Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia

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Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ^ni t.:L^t':l Return to LIBRARY OF MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY WOODS HOLE, MASS. Loaned by American Museum of Natural History PROCEEDINGS 1^ OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. VOL. IV. 1846, 1849. PHILADELPHIA. PRINTED FOR THE ACADEMY, Br Merrihew Sc Tlioiiipson, 7 C»rl»-r'» AIIpj, 1860. 61'^ ; INDEX TO VOLUME IV. Abert, Lieut. J. W., don. to lib., 111. Boye, Dr. M. H.,don. to lib., 191. Adams, C. B., don. to lib., Ill, 263, Bogerslawski, Prof., don. to lib., 243. lib., 265. Bridges, Dr. Robert, don. to 190 ; Adams, Mr., don. to mus., 137. don. to mus., 138, remarks on esti- Agassiz, Prof. Louis, don. to lib.. Ill, mates relating to the length of the the 176. ; on the distinction between year, 58. fossil Crocodiles of the green sand of Bryan, Wm. C, don. to mus., 109. New Jersey, 169; letter from to Dr. British Association, don. to lib., 55. Gibbes in relation to Dorudon serra- Browne, Peter A., paper read by, en- tus, 4. titled " Reasons for believing that Alexander, Dr., don. to mus., 241. animal torpidity is influenced by elec- AUinson, Geo. B., don. to mus., 109. trical currents," 2. American Acad, of Arts and Sciences, Bristol Institution, don. to mus., 163. don. of memoirs of, 143.; of Proceed- Budd, Charles T., don. to mus., 164, ings, 32, 82, 243. 175. Amer. Philosoph. Soc, don. of Trans- Burlington College, don. to mus., 109. actions of, 31 ; Proceedings of, 54, Butcher, William, don. to mus., 109. 189, 261 ; Resolution by to deposit its By-Laws, amendments to, 50, 148. collections of organic remains with the Acad. Nat. Sci., of Philada., 247. Calcutta Journal of Nat. Hist., don. of American Journal of Agriculture and by editors, 177. Science, don. of by editors, 30, 31, Cantor, Dr. Theodore, don. to lib., SI. 32. Carpenter, Dr. Wm. S., don. to mus., Anderson, J. D., don. to mus., 109, 241. 137. Asiatic Society of Bengal, don. by of Cartwright, Dr. Samuel, don. to lib., Journal, 81. 242. Ashmead, Samuel, don. to mus., 29, 52, Carson, Dr. Joseph, don. to mus., 109. 69, 163, 176, 241 : remarks on a pe- Carey, John, don. to lib., 32. culiarity in the calcareous spar from Cassin, John, remarks on the man- Rossie Lead mines, 6. agement of monkeys in captivity, 3 ; Ashmead, H. E., don. to mus., 109. -, description of new species of Cyano- Audubon, J. J., don. to mus., 164. corax, 26 ; descriptions of new species Australian Museum, don. to mus., 175. of Vidua, Briss., Euplectes, Sw., Py- Ayr, William, don. to mus., 205. renestes, Sw., and Pitylus, Cuv., 65 description of a new Tanagra, 85 ; Bache, Prof. A. D., don. to lib., 189. Catalogue of Birds collected by Mr. Bachman, Rev. Dr., Notes on the gene- Wm. S. Pease, 87; description of ration of the Virginian Opossum, 40. Owls, supposed to be new, 121 ; de- Baird, Prof. S. F., don. to mus., 29, scriptions of new species of Nyctale don. to lib., 263. and Sycobius, 157 ; Notes of an ex- Babbage, Charles, don. to lib., 31, 81. amination of the family Vulturidae, Beasley, Theophilus, don. to mus., 103. J 58; remarks on a specimen of Anas Berendt, Dr., ^don. to lib., 166. Rafflesii from Louisiana, 195; De- Blanchard, M.Emile, don. to lib., 111. scriptions of new species of Capri- Bovy, Mons., don. to mus., 29. mulgidae, 236; special report, as Cura- Boston Society of Natural History, don. tor, on the Ornithological collection of Journal of, S2; of Proceedings, 111. of the Academy, 256. Bourcier, M., don. to mus., 137. Chambers, Andrew R.,don to mus., 79. IV. INDEX. Club of Members, don. to mus., by, 29. new species of Nyctale and Sycobius, Committees, Scientific, for 1818, '2 : for 150; on Mr. Conrad's descriptions of 1849, 148. new fresh-water and Marine Shells, Committee on Mr. Nuttall's descrip- 150; on Mr. Cassin's notes on the tions of new plants from the Rocky Vulturida; and Strigidae in the collec- Mountains ami California, collected by tion of the Academy, 150; on Dr. W. Gambel, 3 ; on Dr. Leidy's paper Hallowell's notes of a post-mortem on some bodies in the Boa constrictor examination of a Cynocephalus, 150; resembling the Pacinian corpuscles, on Dr. Gambel's remarks on the 3 ; on Mr. Cassin's descriptions of Birds of Upper California, 169; on new species of Cyanocorax, 7 ; on Dr. Dr. Gambel's Notes on the Pidgeons, Bachman's Notes on the generation 169 ; on Prof. Haldeman's description of the Virginian Opossum, ST); on Dr. of new species of Cryptocephalus, Hallo well's descriptions of two new 169; on Dr. Keller's memoir on Cili- species of Onychocephahis from Africa ary cells of some marine naked Mol- 35 ; on Dr. Mydleton Mitchell's re- lusca, in embryo, 109 ; on Dr. Meigs* marks on the generation of the Opos- observations on the reproductive or- sum, 3G ; on Mr. Henrv C. Lea's gans and on the foetus of the Delphinus catalogue of the Tertiary Testacea of nesarnak, 172 ; on Dr. Leidy's re- the U. S., 36 ; on Dr. Leidy's descrip- marks on the fragments of Tapirus tion of Merycoidodon Culbertsonii, Americanus fossilis in the collection 36 ; on Dr. Dickeson's paper, Micro- of the Academy, 179 ; on Dr. Hal- scopic examination of the development lowell's description of a new species of the foetus of the Succinia amphibia, of Eryx, 183; on Dr. Savage's com- 57; on Major M'Call's Notes on Mexi- munication on the Driver Ants of can birds heretofore not fully de- West Africa, 184; on Prof. Halde- described, 58 ; on Mr. Conrad's ob- man's descriptions of new species of servations on new Eocene fossils from Hymenoptera, 193 ; on Dr. Savage's Vicksburg, Mississippi, 58; on Dr. paper on the Termitidae of West R. W;, Gibbes Monograph of the fossil Africa, 209 ; on Mr. Van Amringe's Squalids of the U. S., 65; on Mr. letter proposing a new system of Cassin's descriptions of new species Zoological classification, 224 ; on Mr. of Vidua, Euplectes, Pyrenestes and Cassin's descriptions of new species Pitylus, 65 ; on Dr. Gambel's descrip- of Caprimulgida;, 234 ; on Dr. Gibbes* tion of a new Mexican Quail, 74; on descriptions of new species of Mylio- Dr. Gambel's descriptions of new bates from the Eocene of South Caro- Californian Quadrupeds, 76 ; on Dr. lina, 245 ; on Dr. Leidy's descriptions Hallowell's Notes of the post-mortem of two species of Distoma, 247 ; on appearances observed in a Cynocepha- Dr. Leidy's description of new Ento- lus porcariuSjSo ; on Mr. Cassin's de- phyta, 248 ; on Dr. Le Conte's paper scription of a new Tanager from the "an attempt to classify the Longicorn Rio Negro, 84 ; on Mr. Pease's paper Coleoptera of America north of on the Geology and Natural History Mexico," 248 ; on Dr. Morton's paper of part of Mexico, 85 ; on a Catalogue on the size of the brain in the various of Mexican birds by the same, 85; on races of Man, 248 ; on a paper by Mr. Conrad's descriptions of new Professor Baird, Revision of the North species of recent Shells, 120: on Dr. American Tailed-Batrachia, 204. Gambel's Catalogue of the Columbidac Committee on Dr. Savage's paper on in the collection of the Academy, 120; the Driver Ants of West Africa, ob- on Mr. Cassin's descriptions of new servations by, 200. Owls, 120; on Dr. Gambel's Contri- Conrad, T. A., don. to mus., 138; don. butions to American Ornitholojy, to lib., 30; Descriptions of two new 120; on Dr. Hallowell's description genera, and new species of recent of a new Salamander from California, shells, &c., 121; descriptions of new 120 ; on Dr. Morton's Additional ob- fresh-water and marine shells, 152. servations on a new livins species of Cook, John, don. to mus., 69 ; don to Hippopotamus, 149 ; on Mr. Cassin's lib., 205. Catalogue of the Vulturidae and Stri- Cooper, C. C, don. to lib., 52. gidae in the collection of the Academy, Correspondents elected: 150; on Mr. Cassin's descriptions of Blythe, Edward, Calcutta, 78. INDEX. V. Brydges, Sir Harford, England, G8. Dawson, J. W., of Pictou, N. S., don. Cantor, i)r. Theodore, Bengal Medical to mus., 69 ; Notes of specimens of Service, 78. the Wheat Midge from Nova Scotia, Cobb, Prof. J., Kentucky, 107. 210. Doane, Rt. Rev. George W., New Denny, Henry, don. to lib.,31, 166,242. Jersey, 107. Desilver, Thomas, don. to mus., 261. Dowler, Dr. Bennett, New Orleans, Dewey, William, don. to mus., 79. 68. Dickeson, Dr. M. W., don. to mus., 29; Ehrenberg, Chr. Gotfried, Berlin, 51. don. to lib., 31. Eschricht, Prof., Copenhagen, .51. Dilhvyn, L. W., don. to lib., 140, 165. Fischer, de Waldheim M., Moscow, Dix, J. L., don. to lib., 143. 107. Doubleday, Edvv.,don. to mus., 109,110. Frennont, Col. J. C, U. S. A., 51. Dowler, Dr. Bennett, don. to lib., 112, Goodsir, .Tohn D., Edinburgh, 260. 166, 188, 265. Henderson, Dr. A. A., U. S. N., 74. Dundas, James, don. to mus., 176. Holmes, Francis S., Charleston, S.C. 78. East India Company, don. to mus., 79. Jackson, Dr. R. M. S., Pennsylvania, Election ofCorres. and Rec. Secretaries, 74. 74; of Record. Sec, 183. Jones, Dr. Wm. L. Riceboro, Geo., Eyre, M. D., don. to mus., 138. 51. Kaup. Jean Jacq., Darmstadt, 2S. Faraday, Michael, don. to lib., 189. Kirtland, Dr. J. P., Ohio, 107.
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    E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi 2009 © Ege University Press E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences 2009 ISSN 1300 - 1590 Cilt/Volume 26, Sayı/Issue 2: 111-114 Patella sp. (Gastropoda: Mollusca) Mukus Salgısına Denizel Bakterilerin Yerleşimi *Beria Falakalı Mutaf1, Deniz Akşit2, Jale Korun3 1Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Su Ürünleri Temel Bilimler Bölümü, Dumlupınar Bulvarı, Yerleşke, Antalya,Türkiye 2Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Dumlupınar Bulvarı, Yerleşke, Antalya,Türkiye 3Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Yetiştiricilik Bölümü, Dumlupınar Bulvarı, Yerleşke, Antalya,Türkiye *E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: Settlement of marine bacteria on Patella sp. (Gastropoda: Mollusca) mucus. The mucus which is used during locomotion of Patella species is a habitat for microorganism adhesion. In order to determine the increase capability of bacteria on mucus of different Patella species, Vibrio fluvialis, V. furnissii, isolated from seawater, were inoculated to Patella caerulea and P. rustica mucus. Adhesion densities of the bacteria on Patella sp. mucus were examined comparatively on crystal violet stained slides by light microscopy. Mucus preference of the Vibrio species differed according to the Patella sp. The results showed that mucous film on a rock, produced by a Patella sp., seems important for marine bacteria settlement which is directed to a presumption of mucus being a stimulant for succession of other organisms. Key Words: Patella caerulea, P. rustica, Vibrio fluvialis,V. furnissii, mucus. Özet: Tutunma ve kayma hareketleri gösteren Patella türlerinin oluşturduğu mukus salgısı mikroorganizmalar için bir yapışma ortamıdır. Türlere göre mukus salgısının bakterilerin çoğalma potansiyellerine etkisinin araştırılması amaçlanmış, deniz suyundan izole edilen Vibrio fluvialis ve V.
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