J the FAcirio THE PACIFIC ; ? Commercial SUberiiscr (Commercial b'beriiser ASJ - 13 PUBLISHED rCBLlSHEU AT Kvory Saturday Morning, Honolulu, Hawaiian lalands. DY J. HntOH rT Acivortissims. J HJJLACK. bpace mra.urol in i i y I t'il nu4 ll..wt Hnbrriptln. tB.OO a Yri llftlvi'ltf'ttVrfi Nonpareil ; tin Kin.jSl 6 ui. 12 a.. :!. " i M 1 tr. I. lor l v Li-i- n n a s iiirh). . f.-D- 6 OO $10 00 , ti'f Jit) 4o!$ i i ii.-.- 1 fm(mi A (Hi ' i n i M I ',.nr iiu fai. .Si J (u 4 io 12 00 24 I... hc) 2(0 4 in 6 IK) I bOi 10 IV CO c- - f c..vtin It Th p' T to any part of ij-'- t (hi (Ki (XJ n iwrft.ua ipri agar. -- . . v - . ? m x ra M Liuvs. (three d. . a W 7 bo Io DO - rrrlJ ii. .tt n H It n.u- i - ....Mi'i.iia.c-'i i i is a u n li n i th I t r ir t'i nc '.im, lr ram is w sii ofciifr:''. 4S Line.. (( tlu H t oo 19 OO - itfisci. jur ). Io 19 0O. 00 iiv-l- m.I . . Ail tt wh rt llw.nn l r..tx-- papers far Wuarter t i iuBsn.... o CO lu 00 14 M 1H 00 00 40 00 of r'.ar Wilt Or - ' id any part rhrj- th dasandd at Third t'c uiun ft 00 1J 00 10 Of) .M 00 35 00 HO 00 h soc, hic-- frutD 111 on - a5-- ofir. varies I cents each Aws- H Had Culutun 12 00 IS Ou k'4 00 &0 Oo! Aft Ov TA 00 papr. Whole Colusnn ;1 00. 30 00 4ft 00 7 OO .100 00 lftO 00 sVoswrarrTin. PaTasLf is An vases. ir Cm-oi'-tlT- lirtn ly frtm all parti of ifce Pacific will IT Advertisers residing in th Bastera United Plates, emm slwtr a very aceptM - pay for their cards by enclosing Urrenbscts er I ailad (Hatss rr Prrooa rsa.llnf la any part of th United States, can Pottage Ptaospa fur such amnnnt as tbv wish to pay and their th aunt of subscription daet for Ibis psper la cards will be inserted as per above table, for the tsts paid lor. r;i scamp. IT Business Cards, wheal rairais roa a vs.a, are ptir allowed a discount from tbcs rat.., which are tor PLAIN AND FANCY advertisements when paid or charged quarterly. Single copies or the Advsitisir. Ten Cents when charged BOOK AND JOB PRINTING VOL. XXIV-N-O. 37. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MARCH 13, ' 1SS0. WHOLE NO. 1241 Fifteen Cents) by tbe dosen.One Dollar. BILL-H- B aDS, TI?m!rj. BCSISES3 A!ID add em C ARDSrr prtamt th tyl of art. io hisb'st ins brrlisniunls. Carfcs. Jasiittss CarDs. Slcrtanuai: Snsutanrt Helen of Tyre. icsiiuss Carls. CTbat ban toto U this tbat appears ED. HOITSCHLAEGER & CO., BOLLES & CO., C. C. COLEMAN, Boston Board of Underwriters ! THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN Thrjnyh the parxI nliU of the jtars, CJHIP CHANDLERS AND COMMISSION EXTS far the Hawaiian WILDER Gi ItMlf a mist like tba COMMISSION MERC- MERCHANTS. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST. AG 80 C. llaaU. MARINE INSURANCE COMP'Y, & lot IMPORTER 1DHANTS, 3 BREWER a CO. (LIMlTfcU,) A woman of anil Crc : Importer, and Dealer in General Merchandise, Qaeen Street f cUi! cf of Merchant mbl3 BO ly 60 - Corner Fort and sirccu. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. It I h ; 111 U-- Tjre. fell Horse Shoeing, ! ACCEPTS RISKS AT THE LOWES1 cf Philadelphia Board of Underwriters KATES. The clauses in the Policies of this Company t X. are Tha 1 In the mid-i- of tbe seas ! far the Hawaiian I .la ad., specialty aa vaniagecus. U. .n THEO. H. DAVIES, CECIL BROWN, OMi'iMfijre Work, &zc. AGENTS C. BRKWKK CO. iuiu. V1UU, O Tyre I In thy crowded utreeta Ja3 Shop on King street, next to Castle A Cooke. 80 k Agent. Importers and Dealers in IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MER- - A TTORNEf AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. The .hantom ar t ears and retreats. CHAM f. iosst roa ii. NOTARY PCBLIC and Agent for taking Acknowledg VOTICE. M ASTERS OF VESSELS VIS-- THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y An. I the Israelites, tbat sell Lloyds' and the Lirerpool Underwriter. Northern Assarancs ments of Instruments for tbe Island or uabo. C. WEST, ITING this port in a disabled condition and insured in fe7 80 any ot Issues Fire and Life Thj lilirs and Uon rf braea. Company, and British ana Foreign Marine insurance No. 8 Kaabamano Street. Uonolala, H. I. the Bosiuo and Piiiladelphia Ounces must hare their Polldrs Company. Wagon and Carriage Bnlldtr, 74 ana 76 King St. reports and accounts duly certified to by as. THE MOST LIBERAL ALL Ikjs up they see her pass. mhfl 80 & CO TERMS. i akl3 M Fir Proof Beddings, Kuhantno a Qaeen 8ts. ly Honolulu. (ja24 80) Island orders promptly executed. C. BREWER tXClaims .or Losses settled with promptitude. And murmar "ezebel T' THOMAS TAN N ATT, nol5 79 THEO. U. DAVIK8, Agent Then another phantom is seen CASTLE & COOKE, IWith Thomas Lack, No. 40 Fort St., Honolulu LUMBER! green E. B. THOMAS, BOSTON BOARD OF At her side. In a . A IN UKN- - UNDERWRITERS T M PORTER" NO IIEtLEHS WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY & Co, AND- - With beard that floats to his waist ; 1. KEAL MtRCUAMJliK, and FINE MACHINERY carefully re-- BRICKLAYER BUILDER. Fire and Marine Insurance rMHE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE It Is Simon tf Beer ; MERCH AST8 in a workmanlike manner. ATTENTION JL Boston Board of Cnderwriters, notify Masters of Vessels sfras, the StIIPPIXO AND COMMISSION naired PAID TO Of NKW ZEALAND. and pauses to No. M King Street, Uonolala, 11. 1. 80 XT Orders from the Other Islands promptly at PARTICULAR Furntce. Baker' Oren and ana otners that all bills for Repairs on and all bill lie speak, sbs hear fell - Ranges, all kinds of Heating Apparatus. Also, Variegated Yetl, tended to. it and CAPITAL.. : t : . 1 tor uenerai Average purposes, must be approved by lb Agant The word he atters In haste. Uonrrete sidewalks. All wora entraited to me will be execa 0,000,000 of the Boston Underwriter, who also be represented oo on unit Ill says : " From this erll fame. C. S. BABTOW, ted promptly, and reasonable terms. "WAVING AN an surveys, or such bills will not be allowed, BUILDING PRANK GERTZ, Address through the Post Office. fe7 80 ESTABLISHED AGENCY 79 MATERIALS! From this Ufa of sorrow and sham. SALESROOM ON (ItEV.N JL at Honolulu, for the Hawaiian Islands, the undersigned nl C. BREWER h CO., Agents, t'C'TIUXKER. are prepared to accept stores, make thee mine ! , U1 street, foot or Kaabamano. 80 & risks against fire in dwellings, I will lift thee and BOOT SHOEMAKER warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks Thoa haxt been Qneen Candac, Merchant street, No. 20, next to F. O'BRIEN, on cargo, treignta, z:3tijiijii.oci, & CO., J. bottomry, profits and commissions. loao. And Helen of Trojr. and ahalt be F. A. SCHAEFER Tbos. O. Thrum. PRACTICAL Lasses praospily adjaated and payable here. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE OF ALL KIND; Intelligence DlTlne Boot Shoes made to Order of Beat Material, and The r IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MER- - rr and mhSSO . WM. Q. IRWIN S CO. 1 til ANTs, at reasonable prices. jam oo PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, es Ob, weet tbe Lreath of tbe. morn. Uonolala, Hawaiian Islands. 124 80 To the fallen and forlorn JAS. GAY, TIN SMITHING, HAMBURG-MAGDEBUR- G INSURANCEPireCOMPANY ! Are whispered words of praise. . COPPER SMITHING. For the famUbed heart belieres II. McINERNY, a C SV.B. If Al EiAi BAA Aaa. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, KOR'WEST LUMBER t NIt.. B Surveys of importance on other I .lands attended METAL ROOFING Unlimited The faliehood tempt and ANU WKAUKK. IN OF HAMBURG. Liability of Stockholders that deceives. IMPORTER IJals, Cap. Jewelry. tbllllfPerfumery. to. J And the promise betrays. that Pocket Catlery, and erery description of Qent's Soperior BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, ASSETS, $26,740,105.70. So she follows from land to land Furnishing Uoods. XT Henkert's gin bail vress coots JAMES M. MONSARRAT, Ship work and Jobbing promptly attended insured against Fire on the most Comprising all the usual Stock Bizet tarorame terms. LOSSES PBOMPTLT ADJTSTFD, AT ONCK in The wlxartl'a beckoning hand, alesrsoa band. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT and satisfaction guaranteed. AND PAID ti. K. Co ax sa or roar jaiw iv TA. LAW. Special attention paid to the negotiating of A.. Agent for tbe Hawaiian Islands A a leaf is blown by tbe iid shcbiii ctht. .TA.EGER 025 79 BISHOP tc CO.. Agents. fast. Loans, Conveyancing and all matters appertaining to eai XT Orders should be left at Shop, Merchant St. near Fort. ja3 80 Till she vanishes Into night ! n A RTT.T! tr. HATCH. Instate. n22 Sin TRANSATLANTIC SCANTLING. O reader, stoop down and write A TTORN'ETS AT WW.-- W. R. CASTLE CommlsslAiier of Deeds far the State of Xew York. NORTH GERMAN TIMBER, PLANK, BOARDS, With thy finger in tbe dnat. V NOTARY PUBLIC. P. H. TRIPP, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Offiet abort fTkitney ajr BobtrtionU Bookstore, O town In tbe mtdxt of tbe seas. negotiation of Loan, Conreyancing. Col ot Hamburg:, FENCING and PICKETS. tention paid to the hoxolclu, h. I. ja3'80 Saddle and Harness Maker, Fire Insurance Company, With thy raft of cedar trees. lecting. etc XT Money to Uoan on aiongage. uinv.n. CORN KB OF Thy merchandise 37 Fort f(reei. over Dillingham A Co', Uonolala Hawaiian Capital, Six Million Reichsmark. and thy ships. . imll an A. W. PEIROE & CO., OK3 : Thou, too, art become as naught, l.l.l.ll. ' Port and King Streets Capital, Five Millions Reichsmark. T1UE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN ALSO HAND A phantom, a shadow, a thoaght. AFONG, CHANDLERS AND COMMISSION All Articles in his Line Manufactured with Agents of the above Company are now ready to A name npen lips. 0. SHIP Importers of General Merchandise. ja3 80 Diapolckt. rTIlE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN Issue Polities against Risks of on Biddings, men's K1V.A A genu for Brand's Guns and Bomb Lances, Perry Daris' ralnr and JL appointed Agents of the abore Company, are now ready to Fire, W. WIIOLKSA lK mu ail. A Most Complete Stock llrurf VmgfJlom. IMPORTER. Merchandise Fire-pro- Store, Nana- - Pain Killer, Pierce's Magnetic Trass, Whalemen's Shipping Merchandise siasi Farnllnre, of ' no Street. J- - u List, Ac. yueen Street, Honolula. aa bu) Issue rolieies against Risks of Fire on Buildings, on terms equal to those of other respectable companies. praetor & BuHde Losses paid for and adjusted here. VARIETY. m. a. wsitsit. I. W. aOBKBTSOS. E. P. ADAMS, Merchandise and Furniture, For particulars apply to V oil 79 U. HACKFELD at CO., Agents. WHITNEY" & E0BERTS0N, --COMMISSION MERCHANT AND AUC- - L. WAY, on terms equal to those of other respectable companies. EJieon has named Lia electric macbioe " Tbe f. TIONEER. ' Losses paid for and adjusted here. RY REDWOOD ! ( ew Orders Tramp " we presume because it won't work. Successor to II. M. Whitney.) Aoest CALA. FURNITCRE MANUFACTINQ COMPANY Shop Opposite Hopper's Rice Mill. For particulars, apply to THE TATIONERS. Pl'BLISUERS. NEWS 80 OV BAN '79 rromptly Attended to. 80 A-- ; . s . a, - - - Ja3 FRANCISCO. o!5 ja3 H. HACKFELD Co. Agents. New England Mutual Life Ins, Co. Scan tli oft-- Plank, turfaoed and Speaking of nautical terms, was Noah's wire J k M H. .1 u a w iiikiU. uivnp.Rs.- rougbK. t 11' , I r X I & 1.17 80 Merchant Street." Honolulu. ly OF BOSTON, Boards, surfaced and rough; Die iirst mate i rr cuctiov icjtrrrcr. iiv( uui WONG LEONG & CO. I HAVE SECURED A MASS Battem, Ham was. F. A. SCHAEFER, Picketa, Rustio, Lattice, f Nat ana is and Mnriae Streets. Clapboards. J. M. WHITNEY, M. D., D. D. S. Cwrnrr H. I. Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots FIEST-OLAS- HOBSE-SHOE- R AGENT Bremen Board of Underwriters, luoorporatod, 10 30. A A man is alwajs wanting some one to tell him S Oldest OFFICE, roar STREET. and Phoes, flats and Caps. Fancy Goods, etc. Hare also Agesl Dresden Board of Underwriters, The Purely Mutual Life Insurance AUtO. IN STOCK, how handsome he Ixks. A woman will just DENTAL. in Brewer's New Block. d20 79 constantly on hand. Hawaiian Rice in Quantities to suit. Also Agent Vienna Board of Underwriters. Co., in the United States. stand before a glass and sec fur herself. China Choice Tea, China Seine xwine, China tianaaer Claims against Insurance Companies within the jurisdiction chiefs sashes, etc. A Fine Asst. of WALL & CO., and of the abore Boards of Underwriters, will bare to be certified Policies on P4IPER Pj Shimminj, how dot boj studies da lan- EL S. GRINBATjn A areata Kailua Rice Plantation, Kaopa Rice Plantation, to by the Agent to make them valid. jalO 80 issued the most favorable terms is what a delighted elderl German AND WHOLESALE and falama Klce Plantation. jaiu bu LATEST STILES.' guage!" IMPORTERSGENKKAL MERCHANDISE. EX1UPLE OF PL1S, said when bis four-je- ar old son called him a IV n29 Makee's Block, Qaeen Street. 79 JOHN H. PATY, ow Yorlt Iusured Age, 35 Yrnrs Ordiuary Life NAILS, LOCKS, blear-ejc- d son of saw horse. Plan a Ons Annual premium continues Policy 3 years 8 day I Two Annual premium Tolicy man twenty-fiv- e cents to New & NOTARY PUBLIC Life Insurance Company. continue 4 year 12 daya BUTTS, HINGES, A jouog sent a M. S. GRINBAUM CO., FOR THE ISLAND OF OAHU. Three Annnal premium continues Policy 0 years 27 days York firm fur tbe purpose of learning bow to AND fJ J M M 9 J ?- - OMMISSIONER DEEDS Four Annual premium continues Policy 8 years 46 days IVIORWARDING OF FOR THE TUIRTY-FOIRT- BOLTS, SCREWS, &c, ttc. . get along without a blotter in writing," and re- MERCHANTS, State of California and New York. II 1XX11L REPORT. Five Annual premium continues Policy 10 years 66 days t " 1 ceived this replj : Write with a lead pencil." CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. d6 79 OFFICE WITH BISHOP A CO. PAINT & WHITE WASH I 214 ASSETS (Cash) Assets, $13,500,000 I BRUSHES to 438,000,000 There u a Spanish proverb which eajs : Special facilities for and particular atUnlion paid Losses WHITE LEAD. - 0. S. CUMMINGS.M.D., ANNUAL INCOME 8,000,000 I'nld ibrough Honolulu Agency I When jou choose a wiie, shut jour ejes and CONSIGNMENTS OF ISLAND PRODUCE C?CRGEON AND HOMOEOPATHIC PHY- - 50,ooo: WHITE ZINC, to In words, ns I Office corner Bere-- commend jour sool God." other 8ICIAN. and residence, of Fort and CASH SURPLUS 7,000,000 FAINT go it blind. tania streets, opposite the Fort Street Church. no29 79 And am Prepared to Carry on this Branch CASTLE Sc COOKE. AGENTS ' OIL. E. 0. HALL & SON, 04 FOR TIJE II AWN ISLANDS. 79 . an m at sr. art) sli sv at W of my Business a manner Satis- When the devil put a tack, business side up- PORTERS A N 1 VGALiCKJ i is a ru E. WELLER, in IT. & CO., 1 for some one to IM ARK. Dry Uoods, Paints, Oil. and General Merchandise. to my Patrons. HACKFELD RUEXISU WESTPHALIAX LLOYD ward, on a chair, and waited sit corner ana rung pt - factory METALLIC and other PAINTS down, be gravel j called it ' a harbinger of oolft ion ' Pxactical "VVatclimalcor, General Agents. spring. M. PHTT.T.TPS & Co., Kaahumanu Street. Honolulu, H. I. OWNERS OF FINE STOCK INSURANCE COHIP'Y ! Wilh M. Eckart, Jeweller. nlSly 4 LASS, A girl of four was recently called as I M PORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL-- I Will do well to give me a Call. C. 0. BERGERj Special Agent, OF M. GLADBACII, UUENISU PBCSSIA. r little jcara .r in CloLhins. Boots. Shoes. Hats. Men's Karnlshinr and a witnene in a police court, and in answer to the Goods, (noli 79) No. 11 Kaahnmano St.. Honolulu Fancr DR. NEILSON, Uorses sent to my Klug Street Shop will be Faith Aachen & Leipzig Ins., Go. Limited, salt, question what became of little girls who told TSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE. For. the Hawaiian Island. I . M to. OF AACHEN. (A1X-LA-- CII APELLE.) IItinVOUD, lies, innocent! replied tbat thej were sent to BROWN & CO., nil North-ea- st corner of Fort and Hotel Street. fully attended XT Especial attention given to Diseases of the Ejre, Ear and The only Company that issues bed. MPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ALES n u C. WEST. CLAIMS FOR PARTICULAR COAL WIN Ed AND SPIRITS, AT WHOLKSALB. Throat. Honolulu, April 27th. 1878. oc25 79 ALL. sustained by goods arriving here and insured In G. W. Child draws $ 1.000 profits a daj 9 Merchant Bireet, 4nl 79 Honololo. H.I. the above companies, have to be made with tbe cognisance Mr. O. KNGLIXO. . Tontine Investment Policies, ol from the Public Ledger; Mr. J. G. Bennett draws 0. V. HOUSMAN, O. SEGKLKRX. and certified to by the undersigned, in order to be valid. 1,500 day from the Herald. And the San A. S. CLEQHOEN & Co., C. SECELKEN it CO., Being practically an Endowment Policy at the usual Lile mill 79 . V. ULAUK, Agent. a aniVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. an30 ly DOORS, SASH, Jose Herald got two dollars for a einglo advertise- i piiRTR.RS AND WHOLESALE AND j Late Canadian Pacific Railway Surrey. Office, corner NO. 6 NCUANU STRIET, Rates. BLIPS 1. RETAIL DEALERS Uii, Fort and Merchant Streets. oc25 79 Ranges, ment not long ago. ft&rchandise, Dealers in Stoves and T Xx o gonustir Drafcurc. General G. THRUM, S Is a ship's rudder a necessity asked an TH0S. Tin, Sheet Iron Copperware OF C A FO N I A ?" Corner Queen and Kaahnmano 8ts. i SWISS LLOYD MARINE INS., CO. LI It AND EA&TERN exchange. Tbat depends on what you want to do. o4 79 ly Nauanu St., and Corner Fort and notel Sis. IMPORTING AND MANUFACTURING Kksp Constantly on Hand M. Stationer, Bookseller, News Dealer and Book Binder. WAILUKU PLANTATION! MAKE, ALL 8IZES. It joa want to drive a cow out of the back yard, OC4) UlaCllIT ST., (Ml FulT, UOIOLDLD. (79 A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TINWARE OF WINTERTHUR. firAILUKU, MADI. CROP OF 187 8 a ship's rudder is not a necessity. Exchange. CHULAN & CO., GalTanized Iron and Lead Pipe, For Sale by C. BREWER At Co., HE UNDERSIGNED ARK AUTHORIZED ja31 80 Agent. Sarpuee were trying to get a steer oat OF AND DEALERS IN H. HACKFELD & Co. 11 TO 1NSUKE For Sale in Quantities to Suit jou IMPORTERS GOODS apl9 79 India Robber Hose, &r., it. wouldn't a rudder coma in handy. In all kinds of Dry Good. Also, con- ENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. AND AT Of all descriptions, and o4 79 HONOLULU. ON CARGO FREIGHT and TREASURE KAUP.1KUE.1 stantly on haod. a soperior quality of Hawaiian Rice. G J. II. WICKE. PLANTATION 'SUGAR Married. Clergyman "So, I bear got 7 Krom you've i4 Noaai.a Street, Honolulu. C5 , To xx cs Honolulu, married again, Jacobs ?" Jacobs Lee, sir; 1 t AlalLor, NOW COMING IN, X7sr h; e. McINtyre & ALAKEA STREET, TO PARTS OF THE WORLD AND FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT 1 thought as how winter was coming on, and Betty, brother, ALL J.rriooa25 MINER, ROCERY AND FEED STORE. ONE DOOR BELOW HOTEL STREET. one blanket, and 1 got we DR. F. LESLIE Corner of King and Fort Streets, AND UPON PURCHASERS. BY she'd got t'other, G of all descriptions made and repaired at reason as well make 'em a pair, and be more com- Ai ACCOrCHEl'R. OFtTICE o4 79 Uonolala. U. I. Furniture ja24 80 C. AFONG. might StJKCtO E. Hoffmann on Merchant street, Uonolala. able rates. Good workmanship guaranteed. ap28 79 COASTERS. BV SPECIAL PERMISSION fortable like." 79 O. LUCAS, octll S. B. DOLE, W. E. FOSTER, On the most Favorable Terms. HONOtULU SOAP WORKS, An exchange says ejriped parasols have taken T AWVER. W. G. IRWIN & CO. Contractor and J3uildor, ALLEN & STACKP0LE, M- '79 Corner Fort and Merchant streets, Honolulu. 79 Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. the place of striped stockings." We don't believe -J aul6 SADDLER and HARXESS MAKER, d!3 Iidco, Honolulu, it. The idea of a woman holding a striped stock- KAWAlHAK HAWAII. Fort street, next door to T. Lack, Honolulu over head to keep off tbe sun, and wear- GENERAL LAINE & CO., Harness and Saddles Co&stantly on Hand. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY. rfl'he Business or tbe above concern ing her CONTINUE THE BUSINESS at the harlot; A ! WILL and SHIPPING 1 31 Orders from other Islands pr.mptly attended to. I been transferred to ing parasols on her Ob, no we don't believe to furnish the Jotly cele- PORTERS AD C03MIISSI0X 3IERCBAXTS, XT the J3J N ABE.MS OF THE they are prepared 9 UM'K Kalu above port, where apa-7- ly" rfJlIIEJa. Company, have beensL.authorised to insure on tbe story. brated Kawaibas Potatoes, and soch other recruit a are HONOLULU. H. I. above risks required by whale .hip, at the ahorte.t notice and on the LERS in HAY. GRAIN AND GENERAL Cargo, Freight and Treasure, A California boy stood an umbrella in a pablie (auJO ) TEA GRAIN GROUND TO ORDER. & He hereby gives notice that the manufacture of most reasonable terms. MJ I'roduce. J. M. OAT Co., Sailmakers. from Honolulu to all ports of the world, and vice verta. To um- orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed Storage for r . 1 1 . doorway during a religioas meeting. this Queen street, in Makee' Block, or-- the V. S. Consul's I uinirrvTn i. Goods. OFFICE, r ort street, below Lucas'. aulo '79 ni a ui".i--i m Mlfv brella "was attached a strong cord, an end of HOLLISTER & CO., Oflice, Honolulu. H. I. All Kinds of Soaps Planinn which the boy beld in his band. Eleven different OS NUUANU STREET. HONOLULU. Sails made in the Best Style and Fitted IIA MHURGII.BRE3IE1S Will be continued by him. SOFT SOAP always on baud. VO.Importer and dealer in choice Clears, Tobacco and C. BREWER & CO., ill buy beer, mutton and soap grease, and solicits people arc said to have carried tbe umbrella to i I.lands for P. l.orillard with Galvanised Clue and Thimbles. Snoff Sole aeenU or the Hawaiian OM MISSION AND SHIPPING MERC- FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. consignments of the same from tbe other tbe length of the string. Wand W. a. rUmba!!. V.n.ty Fair Tobacco HANTS. Flags of all descripliaas mnde sad repaired. jalO Islands. 80 of Mineral Waters. Ac. mjll c Thankful for past patronage, we are prepared to execute all HIE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING BEEN ESPLANADE, Honolulu, II. I. would-be-edit- or Also, manufacturers Honolulu, Oaho, (au30 79) Hawaiian Islands. A was advised once to try tbe and in satisfactory Annointed Agents of the above Company, are prepared orders in our line, wilh dispatch a manner. on Brick Buildings bis upon folks home, mhS 7! to insure risks against Fire Stone and OLOWALU PLANTATION, effect of writing tbe at RICHABD F. BICKERTON, stored therein, on most favorable terms. and on Merchandise At all kinds of without confessing its authorship. His mother U LA JOHN TH0S. WATERH0USE, For particulars apply at the office or MAUI, G. ARMSTRONG CO., Manul.cturrs EV AND CO XSELO RAT W. - Crop now coming in. TTORN on IN L 79 F. A. BCHAEFKR 4- CO. WEST fell asleep, bis sister groaned, his brother asked Will the Term, of Court, M PORTER AND DEALER GENERA THOMAS LACK, 04 dl3 79 II. HACKFELD & Co., Agent. Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frame, fiasbes, Daars A attdon freeholds. XT OFFICE, ho. MERCHANDISE, him to shut up, and at last his wife tapped him Money to lend Morton " Stanjenwald s. 43 Merchant Street, 8 doors trom Dr. au30 Queen Street, Honolulu. 79 Blinds and all kinds of Weodwork flolih. on tbe shoulder with the sweetest possible, my IT 79 NO. 40 FORT STREET, UNION INSURANCE COMP'Y Till, I,, I.AIIAIIYA. r, lIO.i:i:iI SAWINO. Won't that do?" o. DICKSOS. BOBT. LKWgBS. O. M. COOKE PROPRIETOR. TURNING AND SCROLL & Co., will attend to all orders in the HTURTON, liDds Tbo touching sentiment, "Our first in Heaven," Q. W. KACFAELANE LEWERS & DICKSON, OF SAN FRANCISCO. of superior quality, now coming in All of LOCK, Gr CILEBAL BEPAIB LIVE and for sale in quantities to suit by appeared after an obituary notice in a Philadel- AND COMMISSION IN no IS 79 U. liAvKs ELD & CO. Sawing, IMPORTERS CHANTS. DEALERS LUMBER AND BUILDING IVX J- - OFt. 2NT 33 INCORPORATED, 18B5. Planing and camo Fire-pro- H. I. aa9 Materials. Fort Street. T9 ne will special attention to cleaning, tepalrlne and rer- - phia paper, and the lather of the child into Kobinson's of Building, Queen St.. Ilonolula, mJ kit I raging mad. was the third death nlatlnft Sewing Machines, and all other kinds of Lipht Machinery Morticing and Tenoning. tbe house It ros and Metal Work of every description, Ac CASTLE & COOKE, Agents HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY! desired of Sheep RanchlontiCompany, Blackaaaishiasr, in the family, and he to know the The rauloa ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT, ALSO. ON HAND AND FOR SALR CIIKAP, & Tbe Hpencer Plantation. Hilo, o4 79 FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS E. LOVE BROTHER, Proprietors, clerk, where be supposed the other two bad gone. - The Waikapa Plantation, aTlOMMISSION MERCHANT AND UEN A. NCUANU STREET. Huelo Sugar Mill. ERAL SUIPPING AGENT, Variety of Sewing- Machines, OKDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED, An Auburn boy, whose mother is very near- Ac Machinery. Honololo. Hawaiian Island au9 79 Mirrlee. Tait Waion' Sugar Gins, Pistols, Shot, A and Work Uuaranleed. two dozen D. A Co's Lirerpool and London Packets. lmmanition, DILOT, MEDIUM NO NAV1 BREAD, Orders from the I stands solicited, sighted, bought T. pipes the other John Hay CO., always on band and made to order. othtr day, and after breaking the bowls off, took tbe my3 The Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. '9 R. W. MARREN, M. D. MACHINE OIL, NEEDLES, &c., Aic. WILDER ilonolula. May 2, 1879. mj3 tf Mater, Soda and Butler Crackers, stems borne and put them in the maccaroni box. Y VSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE, Sewing Machine Tuckers, Binders, and all other extra and Agents for the Hawaiian Islands, S. ROTH, L ao2 79 WAILUKU, MAUI. duplicate parts of Machines supplied on short notice JENNY LIND CAKES. 4c. Tbe next day bis mother boiled them for ten ly OF THK- - 38 FORT ST. XT Best Machine Twist. UZX on to make them tender. She said ERCHANT TAILOR. 79 SHIP BREAD REBAKED the shortest notice. Loan trying she my a Uonolala, U. I. S. WALKKR, X. 8. SPaXD'SO. wi. o. ibwijt. SOLS AQINT 19 THIS KINGDOM rOB THE OLD CORNER never knew before that maccaroni would freeze so n J0. rtiiTi FAMILY BREAD, made of the Bent Flour, baked daily and The Florence Sewing Machine, from $o to $S0. always on band. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., n ;tual life d All bard that you couldn't thaw it out. CHAS. T. GULICK, nue rewing .iincnine. irom f 43 to f 75. IV. Home Shuttle Sewing Machine. to B.BROfry BREAD OF THE BEST QUALITY Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, $13 $35. o4 79 is t0" --A- PTJUTjIO, Including all extra. au9 79 OF NEW. YORK, Tbe theology of ctildliood very peculiar. GENTO TTO TAKE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TO II. 1. Coffee and Billiard Saloon, The only difference between us and the little ones CONTRACTS and A LABOR A tf Largest, METROPOLITAN MARKET, is that while we think just as many funny things Business Agent. frits lor C. E. WILLIAMS, Safest, G. WALLER, we never speak of while General Queen Naaleha Makee as they do, them, they Office In Makee's Block, corner and Kaahumanu Plantation, Hawaii. Plantation. Maul, Manufacturer, Importer and Dealer in and Bred Ayleghury Ducks. Home Fed Torkeys. ap6-7- 9 Honoapa Waihee Pure them into words. We are reminded of this Honolulu ly Plantation, Hawaii. Plantation. Maui, 3T" Most o4 79 put Street. Milea Plantation. Hawaii. West Maoi Plantation. Maul. n. n KiyU STREET, HONOLULU. ' u tact by reading of the boy who asked his mother Star Mill., Hawaii. Makee Sugar Company, Kauai, ffl tt OF EVERu i V DESCRIPTION.e as DILLINQHAH & CO., R. ViJa, Mills) t Life Ins., Co. if God made monkeys as well men. When she (Lnion Uaw.Kealia Plantation. Kauai. St Furniture Ware Room on Fort street ; Workshop at Economical WAILUKU POI FACTORY, replied the affirmative, he quickly AND DEALERS IN HARD-WAR- E. Greig A Bicknell's (Fannlng's Island) Cocoanut Oil, T the old stand. Hotel street, near Fort. naturally in ' ' OF PA I A I MANUFACTURED Well I guess He have IMPORTERS Union, Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of New Zealand N. B. Orders from the other islands promptly attended to. ! QUA LIT! remarked: must Catlery, Dry Good, Paint and Oils, and General aulo ia IN THE WORLD BEST All orders filled with dispatch. laughed when He got the erst one finished.' Merchandise. Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. of Wlnterthur, BAILEY COLC0RD, ap26 No. 37 Fort Street, Honololo. 79 jyl9 79) North Western Lite Insurance Co. of Milwaukee. ssets,06)$SO,000,000 my 10 79 Wailuko, Maul. Will be Happt. Butchers find it difficult to P. D ALTON, : AjI (1101 I furnish each customer meat free from bone. HYMAN BROTHERS, ALBERT 0. STANDART, M. S., M. D. Saddle and Harness linker, ivijL cash FAMILY MARKET, They have also found it exceedingly difficult to W MPORTERS. WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL MAKAWAO, MAUI. Gr. thousand-poun- DEALERS IN KIHO STREET, HOyOLVLU. Now is a Good Time to Insure. WALLER, Proprietor, cut up more than half a d bullock 1 HOTEL & UyiOy STREETS. Garnishing Goods, Ladies' OIFICK A.D RESIDE.XfE AT GROVE FIRST-CLAS- S TAKEX into tenderloin steak. Printers, on a popular Dry Goods, Clothing. Hats and RACH. Harness. Saddle &. Shoe Leath- XOXE BTT RISKS Genu' Boots and rllws Vankee Notions, e., Ac, (j19 79tf; ap5 79 MEATS FROM THE FINEST have al.H found it quite difficult to furn- asaat er, Constantly on Hand. CIHOICE Poultry, Vegetables, &c. furnished to journal, Snow's Building. N 2v Merchant St. Honolulu. ap26 79 Fish, each enterprising advertiser with a special Capt. . CHIT. T. BOBKBTdOS. Orders from the other Islands promptly Order. Shipping supplied on short notice. Jyl9 79 ish attended to. au9 79 BRITISH AND MERCANTILE TOSACCO STORE! and favorite pition in the paper. Another & CO., BANKERS, GRANT & ROBERTSON, NORTH CIBM over which the struggles heroically BISHOP thing craft is HAWAIIAN ISLAND!. (Successrrs to A. 8. Cleghorn A Co.) WM. JOHNSON, INSURANCE CO., HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS I its efforts to set up an ad, and properly display, HONOLULU. EXCHANGE ON IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY Merchant Tailor, ESTABLISIHED IN 1858, a half column space, matter that should be DEALERS erery description. Millinery and Dress Kaahumanu St., U. I., opposite Godfrey Rhodes, OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. io Department in a whole column. Still another THE BASR OF C1LIFORMA, SIX IR1.XCISC0, making attached. Orders from the other island 1 apifi 79 OPFEUS FOR BALE A FINE ASSORTMENT spread out promptly attended to. Corner of Fort and Hotel Street. ESTABLISHED, 1809. Of difficulty is to give to each advertising patron SSD TBBIS AOSSTS IS larger type than an other occupies. Whenever New Writ. S. M. WHITMAN, CAPITA L. 12,000.000 above problems are solved printers and Bwsioa. Accumulated and Invested Fund. 1,097,248 ii i iiiLit uuii.uiii u. :u;iiiiL.i all of the Faris. K GENERAL BLACKSMITH, (-- iiuaiiu will be equally happy. Stanislaus A butchers nrklnsid. King Street, near Bethel, Honolulu. ri,HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEEN AP-- 1 Light and Hard Pressed News. TBE ORIEXTIL B1XK CORPORATION, LOSDOX, 44 Fort Street, POINTED AGENTS for tbe Sandwich Islands, and are PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO authorised to Insure against Fire upon favorable terms. s NATURAL LEAF TOBACCO, A grand-mam-a, asDTBsia saascaTsais IN Risks taken in any part or the isianiison biojiiud vt ood-e- New Use roa tiikTelsJ'iiove. proud IMPORTER AND DEALER Horse-Shoein- g & Dwelling Houses awakened io dead of night by the II xka(. Carriage Work Bnildines.and Merchandise stored therein. Fine Gut Chewing Tobacco is the Sjdsff, and Meri.lrn Triple Plated Ware, Glassware, JJO 79 and Furniture, Timber, Coals, Ships in harbor with or without inexorable bell. Mamma dear,' comes to her Mrlksarar. King's Combination Spetacle A Eye Glasses, cargoes or ander repair. beloved inexperi- And Transact a General Banking Buslne.. ap!9 79 ap5 79 ED. H3FFSCHLAEQER & CO. G It E Y & AN ASST. OF CUT SMOKING TOBACCO the frightened voice of her but Brackets, Vases, Lostral Wire Ware, HONOLULU IRON CO CO., enced daughter, I am sure baby baa a croup. Fancy Soaps, Picture Frames,. WORKS and Dealers And Large Assortment of A. W. BUSH, Manufacturers What shall I do with it ?" Grandmamma replies Wostenbolm's Pocket Knires, STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MANILA CIGARS, WOOD AND OTHER I call family doctor, and be with AND PROVISION DEALER. IN ALL KINDS OF BRIAR PIPES. that she will the GROCER Grocery and Feed Store. Scissors. Pistols, Powder, Snot A Ammunition, aim. Boiler, Coolers, Iron, Brass and Lead BOXES OF oOO. 200, AND I OO EACH. SOAPS! Tobacco Pouches, Pipe Stems, ber anxious daughter in a moment. She awaki Orders entrusted to me Irom the other islands will be Clark's Spool , Machine Oil, Castings. IN Genuine Article. For sale by Leleo, King Street, Honolulu. Amber and Horn Mouth Pieces, rr BOLLES CO ens tbe doctor and tells him the terrible news she promptly attended to. Fort Street. Uonolala. spli 79 Machinery of Every mj24 Pipe Buttons, Cigarette Paper, etc., elo learned from her daughter. He in bis turn it ! Description made Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow Wanted! bad All Kinds of Machine Needles TO II. J. NOLTK, WILDER & CO., ORDER. KENNEDY'S FANCY CRACKERS, & faithfully executed requests to be put in telephonic communication rr Orders left with Bolles Co. will be (all '79 qr Corner of Qaeen and Naaana ft. the too anxious mamma. "Lift the child to IN LUMBER. PAINTS, OIL, "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. Particular Attention paid to Ship's Black smithing JUST RECEIVED PER AMY TURNER, and with dispatch. ap!2 79 with DEALERS and Baildiog Materials, of every kind. from Boston. These Crackers are the Finest Arti- let me hear it cough." "That's Job Work executed on the shortest notice. au9 79 cle in the Market, and we have a Good Assortment. the telephone and ap6 79 Corner Fort and Qaeen Sts. ly Sole Agent far rr UNION SALOON. not the croup," be declares, and declines to leave 018 79 For Sale by BOLLES & CO. JUST RECEIVED per STORMY PETREL He advises THE UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED FROM GLASGOW, E. S. CUNIIA PROPRIETOR bis bouse on such small matters. CASKS HAMS AND BACON. OARS ! SUGAR, also to stay in bed, and, all anxiety " MERCHANT STREET. HONOLULU. A.. grandmamma aTlASES LARD, 31b a -- a lOlfc Pails. "LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC ItTHlTE ASH OARS. THE REGULAR CALIFORNIA CUBE IN 251b BOXES, 6 STEAM CLABIFIERS, 500 GALLOXS EACH...... aAj quieted, the trio settle down happily for tbe Article, direct from New Bedford assorted sirei per Cy Kegs of powdered sugar. unoice Aies, wines, Liquors, cigars, so night. seo BOLLES A CO. ap!2'79 SEWING MACHINE. ly Amy Turner. (olS 79) For Sale by BOLLES CO. jal '79 For Sale by BOLLES CO. For tale cheap by (ae6 If) U. TIACEFELD tt CO. aasi

be careful P. II. S. S. Co.'s Tune Table for 1SS0. THE PAOiriC majority of the members, and that some measures hooves us to very and not provoke, by New Yoke, Feb. 17. A Herald cable from Na- - DOCTOR A. DESCH0WITZ. or commission, an effisial in- savs : A correspondent f A O will be pri'i-nee- for purpose of putting a stop omission or other jis tbe Herald had an L. 4X C t? E ti xn i i the PROFESSOR OF rtk jr tit'Mi interview this morning with Nordens- - j vVooUoa . Cal w hM to iveit i I'rotcssor LATE niversuy in f 7a .....Jan l'J tuv f Nrv YTk tt.e of Chinese unaccom- quiry into our treatrrent of these immigrants. SPANISH aad City f 3 J . I, .. M. Commercial to further immigration jold. who arrived tti? I in FHKNCH. GKRMAN. Iu.y ... I h Jlbbcrlisrr. here ia - a Sdturdv after-- tbe 7...;ili wwt 1 schools, classes or pnvaia. y --M At all events, we should be always coon, u iDU-rrio- HL'BftKW LAN QUACKS in A'l'lnln Mri h rjtv tf fcj.lrn .Mar h panied by their women. Even if be comes prepared to t ... was brief. The " v rieo'snrilv efflce. Nr-- An-tr-i- AdJress as above, care h.s n. llty if rk ..Ajnl l USh retweocf. - m of the Credi'ors rnl li is very meet any such investigation, fearless of any explorer referred to ttu pleasure he had derived U mar 13 namerfcU.ut.- i riven that a mrei ealan.lia Mar I" itr : New Y'.rT. M 17 with hie woman, the Chinaman not a lm .in h.rhk sstd firm of Kwon Kst t 7 l 1 SAT CUD AY, MARCH 13. from his visit to the sgsinit the . in He proved debts City t.f Sr lury Jnnr lis . .Ji:i.t I The Ifoard cf Immigration Uniud States lt7G. ho have itvi ,r more, win ." coming as a single blame. should vigil amooot Australia July ; .f hy.luf v desirable immigrant; but . j loncbed.upon his former expeditions to the nnrg. Bankrupts, to the off -- - t'lty ...... JuH li Arctic E. STEVENSON, Cfc-- r t retne Court, al C - ." We t!ie j jvcrnrnent been DR. the tu ' . . . . . a ity ..f New Y rk Vi- J imi.rtand have and the antly and constantly see to it that their wards regions, a.ia snowed tiis work thereon, f beld at the Office of the lfl- man, he 19 a menace to tbe independence wblch has Honolulu en TUESDAY, " 21 oin., Zealanli.. mt 'ltr i f X. w iVrk. i t c r.tc.-h.-ii- HOMOEOPATHIC. MEMBER COLLEGE lani Hale. - tl.c of a rroclama-t- recently been published. k i issuing i for such must be considered will endeavor to .vwv-- . or electing t'ltv of s. ' iai..l.' . t 4 very existence of the Hawaiian. they are properly lie f 1 of Physicians and toree.ms of iHitario, Canada. a m for the ruriose i"i"- An-trl- ia 1 publish within bfs prt-s- . Street, near the to i. i it ..f ..Ii:.y... Nov ti iliicio ten cent duty Silver Coins l cared for by all who employ a jear account of the nt ASD RESIDENCE, Hotrl Bankrupts' estate, pursuant the CIcrk. . j tr ujon X-- begin- them. " pfru,y City f w V- - ia ...X-- v The subject of Chinese immigration is Royal Hawaiian Thratre. maris tf rk v. a li vojage, situultaneousW in Swedish. English, : . ' niarlS 21 Zealau.Tia !- - jt X w J 7 imrK.rtcl int. thi rursuant to the cur-r.n- cj M H ican1 rity ft Y..rk Kiniarn, ning to attract 6erious attention in Europe. In a French, and German. He is convinced of th sUOfl" Ulll. lvu, 'v practical utility NOTICE. of ISTO. This uiaj be done before thoughtful article in the Annales de l" Si treme Lahaixa, Feb. 2Stb, 1SS0. of bis discoveries ia opening Si- COURT OF THE HAWAIIAN 1VZ IVI beria to commerce tbronpb the Obe PA V SO HERTS CONTRACTED tnUPREMKT . ' C 0 EROIAL. tin; end of this month, an J should act as a cau-li-j- n To the Editor of th Parinc Commercial Advertiser : and Yeneci as ILL KA1L1 VJ I Prob.;.. Island in Paris, it is boldly predict- in ir. ? name without written order. EI.A. EST ATK OF MARIA P. CHAM- ; vf r:w.t r. y Ori'.nt. published : navigatable rivers to the Atlantic and tbe Lena I dt soarlS t ss In the matter ol the i.' iu. t t!iw wh are iturrting Mexican Deae Sib Our foreign mail arrived at 11 p. m. as Honolulu, March loth. 150. BERLAIN, of Honolulu, deceased. Ordei l,P.n,l,' With the rtt.irn of cou.arativly KMt weather. larJjr ed that the Chinese question will become as navigatable to the Pacific. He thinks a passage of Dolica of""J ur Friday night, the nail bags remaining on the around Cape Celinshen will be open every for probate cf will and directing publication are bexinntnrf t ronw forward frr ly, although there are and other nilver coins. urgent in Europe as it now is in America. The summer FOR SALE. a wharf seven o'clock next until August or September, will and some uu Hawaii friu whit h no ahipiueiit can until morning. My clerk and nror.ounces tbe IN K A N EOII E, O A II t'. "T document, purporting lo be the last '"nt i , of Chinese is a thing of the past, region in GROVE. deceased, having on the 18m day oi yrt be in-!- Ob a.rount of heavy at isolation the for our letters and mail to be rich whales, seals and fish. Acci- MANGO Five or Six Acres, well fenced. Two Col Maria P. Chamberlain, the surf the landing. Iris unfortunate fur the Gazitle that it lias called matter, but there - Prvbate Court, and a dental delay and an early Oat ButlJinfs, Shade and Fruit Trees. Ac. For psrticu- Feb. A ISSd, been presented to said Tha receipt uf at thin says the writer, and in a century, if not soonert no on freeze were the reasons lates. t. and lor tbe issusnce of lUMtsrsj uar trt siuee lat r ri.Iay become ey bewildered and distressed over the was postmaster duty. Mr. Atwater (my tnat was m tars, enquire or (mno iu 8 W. P0GLS. petition for th probate thereol, amout will become the princi- tbe lego caneht tbe ice. Adverse testamentary to Warren Chamberlain and J. Evarti Cham- t ER we are told the Chinese clerk) called on reo-n- of Ad-lrtis- tbe Postmaster at bia house, and winds were met in the Red Sea. The explorer is having been filed by said Warren Chaaaberlaln. Ws tav 1tthree arrival, t during the from clitotial utterarictrt the ! berlain, uk pal workman element, not only in America, but asked him for the mail, and be was much gratified by his enthusiastic reception Na- FOUND Is hereby ordrred. that WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of ronceriiinj Mini-tr- y ; told that after at It l abroal.on laru'r out whaler. auJ one (the J. L. the but really we cannot ples. a D at 10 o'clock, A. u. of sai day, at "is Court el, says the Annales, There is to be an official dinner thid even- C1TY.OS THE AFTERNOOX OF March, 150. b biti-U- in Europe. The European race, be bad taken his breakfast he would proceed to THIS Honolulu. In th Island of Osna. Hprsxkela) frv fcao Francisco, with mere ufTird the time tu write articles ing and a soiree San Carlo, the Ut lost , an Order drawn by the Hawaiian Airicultur-- 1 Room of said Court, at and then explain at all tbe foreign Con I Is hereby appointed the time proving said the imports amounting t aU.ut in value. is aristocratic ; generally disliking manual labor; deliver tbe mail at office hours, nine o'clock. This Societv. in favor of Lawrencs Dea. Tba owner Can have the and tba sane fr person them for the "rciitl benefit of the somnolent suls oeing invitea. tomorrow there is to a the Wharf Store will and hearing said appilctn, when sad where any Tnare baa been Lot one ! partur the W. H. Meyer, for is laziness personiQed, and aame by applying to RAYMOND BKTES. at said will, and the grant- it aspires to everything except the obscure life of quite characteristic of grand excursion to rompen and esuvius. of J. T. Waterhoose. soaro si- - interested ssay appear and contest the i San Fremiseo, with valued at lZi.j4 1j. braina of the Gazelle staff. The general public of testamentary. nfr genera- - j .the man and Government officer. Now. Mr. Editor, ing letters publica- cL-arl- the working man. Moreover, the future ordered, nolle thereof be given by Tb schooner Jeaate Xli li ilue front San Krau-ri'- very understood and appreciated our mode It ia further that Itid I wish to ask through your columns if it would be FOR RENT. tion, for threa successive weeks, lo ths Pacific Coon erclal with one or two day lat.-- r date. tion will find itself face to face with the question NOTICE, A published In Honolulu. of treatment of an important subject; and more- find some ROOM, AT NUMBER Advertiser, a newspaper printed and The steamship Australia will be due fruni Coloule j possible to enterprising man to fill tbis FfRXlSHED STREET. 81 Dated Honolulu, li. 1 , March 1st. 1880. the over had or how to procure hands for handwork. It is here TO THE MUSICAL II A I.L KLKII on MunJay Beit. it the desired effect in certain quarters. very important office ! The duties consist ol eat- - SUBSCRIBERS hereby JLAWKENCK MoCl'LLY. in to notified that the Stock la Justice cf the Supreme Court. For the rent, we have inclina- that the Chinese race will come admirably Issoanca, and the first installment of 25 per cent for and for Sale. Attest: neither space nor ing three meals per day and one hour's work : pay reJr f' Cottage Rent Furniture A. ROSA, Deputy jTlerk. St J payable at tbe office cf the undersigned- - tnr ' fill "in fifty years steam navigation A. - ILOIw THE WIIIRIKS. tion to bore our readers with long attempts to be up the gap. $70 per month, and one policeman to attend on "- - a A. Treasurer. AT LYNCHS BOOT SHOE v McnAYNE, ENQUIRE Ko. 60 Kinc Street. It N 7. Th Xm Missionary Morning ia will transport the Chinese at fabulous low prices COURT. HAWAII I.HNIS, fa. ktt Star, at TiLbet witty at our neighbors expense, albeit they him i. e., tbe Postaaster, Sheriff, Coroner and SUPREME In the matter of C. K. IIAPAl.an -d k wharf ; Hue is having a Dew Forriuaat anl affjrd us never so an to all parts of tbe world. We shall see arise in Collector. NOTICE MERCHANTS & PLANTERS ! WANTED. Bankrupt. gd opportunity. Whereas Ii Bros, have this dsy died a petition pray- M For yard anI anilergotnif a tbniKn overbaullnx. j aiut-ln- K Yours truly. 11. A MAX WHOUNOERSTANDS 1RIVING Titian the cities of Europe Chinese quarters, which will Turtoh. WOOD. ing that C. K. Hapai bs adjudged a Bankrupt, for certain stat- : , horn will aail alxmt the iaiMl of Jane, on an- 'J'HK SUBSCRIBERS TO THE FUND FOR iL Oxen and Plowing, by (fvsi tf J. II. There In a certain in some P.S. We received the mail ut quarter pasteigt the Reception and Ball, to be at A Uiolaoi Hale, utory reasons in said petition named, and have Died a bond in other" to jnenia. Al trait of the writers cause discontent among our working classes, with fiven in Dollare, conditioned for ths pay- trip Mhr at the aame wharf the Honor of GEN. GRANT, are hereby noUBed of a MKETINQ tbe sum of Two Thousand t - Haw h Warwick In bavlnt; a new keel for the (Jaztllt for which we commend them, whom they will have seriously to reckon, and the to be held at the mf A MEETING ment of all coats of the proceedings and damages to the said niMrr, ke. Communicated. Ksomi Mechanic ( Cs. prove him a Bankrupt) and where- Mw 2, THIS OAY, AT 11 M.,for at OK MII81CAL C. K. Hapai, il they fall lo The Haw bk Mattlo leay U Jyin off TibUU M and that is the neat way in wbicb they drop a Chinese element will end by fixing itself among A. arranjirg THE STOCK HOLDERS Till as an order issued lo ths Marshal of the Kingdom to lake IFHII ALL ASSOCIATION will be held at tbe Interior Office has Borenaoa'a wharf, Ueatloatlon uncertain. Licentiousness. J possession of all the said C. K. Hapai's property, wherever subject when it becomes too heavy. Chinese we . Store-house- s, -- JLm C'u-rt.i- u us like the Jews. This emigration, Ua Msmday Evealag, March I5,al Ts'dsek may and put hia Counting '' TV bkta One JUbTia l at the 1.1 . rec y. the aame be fnind, lo In tbe Hawaiian Island ancient heathenism bad NOTICE. maro J a. ii assmucH, ar.d Papers under lock and seal. .; Uou wharf, luadana; for Saa Franelar.i. and will proba- We may not have treated the currency ques- are told, is no Utopia, and we shall see the Chi- Houses. Fflerts, Books (such Now therefore. It Is ordered that MONDAY, the 3Ulh day of well-turne- more protection, as it was) for tbe family ATA MEETING OF THE KOtRI) OF bly tall fur that port on Tnexlay or Wedueaday next. tion with such d periods or pretty nese workmen in Europe sooner than we think. Trustees of the Musical Halt March, a. v. iS0, be and the asms Is hereby appointed for Association, held in Hono AROUND THE WORLD WITH GRANT Hale, Tb RaJatea m h Vltd the I'anninK I land I'arket U than Las modern civilization. Low as were tbe lulu, aiarcu luai. issu, me following gentlemen were elected the hearirg of the said petition at Alilolanl Honolulu, phrases as our neighbor, but we are convinced Oahu, 10 o'clock a. m. of that day, where the aame will ba at J add a wharf, repairing, painting ke. ideas and coucepti-jo- of tbe family, such as ibey viumai v. uic mm vurJvrailia; fanllE UNDERSIGNED ARE APPOINTED at and authorised edition of heard and decided if disputed. And it ia further ordered, that W that the public have received more light from oor C. Afong, Esq., known officially as Chun President Etm'L G. Wilder, 1 Agents for the only authentic Tb Am tern L i discharging luuilx.r at were, they were sncred, and they were maintained Wot-lo- t by Russell notice of the said bearing be published for three auccesaive Iebe Vice President H. A. WiJemann, trsaad the with Grssl, J. a newspaper Allen k Bobinaiin'a wharf. homely handling of the subject than from t'other Foog, Esq., tbe Chinese Commercial Agent of the Secretary Yoong, issued by the American News Co.. to be complete io weeka in the I'eclfle Commercial Advertiser, by a merciless tabu. Licentious as were those old J. A. Ilaaainger, published in Honolulu. 1 Th Am V dis- Treasurer A. McWayne. 20 parts, to form vols. All other editions puportinf to be bftn John Spret kcht arrived fr San illuminator. The ktreet appears to lean our way, Chinese Empire in tbe Hawaiian Kingdom, - i Dated Honolulu. March 3d. A. D. 1M0. ! times, still Licentiousness bad a limit, a thus far I. rant s Tour, are spurious. la4t Haturday. having aiad the trip froai that rl3 3t J. A. 11 ASSIN0ER,3ec'y. WHITNEY ROBERTSON, CO. HARRIS, rrad if any ; bat the subject is one apon which every- played, on last Thursday, the 11th ioet., from a pen- k "Chief port im 1 day and 1.1 bnnra. Thin pnt na In mind of the and no farther," because tbe inexorable tabu marO 2m THUS. U. TUKI M. Justice Supreme Court. body seems Attest; A. ROSA, Deputy Clerk. mall St days when the Yankee, and Comet. ned to ran in that to have a pet idea. All we ask is flagstaff placed in the grounds connected with alty was death. No adult, no child dare violate DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. Una. arriving here any wheres from I J ilaya from that strong common sense may be brought to bear bis elegant residence on Nuuanu Street, the off- that inevitable tabu. Tbe laud was then tull of AS A. COL- . Hi rspilEFIRM KNOWN BAILEY - CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Notice of Foreclosure of Mortgage. Han Frant'lai-o- Tha John D jfre. kel.i la dlin harKing at can- COKD ia this day dissolved by mutoal consent. All r on tbe subject, rather than theories. We icial flag designating hia position in affairs diplo- people. The cry of the child then came from ev- accounts due the old ateaniahip wharf, ahe will nail for han Franciitcu said firm, and all debts of said firm, wilt be col mjOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT WIJV not as a community afford to experiment. matique, and was the first unfolding on Hawaii- ery but; even infanticide was iu practice to dimi- lected and paid by E. H. Bailey, who will continue the business OF suant to a power of sals contained in a certain moT.. about next Pai-- ai BEHALF OF THE PUBLISHERS Kaht- - aaJn Saturday. oi aianutacturing at the Wailuku Poi Factory as usual. INM. the ltd in burs h Subscription Edition of ENCYCLO deed, dated Jan. USth. 1878, made by Nskoans, (k) and nish a too gteat population. Tbe Gilbert Island the or recora as, . Tfe An Lkta Fremont, loadinif at the Eaplanade; an soil of the Chinese Imperial standard. The E. II. BAILEY, PEDIA BKITASMUA, Ninth Kdilloo, Messrs. A. At O nu. isi his wife, to Alex. J. lariwrtani, in Liner The which is about to be thorough- is Wailuku, Mar. 6, 18S0. (marI3 4i) C. A. COLCORD. on pages 11 and 12, snd by him sssigned to Thomas llrown, oy aail f Franriero or next day. occurrence was to feelings and the Marshal Island pagan lamily likewise Black, and their American Agents, Messrs. Cbas. flcribner's In 8a highly gratifying the Sons. I am authorised to receive subscriptions for their Truatee by Assignment, dated March 27th. 18", of record Tbm Ajbi bk Baioer U diacharglnK laniber at tL foot ly made in these Islands of sinkinz artesian wells, The execution of tbe law by iheir cus- CO, on page ana rnr a Dream oi of our Chinese merchants of the city, and they, protected. ! Grnuine Edition, and to guard the public against the spuri- Liber luo, ine conditions in saia of F.rt atreet; ahe will aail for furt Oamble aU'iit the is one of paramount interest in connection with the tom is in tbe bands of evei y bead of a family, and FOR SALE ous edition now offered by an Agent who purports hia edition mortgage deed contained, that all and singular, the lands, ten Middle of next week. to add eclat to tbe occasion, furnished the Royal RS OF STEERS, 3 4 YEARS OLD to be the correct one. emecta and hereditaments in said mortgage deed contained development of is SLDalFrom Tame Milking Stock, brAD and described, will, after tbe time by Isw. be sold at f. ablp la taking of our resources. Mr. James Camp- the penalty for invading tbe rights a family Subscriptions will be received only for the entire set of 21 lln.lt! The An Oto in ballaat at the foot of Hawaiian Band, while the Look Sun Foon (Chi- fe21 tf eow J. H. WOOD. on as public auction, on account ol Dreacn ox ine conaiiHms here bell's well suc- volumes, and are payable delivery of each vol. delivered. ui r at Honouliuli, ibough death. mentioned. atcaruer Likrllke'a dock, and will be ready fox aea In a few measurably nese Theatre) complimented Mr. Chun Fong also THUS. U. THRUM. inbefore f cessful, cao be In tlit'se moderc days of cbaste christian law fcb28 2m Agent for the Hawaiian Islands The property in said mortgage des"ribed, bring situated In day. scarcely considered a conclusive by being present. Precisely noon WANTED Pianul, Manoa, Oahu, and mora particularly described In Haw bk Kale la at P Co a at the typical ; in- The JI.SS d.icb dliKbarKinx criment, fur is depth its inconsiderable. We more immoralities are prohibited than of old A VOU JVC I.ADV, Royal Patenl No. 163. THOMAS BROWN. Trustee. coal. exf emblem of Celestial power displayed itself to the JCST FROM SAX L CECIL BROWN, Attorney for Assignee of Mortgage. deed, all immoralities are forbidden, but none are t KAn ClaCO, an opportunity maris 4t ' ' The following TeMcL are In the atreajn : understand that Mr. 1'eirce, the engineer to gaze of the gathered throng, beiog hoisted into F now tabu in tbe original sense of the word Kapu, THE TWO-STOR- Y DWELLING Tbe Am tern Hera, bktue Eoraka, and ch Caaie Hay-wan- l. whom we referred last week, is or the opinion To Give Music Lessons on Piano, position by Hia Excellency Chu Wo Kwin, a Chi- Tbe penal code is so often evaded, its penalties are the HOL8B situated between the Fort ft. Church and Notice Foreclosnre of Mortgage. waitlDK for cargoee. in Queen Kroma's residence on Iteretania Street. Tba of that order to obtain a good flowing well, a nese To a few Pupils, at their own Homes. Terms Moderate. PUR-1- Am ech Jeaaie Nickeraon la hourly expected from Minister, who arrived here lately from enforced so unequally, that tbe law is a hissing premises are in perfect order with water laid on. mjOTICE IS I1ERKHT GIVEN, THAT 1 Tbe power In mortgage e. depth of from 750 to 1000 feet must be reached. with nalvanized iron pipes, throughout. There are two Stalls, suant to a of sale contained a certain San Frsnelaco, with later ne-w- Washington. and a contempt. Practically tbe native famity Address A. B. C, Pest Office Box ISO, Honolulu. marl3 lm two Carriage Rooms, Harness Room, Wash Room, and two of Nov. 1877. wade by Peke, of VYalkl- - is scarcely nccexsary to suggest to deed dated tbe 6th day U,7 The FM S 3 Aoatralla will be due from' the Coloulea It oar readers The flag is in tbe form of a right-angle- d trian- no Unless old, or otherwise out of servants' Rooms attacned. Terms made easy. kl, Oahu, to Alex. J. Uartwrigbt, or Honolulu, or record in has protection lebZS 4c CO. 848, assigned cn Monday. the immense benefit that would result to the coun- Inquire of liOLLES Liber 61. oo Dacca 848, 817 and and by him to gle, or burgee, the groundwork yellow, with request, no native woman is absolutely safe, not Sc Oo., Thomas Brown, Trustee by Assignment, dated March V7, 1870. try if Sowing wells could be obtained on tbe blue edges, and in tbe center is a blue dragon, even a native school cbild. over ten years of age. MacBETH PAINTS AND OIL, of record lo Liber 600, en page 106, and tor a breach of the PORT Or HOIIOLULU, ZI. MERCHANT conditions In said mortgage deed contained, thai all and sin- I. Waikapa Commons at Cast Maui, at Kau, Ha- having the imperial appendages of nine claws. The churches, .he ministers, are not entirely in TAILORS, RECEIVED: ATLANTIC LEAD, gular, the lands, tenements and hereditaments lo said mort- ARRIVALS. JUST of 1 Pound to 60 Pounds In tin cans and gage deed contained and described, will, after the lime limited Mar I Am tern W L Bccbet, Kracben, IT day frees Furt waii, at Mana, Kauai, and some other localities During the afternoon their Excellencies Samuel fault in tbis. becsuse every efTort to enforce the law Have Just Opened a New Tailoring Es wood. Also. Paint Oil, boiled and raw. For Hale by by law, be suld at public auction, on account of tbe breach of 5 lewaaeoJ. they maris o BOLLKd CO. ths conditions as hereinbefore mentioned. Bpr-kle- G. Wilder, Simon K. M. made by them, (and have not been altogether J 4 Am tf.a John D Uanaeo. 10 day 13 hour that might be mentioned. Kaai and John Kapcna, Ho. 89 St., The property in aaid mortgage described, being situated In J . Brom - . tablishment, at Hotel t San rraacaco. i During the last session of the Legislative As- paid an unofficial friendly visit, while His Majesty remiss) has been so met as to result in not suc- Waiklki. and mort particularly described in Royal Patent No. A ax vera uera, FANCY PAINTS, containing ao of 4 acres. hor, iroa Banniui. cess nor yet failure, but so as to be abandoned. And are Prepared to 8174, and are 7 A is bk Rainier. Wolff, 17 day l'ort CamUe. sembly a bill was prepared but waa not present- the King tendered bis congratulations through Furnish, nHROME GREEN. CHROME YELLOW. iuuhab k, Trustee. 7 Am ak bk Ceral. Baraer. 17 day froca flan r'ranoeco. Tbe higher judges of the Kingdom and its higher Verdigris, Patent Dryer, Vermilion, &x with a General CECIL BROWN, Attorney for Assignee ol Mortgage. ank KogUab. 19 daya from Fannin; ed, providing for a bonus by the government to tbe Minister of Foreign Affairs. After the flag .zv. .lDRaiatea Vivid. police are not at fault in this behalf. They have r xmxcjsst. Assortment of Fancy Paints. For Sale by maris 4t Ulaxd were ad- "80 HOLLKS CO. JACI. aay party who should first obtain a constantly raising, refreshments served, and as an low marl3 k BxatLCI, acted in all cases brought to information and judg- ! Bar 8 A a ba II W Almy, Freeman. 12 day fm Ban Fran. flowing artesian well which should deliver suffic- denda to commemorate the occasion tbe Chinese FIRST CLASS GOODS Marshal's Sale. 1A dya Iro fear. But they fail a power LARD OIL, 11 Am ca Booaaaa, llilter. ian Francisco ment without because AND VIRTUE OF A WHIT OF EXECUT- ient water to properly irrigate a given extent of Theatre Company kept open doors and allowed interposes, a power behind tbe throne; an iron AND GALLON TIN BVION Issued out of the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian ,. , , IS BARRELS FIVE ... , UKPAR IUIM. land. We trust that some such measure will be free entrance to all visitors to performance during M. CAN8. For Sale by (maris '80) BOLL ICS k CO. Islands in favor of 8. Maikai against L'lukou for $1846 86. I U f achr V O Meyer, Jur lan, tnt Ben Francisco. hand in an iron glove, and tbat hand not black; it GOOD FITTING GARMENTS. bave levied upon and shall expose for aale at the front door of 10lak bk Coral, Barker, craiae and north. brought forward tbe coming session. two days. We are indebted to tbe politenss of Alilolsnl Hale, Ota Saturday. April 3d. 18 (Ml. at is joined to an arm tbat touches first families, CASTOR OIL, 12 o'clock, noon, all the equity of redemption, reversion, right, Mr. Chang Lung for the foregoing particulars. whose sensitive members on any general enforce- CWR LUBRICATING. IN FIVE GALLON title and interest of the said Ulukou, of, in and to the land head to-d- ay m. known as tbe Ahupoaa of Uaneoo," ailuated In VtMel rr IleaelwlBi freaa Freiw Forte. Under tbe of By Authority in 'a We learn also, that Mr. Afong has resigned his ment of the law ask, "Where will this end T" TINS. For Sale by (marl J '80) BOLLKS at CO. liana. Am tip Oen Butler, Keweaatle, NSW. Mar 2V31 Island of Maui, anleai said Judgment, Interest and all costs be New Caaile, over paper will be found the Royal proclamation con- position as a member of tbe King's Privy Coun- others, timid, say with contemptuous previously satisfied. flame riaber. dae While les NEW DRUG STORE, SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE, premises subject mortgage Oer bftne W icboia, South Sea, lalanda. dne vening the Legislative Assembly for its Tbe above will be sold to a to A. regular cil of State. scorn, then? throw stones who have no glass of 1 years Am bk Ceylon, Boa loo, da April io-i- j "Let ON Sl'UAXD STREET, FIVE GALLON TINS. FOR SALE BIT Uona $1000 also a lease lo said A. Unoa for 10 Am bk T f W hiitna, Mew York, dne May 2t-- session, beginning on Friday, the last day of in their houses !" INmarl3 '80 B0LLE3 CO. from Oct 6, 1876, at $160 per annum. 10-1- or expense Am aehr C Iprerxle, San Franc um:o. via llilo, due Mar 4 Terms sale uash, and deeds at or purchaser. PMSa Aiaatralia, Sydney and Aoekland, dne March 16 April. On the opening day the Royal Speech is The siccessftl inauguration and prosecution The evil is so ancient, it has gone so far aud so cfc FEED, W. O. PARKE, Marshal. City cf Sydney, tfan Franciaeo, doe Mar 22 delivered, after which the proceeds to long, its roots art so deep and wide spread, tbat Co. Honolulu, Feb 27, 1880. feb2S I 10-1- Iiouso bo far of the plan of immigration of South Sea Hollister Amrulbk U to Almy. Ban FranciMo. fr kU.hu ai, dae Mar 5 RESPECTFULLY INVITK OF HAY, OATS, BARLEY, CORN, Am cb Jeaaie .Nickrraop, San Franciaco, doe organize by the election of officers. There are in Islanders, has been regarded with much favor by no common reiredy seems adequate. Tbe land BALESkc. For Sale by (marl3 '80) BOLLKS At CO. Am cb Alice, Port Blakely, fur Uilo. doe Administrator's Sale of Real Estate forty-seve- n has come where it seems as if a pure native Ha- Am bk Louie Marshall. New Caaile. N 0 W due all members nineteen Nobles, in- the community generalm not only as promising THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF The Attention of the Public SALMON, IN Kanaina, deceased intestsle. Ity of Am bk Amie, Mew Caatle. SD doe laLar-waTa- waiian home wa impossible; as if all the Christian virtue an order of fi? cluding the four Cabinet Ministers, who hold to supply our Tet with good and O. O. Am bklne tmmi Aa(osta. Port Gamble tract A sals by the Hon. Harris, Chief Justice of the Supreme - onr TO THE FACT, THAT THBY HA RRELS AND HALF B R RELS, SAID Liverpool, loading- 22 o, ht care of girls in seminaries aud private schools IX uourt, sitting as a i;oort or rroosie, on tne bin day or Janu- Brit auip City of Madrid, Jan seats and twenty-eig- Representatives. moreover , . lo l Firat Class. Columbia River Salmon, ex Matt la 10-1- able material, but with their women c . . 1 Am ba Jency PUU, Port Gamble, doe Mar 4 TI Macleay. for Sale Low, by (marl3 '80) BOLLEs CO. ary, A. D. 1880, the undersigned will sell at public auction, on Am tch cVinaosx, Francisco, loading Feb 34 . As we understand that Government will bring and children tbis cognate race waa confidently . tao t n n- - SATURDAY, 3d, Am ach American Girl, Ban Francisco, loading Feb 21 wniiin mna u ii minimum And lis nprnetmtv Have Opened at Their Old Stand APRIL 1880, forward tbe biennial bill of appropriations early to work At 13 o'clock noon, at the front door of Alilolanl Hale, all Oer bk , llookoog, due March 10 14 expected largely assist in the of recupcr parently impossible. To such a humiliating pass HALF BARRELS OF BEEF, the ri Haw bk Hawaii, Bonth tea I aland, doe April in the session, and as they will be prepared be No. 8 5 Nuuanu Street, a Full Line of right, title arid interest, which the said Charles Kanama, de- Haw Boalh Sen dae April 1-- atipetbe Hawaiian.! And in view of the radical have tbe come tbe sad question can ROM OREGON, FOR SALE BY ceased, had in and to bjtn atorm Bird. lalanda. ple people that be IT forehand with such measures as they intend to whTcB-IbesTpeo- marl3 '80 BOLLES 6c CO. fchangce have to undergo in what native honor is THE FOLLOWING PARCELS OF LAND, asj, husband's secure? DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS. Namely: V estate I X I'OBT prcpoee.j. may reasonaoiy oe expectea tnat tne leaving their native, islands and coming hither What native father, what native mother is perfect- BEEF AND PORK, ITsw brtne Pnmare, for sale - V Acsembiy will be ready for final adjournment bv AND LOT I KAIEIE.In Kalihl, Oahu. and containing an A n aopaad sen Loiaia. ucxlcr ' --changes of climate, of diet, and of general ly or ordinarily sure they are able or will be able 1UST RECEIVED, A FRESH LOT OF area of 26 acres, more or less. Itaw ach Jolia A Lone.. ' the end of June. But experience has taught us m9 Oregon and California Beef. Also, Extra Prime Pork. LOT 2 LEA 1 1 A lo Kalihl aforesaid, and containing to protect the honor of their daugbter in early wo- 46-1- Am ach ilooora. Beerers habits of life it was understood and conceded by which will be sold at Low Prices, by an area of 66 acres, more or less. (These two lands llr that the members as a rule are intermin- ? DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, other, Am ship Ota jo, Harding native all tbat they must be treated those employing manhood marl3 '80 BOLLES k CO. adjoin each and are excelleut grssing lands. ba-w-e by NE N Am bum Morning Star, Bray able specebmakers, and there is no telling what . INCIXDING LOT LOT OK lA D situated In Painoo. AH bktne rrace Roberta, Ohiaen them with more care and consideration than is The Hawaiian race is doomed to extinction," Honolulu, Immediately in rear of the residence oi Key Mr Da. Haw bk Kale, Ahlborn impossible measures or frivolous questions may say many intelligent observers, and so also say mon, entrance from Hotel atreet. containing an area of Am tear Cassie kiayward Blake found necessary with our own people.' To those CELEBRATED CELLULOID of an acre. This lot Is leased lor f 60 per anuum, ths leaaa of THE 1884. 1 1 Am bktne Rureka, Nordberg be brought up with which to fritter away tbe of our planters who have had South Sea Islanders some tbe Hawaiian people themselves. But tbis expiring June 80ih Am bktne Fremont, Xickerson is C. BREWER & CO., L.U I hat Lot at ths corner of King and Punchbowl On Government we under- dreadlul fatality not because of leprosy, nor 41 17-1- Haw bk Matue Macieay. Boig time. tbe part of the employed belongs tbe credit, bo far as we are in- T streets, with the houtes thereon, containing an area of Am tern W L Beebee, Krcben stand that one of tbe principal measures to be from hereditary taint or impurity in tbe blood; but NOW of aa acre. This lot is sold subject lo a Ilia Interest of one Mra Am bgtne John D eprtcklrs, Hansen formed, of having adopted this line of policy in R Kaehu, who is now about 70 years of age, the life Interest lo "4' Uera, Mooaon forward be an for amend- because tbe tigbteons laws tbat protect the Ilawa- - be stated on day of aale. Am tern brought will act tbe treatment of new comers, and we be- U Am bk Rainier, Wolff their the j iian home and the Hawaiian families bave no ter- LOT A Lot In Waikikl. K A I A LI 1. containing an KaaxteaKh Vivid. English ment and consolidation of the taxation laws, and TRUSSES. area of i 0 acres. lieve tbe result has generally been quite satisfac- ror to tbe hoodlum, the stranger from or to Offer For U Lot in III of Pan. containing as a corollary to such act, a revision and con- abroad, S Sale to Arrive, LOT Walklki. an area of tory. the low minded at home. Wby? Because tbey are 0 of an acre. This is one patch, and can be Planted In IMPORTS. solidation of the election laws. These are much E kalo or rice. Frani-laco- , The public mind was therefore not a little ? PEH 1 Lot in Manoa. Consisting of 14 acres. This From Fan per John D Bprecke!. March 6 j not and cannot be equally enforced. Again. Wby S LOT lot la i) palnta and 110 pktra pkg Chin-- needed measures. It is further in contemplation leased for $236 per annum, payable seml-annual- The Inm fks oil. liquor, ll'J excited on Monday mornicg lost, and expressions Because of tbe white hand in the iron glove. Is expires Be pi 30ih, 18111. km1. uuraaa eoal oil. 1X1 pkKa prortaluna. 100 ska to revise and consolidate the license laws, partic- tan bark. 1140 aka flour, lux) aka Krain, 1) colls Manilla of indignation were beard on every side, when it there no remedy ? Yes; one remains. Sell defense TUB LARGEST AND LOT 8 The A II CPU A A OF II A K 1117. ailua cordage, 9 pktfa Si m brick, lis) sacks potatoes. regulating the traffic in wines, ales IS It ted in Keolaupoko, Oahu, survey .f which Is now In course of fnrnilar. ularly thie was Sea is a first law of nature. Self defense is a right American nr Ceylon, preparation. Tbis ia a valuable piece land, 39 maica. M bales hay, horses, lot hardware and car-H- a known that a South Islander bad died of cotnnriaine m. and spirits. It is probable tbat a proposition Most Complete Asst. of Perfumery sing and rice lands and valuable fiah ponds, and will (ie soldi material. the evening before on the deck of the steamer Killing in self defense is justifiable II AY DON, now subject to a lease per made to the restriction on sale Master, about due FROM BOSTON, of $150 aunum, expiring Dee 1884t will be repeal the Xilauea homicide. Tbe wild beast fights for its cob; tbe u rom rein tor aiuv per annum expiring Urt 31, 188a. Hou, under circumstances that had very IX THE tiTV. LOT The well known lot of aim. aCxroKTs. I to native Hawaiians, but as we are advised it will Wolf and tbe bear will die in defense of their fam on llllMlikll'n Baa W H Meyer. March 9 pkgs much the appearance of culpable neglect not ated Palace Walk, and containing an area of 0 of aa For Francinco. pr if ere. BUKar lbs). lHca value. toi.wt.U. not come from the Ministry. In tbe same way, ily. And here the question rises : May not a CUMBERLAND COAL downright inhumanity, on tbe part of the master The Prescription Department LOT IO The BUILD I NGN on ilm l u i. u the question of again licensing the sale of opium father, a mother or a brother fight to maintain the old separately, and to be removed within days after the of that vessel. The man, who it appears was Stove : ljaaC.UaCK. Charge a Pharma- Franklin Cost, in casks, for family nse; sale. The lot of Haimoelno, (Lots S and 10.1 will ba sold ON to the Chinese will probably be brought forward. purity of their home, it is not a pleasant thing to Is in of M R. J. L.. ROVSTO.V, Wilmington Tar, Noa. 1 Froca San Francisco, per John D Spreckela. March. 6- ono the crew steamer, bad been sick on Rosin, , to 10) T1IK PREMISES, immediately after the aale of the other lots. of of the of Large Experience, Thoroughly Competent and Iron Blocks, Anchor 1 John O'Connor. WUUaaa Web-U- r. Mra C Howe. Mrs C We bear also that there is some talk of an act for say, or to believe, but the killing of one seducer of ceutic Shackles, Pick Handles, LOT 1 One large Kalo Patch in Kamoku II, Waikiki, for had Reliable. Prescriptions Compounded at all hours of the Oak Plank, Hum's Batcheta. Surf Boats, containing 4 of an acre. Title R Carter, C ii Carter, A P Williams, iiarver, Cham- shore at Kahului a month or more, and an Hawaiian wife daughter by an raged man O" to above landa Royal Patent. ber tbe establishment of a mint for tbe coinago of or oat Day or Night. The terms or sale are cash, and deeds at the exnonaa or th. lain. been sent to this city by the owner of the steamer purchaser, subject lo by 8 W will do more to maictain and to protect the puri- approval lbs Probate Court. Per Coral. March John Fischer. Hawaiian dollars and halves, tbat will stay r For Charts and Surveys and other information, annl Frn-taco- . W Meyer, 9 suit's for tje purpose of beiDg placed in the Queen's women OX FROXT DOOR IVIatclieN ! ... ffer Han per H March with us. A good move. Numerous propositions ty of native girls and than all the present NIGHT BELL THE Boston Card. at the office of W. C. PABKK. McQuillan. T t reiser. Arthur Peterson. Hospital. On the arrival or tbe vessel on Sun- police. And tbe knowledge by tbe native tbat marl3 tf Administrator Estate of V. Kanaina. r For Fanning' Island, per Vivid, March Ii John T for internal improvements will of course be Centrifu al Linings. New Bedfurd Manila Cordage. Honolulu, Feb. 24, 1880. frg 61 Arundel and natives. day morning, tbe master (according to bis pub- whosoever in defense of his family honor does vio- i ventilated by country members. Altogether, ! ! Spunyarn, Seising. Marline, I ard Oil, lished statement), having been told by hia owner lence, even to the maiming and killing of tbe white ALCOHOL ! ALCOHOL Boiled Linseed Oil. Axle Grease, the session will be an important one. Dammar Varnish, Putty, NOTICE. . memoranda; to " see Mr. Wilder" about getting the man into seducer or tbe dark skinned adulterer, will be par- H ide Poison, Spirits of Turpentine, 811 1 Baroa-- or Brno Jobs D. Sraicatxs. The 96 PER CEXT. PROOF. ALL PPERS OF FREIGHT tb Hia. tbe Hospital, not wishing to trouble Mr. Wilder doned by the King, acquitted by a jury and sus J per steamers Llkeiike, Lchua and Mokolii John D. Spree Ilea left dan Francisco at noon, on the " Chinamen come hither without families, aud so bare are l.ereoy notified that we will not be of February. In company with the Schooner " Clans none to support, while mct of the white laborera have on Sunday," went off for the day, leaving the tained by all moral people, will do more to save In Demijohns of Five Gallons Each for any Frelitht or Parcels. 2ta wives and children to prorlde for. In this country the we receipt for tbe lama, shippers nni.. Spreckiee) bound tor Uilo. The first hours had light sick man practically alone on board, with his this people than all tbe laws and courts in tbe AIVIERIGAN PORK, are requested, io case of li family ia the unit of society. Itia tbe family tbat makes mar6 4t At F. A. fCUAEf KR 4 CO 'i loss or dsmsge to make immediate claim at ths office or by ; bomt-- peutde adverse vinda and ealina at midnight the Farralones tbe home, and the of onr are the citadels of body naked, to fare the best way be might. The kingdom. Tbis woulfl be a form of tabu revived. letter. Claims will not be entertained nnleaa marfa -- to mode, our liberty. It la there that respect for law and the love Nails, Oars, asstd., 15 to 23 feet. month of loss or damaga. .int. l bora W. 8. W. ltt miles, from thence port had j if of freedom are fotered until they become so much a part master says he did not consider the man as Shall this be taught? And so, bow? And by Babbitt Metal. Composition Nails, Passengers and shippers of freight are variable winds. Arrived oil diamond Head at 1 " CALIFORNIA CLARET, Family Pork, particularly requested rate and of tbe nature of tne cblld tnat wnen ne reacliea manbood whom? quarter barrels; to report any complaints they may have at our olhce. A. K. Karen 6th. and hove to until daylf xht 10 days and be la a unefnl portion of tbe political fabric. The Chin- dangerously sick, and allowed him to remain on Yellow Metal, Sheathing, 13 passage. Left in port the Schooner Jessie ese know nothing of this American home culture, and we CALIFORNIA WHITE WINE. Twine, Soap, Chairs, February 1880. :0 hoar 28th, " board." The poor fellow who was thus generous- "'ibMg, V to sail the Jay for Honolulu. believe they are incapable of comprehending it. Uence Asti-Chixe- to-d- Klckersun neit se Bills. Senator Neumann ay Ilasses, Master. they never can beevme American cltizena In the true ly allowed " to remain on board and die of Io Ten Gallon Kegs, sense of tbe word." " introduced three bill?,- embodying bia ideas of ef- TO LET. V Earn Francleo Arrived : Feb M Brit bk Lady Lamp-an- a. neglect, would probably have been unable to get fective Chinese legisl&tion. Hia Free Migration V. Tomato & Mock Turtle Soud, A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED well-chos- en JF'x'osla. OTust ROOM Wave, Ijot, Uoo'd, I N- - Manton. hence Jan T! ; Xi Am achr Lahlni( Tne foregoing and strikingly truth bill provides tbat any one who prohibits or inter, 31 ileretania Street, opposite Uueen Emma's. McCulloutfh. hence Feb J ; 2s P UStt City of bydney. off tbe deck to tbe wbarf without assistance. The mar6 4t At F. A. SCI1 A KFKR A; CO. 16. ful words are taken from the inaugural address fere with free migration from the State is guilty Iar burn, hence Feb master evidently lays great etrees upon the fact Tomatoes, f" of Governor Perkins, of California, and con- of a felony, punishable by imprisonment for not Clams, BIRTH. that he was told by bis owner at Maui to " see morejtlian five years or by a One of not I ess than CHAMPAGNE, CHAMPAGNE ! Green Peas, wanted. th only small portion of much more to the Sausage Meat, SALT HIDES. SH I 2.-- to wife vf George S. stitute a nor more S1O.OO0, Cor-- EE AND GOAT At Xliheii on the ult., the Mr. Wilder." And had be so far sacrificed his S1000 than or by both. Baked Beans, WET for which the highest Cash Price will be paid. Oay, a son. same effect. Practically, they are as applicable j porations interfering with free migration are guil- -i D HUGH MACKAY. scruples about its being Sunday (or was it his DUC M0NTEBELL0, Clam Chowder, Kil... tr l Proprietor to our case at tbe Inlands as to that of our ty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not less Puccotash, Hooolulu Tannery, Kohololoa. MARRIED. own case) as to have gone to Mr. Wilder, no one than 5010, nor more than $20,000. Fines con CARTE BLANCHE, Green Corn. ; Lobsters. 1 2 lb. cans; CX-- Mh Inst., by neighbors over the sea with this difference tf "ROYAL a Woourr In this city, on the the who knows that gentleman's characteristics will stitute a lien upon the property of corporations. Ree. U. H. Parker. Mr. V. W. CLaftB to Mle M av in addition to all tbe other evils The Mongolian bill enacts that no person nor cor- In Quarts and Pints. hotel, all of city. however, tbat ESTABLISHED 1843. CHOICEST WINES. this question but that the man would have been poration holding or using any special privilege or de Montebello & Co. Chateau de in tbe Market. AT Cahii P attendant upon the presence of the " heathen Direct from Messrs. Alfred fe21 r.7 promptly conveyed to the Hospital, and perhaps valuable franchise, from this State shall empioy, Mareuil sur Ay, at ly '80 16. Spurgeon. in a sermon Chinee," be here cornea in contact with a weaker Lgtdo. February in or about the business connected with or relating marO it F. A. SCUAKFKK &. CO.'s. Corn NOTICE. bis life might have been saved. But at all events, Black Staron said England's rulers were making bloody bit. demoralizing influences. to such privilege or franchise, any Chinese or Mon- Walnut, Wash Boards, yesterday, race, and with all Buckets, Psper Bags, assorted; A LL PERSONS AREIIKREBY ; they encouraged was tbe office of tbe surgeon of the Hos- is - WARNED and oppressing nations that n there golians. Violation of tbis Act a misdemeanor, ! m - on mv m wart Anglo-Saxo- is a ttroDger race in every Cedar Boat Boards. Leather Washers. . HV1WUH.IIII1 wiic. uiK. r- - aeenmt reflection The punishable of One FOR SALE K. I.,.." '. WIU and consoled themselves with tbe that "We pital within a stone 'a throw of the vessel, always by forfeiture franchise and a of New Bedford Hbaleboats, firewood, t.s tuuiraciea in my name. by do what we like, respect than the Mongolian; but It is a question not more than SlOuO. Act to take effect SALE ' JOHN fcll.VA. are a great people, and, jingo, open on Sunday morning, where if the master The is rmpHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR it will all come right in the enJ but they should of life or death with our people, with the odds in thirty days after passage. Tbe third bill provides before a fall. understood or desired to perform bis duty to that no corporation be formed un- NOTICE. remember that pride went favor of If tbe Chinese shall con- bad shall hereafter All that Traet of Land Situated In Kalihl Yallty, WORM WIRE CANOPIES the latter. less its articles set rtb neither it nor em- mm HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I WILL Mormons been anx- a suffering fellow man he could have made f tbat iu containing an area of 33 acres, being a portion of not be responsible for any debts contracted In my For some years put the have tinue to come, tbe native Hawaiian must go. Osho. I my name Mexico, re- ployes, will employ Chinese. premises descried in Royal Patent o. ec'4, issued to Alexan- without written order. (fe21 lm) D. TOOMEY. ious to secure a foothold in and tbey known the circumstances of the case to that j Tbe superior industry, cunning and thrift of the der Adams. The above is a valuable Tract of Land, contain - cently dispatched one of their prominent men to con- some extends from tbe pali on the official, which would bare fully answered the j Pestilance Skwers The authorities of one of ing Kalo Land, and east JSometliing- New; EXPECTED PER un-thr-ift in ZEALANDIA on the subject. The reply obtained is former, when brought in contact with the ' aide of the Valley to tbe stream. A pjdy to the office of Caatle fer with Dial London took measures CO ES OP U A Government Mormon same purpose as seeing Mr. Wilder." The the largest hospitals ia lately 4: Hatch. (fc21 lm) J'a. S. CA.NAKU. KV PI J DO R C TO N S M . honorable to the Mexican improvidence of tbe latter, will invar- AF N I ES, and Brat CIIA-NE- and to ventilate all drains and sewers connected with 11 supply of Rev. Mr. T'8 be protected in their worship, but master would thereby bave escaped the grave the " ALOHA, to be followed by emigrants will of it. Tbis, however, is only tht ir institutions. Up to tbe time these alterations Oil, ! another stock early. not am m pit- iably get the best THE HAWAIIAN BARK Kerosene Electric Archery Ooods and Novelties. po! jrvmy wui loiernicu. " " imputation, wbicn mnst now cling to him, of were made, pjtemia and erysipelas had almost driven fel4 If ATTHOa. Q. iable that the Saints will find Mexico even so desir- tbe material view of the case ; tbe moral view is THBUM'H Fort ft. Store. The abandonment or polygamy having facilitated the work of death by his inex- this medical staff to dospair. When the whole of the . able a land as Utah. still more deplorable. Coming here without ventilation was and as soon as the pres- re O L. E2 BURLAP BAGS. IRON TANKS ! a question of time. cusable apathy and neglect. After the man was completed, W Y I ia only females, the Mongolians debauch the native sure was removed from tbe traps of the closets and M. RJKEMNN, Master. HIGHFLYER. NEARLY NEW. AND A gloomy Cincinnati phil- dead, however, tbe master informs us tbat bis CAUSTIC SODA, EX IN GOOD ORDER. IOK 8 A LE H Y A Usiykbaai. Sxash. women, who are already largely in a minority in re 14 tf been sharply observing the start feeling was months the hospital were free from both ery- - Has Just Arrived from Bremen, JAMES I. HOW0ETT. osopher, who has half-grow- consideration and kindly such, that wards , all the young and n fellow-eitizc- nt have been kilt-- the population, and ruin however, was now discharging while the most of bis he put a watchman in charge of tbe inanimate sipelas and pyaemia. Suddenly, there 122 days Passage, and is her NOTICE. pork, publishes a startling come within their reach. fre-- h of it was noticed OF J inr hogs and packing native girls tbat a outbreak these diseases, bat INVOICE CARRIAGES 'MIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING HAD EX- - announces what it already well corpse during tbe night, (shutting the stable door that tbe epidemic was confined to one of the surgical perience in materials of Isdies and children's wear and prediction. lis this condition of things shall be permitted to 1 1881 If Cargo ofNew Goods difflylty' " !' living in coun- in the Utter part of the year there after the horse was stolen) and had the body wards, built apart from the main building, on the try to I" the known, tbat much-talked-- of COMPRISING obtain de.ired articles, offer, i,., .... of the four principal planets, go on much longer unchecked, the only one story. Close in- Phaetons, will occur a conjunction the morning pavilion plsn. and baring Lt-'V- f!"Qa itiiictljr his- properly interred next actually all thA J" explained orders aa event that baa never been recorded in tbe extinction of the Hawaiian race may be sooner vestigation proved that the ventillation pipe in tbis J UMJ'L.?WatrJ U gJCg . proceeds to pro- this without seeing " anybody. Large Assortment MRS C! tr. WM VP tory of the world," and be therefore accomplished than the most positive assertors of wing bad been stopped up by a careless workman. AND Brewster Buggy, phesy in a diabolical strain that would cost him bis of this poor, When this was remedied all traces of the epidemic '"' theory ever dreamed of. But unfortunately, tbe death NOTICE Ufe" tome countries. He thinks that if the electri- that disappeared. San Jose Tribune. AND ia friendless South Sea Islander, under such peculiar VARIETY OF MERCHANDISE I?"KRK.,HV.G,V.K M ARIK cal equilibrium of the earth's axis ia disturbed by We are aware that there are some and we are "UT MADAM will either "be seri- The is considerably in ad- IN EVERY LINE. at her roome on lire.. Malilag Haataraai this planetary conjunction, tbe earth happy to believe tbey are but few in number circumstances, may possibly result in more British postal system Top Buggies, Hotel Street, corner of A lake at the and fall neteone vance of is to be tbe issue of oTered to the t.,,,M.r.- - GeorKe 8 Were, where she will be thattered icto infinite space, in consequences appears a ours. Its latest novelty bove Goods are Trade AT LOW meet moal haiw to such and ous and lasting than at Ladies of Honolulu who - all animal or vegetable life will who are utterly indifferent to a result, postal notes of small denominations, which can be on by desire her services In t:- ' that fellow-countrym- anJ LIBERA L TERMS Dress Making Business. rrazmenU." or en RATES f - r upheavals and other cala. and words, would first view. If his in their far purchased by the package and sent through the mails t, be destroyed by terrible indeed, judging from their acts oc4 tco appaliing to enumerate. What be thinks But there is no off island homes shall learn aa they very likely with all the order of a Postoffice order. The conven- H. HACKFELD JcjCO CONCORD WAGONS! Fisher's Champagne to state. like to see it brought about. Cider. Socle ooght to do about it he neglect If exaggerated way in ience will be in obviating the necessity of purchasing right-minde- d with a spark of true humanity will, and in a much that way to postpone that planetary eonjunc-So- T man, an order every time a small Bum requires to be I FROM THE BEST b any to Kalakaua'a Kingdom they are liable FOR SAsLE AN INVOICE OF MANUFACTURED harmln.a the mtlir should certainly be attended to. in bis composition, who can look with indiffer- coming mailed. The American system might be naturally occasionally been thrown miserable death, improved. Cal. paper. Ne?fiMl',,!?C;ol',n,drin,t'e"'rclaIIJr,0CM' of fever, it predictions have ence upon the threatened destruction of a race to sickness, neglect and a they street, Honolulu. Orders may be sent, C. O. V ouTon tbe past year or two. but import- California Beef, California Pork, through Poat Office Box ISO. tbe tame subject, ia so many will not-b- e so ready to emigrate aa they have An epidemio in India is not an affair just with all its faults, possesses BURNETT'S Honolulu, January IT, 1880. JalT-lv.l- m vague, by astronomer who have tome which, liberal abuse of some EXTRACTS, i i more moreover, there ia a certain great ant enough to warrant the By Late Arrivals. For Sale Low, by and are backward about amiable and generous traits of character as tbe been. And Board of Health. Neither is it just severe enough to Sgd" rpleliog.. W. St CO LAND FOR SALE f Srinr everybody to death. There should be Hawaiian. Is this scntimentalism ? If so, we maritime Power, whose war Bhips are constantly make the doctors look cheerful and wise. It creates se20 tf A. PE1KCE fVir -, of rjWE UNDERSIGNED. AS ATTORN t the Prevention traffic in a vacancy in ranks. By the fever that fact lor Wm. D i ueu . ,- . . are proud to be enrolled among the sentimental- and jealously watching the labor tbis human Ilillebrand. M. .cB?r.hT sale ofiVral a:. spread through the northwestern provinces of that GROCERIES, term., tracts of land In Kemoo, K.man.nu u a?n ; which hat a High Commissioner ' for j Preservation cf he ists in regard. And if we are not greatly ocean people perished. J id fSKrdinaw Boeiety for the tbis country, a few months ago. 400.000 A Uli altuatL'l '"r?, '". . t self- - LARGE ASSORTMENT. NEW AND acres, all in H W".f u-- t Ir.v, 'e Axis. If the the South Sea Islands, and which is a sort of j is overplus of population FRh-S- For Sale by KEROSaCIVTE: ! mistaken, it will be found when the Legislature Nevertheless there an Oil. hu. The lands in Kemoo were formerly leased TaJnhs! CO. no time should be- I 2.al 79 BOLLES It msrl.1 '80 qr Bilvi. and Owen t viewt are correct meets that it is a sentiment shared by n large constituted guardian of all the islanders. It - there. J. Holt. (d20 If) Chb R.ISUOP A! Joet in organuiog. J t jjjjippinc. BY AUTHORITY. TXXE PAOiriO BRIEF MENTION. Ijf We understand that Mont- - De'ot, tb Frtaoh Commissioner, to be recalled, oo aooooot W'e te pleased to notice the form and face has askcJ 27 cf ill health. ' BY E. P. ADAMS. SAX Commercial Sibbcrlisrr K our old fri nd Alec. McDuff again on tbe streets. . , BY C. S. BARTOW. FOR FRAXCISCO. v Z2T Ibetale by auction on Monday last, cf Im- ZjF Messrs. Whitney & Robertson laid us under The Elegant New Clirper Bri port el horses, mules and carriages, realized th gam SATURDAY, MARCH 13. obligalions for files of lute paprrs per last arrivals. Day. of SIO.OOO. 2J0RTGAGEE S NOTICE OF SALE. This JOHN D. SPRECKELS ! BRIEF MENTION. Elp; r Joh (!. Hook. Evangelist, will (r. v.) HANSEN, Proclamation. Zif Some prow lets of tbe night, beat oa miscbUf, Y DIRECTION .rJtltC(MPRKIX OLD X.TJMI3Tn CcomuJcr. Compethioa is the life of trade. We may pr acb ia tbe IVihel Vestry, Sunday. March 14tb, ff. w - rranwlina rir In lentur ot Mul- - 2?" removed and number from the dwelling of nrv- -- Buflt F.rpress'y for this Trad, and Ilarirs; Very Superior tbe sign g J r. !.r 1"7'. in ir William J jhr.aon to A.t A.iictioii, We, Kalakaua, by the Grace of God, of don hear of the agement cf the Chinese Band at 3 r. v. All are welcome. Come. il .Il' , Acrr.mmoUtioDi, sriil b dwpaicbed for the ab 'e port. fnf J I J Am' a Cair-i- I rll Pul.;,c Auction no : Mrs. C. F. Ward, on School Street, an have deposited : : March 13, & Agents. .the Hawaiian I!ani.is, Kin?, do proclaim At(he Roy;.l Hawaiian Theatre on off night. SATURDAY, mar!3 M. G. TRWIS CO., A Covet. In our Eastern Exchanges we read them in a place unknown. Saturday, 13th Day At 12 o'el'-c- noon, at t".e whrf cf TilN-t- s That it U Our Tleasure, in pursuance of the of March Ej?" The San Commercial of that a cotn'-- t is visible in tbe Southern hemisphere. j A lot ol Frneico IhralJ At II I . ry i.-- Hor.otaia, Our Constitution, that the Members of the Our friends an I patrons will find valuable San Francisco. February 19 hae a full review cf Mr. Thrum's Al approaching our Earth. Have any of our Inland FJ ior-x.i- For A3 f,r j rr f !") I t l Legislative Assembly of Kingdom do supplement t..r -. :taa. Our and interesting reading matter ia the b-- "u i.r.f!w- - r- ". f ., in iloao-lul-u THE FINE AMERICAN SCHOONER manac for 1SS0, giving of astronomers observed the stranger? K:.aiv,u n SHIP! a.s.emble at Our and Annual " particulars which we issue with week' they I. as f'U'w : at the Legislative Hall, this paper, and 'Icrihl KNEES, ETC.. ETC. statistics, &c. Commrnri.il n tb e4t torart of tikis lot on Ktihanua SHIP'S Capital of Honolulu, for the dispatch of We learn tbe native Hawaiian Theo- should both sides the sheet. nu-- fi,r.kil. 1.4 No. 4, sad 3 3 14', that real of eapplemeotary .ui4 raaair.a; Dortn C. S. BARTOW. Aaet'r. Cassic Ilayward, Fri- R. H. wa (1 1 i&hrs l.,r.j lot So. t ar4 4 la Iron kott I lot BLAKE, Master, public business, at 12 o'clock, noon, on II. tbe Heir Apparent and suite returned logical Seminary of this city ha recently received 1 to oor-- h '--f 3 13 the wish to enjoy a pleas, tlu. thener south 20. wet feet 9 day the day of April, A. D. Eight- from Kauai this morning, on tbe steamer Jama a donation of $500 from the Hon. W. Hyde, of ZjT If public generally inch on K No 3 to inn bolt al vtt eorner of this, thenee Quick Dispatch, to be followed Thirtieth fr-- t T Will have ant evening they should attend the benefit oa Beit miillCi'tU'.Mit Si 2 inrlk'a, aluaf lot No-- to iran ! een Hundred and Eighty. Makt. We are pleased to learn that tbe Princess Mass , and $50 In in Miss S. R. Sage for books for bolt at Kaahtimini !:r-- t to the p'aof cf fom ceenccmen t, n; by the American Barkentine Monday evening cf MisaZoe Oaytoa tbe mapsf nreeg an ar cf thrre ihocaan I or. t ar.i rrU so 1 t.jhty-tw- o Given under Our Royal Sign Manual is in good health. the library. an 1 thr of the Royal Hawaiian Theatre. Extra preparation fount. 18, -- at Our Palace, the City of For fartVr j ft tir; iire c ON THURSDAY, IYiAH DSL A. ' ' in The proposed Concert at tbe Lyceum, by Goon YtELi. A field of some fifteen acres of f Royal 1 Honolulu, this First day of have been made to fully satisfy all oomert aad a E. Aarl'r. At 10 A. m. At Salesroom, will be sold. UEURENORDBEBG, Master. Miss Bella Miller and otbern, which was advertised c.tne at Honokaa, Hawaii, turned out at tbe rate of Or Ci.CIL BKOttN, Aiu,mjI. IAM.t,r Mortgagee. Seal. March, Eighteen Hundred good bill is promised. For freight and passage apply to and Eierhty, and the Seventh for this evening, we are requested to say will not about seven tons of sugar to tbe acre. What V CI o fe29 H. HACKFELD dc CO., Agents. Year of Our Reign. take place. would Louisiana people say to that, with tkeir one. Emigration Srorrko Intelligence waa received S KOTICE OF SALE. Dry Goods tiling, MORTGAGEE KALAKAUA R. and one and a quarter tons to tbe acre ? by the last mail from China 'via Saa Francisco that k Thx Kac Murder. By a letter from Kau to Mar- ec:tio-o- HOSIERY, HATS, SA1V FRA1VCISCO. By Kixo : fol- a.j.cartwricht Road-viking- . the Chinese steamer which baa been expected to Br iiuaijrw-- nl a Bortro;e dated Dec. 24th. 1577, FOR the shal Parke, received by the ITauikeaouli on Thurs HoNOi.tri.r As exemplified tbe W The Minister of the Interior, mut ty no an.l Kama, his wife, and otbtre, Ilo-ckun- g. Hono- f. l.omhihi ! THE AMERICAN BARKENTINE v HAM'!. past week, by gangs of prisoners : this consists of low tbe after leaving Canton for lo Thnma ramDimi. tn4 Ij niil C m o assis-ne- to the Clioico Grroceries G. Wilder. marl3 day, wo learn that the seven Chinese who lived in il l A. J. Ctr.wtighL. I am directed to sell at public auction, lulu with emigrants for Honolulu, was stopped at of Poperior Sardines, Lobtter, Corn Beef, the house where Halihale was murdered, have all digging out tbe mud and earth accumulated iu tbe br vh of t!, eno-Iitto- in said mortgage deed contained. Tins Xstotexte," of Hongkong by Gov. Uennessy, and compelled In l unch Tongues, Salmon. Re I Salmon. Grace Board Health Notice. been committed for trial, and will be brought to gutters and throwing it back into the middle ol the to tarn McMurray'a Oysters 1 2 ft. Eagle Milk. OLSEN, Master. . It haviagjbeen made clear to the Board of Health, that streets. back. Tbis would aecm to be a ttretch of authority On Monday, the 15th day of March Bottles of Oil, Pickles, Mastard. Boxes of Eoap, Honolulu on the steamer. At BUcait Dlspitth for the Ibofe Port the manner of burial or disposing of the dead, in many li)0. 11 M in Honolulu, those certain Candles. Superior Tea, Tins of Fine Crackers Will Qalck IxFonxaTiox Wanted. We have a let- on the part of the Governor i f tbe British Colony of at .at mt ne placts In by placing small received H-o- -s are .a of Lin I it- - in I,lo-- l of Uavail, arid the Islands, the Bodies in Lumno; a we no- or t i:u Kna, or passage, apply to recent visit to the valley, ter from Mrs. Marcella Nicholas, Hongkong. I .Uip-n- u of and ahikl. Alao. that ! For freight buildings above ground" or by a very slight covering at Virginia City, aobwrt a b Mihi Kt And Other Fresh Groceries ticed that iu th new cemetery on' the side of ertrn ' f li.J at Kona Akao. And dacribd in Ro.al fe21 THEO. H. DATIE3. of earth is highly injurious to the health of all people eat Nevada, inquiring as to the whereabouts of one Cool. On Tuesday morning last, at a point con to in. rg -- ijij ac A Uo, that certain - Fatrnt and i rr. LOT OP living vicinity and a certain cause sickness. tbe road, tb- walks are well sanded and kept in Malbew Nicholas, supposed to in these pn-c- r ofliiUnd m'u.t- - at II .i.'.ka. llamakuA. IUail, And tie. in the of be Islands, about one mile from town in tbe valley, the mer- ., . acn--a. I In I'atrnt ar.l c ntlnirg jj Alao. K V L. E I therefore, as President cf the Board of Health, give good order, presenting a marked contrast to tbe and who will bear of something to his advantage cury stood at and the air and water were Ihov certain M'". or p ro-- of Und utaate in iiooolala, lal FOR notice, that all bodies so interred, that are in any 'way across road, bv communicating as above. 61, nx old cemetery tbe where the. walks uud ml ofluha. ar.d paria 2 and 3 cf Rojal Patent 1902 tHE AMERICAN' properly put both pronounced cold. People living la really A 7 of lliuA. FURNITURE. offensive, mast be under ground, and from grass-grow- n. And pr.a4 4 and IU) al Patent C. 8. BARTOW, Aaet'r. lanes are neglected and Why tbis The Hall of the Library and Reading Room For lart.er pin culut, enijur f ffl4 "HONORA! " this date no interments will be allowed in a manner that sr cold climates, where the mercury at tbis time of tbe E. P. ADAMS, Aoctioneer. SCHOONER can be construed as injurious to the Public Health. difference? Association was crowded last evening with a well- - year falls below aero, would smile at our Ideas of Or CECIL EflOlTX. Aftome-- r for Awgaee ol mortgage. MORTGAGEE'S SALE of REAL i3TATE Apply to 1 2 Tons Register, in food order And ready for sea. One month from this date will be allowed to correct all Tuf. A correspondent at Makawao pleased audience, to listen to the lecture deliver-- I ; we are lined to extremely AT HAWAII. Elections. cold and heat but ae SITUATE HIL0, now existing, and She-riff- Deputy Sheriffs marl3 H. HACKFELD k Co., Agents. nuisances all says : election in Wailuku was de ed by Dr. T. Rodgers and tbe excellent temperature. sbowe A OF Agents of Health throughout King- "The district C equable The thermometer rarely ! Pl'RSL'AKCK WITH POWER day and of theBoard the REGULAR CASH SALE ISHaie contained in a certain mortgage deed dated loth SAILING AM. BK. dom are hereby instructed to prosecute under the law cidedly crooked. There is no doubt but that at music by amateurs. Our limited space forbids more a lower Cgura than that above mentioned, and as of Febraarv. 1678, made between 8. Kipi ol tbe one part, and THE FIXE PAST a in- 64, regulating the Board of Health, any and all parties who Ulupalaktia there was perpetrated a most gigantic than this brief mention of very interesting and rarely a higher one than 80 9 , the average tho Rev. K. Bond of the other part, and recorded in Liber structive lecture. cages 141. 142 and 143. and assigned to C. R. Smith, Mr. C. JSmy Turner," do not conform to this notice. SAMX. G. WILDER, fraud iu tbe little matter of ballot box stuffing, and year around being 75 . to Public Auction, at his Rooms ON MARCH 8. Bartow is instructed tell at N KWELL, Master, . President of the Board of Health. - FRIDAY, 19lh, In iiooolala, on if anything like justice is done, R. Wilcox will be Waianak. This plantation, on Oabu.is grinding 'Honolulu, Mreh 10th, 1S80. alar-13-l- CuiNLSK vs. Sea Wa 1 Al 14 o'clock, a. m . at Palearooin, will be aold. Will IfATe BOSTON for U0X0LILU on or bot seated. Tbe elections all through tbe country may some one hundred acres cf very handsome cane. South Islanders. leara S nTRDAY, March 20th, 18s0, at li 0'eUck Soon, " Jane 1st next. Capt. Axdbew Fuller has been this day appointed be fairly classed as funny." ' We hear it reported that one acre turned out of from tbe native newspaper Pat .Una, that oa Sua All that certain tloose Lot in Piihonua, Ililo, together with by opportunity will please Dry Goods, Appurtenances Parties desiring to ship goods this Agent to superintend the shipping and discharge of native day last an affray occurred al Lahaina between soma An Assorlment of the Iloases, Structures, ImproTements and forward their orders at an early date Chinese Misic Last Thursday tbe members of first sugars, at tbe rate of over 6 tons to tbe acre. therewith belooging. jalT C. BREWER dc CO. seamen, for the port of Honolulu. Tbis is approaching to some of tbe best yields in Chinese aud the South Sea Islanders In the employ White ami Br .wn Cotton.. Fin White birU, Also, and parcels of land situated in -- , all those certain tracts WILDER, tbe Chinese Theatre Company marched through Am-- T n Pr.nf. W hite Ltnlt-L- 2505 SAMX G. Minister of the Interior. Kobala tbat ne plus ultra of districts for large of tbe Pioneer Mill. The trouble arose a vege- Wainaka in said liiio, described in Kcyal Patents No. ' about W hlteauJ Knl .) Hlankets and 1543, together with all Buildings and Structure thereon, Interior Office, February 28th, 1880. , mArl3 tbe streets to pay a visit to tbe newly appointed crops. h o' table garden. Tbe Chinese made a rush with Fancy k, Ladira' Stockiogt, and all crop of Cane growing thereon, and all Appurtenances Sale or Charter.!. boat. . For F.ncj ft.irt-i- Clolhir.g, etc. to NOTICE. erecting fences on Kulaokahua Commercial Agent. Mr. Chun Fong. They were ac thereunto belooging. For further particulars apply THE HAWAIIAN SCHOONERS Parties the A Ckazy Chixauax. A Chinaman named Apana but tbe Inlanders rallied with atones, which (ha RICH'D t. BICKLKTON, Plains are requaeted not td remove any granite or con- companied by their band of gongs and kettle Canned Goods ! Attorney for Assignee cf Mortgagee, was locked up one day this week as being iuaane. threw with accuracy, compelling the Celestial to re- - Also, Fresh Groceries and crete posts marking corners. drums, which no doubt discoursed sweet music to Or C. 8. BARTOW, Auctioneer. " LILITJ," and " KALTJNA". His Chinese wite was delivered of a child, and it treat ia doors, with bloody nosta. First blood for i.. .v- McM array. 1 and 2 lb. Oj.i?r, L,b.tera, Salmon, SAMX G. WILDER, Minister of the Interior. their ears, although we like saying " Jama Ac ll'.ldrn Cite Tabl. Ai Pie Fraita, Interior Department, February 24, 1880. feb28 was with difficulty tbat be was kept from murder- the Islandera. The overseer and the engineer of the i J UUrem, Saxdinra, L Croi Corn, Oiire Oil. Frenrh Well found and ready for sea. For particulars, apply to ' Let it sound no more ; Miji-- d Pieklea, 41oap. - FurnitureN ing tbe newborn babe. He could give no reason plantation coming on the field of battle, restored Larl. llama, and lUron. Elegant d21 A. FRANK COOKK, Agent. Is Accordance with the provisions of Section 231 of For though it have helped mad men to their wits. rVyls Pork ami fceana. Tina Milk and Crackera, Civil Code, a suitable enclosure has been constructed In me, it seems, it will make wise men mad." for bis conduct, and was evidently insane. Opium, peace. KaK Cotvl-n-x- d liU. Krga and Kara ."agar, the ' perhaps. . , Bug. Corn, tuta aad Bran. Bki. llf. CblA. Saba on, AUCTION, New & Honolulu Packet Line On Sunday the tern. Hera arrived :: ' B-- AT York Scrveted. Cava Cooked Corned Boiled Beef. "l8:?!a VTA ( ass-- a a m am - Room 4 gatvj, AOlBiiA dlVJUAai .B..va, u Music. Tbe Dand will play tbis afternoon at Library and Reading Association. K. P. A OA MS. Auctioneer. hnhu. SAMX G. VtTXDER, from Kahului. on the reef of which harbor It will W. II. Crossman & Bros., Emma Square, commencing 4:30 p. m. Tbe fol ON THURSDAY, APRIL 1st, Minister of the Interior. bo remembered she grounded on January 19th. at During tbe brief time tbat tbia Institution, has 118 Chamber Street, New York Agents. lowing is the programme: MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF SALE ! Interior Office, February 24, 1880. feb28 On Monday a survey was held in order to ascertain in existence it has exhibited a degree of spirit r A lO O'clock. A. M. Overture1 at been de- The Concert the Court ...Auber ' -- OKIIER (IF J. IIVMAV, ASSIGNEE Of nplIE NEXT VESSEL, la tbia POPULAR 232 tbe extent of damage she bad received. It was Duetto II Trovatore and enterprise on tbe part of its officers, and an J froni and Kaj a, (k ) to Cbang Km, M Line will leave New Vork in all the mcnth of December. In accordance with the provisions of Section of ...Verdi vrtg Polka Victoria . BI lte.117'J,() by Chang do well to patronise Code, Yt'illiam as cided that 'there was no serious damage to tbe ves- ...Faust of tbe organization generally, riaicd the 'i'.b of April. and a.t:ned to AT THE FRENCH LEGATION, Parties having freight for this port, will the Civil I have appointed Abr. Kiha Selection Prince Mthusalotu ...Htrauas amount vitality in J. iltnan. oo the 3-- of Jan. 1K, I ahall (ell At public Auc- this Line, being assured of a good vessel and a low rate ol Poundmaster for the above named pound in Halawa sel beyond loss of a portion of herJalse keel. Grand March Kienzf .Waguer n tbe. ....new which has been quite a surprise to tbe sleepy heads for A bresrb of tb cun-l.tKi- in aaid mortgage eoolained, ' freight. se27 tf tion, a Quadrille The Times new lOI Bere-lasilt- Streel. Valley, Island of Molokai. Tbe loss in cargo amounted to about fifteen tons ...Coote among us. as well as to those constitutional croak- On Saturday, the 20th Day of March, 1880 JXO. O. DOMEttS, Governor of Maui. of coal, thrownoverboard to lighten her off the February 24, 1880. feb28 " Heavy Surf.; Coasting schooners from Hawaii ers who were quite confident tbat the whole thing M preRiNe oo. Hono- Effects & Household Furniture of Mr. E. D., Office Governor of Maul, reef. Al 11 , at SalevrooiB, tbe Fort Street, SAL report a heavy surf on shore' along Ozzle" in from six to twelve months. Wa lulu, nnl makai of th premiiea of Mr. Loaiaaon, including ma FOR all Kobala and would " area of 7441 a.re feet, and boanda-- a follow.: Krom the Sold oa Account of II is Departure from THE HAWAIIAN BRIG Sale of Government Lots. Hcelo Plantation, East Maci. We learn from namakua. During the early part of tbis week tbe speak from personal knowledge when we say" tbat PE al of Fort Mfft 21 60 W, to 143 fcet froao the achool On Saturday, March 27th, 1880, at 12 o'clock noon, at correspondent that the mill at tbe above place, 41 SO' K. I 7 0 feet, 3 W, to COMPRISING a weather was moderate, but the surf at most points tbe present condition of the society and Its future bouM apire. run 8 42 20 the front entrance of Aliiolanl Hale, wiU be aold at pub- H'H tml; N 4 a W W, to 9.;) along the lane; N 63 20 (Makawao District) put up by Mr. Calton for Mir- - was so high as to prevent landing freight. highly satisfactory and encouraging. ' bo The prospects are . E, t 17 0 et along Fort treat .Carting point. Together Superior and Bedroom Furniture POMAKE, lic auction, the following Building Lots on Kulaokahua e,a-meo-t. Parlor - lees, Tait and Watson, of Glasgow, has commenced steamer Ko- - La witYaii the and imprcveajenta belonging thereto. Sea. Plains: . . - , Lehua was still at anchor off Haptiu, We also know from personal observation that It Found- Ready - Well for -- -- Fur further particular apply o 1 Maa-nifloe- 2 Lounges, f ' 5 Parlor Set. 4 pc.: au23 Apply to H. HACKFELD At Co. Nos 175, 176." pset price, f 100 each." grinding .cane lor Mr. Akana. and everything hala, on Tuesday, awaiting tin opportunity to dis constantly growing in favor, and tbat the number B. P. AOAM5. Aaet'r 4 Large Arm Chair, in Morocco. Leather Black Walnut; Nos 173. 174. I'psetf price, 1 100 each. A. not charge freight. I Or B. DOLE, Attorney (r Aaaignee. mar4 at Mahogany Secretaire, Centre Table; Card 1 able, Nos 317, 318, 319, 320. Upset price, $200 each. works well.' The full capacity of the mill has of those wbo avail themselves of Its advantages Is Sqaar Table. Bofaa, Marble Top Stands, Arm Chairs, PACIFIC MAIL Nos 325, 820, 827, 828, 309, 330. tTpset price, $200 eAch. yet been tested, as a delay in the arrival of bricks Native Enterprise. Last Saturday morning. steadily on the increaae. MORTGAGEES NOTICE OF SALE. Walnut, Batan and Other Chair. Mirrors, Cheffoniers, Nos 331, 3;li, 31, 334. Upset price, $200 each. Fine Coeval Glass. Tapestry. Carpet, Mats, Chandelier, ! Nos 335, 336, 337, 338. t'pset price, $100 each. precludes tbe use of one pair of boilers. So far, ome fishermen at Kawela (on the northwest shore We fear however that there are (tilt many per- STEHIIE.V SPEN'CKR Loaus XIV. Candlesticks, gaperior Preach Marble Clock, STEAMSHIP COMPANY Nos 407, 408, 40?, 410, 411, 412. Cpset price, $100 each. 9 lIRECTIOXf the cane juice stands high and 10 Baura, boat-loa- BV ml li A thi mortgag-re- named in three Lamps. Ice Chew, Plated ware. Knives, Forks At spoons, Nos 404, 405. l'pet price, $200 each. . of Molokai) baring made a large haul a sons io tbe community wbo, from simple Inertia n o mrl(tif dated respectively Pi OTember l ea caddy, Kitcoen Kange, Batn l oos. No 406. Upset price. $100. and everything grems to point to a prosperous fu crtaln r of the fine fish called oio., resolved to brine them and indifference, fail to appreciate the value of the 25, 114, April 177 and svpternber 2J, 1177, made by Kf-A-na Garden Uose and Sprinkler, Paris Fowling Piece. 'SAW FRAWCISCO. Nos 343, 345. Upset price, $100 each. ture for this enterprise. D K. Kklredge and Uarid P. EUrnle, her huabaod, to il. Bin and Cartridges, PeneiDg foils and Swords, FOR Nos 347, 349, 351. Upset price, $100 each. I to the Honolulu murket. Leaving Kawela at six facilities here provided. We wish to remind such, M w ami Spencer, I am directed to sell at English Vr Books, Nos 364, 366. Upset price, $100 . A. Wulmano and cb each. Timb-- Tbe new hrigantine 'John D. f o'clock in tbe morning in a wbaleboat. they whether strangers or lesideuta, that here la a com- public auction on WkLi.N T, the 24th day ot Mar. 1880, Various Articles of Bedding, Clothing, etc. TUB SPLENDID STEAMSHIP Nos 371, 373. Upset price, $100 each. Steamer aale-troo- C6 I al 12 M. at my in Honolulu, that ceitaio tract of Nos 375, 377. Upset price $400. l&preckles, which arrived on the Cth inst., made the crossed the channel and .arrived at Honolulu ge modious and cheerful reading room alwaye open, Kola, Maui, 368. Upset price. $100. land annate in the Diatrictof Island of and known No fore sundown. - - - aa I be n Kaonoalu. and aaid to contain 10.000 Acre, Carriages AUSTRALIA," Nos 270, 271, 2sm. 2X9. Upset price, $200 each. from San Francisco in the remarkably day and evening, every day in be year, Sundays Alm mi Superior Horses and CARQILL, Commander. 1 more or leas, ami being tbe land awaided to ok Ilewajtewa Nos 92. 93. 98, 99. Upset price, $200 each. short spare of ten days and thirteen hours. She 4 -- No included ; that it is regularly supplied with about by K.Oien. Ilelo 3i.7. Will be Presented for Sale At 12 M., the well known leave Honolulu for San Francisco on Nos 217, 255. Upset price, $200 each. Sf wonder the Oazelte is in a quandary Will Nos 190, 191, 192, 201. 202, 203. Upset price, $300 each. averaged 205 miles a day. Tbe schooner Claus fifty of the best join nals and periodicals f ur finbrr particular, enquire of or Monday, 15. with regard to what a manageress " is. when it from all a. P. ADAMd, Auctioneer, about March These lands are Bold with a distinct understanding that Spreckle.i. also a clipper, sailed on tbe same day parts of tbe world ; that tbere ia a OrCKCIL BROWN. Attorney for Mortgageea. Ja24 "t Haddlc Horse Ivossack. earnestly desires " our lady friends " to designate circulating the purchasers are to improve the same. The Govern- with the brigantine, for Uilo, and we expect to library, already containing over one tbouaund Geolie, Sound, and Most Valuable Saddle Horse, For Sydney, via Auckland I ment declines to sell to parties desiring to hold for an themselves in such a manner as to obviate tbe pos- ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.. hear that she also has given a good account of her sibility of a mixture of the genders. ' Our " lady volumea and constantly increasing ; tbat a very ! THE SPLENDID STEAMSHIP advance. one-fourt- one-fourt- one-four- th self. fair beginning has been made towards a OROEK OK TICK HON. CI1AS. C. Tho Fine Chestnut Mare Violet Terms, h cash, h in one year, Several years ago. the schooner Bonanza friends will undoubtedly feel pleased at the keen library of A oo one-four- th ; Kr it Hid. thief Juvticeof tbe Supreme Court, made A Perlect and Showy Carriage Uorse, Fast Trav- CITY OF SYDNEY, in two years, and in three years, with made the passage from San Francisco in 9 days perception displayed, and some of them may turn reference that conveniences for playing cbeas, the Uth day if January, HiO, ta amieraiimed will aell at eler. Perfectly Kind. DEARBORN, Commander, at 9 per cent, and mortgage on the property. 20 Public A House of E. P. Adams in interest and hours. benefactress and send a grammar and dictionary. dominoes and other games are provided for mem Auction, al the anion One Basket Park flue ton. Eastern Made, with Two Movea MONDAY, Papers at the expense of the purchaser. Uonoluio, on ble Top. One Basket Victoria Phteton, Double Seat, Lastern ON OR ABOUT MARCH 2? A Whaler. Whereas In old times we frequently bers, and tbat all the advantages ol tbe society are Made, Nearly New Also. Harness, Saddle, r.ndles, H. HACKFELD & CO., Agents. 8AM L G. WILDER, Minister of the Interior. Bit. Office, Feb. 24, 1880. fcb28 Not Forgotten. It is pleasant to be reminded to bo enjoyed for the trifling sum of fifty cents per Saturday tho 10th Day of April stable and Coach Room Implements. Sblpnse-a- t Interior had as many us fifty to a hundred whalers inside Good for srr Sleamrr cast stow occasionally that those who in former years have '( ' neoa m " Fire-prs- and outside tbis port at tbis time of tbe year, now month. At 12 ocUc hII day, - C. S. BARTOW. Auctioneer. be Stetrd. Free mf Charge, la Ike .l Under and by virtue of the authority in me vested by 79 resided here and formed a part of our little Island It being fun yd thut the book cases Originally The fallowing Tracts of Land, being A portion of the estate of U'arrhssie near the Strainer Wharf. Jal Chapter 30 of the Laws of 1878, entitled an Act to amend he advent of a single ship is deserving of an item. the Hnrv. W. L. M Itonaa, deceased, in order 10 pay the debts Icpmmunuy, still remember us with kindly feelings. 1 he whaling bark Cora New Bedford, provided are already more than full, a fpace equal ! TIME-TABL- E OF Section of an Act entitled "An Act to authorise the of from San of said estate, via t FOR SALE THE Dr. It. W. Wood, who for a number ot years resided to nearly three hundred 1 Ahopuaa situ- Minister of the Interior to take possession of whatever Francisco bound to the Arctic, touched at this port1 squate feet has just been The mauka portion of the of Putehunui, I-Iygi-op-liant, , nn the Island of Maui, L. C. A. bSAO. containing an area of land and water may be required for the use of the Hono- practised as a physician, and wbo added to the rooms tilted up with ated ' uii 7iii, niiu eniini iui tut; rvivili; uil liiif and book cases, about 1 1.60O acre. This portion of the ahupuaa run. from One QTCAMPR LIKELIECE Water Works, approved on the 18th day of August, uuuuoj lur now boundary on sea which lulu resides at Jamaica Plains, near Boston, arranged in alcoves iu micb a manner as to provide the anuatain to Uie ara. ami has a the wall The only Instrument cf the kind on th. Islands, 10th inst. v l x 18C0, and amended by an Act approved on the 18th July, of 1001 (ft. Plana Ar.d surreys ef aaid premises may records the moisture in the atmosphere, with a view to KING. : MASTER. . wrtt , , . . , Mass., has recently afforded us one of these pleas- ' Aval I t ample accommodation lor about 3600 additional be at the of!. of Can tie A ilalctt. planting. . (Ie28) C. 8. BAKTOW. 1874. y me following wnaiers are expecteu to touci s to ant reminders by liberal donations to several of volumes. 2 rremi- - a Pal. In. l.lao-- l of fahu; (1) AI1 tract ol Notice is hereby given that the several owners and rat tbis port during tbe spring months, en route fo UmJ No. 25-1- containing 1 1 ' . , . : . - , 1 our public institutions. These are g 1,000 for descriltril in Royal Patent acre occupiers of the several lands and parcels of land men ; xr ri.- I t frr 20 10O - premiw described in Royal FOR SALE. tue ircuu ri'jre.ta. iiu'i, 10. jiarKtr, lrvpia Uolleire : Queen's : t chain. i) Allth'a- A tioned and specified in the schedule hereunto are Oabti $500 for tbe Hosnital , Eeport of the Queen's Hospital No. XtVjd. 14 sq chain Tbe above premises NE COTTAGE PIANO, GOOD ay, March 16, 6 Hilo written Hira, ana Fleet tying, the latter doubttul. f Patent 4V10i toned T pm. and goQO for the pastor of the Bethel Cburcb. having been conveyed to said Moebonua by deed of Kinopu, instrument. March 23,6 pm. .Circuit of Uawaii required to remove or cause to be removed on or before 1st 1880. - C. 8. BARTOW. V.iay, Honolulu, March recorded In hber 21, f Iio 17- ten Tuesday, March 30, 6 pm. Hilo 31st day of March now next ensuing, all cattle, horses To the Loss of tub Tokatea." The British bark A Savage Pig. During tbe last week in the TrusUaoftnt Qurtn'i HiKpiUil i 3 Pr-ra- i-. at'Mano Valley, Island of Oabti. The' Aha-pa- aa animals depasturing or being on said lands, Febru ! ! and other the Tokatea, sailed from Newcastle, N. S. W. Oct, 9, Gentlemen, I have the honor to submit the following of Puulena, Royal Patetil So. 7 ii3. containing 34 4-- FOR SALE No Credit for Passage Money ary some natives went up in the mountain back of and to keep the said lands protected from cattle and report : ja-rr- tee f llowing pieces sold by said Moehonua, vis: a of for & Co. for the quarter ending 29th February the Twa Irea Safes, Oae Iroa Tank, a Lot ef Casks. We positively decline to open accounts for Passages, and we re- with cargo coal Wilder of this city. 1 7 1 acres Ap--e deed In 0, fuiio 80. other animals, tbe waters on the said lands being Waibee, Mani, to hunt for wild pigs, wbicb are The sold to et al., recorded liber " particularly call tbe attention of the traveling public to tbe total number of patients at prtweut in the Queen's - Lot sold to Hani, deed rrer.rd-- d m liber 21, folio 2nd. Lot nl C. 8. BARTOW. quired for the purposes of Ihe Honolulu Water Works. From a letter received by Theo. II. Duvies. Esq., b necessity of having Baggage and Freight plainly market; the somewhat plent.ful in thut locality. Tbe dogs Hospital in 70, viz., 69 Haw. liana and 11 foreigner,' (9 sold to Kaiwi, deed recorded to liber 21. folio 334. Lot sold will not be responsible for any unmarked baggage or Schedule of Lands above referred to : II. B. XTs Vice Consul, written by the first officer to Pnaiole, deed recorded in librr 27, folio 81. I" O Steamer raised a good-siz'- d gtunter and fastened to him. paying), 41 males and is feuislea, Hawaiian. Number of II HAL.I:! for any Freight or Parcels unless Receipted far. Hi of Opu Haumakaawe, Poloke.Maunalaha, John Il's cnARLEH T. QUL1CK. from Tahiti, we learn tbat the Tokatea struck on One of tbe natives ran up, thinking to admission during the quarter 149, viz., 101 Uawaliana ON Pawaa or Eauaha, Kalawahine, Eaakaukukui, Kaiwioka-ih- n, dispatch tbe AdmloUtrator of Estate of W. L. Moeboooa, deceaeed. "Vnluable "Real Estate. FREIGHT MONET DUE DEMAND! Island, on the 1st of December, a 07 males, and 34 females, and 4H foreigner. Discharged Enquire of C. BARTOW. Be-reta- Yostok and 1 - flO 8. as pig, when it got clear of the dogs and made a rush E. P. "ADAMS, Auct'r. In all cases of Freight for parties not tesponslble or un and such portions of Kewalo lie mauka of lJi S3 Hawaiian., 49 male., 34 female, and 4!' foreigner. known, the Freight Money wiU be required in advance. street. couple of hours alter stranding she commenced to for tbe man. He stumbled and fell, when piggy Death-- 2 Hawaiian, 8 Southern Islanders, 2 Portuguese NOTICE. 8AM L O. WILDER, Minister fill, the crew being obliged take to tbe boats! PACKAGES OF LIQUORS AND WINES of Interior. la. seized him by the sjoxlder and bit a piece square (recent arrivals), aud 5 foreigners. S dysentery, 5 geuer. CNDER-J- L Dated at Honolulu, Feb. 10th, A. D. 1830. Ieb21 flMIE LAW OFFICES OF THE shaped their course for Tahiti, where 1 GERMAN LLOYD signed will be clowd EVERY 8ATLRUAV at 1 P. M. MIST BE PLAINLY MARKED Tbey they out, and then disappeared in tbe shrubbery. Tbe al debility, gangrene, 2 pulmonary consumption, 1 py. 1880. a 1 1 ! oo and after Saturday, tbe Ttb of February, ptrty whom tbey are for, or plainly stated in the re Depabtmest Finance, arrived all safe (eighteen in number) on tbe 17tb uiia, collapse, 2 disease of brain, abscess. The high- Marine Insurance Company of Berlin EDWARD PRESTON For tbe of hurt was not mortal, but tbe man will probably ceipt to whom they are consigned. 7, 1880. of December. est number of indoor patient, was 'JH, .the lowest 87 j CASTLE 4-- HATCH, Honolulu, Feb. demands for Damage or Loss, must mane one bunt wild pigs with a greater degree of caution HO. S. B. DOLE, All te wunin employees of the Government, and other persona dally average Number of prescription 4,929. The month. All Burglary and Larceny Last Saturday night hereafter. FORTUNA KICH'D F. BICKERTOX. Io no way liable for loss or accident to live stock. to whom moneys may be due at the Hawaiian Treasury number of patl i,U treated In the Hospital was aa fol. W. C. JONES, tbe Chinese grocery and variety store on Hotel st. 1 ! rrr Hack Drivers, Boys, and such like, will not be allowed on or before the 31st of March, 1880, are requested to pre- Stokm. The lows: Dec. 129, Jau. Hi. Fi b. 115. ( alls at the dispens- General Insurance Company of Berlin CECIL BROWN, on board Steamer upon until after the passenger! The Late recent storm of wind ja3I 3ra JAMEd M. MONSARRAT. the arrival, sent vouchers for settlement on or beforo tbat date, and opposite Buffum's Hall, was entered by burglars, ary 490. New iittiueM entered lu dispensary books 72. Res- have been laDded. persons having moneys on account of the Government and rain commenced here February 24ih. In rail! K ABOVE INSURANCE COMPANIES WUUSB UU. all wbo gained access through an unfastened window. pectfully submitted. Uobkax MeKlBBJH, A bav EataMUAtcd a tivnaral aad the Cnder-signci-J, mhSTtf 4 are requested to make their returns promptly, in order Anev her, looking over our California files, we observe tbat Muik on to the Queen's Hospital. Uneral Agfots, are aothor.xrj to take HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. at. BOBISBOa. tbat there may be no delay in closing the accounts for Tbe articles stolen, so far as ascertained consisted s. c. r. fiscal period ending on the above date. a similar storm, though accompanied with Ift--s AT? IT CAT ED I N WAIEIIC. MACI. NEAR alls. the of 12 boxes 00 each Manilla cigars and three gun- Klks lraiat the Daarrr the Sa at the Most a? the premise of Judge WMemann. The Lot contains one ALLEN & EOBINSON, GODFREY BROWN, wind, commenced al Santa Barbara and all along acre, with a guod dwelling and all other necessary s. feb7 2m Registrar of Public Accounts. ny bags, each half full of tins ot sardines, salmon Encyclopedia Britannica. Reateaaale Kate, aod ea the srood Inquire of ROBINSON'S WHARF. I EA LK K IN the coast of California on February 22d, tbe rain- 3Iot Title ATLUMBER and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS and condensed milk. The goods were found on Ja24 3m . T. II. PARIS, Wailuku, Maui. fall for the twenty-fou- r hours amounting to 1.64 To the Editor oj thePacific Commercial Advertiser: Fa? arable feialtleif. Paicta, Oils, Nails, Ac, Ae. Licenses Expiring in March, 1880. the premises ot a neighbor, also a Chinaman, and AGISTS fOB SCHOOSEBA inches in Sacramento city. . All along tbe Central Sir. Four weeks ago I whs enjoying tbe gener- r. 4. SCIIA EFKR At CO.. KCLAMANC, hereby given all Licenses must ap- one Sing Poon, lately from California, having been OaooluHs. Marrh (msrS3m) Ceneral Agrnts. Notice is that be Pacific road as fai as Truckee, snow fell generally ous hospitality of the plauicia of Kauai, the re- lt, li0. KF.KALLLOHI, plied for direct to the Interior Office, and all parties are implicated in tbeir. removal thither, was arrested. HAVE JCST RECEIVED A cautioned about failing to renew expiring Licenses, and in the mountains. For the present with us tbe membrance of which and ol ilie beautiful scenery Wagons, FEW MART ELLEN, Deputy Sheriffs have to pro- were evidently others in T T more cf those Justly Celebrated carrying all Sheriffs and Instructions There the affair, and the weather has tbe appearance of being settled, with of that island (which I rude around as lar as a horse INSURANCE NOTICE. capacity 3&00 to 4500 lbs. The demand lr thrse Wagons is PACAm, secute without discretion, any and all parties doing police expect to find Ibein. increasing. Of all we have imported, none have failed to GIVE HALEAKALA. business without the proper License. good trado wind breezes, but tbe usual could travl) are indHiUly imprinted upon my rj'IIK CNI'EKSICNKI) ARE PREPARED PERFECT SATISFACTION. Although Uoois of every de SASI L G. WILDER, X to write spun Uerchaod.se, per first Cktaa Vessels between FAIRT QUEEN, A Jcnior Shields. One of our foreign born equinoctial bad weather may be expected about memory. following notico, amounting scription have advanced In price. Minister of the Interior. Tbe presumably of llli. ami Coast Porta, c overing Insa or damage, if to CILAMA, Office April UO, 1879. tbe Zlst inst. more, of whole ship- Interior youths, of respectable parentage, and of an age island, may be of Interest to some It) per crnl. or on the snaixl v.lue tbe We Shall Sell This Let Wagons at OLD PRICES ! . that of my ment at port of delivery, upon ti.nrab'.e terms. ef LEAI1I. Tbe Roads. What a fine opportunity was afford -r n29) Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. (79 RETAIL. that should presage tbe possession of tbe instincts friends on Kauai. It is copied vet balim ct liUralim Bl- JP At lO, We also have on DEMOCRAT SPRING WAGON, Co. two OAHU 1 Lsine & Co, Esplanade so wanton- ed duiing the recent muddy days to lay down Ageais of tb VirnccaVs Fan 4 laaaranca Ppring treats, witn role. v Mre-a--, of a gentleman, forgot himself far as to from tbe ninth edition of the ' Encyclopedia Monolu.u.' Jan 3otb. j3! 3m ell .Made, IJara. G Chung Wa. Nuuanu street, Honolulu blenaa! Chests.. V. JTlUJJSilK. 7 Ho Hong, st, ly and persistently insult, by lewd talk and act- black sand and broken coral on our roads and now in course of publication few COOKE, Tin Punchbowl " Biitannica," : We have a more of those CORTLAND BUGGIES, open, 11 Hong, cor King sts, - top. AGEXT OF THE FOLLOtriXQ COASTERS : Sen Alapai " ions, two foreign ladies wbo bad occasion to pass streets! Had this been done, genetally and fiee- ol larger NURSE AND MIDWIFE. and with 14 A W Richardson, cor Fort & Merchant sts, ' Atooi, one tbe Sandwich Ialaods la WARD. ON M'llOtIL STKKCT. ONE TWO SKAT WAGON, WITH TOP, POLE At SHAFT. Wailele, Malolo; Honolulu along the street on tbe evening mentioned, in wbicb ly, tbe next heavy rains would not land us in such the South Pacific Ocean. Towards tbe N. E. and L. These Cortland Wsg ms Nwled for their Strength aod 14 Sam Kee 4: Co, King XV. bct.m Sort an.l uuna JV. . brrebv DotiSr the Durability, wc arr to Quong street, Honolulu seas of mud. Tbe black volcanic sand is plentiful N. the country is rugged and broken, but to m prepared to as V and are authornnl guarantee them in this 17 o Hop uo, rtnuanu street, street the young man resides. The absence of a olisriis of liomdalu. thai ahe act RSE respect. They are sold at from 25 to 60 per cent, lower than Waioli, . Lilin, " tbe southward it Is more let el. The bills rise from la e.r of ICK N KM. having had many years experi- 17 Hop Chong, Nnuanu street, " in tbe suburbs, and near at band are" whole mines n any other vehicle, of same style, offered In market. We male protector undoubtedly induced the cowardly sea with a acclivity, dis- tix-to- Virginia City. And is this "Waimalu, 18 W P Akau. Nuuanu street, tbe gentle and at a little ence in the Il.i.pit i!. at and have sold a large number of these Wagon, and Baitgies. Those Waiehn, of coral concrete, and experience has proved also a .l I I ii V I K K.. prepared to attend patients lit William Ing Fooe, cor King and Maunakea and contemptible action, but tbe youthful aspirant that tance back are covered with 'wood; the central who hav tried thesa say there is NO BETTER Vehicle made. Kaluna and Gen. SeigeL streets, Honolulu in caa of coed. Send lor Circular Prices, or Call and be Convinced. tbe two combined make tbe Li nt f roads, which peaks attain an elevation f 7.000 leet. The chief rp!,rl-O- her at home or CF ef Red with White Ball. OFFICE, Corner of 19 G West, King street, Honolulu for the place made vacanc by the departure of Aor 'r tervW e;Jrr hrr msr DILLINGHAM CO. FLAG. ports are Waimea and Hanalei. The island waa thrmigVlhe Po.t Office will he prompt! attrmled to. jalS 79 Nuuana and Queen Streets. 21 Chun Sing, (jueen street, Shields, may receive a an in- will shed water and remain reasonably firm under 31 W " Major " visit from one of the stations chosen lor the d27 3m MRS. WARD. School Street. D Clark, Merchant street, ' tbe action of carts and wagons. But it seems tbe observation of BOSTON & HONOLULU PACKET LINE! MATT ICC Bennett. Wailuku dignant male friend, and the interview may not tbe transit of Venus in lfe74. It is nearly 49 miles JFLcmtg 10 Ahoi Co. Lahaina prove as satisfartory to bis feelings as insulting un- - wretched practice is still to be adhered to, of lay in length, and contains about 10.000 inhabitants. NOTICE. 10 ClianceS Lurn Sun, Wailuku Lonir. 159 5 40' W., 21 THE rSDERSlGNED OFFERS FOR ALE, THE C. JL CO., AGENTS. & Lrotected females. ing down large quantities of plain soil in tbe lal. 57' S." AV I.I. PERSONS. INDEBTED TO THE BREWER 11 Chung Uoon Co, Wailuku UW. ?mUK on Xanana atnret, kovaas la WHITE Favorable arrangements can always be made for 12 Nee Shu & Co, Manama streets, which oa tbe first rains becomes of tbe The article in tbe eighth edition of tbe same niufc-- r of L-- TOOls AND STOCK Bone, Wool, Tbe fortunes of the Gay ton Com- IIOl C. lately the maoKcsnetil rt. Lr.WIS. BUSINESS. SHOP, ySGt'Ljia Storage and Shipment of Oil. Hides HAWAII 2 Q W C Jones, Keauhou, Kau consistency of liquid mortar. Complaints and sug work is essentially the sasne, with the exception of will pUrase pink imnnli! pa mrut at the Office of M. and other Merchandise to New Bedford, Boston, New York and 2 C K Hapai. Hilo bination have not been in tbe ascendency during ibe gestions appear to be useless. Phillip Co . 11 KA.hamana rt-- Belooging to tbe Estate cf the late J. T. C1I AYTER. other Eastern Ports. CT Cash Advances made. C Wai Ong. Hilo some of tbe last sentences, mention of Waimea aod All eoarit. n't p.iJ w.ttiin Tbtttj Pay, will be pUced Ja2 7i C. BREWER Al CO. 8 Puuloa Ranch Co, Waimea past week, tbe weather being unpropiiious for full will ngorons Weli.-bori.v- o Hanalei being absent, and tbe length of lb Island in the harut, of our attorney, who use measarr The Shop is a Two Story Brick Building ! 15 I ng Teug & Chum Sun Cboy, Holualoa, and tbe plays produced being a repetition in Colorawo. In tbe U. S. Senate to c II- - ct the same. E O V L A Kona houses, R R - being given at 30 miles. Comment is superfluous. dZl tf M. PHILLIPS k Co . 11 Ksahamana St. With Buildings io the Rear. FOR SAN FRANCISCO 23. L Ahlo k Co, Honomakau, N Kohala of what bad been before produced. Tbe players last month, the member for- Colorado, Mr. Hill, DISPATCH LINE 28 F W Bartels. Honoaro. Kau presented a very interesting in Yours respectfully, Uicuahd Webb. JO L AJutmu, Punahoa, Hilo themselves deserve credit for tbe attempts made to report advocacy TOR SALE CHEAP. , San Francisco, Feb. Stb, 1880. It is well supplied with all the Tools C. JL CO., AGENTS. KAUAI 18 O Scholz. Lihue tbe of each entertainment. Miss of tbe passage of bis bill looking to tbe reclama- I BREWER please paTons WIMUMILL. BRA. I'l'MP.I Necessary for Merchandise STORAGE FREE and 21 Goo Ka, Hanalei of arid public lands by 1GOOD capable of hoUling 400 gall..n each; 1 Solid Carrying on received Gayton's benefit was to have taken place on last tion means of artesian Mb. Editor: Allow me to ask through the Pipe ork. Connections, ete liberal cash advances made on shipments by this WHOLESALE. Frame, .r aluvw t.nks; also. At wells. There are eight hundred millions of acres n 79 CO. . de- complet. This MiU ran he io workror orler by apply- A General Blacksmithing, Shipsmithing, line. J2 C. BREWER 20 C Brewer Jfc Co, Queen street Thursday evening but severe indisposition columns of your valuable paper if it is not with feel- (ni-Jlf-) II- - J- - AUXEW. of land embraced in the arid region of tbe ing to VICT CALLING. barred her from making her appearance, and also United ings of pride that our citizens point to the fact of our Jobbing and Carriage Business. NOTICE. States. But little will ever be realised by 12 Nee Shu k Co, Lahaina, Maui delayed the production of Mazeppa. This play, tbe possessing, among other satellites which revolve FOR RENT. WING TO THE PRESENT HIGH TRICES 11 Ake, Kahului. Maui from tbe sale of these lands AMOXO THE TOOLS IS A of materials in our line, we, the undersigned, been 17 Hop Chong. Nuuann street however, has been in active rehearsal, and tbe Government until it is A o hare round tbe Department of tbe Interior, one, whose DWELLING IIOl'.SE IN MI AM compelled to raise the price for horseshoeing. Oo and after 17 M Maramla Smith, Nuuauu street demonstrated that water can be supplied by ar Valley, contamirg ten rooms, srrvanta hoiue. horse aad I or ret) 18 & Co, Wailuku, Maui first performance will be given tbis evening. office was created solely with regard to the publio acre of good, pas-- Large Paarb Shearer, prigbt Tress, t 4 l.t day . 1330, our prices will be as follows: Chung lioon ami rarriac .i.bira. AIo. thrre Hand-mad- e 19 Hilo, Hawaii tesian wells. Congress will be asked for an ap- A y Shoes. J300 Asiu, Ouoinea, An Amateur Theatrical Company composed of benefit, and tbe incumbent of wbicb was supposed to lure Usd. gmc of fruit tree aad a large flower Heel Toe 3.00 garaVn. I en. premise are In a Saoke Tenaonin Machine, and Shoes.., BILLIARD. propriation of $50,000 for boring. Once demon nwrnnrnt .Her ill The Machine Made Shoes.. 8 60 residents of this city, under direction of Mr. E. F. be possessed of sufficient brains to allow him to fill goo.1 condition. lilJrm: P. O. Bos 163, or enquire of 10 S E Ford, Wailuku, Maui reported as soon to give a specimen strated tbat water for irrigation can be obtained aS 8. MAON1X. 1 Statevant Blewer Is ittarhed te the Forges ! ISAAC ODKRKIRK, Walton, are the office of and perform tbe duties connected there- S. M. WHITMAN, SHIPPING. of tbeir abilities in Buffum's Hall. n tbis way, and citizens will purchase tbe land AND Q. 23 Henry J Hart, Honolulu with with some degree of capability. Tbe office la WEST, from Government, and wells will be bored by FOR SALE. ROBT. BRIETTNER, BCTCIIER. one capable of contributing greatly to CHAS. B. WILSON. From Kai. A correspondent writing from this' tbe publio A a ND LOT IN KA PA LA.MA. 1 C Bertlemann, Hanalei. Kauai individuals and corporations, and in time vast IIOISK Everything is in Perfect Order Honolulu, Jan 2Sih, ISS0. ja3I tf says : With occasional health and benefit, and when filled by an incompe- for particulars, inquire of 10 J Svlva, Waikapu, Maui extreme part of Hawaii tracts of land will thereby be reclaimed. Should nt tf II HACKFELD At CO. To Commence Buiness at Once. The Stork Consist of 22 W J Martin, Lahaina, Maui good rains, we have fine weather here, but find it tent, negligent or careless person, reflects greatly up- FOR SALE. 25 J N Wright, Koloa. Kauai it be found tbat aitesian well water can be made evenings. ' We a THE PARISIAN RESTAURANT Five te Six Teo Irea, atd. sizes; Oak a, Kim Hubs, riMIE TWO STORY RESIDENCE. SITUATE quite cold mornings and bad available, these land, from being tbe most barren on those having tbe appointment to tbis particular HE OPEN a m. on School and Emma Streets, Honolulu. Is in excellent rough passage up, and a rougher one from South office in their power. ' Tbe moat potent, grave and MILL KEPT Oak and Hickory Sp-ik- t s, all order and repair, with good and sufficient pasturage fur two on tbe continent, will become the most attractive tfreafier EVERY EVKMNO (ex- - ""V sicrs; SPECIAL NOTICES landed us) to this place. to pi Kims, Shaft, I'oWs, or three horses. Half the purchase money may remain on point (where the steamer many titled personage at present attempting fill ir,s.j'i',79 e-- San:y) until OVlaeh. Felloe. and to farmers. Their crops would not be subject to L. of Fancy r"f"A Carriage B Nuts. W ..tiers. mortgage for two or three vearn. at 8 per cent, per annum, Db. E. H. Thacheb, the dentiet, who has been doing say it would have position of Road Supervisor, be f the bct Jyletir.Slews. jt. enquire of (d6 THUS. People who were at Kaalualu tbe vicissitudes ol rainfall and drouth. Tbe chances tho might named RnaaUs'lrFried a11 Panned Oysters, and all delicacies can Paints. Varniahr, Tobe Colors, tf) BROWN, Registrar's Office. some time otbr Clinch Kiofs, Malleable Carriage Irons, a nourishing business for in Central Block, been better landing there than at South point ; in with feelings of pride and pleasure by bis immediate be had. (r2Jif) L. DEJEAN. has decided to remove to the Sandwich Islands, locating of failure of crops would be greatly diminished. TO LET. fact they were surprised when the steamer went friends and coadjutors, but the good opinion of the a Large Variety ef Coods Needed la tbe Bol-- at Honolulu. He is a gentleman of first-cla- ss ability and Senator Hill gives some statistics as to tbe cost of lad BRICK STORE AND PREMISES go near enongb to the land to publio has not been strengthened, by OREGON BREADr rrilEM on Queen street, belonging to Dr. R. W. Wood, at pre takes with him tbe best wishes of his many friends in by, for she did not boring deep wells, and remarks that some of the the mass of mud which is laid on tbe roadbeds and on tbe aide-wal- ks aess Bet fleatiened la the Above. .Use, sent occupied by the undersigned. For terms apply to Oakland, who expect that he will become as popular in get into smooth water. It puts tbe community up ablest geologists in tbe country have expressed e 2Z-- lt HACKFELD Co. during OREGON FLOUR I H. t his fature home as he has in his past one. Oakland Daily a fix when she goes by. for they are left and after the late rain storms, render- T here in tbe opinion tbat flowing wells can be obtained in ing foot travel almost impractable, and dangerous imrt. mart Ka-awal- to TZX. .IAXE A. 2 NEW EXPRESS WAGONS, FOR SALE. Dr. Thacher will open an office on Wednesday the short of hard poi, and it ruins it to leave it at oa many localities on tbe plains east and weet of the tbe safety of light wagons. The repairs of the roads FOR SALE BY PREMISES SITUATE IN HILO. 10th, at No. 30 Beretauia st. between Queen Emma's and for a schooaer'to bring, if she should hap have been attempted at great expense, and AND I SECOND HANDED. first-clas- s Hotel-A- whea T'HOSE the Court House, suitable for a ll Fort St. Church. Rocky Mountains. He calls attention to tbe insig. jaa 11 tf Jt. coast-- the labor of months, paid for by taxes drawn CASTLE COOKE. in good order and repair. Apply to pen to come along. Tbe fact is tbat our old DiScance of tbe amount of appropriation proposed, from Which will be SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. j. it. lus Ki, Honolulu, Ing captains, like , who know tbe coast tbe people, make no better showing than that latsly fe8 79 or C. RICHARDSON. Hilo. A general discharge of Chinamen appears to be in in comparison with tbe magnitude of expected re- presented in our streets, it is in my humble opinion, The ftand is well known, is sltuatt 'Jn the right port of the thoroughly, have left the coasting business to new time for head of Department 1- town for business, and it is a chance v lien will not be in the progress throughout the city. Whatever view may sults, and in conclusion takes tbe ground tbat the high the the having Frsia - Newfela. Berllai. OIL. of owners market long PAINTS AND PAINT be taken of the constitutionality of prohibiting corp- men, and this is to the detriment steamer bill under consideration is an experiment in tbe this appointment nndcr oontrol to take such action, in Splendid Order For further particulars, apply immediately to CK'S PCRE LEAD. III BBI'CK'S orations from employing each labor, it is plain that But we cannot blame tbe new as will place a more competent person, even if not""' Just Received HCBBIZinc, Ilubhuck's Pale Boiled Oil, Boston Spirit and residents here. direction, should sanc- fcy the law mast be obeyed until condemned by the being timid, when tbey are not well right and receive the early encumbered with so many titles, in the office of Road. Ast4 fmr Sato C. T. DILLINGHAM. Arpentine. For Sale by Captains for - mjX1 ,f H. IIACKFELD A-- CO. mare 1m Administi.r of the Estate. Jal '79 B0LLE3 ft CO. proper tribunal. S. J Chronicle. posted as to tbe coast, anchorages, Ac." tion of Congress. Sunerviaor. VutDrx. V , -- .foreign a&crtiscntnts. - VANITY FAIR. At J. H. Lynch's HONOLULU FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTICE. IS W IT II PLEASURE WE ANNOUNCE Manufactory LEWERS & DICKSON, IT our Vanity Fair Tobacc and Cigarettes, in their Ta GEORGE F. COFFIN nous styles, bare been adopted by the reDch Government. MAT BE FOUND. Below we quote from the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: 1 - well as " I: a matt- r of pride to Rochester, as to Ihe Crm First-CIa- ss Importers Dealers direetly in(ereted, that yesterday A cable dispatch was re- Boots.and ! and in ceived s'ating French Government had adopted the Shoes N f RAM I thit the The Fire Tower 1 '"!. Tobacco aod Cigarettes manufactured by Wm. S. Kimball at Bell will be Rung K Co.. of this eitt. We should explain, perhaps, that all Tobac Hunting and Riding Boots and Shoes, BJ R T II I. ATTH.NTION CIVKX TO ny AT 4:3U O'CLOCK. Siu.ij . t ton guaranteed. co soM in rraoc op to this time has been manuiactareu a l(i,aai,il-r- ui:,ti". First-CIa- u HAWD (17 li') Ll.MDEIiAMJ DllLUfAG MATEHIALS the Government. Of late the demand for other makes his Got up in Style, and A GOOD PIT Guaranteed. HAVE ON arisen, and the Government, to meet it, allowed English and On the Last Saturday Afternoon. of Each CASTLE & COOKE JOHN & CO.. American Manufacturers to enter roods for competitive test ALSO . HAIiVEY wuh a view to toe adoption of the beat. The fact that Wm. at' manu- Month, Till Further Notice ! jutit Ms(IN l KHCII I NTS aaal WOOL H. Kimball A Co. have ccme out far ahead of aJ other A GOOD Arrived ritM UKUivl.h.4, facturers in both countries. Is unmistakable proof that their STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF ooacco Per OrJer. CUA8. T. 01 LICK, , m 1 1 it am i 1 1 m. are ihe best the world produces. Their l and Bui-nlaa- ISTew York, I'jamia. rA will In Paris as freely as in Lam-a- J3. Cirarettes henceforth be on sale Ladies, Cents, Misses and Chi- Not. 1st, 1S79. tf ) Secjr U. r. D. from IWewic: Di. i f New York, but no other make, except the French, will be NOR' WEST LimitER: found there. In other words, the French oovernroent, on I tie AND j17 'J Cash ljtwc oa Consignments report of its experts, declare the goods of Wm. 8. Kimball A ldren's Ware, Co. the best in the world. SPJBCIAId IVOTICJS. boards, and Groove, LIVERPOOL, cac.iiing. tlailens, Tor.gued 4e IIOLLISTER i CO. From the Best Eastern Manufactories ! ART VIOL.A FROxTI J. M. DAVIDSON, J4 Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. WAVING SF.CC RED THK SERVICES OF FREDERICK I ITTOR.MET AT AA tue weu-know- L FHOLSTERER A DRAPER. SIR. J UV.ccrn- -r j - Wale Will Be Sold Cheap for Cash. HARIXBCRK. the onlr first class L'ohotsten in the Klnr. Udkt o'f H.tTni. bank, Mukrl and Mucit- ol gmry4. struts, t California. t.ZI ly MONUMENTS. dom, (late San Francisco), I am prepared to do all kinds of Full Line of Goods Suitable iu raaci, ni:i)Wooi) ALL ORDERS FROM THK OTHER ISLANDS PROMPTLY Li inn;H: ''HE V N'DERSIGXED HAVING RECENTLY A. P. EVERETT. I received Ihe Agency of Monuments, Headstones, Ac. by ATTLNDaD TO. tf OWNERS, TRADERS & OTHERS, i special arrangement with the manufacturers, is able to furnish Ete., In tiie latest and style. FOR PLANTERS, MILL Ail Kinds of Sason-- . the at lower figures than they have heretofore been sold. best Forwarding A. Mrreuanf use ! l'oniniiion Designs and Drawing! can be seen At my store on JJerchanl MORS WARRANTED. CALL AND SEE And to Be Sold as Low as the Lowest. Discounts for Cash . rKONT St . one door from Bishop A Co.' Bask. By pricing these !.-- CORNER CLAT. OCR-PAT- ENT articles, the enormous redaction will at once be seen. H. H ACKFELD & CO. .. PKAM'ISCO. Tne inducements I offer are such that people have no need ROCKERS, Particular suenltMi pai t f Consignments of Island Prlitee EASTERN WHITE PINE, of sending elsewhere. VIJLCAIV KEROSENE OIL, nlf PRASK GERTZ. OFFER FOR SALE- - BED LOUNGES. PALACE AiI SOFA BROS, Aie. N. B. IN AND GUARANTEED. ! Mr. M. has selected a fine lot of TnhAltorin THE BEST OILS MARKET. SECOND GROWTH ASH Goods, Parlor Suits and Lounges, Chairs. &c, of the latest 'ylfa, hich Imported and ages, hare just srrired from San Francisco. 1 hare CoUona, American A Knglieh Prints A Cotioni Of the purest strains, of all also just received a new lot of Amoskeag , , Drilling. Anioskeag Bleached A Unbleached OF THE Finest Quality and Medium White and CnUeached Sheetings, BLACK WALUT BOARDUFUSKy FOR SALE, rg The Latest Styles of Furniture, Boxed and delivered to itmr. or schr. " WINDOW SHADES. Haw. Bark R. C. WYLIE," PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. O FL I u r T u t, jVEoderate 3?rices. PICTURE CORD, NAILS, ite c n a implements, M. RAKEMANN, MASTER, All of which will be for sale cheap. (Er It will pay Paris Plows, extra heavy breakers; Steel Breaking and Horse Plows, Cultivators, Ox Yokes, Ox Chains, Ox Bows, Jt you Iort Orford Cedar, to call at NO. 64 Fort street, and examine the roods Hoea, oeiore purcnastng elsewhere. fj. E. W I LLI A M S Canal Barrows, Shovels and Spades, s, Cane Knives, Uue's Planter' Hoes, Kxira Heavy OarJen Pr mas wishing U start with the Best Stock r to jy!9 O-- o, Cutters, Improve what they bow hare, can hay From BREMEN" ilres, Axe, Ads, Pick and Bledge Handles, Portable Forges, Plantation Bells, Feed White Wood, la pairs aot akin. Blacksmiths, Engineers and Carpenters Hammers, Am Pattern, f r.lr.gilng and Bench Hatchets, Ratchet Braces, (109 Days from Cape Lizzard.) dO Hawaiian Sugar S 12 OK Address, A. HERBERT, Hotel. Plant For Sale. 21 Sheet c, Wheelbarrows, Leather Belling, to lot IORXKR Cob's Wrenches. to in.; Pipe Tongs, Bolt Cutters, Babbel Metal, 1 w Nails, KOA BOARDS AND PLANK c. Now Landed in Splendid Order The rndf rsirnf d offer for sale the following India Rubber Hose, I to 2 In.; Cut Nails, S to OM; Wrought Nails, 2 to la.; Cut Spikes, 6 to ln. i S-- Paws, Planes, Ac. Beale and Howard Streets, IIIL.O, HAWAII. Machine and Carriage Bolts, all tlses; Nut and Washer, 8 to 1 In.; a Full Llns of Carpenters' Tools. Dealer in Canoed Fruits, Meats, 4c, and a full line of And CoDsiatiog in Part of a MACHINERY, viz House Builders' Hardware, in full supply; Steam Packing, Asbestos Cement. Ac, Giant and Common Blasting Powder, B.I.N IRANCI2CO, CALIFORNIA On Hand, and Choice Groceries. nubbuck'a White Lead, Zinc Palat. Uubbock's Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Assorted Paints, la oil; Red Lead, Ae., ! Siiffar IVIill, IT. n. T11L0R, PTJRE KONA COFFEE VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT Window Glass, Putty, Whiting, Ae.. Tabular Lantern and Reflector Lanterns, a Large Assortment ol Tinware, flour, Preldnt, Roasted and Fresh G round Everyday. t SAWED TO ORDER! In Stock a good assortment of Picture Frames, Chromos. lioilcrs, Hard Bread, Table Fruits, Corp Starch, Tea. Soap, Soda, Ac, Finest Assortment of Genuine Spices, J JOS. XOO&E, ...Siptrlateadeit, -- OF- 8tereoeopra and Views, both Island and foreign, And A full line of Boston Matches, Dairy Salt, Agent for and Have on Hand. ... & Engine, BUILDERS OF FANCY GOODS PATENT MEDICINES. And you will give htm you will IMcw & if a call, find. Fasliioxxable Vacniim & Pump ! Weston's Patent Centrifugals, Th,t he has the Best AssortnieBt f Candy uts Pan STEAM MACHINERY, JUS'F which can be seen at the Honolulu Iron Works. Also, RECEIVED To be found in Hilo. GOODS, Blake's Steam Feed, Irrigating and Vacuum Pumps, IN ALL ITS BRANCHED. Alss ON ICE And always to be had lee Cold, DEY Double Effect and Centrifugal Machines, Fisher's Champagne Cider, and Hollister's Orange Cider, -- SUCH AS- - A Full Assortment of Ginger Ale, 8odA Water and Sanaparilla, and for those now on the way, aDd described at follows: New Haven Organ Company Organs, Steamboat, that use the weed, Call and See the Best Assortment of Woodward 6c Brown's Celebrated Pianos. Cigars, plug and fine cut, smoking and chewing tobacco, and BO se20 70 Three (3) CompoundI Boilers, each 7 in r.:uic1 Paints mid Oil, cigarettes LEES!feet diameter, and 25 myl? and cigarette paper, Ac. Sly lea and Colors. Steamship, ly In 30 Different feet long, with flue 48 inches in diameter, and containing 6 uauuvi; iura, iuuiuusuoa vnamoer, x reel in length; and S4 four inch Tubes, 8 feet lone; Shells of Boilers inch; riuea. ENGINES AND BOILERS, AT THE 7 inch; and Heads. inch iron. Boilers stayed and riv Wall Paper, IDomestics, eted in tne oesc manner, ana complete with all necessary mountings and fixtures. w Co-operati- lilzh Pressure r Ceapoiad. ve Tailor Store, Brown, white, blue and red , drills, sheeting, Also, two (2) Compound Boilers, each 6 feet in diameter, , Ilorrock's funuine A B A II cotton, and 23 feet long; with Flue 40 inches in diameter, and con- Dark blue denims. taining 4 Galloway Tubes; Combustion Chamber. 2 feet In ST R A 51 V tltiS tu Ut cf all kinds, kmlt complete with Rnildcr's Hardware, length, and 78 Tour inch lubes; Shells and Flues of inch, 14 and beads of 1 inch iron; properly all of Wood, Into or Composite. all riveted and stayed, and 1 compicie vua an necessary mournings, C. . ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when advisable. 3. 3. Dress Goods, -- ! X STEAM LAUNCH EH, Barm and gleaas Tugs coo Spruce Ladders, White stripes, Batistas, and woolens, STTGVR In they are to Street, Mclntyre's Block, MILL r which Fort strutted with reference lo the Trade French merinos, all colors and fancy. One (1) Improved Sugar Mill, with rolls 66 inches Ions? and beetaploje'l S peeil, tonnage and draft of water guaran-- , " " 30 inches ! . from 12 to 24 feet long; in diameter, with the iron work for cane carrier, 40 ""teed. Another Invoice Lot of Buckskins, doeskins, , and all other feet long, and complete with all latest improvements and sub r STttAR MILLM AND Sl'CAH MAKING stantial double gearing to connect wuh Engine. MACHINERY made after tte wmm! approved plana. FINE Also, all U' iier Iroo Work connected therewith. FOR SALE TAILOR'S GOODS of Butler or heet Ireo. of any sixe, TAILORING WATER PIPE, f , barege, , lawns, mosquito netting. One (1) Putnam Steam Engine, wi:h cylinder. 18 inches in (77 i sna4 in suitable lengths fr connecting together, or Bbeele uiameier, and 42 men stroke or piston, fitted with reversing Towels, Brooks, silk, Ac. i. Roiled, Punched, and Packed tx Shipment, ready to be threads, gear, heavy fly wheel, etc. riveted on Ike ground. At Market Rates ! GOODS, Lowest CONSISTING OF B lirURlOLIC RIVETING. Boiler Work And Wa- Pipe ma-i- e by Riveted by Hy- Fancy Gboods, ter this fcetablirbsnenl. - draulic Riveting Machinery, that quality of work being Diagonals, , Doeskins, One (1) Cast Iron Vacuum Pan, 7 feet and 10 inches In di- far sn per toe to hand work. BY Neckties, trimmings, ribbons, silk, and cotton. ameter, 10 feet high, fitted with 4 four inch seamless copper Serges, Tweeds Handkerchiefs, all colors; coils, and arranged for the use of both exhaust and direct SHIP WORK. Ship and steam Capstans, Steam Winch-e-s. and Trimmings, Socks and stockings of every description. steam. Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the most ap- VACUUM PUMP! proved plans. Jast Recti red, ex Bark Vlala, LEWERS & MCKSOIY. One (1) Blake's Direct Acting Jr Pump, with steam cylin- PCM PS. Direct Acting Pump, Imitation or City Wa- nl FROM ENGLAND. Clothing, der, 14 inches in diameter; air and water cylinder, 18 inches In ter Works' purposes, budl with tfthe celebrated Davy Valve diameter; and 24 inch stroke of piston. 7- -l Motion, superior t any other pump. di7 J Our Stock contains the Finest and Best Selected Material for M Pants and sacks, jackets, and a large assortment of DOUBLE EFFECT EVAPORATORS! I I Suits erer imported In this Kingdom. 1 ( EST A U I.I Nil ED 1862.) One (1) Double Effect Apparatus made by Pontifex A Wood CALL, Heavy Woolen and Cotton SHIRTS, of London, complete with all necessary Air Pumps, etc., and capable of evaporating juice to make 15 tons sugar day. lYIILI, I per B m t wi sr IIUDIA RICE EXAMINE, Iso, One (1) Double EfT ct Apparatus, as above, capable of CORNER OF GO., 12 desirable styles. evaporating juice to make 10 tons sugar per G. BREWER & AND day. si MISSION fc FKEHO.Vr SIS., 813 I UIXCISCO, C1L. Merino and cotton undershirts. CENTRIFUGAL MACHINES! A SIX-- M. Blankets, woolen and cotton, fancy quilts. j INDIA RICK MILL. BE CONVINCED, i rflHK ITERimprove- Now Offer For Sale, Table covers, skirts, rugs, carpet bags. T R Coats, Ac, four (4) Centrifugal Machines, Weston's Patent, with Iron TfcKM YKAL.4 of practical experience and frames, made by Messrs. Mirrlees, Tait & Watson, of Glasgow. ment, m now the niarcat to perfection of any of the Rice Mills THAT OCR Umbrellas in large variety, Florence hats, Cleansing Polishing It Hat flowers and feathers, shawls. juna e. w a lzvcjK, A of the world, la ihwoughoess) of and 3. O. CARTER, JUST TO HAND. SPLENDID .LIN, yield of Cleaned, Merchantable Rica) Bright colors and white of every quality. stamle anrivaled, ami in Per Amer. bk. Amy Turner n22 Executors of the Will of Alex. Hutchinson, deceased. from the Paddy, produces from A lo 8 per cent, more than ! the l"ei-r- Mills cf Amsterdam. , Suits for $30.00 -- INDIA RICK --Ml LL is now in Perfect NEWELL. MASTER, OF- THE Running Order fur the Stationery, JOHN NOTT. SAM. NOTT. Cannot be made elsewhere for the money, and jast 118 DAYS FROM BOSTON. Elates, looking glasses, goldleaf iidiiM k fir paddy the thing for this climate, mm ARRIVED OCTOBER 3d, 18T0, Stroap, Cool, Well Blade, H I AND Daraklf, Perfumery. II Hill WITCHES, BOTH GOLD UD SILVER UNClXZANifD St jilsh and Perfect Fitting t RICE, Soaps, Pomatum from Lubin, & Proa the tlawaiian Islands, to which It is Specially Adapted ciJiini:ui.Ai coal, hair oil. J. NOTT CO.. Country Order Oiled with our usual promptness and dispatch. Kimmel and others, genuine Kau de Cologne, Franklin Stove Coal, for family nee; and combs, Harmonicas, HAVE JIST RECEIVED EX LITE ARRIVALS, CONSIGN MENTS'OF n22 Vienna tooth brushes Wilmington Tar, White Lead, Puttj, Pipes and Playing Cards, Sydney Baddies, OF ! Calfskins, guaranteed, best brand; PADDY AND HULLED RICE Damar Varnish, Axle Grease, Leather Belting, Wlil Iliceive Prompt ami Cartful Attention. WM. it. GREENWOOD. I HEAVY COAL BAGS AND GUNNIES! EVERY GRADE, I; Genera! Commissioo Merchant and Proprietor of India Rice BoHton Card 3Iatcliets MilL 79 La Croix Green Corn, Tomatoes, Burlaps Twine, Wrapping Paper, large site; and M COMFORTING. 1 Printing Paper, Vienna Chairs and Sofas, Trunks, IDE OKATEFUL. Lobsters, in and 2 lb. tins; Clams, JUST RECEIVED AID FOR Green Peas, Sausage Meat, SUE! ! PIANOS, black and walnut, from the celebrated manufac- EPI?S'S COCOA Boston Baked Beans, Clam Chowder, tory of L. Neufetd: Fisb Chowder, Gerkins, in and 1 gall, jars; BREAKFAST. AT XOW PRICES, GROCERIES: Pickles, Salt, Saltans,, Biscuits, Olive At the Factory. Oil, Candles. Crushed Sugar, Soap, Camphor, Ac. "By A thorough kneeled j of the natural laws which gov Assld. Crackers 'I dlgestiuo nutrition, and by A careful Corn Starch, era the operations of sod LIQUORS. Brandies, de Laage Fils; Boutelleau; application of the line properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. I.OllIILARD'S Act M Tomato and Mock Turtle Sonps, Gin Key Brand, in baskets and cases; Cppe baa provided our break Ct Ublea with A delicately Ila- - Toored beverage which may save as many heavy doctors' bills. Sandwich Meats, Corn Beef, Tongue, Ham, Tin Tag Tobacco, The FINEST CLARETS & RHINE WINES. STOVES & RANGES eonsti-Mdt- oo OF THE It Ja by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a Family DIAMONDS PUREST & FINEST ? enough to CUBE SUGAR, Pork, qr. bbls.; KIND may be gradually buiit op until strong resist Room CHAMPAGNE Chas. Farre. Heidriech's, Tborean dc The Most Complete Assortment, every tendency to disease. II and red j of subtle maladies Are Drawing Tobacco, Co.'s; Alcoholic Demijohns, Corks. ! floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak American Mess Beef and Pork WITH No Chipped or Off Color Goods all are Pure Brazilian Diamonds. The Finest Displaj of point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves Old Judge Tobacco, A LES At BEERS St. Pauls' Ale, Bavarian Beer, Lager pSrtiaed with pare blood And A properly ooanshea Axe Handles, Pick Handles, ! i well Beer. LARGEST RANGE OF PRICES ! frame." See art.cle la the CIVIL SERVICE GAZETTE. Farmers' Boilers, Asstd. Oars, 15 to 22 ft. 1 boiling water or milk. Sold only la pack Si. Hade simply with An Invoice of Refined Iron, Old Judge Cigarettes, PAINTS OILS. POWDER Gambier A Cutch. TO BE FOUND IN ) mmrnu ! I r Una, labelled: sterling eta I vare 4 silver Cut Nails, 3d to COd; HARDWARE Galvanized Corrugated Roofing, 24 Q. &c Irons, Steel Shovels, Hay And ether Cholte Brands f Tobaeea and Cigars. JAMKS EPPS CO Charcoal Cutters, Tin Plates, Sheet Zinc, Banc Tin, Yellow Metal, Hoop HAWAII NEI!! Ever offered in this Market. Beware of Goods Stamped Coin Silver, which means Jul 79 noauEorATHic CatnuTJ, Losoos. (ly Iron, Keg Rivets, Fence Wire, Galvanised Buckets, anjthing Tubs. Bssins, Needles, Pen Knives, Hatchets, Axes, TIN & from a Nickel to a Bad Peruvian Dollar. Such Goods can and are sold at anj price. See that all Picks, Shears, Charcoal Irons, Lanterns, Ac. JAPANNED WARE, MERRILL & CO., Fairbanks' Platform Scales AT THOS. LACK'S, Scissors, Silver Purchases arc Stamped Sterling, or 825 Fine. All Waltham Watches Guaranteed, and J. C Pumps, a large assortment; Kitchen Rinks, Door Mats, an NO. 40 FORT 8TRKET. FIRE BRICKS. Slates. Files, Cement, Oak Boats, Emp- 81aw Cutters, House Water Closets and Cast Iron Soil or Commission jSXercliants, Leather Belting, Babbit Metal, Waste Pipes, Ysrd Broom. Stencil. Marking, Dust and SAN ERA N CISCO. Robber Packing, ty Barrels, Coals, Ac, Ac. Whisk Brushes. Nests Wooden A Oalv'd Tubs A Buckets, Garden Rakes, Tin Ware, Japanned Ware, a fall asnrtm't; SOLD at GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS. Iceats for the Resalar DUpatch Line of Pat Vets. Orders from the Other Islands carefully executed and Ox Yokes and Bows. Lanes A Clements Planter's Hoes, I U" Goose Neck Hoes, 5-- 8 shanks; Picks.- - Pick Ac Hoe Handles, my31TVI ADTA3CES MADE OX CONSIGNMENTS. tf MULE CARTS- - COMPLETE! satisfaction guaranteed. TERMS LIBERAL. For particulars, Horse and Mule Collars, Trace Chains. Ladies, Gents and Boys Watches. The Trade Supplied Cheaper than anjwhcre outside tlr- - apply to Cane Knives, Whifle.trees, Grindstones mounted on frame the Factor. Male Cart Materials, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Ames' Shovels, Spades, assorted; Plantation Bells, WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO., Trash. Hay and Manure Porke. jy12 M. Asb and Oak Plank, 1 in. to 3 in. H. H & M'INERNY. Agent for these Islands. Shipping L Commis.sion Merchants, ACKFELDoc4 CO. PLOWS. Steel and Iron CENTENNIAL ROCKING CHAIRS ALL SIZES. I 8 V N'e.2 Cssliferalsi Street. KX FOREST QUEEN, A CONSIGNMENT OF Cultivators, Knox's Horse Hoes, Hinge A Rotary Harrows sah SAX PRAXCISCO. Axes and Hatchets, Spun Fairbank's Platform and Counter Scales, Boring Machines, 4sr n Hunt's jam, Iron Axles for Ox Carts. 2 to 3 inches; An Invoice of New Bedford Manila Rope, ! Hubs, Fellows and Spokes, assorted sizes; Stocks and Dies Received CROSSMAN & BRO., GROCER IES Steam Cocks, assorted; taah w eights. Portable Forges, Just Ex Laura R. Burnham, W. H. C thread to 4 j in. seen as CHRISTIAN CERTZ, Wheel Barrows. I.awn Mowers, bisston's Files, Newmarket Brown Cotton, Cylinder and Thermometer Churns, Kerosene Stoves. Tin- Hhlp'pInR nnfl Commission Condensed Milk, AUerney brand; Camden Corn, ned Tacks. 8 to 24 os.; Chopping Trays, Hunt's and Cross- - A Iron Safes, with combination locks; Superior Stearic Acid Candles, man's Handle Axes snd Hatchets. Pick Mattocks, Long Cut- SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS ! Adses, MERCHANTS. Adamantine Candles, Amber doap, in boxes of 20 bars; ter do., Broad Hatchets. Grub Hoes, Hide roller. Hay 118 Cbaatsers Street. NEW TORK. Surf Boats, 20 and 22 feet; Cutter. Koad Scrapers, Fence Wire, oiled and annealed; Gal Extra Olire Soap, In boxes of 12 bars; vanized Corrugated Roofing, Galvanized Water Pipe. 1 to 2 in.; Selected Reference Castle A Cooke and J. T. vTaterbouse. Oermania Starch, Dooley's Yeast Powder, rheet iron. Sheet copper, an sizes; saucepans, bheet Lead with Care and Bought for Cash, ap-- 7 U OX CARTS, Complete I Superior Columbia River Salmon, in barrels A cases; etc Sheet Zinc. BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, AT 1 ; oct For sale by U. U ACKFELD & CO. SPECI A L. Having a force of Workman employed, Light and Heavy Hand Carts, we are prepared to ao worn in 66 Ss. Dlcksaa'a, The Challenge Standard PLANTATION SALMON ! Fart St., Below Lewera TIN. COPPER and SHEET IRON. ! 99 KNOWLES' VACUUM AND FEED PUMPS ! At lowest possible rates. Parties in need of work done in this ROCK I7IOR SALE AT LOW RATE IN O.UAN- - line, will do well to give us a call. We shall be pleased to bottom: FRIGES AV oy Tin t.9 to suit, LEAVE TO GIVE NOTICE TO HIS give Estimates on Work and Guarantee it to stand the test of ueiore me Aavance which is now Quoted from 15 to jan 11 tf CASTLE St COOKE. BEGS Customers and the public in general, that Steam or Aonas. at 30 per Cent. fel J. NOTT A Co. PORTLAND According to the Class of Goods. OAKUM. Francisco, T OF BEST He has Just Returned from San SI a 13IFTV BALES NAVT OAKUM. TIIE HAWAIIAN BARK CPiyiPPJT rolS79 For Sale by BO IX KS Ac CO. Wheat and Guddj Bags, COTTON DUCK. Where lie Personally Selected v. Fence Wire, !70S. FROM 1 TO lO. COTTON SAIL M. BiREMiXS, Master. A Good Line of 1 TWINK, 6. 0, 7 and ex Murray this day. Hardware and Agricultural Implements, Corrugated Iron, seo BOLLE A CO. A STOCK OF GOODS IS BIS USE n.E Has Just Arrived from Bremen, Well Known to the TRADE & Consumers Generally. rf L f PROVISIONS. 123 days Passage, and Is now discharging her Downer's Kerosene Oil and Palace Kerosene Oil. I Downer's Kerosene Oil PORK, II A MS. BACON. CHEESE, Scales weighing capacity from 240 to 2,500 fts. WHICH ARB mmnEEF.Lard. o , sC for Bale by mrxTJM-TJiUjii- M i BOLLES s CO. Cargo ofNew Goods AN INVOICE OF lI COMPRISING A-- NOW OPENED AND OFFERED FOR SALE, LAEGrE ! D-- sV OF S ELF-RE- G TAR, TAR ! Lamps, Chimneys, LAMPS rgWI E ONLT L'LATING WIN .A. Ac. An Extensive Line of Chandeliers, Hanging Lamps, t MILL la the World, and when material used. Power, Burnett's Cocoaine, f7UFTT BARRELS WILMINGTON N. C. Large Assortment Ac. Workmanship and Ourabd.ty are considered, it Is acknowl- AV Tar, per Amy Turner. (olS 79) BOLLE3 A CO. At Prices to Suit the Times. t AND edged to be the Florimel and Tooth Wash, VARIETY OF MERCHANDISE Rubber Hose, Leather Belting, Cordage, &c. &c. MI CHUTNEY, CHEAPEST H UD-- SOW IS RE The lareice Caniprisra a Fall Asssrlmrnl irom cng.snu, Boo w bile Lead and AN INVOICE OF CHAIRS, various styles; riMIE REAL ARTICLE OF EAST INDIA IN EVKRY LINE, .ra.Tru tiuooacx a t Zinc, Paint Oil, Topsail Chain, Trace Chain. X Chutney in qaart Bottle, assorted, We are the OSLY Maaumcturers in the World of bove Goods are offered to the Trade AT LOW f AN INVOICE OF al 7 For Sale by B0LLE8 A Co. A RATES and on LIBERA L TERMS by Large and Full Line of Files, Rasps, &c. THE DOUBLE-HEADE- R VIND-MIL- L HIKED RUBBER FAINTS, Ladies' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, oc4 H. H ACKFELD & CO. A Splendid Assortment of ENGLISH DOOR MATS,-- So much ' For power purposes, such ss running C astorn M'MURRAY'S OYSTERS ! MF ALL SHADES, IN LARGE AND SMALL Needed Just now Grist UuU and Feed Mills. VF Packages. For Sale by A seA 79 1 aod 2 pound tins. qr jal '79 BOLLES A CO. Superior Line of Pocket IXL Cutlery, Scissors and Razors. AT FAIRS FOR SALE ! ALWAYS VICTORIOUS Gents' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, Sauce Pans-F-ry Pans and Tea &c. - WHITE CEDAR BOAT BOARDS, Kettles, Aael Practical Teala. EK BKS. D. C. MURRAY & DISCOVERY California Beef, California Pork, PER AMI" TURNER, FOR FOR CHRISTMAS A CHOICE LINE OP THE ABOVE MILLS, IN VABIOUS SIZES. RECEIVED Bsle by BOLLES A CO. LIME, HAT, BRRAD. CRACKERS, Youths and Boys Boots. Shoes, Gaiters and By Late Arrivals. For Sale Low, by and Pnatplaj Uater for KEROjENK OIL, GOLD EX OATS FLOUR, LARD. GOLDEN GATE, Heed & Barton's Frrrl?atUa Slippers, aeZOtf A. W. PE1RCE St CO SILVER PLATED BAMS, ,rom tne r aciory-m- ore on Stoek rarms or raaiiry rc. FAMILY FLOUR, u.reci the way. A Liberal Discount w.ll be made lo WHE BACON, EXTRA Floor at $2, Cash Purchaser.. eAO bo teeo oa ap-t- o Boots and Shoes. trr Two of the Utter Are now here anJ COTTON DUCK. Corn Meal In lofb bars In Children's GROCERIES, undersigned. COTTON SAIL TWINE, W to the Cracked heat in 10ft bags. All of Best Workmanship and Style. Everything War particulars, apply to Oat Meal in 10 XT LARGE ASSORTMENT. NEW AND DILLiIItfGrHAIVX For further OYSTERS, Ac, Ac. ft bags, from ForSsleby c Received this day, and sale low. Received this dsy by ranted to be what it is represented to be. Orders the FRKSH. nn22 CO.. JAMES S. LEMON. lx A '79 bULLia a tf 3T I- - seo BOLLES A CO. sen BOLLES A CO. carefully u'20 3m al tu. PORT ,2 79 Hwaelala. II. Other Islands attended to. STREET. HONOLULU PACIFIC ..OOMMEROIAij'--ADVERTISE- SUPPLEMENT, MARCH 13, 1880 THU j stances were imported at San Franc!-c- o for ue in Supreme Court, in Equity January Term, the poi used by the prisoners while at work at most part inapplicable, and in the instance before Tho Book-Binder- y, PAOiriC salt-pon- d was from is Honolulu Chinese laundries, and the Government having tbe not taken Moanalua, for us especially so. m RECEIVED ! 1880. does not appear tbat there was time a DOES BINDING of ALL DESCRIPTIONS JUST aaseseed duties on these iui pjrtutions, wLicu have it at that It would be especially unreasonable to bold flock of (Lflmmcrcialbucrttscr. , ; is Ill'MKAMER,! Urt been protested, about 1C0 suits concerning them J IIarri-;- C. J.; McCrixr, J. ripe crop at Moanalua nor it shown that it that every man who might have a kuleana of 5 The Work tx-a'.- at thi rtshli-hinen- t U ODiler lb of MR. I.. K K well-know- n are now pending. was the course cf business for one employing acres inside of an Ahupuaa, consisting of perhaps upcrTisi JullN Ks. who it M FIRST-CLA- an wuikoikn. and rjnttot be Murptmrd. SS BOOTS &. Chi- R. Keelikolam vs. D. Maxakx prisoners to feed them ; but otherwise it does many thousand acres, is to summon owner eiericacd SHOES, 1: It is well known that one reason why the the of satljidav, march nese comrctc so successfully with white laundries appear tbat poi for the prisoners was delivered at the Ahupuaa and procure a decree of the District A- T- Opinion by Mc Cullif, J. Work Done at Lowest Kates FOREIGN NEWS. is that the Mongolians use poorer aui cheater the prison and taken account of there. The de- Justice tbat tbe kuleana owner should run two WHIT.XKY X ROIIERTSON, The answer admits that defendant has set up fendant ba?es his claim on bead , LYNCH'S BOOT ANO SHOE FACTORY ! starch. It will be observed, therefore, that a written tenure, on the whole tract and the Ahupuaa owner, tiiliotK-r- I'oblUlior, Nrw Dmler and s. . frtR J D. 5IRff KELS," MA ECU tubs'-rv- e an exclusive life estate in the land of Moanalua, which declares that Le is continuid, hoomau a no more, is incon- C.J Davis' bill is calculated to the several " 6ay, thousand and because it A Ua. at rsje 1 mf and subject to a charge or rent styled " Aubau ku i aku," in the same privileges aod position which venient for the kuleana bolder to fence his land la i i.7tR;uiEG, desirable objects of jrotccting white labor ct. lebruarj 17ib. There has our own products, increasing the Government's ka wa," and to a right of the plaintiff to reside was lately held and enjjyed by Kaleiluhiole, and in, or even py half the expense of fencing. BARING GOULD & JACKSON, been an afjrtite Imr-er- - FRENUII attempt made lo kill the helping to on the land whenever she may wish. His claims it is testified that the written instrument was It appears to us that the words adjoining CALFSKINS! wqiiiv revenue, preventing litigation, acd aTllVlI ENGINEER. l.AM MAKING WHU U WILL BR iji uj expioumg a mine in the Winter of resid- are founded on the instrument of which we here made at his request and given him as a certificate lands' as used in 4th section, is used m SlRVkYOKS AND I'K Al'tinTsMKN. make our country a Ies desirable place the Mr. lifc-l- Falacc. i'ive eolJicrs were kiiIeJ and tLirlT-Gv- e give the original Hawaiian and the translation of his authority, which had been questioned same sense GouM. who bu brn Contractor' EnplnfW on th i i j ence for the Chinese. by in which the word " lands " was used Looti'Ki and Son (hum tern Kily, anJ Diatrict Knirincer oo SOLD VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. The House Committee on Foreign Affairs in- which we adoct as eivine the literal and true one of the tenants of the estate. alm6t or quite universally during the land com- ibe Madeira and M more, the ian Francisco and Tocantlna, oil f and the Conde d'Eu Railvara, ia aliraji ready to oodertak London, fehruarj 17th. A later dispatch structed ita chairman to-da- y to report favorably meaning in the English language : If the instrument had contained no other mission investigations, and means large tracts of Jst. any Railway or Tramway Work. fota I'etereburg reports that the mine waa the House resolution making an appropriation ( The Document.) phrase, it is not likely tbe defendant would have land, such as Ahupuaas tracts of land being Air. Jackson (Retired Navigating Lieutecant R. N ,) la pre- HALLIDIE'S PATENT laiu under tbe guarJ-roo- m of the ti inter Palace, for suffering L, na mea a ma keia, owau, o claimed the exclusive estate (except the reserva- known by different names and could not mean pared to execute any Marine urTeyinf or Draughting, and to the relief of the people of Ireland. ike auanei ran attend Surreya on Ae. ia dining-hal- l. life ; following Veel, Hope which immeiiatelj under the ILe resolution was amended by the Committee Luka Kcelikolani ka hooilina bookabi i koe o na tions) lor but the above quoted that every holder of a piece of land inside of an Chronometer carefully attended to and rated by Tranait In Endless Wire way Owinjj t accidental tklaj the Imperial family increasing the amount originally proposed to waiwai a pau o Kamebameha V i make, mamuli words, " hoomau aku," is " a mau loa," which Ahupuaa should have the means of harassing the a'.rnment and other Astronomical OtwerTation. N. B. left D. E CNIERINE1T tIA VE BEEN AP-- had not entered the latter at the usual time. The 300,000 o ko'u pono, a i kulike ai no hoi, me ke ano o ka may be interpreted " perpetually," and following owner of the Ahupuaa, in tbe manner brought to "hronometera lo be with W. Clark, Merchant pointed sole Agent for tlis Hawaiian Island far A. t. Street. Haliidie's Iron Wlr Rops of explosion made a hole in the flor of the dining-- Good work has been done in the surveys for nobo ana a ko maua kabu i aloha nui ia, oia o is this sentence, " Aka hoi, ina e make e aku kuu light by this trial. Nautical carefully adjusted. Trac- atI fieri srrry dsacrlptko. Instrument liana and Patent Endless Ropeway tor transportation, of naii ten feet long ana six Ret i o kahu, o David Manaku, mamua alaila e hoi Judgment of the Fence Commissioners ings made. 17" Term moderate. Uraa, wide. the canal, in which much and valuable assistance Kaleiluhiole, make, ma ka aina Moanalua, o'u, affirmed. Merchandise, Sugar, Sujrar Cane, Ac We ha also txn ap- iyx. mai no ka o Moanalua me a Castle & OFFICE, corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, over Dr. pointed sole Agent fur rtTithiRO, tebruary 1G. Gen. Gourka, has been rendered to the Commission by the Mokupuni o Oabu, ma ka baawi ana aku a ko'u aina a'u me ko'u Hatch, for Plaintiff, S. B. Dole, for Staogenwald's. the Calliornla Wire Work Co. dJO if We hare just receired for distribution ft few ooplea ernor-Gener- ul mau hooilina," which translated But never- Defendants. ol the Gif of .St. Petersburg, waa engaged American engineers Colonel Totten and General kaikunane Kamebameha i make, a i hoomau is, " " Mechanical Miner's JuiJe, Transportation theless, my David Manaku 6hall die of Or and other at tlie i inter Palace ilie whole night ol the 17th right. The plans, which have been carefully ia aku no hoi e a'u i ko maua kaha ia Kaleilu if kahu material by mean of th i Kndleas Trareling Wire Rope, Halll-di- e' inTertigating the exploiun. The dynamite waa revised and rearranged according to additional hiole mahope iho o ka make ana aku o ko'u before 1 do, then tbe land of Moanalua is to revert Intermediary Court of Oahu. Patent Endless Wire Ropeway, with suggestions as to ita to me my But we seen no erection. fired hj an electrii batterj. .Several pound of information obtained in the survey since the work kaikunane o Kamehamcha V ; nolaila, i kulike and heirs." have that We would repectu'ly auggest to our Planter and TRIAL DAT, their that explomve miteritl mutt Imve been tifeU commenced, will reflect American engineering ai me ke ano o ia nobo ana o ko'u kaikunane life estate has been granted. Tbe words used AlCCST, 1879. ffi Agenta that Ilailidie'i Wire Rope Tramway 1 jait what they The cellars of th iul:ce hae Inz been ued for skill and practical ideas as much as European Kamebameha V me kona kahu me Kaleiluhiole, are of appointment, and not of grant, and this want fur the transportation of Cane, and also for carrying provision for reversion is or Akowai vs. Lcfo.nc, Trespass. On appeal from eugsr io ih luciing, ana transpsrung supplies Trow toe land- storing rurpo.n, and nrt'ear to hare been occu plans and methods. The Commission holds daily ke hcokobu a ke hoomau aku nei au ia pono a therefore repugnant the Police ing to the Mill. pau senseless. The 6tronrest construction which could Court. Coram Mr. Justice Judd. if pied j f.ur wjrknien, three of whom are under sessions, and the discussion of plans, etc., is fre kuleana a maluna o ko'u kabu, ke keiki a By HOUSE FOR SALE ai DILLINGHAM It CO. arrest ; tUn foartli n nuving. Many arrests quently prolonged and animated. Much harmony Kaleiluhiole, oia hoi, o David Manaku, a mau be claimed for them is that they intend an ap the Court. This is an action of trespass have been mauV in loa, mai keia la 15 o Dekemaba, 1874, i ua pointment as an agent irrevocable. But an agent quare ctausumf regit, for entering plaintiff's land ox lhj Winter I'alace and the and good feeling is manifested, and although aina at ! immediate neihb.jrh.oo'l. several nationalities are represented in the Com la o Moanalua, mai ka uka a ke kai ; aka hoi, is not the owner of a life estate, without obliga- Waipio. Ewa, Oahu, and cutting and taking 22 lO Lbs. to the Ton away a crop of growing dam- -- no- sectional icalousies or perioral rival e make e aku kuu kahu o David Manaku tion to account for rents and profits. rice thereon to the hT. I 'ti er nt Ri , Fcbruarj 10th. The Airoe mission, ina age I I rice are exhibited. M. de Leasers appears to be mamua o'u, alaila, e hoi mai no ka aina o Mo It is urged tbat tbe defendant s predecessors of the plaintiff $200. Fimma Street. COALS COALS COALS! Vranya publishc the particulars of the attempt- Tbe land in ed of much gratified at the change apparent in public analua me a'u, a me ko'u mau hooilina. did not keep acounts nor render account. This question is described in Royal IIOISE AND LOT ON EMMA STREET. anamination the Imperial family, thowirg Patent No. C693 to fjpiIE that dinner was appointed for six o'clock Tuesday opinion in the United states srnce be has been on A ma keia no boi, e like me na pono i bookoe is an inference rot well supported by the evidence. Kuhiwahiwa, a little over an Plasters will Take Notice. acre in extent, being a," Belonging to the undersigned. Apply to evening. If it had not been accidentally delayed American soil, and believes that when his state ia mai e ko'u kaikunane Kamebameha V, ma ua They appear t have paid on demand the cash situated in the Hi of " Steamboat Agents will Take Notice. ment of his work and project shall be made in aina la, oia hoi, na auhau ku i ka wa a'u e make- - receipts of tie fishery and to have given up tbe which is an Hi of the Ahupuaa of Wai-- ail would hate been seated at the moment of the The land As it was, escape waa very full, the Nicaragua and all other canal schemes make ai a me koa nobo ana maluna o na aina la whole of the merchantable taro crops, and to have of Waipio as well as the Hi of E. P. ADAMS. Families will Take Notice. exil'ion. their nar manage lomaikaia was the jalO if Queen street row. The Empcrortaccompanied by the I'rinceeaea will be abandoned. o Moanalua, i na wa a pau a'u e makemake ai, made no pre:ension to even the salt crop, property of the late Hon. VST : i 1 : l so they kept no John Ii, which he held from RECEIVED AND FOR BALK fir ol licsce and Bulgaria, was about to enter the Berlin, February 23d. The Reichstag, after a ..l.ucm uu uui au i uuu&ue uci ia u a uic jlo u uiau tbat if account it was not neces ancient times to his J the Cuderlgned at Ihe Lowest Rale 9,gO TONS sary, because the landlord took Such death, which occured May 2nd, 1870. of tbe celebrated Wellington Mine dining-hal- l through one door, and the other long debate, passed a motion requesting Bismarck hooilina e like me ia i hahaiia ae la. everything. Mr. Ii ed devised the Hi of u. members ol the Imperial family (except Em to cause No ka oiaio o keia ke kakau nei au i ko'u inoa would have been tbe dealing ot an Homaikaia to J. Komoikeehu-eh- the the suspension, while the session lasts. -- DEPARTURE I 1 Hawaiian chief, by admissions in This territory is swamp land. prov- 2 3 J! S. DAY COAL by another, when of the procedures pending ajrainst Dep ma keia la o Fcberuari, makahiki 1875. and defendant's It is y ft Superior press) the explosion took place. criminal ed by the testimony that the a to all Bolt Coal now In use, fur Steam and Family Two servants who were in the were uties and Socialists, - R. Keelikolam argument tlis plaintiff might take everything kuleana in question purposes, and worth $1.60 per ton, more than Watleend Ooai dioine ball rntsche llasselmann, rrit- uuu uceu u .3 5-- . In mo force or the explosion was sche and Hasselman have to Translation.) under the denomination of" Auhau ku i ka wa," muieu wiin taro in ancient times un- s - the San Francisco market. Tor ramity use it la highly injured, such returned Berlin. der tbe direction a. 2 . prised, being so clean and free from dust, burn to white asb that numbers of windows of the palace and There was a debate on the second reading of Know all men henceforward by these presents only it would be unreasonable to do so, tbat is, ofli or his family, who are ad natives of this " were Uudget that 1, Kuth Keelikolam, the only heir of all the in view of the tenant unreasonable, but perhaps place, but no one remembers any fa ALSO, TO ARRIVE, jacent houses chattered. The gas waa the bill. An item for the creation of a cultivation in this locality blown and Complete Consulate Apia, Samoan Islands, was referred property ot Kamehamcha V deceased, in conse not so in the mind of the owner. since 1850, until 1873, out, darkness prevailed. in h) when Komoikeehuehu 2,500 Tons Best Quality Walloend CoaL The bodies of two more soldiers bave been to toe iiudget Uommitteee. Ibe rederal Com quence of my right and in accordance with the It is to observed that the times bave commenced tbe cultivation p!lfillif;l of rice .' manner (care-take- r) changed and thi mode of doing business since the in Homaikaia. The swamp had grown .. Tor Sale In lots lo suit Purchasers, found among the debris, and of the forty-fiv- e missioner stated that the proposal was in no way in which our beloved Kahu up Kaleiluhiole, deceased, lived upon the land of death of Kaieiluhiole. The income of tbe land with bulrushes. One old witness named Hulu-hul- u, injured several have since died. connected with the bill relating to the South Sea EC B mm, AT Moanalua, Island of Oabu, through the appoint was then what might be produced by the labor of who is a kamaaina and who has lived there ct: THE LOWEST RATES. Londox, February 17th. A from Company. since Poand to Tou. dispatch adopted ment of my brother Kamebameha V, deceased, tbe kanakas or men living on it, who rendered the time of Kamehameha I, says that he O 8S40 tk says : A The House the war estimates, the -Si Lahore Turcoman force, believed to be which appointment I to Ka koele labor. But the present manager has made never knew Kuhiwahiwa or of his planting this .s a ALLEN V ROBINSON. accompanied by Abdul Kahman Minister of War positively denying that the pro- continued our Kabu Khan, has leiluhiole al ter the decease of my brother Kame- cash leases to foreigners cultivating rice. The kuleana. The date of the Award of this kuleana reached Akweh. in Afghan Turkestan. There posed increase of the army originated in an ex- is April 30, 1851, pectation of immediate war. bameha V ; therefore, in accordance with (iust receipts hate risen to more than three thousand and Huluhulu says that from ia gTcat excitement at Cabul over this report. the time of the small-po-x 22 lO Lbs. ! The AorA German Gazette, commcntinz on like) the manner of living of my brother Kame dollars per year, which he claims for himself, which reduced the pop- ia!!Lj5:is to the Ton New York, February 14tb. The Herald : ob- ulation very greatly in eays the reported intention of Russia to erect fortifica- hamcha V with his Kahu, Kaleiluhiole, I myself under bis tppointment. This is something that district, all cultiva- The acquisition of coaling stations " for the now viously unreasonable, without consideration, and tion there ceased, and it is quite likely that Ku- " tions at Roano, Bialy stock and Grodo, says : appoint and continue all the said rights and PARLOR United States Navy at Golfo Dulce on the Pacific privileges to my or care not supported by tbe terms of tbe instrument. hiwahiwa never actually cultivated this kuleana. " This is done probably to create a belief among Kahu (superintendent at w on He probably died small-n- o 1 and at Chinqui harbor the Caribbean Sea, people an on part taker), the child or nenhew of Kaleiluhiole. Upon these views of tbe iacts and the legal at or before the 2 21-- may prove but wedge the liussian that attack the of (1853.) The Royal the entering of a new uermany is tearcd David Manaku, perpetually, from and after the aspect of tbe case, I come to the same conclusion Patent, upon confirmation foreign policy of transcendent importance. It is loth day of December, 1874, upon that land of as tbat reached by tbe Chief Justice in tbe first of this Award, was taken out July 28th, 1875, by Just possible, as more than one explorer has bere-- Moanalua lrom tho mountain to the sea; but instance. parties who claim to be the heirs of Kuhiwahiwa, Cheap, Cheaper, Cheapest ! toiore asserted, that tne Lmriqat route may Sugar Production in California. indeed, if my Kahu (superintendent) shall die and by them leased to the Plaintiff by an inden- prove the best lor a canal, and ita magnificent 1 re- Supreme Court, In Banco January Term, ture dated March 15th, 1878. BY PEOrESSOS E. W. DILGARD. STATE UNIVERSITY. betore do, then the land of Moanalua Bball HAVING PERFECTED OUR harbor add largely to its feasibility. turn to me and my heirs ; and further, in accord 1880. The Defendant is lessee of the Hi of Homaikaia with one of the most responsible bouse In Ban The late rise in the prices of Sugars has once Francisco, we oiler oar terriccs as Purchasing Agent to all ance rights by under Komoikeehuehu now deceased, and I- - Liverpool, February 14tb. The London cor- more public strongly with the reserved over that land IliRRIS, C. JIcCCLLT, his who require PARLOR ORGANS directed attention to the my brother to say, J.J J. widow as sole heir surviving, Kahikimua by name respondent of the Courier says: Assurance is possibilities of producing at home this important Kamebameha V, that is what given me that the statement of the intention of soever I shall from time to time require, and my Mendonca IIaupu. The Defendant has had in cultivation for the past article, whose increasing consumption shows that J. P. vs. five years I liurdett-Cout- U the whole of the Hi of in- Baroness to devote 500,000 to is more ana more taxing position right of occupying that land at all times when- Homaikaia GOOI CHEAP A. Good Timo to 33 uy ! it the of an ever I please, which 1 reserve to Opinion the Court by McCully, cluding the kuleana in question. In the the amelioration of the distress in Ireland ia true. article of food instead of of a mere condi- myself and my of J. early Which will be of the 12 EST obtainable. Our Agent In Ban that months of this year surveys of this Francisco will fill our order for Contradictions have been made in most of the large-sca- ncirs as above set lortn. This is sn application to tbe Fence Commission and of the ment. The movement toward the le cul kuleana were made. PRICES VERV LOW I London daily papers, but the fact is incontrover- ture sorghum purpose For tho truth of this, I have hereunto set my ers ot tne district ot VaiaIua, by the .Plain Defendant had plowed and of for this at the East is name prepared this kuleana, for planting tible. This money will be invested in the pur- significant of an intention to become independent, this 1st day of February, A. D. 1875. tiff, Menionca, against the Defendants, praying in it a new ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING, - , crop of when chase of land in the district of Connemara, : r r il . r . 1 . n (signed) K. keelikolam. that the may be required to join with him in rice, Plaintiff asserted his claim to CALL AND EXAMINE ii poeeiuie, oi me irequeni ana violent iiuctua-tion- s the kuleana and entered it by force County Galway, to be afterwards let to email in the price of a necessary It will be remarked at once that the instru building i fence around the land in the possession and planted Eatable, Drinkable, Wearable or Tsable, prime of life, two patches, which 2-- tenants in long leases and at moderate rents. A ment is charac- of the Ddendants, said land being conterminous constituted about 3 of the brought about partly by speculative operations. essentially native Hawaiian in its kuleana. The Defendant and purchase from the Maoufactort committee of Irish gentlemen interested in agri- by ter, although having a resemblance in phraseol with the Plaintiff's. On the 8th day of Decem planted the remaining partly the political troubles to which several patch. Both parties claim to have CASTLE & COOKE'S culture is associated in the scheme. Sugar-can-e ogy ber last, the Fence Commissioners aforesaid ren watered and of the growing countries are periodi and form to a common deed or lease. It tended the crop on ap6 ti February 16th. Wash- would difficult, dered a cecision that tbe fence should be built at this kuleana until its maturity At the Lowest Wholesale Prices Cuicaco, A' Journal cally subject. be and perhaps not possible, to It was all harvested by ington special says : The House Naval Committee give a reasonable interpretation and one which the expeise of tbe Plaintiff Mendonca and the De- the Defendant in June of In California the matter of Sugar production this year, and he has the paddy Owing to the High Price of Everything Here, we offer the to-d-ay fendants, said fence to to resulting from it agreed to report the joint resolution au- was taken in band at an early period ; and con would reconcile every part to the whole without he of wire, and be built greatest inducements to vis: from in his possession. The Plaintiff's witnesses esti all. A Saving ef Memry. PACIFIC COMMERCIAL thorizing the sending of a naval vessel to carry sidering the climates at command within the taking the point of view from the mind of the within ax months the date of the decision mate (8th, Dicember, 1879); tbat it should be five tbat the crop from the two patches which provisions and clothing to Ireland. State, it is perhaps, a little strange that the first native Hawaiian. And I deem it right to do this ft. he planted would on principle high, crpable of turning cattle. All of which is yield about 5000 pounds. It is We Will Purchase Anything Chicaco, February 17th. George Augustus thought and attempt should have been in the di- the of construction that contracts worth 3c. per pound. The are to be according to in accordance with the second section of tbe Defendant however sssmbmsi Sula said to a Times reporter that he wondered at rection of the manufacture of Beet Sugar instead interpreted the intention of swears that all three patches produced by From a Paper of Needles to a Drove of Mules. Sugar-can- e. ' Act t promote fencing." See page 424 of the actual American sympathy with Parncll, who is to Great of the cultivation of the the parties, as tbey nave expressed them, and weight 3200 pounds. e3xrertsP Civil Code. what Kearney is to America. said : That in general, Sugar Beets of unusually high because the recitations of the instrument require For further particulars, enquire of Britain lie The evidence is, that the land In question is 112 The Defendant by his counsel, Mr. Davidson, Parnell disparages emigration to this country. quality can be successfully grown in many re- to consider tho peculiar Hawaiian relation long 10 wide, in- urges that the statute of limitations has run fell 3m LAIKE At CO. BOOK AND Why, it is a land of milk and honey, a paradise gions of California, has now been sufficiently subsisting between the grantor and grantee in chains by running from tbe sea JOB law-sui- ts against the ownership of this kuleana, there being Paddy never knew good proved by the tests made up to tbia time, as well this instrument and between the predecessors of land, and the Plaintiff says he has had to the Irishman. what the for no evidence of any actual occupation or cultiva- were be migrated here, and he as by the practical working of the manufacturing both of them. Furthermore, counsel on both with Defendants, tbe last two years, and NEW MARKET victuals until what now to have land fenced, tion by the Plaintiff's grantors from 1850 to 1873, has been a scries of square meals beside establishments that have been managed with a parts have assumed that this must be the mode wishes the that he may has had live in peace. farther appears a when defendant's grantors took actual possession food his own reasonable degree ol busir ess tact and technical of interpretation, and have offered testimony and It that wire tbe in country." Sala refuted fence costs to mile, of this kuleana and commenced cultivating it in clouded ances- skill. That the probable production of Beet made argument upon the nature of the Hawaiian from $500 $600 a or as one Parnell 'a assertion respecting the - of tbe witnesses says, from .62 to .75cts a fathom. rice. try the Duchess of Marlborough, and stig- Sugar depends on a great many conditions be- relation of the parties. We do not by this Bup- The Messrs. Eanpp & Schrader, Batchers, of idea made between The rlamtin says that he estimates tbe value of Plaintiff by bis counsel, Mr. Brown, urges tic. sides that of the quality of the raw material, is the that a contract HI-AC- matized Parnell 'a motives aa insincere and that the possession of the owner of th land in OPENED A E OP too well to lawaiians, or to which a Hawaiian is one party, Defendants land at go.UO an acre. And it far- HAVE on Hotel Street, near Fort St.. where they will known need discussion. The Beets which tins kuleana is situated is not adverse will not bear transportation to any distance, and is tree from the application ot the settled prin ther tppears that tho Plaintiff is in possession of to have always on hand the best of February 17tb. The Papal Encyclical of on tne hoiaer ot the kuleana, and there must be visi Roe, Sugar-ma- k ciples of as known, 5,000 acres land which lies both sides of the in order to render them available for interpretation in Courts. ana ! argues in favor of the removal of the rite of mar- Ibe Erst and controlling inference to be drawn Defenlants' land, and that, since the trouble be- oie actual occupation by the Konohiki for Beef, Veal, Mutton & Pork ing, their successful growing must, within a limit owner of the circumscribing of" all civil jurisdiction whatever. It land) tbe - riage from ed area, be coupled with cheap fuel, good and from the instrument is that the plaintiff placed tween them commenced, the Plaintiff has fre particu And the Best of- traces the history of marriage from patriarchal the defendant on her land of Moanalua the quent y offered to the Defendants to exchange lar Kuieuuu in oruer to nave tne statute of limit- declares that Christ elevat- abundant water supply, and reasonably cheap in ations run against the owner of to Catholic times, and and reliable same attitude and office as that held by one Ka land ith them on lavorable terms, so as to make the Kuleana. To sausages which only his Church can labor. put it in another way, the s German ed it to a sacrament has often been to leiluhiole towards the late Kamebameha V, and the Defendants' land more useful and more com- Plaintiff claim is Made Ereah Every Day. made under the vari- It attempted free this indus tnat the abandonment of the for .administer. The attempts subsequently towards his heir, until 1874, when pact, and so that it could be fenced off inexpen kuleana twenty Also special attention given to their 8AU-SA- G irreligion to try from some of these restraints, by rendering years, it not having been taken BOLOGNA ous guises of the modern spirit of Beets being Kaleiluhiole died. sively But the Defendants hare refused to do into the actual oc- KS, which are warranted to keep for any length of of her right either to bind or the transportable and capable of kept cupation of the Konohiki for this neriod. does not time. The attention of parties traveling ia specially directed rob the Church all year, by do this arti- The recital is that the beloved kahu of tbe that. to these Bologna Sausages. They will serve their customers marriag must be resisted by the the drying. But to by extinguish the right of possession of the owner looe the tie, ficial heat is so costly an operation, that it can be deceased brother of the plaintiff bad lived on the The Defendants have taken this appeal from of at the very lowest rates. Orders from the country prom ptly whole Catholic world. His Holiness indicates the estate in question, and had been continued there the Fence Commissioners, alleging that the build- - tne Kuieana or ins heirs in tbe same. This ques- attended to. Shop kept open from 4 o'clock in the morning husband made to pay only under peculiar circumstances ; tion is one of wide importance, until 8 o'clock at ni hu d27 3 m conditions under which the separation of hence as a by the plaintiff after her brother s death till his ins of tne fence is " inexpedient on account of and affects the wife may be sanctioned by the Church, and matter of fact, this expedient has been owners of Estates throughout the Kingdom. The and tnus lar out uttie resorted to. own decease, and tberelore tbe plaintin was the einensiveness of the fence in comparison with concludes with an exhortation to the universal the vaue of the land, and cite section 4th of the Court is aware that there are many kuleanas in ! The dry Summer climate of the interior of Cal moved to appoint and continue the defendant, same NOTICE Episcopate to communicate bis teachings to the who was nephew in same same which reads as follows : " In all the position as this, totally deserted for over T0JPLANTERS printing - ifornia, however, seems to offer exceptional facil the of Kaleiluhiole, tbe let, twenty establishment t faithful for their welfare in both worlds.- status as to the land and towards herself. The cases, vhere, in tbe opinion of the commissioners years, hitherto deemed valueless by their ities in this direction : for where tiaisms can be owners, auuomy UNDERSIGNED, AS A MEMBER No. 23 official testimony as to what were the rights of Kaleilu- - it is " nexpedient " to establish a fence, between recently oi any market value raillE Surveying Merchant Ntreet, St. Peters BtKO , February 23d. The made successfully, cut Beets can be dried without incline to the of the Staff of the Hawaiian Government Party, Raisin-makin- either from the nature opinion that the position of the having carefully examined personally most parta of the sever- Messenger announces that the inquiry into the artificial heat. So far, no z coun lole at and in Moanalua is not quite harmonious, adjoiniig lands, of the Is Acknowledged to Possess the Best Asxorl-- is scarcity of fencing materials, or I'JaintiQ is sound. Jo order to bar the leal ttp. al Islands of this Kingdom, now respectfully offers bis services Winter Palace explosion has bad the result of try has attempted the Beet Sugar manufacture ; but it such that we arrive without hesitation land, tie the to Sugar rianters and others who may require land-owner- s, to the Kuleana, the possession of the rendering it to some extent certain that the crime hence the conditions offered here are entirely at some conclusions of fact. conflictrig rights of said commission- Konohiki of ment of Book and We first observe that Kaleiluhiole had been ers shal, upon the application of either of such the particular kuleana in question must be actual, was committed by a person who paseed as a new. visible, notorious, Railways, Tramwayn, Beet-dryin- how many distinct and hostile. (See workman, and that there is reason to suspect a The experiments made in g in preceded by Kilinahe in the charge of the land. owners, decide animals each shall be and other modes of transport, as a purchasing the luanumanu aua nian-UK- vs. vv . JOB PRINTING TYPE, between this person and the same open tne southern Calaornia All tbe testimony is that lit bad tbe same hold at libery to pasture upon his land, under a pen- n. tiickcrd, de Agent or Advising Engineer. connection air in during the cided at the July Term, 1879, of He proceeds direct by this steamer to Boston, U. S. A., and individuals who were arrested previous U tLa past season, have demonstrated that Beets cut ing as Kilinahe, who was summarily discharged alty to oe specified by the commissioners, a cer- the Supreme Of any Other Office in the Sandwich hlands. of whose decision, filed Dis- having every facility for so doing, will furnish, on application, cross-wis- e into slices inch can by the owner because he was not pleased with tified cpy with any explosion. half an thick, be Ihe title for a kuleana under an Award of AND IS have one-firt- h his management. Yet there is nothing to sup- trict Jtstico of the District shall, upon satisfact- the Cost in view of possible explosions, the police reduced to about of their original weight Land Commission or a Plans, Specifications and Estimates of for Iron to be provided constantly with a port the idea that a life tenure had been abro ory pra)f of a violation thereof, entitle tbe Royal Patent is distinct, ordered citizens in the course of 40 hours. The resulting material complete, and the general Bridges, Iron Hunses, Railways with Bridges Well Adapted to Superior of water for two days. The Ni- gated. There is nothing to show that be was to judgment and execution as in civil possession by the Ko- the Printing sufficient supply for Sugar manufacture, containing from 60 to 04 nohiki of the Hi ' head-ma- n, kono-hi- ki cases, fcr so much of the penalty as such or Ahupuaa in which it may All hilists have issued a proclamation threatening to per cent of Sugar, will of course keep indefinitely diflercnt from any other iuna or justice . and Rolling Stock of Descriptions. . OF in charge of a land. shall dem just." be situated is not hostile to the owner of the Ku- set fire to the capital on the 3d of March. The and bear transportation to any reasonable dis chiefs leana. Also. Machinery of Every Description decided to increase the number Moreover, when As to Kaleiluhiole, tbe testimony or Loloua It is irgued that it would be unjust and oppres- Government has tance. extracted by the macer I find therefore for the of Sugar Cleaning and Preparing Rice P0STEKS who will be instructed to be process, w), Henry Makanahoa, Henry Kahanu, Ohule, sive to compel a man whose land is only worth Plaintiff, with damages for the Manufacture and 0FANF SIZE! of boue porters, ration not only is the resulting juice for 3200 pounds of rice at 3c. per pound, for the Market. ready to guard against emergencies, especially on much purer than when obtained from the fresh talimu, Malao and lieu is to the effect that so $400 oi 500, to build a fence of which his share $96.00 Address in Boston, LINCOLN CABOT, EITHER IN exceed value of the land. less cost of cultivation, $35.00, $01.00 and Civil Engineer, Room 0, No. 131 Devonshire Street. the anniversary of the Czar's acceseion to the Beet by grating and pressure, but it can be ob- far as the land was cultivated, tbe crop was the would the But the appears to us to be upon the other side. costs. P. 8. Inquiries addressed to C. T. Cuhck, in Honolulu, will throne. tained in so concentrated a form as to diminish roperty of tbe owner, the landlord, who dis hardshb receive prompt attention. my24 tf of prison mus be apparent to any one that this long Honolulu," September G, 1879. PLAIN OH FANCY COLORS. 13th. is said Gen- materially the cost of evaporation, and the dimen- posed it by contract with the and the It Bee UN, February It that of land has been purchased with A L 8 O command Russian main sions and cost of appliances required: while an barracks. The testimony of the Marshal is that and narow strip eral isknheloff will the in poi the of not only enjoying but the adja- Chcxg Hoon vs. Lupoxo, Trespass. On increased outcome oi cane sugar iroro a giv buying for the prison he dealt with Ka deign it, appeal ! Labels, Deeds army of invasion, numbering 20.000 troops, well ; and from which from GREAT IS PRICES Merv, en weight fresh can hardly tail to be se mebameha and not with Kaleiluhiole. cent lind as litigation has tbe Police Court. RE1IIOT marching from Tashkcnd across Bokhara to of leets, to Sermons, Drafts, Turco- cured. A part of tbe land was leased to Dr. Ford lor come f om the District Court of Waialua this By the Court. This case is precisely similar with a im of operating ia the rear of the is apparent that the present defendants two armies, from Tchikislar It thus appears that exceptional climatic condi planting rice, but there is no intimation that Court, it in principle with that of Akowai vs. Lunon. and Tax Lis Leases, ' mans, while other as salt-- have poposed, and do now propose to enjoy the WE NOW OFFER THE Krasnovodok respectively, will form a junc- tions, combined with an exceptionally high ave- Kaleiluhiole leased it the lfe tenant. A is against the same ueienaant. itie Kuleana is and pond, to bo very PlaintfFs land as well as their own. Shop llllls, Circulars, him before the end of JIay. rage quality of the Beet root, concurrently tend supposed valuable, was workei awarded to Ai, who leased it to the Plaintiff. It tion with 32-10- by and for account solely of Kamehameha. We apprehend that there ia a mistake being consists of 0 of an acre, and Catalogues, February 23J. In the House of here to place this industry more nearly on a lev- lie the cron taken Ne Plus Ultra Spring Beds Transfers London, el with of the production Sugar from employed Kaleiluhiole somewhat in this labor, made regarding what conotitutes the ' inexped- by defendant from it amounted to 700 pounds of y. Chan- that of the Lords Earl Cairns, the Lord High is not Bet up he required to get a con- iency" contemplated by the statute. It is not PA V. II II I L L . A I) conveyancing, naturally richer and purer juice of the Sugar but it that paaaj. judgment tor piaimitr. .Damages 15 NEWS P 8, II i: . cellor, introduced bills simplifying cession from him, or that he made him any on the poverty or wealth of the Defendant, but it is and costs. sales and lease of lands, and general- cane; while as regards sorghum, the only mate Ball Cards, facilitating advantage remaining would be whatever for the privilege of taking th natural circumstances of the land and the Honolulu, September 6, 1879. increasing the powers of owners for life to im- rial the direct to be would ly availability of the syrups for the market ; Ecet the salt. This does not look as if Ka. .iluhio. uss to which it is put. It be very Concert Dills, blank Notes. one of these bills cane-fiel-d bun-dr- Sept. 9, 1879. Appeal noted in both cases. prove land. The principal had a life estate in Moanalua.. in;ipedicnt if a man had a of one el Erst reading. Molasses being unmerchantable. Road Notices, . Rills Lading, passed its cane all The defendant offers testimony to ' 1w acres, and another man had a five acre lot Standard states that rumors were freely In Hawaii, the matures at seasons In Supreme Banco, The ot the year, according to the t.meat which it has Kalciluliiolo waa placed in possession r n. ins'ae of it, upon which he chose to keep five the Court, in January School Reports, Prices Current -- lobby last circulated on both sides ol the night in consideration of the affection and fe - ot heal of cattle and when the owner of the cane-fie- 8 Term, 1880 Harris, C. J.; McCulIy, J.: Business. immediate dissolution of Parliament ii been planted. This removes the whole disadvan- CENT, prices. that the entertained towards him by a- - applied to the Fence Commissioners, to January 24th, 1880. The Court having beard At 20 PER below former adds : These re- tage of the ' rush " and enable the planter to uso consanguinity contemplated. The Standard . around the five acres, for which the and considered the arguments of counsel in the who Visiting, his Sugar-hous- e all the year around. Hence he mehameha in consequence of bis mother havi buld a fence In accordance with advices from the Manufacturer, has but if the business new making Beds a much lower cost ports aroat present premature, nurse and loster-mothe- r. this be so. pcitioner would have to pay one half of the ex- case of Akowai vs. Lupong and Chung Hoon vs. facilities for these at than ob- can affjrd to Invest a larger amount of capital in been a Jet we offer to public at Ihe low price of Invitation and of the House continues to be systematically does not follow that the measure of Kameba- pose, he should be answered that the other man Lupong, adopt the reasoning and confirm the judg- formerly, them the Government will have oo alternative perfecting appliances, just as is the case with the It structed, the Beet-Sug- and therefore it is ' inexpedient " ment of Mr. Justice Judd herein above set forth. ar manufacturer who can work on dried meha gratitude was a life estate in this land. isvery poor, Wedding Cards. but to dissolve Parliament at an early day. for him to build, and he may pasture 5 head, and Judgment for Plaintiffs. Twelve Dollars, Cash. North-Cote-f material all the year, instead of letting his capi- It may well have been a moving inducement fc Home Rulers will meet to consider 's 100. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Reports, Pamphlets, "Books, The invested in machinery lie idle during making Kaleiluhiole. rather than some other y u may pasture DILLINGHAM CO., Agents. Ministerial s motion to cheek obstruction. tal six course of deel qr k Beet-Sug- ar head man of Moanalua. Tho place was appeared in the this hearing and to-da- y months, as in most of the industry man, tbe It ! Tax Lectures, Bonds, Briefs. February 16tb. The news n REMOVAL Bills, Nrw York, some protection one of reward and consequence to a Hawaiian. it the suits which led up to it, that the petition-eii- a political character. The Tribune has required by tariff regulations; N'K BOOT AM) SHOKMAKER, ! ia mainly of and when the Hawaiian Treaty admitting the As tbe head man, he enjoyed tbe control of ten- this ease, had fenced in a large portion, or I7RA GERTZ, --A. Concert Tickets, Festival Tickets, vehemently supports Blaine, and the Times of his 5,000 acres; the u. has removed his business from Hotel Street to the Store OJV L Sugars of that kingdom free of duty to the United ants who must work at his direction in labors of prhaps the whole and on Merchant Street, formerly occupied by D. W. Clark. ocl EEM is a vague, untraceable rumor that ge Steamboat Tickets, Excursion Tickets, Grant. There States, was first proposed, it was predicted that which be enjoyed a part of tbe result. While Rspondents proposed in point of fact, to take soon withdraw from the caodidaey to T. B. WALKER. W. K. MKTCALri. BOLLES & CO., ' Blaine will Beet-Sug- fences to restrain their cattle, and it would be tho death of the ar industry the yield of the land was only what may be called of bis Deposit Checks, Shipping Receipt, make room for Grant, vtitb expectations four many cattle as they may see fit, on his in America. Yet since that time, new factories domestic produce, such as poi, pigs, poultry and nn a tirOl'LD INFORM THEIR FRIENDS Certificates of Deposit, years hence. laid, because they bold, 6ay, 112 acres inside WALKER Sl METCALFE, and tbe public generally, tbat they have Insurance Policies, can have come into successful operation, while others fish from its ponds or sea front, the bead man Sun wants anybody nominated who alternative the Fence Fire-proo- Exchange The that bad lain dormant have been revived, by busi- would partake of these liberally for his own use, t is tract, or as au that Contractors and Builders, Removed to their New f Store, Certificates of Stock, Bills of beat Grant, and says this of Biyard : If there is was a superior position to Commissioners decree them to run 12 horses or ia ness men credited with at least an ordinary without account. It Which has iust been completed, situated at the Old Stand, Tags o every style. any one thing clear, it is that Bayard an able who labored on the 1 head of cattle on their land ; and the petition-- e' PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID 34 Queen Street, where they bave been making large additiooa amount of clearheadedness. that of the kanaka land. setting of Furnaces, and distinguished Democratic leader who cannot land accepted conditions 750 head of cattle on his 5,000 acres, and i to the of nil kinds bteam Boilers, to their stock of Ship Chandlery, Ship and flantauon stores, Apothecaries' Labels,- - Orders of Exercises, The question is certainly a complex one, and it Such a tenant of the tbe )f Ovens and Baagii, Brick or Stone Chimneys, any which make their assortment large and varied. possibly be elected President. He ia a Southern i time he transcended the 750 head to be height; Compcsil.oa Monuments and Head stones, will require some years of actual trial to deter- cf yielding to his chief, as an auhau ku ka wa, e"ery J Will be hacDV to have a call from their patrons, and they Rewards of Merit, Letter Headings, with an ugly Southern record. Besides, he Justice to marble or granite. O" Jiltisfactory References given when pains will be spared to to their man. Sugar-yieldin- g as much of these products as he pleased to take, ammoned before the District answer will assure them that do attend Commission bill, hence mine, which of the several crops required. Address V. O. Ja3I satisfactory manner. yoted for the Electoral and of the chief's residence on the Jand, with the t the penalty of the bond prescribed by tbe wants in a Dry Goods Tags, Not Headings, will rebel against him. will yield the highest profits in California. It We have now in Stock: Cordage, and Manila, an as Tilden men dis- burden of entertaining him, for as long as he eatute. Or again, having obtained a decree of sortment of sizes; Cotton Duck, Flax , Hemp Canvas, Lecture Tickets, Bank Notiosa y, can certainly not he solved by acrimonious to-da- in Congress, introduced a bill above Cotton ail Twine, 6, 6, 7 and 8 ply; Flax Sail Twine, 3 and 6 Davis, cussion, is any justification, in the con- pleased, and still considered that he had been be commissioners similar to that set forth, Fire Risks on Cane Fields. that from and after ita enactment a nor there fences in a thousand ply; Blocks, Oars, Shieves. Hooks aud Thimbles, wo , Ac, all providing for the mo- promoted to a desirable position in life. Ho aid afterward the petitioner C NDERIilli.N'ED, AtJKXTS for tbe of which will be sold at Bed Rock Prices. ! duty ol six centrjcT pound shall be im- ditions of the quostion, improving the Respondents in action 'MIR Hills ol Tare, Show Cards Customs tives of any of those holding adverse opinions. As would maintain the relation of an affectionate cres for paddocks, this Vonolulu, Nov. 23d, 1878. lal '7 posed and collected upon sago and sago flour, sue him this Petitioner for preventing rXIOX FIRE 1XD M1RIXE IXSlRAXfE COJIP'Y arrow- in all similar coses, the conflict of opinions will clansman, after the ancient Hawaiian custom, by tould School Records, Check Books, and tapioca flour, arrowroot and whole 5,000 acres, Of New Zealand are authorized to accept Fire Risks on Su- 1879-COLTJ- MBIA SALMON. tapioca be of advantage in determining as possible, by ex- rcndciinf, service, which was reciprocated by his heir cattle running over the RIVER manioc floar, corn starch, farina, and his one-- gar Crops in the Held. Far particulars, apply to Wood Cuts. Stock Lists, root flior, occupancy of the land as tbe manager of it. c compel him to reduce proportion by G. Az J. A. FALKINBLRG, IN BARRELS of any material whatever, or how- periment, the fundamental facts ; and whatever WM. lltWIN CO., EX half barrels; and a splendid quality of the Spring all starch mada Such a holding as I have above spoken of was ;fth, or irtie suouia Duy say oou acres, ne wouia dS qr Agenta for Hawaiian Islands. 1379. (se2T) For Sale by BOLLEtS Sc. CO. Magasines, Way Bills, existing Tariff law imposes a individuals may gain or lose, the ultimate result Catch, ever used. The can be doubtful, viz: that from an import- the vono or privilege of Kaleiluhiole or any other o obliged to summon these Respondents to see cent a pound and twenty percent, ad hardly should TO Envelopes, Billets, duty of one er of California will before very long be- bead man in charge. We bave seen tbat when- iow many more cattle be run. Thus tbe COTTAGES LET. A Full line of Ship Stores and Groceries, on starch made from raw potatoes or Sugnr, capital and industry is to valorem per come an exporter of this important article cf food. ever the land yielded or promised a valuable pro- vhole of Mendonca's UNDERSIGNED BEING ABOUT TO 1RESERVED FRUITS, MEATS, SUIT ample Materials of Newest Style corn, and of three cents a pound and twenty in le subordinate or sacrificed to tbe owner of the THE a number of Cottages, with garden land attached, Ac, 4c, my 24 BOLL Ed & Co. With duct, such as rice, salt or taro, a quantity from town in Nuuanu Valley, corner of valorem on starch made from rice or any re- This would be very inexped- - a short distance ' cent, ad beyond what was needed for the chief and his J2 acres inside. " School street, opposite Mr. Henry Waterhouse, also, on School FAST PRESSES, AND GOOD WORKMEN, flour, root flour, to-da- y OIL. other material. Sago and sago Th Senate Exodus Committee examined tainers, the chief took such product or the pro- ent." The fact is. tbat the fourth section of street, a far as opposite Rev. 8. 8. Bishop's. KEROSENE " Twenty-fiv- e per tar, iocs, are on the free list. The middle-age- d colored man from Wil- to to of The rentals will be about Dollars month. OWNER'S. We seldom in giving our Patrons fsrina and Grier Rnffin. a ceeds, without pretension of a partnership with .his act was meant apply tbe regulation install- For sale by B0LLEA & CO. fail ttatisfactionio t-r land-holder- will have the right of purchase by payment in California, for use ml formerly a slave of s, Tenants D Chinese now import to son. North Carolina, and bis bead man. The testimony regarding the lffairs between conterminous who ments for three or five years, with a deposite of Twenty-fiv- e low-gra- ae NO. STREET. their laundries, large quantities ot of Congress Tbomas Huffin. He stated that in ponds and sea is tbat tbe cash were pasturing cattle on somewhat equal or like per cent., should any be sold. 23 MERCHANT and went fisheries the can secure the same by an early ap- EX CYANE under the name ol root flour, sego flour, he lelt North Carolina early in December ; was very applicable to the state of Those requiring homes starch receipts were at the call of the chief they did terms and plication to the undersigned, and if not too late, can have DAT, CALIFORNIA HAY, OATS, although really starch, to Indianapolis, and was now ' aimia' to git back enact- - mil is Barley or oy J. H. BLACK. manioc flour, etc., which, to persons in the country as it existed at the time of the buildings to the intending occupants. JL Bran, Whole and Ground f eaie - Ejodijs was the ' bomination not belong any charge. suit BOLLE9 CO, Proprietor. recently been admitted free of duty. and Jis dar." This 101 tf TUOS. WATERHOUSE. jao2t, 80 4 bave until race." Jt does not conflict with this conclusion that ment, out is now growing oosoieie, auu mc j3 JOati Fifteen hundred thousand pound of these sub of bis a the PACirir the license; an 1 ar.y imrjic rality ly any rerson cn Jim. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 9f otr 1 the imrr.igrrit ocl is furamarilT f.'inirhpd. FULL SU JbI?XY ! tL- - a Weetern Cuncreseman to a j OF (Commercial I the Ccrnnri loctcl at GIe-- Iin? remarks of EX ELLA, A CHOICE LOT OF bbfrttsfr. bre sij t;t straiictr in Washington. OUR tatic(.s, with hern I in were i j fro. cttce cott.ict, Jim CHEVALIER BREWING BARLEY ! Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes ! Rent.enjt-- ; I thitas njucb CjuII te s.iil cf That'i him CUSTOMERS TO OUR LIST OF THOSE SAT DAY, MARCH 13. Which we w iil sell aa cheap a the poor kind ! ADDS NEW ft: ethers th it are Jriftir sr arcuol the i!aL la cf the Jim Blaine, told elsewhere. AIo, ' Just Received, We trarwlat front Iti'.iin r- ,- -- Of Maine. pip r, Facifii. ! From San Fraariwo bT the latat Steamer, r ntvt-- LOT 11 i't d'llt C. .uM;-!- . (1 5n I: ,'.-,- I'j-- hear A SMALL OF ALFALFA HAY tilorn ,.n, tUr Tbedtysof the bench-- c n,! er " a they were and Fr Sale Tery lw, ni IT'oiiiicl, Exporioncc, How. in the ISarl-y- , ! Who I Have lv following corrpon-- nc from IVVinj. v.r'uU-.- l : SlixeJ FceJ, Cracked Oai. Bran, known in ynr p'.i.e ly re drawirg Io c'vH. Eis'ht.n-figbtr- , J. H. LYNCH'S BOOT & SHOE FACTORY Of Wheat, Cora and Potatoes, ! V.. Tbe Family Chin-.-.- " CASII.-O- ur Friend. Write of the Iiyes and cou'. 1 not iiow carry on their law- Jim an' fudKtit 'em all, i kbS KlXd SIRE l.T. TO CLOSE," THEV MUST BUY FOR I'ee II AM). Ordera aolicited for THAT "BUY Law Fo'-ii-'L- COXST1STL1 Tb Faanilj ol the Ctiin.? bar' th ir ori- less practices. The two Hamburg fires are fast t tltill Le made 'em fall. the purchaae oT ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING gin in tbf Tbni-t- n anl in ih l..lrin.- - cl Con- By bii blows weighty ? Also, fora.le. a NEW MON ITOR HORSK POW- civilizing the caiive with their trading etatioLS in taitable for Grading Cane, etc. LAINE & CO C. 0. D." Konj-fit- ER, BY THE " Lowest Price, fucius, t. which t I feT 2m IVE Please Fill the Following Order at Your tirr and a. part of the Western I'aciSc. The Fijis and at jr , rrspct oIl ttnl rp-ciill- tnwariN th pnrfnt-"- Q ie tia!anl are fist tabling the natives i f the New Sho : JESSIE NICKERSON," io tb- - r-- -. Tti-- - a.li-.-tb- e Stranger, : the Motbrr Grt J Uj Httri lf aii 1 .'...n.'.o Iilin 1, by employing them Ink y'ere FROM SAX FRANCISCO, ! M ' l OF GOODS t!.-j- r -r ur'uni thing min to ni.trry, wbich cn-i'l- necrmry as on j.I The woolly H. H ACKFELD & HAVE ON HAND A FINE STOCK laborers the inti'iot.s heals Fv-- a political ring CO. 50 Head of Fine, Large Missouri WE anil inl for J rmoniou rjr - ar- - tlj all true cannibals the Line I:!inder cc:ajicD'.!y To try to Meal a State ; CVU-ti- e SALE- - mor- Tiie !. l arr-mor- . OFFER FOR Old Trices, ami gres. rxttplf of Umpire a. With all due deference to the Missionaries, I l:ut. trug-r- yon IYTUL.ES Bought Very Low. and have received, ex Late Arrivals, a Urge Addition thereto, Bought hr Cash at t reTrnl ami more obiIi.-n- to t irmly law will sy that the Gerru id trak-rsarea- t present fast May (haw me In two AND Govi-rnriirn- t. they to do on the way. r C3xmlx. than t.) tbo of tbe An ol.l mati. ! opening up fitl Is for future ciTiliztticn. If 'tain't what tried All ofwliloli Wo Oflor Clionp To l.M- - Ven, coinrn.inl njure H" ct anil more In Maine, olc. I think the missionaries will say with me that Whar l Iit-- r -- ALSO, A FIXE LINE OF lience than a Mn in, Kutn. than irjr they hue more to contend with from white savages The fulks is plain. OF THE CALL AND EXAMINE OUR FINE STOCK OF LAMPS AND CHANDELIERS! , ?cii-- pri-st- Luui.i-Vooft-ua- n. dark-skinn- m in. or ptau than el ones. Iu my late cruite, there An' il n't travel at no Lot rate : Busrsrics mid Harness ! ailTancnl Ojt be. But, yrr aee, 11 . Brands. in thn A'lrancrd nj;; wis more to contend with from men calling them- From the Ce!ebrted Eastern Manufacture. n-- Rn..;n. 11:1 mi Praia Oil All Uilh 1 esta and Reliable R. C. n.....,'. vu.. .!. ir.i ukii. Rl La"" : OK Haw. Bark WYLIE," Oil new. We on and Sooo to Arrive, a ery accrrJirijf t Cbi trjliii.n. i a n'lTt which selves civiliz' d than from tbe wild children cf nature. Jim. te23 Kerosene Stoves, something have Hand, VJa e 1"'"'X?tooa II. WASIIBt'RX. Paint, Col-- rs. Also. Paii.t Oil. Turpentine, aro Kl-- . He Stock cf all kinds and and of the BEST GRADES. HmUba " oiiljr t favoriN-a- Atltan-ce- -- Lard Oil and Castor Oil. If II I The civilized man, living a few years among avages Saw the'r glim. M. RAKEMANN, MASTER, Assortment of Carriage Paims and Varnishes. I.ubricsncf Oils, Albany Cylinder Oil, it us w, I I All U a ep-ei.I- jr il it -- j Full and Complete Line of Kinds, Just Received. age tirtue, be accomi.tm-- becomes one him elf, and sinks as far Lelow tbe An' know'd the'r trick ; At J. H. Lynch's Manufactory by corpulence. A fit mm U a nun of oiaiti, wild man as be was above him when tbey came in An' he gin that bead o hi a thump. lr ! t An' not his brains to worl:, on a jump. MAY BE FOUND. the reason tbtt the Chiii'"e believe tb.il the brain i i contact. SOOX ! An' epoilt the fix. From BEEMEN i HARDWARE, A E IV 10T MD MORE TO AKIUVE U in th.t tutna:b and Dot in the b? ba. rtnl In closing thii rambling article, I will y to this ! First-Cla- ss ! Billies' (109 Days from Cap LirzarJ.) Boots and Shoes malignant npiri'a aruuml him anl tb Sun, Tjj government thit they can unquestionably have all Eh Blaine? 1.4 Why, stranger, be' all brain ! to our Stock of beain towarjt bini. tbe eop!e from the Line Islands they wish to send Tsble Cutlery, Direct from the Celebrated Manufactory of Landers. Fury t, Clarki a Fine Addition ! Hunting and Riding Boots and Shoes, Fish Lines, in treat variety) House r Brain'a his Tools, Pocket Knives. Rasors, Scissors. Shears, a larfre assortment; Tin and A mirrifj mir. (n malu-- the number ol hit sub-agen- Iioose-keepe- fur, without employing agents and ts; and Now Landed in Splendid Order Furnishing Goods under this bead, ra will find many I'stful and Desirable Articles. That's what it Is. First-Cla- ss b tbe rirfhl tb title of Law We. Esv- I Got up in Style, and A GOOD FIT Guaranteed. wive) t furthermore that there are plenty of men in Hono- That's the sing well sv all tbe blind men t quire, M bare a right lulu as well posted alout the Pacific Islands as any It trat a big thing ; And Consisting iu Part ot a ALSO ucb a ti'.le, and in Chin tbre are many of tbciii Stranger, yon'r right. 2Z5 Colonial renegade that ever came here. Perhaps a A GOOD t say. come STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF T rfT.'Ct wo nation not known An', J. of the Variola t is who is a u? min wanted absolutely without fiult, but An' see him VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT there. A bachelor U wimp! caUi-- l Chung Kim-Yen- , a Choice Selection, Direct from the Well Known House of Reed A Barton, Manufacturer. where such a one is f,un J be Is generally so good as Ke Jim. Ladies, Cents, Misses and Chil or Man of tbe MiiMle Kingdom. In fact, ex- to te good for nothing. Bleon ytr. stranger. Jim ain't proud. -- OF- Lanta-W'oosjia- cept the I'riest, towhotuUL not Walter Edmund Wood. If he is President ; an' be knows, in a crowd. dren's Ware, permitted to a wife, tbf jr being ci.mptllnl t IPVIISTT haft When a man's white. From the Best Eastern Manufactories ! THE AVEKILL MIXED hate their beal entirrlj anil alwaji remain io Chinese Immigration. That's Blaine, die Itfew Fashionable So favorably In on own Buy Of Maine ; long and known America, has become one of our 3iade Articles of Trade it sells lis nier.ts. th pajodafl to school children. It U didcull to find Which Will Be Sold Cheap for Cash. Try And you will want more. s It! It! The following, taken from the newly-electe- d Tint him Celibate above the age of (18) eighteen, and an Jim. ALL ORDERS FROM TOE OTHER ISLANDS PROMPTLY U Republican Governor Perkins message to the Cal--I GOODS, old maid an e.itrarliaarr rarity ; even the tuost DRY oil ATTENDED TO. f homely And husband in tbe I md where the Hun ifortiia Legislature, will show what arc the views Foreign News Items. SUCH AS- - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT S PLOWS ! rinea. of the more intelligent and conservative citizcDS Men and women who have th name family oatoe ! or that State on this vexed question : The Pope baa issued an encyclical letter con- PANTHEON STABLES! We have a Good Stock on Hand, and more oo the way, from MOLINE and other Celebrated Makers, One of our n demning divorce. cannot inter-marr- y. Cou.iid.-ri- that for a popu- At the last election, in accordance with the PRINTS, specialties in this line it the is said serious ot 375 known, statute providing therefor, a vote of the people of It tbat complications have arisen JAS. D0DD, Proprietor, lation 400,000.000, only surnames are between England and Persia touching Herat. In 30 Different Sly lea and Color. thi impediment look almotit innurmontable. In this State was taken uj-o- the question ol Chinese immigration for " and agintt " the jolicy A Iinliel Committee has been formed in Paris CORNER FORT ds HOTEL STS., ! tb coura ol past ages there were citie and vil- under the Presidency of Cardinal Guibert. IMPROVED STEEL PARIS PLOW . of irmitting it to continue unrestricted, as at Domestics, HONOLULU. lage in China composed of people who bad all of present. Out ol a total vote of 101,40a only 833 Tbe Governor of Wyoming has become unpopu- them the lam family name, consequently tbe tn-- n i votes were ' for " such immigration. The ballot lar, because of an alleged liason with a mulatto girl Brown, white, blue and red cottooa, drills, aleeting, and the Regular Paris Breaking Vp Plow. These Plows are said by tome of our Customers to be was eccrct there was no extraordinary excitement at Cheyenne. Tirkinff, Horrock'a gunuine A B & H cotton desirou of marrying bad to emigrate. A remedy Dark blue denims. - 235 to mitigate tbeae family Lawa become an impera- on the subject ; tbe reeult should be accepted as Expf rts estimate the losses to tbe farmers of tbe a fair indication of the real opinion of our people Uniu-- tive necessity. During tbe r of the Emperor Kingdom during 1879 at from 100.000,000 Superior to any Other Plow Ever Offered in This Market. in on thi important question. It ought to be ac- to . 150,000 000. 1" Yung Loo, (1103-25- ) tbe families who bad taken Dress Goods, cepted everywhere a conclusive evidence that And others OURISTSwishing Saddle Horses, (for Ladies or Gentlemen.) At Montreal. Mayor Rivard was reelected yester- - part in tbe transport of grain ot tribute from tbe there is practically do difference of opinion among White stripea, Batistaa, ailks and wooleni, Csrriage Horses, Single or Double Teams, &c. can be furnish- day. He flatly refused, Saturday, to take any part aame any of day ot night. WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF Taaaala have received tbe name of Mil- people of thi State relative to the policy French merinos, all colors and fincy. ed with the at hoar the to Peking, the of in the reception of Parnell, and tbe friends of tbe Flannels, . mum JUST RECEIVED n large and roomy itary faoiiliea, Cbang-Cbia- and tbe others have been prohibiting the further increase ol the Chinese latter endeavored to run an opposition candidate, Buckskins, doeskins, tweeds, and all other ot . Min-Chi- a. element our population, iiie question lias but tbe effort failed. Spades, Shovels, O.'s, Forks, Bakes, Hoes, Crow called via ; families of tbe people. ! Planters' heary aod light; Bars, to a us. o HORSE PLEASURE time to tbe distinction ceased be ioliticul issue with Men A New York paper WAG05, From that tbe present, all parties are in perfect accord that immigrants declares that tbe Princess : Fill Grindstones and Fixtures, Pltk ixes, Pick Mattocks, GBTB HOES, Bnsh and Grass Scythes, Louise returned to Canada much against her will. TAILOR'S GOODS Capable comfortably accommodating; pleasure parties wish between Chung and Min baa been maintained and from China are a curse to this country, and that of iiUe has never liked the country nor people, and ing to visit the I'nli, Wnikiki, Knpalama. or Scythe Snaths, Scythe Stones, Bnsh Hooks, Grass or Bice Hooks, fane Knires, Axes, the marriage between a man of Min family with some adequate restriction upon their coming went to England to stay, Velvets, barege, linens, lawns, mosquito netting, other points ot interest on the island, competent urivers preferring London life Towels, threads, Brooks, silk, c. when desired. a woman of Chung family vice versa, having tbe oueht to be imposed without delay. and society, but was literally driven back by furnished Hatchets, Wheelbarrows, Canalbarrows, Ox Chains, Trace Chains, Back Chains, is voters or citizens an Amcr Particular care and attention given to the boarding of horses same family name, baa beeo permitted a tbe on- It seldom ttiat of Queen Victoria. by the day, week or month. ican community so generally agree upon a ques Topsail Chains, S-- S and 1- -S laeh; ly exception to the above mentioned prohibition-Thes- e Loxdox. Feb. 16th. The Duchess of Marlbor- Goods, No overcrowding, as my Stable has capacity for comfortably of such importance as in this instance. The Fancy stabling City horses. Family Laws are an Imperium la Imperiu, tioo ough, in a letter to tbe Lord Mayor ol London, result cannot be (airly attributed to ignorance or Reasonable Rates and Satisfaction Guaranteed in all trans safe-guar- says; Tbe danger of famine appears to be over. Neckties, trimmings, ribbons, ailk, linen and citton. d of the Dynasty, of tbe State of two-tbir- ds are tbe prejudice ; fully of the electors of this If the charity of tbe public continues, no person Handkerchiefs, all colors; actions with ma. in stockings of every description. Peter Wright's Anvils and Vises, Trenton Vises, Horse Nails, tho social order and of the fat gleba prebenda ol state arc natives oi me luiicu oiaics, anu a ma Ireland need be allowed to die for lack of food; but Socks and ! th ITaodarins aad Priests of every denomination ' jority of them arc from the Northern and West-wb- o tbe Committee, to bring tbeir labors to a successful jal7 Give Me a Call can be counted by millions in this vast Em- - cm States of the Union. They are not affected close, must spend over 40.000 per week for six Clothing, Blacksmiths' Bellows, Portable Forges, Horse and Mole Shoes, Heary Wrought Spikes, -- Mh fvr iinnnUii..n th third of the son by race prejudice. Ily education and association week3. JR. "VE 1 I 1- 3-- ECEI Cnt Spikes, -2 1 they have been well grounded in the principles of There is considerable suffering among Galvanized Nails and Spikes, Cnt Nails, Small Rope, to 4 ' small Pants and sacks, M jackets, and a large assort nent of BT ln;Bale!ng Cord, our free institutions, and lully appreciate the sac-- farmers in Ulster, who are too proud to complain. " nt always been a mystery to Tbeancl-- Cathay has ; rejDCWJ of indiriduai fn prop0birjg to Fever has appeared in some districts in the South, libt.rt. CONCH EE & AHUNC, AND dis-af- ar in Tipperary and West Cork, in Cotton SHDITS, AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF those who have siuuie.i Der over ddoks or irom rcsiriet immigration from China they are not consequence of Heavy Woolen and FORT STREET. ABOVE KING. GOODS NOT MENTIONED IN THIS LIST I j destitution. : U on th contrary a very easy thing to study regarding American precedents nor running Relief has been given, but has come too late, and is not of a kind suited to the suffer- 12 desirable styles. tnr thoss who use the book of experience which Lt i counter to the spirit ol our republican Govern ers. IN Can be had at 37 Fort Street. " CL0SI! BUYERS are recommended to call, people, language ' ment. They remember that this country was th best for iu a learn the Merino and cotton undershirts. . T: t .1.: t discovered, and has been developed Dy people ac Tbe Duke of Edinburgh is ordered to tbe Coast CHINESE & JAPANESE WARE! and they will buy Goods oi ue cQuuir,, .u .w.a...... :i.. ..i ... Blankets, woolen and cotton, fancy quilts. their of ...i. cuetomeJ to the jnefint principles of the civil Guard, in tbe West of Ireland, to take charge of Table covers, skirts, rugs, carpet bags, T R Coatf, tc, ALSO the various provinces, enough with tbeir anJ common ,aw . that our civilization founded relief stores and provisions deposited with them, Umbrellas in large variety, Florence hats. numerous among me pro-- and convey relieving officers to tbe islands off tbe Hat flowers and feathers, shawls. LATEST ST V LE OF customs, having mends hy such people is entirely different from, as it is and of every coast. Bright colora white quality. ! marO jCST minent Mandarin, merchant, priests, and literati. ! much younger than, that which prevails in China, European Novelties in Jewelry D L L G m: & c o to-da- I i II - I in- In tbe House of j ...tn9 nn.t tnowlede of their historv. literature, and which seems to hold those born under its Commons Edward Clark, INCLUDING SOME be broken tbe newly elected member from Southwark, politics. rel!gioo;.resources, tendencies and ideas fluence with a rower that cannot took Stationery, An experience of thirty years has convinced bis seat and received a great ovation from tbe Sets Tiger Claw? sagacious, patient, Id Fine of of this ancient, practical, them that immigrants from China do not and can Conservatives. Upon motion being made for go- Slates, looking glasses, go leaf borious. ntrp rising, economical, thrifty, selfish, people. come ing into Committee on tbe Irish Relief bill, Synah, WIlIC JIArTICTRCIIIEF"S. not assimilate with our lhey & ! ! shrewd, sober, diffident, unequal, no ideas member for County Limerick, moved his amend- (Hemstitched). All Colors Qualities. Home .&gain iL Blew ! greedy, sharp, hither without families, with accurate of objecting use Era ment, to tbe of tbe Church surplus non-artis-t, Perfumery. Fine A Hxort men t of numerous, tbinkiog, philosophical, free governmcut or Christian civilization ; thev fund. but not creating people. retain their Dative dialects, their national preju Soaps, hair oil. Pomatum from l.ubln, JAPANESE LACQUERED WARE la Italy two distinguished men wrote and spoke dices, and even their race costumes. They take London, Feb. lGtb. A despatch from St. Peters- Rimmel and others, genuine Kau de Cologne, JalO 2tn Good. fox ! no interest in our political affairs, and manifest burg says it is stated on good authority tbat no Vienna tooth brushes and combs. Harmonicas, News Honolulu of China and of the Chinese, one was tbe ever-lamente- d Pipes and Haying Cards, Sydney Baddies, no desire to be identified pcrmanentlv with the measures for reorganizing the political administra- Calfskins, guaranteed, best brand; my personal friend Giuseppe h philosopher country, as do immigrants from other parts of tion are to be expected on tbe twenty-filt- anni- Leather Belting, NOT THE MR. A. M. M ELLIS has returned from tin United 8inten, aftT a must nwiwifl.' Ferrari, th U the living Christopher Negri ; are iiandicappeu Dy con versary of tbe Czar's accession to tbe Throne. All buMiiieos ofa:r tbe world. Itiey labor trip. He has completed arrangements Increasing hi firm's lacUiiien lor riftVrlng neither of tb two baa ever been in China or in any tracts which reduce them to a condition worse rumors) relative to contemplated new financial HEAVY COAL BAGS AND GUNNIES! ! . measures are declared in well informed circles to Prince of Tailors part of Ash, both wrote and said en-ors- neither than slavery, for the servitude cannot be abolish oy our be unfounded. Tlie J3est Goods LoAvest of the two knew tbe reason why the chinamen wear ed. Their contracts cannot be annulled Burlaps and Twine, Wrapping Paper, large siie; at tlie Prices. Tbe London Times says : We shall learn, w Honest Value, unpracticable laws, because they are founded upou the laws, ith Printing Paper, Vienna Chairs and Sofas, Trunks, the tail, Pieozab, and with other customs and religious prejudices of China. Tbe pleasure, tbat tbe permission of tbe Government to writers they thought that it was a personal embel- reeult is to renew in another form the " irrepress Persia to occupy Herat does not involve a guaran- PI A XOS, black and walnut, from the celebrated manufac- Careful Attention, lishment or a national or religious emblem ; not at ible conflict between free and servile labor, tee of secure possession. If England is to be liable tory of L. Neufeldi 1880 THE LATEST STYLES, for what may happen io tbe direction of AND 1880 Cbinesw wear, is no more nor j cost us one civil war. Hence Herat, all, the tail which the which has already there seems to be an almost endless vista of respon vassalage Imposed wpon tbem the people ol Calilornia say : uere is a new GROCERIES : Pickles, Salt, Sultanas, Biscuits, Olive ! less taan a badge ol sibility opening out more aud more widely at ea.b Oil, Candles. Crushed Sugar, Soap, Camphor, c. Good Workmanship Tartars-Mancho- problem in American politics. Our republican MR. M by their conquerors tbe Immedi- remove. A demonstration by Russia, which would ELLIS has brought with bim an elegant variety of Bew and attractive Good.. Government Las extended its jurisdiction across have or no meaning before, might ground MERCHANT TAILOR, Havinr ately after tbe downfall of tbe Chinese National little be L.IQ.UORS. Sic, i Brandies, de Laage Fils Boutdleau; premises reached San Francisco in to the Continent and stands face to face with tbe of very grave suspicion, in view of its possible WM.JOIIXSOX.those on Kashumsnu St., time purchase from tbe creditor" the remainder of the Stock ol Meswrs. a. Gin Key cases; so many proof of Dynasty Tab-Mi- Brand, in baskets and where he had for years received substantial oldest civilization known to history. It confronts effect on the state of affairs at Herat. the patronage and approved orty ms fellow citizens, to a more Dunkel Harper, bankrupt, he can offer the following Good from their stock at Three daring Italian travellers have known in- the most populous Dation in the world a country convenient aod central position, London, Feb. ICtb. Tbe sensation of the hour is The FINEST CLARETS Si RHINE W1KKS. to and io cute China and the Chinese and the rest so populous that numbers equal to tbe entire " Thirty on f the Union could be spared and bull Run Russell's letter in tbe Telegraph, in Cents the Dollm of tbe peoplft of Asia- - Tbe first was tbe Illustrious population of their reply Wolseley's CHAMPAGNE Chas. Farre. ileidriech's, Thor.au 4c scarcely noticed. all Pacific States to Sir Garnet charges. This has At 65 Fort Itreet, absence In the Co.'s; Alcoholic Demijohns, Corks. Marco Polo of Venice in the 13th century. The just appeared. It will be remembered tbat Wolse- - G-OOZS- S and Territories the population is less than one ONE DOOR second was Matteo Ricct ol Macerata in the lGih ley accused Kussell ot " gross exaggeration and FEEICEI a insignificant when Si Pauls Bavarian Beer, ager BEESS million and half utterly ALES St. Ale, Dogliani pro- transparent untruth." Tbat might have been en BEERS century. Tbe third is a native of compared to the 400,000,000 in China. It costs dured. Lut Wolseley also charged tbat Russell Beer. BELOW Dr. STANGENWALD vince of Mondovi. and is living in this present 19th much less for the immigrant from that country to was hoaxed. Russell makes a very strong presen Qambier & He has determined, in accordance with the Spirit of the sentury. The names of these three Italian travel- reach this State than it docs for the immigrant tation to prove tbat panic, bad discipline, cruelty to PAINTS & OILS. POWDER Cutch. Times, to meet a continuance or past favors, whilst be hopes are very favorably known in tbe Celestial Em- from Europe, or even from the older States of the troops, drunkenness, tbelt, insubordination, pil to gain many fresh supporters in his IKW si UKE. LATEST PATTEEISTS! lers Corrugated RooBog.U O. As inducements, he orient to his patrons, an entirely one-thir- d of the men lage ot properly, even to cnicKens ana church HARDWARE Galvanized Xr pire and all over the far east ot Asia. L'nion. Already nearly Or THOROUGHLY lrcss Trimmings, among us who" make their living by their daily clocks, and insolence, were prevalent features of Tin Plates. Fheel Zinc, Bancs Tin, Yellow Metsl.Hoop EV STOCK Oxso Ct-s- a Moueno. Chinamen without families to the campaign in South Africa, where he vi as the Iron, Keg Rivets, Fence Wire, Galvanized Bckuts, toil are Chinamen Telegraph's coriespondent. Tubs, Basins, Needles, Pen Knives, Hatchets, axes, Reliable and First Class Goods I Fringes, Snttons, support, while most of the white laborers have Picks, Shears, Scissors, Charcoal Irons, Lanterns, tc. wives and children to provide lor. In this coun- Ttcsox, Feb. ICtb. The following specials have Purchased in Ihe Best Markets, and selected frjm years of past experience as the most suitable in Texture and style for Immigration from the Line Islands. the family is the unit of society. It is the been received by the Star from Silver City, N. M.: Slates. Files, Cement, Oak Boats, Imply Ribbons, try FIREBRICKS. the Climate of OI R ISLAM IIOMK. Ornament, family that makes the homes, and the homes of the A courier just in from the front reports that on tbe Barrels, Coals, &c, &c. Me. Editor: As the coming Legislature will reorlc are the citadels of our liberty. It is there 8th. Captain liucker, formerly Regimental Quarter- HB DOES NOT PUOFKS3 TO BK THE And all such appertaining to ! consideration, it is master Fresco tt, in command of one of the col- this Line doubtless Uke this matter into that respect for law aDd the love of freedom are at XT Orders from the Other Islands carefully executed and field, Pal public should have all tbe information fostered until they become so much a part of the umns in the after pressing tbe hostile Indians satisfaction guaranteed. TERMS LIBERAL. For particuars, ELLIS & FISH well that the for ten days with bis entire command in tbe direc SITILTaNr OF STRIPS fe28 EL, rc-r.- T.l of child that when he reaches man- apply to Kinp Cutters, but he guarantees a GOOD Corner of on the subject that can be bad. Having lately nature the tion of San Andreas Mountains, came XT Or the of FIT Fort and Hotel Streefs. is useful portion of the political fabric. tbe suddeuly and a well made Garment, of Good Material at a Reasonable fVnm a successful cruise from the Line hood he a upon tbem, strongly fortified in a narrow and The Chinese know nothing of this American Price. Islands in the bark Hawaii, both from my observa rough canon. The troops were received by a heavy H He is not yet assured of GENERAL GRANT'S home culture, and we bclievo they are incapable fire, which several horses and men fell. See-- H. ACKFELD & CO. r ATRO N A G E. but hopes, by strict attention, reasona years Lack. I have no hesi under ocl ble and good work, to live and thrive, as heretofore, in Honolulu. tioos at this time and in of comprehending ft. Hence they never beeo mo ng tbeir advantage, the Indians charged tbe troops. difficulty io getting fe213t tation Io saying that there is no American citizens in the true seime of tho word. who gave way and retreated pell-mel- l. The Indi WM.JOIIXSOX. CALIFORNIA two thousand people each year for some years to Hound in servitude, they differ radically from the ans drove the troops across the river. In the re- - ancestors enter- Something Under ! come, and more if required. There are nlteen class of immigrants for whom our reat, rations and bedding were abandoned, which New the Sun so friendly feeling, and whom we have al- he Indians capiuied. Gilbert group, and according to tained a Furniture Islands in the ways received with hearty welcome. A new evil CHRISTIAN expedition, there are about 150 New Yokk, Feb. Cih. On Friday last, Mr. Ken Wilkes exploring arises, for which we must provide a new remedy; Texan exten- to tbe same neth Albro. a wealthy old engaged quart mites of dry land, ami according that remedy wc believe is to restrict the immigra- sively in cattle raising on two or three raucbes in . No. 27 Merchant Importer authority, there was in 18-11- tttimaltd. CO.000 in- tion cf this class of people ; and it is for ti e Fed that Mate, arrived in this city on a business trip, St., and Dealer In iil2iuiifacturiur habitants, making this group tbe most densely popu- eral Government to apply it. The expression of requiring to use a large amount of ready money. 1YI. J. ROSE, KING STREET, was intend- - On Saturday be went into Wall street, carrying place in the world, where the people derived opinion through the vote lately taken DIAIVTOEID lated with bim a small satchel containing $125,000 regis- ! GOODS! sur- ed for the purpose oi inuuencing sucn action, Aooting iis uwn iiorn their owo lands and Sub-Treasur- y their subsistence from and is to bo hoped that it may have that tered bonds. While ascending tbe BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Company, situated io it noon to for laformatioti as to AVIXG Jl'ST Tt'RXKU OIT A XEW roundings. These populous islands are effect. steps at about ask tbe H Style of DCMP WAGON for the Waimanalo Suear Co method of ti ausferriug registered bonds to pur- Si No one to say ODe word about it. Something useful for Plan- - SAX FRANCISCO. 1st. 3 S- - to 3 H. of the equator, and io E. While we must look to the General Government Fori St., Below Lewrrs Dickson's, tti-- mau bim be ations It turns in less space than a two-whe- x cart. Waltham & Elgin of the evil, the people chasers, an unknown told bad dropped Watches long, from 172 to 171. Wilkes surveyed tea for the complete redress of this something. While Albro stooped to see what it A'idlh of hind tires, 6 inches; front, 4 inches; built light, bat MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS in new constitution, to find LEAVE TO GIVE XOTICE TO HIS ery strong. Ihose wishing to send in laree onlers, and wish islands, five they did not see. have attempted, the was another mail pitched bim forward, twited BEGS would well IN GOLD AND SILVER CASEBj of tbe State Gov- Customers and (he public in. general, tbat hem got out on time, do to do it immediately, or OF Tbe natives are much tbe same now as wbeo I some relief through the action the satchel fiom bis hand and escaped with tbe bey must stand back ana wait their turn. mnia ernment, by directing certain measures to be ap- bonds. 1 18o2, ar-- have beeo at tbe A 1 I K H C first saw them in I plied. The attention of the Legislature is there- Albro fell on the marble steps with such force He has Just Returned from San Francisco, FOR SALE. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, It I I r i o iv On my last visit, had tbe OF islands many times since. fore respectfully invited to this subject, with the as to make his nose bleed aud daze bim for an in- flXK XEW EASTKR-Bl'IL- T F OCR- - hip been Urge enough we eould have got a thou- assurance whatever can be properly and le- stant, and be lost his for a time, as Wheeled Ox Cart of very superior make; ju4C the cart Etc., Etc., In Great Variety; that 'Where He Personally Selected arIfplantation use. 012) C.UKEWEK&CO. sand, and more if wanted, from the island of Tarawa gally done in this behalf by the State shall have he says be did not once realize tbat his satchel was gone. Sjiae persons who saw bim thought nothing HOUSEHOLD FUflN alone, and this Is not the largest of tbe group. my hearty Nothing should bo done HAY ! HAY ! ! WATCHES & CHRONOMETERS RATED ! ! race serious bad happened, and passed ou. Albro offer- ME in a spirit of prejudice, but A is the largest, aod most densely populated. in anger, nor of bonds, A FIXE STOCK OF GOODS L HIS LIE SM tLL UITOFSI PKRIORQIALITV Tapiteaea everything with the fairness and dignity becom- ed $.301)0 reward for the return the and m in SMALL BA I. ES, ex Murray. For sale low by AND Apamama is the only one governed by an absolute American Union. no questions asked. He was answered as follows ; se6 KOLLKS A CO PARTIES IN ing a sovereign State of the It you your back, offer reward of HONOLULU, with about 5000 subjects, aod if I am cor- is ' want bonds a Magnifying Glasses, King, Undoubtedly the time rapidly approaching and put this iu the personals : wmcn ARE f MEDIUM BREAD AND CRACKERS. Sextants, or other parta of the Islands. 2000 them to rec- $25,000 rectly informed he wishes to send of when the importance of this question will be lam willing; name tbe time and place. It you ICEIVEI THIS DAT BY the first and most important ognized by the of the United States, and seS BOLLES dc CO. Quadrants, or Nautical Instruments, Oahu, for two reasons doa't, you will never get your bonds. I will not NOW AND FOR SALE, DESIRING FURNITURE I opinion of the nation will find me OPENED OFFERED 1 being that they are rebellious, and not inclined to then the public alter. You must meet alone and bring tbe McMURRAY S OYSTERS CAN HAVR THKIR expression in wise remedial measures. Surely with you." Repaired and Adjusted, all their eocoanut to the King and go hungry. satchel 1.tSE lib AM) 2IITIXS. FRESH AND give the National Republican party, which has always At Prices to Suit the Times. J la perfect order. With Arrsrsrjr Dispnfcb. be fc aad aad Secondly, if this 2000 are got rid of, thers will been the champion of free labor, which had its Se6 BOLLE3 CO Orders Filled at Lowest Rates holds good a more copra. And this policy struggle slavery, and lias - -- By application to Mr. so much origin in the against The Invoice Coutprif-- n Full Assortment u- ZEALAND POTATOES. Li E. ADA u Qaeeo nearly NFW AT O W ho h.s our Descriptire Catalog, .i 8trl. with the two German firms that are working heretofore 60 jealously guarded all the interests STEAMER ZEAKAXDIA A SMALL RlTES! EX FOREST. QUEEN, A CONSIGNMENT Of Crop, ITT Wrders from Ihe Other Islands Pnimmi. A . Western Pacific It is their of the le, connot long remain indifferent to PERof Sew juat received. Goods n,l all th Islands io tbe IS 60 For Sale by BOLLEn ac CO, and Forwarded C. O. L. islands where this question, nor fail to recognize the necessity jt. 3ST depopulate all tbe eocoanut r, ! policy to a barrier against this new-dange- i ON A. of speeddy erecting B. H have statioos. for as the people are removed the Ladies' Soots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, CRECON, FAMILY, PIC PORK, N. Chronometers Carefully Cleaned It Store f L. VT. IIOPP, King r thsy very existence our which threatens the of GROCJGRIESeucu as 50 lb. KEG, RECKIVEI PER J. A. St., supply of cobra ioersases. JV A LK1N BL'KU. For sale by (d2"j BELLES A Co. and Rated civilization. By Transit Instrument and Other informed by Mr. Cravesmull, the Immigra- ConJensed Milk, Aldernej brand; Camden Cora, Ait Black Walnut I I was STOCKHOLM TAR, under the special control of Mr. GEO. E. JACKSON, Retired Bedroom Sets well-plann- ed Faperior Stearic Acid Candles, Gents' Soots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, Navigating R. N . agent of the Godefroy'a at Samoa, that they It is curious to watch the efforts of Lieutenant who will be in eon.tnnt .inj. Black Walnnt Sideboards, tion get of Adamantine Candles, Amber Soap, in boxes of 20 bars; VCril'MIXttTOX TAR. WILMIXGTOX ance. XT of the Line Islanders at their plantations. Elaine's and Sherman's friends to Grant out 1? PITCH. For sale TERMS. HENCEFORTH, Black Walnut VMng Chairs, keep 8X0 man every other Extra Olive Soap, In boxes of 12 bars; 79 BOLLES CO. Cane montb; time of service B years; the way. He is the that Il Seat Dining Chairs, Th pay is 93 per Presidency is afraid of. Nothing is more Oermania Starch. Dooley's Teast Powder, Youths and Soys Soots, Shoes, and Cedar Bedroom Beta, German to the Gaiters V CASH OX J all the direct control of the than that be will be nominated, unless he Superior Columbia B irer Salmon, ia Barrels h cases; etc GOLDEN GATE, DELIVERY Pine Bureaus, ., Ac. . and art tnder certain Slippers, ja2 A. tbey are properly to go before tbe Convention. Ve don't im- IJ El XT R A FA M I LV FLOl'R, tf Apia, who sees that declines ocl For sale by U. ACKFELD & CO. Erp-ADAM- Consul at accept tbe storie now circulated Shoes. fj Eldorado Flour at $2. S, Agent returned if they so wish. plicitly In Children's Soots and Corn Meal In 10th be for Haw'n Is. ,ftid. anJ the Philadelphia gentlemen who proclaim ! N lOtfc bags, CALIFORNIA RIVER and tbat PLANTATION SALMON - All of Everything War- Cracked heat in SALMON immigrant vessel is officially measured bis b-- t iriends have any authority to XJ- Best Workmanship and Style. Oai Meal in 10 tt bags, A Each themselves SAKE AT LOU RATE IX QLA.V- - fliHE CKM'IXE RTICL.E IX BARR ELS ! certain bjm. He has a way of speaking for by ranted to be what it ia represented to be. Orders from Ihe Sceived this day by and Half Barrels, For Sale by LIME license glv.o to csrry a speak for FUR to sou i HQ surveyed, and a A. Other Inlands carefully attended to. d20 3m e ROME co j24 BOLLE9 & CO. riAMFORMA LIME, I specified in j.nlltf CASTLE COOK E ja24, 80 quantity of food an water J fot 8ile by BOLLES & CO.. number; the t S