Royal Canadian Dental Corps Association L’Association du Corps Dentaire Royal Canadien NEWSLETTER/BULLETIN December 2012 Officers of the Association President – Colonel Peter McQueen Secretary – Vacant Treasurer – Chief Warrant Officer Cliff Beauchamp Vice President –BGen Fred Begin Past President – Colonel Hap Protheroe Special Projects- LCol Bill Budzinski CFDS Representative – Major Sophie Toupin Regional Coordinator -Colonel Scott Becker Communications - Major Richard Groves PRESIDENT’S CORNER Please see the Annual RCDCA Treasurers Report at the end of this Newsletter. UNPAID RCDCA ANNUAL DUES Please send all dues checks, payable to the RCDCA, to the treasurer, Cliff Beauchamp. An enrollment form for submission of your dues may be found near the end of this newsletter. Mr. Cliff Beauchamp 1727 Boyer Rd. Orleans, ON, K1C 3H8 Tel 613 837-2958
[email protected] Effective 2013 we have raised the annual dues for RCDCA membership from $15 per year to $20. Mailing and printing costs have greatly increased and the RCDCA bank balance has been falling for years so that we cannot continue the trend. In addition several RCDCA members have not been paying their dues; thus, we have contacted them asking them to pay their past dues and to keep current. Many acted and are now fully paid up but several declined to respond and have been removed from the RCDCA membership. Moving forward we are going to pay much closer attention to those who do not pay their dues. Please take a look at the date on the address label of the envelope that contained your newsletter because it shows the year for which you are paid up; so for example if it says 2011 that means you have not paid for 2012.