Seeks National Recognition for Asbury Park
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OCEAN G B oV « TiME8 -. S. | 104'Years Old , Public Legal I .,, and NEW Notices } ..Every' Thursday Pages 6, 7, 8 iK'RA\ (.ROVE TIMES. TOWNSHIP Ol- VF.PTUNE, NEW. JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEB. 22, 1979 (IISPS 402420) ~Fj~F X E E W C E N T S Skold-Prickett Wedding, Jan. 27 YORK — Miss Salome B Skold, daughter of Ocean Grove Camp HMEpTUNE Meeting Trustee Mr. and Mrc Robert E. Skold, of York, Pa., bscame !he bride of Craig Paul Prickett, Saturday, Jan. 27 in As bury United Methodist Church, here The groom is the son of Mr. ?.nd Mrs. Clarence L.- Prickett of Neptune Mayor Gilberto Melendez announced that the Yardley, Pa. Honorable Confrressman James J. Howard, New Jersey and State Senator Brian Kennedy and Assemblyman Anthony Village, Jr., have responded to be guests at the Neptune Cen tennial Celebration, a gala Dnner Dance this Saturday. at Jumping Brook Country Club. Mayor Melendez emphasized that this non-partisan af fair was being planned as the major event i nthe celebra tion of the 100th Anniversary of Neptune. It is anticipated, that several other Federal and State officials would be in attendance together with representatives Seeks National Recognition For of Monmouth County and neighboring municipalities. Asbury Park Convention Hall Griner-Powiiall The Storm ... and ASBURY PARK — City Officials months, Engagement Told are hopeful that historic Coriven-. The City Council has launched an We’re A Day Late tion Hall will be listed in the-na- all out effort to have the Hall be- tional registrar, which would en-'come a major convention center Monday’s snowstorm dumped title the structure to be eligible for and central Jersey showcase for an estimated 15 Inches here at matching grants for renovation , the performing arts. The Para- the Shore. The succeeding mild Convention Hall, which has beer, mount Theater, built far vaudeville weather and rain Is cansing officially recognised by the state in the early 1930’s, Is part of the flooding conditions. Boots are a as an historic site, was built in Convention Hall complex must for waiters. 1929 and reached its hallmark in ! Mayor Ray Kramer predicts that Tho Times Is a day late, be the post World'War II era, when jthis could be one of the Hail’s best cause of the storm. It was Wash big bands such as Glen Miller and ^year’s, .since it imi been booked ington’s' Birthday holiday for Tommy Dorsey plSyed there. for major trade shows from now most workers, unable to reach The state has approved Asbury .until spring. Among ithe big at- their employment. Park’s'application for the Hall to fractions were, a flower show, ‘ a . The thermometer is expected became part of the national regls- power boat show, and! a sai* boat to reach SO tbls weekend. Every trar, and, according to Anthony ebow. one hopes that winter’s back is Del Pizzo, beachfront director, ap-iMnr. 7-11. • ^ ! broken. proval could come as early as six 1 Shark River Dredging Talks FeL 23 In Neptune Twp. Municipal Complex I,orraine Mari" Wain Grincr TRENTON— ■Assemblyman An-' .‘Shoaling has developed in tho OCEAN GROVE — Mr. and Mrs. thony -M. Villan®, .'Jr.'^B-Mon- -channel to thff- cxienlt-that‘ many Albert W. Grincr, 60 Abbott Ave mouth, Ocean) announced'that he boats are now unable ia navigate nue, have announced the engage has arranged lor a meeting io be at low tide” AssemblVman Villanc ment of their daughter, Lorraine Held between Bernard J. Moore of said, “and .unless a solution is Marie, to Chester Holmes Pownall, the N. J. Division of 'Marine Ser- agreed upon within a short period Jr., 409 Sewall Avenue, Asbury vice .and area -commercial fishery of time many ’of our commercial Park. Mr. Pownall is thc son of men, lohstermen and pleasure boat fishermen and other boat owners Mrs. Norman Maddocks, 431 Red owners at the "Neptune Township will be forced to leave the area. mond Avenue, Oakhurst and Mr. Borough Hall on Friday February This would lead to domino ef Chester (Mickcy) Pownall, Sr., 23, at '7:30 P.M. to explore meth- feet on all businesses in the vlcin- Jumping Brook Apartments Nep jods of disposing of materials con- ity and result In a devastating tune. templated helng'dredged from the Impact on the local emononiy.’.’ Miss Grincr is a graduate of west channel ol Shark River Approximately 30 commercial Neptune High School and is em i Neptune Township Mayor Gil boats and 1,000 pleasure craft are ployed as manager of "Carol's Cor Melendez 'host -the discussion, presently berthed in tlie river. : ■ ner", Asbury Park! j -Assemblyman Villane said that . Assemblyman ViHaase> saidi. he' Mr. Pownall' is a graduate of althiraghi tht J. State Depart- was hopeful that a feasible method Ocean Township High School and ment of Environmental Protection of disposing of the materials is manager, of Flo’s Luncheonette, agreed to Ihe need of the. dredging, dredged from the channel could 'Elect House tr Fauibaber Asbury Park. opposition lias developed from the bo readied at ' the Febraury 23 A September 8th wedding is . ■NBPTUNE — Robert House in U:S. Axay 'Corps of. Engineers meeting. planned. who do mot favor the creation of | “ It is imperative that action be cumbent, member of thc/tfnekcel- jled IFire Oo., and 'Fred Faulhaber, a proposed five acre artifical island ,• taken on this matter at once’ he I a -member of the Liberty Fire Co., as a disposal'area for. the dredged j ’said,' ’jobs,.industry and Seating is were elected to .the board of fire material a t’stake.” . commissioners for Neptune District 1 last Saturday. 'The budget for fire protection and. maintenance of Monmouth Festival of the Arts company quarters, was adopted. Named to' Dcaii’fe List, LYNCHBURG, Va. - Lee Alan ■ burg, Va., has been named, to the Dean’s List for the past semester. He is the son of H. Lee Kiykpa- College’s Dean’ s List is made up of students ydio, have achieved a grade., average of 3.5 or .better In ALBERT CASSAN, 24 Heath a 10 grading scale. Kirkpatrick Drive, Neptune, will observe his is a . graduate of Neptune Senior 25-th anniversary February 23 5>nior High School, as an employee of Jersey Central ■ — Power & Light Company. He Is ■ Voters Approve Fire Questions plant stockkeeper at the Oyster . — - - Creek Nuclear. Generating Sta- OCEAN. GROVE — Albert Cat- ticn, Lacey. Township. Mr. Cas- ley and August ,G, Stoll were re- san joined the company Fez. 23, elected tothe Ocean .Grove board 1954 and. served In the Wer- of.' fire commissioners' last Satur- ner Generating Station, South day afternoon, (when the fire pro- Ambcy before transferring tothe tection budget was adopted,, and Union Beach Stores'Department, the ' jtftirenftm to .purchaser the: FRANK-MAtK, 2-1 McClintock Street, Ocean Grove, will perform He was a storekeeper. in Allen- former- police ’JieadqUartcrs, from at the ninth annual Monmouth Festival of the A^ts which will take burst before being assigned-to the Camp'Meeting 'Association-was bis present, post; Mr, Cassaa is approved.' T^e-^O.^OO resolution. place March .24 through'March 28 at the Monmouth Reform Tem a native.'of Neptune and is mar- buys ..the^a-story brick 'building ple, ll&nce Avenue, Tinton Falls Mack, a cartoonist and illustrator, rled to the former Miss LaVerne : and police garage for $2 5 ,0 0 0 , the will present a special program at.the Festival on Monday, .March ■.Anderson of Neptune. They have: balance will be ^used. for; renova- 26 at 4 PM. The Festival-will showcase tho work of artists'; and four children,, Robert, Nancy, ; lion and to: renovate and put back craftsmen from throughout New Jersey, as well as Monmouth ?-r>mas .and Valerie. • . • into service the hose tower on the; County. — ■ ' ~.'' .i . , '. ' ; ! Washington-Stokes Fire House. • TOWNE COFFEE SHOPPE ■ j.. ; ' SO Main Ave-, '0| G ;^ b ^yeaj? ; TEHtfPOmtRDRESSERS -'V ■' Mon., tbm Sit’,i;304 P.M. Ooslei , Permaneirts. $11.00 Tnesdajs * Snndays till further notloe. ; -< * .WednesdajB. 77i-9511. tt u r’Vc f. Vi h * Wf»vicy»sWAverfi •'SfiSK PAGE TW O OCEAN GROVE and NEPTUNE T OWNSHIP OF NBPTONE, NEW JEKSKT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22,19W Applegate’s sermon at thte Sunday', F i r s t C o m m i i m t Shore {Legislators Asks EFA Support 9:30 and 11 A M .. .services. The ............................ scripture reading will be Mark Fop Children 2:18-22. Lay readers assist during For Statfe Funding of Erosion Repair each service as do acolytes. Music' director James McKimm is the BRADLEY BEACH — The pres ;• . BEUMtAa — Wll- Dowd asserted, organist; arid will accompany the entation of this year’e class of liam, F; Dowd, (R-Monmouth/-'. "It is unreasonable and uniair chapel and chancel choir at the children to receive their • First Ocean) has asked Environmental t to cxpeot small Shore communities respectiveitayt-'uuvc services.smvjcea. Theiuic'xaciuu/ cherub/ „ , - Protection Commissioner Danie', to come up with hundreds of thou- carol choir led by Pat Groop and 1 &>mmamon will take place J. O’Horn to support pending leg-1 sands of dollars as their share of Judy Week will also sing at l l .i f .1 S 'nJ^ “ Episcopal Church at islation which would eliminate: the cost of beach repair and res Mis. Johnnie Newman supervises!‘ h° this. Sunday, fifty-fifty matching fund require- j toration projects. Since the com the church school.v ■ meet- >t| f eb' ^ c«ra8 , mrmts from a state aid program munities involved already spend 9:30 AM.' with classes for all ages f° " to ^ with their families.