki, Supplement 4; Athens 2008) Athens-Sparta N.Kaltsas (ed.), Athens-Sparta (New York 2006) ATL = B.D.Meritt, H.T.Wade-Gery, M.F.MacGregor, The Athenian Tribute Lists, I-IV (Cambridge - Princeton 1939-1953) Atti XI Congresso = XI Congresso Internazionale di Epigrafia Greca e Latina, Roma, 18-24 settembre 1997. Atti I and II (Rome 1999) Αττικής Οδού Περιήγηση = G.Steinhauer (ed.), Αττικής Οδού Περιήγηση (Athens 2005) Attika = H. Lohmann, T. Mattern (edd.), Attika : Archäologie einer “zentralen” Kulturlandschaft: Akten der internationalen Tayung vom 18.20. Mai 2007 in Marburg (Wiesbaden 2010) Audollent, DefixTab = A.Audollent, Defixionum Tabellae (Paris, repr. Frankfurt 1967) AvP VIII.3 = C.Habicht, Altertümer von . VIII 3. Die Inschriften des Asklepieions (Berlin 1969) AΡ = Anthologia Palatina BAAH = Βιβλιοθήκη τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ἑταιρείας BAR = British Archaeological Reports (International Series; Oxford 1975→) Bassitas = F.A.Cooper (ed.), The Temple of Apollo Bassitas, 4 vols. (Princeton 1992-1996) BE = Bulletin Épigraphique in Revue des Études Grecques Bean, JNLyc G.E.Bean, Journeys in Northern Lycia 1965-1967 (Denkschrift der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, phil.-hist. Klasse, 104) (Vienna 1971) Bean-Mitford, Journeys -- = G.E.Bean, T.B.Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia, 1962-1963 Rough Cilicia, 1962- 1963(Denkschriften Akad. Wien, Phil.- Hist. Kl. Band 85; Wien 1965) Bean-Mitford, Journeys -- = G.E.Bean, T.B.Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia, 1964-1968 Rough Cilicia, 1964- 1968(Denkschriften Akad. Wien, Phil.- Hist. Kl. Band 102; Wien 1970) Beazley, ABV = J.D.Beazley, Attic Black-figure Vase Painters (Oxford 1956) Beazley, ARV² = J.D.Beazley, Attic Red-figure Vase Painters, I-III (Oxford 1963²) Beazley, Paralipomena = J.D.Beazley, Paralipomena. Additions to Attic Black-figure Vase Painters and Attic Red-figure Vase Painters (Oxford 1971) Bechtel, AFN = F.Bechtel, Die Attischen Frauennamen (Göttingen 1902) Bechtel, Attische = F.Bechtel, Die attischen Frauennamen Frauennamen nach ihrem Systeme dargestellt(Göttingen 1902) Bechtel, HPN = F.Bechtel, Die historischen Personennamen des Griechischen bis zur Kaiserzeit (Halle 1917) BEFAR = Bibliothèque des Écoles Françaises d’Athènes et de Rome Bernand, Inscr. métriques = E.Bernand, Inscriptions métriques de l’Égypte gréco-romaine (Paris 1969) Between City and King = P.Paschidis, Between City and King. Prosopographical Studies on the Intermediaries between the Cities of the Greek Mainland and the Aegean and the Royal Courts in the (322 - 190 BC)(ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 59; Athens 2008) Between Magic and = S.R.Asirvatham, C.O.Pache, J.Watrous Religion (edd.), Between Magic and Religion: Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Mediterranean Religion and Society (Lanham, MD 2001) BGU = Aegyptische Urkunden aus den koeniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Griechische Urkunden (Berlin 1895→) Bilinguisme = F.Biville, J.-C.Decourt, G.Rougemont (edd.), Bilinguisme gréco-latin et épigraphie. Actes du colloque -- mai 2004 (Lyon 2008) Bodel/Tracy = J.Bodel - S.V.Tracy, Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the USA: A Checklist(New York 1997) Boeotia Antiqua III = J.M.Fossey, J.Morin (edd.), Boeotia Antiqua, III. Papers in Boiotian History, Institutions and Epigraphy in Memory of Paul Roesch(Amsterdam 1993) Boeotia Antiqua IV = J.M.Fossey (ed.), Boeotia Antiqua, IV. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Boiotian Antiquities, Boiotian (and other) Epigraphy (Amsterdam 1994) Boeotia Antiqua VI = J.M.Fossey (ed.), Boeotia Antiqua VI. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Boiotian Antiquities (Loyola University of Chicago, 24-26 May 1995) (Amsterdam 1996) Boiotika = H.Beister, J.Buckler (edd.), Boiotika. Vorträge vom 5. Internationalen Böotien-Kolloquium zu Ehren von Professor Dr. Siegfried Lauffer. Institut für Alte Geschichte, München 13.-17. Juni 1986 (München 1989) Bosnakis, Ἀνέκδοτες = D.Bosnakis, Ἀνέκδοτες ἐπιγραφὲς τῆς Κῶ. Ἐπιτύµβια µνηµεῖα ἐπιγραφὲς τῆς Κῶ και ὅροι (Athens 2008) Bosnakis, Ἀνέκδοτες = D.Bosnakis, Ἀνέκδοτες ἐπιγραφὲς τῆς ἐπιγραφὲς τῆς Κῶ Κῶ. Ἐπιτύµβια µνηµεῖα και ὅροι (Athens 2008) Boubon = C.Kokkinia (ed.), Boubon. The Inscriptions and Archaeological Remains. A Survey 2004- 2006 (Athens 2008) Bresson, La cité = A.Bresson, La cité marchande marchande (Bordeaux 2000) Bresson, Recueil Pérée = A.Bresson, Recueil des inscriptions de la Perée Rhodienne (Pérée Intégrée) (Paris 1991) Brixhe, Essai² = C.Brixhe, Essai sur le grec anatolien au début de notre ère (Nancy 1987²) Bull.amph. = Bulletin amphorique, in Revue des Études Grecques Cabanes, L’Épire = P.Cabanes, L’Épire de la mort de Pyrrhos à la conquête romaine (Paris 1976) Cabanes, L’Illyrie = P.Cabanes (ed.), L’Illyrie méridionale et l’Épire dans l’Antiquité. Actes du Colloque international de Clermont- Ferrand, 22-25 Oct. 1984(Clermont- Ferrand 1987) Canali De Rossi, Selezione F.Canali De Rossi, Selezione di iscrizioni storiche tardo- ellenistiche(Rome 2000) [Rome 1999; ‘stampato in proprio’; see SEG L 1685] Cargill, Athenian = J.Cargill, Athenian Settlements of the Settlements fourth century B.C. (MnemosyneSuppl. 145; Leiden 1995) Catalogo Denizli = T.Ritti (ed.), Museo Archeologico di Denizli-Hierapolis. Catalogo delle iscrizioni greche e latine. Distretto di Denizli (Naples 2008) CCCA = M.J.Vermaseren, Corpus Cultus Cybelae Attidisque I-VII (Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l’empire romain 50; Leiden etc. 1977-1989) CCET = Corpus Cultus Equitis Thracii, I-V (EPRO 74; Leiden 1979-1984) CD = G.Daux, Chronologie Delphique (Fouilles de Delphes, III, fasc. hors série, Paris 1943) CEFR = Collection de l’École Française de Rome CEG = P.A.Hansen, Carmina epigraphica Graeca saeculorum VIII-V a.Chr.n.(Berlin - New York 1983→) Centre and Periphery = P.Bilde, T.Engberg-Pedersen, L.Hannestad, J.Zahle, K.Randsborg (edd.), Centre and Periphery in the Hellenistic World (Aarhus 1993) Chaniotis, Verträge = A.Chaniotis, Die Verträge zwischen kretischen Städten in der hellenistischen Zeit (Stuttgart 1996) Chanter les Dieux = P.Brulé, C.Vendries (edd.), Chanter les Dieux: Musique et religion dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine (Rennes 2001) Charitonidis, Ἐπιγραφαί = S.Charitonidis, Aἱ ἐπιγραφαὶ τῆς Λέσβου. Συµπλήρωµα (Athens Λέσβου1968) Chemin faisant = L.Bodiou, V.Mehl, J.Oulhen, F.Probst, J.Wilgaux (edd.), Chemin faisant. Mythes, cultes et société en Grèce ancienne. Mélanges en l'honneur de Pierre Brulé (Rennes 2009) Chiakon Symposion - - G.A.Malouchou, A.P.Matthaiou (edd.), Forrest Χιακὸν Συµπόσιον εἰς µνήµην W.G.Forrest (Athens 2006) CID = Corpus des Inscriptions de Delphes (Paris 1978→) CID IV = F.Lefèvre, Corpus des inscriptions de Delphes, Tome IV. Documents amphictioniques (Paris 2002) CIG = Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum (Berlin 1825-1877) CIGD = L.Ruscu, Corpus inscriptionum Graecarum Dacicarum (Debrecen 2003) CIGP = P.Kovács (ed.), Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum Pannonicarum(Hungarian Polis Studies 3; Debrecen 1998) CIIP = (Various edd.) Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palestinae. A Multilingual Corpus of the Inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad(Berlin 2010 →) CIJ = J.-B.Frey, Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaicarum, I-II (Rome - Paris 1936- 1952); CIJ I² is a reprint of Frey, with additions by B.Lifshitz CIL = Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Berlin 1863→) CIMRM = M.J.Vermaseren, Corpus Inscriptionum et Monumentorum Religionis Mithriacae, I-II (The Hague 1956-1960) CIPG² = P.Kóvacs, Corpus inscriptionum graecarum Pannonicarum (Debrecen 2001) (cf. SEG 51 1478)

CIPG2, CIPG3 P.Kóvacs, Corpus inscriptionum graecarum Pannonicarum (Editio maior) (Debrecen 2001) (cf. SEG LI 1478) [=CIPG2]; Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum Pannonicarum Editio III. Aucta (Budapest 2007) [=CIPG3]

CIPG3 P.Kóvacs, Corpus inscriptionum Graecarum Pannonicarum Editio III. Aucta (Budapest 2007) CIRB = Corpus Inscriptionum Regni Bosporani (Leningrad 1965) Cirenaica = E.Catani - S.M.Marengo (edd.), La Cirenaica in età antica (Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Macerata, 18-20 Maggio 1995; Pisa- Rome 1998) Cirene e la Cirenaica = L.Gasperini, S.M.Marengo, Cirene e la Cirenaica nell’antichità. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Roma-Frascati, 18-21 Dicembre 1996(Tivoli 2007) CIS = Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum (Paris 1881→) Cités de Carie = P. Debord, E. Varinlioğlu (edd.), Cités de Carie. , , dans l’antiquité(Rennes 2010) Clairmont, CAT = C.Clairmont, Classical Attic Tombstones, I-IX (Kilchberg 1993- 1995) Clairmont, Gravestone and = C.Clairmont, Gravestone and Epigram Epigram (Mainz am Rhein 1970) Clinton, Sacred Officials = K.Clinton, The Sacred Officials of the Eleusinian Mysteries(Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 64.3; 1974) CMRDM = E.Lane, Corpus Monumentorum Religionis Dei Menis, I-IV (Leiden 1971-1978) Coll. Froehner = L.Robert, Collection Froehner. Inscriptions grecques (Paris 1936) Colonie Romane = G.Salmeri, A.Raggi, A.Baroni (edd.), Colonie romane nel mondo greco(Rome 2004) Comptes = D.Knoepfler (ed.), Comptes et inventaires dans la cité grecque. Actes du Colloque international d’épigraphie, 23-26 Sept. 1986 (Neuchâtel - Genève 1988) Congrès Mer Noire = Tarih Boyunca Karadeniz Kongresi Bildirileri (Uluslararasi I), 1-3 Haziran 1988 (Samsun 1990) Congressus XIV R.Harreither, P.Pergola, R.Pillinger, Arch. Christ. A.Pülz (edd.), ActaCongressus Internationalis XIV Archaeologiae Christianae. Vindobonae 19.- 26.9.1999. Fruhes Christentum zwischen Rom und Konstantinopel(Vatican 2006) Conventional Values = P.Bilde, T.Engberg-Pedersen, L.Hannestad, J.Zahle (edd.), Conventional Values of the Hellenistic Greeks (Studies in Hellenistic Civilization, vol. VIII; Aarhus 1997) Corinth 12 = G.R.Davidson, Corinth, XII, The Minor Objects (Princeton 1952) Corinth 8.1 = B.D.Meritt, Corinth, VIII.1, Greek Inscriptions, 1896-1927 (Cambridge Mass. 1931) Corinth 8.2 = A.Brown West, Corinth, VIII.2, Latin Inscriptions (Cambridge Mass. 1931) Corinth 8.3 = J.H.Kent, Corinth, VIII.3, The Inscriptions 1926-1950 (Princeton 1966) Corinth in Context = S. J. Friesen, D. N. Schowalter, J. C. 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Inscriptions de Salone chrétienne, IVe-VIIe siècles (2 vols.; Rome-Split 2010) I.Adramytteion = J.Stauber, Die Bucht von Adramytteion, Teil I (Topographie: Lokalisierung antiker Orte/Fundstellen von Altertümer) and II (Inschriften -literarische Testimonia - Münzen) (IGSK Band 50 and 51; Bonn 1996) I.Akoris = E.Bernand, Inscriptions grecques et latines d’Akoris (Bibliothèque d’Étude, Tome CIII, Institut français d’archéologie orientale; Cairo 1988) I.Amyzon = J. and L.Robert, Fouilles d’Amyzon en Carie. Tome I: Exploration, Histoire, Monnaies et Inscriptions (Paris 1983) I.Anazarbos = M.H.Sayar, Die Inschriften von Anazarbos und Umgebung. Teil I: Inschriften aus dem Stadtgebiet und der nächsten Umgebung der Stadt (IGSK Band 56; Bonn 2000) I.Ancyra = S.Mitchell, D.French, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra) (vol. 1; Vestigia 62; Munich 2012) I.Apameia und Pylai = T.Corsten, Die Inschriften von Apameia (Bithynien) und Pylai (IGSK Band 32; Bonn 1987) I.Aphr. = J.Reynolds, C.Roueché, G. Bodard (edd.), Inscriptions of Aphrodisias(2007): http://insaph.kcl.ac.uk/iaph2007 (cf. SEG LVII 1006) I. = P.Cabanes, N.Ceka, Corpus des inscriptions grecques d’Illyrie méridionale et d’Épire. I. Inscriptions d’Épidamne-Dyrrhachion et d’Apollonia. 2.A. Inscriptions d’Apollonia d’Illyrie (Athens-Paris 1997) I.Apulum = I.Piso, Inscriptions d’Apulum. Inscriptions de la Dacie Romaine III.5 (Paris 2001) I.Aquileia = J.Brusin, Inscriptiones Aquileiae I-III (Udine 1991-1993) I.Arykanda = S.Şahin, Die Inschriften von Arykanda (IGSK 48; Bonn 1994) I. = R.Merkelbach, Die Inschriften von Assos (IGSK Band 4; Bonn 1976) I.Beroia = L.Gounaropoulou, M.B.Hatzopoulos, Ἐπιγραφὲς Κάτω Μακεδονίας (µεταξὺ τοῦ Βερµίου Ὄρους καὶ τοῦ Ἀξιοῦ Ποταµοῦ). Τεῦχος Αʹ. Ἐπιγραφὲς Βεροίας (Athens 1998) I.Bouthrôtos = P.Cabanes - P.Drini, Corpus des inscriptions grecques d’Illyrie méridionale et d’Épire. II Inscriptions de Bouthrôtos (Paris-Athens forthcoming; see lemma no. 679 in fine) I.Bouthrôtos = P.Cabanes, F.Drini, M.Hatzopoulos, Corpus des inscriptions grecques d’Illyrie méridionale et d’Épire 2. Inscriptions de Bouthrôtos (Athens 2007) I.Breccia = Breccia Evaristo, Iscrizioni greche e latine (Catalogue général des antiquités du Musée d'Alexandrie) (Cairo 1911) I. = F.Schindler, Die Inschriften von Bubon (Nordlykien) (Sitzungsber. Akad. Wien, Ph.-Hist. Kl. 278, 3; Wien 1972) I.BurdurMus = G.H.R.Horsley, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Burdur Archaeological Museum (RECAM vol. V; The British Institute at Ankara Monograph 34; London 2007) I.Byzantion = A.Łajtar, Die Inschriften von Byzantion. I. Die Inschriften (IGSK 58; Bonn 2000) I.Caesarea Maritima = C.M.Lehmann, K.G.Holum, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Caesarea Maritima (Boston 2000) I.Catania = K.Korhonen, Le iscrizioni del Museo Civico di Catania. Storia delle collezioni - Cultura epigrafica - Edizione (Helsinki/Tammisaari 2004) I.Col.Memnon = E.Bernand, Les inscriptions grecques et latines du Colosse de Memnon(Cairo 1960) I.Cos = cf. PH I.Cret. = M.Guarducci, Inscriptiones Creticae (Rome 1935-1950) I.Deir el-Bahari = A.Łajtar, Deir el-Bahari in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. A Study of an Egyptian Temple Based on Greek Sources (JJP Suppl. 4; Warsaw 2006) I.Délos = Inscriptions de Délos, publiées par F.Durrbach (Paris 1926-1937) I.Delta = A.Bernand, Le Delta égyptien d’après les textes grecques I (MIFAO 91; Cairo 1970) I.Didyma = A. Rehm, Didyma, II. Die Inschriften, hrsg. von R.Harder (Berlin 1958) I.Dor.Ins. = W.Peek, Inschriften von den dorischen Inseln (Berlin 1969) Identität und = A.Coşkun, H.Heinen, S.Pfeiffer Zugehörigkeit (edd.), Identität und Zugehörigkeit im Osten der griechisch-römischen Welt. Aspekte ihrer Repräsentation in Städten, Provinzen und Reichen (Frankfurt am Main 2009) I.Eleusis = K.Clinton, Eleusis. The Inscriptions on Stone. Documents of the Sanctuary of the Two Goddesses and Public Documents of the Deme. I A. Text; I B: Plates (BAAH no. 236; Athens 2005); II: Commentary (BAAH no. 259; Athens 2008). I.Eph(esos) = H.Wankel, R.Merkelbach et alii, Die Inschriften von Ephesos, I-VII (IGSK Band 11-17; Bonn 1979-1981) I.Épidamne = P.Cabanes, F.Drini, Corpus des inscriptions grecques d’Illyrie méridionale et d’Épire I. Inscriptions d’Épidamne-Dyrrhachion et d’Apollonia. 1. Inscriptions d’Épidamne-Dyrrhachion (Athens- Paris 1995) I.Erythrai = H.Engelmann, R.Merkelbach, Die Inschriften von Erythrai und , I-II (IGSK Band 1-2; Bonn 1972-1973) I.Estremo Oriente = F.Canali De Rossi, Iscrizioni delle Estremo Oriente Greco. Un repertorio (IGSK 65; Bonn 2004) I.Éthiopie = E.Bernand, A.J.Drewes, R.Schneider, Recueil des inscriptions de l’Éthiopie du périodes pré-axoumite et axoumite (Paris 1991-2000; cf. SEG 42 1637-1656; 50 1625) I.Fay(o)um = E.Bernand, Recueil des inscriptions grecques du Fayoum, I-III (Leiden 1975-1981)

I.Georgien 3 = T.Kauchtschischwili, Korpus der griechischen Inschriften in Georgien - Sakartvelos berdznuli c’arc’erebis k’orp’usi (3rd ed., revised by L.Gordesiani; Tbilisi 2009) I.Gerasa = C.B.Welles in C.H.Kraeling, Gerasa. City of the Decapolis (New Haven 1938) I.Hadrianoi = E.Schwertheim, Die Inschriften von Hadrianoi und Hadrianeia (IGSK Band 33; Bonn 1987) I. = E.Laflı, E.Christof, Hadrianopolis I. Inschrifte n aus Paphlagonia. Mit einem Beitrag von M.Metcalfe (Oxford 2012) I. Pontica = L.Jonnes, The Inscriptions of , with a Prosopographia Heracleotica by W.Ameling (IGSK Band 47; Bonn 1994) I.Hermoupolis = E.Bernand, Inscriptions grecques d’Hermoupolis Magna et de sa nécropole (Cairo 1999) I.Hierapolis = W.Judeich (ed.), ‘Inschriften’, in C.Humann et al. (eds.) Altertümer von Hierapolis (67-202). (Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Ergänzungsheft 4; Berlin 1898) I.Histriae = Inscriptiones Daciae et Scythiae Minoris Antiquae, Series Altera. Inscriptiones Scythiae Minoris Graecae et Latinae, I. Inscriptiones Histriae et Viciniae (Buckarest 1983) I. = W.Blümel, Die Inschriften von Iasos (IGSK Band 28 1/2; Bonn 1985) I.Ikaria = A.P.Matthaiou, G.K.Papadopoulos, Ἐπιγραφὲς Ἰκαρίας (Athens 2003) I.Ilion = P.Frisch, Die Inschriften von Ilion (IGSK Band 3; Bonn 1975) I.Iznik = S.Şahin, Katalog der antiken Inschriften des Museums von Iznik (Nikaia), I-II 1/2 (IGSK Band 9-10 1/2; Bonn 1979-1982) I.Kalch(edon) = R.Merkelbach, Die Inschriften von Kalchedon, hrsg. mit Hilfe von F.K.Dörner und S.Şahin (IGSK Band 20; Bonn 1980) I.Kanais = A.Bernand, Le Paneion d’el- Kanaïs (Leiden 1972) I. = C.Marek, Die Inschriften von Kaunos (Vestigia, vol. 53; München 2006) I.Keramos = E.Varinlioğlu, Die Inschriften von Keramos (IGSK Band 30; Bonn 1986) I.KerchMuseum = T.Matkovskaya, A.Twardecki, S.Tokhtasev, A.Bekhter, Bosporan Funerary Stelae, 2nd century BC-3rd century AD (From the Collection of the Kerch History and Culture Reserve Lapidary Collection) III.2.1) (Kiev- Warsaw 2009) I.Khartoum = A.Łajtar, Catalogue of the Greek Inscriptions in the Sudan National Museum at Khartoum (Leuven 2003) I.Kios = T.Corsten, Die Inschriften von Kios (IGSK Band 29; Bonn 1985) I.Kition = M.Yon (ed.), Kition- Bamboula V. Kition dans les textes.Testimonia littéraires et épigraphiques et Corpus des inscriptions (Paris 2004) I.Klaudiupolis = F.Becker-Bertau, Die Inschriften von Klaudiupolis (IGSK Band 31; Bonn 1986) I. = W.Blümel, Die Inschriften von Knidos, I (IGSK Band 41; Bonn 1992) I.Ko.Ko. = A.Bernand, De Koptos à Kosseir (Leiden 1972) I.Komana = F.Baz, Die Inschriften von Komana (Hierapolis) in Kappadokien(Istanbul 2007) I.Kourion = T.B.Mitford, The Inscriptions of Kourion ( 1971) I.Kyme = H.Engelmann, Die Inschriften von Kyme (IGSK Band 5; Bonn 1976) I.Kyz. = E.Schwertheim, Die Inschriften von Kyzikos und Umgebung, I. Grabtexte (IGSK Band 18; Bonn 1980); II. Miletupolis: Inschriften und Denkmäler (IGSK Band 26; Bonn 1983) I. = J.Crampa, Labraunda. Swedish Excavations and Researches, III 1/2. Greek Inscriptions, I-II (Lund - Stockholm 1969-1972) I.Lampsakos = P.Frisch, Die Inschriften von Lampsakos (IGSK Band 6; Bonn 1978) I.Laodikeia am Lykos = T.Corsten, Die Inschriften von Laodikeia am Lykos, I (IGSK Band 49; Bonn 1997) I.Leukopetra = P.M.Petsas, M.B.Hatzopoulos, L.Gounaropoulou, P.Paschidis, Inscriptions du sanctuaire de la Mère des Dieux autochthone de Leukopétra (Macédoine) (Athens 2000) I.Lindos = C.Blinkenberg, Lindos. Fouilles et recherches, II. Fouilles de l’acropole. Inscriptions (Berlin 1941) I.Lipara = L.Bernabó Brea, M.Cavalier, L.Campagna, Meligunìs Lipára XII: Le iscrizioni lapidarie greche e latine delle isole eolie (Palermo 2003) I.Louvre = E.Bernand, Inscriptions grecques d’Égypte et de Nubie au musée du Louvre (Paris 1992) I.Magn(esia) am Sipylos = T.Ihnken, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Sipylos (IGSK Band 8; Bonn 1978) I.Magnesia = O.Kern, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander (Berlin 1900) I. = H.Malay, Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Manisa Museum(Ergänzungsbände zu den TAM no. 19; Denkschriften Österr. Akad., Phil.-Hist. Kl. Band 237; Wien 1994) I.Memnonion = E.Bernand, Les inscriptions grecques et latines du Colosse de Memnon(Cairo 1960) I.Mésie Sup. IV = P.Petrovic, Inscriptions de la Mésie Supérieure, IV. Naissus-Remesiana- Horreum Margi (Beograd 1979) I.Mésie Sup. VI = B.Dragojević-Josifovska, Inscriptions de la Mésie Supérieure VI. Scupi et la région de Kumanova (Belgrade 1982) I.Messina = I.Bitto, Le iscrizioni greche e latine di Messina I (Messina 2001) I. = B.Dreyer and H.Engelmann, Die Inschriften von Metropolis, I. (IGSK 63; Bonn 2003) I.Mylasa = W.Blümel, Die Inschriften von Mylasa, I. Inschriften der Stadt (IGSK Band 34, Bonn 1987); II. Inschriften aus der Umgebung der Stadt(IGSK Band 35; Bonn 1988) I.Napoli = E.Miranda, Iscrizoni Greche d’Italia: Napoli, 2 vols. (Rome 1990 and 1995) I.Nikaia = S.Şahin (ed.) Katalog der antiken Inschriften des Museums von Iznik (Nikaia). Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien 9–10.3. 4 vols. (Bonn 1979-1987) I. = Nadpisi Olbii (1917-1965) (Leningrad 1968) I.Oropos = B.C.Petrakos, Oἱ ἐπιγραφὲς τοῦ Ὠρωποῦ (Athens 1997) I.Pal. Tertia I a, I b = Y.E.Meimaris, K.I.Kritikakou- Nikolaropoulou, Inscriptions from Palaestina Tertia. I a. The Greek inscriptions from Ghor es-Safi (Byzantine Zoora) (Μελετήµατα 41; Athens-Paris 2005); Inscriptions from Palaestina Tertia. Ib. The Greek Inscriptions from Ghor es-Safi (Byzantine Zoora) (Supplement), Khirbeth Qazone and Feinan (Μελετήµατα 57; Athens-Paris 2008) I.Pan = A.Bernand, Pan du désert (Leiden 1977) I.Parion = P.Frisch, Die Inschriften von Parion (IGSK Band 25; Bonn 1983) I.Péluse = J.-Y.Carrez-Maratray, Péluse et l’angle oriental du Delta égyptien aux époques grecque, romaine et byzantine, Bibliothèque d'étude 124 (Cairo 1999) I.Pér.rhod. = A.Bresson, Recueil des inscriptions de la Pérée rhodienne (Paris 1991) I.Perg(amon) = M.Fraenkel, Die Inschriften von Pergamon, I-II (Berlin 1890-1895) I.Perge = S.Şahin, Die Inschriften von Perge (IGSK 54, Bonn 1999; IGSK 61, Bonn 2004) I.Perinthos = M.H.Sayar, Perinthos-Herakleia ( Ereğlisi) und Umgebung. Geschichte, Testimonien, griechische und lateinische Inschriften(Vienna 1998) I.Pessinous = J.Strubbe, The Inscriptions of Pessinous (IGSK Band 66; Bonn 2005) I.Philae = A.Bernand, Les inscriptions grecques de Philae, I (Paris 1969) and E.Bernand, Les inscriptions grecques et latines de Philae, II (Paris 1969) I.Pisid.Cen. = G.H.R.Horsley, S.Mitchell, The Inscriptions of Central Pisidia (IGSKBand 57; Bonn 2000) I.Portes = A.Bernand, Les Portes du désert (Paris 1984) I.Porto = G.Sacco, Iscrizioni greche d’Italia. Porto (Rome 1984) I.Pr(o)usias = W.Ameling, Die Inschriften von (IGSK Band 27; Bonn 1985) I. = F.Hiller von Gaertringen, Inschriften von Priene (Berlin 1906) I.Priene (2014) = W.Blümel, R.Merkelbach †, Die Inschriften von Priene I/II (IGSK 69; Bonn 2014) I.Prose = A.Bernand, La prose sur pierre dans l’Égypte hellénistique et romaine, I-II (Paris 1992) I. = T.Corsten, Die Inschriften von Prusa ad Olympum, I-II (IGSK Band 39-40; Bonn 1991-1993) I.Reggio Calabria = L.D’Amore, Iscrizioni greche d’Italia. Reggio Calabria (Rome 2007) I.Rhod.Per. = W.Blümel, Die Inschriften der rhodischen Peraia (IGSK Band 38; Bonn 1991) I.Samothrake = P.M.Fraser, The Inscriptions on Stone, II 1 of K.Lehmann (ed.), Samothrace. Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York (New York 1960) I. = cf. Sardis VII 1 I. = J.Nollé, F.Schindler, Die Inschriften von Selge (IGSK Band 37; Bonn 1991) I. = J.Krauss, Die Inschriften von Sestos und der thrakischen Chersones(IGSK Band 19; Bonn 1980) I. = J.Nollé, Side im Altertum. Geschichte und Zeugnisse, I. Geographie, Geschichte, Testimonia, griechische und lateinische Inschriften (1-4) (IGSK Band 43; Bonn 1993) I.Sinope = D.H.French, The Inscriptions of Sinope. Part I (IGSK 64; Bonn 2004) I. = G.Petzl, Die Inschriften von Smyrna, I- II 1/2 (IGSK Band 23-24 1/2; Bonn 1982-1990) I.Stobi = S.Babamova, Inscriptiones Stoborum (Studies in Antiquities of Stobi 1; Stobi 2012) I.Stratonikeia = M.Ç.Şahin, Die Inschriften von Stratonikeia, I-II 1/2 (IGSK Band 21- 22 1/2; Bonn 1981-1990) I.Sultan Dağı I = L.Jonnes, The Inscriptions of the Sultan Dağı I (Philomelion, Thymbrion/Hadrianopolis, Tyraion) (IGSK 62; Bonn 2002) I.Syringes = J. Baillet, Inscriptions grecques et latines des tombeaux des rois ou syringes (Cairo 1926) I.Thespiai = P.Roesch, Les inscriptions de Thespies, édition électronique mise en forme par G.Argoud, A.Schachter, et G.Vottéro (Lyon 2007) [second edition, 2009] I.Thessaly = A.McDevitt, Inscriptions of Thessaly. An Analytical Handlist and Bibliography (Hildesheim - New York 1970) I.ThessEnipeus = J.-C.Decourt, Inscriptions de Thessalie. I. Les cités de la valle de l’ Enipeus (Paris 1995) I.Thrac.Aeg. = L.D.Loukopoulou et alii, Ἐπιγραφὲς τῆς Θράκης τοῦ Αἰγαίου µεταξὺ τῶν ποταµῶν Νέστου καὶ Ἕβρου (Νοµοὶ Ξάνθης, Ροδόπης καὶ Ἕβρου) (Athens 2005) I.Tomis = I.Stoian, Inscriptions Daciae et Scythiae minoris antiquae. Series altera. Inscriptiones Scythiae minoris Graecae et Latinae, II. Tomis et territorium (Buckarest 1987) I.Tralleis(und Nysa) = Fj.B.Poljakov, Die Inschriften von Tralleis und Nysa, I. Die Inschriften von Tralleis (IGSK Band 36 1; Bonn 1989) I. = D.Berges, J.Nollé, Tyana. Archäologisch-historische Untersuchungen zum südwestlichen Kappadokien (IGSK 55, 1/2; Bonn 2000) (cf. SEG L 1366) I.Tyr I, II = J.-P.Rey-Coquais, Inscriptions grecques et latines découvertes dans les fouilles de Tyr (1963-1974). I. Inscriptions de la Nécropole (Beirut 1977; see SEG XXVII 995) [= I.Tyr I]; Inscriptions grecques et latines de Tyr(Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises, Hors-Série III; Beirut 2006) [= I.Tyr II] I.Varsovie = A.Łajtar, A.Twardecki, Catalogue des inscriptions grecques du Musée National de Varsovie (Warsaw 2003) I.Velia = L.Vecchio, Le iscrizioni greche di Velia (Österr. Akad. Wiss., philos. hist. Kl., Denkschr. 316; Vienna 2003) IAG = L.Moretti, Iscrizioni Agonistiche Greche (Rome 1953) ICS = O.Masson, Les inscriptions Chypriotes syllabiques. Études Chypriotes I (Paris 1961); I Add. (Paris 1983) ICUR = J.B.de Rossi et alii, Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Romae, saeculo septimo antiquiores (Rome 1861→) IdC = G.Dagron, D.Feissel, Inscriptions de Cilicie (Paris 1987) IDR = Inscripţiile Daciei Romane (Inscriptiones Daciae Romanae) (Bucharest 1975 →) IDR III.6 = C.L.Băluţă, Inscripţiile Daciei Romane III. Dacia Superior 6. Apulum. Instrumentum domesticum (Bucharest 1999) IDR I-III.4 = I.I.Russu, Inscripţiile Daciei Romane I- III.4 (Bucharest 1975-2001) [for vol. III.5 see I.Apulum] IDRE II: C.C.Petolescu, Inscriptions de la Dacie Romaine. Inscriptions externes concernant l’histoire de la Dacie (Ier- IIIe siecles): tome II (Bucharest 2000) IG = Inscriptiones Graecae (Berlin 1873→) IGBulg = Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae, vol. I-V (Sofia 1956-1997) IGC = H.Grégoire, Recueil des inscriptions grecques chrétiennes d’Asie Mineure (Paris 1922) IGCVO = C.Wessel, Inscriptiones Graecae Christianae Veteres Occidentis (Bari 1989: see SEG 39 1036) IGEP = M.P. de Hoz, Inscriptiones griegas de España y Portugal (Madird 2014) IGDGG = Cf. under Dubois, IGDGG IGDGG I, II = L.Dubois, Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Grande Grèce; vol. I: Colonies eubéennes. Colonies ioniennes. Emporia (Genève 1995); vol. II: Colonies achéennes (Genève 2002) IGDOP = L.Dubois, Inscriptions grecques dialectales d’Olbia du Pont (Genève 1996) IGDS = L.Dubois, Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Sicile (Coll. Éc. Fr. de Rome 119; Paris - Rome 1989) IGDS I, II L.Dubois, Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Sicile. Contribution à l’étude du vocabulaire grec colonial (Rome 1989) [= IGDS I]; Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Sicile. II (Geneva 2008) [= IGDS II] IGDS, IGDS II = L.Dubois, Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Sicile. Contribution à l’étude du vocabulaire grec colonial (Rome 1989); Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Sicile. II (Geneva 2008) [= IGDS II] IGF = J.-C.Decourt, Inscriptions grecques de la France (Lyon 2004) IGLN = V.Božilova et al., Inscriptions grecques et latines de Novae (Mésie Inférieure) (Bordeaux 1997) IGLS = L.Jalabert, R.Mouterde, J.-P.Rey- Coquais, M.Sartre, P.- L.Gatier, Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie, I-VII, XIII 1 and XXI 2 (Paris 1911-1986) IGLS XI = Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie. XI. J.Aliquot, Mont Hermon (Liban et Syrie) (Beirut 2008) IGLS XV = Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie. XV. 1/2. A.Sartre-Fauriat, M.Sartre, Le plateau du Trachôn et des bordures (Beirut 2014) IGLS XVII = Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie. XVII.1. J.-B.Yon, Palmyre(Beirut 2012) IGLS XXI = Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie. Inscriptions de la Jordanie. XXI.2. P.-L.Gatier, Région centrale (Amman - Hesban - Madaba - Main - Dhiban) (Paris 1986); XXI.4: M.Sartre, Pétra et la Nabatène méridionale du Wadi al-Hasa au golfe de ‘Aqaba (Paris 1993); XXI.5: N.Bader, La Jordanie du Nord- Est (Beirut 2009) IGR = Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes (Paris 1901-1927) IGRR = R.Cagnat (ed.), Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas Pertinentes(Paris 1901-1927) IGSK = Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien (Bonn 1972→) IGUR = L.Moretti, Inscriptiones Graecae Urbis Romae (Rome 1968-1990) IJO = D.Noy, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis I (Tübingen 2004); W.Ameling, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis II (Tübingen 2004); D.Noy, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis III (Tübingen 2004) IJO I-III D.Noy, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis I (Tübingen 2004); W.Ameling, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis II (Tübingen 2004); D.Noy, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis III (Tübingen 2004) ILAlg = Inscriptions latines de l’Algérie (Paris - Alger 1922→) ILCV = E.Diehl, Inscriptiones Latinae Christianae Veteres (Berlin 1925-1931) ILGR = M.Šašel Kos, Inscriptiones Latinae in Graecia repertae. Additamenta ad CIL III (Faenza 1979) ILS = H.Dessau, Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae, I-III (Berlin 1892-1916) ILTun = A.Merlin, Inscriptions latines de la Tunisie (Paris 1944) Immerwahr, CAVI = H.Immerwahr, A Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI). Preliminary Edition (n.p. 1998), 5 vols.; Part V: Corrigenda, Indices (1998); Corrigenda II (May 1999) Impact of Imperial Rome L.de Blois, P.Funke, J.Hahn (edd.), The Impact of Imperial Rome on Religions, Ritual and Religious Life in the . Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, 200 B.C. - A.D. 476), Münster, June 30 - July 4, 2004 (Leiden-Boston 2006) Inscr.Ital. = Inscriptiones Italicae (Rome 1931 →) Inscriptions - - Thessaly Y.A.Pikoulas (ed.), Inscriptions and History of Thessaly: New Evidence. Proceedings of the International Symposium in Honor of Professor Christian Habicht (Volos 2006) Interpreting the Athenian = R.Parker, N.Papazarkadas, J.Ma Empire (edd.), Interpreting the Athenian Empire (London 2009) Inv.Palm. = Inventaire des inscriptions de Palmyre I-IX (ed. J.Cantineau; Beirut 1930-1933); X (ed. J.Starcky; Damascus 1949); XI (ed. J.Teixidor; Beirut 1965); XII (edd. A.Bounni, J.Teixidor; Damascus 1975) Individus, groupes = J.-C.Couvenhes, S.Milanezi (edd.), Individus, groupes et politique et politique à Athènes de Solon à Mithridate : actes du colloque international, Tours, 7 et 8 mars 2005 (Tours 2007) IOSPE = V.Latyshev, Inscriptiones antiquae orae septentrionalis Pontis Euxini Graecae et Latinae (Leningrad 1885- 1901) IPArk = G.Thür, H.Taeuber, Prozessrechtliche Inschriften der griechischen Poleis: Arkadien (IPArk) (SB Akad. Wien 607; Vienna 1994) IRT = J. M.Reynolds and J. B.Ward- Perkins, Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania (Rome 1952) Iscr. 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Παπαδηµητρίου (BAAH vol. 168; Athens 1997) Ἐπιγραφὲς τῆς Μακεδονίας = ΕΠΙΓΡΑΦΕΣ ΤΗΣ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΣ. Γʹ ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΣΥΜΠΟΣΙΟ ΓΙΑ ΤΗ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ, Θεσσαλονίκη 8-12 Δεκεµβρίου 1993 (Thessaloniki 1996) ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΗΡΙΟΝ -- = A.D.Stolyar et alii (edd.), ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΗΡΙΟΝ: Antikovedchesko- Domanskogo istoriograficheskij sboknik pamiati Ya.V.Domanskogo (St. Petersburg 2007) Ἡ Μακεδονία = cf. Demitsas, Ἡ Μακεδονία Ἰθάκη = S.Böhm, K.-V.von Eickstedt (edd.), Ἰθάκη. Festschrift für Jörg Schäfer zum 75. Geburtstag am 25. April 2001. (Würzburg 2001) Καλλίστευµα = Καλλίστευµα. Μελέτες προς τιµήν της Όλγας Τζάχου-Αλεξανδρή (Athens 2001) Κατὰ Διάλεκτον = A.C.Cassio (ed.), Katà Diálekton: Atti del III Colloquio Internazionale di Dialettologia Greca, Napoli-Fiaiano d’Ischia, 25-28 settembre 1996(AION (filol.) 19 (1997) [1999]) Μικρὸς ῾Ιεροµνήµων: = A.P.Matthaiou, I.Polinskaya (edd.), Μελέτες Jameson Μικρὸς Ἱεροµνήµων. Μελέτες εἰς µνήµην Michael H. 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Ευρήµατα από τις ανασκαφές του Μητροπολιτικού Σιδηροδρόµου των Αθηνών (Athens 2000) ΣΕΜΑ = V.Bardani, G.Papadopoulos, Συµπλήρωµα τῶν ἐπιτυµβίων µνηµείων τῆς ᾿Αττικῆς (ΒΑΑΗ 241; Athens 2006) Τιµαί Ιωάννου = Τίµαι Ιωάννου Τριανταφυλλοπούλου Τριανταφυλλοπούλου (Athens 2000) Φόρος Meritt = D.W.Bradeen, M.F.McGregor (edd.), Φόρος: Tribute to Benjamin Dean Meritt (Locust Valley, NY 1974) XII Congressus = M.Mayer i Olivé, G.Baratta, A.Guzmán Almagro (edd.), XII Congressus internationalis Imperii Romani inscriptionibus descriptae, Barcelona, 3-8 Septembris 2002(Barcelona 2007) A’ Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο = E.K.Sverkos (ed.), A’ Πανελλήνιο Ἐπιγραφικῆς Συνέδριο Ἐπιγραφικῆς στὴν µνήµη Δηµητρίου Κανατσούλη. Θεσσαλονίκη 22-23 Ὀκτωβρίου 1999 (Thessaloniki 2001) AAAS = Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes AAES = H.C.Butler, W.K.Prentice (edd.), Publications of an American Archaeological Expedition to Syria in 1899, II-III (New York 1908) AASS = Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes ABME = Ἀρχεῖον τῶν βυζαντινῶν µνηµείων τῆς Ἑλλάδος ABV = cf. Beazley, ABV Achaïe I, II, III = A.D.Rizakis, Achaïe I. Sources textuelles et Histoire regionale(Μελετήµατα 20; Athens 1995). Achaïe II. La Cité de Patras: Épigraphie et Histoire (Μελετήµατα 25) (Athens 1998). Achaïe III. Les cités achéennes: épigraphie et histoire (Athens 2008) ACSS = Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia (Leiden (1994) →

Actes IXe Congrès = Actes du IXe Congrès international d’épigraphie grecque et latine, 31 Aug. - 7 Sept. 1987, I (Acta Centri Historiae ‘Terra Antiqua Balcanica’, II; Sofia 1987)

Actes Xe Congrès = M.Christol, O.Masson (edd.), Actes du Xe Congrès international d’épigraphie grecque et latine, Nîmes, 4-9 octobre 1992 (Paris 1997)

Actes XIe Congrès = N.Duval (ed.), Actes du XIe Congrès international d’archéologie chrétienne. Lyon, Vienne, Grenoble, Genève et Aoste, 21-28 Septembre 1986, I-III (Rome 1989) Ad Fontes - - Dobesch = H.Heftner, K.Tomaschitz (edd.), Ad Fontes! Festschrift für Gerhard Dobesch zum fünfundsechsigsten Geburtstag am 14. September 2004(Vienna 2004) ADAJ = Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan AEMÖ = Archäologisch-Epigrafische Mitteilungen aus Oesterreich - Ungarn, vol. I-XX (Wien 1877-1897) AEMΘ To Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και Θράκη (Thessaloniki 1989 →) AER = V.Kontorini, Ἀνέκδοτες Ἐπιγραφὲς Ῥόδου, II (Athens 1989) Ager, Arbitrations = S.L.Ager, Interstate Arbitrations in the Greek World, 337-90 B.C.(Berkeley- Los Angeles-London 1996) Agora III = R.E.Wycherley, The Athenian Agora, III. Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia (Princeton 1957) Agora VII = J.Perlzweig, The Athenian Agora, VII. Lamps of the Roman Period, First to Seventh Century after Christ (Princeton 1961) Agora XIX = G.V.Lalonde, M.K.Langdon, M.B.Walbank, The Athenian Agora, XIX. Inscriptions: Horoi, Poletai Records, Leases of Public Lands (Princeton 1991) Agora XV = B.D.Meritt, J.S.Traill, The Athenian Agora, XV. The Athenian Councillors (Princeton 1974) Agora XVI = A.G.Woodhead, The Athenian Agora, XVI. Inscriptions: The Decrees(Princeton 1997) Agora XVII = D.W.Bradeen, The Athenian Agora, XVII. The Funerary Inscriptions(Princeton 1974) Agora XXI = M.Lang, The Athenian Agora, XXI. Graffiti and Dipinti (Princeton 1976) Agora XXIX = S.I.Rotroff, Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Imported Wheelmade Table Ware and Related Material (The Athenian Agora 29; Princeton 1997) Agora XXV = M.Lang, The Athenian Agora, XXV. Ostraka (Princeton 1990) Agora XXVIII = A.L.Boegehold et alii, The Athenian Agora, XXVIII. The Lawcourts at Athens (Princeton 1995) Akademieschriften = A.Wilhelm, Akademieschriften zur griechischen Inschriftenkunde (1895- 1951), I-III (Leipzig 1974) (ed. W. Peek, Opuscula Band VIII: Adolf Wilhelm. Kleine Schriften. Abteilung 1: Akademieschriften) Akten 21. Pap. Kongr. = B.Kramer - W.Luppe - H.Maehler - G.Poethke, Akten des 21. internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Berlin, 13.- 19.8.1995, 2 vols. (Archiv für Papyrusforschung Beiheft 3; Stuttgart- Leipzig 1997) Akten XII. Kongresses = Akten des XII. internationalen Kongresses für christliche Archäologie Bonn, 22.-28. September 1991 (JAC Ergänzungsband, 20 1/2; Münster 1995) Akten XIII. Kongresses = Akten des XIII. internationalen Kongresses für klassische Archäologie, Berlin 1988 (Mainz 1990) ALA = C.Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity (London 1989) ala 2004 C.Roueché, second edition of ALA on the internet: http://www.insaph.kcl.ac.uk/ala2004 (see SEG LIV 1018) Alekseev, Issledovanija = V.P.Alekseev, Issledovanija po antichnoj arkheologii Severnogo Prichernomorja (Odessa 2007) (see SEG LVII 687) Aleshire, Asklepios at = S.B.Aleshire, Asklepios at Athens. Athens Epigraphic and Prosopographic Essays on the Athenian Healing Cults (Amsterdam 1991) Aleshire, Athenian = S.B.Aleshire, The Athenian Asklepieion Asklepieion. The People, their Dedications, and the Inventories (Amsterdam 1989) Alessandria = Alessandria e il mondo ellenistico- romano. I Centenario del Museo Greco-Romano. Alessandria, 23-27 Novembre 1992 (Atti del II Congresso Internazionale Italo-Egiziano; Rome 1995) Altertümer von Hierapolis = W.Judeich, Inschriften in Altertümer von Hierapolis (Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Ergänzungsheft 4; Berlin 1898) Altgriechische Dialekte = I.Hajnal (ed.), Die altgriechischen Dialekte. Wesen und Werden. Akten des Kolloquiums Freie Universität Berlin 19.-22. September 2001(Innsbruck 2007) Ameling, IJO II = W.Ameling, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis II (Tübingen 2004) AMNS = C.Brixhe, R.Hodot, L’Asie Mineure du Nord au Sud. Inscriptions inédites (Nancy 1988) AMS = Asia Minor Studien (Münster) AMS 45 = E.Schwertheim, E.Winter (edd.), Religion und Region. Götter and Kulte aus dem östlichen Mittelmeerraum (Asia Minor Studien 45; Bonn 2003) AMS 49 = G.Heedeman, E.Winter (edd.), Neue Forschungen zur Religions-geschichte Kleinasiens. Elmar Schwertheim zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet (Asia Minor Studien 49; Bonn 2003) AMS 50 = E.Schwertheim, E.Winter (edd.), Stadt und Stadtentwicklung in Kleinasien (Asia Minor Studien 50; Bonn 2003) Amyzon = J. and L.Robert, Fouilles d’Amyzon en Carie, I. Exploration, histoire, monnaies et inscriptions (Paris 1983) Ancient History = O.Tekin (ed.), Ancient History, Numismatics and Epigraphy in the Mediterranean World. Studies in memory of Clemens E.Bosch and Sabahat Atlan and in Honour of Nezahat Baydur (Istanbul 2009) An.Ép. = Année Épigraphique Anathema = Anathema. Regime delle offerte e vita dei santuari nel Mediterraneo antico. Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Roma 15-18 Giugno 1989 (= Scienze dell’ Antichità. Storia, Archeologia, Antropologia 3/4 (1989/1990) [1991] (Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’)) Ancient Cult Practice = R.Hägg (ed.), Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Epigraphical Evidence. Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult, organized by the Swedish Institute at Athens, 22-24 November 1991 (Stockholm 1994) Ancient Greek Cities in the = E.Samaritaki et al. (edd.), Ancient Crimea Greek Cities in the Crimea (Kiev 2004) Ancient Greek Colonies = D. Grammenos, E.K. Petropoulos(edd.), Ancient Greek Colonies in the Black Sea (Oxford 2005) Ancient Greek Cult = R.Hägg (ed.), Ancient Greek Cult Practice Practice from the Epigraphical Evidence. Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult, Organized by the Swedish Institute at Athens, 22-24 November 1991 (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Athen, 8°; Stockholm 1994) Ancient Macedonia V = Papers read at the Fifth International Symposium held in Thessaloniki, October 10-15, 1989, in memoriam Manolis Andronikos, I-III (Institute for Balkan Studies; Thessaloniki 1993) Ancient Macedonia VI = Papers read at the Sixth International Symposium held in Thessaloniki, October 15-19, 1996 (Thessaloniki 1999) Ancient Macedonia VII = Ancient Macedonia VII. Macedonia from the Iron Age to the Death of Philip II. Papers Read at the Seventh International Symposium Held in Thessaloniki, October 14-18, 2002 (Thessalonike 2007) Ancient Magic = D.R.Jordan, H.Montgomery, E.Thomassen (edd.), The world of ancient magic. Papers from the first International Samson Eitrem Seminar at the Norwegean Institute at Athens, 4-8 May 1997 (Bergen 1999) Ancient Roads in Greece = H.R.Goette (ed.), Ancient Roads in Greece. Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the Cultural Association Aigeas (Athens) and the German Archaeological Institute (Athens) with the Support of the German School at Athens, November 23, 1998 (Schriftenreihe Antiquitates: Archäologische Forschungsergebnisse 21; Hamburg 2002) Aneziri, Techniten S.Aneziri, Die Vereine der dionysischen Techniten im Kontext der hellenistischen Gesellschaft. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte, Organisation und Wirkung der hellenistischen Technitenvereine (Stuttgart 2003) ANMED Anadolu Akdenizi Arkeoloji Haberleri - News of Archaeology from Anatolia’s Mediterranean Areas ANRW = H.Temporini, W.Haase (edd.), Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt. Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung(Berlin - New York 1972→) Antike Lebenswelten = P.Mauritsch, W.Petermandl, R.Rollinger, C.Ulf (edd.), Antike Lebenswelten. Konstanz - Wandel - Wirkungsmacht. Festschrift für Ingomar Weiler zum 70. Geburtstag (Wiesbaden 2008) Antioche de Syrie = B.Cabouret, P.-L.Gatier, C.Saliou (edd.), Antioche de Syrie. Histoire, images et traces de la ville antique (Colloque Lyon 4-6 octobre 2001; Topoi, Supplément 5, Lyon 2004) AO = R.Develin, Athenian Officials, 684-321 B.C. (Cambridge 1989) AP = Anthologia Palatina APF = J.K.Davies, Athenian Propertied Families, 600-300 B.C. (Oxford 1971) Aphrodisias and Rome = J.Reynolds, Aphrodisias and Rome (London 1982) Aphrodisias Papers 4 = C.Ratté, R.R.R.Smith (edd.), Aphrodisias Papers 4. New Research on the City and its Monuments (JRA Supplementary Series 70; Portsmouth, R.I., 2008) APMA = Ἀρχεῖον τῶν µνηµείων τῶν Ἀθηνῶν καί τῆς Ἀττικῆς συντασσόµενον ἐντολῇ τοῦ Συµβουλίου, I-III (BAAH vols. 127, 136, 177; Athens 1992, 1992, 1998) APMA IV = O.Vizyenou (ed.), Ἀρχεῖον τῶν µνηµείων τῶν Ἀθηνῶν καί τῆς Ἀττικῆς IV. Εὑρετήρια τοῦ βιβλίου τοῦ Alexander Conze Die Attischen Grabreliefs(Berlin 1893-1922) (Athens 2007) ARAM Periodical = The Decapolis. ARAM Third International Conference, University of Oxford 28-30 September 1992 (The ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies; Oxford 1992) Archaia Thrake = D.Triantaphyllos - D.Terzopoulou, Πρακτικὰ 2ου Διεθνοῦς Συνεδρίου Θρακικῶν Σπουδῶν. Ἀρχαία Θράκη, 2 vols. (Komotini 1997) Archaic and Classical = M. Baumbach, A. Petrovic, I. Petrovic Greek Epigrams (edd.), Archaia and Classical Greek Epigrams (Cambridge 2010) Archäologische = Archäologische Entdeckungen: Die Entdeckungen (DAI) Forschungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Insituts im 20. Jahrhundert, 1-2 (Mainz 2000) Archeologia Cirenaica = Giornata Lincea sulla Archeologia Cirenaica. Roma, 3 Novembre 1987(Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Atti dei Convegni Lincei 87; Rome 1990) Archéomatériaux = Archéomatériaux: Marbres et autres roches: ASMOSIA IV (Bordeaux 1999) Arena I-V = R.Arena, Iscrizioni greche arcaiche di Sicilia e Magna Grecia vol. I-V (Milan- Torino 1989-1998). Second editions of vol. I and II, referred to as Arena I² and II², appeared in 1996 and 2002, respectively Arena, Iscrizioni = R.Arena, Iscrizioni greche arcaiche di Sicilia e Magna Grecia. Iscrizioni di Sicilia, I. Iscrizioni di Megara Iblea e Selinunte (Milan 1989); III. Iscrizioni delle colonie Euboiche (Pisa 1994) Argos et l’Argolide = A.Pariente, G.Touchais (edd.), Argos et l’Argolide: Topographie et Urbanisme. Actes de la Table Ronde internationale, Athènes-Argos 28/4- 1/5 1990 (Athens 1998) ARV² = cf. Beazley, ARV² Associations = N.F.Jones, The Associations of Classical Athens: The Response to Democracy (New York-Oxford 1999) AST = Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı (Ankara) Atalay Memorial = H.Malay (ed.), Erol Atalay Memorial (Arkeoloji Dergisi, Özel Sayi I; Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Yayinlari; Izmir 1991) ATAM = L.Robert, À travers l’Asie Mineure. Poètes et prosateurs, monnaies grecques, voyageurs et géographie (Paris 1980) Athenian Potters and = J.H.Oakley et al. (edd.), Athenian Painters: Catalogue Potters and Painters: Catalogue of the Exhibit (Athens 1994) Athenian Potters and = J.H.Oakley, W.D.E.Coulson, and Painters: Proceedings O.Palagia (edd.), Athenian Potters and Painters: The Conference Proceedings (Oxford 1997) Athens during the Roman = S.Vlizos (ed.), Η Αθήνα κατά τη Period ρωµαϊκή εποχή: πρόσφατες ανακαλύψεις, νέες έρευνες / Athens during the Roman Period. Recent Discoveries, New Evidence (Mouseio Benaki, Supplement 4; Athens 2008) Athens-Sparta N.Kaltsas (ed.), Athens-Sparta (New York 2006) ATL = B.D.Meritt, H.T.Wade-Gery, M.F.MacGregor, The Athenian Tribute Lists, I-IV (Cambridge - Princeton 1939-1953) Atti XI Congresso = XI Congresso Internazionale di Epigrafia Greca e Latina, Roma, 18-24 settembre 1997. Atti I and II (Rome 1999) Αττικής Οδού Περιήγηση = G.Steinhauer (ed.), Αττικής Οδού Περιήγηση (Athens 2005) Attika = H. Lohmann, T. Mattern (edd.), Attika : Archäologie einer “zentralen” Kulturlandschaft: Akten der internationalen Tayung vom 18.20. Mai 2007 in Marburg (Wiesbaden 2010) Audollent, DefixTab = A.Audollent, Defixionum Tabellae (Paris, repr. Frankfurt 1967) AvP VIII.3 = C.Habicht, Altertümer von Pergamon. VIII 3. Die Inschriften des Asklepieions (Berlin 1969) AΡ = Anthologia Palatina BAAH = Βιβλιοθήκη τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ἑταιρείας BAR = British Archaeological Reports (International Series; Oxford 1975→) Bassitas = F.A.Cooper (ed.), The Temple of Apollo Bassitas, 4 vols. (Princeton 1992-1996) BE = Bulletin Épigraphique in Revue des Études Grecques Bean, JNLyc G.E.Bean, Journeys in Northern Lycia 1965-1967 (Denkschrift der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, phil.-hist. Klasse, 104) (Vienna 1971) Bean-Mitford, Journeys -- = G.E.Bean, T.B.Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia, 1962-1963 Rough Cilicia, 1962- 1963(Denkschriften Akad. Wien, Phil.- Hist. Kl. Band 85; Wien 1965) Bean-Mitford, Journeys -- = G.E.Bean, T.B.Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia, 1964-1968 Rough Cilicia, 1964- 1968(Denkschriften Akad. Wien, Phil.- Hist. Kl. Band 102; Wien 1970) Beazley, ABV = J.D.Beazley, Attic Black-figure Vase Painters (Oxford 1956) Beazley, ARV² = J.D.Beazley, Attic Red-figure Vase Painters, I-III (Oxford 1963²) Beazley, Paralipomena = J.D.Beazley, Paralipomena. Additions to Attic Black-figure Vase Painters and Attic Red-figure Vase Painters (Oxford 1971) Bechtel, AFN = F.Bechtel, Die Attischen Frauennamen (Göttingen 1902) Bechtel, Attische = F.Bechtel, Die attischen Frauennamen Frauennamen nach ihrem Systeme dargestellt(Göttingen 1902) Bechtel, HPN = F.Bechtel, Die historischen Personennamen des Griechischen bis zur Kaiserzeit (Halle 1917) BEFAR = Bibliothèque des Écoles Françaises d’Athènes et de Rome Bernand, Inscr. métriques = E.Bernand, Inscriptions métriques de l’Égypte gréco-romaine (Paris 1969) Between City and King = P.Paschidis, Between City and King. Prosopographical Studies on the Intermediaries between the Cities of the Greek Mainland and the Aegean and the Royal Courts in the Hellenistic Period (322 - 190 BC)(ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 59; Athens 2008) Between Magic and = S.R.Asirvatham, C.O.Pache, J.Watrous Religion (edd.), Between Magic and Religion: Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Mediterranean Religion and Society (Lanham, MD 2001) BGU = Aegyptische Urkunden aus den koeniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Griechische Urkunden (Berlin 1895→) Bilinguisme = F.Biville, J.-C.Decourt, G.Rougemont (edd.), Bilinguisme gréco-latin et épigraphie. Actes du colloque -- mai 2004 (Lyon 2008) Bodel/Tracy = J.Bodel - S.V.Tracy, Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the USA: A Checklist(New York 1997) Boeotia Antiqua III = J.M.Fossey, J.Morin (edd.), Boeotia Antiqua, III. Papers in Boiotian History, Institutions and Epigraphy in Memory of Paul Roesch(Amsterdam 1993) Boeotia Antiqua IV = J.M.Fossey (ed.), Boeotia Antiqua, IV. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Boiotian Antiquities, Boiotian (and other) Epigraphy (Amsterdam 1994) Boeotia Antiqua VI = J.M.Fossey (ed.), Boeotia Antiqua VI. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Boiotian Antiquities (Loyola University of Chicago, 24-26 May 1995) (Amsterdam 1996) Boiotika = H.Beister, J.Buckler (edd.), Boiotika. Vorträge vom 5. Internationalen Böotien-Kolloquium zu Ehren von Professor Dr. Siegfried Lauffer. Institut für Alte Geschichte, München 13.-17. Juni 1986 (München 1989) Bosnakis, Ἀνέκδοτες = D.Bosnakis, Ἀνέκδοτες ἐπιγραφὲς τῆς Κῶ. Ἐπιτύµβια µνηµεῖα ἐπιγραφὲς τῆς Κῶ και ὅροι (Athens 2008) Bosnakis, Ἀνέκδοτες = D.Bosnakis, Ἀνέκδοτες ἐπιγραφὲς τῆς ἐπιγραφὲς τῆς Κῶ Κῶ. Ἐπιτύµβια µνηµεῖα και ὅροι (Athens 2008) Boubon = C.Kokkinia (ed.), Boubon. The Inscriptions and Archaeological Remains. A Survey 2004- 2006 (Athens 2008) Bresson, La cité = A.Bresson, La cité marchande marchande (Bordeaux 2000) Bresson, Recueil Pérée = A.Bresson, Recueil des inscriptions de la Perée Rhodienne (Pérée Intégrée) (Paris 1991) Brixhe, Essai² = C.Brixhe, Essai sur le grec anatolien au début de notre ère (Nancy 1987²) Bull.amph. = Bulletin amphorique, in Revue des Études Grecques Cabanes, L’Épire = P.Cabanes, L’Épire de la mort de Pyrrhos à la conquête romaine (Paris 1976) Cabanes, L’Illyrie = P.Cabanes (ed.), L’Illyrie méridionale et l’Épire dans l’Antiquité. Actes du Colloque international de Clermont- Ferrand, 22-25 Oct. 1984(Clermont- Ferrand 1987) Canali De Rossi, Selezione F.Canali De Rossi, Selezione di iscrizioni storiche tardo- ellenistiche(Rome 2000) [Rome 1999; ‘stampato in proprio’; see SEG L 1685] Cargill, Athenian = J.Cargill, Athenian Settlements of the Settlements fourth century B.C. (MnemosyneSuppl. 145; Leiden 1995) Catalogo Denizli = T.Ritti (ed.), Museo Archeologico di Denizli-Hierapolis. Catalogo delle iscrizioni greche e latine. Distretto di Denizli (Naples 2008) CCCA = M.J.Vermaseren, Corpus Cultus Cybelae Attidisque I-VII (Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l’empire romain 50; Leiden etc. 1977-1989) CCET = Corpus Cultus Equitis Thracii, I-V (EPRO 74; Leiden 1979-1984) CD = G.Daux, Chronologie Delphique (Fouilles de Delphes, III, fasc. hors série, Paris 1943) CEFR = Collection de l’École Française de Rome CEG = P.A.Hansen, Carmina epigraphica Graeca saeculorum VIII-V a.Chr.n.(Berlin - New York 1983→) Centre and Periphery = P.Bilde, T.Engberg-Pedersen, L.Hannestad, J.Zahle, K.Randsborg (edd.), Centre and Periphery in the Hellenistic World (Aarhus 1993) Chaniotis, Verträge = A.Chaniotis, Die Verträge zwischen kretischen Städten in der hellenistischen Zeit (Stuttgart 1996) Chanter les Dieux = P.Brulé, C.Vendries (edd.), Chanter les Dieux: Musique et religion dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine (Rennes 2001) Charitonidis, Ἐπιγραφαί = S.Charitonidis, Aἱ ἐπιγραφαὶ τῆς Λέσβου. Συµπλήρωµα (Athens Λέσβου1968) Chemin faisant = L.Bodiou, V.Mehl, J.Oulhen, F.Probst, J.Wilgaux (edd.), Chemin faisant. Mythes, cultes et société en Grèce ancienne. Mélanges en l'honneur de Pierre Brulé (Rennes 2009) Chiakon Symposion - - G.A.Malouchou, A.P.Matthaiou (edd.), Forrest Χιακὸν Συµπόσιον εἰς µνήµην W.G.Forrest (Athens 2006) CID = Corpus des Inscriptions de Delphes (Paris 1978→) CID IV = F.Lefèvre, Corpus des inscriptions de Delphes, Tome IV. Documents amphictioniques (Paris 2002) CIG = Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum (Berlin 1825-1877) CIGD = L.Ruscu, Corpus inscriptionum Graecarum Dacicarum (Debrecen 2003) CIGP = P.Kovács (ed.), Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum Pannonicarum(Hungarian Polis Studies 3; Debrecen 1998) CIIP = (Various edd.) Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palestinae. 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D.L.Schneider; rev. ed., originally published as Athen: Die Geschichte der Stadt in hellenistischer Zeit (Munich 1995) Habicht, Studien = C.Habicht, Studien zur Geschichte Athens in hellenistischer Zeit(Hypomnemata 73; Göttingen 1982) Hagel- = S.Hagel, K.Tomaschitz, Repertorium Tomaschitz, Repertorium der westkilikischen Inschriften nach den Scheden der Kleinasiatischen Kommission der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (ETAM 22; Vienna 1998) Hatzopoulos, Macedonian = M.B.Hatzopoulos, Macedonian Institutions I, II, Institutions under the Kings. I. A Historical and Epigraphic Study; II. Epigraphic Appendix (Μελετήµατα22; Athens 1996) Hatzopoulos, Macedonian = M.B.Hatzopoulos, Macedonian Institutions Institutions under the Kings, I-II (Athens 1996) Heberdey-Kalinka = R.Heberdey, E.Kalinka, Bericht über zwei Reisen im südwestlichen Kleinasien (Denkschriften Akad. Wien, Phil.-Hist. Kl. Band 45; Wien 1897) Heberdey-Wilhelm, Reisen = R.Heberdey - A.Wilhelm, Reisen in in Kilikien Kilikien, ausgeführt 1891 und 1892 im Auftrage der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften(Denkschriften Akad. Wien, Phil.-Hist. Kl. Band 44, Vienna 1896) Hellènika Symmikta = P.Goukowsky, C.Brixhe, Hellènika Symmikta. Histoire, archéologie, épigraphie (Études d’Archéologie Classique VII; Nancy 1991) Hellenismos = Ὁ Ἑλληνισµὸς στὴν Ἀνατολή. Πράκτικα Α’ διεθνοῦς ἀρχαιολογικοῦ συνεδρίου, Δελφοὶ 6-9 Νοεµβρίου 1986 (European Cultural Center of Delphi; Athens - Delphi 1991) Hellenistic Economies = Z.H.Archibald, J.Davies, V.Gabrielsen, G.J.Oliver (edd.), Hellenistic Economies (London 2001) Herodotus and His World = P.Derow, R.Parker (edd.), Herodotus and His World. Essays from a Conference in Memory of George Forrest (Oxford 2003) Herrmann, Malay, New = P.Herrmann (†), H.Malay, New Documents Documents from Lydia (Österr. Akad. der Wiss., Ph.-Hist. Kl., Denkschriften, 340. Band; Vienna 2007) Herrmann-Malay New = P.Herrmann (†), H.Malay, New Documents, Documents from Lydia (ETAM 24; Vienna 2007) Herzog, KFF = R.Herzog, Koische Forschungen und Funde (Leipzig 1899) H. G. Lolling, Κατάλογος = H. G.Lolling, Κατάλογος τοῦ ἐν 1899 'Αθήναις 'Επιγραφικοῦ Μουσείου, (Athens 1899) Hildebrandt Namenstelen, = F.Hildebrandt, Die attischen Namenstelen. Untersuchungen zu Stelen des 5. und 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. (Berlin 2006) Holleaux, Études = M.Holleaux, Études d’épigraphie et d’histoire grecques, I-VI (Paris 1938- 1968) Hortus historiae = E.Dąbrowa, M.Dzielska, M.Salamon, S.Sprawski (edd.)Hortus historiae. Studies in Honour of Professor Józef Wolski on the 100th Anniversary of his Birtday (Cracow 2010) Homenaje - - López Eire = F.H.Cortés Gabaudan, J.V.Méndez Dosuna (edd.), Dic mihi, musa, virum.Homenaje al profesor Antonio López Eire (Salamanca 2010) Hommage Roux = R.Étienne, M.-Th.Le Dinahet, M.Yon (edd.), Architecture et poésie dans le monde grec. Hommage à Georges Roux (Paris 1989) HRK = D.Berges, Hellenistische Rundaltäre Kleinasiens (Freiburg in Br. 1986) HTC = A.Bresson, P.Brun, E.Varinlioğlu, in P.Debord, E.Varinlioğlu (edd.), Les Hautes Terres de Carie (Bordeaux 2001) 81-241 Hundred-Gated Thebes = S.P.Vleeming (ed.), Hundred-Gated Thebes. Acts of a Colloquium on Thebes and the Theban Area in the Graeco-Roman Period (P.L.Bat. 27; Leiden - New York - Cologne 1995) Hyettos = R.Étienne, D.Knoepfler, Hyettos de Béotie et la chronologie des archontes fédéraux entre 250 et 171 avant J.- C. (Paris 1976) I. Alex. Imp. = F.Kayser, Recueil des inscriptions grecques et latines (non funéraires) d’Alexandrie impériale (Ier-IIIe s. apr. J.-C.) (Cairo 1994) I. Alex. Ptol. = E.Bernand, Inscriptions grecques d’Alexandrie ptolémaïque (Cairo 2001) I. Alexandreia Troas = M.Ricl, The inscriptions of Alexandreia Troas (IGSK Band 53; Bonn 1997) I.Kallatis = A.Avram, Inscriptions antiques de Dacie et de Scythie Mineure. Deuxième série. Inscriptions grecques et latines de Scythie Mineure, vol. III. Callatis et son territoire (Buckarest-Paris 1999) I. Kibyra = T.Corsten, Die Inschriften von Kibyra. Teil I: Die Inschriften der Stadt und ihrer näheren Umgebung (IGSK Band 60; Bonn 2002) I. Miletoupolis = E.Schwertheim, Die Inschriften von Kyzikos und Umgebung. Teil II: Miletupolis. Inschriften und Denkmäler (IGSK Band 26; Bonn 1983) I. Salamis = T.B.Mitford, I.Nicolaou, The Greek and Latin inscriptions of Salamis(Nicosia 1974) I. SalonaChr = N.Gauthier, E. Marin, F. Prévot et alii, Salona IV. Inscriptions de Salone chrétienne, IVe-VIIe siècles (2 vols.; Rome-Split 2010) I.Adramytteion = J.Stauber, Die Bucht von Adramytteion, Teil I (Topographie: Lokalisierung antiker Orte/Fundstellen von Altertümer) and II (Inschriften -literarische Testimonia - Münzen) (IGSK Band 50 and 51; Bonn 1996) I.Akoris = E.Bernand, Inscriptions grecques et latines d’Akoris (Bibliothèque d’Étude, Tome CIII, Institut français d’archéologie orientale; Cairo 1988) I.Amyzon = J. and L.Robert, Fouilles d’Amyzon en Carie. Tome I: Exploration, Histoire, Monnaies et Inscriptions (Paris 1983) I.Anazarbos = M.H.Sayar, Die Inschriften von Anazarbos und Umgebung. Teil I: Inschriften aus dem Stadtgebiet und der nächsten Umgebung der Stadt (IGSK Band 56; Bonn 2000) I.Ancyra = S.Mitchell, D.French, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra) (vol. 1; Vestigia 62; Munich 2012) I.Apameia und Pylai = T.Corsten, Die Inschriften von Apameia (Bithynien) und Pylai (IGSK Band 32; Bonn 1987) I.Aphr. = J.Reynolds, C.Roueché, G. Bodard (edd.), Inscriptions of Aphrodisias(2007): http://insaph.kcl.ac.uk/iaph2007 (cf. SEG LVII 1006) I.Apollonia = P.Cabanes, N.Ceka, Corpus des inscriptions grecques d’Illyrie méridionale et d’Épire. I. Inscriptions d’Épidamne-Dyrrhachion et d’Apollonia. 2.A. Inscriptions d’Apollonia d’Illyrie (Athens-Paris 1997) I.Apulum = I.Piso, Inscriptions d’Apulum. Inscriptions de la Dacie Romaine III.5 (Paris 2001) I.Aquileia = J.Brusin, Inscriptiones Aquileiae I-III (Udine 1991-1993) I.Arykanda = S.Şahin, Die Inschriften von Arykanda (IGSK 48; Bonn 1994) I.Assos = R.Merkelbach, Die Inschriften von Assos (IGSK Band 4; Bonn 1976) I.Beroia = L.Gounaropoulou, M.B.Hatzopoulos, Ἐπιγραφὲς Κάτω Μακεδονίας (µεταξὺ τοῦ Βερµίου Ὄρους καὶ τοῦ Ἀξιοῦ Ποταµοῦ). Τεῦχος Αʹ. Ἐπιγραφὲς Βεροίας (Athens 1998) I.Bouthrôtos = P.Cabanes - P.Drini, Corpus des inscriptions grecques d’Illyrie méridionale et d’Épire. II Inscriptions de Bouthrôtos (Paris-Athens forthcoming; see lemma no. 679 in fine) I.Bouthrôtos = P.Cabanes, F.Drini, M.Hatzopoulos, Corpus des inscriptions grecques d’Illyrie méridionale et d’Épire 2. Inscriptions de Bouthrôtos (Athens 2007) I.Breccia = Breccia Evaristo, Iscrizioni greche e latine (Catalogue général des antiquités du Musée d'Alexandrie) (Cairo 1911) I.Bubon = F.Schindler, Die Inschriften von Bubon (Nordlykien) (Sitzungsber. Akad. Wien, Ph.-Hist. Kl. 278, 3; Wien 1972) I.BurdurMus = G.H.R.Horsley, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Burdur Archaeological Museum (RECAM vol. V; The British Institute at Ankara Monograph 34; London 2007) I.Byzantion = A.Łajtar, Die Inschriften von Byzantion. I. Die Inschriften (IGSK 58; Bonn 2000) I.Caesarea Maritima = C.M.Lehmann, K.G.Holum, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Caesarea Maritima (Boston 2000) I.Catania = K.Korhonen, Le iscrizioni del Museo Civico di Catania. Storia delle collezioni - Cultura epigrafica - Edizione (Helsinki/Tammisaari 2004) I.Col.Memnon = E.Bernand, Les inscriptions grecques et latines du Colosse de Memnon(Cairo 1960) I.Cos = cf. PH I.Cret. = M.Guarducci, Inscriptiones Creticae (Rome 1935-1950) I.Deir el-Bahari = A.Łajtar, Deir el-Bahari in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. A Study of an Egyptian Temple Based on Greek Sources (JJP Suppl. 4; Warsaw 2006) I.Délos = Inscriptions de Délos, publiées par F.Durrbach (Paris 1926-1937) I.Delta = A.Bernand, Le Delta égyptien d’après les textes grecques I (MIFAO 91; Cairo 1970) I.Didyma = A. Rehm, Didyma, II. Die Inschriften, hrsg. von R.Harder (Berlin 1958) I.Dor.Ins. = W.Peek, Inschriften von den dorischen Inseln (Berlin 1969) Identität und = A.Coşkun, H.Heinen, S.Pfeiffer Zugehörigkeit (edd.), Identität und Zugehörigkeit im Osten der griechisch-römischen Welt. Aspekte ihrer Repräsentation in Städten, Provinzen und Reichen (Frankfurt am Main 2009) I.Eleusis = K.Clinton, Eleusis. The Inscriptions on Stone. Documents of the Sanctuary of the Two Goddesses and Public Documents of the Deme. I A. Text; I B: Plates (BAAH no. 236; Athens 2005); II: Commentary (BAAH no. 259; Athens 2008). I.Eph(esos) = H.Wankel, R.Merkelbach et alii, Die Inschriften von Ephesos, I-VII (IGSK Band 11-17; Bonn 1979-1981) I.Épidamne = P.Cabanes, F.Drini, Corpus des inscriptions grecques d’Illyrie méridionale et d’Épire I. Inscriptions d’Épidamne-Dyrrhachion et d’Apollonia. 1. Inscriptions d’Épidamne-Dyrrhachion (Athens- Paris 1995) I.Erythrai = H.Engelmann, R.Merkelbach, Die Inschriften von Erythrai und Klazomenai, I-II (IGSK Band 1-2; Bonn 1972-1973) I.Estremo Oriente = F.Canali De Rossi, Iscrizioni delle Estremo Oriente Greco. Un repertorio (IGSK 65; Bonn 2004) I.Éthiopie = E.Bernand, A.J.Drewes, R.Schneider, Recueil des inscriptions de l’Éthiopie du périodes pré-axoumite et axoumite (Paris 1991-2000; cf. SEG 42 1637-1656; 50 1625) I.Fay(o)um = E.Bernand, Recueil des inscriptions grecques du Fayoum, I-III (Leiden 1975-1981)

I.Georgien 3 = T.Kauchtschischwili, Korpus der griechischen Inschriften in Georgien - Sakartvelos berdznuli c’arc’erebis k’orp’usi (3rd ed., revised by L.Gordesiani; Tbilisi 2009) I.Gerasa = C.B.Welles in C.H.Kraeling, Gerasa. City of the Decapolis (New Haven 1938) I.Hadrianoi = E.Schwertheim, Die Inschriften von Hadrianoi und Hadrianeia (IGSK Band 33; Bonn 1987) I.Hadrianopolis = E.Laflı, E.Christof, Hadrianopolis I. Inschrifte n aus Paphlagonia. Mit einem Beitrag von M.Metcalfe (Oxford 2012) I.Heraclea Pontica = L.Jonnes, The Inscriptions of Heraclea Pontica, with a Prosopographia Heracleotica by W.Ameling (IGSK Band 47; Bonn 1994) I.Hermoupolis = E.Bernand, Inscriptions grecques d’Hermoupolis Magna et de sa nécropole (Cairo 1999) I.Hierapolis = W.Judeich (ed.), ‘Inschriften’, in C.Humann et al. (eds.) Altertümer von Hierapolis (67-202). (Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Ergänzungsheft 4; Berlin 1898) I.Histriae = Inscriptiones Daciae et Scythiae Minoris Antiquae, Series Altera. Inscriptiones Scythiae Minoris Graecae et Latinae, I. Inscriptiones Histriae et Viciniae (Buckarest 1983) I.Iasos = W.Blümel, Die Inschriften von Iasos (IGSK Band 28 1/2; Bonn 1985) I.Ikaria = A.P.Matthaiou, G.K.Papadopoulos, Ἐπιγραφὲς Ἰκαρίας (Athens 2003) I.Ilion = P.Frisch, Die Inschriften von Ilion (IGSK Band 3; Bonn 1975) I.Iznik = S.Şahin, Katalog der antiken Inschriften des Museums von Iznik (Nikaia), I-II 1/2 (IGSK Band 9-10 1/2; Bonn 1979-1982) I.Kalch(edon) = R.Merkelbach, Die Inschriften von Kalchedon, hrsg. mit Hilfe von F.K.Dörner und S.Şahin (IGSK Band 20; Bonn 1980) I.Kanais = A.Bernand, Le Paneion d’el- Kanaïs (Leiden 1972) I.Kaunos = C.Marek, Die Inschriften von Kaunos (Vestigia, vol. 53; München 2006) I.Keramos = E.Varinlioğlu, Die Inschriften von Keramos (IGSK Band 30; Bonn 1986) I.KerchMuseum = T.Matkovskaya, A.Twardecki, S.Tokhtasev, A.Bekhter, Bosporan Funerary Stelae, 2nd century BC-3rd century AD (From the Collection of the Kerch History and Culture Reserve Lapidary Collection) III.2.1) (Kiev- Warsaw 2009) I.Khartoum = A.Łajtar, Catalogue of the Greek Inscriptions in the Sudan National Museum at Khartoum (Leuven 2003) I.Kios = T.Corsten, Die Inschriften von Kios (IGSK Band 29; Bonn 1985) I.Kition = M.Yon (ed.), Kition- Bamboula V. Kition dans les textes.Testimonia littéraires et épigraphiques et Corpus des inscriptions (Paris 2004) I.Klaudiupolis = F.Becker-Bertau, Die Inschriften von Klaudiupolis (IGSK Band 31; Bonn 1986) I.Knidos = W.Blümel, Die Inschriften von Knidos, I (IGSK Band 41; Bonn 1992) I.Ko.Ko. = A.Bernand, De Koptos à Kosseir (Leiden 1972) I.Komana = F.Baz, Die Inschriften von Komana (Hierapolis) in Kappadokien(Istanbul 2007) I.Kourion = T.B.Mitford, The Inscriptions of Kourion (Philadelphia 1971) I.Kyme = H.Engelmann, Die Inschriften von Kyme (IGSK Band 5; Bonn 1976) I.Kyz. = E.Schwertheim, Die Inschriften von Kyzikos und Umgebung, I. Grabtexte (IGSK Band 18; Bonn 1980); II. Miletupolis: Inschriften und Denkmäler (IGSK Band 26; Bonn 1983) I.Labraunda = J.Crampa, Labraunda. Swedish Excavations and Researches, III 1/2. Greek Inscriptions, I-II (Lund - Stockholm 1969-1972) I.Lampsakos = P.Frisch, Die Inschriften von Lampsakos (IGSK Band 6; Bonn 1978) I.Laodikeia am Lykos = T.Corsten, Die Inschriften von Laodikeia am Lykos, I (IGSK Band 49; Bonn 1997) I.Leukopetra = P.M.Petsas, M.B.Hatzopoulos, L.Gounaropoulou, P.Paschidis, Inscriptions du sanctuaire de la Mère des Dieux autochthone de Leukopétra (Macédoine) (Athens 2000) I.Lindos = C.Blinkenberg, Lindos. Fouilles et recherches, II. Fouilles de l’acropole. Inscriptions (Berlin 1941) I.Lipara = L.Bernabó Brea, M.Cavalier, L.Campagna, Meligunìs Lipára XII: Le iscrizioni lapidarie greche e latine delle isole eolie (Palermo 2003) I.Louvre = E.Bernand, Inscriptions grecques d’Égypte et de Nubie au musée du Louvre (Paris 1992) I.Magn(esia) am Sipylos = T.Ihnken, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Sipylos (IGSK Band 8; Bonn 1978) I.Magnesia = O.Kern, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander (Berlin 1900) I.Manisa = H.Malay, Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Manisa Museum(Ergänzungsbände zu den TAM no. 19; Denkschriften Österr. Akad., Phil.-Hist. Kl. Band 237; Wien 1994) I.Memnonion = E.Bernand, Les inscriptions grecques et latines du Colosse de Memnon(Cairo 1960) I.Mésie Sup. IV = P.Petrovic, Inscriptions de la Mésie Supérieure, IV. Naissus-Remesiana- Horreum Margi (Beograd 1979) I.Mésie Sup. VI = B.Dragojević-Josifovska, Inscriptions de la Mésie Supérieure VI. Scupi et la région de Kumanova (Belgrade 1982) I.Messina = I.Bitto, Le iscrizioni greche e latine di Messina I (Messina 2001) I.Metropolis = B.Dreyer and H.Engelmann, Die Inschriften von Metropolis, I. (IGSK 63; Bonn 2003) I.Mylasa = W.Blümel, Die Inschriften von Mylasa, I. Inschriften der Stadt (IGSK Band 34, Bonn 1987); II. Inschriften aus der Umgebung der Stadt(IGSK Band 35; Bonn 1988) I.Napoli = E.Miranda, Iscrizoni Greche d’Italia: Napoli, 2 vols. (Rome 1990 and 1995) I.Nikaia = S.Şahin (ed.) Katalog der antiken Inschriften des Museums von Iznik (Nikaia). Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien 9–10.3. 4 vols. (Bonn 1979-1987) I.Olbia = Nadpisi Olbii (1917-1965) (Leningrad 1968) I.Oropos = B.C.Petrakos, Oἱ ἐπιγραφὲς τοῦ Ὠρωποῦ (Athens 1997) I.Pal. Tertia I a, I b = Y.E.Meimaris, K.I.Kritikakou- Nikolaropoulou, Inscriptions from Palaestina Tertia. I a. The Greek inscriptions from Ghor es-Safi (Byzantine Zoora) (Μελετήµατα 41; Athens-Paris 2005); Inscriptions from Palaestina Tertia. Ib. The Greek Inscriptions from Ghor es-Safi (Byzantine Zoora) (Supplement), Khirbeth Qazone and Feinan (Μελετήµατα 57; Athens-Paris 2008) I.Pan = A.Bernand, Pan du désert (Leiden 1977) I.Parion = P.Frisch, Die Inschriften von Parion (IGSK Band 25; Bonn 1983) I.Péluse = J.-Y.Carrez-Maratray, Péluse et l’angle oriental du Delta égyptien aux époques grecque, romaine et byzantine, Bibliothèque d'étude 124 (Cairo 1999) I.Pér.rhod. = A.Bresson, Recueil des inscriptions de la Pérée rhodienne (Paris 1991) I.Perg(amon) = M.Fraenkel, Die Inschriften von Pergamon, I-II (Berlin 1890-1895) I.Perge = S.Şahin, Die Inschriften von Perge (IGSK 54, Bonn 1999; IGSK 61, Bonn 2004) I.Perinthos = M.H.Sayar, Perinthos-Herakleia (Marmara Ereğlisi) und Umgebung. Geschichte, Testimonien, griechische und lateinische Inschriften(Vienna 1998) I.Pessinous = J.Strubbe, The Inscriptions of Pessinous (IGSK Band 66; Bonn 2005) I.Philae = A.Bernand, Les inscriptions grecques de Philae, I (Paris 1969) and E.Bernand, Les inscriptions grecques et latines de Philae, II (Paris 1969) I.Pisid.Cen. = G.H.R.Horsley, S.Mitchell, The Inscriptions of Central Pisidia (IGSKBand 57; Bonn 2000) I.Portes = A.Bernand, Les Portes du désert (Paris 1984) I.Porto = G.Sacco, Iscrizioni greche d’Italia. Porto (Rome 1984) I.Pr(o)usias = W.Ameling, Die Inschriften von Prusias ad Hypium (IGSK Band 27; Bonn 1985) I.Priene = F.Hiller von Gaertringen, Inschriften von Priene (Berlin 1906) I.Priene (2014) = W.Blümel, R.Merkelbach †, Die Inschriften von Priene I/II (IGSK 69; Bonn 2014) I.Prose = A.Bernand, La prose sur pierre dans l’Égypte hellénistique et romaine, I-II (Paris 1992) I.Prusa = T.Corsten, Die Inschriften von Prusa ad Olympum, I-II (IGSK Band 39-40; Bonn 1991-1993) I.Reggio Calabria = L.D’Amore, Iscrizioni greche d’Italia. Reggio Calabria (Rome 2007) I.Rhod.Per. = W.Blümel, Die Inschriften der rhodischen Peraia (IGSK Band 38; Bonn 1991) I.Samothrake = P.M.Fraser, The Inscriptions on Stone, II 1 of K.Lehmann (ed.), Samothrace. Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York (New York 1960) I.Sardis = cf. Sardis VII 1 I.Selge = J.Nollé, F.Schindler, Die Inschriften von Selge (IGSK Band 37; Bonn 1991) I.Sestos = J.Krauss, Die Inschriften von Sestos und der thrakischen Chersones(IGSK Band 19; Bonn 1980) I.Side = J.Nollé, Side im Altertum. Geschichte und Zeugnisse, I. Geographie, Geschichte, Testimonia, griechische und lateinische Inschriften (1-4) (IGSK Band 43; Bonn 1993) I.Sinope = D.H.French, The Inscriptions of Sinope. Part I (IGSK 64; Bonn 2004) I.Smyrna = G.Petzl, Die Inschriften von Smyrna, I- II 1/2 (IGSK Band 23-24 1/2; Bonn 1982-1990) I.Stobi = S.Babamova, Inscriptiones Stoborum (Studies in Antiquities of Stobi 1; Stobi 2012) I.Stratonikeia = M.Ç.Şahin, Die Inschriften von Stratonikeia, I-II 1/2 (IGSK Band 21- 22 1/2; Bonn 1981-1990) I.Sultan Dağı I = L.Jonnes, The Inscriptions of the Sultan Dağı I (Philomelion, Thymbrion/Hadrianopolis, Tyraion) (IGSK 62; Bonn 2002) I.Syringes = J. Baillet, Inscriptions grecques et latines des tombeaux des rois ou syringes (Cairo 1926) I.Thespiai = P.Roesch, Les inscriptions de Thespies, édition électronique mise en forme par G.Argoud, A.Schachter, et G.Vottéro (Lyon 2007) [second edition, 2009] I.Thessaly = A.McDevitt, Inscriptions of Thessaly. An Analytical Handlist and Bibliography (Hildesheim - New York 1970) I.ThessEnipeus = J.-C.Decourt, Inscriptions de Thessalie. I. Les cités de la valle de l’ Enipeus (Paris 1995) I.Thrac.Aeg. = L.D.Loukopoulou et alii, Ἐπιγραφὲς τῆς Θράκης τοῦ Αἰγαίου µεταξὺ τῶν ποταµῶν Νέστου καὶ Ἕβρου (Νοµοὶ Ξάνθης, Ροδόπης καὶ Ἕβρου) (Athens 2005) I.Tomis = I.Stoian, Inscriptions Daciae et Scythiae minoris antiquae. Series altera. Inscriptiones Scythiae minoris Graecae et Latinae, II. Tomis et territorium (Buckarest 1987) I.Tralleis(und Nysa) = Fj.B.Poljakov, Die Inschriften von Tralleis und Nysa, I. Die Inschriften von Tralleis (IGSK Band 36 1; Bonn 1989) I.Tyana = D.Berges, J.Nollé, Tyana. Archäologisch-historische Untersuchungen zum südwestlichen Kappadokien (IGSK 55, 1/2; Bonn 2000) (cf. SEG L 1366) I.Tyr I, II = J.-P.Rey-Coquais, Inscriptions grecques et latines découvertes dans les fouilles de Tyr (1963-1974). I. Inscriptions de la Nécropole (Beirut 1977; see SEG XXVII 995) [= I.Tyr I]; Inscriptions grecques et latines de Tyr(Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises, Hors-Série III; Beirut 2006) [= I.Tyr II] I.Varsovie = A.Łajtar, A.Twardecki, Catalogue des inscriptions grecques du Musée National de Varsovie (Warsaw 2003) I.Velia = L.Vecchio, Le iscrizioni greche di Velia (Österr. Akad. Wiss., philos. hist. Kl., Denkschr. 316; Vienna 2003) IAG = L.Moretti, Iscrizioni Agonistiche Greche (Rome 1953) ICS = O.Masson, Les inscriptions Chypriotes syllabiques. Études Chypriotes I (Paris 1961); I Add. (Paris 1983) ICUR = J.B.de Rossi et alii, Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Romae, saeculo septimo antiquiores (Rome 1861→) IdC = G.Dagron, D.Feissel, Inscriptions de Cilicie (Paris 1987) IDR = Inscripţiile Daciei Romane (Inscriptiones Daciae Romanae) (Bucharest 1975 →) IDR III.6 = C.L.Băluţă, Inscripţiile Daciei Romane III. Dacia Superior 6. Apulum. Instrumentum domesticum (Bucharest 1999) IDR I-III.4 = I.I.Russu, Inscripţiile Daciei Romane I- III.4 (Bucharest 1975-2001) [for vol. III.5 see I.Apulum] IDRE II: C.C.Petolescu, Inscriptions de la Dacie Romaine. Inscriptions externes concernant l’histoire de la Dacie (Ier- IIIe siecles): tome II (Bucharest 2000) IG = Inscriptiones Graecae (Berlin 1873→) IGBulg = Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae, vol. I-V (Sofia 1956-1997) IGC = H.Grégoire, Recueil des inscriptions grecques chrétiennes d’Asie Mineure (Paris 1922) IGCVO = C.Wessel, Inscriptiones Graecae Christianae Veteres Occidentis (Bari 1989: see SEG 39 1036) IGEP = M.P. de Hoz, Inscriptiones griegas de España y Portugal (Madird 2014) IGDGG = Cf. under Dubois, IGDGG IGDGG I, II = L.Dubois, Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Grande Grèce; vol. I: Colonies eubéennes. Colonies ioniennes. Emporia (Genève 1995); vol. II: Colonies achéennes (Genève 2002) IGDOP = L.Dubois, Inscriptions grecques dialectales d’Olbia du Pont (Genève 1996) IGDS = L.Dubois, Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Sicile (Coll. Éc. Fr. de Rome 119; Paris - Rome 1989) IGDS I, II L.Dubois, Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Sicile. Contribution à l’étude du vocabulaire grec colonial (Rome 1989) [= IGDS I]; Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Sicile. II (Geneva 2008) [= IGDS II] IGDS, IGDS II = L.Dubois, Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Sicile. Contribution à l’étude du vocabulaire grec colonial (Rome 1989); Inscriptions grecques dialectales de Sicile. II (Geneva 2008) [= IGDS II] IGF = J.-C.Decourt, Inscriptions grecques de la France (Lyon 2004) IGLN = V.Božilova et al., Inscriptions grecques et latines de Novae (Mésie Inférieure) (Bordeaux 1997) IGLS = L.Jalabert, R.Mouterde, J.-P.Rey- Coquais, M.Sartre, P.- L.Gatier, Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie, I-VII, XIII 1 and XXI 2 (Paris 1911-1986) IGLS XI = Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie. XI. J.Aliquot, Mont Hermon (Liban et Syrie) (Beirut 2008) IGLS XV = Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie. XV. 1/2. A.Sartre-Fauriat, M.Sartre, Le plateau du Trachôn et des bordures (Beirut 2014) IGLS XVII = Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie. XVII.1. J.-B.Yon, Palmyre(Beirut 2012) IGLS XXI = Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie. Inscriptions de la Jordanie. XXI.2. P.-L.Gatier, Région centrale (Amman - Hesban - Madaba - Main - Dhiban) (Paris 1986); XXI.4: M.Sartre, Pétra et la Nabatène méridionale du Wadi al-Hasa au golfe de ‘Aqaba (Paris 1993); XXI.5: N.Bader, La Jordanie du Nord- Est (Beirut 2009) IGR = Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes (Paris 1901-1927) IGRR = R.Cagnat (ed.), Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas Pertinentes(Paris 1901-1927) IGSK = Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien (Bonn 1972→) IGUR = L.Moretti, Inscriptiones Graecae Urbis Romae (Rome 1968-1990) IJO = D.Noy, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis I (Tübingen 2004); W.Ameling, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis II (Tübingen 2004); D.Noy, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis III (Tübingen 2004) IJO I-III D.Noy, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis I (Tübingen 2004); W.Ameling, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis II (Tübingen 2004); D.Noy, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis III (Tübingen 2004) ILAlg = Inscriptions latines de l’Algérie (Paris - Alger 1922→) ILCV = E.Diehl, Inscriptiones Latinae Christianae Veteres (Berlin 1925-1931) ILGR = M.Šašel Kos, Inscriptiones Latinae in Graecia repertae. Additamenta ad CIL III (Faenza 1979) ILS = H.Dessau, Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae, I-III (Berlin 1892-1916) ILTun = A.Merlin, Inscriptions latines de la Tunisie (Paris 1944) Immerwahr, CAVI = H.Immerwahr, A Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI). Preliminary Edition (n.p. 1998), 5 vols.; Part V: Corrigenda, Indices (1998); Corrigenda II (May 1999) Impact of Imperial Rome L.de Blois, P.Funke, J.Hahn (edd.), The Impact of Imperial Rome on Religions, Ritual and Religious Life in the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, 200 B.C. - A.D. 476), Münster, June 30 - July 4, 2004 (Leiden-Boston 2006) Inscr.Ital. = Inscriptiones Italicae (Rome 1931 →) Inscriptions - - Thessaly Y.A.Pikoulas (ed.), Inscriptions and History of Thessaly: New Evidence. Proceedings of the International Symposium in Honor of Professor Christian Habicht (Volos 2006) Interpreting the Athenian = R.Parker, N.Papazarkadas, J.Ma Empire (edd.), Interpreting the Athenian Empire (London 2009) Inv.Palm. = Inventaire des inscriptions de Palmyre I-IX (ed. J.Cantineau; Beirut 1930-1933); X (ed. J.Starcky; Damascus 1949); XI (ed. J.Teixidor; Beirut 1965); XII (edd. A.Bounni, J.Teixidor; Damascus 1975) Individus, groupes = J.-C.Couvenhes, S.Milanezi (edd.), Individus, groupes et politique et politique à Athènes de Solon à Mithridate : actes du colloque international, Tours, 7 et 8 mars 2005 (Tours 2007) IOSPE = V.Latyshev, Inscriptiones antiquae orae septentrionalis Pontis Euxini Graecae et Latinae (Leningrad 1885- 1901) IPArk = G.Thür, H.Taeuber, Prozessrechtliche Inschriften der griechischen Poleis: Arkadien (IPArk) (SB Akad. Wien 607; Vienna 1994) IRT = J. M.Reynolds and J. B.Ward- Perkins, Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania (Rome 1952) Iscr. Cos = M.Segre, Iscrizioni di Cos, I-II (Monografie della Scuola Archeologica di Atene VI; Rome 1994) ISE = L.Moretti, Iscrizioni storiche ellenistiche, I-II (Florence 1967-1975) ISE III = F.Canali De Rossi, Iscrizioni storiche ellenistiche. Decreti per ambasciatori greci al senato (Rome 2002) ISM = E. Dorutiu-Boila, Inscriptiones Scythiae Minoris, V. Capidava – Troesmis – Noviodunum (Bucharest 1980) Isthmia = Isthmia. Results of Excavations Conducted under the Auspices of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (Princeton 1971→) IThSy = A.Bernand, De Thèbes à Syène (Paris 1989) IvO = W.Dittenberger, K.Purgold, Inschriften von Olympia (Berlin 1896) J.Marcadé, Recueil = J.Marcadé, Recueil des signatures de sculpteurs grecs, I-II (Paris 1953-1957) Jameson et = M.H.Jameson et al., A Greek al., Countryside Countryside: The Southern Argolid from Prehistory to the Present Day (Stanford 1994) Jenseits des Euphrat = R.Merkelbach, J.Stauber, Jenseits des Euphrat. 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Margarita Tačeva (Sofia 2002) Kabyle II = V.Velkov (ed.), Kabyle, II (Acad.Bulg. des Sciences. Institut et Musée Arch.; Sofia 1991) Kaibel, EG = G.Kaibel, Epigrammata Graeca ex lapidibus collecta (Berlin 1878) Kallet, Money in = L.Kallet, Money and the Corrosion of Thucydides Power in Thucydides (Berkeley 2001) Kallet-Marx, Money = L.Kallet-Marx, Money, Expense and Naval Power in Thucydides’ History 1- 5.24 (Berkeley 1993) Karouzou, Cat.Sculpt.Nat. = S.Karouzou, National Archaeological Mus. Museum, Collection of Sculpture. A Catalogue (Athens 1968) KATTADE A.P.Matthaiou (ed.),Καττάδε ἔδοξε τοῖς Λακεδαιµονίοις: ἐπιγραφὲς δηµοσίου χαρακτήρα ἀπὸ τὴν Σπάρτη τοῦ 5ου αἰώνα π.Χ. – Ἔκθεση στὸ Ἐπιγραφικὸ Μουσεῖο, 30 Ὀκτωβρίου – 23 Νοεµβρίου 2006 (Athens 2006) Kerameikos = Kerameikos. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen (Berlin 1939→) Kern = O.Kern, Orphicorum Fragmenta (Berlin 1922) Κερµάτια = S. Drougou et alii (ed.) 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Macédoine, royaume d’Alexandre le Grand. Au Marché Bonsecours, Montréal du 7 Mai au 19 Septembre 1993 (Athens 1993) La Thessalie = La Thessalie. Quinze années de recherches archéologiques, 1975-1990. Bilans et perspectives. Actes du Colloque international, Lyon 17-22 Avril 1990 (Athens 1994) Lambert, Phratries = S.D.Lambert, The Phratries of Attica (Ann Arbor 1993) Lambert, Rationes = S.D.Lambert, Rationes Centesimarum: Sales of Public Land in Lykourgan Athens (Amsterdam 1997) Laodicée du Lycos = Laodicée du Lycos. Le Nymphée, Campagnes 1961-1963, par J.des Gagniers, P.Devambez, L.Kahil, R.Ginouvès, avec des études de L.Robert, X.de Planhol (Paris 1969) (Robert’s contribution on 247-387) Laum, Stiftungen = B.Laum, Stiftungen in der griechischen und römischen Antike. Ein Beitrag zur antiken Kulturgeschichte, I-II (Leipzig 1914) Law and Courts in Ancient = E.Harris, L.Rubenstein (edd.), Law Greece and Courts in Ancient Greece(London 2003) Lawton, ADR = C.L.Lawton, Attic Document Reliefs. Art and Politics in Ancient Athens(Oxford 1995) LBW = P.Le Bas, W.H.Waddington, Voyage archéologique en Grèce et en Asie Mineure, fait pendant les années 1834 et 1844 (Paris 1847-1877) (Inscriptions grecques et latines; Paris 1870, Rome 1968, Hildesheim 1972) Le Djebel = J.M.Dentzer, J.Dentzer-Feydy (edd.), Le Djebel al-’Arab. Histoire et patrimoine au musée de Suweidā (Paris 1991) Le Guen, L’argent = B.Le Guen, L’argent dans les concours du monde grec. 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Vol. 2: The Demi of Attica, 2nd ed (London 1841) Lefebvre, Recueil = G.Lefebvre, Recueil des inscriptions grecques-chrétiennes d’Égypte(Cairo 1907) Les cités d’Asie Mineure = A.Bresson, R.Descat, Les cités d’Asie Mineure occidentale au IIe siècle a.C. (Bordeaux 2001) Les cultes locaux = G.Labarre (ed.), Les cultes locaux dans les mondes grec et romain. Actes du colloque de Lyon 7-8 juin 2001 (Lyon 2004). Les élites = M.Cébeillac-Gervasoni, L.Lamoine (edd.), Les élites et leurs facettes. Les élites locales dans le monde hellénistique et romain (Rome, Clermont-Ferrand 2003) Les Italiens dans le monde = C.Müller, C.Hasenohr (edd.), Les Italiens dans le monde grec. II grec siècle av. J.-C.-Ier siècle ap. J.-C. Circulation, activités, intégration. Actes de la Table Ronde, École Normale Supérieure, Paris 14-16 mai 1998 (BCH Suppl. 41; Paris 2002) Les pierres de l’offrande = G.Hoffmann (ed.), Les pierres de l’offrande: Autour de l’oeuvre de Christoph W. Clairmont. Actes I (Kilchberg 2001); A.Sartre-Fauriat (ed.), Les pierres de l’offrande: Autour de l’oeuvre de Christoph W. Clairmont. Actes II (Kilchberg 2003) Les relations = E.Frézouls (†), A.Jacquemin (edd.), Les internationales relations internationales. Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg 15-17 juin 1993 (Paris 1995) Les savoirs = Les savoirs de l’écriture en Grèce ancienne, sous la direction de M.Détienne (Lille 1988) Leschhorn, Ären = W.Leschhorn, Antike Ären (Historia Einzelschriften 81; Stuttgart 1993) LGPN I = P.M.Fraser, E.Matthews, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names vol. 1. The Aegean Islands, Cyprus, Cyrenaica (Oxford 1987) LGPN I-V = A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names P.M.Fraser, E.Matthews, I: The Aegean Islands, Cyprus, Cyrenaica (Oxford 1987); M.J.Osborne, S.G.Byrne, II: Attica (Oxford 1994); P.M.Fraser, E.Matthews, III A: The Peloponnese, Western Greece, Sicily and Magna Graecia (Oxford 1997); P.M.Fraser, E.Matthews, III B: Central Greece from the Megarid to Thessaly (Oxford 2000); P.M.Fraser, E.Matthews, IV: Macedonia, Thrace, Northern Regions of the Black Sea (Oxford 2005); T. Corsten et alii (edd.), V A: Coastal Asia Minor: Caria to Cilicia (Oxford 2013) LGPN II = M.J.Osborne, S.G.Byrne, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names vol. 2. Attica (Oxford 1994) LGPN III.A = P.M.Fraser, E.Matthews, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Vol. 3 part A. The Peloponnese, Western Greece, Sicily and Magna Graecia(Oxford 1997) LGPN III.B = P.M.Fraser, E.Matthews, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Vol. 3 part B. Central Greece from the Megarid to Thessaly (Oxford 2000) LGPN IV = P.M.Fraser, E.Matthews, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Vol. 4. Macedonia, Thrace, Northern Regions of the Black Sea (Oxford 2005) Lhôte, Lamelles oraculaires = É.Lhôte, Les lamelles oraculaires de Dodone (Geneva 2006) LIMC = Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae vol. I-IX (Zürich 1981-1999) Local Knowledge = T.Whitmarsch (ed.), Local Knowledge and Mixed Identities in the Imperial Greek World (Cambridge 2010) Lokale Autonomie = W.Eck (ed.), Lokale Autonomie und römische Ordnungsmacht in den kaiserzeitlichen Provinzen von 1. bis 3. Jahrhundert (Schriften des historischen Kollegs, Kolloquien 42; München 1999) Loomis, Wages = W.T.Loomis, Wages, Welfare Costs, and Inflation in Classical Athens(Ann Arbor 1998)

López Jimeno, NTDA = Ma. del Amor López Jimeno, Nuevas Tabellae Defixionis Áticas(Amsterdam 1999) LPGN I = P.M.Fraser, E.Matthews, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names vol. 1. The Aegean Islands, Cyprus, Cyrenaica (Oxford 1987) LPGN II = M.J.Osborne, S.G.Byrne, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names vol. 2. Attica (Oxford 1994) LPGN III A = P.M.Fraser, E.Matthews, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names vol. 3 part A. The Peloponnese, Western Greece, Sicily and Magna Graecia(Oxford 1997) LPGN III Β = P.M.Fraser, E.Matthews, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names vol. 3 part B. Central Greece from the Megarid to Thessaly (Oxford 2000) LSAG² = L.H.Jeffery, The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece (Oxford 1961); revised edition with a supplement by A.W.Johnston (Oxford 1990) LSAM = F.Sokolowski, Lois sacrées de l’Asie Mineure (Paris 1955) LSCG = F.Sokolowski, Lois sacrées des cités grecques (Paris 1969) LSCG Suppl. = F.Sokolowski, Lois sacrées des cités grecques. Supplément (Paris 1969)

LSJ9 = H.G.Liddell, R.Scott, H.Stuart Jones, A Greek-English-Lexicon (Oxford 1951); (9th edition with a revised supplement by P.G.W.Glare and A.A.Thompson, Oxford 1996) LSJ H.G.Liddell, R.Scott, H.Stuart Jones, A Greek-English Lexicon (9th edition with a revised supplement by P.G.W.Glare and A.A.Thompson, Oxford 1996) MacLean, Konya Museum = B.H.MacLean, Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Konya Archaeological Museum (RECAM IV; Ankara 2002) Magika Hiera = C.A.Faraone, D.Obbink (edd.), Magika Hiera: Ancient Greek Magic and Religion (Oxford 1991) Magnetto, Arbitrati = A.Magnetto, Gli arbitrati interstatali greci. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione, commento e indici. Vol. II. Dal 337 al 196 a.C. (Pisa 1997) Maier, Mauerbauinschrifte = F.G.Maier, Griechische n Mauerbauinschriften (Heidelberg 1959) Maiuri, Nuova = A.Maiuri, Nuova silloge epigrafica di Silloge(or NS) Rodi e Cos (Florence 1925) Malay, Researches = H.Malay, Researches in Lydia, Mysia and Aiolis (Österr. Akad. der Wiss., Ph.-Hist.Klasse, Denkschriften Band, 279; Ergän-zungsbände zu den Tituli Asiae Minoris, 23) (Vienna 1999) MAMA = Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, I- X (London 1928-1993) Manganaro Sikelika, G.Manganaro, Sikelika. Studi di antichità e di epigrafia della Sicilia greca Sikelika (Biblioteca di Quaderni Urbinati di cultura classica, 8; Pisa- Roma 1999) Marcadé, Signatures = J.Marcadé, Recueil des signatures de sculpteurs grecs, 2 vols. (Paris 1953- 1957) Marek, Stadt -- = Chr.Marek, Stadt, Ära und Territorium in Pontus-Bithynia und Nord- Galatia (Istanbuler Forschungen Band 39; Tübingen 1993) Masson, OGS I-III = O.Masson, Onomastica Graeca Selecta, edd. C.Dobias, L.Dubois. I-II (Paris 1990); III (Geneva 2000) Masson, Onomastica = O.Masson, Onomastica Graeca Graeca Selecta Selecta I-III (I-II: Paris 1990; III: Geneva 2000) McLean, Konya Museum = B.H.McLean, Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Konya Archaeological Museum (RECAM IV; Ankara 2002) Meiggs-Lewis, GHI / GHI² = R.Meiggs, D.Lewis, A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions to the End of the Fifth Century B.C. (Oxford 1969); revised edition (Oxford 1988) Mélanges -- Rey-Coquais = J.-B.Yon, P.-L.Gatier (edd.), Mélanges en l’honneur de Jean-Paul Rey- Coquais (Beirut 2007; = MUSJ 60 [2007]) Mélanges E.Bernand = N.Fick, J.-C.Carrière (edd.), Mélanges Étienne Bernand(Ann.Litt.Univ.Besançon 444; Paris 1991) Mélanges G.Daux = Mélanges helléniques offerts à Georges Daux (Paris 1974) Mélanges Lévêque = M.-M.Mactoux, E.Geny (edd.), Mélanges Pierre Lévêque, I-VI (Paris 1988-1992) Mémoire et Histoire = S.Benoist, A.Daguet-Gagey (edd.), Mémoire et Histoire. Les procédures de condamnation dans l’Antiquité romaine (Metz 2007) MEP = Minima Epigraphica et Papyrologica (1998 →) Merkelbach- Stauber, = R.Merkelbach, SGO I-V J.Stauber, Steinepigramme aus dem griechischen Osten. I. Die Westküste Kleinasiens von Knidos bis Ilion (Stuttgart-Leipzig 1998). II. Die Nordküste Kleinasiens (Marmarameer und Pontos) (Munich-Leipzig 2001). III. Der “Ferne Osten” und das Landesinnere bis zum Tauros (Munich 2001). IV. Die Südküste Kleinasiens, Syrien und Palaestina (Munich 2002). V. Register(Munich-Leipzig 2004) Merkelbach-Stauber, SGO I = R.Merkelbach - J.Stauber, Steinepigramme aus dem griechischen Osten. Band I: Die Westküste Kleinasiens von Knidos bis Ilion(Stuttgart-Leipzig 1998) Merkelbach- = R.Merkelbach - Stauber, SGO I, II J.Stauber, Steinepigramme aus dem griechischen Osten. Band I: Die Westküste Kleinasiens von Knidos bis Ilion(Stuttgart-Leipzig 1998), Band II: Die Nordküste Kleinasiens (Marmarameer und Pontos) (München-Leipzig 2001) Merkelbach- = R.Merkelbach - Stauber, SGO I-IV J.Stauber, Steinepigramme aus dem griechischen Osten. Band I: Die Westküste Kleinasiens von Knidos bis Ilion(Stuttgart-Leipzig 1998), Band II: Die Nordküste Kleinasiens (Marmarameer und Pontos) (München-Leipzig 2001), Band III: Der “Ferne Osten” und das Landesinnere bis zum Tauros (München 2001), Band IV: Die Südküste Kleinasiens, Syrien und Palaestina (München 2002) Mesogaia = K.Tsouni et al. (edd.), Mesogaia: History and Culture of Mesogeia in Attica (Athens 2001) Mesogaia to = V.Vassilopoulou, S.Katsarou-Tzeveleki Argosaronikos (edd.), From Mesogeia to Argosaronikos. B´ Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities: Research of a Decade, 1994-2003. Proceedings of a Conference. Athens, December 18-20, 2003 (Markopoulo 2009) Meyer, Urkundenreliefs = M.Meyer, Die griechischen Urkundenreliefs (MDAI(A) Suppl. 131; Berlin 1989) Michel, Recueil = C.Michel, Recueil d’inscriptions grecques (Brussels 1897-1900) Migeotte, Emprunt = L.Migeotte, L’emprunt public dans les cités grecques (Quebec 1984) Migeotte, Souscriptions = L.Migeotte, Les souscriptions publiques dans les cités grecques(Quebec-Geneva 1992) Migratio = H.-J.Drexhage, J.Sünskes (edd.), Migratio et Commutatio. Studien zur alten Geschichte und deren Nachleben, Th.Pekáry zum 60. Geburtstag am 13. September 1989 dargebracht (St.Katharinen 1989) Mikros Hieromnemon = A.P.Matthaiou, I.Polinskaya (edd.), Μικρὸς ῾Ιεροµνήµων. Studies in Memory of Michael Jameson (Athens 2008) Milet = Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit d. Jahre 1899,hrsg. T.Wiegand (Berlin 1908→) Milet VI 1 = Inschriften von Milet, Teil 1: A. Inschriften n. 187-406 (Nachdruck aus den Bänden I 5 - II 3) von A.Rehm, mit einem Beitrag von H.Dessau; B. Nachträge und Übersetzungen zu den Inschriften n. 1-406 von P.Herrmann (Berlin - New York 1997) Milet VI 2 = Inschriften von Milet, Teil 2: Inschriften n. 407-1019 von P. Herrmann (Berlin - New York 1998) Miller, Apollo Lairbenos = K.M.Miller, Apollo Lairbenos, Numen 32 (1985); cf. SEG 35 1378 Milner, Survey = N.P.Milner, An Epigraphical Survey in the Kibyra-Olbasa Region, conducted by A.S.Hall (RECAM vol. III; Oxford 1998) Miscellanea Gasperini = G.Paci (ed.), Ἐπιγραφαί. Miscellanea epigrafica in onore di Lidio Gasperini I/II (Tivoli 2000) Mneme Lazaridis = Πόλις καὶ Χώρα στὴν ἀρχαῖα Μακεδονία καὶ Θράκη. Μνήµη Δ. Λαζαρίδη(Ἑλληνικογαλλικὲς Ἐρευνές; Thessaloniki 1990) Monumentum = H.Börm, N.Ehrhardt, J.Wiesehöfer (edd.), Monumentum et instrumentum inscriptum. Beschriftete Objekte aus Kaiserzeit und Spätantike als historische Zeugnisse. Festschrift für Peter Weiß zum 65. Geburtstag (Stuttgart 2008) MPI = R. and A.Ovadiah, Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzantine Mosaic Pavements in Israel (Rome 1987) Münsterberg, Beamtennam = R.Münsterberg, Die Beamtennamen en auf den griechischen Münzen(Subsidia Epigraphica 3; Hildesheim - New York 1973) MUSJ = Mélanges de l’Université Saint- Joseph (Beyrouth) Müze = Müze Kurtarma Kazıları Semineri (Ankara) N.Suppl.Epigr.Rh. = G.Pugliese Carratelli, Nuovo Supplemento Epigrafico Rodio, ASAA33/34 (1955/56) [1957] 157-181 Nachtergael, Galates = G.Nachtergael, Les Galates en Grèce et les Sotéria de Delphes. Recherches d’histoire et d’épigraphie hellénistique, (Brussels 1977) NAGVI = R.Wachter, Non-Attic Greek Vase Inscriptions (Oxford 2001) NCIDélos = C.Prêtre et al., Nouveau choix d’inscriptions de Délos. Lois, comptes et inventaires (Paris 2002) Nemea II = Stephen G.Miller, Excavations at Nemea II. The Early Hellenistic Stadium (Berkeley 2001) Neronia VII II = Y.Perrin (ed.), Neronia VII. Rome, l’Italie et la Grèce. Hellénisme et philhellénisme au premier siècle ap. J.- C. (Brussels 2007) Networks = I.Malkin, C.Constantakopoulou, K.Panagopoulou (edd.), Greek and Roman Networks in the Mediterranean (London 2009) New Doc(ument)s. = New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity (The Ancient History Documentary Research Centre, Macquarie University; 1981→) New Documents 8 = S.R.Llewelyn, New Documents illustrating early Christianity, vol. 8 (Michigan/Macquarie University 1997/1998). NGCT = D.R.Jordan, ‘New Greek Curse Tablets (1985-2000),’ GRBS 41 (2000) 5-46 NGSL = E.Lupu, Greek Sacred Law. A Collection of New Documents (Leiden 2005)

NGSL2 = E.Lupu, Greek Sacred Law. A Collection of New Documents (NGLS2) (2nd Edition with a Postscript; Leiden 2009) Niewöhner, Aizanoi = P.Niewöhner, Aizanoi, Dokimion and Anatolien. Stadt und Land, Siedlungen- und Steinmetzwesen vom späteren 4. bis ins 6. Jahrhundert n. Chr. (Wiesbaden 2007) Nigdelis, Ἐπιγραφικὰ = P.M.Nigdelis, Ἐπιγραφικὰ Θεσσαλονίκεια Θεσσαλονίκεια. Συµβολὴ στὴν πολιτικὴ καὶ κοινωνικὴ ἱστορία τῆς ἀρχαίας Θεσσαλονίκης, (Thessalonike 2006) Nile into Tiber = L.Bricault, M.J.Versluys, P.G.P.Meyboom (edd.), Nile into Tiber: Egypt in the Roman World. Proceedings of the IIIrd International Conference of Isis Studies, Leiden, May 11-14 2005 (Leiden-Boston 2007) Nomen Latinum = D.Knoepfler et al. (edd.), Nomen Latinum: Mélanges de langue, de littérature et de civilization latines offerts au professeur André Schneider à l’occasion de son départ à la retraite. Université de Neuchâtel, Recueil de travaux publiés par la faculté des lettres 44 (Geneva 1997) Nomima I-II = H.Van Effenterre, F.Ruzé, Nomima. Recueil d’inscriptions politiques et juridiques de l’archaïsme grec, I-II (Coll.Éc.Fr. de Rome, vol. 188; Rome 1994-1995) Nomodeiktes = R.M.Rosen, J.Farrell (edd.), Nomodeiktes: Greek Studies in Honor of Martin Ostwald (Ann Arbor 1993) Norme--religieuse = P.Brulé (ed.), La norme en matière religieuse en Grèce ancienne. Actes du XIe colloque du CIERGA (Rennes, septembre 2007) (Liège 2009) Nouv.inscr.d’Antioche = M.A.Byrne, G.Labarre, Nouvelles inscriptions d’Antioche de Pisidie d’après les Note-books de W.M.Ramsay (IGSK 67; Bonn 2006) Nouveau Choix = Institut Fernand-Courby. Nouveau choix d’inscriptions grecques (Paris 1971) NPauly = H.Cancik, H.Schneider (edd.), Der Neue Pauly (Stuttgart-Weimar 1996-) OGIS = W.Dittenberger, Orientis Graeci Inscriptions Selectae (Leipzig 1903- 1905) Oikistes = V.B.Gorman, E.W.Robinson (edd.), Oikistes. Studies in Constitutions, Colonies, and Military Power in the Ancient World Offered in Honor of A.J.Graham (Leiden-Boston- Cologne 2002) Oikonomides, Σούνιον = Σούνιον. Ἀρχαιολογικὸς ὀδηγός (Athens 1957) Old and New Worlds -- = E.Matthews (ed.), Old and New Worlds in Greek Onomastics (Oxford 2007) Oliver, Greek Constitutions = J.H.Oliver, Greek Constitutions of Early Roman Emperors from Inscriptions and Papyri (Philadelphia 1989) Olympia 1875-2000 = H.Kyrieleis (ed.), Olympia 1875- 2000:125 Jahre Deutsche Ausgrabungen. Internationales Symposion, Berlin, 9.-11. November 2000 (Mainz 2002) Olympiabericht = Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia (Berlin 1936→) Olympionikai = L.Moretti, Olympionikai. I vincitori negli antichi agoni olimpici (MAL ser. VIII, vol. VIII fasc. 2, Rome 1957) OMS = L.Robert, Opera Minora Selecta, I-VII (Amsterdam 1969-1990) Onomatologos = R.W.V.Catling, F.Marchand (edd.), Onomatologos. Studies in Greek Personal Names presented to Elaine Matthews (Oxford 2010) Osborne, Naturalization = M.J.Osborne, Naturalization in Athens (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 (Brussels 1981) no. 98; 44 (1982) no. 101; 45 (1983) no. 109) Ostwald, Sovereignty = M.Ostwald, From Popular Sovereignty to the Sovereignty of Law(Berkeley 1986) P.Oxy. = Papyri Oxyrhynchi PA = J.Kirchner, Prosopographia Attica (Berlin 1901) PAA = J.S.Traill, Persons of Ancient Athens (Toronto 1992→) PAES = H.C.Butler et alii, Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria, I-IV (Leiden 1907-1949) Panathenaic Games = O.Palagia, A. Choremi-Spetsieri (edd.), The Panathenaic Games. Proceedings of an international conference held at the University of Athens, May 11-12, 2004 (Oxford 2007) Panathenaïka = M.Bentz, N.Eschbach (edd.), Panthenaïka. 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Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Athens, Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, 19 december 2005 (Athens 2008) Patris und Imperium = C.Berns, H.v.Hesberg, L.Vandeput, M.Waelkens (edd.), Patris und Imperium. Kulturelle und politische Identität in den Städten der römischen Provinzen Kleinasiens in der frühen Kaiserzeit. Kolloquium Köln, November 1998 (Leuven - Paris - Dudley 2002) Pausanias: Travel and = S.E.Alcock, J.F.Cherry, J.Eisner Memory (edd.), Pausanias: Travel and Memory in Roman Greece (Oxford 2001) Payne, Necrocorinthia = H.Payne, Necrocorinthia (Oxford 1931) Paysage et religion = P Carlier, C.Lerouge-Cohen (edd.), Paysage et religion en Grèce antique: mélanges offerts à Mafeleine Jost (Paris 2010) PCG = R. Kassel, C. Austin (edd.), Poetae comici Graeci, 8 vols. (Berlin 1983-) Peek, Attische = W.Peek, Attische Grabschriften, 2 vols. Grabschriften (Berlin 1954-1958) Péloponnèse = C.Grandjean (ed.), La Péloponnèse Épaminondas/Hadrien d’Épaminondas à Hadrien(Bordeaux 2008) Peloponnesiaka Suppl. 24 = Πρακτικά του ΣΤ’ Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Πελοποννησιακών Σπουδών, Τρίπολις, 24-29 Σεπτεµβρίου 2000, 3 vols. (Athens 2001/2002) Peloponnesian Sanctuaries = R. Hägg (ed.), Peloponnesian Sanctuaries and Cults. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 11-13 June 1994 (Stockholm 2002) Perdrizet- = P.Perdrizet, G.Lefebvre, Les graffites Lefebvre Memnonion, grecs du Memnonion d’Abydos(Nancy- Paris-Strasbourg 1919) Performance Culture = S.Goldhill - R.Osborne (edd.), Performance Culture and Athenian Democracy (Cambridge 1999) Periplous. Papers = G.R.Tsetskhladze et al. Boardman (edd.), Periplous. Papers on Classical Art and Archaeology Presented to Sir John Boardman (London 2000) Perlman, City and = P.Perlman, City and Sanctuary in Sanctuary Ancient Greece: The Theorodokia in the Peloponnese (Hypomnemata 121; Göttingen 2000) Petrakos, Δῆµος τοῦ = B.C.Petrakos, Ὁ Δῆµος τοῦ Ραµνοῦντος: Ραµνοῦντος Σύνοψη τῶν ἀνασκαφῶν καὶ τῶν ἐρευνῶν (1813-1998), I. Τοπογραφία; II. Οἱ Ἐπιγραφές (BAAH vols. 181, 182; Athens 1999) Petzl, Beichtinschriften = G.Petzl, Die Beichtinschriften Westkleinasiens (Bonn 1994); = EA 22 (1994) (see SEG XLIV 951) Pfuhl-Möbius = E.Pfuhl, H.Möbius, Die ostgriechischen Grabreliefs, I-II (Mainz am Rhein 1977-1979) PG = J.-P.Migne, Patrologia Graeca (Paris 1857-1963) PGM = K.Preisendanz, Papyri Graecae Magicae. Die griechischen Zauberpapyri, revised by A.Henrichs (Stuttgart 1973²) PH (or I.Cos) = W.R.Paton, E.L.Hicks, The Inscriptions of Cos (Oxford 1891) Phialai Inscriptions = E.A.Meyer, Metics and Athenian Phialai-Inscriptions. A Study in Athenian Epigraphy and Law (Historia Einzelschriften 208; Stuttgard 2010) Phēgos = ΦΗΓΟΣ. Timetikos Tomos gia ton kathegete Soteri Dakari (Ioannina 1994) Philippi II = P.Pilhofer, Philippi. II. Katalog der Inschriften von Philippi (Tübingen 2000)

Philippi II2 = P.Pilhofer, Philippi. II. Katalog der Inschriften von Philippi (Tübingen 2009; second edition) Philathenaios = A.Tamis, C.J.Mackie, S.G.Byrne (edd.), Θιλαϑήναιος: Studies in Honour of Michael J. Osborne (Athens 2010) Philokypros = L. Dubois, E.Masson (edd.), Philokypros. Mélanges de Philologie et d’Antiquités grecques et Proche-Orientales dédiés à la Mémoire d’Olivier Masson (Salamanca 2000) Phones Charakter = M.B.Hatzopoulos, V.Psilakakou (edd.), ΦΩΝΗΣ ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡ ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ. Actes du Ve congrès international de dialectologie grecque (Athènes 28-30 septembre 2006) (Athens 2007) Phosphorion = D.Gergova (ed.), Phosphorion. Studia in honorem Mariae Čičikova(Sofia 2008) Phrygian Votive Steles = T.Drew-Bear, C.M.Thomas, M.Yıldızturan, Phrygian Votive Steles(Ankara 1999) PIR = Prosopographia Imperii Romani (Berlin ²1933 →)

PIR2 = Prosopographia Imperii Romani (Berlin 19332→) Pittakes, L’anc. Ath. = K.S.Pittakes, L’ancienne Athènes ou la description des antiquités d’Athènes et de ses environs (Athens 1835) PLRE = A.H.M.Jones, J.R.Martindale, J.Morris (edd.), The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire (Cambridge 1971-1992) Poikila = ΠΟΙΚΙΛΑ (Meletemata 10; Research Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity, National Hellenic Research Foundation; Athens 1990) Poleis e politeiai = S. Cataldi (ed.), Poleis e politeiai. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Storia Greca, Torino, 29 maggio-31 maggio 2002 (Alessandria 2004) Polis and Politics = P.Flensted-Jensen, T.H.Nielsen, L.Rubenstein (edd.), Polis and Politics. Studies in Ancient Greek History Presented to Mogens Hermann Hansen on His Sixtieth Birthday, August 20, 2000(Copenhagen 2000) Pontica I = B.Rémy (ed.), Recherches sur l’histoire du Pont dans l’Antiquité, I (Varia Anatolica V, Centre Jean Palerne, Mémoires IX; CÉRA, Mémoires I; Istanbul 1991) Popescu, IGLR = E.Popescu, Inscriptiile grecesti si latine din secolele IV-XIII descoperite în România (Bucharest 1976) Portes du désert = A.Bernand, Les portes du désert (Paris 1984) Pouilloux, Forteresse = J.Pouilloux, La forteresse de Rhamnonte (Paris 1954) Πρακτικὰ Γʹ Διεθνοῦς = Πρακτικὰ Γʹ Διεθνοῦς Σιφναϊκοῦ Σιφναϊκοῦ Συµποσίου Συµποσίου: Σίφνος 29 Ἰουνίου - 2 Ἰουλίου εἰς µνήµην Νικολάου Βερνίκον- Εὐγενίδη (Athens 2009) PP = W.Peremans and E.van ’t Dack, Prosopographia Ptolemaica, 9 vols. (Studia Hellenistica, various vols., Louvain 1950-1981)

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Actes du 31e colloque international organisé par l’Umr Halma-Ipel (Université Charles-de-Gaulle/Lille 3, 13-15 décembre 2007) (Kernos Suppl. 23; Liège 2009) Pritchett, TopographyVIII = W.K.Pritchett, Studies in Ancient Greek Topography, VIII (Amsterdam 1992) Pritchett, War V = W.K.Pritchett, The Greek State at War, V (Berkeley 1991) Pritchett- = W.K.Pritchett, B.D.Meritt, The Meritt, Chronology Chronology of Hellenistic Athens(Cambridge Mass. 1940) Proceedings Olympic = W.Coulson, H.Kyrieleis Games (edd.), Praktika Symposiou Olympiakon Agonon, 5-9 Septemvriou 1988 (Proceedings of an International Symposium on the Olympic Games, 5-9 September 1988; Athens 1992) Prossenie = E. Culasso Gastaldi Le prossenie ateniesi del IV secolo a.C. 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