Transactions 1901
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TRANSACTIONS OF T he T oronto Astronomical S ociety FOR THE YEAR 1901 INCLUDING TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT. ARTHUR HARVEY, F.R.S.C., EDITOR. TORONTO: Z. M. COLLINS, PUBLISHER TO THE SOCIETY. 1902. The Toronto Astronomical Society. TRANSACTIONS OF T he T oronto Astronomical S ociety FOR THE YEAR 1901 INCLUDING TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT. ARTHUR HARVEY. F.R.S.C., EDITOR. TORONTO: Z. M. COLLINS, PUBLISHER TO THE SOCIETY. 1902. L a rratt W. Sm it h , D.C.L., K.C. e x-Vice-Chancellor, University of t oronto. Past P resident, T oronto Astronomical Society. The Toronto Astronomical Society. Officers, 1901. Honorary President—The Hon. RICHARD HARCOURT, M. A. K.C., M.P.P., Minister of Education, Ontario. President—G. E. LUMSDEN, F.R.A.S., 57 Elm Avenue, Rosedale, Toronto. First Vice-President—R. F. STUPART, F.R.S.C., Director of the Toronto Magnetic Observatory and Superintendent of the Meteorological Service of Canada. Second Vice-President—C. A. CHANT, M.A. (Tor.) Ph.D. (Har.) Lecturer in Physics, University of Toronto. Treasurer—C. P. SPARLING, 13 Isabella Street, Toronto. Corresponding Secretary—W. BALFOUR MUSSON, 37 Yonge Street, Toronto. Recorder—J. E. MAYBEE, M.E., 103 Bay Street, Toronto. Ribrarian—Z. M. COLLINS, 172 Borden Street, Toronto. Assistant Ribrarian—A. ERVINS, 101 Willcocks St., Toronto Curator—D. J. HOWELL, Lambton Park. Other Members of Council. Honoris Causa : Elected : A. ELVINS, Past President. Rev. R. ATKINSON. R. W. SMITH, D.C.L., K.C., A. F. MILLER. Past President. Capt. J. G. RIDOUT. J. A. PATERSON, M.A., Past President. ARTHUR HARVEY, F.R.S.C., Past President. Patron of Astronomy. LARRATT W. SMITH, D.C.L., K.C., e t c. Life Fellows. ANDREW ELVINS, 10 Willcocks Street, Toronto. LARRATT WILLIAM SMITH, D.C.L., K.C., Summerhill Avenue, Toronto. Ex-Vice Chancellor of the University of Toronto. LADY WILSON, 34 Russell Street, Toronto. VI. The Toronto Officers, 1902. Honorary President—The Hon. RICHARD HARCOURT, M.A., LL.D., K.C., M.P.P., Minister of Education, Ontario. President—R. F. STUPART, F.R.S.C., Director of the Toronto Magnetic Observatory and Superintendent of the Meteorological Service of Canada, First Vice-President—C. A. CHANT, M.A., (Tor.), Ph.D. (Har.), Lecturer in Physics, Toronto University. Second Vice-President—W. B. MUSSON, 37 Yonge St., Toronto. Treasurer—J. E. MAYBEE, M.E., 103 Bay St., Toronto. Secretary—J. R. COLLINS, 131 Bay St., Toronto. Recorder—J. E. WEBBER, 6 Sultan St., Toronto. Librarian—Rev. R. ATKINSON, -498 Ontario St., Toronto. Curator—R. DUNCAN, 516 Ontario St., Toronto. Editor—A. HARVEY, F.R.S.C., 80 Crescent Rd., Toronto. Other Members of Council. Honoris Causa : Elected: A. ELVINS, Past President, A. F. MILLER. L. W. SMITH, D.C.L., K.C., Rev. T. C. STREET- Past President. MACKLEM, M.A. (Cantab.) J. A. PATERSON, M.A., LL.D., D.D. (Trin. Coll., Past President. Tor.), Provost of Trinity A. HARVEY, F.R.S.C., Hon. College, Toronto. President El Institnto Solar A. D. WATSON, M.D. (Vic). Internacional, Monte Video. Past President. G. E. LUMSDEN, F.R.A.S., Sociétaire de la Société Astrono- mique de France, etc., Past President. Astronomical Society. v i i . Honorary Fellows. Limited to Fifteen. SIR ROBERT STAWELL BALL, Kt ., M.A., F.R.S.,F.R.A.S., Etc., Etc., Lowndean Professor of Astronomy, King’s College, Cambridge, England. PROFESSOR EDWARD EMERSON BARNARD, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.A.S., Astronomer Yerkes Observatory, etc., Williams Bay, Wis., U.S.A. JOHN A. BRASHEAR, D.Sc., F.R.A.S., Chancellor of and Professor of Astronomy in the Western University of Pennsylvania, Director of the Allegheny Observatory, etc., Allegheny, Pa., U.S.A. WILLIAM HENRY MAHONEY CHRISTIE, M.A., C.B., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., Etc., Etc., Astronomer Royal, Greenwich, England. GEORGE HOWARD DARWIN, M.A., LL.D. (Glasgow), D.Sc. (Dublin), Dr. Phil. Nat. (Padua), F.R.S., F.R.A.S., Etc., Etc. Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Fellow of Trinity College, Cam bridge, England. ARTHUR M. W. DOWNING, D.Sc., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., Etc., Superintendent of the Nautical Almanac, Verulam Building, London, Eng. M. CAMILLE FLAMMARION, Astronome, For. Ass., R.A.S. Membre de l'Institut de France; Membre du Bureau des Longitudes, Past President and one of the founders of La Societe Astronomique de France, Etc., Etc., Directeur de l’Observatoire, Juvisy, Seine et Oise, France. SIR SANDFORD FLEMING, C.E., K.C.M.G., LL.D., Etc., Chancellor Queen’s University, Kingston ; Winterholme, Ottawa, Canada. PROFESSOR GEORGE EDWARD HALE, D.Sc., F.R.A.S., Director of the Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, and of the Kenwood Physical Observatory, University of Chicago, Ill., U .S.A., Williams Bay, Wisconsin, U.S.A. PROFESSOR EDWARD HOLDEN, LL.D., For. Ass. R.A.S., Etc., Etc., New York City, N.Y., U.S.A. SIR WILLIAM HUGGINS, K.C.B., D.C.L., (Oxon., Cantab. Edin. et Dubl.), Ph.D. (Lugd. Bat.) F.R.S., F.R.A.S., Hon. F .R .S .E ., Cor. L ’Institut de France, 99 Upper Tulse Hill, London, S.W., England, PROFESSOR JAMES PIERPONT LANGLEY, LL.D., For. Ass., R.A.S., Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., Etc. viii. The Toronto M. MAURICE LOEWY, Membre de l’lnstitut de France et du Bureau des Longitudes, Directeur de l’Observatoire de Paris, Membre des Academics de Berlin, St. Petersburg, Vienne et Washington, et For. Ass. R.A.S., Etc.. Etc., L ’Observatoire, Paris, France. PROFESSOR SIMON NEWCOMB, LL.D., For. Ass., R.A.S., Cor. L ’lnstitut de France, Etc., Etc., Washington, D.C. PROFESSOR EDWARD CHARLES PICKERING, LL.D., For. Ass., R.A.S., Etc., Etc. Director Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Corresponding Fellows. Limited to Twenty-five. SHELBURNE WESLEY BURNHAM, M.A., F.R.A.S., Etc., Astronomer Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wisconsin, U.S.A. MISS AGNES M. CLERKE, 68 Redcliffe Square, London, S.W., England. WILLIAM FREDERICK DENNING, F.R.A.S., Etc., Etc., Bishopston, Bristol, England. THE REVEREND T. H. E. C. ESPIN, M.A., F.R.A.S., Etc., Director of the Wolsingham Observatory, Tow Law, Darlington, England. JOHN ELLARD GORE, F.R.A.S., M.R.I.A., Etc., Etc., Ballysodare, Ireland. M. PAUL HENRY, For. Ass., R.A.S., The Observatory, Paris, France. J. H. KEDZIE, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. W. F. KING, C.E., D.L.S., Etc., Etc., Chief Astronomer, Department of the Interior, Ottawa, Canada. EDWARD WALTER MAUNDER, F.R.A.S., Etc. Etc., First-Class Physical Assistant, Greenwich Observatory, London. W. H. s. MONCK, F.R.A.S., Dublin, Ireland. PROFESSOR CLEMENT McLEOD, Ma.E., F.R.S.C., Member Can. Soc. C.E., Superintendent of McGill College Observatory, Montreal, P.Q. THE RIGHT REVEREND J. A. NEWNHAM, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Moosonee, Moose Factory, Ontario. WILLIAM H. PICKERING, M.A., Etc., Etc., Astronomer, Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Astronomical Society. i x . Patron of Astronomy. LARRATT WILLIAM SMITH, D.C.L., K.C., Etc. Life Fellows. ALFRED T. De LURY, B.A., Dean, University of Toronto. Lecturer in Astronomy and Mathematics. ANDREW ELVINS, E sq., 12 Lombard Street, Toronto. LARRATT WILLIAM SMITH, D.C.L., K.C., Ex Vice-Chancellor of the University of Toronto. LADY WILSON, 34 Russell St., Toronto. Associates. A braham , Re v . R obert H., D.Sc., 67 Winchester St., Toronto. A nd er so n , George R., M.A., University College, “ A tk in so n , R ev. Ro bert, 548 Ontario St., “ Ba ld w in , Mrs. M. E ., Mashquoteh, Deer Park, Balm er, Mrs., 131 Grace St., “ B artholomew, C., East “ Bell, Professor A. J., Ph.D. (Bresl.), 17 Avenue Rd., “ Bertram , Jo h n, e x -M .P., 9 Walmer Rd., “ Big g ar, E merson B., 80 Harvard Av., “ Bla k e, F. L., D. L S., Astronomer, Magnetic Observatory, “ Blu e, A rchibald, F.A.A.A.S., etc., Census Com missioner, Ottawa. Br itn ell, Jo h n , 248 Yonge St., Toronto. Bryce, P eter H en d er so n , M.A., M.D., Humewood, Bracondale, Ontario. Bur k e, R ev. J. W., B.A., Rector and Canon, Belleville, Casw ell, s. D., Molson’s Bank, Toronto. Ch a n t , Clarence A., M. A., (Tor.), Ph.D., (Har.) 651 Church St., Toronto. Cla r k , John Murray, K.C., 24 Elgin Av., Toronto. X. The Toronto Clark e, Ch arles, London, Ontario. Clougher, J. P., 173 Huron St., Toronto. Clougher, T. R., Toronto Globe Office, London, England. Collie, J. D., 134 D’Arcy St., Toronto. Collins, John Ro bin ette, 172 Borden St., Collins, Zoro M., 172 Borden St., Copland, J. A ., Harriston, Ontario. Cr a ig , Mrs. George, Dawson City, Yukon Ter. De Lury, A lfred T. B.A.,(Tor.), Life Fellow, etc., University College, Toronto. Den iso n , N a p ie r , Magnetic Observatory, Victoria, B.C. Duncan, Robert, 516 Ontario St., Toronto. D e n t , Miss E lsie A ., 17 St. James Av., “ D e n t , Miss L ilia n M.,, 17 St. James Av., Dew ar, Robert, 148 York St., E lvins, A n d r ew , Life Fellow, etc., 12 Lombard St., “ E d d is, W ilton C., 23 Charles St., “ F aw cett, Miss L a ura, 20 Rose Av., “ F arquhar, J. D., 12 King St. East, “ F letch er, Mrs Jo h n, 352 Huron St., “ Gilch rist, Miss Je a n , 56 Scollard St., “ H a d d e n , David E dw ard, F.R.A.S ., etc., Alta, Iowa, U.S.A.