J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. <torps 'lAews. JANUARY, 1912. HONOURS. THE KING·EMPEROR has been graciously pleased to make the followiug appointments to the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India ;- To be a Knight.Commander, Surgeon. General Francis Wollaston Trevor, C.B., M. B., K.H.S., Principal Medical Officer, India. To be a Companion, Lieuteuant·Colonel Arthur Russell Aldridge, Royal Army Protected by copyright. Medical Corps, lately Sanitary Officer, Army Headquarters. ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE. Surgeon-General Sir Francis W. Trevor, K.C.S.I., C.B., lVLB., K.:H.S., is retained supernumerary to the establishment, under the provisions of Articles 92 and 472 Royal __ Warrant for Pay and Promotion, 1909, dated December 11, 1911. Colonel Thomas M. Corker, lVLD., to be Surgeon. General, vice Sir F. W. Trevor, K.O.S.I., C.B., M.B., K.H.S., dated December 11, 1911. Colonel (temporary Surgeon-General) William Babtie, V.O., O.M.G., M.B., to be Surgeon. General to complete establishment, dated December 11, 1911. Colonel Sir David Bruce, Kt., O.B., F.R.S., M.B., is seconded for service under the Oolonial Office, dated November 9, 1911. Lieutenant-Oolonel William Watson Pike, D.S.O., from the Royal Army Medical Corps, to be Oolonel, vice Sir D. Bruce, Kt., C.B., F.R.S., M.B., seconded, dated November 9, 1911. Lieutenant-Oolonel James M. Irwin, M.B., from the Royal Army Medical Oorps, to http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ be Oolonel, vice T.M. Oorker, M.D., dated December 11, 1911. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL OORPS. Lieutenant-Oolonel John O. Haslett, M.D.,half-pay]ist, is placed on retired pay, dated November 16, 1911. Lieutenant·Oolonel Haslett entered the Service as a Surgeon, Army Medical Department, on February 4, 1882; became Surgeon-Major Army Medical Staff, February 4, 1894, and Lieutenant-Oolonel Royal Army Medical Oorps, February 4, 1902, and was placed on the half· pay list on account of ill-health on January 20, 1908. ).\fajor David Harvey, M:B., is seconded for service under the Oolonial Office, dated November 9, 1911 .. The undermentioned Oaptains to be Majors; dated November 17, 1911, Edward W. Siberry, Basil F. Wingate; dated November 99, 1911, John W. West, M.B. Oaptain Edward S. Worthington, M.V.O., is seconded for special extra regimental on September 23, 2021 by guest. employment, dated September 29, 1911. The undermentioned officers are seconded for service under the Foreign Office; Ca.ptain Ronald E. Todd, M.B., dated November 1,1911; Lieutenant Oampbell Robb, M.B., dated November 14, 1911; Lieutenant Robert Gale, M.B., dated November 15, 1911. Lieutenant Pierce M. J. Brett, M.B., is confirmed in his rank. L4ieutenant Art4ur J. O. Wigmore resigns his commission, da,tEJd Dl)cember 16, 191]. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from 2 HIGHER RATE OF PAY.-Lieutenant·Colonel M. L. Hearn has been selected for the higher rate of pay under Article 317 Royal Warrant. ARRIVALS HOME FOR DUTY.-From India, on November 17: Lieutenant. Colonel S. Westcott, C.M.G. ; Captains C. E. W. S. Fawcett and M. J. Cromie. On November 30, Lieutenant·Colonels R. L. R. Macleod and J. M. F. Shine; Captains E. W. Powell and G. W. W. Ware. From South Africa, on December 14, Lieutenant· Oolonel S. Hickson; Major H. B. Fawcus; Captains O. levers and V. H. Symons. ARRIVALS HOME ON LEAVE.-Oaptains C. R. L. Ronayne and·P. J. Marett. POSTINGS.-Lieutenant·Colonel S. Westcott, C.M.G., to Edinburgh. Lieutenant· Colonel S. Hickson, to Aldershot. Lieutenant·Colonel R. L. R. Macleod, to Devonport. Lieutenant·Colonel J. M. F. Shine, to Jersey. Lieutenant·Colonel L. T. M. Nash, to Hounslow .. Major J. G. McNaught and Captain R. P. Lewis, to the Aldershot Com. mand. Major H. B. Fawcus, to the Royal Army Medical College, Oaptain G. W. W. Ware, to the Southern Oommand. Captains E. W. Powell, O. levers, C. E. W. S. Fawcett, V. H. Symons and M. J. Cromie to the Irish Oommand. TRANSFERS. ~ Major J. P. Silver, from the Scottish Oommand to the Irish Command., Captain H. C. Winckworth, from the Aldershot Command to the Eastern Command. APPOINTMENTS.-Surgeon·General A. T. Sloggett, C.B" C.M.G., Principal Medical Officer, India. I~ieutenant·Oolonel S. Westcott, C.M.G., Charge of the Military Hospital, Edinburgh. Lieutenant·Colonel N. Manders, Charge of 'the Military Protected by copyright. Hospital, Curragh. Lieutenant·Colonel S. Hickson, Charge of the Cambridge Hospital, Aldershot. Lieutenant·Oolonel R. L. R. Macleod, Charge of the Military Hospital, Devonport, and Senior Medical Officer, South. Western Coast Defences. Lieutenant· Colonel J. M. F. Shine, Senior Medical Officer, Jersey. Lieutenant.Colonel L. T. M. Nash, Charge of the Military Hospital, Hounslow. Major J. C. Jameson, Charge of the Surgical Division, Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich. Major H. B. Fawcus, Assistant Professor of Hygiene at the Royal Army Medical College. Captain R. H. MacNicol, Specialist in Dermatology, Woolwich. Captain H. C. Winckworth, Specialist in Operative Surgery, Woolwich. Captain E. S. Worthington, M.V.O., to be Medical Officer on the Personal Staff of Field·Marshal H.R.H., A. W. P. A., Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, K.G., K.T., K.P., G.C.B., G.O.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., G.C.V.O., Governor and Commander·in. Chief of the Dominion of Oanada. QUALIFICATIONS.-Captain W. F. Tyndale, C.M.G., has obtained the degree of M.D. (State Medicine) London. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ EMBARKATIONS.-F'or India.-On November 29, Majors L. P. More, W. A. Wood side and E. P. Connolly. Captains F. A. Stephens and Lieutenant R. O. Priest. On December 13, Major W. T. Mo.uld, Captain E. Bennett and Lieutenant R. C. Paris. F'or Jamaica.-On November 22, Captains A. F. Weston, W. J. S. Harvey and M. G. Winder. ROSTER FOR SERVICE ABROAD. In forwarding the roster for service abroad which is printed below the following has been communicated by the Director·General :- (a) Tbe names of officers holding appointments for fixed periods are printed in italics with date of expiration of the same, except in the case of appointments which expire during the trooping season 1912.13, which,are shown in ordinary type. (b).' Officers, who retire in 1912, are omitted, also those holding gazetted appoint­ on September 23, 2021 by guest. ments the dates of which are shown in the Army List (except in the case of appoint· ments t.erminating during the trooping season 1912.13). (c) Officers shOUld bear in mind when calculating their positions in regard to their next tour abroad, that casualties owing to promotions, &c., affect their places on the roster, that on promotion their date on the roster of the higher rank will be the same as that they occupied on the roster of their former rank, an.d that the period of service <lit home in the several ranks is nQt of equal duration, J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-18-01-19 on 1 January 1912. Downloaded from 3 LIEUTENANT-OOLONELS. Oottell, R. J. O. (31.12.12), Roy. Hosp., Haines, H. A. Ohelsea. O'Callaghan, D. M. (1.4.13), Surgical Windle, R. J. (30.9.12), Roy. Hosp., Wards, Cambridge Hosp., Aldershot. Kilmainham. Inniss, B. J. Melville, O. H. (17.9.12), Professor Turner, W. R.A.M. 0011. Rowan, H. D. Eckersley, E. (20.1.13), War Office. Wilson, G. (6.1.13), Mil. Hosp. ,Dover. O'Oonnell, D. V. (23.4.12), Mil. Hosp., Elkington, H. P. G. Shorncliffe. Cocks,H. Russell, M. W. (22.8.13), Staff Offi. Swan, W. T. P.M.O. Eastern Cam. Daly, J. H. Horrocks, W. H. (17.9.14), Mem. Advisory Gardon, P. C. H. (12.10.13), Mil. Hasp., Board. Pem. Dock. Bnrton, F. H. M. Tyrrell, C. R. RllsseU, J. J. (1.11.14), S.O., P.M.O. Ferguson, N. C., C.M,G. Southern Com. Cree, G. (20.1.14), M. I. Reerltits, Eastern Newland, F. R. (6.12.12), S.O., P.M.O. Cam. Northern Oom. Berryman, W. E. O'Halloran, M. Winter, '1'. B. Noding, T. E. Macdonald, S. Holyoake, R. Maher, J. (10.12.13), Q. A. Hosp., Lon- Kennedy, A. (14.1.13), D. Block, Netley. don. ),"arr, M. T. (1.3.13), M.I. Recrnits, Morris, A. E. Scotland. Meek, J. Protected by copyright. Whaite, T. du B. (15.3.13), Royal Arsenal, Julian, O. R. A" C.M.G. Woolwich. Faunce, C. E. Donegan, J. F. Starr, W. H. Moore, R. R. H. McOulloch, T. Morgan, J. O. Beevor, W. C., C.M.G. Adamson, H. M. (9.12.12), Mil. Hosp., Westcott, S., C.M.G. Newcastle. Thurston, H. C., C.M.G. (20,12.14), R. Simpson, R. J. S. (1.2.13), Med. Div;, Mil. Call" Sandhurst. R. Herbert Hosp. Macleod, R. L. R. Birt, C. (1.10.13), Royal Infirmary, Shine, J. M. F. Dublin. Manders, N. Gerrard, J. J. (24.11,12), M.l. Recrnits, Hickson, S. Northern Oom. Nash, L. T. M. Le Quesne, F. S., V.O. Bate, A. L. F. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ MAJORS. Delap, G. G., D.S.O. (15.6.12), Sch. of "Marder, N. Iustrn., Aldershot. Tate, G.
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