Drinking Water Quality in Rural Pennsylvania and the Effect of Management Practices Drinking Water Quality in Rural Pennsylvania and the Effect of Management Practices By Bryan R. Swistock, M.S., Stephanie Clemens, M.S. and William E. Sharpe, Ph.D., School of Forest Resources and Institutes of Energy and the Environment, Pennsylvania State University January 2009 This research was sponsored by a grant from the Center for Rural Pennsylvania, a legislative agency of the Pennsylvania General Assembly. The Center for Rural Pennsylvania is a bipartisan, bicameral legislative agency that serves as a resource for rural policy within the Pennsylvania General Assembly. It was created in 1987 under Act 16, the Rural Revitalization Act, to promote and sustain the vitality of Pennsylvania’s rural and small communities. Information contained in this report does not necessarily reflect the views of individual board members or the Center for Rural Pennsylvania. For more information, contact the Center for Rural Pennsylvania, 200 North Third St., Suite 600, Harrisburg, PA 17101, telephone (717) 787-9555, fax (717) 772-3587, email:
[email protected]. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Millions of rural and suburban Pennsylvania residents rely on private wells for drinking water, and, each year, 20,000 new wells are drilled. While research has shown that many private wells in the state have failed at least one drinking water standard, Pennsylvania remains one of the few states without any private well regulations. This study was conducted to better understand the prevalence and TABLE OF CONTENTS causes of private well contamination and to evaluate the role of regulatory versus voluntary management of private wells.