435-442? The Indiculus: 503,1907-1914 449 LEO THE GREAT, Letter to Flavian of Constantinople: 609-612 451 THE GENERAL Symbol of Chalcedon: 613-616 452 LEO THE GREAT, Letter to Theodore, bishop of Frejus: 1605 459 id., Letter to the bishops of Roman rural districts: 1606 ? The Pseudo-Athanasian Symbol Quicumque: 16-17, (307) ? GELASIUS I, Decree of Gelasius: 203 529 THE SECOND COUNCIL OF ORANGE: 504-505, 1915-1922 534 JOHN II, Letter to the Senate of Constantinople: 617, (702) 543 THE COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE, Anathemas against the Origenists: 401/1-8, 618/2-3, 2301 553 VIGILIUS, Constitutum L 619/1-5 553 THE SECOND GENERAL COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE Profession of Faith: 204 Anathemas against the three chapters: 620/1-10, 621-623 561 THE COUNCIL OF BRAGA, Anathemas against the Priscillianists: 402/5-13 589 THE THIRD COUNCIL OF TOLEDO: 1607 590-604? GREGORY THE GREAT, Letter to Abbot Mellitus : 1102 600 id., Letter to Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria: 624-626 c. 601 id., Letter to the bishops of Georgia: 1702 649 THE LATERAN COUNCIL: 205, 627/1-16, 703 675 THE ELEVENTH COUNCIL OF TOLEDO, Symbol of faith: (18), 308-316, 628-634, 2302 681 THE THIRD GENERAL COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE Definition of the two wills and actions in Christ: 635-637 787 THE SECOND GENERAL COUNCIL OF NICAEA Definition on sacred images: 1251-1252 Anathemas and canons: 206, 1001 793 HADRIAN I, Letter Si Tamen Licet addressed to the Spanish bishops: 638 796-797? THE COUNCIL OF FRIULI, Profession of faith: 639 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF DOCUMENTS 1041

870 THE FOURTH GENERAL COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE Canon: 1.253 1053 LEO IX, Letter Congraiiilamini Vehementer to Peter, patriarch of Antioch: 207 1076 GREGORY VII, Letter to Anzir, king of Mauritania: 1002 1079 THE COUNCIL OF ROME, Oath of : 1501 1130-43? INNOCENT II, Letter to the bishop of Cremonia: 1408 1159-81? ALEXANDER III, Letter to the archbishop of Salerno: (1801) 1201 INNOCENT III, Letter to Humbert, archbishop of Aries: 506, 1409-1410 1202 id., Letter Cum Marthae Circa to John, former archbishop of Lyons: 1502-1503 1208 id., Profession of faith prescribed to the : 403, 640, 1301, 1411, 1504, 1703, 1802 1215 THE FOURTH LATERAN GENERAL COUNCIL Symbol of Lateran : 19-21, (404), (641), (802), (1505), (2303) Other chapters : 317-320, 1103, 1201-1202, 1609 1274 THE SECOND GENERAL COUNCIL OF LYONS Constitution on the Blessed and the Catholic faith: 321 "Profession of faith of Michael Palaeologus": 22-29, (642), (803), (1302), (2304) 1302 BONIFACE VIII, Bull Unam Sanctam: 804 1312 THE GENERAL Constitution Fidei Catholicae: 405 Decree: 1104 1322 JOHN XXII, Bull Ad Conditorem: 2001 1327 id., Condemnation of errors of Marsilius of Padua on the Constitution of the Church: 805/2-4 1329 id., Errors of Eckhart on the relation between God and world and the human being: 406/1-28 1336 BENEDICT XII, Constitution Benedict us Deus: 2305-2307 1341 id., Libellus Cum Dudum: 407 1343 CLEMENT VI, Jubilee Bull Unigenitus Dei Filius: 634, 1681-1683 1400 BONIFACE IX, Bull Sacrae Religionis: 1704 1415 THE GENERAL Decree Haec Sancta: 806 Condemnation of the errors of Wyclif and Hus: 807/8-37, 808/1-15, 1303, 1610


Decree on communion under the species of bread alone : 1506 1418 MARTIN V, Bull Inter Cunctas: 1254, 1304, 1507/ 16-17, 1611/20-25, 1684/26-27 1434 THE GENERAL COUNCEL OF BASEL Decree on Jews and neophytes: 1105 THE GENERAL 1439 Decree for the Greeks: 322-324, 809, 1508, 2308-2309 1439 Decree for the Armenians: 1305-1308, 1412-1418, 1509-1511, 1612-1613, 1705, 1803 1442 Decree for the Copts: 208, 325-326, 408-409, 644-646,

810, 1003-1005, 1419

1477 SIXTUS IV, Constitution Cum Praeexcelsa: 704

1513 THE FIFTH LATERAN GENERAL COUNCIL Bull Apostolici Regiminis: 410 1520 Leo X, Bull Exsurge Domine. Errors of Luther condemned: (811) 1309, 1614/5-14, 1685/17-22, 1923/2-36 1528 THE COUNCIL OF SENS (Paris): 209 THE GENERAL 1546 Session IV: Decree of reception of sacred books and traditions: 210-213 Decree on the and on how Scripture is to be interpreted : 214-215 1546 Session V: Decree on origin sin: 507-513, 705 Decree on teaching and preaching the word of God: 1203-1205 1547 Session VI: Decree on justification : 647, 706, 1924-1983, (2002) 1547 Session VII: Decree on the sacraments: 1310-1323 Canons on the sacraments of baptism: 1420-1433 Canons on the sacraments of confirmation: 1434-1436 1551 Session XIII: Decree on the most holy Eucharist: 1512-1536 1551 Session XIV: Doctrine on the sacrament of penance: 1615-1634 Doctrine on the sacrament of extreme unction: 1635-1640 Canons on the sacraments of penance and extreme unction: 1641-1655, 1658-1659 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF DOCUMENTS 1043

1555 PAUL IV, Constitution Cum Quorumdam Hominum: 648, 707

THE GENERAL COUNCIL OF TRENT 1562 Session XXI: Doctrine on communion under both species and on communion of little children: 1324, (1537-1540), 1541-1544 1562 Session XXII: Doctrine on the most holy sacrifice of the Mass: 1545-1563 1563 Session XXIII: Doctrine on the sacrament of Order: 1706-1721 1563 Session XXIV: Doctrine on the sacrament of matrimony: 1804-1819 1563 Session XXV: Decree on purgatory: 2310 Decree on the invocation, the veneration and the relics of saints and on sacred images: 1255-1257 Decree on indulgences: 1686 1564 Pius IV, Bull Iniunctum Nobis, Profession of faith: 30-38 1567 Pius IV, Bull Ex Omnibus Afflictionibus. Condemned propositions of Michael de Bay: 514/26-49, 708, 1984/21-79, 1985/13-63, 1986/20-74, 1987/27-66, 1988/16-38

1653 INNOCENT X, Constitution . Errors of condemned: 1989/1-5 1659 Instruction of the S. Congregation de Propaganda Fide to the Vicars apostolic of Tonkin and Cochinchina: 1106-1110 1665 Errors of Laxist morality condemned by the Holy Office: 2005 1679 Errors of Laxist morality condemned by the Holy Office: 2006/3, 2201/9-50.

1687 INNOCENT XI, Constitution Caelestis Pastor, Propositions of Michael Molinos condemned: 2007/1-14 1690 Aug. Decree of the Holy Office: 2008/2 1690 Dec. Decree of the Holy Office, Jansenist errors condemned: 1325, 2009/2-3 1713 CLEMENT XI, Constitution Unigenitus Dei Filius. Propositions of Pasquier Quesnel condemned: 1990/1-59, 1991/44-77 1794 Pius VI, Constitution : 649 (812) 1824 LEO XII, Letter Ubi Primum: 1006 1044 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

1832 GREGORY XVI, Encyclical Letter Mirari Nos Arbitramur: 1007 1844 Promise signed by L.E Bautain: 101-105 1846 Pius IX, Encyclical Letter Qui Pluribus: 106-111,1008 1854 id., Bull : 709 1854 id., Allocution Singulari Quadam: 813,1009-1011 1855 The fourth proposition signed by A.Bonnetty: 105 1862 Pius IX , Encyclical Letter Amantissimus: 1206 1863 id., Encyclical Letter Quanto Conficiamur Moerore: 814, 1012 1864 id., Encyclical Letter Quanta Cura: 815-816 1864 id., Syllabus of condemned errors: 112/2-11, 411/1-2 1013/15-79, 2010/56-63 1868 id., Letter lam vos Ornnes to Protestants and other non Catholics: 901-902 THE FIRST VATICAN GENERAL COUNCIL 1870 Session III: Dogmatic Constitution Dei Filius on the Catholic faith: 113-140, 216-219, 327-331, 412-418, (817) 1870 Session IV: Dogmatic Constitution Pastor Aeternus on the Church of Christ: 818-840 1873 Pius IX, Encyclical Letter Quartus Supra to the Armenians: 903 1875 Collective Declaration of the German Hierarchy: 841 1880 LEO XIII, Encyclical Letter Arcanus Divinae Sapientiae: 1820-1823 1885 id., Encyclical Letter Mortale Dei: 1014-1015 1887 Errors of A. Rosmini-Serbati condemned by the Holy Office: 141-142 1888 LEO XIII, Encyclical Letter Libertas Praestantissimum: 2011-2014 1891 id., Encyclical Letter Rerum Novarum: 2101-2105 1891 id., Encyclical Letter Octobri Mense: 710 1893 id., Encyclical Letter Providentissimus Deus: 220-227 1894 id., Encyclical Letter Praeclara Gratulationis: 904- 906 1894 id., Constitution Orientalium Dignitas: 1207 1896 id., Bull on Anglican Ordinations: 1722-1728 1897 id., Encyclical Letter Divinum lllud: 1993-1994 1899 id., Letter Testem Benevolentiae to Cardinal Gibbons, archbishop of Baltimore: 2015-2018 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF DOCUMENTS 1045

1903 Pius X, Motu Proprio Tra le Sollecitudini: 1208 1904 id., Encyclical Letter Ad Diem Ilium: 712 1905 id., Decree Sacra Tridentina: 1209/1-4 1907 Decree Lamentabili of the Holy Office. Articles of Modernism condemned: 228/1-24, 650/27-38, 846/6-56, 1326/39-41, 1437/42-44, 1660/46-48, 1729/49-50 1907 Pius X, Encyclical Letter Pascendi: 1327 1910 Oath against the errors of Modernism: 143,143/1-13 1912 Pius X, Tradita Ab Antiquis: 1210 1918 Decree of the Holy Office: 651/1-3 1919 BENEDICT XV, Apostolic Letter Maximum Illud: 1111-1114 1920 id., Encyclical Letter Spiritus Paraclitus: 229-231 1921 id., Apostolic Letter Sodalitatem Nostrae Dominae; 1661 1925 Pius XI, Encyclical Letter Quas Primas: 652-653,1211 1926 id., Encyclical Letter Rerum Ecclesiae: 1115-1118 1928 id., Encyclical Letter Mortalium Animos: 907-907a 1928 id., Encyclical Letter Miserentissimus Redemptor: 654-659 1928 id., Apostolic Constitution Divini Cultus: 1212 1930 id., Encyclical Letter Casti Connubii: 1824-1833, 2202, 2208 1931 id., Encyclical Letter Quadragesimo Anno: 2019, 2106-2111/3 1937 id., Letter Missionalium Rerum: 1213 1939 Pius XII, Encyclical Letter : 1119-1121, 2020 1941 id., Discourse on the fiftieth anniversary of Rerum Novarum: 2112 1943 id., Encyclical Letter Mystici Corporis: 660-661, 847-853, 1214-1215, 1328-1330, 1564-1565, 1662, 1995-1997, 2021 1943 id., Encyclical Letter : 232-236 1944 id., Address to the directors of Pontifical Mission Works: 1122-1123 1944 id., Apostolic Constitution Episcopalis Consecrationis; 1730 1945 id., Christmas Message: 1124-1125 1946 id., Decree Spritus Sancti Munera on the minister of confirmation: (1438) 1947 id., Encyclical Letter : 1216 (1226), 1331-1333, 1566-1570,1731-1736 1947 id., Apostolic Constitution Sacramentum Ordinis: 1737 1948 Letter of the Biblical Commission to Cardinal Suhard, archbishop of Paris: 237 1078 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the archbishop of Boston : 854-857 1949 Instruction Ecclesia Catholica of the Holy Office: 908 1950 THE FIRST PLENARY COUNCIL OF INDIA: 1016-1017 1950 Pius XII, Encyclical Letter : 144-148, 238- 239, 419-420, 858-859, 1571 1950 id., Apostolic Constitution : 713-715 1951 id., Encyclical Letter : 1126-1129 1951 id., Encyclical Letter : 662-663 1951 id., Allocution to midwifes: 2209-2212 1955 id., Encyclical Letter Musicae Sacrae Discipline 1227 1956 Instruction of the Holy Office on "Situation Ethics": 2022-2025 1956 Pius XII, Encyclical Letter : 664-667 1956 id., Allocution to the Second World Congress of fertility and sterility: 2213 1956 id., Discourse at the International Congress on pastoral liturgy: 1228, 1572-1573 1957 id., Encyclical Letter Fidei Donum: 1130-1131 1958 Instruction of the S. Congregation of rites on sacred music and the sacred liturgy: 1229-1230 1959 JOHN XXIII, Encyclical Letter Princeps Pastorum: 1132-1135 1961 id., Encyclical Letter Mater et Magistral 2113-2123 1963 id., Encyclical Letter Pacem In Terris: 2026-2042, 2124- 2140/2 THE SECOND VATICAN GENERAL COUNCIL 1963 Session II: Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium: 668, 1231-1234a, 1258, 1334-1335, 1574-1575, 1663-1666 1964 Instruction of the Biblical Commission Sancta Mater Ecclesia: 240-245 1964 PAUL VI, Encyclical Letter Ecclesiam Suam: 155-159,1029-1030 THE SECOND VATICAN GENERAL COUNCIL 1964 Session III: Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium: 716a-718a, (860-882), 1018, 1136, 1439, 1576, 1667, 1738-1741, 1834, 1998-1999, 2043-2047, 2311-(2314) Decree Orientalium Ecclesiarum: 1235-1236 Decree Unitatis Redintegratio: 909-914, 1439a 1964 PAUL VI, Allocution to the Council Fathers: 718b CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF DOCUMENTS 1047

1964 id., Address to representatives of various religions: 1031-1032 1965 id., Encyclical Letter Mysterium Fidei: 1577-1580a THE SECOND VATICAN GENERAL COUNCIL 1965 Session IV: Declaration Nostra Aetate: 424, 1019-1022 Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum: 149-(153), 246-257 Decree Apostolicam Actuositatem: 1439f-1440 Declaration Dignitatis Humanae: 2048-2050 Decree Ad Gentes : 1023-1026, 1137-1144, 1439c-d, 1741a Decree Presbyterorum Ordinis: 1439e, 1576b-c, 1741b-d Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes: (154), 421-423, 668-669a, 1027a-1028, 1145, 1439b, 1576a, 1835-1840, 2051-2061, 2141-2144, 2214-2219, 2315-2316 1966 PAUL VI, Address to theologians at the Symposium on original sin: 516 1967 id., Apostolic Constitution Indulgentiarum Doctrina: 1687-1689, 1690/1-5 1967 id., Encyclical Letter Populorum Progressio : 2145-2153 1967 id., Apostolic Exhortation Signum Magnum: 718c 1967 Directory Concerning Ecumenical Matters, Part I, Ad Totam Ecclesiam: 1440a-1440b 1967 Instruction Eucharisticum Mysterium of the S. Congregation of Rites: 1581-1587 1967 PAUL VI, Motu Proprio Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem: (1742) 1967 id., Encyclical Letter Sacerdotalis Coelibatus: 1743 1967 id., Letter Africarum Terrarum to the hierarchy and the peoples of Africa: 1033-1034 1968 id., Apostolic Constitution Pontificalis Romani: (1744) 1968 id., Profession of faith: 39/1-23 1968 id., Encyclical Letter : 1841, 2220-2225 1968 id., Address to Peasant Workers at the International Eucharistic Congress in Bogota (Columbia): 1587a 1969 Congregation of Rites, Ordo Celebrandi Matrimonium: 1841a-b 1969 Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, Ordo Baptismi parvulorum: (1440c) 1970 General Instruction on the Roman Missal of the S. Congregation for divine worship: 1588-1589 1080 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

1970 PAUL VI, Mission Sunday Message: 1146-1148 1970 id., Radio Message to the governments and peoples of Asia: 1035 1971 id., Apostolic Letter Octogesima Adveniens: 2153a-2158 1971 id., Apostolic Constitution Divinae Consortium Naturae: 1441-1442

1971 THE THIRD OF BISHOPS IN ROME De Sacerdotio Ministeriali: 1745-1746 De Iustitia in Mundo: 2159-2164 1972 Congregation for Divine Worship: Ordo Initiationis Christianae Adultorum : (1442a) 1972 Declaration Mysterium Filii Dei of the S. Congregation for the doctrine of the faith: 333, 670-671 1972 Statement by the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, In Quibus Rerum Circumstantiis: 915

1972 PAUL VI, Apostolic Letter Ministeria Quaedam: 1747 1972 id., Apostolic Letter Ad Pascendum: (1748) 1972 id., Apostolic Constitution Sacram Unctionem Infirmorum: 1668 The New Ordo Unctionis Infirmorum: 1668a-d 1973 Declaration Mysterium Ecclesiae of the S. Congregation for the doctrine of the faith :160-162, 883, 1749-1750 1973 PAUL VI, Joint Declaration with the Coptic Shenouda III of Egypt: 671a 1973 The New Ordo Paenitentiae: 1669-1671

1974 PAUL VI, Apostolic Exhortation Marialis Cultus: 719-720 1974 id., Bull of Induction of the Holy Year 1975: 2165 1974 Declaration De Abortu Procurato of the S. Congregation

1974 THEfo FOURTr the Hdoctrin SYNODe OoFf BISHOPfaith: S2226-222 IN ROME7 De Evangelizatione Mundi Hodierni: 2166

1975 PAUL VI, Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi: 672- 673, 884-885, 1036, 1149 (1157), 1158-1160, 1259, 1336, 1751, 2167-2171 1975 Declaration De Persona Humana of the S. Congregation for the doctrine of the faith: 2062-2063, 2228-2232 1976 S. Congregation for Catholic Education on Theological Formation of Future Priests: 258 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF DOCUMENTS 1049

1976 Declaration of the S. Congregation for the doctrine of the faith, Inter Insigniores: 1752 1977 Decree Circa Impotentiam of the S. Congregation for the doctrine of the faith: 1842 1979 JOHN PAUL II, Address to the Third General Assembly of Latin American Bishops: 425-426, 674-676 1979 id., Encyclical Letter Redemptor Hominis: 427-430, 517, 677- 679, 886, 1037-1039, 1672, 2064, 2172-2173 1979 id., Letter to All Priests of the Church: 1753 1979 id., Apostolic Constitution Sapentia Christiana: 163 1979 Letter of the S. Congregation for the doctrine of the faith on certain Questions Concerning Eschatology: 2317 1979 JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Exhortation Catechesi Tradendae: 163a, 259, 1161 1979 id., Discourse at the Liturgy in St. George's at Phanar: 916-921 1980 id., Homily at the Conclusion of the Particular Synod of the Dutch Bishops in Rome: 1754 1980 id., Letter to all Bishops of the Church, Dominicae Cenae: 1590 1980 id., Address to the Bishops of Zaire: 1237-1239 1980 Declaration on Euthanasia of the S. Congregation for the doctrine of the faith: 2233-2235 1980 JOHN PAUL II, Address to Workmen in Sao-Paulo: 1162-1163 1980 id., Homily at the Inaugural Mass of the National Eucharistic Congress at Fortaleza: 1591 1980 Instruction on Infant Baptism, Pastoralis Actio, of the S. Congregation for the doctrine of the faith: 1443- 1446 1980 JOHN PAUL II, Address to Scientists: 164-170 1980 id., Homily to the Diaspora Catholics of Osnabruck: 922 1980 id., Address to the Evangelical Lutheran Church Council of Germany: 923-926 1980 id., Address to the German Episcopal Conference: 927 1980 id., Encyclical Letter Dives in Misericordia: 680, 2174 1981 id., Message to the People of Asia: 1040 1981 id., Letter to commemorate the Councils of Constantinople I and of Ephesus: 334-336, (681) 1981 id., Address to the Secretariat for non-Believers: 171 1981 id., Encyclical Letter Laborem Exercens: 2175-2180 1082 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

1981 id., Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio: 1843-1844, 2181, 2236 1982 S. Congregation for the Clergy on movements and associations forbidden to the clergy: 1755a-1755e 1982 JOHN PAUL II, Address to the European convention of Pax Romana: 172 1982 id., Address to Catholic doctors: 2237 1983 id., Apostolic Constitution Sacrae Disciplinae Leges: 2065 1983 id., Discourse to scientists on the 350th anniversary of the publication of Galileo's "Dialoghi": 173 1983 S. Congregation for the doctrine of the faith on certain questions concerning the minister of the Eucharist: 260, 1756a-1757d 1983 JOHN PAUL II, Address to World Medical Association: 2238 1983 id., Letter to Cardinal Willebrands: 928 1983 S. Congregation for Catholic Education on educational guidance on human love: 2239a-2240d 1984 JOHN PAUL II, Discourse to officials of the Roman Rota: 1845, 2066 1984 Secretariat for non-Christians on Dialogue and Mission: 1041-1046, 1164 1984 JOHN PAUL II, Address on the ceremony of conferring the Paul VI prize on Hans Urs von Balthsar: 174 1984 Instruction Libertatis Nuntius of the S. Congregation for the doctrine of the faith on certain aspects of the theology of liberation: 261-262 1984 JOHN PAUL II, Address to a cultural renewal course on opposing euthanasia: 2241 1984 id., Apostolic Exhortation Reconciliatio et Paenitentia: 887-888, 1673-1676e, 2067a-2067e 1985 id., Encyclical Letter Slavorum Apostoli: 1165 1985 Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews on presenting the Jewish faith: 263-264 1985 SECOND EXTRAORDINARY SYNOD, Relatio Finalis: 889-893

1986 JOHN PAUL II, Address to the leaders of non-christian religions: 1047 1986 Instruction Libertatis Conscientia of the S. Congregation for the doctrine of the faith: 2182a-2187 1986 JOHN PAUL II, Address to congress of moral theologians: 2068-2069 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF DOCUMENTS 1051

1986 id., Encyclical Letter Dominum et Vivificantem: 337-338, 1048, 2000a-2000d 1986 id., Address at inauguration of Italian solidarity centre: 2242 1986 id., Address to the plenary assembly of the Pontificial Academy of Sciences: 175 1986 S. Congregation for the doctrine of the faith on the pastoral care of homosexual persons: 2243a-2243d 1986 JOHN PAUL II, Address to the Roman Curia: 1049-1052 1987 Instruction Donum Vitae of the S. Congregation for the doctrine of the faith: 2070-2071, 2244a-2252 1987 JOHN PAUL II, Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Mater: 721a-722 1987 Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity: Catholic Response to BEM: 929 1987 JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Letter Duodecimum Saeculum: 1260-1261 1987 id., Encyclical Letter Sollicitudo Rei Socialis: 1446a, 1592, 2187-2191 1988 id., Apostolic Letter Euntes in Mundum Universum: 1447 1988 id., Letter regarding Archbishop Lefebvre: 265a-b 1988 id., Apostolic Letter Mulieris Dignitatem: 431-433, 723-724 1988 Pontifical Commission Justitia et Pax on racism: 434 1988 JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Letter Vicesimus Quintus Annus: 1240-1241 1988 id., Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laid: 894-896a, 1448, 1758 1988 Pontifical Biblical Commission, Unity and Diversity in the Church: 897 1988 JOHN PAUL II, Letter to the Director of the Vatican Observatory: 176a-c, 430b 1988 Congregation for Catholic Education, Guidelines for the Study and Teaching of the Church's Social Doctrine in Priestly Formation: 2192a-2192c 1989 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, New Formula for the Profession of Faith: 40-41 1989 Congregation for Catholic Education, Instruction on the Study of the Fathers of the Church in the formation of Priests: 266a-269 1990 JOHN PAUL II, Message for the XXIII World Day of Peace: 518-519 1990 id., Letter to the Bishops of India: 1053 1084 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

1990 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian: 177-182, 898a-d 1990 JOHN PAUL II, Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Missio: 682, 725, 899a-e, 1054-1058, 1166-1175 1991 id., Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis: 183a-b 1991 id., Encyclical Letter Centesimus Annus: 900Aa-b, 2193-2197c 1991 Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue—Congre- gation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Dialogue and Proclamation: 1059-1065, 1176-1179 1991 JOHN PAUL II, Letter to Bishops of Europe on Relations between Catholics and Orthodox in the New Situation of Central and Eastern Europe: 930a-b 1991 Catholic Response to the Final Report of ARCIC I: 931 1992 Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. Letter to the Bishops of the on Some Aspects of the Church Understood as Communion: 900Ba-c 1992 JOHN PAUL II, Opening Address to the Fourth General Conference of Latin American Bishops: 1180-1181 1992 id., Address to the Pontificial Academy of Sciences: 184a-c, 434b 1992 Catechism of the Catholic Church: 185-188, 270-271, 434, 520a-523f, 1241a, 1691, 1759, 2000dl-7, 2269, 2318a-2325b 1993 Pontifical Biblical Commission, The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church: 272-276, 1242-1243 1993 Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism: 932a-g, (1244), 1850-1852 1993 JOHN PAUL II, Encyclical Letter Veritatis Splendor. 435, 726, 900Ca-c, 2000e-f, 2072a-2086 1994 id., Letter to Families: 1852a-c 1994 Catholic Acceptance of Clarifications on Eucharist and Ministry in ARCIC I: 932h 1994 Congregation for Worship and Sacraments, Fourth Instruction for the Right Application of the Constitution on the Liturgy: The Roman Liturgy and Inculturation: 1245-1249 1994 JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Letter : 1760 1994 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Letter on the Reception of Communion by Divorced Remarried Catholics: 1853 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF DOCUMENTS 1053

1994 JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente: 933a-c, 1066, 1677a-e, 2000g-h, 2326a-b 1994 id., Common Christological Declaration between the Catholic Church and the Assyrian Church of the East: 683 1995 id., Encyclical Letter : 524, 2000j, 2253-2265 1995 id., Apostolic Letter Orientate Lumen: 934a-b, 1678 1995 id., Encyclical Letter Ut Unum Sint: 935a-937c 1995 id., Letter to Women: 1854 1995 Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Clarification on the Greek and Latin Traditions Regarding the Procession of the Holy Spirit: 339, 938 1995 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Reply to the Dubium Concerning the Teaching Contained in the Apostolic Letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis : 1761 1996 Catholic Bishop's Conference of England and Wales, On the Catholic Church's Social Doctrine: 2198a-c 1996 JOHN PAUL II, Address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences: 436-439 1996 Pontifical Council Cor Unum, World Hunger: 2198d 1996 Common Declaration by Pope John Paul II and Catholicos Karekin I: 684, 939 1997 JOHN PAUL II, Address to the Diplomatic Corps: 2198e-f 1997 Pontifical Council for the Family, Vademecum for Confessors Concerning Some Aspects of the Morality of Conjugal Life: 2266-2268 1997 Congregation for the Clergy and Seven Other Vatican Offices, Instruction Ecclesiae ex Mysterio : 1449-1450 1997 Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Towards a Better Distribution of Land: The Challenge of Agrarian Reform: 1679, 2199a 1998 Congregation for Catholic Education, Basic Norms for the Formation of Permanent Deacons, and Congregation for the Clergy, Directory for the Ministry of Permanent Deacons: 1762 1998 Commission for Religious Relations for the Jews, We Remember: A Reflection on the "Shoah" : 1067-1070 1998 JOHN PAUL II, Motu Proprio : 189 1998 id., Motu Proprio Apostolos Suos : 900Da-h, (1763) 1998 Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for Asia, Message to the People of God: 2199b 1998 JOHN PAUL II., Apostolic Letter Dies Domini: 440, 525, 1250a-c, 1593-1595, 2327 1998 Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, Plea for Unversal Disarmament: 2199c 1054 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

1998 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Commentary on Ad Tuendam Fidem: 526 1998 JOHN PAULL II, Encyclical Letter Fides et Ratio: 190a-d, 441, 1182-1183, 2087-2089 1998 id., Addres to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences: 442-443 1998 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Reflections on the Primacy of Peter: 900 Ea-j 1998 JOHN PAUL II, Bull of Indiction Incarnationis Mysterium: 1680a-b, 1692/1-5 1999 id., Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in America: 2199d 1999 The Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church, Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification: 527, 2000k-s 1999 Official Common Statement Concerning the Lutheran- Catholic Joint Declaration on Justification: 940 1999 JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in Asia: 900f, 1184 BIBLICAL INDEX

(For the scriptural texts mentioned in the documents the references in ordinary characters indicate the marginal number of the documents. For scriptural texts, mentioned in the introductions, the references indicate the page numbers; these are printed in italics.)

Genesis (Gen) 3:22 617 4:3-15 522e 163, 1013 4:4 1547 10 525 4:10 276 12 525 4:12 518 18 432 5:1-2 434 26 427, 443, 677, 1049, 2051 6:3 2318a 26-27 212, 434 6:5 522e 26ff 1049 6:12 522e 26-30 517 8:20 1547 27 431, 2051, 2199a 9:6 434 27-29 438 12:2 150 28 428, 431, 432, 518, 12:8 1547 1826, 1840, 2147, 2199a 14:18 1546 2 1013 22 1547 2:7 212, 1049 22:12 624 2:17 522b, 2319a 49:10 1926 2:18 1840 49:18 1926 2:18-24 1049 2:20 432 Exodus (Ex) 2:23 1852b 2:23ff 1804 3:14 39/2 2:24 432, 1852a, 1852b, 2210 12:lff 1546 2:26 2239d 20:13 2206 3 525 20:17 1626 3:1-11 522a 24 261 3:3 2319a 33:11 149 3:5 2000g 3:5-10 522c Leviticus (Lev) 3:6-13 677 3:7-16 522b 18:6ff 1810 3:8-10 2000g 25:8ff 2165 3:11 195 25:23 1680b 3:13 2000g 3:15 150, 1637 Numbers (Num) 3:16ff 1630 3:17-19 518, 522d 12:14f 1630 3:19 212, 522b, 2319a, 2326a 20:llf 1630 1056 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

Deuteronomy (Deut) 103 (102) 14 222, 1615 104 (103) 29 222 6:5 2000 104 (103) 30 14 22:11 11:03 110 (109) 4 1546 28:66 617 111 (110) 4 1515 118 (117) 20 1692/3 Ruth (Ruth) 119 (118) 112 1940 135 (134) 15ff 1257 1:16 317 143 (142) 2 1905 147 (146) 5 313 1 Samuel (1 Sam) Proverbs (Prov) 2:3 135 7:3 1931 8:35 (Sept) 1916 9:1 609 2 Samuel (2 Sam) Song of Solomon (Song) 7:12-13 275 12:13f 1630 6:3 1710

1 Kings (1 Kings) The Wisdom of Solomon (Wis)

8:46 1905, 1680b 1:13 2315, 2319a 19:8 1524 2:23 222, 2051 2:23f 2315, 2319a 1 Chronicles (1 Chron) 7:14 1681 7:19-20 441 17:11-14 275 7:26 315 8:1 413, 424, 1019 Job (Job) 13:5 441

34:15 212 Sirach (Sir) 37:7 1905 1:27 1931 Psalms (Ps) 2:12 1103 15:14 2053 2:8 1144 17:3-10 2051 8:6 222, 677 18:22 1937 16 (15) 11 190a 30 (29) 10 1115 Isaiah (Is) 33 (32) 6 14 36 (35) 6 1009 1:6 1681 45 (44) 13f 1207 11:12 123, 1574 51 (50) 4 1672 38:15 1645 51 (50) 17 1944 38:17 1680b 56 (55) 5 2318a 40:6 2318a 78 (77) 25 1524 40:8 257 84 (33) 7 1937 48:16 633 94 (93) 10 1902 53:4f 1687 97 (96) 7 1550 59:1 1011 103 (102) 3f 1914 64:6 1925 BIBLICAL INDEX 1057

65:1 1915 2:11 1520 Jeremiah (Jer) 3:2 1631, 1944 3:8 1631, 1944 2:19 1692/5 3:15 576 3:25 1680b 4:4 1202 31:31-33 2076 4:8 675 4:17 1631, 1944, 2000d/5 Lamentations (Lam) 5:16 1439c 5:17 253 4:4 1554 5:23ff 1675 5:21 1929 5:28 1626 5:38-40 1675 Baruch (Bar) 5:43ff 1675 5:48 39/6, 320 3:38 149 6:11 1524 6:12 1675, 1905, 1906, 1938, 2000o Ezekiel (Ez) 6:13 1656, 1914 7:lf 1027 18:20 504 7:13-14 2323b 18:30 1616 7:14 1002 18:31 1622 9:2 1931 33:12 1604 9:11 1662 33:16 1604 9:39ff 1757d 10:2 897 Daniel (Dan) 10:22 122, 1942, 1946, 2000d/2 10:40-41 2190 7:13f 652 10:42 1948 9:5 1905 11:21 1631 9:15 1905 11:25 131 9:20 1905 11:29 2016 11:30 110, 1938 Jonah (Jonah) 12:20-21 576 13:25 1512 3 1624 13:44-46 1692/3 13:52 265b Zechariah (Zech) 14:16 606 15:11 1004 1:3 1929 16:16 674, 819, 917 16:17 1920 Hosea (Hos) 16:17-19 819 16:18 832 4:3 519 16:18-19 303 16:19 1614/11, 1625, 1633, 1686, Malachi (Mai) 1708, 1692/4, 2000q 18:2ff 1675 1:11 657, 1547, 1564, 1731 18:17 849 3:8 617 18.18 1625, 1627, 1633, 4:2 1924 1650, 1686, 2000q 18:20 1331, 1334, 1588 Matthew (Mt) 1058 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

19:4 1840 14:36 682 19:6 1805, 1835, 1852a 16:15 1018, 1236 19:8 1852a 16:16 2000d/l 19:9ff 1809 16:20 119, 461 19:llff 1817 19:17 1934 Luke (Lk) 19:17-19 934a 20:1-16 682 1:28 716b 20:25 937b, 2190 1:38 716b, 719 22:llff 1523 1:78 1524 22:21 675 2:19 246 22:29 1502 2:51 246 22:37-40 2052, 2000o 4:5 675 23:39 899 4:17-21 596 24:13 122, 1942, 2000d/l 4:18 2166 24:36 672 4:18-19 1446a 25:31 2312 4:43 1149 25:35 606 5:8 900Ej 25:35ff 1587a 6:37f 1027 25:40 1448, 2183 10:16 853, 858, 884 25:41 810, 1005 11:41 2103 25:42 606 13:5 1616 25:45 2183 15:1-7 2000g 26:26 606, 1515, 1517 15:2 1662 26:26ff 1514, 1519, 1520 15:3-32 682 28:10 2000d/3 15:17-20 1680b 28:17 1520 15:22 1934 28:18 2060 16:19-31 2056 28:19 2, 3, 462,1931 19:6 1922 28:19f 2, 854, 900Cb 20:22f 1708 28:20 818 22:19 606, 1546, 1556, 1581, 1708 Mark (Mk) 22:19f 1514, 1519 22:25-27 2190 1:5 1447 22:27 937a 1:10 596 22:32 836, 917, 934a, 1.15 1680b 1760, 1761 2:5 1672, 1931 23:43 1922 2:6 1662 24:19 1202 6:13 1636 24:25-27 275 10 1814 24:27 253 10:9 1805 24:30-32 1593 10:42 937b 24:33-35 1593 10:42-45 2190 24:39 2318c 12:17 675 24:44-46 271 12:27 680 12:29-31 264 John (Jn) 13:32 624 14:22 1517 1:1 626 14:22ff 1514, 1519 1:4 2000j 14:33-34 2319b 1:1-18 151 BIBLICAL INDEX 1059

1:3 150, 626, 2060 13:3 626 1:9 1002, 1049, 2000o 13:17 606 1:12 669a 13:35 1115, 1590 1:12-13 2000j 14:3 2321b 1:14 302, 610, 629, 1260, 2060 14:6 617, 934b,1021, 1053 1:14-16 660 14:9 151, 680 1:17 131, 710 14:10f 302 1:29 208, 510, 1260 14:11 303 1:42 819 14:14 1215 2:26 1039 14:16-17 900Cc 3:1-2 669a 14:23 1939, 1994, 2000d 3:3 2000j 14:26 1512 3:5 511, 1412, 1421, 15:5 1329, 1903, 1919, 1947 1443, 1447, 1928 15:9 2000e 3:6 1994 15:9f 2021 3:8 899a, 1039, 1048 15:12 1115 3:15 2000j 15:13 1592 3:16 517 15:14f 149 3:16-18 726 15:15 1937 3:27 1921 15:26f 596 3:34 151, 851 16:13 677, 930b, 1998 3:36 2000d/l 16:24 39/23, 2007/14 4:14 1947, 1998 17:2 660 4:24 1115 17:3 XXXV, 239, 2000j 5:36 151 17:4 151 6:24 1034 17:18 1330 6:33 2000j 17:20ff 818 6:38 635 17:21 934a, 937c 6:40 2000d/l 17:21-23 900Ea 6:48ff 1524 17:22 320 6:52 (1537) 17:22f 317 6:54 (1537) 17:23 658, 908 6:55 (1537), 1920 18:36 39/20, 675 6:57 1515, (1537) 19:34 1509 6:59 (1537) 20:17 2000d/3 6:68-69 2000j 20:21 818, 853, 1330, 1732 7:38f 1998 20:22 621, 851, 853 8:11 1672 20:22f 1617, 1643, 1739, 1943 8:12 2000) 20:23 1625, 1627, 1633, 8:31-32 185 1692/4, 1650 8:32 190a, 2064 20:28 621 10:1 1712 21:7 1240 10:7 1692/3 21:15 819 10:10 2254 21:16-17 897 10:16 804, 1574 21:17 804, 819 10:29 319 10:30 303 Acts of the Apostles (Acts) 10:36 1740 11:25-26 2000j 1:7 672, 1014, 1024, 11:52 1052, 1574 1058, 2316 12:32 1448 1:8 596, 1739 1060 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

2 596 1:25 524,1018 2:4 1104, 1739 2:1-11 1027 2:14-39 1 2:5 1631, 2026 2:33 1 2:6 1949 2:36 1, 2060 2:6f 150, 424, 1019 2:37-39 1447 2:14-15 2256 2:38 1616, 1930, 1931 2:14-16 2052 2:42 932c, 1164 3:22 1935 2:42-47 1738 3:23 522c, 923 2:43 1138 3:24 1930, 1935 3:12-26 1 3:25 1926 3:15 617 3:28 2000p 3:21 2311 4:25 2000d/3 4:8-12 1 5:2 1938 4:12 510 5:5 338, 897, 1680b, 1933, 4:32 317 2000c, 2000e 5:12 522d 5:10 647, 1631, 1932 5:29 2127 5:11 677 5:29-32 1 5:11-21 517, 524 6:5 1708 5:12 505, 509, 511, 523a, 8:14-17 1406, 1417 1412, 1925, 2319a 9:1 659 5:12-19 420 9:5 659 5:14 276 9:20 1 5:19 522a, 523a 10:3 1922 5:19-21 2319b 10:34-43 1 5:20 39/10, 1680b 10:36 1 5:21 2315 10:38 1333 6:4 512, 1150, 1447, 2000d/3 13:16-41 1 6:4f 656 13:33 1 6:9 275, 1517, 1566 14:17 424, 1019 6:12 1448 15:28 921 6:12ff 512, 2000o 15:29 1004 6:13 1937 17:22-31 1039 6:16 504 17:24-28 292 6:19 1937 17:25-28 1018 6:20 1925 17:26 424, 1019 6:22 1938 17:27 1023, 1066 6:23 2315, 2319a 17:28 1632 7:7 512 20:24 1739 7:7-10 2000o 20:28 617, 827, 893, 1711 7:14-20 512 7:17 2000o Romans (Rom) 7:20 2000o 7:24 1911 1:4 1 8:1 512, 2000o 1:5 152 8:2 2076 1:16 673, 1150 8:4 512 1:18-32 522e 8:9 851, 2000d l:19f 150, 434c 8:9f 1995 1:20 113, 131, 143/1 8:9-21 2316 1:21 1018 8:10f 1998 BIBLICAL INDEX 1061

8:11 2318a 1:27 1999 8:12f 1942 1:30 510, 643, 1681, 2000m 8:14-17 851 1:31 1632, 1948 8:15 669a, 1928, 2000c 2:2 889 8:15f 1998 2:4 1150 8:17 512, 669a, 1439b, 2:7-10 131 1631, 1667, 1939 2:8 617 8:19 517 2:9 114, 2316 8:19ff 791 2:10 337, 2000h 8:19-22 517, 2311 2:16 521 8:19-25 1013 3:8 317 8:20-21 518 3:14 2316 8:21 207, 522d 3:15 2322b 8:22 517 3:16 1256, 1998 8:26 1040, 1998 3:17 1631, 1944 8:28-29 2000j 4:1 1324, 1739 8:29 524, 2016 4:5 1949 8:29-30 677 4:7 1918, 1921 8:32 669a, 680, 1027a 4:15 1759 9:4f 1018 5:6-8 264 9:30 1926 5:9-13 900Ca 10:3 1947 5:12 1618 10:9 1 6:9f 1945 10:17 1930 6:11 1932 10:20 1915 6:12 1004 11:6 1935 6:16 1149 11:17-24 1070 6:17 367 ll:28f 1018 6:19 1256, 1998, 2000d, 2078 12:1 109, 119, 656, 7 1802, 1814 1593, 1728 7:7 1834 12:5 317, 847, 2019, 2021 7:25 1921 13:1 2125 7:25f 1817 14:4 1942 7:31 39/20, 2316 14:10-12 27, 1027 7:38 1817 14:13 923 7:40 1817 14:19 926 8:1 1902 15:16 1576a, 1739 8:6 5, 7, 1580a 16:17f 1006 9:16 1139, 1149 16:18 1945 9:24-27 1939 16:25 1161 10:1-11 264 16:25f 253 10:4 263 16:26 152, 883, 2081a 10:11 263, 2311 10:12 1942 1 Corinthians (1 Cor) 10:13 1816 10:16 891 1-6 522e 10:16-17 897 1:10 1515 10:17 1250c 1:17 1161 10:21 1547 1:18 1150 10:22 1004 1:23 1418 11:3 1515 1:24 302 11:23 1546 1062 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

11 23ff 1514 4:7 900Ej, 1164 11 24 1515, 1546, 1556 4:10 656 11 24ff 1519 4:16 1937 11 26 1515, 1581, 1740 4:17 1948 11 28 1332, 1522 5:2 2316 11 29 1522 5:6f 132 11 34 1324 5:8 1689 12 2000d/6 5:10 2053, 2302, 2307 12:3 2 1920 5:14 899b 12:4 1998 5:15 1927 12:4ff 893 5:17 1150 12:11 1932, 1999 5:18f 1021 12:12 1618 5:21 634 12:12-27 1689 6:2 2324b 12:13 849 6:3ff 1942 12:25 2021 6:16 1256 12:26 659 2019 7:10 1944 12:27 659 10:5f 152 12:29 1710 10:17 1632, 1948 12:30 1104 11:28 900Ec 13:8 2316 12:14f 1213 13:12 163a 1013 13:13 2 15.3f 1 15:44 2318c 15:3-6 1 15:10 1911 1918 Galatians (Gal) 15:22 1925 15:24 2302 1:8 674 15:24-28 1013 1:10 1180 15:26 2319a 2:20 669a, 1669a 15:26f 2312 3:27 510, 1619 15:27 1170 3:28 1250b, 2044 15:28 1448 4:3 1439e 15:35-37 2318c 4:4 620/3, 1447, 1926, 2326a 15:42 2316, 2318c 4:5 1926 15:45 524 4:6 669a, 851, 1998, 15:52-53 2318c 2000c, 2000h 15:53 2316 4:6f 851 15:56 2315 4:7 2000h 15:58 1946 5:1 430, 1439e 16:22 1595 5:6 120, 1523, 1934 5:13 430, 1439e 2 Corinthians (2 Cor) 5:14 2052 5:16 2000o 1:3 1926 5:22 1998, 2000e 1:22 2000c 5:24 656, 2016 3:3 2076 6:14 1632 3:5 1631, 1919 6:15 1150, 1934 3:8f 1739 3:14-16 253 Ephesians (Eph) 3:17 851, 2076 3:18 851 1:3-14 2, 2 BIBLICAL INDEX 1063

1:8 677, 851 2:12 1942 1:9 149 2:13 1914,, 1916, 1942 1:10 263, 669b, 1014, 3:10 669a, 1439b 1926, 2060, 2311 3:20 2318e 1:13 1932 3:21 2318c 2:3 1626, 1925 4:13 1632 2:4 647, 1615, 1932 2:4-5 2000d/3 Colossians (Col) 2:6 2318e 2:8 673, 1917, 1921 1:10 1012 2:13 936b 1:12 124, 1927 2:14 899b, 1002 1:13 853, 1546 2:14-16 897 l:13f 1927 2:18 149, 1998 1:15 149, 524,, 669a, 1260 2:19 1827, 1937 l:15f 263 3:3-9 1173 1:16 679 3:5 1161 1:18 213, 847 3:8 1036, 1180 1:19 660 3:14-15 1852a 1:20 677, 2311 3:15 308 1:24 654, 1667, 1689, 1692/5 3:19 921 1:25-29 1173 4:4-6 5, 7 1:26 679 4:5 804, 849, 1010, 2044 2:3 660 4:7 851 2:6 2 4:11 1710 2:8 134 4:llf 1998 2:13 654 4:13 1574 2:19 1757b 4:14 507 3:1 1053 4:15 934a, 1947 3:3 2318e 4:15f 658 3:4 2318e 4:16 1684 3:5 1937 4:22f 512 3:9 1103 4:23-24 1150 3:9f 512, 1150 4:30 1631, 1944 3:10 1260 5:2 606/10 3:11 2044 5:23 1515 3:14 2001, 2019 5:25 884, 1669a, 1806, 1836 3:16 246 5:31 621 5:32 1803, 1806, 1831, 1834 2 Thessalonians (1 Thes) 6:12 1911 2:13 1999 Philippians (Phil) 4:17 2321b 5:1-2 672 1:1 1708 2 Thessalonians (2 Thes) 1:6 1917, 1921 1:23 2321b 1:10 2324b 1:29 1917, 1921 2:7 295 2:6-11 2 2:7 603/14, 630, 662 2 Timothy (1 Tim) 2:8 853, 2016 2:11 2 1:4 2310 1064 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

1:17 149 , 713 4:16 1548 2:4 124, 177, 424, 1002, 5:1 656, 657 1018, 1019, 1115 5:1-4 1740 2:5 611, 425, 1215, 1255, 5:1-5 1738 1605;, 1689 , 727, 1740 5:1-10 1740 2:5-6 716c 5:3 657 2:5-7 1166 5:5-10 263 3:6f 1101 5:7 619/5, 2000h 3:8ff 1708 5:7-8 2319b 3:15 188, 1514 5:8 619/5 3:16 2 5:8f 1939 4:4 1004 6:10 1946 4:14 1638, 1709, 1739 7:11 1546 4:15 1750 7:12ff 1707 5:22 1633 7:24 1546, 1740 6:14 151 7:27 1546 6:16 39/2, 163a 9:11-28 1740 6:17 2103 9:12 643, 1681 6:20 134 9:14 1548 9:14-28 1740 2 Timothy (2 Tim) 9:27 1548, 2319c 10:1 263 1:6 1750 10:14 1546 l:6f 1709, 1739 10:23 124 2:5 512 10:29 1946 2:llf 1667 11 1921 3:5 1630 11:1 118 3:16-17 220 11:4 276 4:7f 1946 11:6 122, 507, 857, 1139, 1931,, 1935, 2000d/l Titus (Tit) 11:26 1940 12:2 124, 1924 1:15 1004 12:24 276, 2254 2:12 1938 13:8 1181, 2016 2:13 151, 2324b 13:14 39/20, 1574 3:6 1669a 13:15 1999 3:7 1932 James (James) Hebrews (Heb) 1:15 2315 l:lf 113, 151 1:17 1921 1:2 2326b 2:17 1934 1:3 524 2:22 1937 1:6 1520 2:24 1937 2:14 508 3:2 1905, 1949 2:21f 1574 5:3 1631 3:1 606/10 5:14 1656 4:13 413 5:14f 20n. 1, 654, 1603, 1613, 4:14 2 1636, 1660/48 4:14-16 1166 5:14-16 1667 4:15 614 5:15 1637, 1668b BIBLICAL INDEX 1065

5:16 1625 2:20 900Cc, 1999 2:27 900Cc, 1999 1 Peter (1 Pet) 3:1-2 2000j 3:2 39/22, 1010, 1013, 2317 1:3 1942, 2000d/3 4:7 1902 1:7 2322b 4:7-8 2000f l:18f 643, 1681 4:8 39/2, 337, 2060 1:23 1138 4:11 2000f 1:23-25 257 4:14 883 2:2-9 1441 4:16 337 2:4-10 1439f, 1738 4:19 1669a, 2000f 2:9 124, 657, 727 4:20 899 2:21 1105 5:3 1938 2:21f 1687 5:7 317 2:25 818 5:8 317 3:15 1065, 1738 3:20-21 276 Jude (Jude) 4:10ff 1439e 4:13 1667 3 188, 917, 1999 5:1-4 1746 5:8 1635 Revelation (Rev)

2 Peter (2 Pet) 1:6 1738 2-3 522e 1:4 149, 656, 791, 2:5 1944 2000c, 2000d/2 2:17 2321b 1:10 1939 5:9f 1738 1:19 119 7:9 1680b 2:19 504 11:15 1062 3:9 2323c 12:21f 669b 3:10-13 2311 14:13 1947 3:13 207, 2180, 2311, 2316 17:15 1509 21:1 2180 1 John (1 Jn) 21:2 2325a, 2327 21:4f 2316 1:8 1904, 2000o 21:5 1150 1:9 1625, 1904, 2000o 21:9 2325a 1:10 911 21:23 1595 2:lf 1631 21:23f 424, 1019 2:2 1926 21:27 2325a 2:3-6 900Ca 22:11 1937 2:18 2326b 22:17 1998


(For the main topics this Index refers in bold characters to the page numbers of the analytical tables of the various chapters. Italics indicate page numbers of the volume and ordinary characters its marginal numbers.)

Aachen, Synod of-: 10 analogy of faith: 132, 143/9, 221, 121, ABELARD: 250 250, 271 abortion: 975f ANASTASIUS II, pope: 171 absolution: 655 ANASTASIUS, priest: 220 Acacian Schism: 303 Ancyra, Council of-: 657 Academy of Sciences, Pontifical-: 73, angels: 19, 39/1, 402/5, 407, 412 84 Anglican: -hierarchy: 727; -orders: 727, acculturation, cf. adaptation, 1722-1728; -rite: 1722-1728 inculturation Anglicans: 728, 1722-1728 activity, human-: 422, 2059f animism: 1033; cf. traditional religions Acts of the Apostles: 621, 461, 1417 anointing of the sick: 654, 656 ADAM: 39/9, 420, 197, 199, 201, 501, ANSELM, St.: 255/, 325 503, 505, 508-511, 516, 668, 708, ANZIR, king of Mauritania: 418 716, 1129, 1805, 1927, 1934, 1955 Antioch, patriarchate of-: 809 adaptation, liturgical-: 512, 512, 530, Antiochian tradition: 215, 220, 224, 227 541 f, 1245-1249; missionary-: 462, anti-Semitism: 431 463; cf. inculturation apokatastasis: 1016, 2301, 1017 : 219, 250; Spanish-: 248, APOLLINARIS OF LAODICAEA: 218, 620/4, 638, 249, 639 234, 623 adultery: 765 Apollinarism, Apollinarists: 13, 229, Africa: 303, 1029, 438, 1033, 481 1757c African tradition: 1033f Arabs: 430 AGATHO, pope: 246 , Arians: 5, 7, 8, 13, 142, 143, Agnoetes: 216, 237, 626 369, 1404 Alaric: 795 Aristotelianism, Aristotelians: 108, 172, ALBERT THE GREAT: 67 805 Albigensians: 14, 151, 168, 169, 304, Apostles: 204, 210, 246, (863), 1739, 560, 661, 766, 1017 1757b-c ALEXANDER III, pope: 766, (1801) ARISTOTLE: 306 ALEXANDER VII, pope: 284, 468, 857 ARIUS: 6, 240, 143, 306/3, 218 ALEXANDER VIII, pope: 859 Aries, Council of-: 579, 657 Alexandria: 6; patriarchate of-: 809 Armenians: 272, 407, 308, 374, 411, Alexandrian tradition: 215, 227 561, 1305, 583, 1419, 623, 1509, 629, Altzelle in Saxony: 722 663, 722, 766 Amalricians: 14 art, christian-: 554, 1261 OF MILAN: 2, 4, 3, 718a, 823, Asia: 1029, 439, 443 900Ea, 1408, 2147a, 2321b Asian bishops: 452 "": 862, 2018 Assisi: 449, 1052, 528, 634 Anabaptists: 586 association of priests: 753, 1755a-e 1068 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH assumption: 280, 280 BISMARK: 322 : 12, 234, 635, body, creation of-: 166; resurrection 401 of-: 1015 atheism: 35 Bogota: 647 ATHENAGORAS: patriarch of Bohemia: 307, 561 Constantinople: 383, 386, 930a-b Bombay: 437 attrition: 655 , St.: 105, 177 Augsburg, confession of-: 563, 588 BONIFACE II, pope: 801 AUGUSTINE, St.: 12, 14, 222, 224, 121, BONIFACE VIII, pope: 304, 804, 706 151, 434c, 523c, 624, 242, 659, 711, BONIFACE IX, pope: 721, 1704 289, 309, 1015, 1049, 548, 1408, Bonn: 37 1444, 1516, 1524, 1549, 1662, 767, BONNETTY, A.: 37, 105 797f, 801, 804, 1932, 1938, 1946, Boston: 328 1986/54, 826, 1999, 2000d/6, BOTTE, B.: 3 2000d/7, 2014, 2067d, 1016, 1034, Braga, Council of-: 167, 402/5-13, 766 2327 Brazil: 496, 649 AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY: 464, 1102 Brest-Litovsk: 370 authority, Church-: 300, 301; civil-: BUCER, M.: 586, 727 855, 902 Buddhism: 428, 431, 438 Avignon: 304, 306 Bulgarians: 766 Byzantine tradition: 548, 596, 1447 Baianism: 826 Byzantine-Slav tradition: 600 BAIUS, cf. DE BAY, M. Byzantium: 19 Bandung: 452 BANEZ, D.: 828 CAESARIUS OF ARLES: 801, 1921-1922 Bangalore: 427 CALVIN, J.: 550, 588, 616, 680 baptism: 198, 201, 575f, 576f; liturgy CAMELOT, P.T.: 221, 225 of-: 2, 2, 4f Canon Law, New Code of-: 854, 882, BARTHOLOMEW I, ecumenical patriarch: 2065; interpretation of-: 883, 2065 161, 410 canon of Scripture: 96 Basel: Council of-: 282, 467 CAPELLE, B.: 3 BASIL, St.: 1252 Capharnaitic eating: 612 BAUTAIN, L.E.: 37, 101-104 Carthage: 579 beatific vision: 200, 506, 1013f, 1015, Carthage, Council of 251-252: 657 2305f Carthage, Synod of 416: 199 BENEDICT VIII, pope: 10 Carthage, Sixteenth Council of-: 199, BENEDICT XII, pope: 171, 407, 1018, 501-(502), 201, 581, (1407), 795, 2305-2307, 2320, 2322b 1901-1906, 799 BENEDICT XIII, pope of Avignon: 306 CASEL, O.: 570 BENEDICT XIV, pope: 475 CASSIAN: 797 BENEDICT XV, pope: 96, 229-231, 256, CASSIDY, E.I., Cardinal: 399, 412, 458 470, 1111-1114, 473, 481, 681, 1661 Castel Gandolfo: 74 BERENGAR OF TOURS: 609; oath of-: 1501 Catechism of the Catholic Church: 86, BERTOLIUS OF METZ: 581 185-188, 133, 270-271, 186, 434c, BERTONE, T., Archbishop: 214 207, 520a-523f, 539, 1241a, 711, Bible: 97; cf. Scripture 1691, 760, 1759, 836, 2000d/l-7, biblical criticism, cf. criticism 1011, 2269, 1028, 2318a-2325b biblical hermeneutic: 261-262 catechists: 484 birth regulation: 974f Cathars: 14, 304, 1601, 1017 bishops: 301, 718f; successors of Catholic action: 36, 39/2, 847, 856, apostles: 301, (863), 1739 (860),; cf. Church ANALYTICAL AND ONOMASTIC INDEX 1069

CELESTINE I, pope: 220, 1212, 658, 1604 "Justitia et Pax": 184, 434; CELESTIUS: 795, 1907 Pontifical-for religious relations celibacy, priestly-: 742, 1743 with the Jews: 226, 263-264, 458, Chalcedon, General Council of-: 8, 14, 1067-1070 18, 224, 609-612, 226, 613-614, 228, communicatio in sacris: 912 230, 620/5, 623, 246, 250, [650/31], communion, daily-: 529, 1209/1-4; cf. 238, 662, 264, 281, 369, 562 meal, eucharistic- Chaldeans: 308 communion of saints: 552, 1687, 1015 Chapters, "Three Chapters": 230, 231, communism: 901 621-623, 239 community, human-, cf. race character, sacramental: 558, 577, 718 community, world-: 903 charismatic, -element of the Church: concelebration: 607 301 : 299, 305/ charisms: 792, 833 concupiscence: 197 charity: 855; cf. virtues, theological- Confessio Augustana: 388, 390, 926, 412 chastity: 973, 974 confession: 655 China: 468, 475 confirmation: 575/, 577f Chinese rites: 468 CONFUCIUS: 475 Christianity, uniqueness of-: 426, 417; CONGAR, Y.: xxxviit -, fulfilment of all human values: Congregation, -of the Holy Office: 50, 417, 463 141f, 108, 228/1-14, 254, 650/27-38, Church: 299f, 300f, 371; -and Holy 256, 651/1-3, 323, 846/6-56, 328, Scripture: 90; missionary activity 854-857, 377, 908, 567, 1325, 1326/ of-: 301f, 461f, 463; universality 39-41, 589, 1437/42-44, 635, 681, and catholicity of-: 301f, 463; -and 1660/46-48, 730, 1729/49-50, 857, sacraments: 557/, 558f; -and 2005, 2006/3, 857, 858, 2008/2, eucharist: 605f, 607f; -and 2009/2-3, 866, 2022-2025, 977, Churches: 369-371, 371f; 2201/1-9; -of the Doctrine of the eschatological nature of-: 301, 1045, Faith: 32, 40, 63, 160-162, 77, 177- 1015f; cf. local- 182, 125, 261-262, 158, 333, 223, Cistercians: 722/ 526, 268, 670f, 335, 883, 347, 898a- Citeaux: 722 899e, 362, 900Ea-Ej, 384, 392, 395, CLEMENT I, pope: 720, 1701 931, 597, 1443-1446, 747, 1749-1750, CLEMENT IV, pope: 27, 304, 1018 749, 1752, 755, 1756a-d, 762, 1761, CLEMENT V, pope: 410 779, 1842, 788, 1853, 888, 2070- CLEMENT VI, pope: 250/, 643, 583, 706, 2071, 949, 2182a-2187, 988, 2226- 1681 2227, 989, 2228-2232, 992, 2232- CLEMENT XI, pope: 827, 1990/1-59, 2235, 2000, 2243a-d, 2002, 2244a- 1991/44-47, 1990/10-23 2252, 2025, 2317; -for the Clergy: clergy, cf. Order 602, 1449-1450, 753, 1755a-e; -of Cochinchina: 468 Rites: 528, 1229f, 534/, 643, 1581- COGGAN, D., Archbishop of Canterbury: 1587; 778, 1841a-b; -for Divine 383, Worship: 534, 535, 536/, 542, 1245- collectivism: 902 1249, 595, 596, 648, 685, 1668a-d, collegiality, cf. bishops 687, 1669-1671, 744; -for Catholic commandments, divine-: 794, 1902f, Education: 83, 123, 258, 128, 266- 1938, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1992/11 270, 762, 1762, 956, 2192a-c, 996, Commission, Pontifical Biblical-: 2239a-2240d; -de propaganda fide: 224, 237, 225, 238f, 226, 240- 468, 1106-1110, 475; -for the 245, 222, 235, 272-276, 436, 346, Evangelization of Peoples: 454, 897, 540, 1242-1243; Pontifical- 1059-1065, 504, 1176-1179; -for 1070 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

Oriental Churches: 384, 406; -of the criticism, biblical-: 143/9, 96f, 223, Index: 37, 50 228/1, 230-231, 254 conscience: 855 cult, cf. liturgy consequentialism: 856 culture, cf. inculturation Constance, General Council of-: 299, OF CARTHAGE: 16, 157, 656, 303, 306, 806, 307, 807/8-37, 808/1-15, 579, 1998 561, 1301, 611, 1506, 662, 1610 Cyprus: 308 CONSTANS II, emperor: 239 CYRIL, ST.: 498 CONSTANTINE I, emperor: 6, 795 : 222, 231, 604f, CONSTANTINE IV, emperor: 246, 418 606/1-12, 224, 229, 617, 232, 234, Constantinople: 19, 548; patriarchate 622, 623, 239, 636, 653, 281 of-: 809, 386 : 7, 9, 9 Constantinople, First General Council of-: 7, 8, 12f, 14, 22, 144, 305, 158, DAMASUS, pope: 9, 10, 98, 218, 219; 334, 218, (602), 248, 276, 561 Tome of-: 144, 306/1-24, 229, 603/ Constantinople, Second General 6-14 Council of-: 92, 204, 231, 620/1-10, death: 197, 1013f, 1015, 2022 621-623, 247 death penalty: 2269 Constantinople, Third General Council DE BAY, M.: 204, 284, 823, 829 of-: 239, 246, 635-637 DE BONALD, L.: 27 Constantinople, Fourth General DECENTIUS OF GUBBIO: 581, 657 Council of-: 303, 832,^549, 1253 DECIUS: 657 Constantinople, Council of 448: 225 deism: 273 Constantinople, Council of 543: 167, DE LAMENNAIS, F.: 37, 422 401/1-8, 229, 618/2-3, 1016 DE LA MOTTE, L.: 468 Constitutiones Ecclesiae Aegyptiacae: 740, demons: 2301 1741 Der-Balizeh papyrus: 2, 3, 1 consubstantial: 19, 22, 23, 319, 325, DESCARTES, R.: 422 333, 625, 627/1; cf. homoousios descent to the dead: 4, 5, 17, 20, 23 contraception: 974f development, human-: 463, 904; -of contrition: 655 nations: 903f Copts: 99, 100, 155, 171, 308, 309, 419, devil: 402/7.8.12, 508 585 diaconate: 719 Corinth: 720 diakonos: 1701 Council, Pontifical-for Christian Unity: dialogue, ecumenical-: 372; religious-: 161, 339, 214, 527, 396, 932a-g, 426, 417, 429, 430, 433, 435f, 441, 399, 932h, 410, 938, 412, 940, 541, 1037, 443, 1040, 446, 1047, 449, (1244), 782, 1850-1852; Pontifical- 1049-1052, 463 for Interreligious Dialogue: : 1565 454, 1059-1065, 504, 1176- Didascalia: 640 1179; Pontifical-for Justice and DIETENBERGER, J.: 202 Peace: 699, 1679, 969, 2199a; DIMITRIOS I, patriarch of Pontifical-for the Family: 1010, Constantinople: 383, 386, 409, 937c 2266-2268 DINKHA IV, Mar, patriarch of the councils, ecumenical-: xxxiv-xxxvi, 96, Assyrians: 277, 683, 384 829 diocese: 1201; cf. bishops, Church, COYNE, G.V.: 74 local- CRANMER, T.: 727 DIOCLEIIAN, emperor: 657 creation: 263, 165 : 229 Creeds, cf. Symbols of Faith DIONYSIUS, pope: 242, 301-303 Cremonia: 581 DIONYSIUS OF ALEXANDRIA: 142 ANALYTICAL AND ONOMASTIC INDEX 1071

DIOSCORUS OF ALEXANDRIA: 224, 226 Ethiopia: 369 disarmament: 2198e-f eucharist: 605f, 606ff divorce: 765, 977; cf. marriage, Eudoxians: 13 properties of-, indissolubility of- EUGENE IV, pope: 308, 467, 561, 1020 Djakarta: 436 EULOGIUS OF ALEXANDRIA: 237, : 218, 249, 662 Eunomians: 13 dogma: xxxiv-xxxv; development of-: EUNOMIUS: 8, 306/3 136; evolution of-: 143/4, 846/54; OF CAESARAEA: 5, 6, 7, 1018, immutability of-: 1207; 1036 irreformability of-: 162, 313; EUSEBIUS OF VERCELLI: 14 DOMINIC, St.: 560 euthanasia: 975, 992, 2233-2234, 998, Dominicans: 282, 1018 2241, 1008, 2259 : 369 EUTYCHES: 225, 226, 617, 620/4 drug addiction: 999, 2242 Eutychianism, Eutychians: 226 dualism: 139, 163, 167, 169, 171, 249, evangelization: 461f, 463 764, 766 evil: 402/7, 195 evolutionism: 165, 174, 419, 188, 436- Eastern Churches: 288, 308, 371, 1207, 438, 516 393, 401, 560, 591, 613, 1508, 742/ ex cathedra: 39/13, 839 Eastern tradition: 600, 828f, 830, 832f, exegesis: 95/ 1020 existentialism: 147, 866 ECK, J.: 101 Exodus, Book of-: 125, 261 ECKHART, J.: 170, 406/1-28 ex opere operantis: 1221, 1222 ecology: 206, 517, 518, 901, 2198d ex opere operato: 1209/4, 1221, 1222, ecumenism: 159, 336, 288, 335-337, 1318, 567, 572 j 371f, 382ff EXSUPERIUS OF TOULOUSE: 98 Edwardine Ordinal: 727, 1722-1728 "extreme unction", cf. anointing of the efficacy, -of liturgy: 512; -of sick sacraments: 557/, 558f Egypt: 3, 308, 369 faith: 33/, 35f; -and reason: 35f; -and ELIPANDUS OF TOLEDO: 248, justification: 793; -and science: 66, ELLIOT, W.: 862 163a, 67, 164-170, 70, 171, 71, 172, Elvira, Council of-: 579, 1402, 657, 742 72, 173, 73, 175, 74, 176a-c, 182, emanationism: 164 430b, 183, 434b; -and theology: 73, England: 261, 307, 464, 660 174, 86, 185-188; unity in-: 372 Ephesus, General Council of-: 9, 15, "Faith and Order": 375, 357/ 158, 335, 220, 604f, 224, 228, 230, family: 765 623, 250, [650/31], 663, 264, 276, Father, God the-: 141 (681), 281, (701), 303 Fathers of the Church: 97, 627/1-16 Ephesus, Council of 449: 227 FARVACQUES, F.: 567 epiklesis: 613 : 310 Epicureans: 621 FEENEY, L.: 328 EPICURIUS: 621 FELIX IV, pope: 801 EPIPHANIUS OF SALAMIS: 7, 10, 9 Ferrara: 308, 467 episcopal conference: 900Dd-h fideism: 37, 43, 422 episcopate: 718; cf. bishops fiiioque: 10, 144, 321, 155, 322, 324, 161, episkopos: 1701, 1729/50 339, 370, 410, 938, 561 Epistola ad Diognetum: 151 FISHER, J.: 101 , D.: 201, 586 FLANNERY, A.: 382, 535 eschatology: 1013f, 1015; cf. Church, FLAVIAN OF CONSTANTINOPLE: 224 eschatological nature of the- Florence: 467 1072 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

Florence, General Council of-: xxxviif, and eucharist: 608; life of-and 10, 18, 100, 208, 108, 154f, 322-326, reconciliation: 655 171, 408f, 252, 644-646, 308f, 809f, Greeks: 27/, 255, 304, 804, 308f, 514, 825, 834, 370, 419, 1003-1005, 519, 561 f, 588, 613, 828, 1017 561, 1305-1308, 583, 1412-1418, 585, GREGORY I, pope: 237, 624-626, 827, 850, 1419, 623, 1508-1511, 629, 663, 353, 937a, 464, 1102, 579, 722, 1702 1612f, 722, 1705, 1737, 766, 1803, GREGORY II, pope: 579 1018, 2308f GREGORY VII, pope: 418, 1002 FOREVILLE, R.: 25 GREGORY IX, pope: 722 form-criticism: 111, 116; cf. criticism, GREGORY X, pope: 27, 1018 biblical— GREGORY XII, pope: 306 Fortaleza: 649 GREGORY XIII, pope: 823 France: 168f, 660, 722 GREGORY XVI, pope: 422, 1007 Franciscans: 269, 282, 1018 : 319, 443, 635, , St.: 560 1619, 1759 Frankfurt, Council of-: 248 FRANSEN, P.F.: 767 HADRIAN I, pope: 248, 638, 418, 1260 freedom, human-: 198; moral-: 855; HANEBERG, D.: 204 religious-: 416, 417, 1030, 855 heaven: 1015 French hierarchy: 986 Hebrews, Epistle to the-: 619/5 Friars Minor: 857 HECKER, I.T.: 862 Friuli, Council of-: 248, 639 hell: 1014, 1015; cf. descent to the dead FULGENTIUS OF RUSPE: 326, 308, 810, 429, HERACLIUS, emperor: 239 422, 1005, 1935 HERMAS: 660 FUMASONI-BIONDI, Cardinal: 522 HERMES, G.: 37 hierarchy, Church-: 301, 718; cf. local- GALILEO: 72, 84, 184a-c, 436 hierarchy of truths: xxxv, 379, 913 Gaul: 10,17 hierocratic theory: 305 Gelasian Sacramentary: 609 , St.: 353, 2026 GELASIUS I, pope: 98, (203) HIMERIUS OF TARRAGONA: 580 Genesis, Book of-: 237, 239, 292, 440, Hinduism: 428, 431, 437 195 Hippo, Council of-: 522 Georgia: 722 HIPPOLYTUS, Apostolic tradition: 1, 3, 2, GERMAIN, St.: 1260 513 German hierarchy: 322, 841, 390 history, -and Scripture: 97; -and faith: Germany: 10, 67, 261, 389, 707 35; cf. salvation, history of-; GIBBONS, Cardinal: 862 dogma, development of- GILROY, Cardinal: 427 Holland: 752 globalization: 2199d HOLSTEIN, H.: 18 : 218 homoousios: 7, 7, 10, 9, 12, 39/4, 243, GOD, natural knowledge of-: 34f; 309, 614, 620/1.8; cf. consubstantial Christian concept of-: 239, 140f; - HONORIUS I, pope: 239, 246 creator: 165; triune-: 139, 140f hope: 1942, 1976, 2306; cf. virtues, goods of marriage: 766, 1803, 772, theological- 1826-1830 HORMISDAS, pope: 228, 303 Gospel, formation of-: 241-245; Hows: 555 apostolic origin of-: 254; cf. HUMBERT OF ARLES: 200, 582 Scripture hupostasis: 8, 138, 301, 606/3f, 615, 617, grace: 197; life of-: 791f, 793f; 619/2, 620/ Iff, 637, 1260; sanctifying and actual-: 791f, 793f; kath'hupostasin: 605, 606/2, 619/lf, life of-and baptism: 576f; life of- 620/4.5.7, 622 ANALYTICAL AND ONOMASTIC INDEX 1073

Hus, J.: 306, 307, 310, 550, 561, 611, intercommunion: 915 612, 623, 662, 707 international, -community: 903; - : 216, 217 authority: 903 inter-ritualism: 519, 1210 IBAS OF EDESSA: 227, 230, 237, 623 Ireland: 660 : 418, 548, 549, 550; cf. OF LYONS: 87, 212, 425, 716b, images, sacred- 823, 2000d/2, 2000j, 2318d, 2325b idealism: 147 IRENE, empress: 418, 548 idolatry: 548, 550, 1255 Islam: 425, 428, 430; cf. Muslims IGNATIUS JACOB III, patriarch of Antioch Italy: 269, 425 of the Syrians: 383 : 1579 Jacobites, cf. Copts IGNATIUS ZAKKA I IWAS, Syrian Orthodox JAHN, C.: 104 patriarch of Antioch: 383 James, Epistle of-: 1603, 1636, 1637, ignorance, invincible-: 813, 424, 1010 1660/48 images, sacred-: 547 JANSEN, C: 826, 828 immaculate conception: 279f, 280 , Jansenists: 253, 284, 311, immanentism: 147 416, 567, 826, 827, 859 incarnation: 215f, 216f Japan: 475 inculturation: 495, 1161, 498, 1165, 508, , St.: 20, 209, 229, 1626, 816 1182-1183, 509, 1184, 535, 1237- Jerusalem: 1447; patriarchate of-: 809 1239, 2187; cf. adaptation CHRIST, God and man, person and India: 446, 508, 1183; plenary Council work: 225/, 216f; -, founder of the of-: 427, 1016f; Catholic bishops' Church: 300f; -, present in the conference of-: 972 , 2199c liturgy: 512; -and the sacraments: Indian heritage: 1031 557f, 558; -and the eucharist: 605f, Indiculus: 199, 503, 797, 1907-1914 606ff : 311, 375, 416, 417 Jews: 226, 415f, 416f, 429, 1003, 428, individualism: 2106 1018, 430, 1103, 458, 1067-1070, 467, Indochina: 468 1105; cf. Judaism Indulgences: 704, 704f : 24, 252, 317, 320 indwelling, divine-: 793 JOHN II, pope: 228, 617, 281, (702) inerrancy of Scripture: 97 JOHN XXII, pope: 270, 406/1-28, 305, infallibility: 301 805/2-4, 857, 2001, 1018, 2320 infant baptism: 577 JOHN XXIII, pope: xxxiv, 378, 430, 481, INNOCENT I, pope: 98, (202), 503, 303, 1132-1135, 868, 2026-2042, 922, 801, 1250a, 579, 580, 581, 1406, 657, 2113-2123, 916, 2124-2140/2, 922, 1603, 1908f 951, 957, 2244a INNOCENT II, pope: 581, 1408 , St.: 110 INNOCENT III, pope: 24, 252, 168, 403, JOHN DAMASCENE, St.: 1261 200, 506, 249, 640, 514, 560, 1301, JOHN PAUL II, pope: 66, 163, 163a, 67, 581, 1409-1411, 583, 609, 1502f, 622, 164-170, 70, 171, 72, 172, 72, 173, 1504, 722, 1703, 1735, 766, 1802, 73, 174, 175, 74, 176a-c, 78, 82, 2027 183a-b, 84, 184a-c, 86, 88, 189, 89, INNOCENT VIII, pope: 722 190a-d, 224, 259, 227, 265, 235, 158, INNOCENT X, pope: 826, 1989/1-5 334-336, 337-338, 262, 178, 425-426, INNOCENT XI, pope: 857, 858, 2007/1- 2 79, 427-430, 182, 430b, 431-433, 14, 977 185, 434b, 187, 435, 188, 436-439, Inspiration of Scripture: 96f 292, 440, 292, 441, 293, 442, 206, intercession, -for the dead: 1015; -of 517, 206, 518-519, 222, 524, 223, the saints: 547, 547 525, 272, 674-676, 273, 677-679, 275, I 1074 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

680, 276, (681), 682, 683, 275, 684, justification: 793f 295, 721a-722, 297, 723-724, 298, JUSTINIAN, emperor: 225, 617, 230, 232, 725-726, 338, 886, 339, 887-888, 344, 2026 894-896, 350, 899a-e, 351, 900Aa- 900Bc, 353, 354, 355, 900Ca-900Cc, KANT, E.: 33, 37 356, 900Da-h, 361, 366, 900F, 353/, KAREKIN I, Catholicos of the 386, 916-921, 355, 922, 359, 923-926, Armenians: 275, 684, 422, 939 390, 927, 392, 928, 393, 930a-b, 400, KELLY, J.N.D.: 22 933a-c, 402 , 934a-b, 402, 935a-937c, kendsis: 265 420, 422, 939, 441, 1037-1039, 443, kenotic theory: 262, 662 1040, 446, 1047, 445, 1048, 449, KIEVAN RUS': 930a, 600, 1447 1049-1052, 452, 1053, 1054-1058, khristotokos: 220 457, 1066, 455, 495, 1161, 496, 1162- kingdom of God: 39/5.12.20, 332, 1163, 498, 1165, 499, 1166-1175, 506, (860), 2302, 2315; universality of-: 1180-1181, 505, 1182-1183, 509, 1184, 463 535, 1237-1239, 536, 537, 1240-1241, Kingship of Christ: 217; feast of the-: 542, 544, 1250a-e, 554, 1260, 557, 520 599, 1446a, 1447, 1448, 645, 1590, 649, 1591, 650, 1592, 652, 1593- labour: 599/, 902 1595, 690, 1672, 692, 1673-1676e, laity, -in the Church: (864), 894; -in the 695, 1677a-e, 699, 1678, 700, 1680a- missions: 463; call to perfection of b, 722, 1692/1-5, 752, 1753, 752, the-: 855; cf. People of God 1754, 755, 1757d, 759, 1758, 760, Laodicea, Council of-: 95, (201) 1760, 762, (1763), 750, 1843-1844, Last Supper: 607 752, 1845, 753, 1852a-c, 755, 1854, Lateran, Fourth General Council of-: 534, (2000a)-2000d, 539, 2000e-f, 24, 19-21, 252, 317-320, 169, (404), 540, 2000g-h, 542, (2000i)-2000j, 273, 250, (641), 304, (802), 465, 1103, 854, 882, 2064, 2065, 553, 2066, 524, 1201f, 525, 622, (1505), 626, 2067a-e, 557, 2068-2069, 559, 2072a- 654, 662, 1608f, 672, 1648, 1757d, 2086, 596, 2087-2088, 943, 2172- 2027, (2303) 2173, 945, 2174, 2175-2180, 949, Lateran, Fifth General Council of-: 45, 2181, 953, 2188-2191, 955, 2193- 272, 410 2197c, 965, 2198e-f, 972, 2199d, 993, Lateran Council of 649: 99, 205, 239, 2236, 994, 2237, 995, 2238, 2239a, 627/1-16, 246, 252, 703 995, 2241, 999, 2242, 2006, 2253- Latin Church, cf. Western Church 2265, 1032, 2326a, 2034, 2327 latreia, latria: 664, 545, 1252, 1260, 1520, JOHN XXIII of Pisa: 306 1531 JOHN OF ANTIOCH: 224 Lausanne: 375 JOHN OF JANDUM: 305 law, natural-: 853, 855f, 900, 901 ; JOHN OF LYONS: 609 human-: 855; international-: 903; JOHN PARASTRON: 29 Roman and Germanic-: 766 Judaism: 416f, 425, 430, 465, 1103, 467; laxism: 553, 977 cf. Jews lay ministries: 896, 718f judgement, general-: 1015 LEFEBVRE, M.: 227 JULIUS II, pope: 707 legalism: 554, 566 JULIUS III, pope: 727 Leninism: 2155; cf. communism JULIAN OF EKLANUS: 797 LEO I, pope: 224, 609-612, 226/, 617, jurisdiction, Church-: 301; power of-: 246, 636, 662, 823, 425, 562, 550, 655 659, 1605, 660, 1606, 1993 justice: 901; social-: 599/, 901-903 LEO II, pope: 246 justice, original-: 295, 197 LEO III, pope: 20 ANALYTICAL AND ONOMASTIC INDEX 1075

LEO IX, pope: 27, 99, 207, 249 xxxviii, 179-182, 185-188, 330f, 858- LEO X, pope: 320, (811), 563,1309, 664, 859 1614/5-14, 707, 1685/17-22, 804, Malankara Catholics: 370 1923/2-36, 2022 man and woman, created: 166; - LEO XII, pope: 422, 1006 and body: 166; -'s dignity: 854; -'s LEO XIII, pope: 96, 99, 105, 220-227, rights and duties: 855, 901; -'s 209, 230, 120, 135, 280, 285, 710, social character: 855, 901ff; -'s 847, 852, 374, 904f, 401, 426, 1014f, eternal destiny: 2023/, 1015; cf. 526, 1207, 529, 632, 727/, 1722-1728, woman 764, 699, 770, 1820-1823, 828, 1993- MANES: 402/, 621 1994, 1997, 860, 2011-2014, 862, , Manichaeans: 264, 267, 2015f, 899, 905, 2101-2105, 2152 168, 171, 409, 202, 249, 548, 586, LEO III, emperor: 548 766, 1017 lex orandi, lex credendi: 1159, 512, 1240 Manila: 439, 443 liberalism: 416, 426, 853, 860 manipulation, genetic-: 975, 995, 2238 liberation, human-: 463, 904; - Marcellians: 13 theology: 225, 261-262, 949; cf. MARCIAN, emperor: 227 salvation MARCION: 99, 301, 621 liberty, cf. freedom Marcionites: 621 life, respect for-: 975; public-: 903 Maria Laach: 570 Lima: 392 MARIS THE PERSIAN: 623 literary genres: 97; cf. criticism, marriage, properties of-: 764f; biblical- indissolubility of-: 764, 765; use liturgical, -cycle: 512, 1258; - of-: 973f, 974f; -bond: 763/, 765; - participation: 522, 512, 530; - contract: 765; -ends: 765; - renewal: 522/, 529-531; - impediments: 765; -laws: 765; cf. inculturation: 1245-1249 matrimony liturgy: 522/ 512f; -of the hours: 1225, Maronites: 308, 370 530; cf. liturgical MARSILIUS OF PADUA: 305, 320 local, -Church: 301, 462, 463, 484f; - MARTIN I, pope: 239, 281 clergy: 462, 463; -hierarchy: 462, MARTIN V, pope: 550, 1254, 562, 1304, 463; -language: 1104, 1114 622, 1507/16-17, 662, 1611/20-25, Lombards: 269 707, 1684/26-27, 722 London: 722 Marxism: 225, 2155f, 2191, 2195d LUTHER, M.: 202, 296, 202, 305, 310, 388, MARY, -Virgin Mother of God: 279/ 389, 391, 928, 550, 563, 586, 588, 280; -and human redemption: 280; 616, 625, 664, 666, 674, 680, 707, -and the Church: 280 767, 805, 806, 1021 Mass, cf. eucharist, meal, eucharistic-, Lutheran World Federation: 224, 527, sacrifice 422, 844, 2000k-s masturbation: 974 Lyons, Second General Council of-: 20, materialism: 42, 256, 273, 274 27/ 22-29, 99, 154, 321, 250, (642), matrimony: 763/, 764f; cf. marriage 304, (803), 833, 369, 560, (1302), 622, : 522b 2027/ (2304), 2020 meal, eucharistic-: 605/, 608 Mediator, Christ the-: 217 MACARIUS OF CONSTANTINOPLE: 246 MEKHITAR, Catholicos of Armenia: 583 Macedonianism, Macedonians: 8 MELANCHTON, P.: 388, 563, 586, 588, 616, Madras: 446 625, 680 Magisterium: 299/, 301f; -and MELLITUS, abbot: 464 Scripture: xxxiii-xxxv, 96f; -and membership, Church-: 301, 576f dogma: 161; -and theology: xxxiii- memorial, cf. eucharist 1076 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH

MENAS OF CONSTANTINOPLE: 267 , Nestorians: 225, 220/, merit: 794 225, 227, 230, 232, 620/4, 626, 248, merits, -of Christ: 217, 704f; -of saints: 254, 281, 369, 1702 704f NESTORIUS: 220/, 617, 230, 231, 620/4- MERSCH, E.: 324 5, 622, 623, 281 Mesopotamia: 308 "New Morality": 2025 Messalinians: 586 NEWMAN, J.H.: 90 METHODIUS, St.: 498 Nicaea, First General Council of-: 5, Mexico: 272 6, 7, 7, 8f, 12, 14, 24, 143, (304), 218, MICHAEL VIII PALAEOLOGUS: 27, 99, 254, (601), 617, 650/31, 264, 464, 1101, 250, 304, 369, 560, 1017f 579, 1403, 1521, 657, 1601f ministry, cf. Order Nicaea, Second General Council of-:99, miracles: 34 206, 418, 1001, 548, 1251f, 549, missiology: 1132 1257, 554, 1260 mission, cf. evangelization NICHOLAS I, pope: 766 Mission Works, Pontifical-: 477, 1123 NOKO, I.: 422 modalism: 140, 142 NOONAN, J.T.: 977 Modernism, Modernists: 22, 52/, 143/ Nouvelle Theologie: 54 11, 108, 254f, 256, 300, 323, 567, 568, , Novatians: 1404, 657, 1327, 589, 730; oath against-: 143/ 1601, 1617 1-13, 228/1-24 Novgorod: 1447 MOLINA, L.: 828 MOLINOS, M.: 858 Observatory, Vatican-: 74 monarchia: 301, 303 Oceania: 439 mono-energism: 239, 246 Olieu, P.J. (OLIVI): 269, 252 monogamy, cf. marriage, properties of- "Onanism": 977 monogenism: 275 Orange, Second Council of-: 200, 504- , Monophysites: 225, 505, 801, 1915-1922 222, 225, 226, 228, 230, 231, 237, Order: 727/, 718f 239, 248, 281, 369 orders, major and minor-: 722/, 1704, monotheism: 1029 1708, 1715, 745, 1747 , Monothelitists: 226, Oriental Rites: 513, 533 239, 246, 248, 281 Orientals: 1447, 767/, 2020 : 369 ORICEN: 134, 142, 167, 229 motherhood, divine-of Mary: 279, 280 Origenists: 267, 229, 2026 MUHAMMAD: 466 Orthodox Church: 554, 371f MUNIER, CH.: 27 ORTIZ DE URBINA, I.: 6, 7, 9 Muslims: 288, 415, 418, 1002, 1018, OSITH, St.-in Essex: 722/, 1704 431, 1019, 466; cf. Islam "mysteric presence" 570 Padua: 272 mysterium fidei: 609, 1502 PALLU, E: 468 Mysteries: xxxiv-xxxv, 35; Christ's-in : 42, 143/11, 139, 156, 164, the liturgy: 512 173 Mystical Body: 301 papacy: 299/, 301; -and unity: 372 mythology: 139 parenthood, responsible-: 974f Paris: 114, 1018 Narbonne: 658 parousia: 2023 nations, relations between-: 903; cf. partnership, contract of-: 902f development of- Paschal Mystery: 226, 217, 275, 680, 605 NAUTIN, P.: 3 patriarchates: 309, 809, 371f Neo-Chalcedonianism: 230 : 219 ANALYTICAL AND ONOMASTIC INDEX 1077

PAUL IV, pope: 253, 648, 283, 707, 727 Pius VII, pope: 623 PAUL VI, pope: 24, 39/1-23, 60, 155- Pius IX, pope: 37/, 106-111, 42, 272, 159, 80, 205, 269, 671a, 270, 672- 411/1-2, 284, 709, 311/, 813-816, 673, 292, 718b-720, 337, 884-885, 322, 373, 901f, 903, 423, 1008, 1009f, 887, 349, 356, 383/, 930a-b, 403, 407, 425, 1012, 1013/15-79, 426, 516, 937a, 408, 435, 1029f, 437, 1031f, 1206, 859, 2010/56-63 438, 1033f, 1035, 439, 1036, 489, Pius X, pope: 22, 52, 99, 108, 228/1- 1146-1148, 491, 1149-1160, 497, 534, 24, 254, 286, 712, 527, 1208, 1209/ 552, 1259, 574, 1336, 590, 596, 1441- 1-4, 1210, 520, 567, 1327, 623, 681 1442, 641, 1577-1580, 647, 1587a, Pius XI, pope: 188, 257, 652f, 258, 654- 685, 688, 704, 709, 1687-1690/5, 659, 375, 907, 377, 473, 1115-1118, 1692/5, 742, (1742), 1743, 743, 520, 1211f, 522, 1213, 682, 764, 767, (1744), 745, 1747, 746, (1748), 748, 772, 1824-1833, 864, 2019, 907, 1751, 778, 1841, 924, 2145-2153, 2106-2111/3, 2147b, 977, 2202, 930, 2153a-2158, 936, 940, 2165, 2208, 2209 941, 2167-2171, 985, 2220-2225 Pius XII, pope: 54, 144-148, 96, 111, PAUL IV OF CONSTANTINOPLE: 418 232-236, 225, 238f, 230, 274, 419f, PAUL OF SAMOSATA: 579 188, 436-438, 260, 660f, 262, 662f, Paulianists: 579, 1403 262, 664-667, 286, 713-715, 300, 324, PAULINUS OF AQUILEIA: 248 847-853, 856, 330, 858f, 332, 894, peace: 903 427, 475, 1119-1121, 477, 1122f, 478, , Pelagians: 199, 201, 523e, 1124f, 479, 1126-1129, 482, 1130f, 303, 795, 797, 806, 1987/28 522, 1214f, 523, 1216-(1226), 527, PELAGIUS: 196, 199, 504, 523e, 792, 795, 1227f, 566, 569, 1328-1330, 570, 1907, 1986/54 1331-1333, 572, 589, (1438), 632, penance, cf. reconciliation 1564f, 632, 1566-1570, 634, 1571, Pentateuch: 114 1572f, 682, 1662, 722, 732, 1730, People of God: 333, (862) 1731-1736, 735, 1737, 743, 792, 830, perfection, Christian-: 853/, 855f 1995-1997, 865, 2020-2021, 2025, perseverance, final-: 794 920, 2112, 977, 980, 2209-2212, 982, persons, divine-: 141; human-, cf. man 2213 and woman PLATO: 621 Peru: 391 Platonism, Platonists: 108, 267, 621, PETER OF ANTIOCH: 27 1016 : 22 pluralism, dogmatic-: xxxvi, 372; : 252, 317-318, 805 liturgical-: 475/, 526; cultural-: 1182 PETER WALDO: 560 Pneumatomachs: 8, 13 Phanar: 386 POLE, R„ Cardinal: 727 PHILIP, Roman legate: 822 polygenism: 275, 420, 516 PHILIP THE FAIR: 304 POMPONAZZI, P.: 272 PHILIP OF HESSE: 767 poor, preferential option for the-: philosophy: 34f, 183b 2153f, 2183 Photinians: 13 POUPARD, P., Cardinal: 84 phusis: 608, 613 power, cf. authority Pistoia, Jansenist Synod of-: 204, 253, praeparatio evangelica: 1018, 1023 320 prayer, liturgical and private-: 512 Pius IV, pope: 22/, 30-38, 623, 708, 1706 preaching, cf. word, liturgy of the- Pius V, pope: 204, 514/26-49, 284, 708, : 307, 808/1-6, 793 522, 1984 / 21-79, 1985/13-63, 1986/ pre-existence of : 166, 2026 20-76, 1987/27-66, 1988/16-38 presbyterate: 718f Pius VI, pope: 253, 649, 320, (812) presence, eucharistic-: 605/, 607f 1078 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH preternatural gifts: 197 reason, cf. faith priesthood, -of Christ: 1546, 732, 1731, rebirth, cf. baptism 744, 1745; common-: 576, 578, 727, reconciliation: 653f, 655f 719; ministerial-: 727/, 718f; redemption: 225/, 217; cf. salvation threefold function of-: 719; -and , Reformers: 22, 202, 201, eucharist: 607, 718; -and remission 283, 300, 307, 370, 379, 515, 550, of sins: 655f, 718 586, 605, 615, 623, 625, 636, 654, primacy, -of Peter, -of Roman Pontiff: 665, 704, 708, 717, 723, 764, 767, 299/ 301 792, 805, 806, 823, 1021 PRISCILLIAN: 267, 402/5-13 Reims, Council of-: 249 , Priscillianists: 267, 202, relations, divine-: 141 369, 766 relativism, dogmatic-: 148, 162; cf. probabilism: 855 dogma, evolution of- processions, divine-: 141 relics: 547 procreation: 973/, 974f religions, world-: 425/, 416f professions of faith: cf. Symbols of faith religious life: 334, 855; -in the property, right of private-: 902 missions: 463 prophecies: 110, 119, 143/2 reservation of cases: 655 proportionalism: 856 resurrection, -of Christ: 217; -of the proskunesis: 1252, 1260 dead: 2024, 1015 prosopon: 220, 604-608, 615, 620/1 revelation: 33f, 34; -and reason: 35, PROSPER OF AQUITAINE: 798, 801 190a-c; -and science: 36, 67, 164- , Protestants: 101, 283, 170, 84, 184a-c; -and the Church: 288, 370, 373, 388, 767/, 806, 823 35, 96; -and tradition: 96f Providence, divine-: 165 RICHARD, Cardinal: 727 PSEUDO-ALEXANDER I: 1509 RICCI, SCIPIO: 253 PSEUDO-ATHANASIUS, Symbol of-: 22, rigorism: 853, 973 16f, 24, 246, 242, 562, 1016 Rites, liturgical-: 513 PSEUDO-DIONYSIUS: 239 ROBERTS, G.: 3 PSEUDO-IULIUS I: 1509 Roman Breviary: 1575 psychology, human-of Christ: 217 Roman Catechism: 773 public life, participation of Catholics Roman Missal: 1219, 1220, 1232, 1549, in-: 903; participation of citizens 648, 1588, 1937, 2316 in-: 2131 Roman Pontifical: 727, 1730, 743 Puebla: 178, 271 Roman Rite: 1233, 1241 purgatory: 2024, 1015 Roman Ritual: 1934 Rome: 19, 308, 467, 1124, 998; cf. quaternity: 317, 318, 629 Congregation, law, primacy QUESNEL, P.: 204, 827 Rome, Council of 382: 144, 306/1-24, quietism: 858 229, 603/6-14 QUIRICIUS OF TOLEDO: 24, 2026 Rome, Council of 449: 227 Rome, Council of 680: 246 race, unity of the human-: 166, 1119 Rome, Council of 1059: 609 racism: 184, 434, 902f Rome, Council of 1079: 609, 1501 RAHNER, K.: 160, 616 Rome, Symbol of-: 4/, 5 RAMSEY, M., Archbishop of Canterbury: ROSMJNI-SERBATI, A.: 50 383 ROY, M., Cardinal: 930 rationalism, rationalists: 37/, 106-111, RUFINUS OF AQUILAEA: 2, 4, 4 41, 112/2-11, 143/9, 253, 283, 311, RUNCIE, R., Archbishop of Canterbury: 423 383, 384 RATZINGER, J., Cardinal: 89, 127, 214 Russian Orthodox Church: 600 ANALYTICAL AND ONOMASTIC INDEX 1079

Sabellianism, Sabellians: 7, 242 196, 884, 2067a-c; philosophical-: : 142, 301, 306/2 2008/2; loss of grace by personal- sacraments: 557f, 558f : 794; remission of-by baptism: sacred art: 521, 1213, 530 577; remission of-by reconciliation: SACRED HEART: 217, 254, 258 655f sacred music: 517, 520, 527, 1227, 528, SIRICIUS, pope: 580, 1404 530 "Situation Ethics": 866, 2022, 2025 sacrifice: -of Christ: 216, 217, 605, 607; Sitz im Leben: 116 eucharistic-: 605, 607 SIXTUS III, pope: 224 saints, cult of-: 547 SIXTUS IV, pope: 513, 282, 704, 705 salvation, economy of-: 415, 417, 1018; Slavs: 498 history of-: 34, 121, 216, 557, 1013f; social teaching of the Church, nature -through Christ: 217; -through the of-: 2191, 2192a-c, 2197a; cf. social Church: 302, 461, 463; -outside the order Church: 302, 415, 417 Social order: 899f, 901-903 salvific will, God's-: 793 socialisation: 901f, 2114 Sao Paulo: 496 socialist ideologies: 916, 2140/2, 2154 Saracens: 465, 466 society, human-: 899f, 901f Satan, cf. devil Son, -of God: 141f, 216f; cf. Jesus satisfaction: 655 Christ schism, Eastern-: 369, 519; Western-: sonship, divine-: 793 306 soul, created-: 166; -, form of the Scholasticism: 610, 654, 681, 706 body: 166 science, sciences, cf. faith, revelation, Spain: 9, 20, 267, 248, 579, 660, 1607 Scripture Spirit, Holy-: 240, 141, 244; Holy-and Scotism: 663 grace: 793; Holy-and the Church: Scripture: 95/, 96f; -and science: 97; - 301; Holy-and confirmation: 577; and tradition: xxxiii-xxxiv, 95f, 96f; Holy-and non-Christians: 417, interpretation of-by the Church: 97, 1044, 448, 1048, 449; cf. inspiration 301; -and dogma: 190d; -and of Scripturc theology: 97, 258 "Spirituals": 269 Secretariat for Christian Unity: 126, Spoleto, Council of-: 425 378, 384, 385, 915, 391, 929, 594, State: 902 1440a-b States, relations between-: 903 Secretariat for non-Christians: 444, Statuta Ecclesiae Antiqua: 17, 99, 722 1041-1046, 497, 1164 STEIN, E., 90 Secretariat for non-believers: 70 STEPHEN I, pope: 579, 1401 secularism: 865; -of the State: 426, 1014 sterilization: 975 seeds of the Word: 417 Stoicism: 108 Semi-Pelagianism, Semi-Pelagians: 797, Strasbourg: 37 801, 1989/4 subdiaconate: 1708, 745, 1747 Sens, Council of 1141: 250 subsidiarity, principle of-in the Sens, Council of 1528: 100, 209 economic order: 901f senses of Scripture: 97 : 140, 143 SERGIUS OF CONSTANTINOPLE: 239, 246 SUHARD, E., Cardinal: 225 sexual order: 973/, 974f supernatural: 793; cf. grace SHENOUDA III, patriarch of Alexandria: SYLVESTER I, pope: 6, 1509 269, 671a, 383 Symbols of Faith: xli, If, 1-39/23, 40, sign, sacramental-: 558f 189, 239/ sin, original-: 196f, 197f, 577; personal-: "Symbol of the Apostles": If 4, 3f, 4/, 197, 577; personal and social-: 5 1080 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH syncretism: 1016, 1144 Toledo, Third Council of-: 20, 244, 660, Synod of Bishops in Rome (1971): 744, 1607 1745f, 936, 2159-2164 Toledo, Fourth Council of-: 24, 242 Synod of Bishops in Rome (1974): 940/, Toledo, Sixth Council of-: 24, 242 2166 Toledo, Eleventh Council of-: 24, (18), Synod of Bishops in Rome (1977): 66, 246, 308-316, 442, 242, 628-634, 124, 495 2026, 2302 Synod of Bishops in Rome (1980): 780 Toledo, Sixteenth Council of-: 24 Synod of Bishops in Rome (1983): 339, tolerance: 417 691 tolerantism: 1006 Synod of Bishops in Rome (1987): 344, Tradition, -and Scripture: xxxiii-xxxiv, 759 95f, 96f Synod, Second Extraordinary-of traditionalism: 37, 43 Bishops in Rome (1985): 340, 889- traditional religions: 428, 431, 438, 1033 893, 900Dc, 900Dg traducianism: 272 Synod, Particular Synod of Dutch transfinalisation: 642, 1577, 1580 Bishops in Rome (1980): 752 transignification: 642, 1577, 1580 Synod for Asia: 970, 2199b transmigration: 267, 2027 of bishops, -continental: 366, : 607 900F treasury of the Church: 704, 704 Syriac Christians: 155, 308 Trent, General Council of-: 22, 37, 39/ 9, 96, 99,101, 210-215, 204, 202, 233, TARASIUS OF CONSTANTINOPLE: 418 296, 299, 202, 507-513, 252, 252, 647, Tchekoslovakia: 498 283, 705f, 284, 310, 855, 857, 525, temporal order, autonomy of-: 135, 1203-1205, 550, 1255-1257, 552, 563, 423 1310-1323, 566, 1324, 568, 572, 581, temporal punishment, remission of-by 586, 1420-1433, 588, 1434-1436, 622, the Church: 577, 656, 704, 705; - 625, 1512-1536, 623, (1537)-(1540), and purgatory: 1015 1541-1544, 625, 1545-1563, 632, : 108, 143/12, 816 636,1577, 654, 665, 1615-1634, 674, Testament, Old and New: 96f 1635-1640, 1641-1655, 1656-1659, TETZEL, J.: 707 708, 1686, 709, 722, 723, 1706-1721, THEODORA, empress: 549 745, 764, 767, 1804-1819, 770, 792, THEODORE OF FREJUS: 659 806, 1914-1983, 828, 857, 1021, 2310 : 230, 231, 620/ Trinity: 239, 141; Father, Son, Holy 4.5.6, 621-623 Spirit: 141 OF CYRUS: 227, 230, 231, 622 tritheism: 242 THEODOSIUS I, emperor: 8 TROMP, S.: 324 THEODOSIUS II, emperor: 220, 224, 227 Turks: 370 theology: xxxiii-xxxvii, 112/8, 147f, Tuscany: 253, 320 177-178; cf. Magisterium, pluralism, typology: 226 dogmatic- THEOPHANE: 1260 Ukranians: 370 theotokos: 159, 220, 605, 606/1, 607, 279, Uniate Churches: 370, 374 280, 281 union of Churches: 369-371, 371f , St.: xxxiv, 105, 86, Upanishads: 1031 188, 90, 269, 273, 337, 434c, 438, URBAN IV, pope: 1511 442, 523c, 710, 888, 562, 564, 1444, URBAN VIII, pope: 823, 826 609, 613, 1578, 663, 1668b, 722, 1995, 2014, 2103, 2108 VASKEN I, patriarch of the Armenians: Toledo, First Council of-: 24, 766 383 ANALYTICAL AND ONOMASTIC INDEX 1081

Vatican, First General Council of-: 22, VINCENT OF LERINS: 136, 405 '37, 37, 42, 113-140, 54, 57, 59, 86, violence: 2147c, 2156c, 2186a-b 99, 104, 216-219, 108, 238, 156, 327- virginity: 764; -of Mary: 280 331, 173, 412-418, 300, 303, 304, virtues, theological-: 793, 2306; moral-: 310, 313, (817), 818-839, 322, 333, 855 336, 937b, 423 vision, cf. beatific- Vatican, Second General Council of-: VosTfi, J.M.: 224, 237 xxxv-xl, 24, 34, 43, 57, 149-(153), 59, Vulgate: 97 (154), 82, 96, 99, 118, 246-257, 233, 157, (332), 275, 421-424, 204, (515), wages: 902 226, 264/, 668f, 280, 285, 288f, Waldensians: 24, 99, 269, 249, 560, 582, 716a-718a, 299, 310, 314, 308-312, 583, 611, 661, 721, 766 340, 370, 378f, 909-914, 392, 396, war: 903 426, 427, 428f, 1018, 430, 1019- Western Church: 623, 1508, 735, 743, 1026, 433/, 1027a-1028, 435, 438, 2027/ 2020 1046, 1048, 449, 1052, 462, 4S3/, Western tradition: 828, 830, 1017f 1136-1145, 522, 529-531, 1231- WILLIBRANDS, J., Cardinal: 392 1234a, 533, 1235f, 534, 535, 537, WOLTER, H.: 18 540, 541, 552, 1258, 1261, 572/, woman, -created: 166; dignity of-: 166, 1334f, 576, 590/, 1439-1440, 606, 775 624, 626, 635, 636-635, 1574- women: -in the Church: 718; -in 1576c, 642, 643, 654, 683, 1663- society: 902 1667, 709, 72S, 736-738, 1738-1741d, Word of God, cf. Son of God, Jesus 742, 743, 744, 1756c, 759, 764, 775, Christ 1834-1840, 792, #32/, 1998-1999, word, liturgy of the-: 512, 530 854, 872-874, 2043-2047, 2048-2050, work: 422; cf. labour 2051-2061, 883, 2066, 926, 922, works, good-of the justified: 794; 2141-2144, 2187, 9S2, 2214-2219, good-of the faithful: 1015 985, 1014, 1022f, 2311-(2314), 2315- world, created-: 165; -spiritual and 2316 material: 165; new-: 2316 Velerhad: 498 worship, cf. liturgy Vienne: 658 WYCLIF, J.: 306, 307, 320, 550, 562, 622, Vienne, General Council of-: 269, 405, 626, 662, 707 410, 252, 466, 1104 VIGILIUS, pope: 267, 230, 619/1-5232, Zaire: 535, 539, 542 1016 ZOSIMUS, pope: 795, 1910f VIGILIUS OF THAPSUS: 309 ZWINGLI, U.: 550, 625


(This concordance leaves out the numbers referring to documents quoted elsewhere in the book. Figures between brackets indicate texts not quoted but summarised.)


1 2 146 3876 2 10 147-148 3882-3883 3 13 4 16 (202) 213 5 30 (203) 179 6 40 205 517 7-8 125-126 206 609 9 41 207 685 10-11 42-43 208 1334 12-13 150-151 210-213 1501-1504 14-15 71-72 214-215 1506-1507 16-17 75-76 216-217 3006-3007 19-21 800-802 218 3029 22-25 851-855 219 3011 26-29 855-861 221-222 3283-3284 30-38 1862-1870 223-224 3286-3288 225-227 3290-3293 101-104 2765-2768 228/1 3401 105 2814 228/4 3404 106 2775 228/9 3409 107-111 2776-2780 228/11 3411 112/2 2902 228/14-16 3414-3416 112/3-5 2903-2905 228/23-24 3423-3424 112/6-7 2906-2907 229 3650 112/8-9 2908-2909 230-231 3652-3653 112/10-11 2910-2911 233-234 3825-3826 113-114 3004-3005 235 3828 115-117 3026-3029 236 3830 118-122 3008-3012 237 3864 123 3013 238 3887 124 3014 239 3898 125-130 3031-3036 240-244 3999a-d 131-136 3015-3020 137-139 3041-3043 301 112 140 3044-3045 302 113 141-142 3201-3205 303 115 143 3537 305 150 143/1-13 3538-3550 306/1-3 153-155 144-145 3875-3876 306/10-13 162-165 1084 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH


306/16-24 168-177 618/2-3 404-405 308-316 525-532 619/1-5 416-420 317 803 620/1-10 421-432 318-320 804-806 621-623 434-437 321 850 624-626 474-476 322-324 1300-1302 627/1-16 501-516 325-326 1330-1331 628-634 533-539 327 3001 635-637 556-558 328-331 3021-3024 638 610 639 619 401/1 403 640 791 401/8 410 643 1025-1027 402/5 455 644-645 1337-1338 402/6 456 646 1347 402/7-8 457-458 647 1529 402/9 459 648 1880 402/11-13 461-463 649 2661 403 790 650/27-38 3427-3438 405 902 651/1-3 3645-3647 406/1-3 951-953 652 3675 406/26-27 976-977 653 3676 406/28 978 661 3812 407 1007 663 3905 408 1333 664 3922 409 1336 665-667 3924-3925 410 1440 411/1-2 2901-2902 703 503 412-413 3002-3003 704 1400 414-418 3021-3025 705 1516 419-420 3896-3897 706 1573 707 1880 501 222 708 1973 (502) 223 709 2803-2804 503 239 710 3274 504-505 371-372 712 3370 506 780 713 3902 507-513 1510-1516 715 3903-3904 514/26 1926 514/46-49 1946-1949 801 217 804 870-875 603/6-7 158-159 805/2-4 942-944 603/14 166 807/8 1158 604-605 250-251 807/37 1187 606/1-12 252-263 808/1 1201 607-608 272-273 808/3 1203 609-610 291-292 808/5-6 1205-1206 611-612 293-294 808/10 1210 613-616 300-303 808/13 1213 617 401 808/15 1215 CONCORDANCE 1085


809 1307-1308 1325 2328 810 1351 1326/39-41 3439-3441 813 2865i 1327 3489 814 2865-2867 1331 3840 815 2893 1333 3855 816 2895 818-840 3050-3075 1401 110 841 3115 1402 120 846/6-7 3406-3407 1403 128 846/52-56 3452-3456 1404 183 848 3801 1405 184 849 3802 1406 215 850 3804 1408 741 851 3807 1409 780 852 3808 1410 781 854-857 3866-3872 1411 794 858-859 3885-3886 1412-1415 1314-1316 1416-1418 1317-1319 901-902 2998-2999 1419 1349 1420-1433 1614-1627 1003 1348 1434-1436 1628-1630 1004 1350 1437/42-43 3442-3443 1005 1351 1437/44 3444 1006 2720 1007 2730 1501 700 1008 2785 1502-1503 782-783 1013/15-17 2915-2917 1504 794 1013/21 2921 1506 1199 1013/77-79 2977-2979 1507/16-17 1256-1257 1014-1015 3176-3177 1508 1303 1509-1511 1320-1322 1209/1-4 3379-3382 1512-1520 1635-1643 1214-1215 3819-3820 1521-1522 1645-1646 1218 3841 1523-1525 1648-1650 1219-1220 3842-3843 1526-1536 1651-1661 1221 3844 (1537-1540) 1726-1730 1222 3846 1541-1544 1731-1734 1251-1252 600-6001 1545-1554 1738-1749 1253 653-654 1555-1563 1751-1759 1254 1269 1566 3848 1255-1257 1821-1823 1569 3853 1570 3854 1301 793 1571 3891 1303 1154 1304 1262 1601 127 1305-1308 1310-1313 1602 129 1309 1451 1603 216 1310-1323 1600-1613 1604 236 1324 1728 1605 308 1086 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH


1606 323 1829 3707 1608 812 1830 3710 1609 814 1831 3712 1610 1157 1832 3714 1611/20-21 1260-1261 1611/25 1265 1901-1906 225-230 1612 1323 1907 238 1613 1324-1325 1908 240 1614/5-14 1455-1464 1909 241 1615-1626 1668-1680 1910-1914 243-249 1627-1629 1684-1686 1915-1918 373-376 1630-1632 1689-1691 1919-1920 377-378 1633-1635 1692-1693 1921-1922 396-397 1635-1637 1694-1696 1923/2-3 1452-1453 1638-1640 1697-1700 1923/31-32 1481-1482 1641-1655 1701-1715 1923/36 1486 1656-1659 1716-1719 1924-1983 1520-1583 1660/46-47 3446-3447 1984/21 1921 1660/48 3448 1984/23 1923 1681-1683 1025-1027 1984/55 1955 1684/26-27 1266-1267 1984/78 1978 1685/17-22 1467-1472 1984/79 1979 1686 1835 1985/13 1913 1985/42 1942 1701 101 1985/63 1963 1702 478 1986/20 1920 1703 794 1986/50 1950 1704 1145 1986/54 1954 1705 1326 1986/67 1967 1706 1763 1986/74 1974 1707-1713 1764-1770 1987/27-28 1927-1928 1714-1721 1771-1778 1987/39 1939 1722-1724 3316-3317 1987/40 1940 1725-1726 3317ab 1987/41 1941 1727-1728 3318-3319 1987/66 1966 1729/49-50 3449-3450 1988/16 1916 1734-1736 3849-3852 1988/34 1934 1737 3858-3859 1988/38 1938 1989/1-5 2001-2005 (1801) 755-756 1990/1 2401 1802 794 1990/38-41 2438-2441 1803 1327 1990/59 2459 1804-1807 1797-1800 1991/44-47 2444-2447 1808-1819 1801-1812 1992/10-11 2410-2411 1820 3142 1992/23 2423 1821 3144 1993 3329 1822-1823 3145-3146 1994 3330-3331 1824-1825 3700-3701 1995 3810-3813 1826-1828 3704-3706 1996/1997 3814-3815 CONCORDANCE 1087


2005 2048 2109-2111/3 3733-3737 2006/3 2103 2113 3943 2007/1-2 2201-2202 2115-2116 3944 2007/4-5 2204-2205 2117/1-3 3947-3948 2007/14 2214 2118-2119 3949 2008/2 2291 2120 3951 2009/2-3 2302-2303 2124 3973 2010/56 2956 2125-2130 3979-3985 2010/59 2959 2134-2140/2 3991-3997 2010/63 2963 2011 3245 2201/9 2109 2012-2013 3247-3248 2201/48-50 2148-2150 2014 3251 2202 3716-3717 2015-2017 3343-3345 2203-2204 3718 2018 3346 2205-2206 3719-3720 2020 3780-3781 2207-2208 3722 2022-2025 3918-3921 2026-2042 3956-3972 2301 411 2302 540 2101-2105 3265-3270 2305-2307 1000-1002 2106 3726 2308-2309 1304-1306 2107-2108 3728-3729 2310 1820 CONCORDANCE OF DENZINGER-SCHONMETZER WITH NEUNER-DUPUIS


2 1 250-251 604-605 10 2 252-263 606/1-12 13 3 272-273 607-608 16 4 291-292 609-610 30 5 293-294 611-612 40 6 300-303 613-616 41 9 308 1605 42-43 10-11 323 1606 71-72 14-15 371-372 504-505 75-76 16-17 373-376 1915-1918 101 1701 377-378 1919-1920 110 1401 396-397 1921-1922 112 301 401 617 113 302 403 401/1 115 303 404-405 618/2-3 120 1402 410 401/8 125-126 7-8 411 2301 127 1601 416-420 619/1-5 128 1403 421-432 620/1-10 129 1602 434-437 621-623 150-151 12-13 455 402/5 150 305 456 402/6 153-155 306/1-3 457-458 402/7-8 158-159 603/6-7 459 402/9 162-165 306/10-13 461-463 402/11-13 166 603/14 474-476 624-626 168-177 306/16-24 478 1702 179 (203) 501-516 627/1-16 183 1404 503 703 184 1405 517 205 213 (202) 525-532 308-316 215 1406 533-539 628-634 216 1603 540 2302 217 801 556-558 635-637 222 501 600-601 1251-1252 223 (502) 609 206 225-230 1901-1906 610 638 236 1604 619 639 238 1907 653-654 1253 239 503 685 207 240 1908 700 1501 241 1909 741 1408 243-249 1910-1914 755-756 (1801) CONCORDANCE 1089


780 506 1304-1306 2308-2309 780 1409 1307-1308 809 781 1410 1310-1313 1305-1308 782-783 1502-1503 1314-1316 1412-1415 790 403 1317-1319 1416-1418 791 640 1320-1322 1509-1511 793 1301 1323 1612 794 1411 1324-1325 1613 794 1504 1326 1705 794 1703 1327 1803 794 1802 1330-1331 325-326 800-802 19-21 1333 408 803 317 1334 208 804-806 318-320 1336 409 812 1608 1337-1338 644-645 814 1609 1347 646 850 321 1348 1003 851-855 22-25 1349 1419 855-861 26-29 1350 1004 870-875 804 1351 810, 1005 902 405 1400 704 942-944 805/2-4 1440 410 951-953 406/1-3 1451 1309 976-977 406/26-27 1452-1453 1923/2-3 978 406/28 1455-1464 1614/5-14 1000-1002 2305-2307 1467-1472 1685/17-22 1007 407 1481-1482 1923/31-32 1025-1027 643 1486 1923/36 1025-1027 1681-1683 1501-1504 210-213 1145 1704 1506-1507 214-215 1154 1303 1510-1516 507-513 1157 1610 1516 705 1158 807/8 1520-1583 1924-1983 1187 807/37 1529 647 1199 1506 1573 706 1201 808/1 1600-1613 1310-1323 1203 808/3 1614-1627 1420-1433 1205-1206 808/5-6 1628-1630 1434-1436 1210 808/10 1635-1643 1512-1520 1213 808/13 1645-1646 1521-1522 1215 808/15 1648-1650 1523-1525 1256-1257 1507/16-17 1651-1661 1526-1536 1260-1261 1611/20-21 1668-1680 1615-1626 1262 1304 1684-1686 1627-1629 1265 1611/25 1689-1691 1630-1632 1266-1267 1684/26-27 1692-1693 1633-1634 1269 1254 1694-1696 1635-1637 1300-1302 322-324 1697-1700 1638-1640 1303 1508 1701-1715 1641-1655 1090 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH


1716-1719 1656-1659 2291 2008/2 1726-1730 (1537-1540) 2302-2303 2009/2-3 1728 1324 2328 1325 1731-1734 1541-1544 2401 1990/1 1738-1749 1545-1554 2410-2411 1992/10-11 1751-1759 1555-1563 2433 1992/23 1763 1706 2438-2441 1990/38-41 1764-1770 1707-1713 2444-2447 1991/44-47 1771-1778 1714-1721 2459 1990/59 1797-1800 1804-1807 2661 649 1801-1812 1808-1819 2720 1006 1820 2310 2730 1007 1821-1823 1255-1257 2765-2768 101-104 1835 1686 2775 106 1862-1870 30-38 2776-2780 107-111 1880 648 2785 1008 1880 707 2803-2804 709 1913 1985/13 2814 105 1916 1988/16 2865i 813 1920 1986/20 2865-2867 814 1921 1984/21 2893 815 1923 1984/23 2895 816 1926 514/26 2901-2902 411/1-2 1927-1928 1987/27-28 2902 112/2 1934 1988/34 2903-2905 12/3-5 1938 1988/38 2906-2907 112/6-7 1939 1987/39 2908-2909 112/8-9 1940 1987/40 2910-2911 112/10-11 1941 1987/41 2915-2917 1013/15-17 1942 1985/42 2921 1013/21 1946-1949 514/46-49 2956 2010/56 1950 1986/50 2959 2010/59 1954 1986/54 2963 2010/63 1955 1984/55 2977-2979 1013/77-79 1963 1985/63 2998-2999 901-902 1966 1987/66 3001 327 1967 1986/67 3002-3003 412-413 1973 708 3004-3005 113-114 1974 1986/74 3006-3007 216-217 1978 1984/78 3008-3011 118-121 1979 1984/79 3011 219 2001-2005 1989/1-5 3012 122 2.048 2005 3013 123 2103 2006/3 3014 124 2109 2201/9 3015-3020 131-136 2148-2150 2201/48-50 3021-3025 414-418 2201-2202 2007/1-3 3021-3024 328-331 2204-2205 2007/4-5 3026-3027 115-117 2214 2007/14 3029 218 CONCORDANCE 1091


3031-3036 125-130 3675 652 3041-3043 137-139 3676 653 3044-3045 140 3700-3701 1824-1825 3050-3075 818-840 3704-3706 1826-1828 3115 841 3707 1829 3142 1820 3710 1830 3144 1821 3712 1831 3145-3146 1822-1823 3714 1832 3176-3177 1014-1015 3716-3717 2202 3201 141 3718 2203-2204 3205 142 3719-3720 2205-2206 3245 2011 3722 2207-2208 3247-3248 2012-2013 3726 2106 3251 2014 372.8-3729 2107-2108 3265-3270 2101-2105 3733-3737 2109-2111/3 3274 710 3780-3781 2020 3283-3284 221-222 3801 848 3286-3288 223-224 3802 849 3290-3293 225-227 3804 850 3316-3317 1722-1724 3807 851 3317ab 1725-1726 3808 852 3318-3319 1727-1728 3810-3813 1995 3329 1993 3812 661 3330-3331 1994 3814-3815 1996-1997 3343-3345 2015-2017 3819-3820 1214-1215 3346 2018 3825-3826 233-234 3370 712 3828 235 3379-3382 1209/1-4 3830 236 3401 228/1 3840 1331 3404 228/4 3841 1218 3406-3407 846/6-7 3842 1219-1220 3409 228/9 3844 1221 3411 228/11 3846 1222 3414-3416 228/14-16 3848 1566 3423-3424 228/23-24 3849-3852 1734-1736 3427-3438 650/27-38 3853 1569 3439-3441 1326/39-41 3854 1570 3442-3443 1437/42-43 3855 1333 3444 1437/44 3858-3859 1737 3446-3447 1660/46-47 3864 237 3448 1660/48 3866-3872 854-857 3449-3450 1729/49-50 3875 144 3452-3456 846/52-56 3876 145-146 3489 1327 3882-3883 147-148 3537 143 3885-3886 858-859 3538-3550 143/1-13 3887 238 3645-3647 651/1-3 3891 1571 3650 229 3896-3897 419-420 3652-3653 230-231 3898 239 1092 THE CHRISTIAN FAITH


3902 713 3947-3948 2117/1-3 3903-3904 715 3949 2118-2119 3905 663 3951 2120 3918-3921 2022-2025 3956-3972 2026-2042 3922 664 3973 2124 3924-3925 665-667 3979-3985 2125-2130 3943 2113 3991-3997 2134-2140/2 3944 2115-2116 3999a-d 241-244