Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences Volume 107/2 Vienna 2014 Small- to meso - scale brittle rock structures and the estimation of “paleostress” axes – A case study from the Koralm region (Styria/Carinthia)______________________ Franz-Josef BROSCH1) & Gerald PISCHINGER1)2)*) KEYWORDS paleostress analysis brittle tectonics Koralm Tunnel 1) Institute of Applied Geosciences, TU Graz, Rechbauerstraße 12, A-8010 Graz, Austria; Florianer beds 2) Geoconsult ZT GmbH, Hölzlstraße 5, A-5071 Wals bei Salzburg, Austria; Eastern Alps Badenian *) Corresponding author,
[email protected] Koralpe Abstract Mapping of fault slip data and the consecutive estimation of paleostress orientations are routine procedures during structural geo- logical investigation. In addition, there are various other small- to mesoscale features of brittle deformation which are frequently nei- ther mapped nor routinely used for paleostress analysis. In this paper we present such data, i.e. conjugate shear fractures, faulting related secondary fractures, tensile/extensional fractures, veins, low angle shears and listric faults, from the Koralpe, Eastern Alps. Paleostress orientations are determined with the help of stereographic projection techniques and compared to the results of published fault slip data and fault slip data gathered during tunnelling of the Koralm Tunnel in the Badenian Florianer beds of the western Sty- rian Basin. The analysed data yield paleostress axes which may be attributed to the three Andersonian fault types with similar ori- entations as the ones achieved by fault slip analysis. Yet, a reliable (relative) timing of the different tectonic events is not possible on the basis of the structures analysed and time constraints from the surrounding basins are limited to Ottnangium till Sarmatium.