T'he NEW YEAR -The Annual Meeting
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t T'HE NEW YEAR -The Annual Meeting The 19th Annual Meeting of the Society cras held in Ithaca, New York on the campus of Cornell University SBptember 8-10, 1952, in conjunction with meetings of other inember societies of the American Institute of Biological Sciences, The arrangements were excellent. Dr, Charles Chupp, our representative on the AIES committee and Chairman of our Committee on Local Arrangements, along with Dr. P1.F. Barrus, Dr. D, S, Welch, and Dr, Richard Korf who served with him on the Local Committee, are to be especially complimented on the fine arrangeinents that were made for the Society, The majority of our members were housed in IJillard Straight Hall since many had arrived early to attend the Annual Foray, The program carried the titles of 77 papers resulting from original research and three special features; the Presidential Address by Dr, J. C, Gilman on "The Pure Culture in Taxonomyu, The Third Annual Lecture of .the Mycological Society of America by Dr. Benjamin M, Duggar who spoke on llCharacteristic of Certain Selected Species of Actinomycetesll and a symposium on "Physiology of Fungit1 which was sponsored jointly by the Bociety and the ~licrobiolo~icalSection of the Botanical Society of Aaerica. Most of our pcper-reading sessions were joint sessions also with the ~ficrobiological Sction, The concensus seemed to be that this could be looked upon as one of our outstanding annual meetings, A11 sessions were well attended, At the business meeting on Monday September 8th, the Society approved a number of recomflendations of the Council as presented in the Council Report. The Society agreed to accept the invitation of the Agricultural Research Institute to become a non-dues paying nember and designated Xr, John A, Stevenson to be the official representative to the Institute. Dr, C, L, Lefebvre was appointed as his alternate. Two new standing committees were apyroved: A Finance Committee to be appointed by the new president, and a Committee on Publication of 14emorials to consist of the Editor-in-Chief of bfYCOLOCIA, the Historian, and the President of the Society, Since all members should receive the program of the Annual Meeting which is printed in the August ;lumber of the AIBS BULLETIN along with programs of other member societies of ADS, the individual program of the 31ycological Society will not be printed next year, Miss Dorothy I. Fennel1 was complimented for her work on the NmTSLETTEZ last yearo She served as editor during this period when the Secretary was unable, 2ecause of a leave of absence from his academic position, to do this work. The Council has designated the issuing of the NEXSLETTE8 as a function of the Secretary's office. The Chairmen and members of the Committee on Local Ar~angementsand of the Foray Committee were compliri~ented for their work, Reports were presented by the Editor-in-Chief and the ihnaging Editor of IlYCOLCGIA, and by chairmen of several committees, New members were formally elected by the Society and the results of the election were announced, A proposed change in the Constitution relating to life membership dues was also presented. Several of these reports and the new officers of the Society are included in other secticns of this NEI:ISLE:TTm* Officers of the Society for 1953 President - Charles Thoin, Port Jefferson, N.Y. Vice-President - William \I, Diehl, Bureau of Plant Inclustrjr, USEA Secretary-Treasurer - Leland Shanor, University of Illinois Councilors - East - Kenneth B. Raper, University of Wisconsin, '52-'53 Josiah L. Lowe, New Yorlr College of Forestry, Syracuse, '53-,t54 West - Clyde M, Christensen, University of I.!innesota, '52-'53 Joseph C, Gilman, Iowa State College, '53-I 54 Historian -Donald P, Rogers, New York Botanical Garden Official Representatives and other new appointments Representatives on the Council of American Association for the Advancement of Science - IJesley G , But chinson, University of Pennsylvania, 1520'53 Grant D. Darker, Ben Venue Laboratories, '53-I 5L, Representative on the Governing Board, American Institute of Biological Sciences - John N. Couch, University of North Carolina Representative on Board of Trustees, American Type Culture Collection - C. L, Lefebvre, Office of Experiment Stations Representative to National Research Council - F, K, Sparrow, University of lfic'nigan Representative to Agricultural Research Institute - John A. Stevenson, Bureau of 2lant Industry, USDA C, L, Lefebvre, Office of Experiment Stations, (alternate) New member of the Editorial Board of 1.IYCOLOGIA for a five year term - F, L. Drayton, Department of Agriculture, Canada Conmtttbes of the Societx Committee an Nomenclature D, P, Rogers, Clm. J, N, Couch G, W. Fischer C. W. Dodge F. D. Kern L, E. lilehmeyer A, H. Smith G, B. Cummins -Committee on Ibledical ~vcolom C , W . Emmons , Chm. Me F, Conant Libero A jello C, \la Dodge R. W, Benham E, D. DeLarnater A, L. Carrion Idembership Committee C, J, Alexopoulos, Chm. E, B. Elains I;, A. Petty S. M. Pady H. R. Rosen Rene Pomerleau Morilis Moore Roderick Sprague C. E. Yarwood C, F, Weber 3. P, Backus W. H. Weston F* T, Wolf S. J, P. Chilton 11. B. ?.forrow L, S. Olive Committee on Sustaining l\lembershi~s W. D. Gray, Chm. John Routien G, D. Darlrer A, H. Smith E. T, Reese L. B, Lockwood E. J. Backus Alma IJhiff en James IJ, Sinden Finance Committee Committee Publication & IIemorials William J, Robbins, Chm, Edi tor-in-Chief of IflCOLCGIA, Joseph C, Gilman G, W, Tiartin Kenneth B. Raper Historian of the Society, . Leland Shanor, Treasurer, ex gfficio D. P, Rogers Presitent of the Society Charles Thom Committee -on Research Grants t& --hblication G, D. Darker, Chm., '53 J, N. Couch, '54 Ralph Emerson, '55 - Committee to Aid A.1 .Bas. on Biological Handboo& V, M. Cutter W. J, Nickerson G. D, Darker George B, Cumins, Chm. Leland Shanor E, B. Mains I!]. G. Solheim G, W, Martin Zrdinan !Jest D, P, Rogers C. E, Yarwood D, B, 0, Savile Committee an Arrangements for 1953 meetinp, with A .I .I? .S, G. V. Keitt, Chm, M. P. Backus I<. B. Taper H. C. Greene Committee on Arrangements for Forax 7-- - lm Ha C. Greene, Chm. Annual Lecture Committee - 1953 Alexander He Smith, Chm, G. W, Martin John S. Karling Report of the Secretary-Treasurer The year beginning September 10, 1951 and ending September 8, 1952 has been one of continued growth for the Society and one in which new activities have been initiated, Research G~antswere made this year for the first time as a result of stucly and recommendations of the Committee on Research Grants and Publication. A total of $950 was awarded to sui3port cost of publication, mterials for research, and travel in connection with research projects. One hundred dollars of this amount was returned to the Society because the recipient was prevented from carry- ing out the proposal for ~hichthe grant was made. A ~eportof the Committee on Research Grants and the anno~tncementconcerning those grants for 1953 will be found elsewhere in the N'EtJSLZT'lTIR. A committee headed bp Dr. G. B, Cwnins was appointed during this past year to study the feasability of establishing a monograph series and make its recom- mendations to the Council, This committee presented a very encowaging report at the Council Meeting in Ithaca, Since sone aspects of the study need further in- vestigation before a final report can be presented to the Council and to the Society at its business meeting for action, the committee will continue its work and it hopes to have its recomniendations ready by the the of our next annual meeting in Madison in September 1953. The membership of the Society continues to grow at a healthy rate, Between September 1951 and September 1952 a total of 59 regular members, one new associate, and one new sustaining member have been addedb the roll of the Society, Five former members were reinstated, one regular ne,.lber became a Life Member, and two regular members became Emeritus Members. Over tnis sanie period there have been 7 resignations, 21 names removed foi non-payr~ent of dues or because mail was returned repeatedly and we were unable to obtain a correct address, and 7 members were lost by death. Last ycar at this time the total membership of the Society was 602 in all categories of membership. This year the total is 635 distributed as follows : 600 regular iieiilbors, 5 life mer~be~s,2 corresponding members, 7 emeritus members, 5 associa*Les, 2 affiliates, and 14 sustaining members. The finances of the Society are in good shape, Last year at the time of the annual audit there was in the checking account a total of $1535.35, $885.35 in the operations fund and $650 in the Sustaining 2,lembership fund not yet disbursed. This ycar we had $1399.35, 5999.35 for operations and $400 remaining in the Sustaining idembership fund. We have been able to add something to the operations reserve each year for the past several years. In 1948 the balance at the end of the year was ':~269.43, in 1949 it was $438.34, in 1950 it was $837.75, in 1951 it was $885.35, and this year it was $999.35, This reflects a healthy condition far, in spite of rising costs, we have been able to expand activities and still operate on our in- come and have a slight balance each year, From tie look-out post of the Secretary-Treasurer, it would appear that the Society car. look ahead witn confidence to another good year.-Leland Shanor F- F- 7The 1952 The 1952 Foray was held at Ithaca, New York, on September 4, 5, and 6.