Principled Pragmatism

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Principled Pragmatism Principled Pragmatism VOC Interaction with Makassar 1637-68, and the Nature of Company Diplomacy Carl Fredrik Feddersen Principled Pragmatism VOC Interaction with Makassar 1637-68, and the Nature of Company Diplomacy © Carl Fredrik Feddersen, 2017 ISBN: 978-82-02-56660-9 This work is protected under the provisions of the Norwegian Copyright Act (Act No. 2 of May 12, 1961, relating to Copyright in Literary, Scientific and Artistic Works) and published Open Access under the terms of a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4.0/). This license allows third parties to freely copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format as well as remix, transform or build upon the material for any purpose, including commercial purposes, provided the work is properly attributed to the author(s), including a link to the license, and any changes that may have been made are thoroughly indicated. The attribution can be provided in any reasonable manner, however, in no way that suggests the author(s) or the publisher endorses the third party or the third party’s use of the work. Third parties are prohibited from applying legal terms or technological measures that restrict others from doing anything permitted under the terms of the license. Note that the license may not provide all of the permissions necessary for an intended reuse; other rights, for example publicity, privacy, or moral rights, may limit third party use of the material. Cover painting: Romeyn de Hooghe, The conquest of Macassar 1666 to 1669, by Speelman From: the Atlas of Mutual Heritage and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, the Dutch National Library. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Typesetting: Datapage Font: Whitney & MinionPro The book is produced with support from University of Agder. Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP Contents Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................19 Summary, English .........................................................................................................21 1 Presenting My Case ...............................................................................................25 Section 1: Chapter Introduction ................................................................................................... 25 Contents and plan of the chapter ..........................................................................................26 Section 2: A brief chronology of VOC–Makassar interaction, 1603–68 ...........................26 The twin kingdoms of Goa-Tello ............................................................................................26 Actors in the Makassarese political field ............................................................................ 27 Internal tensions in South Sulawesi: The Bugis-Makassar dimension ........................28 The nature of politics ................................................................................................................29 The role of Islam ........................................................................................................................29 The regional dimension ...........................................................................................................30 The Ambonese wars ..................................................................................................................31 Global dimension ...................................................................................................................... 32 The outsiders .............................................................................................................................. 33 Chronological overview of the seventeenth VOC-Makassar interaction ...................34 The monopoly on nutmeg and cloves as the central issue of conflict ......................... 35 The 1637 negotiations and treaty .......................................................................................... 37 From the 1637 peace to war, negotiations, and the 1655 treaty .................................... 37 Tensions 1655–60, and another cycle of war, negotiations, and treaty .......................38 Context and treaty making: The Bugis rebellion in 1660 ................................................39 New tensions and decision for war, 1660–66 ....................................................................40 A final cycle of war and treaty, 1667–68 ..............................................................................41 War on and in Makassar, June–November 1667 ...............................................................42 Securing the peace by war and still more treaties, 1667–69 ..........................................42 Section conclusion ....................................................................................................................43 Section 3: Approaches to VOC Diplomacy in the historiography: General overview .............................................................................................................................43 Section introduction .................................................................................................................43 General types of approaches ..................................................................................................44 Section 4: Chronological overview of the historiography .....................................................47 Nineteenth- and early twentieth-century historiography ...............................................47 5 contents The Van Leur break and the economic turn in the post-World War II historiography ...............................................................................................................48 Revisionist comparative perspectives and views on the nature of interaction..........48 Entering a new millennium: The coming of a “new diplomatic history”? ................... 52 Jurrien van Goor’s positions on Company diplomacy...................................................... 53 Positions and plan of the exposition .....................................................................................54 Van Goor’s positions on the nature of the Company’s diplomacy................................54 Van Goor’s position on the Company’s position in the overseas diplomatic systems ................................................................................................................... 55 Accommodation as preferred interaction mode and its implications ......................... 55 Comparative aspects and the issue of commensurability ..............................................56 Comparisons at the macro-cultural level ............................................................................ 57 The singularity of my analysis compared to Van Goor’s positions ...............................59 Bringing it up to date, 2010–14 ..............................................................................................60 Van Meersbergen .......................................................................................................................61 Section 5: Positions on and propositions about law and treaty ...........................................62 The nineteenth and early twentieth centuries ...................................................................63 Andaya versus Alexandrowicz ...............................................................................................64 The Paulusz–Arasaratnam exchange on the Westerwolt Treaty ..................................65 Somers ......................................................................................................................................... 67 Somers 2001 ...............................................................................................................................68 On the Company’s assumptions and mode in its diplomatic dealings VOC mode ..................................................................................................................70 Somers 2005 ..............................................................................................................................70 Van Ittersum ............................................................................................................................... 72 Positions ...................................................................................................................................... 73 Grotius’s treaty theory: Fraud by law ................................................................................... 74 Summing up: Ittersum .............................................................................................................. 75 Section 6: Summing up the historiography of VOC diplomacy ........................................... 75 2 Positions and Propositions Refined ......................................................................79 Section 1: Brief historiography on seventeenth-century Company–Makassar interaction, with an emphasis on Andaya’s propositions .....................................................79 Spiritual versus secular conceptions of “treaty” ...............................................................80 South Sulawesian and Western functions of treaty and function of state-interaction systems contrasted .............................................................................83 A spiritual conceptualisation of interstate relations: The workings
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