Royal Army Medical Corps
J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. <torps 'lAews. JANUARY, 1912. HONOURS. THE KING·EMPEROR has been graciously pleased to make the followiug appointments to the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India ;- To be a Knight.Commander, Surgeon. General Francis Wollaston Trevor, C.B., M. B., K.H.S., Principal Medical Officer, India. To be a Companion, Lieuteuant·Colonel Arthur Russell Aldridge, Royal Army Protected by copyright. Medical Corps, lately Sanitary Officer, Army Headquarters. ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE. Surgeon-General Sir Francis W. Trevor, K.C.S.I., C.B., lVLB., K.:H.S., is retained supernumerary to the establishment, under the provisions of Articles 92 and 472 Royal __ Warrant for Pay and Promotion, 1909, dated December 11, 1911. Colonel Thomas M. Corker, lVLD., to be Surgeon. General, vice Sir F. W. Trevor, K.O.S.I., C.B., M.B., K.H.S., dated December 11, 1911. Colonel (temporary Surgeon-General) William Babtie, V.O., O.M.G., M.B., to be Surgeon. General to complete establishment, dated December 11, 1911. Colonel Sir David Bruce, Kt., O.B., F.R.S., M.B., is seconded for service under the Oolonial Office, dated November 9, 1911. Lieutenant-Oolonel William Watson Pike, D.S.O., from the Royal Army Medical Corps, to be Oolonel, vice Sir D. Bruce, Kt., C.B., F.R.S., M.B., seconded, dated November 9, 1911. Lieutenant-Oolonel James M. Irwin, M.B., from the Royal Army Medical Oorps, to be Oolonel, vice T.M.
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