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LISTENING LOG: S—Z Plus COLLECTIONS Etc 20 B♭ (S ) LISTENING LOG: S—Z plus COLLECTIONS etc. KAIJA SAARIAHO Notes on Light Extended Cello Concerto, slow avant-garde textures, cello doing effects, non-thematic or motivic sound with cello thread. It reminds me of Tavener’s Protecting Veil, except for full orchestra and variousness – quasi-mystical. Not elecronic, though it sounds so. (S09) Orion Three-movement symphonic poem: Memento Mori is march-like procession, ethereal panels of glittery sound, like an updating of Debussy’s first Nocturne, builds to forte. White Sky is a similar soundworld, sustained, slow but rhythmed, to a fadeout. Hunter is energetic, groups of four mallet instruments prominent, wild horn whoops, quiet ending. I like it. (S09) Mirage Scena for soprano and solo cello on primitive-mystical-feminist text in English, delivered with utter authority by Karita Mattila. Schafer might have done it, but his procedures would have been more audible. (S09) Amers In two movements for solo cello and chamber orchestra. Saariaho describes it as a “timbral work.” No sustained line. Scrubbing and scraping cello in Libero merges into Molto energico, seemingly little increase of tempo. Matters don’t improve. I try to like Saariaho but I can’t do it. (Ja13) Château de l’Âme Group of five songs on French texts for soprano and orchestra. I can’t believe Sony would not print the texts in any form; they are modern translations of Hindu and Egyptian love poems. There are other singers embedded in the orchestral texture, not treated as a choir. The fourth song, an Egyptian prayer for the recovery of a sick child, is dramatic. All seem less resistant than much of KS’s other music. Dawn Upshaw sings magnificently. (Ja13) Graal Théâtre Violin Concerto in two movements. Violin begins a fantasia ponticello, scratchy, scrubby, crossing strings, harmonics – orchestra sustains tones, trumpet counter-line, bits from piano and percussion. Impetuoso begins with angry cadenza – orchestra sets rhythmic bass. It represents “conflict,” says KS. Kremer, and it’s admirable, but why would Saariaho limit the violin to these uncharacteristic noises? What is she afraid of? Contrast would mean so much more. Bah!! (Ja13) Nymphea (Jardin secret III) One-movement work for electric string quartet (19:25). They seem to have contact mikes, but notes do not say, nor explain how they are controlled. The players add vocal sounds – they later intone a bad existential poem into mikes. I get nothing from it. (Ag16) L’Amour de loin Major operatic hit – I am astonished at the enthusiasm of its reception, since the entire piece takes place in ultra-slow motion, and it is all recit. The nearest antecedents, perhaps are Messiaen and Debussy’s much-maligned Pelléas. The plot is a love story, however, with Liebestod overtones, cast in the form of a very simple morality tale with just three characters. The music is surprisingly tonal – Susanna Phillips exclaimed that if she sang a wrong note in rehearsal, it was immediately obvious. The electronic effects are kept firmly in the background, and I’m not sure how they were produced. Over-dependence on electronic sound has been my chief objection to Saariaho’s music in the past. And there is a unique soundworld created. I loved the libretto, a detailed analysis of physical/spiritual, embodied/disembodied, human/divine love. The music seemed longer than it had to be – but deeper acquaintance might change that. Performances were superb – though I thought Jaufré Rudel the celebrated troubadour should be more a basso cantante than Eric Owens could make of him. The use of the chorus as a classical Greek commentary worked extremely well, and I like the way Saariaho incorporated Orientalist North African suggestions into her quasi-troubadour music (which also allowed her moments of regular rhythm and more upbeat tempo. I liked Robert Carson’s set design with its sea of LED lights and the fragile boat – though not so much a machinery of the movable staircase. I was not particularly looking forward to seeing this opera, but it was well worth the effort. (MedHD, D16) HARALD SÆVERUD Symphony No 8 “Minnesota” Big piece premiered in Minneapolis, more populist than I expected: mild harmonically, energetic rhythmically – recalls Harris with brass motifs over sustained strings in outer movements. Big buildup at end. Nice lyric Andante, upbeat Scherzo, colorful orchestration. Strong piece. (S09) Cello Concerto Earlier work that liner notes say is on the outer edge of Sæverud’s experimentation: it actually seems fairly conservative. Concerto with smallish orchestra (as rescored by HS’s student) but dense textures in outer movements, skipping 6/8 rhythms B quite beautiful melody in Andante. Do Norwegian composers all favor curt endings? (S09) Peer Gynt Music, op 28 An effort to create non-Romantic music for Ibsen’s masterpiece: just three numbers, but they’re rhythmic, melodic, and dry. The last is a nifty parody of Yankee Doodle, Marseillaise, and a couple of other anthems. Peer Gynt as arms dealer. I like it better than I expected, but it won’t replace you know who. (Jy12) The Ballad of Revolt, op 22 Wartime piece, written to protest privately the German occupation, darkly serious, then a minor key folkdance – very effective. (Jy12) JOSEPH BOLOUGNE, Chevalier de SAINT-GEORGES Quartet in G minor Three movements: Solo bits get traded around so everyone gets a chance. Textures simple. Allegro begins in minor, then happily maggiore. Nice easy listening. LOUIS de SAINT-LUBIN Fantaisie sur un theme de Lucia de Lammermoor, op 46 Unaccompanied violin, 7': the theme is the Sextet. Saint-Lubin is a forgotten virtuoso, neither his work nor his career researched. This piece would be a technical challenge for Paganini -- Yikes! -- but there's also a Gallic elegance. (Je18) Theme original et Etude de Sigmund Thalberg, op 45 Inventive rewriting for solo violin of one of Thalberg's piano etudes, 6'. Anastasia Khitruk has done her homework. She's terrific! (Je18) Adagio religioso, op 44 Lovely cantabile, Saint;Lubin was not a pupil of Paganini but of Spohr. (Je18) Grand Duo Concertante in A, op 49 De facto Violin Sonata in four movements, 28'. The title asserts the equality of the two instruments, and the models are Schubert and Beethoven. Both parts are flashy enough, but brilliance is subordinate to the compositional design. Scherzo is Beethovenish, superb – crazy ending. Andante has a saccharine tune with contrasting sections in minor. Allegretto Finale begins with oom-pah theme in minor, a lot of display for the piano. The rondo theme inevitably makes its last appearance in major. Engaging, viable piece. (Je18) Potpourri on Themes from Auber's La Fiancée, op 35 Liner notes makes a pitch for the opera (unlikely enough), a hit just before Le Muette and Fra Diavolo. The Fantasy squeezes a lot of tunes and a set of variations into 14', and the piano gets as much workout as the violin. (Je18) 2 Salonstucke Each piece is prefaced by a Chopinesque Nocturne and finishes with a faster part, a Rondino in 3, chirpy and carefree, and a Polonaise, severe in minor. (Je18) CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS Rigaudon Unknown gem heard on radio. Q: check it out. (Jy08 – Muskoka) A: Sarabande et Rigaudon, op 93. Piano Concerto No 1 in D, op 17 Youthful work has more character than most forgotten piano concertos. Simple ballet-like material in opening, with all sorts of novel piano-orchestra textures. Slow movement unique, questioning, almost sinister. Finale pure bravura, wonderful arpeggiated passage, return of opening horn calls. Super piece! (Ap09) Piano Concerto No 3 in E♭, op 29 Begins with mysterious phrases over rolling piano, wholly unlike classical sounding first two, rises to big Coda. Interesting experiment, doesn’t quite work. Andante too laid back, Finale seems mechanical. This is S-S at low ebb (?). The odd one out of the five. (Ap09) Piano Concerto No 5 in F, op 103 “Concerto Egyptièn” I heard this as a kid in Minneapolis and thought it was all scales, an “accompaniment of an accompaniment.” Later, I heard it and rather liked it, but then heard it on the radio and failed to place it. Maybe I’d not listened carefully, or maybe I was thrown off by the “Egyptièn” tag. But it’s Saint-Saëns in good form, nice material, especially second subject and falling chromatic closing figure, worked assiduously. Andante has some North African feel (liner notes insist it’s Spanish), quite pronounced in B section. Ciccolini gets weird tones from his piano. Jovial hullabaloo of a Finale. My favorite is still No 4. (Ap09) Mélodies Appealing melodies, widely varied, unexpected modulations, phrase extensions, variants, brilliant piano parts. Many Victor Hugo settings. The first has staccato voice line. “Adieu patrie” is close to Duparc. “Le pas d’armes” a wonderful Romantic ballad. “A quoi bon entendre” is proto-Fauré. The great “Danse macabre” (great encore piece!). A number of songs in antique style that Saint-Saëns does so perfectly (LeRoux possesses a convincing trill). Song with violin obligato, virtuosic – and one with flute. A wonderful Spanish guitar song. Ends with extraordinary patter song on Ronsard. This disc is a pure revelation. (Ja10) Mélodies persanes, op 26 Four Orientalist songs: dancing girls, warlike men on horseback, an exquisite study in monotony, and an extraordinary account of drug delirium with perpetuo moto accompaniment. (These are only four of six in the set.) (Ja10) Requiem, op 54 The opening seems familiar, but the old LP had none of the emotional tug. Dies irae is rather generic, just where Mozart and Verdi let loose the cannons, but the Oro supplex takes on greater life, and the beautiful Agnus Dei.
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