J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


JANUARY, 1912. HONOURS. THE KING·EMPEROR has been graciously pleased to make the followiug appointments to the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India ;- To be a Knight.Commander, Surgeon. General Francis Wollaston Trevor, C.B., M. B., K.H.S., Principal Medical Officer, India.

To be a Companion, Lieuteuant· Arthur Russell Aldridge, Royal Army Protected by copyright. Medical Corps, lately Sanitary Officer, Army Headquarters.

ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE. Surgeon-General Sir Francis W. Trevor, K.C.S.I., C.B., lVLB., K.:H.S., is retained supernumerary to the establishment, under the provisions of Articles 92 and 472 Royal __ Warrant for Pay and Promotion, 1909, dated December 11, 1911. Colonel Thomas M. Corker, lVLD., to be Surgeon. General, vice Sir F. W. Trevor, K.O.S.I., C.B., M.B., K.H.S., dated December 11, 1911. Colonel (temporary Surgeon-General) William Babtie, V.O., O.M.G., M.B., to be Surgeon. General to complete establishment, dated December 11, 1911. Colonel Sir David Bruce, Kt., O.B., F.R.S., M.B., is seconded for service under the Oolonial Office, dated November 9, 1911. Lieutenant-Oolonel William Watson Pike, D.S.O., from the Royal Army Medical Corps, to be Oolonel, vice Sir D. Bruce, Kt., C.B., F.R.S., M.B., seconded, dated November 9, 1911. Lieutenant-Oolonel James M. Irwin, M.B., from the Royal Army Medical Oorps, to http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ be Oolonel, vice T.M. Oorker, M.D., dated December 11, 1911. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL OORPS. Lieutenant-Oolonel John O. Haslett, M.D.,half-pay]ist, is placed on retired pay, dated November 16, 1911. Lieutenant·Oolonel Haslett entered the Service as a Surgeon, Army Medical Department, on February 4, 1882; became Surgeon-Major Army Medical Staff, February 4, 1894, and Lieutenant-Oolonel Royal Army Medical Oorps, February 4, 1902, and was placed on the half· pay list on account of ill-health on January 20, 1908. ).\fajor David Harvey, M:B., is seconded for service under the Oolonial Office, dated November 9, 1911 .. The undermentioned Oaptains to be Majors; dated November 17, 1911, Edward W. Siberry, Basil F. Wingate; dated November 99, 1911, John W. West, M.B.

Oaptain Edward S. Worthington, M.V.O., is seconded for special extra regimental on September 23, 2021 by guest. employment, dated September 29, 1911. The undermentioned officers are seconded for service under the Foreign Office; Ca.ptain Ronald E. Todd, M.B., dated November 1,1911; Lieutenant Oampbell Robb, M.B., dated November 14, 1911; Lieutenant Robert Gale, M.B., dated November 15, 1911. . Lieutenant Pierce M. J. Brett, M.B., is confirmed in his rank. L4ieutenant Art4ur J. O. Wigmore resigns his commission, da,tEJd Dl)cember 16, 191]. . J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


HIGHER RATE OF PAY.-Lieutenant·Colonel M. L. Hearn has been selected for the higher rate of pay under Article 317 Royal Warrant.

ARRIVALS HOME FOR DUTY.-From India, on November 17: Lieutenant. Colonel S. Westcott, C.M.G. ; Captains C. E. W. S. Fawcett and M. J. Cromie. On November 30, Lieutenant·Colonels R. L. R. Macleod and J. M. F. Shine; Captains E. W. Powell and G. W. W. Ware. From South Africa, on December 14, Lieutenant· Oolonel S. Hickson; Major H. B. Fawcus; Captains O. levers and V. H. Symons. ARRIVALS HOME ON LEAVE.-Oaptains C. R. L. Ronayne and·P. J. Marett. POSTINGS.-Lieutenant·Colonel S. Westcott, C.M.G., to Edinburgh. Lieutenant· Colonel S. Hickson, to . Lieutenant·Colonel R. L. R. Macleod, to Devonport. Lieutenant·Colonel J. M. F. Shine, to Jersey. Lieutenant·Colonel L. T. M. Nash, to Hounslow .. Major J. G. McNaught and Captain R. P. Lewis, to the Aldershot Com. mand. Major H. B. Fawcus, to the Royal Army Medical College, Oaptain G. W. W. Ware, to the Southern Oommand. Captains E. W. Powell, O. levers, C. E. W. S. Fawcett, V. H. Symons and M. J. Cromie to the Irish Oommand.

TRANSFERS. ~ Major J. P. Silver, from the Scottish Oommand to the Irish Command., Captain H. C. Winckworth, from the Aldershot Command to the Eastern Command. APPOINTMENTS.-Surgeon·General A. T. Sloggett, C.B" C.M.G., Principal Medical Officer, India. I~ieutenant·Oolonel S. Westcott, C.M.G., Charge of the

Military Hospital, Edinburgh. Lieutenant·Colonel N. Manders, Charge of 'the Military Protected by copyright. Hospital, Curragh. Lieutenant·Colonel S. Hickson, Charge of the Cambridge Hospital, Aldershot. Lieutenant·Oolonel R. L. R. Macleod, Charge of the Military Hospital, Devonport, and Senior Medical Officer, South. Western Coast Defences. Lieutenant· Colonel J. M. F. Shine, Senior Medical Officer, Jersey. Lieutenant.Colonel L. T. M. Nash, Charge of the Military Hospital, Hounslow. Major J. C. Jameson, Charge of the Surgical Division, Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich. Major H. B. Fawcus, Assistant Professor of Hygiene at the Royal Army Medical College. Captain R. H. MacNicol, Specialist in Dermatology, Woolwich. Captain H. C. Winckworth, Specialist in Operative Surgery, Woolwich. Captain E. S. Worthington, M.V.O., to be Medical Officer on the Personal Staff of Field·Marshal H.R.H., A. W. P. A., Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, K.G., K.T., K.P., G.C.B., G.O.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., G.C.V.O., Governor and Commander·in. Chief of the Dominion of Oanada. QUALIFICATIONS.-Captain W. F. Tyndale, C.M.G., has obtained the degree of

M.D. (State Medicine) London. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ EMBARKATIONS.-F'or India.-On November 29, Majors L. P. More, W. A. Wood side and E. P. Connolly. Captains F. A. Stephens and Lieutenant R. O. Priest. On December 13, Major W. T. Mo.uld, Captain E. Bennett and Lieutenant R. C. Paris. F'or Jamaica.-On November 22, Captains A. F. Weston, W. J. S. Harvey and M. G. Winder. ROSTER FOR SERVICE ABROAD. In forwarding the roster for service abroad which is printed below the following has been communicated by the Director·General :- (a) Tbe names of officers holding appointments for fixed periods are printed in italics with date of expiration of the same, except in the case of appointments which expire during the trooping season 1912.13, which,are shown in ordinary type.

(b).' Officers, who retire in 1912, are omitted, also those holding gazetted appoint­ on September 23, 2021 by guest. ments the dates of which are shown in the Army List (except in the case of appoint· ments t.erminating during the trooping season 1912.13). (c) Officers shOUld bear in mind when calculating their positions in regard to their next tour abroad, that casualties owing to promotions, &c., affect their places on the roster, that on promotion their date on the roster of the higher rank will be the same as that they occupied on the roster of their former rank, an.d that the period of service


LIEUTENANT-OOLONELS. Oottell, R. J. O. (31.12.12), Roy. Hosp., Haines, H. A. Ohelsea. O'Callaghan, D. M. (1.4.13), Surgical Windle, R. J. (30.9.12), Roy. Hosp., Wards, Cambridge Hosp., Aldershot. Kilmainham. Inniss, B. J. Melville, O. H. (17.9.12), Professor Turner, W. R.A.M. 0011. Rowan, H. D. Eckersley, E. (20.1.13), . Wilson, G. (6.1.13), Mil. Hosp. ,Dover. O'Oonnell, D. V. (23.4.12), Mil. Hosp., Elkington, H. P. G. Shorncliffe. Cocks,H. Russell, M. W. (22.8.13), Staff Offi. Swan, W. T. P.M.O. Eastern Cam. Daly, J. H. Horrocks, W. H. (17.9.14), Mem. Advisory Gardon, P. C. H. (12.10.13), Mil. Hasp., Board. Pem. Dock. Bnrton, F. H. M. Tyrrell, C. R. RllsseU, J. J. (1.11.14), S.O., P.M.O. Ferguson, N. C., C.M,G. Southern Com. Cree, G. (20.1.14), M. I. Reerltits, Eastern Newland, F. R. (6.12.12), S.O., P.M.O. Cam. Northern Oom. Berryman, W. E. O'Halloran, M. Winter, '1'. B. Noding, T. E. Macdonald, S. Holyoake, R. Maher, J. (10.12.13), Q. A. Hosp., Lon- Kennedy, A. (14.1.13), D. Block, Netley. don. ),"arr, M. T. (1.3.13), M.I. Recrnits, Morris, A. E.

Scotland. Meek, J. Protected by copyright. Whaite, T. du B. (15.3.13), Royal Arsenal, Julian, O. R. A" C.M.G. Woolwich. Faunce, C. E. Donegan, J. F. Starr, W. H. Moore, R. R. H. McOulloch, T. Morgan, J. O. Beevor, W. C., C.M.G. Adamson, H. M. (9.12.12), Mil. Hosp., Westcott, S., C.M.G. Newcastle. Thurston, H. C., C.M.G. (20,12.14), R. Simpson, R. J. S. (1.2.13), Med. Div;, Mil. Call" Sandhurst. R. Herbert Hosp. Macleod, R. L. R. Birt, C. (1.10.13), Royal Infirmary, Shine, J. M. F. Dublin. Manders, N. Gerrard, J. J. (24.11,12), M.l. Recrnits, Hickson, S. Northern Oom. Nash, L. T. M. Le Quesne, F. S., V.O. Bate, A. L. F. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ MAJORS. Delap, G. G., D.S.O. (15.6.12), Sch. of "Marder, N. Iustrn., Aldershot. Tate, G. W. Birrell, E. T. F. (18.8.12), War Office. Lawson, D. Brodribb, E. (15.8.12), Hythe. Ross, N. H. -·Mawhinny, R. J. W. Harvey, F. . Killery, St. J. B. < Dansey.Browning, G. (6.11.12), San . 'Green, S. F. St. D. Offi., Aldershot. "-, Winslow, L. F. F. Scott, A. L. Fuhr, R. S. H., D.S.O. (13.8.12), Fam. Powell, E. E. , Hosp., Woolwich. O'Reilly; H. W. H. , O'Flaherty, A. R. Wroughton, 'A. O. B.

" Hodgson, J. E. Addams-Williams, H. L. on September 23, 2021 by guest. Lewis, R. C. Douglas, H. E. M., V.O., D.S.O. Harrison, L. W. Longhurst, B. W. Young, A. H. O. Bray, H. A. Faichnie, F. G. Packer, H. D. Mangin, F. M. ' Tibbits, W. ~·,Staddon, H. E. Oondon, E. H. Cumming, C. C. Lawson, C. B. (6.1.12\, Surg. Divn., Barnett, K. B. R.V.H. Netley. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


Pro£eit, C. W. Kiddle, F. (31.12.13), Roy. Hosp., Chelsea. S tanistreet, G. B. Hewetson, H. Mitchell, L. A. Oarter, J. E. Tyacke, N. Oollingwood, P. H. Hooper, A.W., D.S.O. Read, H. W. K. Hayes, E. O. (11.10.12), San. om., Oollins. D. J. Southern Oom. Buist, J. M. Jones, T. P. (18.8.12), Registrar, R. Herb. Dalton, C., (1.6.14), S.O., P.M.O., Hosp. Irish Cam. Moores, S. G. (2.4.14), S.O., P.M.O., Rattray, M. M. Aldershot. Hall, S. O. (24.3.13) Fam. Hos., Fermoy. Mansfield, G. S. Gibbard. T. W. (2.4.14), Lecturer in Silver, J. P. Syphilology, R.A.M. College. Ourme, D. E. Anderson, J. B. (10.11.13), Embarkation Martin, J. F. (31.12.13), R.M. Coil., M.O., Southampton. Sandhurst. Greeh, J. Beveridge, W. W. 0., D.S.a. Mauriee, G. T. K. Prescott, J. J. W., D.S.O. Martin, O. B. Henderson, P. H. Outhbert, J. M. Olarke, T. H. M., O.M.G., D.S.O. Lauder, T. O. (29.8.12), M. I.Rects., Southern Oom. Goddard, G. H. Waring, A. H; Luther, A. J. Oummins; S. L. McDermott, T. Knox. E. B. McMunn, J. R. (17.5.13), Registrar R. V. Fairrie, S. H. Hasp., Netley. Hardy, F. W. (4.12.12), San. om., Howell, H. A.L. (31.10.13), R.A. Cloth- Protected by copyright. Eastern Oom. ing Factory. Ferguson, J. D., D.S.O. Prynne, H. V. (24.12.13), R. Mil. Acad. Moore, G. A. (1.1.13), Fam. Hos., McLoughlin, G. S., D.S.O. Ohatham. Probyn, P. J., D.S.O. Houghton, J. W. H. MacOarthy,1. A. O. Langstaff, J. W. Oampbell, J. H. Milner, A. E. Hinge, H. A. Spencer, O. G. Olark. S. F. Begbie. F. W. Forde, B. Bray, G. A. T. Statham, J. O. B. Ward, W. A. Hardy, W. E. Brakenridge, F. J. Stone, O. A. Evans, P. Jameson, J. O. Master, A. E. (5.4.13), R. Arsenal, Crawford, G. S. Woolwich LLoyd, L. N., D.S.O. Berryman, H. ·A. Gallie, J. S. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Anderson, H. S. Marriott, W. E. P. V. Austin, J. H. E. Goodwin, T. H. J. C" D.S.O. Irvine, F. S. Morphew, E. M. MacLaughlin, A. M. (17.12.13.), San. Fawcus, H. B. G/ft. Scottish Com. Taylor, H. S. Olark, E. S. MacDougall, A. J. Boyle, M. Symons, F. A. Winter, H. E. Chopping, A. Hudleston, W. E. OAPTAINS. Fitzgerald, F. G. (12.7.12), D. of York's Dorgan, J. (16.9,12.), San. Offi., Irish Oom. School. Sparkes, W. M. B.

Biggam, T. Popham, R. L. on September 23, 2021 by guest. Adye-Ourran, W. J. P. Storrs, R. (6.10.13.), Fam. Hosp., Ports- Orostbwait, W. S. mouth. Ryan, E. (28.9.12), Families, Aldershot. Walker, :B'. S. Thorpe, L. L. G. Kelly, W. D. C. Fraser, A. N. Bagshawe, H. V. Cotterill, L. (10.11.13), Co. O/ft. Depot. Franklin, R. J. Winde1', 'J. H. R. (1.4.14),Families, Clarke, F. A. H. Aldershot. Parkes, E. E. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


Ainsworth, R. E.· (13.10.13), San. Ojji., Lambert, F. C. Southern Com. Wyatt, C. J. Browne, W. W. Farrant, P. Hayes, A. H. (31.12.13), San. O.tfi., Harding, H. Northern Com. Richmond, J. D. Walker, N. D. Ahern, M. D. Smith, S. E. (2.'1.9.14), San. Ojji., Irish Meadows, S. M. W. (, Families Com. Hospital, Tidwol'th. Frost, A. T. Richard, G. H. Ryley, O. .Rose, A. M. Ranking, R. :NI. Whitehead, E. C. Reed, G. A. K. H. (10.1.15), 00. Ojji. Glanvill, E. M. Depot.. Hanafin, P. J. Oarr, O. H. Otway, A. L. Easton, P. G. (1.8.13), Families, Alder­ Brunskill, J. H. shot. Osburn, A. C. Bnrney, W. H. ·S. Hildreth, H. C. Davidson, H. A. Ommanney, F. M. M. \ Balck, C. A. J. A. Watson, D. P. Power, P. Collins, R. T. Rnssell, H. W. Hull, A. J. Wallace, G. S. Riach, W. Ooates, 1'. S. (19.11.13), Royal Arsenal,· Sinclair, M. Woolwich. Douglass, J. H. Crosslily, H. J. Foulds, M. F. Parsons, A. R. C.

Harding, D. L. Protected by copyright. McKenzie, J. Moore, E. H. M. Steele, W. L. Lewis, R. R. Beatty, M. C. Johnstone, D. P. Gnrley, J. H. Harty, T. E. Tyndale, W. F .. C.M.G. Arthnr, A. S. -Greenwood, A. R. Garland, F. J. Myles, C. D. Tnrnbull, J. A. Bell, J. G. Cathcart, G. E. Mitchell, A. H. 111cN. Dunkerton, N. E. Lauder, F. P. McOonaghy, W. Dudding, T. S. Bousfield, L. Skelton, D. S. Carter, H. St. M. Wilmot, R. C. Lloyd Jones, P. A. Pennefather, E. M. Maughan, J. St. A. Webster, J. A. W. Pa,scoe, J. S. Kelly, H. B. Hallowes, R. C. Dill, M. G. Olarke. J. B. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Meldon, J. B. Doig. K. A. O. Carmichael, D. G. Oahill, R. J. Dnnbar. B. H. V. Dwyer, P. Carmichael, J. C. G. Gotelee, H. E. Buchanan, R. J. B. Harvey, G. A. D. Cowey, R. V. Kempthorne, G. A. Davidson. P., D.S.O. (10.1.15), Adjt. Bowle, S. O. Depot. Lithgow, E. G. R. Wright, T. J. Lynch, J. P. Foster, R. L. V. Turner, O. H. Winckworth, H. C. Elliot, E. J. Gray, A. C. H. Sutcliff, A A. MacDowall, W. M. Thurston, L. V.

Patch, B. G. Wilson, H. T. on September 23, 2021 by guest. Cotton. F. W. Ellis, W. F. Tnrner, F. J. Bateman, H. R. Pallant, S. L. Gater, A. W. MacNicol, R. H. Smallman, A. B. Wiley, W. Booth, E. B. Vaughan, W. F. H. White, R. K. Lewis, S. E. (1.12.14), Families Hos' Maydon, W. G. pital, Devonport. Powell, J. E.

o J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


Ormrod, G. Oordner, R. H. L. Wetherell, M. O. Hughes, G. W. G. Brown, G. H. J. Ferguson, G. E. Moss, E. L. Graham, J. H. Gibbon, T. H. Fraser, A. D. Hoar, J. E. Seccombe, J. W. S. O'Brien, O. W. Oromie, lVI. J. Rahilly, J. M. B. FawceU, O. E. W. S. Roberts, F. E. Powell, E. W. Meredith, R. G. Ware, G. W. W. Oampbell, J. H. Symons, V. H. Low,N. levers, O. Meaden, A. A. Oarruthers, V. T. Ooppinger, O. J. Perry, H. M. J. Thomson, O. G. Oraig, B. A.

QUARTERMASTERS. Hon. Lieut. E. W. Newland. Hon. Lieut. W. T. Spencer. " Oapt. H. J. F. Audus. " J. Olark. " Lieut. T. E. McOolgin. " A. F. Tait. " Oapt. R. R. Cowan. Oapt. T. Exton. " Major A. Bruce. " Major J. B. Short. " Capt. H. W. Glover. " Capt. R. Beott (8.10.14), A. M. " F. CTookes (1.1.15)' A. M. StaTes, Dublin. StOTes, Woolwich. A. Wilson. Protected by copyright. " "J. McOlay. W. N. Archibald. " Lieut. C. H. Smith. H. Woolley. Capt. A. Lunney. " G. F. Short. A. Wheeler. " Lieut. O. H. Oooper. " J. Watkins. " C. W. Kinsella. " Major T. F. Brake. " Oapt. H. Spackman. Capt. H. P. Wakefield. Lieut. J. W. Osborne. " Lieut. J. Gilhnan.

NOTES FROM ALDERSHOT.-Serjeant-Major G. A. Roberts writes under date December 16 ;- "ARMY CUP "The Oorps team has done exceedingly well in this competition to date, having defeated such strong teams as; 2nd Essex Regiment in the first round and 2nd Oxford

and Bucks Light Infantry in the second round. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ " A stern fight was put up by the' Essex,' the first game ended in a draw of 3 goals all, on our opponents' ground. In the replay we were still quits at the end of one and a half hours' play, no goals scored. Extra time was ordered and in the gathering darkness, Prince scored what proved to be the winning goal. "VeTsus 2nd OxjoTd and Bucks Light InjantTy. This was also a stern and strenuous struggle, our· opponents having a very clever .line of forwards, who were always very dangerous. The score sheet after one and a half hours' play read 1 goal each, and, as in the former game, we entered on a period of extra time, during which the winning goal was scored by Forshaw from a well-placed corner. "The team meet the 1st L. N. Lancs. Regiment in the third round and the consensus of opinion is that with a 'wee' bit of luck they will travel a little farther. "Our premier team has done well in the Aldershot Military League and now holds pride of place. Their most dangerous rivals are undoubtedly the 1st Battn. King's Royal Rifle Oorps, who have an excellent combination. on September 23, 2021 by guest.

"HARWOOD OUP. " So far as the Aldershot Oompanies are concerned in this competition for 1911 and 1912, the final game to determine who should enter the penultimate round was played on December 15, between No. 2 Company (holders) Connaught Hospital, and No.. 3 Company, Cambridge Hospital. The climatic conditions were miserable in the extreme, affecting both players and spectators alike-very few notes of enthusiasm J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from

7 were struck during the game and I think it is sufficient to r~cord that No 2. Company won by 2 goals to nil, thereby qualifying to meet Tidworth at Aldershot in the semi·final. " CONCERT. "An excellent concert in aid of the 'Corps Benevolent Fund' was held in the Royal Army Medical Corps School of Instruction, on Monday, December 11, 1911, by kind permission of the Surgeon-General Commauding, R.A.M.C., Aldershot Command. There was a good attendance, including many officers of the Corps. "The following was the programme :-

"PART 1. (1) Overture ' Esmeralda ' THE BAND. (2) Comic Song 'Selected' Pte. ALLENBY. (3) Song " 'Carmena' Miss ApPLIN. {(I) 'Serenade' .. Serjt. HEGGIE. (4) Selections (2) 'Melody in F ' Lee. -Cpl. BORLAND. (3) 'Roses and Memories' .. Pte. DAY. (5) Comic Song , Don't Cry, Daddy' Cpl. STAFFORD. (6) Song .. ' Selected' Mrs. CONNOLLY .. (7) Violin Solo 'Selected' Pte. STADEN. (8) Comic Song , What did I do' Serjt. LEGGETT. (9) Song .. ' Selected' .. Capt. COTTERILL. (10) Selection .. ' The Dollar Princess' .. THE BAND. (Interval. )

"PART n. Protected by copyright. (1) Selection ' The Shamrock' THE BAND. (2) Comic Song , Selected' Pte. LEWIS. (3) Song .. 'My Hero' l\Tiss ApPLIN. (1) 'Spring Song' I (4) Pianoforte Solo f r •• .. Pte. DAY. .. I (2) 'Duetto' ) (5) Comic Song .. ' The Spaniard' Serjt. LEGGETT. (6) Song .. 'Selected' Mrs. CONNOLLY. Piccolo Solo .. (' Welsh Air Varie 'I (7) "1'JennyJones'r" Lce.-Cpl. BORLAND. (8) Song .. ' Melisande in the Wood' Capt. McDoWALL. (9) Comic Song , The Pavement Artist' Cpl. STAFFORD. (10) March 'El Sanico' THE BAND. " 'GOD SAVE THE KING.' " It is with the sincere regret of all his comrades here that I chronicle the death of the late No. 10114 Corporal L. E. James, which occurred at the Cambridge Hospital, http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ on December 11. Deceased was only ailing for twenty-four hours when he succumbed to 'hremorrhage of the brain.' The funeral took place on the 14th inst., and was largely attended. Floral tributes were sent by all Companies here. "The serjeants' mess of the Corps was we)] filled on Saturday evening on the occasion of a complimentary smoking concert arranged in honour of Serjeant-Major Bollen, who is severing his connexion with the Corps to return to civil life, to enjoy a well-earned pension, but not in idleness, for he will reappear as mine host of the Royal Arms, Heath End, of which hostelry he has become proprietor. Serjeant"Major Roberts presided, and the concert was greatly enjoyed, several of the officers of the Corps gracing the proceedings with their presence. "In the course of the evening the chairman said that a very pleasant duty devolved on him, that of proposing the good health and the future prosperity of their comrade, Serjeant-Major Bollen, who had spent over twenty-six years in the Corps of which they were all so proud. No doubt he would experience a wrench when leaving that he on September 23, 2021 by guest. would feel for many a day, for the military world was different from that outside it, and strong ties and the associations of years would be severed, and new ones formed in the new life. As a sportsman, Serjeant-Major Bollen had always been to the fore, especially in football and cricket. With regard to the latter, they all knew of his exploit in South Africa in winning' the silver cup which stood on the table before them that evening, and at billiards he was also' a bit warm'! In his new sphere of life he was sure to succeed if he showed the same traits of character that had stood him in good J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


stead in the Corps, and that he would succeed was their sincere wish. On behalf of the mess he asked him to accept as a small mark of their esteem an oak canteen of cutlery which would, he trusted, serve to remind him of the many friends he had left in the Corps. He gave the toast of his health, which was received with musical honours. " In response Serjeant-Major Bollen said that he felt sure that the reception he had been given that evening was one that all soldiers would like on leaving the Service. He could not thank them sufficiently for the kind words and good wishes, and he was leaving the Corps with the greatest regret. He had only one disappointment, and that was that he had been ullable to reach the highest office open to the man who had enlisted in the ranks, that of quartermaster, with His Majesty's commission. Age had stepped in and barred him. With respect to that matter he strongly advised all present to neglect no opportunity in time of peace to qualify for the highest possible positions to which they might get a chance of being called in time of war. 'Get all the knowledge you can while in Aldershot,' he urged, 'for although the work there is hard, the opportunities are many and such as you cannot always get elsewhere.' He was very sorry, he continued, to part with such good friends, but would always have a good welcome and a cosy corner for them whenever they liked to call on him. "The toast of 'The Officers' was also proposed by the chairman, in which he . referred to the good relationship existing between them, and the keen games of cricket played. "Lieutenant Bowie and Captain Watkins responded, in which they spoke of the many good qualities Of Serjeant-Major Bollen. . , Of the concert, it can be said that it was excellent. Good songs, good music, excellent arrangements, and good companionship went to make up a delightful evening. Among those who contributed to the programme were Serjeant Mosley, Mr. Wilson, whose Scotch comic songs were excellently rendered and well received. Serjeant Dixon Protected by copyright. sang "rhora' and 'Love's Coronation' in his well-known excellent style; Oonductor Davis, Army Ordnance Corps, delighted the company with his humorous song' Nobody satisfied,' Serjeant-Major Roberts sang' Good Company,' Quartermaster-Serjeant Taylor gave a well-rendered song' Asthore,' and Serjeant Cole, Royal Field Artillery, who pos· sesses a fine bass voice, contributed some good songs. Mr. Harry Poe kept tbe company laughing with his comic songs and patter; Mr. H. Marsters contributed two excellent recitations, and Mr. Hollingdale was warmly applauded for his songs' The Flight of Ages' and' Buttercup Joe,' given with excellent effect and in good voice. Musician Stader contributed a violin solo that was much enjoyed; Staff-Serjeant Muirhead sang , MyoId Chaco '; Serjeant-Major Figg kept the company delighted with his clever ren­ dering of the monologues' Coming home' and' Tommy Atkins' Autograph.' Serjeant Haggie contributed a well-played 'cello solo, 'Berceuse de Jocelyn,' and played the obbligato to Serjeant-Major Bollen's song' No. 9,' which was the hit cif the evening, the 'celloist only just escaping with his life. Serjeant-Major Drury sang 'Red Wing,' Serjeant-Major Todd gave Scottish melodies, and Serjeant Leggett kept the company in roars of laughter with his comic songs. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ "The evening closed with the National Anthem and' Auld Lang Syne,' after a vote of thanks to the Entertainment Committee, comprising Staff-Serjeant Muirhead, Staff­ Serjeant Robinson, Staff-Serjeant Rayer, and Serjeant Ellis, had been proposed and honoured. Musician Large presided at the piano."

NOTES FROM WOOLWICH.-Staff-Serjeant Sage writes: "The Serjeants' Mess at the Royal Herbert Hospital was the scene of a splendid farewell smoking concert and presentation to Serjeant-Major J. Ritchie, on Friday, November 17,1911, on the occa­ sion of his leaving the Service. " Serjeant-Major Ritchie, who joined the Service in 1886, is well known throughout the Corps as a good cricketer and a sportsman. " He has occupied the position of Chief Clerk in the Army Medical Stores, Woolwich, for some eight and a half years, and previous to the South African War (in which he was mentioned in despatches) he was stationed at Woolwich. The' smoker' was timed to on September 23, 2021 by guest. commence at 8 o'clock, and by that time a large gathering of civilian friends and com­ rades from other corps had arrived, and considerably over 100 sat down to the well-laid tables to enjoy what proved to be one of the best entertainments ever held in the mess. Serjeant-Major R. H. Green, the Regimental Serjeant-Major, presided as chairman. "After 'God save the King' had been sung, the following programme was presented :- J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


(1) Overture 'Caliph of Bagdad' 1\fr. J. CORKER. (2) Song , The Jovial Monk' Mr. G. J. BROWN. (3) Song , The Bugler' Mr. R. MARTIN. (4) Song (Gamic) , Sophy's Sweethearts' Mr. O. MORGAN. (5) Song .. 'Neptune' .. ' .. Serjt. GRACE . (6) Song , Serjeant of the Line' Mr. WHIT BY. (7) Song (Gamic) , I want to go to ' Morrow' Mr. E. J. OROSS. (8) Song , My Old Shakoo ' Mr. J. PAUL. (9) Song , Rosie' Serjt.-Major GREEN. (IQ) Trio .. 'A Wreath' .. Messrs. McORossEN, HARPER • and DAVIES. (11) Recitation .. . . ' Oharacters ' .. .. Mr. DAVIDSON . (12) Song (Gamic) , How I Lost My Eye' Mr. H. JEFFREY. (13) Song , Last Rose of Summer' .. Mr. DELANEY. (14) Song , Quaff with me the Purple Wine ' Mr. O. J. DAVIS. (15) Song , Good Oompany' Mr. J. McORossEN. (16) Song , The Old Soldier' .. Staff-Serjt. PETTLEY. (17) Song (Gamic) 'Drinks' Mr. O. MORGAN. (18) Recitation .. , The Motor Oar' Mr. R. MARTIN. (19) Song , The Lost Ohord' Serjt. LAKE. (20) Duet 'Watchman, What of the Night' Messrs. MCOROSSEN and DAVIES. (21) Song (Gamic) 'Oh, Mr. Robinson' Mr. E. J. OROSS. (22) Harp Solo .. , Echoes of a Waterfall' Serjt. GLAYSHER. (23) Song .. 'Bandalero' .. .. Serjt. GRACE.

(24) Piano (Sketch) Mr. H. JEFFREY. Protected by copyright. (25) Recitation .. 'Grave of a Hundred Heads' Serjt.-Major How. (26) Songs r 'Vanity' ) .. Serjt.-Major RITCHIE. 1 'Auld Lang Syne' i .. "Accompanists-Mr. OORKER and Mr. JEFFREY. "During the course of the evening the chairman gave as the first toast 'The Officers,' six of whom were present, viz., Lieutenant-Oolonel J. B. Wilson, Major T. McDermott, Major T. P. Jones, Oaptain J. M. B. Rahilly, Lieutenant W. Bisset. " The toast was enthusiastically received and the health of the officers was drunk with musical honours. "Lieutenant-Oolonel J. B. Wilson responded for the officers, and thanked the W.O.'s and N.O.O.'s for their loyal support, and hoped that the feeling of comradeship would always be maintained between all ranks of the Oorps. " In proposing the toast of the evening, that of ' Our departing comrade,' the chair­ man remarked that he proposed it on behalf of the mess members with mixed feelings,

for while conveying every good wish from the members, he had at the same time to http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ express their feelings of regret at losing a comrade well known throughout the Oorps as , one of the best.' " Whilst parting with him with the greatest of regret they all wished him the best of success in his future life and happiness'both for himself and family. Throughont his Jtwenty-five years' service Serjeant.Major Ritchie, wherever he had served, from Private upwards, had always been most popular, and his name was known throughout the Oorps as a sportsman. After a few further remarks the chairman presented him with a Benson's hunter watch bearing the inscription' Presented to Serjeant-Major J. Ritchie, on his retirement from the Service, by his comrades at Woolwich,' and in handing the same to him remarked, , We cannot let you go without some small mark of our esteem. I call it small, for it does not at all represent the magnitude of our wishes, but we hope you will accept this watch as a memento of the high esteem in which you were held whilst in the Service, and especially at Woolwich. May you live to wear it out.' Serjeant-Major Ritchie's health was then drunk with musical honours. " Serjeant-Major Ritchie, in rising to reply, was greeted with loud applause, and on September 23, 2021 by guest. said: 'Ohairman, Officers, and Oomrades, it is a severe wrench to leave the Service with which one has been associated for over twenty-five years. It is a long time to be in the Service, and I regret very much to have to leave it. During the period I have made many friends, civilian and otherwise, and there are a lot here to-night: they are good and true friends whom I hope to keep in touch with, wherever my call in civilian life may lead me. I think it is an honour to leave the British Service in the rank of Warrant Officer. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the beautiful send·off J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


you have given me to-night and this lovely present. Good-bye and good luck to you.' "The last toast of the evening was soon afterwards proposed, that of 'Our Visitors,' and the chairman remarked how pleased the members of the mess and himself were to see so many friends and comrades present. "The toast was suitably responded to by Councillor WaIters, and the evening's entertainment concluded by Serjeant-Major Ritchie singing two verses of ' Auld Lang Syne,' the assembly standing in a circle with clasped hands sang the closing strains. " , God save the King.' " Serjeant-Major Green writes :- "SERJEANTS' MESS. " The large room which was previously the officers' Library and Museum and which adjoined the Serjeants' Mess, has recently been reappropriated as a Mess Dining and Reading Room. It has been suitably furnished at a cost to mess funds of nearly :£100, .and we have now one of the finest serjeants' messes in the Service. "We find it of immense advantage, especially on our" Social" evenings, which are held fortnightly during the winter season, and also when we have Territorial units here for training, when' the dining members sometimes reach about forty in number. " In mentioning our social gatherings they seem to be more popular than ever this season and the attendance increases monthly. "Thanks to our Social Committee (Staff.Serjeant Sage and Serjeants Whestone and Thompson) our guests and ourselves are well catered for on these occasions. "VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT.

" A variety entertainment was given in ihe Patients' Tbeatre, at the Royal Herbert Protected by copyright. Hospital, on November 21, to an audience of nearly 300, including patients, the hospital staff, families and a limited number of friends of the staff. "The programme was as follows:- "PART 1. (1) Pianoforte and Violin Selection S.,Sjt. HUNT and Cpl. AUDUS. (2) Song , Diver' Pte. STOCKER. (3) Duet 'Coster and Swell ' Cpl. PLUME and Pte. BENNETT. (4) Song . . ' Songs of Araby , .. .. Opl. SPARKS . (5) Spec. Burlesque Ptes. WHEELER and PITHER. (6) Moonstruck Coons in.. 'Queen of Old Samara' (7) Song .. 'The Old Soldier' _. Staff·Serjt. PETTLEY. (8) Song , Delightful Evening' Pte. PITHER. (9) Song .. 'I Ride to Win' .. Serjt ..Major GREEN. (10) Song .. 'Gallant Deeds' .. . .Pte. WELCH. (11) Moonstruck Coons in a Down South Jingle-' Mandy's Wedding' http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ (12) Piano Selection ... CpJ. AUDUS. Popular Choruses. "PART n. Sketch:- " , THE LORD AND TINKER.' "Written and Arranged by Cpl. PLUME, R.A.M.C. " Scene: Ante·room in Lord Fitznoodle's Manor. " C hm·{J.cters : His Lordship Pte. WHEELER. 'Tinker Cpl. PLUME. French Chef .. Staff.Serjt. PETTLEY. Black Maid .. OpJ. DEWEY. Groom .. Pte. BENNETT. on September 23, 2021 by guest. Private Secretary Pte. PITHER. "Accompanist .. Cp!. AUDUS. '" GOD SAVE THE KING.' " This was the first attempt this season of giving an entertainment entirely by the mempers of the Corps and there is no question as to its having been a highly popular J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from

11 venture. Every turn was most enthusiastically received from start to finish and a universal question at the close of the performance was, 'When is the next entertain­ ment by the Royal Army Medical Corps? ' The' Queen of Old Samara,' and' Mandy's Wedding,' by Corporals Plume and Dewey as principals, were given. with specially arranged stage settings, and were vociferously encored. The sketch 'The Lord and 'rinker,' written and arranged by Corporal Plume (who plays the' Tinker ') was highly amusing and the caste was much above the level of amateurs. The fun never lagged and the audience simply roared from the entrance of His Lordship to the exit of the Tinker, between which there was an interval of about thirty-five minutes. Staff­ Serjeant Pettley as the volatile French chef caused much merriment, but it is invidious to comment individually on those taking part, they all did so well. Corporal Plume will, it is hoped, show us a little more of his prowess as an anthor, for his writing is of no mean order.

" FOOTBALL. "From the following table it will be seen that 12th Company Football Team have been doing very well this season so far. " 12th Company Football Results (to November 20, 1911). Goals Competition Played Won Lost Drawn For Against Blackheath League 6 4 1 1 23 5 Charlton Charity Cup 2 1 1 2 4 Harwood Cup 1 1 9 Friendly Matches 4 3 1 17 11 13 8 2 3 51 20 Protected by copyright. " The game we lost in the Blackheath League was against Brockley, who are no doubt the best team we have met this season. " In the Charlton Charity Cup Competition, as was the case last year, 'we were drawn against the holders, the Army Service Corps, in the first round. In the first match on the Army Service Corps' ground on a dry and fast turf we ought to have won, but only managed to draw in a goalless match. We had some 3,000 to 4,000 spectators and the game was a fast and interesting one all through. " In. the return match which was played after torrents of rain had fallen and the ground and ball consequently heavy, our team had to give way after a plucky stand to a defeat of 4-2. " In the first round of the Harwood Cup Competition we met the weakest team we have seen from Chatham since the re-start of the Competition, and after a one·sided match, we came off the field victors by 9-0. Although well pleased with a win, I must ., say we should all like to have seen a more evenly contested game. " We meet 11 Company from Dover on November 29, and have been promised a much better game iu the next round. We look forward with confideuce to going a little http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ further in the competition than in past years, and to having' a bid: for the' Coop.' " NOTES FROM SHORNCLIFFE.-Major Hooper writes under date December 4: "During the past year there have been several changes in the hospital staff. Major G. H. Goddard has taken, charge of the Helena Hospital for Women and Childreu vice Major S. H. Fairrie. Captain A. Wheeler has become our Quartermaster instead of Captain R. R. Cowan, who has gone to Aldershot. Miss Dods, the Matron of the hospital, replaces Miss Nixon, transferred to Woolwich, and Serjeant·Major ChappeD performs the duties of Serjeant.Major Henfrey, discharged to pension. "Lieutenant-Colonel Cocks, Lieutenant Comyn and Lieutenant Bridges have arrived for duty this year. " Major Barnett has lately brought out a handbook on Sanitation for Military Officers upon which he has been occupied for some time.

"Lieutenant O'Connor has obtained a First Class Interpretership in French and is on September 23, 2021 by guest. at present in Germany stUdying to get the same in that language. " In July the annual picnic was given by the officers to the married families of the Corps. We drove out to the sands at Dymchurch, where an enjoyable afternoon was spent in perfect weather. "In August, the 4th London General Hospital and No. 5 and No. 6 London Field Ambulances came to Shorncliffe and were attached to this hospital for training. The band of No. 6 London Field Ambulance, thanks to the kindness of the Commanding J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Lloyd Williams, played on two occasions to the patients in hospital and were afterwards entertained to tea by the detachment. "On September 29, our Senior Medical Officer, Lieutenant· Colonel O'Connell and Mrs. O'Connell, celebrated their silver wedding. HThe cricket team, under the captaincy of Major A. W. Hooper, D.S.O., has had a successful season this year, in great measure due to the energy and keenness of Corporal Mayman, RA.M.C., who in addition made most runs and took most wickets. " The football team began well in winning the first round of the Harwood Cup, but met their fate in the second round against Woolwich. "We hear that next year the headquarters of No. 11 Company will be transferred from Dover to Shornclifie, which, amongst other things, will be good for sport. "I append below the best batting and bowling averages :-

" BATTING. No. of Times 'l'otal Highest AYerages Rank and Name innings not out runs score Major Hooper 15 6 260 57 29 Not out CorpI. Mayn;tan 21 1 321 47 16 Qrmr.-Serjt. Spencer 20 5 232 29 15 Lieut. Bridges .. 6 0 94 67 15 Pte. Crighton .. 12 1 112 26 10 " BOWLING. No. of No. of No. of Average Rank and Name wickets runs Maidens Corporal Mayman 94 609 35 6'47 Private Waterson 48 373 24 7'77

Crighton 19 143 5 7'52 Protected by copyright. Morris 16 125 5 7'81 NOTES FROM SIMLA.-Colonel R. S. F. Henderson, K.H.P., RA.M.C., Secretary to the Principal Medical Officer, His Majesty's Forces in India, writes as follows, dated November 23, 1911:- "Appointments.-Brevet-Colonel R H. Firth, RA.M.C., has been appointed 'V.H. S.' from November 3, 1911, vice Colonel R. H. Forman, M.B., British Service, retired. "Colonel F. H. Treherne, British Service, has been appointed Principal Medical Officer, Bangalore and Southern Brigades, vice Colonel H. J. R. Moberley, British Service, retired. "Leave.-The grant of leave to the undermentioned officers has been concurred in:- "Captain J. S. McCombe, R.A.M.C., for eight months, from March 1,1912. " Captain D. F. Mackenzie, R.A.M.C., for eight months, from April 1, 1912. . "Oaptain A. H. Heslop, R.A.M.C., for eight months, from end of January, 1912. "Captain W. C. Smales, R.A.M.C., for eight months, from February 18, 1912. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ " Captain F. H. M. Chapman, R.A.M.C., for eight months, from April 1, 1912. "Captain J. J. O'Keefie, R.A.M.C., for eight months, from Febru:1ry 1,1912. "Captain F. M. Loughnan, RA.M.C., for eight months, from February 1,1912. "Captain M. B. H. Ritchie, R.A.M.C., for six months and five days, from December 26, 1911. "Postings.-The following changes have been made in the postings of officers detailed to proceed to India during the present trooping season :­ "Major L. P. More, 9th (Secunderabad) Division. "Captain R. F. M. Fawcett, 5th (Mhow) Division. "Lieutenant R. C. Paris. 4th (Quetta) Division. " Lieutenant R. C. Priest, 8th (Luck now) Division. "Lieutenant C. T. V. Benson, 9th (Secunderabad) Division. "Captain J. L. Jones, 8th (Lucknow) Division.

"Major L. Way, 7th (Meerut) Division. on September 23, 2021 by guest. " Specialists.-Major F. E. Gunter, and Captain H. F. Shea, R.A.M.C., have been appointed specialists in Advanced Operative Surgery, 8th (Lucknow) and 3rd' (Lahore) Divisions. • " Captain C. Scaife, has been Appointed Specialist in Prevention of Disease, and to the charge of Brigade Laboratory, Colaba. "Transfers.-Captains D. T. McCarthy and B. Johnson, have been transferred from the 8th (Lucknow) and 9th (Secunderabad) Divisions to Burma Division. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


"Trooping.-The following officer has been detailed' for duty on the homeward voyage of the transport named :- "Oaptain A. H. Heslop, 'Rohilla,' leaving Karachi, January 1, 1912."



97371 Q.-M. serjt.) Bennett, E. . '123.10.11 I Vice W. Deans, to pension. 10009 " Genese~ J. D. .. 7.12.11 I " J. Ritchie, to pension.

STAFF-SERJEANT. 89681 Serjeant .. 1 Keefe, C. R. W ... I 22.10.11 IUnder para. 351, King's Regu- , lations.

LANCE-CORPORALS. 756 Private , Pateman, G. 15.11.11 Special, para. 281, S.O.,R.A.M.C. 1848 Martins, A. V. 15.11.11 19863 Mattison, W. H. 28.11.11 19827 Baxter, J. W. 5.12.11 19884 Hort, F. E. 5.12.11

DISCHARGES. Protected by copyright.

'I 7345 S.-Major .. Deans, 'vV. .. 22.10.11 After 3 months' notice. 7635 Ritchie, J. .. 6.12.11 After 25 years' qual. service, 5 years as a W.O. 10691 Lce.-Serjt. ]\'[cNeill, A ... 12.11.11 Termination of second period. 8990 Field, H. H. 11.11.11 8988 Corp~ral Watts, G. R. •• i 11.11.11 9007 Connor, A. J. T. 30.11.11 15585 " Latter, H. 14.11.11 Payment" of £18. 304 Private" Haskins, W. I. 16.10.11 2072 Stephenson, H. 23.11.11 18397 Aldridge, G. 8.12.11 Termination" " of second period. 11615 Petchey, E. E. 9.12.11 Free after 12 years' service, Art. , 1058 (ii) R.W. 12807 Cull, F. 14.12.11 Termination of first period. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/


2028 Pte. Howard, J. .. 7.11.11 4678 Pte. Harvey, A. J. 20.11.11 19380 Down, C. H. ., 13.11.11 18966 L.-Cpl. Whitney, A. E. 22.11.11 2156 " Lamb; H. ., 13.11.11 19415 Pte. Kirk, H. G. .. 27.11.11 2160 " Herby, T. .. 15.11.11 2172 Price, F. .. 18.11.11 2182 " McDonnell, J. .. 13.11.11 19394 " I Taplin, H. A. .. 21.11.11 2167 " Stirk, A. J. .. 17.11.11 19398 " King, T. .. 22.11.11 2168 " Summer, W. .. 17.11.11 2178 " Felstead, H. E. 22.11.11 2161 " Hogg, T. R. .. 15.11.11 19411 " Grigg, W. H. .. 15.11.11 2158 " Abrey, J. E. .. 15.11.11 18967 " Smith, W. .. 26.11.11 on September 23, 2021 by guest. 2173 " Aitken, T. ., 19.11.11 19429 " Orton, R. .. 30.11.11 2174 " Hill, R. .. .. 20.11.11 19524 " Fountain, H. W. 8.12.11 2177 " Watson, L. .. 20.11.11 18569 Corpl." Colbert, C. .. 31.10.11 2186 " Jenkins, H. E ... 22.11.11 19461 Pte. Brown, E. E. .. 11.12.11 2183 " Egan,'J. 19.11.11 19456 Flanagan, W. J. 12.12.11 " .. " J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from



181491 Serjeant •• / Godfrey, A. H. .. /15.11.11 1 To 001. Government, N. Nigeria. 5793 Private •• / McKail, J ... .. I 5.12.11 "Army Service Oorps.


174651 corporal •• l Bell, J. 11 809 1 Private .. I Rowland, T.


FOR QUARTERMASTER-SERJEANT. 121,461 S.-Serjt ... Wil~o~, W. J. 11116271 S.-Serjeant Secker, H. 15948 " .. 1 Chnstle, G. D. 16573'" .. 1 Nichol, R. S. 121381 " Steele, H. 144671"" Hurram, G. F. 11303 " I Ashton, R. 14663" .. ISnow, P. FOR STAFF-SERJEANT.

180181 Serjeant .. 1 Phipps, F. G. 1170571 Serjeant "1 Ward. lV( Protected by copyright. 11024 ". . Oatberall, W. 17500 ".. White, R. R.

FOR SERJEANT. 12195 1 Oorporal Joyce A. " 17409 " Oorporal .. I Kimberley, H. 19652 " Jefford, C. V. 17244 " .. I McArthur, A. F. 751 Milne, A. J. 184471 .• Fakes. J. E. 17977 1 Davis, D. 12487 .. , Halliday" O. 184431 Harris, G. 184331 .. Shaw, J. A. 14797 Cooke, J. E. 1847 .. Ogg, R. W.

FOR CORPORAL, 172751 Private .. Wheeler, G. H. 5442 Private .. Woodward, A. E. 19038 " .. Floyd, H. W. 5 .. Meller, G. P. 19629, " .. Cox, H. W. 18282 " .. Tweed, L.

5086 ! .. Wickers, C. W. F. 2139 " .. Slade, C. F. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ 19497 " .. Jackson, J. K. 298 " .. Bentley, A. W. 272 " .. Pout, R. M. 2259 " .. Wilson, S. W. 1448 " .. Moore, \V. 1112 " .. Sheehan, J. 1587 " .. Curnoe, W. G. 4928 " .. Mack, H. R. 2150 " .. Fraser, E. G. 12853 " .. Bonehill, W. A. J 17123 " .. Sawyer, W. H. 1866 " .. Sugden, W. 18675 " .. Partridge, A. C. 18379 " .. White, A. 19742 " .. Cannon, F. G . " " I'


To JAMAICA, PER R.M.T. "OROTAVA," NOVElI'IBER 22, 1911. on September 23, 2021 by guest. 18267 ',Lce.-CorpI. / Cockburn, B. 11 4985 1 Pril'ate ., / Gill, W. H. 18907 Private .. Blundell, W. J. 2051 " .. Hackett, J.

To NORTHERN NIGERIA FROM LIVERPOOL, NOVEMBER 15, 1911. 18149 S.-Serjt... 1 GO,dfrey, A. H. IUnder the Colonial Government. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL OORPS. Oaptain and Honorary Major William V. Sinclair (Honorary Lieutenant in the Army), resigns his Oommission, with permission to retain his rank and wear the prescribed uniform. Dated December 16, 1nl. . The undermentioned Lieutenants have been confirmed in their rank: Herbert Oox, Oharles H. Oarlton. To be. Lieutenants: The undermentioned Oadet Non-commissioned Officers from the Belfast University Oontingent Officers' Training Oorps: Oadet Staff-Serjeant Robert Maitland Beath, dated October 25, 1911; Cadet Oorporal Thomas Walker, dated October 31, 1911; Oadet Serjeant William St. Leger Dowse; Oadet Serjeant William McNeill Walker; Oadet Oorporal William McKim Herbert McOullagh, dated November 1, 1911; Oadet Corporal Samuel Richard Armstrong, dated November 8, 1911; Harry Dudley Rollinson, M.B., dated November 3, 1911. TERRITORIAL FORCE. YEOMANRY. Northwmberland (Hussars) Yeomanry.-Surgeon-Lieutenant Hamilton Drummond, M.B., resigns his commission, dated November 25,1911.

INFANTRY. 5th and 6th Battalions, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment.-Surgeon-Oaptain George H. E. Bekenn resigns his commission, dated November 25, 1911.

ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL OORPS. 1st Highland Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps.-Lieutenant James Protected by copyright. Robertson, M.D., to be Captain, dated October 14, 1911. 2nd Highland Field Ambulance, ROllal Army Medical Corps.-Lieutenant James F. MacIntosh to be Oaptain, dated October 14, 1911. 3Td Highland Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical C011Js.-The undermentioned officers to be Captains, dated October 1, 1911: Lieutenant James 1\'1:. Smith, M.B. ; Lieutenant John H. Hunter, M.B. 3rd Home Connties Field Ambtblance, Royal At'my Medical Corps.-Lieutenant Thomas Francis Roche, from the List of Officers of the Royal Army Medical Oorps attached to Units other than Medical Units, to be Lieutenant, dated November 15, 1911. Lieutenant Edwin Augustus Houchin, from the 2nd Home Oounties Field Ambu­ lance, Royal Army Medical Corps, to be Lieutenant, dated November 15, 1911. 2nd London (City 'of London) Field Ambulance, Royal At'my Medical Corps.­ Lieutenant Francis R. Humphreys, to be Oaptain, dated October 1, 1911. 2nd North Midland Field Ambulance, Royal ATmy Medical Corps.-Lieutenant James R. Plant resigns his commission, dated November 15, 1911. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ 1st West Riding Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps.-Lientenant James Ewing to be Oaptain, dated October 1, 1911. 1st Welsh Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps.-Lieutenant John Buckner, to be Oaptain, dated October 1, 1911. 1st Scottish General Hospital, Royal Anny Medical Corps.-Lieutenant·Oolonel James M. Booth, M.D., resigns his commission, and is granted permission to retain his rank and to wear the prescribed uniform, dated November 15, 1911. 1st West LancashiTe Field Ambulance, Royal Anny Medical Corps.-The under- mentioned officers to be Oaptains, dated October 1, 1911 :- ' Lieutenant John E. W. MacFall, M.D. Lieutenant Richard S. Taylor, 1\1.B., F.R.O.S.(Edin.) Lieutenant Adam P. H. Simpson. 2nd West Lancashire Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical C01:ps.-The under-

mentioned officers to be Oaptains, dated October 1, 1911 :­ on September 23, 2021 by guest. Lieutenant Oharles S. Brebner, M.D. Lieutenant Waiter L. Hawksley, M.B. Lieutenant William Macdonald, M.B. 2nd Northumbrian Field Ambulance, Roya,l Army lVfedical Corps.-Lieutenant James D. Sinclair, M.B., to be Oaptain, dated October 1, 1911. 3rd West Riding Field Ambtblance, Royal Army Medical COl1Js.-The under- mentioned officers to be Oaptains: - . J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


Lieutenant John W. Stokes, dated October 1,1911. Lieutenant James Mackinnon, dated October 1,1911. Lieutenant Ernest F. Finch, dated October 6,1911. Lieutenant Charles G. Murray, dated October 10, 1911. Lieutenant Edward F. Skinner, dated October 11, 1911. 3rd Wessex Field Amb1tlance, Royal Anny Medical Corps.-Lieutenant John A. Swindale resigns his commission, dated November 25,1911. 2nd Scottish General Hospital, Royal Army Medical Corps.-Major Robert W. Philip, M.D., to be Lieutenant-Colonel, dated September 15, 1911. Captain Francis D. Boyd, C.M.G., M.D., to be Major, dated September 15,1911. John William Simpson, M.D., to be Captain, dated September 15, 1911. 2nd East Anglian Field Amb1tlance, Royal Army Medical Corps.- Lieutenant John K. Howlett resigns his commission, dated December 2, 1911. 2nd East Lancashire Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical C01ps.-Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant Sidney Pritchard is granted the honorary rank of Captain, dated May 28, 1911. 2nd Lowland Field Ambzt/ance, Royal A1'my Medical Corps.-Lieutenant Alexander M. Watson, M.B., to be Captain, dated November 7,1911. 1st Northumbrian Field Ambulai1ce, Royal Army Medical Corps. -The under- mentioned officers to be Captains :- Lieutenant James W. Heslop, dated October 25, 1911. Lieutenant James P. Milne, dated October 25, 1911. Lieutenant William Simpson, dated October 25, 1911. Lieutenant George H. Spencer, dated November 2, 1911. 3rd Highland Field Ambulance, Royal Anny Medical C01:z)s.-Lieutenant Arthur

M. Davie, to be Captain, dated November 2, 1911. Protected by copyright. 1st East Lancashire Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical C01ps.--The announce­ ment which appeared in the London Gazette of May 19, 1911, respecting the transfer from the 3rd East Lancashire Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, of Major William L. Bentley, is cancelled, and the following substituted:- Major William Leonard Bentley, from tbe 3rd East Lancashire Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, to be Major, with precedence in the unit from April 1, 1908, next above Major Herbert G. Parker, dated May 20, 1911. 2nd East Lancashire Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical C01ps.-The announce­ ment which appeared in the London Gazette of May 19, 1911, respecting the transfer from the 1st East Lancashire Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, of Major William B. Pritchard, is cancelled, and the following substituted :- Major William Bridgett Pritchard, from the 1st East Lancashire Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, to be Major, with precedence in the unit as from April 1, 1908, next above Major Fred D. Woolley, dated May 20, H)l1. • 31'd South :Midland Field Ambulance, Royal A1'1ny Medical C01ps.-Lieutenant George Scott Wmiamson, from the Yorkshire Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, to be Lieutenant, dated October 5, 1911. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ 2nd Wessex Field Ambnlance, Royal Army i'vIedical Corps.-Lieutenant Robert Burnet, M.B., to be Captain, dated October 1, 1911. Officers attached to other Units. Captain David J. Penney, M.B., to be Major, dated September 20, 1911. Lieutenant Winstan St. A. St. John to be Captain. dated October I, 1911. Captain John B. Stevens, M.B., to be Major, dated October 4,1911. Lieutenant-Colonel William R. SeweIl, l\1.D., resigns his commission, and is granted permission to retain his rank and to wear the prescribed uniform, dated November 15, 1911 Captain John S. Mackay, M.D., resigns his commission, and is granted per­ mission to retain his rank and to wear the prescribed uniform, dated November 15, 1911.

James Hogg Martin, l\'LB., to be Lieutenant, dated October 17, 1911. on September 23, 2021 by guest. Major a.nd Honorary Surgeon-Lieutenant. Colonel Duncan Stewart resigns his com­ mission, and is granted permission to retain his rank and to wear the prescribed uniform, dated November 25, 1911. Geoffrey Balmanno Fleming, l\LB., to be Lieutenant, dated September 22, 1911. Lieutenant John A. Preston to be Captain, dated June 8, 1910. Lieutenant John J. Weaver resigns his commission, dated December 2,1911. John Crosthwaite Bridge, F.R.C.S.(Edin.) to be Lieutenant, dated October 14, 1911. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


SUPERNUMERARY FOR SERVICE WITH THE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS. Captain Henry Buckley Roderick, M.D., from the Unattached List for the Terri. torial Force, to be Captain, with precedence as on the Unattached List, for service with the medical unit of Cambridge University Contingent, Senior Division, Officers' Training Corps, dated November 25, 1911. Captain William Duncan Sturrock, M.D., from the Unattached List for the Territorial Force, to be Captain, with precedence as on the Unattached List, for service with the medical unit of the Oxford University Contingent, Senior Division, Officers' Traiuing Corps, dated November 25, 1911. Lieutenant Harold Esmond Arnison Boldero. from the Unattached List for the Territorial Force to be Lieutenant (on probatio;'), with precedence as on the Un. attached List, for service with the medical unit of the Oxford University Contingent, Senior Division, Officers' Training Corps, dated November 25, 1911. J-lieutenant Rudolf Albert Peters, from the List of Officers of the Royal Army Medical Corps attached' to units other than medical units, to be Lieutenant (on proba. tion), with precedence as in the Territorial Force, for service with the medical unit of the Cambridge University Contingent, Senior Division, Officers' Training Corps, dated November 25, 1911. ' Andrew Francis Dixon, M.B., to be Lieutenant, for service with the medical unit of Dublin University Contingent, Senior Division, Officers' Training Corps, dated September 23, 1910. Thomas Thomson to be Lieutenant, for service with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Contingent, Senior Division, Officers' Training Corps, dated April 7, 1911. Henry Stokes, M.D., to be Lieutenant, for service with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Contingent, Senior Division, Officers' Training Corps, dated April 29, 1911. Protected by copyright. William James Wilson, M.B., to be Lieutenant, for service with the medical unit of the Belfast University Contingent, Senior Division; Officers' Training Corps, dated May 25, 1911. QUEEN ALEXANDRA'S IMPERIAL "!ILITARY NURSING SERVICE. Postings and Transfers.-Sisters: Miss E. M. E. Todd, to London, from Colchester; Miss E. M. Rentzsch, to Aldershot, on return from Malta. Staff Nurses: Miss E. M. Moore, to Aldershot, from Shorncliffe; Miss E. J. French, to Shorncliffe, from Woolwich; Miss I, D. Humfrey, to Chatham, from Aldershot; Miss J. Todd, to Colchester, from Woolwich; Miss N. 1. Jordan, to Aldershot, from Devonport; :Miss G. E. Vernon, to Devonport, from Aldershot; Miss J. D. C. McPherson, to London, from Tidworth: Miss M. Nicholson, to Cosham, on appointment. Promotions.-The undermentioned Sister to be Matron: Miss E. C. Humphreys. The undermentioned Staff Nurses to be Sisters: Miss A. A. Steer, Miss A. Ayre, Miss E. Close, Miss G. A. Howe, Miss M. D. Woodhouse, Miss J. S. G. Gardner, Miss M. German, Miss P. E. Manfield. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE PREVENTION OF CONSDMPTION. WE have received the following communication from the Secretary of this Association :- "The Association is actively engaged in forming a Library and Bureau for the collection of' all matters relating to pulmonary tuberculosis from every point of view, and in all countries. It is intended that snch information shall be available, not only to members of the medical profession, but to the public at large. Valuable assistance would be rendered if medical officers of health, school medical officers, and medical

superintendents, or secretaries of hospitals, sanatoria, tuberculosis ,dispensaries, and on September 23, 2021 by guest. open.air schools would kindly place the Association on their distribution list in respect of annual reports or other documents bearing on the question of consumption. Books, pamphlets and reprints of articles from physicians and social workers in general would also be gladly received." J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


ARMY MEDICAL OFFICERS' WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' FUND. THE Oommittee of the Army Medical Officers' Widows' and Orphans' Fund wishes to bring to the notice of officers of the Oorps the benefits offered by this Society; and to draw attention to its strong financial position, as disclosed by the Actuary's Report on the recent quinquennial valuation of the Fund. In this report (a copy of which may be obtained from the Secretary) the Actuary states that "the financial position of the Socieey continues to be eminently satisfactory," and adds that from the Fund officers can obtain" at least a minimum provision for their widows and orphans at a much lower cost than from any Life Assurance Oompany or other Society." The annnal subscription of a married member provides an annuity of £50, during widowhood, to the widow of the marriage, during which his subscription as a married member began. In the event of the death of the widow this annuity is continued to the children of such marriage until the youngest attains the age of 21 years. It also continues for their benefit, up to the same age, if the widow re-marries. .B'urthermore, should the wife of the subscriber predecease him, it will be optionlll for him to continue the SUbscription he had been paying as a married member, in order to provide an annuity similar to the above for the children of the marriage, until the youngest shall have attained the age of 21 years. Provision is also made (Rule X) whereby a part of the surplus at any quinquennial valuation may be applied for the benefit of members, or their wives, or orphan children. Thus, at the valuation as at December 31, 1910, a portion of the surplns was appro­ priated to bring the £50 annuities, immediate and contingent, in respect of members on the books at December 31, 1910, up to the present statutory limit of £52 per annum; and also to provide a sum of £100 (in addition to the first half-yearly annuity payment) Protected by copyright. immediately on the death of every first-class married member on the books at December 31, 1910, should he predecease his present wife. There is every reason to presume that at the next quinquennial valuation similar additional benefits may be granted to members now joining. Unmarried officers may become members by paying £2 yearly, and can thus reduce the rate of their subscriptions when married. A table of the rates of subscription will be found at the end of the book of Rules, of which rates some examples are given below. These terms cover all war and climate t'isks, and there are no marriage fines. But on the imminence, or outbreak, of war, the Oommittee are empowered to close the Fund temporarily to applicants for membership, or to adl1)-it them at a special war rate. Oopies of the Rules, Actuary's Report, Annual Report, and Balance Sheet, together with Declaration Forms, can be obtained from the Secretary, who will be glad to give any other information in his power. J. T. OLAPHAM, Captain, 20, Belgrave Road, Secretary. London, S. W. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/

Husband's Age \Vife's Age Annual Subscriptions :£ s. d. 25 20 13 8 5 28 32 11 18 2 30 27 14 6 1 32 28 15 5 9 33 33 14 5 10 35 25 18 9 1 36 33 16 17 2 38 28 19 19 6 42 38 19 6 8 46 40 22 12 6

50 45 24 9 5 on September 23, 2021 by guest. 50 50 20 11 1 55 50 27 19 6 J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


UNITED SERVIOES MEDICAL SOCIETY. ":HE next meeting of the above-named Society will be held at the Royal Army MedICal College, Grosvenor Road, S.W., on Wednesday, January 10,1912, at 5 p.m. Business: Lieutenant-Colonel Burtchaell, R.A.M.C.: "The Army Medical Service with Lord Methuen's force during the advance on K.imberley, 1899, with reference to the present organization of the medical service in war."

E. J. FINCH, } Fleet·Surgeon, R.N., Admiralty, S. W. W. S. HARRISON, Hon. SeC1·etarics. Major, R.A.M.C., Royal Army lJ![edical College, Grosvenor Road, S. W.

BIRTHS. MACARTHUR.-At Dagshai, October 1, 1911, the wife of Lieutenant D. H. C. MacArthur, R.A.M.C., of a daughter. COWEY.-On November 20, at The Manor House, Tidworth, the wife of Captain R. V. Cowey, R.A.M.C., of a son. MITOHELL.-At Ambala, Punjab, North India, on November 28, 1911, the 'wifo of Captain W. Mitchell, R.A.M.C., of a son. Protected by copyright.

EXCHANGES, &0. The charge for inserting Notices respecting Exchanges in the Royal Army Medical Corps is 5/- for not more than five lines, which should be forwarded by Cheque or P.O.O., 'with the notice, to Messrs. G, STREET and CO., Ltd" 8, Serle Street, London, W.C., not later than the 22nd of the month. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ on September 23, 2021 by guest. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from


A free issue of twenty-five reprints will be made to contributors of Original Communications, and of twenty-five excerpts of Lectures, Travels, and Proceedings of the United Services Medical Society. Any demand for excerpts, additional to the above, or for reprints, must be for­ warded at the time of submission of the article for publication, and will be charged for at the following rates, and additional copies at proportionate rates :-


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