SUNNER teoe Print Post Approved PP 242295/00141 The Real Australian is a registered trade mark of the Bush Church Aid Society. Rob's gift First published 1920 • Edition No. 310 Circulation 32,000 Admin. Desk TO THE MURCHISON All enquiries to: The Editor The Bush Church Aid Society of , hank you to our Supporters who •first met Rob when he came to church in assurance of salvation that we nave Level 7,37 York Street, , NSW 2000. Tresponded so readily with changes of • Mt Magnet for the first and last time. as Christians. email: [email protected] addresses, details, ages and occupations. When it came time for communion Rob After a few months Rob bought a house Website: The changeover to the enhanced data- got up and walked out. I assumed, never in town and was getting ready to settle base has gone exceedingly well and we to be seen again. BCA DIRECTORY down when he began having some chal- thank you for your prayers and response. That night there was a knock at the lenges with his boss. Rob ended up PRESIDENT: We will include a Change of Details form The Most Rev Harry Goodhew door. It was Rob. I even remembered his quitting and was now out of work. He got in each magazine and encourage you to CHAIRMAN: name. (Not so surprising when you con- some casual work and on one occasion The Rev Dr Vic Roberts use this whenever necessary. sider that one of my major prayer points he filled in his day scrimming part of VICE-PRESIDENT: You will notice that our Catalogue has for Mt Magnet is that a man would start the ceiling of our church, which was The Rev Tom Morgan changed also—the old favourites will coming to church regularly. For in over 4 beginning to fall in. HON. TREASURER: remain—cards, pencils, calendars, years, only on 4 occasions has a man Mr Kevin Alexander Rob had always had a challenge with Christian books and music—but after fronted at a service in Magnet.) NATIONAL DIRECTOR: "going to church", even though he'd been The Rev Brian Roberts much prayerful consideration we will be I invited Rob in for a cuppa. Rob turned a Christian since his school days. So Rob deleting other items from our Catalogue NATIONAL OFFICE: The Rev Brian Roberts out to be a Chippie (a carpenter), who never came to our services either. And yet Level 7, 37 York Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 when our supplies are depleted. slept in a swag at his boss's shed. Rob, an evangelist at heart, saw himself Phone: (02) 9262 5017 • Fax: (02) 9262 5020 We have found other outlets offering From that first n i g h t Rob and I began to email: [email protected] as a worker for God behind enemy lines. similar, if not the same products in some ADMINISTRATION MANAGER: Mrs Robyn Williams meet together regularly. (Apparently he He'd speak to anyone he came across email: [email protected] cases, and now want to offer you some- was impressed that I'd remembered his about his God and of his or her need to thing unique to BCA, and something NSW/ACT OFFICE: The Rev Paul Dew name!) We spoke of all types of things, find God. And although Rob would speak Level 7, 37 York Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 whereby the greater proportion of the and during our chats I believe Rob came to his friends about coming to church or Phone: (02) 9262 5017 • Fax: (02) 9262 5020 sale goes to gospel work throughout to a greater understanding of the personal coming to see me, they never came. One email: [email protected] Australia. We are sure you will agree. VIC/TAS OFFICE: The Rev Murray Lament PO Box 281, Heidelberg, Vic 3084 In the meantime, Mother Meg's Christmas Phone: (03) 9457 7556 • Fax: (03) 9457 7610 Cakes and Puddings have arrived, CHANGE OF DETAILS Please keep us informed of any changes to your details email: [email protected] together with our Christmas cards. There SA/NT OFFICE: The Rev David Hand so that we can keep our data base up to date and save unnecessary costs. are new CD's and Gift Packs for GPO Box 2511, Adelaide, SA 5001 Supporter No. {can be found above your name on the back cover) Phone: (08) 8231 7060 • Fax: (08) 8212 4177 Christmas. We hope Name email: [email protected] you will support the QLD/NTHN NSW OFFICE: TheRevLes Change of Address Monaghan Society by ordering PO Box 6565, Upper Mt Gravatt, Qld. 4122 these products. Phone: (07) 3349 9081 • Fax: (07) 3849 7927 Change of phone number/fax/email email: [email protected] ROBYN WILLIAMS Occupation Year of Birth/Age Range (3i-4o,4i-50,etc.) WA OFFICE: The Rev Raymond Molyneux Administration Manager Other information we need to know GPO Box N1024, Perth, WA 6843 Phone/Fax: (08) 9592 2798 Phone: (02)9262 5017 email: [email protected] Fax : (02) 9262 5020 Front cover photographs: Main picture—Roxby Downs Storm, 1999. Inset: Students from Numbulwar Email: [email protected] in the Certificate in Translation Course with Elizabeth Caldwell and instructors David and]an Crawford. DESIGN & ARTWORK BY BOKKAROO GRAPHICS (02) 9281 1410 Brigade and elsewhere, that I too "worked behind enemy lines". And so when Rob heard of our troubles with our Sunday School and of or 76 years BCA provided the people 1930 to replace the old stone farmhouse. our need to build a shed Fof Outback Australia with a medical All these pioneering and humble but to combat the problem, ministry, commencing in 1922 with a devoted beginnings of Christian Medical he offered to help. And Bush Nurse in East Gippsland, . Healing had been put into operation that's what he's done. At In that thickly forested and mountain- under the guidance of Rev S J Kirkby, Rob Nester presenting the shed to the parish. the end of the day Rob ous area of Gippsland, the nearest Doctor day, in our conversation, I told Rob the saved our building project over $4000 and and Hospital were eighty kilometres statistical truth, that most people start we have the straightest, child-safe shed, away, with an indifferent telephone coming to church because a friend or around. So this shed is Rob's gift to the service, poor roads and only a horse as transport for a nurse laden with respon- relative brings them along. Rob didn't Murchison. (With thanks also to the sibility. Later, the BCA Bush Dispensary seem convinced. Outback Church Foundation, G & B facilitated the Nurse's work which con- Then, Rob moved away for work. A Collins, Mt Magnet Gold and G & C Henry.) tinued until 1963. couple of months later Rob came for a But that's still not the end of the story. visit. Now in Perth, Rob was going to Rob said in passing that he'd come back It is now 1924—the Rev N Haviland, another time to work on the church at first BCA Missioner at Ceduna has been Where BCA started atTarcoola. church each week. (Typical! It happens so The Lady Dugan Medical Hostel (in 1941). often that churches in the city benefit Meekatharra, as it needs expert repairs. I ministering over an extensive area for 3 from our ministry. For when someone said "OK" but never took him too seriously. years and the local community challenges the first Organising Missioner of BCA up BCA to provide a hospital and nursing becomes a Christian, you can bet that Well the other day Rob rang me to tell me to 1932. care for its people. they'll move within a month. But that's that he'd spoken to his boss about taking Now a period of great and extensive life here. That's why we need the support time off to do the job later in the year. From this call, BCA opened its first expansion commenced under the Rev of a group like BCA with supporters who And I have no doubt he'll be back. hospital—The Ceduna-Thevenard Hospital, Tom Jones whose leadership as Organ- in a stone farmhouse on the outskirts of ising Missioner was to extend from 1935 are concerned about Gospel ministry ALLAN BATE-Mt Magnet being available to Christians and to non- Ceduna in September 1925, with Sister to 1958. Melitta and the kids inside the shed. Christians alike. And as our Parish Doris Percival as the Matron/Nurse. A At Ceduna, the local community finally medical practitioner in the area provided covers 2.5% of Australia's land built a modern 20 bed hospital, complete his services at the hospital. area, and Gospel ministry is rare, with electric light (!) and requested BCA we certainly get heaps of opportu- Some 80 kilometres further west, the to accept responsibility for its staffing and nities to tell people about Jesus.) people of the small town of Penong erect- operation. Thus Murat Bay District ed a purpose built Memorial Hospital and Hospital opened on 1st February 1937. Now when Rob moved away, it asked BCA to take responsibility for its These hospitals not only provided physi- wasn't the end of our involvement operation when it opened in 1928. It cal healing but also a loving Christian with him. Rob, through his time closed as a hospital in 1965. witness to all who came. spent at Mt Magnet, recognised Back in Ceduna, increasing needs for the need for having a gospel pres- 1937 saw another extension of the heal- services resulted in the opening of a ence in the area. He realised, ing ministry when the modern Bishop house in the township as a hospital in through my involvement in the Fire Kirkby Memorial Hospital (a memorial to Augusta. Then in 1946 BCA became of the service at Ceduna from 1955 to responsible for Wudinna Hospital about 1967. To manage this complex operation 200 kilometres SE of Ceduna. at the local level, an Administrator, Mr. Each of these additional centres of Stan Hummerston was appointed in medical work, together with larger pas- 1964. His wise and guiding service for toral properties and community centres, BCA continued with various types of came under the umbrella of the Flying work and in various places in Australia The bare beginnings of the hospital at Cook, 1939. Penong Hospital, circa 1938. Medical Service so that, in 1947 an addi- from 1958 to 1984. At various times the Hospital at Cook the first Organising Missioner of BCA) tional and larger twin-engined De In February 1965, BCA staff com- was extended and refurbished and it con- was opened at Cook on the Trans- Haviland Dragon aeroplane was brought menced operating a Medical Centre, later tinued to serve its original functions. Australian Railway Line midway between into service. to become a Hospital at Coober Pedy, However technological advances in the Port Augusta in SA and Kalgoorlie in WA. Gradually the Flying Medical Service some 250 kilometres north of Tarcoola. 1990's resulted in the elimination of the The people of Cook and nearby "railway network and scope of work increased. By 1967 it had become evident that it many railway "maintenance camps", camps" had already been receiving the The BCA Pharmacy opened in Ceduna in would be unreasonable for BCA to con- privatisation of the Trans Australia spiritual ministry of the BCA Missioner 1948. In 1951 a Nursing Centre was tinue its widespread Flying Medical Railway line and finally abandonment from Penong and now medical assistance begun at Rawlinna, another Trans Service which it had operated since 1938 of Cook as a railway town. The need for was also brought much closer. Australia Railway line "camp". A Radio and as a result, the Royal Flying Doctor the Hospital no longer existed. A great day came in 1938 when after Control Room came into operation in Service took over the aerial and radio The last outpost and witness of BCA's much prayer, planning, giving and sacri- 1954 to provide better communication work from February 1968. The Hospitals seventy-six years of Healing Ministry, fice, the BCA Flying Medical Service not only within the Flying Medical Service at Ceduna and Wudinna continued under the Bishop Kirkby Memorial Hospital at Ambulance Aeroplane, a Fox Moth, under and its aeroplanes, but also with those BCA care until March 1969 when local Cook, was decommissioned on 14th Pilot Alan Chadwick, commenced service pastoral properties under its medical communities took over responsibility. March 1998. from Ceduna. The Doctor could now be care. This extended to a School of the Air BCA's work of medical healing accom- flown from Ceduna to Cook and various in 1956. panied with its spiritual nurturing has other centres, as they developed, without As part of the Flying Medical Services, only been possible under the hand of God the fatigue of road travel. a special Medical Centre was built and and through prayer, gifts and Christian In this same year, the Lutheran Church opened at Ceduna in I960—complete people using their various abilities, love of requested BCA to with Doctor's Surgery, Dental Surgery, and devotion in His Service over many make a Sister available for full time med- new Pharmacy and Offices—all staffed years. Their names are too numerous to BCA's Flying Medical Centre, Ceduna in the 60s. ical work at their Koonibba Aboriginal by BCA Christian workers. mention here, but these 76 years of heal- Mission where some help was already A BCA Ambulance Vehicle formed part The memory of this work has been pre- ing ministry are surely their memorial. being given. A medical building was pro- Ceduna—the third hospital served in the "BCA Room" at the Ceduna The question now... is there a need or vided and Sister Grace Hitchcock took up operated by BCA in the 40s. Heritage Museum where many items of opportunity for BCA to again take up this the work on her own and continued with medical equipment and papers have been area of ministry in some remote or neg- great devotion for six years. placed on display. lected part of Australia? In 1941 the BCA Healing Ministry again In conjunction with the Royal Flying CLEM KIRKBY-Archivist extended to staffing the Lady Dugan Doctor Service, the BCA Healing Ministry continued at Coober Pedy until 1977, Medical Hostel, later to become a hospi- An Archive Volunteer is needed to tal, at Tarcoola on the Trans Australian Tarcoola intermittently until 1995 and at clean 500 glass slides for Clem. Please contact Railway Line, 400 kilometres N^6f Port Cook on the Null^bor. the NSW office if you are available. that although many people mock am despite my faults. God has changed Christians and denounce Christ as an me little by little since I accepted his Son, impostor or as an irrelevance in their Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour and lives, when a Christian stumbles or does I look forward to the day when I shall something wrong the world is the first to meet him face to face. As a Christian I The roadside between denounce him or her. am forced to look at who I am, what I Leonora and Leinster As a Christian I see myself as no better think and how I behave towards others. than my fellow man but rather as being Many times since I have become a so fortunate to have been given such a Christian I have had to ask the forgive- IkJl inistry in the North Eastern indictment of what the world we live in profound gift—life eternal. Because I am ness of God for things that most people • Goldfields can often be hard and values as a successful person. just as flawed as any other person I often today wouldn't give a second thought to. seemingly fruitless leading to long spells It was through the example and wit- see myself as unworthy of God's love and It is this conviction and submission that of discouragement. But God is faithfully nessing of a work colleague that I began his gift of life everlasting—but God does makes me certain that there is a real and working away behind the scenes chang- to learn about the life and true meaning not see me that way! I don't see other personal God who cares for me, how I ing people and drawing them to him. We of who Christ is. After 6 months of objec- people as being less than who I am but I live and what I do in this world. I don't don't often see the results but occasionally tively reading the Bible, I began to dis- see them as people who struggle to have an exclusive right to this relation- God allows us some small highlights. I cover that the words contained in it were make sense of a world that is full of pain, ship or blessing—it is therefor anyone want to share one of those highlights with not just part of another book or manual hurt, jealousy and total selfishness. who wishes to accept Him. you. Over our eight years in this parish we written for an anonymous audience but Unfortunately they often seek answers My testimony as a Christian is incom- have met and ministered to some really were written for me personally. It was from a world that is the cause of their plete, as the journey is not yet over. I wonderful people. I would like to intro- one afternoon at about 4.30 p.m. that I loneliness and feeling of isolation. Sadly don't know with any true certainty how duce you to one of them. His name is was asked the question—"Stuart, do you it is this same world that denies the exis- long I will live, or where I shall be in 5 or Stuart and here is his personal testimony. believe Jesus Christ is my Son and died tence of God or at least plays down His 10 years time, or what I may in fact be My prayer is that you will be as blessed by for you?" As God asked me that question ability to change a person's life. doing 12 months from now, but I have his story as we have been. I felt the saddest feeling or emotion I had People who know me well, such as my no fear of the future but place my faith in "I was working with a large mining ever experienced, a sense of tragic, and wife, my son, Jhends and work col- what God has in store for me." company and from a career and financial profound grief. In my heart, that signified leagues, understand that I am just as STUART point of view was doing well Even to me the pain that God experienced as imperfect as the rest of mankind. But Stuart is currently in a management He allowed his Son to die on the cross so they also know that I walk a daily, some- though I was financially independent position with a large mining company in that I might be forgiven. I have never times an hourly, journey along a path and, by the standards of the corporate the parish. His wife and son are in Perth. been as certain of anything in my life as that is set by God for me. I don't always world making good progress in my He is studying the Moore Theological I was that day when I submitted to God follow the path in pure obedience career, I kept wondering what the point College PTC course in his spare time. and gave my life to Him. because sometimes my pride and arro- of it all was. I often witnessed, and sadly Please uphold Stuart and his family in Since that day I have lived my life on a gance leads me to think I can do things still do today, the greed, ambition and your prayers. ruthlessness that seem to manifest itself daily basis seeking to be more like the my way. But I have never stopped in corporate business. The lengths that one that I serve. Sometimes I succeed following Him, nor been tempted to turn LES AND JENNY GAULTON people take to achieve the next promo- and many times I fail but unlike my away from Him, because unlike every —North East Goldfields tion, receive that extra kudos or to fellow man, God always continues to other person I have ever met, God has ensure their job security at the expense love me, forgive me and guide me to never forsaken me, never disappointed and pain of others seems to me a sad where he wants me to be. It is interesting me or ever stopped loving me for who I HHJUH

The Challenge?? Christmas time once again. Time to means he'd be immune to all those things 0 I /O of Christians are converted before o (•^think about Jesus' coming. that create human suffering: pain, humili- their 18th birthday. It follows then that it God is so very BIG! You may remember ation, rejection, loneliness...But Jesus is vital to get in touch with today's singing "My God is so big". But the was hated and rejected, his life was filled youth—to reach them for Christ. Being account of the visit of Jesus is not really with sorrow and terrible suffering. If I involved with the youth is an important what you'd expect from a God who is so was God I wouldn't put up with that! focus of ministry for our Field Staff and big is it? Yet Jesus did. we are thankful for the opportunities that Picture a young newly engaged couple Well at least if you were God you'd not Queue for sausages, School mufti day. the Lord has opened in schools, not only who struggle to put hand to mouth. They have to put up with temptation eh? After to our Field Staff but to our Regional constantly bombarding us. However as an arrive in any small town you can think of, all you'd be above all that wouldn't you? Officers as well. Anglican school we believe it is important and after a long trip, stop in a rundown Jesus wasn't. In fact he was made like us Anglican School children have taken to support in prayer, awareness raising roadhouse where the very pregnant 'in everyway'. up the challenge to support our field s t a f f and financially the efforts of the Anglican young bride-to-be gives birth to a baby Have you ever thought that 'nobody and so learn of the ongoing ministry of Church. This year we had the Rev Paul boy, and names him Jesus. This helpless understands me? That life's too hard?' BCA. We are so excited that these chil- Dew address our assembly and inspire baby, totally dependent upon his mother, Well Jesus has 'walked in your shoes' and dren, who may have no other way of us with the work God is doing through is none other than GOD! he knows those feelings and temptations. learning about BCA have this opportunity BCA missionaries. This very same BIG, AWESOME GOD This is the amazing reality of Christ- in their own school! We devoted first term to collecting funds came as a crying baby with nappy rash mas. God became one of us. He did this so Danebank Anglican School for Girls at through class money boxes and cele- just like you and me. he could die in our place. He was born to Hurstville, NSW, is one such school. The brating with a mufti day and sausage Now if you were God would you have die. No it wasn't to give us sentimental Head of the Junior School, Mrs Laraine sizzle. Each class was also encouraged done it that way? I mean if you had to songs to sing about mangers and shepherds Lucas, writes: to adopt a family with whom they could choose some way to come to earth with and angels. Rather it was to give us life at "Over the last seven years the Danebank correspond either through letter or email. everything at your fingertips, h o w would His own expense. Will this Christmas find Junior School students have supported a Class IB compiled a booklet to send to you do it? Come as a member of the you embracing the 'kid born in the shed' charity each term. There is no shortage ofRev Malcolm and Mrs Leanne Reid and Royal family? A President? A Prime for God will set you free from sin and appeals from very worthwhile causes their children Alyssa, Jaryd and Xanthe. Minister? Yet God comes as the ordinary death by simply trusting in the work that son of a carpenter! this 'down to earth' Jesus accomplished. Enjoying the sausage sizzle, Already we have had an informative Danebank Junior School mufti day. email, and Malcolm visited the school in Well of course the bigness of God PAUL DEW-Mtor term 3 while in Sydney attending Post Ordination Training. Within the Junior School each House is We look forward to supporting BCA other schools throughout Australia to allocated a charity and a notice board. As for many years and for the students to support our ministry and to learn about Richmond are responsible for BCA it is up develop a supportive heart for the people the continuing work of our Society. who commit to this vital work through- to the house captains and vice captains to For further information on how we keep the information on the board up to out Australia." can work together with your school date and make an announcement at We have been encouraged by the please contact the assembly once a month. students at Danebank and challenge Regional Officer in your State. echoes of Scripture. Numerous times the apostle Paul talks about ministry in I N OUR STRUGGLES terms of a struggle or a wrestle. Ministry is war. But it is war that is not e were in Newman to bring in This is not new. Many of you have waged alone. God is with us and so are the New Year. We saw the flood heard it—news spreads quickly in the SEVEN W his people. We are told in Colossians waters come and surround the house. BCA family. However, in the fragility that Epaphras wrestled in prayer for YEARS The same flood w o u l d bring rising sewer- of life and ministry I have learnt a the Colossians and for the Pauline BEFORE THE MASTER age waters that would gush from people's few things. mission. The Philippian saints we are he Reverend Les Monaghan the toilets to flood their homes. Then we I remember talking to a returned mis- told participated and suffered along TQueensland/Northern NSW Regional were afforded a respite in Sydney only to sionary how he could 'feel' people's with Paul for the gospel. There was a Officer is retiring, and is bound forWoolgoolga experience the theft of a car. Arriving prayers when he was on the mission field. co-dependence between Paul and the in the Grafton Diocese. back in Newman we started to settle in as It seemed a bit weird at the time. You see churches he was attached to. This was Ruth (Les' wife) has always been of great the rain settled. Afternoon storm clouds I'm not naturally a 'prayer'. I guess left to shown through their prayers, their assistance to Les especially over the last seven gathered and dumped their contents. The ourselves none of us are. You know what years. It has been a team ministry, as they financial support and in other ways. locals told us it was unusually wet. But they say 'when the going gets tough, the went from parish to parish on Sundays. In the same way the army of BCA before the wet had finished, a half heart- tough get...'. We'll that's me. When things Les to preach and Ruth to man the BCA table supporters and our churches have ed trip to the Doctor saw Leanne and our are a struggle, I just do more. I up the anti and be a BCA "catcher" as people came out been with us. son on the first available plane to Perth (usually). But in the fragility of life I find of church. Many people caught the vision and There is however, another side to and to Princess Margaret Hospital for myself thrown down in prayer. Not only I, are among our best supporters. the coin. The dependence works both Children. The rest of us joined a couple of but so are others. In our trials many The Brisbane BCA is located under the ways. People told me on my recent trip days later. Overnight Jaryd became an people prayed for us. Your concern was residence (not far to go to work!) Les has 'back east' that as much as they expanded the base established by his prede- insulin dependent diabetic—with a chal- felt and the many phone calls and letters encouraged me, the ministry in cessor Ernest Horth.The BCA Brisbane team lenging medication and dietary regime. assured us of your support, and our Newman enlarged their vision of their of Les and Ruth, Dianne Harris and Ruth We thought we were a pretty resilient heavenly Father's supremacy in the situa- partnership in the gospel. One man Blackburn, has improved the regional profile family up to this time. We'd gone from tions we found ourselves. remarked that it was easy to sit in a of BCA and increased the income support. inner city Sydney to Industrial Port Christina from Danebank School sent a cosy North Shore Sydney church and A feature of the region has been four very Hedland in the vast North West. From book of pic- not to see beyond the walls of their successful coach tours to BCA centres and large churches built on long years of Bible tures and the own church. But his vision has been encouragement was given to those we pray teaching to struggling churches with text with this for on the field. New diocesan friendships were enlarged—he was part of God's glory mixed congregations and heritage. We picture reads formed amongst the travellers. being made known to the farther parts thought we were resilient but now we "To the Reid Bible based weeks have become a popular of this nation. looked and felt awfully fragile. I think at family, I am feature and another innovation this year has This desert-like area has not seen that stage I craved a stable congregation in Danebank. been the BCA Bible Contest with a good rain for a long time now and I have to lean on. They were tremendous—but We are going response from entrants. viewed the future of the ministry here not stable. Families left—all caught up in to pray every Les and Ruth would like to thank all those in a small shrinking mining town the inevitable trickle as workers left BHP day". who shared fellowship, prayed, and generally through the eyes of our fragility. That supported them and the field staff all around This is a trickle that continues to this day In all that has been good because it is God's Australia. Now it is time for a new team and will continue into next year. So even went on I work and He is supreme. of God's people to do God's work. ministry seems overwhelmingly tenuous. heard the MALCOLM REID-Newman LES MONAGHAN BCA House AT NUNGALINYA COLLEGE, DARWIN

of God's preparation for us. We certainly Ray and Elizabeth report: never envisioned being in the Outback, "We both turned up at the College, were let alone being involved in caring for immediately accepted, and put to work, by young people!! the College staff. Elizabeth began by help- We believe, across the world, young ing to set up the filing system in prepara- people are all the same, as are those from tion for the next theology training courses the Outback. Their languages may differ and then helping with advertising material and their cultures be all their own, but all Elizabeth Caldwell with Elizabeth and Ray Hoyle. for the Dunilli Art o you live in a home with are loved by God and need a relation- Department. he first 'BCA Nomads' Ray and Dteenagers? Or have you ever? ship with Him. Our hearts desire is to When we arriv- Elizabeth Hoyle from St Luke's Multiply that to 14 teens and you will share that amazing love with the T ed at the college, Modbury, SA set off on their post have some idea of what life is like at students here. word was received retirement trip. Spending time at BCA House, Broken Hill. Comings and Slowly but surely we are getting to that the Grounds- Nungalinya College was a practical goings, hilarity and arguments, clothes know the 'outback culture' and each of man/Handyman way to support BCA staffer Elizabeth and more clothes, puberty blues, the students we are here to care for. had been flown Caldwell and her colleagues at boyfriends and girlfriends, to say noth- Interaction and communication with to Adelaide for Australia's first theological college for ing of the endless and time consuming parents is essential, not only for the well urgent medical indigenous Australians and to make phone calls! being of each of the students, but for us treatment. Ray use of their ministry gifts. Ray and Elizabeth use Nick and I arrived in Broken Hill in as well. We are also getting used to the was therefore mid-July for our first term at BCA the skills gained in their wind, the dust, the flies (and it's not even careers to make thrown in at the House, after God opened the door wide summer yet!), the red dirt, administration a difference at deep end by pick- for us to be house parents here. With work and living far from our families and Nungalinya College. ing up on the little knowledge of BCA and having friends. God is so faithful and we are work for which read the article in the summer edition thankful for his work in us and for the the groundsman would have normally of the Real Australian about past blessing of new friends and a relatively been responsible. Proof that God's timing conditions at BCA House, we were new culture, even in our own country. was, once more, impeccable". extremely thankful that things have changed, and for those who work with NICK AND ANNE TICKNER excellence here in the house. —House Parents, BCA House Broken Hill For further information about The BCA Nomads, mail, fax or email this form to: The BCA Nomads, Level 7, 37 York Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Our past experiences with young Fax: (02) 9262 5020 or Email: [email protected] people included fostering for the last Name: couple of years, working with street kids for Nick and nursing in a private Address: girls school for Anne. Obviously this covers a wide range of adolescents and Phone: Fax: their needs, but we believe it was part Email



BISHOP TONY NICHOLS BISHOP RON STONE 1 Kununurra—Archdeacon Bob 19 Winton—Rev Dennis & Mrs Lois Quinn & Mrs Denise Rothwell 2 Broome—Rev David & Mrs Cheryl O'Mara BISHOP-Vacant —Mr Andrew & Mrs Kylie Ford (affiliated) 20 Forbes BCA House-Mr Kelvin 3 Newman—Rev Malcolm & Mrs Leanne Reid & Mrs Annette Hill 4 Hedland—Archdeacon Bill & Mrs jocelyn Ross 21 Dubbo—Koori ministry—Rev Gloria 5 Karratha/Dampier-Rev Philip & Mrs Kathy Knif & Mr Eddie Shipp Rev Robert & Mrs Kaye Healy (Ministry Mining Arrangement) 6 Wickham—locum BISHOP CLYDE WOOD 7 Paraburdoo/Tom Price—Rev Joe 22 Cairns—St Luke's—Rev Jim & Mrs Jeanette Sullivan & Mrs Lala Leftwich 8 Mt Magnet (Murchison)—Rev Allan 23 Normanton—Rev Vic & Mrs Mellita Bate & Mrs Doreen McNamara 9 Leinster (NE Goldfields)-Rev Les & Mrs Jenny Gaulton BISHOP PHILIP FREIER 24 Darwin—Nungalinya College PERTH! -Ms Elizabeth Caldwell Darwin—Anglicare—Mr Peter & Mrs Lynne Fisher

Lord our God, help us to remember 25 WA Part-time Officer- those who live in isolated and remote parts Rev Raymond Molyneux of our land. We ask you to strengthen and 26 SA Officer-Rev David Hand encourage all whose ministries are supported Mrs Helen Gitsham by The Bush Church Aid Society. Refresh them in times of discouragement BISHOP—Vacant 27 Vic. & Tas. Officer—Rev Murray Lamont, and loneliness and call others to stand with 10 Coober Pedy—Rev Ian & Mrs Ann Bednall Miss Sueanne Maw them in the task of making Christ known. 11 Roxby Downs and Mid-West Mission- 28 NSW & ACT Officer- Grant that, through the ministry of Word Rev Ian & Mrs Glenda McGrath Rev Paul Dew, Ms Anabel Walters, and Sacraments, through caring service and 12 Leigh Creek—Rev Ted & Mrs Morwen Watkin BISHOP PETER BRAIN Mrs Michele Peacock by support for young people, the message 16 Lightning Ridge-Rev Rick 29 Qld. & Northern NSW Officer- of your redeeming love may be proclaimed Rev Les Monaghan, Mrs Dianne Harris, BISHOP BRUCE CLARK & Mrs Danielle Maude and accepted by the people of our land. Mrs Ruth Blackburn 14 Broken Hill BCA House- We ask these things through Mr Nick & Mrs Anne Tickner BISHOP JOHN HARROWER Jesus Christ our Lord. 15 Wilcannia/Menindee— 30 Rev Brian Roberts, Mrs Robyn Williams, Amen. 17 King Island-Rev Richard Mr Brian & Mrs Beverley Bell & Mrs Jennifer Minol Mrs Amutha Gibson, Mrs Kris MacKenzie, Miss Rebecca Williamson, Mrs Rinda Scott If you'd like more details for prayer, 18 Furneaux Islands-Rev Bob & Mrs Sue Witten 31 Associate Prayer Partners send for our free quarterly prayer notes. Post P in^ • • fRY FAREWELL has given opportunity for the Parish Dennis and Lois Putting ttte Olympics Les and Ruth to assess the needs and seek out new Quinn hail from in perspective... Monaghan have models to provide a ministry in a difficult the Parish of Bay nn Manley, a strong Christian within finished a seven year area of Australia. Vic and Doreen will West, Sandy Bay, the Lightning Ridge Community stint in the most probably leave Normanton and in Hobart. Dennis Church was teaching Scripture last week and Northern NSW move closer to family around Gympie in was ordained in in the local Primary School. Ann had been region. All in the south eastern Queensland. As those who 1995 and has served in an honorary one of the "lucky" ones selected to run Society are grateful for the energy and have received their very informative capacity under the Rev John de Groote with the Torch Relay. commitment which has brought about newsletters know, Vic and Doreen have in the Sandy Bay region. Dennis and a reinvigorated Regional Committee, had a wide, varied and interesting ministry Lois are both from a medical back- strong network of supporters and key over the four years they have been in ground and up until this appointment local parish clergy and well as the Normanton. Pray that the next chapter Dennis was working in medical increase in regional commitment to of ministry will unfold for them in the research at the University of Tasmania. the overall work of the Society. Les has near future. Dennis and Lois are not new to BCA's pioneered the setting up of local interest WELCOME style of ministry. They provided a first groups and regional deputationists to Welcome to Andrew rate ministry in the Diocese of North assist increasing local parish awareness and Kylie Ford, West Australia while undertaking a of the mission and work. Les and Ruth and their children locum in Kununurra. Dennis and will retire to Woolgoolga at the end Benjamin 6, Jessica Lois will start in Winton in mid of the year. They will be on leave from 5, and Rebekah 3, February 2001. Ann in the red jumper with the red mike October. It is clear from the number of who are destined THANKS on the left near the key board expressions of interest received in the for Broome for a few years as assistants On Thursday, 31st August she walked up coming vacancy already that Les and to David and Cheryl O'Mara. The Fords Thanks to all the Locums who have into the Scripture class as she has every Ruth commended themselves to all are 'affiliate' workers with Bush Church kept it going in Winton over the past second week of this year. The teacher and that they leave behind a task that Aid. The Society is pleased to be able 18 months—each making their own asked what special thing Mrs Manley did has good creditability in the Diocese to help with their placement and will distinctive mark and contribution. of the Region. provide them with the usual care network We thank Earl Hughes, Judy Edgar, the previous weekend (20th August). One very unlikely boy finally p u t up his hand In December the prayer support and holiday travel funding John Quaiffe and Colleen Robertson. and said "She was singing songs to us support from the given to field s t a f f . Their stipend, housing Thank you also for the huge effort put Society to the and the provision of a vehicle is being in by the local congregation and about Jesus." Mrs Manley had been one Diocese of North arranged from a special gift from a Diocesan support over of the church music group that had sung Queensland for generous benefactor. Andrew is com- this extended 30 minutes of Christian music to the Vic and Doreen pleting his fourth year at Moore College vacancy. crowd at the pre Flame celebrations. McNamara's ministry in the Southern as a Sydney candidate. He will be The carrying of the torch had been Gulf Parish comes full term. The 'grant in ordained in Sydney before leaving forgotten into ancient history—but the aid' funding over these past three years for Broome in February. words of God still remained. The Missus? Opportunities

adults do. Then on Tuesday morning she school. This is a highlight of the week for teaches a Scripture lesson to the younger first grade children. Often they seek 0 what does the Missus do with her- classes and then assists with the older Denise out in the shops or at the markets ssel f while you're being the Minister in children. She also spends time chatting to introduce her to their parents. And Kununurra?" with the staff. When we are not at sometimes it's the parents who seek her 1 knew the answer. Denise was going Oombulgurri the mornings are often out, because they must meet this Mrs to so many different activities that I had spent as a volunteer at the School/ Rothwell that their child keeps talking From Karratha Dampier. H to put her schedule on my office wall. Community library. about. Denise reminds more children of e are very grateful for the min- On Sundays there's church at We get back to Kununurra just in time their grandmothers than any other Wistry of Rob and Kaye Healy, Kununurra—always with a Sunday School for the Tuesday afternoon pre-school woman living. who have reinstated Scripture teach- lesson prepared in case some children class. Denise runs a special programme After lunch there is a special prayer ing at Dampier Primary School, and turn up. On Sunday afternoons twice a twice a week to help prepare a group for meeting to pray for the local school. started a weekly Kids' Club. The month she comes to Wyndham for "big school". When pressed, she will Saturdays in the summer are usually Healys live in Dampier, and they have evening services and visits the Aged Hostel admit that this is the most enjoyable part free for housework. But in the dry season certainly made their mark in the com- and hospital. of the week. Teaching young children are there's a Christian bookstall to organise munity. Rob has joined the Karratha what she was born and trained to do. One at the local markets. Here we both meet SES group, and does some volunteer mother said that her child "has come so many members of the community and work at the Dampier Seafarers Centre. far ahead in her ability to think things often make first contact with visitors They provide pastoral and school through and ask questions and I think as well. Scripture ministry in Pannawonica, that's because of you". Denise maintains our large collection a small mining town two hours Sometimes Tuesday evenings are a of Christian and family videos and lends drive away. time when we take couples through them out to many of her contacts. This We have had some wonderful expe- "Christianity Explained" as part of mar- helps to keep her in contact with parents riences in seeing people give their riage or baptism preparation. Denise and children. lives to the Lord. In the past few always participates in this and builds up When I asked why she takes on so weeks two young people, Stuart and a good rapport with the couple. many things she replied, "I do it to meet Cherith, have made a commitment, Wednesday mornings are free at the as many different people as possible." and we have baptised them on sepa- Denise Rothwell 'doing as usual'. moment. Until recently there was a visit "So, what does your old man do rate occasions in the sea at Dampier. Once a month, when the arrangements to a first g r a d e class at the local school to while you're being a grandmother to This has been a wonderful experience can be made, she flies w i t h me across to help the teachers for a couple of hours. Kununurra?!" for us, and for our whole church fam- ily, and we give thanks and praise to the Oombulgurri Aboriginal community. Wednesday evening is dinner and Bible BOB ROTHVtELL-Kununurra Often this means a lot of cleaning in the study night. God for their witness. Praise the Lord church and/or our accommodation. One On Thursday mornings while another for his provision of such beautiful time it meant an airbed and visiting frogs lady runs the Op shop, Denise sorts the weather that we can do these things in in a schoolroom. In the evening service, donated clothing in a storeroom. Then in comfort! And pray with us that we will Denise especially helps the children to the afternoon it's back to pre-school. continue to faithfully preach the follow what is happening, as they always On Friday morning there are three gospel and see lives changed. turn out in greater numbers than the classes for Scripture lessons at the local PHILLIP KNIFE-Karratha/Dampier Nurse Practitioner IN OUR MINISTRY FOR THE TOP END What a Bible Week we had... ribie Island, a pleasant holiday newcomers alike State Health Services. Band retirement spot, was the were to benefit from SJ's vision and commitment to service place for the well attended first Bush SJ's commitment. continues to be foundational within the Church Aid Society Bible Week in After his untimely Society. Recently we became aware of an Queensland. death in 1935, the urgent need to provide a nurse practition- The Mystery in Ephesians was the Society built a hospi- er in Darwin. People from the communi- topic of studies lead by Kawanna tal in the new town of ties of Arnhem Land and Groote Eylandt BCA's first hospital at CedunalThevenard, 1925-3 / Waters rector, the Rev Bruce Worth- Cook, a railway town on the requiring medical attention need to come ington. Things that God only knew, Hor over 80 years the Bush Church Aid then new Trans Australian railway line, to Darwin for treatment and many of but which were working toward the I Society has had a strong ministry in memory of SJ Kirkby. A bold venture these need dialysis and a safe place to fulfilment of His plan, were seen to serving the people of remote and rural for it was situated in the middle of the stay. The Northern Territory Diocese, be revealed in Jesus Christ. Australia with its nursing and medical Nullarbor plain, halfway along the world's through Anglicare Top End, is seeking to John Arnold, rector of Bribie Island, service. straightest section of railway. build a place where these people can feel made all who came most welcome. In the early days of the Society's work, The Bishop Kirkby Memorial Hospital at home, be comfortably accommodated The Rev Jim and Mrs Lala Leftwich the first organising missioner Bishop served railway workers and travellers for and receive their dialysis treatment. The led the singing with an emphasis on Sydney James Kirkby, realised the needs over 60 years until technological Society has given an undertaking to seek aboriginality in worship. of those who lived beyond the end of the advances removed the reason for the out and fund a Christian nurse practition- Afternoon discussion groups led railway—people who were without town's existence. The school closed, the er to staff the clinic at the new complex. by different leaders gave opportunity medical support services and the clear for input from all present and the pool was drained, workers relocated As the need is so urgent we will start sounding message of salvation. SJ, as he interplay of understandings on moral and the hospital clinic examination the client operations ahead of the build- was affectionately known, realised these and church related topics held the light turned off for the final time in ing project. We have decided to launch a interest of all. needs could be met by recruiting and March 1998. Kirkby Foundation in memory of SJ, the sending forth medical staff who had a firm This was a sad day as it appeared to be proceeds from which will fund Christian LES MONAGHAN trust in the Lord. the last of the Medical & Nursing medical work and initially the placement SJ set up the first o f the bush clinic and Services. of the nurse in Darwin. The fund will be nursing outposts in the Gippsland forests In 1968 the Flying Medical Service officially launched early in 2001. The at Cann River in 1922 and a cottage which had begun 30 years earlier, had Kirkby Family have generously given the hospital in 1925 at Ceduna in South grown so vast that the Society handed it first $25,000 toward the foundation. Australia. From these small beginnings a over to the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Your generous support of the nurse network of medical support was to grow. The Hospitals in places where the popula- through our Nursing and Medical Services SJ's first commitment was to his Lord tion declined were closed and in those Fund will enable the ministry to come on and he worked out the Lord's love to him towns that grew to large numbers, such line now. Your donations to make this in service to the people who lived in these as Coober Pedy and Ceduna the BCA hos- happen will be tax deductible. remote parts. Original inhabitants and pital was handed to local boards and the ODDOrtUnitlSS N OUR MINISTRY For Christmas... The delight & surprise of answered prayer. BCAs special Christmas fare "Mother Meg's" Christmas Cakes A nswered prayer is always a delight God has lifted her & Traditional Puddings. /^because we see God's power at work spirit. Our prayer The cakes and puddings can be ordered either by yourself achieving His purposes and it is a surprise meeting, whilst or through the Box Secretary at your Church. because He does more than we ask or not bulging at the Kylie & Andrew Ford. BCA 230 imagine. Important for us as a family has CHRISTMAS PACK comprises: seams, has seen a few new people Mother Meg's 450g Christmas Cake, Mother Meg's 500g been to see Peter recover his stamina come. We have been praying for Christmas Pudding in cloth wrap, "Changes" CD by after the Kawasaki disease. We wait for labourers for the harvest and we have Mark Bonnici, pack of 12 assorted Christmas cards, the test in October when the specialist and pack of 6 BCA Christmas cards. a couple coming from Sydney next These items totalled would be worth $75.00—SAVE $10.00! will examine his heart. We are also grate- year (Andrew & Kylie Ford) and the ful that Cheryl has had an all clear from a BCA 201/202 Lord has miraculously supplied the MOTHER MEG'S Rich Traditional Christmas Cake spot which was removed from her arm. finance for this. This is in keeping with —gift boxed. Available in 450g and lkg sizes. As we meet with our church family and our goals for the Parish to be in BCA 203/204 Mother Meg's Traditional Christmas Pudding with others we are encouraged to keep Mission mode not maintenance mode praying for different needs and hear attractively wrapped in a striking black cloth. Available and keep moving forward. Our small in 500gand lkg sizes. Suitable for microwave ovens. answers. We have seen a number of 10am service has grown despite the items of answered prayer. Paul Clarke BCA 205/206 loss of 6 people and there are over 30 Mother Meg's Traditional Christmas Pudding who had bad health for a number of local people in attendance. For all attractively wrapped in a striking black cloth and presented months has improved. in a premium silver tin. Available in 500g and lkg sizes. these things and others we praise the Suitable for microwave ovens. Our Wednesday night Bible study has Lord for He is good. grown with the inclusion of 3 new BCA 230 BCA Christmas Pack $65.00 members. A member has testified that DAVID O'MARA-Broome BCA 201 450g Mother Meg's Christmas Cake $18.00 BCA 202 lkg Mother Meg's Christmas Cake $30.00 BCA 203 500g Christmas Pudding (cloth wrap) $14.00 BCA 204 1 kg Christmas Pudding (cloth wrap) $25.00 Companies help the Gospel go forward. BCA 205 500g Christmas Pudding (premium tin) $17.50 BCA 206 lkg Christmas Pudding (premium tin) $29.00 ver the past 18 months BCA supporters cel or value too small to transact, we will ALL PRICES ARE Ohave shown their strong commitment be happy to discuss any taxation concerns GST INCLUSIVE BCA 01S Christmas cards (assorted pack of 12) $9.00 Products only available BCA 016 BCA Christmas card (pack of 6) $12.00 to gospel outreach by gifting their recent you may have. while stocks last share windfalls. Gifts of shares from recent ROBYN millAMS-Administration Manager floats and de-mutualizations have seen BCA 016 shares added to BCAs portfolio. These BCA's OWN SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CARD shares, including the many thousands of Bursary produced by BCA from NRMA shares recently received, will con- a photograph by our tinue to produce a valuable income stream own Robyn Williams. L Up to $1200.00 is available The message inside reads... "May His Peace be with you to sustain outreach and ministry to remote for a high school student from this Christmas" and the Bible verse is Isaiah: 9:6 (Niv) and rural people. If you would like to join a remote location who may be DL size. In packs of 6 with envelopes. those who have provided an ongoing sup- having financial difficulty completing BCA 015 port by gifting your NRMA, or any other Year 12 (final year) in 2001. ASSORTED CHRISTMAS CARDS shares, contact the National Office. No par- Please contact 3 cards of each of four designs in packs Robyn Williams (02) 9262 5017 of 12 cards with envelopes. Buy country products-help country people. $( Please order on the Order Form Your gift buying helps gospel work across Australia on page 30 of this issue.

Products only available while stocks last.

WRITER'S PACK Keep in touch with friends this Christmas with a BCA "THE MEANING OF LIFE"—byjeanette Fogarty. Writer's Pack comprising a special selection of BCA products: The story ofjeanette's spiritual journey which started at 15 1 set of 5 blank Greeting Cards with envelopes, (please when she went on a camping trip with BCA to Coober Pedy. specify your choice of Landscapes or Flowers), 2 x BCA Whilst worshipping here she had a vision that answered the Bush Pencils, 1 set of postcards, a Perpetual Calendar, question in her heart—What is the meaning of life?". the book "Hope on the Horizon" byjocelyn Harvey Well written and easy to read. and 1 xpack 6 BCA Christmas cards with envelopes. These items totalled would be worth $54.75—SAVE $14.75! "BUSH PREACHER BITES THE DUST' BCA 228a Writer's Pack (landscape cards) $40.00 —an old BCA favourite by author Kerry Medway, BCA 228b Writer's Pack (flowers cards) $40.00 who served with BCA in Coober Pedy. BCA 229a Writer's Picnic Pack (landscape cards) $95.00 "My husband chuckled his way through each chapter with BCA 229b Writer's Picnic Pack (flowers cards) $95.00 frequent outbreaks of laughter. I have never seen him read a book so enthusiastically. I just had to get my nose into the book too, so next day whilst my hubby was at work, I laughed my way WRITER'S PICNIC PACK through Bush Preacher'"....a grateful housewife Have a cool drink in your hand as you write to friends! The Writer's Picnic Pack includes a brown Oilskin cooler bag as well as all the goodies listed in the Writer's Pack above. "WE'RE HERE NOW, SO MAKE THE BEST OF IT' by Margaret Douglass Total of these items would be worth $126.25—SAVE $31.25! The life story of two ordinary people with whom God has done some extraordinary things—in the suburbs of Sydney, the POW camps of Germany, the outback of north-west Australia, Anglican ministry and Christian schooling. Full of pathos and the irony of living for a God whose thoughts are higher than ours.

"HOPE ON THE HORIZON" A collection of works byjocelyn Harvey. jocelyn Harvey communicates the significance of joy and security in jesus through her writing. This collection of poems and prose has been dedicated to the work and workers of the Bush Church Aid Society.

BCA 235 "The Meaning of Life" $12.00* BCA 168 "Bush Preacher Bites tthe Dust" $8.75* "REAL AUSTRALIA" GREETING CARDS BCA 98 "We're Here Now..." $32.75* (See inside front cover of this issue) BCA 169 "Hope on the Horizon" $10.00* BCA 18 Single pack of 5 Landscapes with envelopes $8.80* BCA 19 Additional packs of Landscapes (each) $7.70* BCA 20 Single pack of 5 Flowers & Fruit with envelopes $8.80* ALL PRICES ARE BCA 21 Additional packs of Flowers & Fruit (each) $7.70* GST INCLUSIVE BCA 22 Natural wood pencil $2.20* Products only available while stocks last. NATURAL WOOD BUSH PENCILS ORD RIVER Your gift buying helps gospel work across Australia TEA TREE OIL PRODUCTS —from .

"CHANGES"—by Mark Bonnici. Tea Tree oil as a body Exclusive to BCA for THIS CATALOGUE ONLY or face wash is a natural Contemporary Christian music for late teens and all adults antiseptic treatment leaving —an ideal gift for Christmas. ($10.00 goes to BCA) skin feeling invigorated, fresh and healthy. Tea Tree "FROM THE HEIGHTS"—Volume I—CD. soap cleanses deep down, Written and performed by the Sylvania Anglican Church Worship repairing and helping to Band and produced to facilitate the praise of God using modern protect skin from blemishes, sounds and chord structures. Songs are a mix of upbeat praise, while Ord River Tea Tree gentle worship, teaching hymns and songs for specific purposes natural formulation creams, (eg communion or confession). ($14.00 goes to BCA) lotions and lip balm keep lips Volume I—Songbook—(not illustrated) available for and dry skin soft, smooth congregational use. and moist.

"REMEMBER THE LORD"—Video from Colin Buchanan. BCA 06 250ml Antiseptic Skin & Face Wash $8.15 First the Cassette and CD—and now the Video! BCA 07 250ml Body Lotion $7.60

"FOLLOW THE SAVIOUR" ALL PRICES ARE GST INCLUSIVE BCA 08 125ml Face & Hand Cream $6.60 The third in the series from Colin Buchanan—available in BCA 09 250ml Hair Conditioner $7.70 CD, cassette and music book with transparency masters. BCA 31 250ml Body Wash $7.60 "EASY LISTENING SERIES III" audio tapes by Ab Priestly. BCA 32 250ml Shampoo (not in photograph) $7.40 NOW AVAILABLE—THE THIRD SET IN A SERIES OF THREE. BCA 33 15g Lip Balm $4.85 Musical interludes recorded for your enjoyment BCA 34 125gSoap $2.40 on three audio cassettes. Set comprises Tape 1—Piano, violin, strings & organ, Tape 2—Piano, strings, harp & flute and Tape 3—Organ exercis- LEATHERWOOD and MEADOW HONEY es, piano interludes with strings and pan flute. —from Tasmania. Gathered from the summer blossoms of BCA 236 "Changes" CD $22.00* the western coastal rainforests, it is renowned for its piquant BCA 237 "From the Heights" CD $20.00* aroma and lingering flavour. BCA 238 "From the Heights" Songbook $20.00* BCA 75-4 "Remember the Lord" video $24.95* BCA 04 350g Leatherwood Honey (GSTfree) $4.00 BCA 72-1 "Follow the Saviour" CD $22.00* BCA OS 750g Leatherwood Honey (GST flee) $7.50 BCA 732 "Follow the Saviour" audio cassette $17.95* BCA 04-1 350g Meadow Honey (GSTflee) $4.00 BCA 74-3 "Follow the Saviour" music & masters $25.25* BCA 05-2 750g Meadow Honey (GST free) $7.50 BCA 068/1 Set of 3 "Easy Listening" tapes $22.00* BCA 151 Brown Oilskin cooler bag $71.50 BCA 023 Perpetual Calendar $12.95* BCA 152 Navy blue cooler bag/plastic lining $49.50

COOLER BAGS —by Didgeridoonas, Queensland Large Cooler Bags filled with pure Australian Wool. Perfect for picnics, BYOs, parties or shopping. Food and drinks remain icy cold for up to 24 hours when used with a freezer block and up to 6 hours without. Holds 6 x 750ml bottles. PERPETUAL CALENDAR. Available in brown Oilskin outer and Remember birthdays & anniversaries liner with leather handles or in navy —one month per page. blue fabric with a tough plastic lining. Bible verse for each month. Spiral bound with a hanger loop. Products only available 100mm wide x 285mm deep. while stocks last. Please complete this ORDER FORM Your gift buying YES! /'// help support ministry beyond the city and note that ONLY items marked with helps gospel work across Australia an asterisk * in the catalogue are postage free. in the ways indicated below...




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BUSH CHURCH AID SOCIETY Level 7/37 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Phone: (02) 9262 5017 • Fax (02) 9262 S020 ly PLEASE DELIVER TO: Email: [email protected] Level 7, 37York Street, _ Sydney NSW 2000 Ph:(02) 9262 5017 • Fx: (02) 9262 5020 REV/MR/MRS/MISS/MS: Email: [email protected] REAL AUSTRALIAN • SUMMER 2000 ADDRESS: Please tick | / your request for the following: PHONE: ( ) SUPPORTER NO:* I | I require a receipt for my donation * (Above your name and address on back panel of this magazine) I'm part of I | Please send me Prayer Notes aBUS H I | Please send me information about the BUSH AUSTRALIA network AUSTRALIA We will be pleased to deliver your order to any number Please send me my 5% I | Please send j r i e a money box for my donations of destinations but ask that you include $8.00 per deliveryCredi t Voucher for use with my next order. I | Please send me information about how I can support BCA after Em gone address. We can also include a gift card should you wish. I | Please send me information on how I can donate shares to BCA