Positively Last Week of $1.00 Plushes, All Shades 49C 12>;.C
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THE LOS ANGELES HERALD: MORNING, JANUARY 10, 1891. 8 SATURDAY Stocktaking DAILY HERALD. Worth. price. HAVE YOU MONEY THE STORE. 50c'Linen towels, each? 25c TO INVEST ? CATARRH, Signal 45c Gray flannel, per yard. 26c United States Service. No better or safer Investment can be found Throat Diseases, Asthma, Bronchitis Report of observations taken at Los Angeles Pboplk's Store, Saturday, January 10,1801. 50c Children's natural wool than our 7 per cent guaranteed ranch mort vests, to gages. Security Consumption January 9.1891: instinctively the buying of 26 in 26c ample aud constantly enhaho- and The public knows difference between firms who 65c. jockey caps iug.ln value. Successfully metropolis get .Children's 25c Mortgages in treated by draw their supplies from the market of the and those who theirs 50c Ladies'hose supporters 25c all denominations, from WOO to from the market of cities who themselves draw from the very same place. The splashers »25,000 always on hand. M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D. _07 m. 59 3 45c.... .Linen 25c Information cheerfully furnished whether p. a. advantage as all the benefits 42 2 former has way the of the latter, inasmuch of trade 45c Men's solid colored you invest or not. m. a, s. o? and discounts given at headquarters accrue to their benefit instead of to the 137 8. Broadway, Loa Angeles, Cal., tern., 81; min. tern., 35. cash socks 25c LOAN TRUST middleman, and enable them to name the proper prices. 50c Men's suspenders 25c SECURITY AND CO. By his Aerean system of practice, which con- While we take gceat pleasure in pointing ont this fact and the reason why we, Of Southern California, sists of proper Medicated Inhalations and COM- Weather Forecast. for 50c... Fancy stand 25c POUND OXYGEN TREATMENT. San Francisco, Jan. 9.?Forecast until 8 p. as buyers of first hands, are enabled to name such low prices everything we covers. 26c 133 West Second St., Loa Angeles, Cal. Southern possesses some disadvantages. 65c.. .Children's hoods no system of practice m., Saturday. For California?Fair carry) we cannot deny the fact that it also Prices 65c.. Misses' wool h00d5.... 25c DIRECTORS. Probably ever employed weather; stationary temperature; frosts in ex- are named in accordance with the quantities bought, and in order to get rock bot- . has been so universally successful as the posed places. more 50c Turkish bath towels 25c J. M. Elliott. G. W. Stimson, K. L. Farris, Aereuu sys'em of practice as introduced by Dr. tom, the buyer is often led into buying than he otherwise would. Such has . fringed A.E. Pomeroy, C. M. Stimson. C. 8. Cristy. Williams for the cure of Catarrh, Throat Dis- 50c... .Knotted dam- been our case this season, and now on the eve of our inventory, we find ourselves . E. F. Spknue, Treas. M. W. Stimson, Pres. eases, Asthma and Consumption. NEWS NOTES. We do ask towels. 26c confronted with goods enough to stock a wholesale house. not want to take 50c.. .Ladies gray wool hose, 1-10-lm There is a telegram at the Western account ofsuch mountains of merchandise, and in order to reduce it, instituted on 26c CATARRH. STOCK-TAKING SALE, which has held high car- per pair Catarrh is often regarded by the patient aa Union office for Frank C. Stover. last Monday our GRAND 46c.... .Ladies gingham kitch- FOR SALE, a cold ln the head, and he often expresses his nival all week. en aprons 25c astonishment at his remarkable tendency to Acomplaint was yesterday sworn out Today the first week of the great event draws to a close, and we offerextra values A FINE contract fresh cold. Indeed ho declares that worthy beginning. today; 75c.... Cord and tassals 25c he Is scarcely free from one cold before he charging John D. Collins with battery. that its closing may be well of its Come around extra in- 50c... .Vandyke point silk takes another, and he is always exceedingly company has ducements are held forth in each and every department of our immense emporium. 25c careful; it is also a matter of surprise to turn The Southern Pacific We a invoice ofdrugs, etc., from east, are now busily lace, per yard COTTAGE OF 7 ROOMS AND BATH, that the cold always seems to settle ln the have received large the and 65c... calf skin mittens 25c and throat. extended the service ofthe Pomona local engaged in our laboratory, bottlingand compounding a full line offamily medicines .Men's head train to Ontario. 75c.... Boys' shaker socks, per ON ELEVENTH STREET. Attimes many of the symptoms of catarrh and toilet preparations, which we will soon place on salt at our famous proper prices. 25c seem to abate, and the patient is led to hope a worth. dozen Trice, only 12000; $200 cash and |25 per month. that the disease 1b about to wear off; but an- Mrs. Maude Lord Drake will deliver Drug Department. fbick. 25c other of appear and Drue store Our 4.00 11-4 blanket 2.49 65c Wool French flannels class symptoms soon he lecture on spiritualism at Odd Fellows' prices. prices. white wool .... A. HAMBURGER & SONS. learns to his horror, that instead of recovery hall tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. 5.50 California made blankets 3.95 . from the disease, it is somewhat changed ln its 25c Pure cold pressed castor oil, per These blankets are made at Merced, TO EXCHANGE, character and has extended to the throat A rifle contest is to take place on Sun- .. Send a Christmas present to your eastern A sense of weariness is sometimes felt in bottle .10c out of the best California wool, and are friends of Pure California Wines. H. J. reading, speaking or singing; hoarseness at day between Lieutenant Meyer and 75c Lubin'B genuine handkerchief sold in many stores at $7.50 a pair. Woollacott, 124 and 120 N. Spring St., willde- 20-Koom and times occurs, a sensation of dryness is felt ln extracts. carry 21 differ- FLANNELSALE. liver two eases 24 bottles, to any part of the House Lot, the throat, or it appears that some foreign Sergeant Crawford. The men will shoot We States for substance, at 49c United $9 00. ('lose as, for instance, a hair, obstructed fiftyshots at 200 yards, with Springfield ent odors all times 30c Red all wool flannel, per yd. in, to trade for good vacant lot or alfalfa the throat; there becomes a <ense of languor 25c Pure glycerine, for toilet use, 40c li}oz. Birmingham gray Faints, Oils and Glass, land. and fatigue; the breath lessens on a little rifles. 4 twilled .' I. S. SHERMAN, a short, cough, a peculiar dealer per bottle 10c flannel 25c Corner Second and Main. P. H.Mathews. exertion, hacking Iskender Bey, the distinguished Colgate's rum and quinine hair flannel, 12-10-lm 132 North Spring street. sound in clearing tbe throat, a feeling as in the 75c 40c All wool red twilled yd.2sc though there was not room enough in the in oriental art goods, is city. He tonic 55c 50c Extra heavy and finered twilled chest to breathe; these and other symptoms expects a large stock of Turkish rugs, of Magnesia, genuine, occur after the bus Considerable 25e Citrate flannel, per yard 35c I?OS ANGELES THEATER. progress. Then diseaseis time made etc., which he will display and sell them and made fresh every few These flannels are it a when consumption laboratory. special cheap, and Is about to begin its dreadful work. Up at auction. days, in our own .15c deserve your attention. ONLY, JAN. 14, to this time the [progress of the disease may Bay TWO NIGHTS WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY, JAN. 15. been and the may, ln week's Burbank Times has a col- Oi r Superior Rum, double dis- Glove Department. have slow patient This to expressing his confident hope that it will a account of the Lock- tilled, and guaranteed equal any "wear off,'' umn and half American the country, 49c Ladies'cashmere gloves 25c declare that he has had the catarrh farm. breeding farm bay rum in 49c Children's for years and has not seemed to become much haven stock This small bottles, 19c; large bottles .35c lambs wool mittens 26c worse, and trusts that he will "by and by" was recemly founded by O. H. Lock- this same grade of bay rum 75c 4-button kid gloves 39c THE COMEDIAN, recover. 11ut this delusion is the grand error Ashwood has been installed as We sell $1.50 8-button suede mousquetaire which has peopled our cemeteries with con- hart. in bulk, at 30c a pint, 55c a quart,.. And a strong company of Musical and Comedy Specialists, intheir latest success, sumptive form*, »\u25a0 »1! forms of catarrh end by gloves the premier stallion. Ashwood is $1.95 per gallon. Bring your bot- 75c finallyin consumption. the celebrated sire_ Nutwood, 2 tles, cans or and 2.00 Ladies' genuine French kid . Consultation and one application at the demijohns have Ashwood's dam is *iora Abdallah by You make two gloves $1.25 T O M S V A C AXION ! office FREE. them filled. can 1.75 Those who desire to consult me in regard Abdallah. Mr. Lockhart has the foun- gallons out of one, and then have a Ladies' 5-hook Foster kid A REFINED MUSICALCOMEDY MEDLEY, IN THREE ACTS. to their cases had better call at the office for an breeding farm. gloves 1.00 examination, but If impossible tovisitthe dation for a successful splendid quality.