Royal Army Medical Corps
J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-06-23 on 1 June 1907. Downloaded from JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. <torps '1Aews. JUNE, 1907. ARMY MEDICAL SERYICE.-GAZETTE NOTIFICATIONS. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas F. MacNeece, from Royal Army Medical Corps, to be Colonel, vice E. H; Fenn, C.I.E., retired, dated February 16, 1907. Lieutenant-Colonel William Babtie, V.C., C.M.G., l\I.B., from Royal Army Medical Corps, to be Colonel, supernumerary to Establishment, on appointment as Inspector of by copyright. Medical Services, dated March 12, 1907. , Lieutenant·Colonel Arthur P. O'Connor, C.B., from the Royal Army Medical Corps, to be Colonel, dated April 5, 1907. MEMORANDA. Colonel Matthew D. O'Connell, M.D., is placed on retired pay, dated April 5, 1907. He entered the Service April 1, 1871; was promoted, Surgeon March 1, 1873; Surgeon Major April 1, 1883; Surgeou-Lieutenant-Colonel April 1, 1891; Brigade.Surgeon. Lieutenant-Colonel November 7, 1895; and Colonel April 10, 1901. His war service is as follows: North West Frontier of India, 1897·8. Medal with clasp. Brigade.Surgeon.Lieuteuant-Colonel Oharles E. Harrison, M.B., Grenadier Guards, to be an Houorary Surgeon to the King, and to be a Brevet·Colonel, vice Surgeon-General Sir J. H. K. Innes, K.C.B., deceased, dated March 13, 1907. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Lieutenant·Oolonel Reynolds P. Hetherington, M.D., is placed on temporary half. pay ou account of ill.healt!l, dated April 19, 1907. Captain Richard E.
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